",i.iyi.' Sxls ; -?. :$ if PafiUineu. 5Cioi-huijvdi ... ;u;k VTE ST ON R.IGA;I;e:s;V : ' ; TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 18m EDITOH XKD PROPEIIXOU- a mi . . . 'AND NOliTII. CAMOONA .GAZETTE.' i TERMS QF THESEMI WEEKLY REGISTER. Subscriptieh: five dollar' 'riionam half ia advance.' .--v"" rNl ": """"'' Aicriieifw For erery Line; first iusertiaa, OTae Dollar; each aubseqaenl iasertion, Ticenty-fire Cents.' .. "; . , ' Court Orders ail Judicial Advertisements will e charged 25 per cent, higher ; bat a deduction of 33 1 per cent, will be made from - the regular- prices,-for advertisers by the year.'"- ' ';;'- ''y''i'"?rZK Advertisements, inserted iu tbe SemiAVekkltUk cisTEa, will also appear iu tb Wcskjlt Taper, free of charge. . ' ; . ; ' O" Letters to the Editor must be roer-rxta. CIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGARS!! ! WE would Vespectfully inform the citizens of Ualeigh. and tbo public generally, that we liave opened a Cigar manufactory in ltnleigh, where we constantly keep on hand a full assortment of high ly flavored imported Cigar, including " REGALIA, EsJPERANZA, CAZADOKE, CUDlty, J.ANURMA, HAVANA; WERNEK, TKIXCIPE; &c. occ. &c. and all kinds of domestic manufactured Cigars. A general assortment of ituperior chewing TO U A CCO; Marcuha, Congress, roarse ' Rappee .and . Scotch aSVFF; Cigar cases. Snuff Itoxe. and all articles in the line, which we offer at- Few York prices, by the wholesale or retail. All orders tbankiully received and attended to with dispatch. . c - Purchasers, and the lovers of good Cigars and Tv1 bacco, will always be fornished with jbe.besl kinds, suited to the taste of theconuoiesur. ' Call and try at . ; j. KUAUjSB. &. MILLER'S, Fsyetteville street, oppoila the City Hall. Sept 2. . - . -,. - , , -36 TIIBunparalfeled popularity of HAYS LINlMEXX is ji .surety of it virtue. The genuine Hay's Liniment has cured over twenty thousand cases of Piles in the United Slates. It is the only article a sod and prescribed by the faculty of New York, aud it h recommended by every Tby fician in the country, who has used it, oc. seen its effects on others. The genuine has Comstock A Co's name on each wrapper; .... For sale at the .followiog , places; P F Pescud, Twaleigh ; .B E Cok, Warrenlon ; W C Andrews, Henderson P J Brown, I.ouisburg ; G Howard, Tarboro ; WH Wesson, Gaston ; and by one Merchant in every place in the United Stales.. March 16. 1816. " 23 6m New Spring and Summer GOODS-1846. Jnst rrrcircd, a splendid Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS,- At the Ilaleiglt Cheap Cash Store, One door below. Messrs. WttttAMs," Hatwood & Ca's.Drug Store, which cousists iu part of the fol lajribg : - . TOR TnE LADIES; ' Berages.Bltttrines, Crape Liece, Fig'd and Plain Kilks and' Satins, Shaded Lawns, Ginghams do., I.sag Lawn Cross over Robes', Swiss, .Mull, and Uaek Muslins, Jackonett ' Moslin and 'Cambric, UriJuated Lawns and ,MuUqs, Organdie, Fancy Cravats and dress Handkerchiefs, Linen Cambric an & Silk Handkerchiefs, Grass; Skirts, Hose, Silk and Cotton, Calicoes of all shades and qualities, Triiaiainss, Gimps and Ribbons, Kid and Silk Gloves aoJ Mitts, Feather Fans, &c4i,c. . FOR GEXTLEJIEjrs, Snperior Black, BrownBlue. Green, . and Olive CiSth, Black French Casimeres, D e Skin do. do. A variety of Fancy Cassimeres, Gambroon, Linen Diills, Marsailles, Cashmere and Satin vesting, great riety, Hats, Boots, Shoes, and Hosiery, Shirt Col lars, Cravals and Scarfs, of all kinds. A large lot o(bel Linen Sheeting from 2 to 2 J yards wide, will be sold unusually low, with a variety of other Goods needless to mention. We will not make extravagant promises of great largains, as we prefer our Good and prices to speak f.r themselves. Ours is; be.it remembered," the Kaleigh Cheap Cash Store.' HEART T fr JORDAN. April 6, 1846. 29 r .1. XV, or Ilartrord, Conn. Offers to . insure Buildings -and Merchandize, against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to soil the times. , Thia is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com pauiesinthe UmtedStaleatandpaysitsiosaesprompl 'J- ' 1 .. . . - t.. Applications for Insurance in RaIeih,or its vi cinity.to ( made to 8. W. WHITING. June, 1845. Agent. N, B. HUGHES, AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE, - AI.EIGIT, IV. C. - , Most desirable Propertyv TnHE Subscribers oflW for sale, one of the most JJ elig.ble and beamifnl Residences In the City of RJesh. It has been for many tears, occupied by Air. a. a. SxiTH;and u shuated on the most eleva ted ground about ihc Citv. The ' Dwelling House ; has s-x fine Rooms, with fi.e-placea, several fine pas- ' E.BeVn? h "a.ched1 '"J necessary out-house. The Garden is believed to be one of ihe very lest in the City, ami there is a most excellent Spring of .Water near by. . r They will also tell a small, comfortable. Dwelling ' House, near Mr. Ashlkt. which will answer most admirably for a small family. For Terms, which will be accommodating, apnlv to either of the undersigned. " vv 3 JOHN BUFFALO B, ' JOHN HUTCHINs, ' , WILLIAM HILL. : Raleigh, June 11, 1816. 47 tf . :M' Marys School, y-- KALEIGII, .If. 'IIight4Rkt.! L S. IYES, D.Vxsiteb,' RevalOERTMEDES, RectoV fTpiHE Rummer Term of this 'School will com - U meiice on the 4th day oT June, and continue till tbe I0tb' of November. The - Winter Term will im mediately follow, and couiinueiroin November 1 1th. till April lath 1847, thus .making a Session of ten months., - , d ; . ., . . . , , . The. principal bnitding xf this. Institution is of brick, 99l)y't CO, feet," and lhree. stories high.The wings are 6f granite, 67 by 34, and twb' storiee high These buildings are in the centre of an oak grove of 25 acres, and afford ample accommodations for all purposes of a domestic, literary, or religious character connected with the School. . The course of instruc tion in every .department is thorough, and is adminis tered by four gentlemen and seven ladies. It is the intention of the Rector in all his arrange ments, to sustain, and as far as possible, increase the claims pf the School to the very liberal share it has hitherto enjoyed of the public lavor and support. TERMS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. For Board, and Euglish Tuition, er term of : 5 months ' 100 00 Tuition in French 12 50 ' in Music, on the Piano, Organ, or . Guitar 25 00 Willi 3 for use of Piano or Organ, Tuition on the Harp with use of instrument 40 00 in Drawing and Painting 15 TjO Pens and Ink 75 N.-B.' The clothing of pnpilsmust be marked with the owner's name in full. To prevent rivalry and extravagance in dress, a simple uniform is prescribed for Sundays and special occasions. This consists, in Summer, of a straw bonnet with light blue ribbou. and a plain white dress. Their ordinary apparel may be of any material suitable for School girls. Jewels and-. Lace are prohibited. The Religious services of the School being held in its Chael, by the Rector, pupils have rarely occasion to visit the City. From their friends or relatives in the City, they are allowed to accept invitations, for the day only , ouce a month, and never for the evening. They are not allowed to have accounts at Stores except, at the request of theif Parents or Guardians, nor are .they allowed to visit the Stores, without the company of a Teacher. - Raleigh, April 2, 1846.' Marketing. The Subscriber intends continuing to furnish the ' Raleigh Market with good Beef, " Mutton, Lamb, Vc. during the present year, at much lower prices than heietofore. No pains will be spared to give entire satisfaction. . Liberal Cash prices will be paid by the Subscriber, for good Beef, Mutton, Yeal and Lamb, at all limes during the year, and those having to sell, will do well to call on him before selling. W. A. HARRISON. Raleigh. April 8. 184G. 29 tf Eclectic Medical School, PETERSBURG, YA. fTTVIE Subscribers will deliver course of Lec lures in Petersburg, Va., upon iheTbomsonian, or Eclectic . practice of Medicine commencing on the first Monday in November next, and closing on the last Saturday in March following. .The course will embrace Anatomy, Tiysiology, Pathology, Surgery, Theory and practice vf Medi cine, Obstetrics, and Diseases of Women and Chil dren, Therapeutics , Materia Medica, ". Chemistry, Pharmacy, Medical Botany, and Forensic Medicine. Cost of the entire Course only $50 : Four Lectures daily. - Tbe Course will be acknowledged by one of the best "Reformed Medical Institutions in our country. Cadavers are plentiful and esecial attention will be paid to Anatomy and Surgery. CO- Suaoicat Operations, of all kinds, will be performed, during the Course, gratuitously, by Dr. Kenworthy. Persons' desiring further information, will please address either of the subscribers, post paid. HE.NRY M . PKItJE , M . D. C. J. KEN WORTHY, M. D. Petersburg. Va., May 30, 1846. 44 UN ON COMMISSION. A good lot of good Bacon, " Extra shad No. 1, in half barrels, Molasses by the Hogshead, Fresh Flour for families, &.r. OF GROCERIES. We have on hand, and keep a constant supply such as Sugars, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Butter, Lard, ic, ic, &c, all of which we will sell at the lowest price. . WILL. PECK. Raleigh, May 26. 42 lot Comfort and Economy. . Fare reduced to $7 to Ilaltimore. Via GreensYille and Petersburg and Roanoke, and City Point Rail Roads James River and r Chesapeake Bay line of Sfeainers. . PASSENGERS taking this popular route, will go on direct without delay, at less expense, (than by the Mail Line) with more ease, and fewer changes of Person and Baggage. Tlie Traveller leaves W'elJon or Gaston,' every night (except Saturday) at 10 P. M and Petersburg at H A. M. for City; Point (by . Rail Road 9 miles) where they will take one of ihe supeiior Steamers, Alice, Capt. Skinner, or Curtis Peck, Capt Davis for Norfolk, (having a fine sail down the noble James, with a view of its beautiful scenery,, and James Town by day light. ) ... " . Fromtbeuce by one o(the Bay Steamers; the Georgia, Capt. Cannon, Herald, Capt. Russell, or Jewess, Capt. Sutton, Where the Passenger travels while he sleeps, and enjoys a luxurious table free, of charge. ., Fare from Weldon or Gaston to Baltimore, $7 00 Fare from Weldon or.Gastonto Norfolk, 4 00 Fare from Petersburg to Baltimore, , ,. . j . 4 00 Fare from Petersburg to'NorfoIk, ' .1 00 ; Meals included always on any of the Steamers of this Line, . Passengers getting ihrougll Tickets, are allowed to stop at any point on the line, and re' tume their travel when ready, xJiUwut 'any extra eharge . . Tickets from Gaston to Baltimore, or Norfolk, to be had of C. C. Peon, Esj. at Gaston N. C. ' v For Tickets from Weldon to Baltimore or Norfolk, apply to : VM.M. MOODY. Jr., ' .. , f ....... j General Agent. OJJice Ja'mcs tUtcr and Bay Line, ' WiiDojf Deot,'N. C., June ll, 1816. . 48 Beware of statements made for the purpose of diverting travel from this popular route. IVntfrtA RAN AWAY from nUlltCi lbe Subscribers, at Clinton, Sampson County. about, the last of Apiil, a negro man . named BEN. The , said ' boy. was purchased in Kichmood, Virginia, on the 14th of April, by M'Quxxv, MTsTxaa .& Co. ' The said negro is about five feet, five cr six inches high, dark brown color, good countenance, inclined to limp a little when walking briskly, aged about 28 years. The said boy was carried ' from Wake County to Rich mond and sold by Mr. T. Pullen, of Wake County. Any information will lie thankfully received by the Subscribers, at Queensdale P. O. Robeson County, N. C. ' ' M'QCEEN, M'INTYRE & CO. May 10, 1846. 89 if PAPER WAREHOUSE, NO. 9, BURLING SLIP, NEW YORK. CYRUS W. FIELD, offers for Sale, at tbe lowest Manufacturers' prices, a very exten sive assortment of PAPER, comprising every possi ble variety, adapted to the wants of consumers in all sections ot the country. Paper of all kinds made to order at short notice. The Slock of printing paper is unusually large, a part of which is of very superior quality. PAPER-MAKERS MATERIALS Of every description, imported, and kept constantly on hand, viz: Fellings, Wire Cloth, Fourdrinier Wires, Bleaching Powder, Blue Ultramarine, Twine, 4c Vc BAGS, Canvass, Bale Rope, Gram Rope, Bagging, c. tc purchased, for which the highest price in Cash will be paid- New York. March 18. 1846. 24 ly D. PAINE & CO., Man rter of Lotteries, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Uj KL HE attt mioii ot adventurers is icquested to the sJLL, Gran Schemes for July. FORTUNE'S HOME still teems with prizes, and those in want ot prize tickets, through which a fortune may be realized, should addres their orders to C. W. PURCELL, Agent for D. PAINE & CO., Managers of Lotteries. Another Grand Selicme for Fourtli of. July. $50,000! $20,000! $10,000! Grand Consolidated I .oil cry, Class No. 27. to be drawn on Saturday, July 4th, 1846, at Wilming ton, Delaware. 78 Nos., 13 drawn. GRAND CAPITALS. 1 prize of $50,000 I 1 prize of $6,000 1 do 20 000 I 1 do 5,000 1 do 10,000 j 40 do 1,000 Tickets only ? 12 Halves f 6 Quarters $3 Certificates of Packages of 26 Whole Tickets $144 Do. do, 26 Half do. 72 Do. do' 26 Quarter do. 36 S30.0UO! 810,000! (jj Fine Lottery for Package.". Q 15 Dra-n Now. out of 75. Grand Consolidated Lottery. Class No. 28, to be drawn on Saiurday, July llih.1846, at Wilmington Delaware. 75 Numbers, 15 drawu. CAPITALS 1 prize of $30,000 1 1 10,000 10 1 0,000 10 1 " 4,000 10 &c. &.C. prize of $2,700 1500 600 400 &.C. Tickets $10 Halves $5 Quarters $2 50. A certificate of Wholes costs $92 50 Halves " 46 25 Quarters 23 12 J $22,500 ! $7,500 ! Tokomoke Lottery, Class No. 144. lo be drawn at Wilmington, Delaware, on Tuesday, July Slt, 1846. 78 Nos 13 Drawn. capitals : 1 prize of 1 do 1 do 1 do 22.500 7 500 5 500 1 prize of $1 538 1,000 800 500 c 10 do 10 10 do do &c 3,500 2,500 1 do Wholes S5 Halves $2 50 Quarters 1 25. A Certificate of Wholes costs 960 Do Halves d 30 Do Quarter do . 15 OtT 75,000. Dollars ! C0 Divided into 1 prizes of 25,01)0 each. Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 30, to be drawn Saturday, July 25ih, 1846. GRAND CAPITALS. 1 prize of 25.000 1st, 2d, and 3d d.awn Nos. 1 do 25,000 Mih, 5th and 6th, 1 do 25,000 7th. 8lh and 9th, 1 do .10.000 1 do 6,244 1 do 3,000 2 do 2,000 2 do 1,750 20 do 1 500 20 do 1,250 20 do 1000 150 do. 500 Lowest 3 Number Prize. Tickets $12 Halves $6 Quarters 3 A Certificate of Wholes costs $154 00 A Certificate of Halves costs tl 00 A Certificate of Quarters costs ,. 38 50 Full Schemes of the above Lotteries will be sent to all who send their Orders to us. Cj Kemember, in purchasing by the package we always give in three tickets. We have every day. Lotteries from $1 to $20, and when a remittance is made to us, large or small, we will always invest in the most popular Lotteries on hand. The Drawings sent, when requested, to all who order from us; ihe cash for all Capital Prizes can be had as usual at sight. On all letters enclosing cash or prize tickets, the postage need not be paid. The Tickets in the above Lotteries are received, and all orders addressed to us will meet ihe most prompt aud confidential ' attention. AdJress D. PAINE & CO., Marajers, ' Richmond, Va." . Louisburg, N. C. THE MAXE & FEUAIiE SCIIOOES At this place.will commence their second Session on the first day of July next, under the same Instructors. TERMS PER SESSION. Board, $40 Tuition, lower branches, 7 ,. Higher, ., 10 ;4 Music ,15 Painting and Embroidery, 6 J. B. BOBBITT. June 15, 1846. - 49-2t Tnn ORE FRESH FliOUR in half barrels, It U first and second qualities Whole barrels also Juue VJ. 13 3t WILL. PECK PAW EXTRACTOR. FROM TWO TO EIGHT TIMES CUEAPEITTHAS BE- FORE, OR NOTHING IP THE USER IS SOT DE LIGHTED WITH IT; A N article that every family must consider indis W pensable when they knewjis power and value aud which has heretofore been sold loo high to reach alt-classes, has now been reduced .in price, with a view that rich and poor, high and low,- and in fact every human being mav enjoy its comforts ; and all who get it shall have the price returned to them if they are not delighted with its use. We assert with out the possibility of contradiction, that all Burns and Scalds, every External Sore, old or fresh, and all ex ternal pains and aches, no matter where, shall be re duced to comfort by it in five minutes saving (life, limb or scar. No burn can be fatal if this is applied, unless the vitals are destroyed ly the accident. It is truly magical to appearance in its effects. Enquire for"ConneI's Magical Pain Extractor Salve,' at Comstock and CoV21 Courlland Street, New York. Price 25 cents or four limes as much for 50 cents, and near ten times as much for a Dollar. Cacti os Be sure and get Conncl's, ns counter feits and worthless appear under other names. See that it is direct from Comstock & Co., or never touch it. For sale at the following places t P. F. Pescud, Raleigh; B. E. Cook, Warrenton W.C Andrews, Henderson; P.J. Brown, Louisburg; G.Howard, Tarboro; W. II. Wesson, Gaston; and by one Meichant in every place in the United States. March 16, 1846. ! 23 6m FEMALE BOARDING SCHOOL. THE next Session of the Female Seminary, under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. FINCH, will commence on Wednesday, the Jt of April, proximo, with increased advantages. An additional Teacher has been employed for the de partment of Music and French, who comes highly re commended from one of the first Seminaries of New England. ' DEPARTMENTS AND ; TEACHERS. English Department, Mrs. M. L. FINCH. Latin, Moral and Natural Phi-) losophy. Chemistry and As- s. Rev. J. J. FINCH, tronomy, S Music and French. Drawing and Painting, Miss A. S. TUCK. TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS : Board, Washing. Fuel. &c. $60 Primary English Branches, 6 Second Class do. do. 8 Higher, 10 Highest, 12 Latin, 10 Music, 20 French, 10 Needle Work, Drawing and Painting, 10 Italian, 10 No deduction for absence, except in cases of pro tracted sickness. Raleigh, March 30, 1846. 26 To Visiters to the Virginia SPRINGS. Visiters to tlic Virginia Springs & Natural II ridge, will . find their most a ffreeable, expeditious and economical route to be, by ihe Petersburg Rail Road to Petersburg, Va., thence bv the Richmond & Petersburg and Richmond and Fredericksburg and Louisa Rail Hoads to Charlottes ville, Staunton, the Warm Springs, White Sulphur, Ac, passing in t-ight of Montkello and the celebrated university of Virginia. Travellers by this route, leavo immediately on tbeir arrival at Richmond, arriving in Charlottesville by 7 P. M. same day, at Siaunton early the next morning. and at the White Sulphur Springs in the course of ihe following day. For further particulars, enquire of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Depot, Richmond, Va. Richmond 4" Petersburg R. R. Office, ? June 1, 1846. 5 45 taS6 INOUTil CAROLIN A Mutual Insurance Company. PURSUANT to an Ac', of Assembly, a Compa ny has been formed in this State, under the name and style ol the " INortn Carolina Mutual in surance Company,' and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, viz: JOSIAH O. vV ATSO iN, r resident, ALBERT STITH, Vice-President, RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, RICHARD SMITH, ALBERT STITH, WESTON R. GALES, Executive Com mittee. The Company is now prepared to receive applica tions for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same. Ily the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to lake risks on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops and other buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against loss or damage by Fire. Tbe Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. Smith, at the corner of Fayetteville and Har getl Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will be cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. . Raleigh. January 17, 1846 6 tf Comstock's Extract of Sarsaparilla. Superior quality at half-price for the cure of CROFlZXiA, Chronic Rheumatism. General Debility, Cutaneous Diseases, Scaly Eruptions ot the skin. Teller, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Mercurial and Syphiloid Diseases, Biles, from an im pure habit of Body,- Ulcerations of the-Throat and Leg Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Liver Affec tions, and all Diseases, arising from an impure state of the Blood, Exposures and imprudences in life, ex cessive use of Mercury. &c. The great popularity of Sarsaparilla, and its es tablished efficacy, renders it superfluous lo enter into any encomium of its virtues or adduce any evidence in its favor. ' ' ' " The Sarsaparilla is warranted positively as good as any other that can be made at One Dollar, at just half the price of those so much advertised, aud, as strong anu in as targe uumc, FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE, OR FIVE DOLLARS PER ! DOZEN. - This article has cured Scrofula of 30 years, after the Dollar articles had ben used in vain. To be bad in New York only at 21, Courlland Street. J For sale at the following places : P. F. Pescad, Raleigh ; B. E. Cook, Warrenton ; W. C. Andrews, Henderson; P, J. Brown -Louisburg : G. Howard Tarboro; AV. .H. Wesson, Gaston; and by one Merchant m every place in the United States. March 16, 1846. 23 Cm Medicines,: 1846. P. F. PJ&SCUBv WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER ' . IN nENrIlNTH Drugs: Medicince, Paint; Oils, Dye Stuff's, Per- , jurnery, i ancy Articles, 3C. Is now receiving bis Spring " supply of articles. wnicu nave neen seiecteu in tbe XV ortbern Uities with great care. - -' - ' '' 'Every article I euarantee to be of the best' in II ixr ana noiu myself pledged, not to te undersold by my ...... . " ' J vompeinors in tnis place, or r ayetteville. ' ' Physicians and Dealers are resDeclfuIIv and nnr ticularly invited to examine my stock and prices, be fore purchasing elsewhere; os I am determined to offer greet inducements. In mv selection of the rre- seni piock oi goods, tbe iaJies were not forgotten. anu in me list below, may be round enumerated many choice articles which were purchased expressly for tuem : j Jamaica Ginger, Cloves lOrris root, Fly stone London calomel. Nutmecs uperittr Spanish Indisro f lake munna. Mace Jubube paste V bite wax. Alum squills, Cinnamon bark London blue mass.Alcohol Castile soap, Blue stone Chalk, Quick silver Croton oil. Rotten stone Creosote, Cream tariar Castor oil, Iodine, Sal Era tug. Brimstone Pearl-ash, Dutch Madder Tartaric acid, Otto rose Sarsaparilla root Phosphate of Ammonia Hyd : Potash, Veratria Chamomile flowers Patent lint, Pearl saao Iodide iron, Strychnia Pure morphia Turkey Rhubarb Gum Tragacanth Lunar Caustic Iodide mercury, Sal tartar Opium I urneth mineral Chinese musk Acetic acid.protocarb: iron Seidlitz Powders Soda powders. Tapers Peters' pills, Beckwith'sdo White precipitate, niperine Chloride soda Brandreth's pills, Tapioca Bicarb. Potash atilh s Tills, Matches Red Precipitate Scotch snuff, Fancy soaps Corrosive sublimate I aimers nil, Linseed oil Tartar emetic, Elaterium Citrate Iron and Quinine Sulphate Quinine Carbonate of Ammonia -Violin strings, Coat plaster Phosphorus, Sealing wax Wafers.-Lamp wick - White lead, Paris creen Superior Olive oil Genuine German cologne Lubin s genuine extracts nhusell s Peifumery Bear's oil. Preston salts Hair brushes, Pomatum Huir dye, Tooth brushes Coarse and Fine Combs Blacking, Gum Arabic Henry's Magnesia r lesh brushes PowderDoffa. Flesh nowdpr (!vpnn Ppnnpr , j.. j ,rl Pink saucers, Potash, (Indelible Ink, Gold Leaf London mustard,CochnealSurgical Instruments, d-c April 15. 1846. , 31. " J, J. BIGGS JflERCEIAINT TAILOR, RALEIGH N. C. fS now receiving a general supply of Cloths, Cas simeres and Vestings, of nearly all 4 kinds and qualities, which will be made up to order in the very best and latest style. " ALSO ' HOSIERY, &c. OF THE LATEST PATTKH5S. A general supply of READY MADE CLOTHES, Both of his own and of Northern Manufacture. Together with a complete assortment of Tailor's 1 rimmings, ccc. Arrangements having been made with an Import' ing House of NEW YORK, so that the- above GOODS Can be sold to Merchant Tailors, and Merchants, at wholesale, about as low as they can buy them in New York, allowing for carriage, &c. April 15, 1S46. 31 tf N. B. lie would inform his friends and the pub ic generally that he will be assisted in the CUT TING department .by Mr. C. C. Nklsos, a gentle man of skill and taste in his profession.' RALEIGH Classical. Mathematical and Classical Department: - . J. M. LOVE JOY, Pkeceptob. Mathematical and Military Department : W. F. D1SBR0W. THE year will be divided into two Sessions of five months each ; the first Session beginning on the first of January, and the second Session, oh the first of July. It is the design of the Preceptor, that this Institu tion shall not be surpassed, in the advantages afforded for acquiring a thorough Lnglish, Classical end Mathematical Education. Pupils will be prepared to enter the Junior Class of any College in the United States. TERMS OF TUITION. For English and Mathematical Studies, per Session, - . $15 00 For Latin, Greek, French, Spanish and Italian Languages, per Session, 20 00 The advanced Classes may pursue the Studies of a lower Class, paying only for the Studies of the Class to which they belong. Military TacUcs taught lo the Pupils, free of extra charge. - - The design of the Military Department being to fit the Pupils to act, in case of emergency, as Officers, the West Point system of instruction will be carefully pursued, nor will the Army tactics be departed from, in order to exhibit tbe boys for the benefit of the Institution, or for any other purposes. By an Act of the last Legislature-, the necessary arms and equipments will be furnished by the State, but Parents who wish their children instructed in the Military Department, will be required-to provide them with the prescribed Uniform. . ' ' N. B. A few Pupils will be taken as Boarders, by me principal oi ine Acauerny, . . i r i f .1 . i - , . " J REFERENCES. Hon. Geo. E. Badger,; V Gen". Moye, Hon. Wm If. Hay wood, ' Charles Hinton, Hon. R. M. Saunders; - J D. Henry, fie v. D. Lacy, . c Wrm: F. Collinsr - Hon. John II. Bryan, . James B. Shepard, . lion. John 1L Daniel, .. IL. W- Hasted, Hon. Richard llines, Ed. Yarbrougb, Dr. Baker, E-P. Guion, Esq rs. As the. above named1 geulleraeu are well known in the State', I have iriven their names as reference. They send their sous or wards to my School, and of course their opinions can be confidently trusted M. L. Raleigh, Jane 13, 1846. 49 FOR SALE. A Wool Carding Ma Clliue, Fixtures, &?., iu excellent or der. Address the Subscriber, Raleigh, or apply per sonally, to him at the Neue River Oil Works. 3 WILLIAM H. MEAD. April 1, 184G. : (O Standard.) ; 27 flUR CUVRCHLU'S ALMANAC, J. foe tbe Year of our Lord 1849. - -' . ; . This day received at the N. C. Book Store, by HLiiKi D. TUKISEU. 1846. Sheriff "5?"0rK'naf 'Land nd City Lotf; JLi. wuc.cm oi, uuuc Auction on the third Monday in' Jiilynxt, at the Court House door in the City of Raleigh,' or so much thereof, as will sails-' fy the Taxes due thereon for the y ears. 1842 iai? and 1844. ' T ' W. Chad wick, part City Lot No. 130, ' Dudov. nart Citv Lot. No. 162. (2 62 21 62 1 07 29 93 " a - ' . Absalom Mahsrom. nart Citv Jot. No. 2. Thomas G. Scoft, 1074J Acres of Laid; 7 : PenhrJSnurlin. Acre of Laiid ; r i "umu-oiuari, pan jo ior 10 twi iOH, AreblfiaJdl'avIor: nart 12lLv k&-Mv:'ao C.C.'Nyson. Noa. 9fi and ittfio 4lO iHi atnee Terry. Acre for 1843 and 1844 1 2 64 Caswell Winters, Acre, .-. . , f.'.y,i'- W 2 42 0 12 Lnknown, 3 Acres comer of Davie-and at street, for 1841, 1842, 1843 and 1844, nknown, 3 Acres adjoining, ihe' above for 1841, 1342, 1843 and 1944. , , . 'I 9 12 ' UM r T OI ihlwp T o For Jaxks Ebwaui, Sheiff ) June 8, 1846. . . .46-i-U KALE I ft EI Liverv StableV . V.' nTlHE SUBSCRl liE :rl.fnl fnr ha i;filrUi Ji. encouragement - received at his Establishment during the past year, respectfully informs the public, lhat be has added to hia stork rHimtu.r rJ- fir ar ses, and additional Carriages, subsUbtial, comfortable u gcnieei.anu win te prepared, at ibe shortest no tice, to furnish Passeneers with . convevanrmi tn from,any part of ihe State. Also. Carriatrea furniidw ed, with careful drivers, to convey individuals or fam- ovening parties, or lor visiting calls. Horses ' all be kept by tbe day. week, month or vean at ori. ces to suit ihe limes. . ,. J. G. M BUFFALOE.. a HORSE DROVERS will find at all times good accommodation, and fine Lots ; . j - 4 i December M'Z, 1845.. , :. 101 To the Mcmters of llio Bar, TTTENRY D. TURNER; would respectfully call tOJ. tbe attention of Gentlemen of the Bar, to iihfl ubjotned list of valuable Works," all of which, will . 11 . .. . ....... e uiu at me ruDiisber s prices English Common Law. ' 44 Vols. 30 do 4 do t ! 2 "do '2 do r 2 do , ' 2 do : -2 do j ;2 do : 4 do V, . 1 do . 3 do ,. 3 do 3 do , x 2 do t 1 do- 2 do:!'' 3 do:'r A da -J -Ido 1 doU 3 do y- 2 do a do - Supreme Court Reports ,, - Kent s Commentaries : ; .. y ; Leigbi Nisi Prius , , : i ? viuuiesLaw Compendium " , : Saunders on Pleading and Evidence U Coventry and Hughes Digest '. Blackslone's Commentaries J n V reenleafon Evidence " Chitty's Pleading . .' jJo J'ractice Do Bills !? Do Criminal Law ' . ' . Do Equity Digest .' Sugden on Vendors ' . " Warren's Low Studies Saunders on Uses' and Trusts Smiih's Leading Cases ' ; Stephens on Pleading v r: ! Kussel on Crimea : "homas'Coke ' ' ' ' Diaest New York Reports Arch hold's Criminal Pleading ' ' Do . : Uivit . do tC 3 omlin's Law Dictionary ' c 1- American Chanrery Digest : Roper on Legacies ;. . '1 . .. . Toward s Reports Supreme Court U. 8. ' ' 3 do idd s rractice . -."; 76.00) J Story; on Bills '.-. Do on Agency . . '. ' do-'.; do j drj : Do on Partnership Do on Bailment Do , -on Constitution 3 to a hillip on Evidence 4 dd j do .j do; Do on Patents . . Blydenburg on Uusury 1 1 2 3 3 '2 3 1 2. Williams on Executors Vesey Seniors Reports Pier Williams ' do : " do do. ,. Eden's Chancery do . do"" do 1 Maddocks do do Ball & Bealty's 1 do earn on Remaindees ' eters' Digest " - x' ' 2 do . 3 Jo 2 do1' 6 do 1 5 "do : 2 do" 3 do'i I;do 2 do- Barbour's Chancery Practice Jacobs Law Dictionary " . .Mi- Bacon s Abridgement f t " iv'L Starkie on Evidence 'ir Powell on Morte-ae-pj vr'i . 'V -.;? v-vftl Gow on Partnership. - h !S j' - e o - -er . s - - - redelrs Digest i srijfi-Vzu ii ; All the new Works r ecci ted es soon as! they are issued from the Piesa.- :'ti ;"tf''i:- , HENRYS TURNER,,! . At the H. C, Book Stofe::: A2 0 J3EfJTJaFlp li 7m THE Subscribers having purchased the entire State of North Carolina, with the exception Of two Counties, now offer to the public a '; i s;i , CoKiposition for JAgM, tbe Safely, Of which, cannot be surpassed, if equaledr- As'tbe Composition of our Lamps will je exhibited, it is deemed unnecessary to say lnore. - ' ' SCOTT & SNOW. , Raleigh, June 2, 1846. t 44 tfan. ' vM. WHrrAKEU having removed to the store on Farettevile street recently occupied by Ca Malone. "two doors south of Williams, v Haywood & Co's.; Drug Store, will be pleased td have hu,oli friends and customers, and the citizens generally' lo cal! and examine his stock of GO ODS, which h continues to sell at prices to suit the timeei,;-;.;,.- " Thankful for the very liberal share of patronage heretofore extended to him, ho'will endeavor to merit a continuance, by strict attention iufwnQWn.W? He is aUo prepared to receive and terward, or sell on commission, any articles of merchandize orf pri duce that may be consigned to hts car .y' ? ' ,v ' RafeieJi.Jot.ie 9. 1846.1 l i 47 -" United States- Hotel :;1' . . :,'CIlES2f DT STKEET, ' 1 Between Fearthjiind FifULStiesti, oppoite: the tusioia uoo&c, (latcbattfi: 01 m i. States.)- ilHlS Establishment, long and favorably known JL to the traveling public, 1 having been fecenlly enlarged, refitted and refornished in a s aperior stylet. has iieen leased by the Undersigned, who will beia. sisted in iu management by Mr. Joha West, whocst repntalion acquired while proprietor of the exchange H otel, Balrimore, together wii h the ample rrang6 menta made by the Sobscriber.' famish assurancejs ihat bis ; friends and gueals twill experience tw J comfort and attention calculated to -:rendet. theic ad journ pleasant and agTeeable,5- v - . f M.PfMlTCHELt.a Philadelphia, Jane 8th, 1846.' 7-6t 23 ! ! If: I-1 . 6r' t 3 It . 1 1

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