) arf'ffz CWr '-J (- -vr. .-. Is 5 f P: . f NORTH' CAROLINA GAZETTE. : V . . TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1846. . :;r-;;.. ;5 WBST:ON REGALE S,V. ;' .; - JT - i ii : ;!?." II I i 3... f-i' i1M f a. ii ii n ii 1 1 1 - 1 1 i i ii r-i r r ii v-y .t I t I I III i -v i i a -. ; i i y JU Mi ' If " TERMS OF " THE SM1-WEKLY REGISTER. drnce. v '" ' ' f 'Vi ' v Advertiiements. For yery Sixteen Line; first" insertion, Ou Dollar; each sabaequent insertion, Twenty-five Ceata.. : .' ' Cur. Order and Judicial Adtertiteinent will bo charged 23 per cent, higher ; but a dedactioa of 33 percent will be made from' the regular prices, for advertiser by the year. " , J'- ; Advertrseinenti, inserted in the Ssmj-Weiklt Re cister, will alio appear in the We celt Paper, free of charge. :t " . ' ' p- Letters to the Editor must be rosT-rAtD. ' CIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGARS ! ! ! wr-isrT E would, respectfully inform the citizen of Kaleigh.and the public generally, that we have opened a Cigar manufactory in Kaleigh, where we constantly keep on hand a'futl.aMortment of high- ly flavored imported Cigar, including . m v . a. w n n 1 REGALIA, EdPERANZA, UAZADORE,; LANORMA, , WBRNElt, : , &c. , CUDRr, HAVANA. : PBINUIPE, . ....... &c. and all kind ef domestic manufactured Cigara. A general araortmeBl of a per ior chewing TOBACCO; Marcaba, 'ConsreM -oaraa Rappee anU Scotch SNUFF; Cigar eaaea, 8aoffnoxe,and all article in the line, which we ofEer at Neuf York priecs, by the wholesale or retail. AH orders thankfully received and attended to with dispatch. 1 ? 7 " Purchasers, and the lovers of good Cigars and To bacco, will always be furnished with the best kinds, uited to the tate of the connoiesor. Call and try at , 4 KKAU3E & MILLER'S Fayettesille street, opposite the City Hall. - SOUTHERN BOTANIC : MEDICINE STORE, , PETJERSIXUIXCI, TA. ,- ITXR. C. J. KEN WORTHY, Petersburg,' Va., If y keeps constantly for sale,' Wbolksaii and KaTAit,'a fall1 supply of. Thomsonian and Botanic Medicines, Medical Books,' which he will sell ss low for Cash, as they can b purchased in the United, Bute. ? ATso, for aale,- wholesale and retail. Com fort's Thomsonian Practice, one of the best Family Medtcaf Books in oo r Country Price $3 75. This work contains 600 octavo pages. - - T v, ' Priee's?Vegetabe Hepatic Pills, a certain remedy foe LlverComplaint, Uypepia, Cost iveness. Vertigo, Headache, Bilioua Fever, &c.' Price 50 cents per box, o $3 per doxea boxen. - l-.-- ' Price's Ague and Fever Pills Warranted to cure 'the Ague and Fever, or money returned, if directions are followed. Pries $1 per box, or $6 perdoxenw '- Price's Rheumatic Liniment for Rheumatism, White Swelling, Pain Contracted Joints, Sore Throat,' and Nervoas Affections, price $1 per bottle, or 1 6 per dozen. :-" ; '- . -'v-- -J A ' Price's White Mixture, an infallible remedy lor a CzaTAts Thssassi warranted to ' cure price f5 per botUe, $30 per dozen. i V C 1 ' Druggists and Country .Merchants would da well tokeep a supply of the above, valuable Medicines. . Jaly lU 1816. .-: ,i - . 56-ly l: Drinker; &; Morris, P'UBUSHERS, AND WHOUsALiAND RE . TAILJDEALERS IN ?00KS STATIONERY V AND PIANO FORTES, unrcii3ibxp, Virginia, ; M.VVE constantly on hand 'a' far'ge' and general ssssortmeiit 61 Standard Publications, in every dn.nm.nt f r.TtjrWture. embracing Law.' Medical. Theoko-ical Miscellaneous, School and Classical RruJc Ze tho'lateat' snd best editions : also, ScRool and Marcanlilt Stationery, Domestic: and Foreign, embracing. eery article appertaining to oar trade. , ' Country Merchants and other visiting the City are invited to examine our ttock which will be sold at low prices and upon liberal terms. v , - , - XJoolCIIiiiderr. V " .. Blank Books of every description always oh hsrid snd manutactured toorder.Every description of bind' w executed ib the best manner. "" ' Preparing for. Publication." Tale's Digoated Index of the Virginia Reporters, ii . .eluding za uraitan. ..r?M Recently Pnblislied, - Joyne's on the Statute of Limitations, r. . Ninth edition of the Virginia Selection of Hymns. Tate' American Form Book, the bestevei published. Richardson's Virginia and North Carolina Almanac for 1847. . . Southern Readers, (New edition) Nos. 1 oj- 2. - - - DRINKER &. MORRIS, ' ; 97 Main Street. " 66 taS4. V. " Richmond. Va.; Tar! Tar!!: A LIBERAL price in Cash ' will be paid for 60 BbU of Tar, if delivered soon at the Rail Road lmpou A pply to the AgeuU - ? ' ; - Raleigh, Aagt 7, .. - 63 2m Noticed APPLICATION will be naieat the next Session, of the Legislature Of North Carolina, for a Cuarter to. extend the Raleigh and aaUnRaii Road to the South Carolina line . ' ; v" iv ' ; August T, 1846. - ''. ;'v?4" :'1T, ?63 ' WHY HAVE THE AGUE AND,7FEV) ?w ' E RICE'S Ajuennd Fcvri lis have never .failed, where directions were styictltp foL J, to effect a cure in -from Fifteen to. Thirty hours. " They are prepared from simple VegeisbJe Medicines, and are, therefore, the safest, mos( pleas ant, and speediest remedy known, for, the cure of In termittent Fever. .They have bn tried in, Con gestjva .ChiUsr V the worst form, and have Invanaf biy given elief, and cured the patients".:,, Tfcevevsr -affect tba brain, as does Quinine, ; bri injure th coo--. stitotioa, a doesArcenic - Tha roopey retorned ib very esse of failure, where 'directions are followed.! i Price $1 per box. Planters, Country Merchants, abd Druggisu will be supplied at $8 per "dozen boxes. Prepared and sold only by r : .V , n :; . T; , .f f ' I ; . J. acH WORTHY CU. - i Bank 8treet,r Jetersbarf ,'Va. Angnst THIS Iay pnblisHed tUe tblrxl vol nmeof IredelPa Dlect, commencing T1-1 1 Tol-.Dereox aodsule'i Xaw,,mnd .the 2nd voLDevtreux and BstUe's Equity Report and concluding with the 5th ! tol. of Iredeirs Law, - and 3d voL Iredeirs Eeaity Reports in 1845.' . . " AU orders addressed to . - . . . .. U EWt, V. THRTS EE,, j .September 1,18 1! ... rtaieign, n.u. Eclectic' Medical School, - PETERSBURG, VA. fTnilE Subscribers will deliver a course of Lee JI tures in Petersburg, Yan upon the Thomsonian, orEclectie prsctice of MedicineCommencing on the first Monday in November next, and closing on the last batorday in March following. ' ii -U The course will emlrace, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology , Surgery; Theory and practice of Medi cine, Obstetrics, and Diseases of Women and Chil dren, .Therapeutics. Materia Medico, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Medical Botany, and F orensic Medicine. Cost of the entire Course only $50 : Four Lectures daily. . The Course will be acknowledged by one of the best "Reformed Medical Institutions" in our country. Cadavers are plentiful and especial attention will.be paid to Anatomy and Surgery. ' ScaeicAX. Ofbrstioits, of sll kinds, will be performed, during . the Course, gratuitously, by Dr. Kenworthy. ' - Persons desiring further information, will please address either of the subscriber, post paid. "HEN RV M. PRICE. M. D. - 1 C. J. KENWORTHY, M. D. Petersburg. Vs., May 30, 1846. 44 tlN Comfort-and Economy. Fare reduced to 97 to Baltimore. Tia GrtensTille and Petenbnir and Roanoke. anil Citj.PoInt Sail Roads Janes River and Chesapeake Baj Line ot Steamers. FASSENGERS taking this popular ronte, will go on direct without delay, at less expense, (than by the Mill Line) with more ease, ami fewer changes of Person and Baggage. ' 1 i . ; The Traveller- leaves Weldon or Gaston, every night (except Saturday) at 10 P.M., and Petersburg at 64 A. M. for City Point (by Rail Road 0 miles) where they will take one of the superior Steamers, 4 for Norfolk, (having a fine saUdowh the noble James, with a view of its . beautiful scenery, and James Town by day light.) From thence by one of the Bay Stcamers,the Georgia, Cant. Cannon, Herald', CapC Russell, or ,: , Jewess, Capt. Sutton, . .Where the passenger travels while he sleeps, and enjoys a luxurious table free of charge. . Fare from Weldon or Gaston to Baltimore, $7 00 Fsre from Weldon or Gaston, to Norfolk, ' , 4 00 Fare from Petersburg to Baltimore, . 4 00 Fare from Petersburg to Norfolk, 1 00 ." Meals included always oh any of the Steamers of this -Line. , ratten get a getting through . 1 uJcets, ore allowed to stop, at any point, on the line, 'and re sume their travel when ready, uUhoul. any extra .Tickets from lias ton to Baltimore, or Norfolk, to be had of C. C. Pcesf, Esq. at Gaston N. C. Fur Tickets from Weldon to Baltimore or Norfolk, apply to - . VVM.M. MOODY, Jr., - -. t ' yeneral Agent. Office Jama Riper and Bay Line, Wkldox DxroT,N. C, June U, 1846.. 48 03 Beware of statemenls made for the purpose of diverting travel from this popular route. - : Splendid lotteries !. . ' . Grand Alexandria; Eottery, "u .Class P. for 1846, To be drawn at 'Alexandria, D. C., on Saturday, . . ,: September 19th, 1846. MAMMOTH SCHEME ! 1 Capital prize of $50,000 I 60 prizes of $1,000 I prize of , 20.000 I 60 do . 600 10,000 I . 60 do 400 1 do 1 do 1' do .6.000 100 do 250 4.377 l 198 do - s.. 200 -2 pr'ues of r ! 3.000 Jr. &C -, 4tC. , 73 No.' lottery Ii Drawn Ballots ! Tickets $15--IhlTcs $7 50 quarters $1 75 ! Eiihthx it 87. ; Certificates of Packsges of 26 Whole TickeU $160 00 . Do. :J .do... , . 26Halvs 80 00 :. Do. 1 1 -. , .'. ;do ) i 4 V 36 Qurtcrs ; . , 40 00 ..Do. i , do . ;; 26 Eiabths 20 00 $30,000! AEEX AlfDRIA XOTTERT, Class E, for 1846, To he drawn at 'Alexandria, D. O. bn Saturday, ' : . the 26th September, 1846. ciriTi.ii: 1 prize of 1 do -I do I do . $30,000 10.000 6,000 3,140 50 Prizes I prize of 1 . do 1 do $3,000 2,500 2,000 6cc. of $10001 ... . 75 No.' Lottery 12 Drawn Ballots. TickeU $10 Halves 5 Quarters. 2 60. Certificates ofPacksges of 25 Whole TickeU $ 130 00 - Do f do 25 Half do 65 00 l '"D6 do,' 1 .25 Quarter do'" f 32 60 Orders for .Tickets snd Shares and Certificates of Packsges m the above feplendid Lotteries will receive the most prompt attention ami sn omcial account of each drawing sen( im mediately after i is over to all who order from us. Address, - . - -; .; V . ... J4 Gr GUEGORY & ;Cb. Managers, v.?.r,! .! ; ?T - Washington City, D. C. HERMAN & CO. - V: v. t " ' If ORFOEK, VA. f . HAf'y.BVRECiB iy ED t: "i;ono.c:ASES, : T :; V A' 15 li:ia ano C K, Wnich Ihej clfer'Ior sale at ejlraqrdinarr low v oo s ;'J e o i s , jattp o a k s, .XV.OOJ. rllAir a :P.lTBdC TmmnfL LEATHER, Ace will "do' Weti.m cairand examine our Stock Tjelbro buying, .a. A '..HI st4 inlriMmsnta tri rt avfi s t nsT that M HlJr Will JU&JU UMUWlllCUi ew jivusww cannot be offered elsewhere. " J ..j ... -Our long acqoamtanee with the deseriptioB of goods required for the NoafH CakoukA and ViaGiaiA Taana, nab4eS us to hsvesoch goods maoutaotn red, as wrll suit the marker, added to which ww bava por ehased most of oar Stock ibr. CASH, ;whksh will enable as tai sell lower.: than ever before .offered in .ibis City. -v f tt : Z . s . i 'v.- ini4'-.' - ,j v.. c August 10, 1846. 4i i a I fTr-In: .P;,S4 Gooda;to be' forwarded via Petersburg, will incut no expense w vawaar itws uwiw iw iumi tmwu Most desirable Property. TnHE Subscribers offer for sale, one of the most JJ eligible and bes'utifnl Residences in the City of Raleigh. ' It has been for many years, occupied by Mr. B. B. 8xith, and is situated on the most eleva ted ground shout the City., The Dwelling House has six fine Rooms, with fire-places, several fine pas sages, and has sttsehed every necessary out-house. The Garden is believed to be one of the very best in the City, and there is a most excellent Spring of Water nesr by. , , - -' Tbey will also sell a small, comfortable Dwelling House, nesr Mr. Asa lxt. which will snswer most admirably for a smsll family. For Terms, which will be accommodating, apply to either of the undersigned. . . JOHN BUFFALOB, . JOHN BUTCHINS, . WILLIAM HILL. Raleigh, June 11, 1846. 47 tf FIUE ! THE JCTK A INSURANCE COMPA HV. nf Tliirf rnrrt. fonn. Offers to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loss or dsmsge by fire, st premiums to suit the times. ' This is one of the oldest snd best Insurance Corn pan ies i n the United State,and pay s its lossesprompt- J- V ... . . Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vt einity.tobemadeto 8. W. WHITING. July, 1846. Agent. Botanico-Medical Infirmary, BANK ST., PETERSBURG, TA. PRS. KENWORTHY & PRICE, Petersburg. Virginia, are prepared to receive and trest pa tients from a distance, afflicted with Chronic and sup posed incurable forms of disease. Board, with the most' careful nursing, can be obtained for $4 per week. Medical charges moderate. The superiority of the Botanic Prsctice, in the cure of Chronic dis eases, has been fully esUblished in every section of our Country.' . Persons afflicted, should speedily avail themselves of this almost certain means of restoration tor health. r : . . . . . (Tj Fistulas and Cancers speedily cured without resort to the Knife Ccass WAaaABTxo Charge $100 for Medical attendance. J) Persons desiring further information, will please address the Subscribers, post paid. C.J. KEN WORTH k,M. JJ. H. M. PRICE, M. D. July 11, 1846. 66 ly INSURANCE. THE New York Ufc, Fire marine and Inland State Stock Insu rance Company, No. 20 Wall street, (capi tal 500,000 dollars) are now prepared to insure a gainst loss by fire, the damages of the seas and in land navigation, also the loss of human life, upon terms equal if not more favorable than those of any other company of this city. Having their business risks divided upon the four different branches of in surance, they avoid the great error of former com panies, by having only one-fourth of . their interests affected by any calamity, however great, by fire, sea, or casualty fatal to human life, having at all times three-fourths of their , business to sustain the one-fourth which may be affected by those disasters which so often ruin those companies whose whole capital is engaged upon either fire, marine, life or inland insurance, t Another source of great security adopted by this company is not to take any risk, up on any consideration, for a greater sum than $5,000, also no two risks adjoining, thereby avoiding the er rors which have proved fatal to other companies. This company also', to avoid any disarrangement of the affairs of the insured, pay all losses as soon as satisfactorily arranged, dispensing with the useless delay of sixty days, oftentimes of such serious in convenience to the insured. NJ The attention of the mercantile, marine and per sonal interests is respectfully called to the advantages of this company. DIRECTORS. Samuel Jones, David Ames, Richard Ransom, George M. Hargous, Edmund Roberts, Nicholas A. Miles, Theodore Floyd, James Remsen, James Tolbert, Samuel Allen, George Morris, William Thomas, Smith Raymond, Thomas Franks, William HulberU, Peter Rogers, James Van Renseller, Chsrles 'Livingston, Daniel Perkins, Edward Lawrence, Stephen Mintorn, Charles Adams, Thomas Denison, Francis Johnston, Oliver HanivsnU. By order of the Board of Directors, V JOHN R.TOVVNSEND, Prest. Hibtst Ri Manas, Secy- 1 RAEEIGII AGENCY. ' " Tlie Subscriber, having been appointed Agent of the above Company in the City oi a&aieign, is authorised to make and efiect, in the name, end on account of said Company, Insurance' upon Human Life. Buildings and Merchandize, of every description against Joss by fire, or casualty faial to human life, upon favorable terms. Now is the time to insure. It will be seen this Company is perfectly solvent and safe. ' . GEORGE T COOKE, Agent. .Raleigh; June 13. 1846 , tf A. W. SPIES & Co. v y : j ! dealers m HARDWARE, C UTLERY, GUNS J r . - iVo. 91 Maiden Lanet Joly 1,1846..' 53 5m ::,:V:i consignmenf of jACOPvv ;;; rTKX Good Bacon Hsms, very nice for fami- Sides and Shoulders for sale at ' -:; " Vil b: hughesv ; ..'. -. i if Auction and Commission Store. Augusts. " ; ;; ' "V!N STORE; SUGArV AND COFFEE. . a HHDsrown.suart'::L:;i:r: 1 4tw 10 Barrels. do. v ,. , . ti Bags Coffee. Molasses in Hogsheads and Bar rels, Gun Powder and Imperial, Teas by the Box,' for sale at ,, ,, . B.xlUUHtia', ... .- Auction and Commission lore. , August 17, .' ' " 66' i out a i CAuoisir a ; Mutual; Insurance Company; TTTjURSTJANT to an Ac, of Assembly, a Compa H ny has been, formed in this State, under the name and style of the "North Carolina Mutual In surance Company, and Is now folly organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, vu : JOSIAH O. WATSON, President, ALBERT STITH, Vice-President, v RICHARD 8M1TH, Tressorer, THEODORE PARTRIDGE, SecreUry, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, RICHARD SMITH, ) .. - ALBERT STITH, Executive Com- WESTON R, GALES. S miMee The Company is now prepared to receive applica tions for S&surance, and to issue Policies on the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to take risks on Dwelling Houses, Stores, $hops and other buildings. Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against loss or damage by Fire. -. The Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. Smith, at the corner of Fayettevilie and Har gett Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will be cheerfully furnished by the SecreUry of the Com- Raleigh, January 17, 1846 6 tf Comstocks Extract of Sa r sapar ilia. Superior quality at half-price for the cure of C1CKOFCLA, Chronic Rhenmstisra. General 3 Debility, Cutaneous Diseases, Scaly ' Eruptions of the skin, Tetter, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Mercurial and Syphiloid Diseases, Biles, from an im pure habit of Body, Ulcerations of the Throat and Leg Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Liver Affec tions, and all Diseases arUing from an impure state of the Blond, Exposures and imprudences in life, ex cessive use of Mercury, dec. . The great popularity of Sarsaparilla, and iu es tablished rfficacy, renders it superfluous to enter into any encomium of its virtues or adduce any evidence in its favor. The Sarsaparilla is warranted positively as good as any other that can be made at One Dollar, at just half the price of those so much 'advertised, aud as strong and in as large bottles, viz . FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE, OR FIVE . DOLLARS PER DOZEN. This article has cured Scrofula of 80 years, after the Dollar articles hsd been used in vain. . To be bad in New York only at 21, Courtland 8treet. ' For sale at the following places : P. F. Pescud. Raleigh ; B. E. Cook, Warrenton ; W. C. Andrews, Henderson; P. J.Brown Louisburg ; G. Howard, Tarboro't VV. !H. Wesson. Gaston: snd by one Merchant in every place in the United Sutes. March 16,1846. - 23 6m REV. DR. BARTHOLOMEW'S riNK SYRUP, IS warranted to be as good as any of the dollar articles in use. It is sold for only 50 cents, and the Proprietors, with the consent of several of the first citizens of New York, have given reference to them. It is considered by them the best preparation in use, for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Sore Throat or Incipient Consumption. It is put forward under the sanction of one of the first divines of the country, and has the great merit of being all it is represented to be. . ; For sate wholesale by Comstock. ac Lo.,lourtiand street, New York. For sale at the following places : P F Pescud, Raleigh; B E Cook, V'arrenton; W C Andrews, Henderson; P J Brown, Louisburg; G Howard, Tarboro ; W H Wesson, Gaston ; and by one Merchant in every place in the United States. March 16, 1846. 23 6m FEMALE SEMINARY. RALEIGH, If. C. iter. J. J. FINCH, Principal, . Mrs. HI. E. FINCH, - . ; Teaclicrs. miss A. S. TUCK, S TH E next Session of this Institution will com mence on the 1st of October ensuing. The in struction, at present, will be given by three Teachers, and others will be employed as they may be needed. It is the. intention of the Principal to secure the best Teacheis, and to furnish every necessary facility for acquiring an ' exact and thorough education. - The Boading Pupils wtll live togeiner as one family, over whom a parental government will be exercised ; and no pains shall be spared to form ' their manners snd habits upon the best principles of taste and propriety. Pareou are particularly requested not to furnish their daughters with any articles that may encourage a love of display. i The deportment and reciUtions of the Pupils will be strictly note..,' and a report rendered monthly to Parents and Uuardians. Pupils can enter at any time and pay from - the time of entering : but when enured tbey cannot be withdrawn till the end of the Session without the coi sent of the Principal, nor will any deduction be made for absence, except in cases of protracted sickness. TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS Board, Wsshingr Fuel; - - ' f $60 Primary English Branches, 6 Second Class do. : do. ... 10 Higher, , ; - - 1. Highest, ; 16 ; ( Music, . . 20 1 Latin, . 10' .French, . ' .. - .10 Italian, .10 . Needle Work, Drawing and Painting, 10 '.There wilL be. a vacation of one month at the end ef each Session. . during , wnich, Pupils can remain without any. extra chsrge. , ; Raleigh, August 14,1846..' : .' " 66 tf Yniinff Tifliiifts Sftlirinl. menea on the 1st day of September 1 ember next; l - - lu House formerly occupied by the Mioses Polliam, on Wilmington 'Street." :Tennaper 8essiou of five months as foUowsvis : i' 1 '' x'l'.'r ' r-i ; English Branches from. 1 - $7 to SIS 00 . French . 8 00 Drawing and Neeule-work ' " , " 6 00 "Painting -7V v ".yj 00 Music, with Ufa use of the Piano -. -' 20.00 . Board, Washing and Fdel, ( 60 00 ! Rakigh,'Aogust25,1846. ' - , ! 69-- j iT" ROUND Alum and"Liverpool'8alt, Smoking Ujr and Chewing Tbsceo,'Browtr, Crushed and 1 Clarified Sugars, Sperm Candles, oc - .-', ':h 2 ,'i I.f,.. : S. M. WHITAKER. August 22. J. , T , " - "CS-: RAEEiGH " ;pr;Q y TVTo f h a rn n i i r r : o rVrl i niuiuuiiiatiivai auu ' - - Classical. 'Department : i " ' J. M. LOYEJOY, PKEcmoB, - 0 -- Assistrd ly B. S. JffASO ' ! f ' MalJieinaticuland MUUary Depa W; F. DISBROW.r , : " THE year will be divided into two Sessions of five months each ; the first Session beginning on the first of January, and the second' Session, on the first of July.- : . -- - - s. : -. . - , .:. '.. .-- -K- : , It is the design of the Preceptor, that this Institu tion shall not be surpassed, in the advantages afforded for acquiring a thorough English, Classical and .Mathematical Education. -' : . Pupils will be prepared to enter the Junior Class of any College in the United States. ; - - ' TERMS OF TUITION.! I For English and Mathematical Studies, . per bession, 15 00 For Latin, Greek, French, Spanish and Italian Languages, per Session, '20 00 The advanced Classes may pursue the Studies of a lower Class, paying only for the Studies of the Class to which they belong. Military Tactics taught to the Pupils, free ef extra cnarge. The design of the MiliUry Department beine to fit the Pupils to act, in case of emergency, as Officers, tae west fomt system of instrnction will be carefully pursued, nor will the Army Tactics - be departed from, in order to exhibit the boys for the benefit of me insuiuuon, or ior sny olner purposes. ; -; .; By an Act of the last Legislature, the neeesssry arms and equipments will be furnished by the State, but Parents who wish their children instructed in the MiliUry Department, will be required to provide them with the prescribed Uniform. . . -"r-. N. B. A few Pupils will be Uken as Boarders, by the Principal of the Academy. REFERENCES. Hon. Geo. E. Badger, Gen. Moye, Charles Hinton, I D. Henry, f , , Wm. F. Collins, -James B. Shepard, H. VV. Husted, Ed. Yarbroughi 'V E. P. Gaion, Esq'rF. Hon. Wm IL Haywood, Hon. R. M. Saunders, Rev. D. Lacy, Hon. John H. Bryan, Hon. John R. Daniel, Hon. Richard Hines, ' Dr. Baker, As the above named centlemen are welt known in the State, I have given their names as reference. They send their sous or wards to my School, and of course their opinions can be confidently trusted : ; -'- . '. : " J. M. If. Raleish. June 14, 1846. .... 49 , North Carolina j LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY Arms and Equipments 1 nrnlslied by me siaie. - Refesence Any Gentleman in Raleigh.?? . Next Session of. this Classical, English and Malhematical School, opens on the 1st of July, with advantages unsurpassed in any Preparatory School tn the South, Classics, English, etc. ' R.GRAY. Mathematics, Tactics, etc; O.5 A.' BUCK. ' Music, 1. 1. 80L0M0NS. TERMS FEB - BESSION OP FIVE MONTHS. Classical Department. (Collegiate course, in- .-- ' eluding full English Studies, with Mathe- -matics,) &e. ' $20 00 00 00 English do. (Elementary $ higher branches) '15 Military do. (Infantry practice) no charge. :J "; Instrumental Music 25 Lessons) 12 V ocal do. no charge, Fencing per course , . ' , ; ; ,h 00 Surveying and Civil Engineering, no charge. . ,-; Topographical Drawing, no charge. , . ; . ' Pupils will be prepared to enter the advanced classes in any College in the United SUtes. 1 -: 1 be course of Education is thorough; practical and well calculated to qualify youth for the various duties of life, whether occupying public or private, Civil or Military sUtions. , . : v , ' LECTURES. ; 7 ?. During the Session, Lectures on Popular subjects will be delivered,' of which due notice will be given in the Public Prints. : S t. - t u 1 ' -: VISITERS. vV Gov. Graham. . Rev. A." Smedes, Rev. D. Lacy, Rev. B, T. Blake, Rev. J. J. Finch, . HonG. E. Badger, -Hon. J as. Iredell, Hon. R. M. Saunders, Dr.. Hillt, i : t Vt. Baker,, V :-4 W. R Gales, . VL J E. B . Freeman j- . Chas. L. -Hinton, ; Thos. J. Lemsy, . : Geo. .Little, - ... , W. J. Clarke, Esquires. Letter-writing, with English and Latin Cbmposi lion, will be closelv attended to. V ; " v " A cheap Uniform is adopted Dress Parade day, Friday. ".-7 ."' -: : v 's'-ii-v -' No douuclion made for absence, unless in cases of protracted sickness. . . . ; , . : . .; r. A few Pupils can be boarded in Mr. Gray s family tvaieign, June ,m. 11 ; AIEW AND IIEICTII LL fTnijE Subscribers having purchased the entire tj State ofNorth Carolina with the exception of two Counties, now offer to the' public a : Composition for Eight, tbe SafetT. Cost and vReanty Of which, cannot be surpassed, if equaled. 'AS the Composition of our Lamps will be exhibited, it is deemed unnecessary to say more,' fc ', Raleigh, June 2, 1846. .-ve- 44 (Jan. v. ; ' yi a tc CDrs.irme 1TORFOLK, VIRGINIA. .i TnHfi Subscriber respectfully informs the public Ii that be has taken this fine and,, convenient - tT;flZy the, Country, ; He pledges himself, that ho exertion ruon on nis pan snau oe wanting, 10 give aausiacuon to .'-..- ... those who may patronize his house. v v-- July 4k:i846.' J54 6m; ' 1 ' : FBLACR THE BEST SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY EXTANT! TTVH orseV School Geography, embel- IV U lisbed with one bundrad and fifty engravings", and over fifty beautiful Maps,- in colors ; a new' and thorough revised edition. A supply of the above this day received byi m -M v . H. D. TURNER,: is? f Raleigh, Aug. 18..v .At the N. a Book Store. ; .Tf70R,SAEEAirdol Cardins EXa- J 'chine, Fixtures, &cV, in excellent orw der. r Address toe subscriber, Raleigh, or apply per- WILLIAM H.' MEAD.. .r ApraT.-IMR (O. Standafa.1 PAPER WAREHOIISEp N0.4?t B.UR1ING; 8 LI P, N EW .i ORK., : YRlTSi FIEEIJs i ofiera ior;6ieat the lowest Manufacturers' prices; a very exten sive assortment of PAPER, comprising wery posai-v hfe variety, adapted to the wants of consumers in all . sections of the country. Paper'of all kinds' made to. order at short notice . VoU V'rP.f'-9:' '"jUlv.'' - :The Stock of printing paper is nnmniailv1 large' a part of which is of very superior olii fciSis S , . PAPER-MAKERS, MATERIALS 1 V Of every description, imported, and kept constantly on hand, z i Feltings, Wire. Cloth,: Fourdriujf t Wires, Bleaching Powder. Blue Ultramarine.Twine.v Canvass, Bale Rope. Grass Rone. Bss erirjff . de. 4c. purchased, for which, the highest price in CastfwUl, be paid , '-. i- 'f ,. ' ' i"'"' New York, MarcH 18, lsVe.' lXftl 24Cly!l - NOTIOE. Vf THE GRARPEWIlEGa CliIPA W Y are specially deBttb ot. personal interview with Merchants, Booksellers , and others, wbo may. visit Ihe City of ttew York df ring the present season' Tbe Company are prepar ed to offer papaacaDawT ex itucMEiT rto" par ties who may be disposed to act at Agents' for their medicines 1 inducemeotstbat can ho much better ei plamed in a personal interview than: by letter. - j J Tbe office is at No.48 John street, up stairs, and gentlemen will find their! interest advanced by giving the Company a call.'; t-'w-k LMk .. ' Should any one destrean Agency, rho cannot call in person, they can address by, mail, post paidti3 ''i,"." ' :'- . i ,, E. SARTON ; v? . Secretary Clraefenberg Company, tPr. "Advt. $3 .rv, huim 6&lm- MEDICAL; COLLEGErpR (QEOft rrnnE fift. eenth coursbofxec AL TURES will commence on 1h Second Man dan the 9th 1 of November, and hm continued until' the March following; -T -v;: Geo. M. Nkwtoit, M. IX, Profyssor of Anatomy. , L. Ai Due as, M.' D. Professor of Phisiology 'and v ' -.. Pathological Anatomir.? .i? -4t??.Cs4i; h. AtsxaaBxa Mains, M. D Professor' of Chemistry - and Pharmacy...,;- T t';U I. P. Gaetih MD., Professor of Therapeutics ; an4 Materia Medlca. ' V'tA?y :- Pav T. Evx, M. D.,Prtfessorbf the Prmciplesaml 'Practice of Surgery. v ' 1. . .--..-w -, L. D. Foao, M. DProfessor of the Institute' and! -, Practice of, Medicine.: . M -f, iSiuh &i&rt?. Josefs A. Eve, M.D.. Professor of Obatetries .and Diseases of Women and kfanU. . ;r."4i -iij: H.F. CABKttM. D Demonstrator of Anatomy CLINICAL INSTRUCTION Nvitt given, a nsikl, In the City' HoaplCaLV'? 1; i. Board may. beobulned at from $12 tb .16 pet month, everything iaeXuieiC JM:S'fc 1 The fee, for the entire course, ; la s y p 1,6V tlOrl : Matriculation,"(taken nce) - -' OO, : " " " Demonstration Ticket; (optionafj, ??-wl0 007" KCf'. MNE WTONy M. DtJesnV1' : Augusta Gsi, Aug.lT1848J S. v-l -88-SMaSI5J , -3 . xiMMEoiAmYOiy WSITETHEMARKETfULElGH.iNp FTnHB , Subscriber baa recently returned-front the . U North, and baa' jest received ;anfntir'iAfb blocft of (roods com prisms a general 'assortment; of DRY GOODS arid FAITIIEY, GRCr CERIES, CROClijrHOESkc, &c to which he would most respectfully call the atteri. ti on of the cidsens 'of tbisr placed 'and 1 aurronfidlnir Country, as he flatters himseIC that- his prices, and the quality of the articles . offered, must ensure salea to all in want of Goods ifl hi lineV, : r xat :, V , JAMES LITCHFORIX; Raleigh,' July ll; 1846 a " ; 't''--" TOcCOACH AND HARNESS MAKERS Richmond Coacli Estce aikd TFtix&p. ripHE Subscribers Beg leave ' tf' mform ! Jlf the Coach and Harheis MakersXtana mercnants 01 tne aomn, inat tney are prepared tq for nish Coach. Lace, Fringe arid Tassels of every varie ty at the shortest notice- -Tbey flatter themselves that tbe Lace and Coaoh. Fringe tnanufactured at iheir Factory, on Franklin street, and nearly opposite to tbe Exchange Hotel, Is equal irt eppea ranee arid qual ity to any to bo found at the North or elsewhere. Ml the Subscribers ask, is a call fiom those who deal 3n their line, feeling assured . that tbey? can: ibrojr put proper inducements to purchasers. Y , f -.'j-v 'C'i FLYNN&.EMRICrl,t:'' Ti. B. AH orders promptly filled when accompa nied by tbe Cash. ' ' - r -p. 4. E. Richmond, August 14, 1846. ' 4 "fl'eS-i-iaSJ ; tr - fiW jCOMMISSIOS, and jost.o ban4 ot : HJr of Rambaufs famous Chewiug Tobacco, coa- ShBozes of Dew Drop. h:iS'A :rt ft do. t. BesY . wing, and' f M rt ' ' We invite an examination of the Int. Which rlTf sell low as we can, by ihe box. or iat resH. t I "O V -wiji m9 O'stVf ,. y - VffVI te. mm. - - a- m -a -r " very supenor arucie oi.urusneu saPK ido. - : oo ruivermeo oo r:r OtJ Croir and Port RirA tBest'oId JavVCofiee,"-' 4 Lauira and Rio do. ; Prima "Malssaes. " s i-iiiy ." f Is; Musurd, Gruund Pepper, Ginger, Spice, Bar Sosp, &c &e. dee..; Ik . - m M M.me- SftirsiAMai ' August 2S. 69 T-r i. aiiA-rtnat aait- X : 1 sill. 1 itim huii i.M: 1 ! iinirj' s 1 iiKk". f " :; TVMVvlwT!,VV T 1 rtrJ..f XTOR . SAXJCBrown Suiar bv ihBarrel Rio and Java. CoSee by thsPaackvu jkreftlutitePf tTeas by the box. ; Loaf Sogar4 antl a general assort 1 ment of Groceries at retail; atao a large Stock 010010 : and Upper Leathers, which we "offer fJt-t . Rslei-b. Aug. 12.846. W' 67 : jtt-Yii-&Hi-lust recaiTednr :i::kl5; JAS, LITCHFORD. maSiofof rtoiois 'eefebrafea t'ejies tl. ' "A amaRIdt i I :