PnMUlied Scoi-Ttckljy T ; ') 1 ; TUESBAY, OCTOBER 6, 1846. UKU . 1! V III II I I M l' IIIV - .."H Vt 1 V- Tl 111 ' III Ill jr . ". II I 1 1 I ' 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I - . '. J I A- I IT. n 111 : . 1 1 I ! , 1 1 I . , J ... 1 . . -iii a a a . - . s a a- - . r r ii ii.ii in. hi it iia hi hi ii i i ii i ',. i v -ii mi jr i ill' .Aeassaea - . . i - t - :tv u . i l I - nil i i : I rt: I. - ' N : I .... 1 Mi 1 v-v r J 11 J I III, ILVSll - v I . f TERMS CFTHE SEM1WEKLY-REGISTER. Suiicnpiwn. e 4Au per ; anaimhalf in AivertUeitunts. For, every Sixteen Inc$t ni Jasertion, Oae DolUr ; eacL. subsequent insertion, "-Twenty-fire Cinls. - ":'!' Vrv'-v .--y: .- Court Orders nd.'Judicial Advertisement will be Tchared 25 .per cent, higher ; but a deduction of 33 .per cent, will be made f;ou the regular prices, for advertiser by the year. -i - Advertiaemeat, Lwerted in the Sexi-Wkekly Re gister, will also appear in tie Weekly Paper, free of charge.' ' ' - ' - Ij" Letter to the Editor must be rosT-rAio. -J CIGARS! CIGARS! ! CIGARS ! ! ! " WTTTE woutd respectfully inform tha citizens of y'y Raleigh, and the public generally, that we have opeDed a Cigar manufactory in Raleigh, where we constantly keep on hand afull aMortmeaX of high ly flavored imported Cigar, including REGALIA, EdPERANZA, CAZADORE, CUBRV, LAN.ORMA, HAVANA, WERNER, rBINUIPE, &C. &C. ' &c. and all kinds of domestic manufactured Cigars. A .general assortment of superior cbewing TOBACCO; Maccuba, Congress, coarse . Rappee and Scotch 8NUFF; Cigar cases, Snoff Boxes, and all articles in the line, which we offer at Xeu York prioa, by the wholesale or retail. All orders thankfully received and attended to with dispatch. - , Purchasers, and tbe loers of good Cigars and To bacco, will always be furnished with th best kinds, suited to the taste of the connoiesur. .Call and try at KKAUSE & MILLER'S, Fayetleville street, opposite the City Hall. Sept 2. 36 y Tar! Tar ! ! A LIBERAL price in Cash. will be paid for 50 p& Bbl. of Tar, if delivered soon at the Rail Road Depot. Apply to the Agent. Raleigh, August 7. , , (63 2m Notice. APPLIC ATIOJfwill be made at the next Session of the Legislature of' North Carolina,' for a Cbarter to extend the Raleigh and Gaaton Rail Road to the South Carolina line. Angost 7, 1846. , ' - 63 1 VHY HAVE THE XGUEAND FEVER? IRICITS Ague aud Fever Pills have never faded, where directions were strictly fol lowed, to effect a cure in " from Fifteen " to Thirty hours. . They are .prepared from simple Vegetable Medicines, and are, therefore, the safest, most pleas ant, and speediest. remedy known, for the cure of In termittent Fever.1 They have been .tried' in " Con gestive Chills of the worst form, and have invaria bly given relief, and cured the patientsj " They never affect the brain, as does Quinine ; or injure the con stitution, as does Arsenic The money returned in every casa of failure, where directions are followed. Price $1 per dot." Planters, Country Merchants, and Druggists will be supplied at f 8 per dozen boxes. Prepared and old only by C.J. KEN WORTHY & CO., " ' -Bank Street, Petersburg, Va. August 31, 1846. : " 71 FOIL SALE. A Wool Carding Ma cbine, Fixtures, Ac, in excellent or der. Address the Subscriber, Raleigh, or apply per sonally, to him at the Neuse RiTer Oil Works. WILLIAM H. MEAD. AprH 1, 1846. (O Standard.) 27 Board IbrMembers. v . JAMES LITCHFORD, having ta ken that laree three storv New- Baicx BciijaiKs, at the comer of Harget and Favetteville Streets. ' formerly occupied by B. B.Smith, and within two hundred yards of the SuteHouse, will be prepared to accommodate 15 or 20 Mkbsks or the ArraoiXHiwa LxsrsiATUEE. His rooms are large and comfortable, and his fare shall be as eood as the market will afford, and his terms moderate. Raleigh, Sept. 21, l84. ' 76 JCST COME. WE have1 just received our Fall supply of JLADICS SHOES, comprising a gen eral assortment, of Miles No. 1, city-made, Walking Shoes and Slippers.' 1 Alo. a fine lot of Morocco and 'Lasting Gaither Boots, Half Gaither do. ' HEARTX& JORDAN. Sept. 30, 1846. ' , . . 79 Photography. i v m a aj TO MEMDERS OF- THE LEGISLATURE. MR. DOR ATT respectfully ' begs to announce to the members of tbe Legislature,; that ha will be prepared to take Photographic Portraits dur ing the Session in Raleigh. His Portraits, combin ing the. latest improvements, with the best materials, cannot be surpassed either in distinctness of outline, or in correctness of resemblance. Mr. D. being him self an Artist, is enabled to give the best effects, both in grouping and coloring. - Portraiu uken of all sizes, and in- all Weathers. Instruction, as nsaal, in the Art, Chemicals and Apparati for sale. ; ' . - Raleigh, Sept. 28. 1846. 78 THE PICTORIAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND.-Harper & Brothers. To.' be com pleted in about 40 numbers, at 25 cents per number. I have received the ixth number of this work, bringing the history down to the limes of the lionr bearted Richard. .The, numerous wood cuts, illus trating historical evenut. are . taken from ' the most reliable authorities from ancient .tapestry, medals, menumeuts, pictures, engravings, or such other sources as the desolations of war and time had left lo thoJbistorUa. . . ,21. .D. TURNER, ' City.: Taxes. --' ; ' I SHALL attend u the Grand Jury Room in the Court House, on Monday and Tuesday; the I2th and 13th mst., fot the purpose of collecting the City Taxes for the current jear. Those who do not avail themselves of this Notice, cannot complain, if their property u advertised as the law directs. " . ur , ; .". JAMES H. MURRAY;1; ." , -.-Collector.. . October 1, 1846. r . ,79 ' f ROANOKE NAVIGATION COMPANY. ' THE. Annual Meeting of the Roanoke.Navigation Company, will be hld at Weldon, onTharsdav. the 29th of October next. A- JOYNER. 78 3t Sept. 23, 1846 JuiiLl Comfort and Economy. '" " v ' ' ' - - - ' Fare reduced to 87 to Kaltiutore. Via CreensYille .and rctcntnr? and Boanuke, and City Point Rail Roads James River and Cneiapealte Raj Line of Steamers. Tn,SSENGERS taking this popular route, will go U on direct without delay, at less expense, (than by the Mail Line) with more ease, and fewer changes ot rrrson and Baggage. The Traveller leaves WelJon or Gaston, every night (except Saturday) at 10 P.M., end Petersburg at 65 A. M. for City Point (by Rail Road 9 miles) where they will take one of the superior Steamers, Alice, Capu Skinner, or Curtis Peck, Capt. Davis lorxvurioiK, equating a nne sail down tne noble James, with a view of its beautiful scenery, and James Town by day light .) From thence by one of the Bay Steamers, the Georgia, Capt. Cannon, Herald, Capt Russell, or Jewess, Capt. Sutton, Where the Passenger travels while he sleeps, and enjoys a luxurious table free of charge. Fare from Weldon or Gaston to Baltimore, $7 00 Fare from Weldon or Gaston, to Norfolk, . 4 00 Fare from Petersburg to Baltimore, 4 00 Fare from Petersburg to Norfolk, 1 00 Meals included always on any of the Steamers of mis j-fWic. passengers gciung mrougn i uKtis, are allowed t stop at any point on the line, and re sume their travel when ready, without any extra charge. - I ictets from Uaston to Baltimore, or Norfolk, to be had of C. C Tron, Esq. at Gasion N. C. For Tickets from Weldon to Baltimore or Norfolk, apply to WM. M. MOODY, Jr., General Agent. Office James River and Bey Line, Weldos Depot, N. C, June 11, 1846. 48 ' 7 Beware of statements made tor tne purpose of diverting travel from this popular route. Fall Supplies. THE Subscriber has just return ed from the North, where he has laid in an excellent assortment of articles usually kept in his line ; among which may be found, Superior Calf Skins, White and Red Sole Leather, Lining and Binding Skins, Shoe Thread, Black ing, oxe., occ. And is now prepared to manufacture Uoots, Shoes, Gaiters, and every thing that is worn on the feet, in the most beautiful and fashionable style. ' 1RD - In addition to his own work, he has supplied himself with work manufactured in the Northern Cities, which he is prepared to sell on as reasonable terms as anv person in the City. The following is a part of his stock received and now offered at unprecedented low rates, viz : Gentlemens Boots and Shoes, Mens Brogans, Coarse Boots, Water proof Boots. Ladies fine Morocco Buskin Ties, Slippers, &c&c Misses and Childrens Bootees, Buskins and Ties in every variety. Together with a good assortment of Women's sewed and pegged Bootees and Shoes, Boys and Youths' Bootees. Brosans, &c , &c. He tenders his sincere thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has heretofore received, and in vites the particular attention of his menus and tnose who may be in want of articles in his line, to his pre- . . . .t . ' i. sent Stock, as he assures mem mat every imng aoiu by him will be warranted. HENRY PORTER. September 17, 1846. ' 75 6t THIS day published the third vol ume of Iredell's Digest, commencing with the 3d vol. vevereux ana same's jaw, ana the 2nd vol. Devereux and Battle's Equity Reports, and concluding with the 5th vol. of Iredell's Law, and 3d vol. Iredell's Equity Reports in 1815. - ' All orders addressed to -.-w. HENRY D. TURNER, . ; 5 . Raleigh, N. C. September 1, 1848. j 70 TO PRINTERS. TtDe Foundry trad Printers' For nishius "Warehouse. miHE Subscriber, flate of the firm of Cockrofl Ji & Overend,) has opened a new Type Foun Jry in the City of New York, where he is ready to cop- ply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job or Fan cy Type, Ink, Paper, Cases, Galleys, Brass Rules, Steel Column Rules, Composing Sticks, Chases, and every article necessary for a Printing Office. - Tbjs Type, which are cast in New Moulds, from an entire new set of Matrixes, with deep Counters, are warranted to be unsurpassed by any, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. All the Type fur nished by us is " bandcasU ' Printing Presses furnished, and also Steam En cines of the most approved patterns. . N. B. A Machinist is constantly in attendance to repair Presses, and do light work. Composition Rollers cast for Printer. , . . iJOHN A, T. OVEREND. : Sept. 18, 1846.. - . 77 6ji. ' v' - BOUGHT WITH THE' CASH. : Rio and Jura Coffee, aad Molasses. Liverrool eround and blown Salt -Mould Candles. . Red Cords, Plough Lines and Shoe Thread. - 8-4, 7-8 and 4 4 Sbittingt, Slc - Lard in kegi. J Sole Leather Calf and Lining Skins. . Sieves, Horse Collars and Waggon Whips. a. Snoffe Pepper, Ginger, and Spice.. . Mugs, Plates, Bowls, 4c- &. Brown and Loaf Sugars, &c. . - . : WILL: PECK. . : Raleigh, SepC 22. J ' " v -. 76 ft . i . oir coimnissiow. - : 'BrotTI Sugar, by the Barrel, and Rio Coffee by the-Seek. rv" 4 ' - - ' " -Imperial, Gunpowder and Yoang Hysoa Teas, by the box.--"s- - - : ; -v; .Adamantine and Sperm Candles. Bar Soap by the Box, and Nai!s by the Keg. ' Men's and Boy'a coarse Shoes. ;' ! . , , Sole and Honer Leather. -'--.:' Prime half barrels r MackareMii whole da. -at 99 JM. 4 V'-!: J WILL : PECK. 1 Raleigh, Sept 22. f '.j. -7661 " -Board tor Members.:?:: -rmriXIil AIlI T. BAH!, near the CapUoL Vyy will be prepared to accommodate soma 10 or 15 Members of the Legislature with comibrtaMe His charges will be moderate. . . y ' ' October 1, 1816. V 79 Most desirable Property.. TnHE Subscribers offer for salei one of the most Il eligible and beautifnl Residences in" the City. of Raleigh. . It has been for many years, occupied br Mr. B.B. 8xiTH,and is situated on the most eleva ted ground about the City. , The Dwelling House has six fine Rooms, with fire-places, several fine pas sages, and has attached every necessary out-house. The Garden is believed to be one of the very best in theCity. and there is a most excellent S urine- of Water near by. v They will also sell a small, comfortable Dwelling House, near Mr. Ashley, which will answer most admirably for a small family. For Terms, which will be accommodating, apply to either of the undersigned. JOHN BUFFALOB, JOHN HUTCH INS, WILLIAM HILL. Raleigh, June 11, 1846. 47 tf THE iETWA INSURANCE COMPA NY, of Uartford, Conn. Offers to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Lorn- paniesintheUnitedStateSjand pay sits lossesprompt- Applications for insurance in Raleigh, or its vi be made to S. W. WHITING. July, 1846. Agent. Botanico-Medical Infirmary, BANK ST., PETERSBUIW, VA. PRS KEN WORTHY & PRICE, Petersburg. Virginia, are prepared to receive and treat pa tients from a distance, afflicted with Chronic and sup posed incurable forms of disease. Eoard. with the mosl careful nursing, can be obtained for $4 per week. Medical charges moderate. The superiority of the Botanic Practice, in the cure of Chronic dis eases, has been fully established in every section of our Country. Persons afflicted, shouIJ speedily avail themselves of this almost certain means of restoration lo health. QC Fistulas and Csneers speedily cured without resort to the Knife Cubes W a a rax ted Charge $100 for Medical attendance. TD Persons desiring further information, will please address the Subscribe n,post paid. U. J. KENWOKTH x,M. V. H. M.PRICE, M.D. July 11, 1846. 56 ly Washington University OF BAlYriJTlbRE. Facnltr of the Medical Department. Professor J. C. 8. MONKUR, M. D Theory and Practice of Medicine. E. FOREMAN, M. D., Chemistry. CHAS. .B.- GIBSON. M. D., 8urgery. W. T. WILSON, M.D., Therapeutics snd Materia Medics. W. T- LEONARD, M. D., Anatomy. WM. H. STOKES, M. D, Obstetrics and Medical Jurisprudence. WAKE MAN BRYARLY, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. The Annual Course of Lectures will commence -en the last MONDAY in October next, and continue four months. . Fees for a full Course of Lectures, (90 Matricnlation fee, 5 Diploma fee, 20. Demonstrator's fee, (optional,) 10 Students of Medicine can be received as Boarders in apartments attached to the Hospital. Address all communications to 77 6t E. FOREMAN, Dean. A. W. SPIES & Co. DEALERS IN HARD WA1XE, CUTIiERY, GUXS A II PISTOLS. JVo. 91 Maiden Lane, New Yobk. July 1,146. j 53 3m Office or Adjutist Gewekal, Raleigh, 8epl. 29, 1846. TnTTHEREAS, a vacancy having recently oc- V w eurred in the Office of Brigadier General of the 17th Brigade of North Carolina Militia, to fill which an election has been held according to Act of Assembly, in such cases made and provided : And it appearing from the returns of votes made to me, thai Col. Jossm B. Littlejohw, received the highest number of votes for said Office of Brigadier General, and is duly elected thereto ; I have officially made known tbe same to His Excellency, Wmax A. Gaaa ait, Governor of . the State, wbo has issued a Commission accordingly, bearing date September II, 1846. Notice is hereby given, according to the re quirement of the 11th section of the seventy-third Chapter of the Revised Statutes, that Josefh a. Lit- Tixroitsr is duly commissioned as Brigadier General of the 17th Brigade of North Carolina Militia and as such, ail Officers and Soldiers are required to yield him their ready obedience. . 4 - . . ' ROBERT W. HA x WOOl, ... 4 " V 'Adjutant General. .f -w-.. . .. ,-: , - 79 3t COAItll FOR lUEMBEUS. THE Subscriber would respectfully nnnnnM In lha McfntMtra nf the ferv. 1a I 1 ... 4 . . . r ! ! I J proaching Legislature that he is prepared r i to accommonate from thirty to thirty-five boarders daring the ; Session: He has enlarged his dinin2room, and has constructed a brick building on a lot situated near his House, with four good rooms ; and he. will .use his best exertions, as heretofore, to give sauaiacuon. a is. terms win oe rooueraie, as uiuaL ''.' " JUltM xiUTUHIWa. Sept. 30,1846. ' " v 7961 LOOK OUT . FOR Til E SWIIVDLEK. ' A B8CONDEDfrera Hertford. PerauunansCoun Ml ty, N. tX, about the 24th of August, a German m a by the name of UHKlSTUrHJSK CAMKKUIM- He is about 5 feet, 7 or 8 .inches high, rather dark complexion, and stoops ia little when ! e walks; ' The said Cameron is a Tailor by trade, and wis sent by the Snbecriber to tha above named plaeei to carry en the business as bis Agent, and after remaining there about 3 months and selling a great deal of the. Stock, he then decamped wiui about $200. : HENRY KB AUSS; Sept. 26. ' 79i 31 FIICE! IVOUTU CAROLINA Mutual Insurance; Company. TmURSUANT to an Act of Assemblv. a Comna il.ny has been formed in this State, under the name and style of the North Carolina Mutual In surance Company,", and is now folly organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, vie : JOSIAH O. WATSON, Presideu:, ALBERT STITH, Vice-President, RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, lilUUAKA) BMllll, ) ALBERT STITH, WESTON R. GALES. S Executive Com mittee. The Company is now prepared to receive applica tions for Insurance, and to issue Policies en the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to lake risks on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops snd other buildings,' Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against loss or damage by Fire. Tbe Office of the Company is in the second story of the- large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. U. B. Smith, at the corner of Fayetteville and Har geti Streets, where full information snd explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will be chtcrfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. Raleigh, January 17, 1846 6 tf FEMALE SEMINARY. RALEIGH, N, C. Rev. J. J. FIX C II, Principal, Mrs. M. JL. FINCH, Ztliss A. S. TUCK, Tcacliers. THE next Session of this Institution will com. mence on the 1st of October ensuing. The in struction, at present, will be given by three Teachers, and others will be employed as ihey may be needed. It is the intention of the Principal to secure the best Teacheis, and to furnish every necessary facility for acquiring an exact and thorough education. The Boading Pupils will live together as one family, over whom a parental government will be exercised : and no pains shall be spared to . form their manners and habits upon the best principles of taste and propriety. Parents are particularly requested not 'to furnish their daughters with any articles that may encourage a love of display. ... Tbe deportment and recitations of the Pupils will he strictly noted, and a report rendered monthly to Parents and Guardians. ' Pupils can enter at any time and pay from the lime of entering ; but when entered tbey cannot be withdrawn till the end of the Session without the con sent of the Principal, nor will any deduction be made for absence, except in cases of protracted sickness. ERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS : Board, Washing, Fuel, $60 Primary English Branches, 6 Second Class do. do. 10 Higher, 12 Highest, 15 Music, 20 Latin, 10 French, 10 Italian, 10 Needle Work, Drawing and Painting, - 10 There will be a vacation of one month at the end of each Session, during which, Pupils can remain without any extra charge. Raleigh, August 14, 1846. . 66 tf Young Ladies School, THE Young Ladies 8chool in this place, under the care of the Misses Partridge, will com mence on the - 1st day of September next, at the House formerly occupied by the Misses Pnlliam, on Wilmington Street. Terms per Session of five months as follows, viz : English Branches from $7 to $12 00 French ' - 8 00 Drawing and Needle-work 6 00 Painting 8 00 Music, with the use of the Piano 20 00 Board, Washing and Fuel, 50 00 Raleigh, August 25, 1846. 09 Fresh Arrivals of GROUND Alum and Liverpool Salt, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Brown, Crushed and Clarified Sugars, Sperm Candles, 4-c . - 9. M. Wrll l AKtiK. August 22. 68 PAPER WAREHOUSE. NO. , BURLING SLIP, NEW YORK.! iOIYRlTS W. FIEI.D, offers for Sale, at Uj the lowest Manufacturers' prices, a very exten sive assortment or PAPER, comprising every possi ble variety, adapted to the wants of consumers in all sections of the country. Paper of all kinds made to order at short notice. The Stock of printing paper is unusually large, a part of which is of very superior quality. PAPEB-MAKERS MATERIALS Of every description, imported, and kept constantly han hand, viz: Fellings, Wire Cloth, Fourdrinier Wires, Bleaching Powder, Blue Ultramarine, Twine, 4c. qc. ' RAGS, Canvass, Bale Rope, Grass Rope, Barging, 4-e. dc purchased, for which the highest price in Cash will be paid New York, March 18, 1846. ' . 24 ly P. JF. PESCUD, APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST, RALEIGH, N. CL Is now receiving his Fall supply of Drags, Medi cines, Paints, Oils, and Dye-Stuns, all of which he warrants to be fresh and genuine,' they having .been carefully selected by him, during the last month, in the -Northern Cities, and feels confident of his ability to sell them on as favorable terms par chased elsewhere. . . , He thereby solicits an examination of his 8tock, from his . friends and customers, (particularly those Jrnjsicians and Country Merchants .who have here tofore purchased their sappues in Petersburg or Kieh- mood, Vau) aseunag them, that . no exertion, on hia part shall be wanted, ia order to give perfect satisfac tion, as regards quahty and paces. . ? v His, Stock of Perfumery and Fancy Articles, is more varied, beautiful, and extensive than heretofore; and all he aska from the public generally, is a call, t r t ' -. ' ' - Dcrore purcnasing eisewnere. . - -Raleigh. Sepu 9,1846. . . tt 73 - Brown 8heetings. and . Bleacbed, : Shirtings and tJo i Drilltng: -4 AS LITCHFORD. N. B. HUGHES, ; ' AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE, 1 baixigit, it. c " v .-i . -.. . RALEIGH z - M - ' : Classical, Mathematical: ;and tMMJbMTM.Illf ACWEJIIW ; '-- . Classical Department: i i JV M.'LOVEJOY, PKECBPtoEft Mathematical and Military Department:- : - 1 W. F. DISBROW, ' : THE year will be divided into two Sessions of five months each ; -the first Session beginning on the first of January, and the second Session; on the first of July. . . v.- : U- . r- --u -a :p It is the design of the Preceptor, that this Institu tion shall not be sorpassed, in the advantages afforded tor , acquiring a - thorough English, ' Classical and Mathematical Education.- : v Pupils will be prepared to enter the Junior Class of any College m the United States. - ., - f ; . TERMS OF TUITION. ... For English and , Mathematical Studies, I per Session, - . -f -, '..$15 00 For Latin, Greek, French, Spanish and j f Italian Languages, per Session, - x ; . 20 00 The udvanced Classes may pursue the Studies of a lower Class, paying only for the Studies of the Class to which they belong. T Military Tactics taught to the Pupils, free ef extra charge.'' " ' " V .' '' , I The design of the Military Department beine to fit the Pupils to act, in case of emergency, as Officers, the West omt system of instruction will be carefully pursued, nor will the Army Tactics - be departed from, in order to exhibit the boys for the benefit of the Institution, or for any other purposes. -" . ; j By an Act of the last Legislature, the necessary arms and equipments will be furnished by the State, nut Barents wbo wish their children instructed in the Military Department, will be required to provide them with the prescribed Uniform. . j . :. s JV. B. A few Pupils will be taken as Boarders, bv tne rnncipai ot the Academy. REFERENCES. Hon. Geo. E. Badger, Gen.Moye, ' -Charles Hinton, I D. Henry, Vfra. F. Collins, James B. Shepard, H.W.Huted, Hon. Wm H. Haywood, Hon. R. M. Saunders, Rev. D; Lacy, Hon. John FL Bryan, Hon. John R. Daniel, Hon. Richard Hines, . ' Ed. Y'arbrouehl. . I Dr. Baker, E. P. Guion, Esqi As the above named frentlemen are well known in the State, I have given their names as reference. Tbey seud their boos or -wards to my School, and of course their opinions can be confidently trusted. f! , J. M. L.. 1 Raleigh, June 18, 1846.. 49 North Carolina' LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY ACAJCMSMIT. j Arms and quipnients f nriiislied by me state. .- . RErEaENCE Any Gentleman in Raleigh. , I Next Session of this Classical English and Mathematical School, opens on the 1st of July, with advantages unsurpassed in any Preparatory School m the South. Classics, English, etc. R.GRAY. Mathematics, Tactics; etc; 8. PRESTON. Music, 1. 1. SOLOMONS. TERMS FES SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS. Classical Department, Collegiate course, in cluding full English Studies, With Mathe matics,) &c. ?20 00 English do. (Elementary 4- higher branches) 15 00 Mihtary-uo. (Intantrv practice; no charge. . ! Instrumental Music i25 Lessons) " 12 00 v oca! do. no charge, . . ; . '1 Fencing per course - 5 00 Surveying and Civil Engineering, no charge. . Topographical Drawing, no charge. Pupils will be prepared to enter the advanced classes in any College in the United States. " The course of Education is thorough, practical and well calculated to qualify youth for the various duties of life, whether occupying public or private, Civil or Military stations. ' ' LECTURES. - 1 During the Session, Lectures on Popular subjects wilt be delivered, of ' which due notice will be give: m tte Public Prints. " VISITERS. 'H Gov. Graham, Rev. A. Smedes, Rev. D. Lacy, Rev. B. T. Blake, Rev. J. J. Finch, Hon. G. E. Badger, Hon. Jas. Iredell, Hon. R. M. Saunders. Dr. Hill, -Dn Baker,, i W. R Gales, E. B. Freeman, Chas. L. Hinton, Thos. J.. Lemay, Geo. Little, W. J. Clarke, Enquires. Letter-writing, with English and Latin Composi tion, will be closely attended to. - I A cheap Uniform is adopted Dress Parade day! Fridsy. .. . ' - - . . , ' . . No deduction made for absence, unless m cases of protracted sickness. - i, , . A few Pupils can be boarded in Mr. Gray s family "RaleighJune 12th. ' - ' 47 tf WEW MD KEAUTIFtL. THE Subscribers having purchased the entire State of North Carolina, with the exception of two Uounties, now oiler to the public a Composition for cost Of which,' cannot be Composition of our deemed unnecessary SCOTT & SNOW. Raleigh, Jona 2, 1846.' - f 44 Usn. . 1 1 .- THE BEST SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY- EXTANT ! Morse's School Geography, embel lished with one hundred and fifty engravings, and over hfly beautiful. Maps, in colors: a new and thorough revised edition. A supply of the above this day received by " ' v;' ' ft. D. TURNER, ICaleigb, Ang. 18. . z At the N. C. Book Store. - . TO COACH AND HARNESS MAKERS. Ricbmond Coach Eace and Fringe Manufactory, i , : , - .. FTP! HE. Subscribers beg leave to L inform . 'Jli . the Coach and Harness Makers,: and Merchants of the South, that they are prepared to turf nish Coach Lace, Fringe aud Tassels of every varie ty at the shortest notice. - Tbey Batter themselvea that the Lace . and Coach Fringe manufactured ai . their Factory; on Franklin street,- and nearly . opposite lo the Exchange Hotel, Is equal in appearance and Qual ity to any to bo found at, the North or else whet. All tne auDscrioers asx, a unu jrom,uioee woo oest ia their line, feeling assured that. they can throw1 out proper inducements to purchasers ,v ,r' : j N. B AH orders promptly, fillet! when accompa nied by the Cash. ,- v - F.fc Es ' Jichmend, August l4,'l84$V ' 66-.ta$5 MAgmr tbe Safety, 1 f . ; ta nnn - ana iseauty a liitUUlat dii surpassed.if equaled. " As the 1 ' T;;,t-wi a pr;. f s hnn - Lamps will be exhibited, it is - - Xogt three Number Prize J5do. t to say more. ' ; 1 . ; I ,., 1lAnKAtA T .MUirfl fltairi 1 I 1 view ofa contemplated change in oat business". ,wi II, Jom Hhis,; time lo the (1 st of , Janrxary next, sell for Cvsh or to punctual, customers, nr Goods at prices rtuch below our former rates, and at poruon Imports v China, A and from the Mannfa cinrers,' a large ' assoVtine'nt,: of Cut, Plain and Pressed making1 our stock' large and 'complete: : COUNTRY ' A - MERCHANTS are invited to. call and examine our assortment, assuring them that we shall fully, comply with the above,-- ? A ' ; - :S'stebbNWpuLlei-::: ; --4 i Chiha and Glass Store. Syeamore PelersbuTg,Bept. 4, 18463 T' "71 1 i :" September 5, 1810. irare.- A VINO now: opened a very' large 'arid Jhand 3 seme stock of CJHIIf A, CLASS .'A2VI LARTIIEIVWARE, nfmy own Importa tion, and of the latest and most desirable jatyles and qualities, I would respectfully inform my customers, and all others in want of Goods in tny line, Uiat they; can be supplied at prices fuTJy as, lotr, if 11 Ot lower than from any otlier nouse in. " tbis or any other market iuthc SCate. Give me a call at the sign of the Pitcher, : i . " ' Sycamore street, Petersburg,' Va. - - v'-JASPrsMtTH, ImpbrteFof fJh!ria,'&c 8-?-fc:'i 72 Inr ' Petershtirg, Sept. 5, 1 846 WILMINGTON STREET IMMEDIATELY 0P- POSJTE THE MARKET, RALEIGH. Nc:; THE Subscriber has recently' returned-from the North, and has just received . an .entire JVcw Stock of Goods comprising a.- general assortment tf DRY GOODS and FAiniXX; (GRO CERIES, CROCKEY, SHOES, &c;'dce.; to which he would most respectfully ?caU the atten tion of the- citizens of . ihir, place and aurrapndiBgf Country, as he fiVttes jiim'selvtllhjf:' prjeea;,JB)d the quality .of jLhe articles , offered,-must enjure.sales to all in want of Goods in hu lme & i Ul? ' - r hf; JAMES, tn'OHFOBtC Raleigh. July 11, 1846 , V SQUIRE5 - - LOTTERY! OFFICE. ; Petewbnrff, Tlrgiiiia; si 2a 5 &&B331&iQ KBa3; MJwir. SPLENDID, SCHEMES.' ! f ,f ATTENTION ! Adventurers are requested U e tice the following Splendid Schemes for this. mentji. Those wbo may. wish to obtain Prize Tickets, are in vited to apply personally, or by letter, to the Subscri ber; DouH wrgepli vh.1C SQUIRE ! tJ;o ''ahk:SfPetersburVai.. SATURDAY OCTOBEBiOTai 'Grahd Consolidated Ldttery, Class No 4t, tb ba drawn on Saturday, Oct. 10th,184B, at.WiImingtflb, Delaware, 75 numbers, 13drawnaUoU3rw ; 6RAID CAPITALS. prize of dO r do . do . . do : -; 30,000 10,000 6,000 . 000 3,000 2 pfizes'of 2 ido-J l'r,QQ0 '.0.-1800 Tickets 810 Halves ftS-MinartersSSSO Rukoa a Package Whole TickWi li'flO SATURDAY, OCTOBER J7ra, :;4 Grand Consolidated Lott'erv,' CJass No- 4$Mto be drawn on Saturdav. Oct." 17, 1846; at ' Wilnuos- I tonV Delaware, t . V; : r 'VV -: BI1SD CAPITALS, 1 prize of ? 35,295 ' 10,655 6,000 f 5,000 4,000 1 prize of 1 ' do do" "do ' do do do' 2O0O 1 f dd?;1''T700 Fdort.4- 1000 5 Tickets glO-Halvea iotiartets- Risk en a Package of Whole Tickets Hi 50 Do l. d -fgi Half-: ttiido J -69 75 Do ... ;"do: ':iZsJ. Quarter do 29vS8 ,rATURD AY OCTOBER 24tb. 1 3 prizes of 2 prizes of ftt750 1 do 10000 ''20v"lff' t 1 do do do 4,244 3,000 2 2,000 Wholes $12-Halves f 6-Qoftrters 3 Risk on a package 2& Wholea. i ' v . 176 0 ' Do do M 2ft Halves i4--:- '8B 30 Cj" Remember, in, purchasing hy the package "I always five in three tieketswri- 4f i l have every day Lotteries from 1 to $20, and when a remittance iamade tq tne, large or smalU 1 will al ways invest in the most popular. Lottariea on hand" The. drawings sent,, when requested, to all wbo order from me: iThe cash for air Capitals can, be had. at sight. On ell letters enclosingcash oV prize tickejs, the postage need not be paid Tickets in iba Sboyst. Lfouerws are receivea, ana aij oraers nuiec wiU meet the most prompt and confidential attention- vAddress -;H. W-SftUfRE, 4 ;j -fi 7f:fVt;'?Si'yg : Petersburg, Vav - V-;-vo REAITIS OF JJPEX:;; " j liTEnyeloping Paper, -st ; reduced pnees, : JusMs- cieveu, ana ioi", j , TW. -: t? Aaetion an3 Ttaleigb, OcMberl ,7T a sught advance ehlt cost Importation. We have received by recent rrivals, direct front the PoUeries, a portion of nr Fali Importation of ' or-' v.r: : ' OiVl . - -: v'- - unma, uiass & -.annera m mm ' z m m m - mm. mm-

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