( I! --- y- -'fc.r .. '3ft' i! 1 - I k ETTE. - - . - -. v ' -' -Vf- - r i"V: -..r-wv -,v:..- - , ,, AMIJ) .i Qfs, ,11 J 1 CAROLINA GAZ FaMI-hed Semi-Wetkly, by WESTON R; GAL EDITOR AND PROPKLSTOR . . . ." . r TERMS OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY RE61STER. . -,. : i - - HberiptionFif dollara per annum half in advance. '..." ' ' : " ' ' 1 AdoertienenU.ToT erery Sixteen Lines, first insertion, One Dollar; each subsequent insertion, Twenty-fire Cento.' j - 'I I ! ' ; i Ctfttrf Orders and Judicial AAcertiseikents will be cLarged 25 per cent, higher; bat a deduction of 33 per cent, will be made from the regular prices, fur advertiser by the year. Advertisements, inserted in the Sejii-Weekly Rc istkk, will also appear in the Weekxy Paper, free f charge. " O" Letters to the Editor mast be rosT-rAia. CIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGARS!!! WE would respectfully inform the' citizens of Kaleigh, and the public generally, that we have opeued a Cigar manufactory in Kaleigh, where we constantly keep on' hand a full assortment of high ty flavored imported Cigars, including REGALIA, CAZADOKE, LANOUMA, WERNER, &c. . ESPERANZA, CIJBKV, HAVANA. PRINCIPE, &c. and all kind of domestic manufactured Cigars. A general assortment of su potior chewing 1 OUACCO; Marcu!a, Congress, coarse Rappee and Scotch SN UFF; Cigar cases. Snuff Rxe, and all articles in the line, which we offer al New York prices, by the 'wholesale or retail. All orders tbanklully received sod attended to with dispatch. Purchasers, and the lovers of gory Cigars and To bacco, will always be furnished with the best , kinds, suited to the taste of theconnoiesur. Call and try at Kit A USE & MILLEU'S, F-yettcville street, opposite the City Hall. Sept 2. 39 THE unparalleled popularity of HAY'S LINIMENT is a surety of it virtue. The genuine Hay' Liniment has cured over twenty thousand cases of Piles in the United States. It is the only article used and prescribed by the faculty of New York, and it is recommended by every Phy sician in the country who has used it, or seen its ' effects on others. The genuine has Comstock 4- Go's name on each wrapper. For sale at the following places : P F Pescad, Raleigh ; B E "Cook,1 Warrenton ; W C Andrews, Henderson i P J Brown, J.oaisburg ; G Howard, Tarboro; W If Wesson, Gaston-; and by one Merchant in every place in the United States. March 16. 1846. . 23 6m New Spring and Summer GOODS-1846. ' Jnjt rcceiTedVa splendid Stotk of -STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, At the Iialeisli Cheap Casli Store, One door below Messrs. Williams, II&twood 5c Co's. Drug Store, which consists in part of the fol lewiug: . FOR THE LADIES; Berates, Balzerines, Crape Liece, Fig'd and Plain Silks nJ Satins, Shaded Lawns, Ginghams do.. Long Lawn Cross over Robes, 8 wis, Moll, and ' Bvk Muslins, Jackonett Mnslin and Cambric, Graduated Liwns and Muslins, Organdie, Fancy Cravats and dress Handkerchief, Linen Cambric and riilk Handkerchiefs, Grass Skirts, Hose, Silk and Uatton, Calicoes of all shades and qonliiies. Tritii'ningi, Gimps and UiHbons, Kid and Silk Gloves and Mitts, Feather Fans, &r. etc FOR GEXTLEMEX: Superior Black, Brown, Blue. .Green, and Olive Cloth., Black French Castmeres, D e kin do.- do. A variety of Fancy CasMineres, . Gambroon, Linen Drills, Marseilles, Cashmere and Satin vesting, great variety. Hats, Boots, Shoes, and Hosiery, Shirt Col lars, Cravats and Scarfs, of all kinds. A large lot of bett Linen Sheeting from 2 J lo 2 yards wide, will be solj unusually low, with a variety of other Goods needless to mention. We will not make extravagant promises of great bargains, as we prefer our Goods and prires to speak fr themselves. Ours is, " be it remembered," the Kaleigli Cbcap Cash Store. r UBAlirr JORDAN. April 6, 1816. - 23 NOTICE TO TEACHERS. THE Trustees of the Uidgeway Academy in Warren County, North Carolina, desire to em ploy a competent gvntlerain to take charge of this InmtuUon. The tuition fees have lor the last two years yielded to the incumbent about $600 and that amount may; it is thought, reasonably be eiected to nne who would apply himself diligently to his duties. it will, however, be required that the Teacher shall take the School on his own responsibility. 1 he l ocation is healthy, and the neighborhood m ral. Proposals for the Situ ition are invited be tween this lime and the 13in Jane, when the meet ing of the Board of Trustees will be held. . Communications will lie addressed to the Subscri ber, at Kidgeway Pot Office. TH. CARROLL. May 8, 1846. 37 t University, JfflHE Pnblie Anniversary Examination of the feig Students of the University of North Carolina, .will be held at Chapel Hill, on Monday, the 25th day of May ensuing, and he coiitiuufd from day to dav -until Thursday, the 4th day of June, being the firtl AHunaay in me Monui. wntcn lau mecuoneu uay is appointed for the Annual Commence ment of the College. The following Trustees compose the Committee of VUiuiion : ' " His Excellency WM. A. GRAHAM, Governor and President ex nfUcio Hon. 1). L. Swaur, L. L. D. President of College. John L. Bailev, Simmons J. Baker, John II. Bryan, John It. J. Daniel, John M. Dick, Robert B. Gilliam, CaUin Graves. John D. Hawkins. The United States Hotel, BX'J AitlES II. BIttCIl. . PennsylTahia Aunoc, Washington, D. C. nnHE PKUPRIETOR of this elegant and com Ij modions house (of the late firm of Tyler & Birch) takes occasion to re-new to the public his ac knowledgments for the liberal encouragement .which he has continued to receive.; Consulting the comfort of his guet as the principle of action, the proprie tor assumed the undivided control-of the establish ment, determined upon sustaining its high reputa tion to the extent of bis experience and exclusive at tention. With this view the house will be found at all times adapted to .the requisitions cf the seasons. The edifice, constructed upon the modern plan, com mands the advantages of light and air in every apartment. ; - - The proprietor would particular invite the atten tion of gentlemen, parties, and families visiting the metrojKjlis, to the location of the hotel. Situa'e con venient to the Capitol and other public buildings, within five minutes walk of the Railroad Deput, and upon the promenade tide of the imin avenue, the ad vantages of the houe in this particular, whrther fr business or for recreation, are apparent. In adJition to this, with a table well supplied with the good things of the season, with a corps of disciplined and obliging servants, and moderate charges, the under signed h assured of sustaining his houc from the eminently flattering and extensive list f its custo mers. JAMES II. BIKCII. April 1C, 184G. 32 2;w6w St, Mary's School. KALWGii, ar. c. Right Rev. L. S. IVES, I- 1- Visiter, Rev. ALDERT SMEDES, Rector. THE Summer Term of this School will com mence on the 4th day of June, and contmue till the I0ih of November. The Winter Term will im mediately follow, and continue from November 11th, till April 15ih, -1847, thus making a Session of ten months. The principal builJing of this Institution is of brick, U0 by 60 feet, and three stories high. The wings are of granite, 57 by 3i, and two stories high. These buildings are in the cetitre of an Oak grove of 25 acres, and afford ample arcommnd-itions for all purposes of a domestic, literary, or religious character connected with the School. The course of instruc tion in eery department is thorough, and is adminis tered by four gentlemen and seven ladies. It is the intention of the Rector in all his arrange ments, to sustain, and as far as possible, increase the claims of the School to the very liberal share it has hitherto enjoyed of the public lavor end support. TERMS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. For Board, and English Tuition, per term of 5 months W0 00 Tuition in French 12 ' in Music, on the Piano, Orgm, or Guitar ' 25 Wiin S3 for use of Piano or Orgm, Tuition on the Harp with use of instrument 40 00 M in Drawing and Painting 15 Pens and Ink N. B. The clothing of pupils mast be marked with the owner's name in full. To prevent rivalry and extravagance in dress, a simple uniform is prescribed for Sundays and special occasions. This consists, in Summer, of a straw bonnet with light blue ribbon, and a plain white dress. Their ordinary apparel may be of any material suitable for School girls. Jewels and Lace are prohibited. The. Religious services of the School being held in its Chapel, by the Rector, pupils have rarely occasion to visit the City. From their friends or relatives in the City, they are allowed to accept invitations, for the day only, once a minh, and never for the evening. They are not allowed to have accounts at Stores except at the request of, their Parents or Cuardian. nor are they allowed to visit the Stores, without the company of a Teacher. Raleigh, Apiil 2. 1840. 1 23 BACOX, LARD AJD) IIERBIIIVGS. 61n HTh'Tk Pounds UTortn Car HjvWhJJo"": Bacon, nd 300O founds of Lard, 300 flarrels IV. C. Cut Herrings and SO Half Barrels family Iioe Herrings, Hfo. 1. For tale, on old Market Street by B. B. BUFFALOE, And BUPFALUE 4 CHERRY. Rahigh, April 20, 1846. 33 tf 50 CO CO 75 Charles Manly, James T. Morehead, Samuel F. Patterson, ' Thomas ItnfCn, Romulus M. Saunders, James 8. Smith, Richard D. Kpaight, John D. Tonrner, Charles L. Hinton. Lnis D. Henry, Willi p. Mansiuni, t All other Members of the Board of Trustees who may attend, will be considered Members also of this Committtee. By order CHARLES MANLY, Secretarr. Kteigh,May i; 1848. 35 TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1846. yroJL U7IE JTZr VMM. DUMBER 4S. PAPER WAREHOUSE. NO. 9, BURLING SLIP, NEW YORK. CUIUS W. FIELD, offers for Sale, at the lowest Manufacturers' prices, a very exten sive assortment of PAPER, comprising every possi ble variety, adapted to the wants of consumers in all sections of the couniry. Paper of all kinds made lo order at short notice. The Stock of printing paper is unusually large, a part of which is of very superior quality. PAPER-MAKERS MATERIALS Of every description, imported, and kept constantly on hand, viz: Fellings, Wire Cloih, Fourdriuirr Wires, Bleaching Powder, Blue UltramarineTwine, djx. Vc RAGS, Canvas, Bale Rope, Grass Rope, Baeging, frc. Jc. purchased, for which the highest price in Cah will be paid New York, March 18, 1840. 24 ly vwc v- - .-s:-si-ir- TIIF. iETIVA IXSUKAXCnCONPA IVY, of KXar!fbrd, Conn. Offers to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com paniesinthe IJnitedStatesnd pays its lossesprompt Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi cinity, to be made to 8. W. WHITING. June, 1845. Agent. JAYNE'S KXPKCTORANT. Mr. Ebenezer Wcbsier, of Providence, (R. I.) was cured of a severe ASTHMA by u.-ing five bottles Rev. Sim2on Siegfried was cured of Influenza, a Hoarseness, nd a hard dry Cough, by one bottle. Rev. Dr. Babcock. of Poughkecpsie, says, that knowing Dr Jayne to be a reguUr Physician, and having used his medirii.es personally and in his family, docs not l evitate to commend them as safe and eminently useful mcdicims, and a valuable ed dilion to our Materia Medira. , Rev. John Segur, of Lamhertetille, New Jersey, who was. suffering with a hoarseness and soreness of the lungs and throat, and a suffocating Asthma, was cured by one. lmle. Mr. J. L. Sinipkins says that it cured his wife of CONSUMPTION, and one of his children of HOOPING COUGH. Rev. Jonathan Going, D. D., Professor of Gran ville C.dl. ge. Ohio. savs. ' He was laboriuz under a severe COLD, COUGH and HOARSENESS, and that his difficulty of breathing was so great that he felt himself in imminent danerof immediate suffoca tion but was perfectly cured by using this Expector ant." Mrs. Dilks, of Salem, N. J. was cured of Asthma of 20 year's standing, by using two bottles of this medicine. Mrs. Ward, also, of Salem, was cured of the same complaint, by five bottles. To Travellers going North, QTftravellcrs going IVortli, will find their svdk; most comlortaoie, ezpeuitiuus ami certain route to be by the Rail Road and Steamboat Line, consti tuting the Circa t Mail Route rift Rich mond, Fredericksburg, and Wash ington City Passengers by this Line, reach Baltimore to tea. the day after leaving Raleigh ; Philadelphia, in the course of the night ; and New York, the next day. by 1" M. thns being in Philadelphia by this Route, (the Great Mail Route,) some hours before Passengers by the James River and Bay Boats reach Baltimore, and in New Yotk, within three hours afer Passengers by this last line have left Baltimore for Philadelphia, srJ without any f the uncertainties of a line necessarily exposed Instill greater delays from accidents, storms, Ac. Fare by this Line.from Weldon to BaUimore,$10& Office of the R 4 P'g R R Co.? May 8. 1846. $ 38 2m For Rent, And immediate possession given, THE DWELLING HOUSE, in the Western Ward, belonging to the Heirs of the late T L West, Apply to WESTON R. GALES. May 12. 1846. ! 3-S .New Goods, THE Subscriber has just received a fie.h supply of both DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, comprising nearly every thing usually kept either in a Dry Goods Store or Family Grocery ; which haing been bought under his own inspection, be feels confi dent that he can sell as low as any regular house in the place. Among othei things, he has a first rate article or Suger-hou?e Syrup, Pine Apple Cheese, VI ay lard's best Virginia Scotch Snuff, also, Mrs. Mil ler's Scotch Snuff, Powdered Sugar, Loaf & Crushed Soi;ar, 4;c. Ladies fine dress and walking Shoes, Misses Shoes, all qualities ; Slippers, Gentlemen's fine Calf Bootees, ice Mucins. Csmbrick, Irish Linen, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. Linen Drill ings ; PaiaKols and Parasoletts, (Jhetks. bleached ml untilffirhed Domestic. Canvass Paddinc. Cali- a. nf all nnalities : Nankeen. Tweed?. Cloth. VV ' ' ' , - Brown Linen, CoWed Cambric, Bed Ticking. fc" His Goods will be sold low for Cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. S. M. WHITAKER. Raleigh, M J 1, 184 G. 35 JATX a?S HAIR TOIIC. We know Dr. Quigtey personally, and there is no man in the country whose opinion is entitled to more respect. He is on all subjects honest and sincere, and his high character as a Physician can l attested by the first medical men in the city. I'hiladel Sun. Shepherd's Town, Va , Oct. 1 0, 1 843. Dear Sir. You inquire of me whether I have used your Hair Tonic, and with what effect. Several years ago my hair began to fall rapidly from ihe scalp, and I bad the prospect of premature baldness. Al lengih a friend recommended your Hair Tonic. I used three or four bottles, necording to the printed directions, and at the end of six months, my hair was thick set, and since, its tendency to turn grey wa arrested. I have never bef-re given a certificate, recommend ing patent medicines, which indiscriminately used, ns they often are, do much injury ; but in a case like the present, where I know the article to be beneficial, and that it can do no harm, I have no scruples in staling fats within my own knowledge. Yonr's, &c. Jons Quiglkt, M. D. Dr. D. JAisr, Philadelphia. , A FACT WORTH KNOWING. A gentleman of a scrofulous habit, became effected wiih Ulcerations o( the Throat end Nose, and a dis agreeable and troublesome disease of the skin. In tieetl hi whole sysiein Lore ibe marks of Ix-mg satu rated with dij-ease. One band and wris-t wen so much affected that he had lost the use of the hand, every part leing covered with deep, painful, and of fensive Ulcers, and bis band and wrist were ns hol low and porous ns a honey comb It was at this stae of bis complaint, when death appeared hieviia blefrom a loathsome disense, that he commenced the use of J AYNk's Alterative, nnd having taken 16 boiiles, is now pkhfkctly cured. Pon. Ledger ThU ALTERATIVE operates tlironjili me circu lation nnd purifies the blood mid eradicates diseases Irom the system, wherever located ; and ti e nuiner- o;is cures it lias ienorireu in uiseuycs ui mc tm, Cancer. ScrofoU, Goitre, Liver Complaint, Dyspep sia, and otl.er Chronic diseases, is truly astonishing. Prepared only bv Dr. D. JAYiSb, INo. O SoutU Third Street, Philadelphia. and - FAIN-. EXTRACTOR. FROM TWO TO EIGHT TIMES CHEAPER THAN BE FORE, OR KOTHING IF THE USER IS iW BE LIGHTED WITH IT. A N article that every family must consider indis vA pensable when they knew its power and value ai.u wnien has heretofore been sold too high to reach ii i an classes, has now been reduced in price, with view that rich and poor, high and low, and in fact every human being may enioy its comforts : and al who get irthall have the vnce retuihed to them if . . m tney are not delighted with its use. We assert with out ihe possibility of contradiction, that all Burns and 5calds, every External Sore, old or fresh, and all ex ternal pains and aches, no matter where, shall be re duced to comfort by' it in five minutes saving life. limn or scar. Jo bum can be fatal if this is applied, uniess tne vitals are destroyed by the accident. It is truly magical to appearance in its effects. Enquire lor " oonnel s Magical J'atn Extractor Salve, at ("omstoek and Co s, 21 CourCland Street, New York i rice zs cents or lour times as mucn lor bO cents, ami near ten times as mueli lor a Dollar. Cautiox Be sure and get Conncl's, as counter feits and worthless appear under olht r names. See that it is direct from Comstock & Co.. or never touch it. For sale at the following places : P. F. Pescud, Kaleigh; B E. Cook, Watrenton ; W.O.Andrews, Henderson ; P. J. Brown, Louisbnrg ; G. Howard, laionro , v , u. wesson, uaston ; anu iy one Meichant in erery place in the United States. March 16, 1846. 23 Gm FEMALE BOARDING SCHOOL. 7TTTCIK next Session of the Female JU fseujitsarv. undir ihe supervision of Mr and Mrs. KirSCH, will commence on Wednesday the 1st of April, proximo, with increased advantages An additional Teacher has been employed for the de partment of Music and French, who comes highly re commended from one of the first Seminaries cf IVew England. DEPARTMENTS AND TEACHERS. En5Iish Department, Mrs. M. L. FINCH. Latin, Moral and Natural Phi- losophy. Chemistry and As- C Rkv. J. J. FINCH. tronomy, j Music and French.: Drawing and Painting, Miss A. S. TUCK. TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS : Board, Washing. Fuel, &c. $G0 Primary Engln-h Branches, 6 Scond Class do. j do. 8 Higher, 4 .i 10 Highest, j 13 Latin, j 10 Music, i ,. 20 French, ! 10 Needle Work, Drawing and Painting, 10 Italian, 10 No deduction for absence, except in cases of pro tracted sickness. Raleigh, March 30, 1R46. ' 26 Dissolution. THE Mercantile Copartnership heretofore exist ing between JAMES McKEsSON & SON, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The Store at Morganton, from February 1, 1846, will be con tinued by Jamks McKt.tox. And the Stores at Gold Hill, in Burke County at Val'dor, Bracket town and Minersville, in McDowell County, will be continued by William F. McKessox. The Mining Copartnership between the same parties is also dissolved, except lhat the Mine, long known as the Wilkinson Mine" is still joint pro perty, and is operated as surh. It is very desirable, that those who are indebted to the late Firm, should close their accounts immediate ly by Note or Cash. JAMES McKESSON & SON. Morganton. Feb. 1, 1816. 12 if DOES NOT REASON AND COMMON SENSE tench ns that EXPECTORATION is the most natural. as ell as the mosi effectual ageni in arresting and curing PULMONARY DISEASES? Reason says yes, because OBSTRUCTION is either immediately or remotely the cause of Catar rhal Fevers, producing Croup. Consumption, rtd Abscesses ol I be Lungs, Pain and Soreness of ihe Throat, Breast, Sides, or Shoulders Bronchitis, ex citing mncoii! and purulent secretions, thereby clog-imi-ib un the Inn-s. so as to more or less impede both resniration and the Iree circulation of the blood, cau sing the difficulty of Breathing, and ASTHMA. Plenrisv, Hoarseness and Loss or Voice. Dropsy of the Heart and Chest, Kpptore ol lilorxt vessels Bleeding fiotn Throat and Lungs, and SPITTING OF BLOOD. To remove this Obstruction, from which all these .(.... nn .n.i ,i.rn,.in.n diseases onifinate. and to I noibintf has ever been found equal to JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. It stands unrivalled 1 1 stands pre-eminent thy it. and on will acknowledge thai us vinnes have nwKRRATKD t thai it stands far above and beyond ibe reach of competition ; tba it is the only reasonable, the only natural and ibe on ly truly snccesslol method of arresting and curing dis eases of the Pulmonary Oryns. m- Prpnared nnlv bv Dr. D. Jayne, No. South Third atreef, Philadelphia, and for Sale by AViii;:ixn. nartroou ac io., ACUtSf Raleigh. Mutual Insurance Company. PURSUANT to an Act of Assemtly, a Compa ny has been farmed in this State, under the name and stIe of the "North Carolina Mutual In surance Company,"! and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, viz: JOSIAII O. WATfOiN, President, ALBERT ST1TH. Vice-President, RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, THEODOIJE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, RICHARD SMITH, ) Piw.. Pnm ALBERT STITH. ( WESTON R.1 GALES, ) m,l,ee' The Company is now prepared to receive applica ions for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author- zed to take risks. on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops and other buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against loss or damage by Fire. The Ofhce of the Company is in the second story of ihe larjre Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. Smith, al the corner of Fayetteville and Har- uett Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will be cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. Raleigh, January 17, 184B b it 1846, Medicines, 1846, P. F. PESCUD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN GENUINE Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Per- jumery, r ancy Articles, $c. Is now receiving his Spring supply of articles, w uicu nave neen selected in the Aorihern Cities with great care. ' - Every article I guarantee to be of the best quality. . ul.l ir i l , ... . ' anu uuiu uiyseii pieogeu, not to re undersold by my wuujpeuiors in iois pidce, or f ayeiteville. Physicians and Dealers are respectfully and rjar licularly invited to examine my stock and prices, be. fore purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to offer great inducements. In my selection of the pre- beui siot k oi goous, tne Jjadies were not forgotten, and in the list below, may be found enumerated manv choice articles, which were purchased expressly for mem : Jamaica Ginger, Cloves London calomel, Nutmeei- f lake manna. Mace White wax. Alum London blue mass,Alcohol Castile soap, Blue stone Sal Eratus. Brimstone Pearl ash, Dutch Madder Tartaric acid, Otto rose Saisaparilla root Chamomile flowers Patent lint, Pearl sago Turkey Rhubarb Gum Tr.igacanth Opium Chinese musk Seidlitz Powders Soda powders. Tapers I eters puis, Beck with sdu Brandrcth's pills, j Tapioca Stith'g Pills, Mate! es Scotch snuff, Fancy soaps aimer s mi, J.inseed oil White lead, Paris green Superior Olive oil Genuine German cologm ubin's (genuine extract- Rousell's Pe:fumery uear s oil. rreston salts lair brushes, Pomatum Iidr dye, Tooth brushes lesh brushes Orris root, Fly stone Superior Spanish Indigo Jubube paste Squills, Cinnamon bark Chalk, Quick silver Crotonoil. Rotlcn stone Creosote, Cream tartar Castor oil, Iodine, Phosphate of Ammonia Hyd : Potash, Veratria Iodide iron, Strychnia Pure morphia Lunar Caustic rodide mercury, Sal tartar Turpeth mineral Acetic acid,protocarh: iron Sulph: Potash White precipitate, pipcrine Chloride soda Bicarb. Potash' lied Precipitate Oorrosive sublimate I'arlar emetic, Elatcrium Citrate Iron "and Quinine Sulphate Quinine Carbonate of Ammonia Violin strings, Coat plaster Phosphorus, Sealing wax Wafers, Lamp wick, . Coarse and Fine Combs Blacking, Gum Arabic j (Henry's Magnesia owderpuffs.Flesh powder'Cayenne Pepper ink. saucers, Potash, (Indelible Ink, Gold Leaf ondon mustard.CiichncaljSurgical Instruments, d;c. April 15, 1846. r 31 Ice, Ice, TTSUR Ice nouses will be opened on the first day yjr of May,. and we would say to those who wish to engage Ice bv the Season, to send in their names. Quantities to suit purchasers, will be furnished at all times during the Summer, and all orders from Ihe surrounding Towns nnd Country, promptly alien ed to. ILLIAMS, HAYWOOD $ CO. April 15, 1S46. 31 To Travellers going North, Comstock's Extract of Sarsanarilla. Sopcrior qnality at half-price for the cere of CROFULA Chronic Rheumatism. General Debility, Cutaneous Diseases, Scaly Eruptions ol the skin. Teller, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Mercurial and Syphiloid Diseases, Biles, from an im pure habit of Body, Ulcerations of the Throat and Leg Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Lavcr Allec- tions, and all Diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood, Exposures and imprudences in life, ex cessive use of Mercury, &c. The great popularity of Sarsaparilla, and its es tablished tfficacy, renders it superfluous to enter into any encomium of its virtues or adduce any evidence in ils favor. The Sarsaparilla is warranted positively as good as any other thai can be made at One Dollar, at just half the price of those so much advertised, and as strons and in as large bottles : FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE, OU tvt DOLLARS PER DOZEN. This article has cored Scrofala of 30 years, after the Dollar articles had been used in vain. To be had in New York only at 21, Courtland Street. For sale at the following places: P.F. Pesrad, Raleigh ; B E. Cok, Wanenlon ; W. C. Andrews Henderson; P.J.Brown Lomsburg ; G. Howard Taihoro : W. II. Wesson. Uaston : ana by one Merchant iu every place in the United Slates. March 15, 1846. j - " 23 6m RENEWAL OF DAILY 1.11 Via Petersburg and Greensville and City Point Kail Roads James River and Chesapeake Bay Line of Steamers. WE would very respectfully advise the travelling Public, that we have commenced our Dailt Link. With an additional Steamer, and the improved con dition of the City Point Rail Road, we are prepared to put the travel through to Baltimore in fine time and style. Our Steamers have been thoroughly repaired, and considerable improvements made in the interior ar rangements, in which' the comfort of the Traveller has been our aim. They will consist as follows : -On James River, On the Bay, Curtis Peck, Capt. Davis, Georgia, ('apt. Cannon, Alice, Capt. Skinner, Herald, Capt. Russell. Jewess, Cspt. Suttoo. Boats, that for speed and beauty, will vie with any in the Southern waters. The gentlemanly deport ment of the OHicers is well known. The City Point Rait Road has undergone a tho rough repair, both on the Road and Machinery. Pmssengeis leaving Weldon Depot (or Gaston) ev ery nieht, (except Saturday) will go on direct, with out delay, by Kail Road to Peteisburg, from thence by Rail Road (9 miles) to City) Point, thence by one of the superior Steamers, where the Passenger travels while he sleeps, and enjoys a luxurious table with out charge, and arrives in Baltimore early next morn ing, in lime for the Cars lo Philadelphia, Washington City, and Cumberland Fare from Weldon or Gaston to Baltimore, meals included on the Steamers, $9 00, Fare from Weldon Depot or Gaston, to Norfolk, meals included on the Steamers, 4 00 Tickets from Gaston to Baltimore, to be had of C C. Peon, Esq. at Gaston. For Tickets from Weldon to Ba'timoro or Norfolk. apply to WM. M. MOODY, Jr., General Agent. Office James River and Bay Line, Weldox Depot, N.U., Alay 8, 1816. 20 8 N. B, HUGHES, AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE, BALE1GC, X. 1 OLD POINT HOTEL I Now one of the most Splendid and extensive Establishments in tne country, will be opened fr , Visiters on the 1st of Jnne. " ' Since the. last Season, beautiful Building7 hfta been erected, fronting three hundred and ten feet, and" very many alterations and improvements hate beer made in other respects. The grounds have been much improved, fine walks made to the Bath Houses, and for those who prefer Surf-batbiBkr no nlace can nra- sent a finer Beach. No expense fcas betn "spared to render this, for comfort and nleasare.in averr resrject. the first place in the Country; The befaty of lhece- nery, and the salubrity of th cliaata, together with," the various sources of interest anal amusement? maks this the most attraelive plaee in the. Union. . 1 - The walks in and around the Fart, together with the music of the splendid Band, axe, alone, well worth a visit here. 1 -. . . Situated on the Chesapeake Bay, on 4ne great lino of travel between the North and South: it offers an, agreeable resting place to all persons going North. ' It is within 24 hours of New York 18 of Phila delphia 12 of Baltimore, Washington, Alexandriaf and Annapolis 7 of Richmond and Petersburg, and within one hour of Norfolk! and Portsmouth, thereby enabling persons engaged m active business, to place their families, in one of the most healthy and agreeable spots in the whole country : where they can be visited at any time; within a few hour. inroughout the Summrwfrosa ? to 10 of the; fi- nest class Steam Boats, touch here dailv. movimr in every direction, offering every fruity for reaching - Here or geuing away, and worn tne cheapness of the fare, holding out great induceaaeota te travel. The services of active and efficient Agents have been procured, and no exertions will be snared ta ren- - der comfortable all who may favor us with their com- - Pany- - JAMES . FRENCH. May 19, 1846. 4151 j - Livery Stable. FTHHE SUBSCRIBER, grateful for the liberal JJL encouragement received at his -Establishment '. during the patyear, respectfully informs the public," iu ijc uas auueu 10 nis cioca a numl?er ot fine Hor ses, and additional Carriages, substantial, comfortable , and genteel, and will be prepared, at the shortest no- 1 lice, to furnish Passengers wiih conveyances to .or from, any part of the State. Also. Carriages furnish ed, with careful drivers, to convey individuals or fam- ines to Evening parties, or for visiting calls. Horses will be kept by ihe day, week, month or year, at pri ces to suit ihe times. ' - - . ' '' J. G. M. BUFPALOE C3 HORSE DROVLRS will find, aft!! times, good accommodation, and fine Lots. v , wecemner iio. v 101 NOTIC Ii ! TORE A T A UBUR Ku LATJE BUSBEFS. : " rgIIE Subscriber, expecting to close his business jL a Auburn, (late Busbee's) in a few months ir offers GOOD BARGAINS, for CASH. ;'i,V..' The Stock will be kept up till the time of losing The whole vf the Stock of Goods will be disposed of, at moderate prices, at any time between this .aoi. October, for Cash or good negotiable paper. iw (fj A 11 persons indebted to the Store, are requested to settle their accounts, by.Nole, or Cash, imme diately. ' T.LORING. Auburn, May 15, 184 G. 40 tf """"" RALEIGH 4 Classical, Mathematical and JflRMjMTJS. EZ IT MC&nM2MW Classical Department: J. M. LOVEJOY, PSECEPTOR. Mathematical and Military Department : L W. F. D.SBROW. i- -C THE year will be divided, info two Sessions of fivev months each; the first Session beginning on the first of January, and the second Session, on the first ot July. r ' . It is the design of thej Preceptor, lhat this Instltu tion shall not be surpassed, in the advantages afibrded '.-' for acquiring a thorough English, Classical Tnd . Mathematical Education. Pupils will be prepared to enter the Janbr Class any College in the United States. '.'' TERMS . OF TV IT f ON. 1 ' For English and Malhematicar Studies, . per Session, ' $16 00 : ' For Latin, Greek, French, Spanish - and f ' Italian Languages, per Session, ! - - 20 00 The advanced Classes may pursue the Studies of a lower Class, paying only for the Studies of the. ' Class to which they belong. i MiliUry Tactics taught to the Pupils, free ef exirtt charge. - -; --. Atst- t The design of the Military Department being to fit the Pupils lo act, in case of emergency as Othcers, -the West Point system of instruction will be carefully pu.sucd, nor will the Army Tactics be departed from, in order to exhibit the boys, for the benefit of the Institution, or for any other purposes. By an Act of the last Legislature, Jhe necessary u arms and equipments will be furnished by tfie 8tate, -but Parents who wish their children instructed in the' Military Department, will be required to provide them with the prescribed Uniform. N. B. A few Pupils will be taken as Boarders, by the Principal of the Academy. REFERENCES . TVW?rv RANAWAY from llUUlyUi the Subscribers, at Clinton, Sampson ' County, about the last of Aptil, a negro man named BEN. The said boy was purchased in Richmond, Virginia, on the, 14th of April, by M QcEti, M Ihtise a to. the said negro is about five feet, five cr six inches high, dark brown color, good countenance, inclined to limp a little when walking briskly, aged about 28 years. The said boy was carried from Wake County lo Rich- mond and sold by Mr. T. Fu.lcn, of W ake County. Any information will be thankfully received by the Subscribers, at Queensdale P. O. Robeson County, N. C. M'QUEEX, MINT r RE & CO. May 10, 1846. . 33 if Hon. Geo. E. Badger, Hon. Wm H. Hay wood, Jlon. R. M. Saunders, Key. u. L.acy, Hon. John H. Bryan, Hon. John R. Daniel, Hon. Richard Hines, Gen. Moye, Charles Hinton, . ' . L D. Henry, ". i Wm. F. Collins, 3 James B. Sbepard, H. W. Husted, Ed. Yarbrough, E. P.Guion, Esa'rs. ... Notice. Dr. Baker, As the above named gentlemen are welLknown in the State, 1 have giveu their, names as references. They send their sous or wards to my School, and of f . ci j I ' . m ' course ineix opinions can oe coauaeniiy irueiea. . ." i ' J. OIL L. " Raleigh. Dec. 3, 1845. . 1 ' - - 98 "arper'a New Miscellany, No. Remarkable Criminal Trials," Translated from the German, by Lady Dufif Gordon.' Received this day by H.D.TUBfER, North Carolina Book Store. - May lfl846- " ' ' " 1'- " '- 33 Supreme:Court iReDorteav a; UjriiHE Subscriber, having lcome Proprietor and; tLSq Publisher of the Reports of the Supreme Court , of . NorthCarolina, respectfully inform the Mem- bers of ibe Bar, that the Number for Decemoer x erm 1845. is now ready for delivery, j llie lata rni-r lisher. having kindly furnished himwith. : ib Sub, acription list, this Nomber.will be immediately ei.t, tc all the former Subscribers, by man, .aau anouia FTnHE Subscriber, havinc nnalified at May Term, U 1846, of Wake County Court, as Administra tor on the Estate of Col. Allen Rogers, Jr. deceased. of said County, hereby gives notice to all persons, having clarms or demands against tne saia imesiae, io Dresent ihm to. bint for payment propeny an- .knrviloala.! nrilbin lh tim OTi SCIlbed bv UW X Other- 'inillivau . -" - g j . - w , , . , ik',. n.Ar a. ill Kn nlead in bar of their recuvenr. I ahv rentleman of the Profession,- desire to nave, bw 1 .1 in o'i.I ;ntcfaf Trt rnncl0f1 n I nam- mAAvA In Ka list fi will DleSie 8UIPe tuC S r- ' tnake immediate payment. . -eriber of his wiah, and 1- w w. - - . - - ... -, f - - ' i ' .v May 20, .v -.-Jt -r 4

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