Sf "W fTP- -- r i - - ' - "i- r t ' .- : , ..... . : , . . "1 ' AtC It;-; .w-.,' .--1r- ' " - - , -t" V" , . ' -'" ;-rt v t;-- W '.-i.'.-; WW oi" J! TH .CAIOHNA (RAETTE. -4 Fnnusnea. semi-Y eexif r dj i o - - - WES T O N :R ; A L E S yvJ t , EDITOR AD PROPRIETORS: ; J; v t ; . ; .. .-', -.4- '"'-tv t :' is .VmIV TUESDAY, NpYEMBER 10, 1846. POX ZTJTIE, XJb VV"-1--! "rV '"5a r.; "rr W" ..-fstfra-wi. r yn sff ftf v c-w. w rrr-y -y, t-.-n n , H . yr-fty.r' f y ' -"V qsaysjfywas fiimy' m j jt tt v u sassa aw , j" t i. : ., i ill ill ill i i . ill. ill ill i i x mi i '"ii ill ill ill i i . v m , r . 11 i ii i .t.n i . i . v . , .,$.rta' -r'vii';':j-. .' : . ,-,t.-f A&r h.-v: W ;,..rj v'- ----.'-;: ;;:- . WTfXJff J vs r f-' ; 1 Vt" ; " . , TERMS Of JHE SEMtWEEKLYI REGISTER. ' Salicriptions Five dollars per uniiam--4ilf in adTance. . c.-:?;-;' r-v- . Aderliseautt.-Tor erery Sixtien Lines, first insertion, One Dollar; 'each iubaequtat iasertlon, Tweaty-five Cents. 4. f 7 ' Court Order and Judicial 4-dvertUemeat will be charged 25 per ceaL higher ; but a deduction of 33 per cent, will bo mada' from the rejol&r prices,' for Jrertiserfl by the year." '. , ', .. AdvertieemeoU, inserted in the ScxirWimT Rk cisTga, will also appear in the Waaxxr Paper, free of charge.-- - V ' ''. ',' 17 Letters to the Editor most be roerr-PAirt. Notice. A PPLICATION will be mada at the next Session of lhe Legislators of North Carolina; for a Cb.iter extend the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road to tTe S mth Carolina line. : .. , ' '; Acgttt 7, 1846. t : ;s .63 ' WHYHAYE THE AGUE AND FEVER? ' EUICTCS Ague and Fever Pillshsve never Tailed, where directions were ttrictly ' fol 1, to effect l core in from ; Fifteen to ' thirty hours. They are prepared from" simple Vegetable Medicines; and ire,' therefore, the safest, most pteasr ant,' and speediest remedy known,1 for the dire of In termittent. Feerji Tliey have been tried 'in " Con geatia ' Chills of lb worst form, and have invaria bly given, relief, and cared the paueat.- They never aSect the btaln, as does Qaialoe ; or iojore the coo sutation is docs Artenici The money returned in etery esse of failure, where directions are followed. Price $1 per box. Planters, Country Merchants, and Druggist will be supplied, at $ 8 per doaen boxes. Prepared and sold, only by . . .; . -' , , . ,0.;. KEXVyORTHY & CO., rr tianx street, Petersburg, Va: Ausuat 31. 1846. 71 WILMINGTON STREET I M M ED I A TELY OP POSITE THE MARKET, RA.IE1 GH. N. : THE Subscriber has recentiy r turned ' from the North, and has Just Vreceivedj an entire J"ew Stock of Goods coraprwinj a general assortment of DRY GOODS and FAITIIXY GltO CERIES, CROCKET, SUOES, &c fecH to which he would most respectfully ( call the alten tinn of the citizens, of this . place' and -surrounding Country, as he flatters bimel that his prices,1 and , the quality of the articles ; oflered, must ensure sales to all in want of Goods in hi line. V . , i - ,t 'JAMES LITCHFORD. Raleigi,JuIy 11, 1846. 65 P. F. PESCUD, APOTHECARY Alf D DRUGGIST, Is now receiving his Fall supply of Drugs, Medi cines, Pslnts, Oils and, Dje-Siufla, ajl of which he warrants to be fresh and genoioe, they having .been carefully selected by him, during the last month, in the Northern Cities, and feels confident of his sbility to self them' on as favorable terms as can be pui chased elsewhere. . r . , He thereby solicits an examination of his 8tock, from his' friends 'and customers, (particularly those Physicians and Country Merchants who have here tofore purchased, their supplies in Petersburg or 'Rich mdnd,.Va) assuring them, that no exertion on his part shall be. wanted, in order to give perfect satisfac tion, as regards quality .and prices. His 8 lock of Perfom'ery and Fancy Articles, is more varied, beaetifuf, and extensive than heretofore; and all he asks from the public generally, is a call, before purchasing elsewhere. Raleigh, Sept. 9, 1846.' " ' 1 73 TTTLIAS MAUIiES, OpUciart, hss LP J the pleasure to announce - to the Members of ibe Legislature, and the public in general, that he will be at Raleigh during the Session, with a .com plete asoorunent of Hpectaclea and Eve Glasses. His Periaoopic Glasses, of Doctor Weuarraaa inten tion, will be found to produce the purest vision, and improve the sight by continued writing and reading. Persons who are acquainted -with the method by which he adapts Glasses to the far, as well as near sighted eye, will no doubt give bim a call He promises, in short, to suit every eye which has the smallest degree of vision, and benefit those to which, he adapts the Glasses. He will give due no tice of his arrival..' . ." . i . . ELIAS MARKENS, Optician, t New 'Toft, Oct. 26, 1846. - 87 : kt JHE CHEAPEST STORE JNIRALEIGH-a JULIUS M. WOLFF, .; Dealer in French, Englisti and ' American Fancy and Sta- ' r ' V pie Dry Goods. - : i Tr HAVE taken the Stores next door to that for- U merly occupied by Mr. B. B.Sxith, where I am opening for exhibition and sale, the finesi selected and extensive assortment of Tall and Winter, French. English and American FANCY AND 8TAPLE DRY GOODS, ever before offered in Raleigh. : Ladies and Gentlemen are Invited to give me a call, as I am satisfied of my ability to please them in the quality and beauty, as well aa the -price of my Goods. .... - - s i. - Dealers are also invited to, call. as I have many articles suitable for the Trade, which wiH be sold at wholesale only.' - - : JULiUS M. WOLFF, j Haleigh, October 29, 1846 t . f 87 Ira. Hun QuaxTiRi 7t Ditisios N.C. M., " 1 ' . ; ; 8 tan hype, 28th fcjept , 1846. JT Commandants of Regiments r v - 7' You are hereby .commanded to ciTl ro gather. the Officers, Mnaiciana and Soldiers " of your respective Regiments, at their usual placet ef Parade, armed end eqaiped as the law directs,"' for inspection of arms and General Review, as fellows t - - : 224 Reg'rat Nashville, on Thursday, i 12th Nov, 20th - aasVBrldgers, 1 Friday; ' 13th -3U Tarboreogh, i. , - Saturday, 14th I3laa--4.VilliaBisloni -. Mondav. llrhh: " Sl&th i Dawsoa's X R'ds, Wednesday ,' 1 8 th t J 6th - Jackson," - Thursday, r. 19th 1 4th h t - - . M ra. Webb's, Saturday; 2 1 st . 23d .:.-; Warrentao, - ? Monday, ? : 23d " 29th Lookburg , Wednesday, 25th 35th 4- 36th at the City of RaleighFriday, 27th By order oL .tl -t i - -V.iXJ n -. ' 45 Maj.Gen. DawmiS. CaaxsHawv' l7-6t WSI. J. CLEK,4id decamp. "S;: Comftrt and 'Economy. SBSBBSSSB-gBfBBB-aaWSB. Fare reduced 'to $7. to Baltimore. Tia GreensTille and Petenuiirg and Roanoke. and City Point Bail Roads James Rirer and , Chesapeake Bay line of Steamers. . . r FA8SENGERS taking this popular route.will go on direct without delay; at less expense, (than by the Mail Line) with more ease, anil fewer changes of Person and Baggage. '-The Traveller leaves Weldon or Gaston, every night (except Saturday) at 10 P.M., and Petersburg at 6 A. M. for City Point (by Rail Road 9 miles) where they will take one of the sopeiior Steamers, Alice, CapU Skinner, or Curtis Peck, Cspt. Davit for Norfolk, (having a Sne sail down the noble James, with a View of its beautiful scenery, and - James Town by day light .)' ' ; " From thence by one of the Bay 8teamers, the Georgia, Capt. Cannon, Herald, Capt Russell, or ; : Jewess, Capt. Sutton, .Where the Passenger travels while be sleeps and enjoys a luxurious table free of charge. ' ' ' Fare Irom Weldon or, Gaston to Baltimore,; 7 00 Fare from Wcidon or Gaston, to Norfolk, " -4 00 Fare from Petersburg to Baltimore, r 5, Fare from Petersburg to Norfolk; 1 " v -' 1; 00 Meats included always on any of the Steamers of this Line. Passengers getting through i tefcets, are allowed to stop at any point on' the line, and re sume their travel . when ready,"1 without any extra charge ' " ' li a Tickets from' Gaston to' Baltimore; or Norfolk, to be had of C. C. Proa. Esq. at Gaon N.C. , ', 'For Tickets from Weldon to Baltimore or Norfolk, apply to WM. M. MOODY, Jr. , . - : . General Agent. , Office James River and Bay Line, . ,.. ; -Wauov Daror, N. C June 11, 1846.. , y48 y (jBeware of ststements.rosde for the purpose of diverting travel from this popular route. THIS day pnblisned the third vol ume of Iredell's Digest, commencing with the 3d voU" Dcvereox and Battle's Law,r and the 2nd vol. Devereux and Battle's Equity' Reports, and concluding with the 5th vol.' of Iredell's Law, and 3d voL Iredell's Equity Reports in 1845. All orders addressed to -ii -4 i. HENRY JJ-TURNER, ' ' ; Raleigh, N. C. September!, 1846.. . . 70 TO PRINTERS, Type Foundry and Printers' Fur- v -nishing Warehouse. fTnHE Subscriber, (late of the firm of Cockroft J & Overend,) has opened a new Type Foundry in the City of New York, where he is ready to sup ply ordera to any extent, for any kind of Job or Fan cy Type, Ink, Paper, Cases, Galleys, Brass Rules, Steel Column Rules, Composing Sticks,' Chases,' and every article necessary for a Printing Office. v The Type, which are cast in New Moulds, from an entire new set of Matrixes, with deep Counters, are warranted to be unsurpassed by any, and will be aolJ at prices to suit the times. All the Type fur nished by us is ' handcasL" , Printing Presses famished, ; snd also Steam En gines of the most approved patterna. N. B, A Machinist is constantly in attendance to repair Presses, and do light work. Composition Rollers cast for Printer. JOHN A. T. OVEREND. Sept. 18, 1846. 77 6m. TO CLERKS, SHERIFFS, AND ;.' . ; ; ,'corfSTABXES. ALMOST every Blank, now in use, can be pro cured at the Office of the RaIeioh RaeisTxa. printed on good paper, and after the most approved forms. The following List comprises the priucipal forms, viz: - . , For County Court. Parish Indentures, Venditioni Exponas, Writs of Fieri.racias, Bastardy Uonds, writs or ecire racias. Jury Tickets, Witness -do ; Administration Bonds, Guardian Bonds, Appeal Bonds, Writs and Subpenae, Road Orders. Indictments against Overseen of Roads, M arris cm T.irnnces. Dedimnses. Guardian Notices, Sci. Fa. for forfeited Recognizance, Do. against Heirs, dec, etc. . For Superior Court. Venditioni Exponas, Writs of Fieri Facias, Writs and Subpasnaa, Appeal Bonds, Witness 1 icaeis, jury do., Writs of Ca. Sa. 4;e. - ' lrliscellaneons. Constable's Warrants, Deeds in Trust, Cs. Sa. Bonds, 8ute Warranta, Pension Certificates, Con sUhJes' Executions, Constables' Ca. Sas Plain Notes of hand," Constables Levy, Sheriffs Deeds, Warrantee Deeds, Bail Bonds, Fortbcomiug Bonds, Losses' Bank Checks.' Sec. 4-c All Orders from Clerks, Sherifls and Constables, will be promptly attended to. Oetober.l, 1846. 79 tf FIKE rrriTWiP! '''irrtA ISURATVCE COIIPA- ii ' nr iinnioru. uonn.- uutri io insure Buudioga and Merchandize, against, loss or damage by fire j at premiums to sun tne times. Tku aim nf th oideaLanu nest insurance iom paatesin the UnitedStatesand pay aits lossesprompu - Applicationa for Insurance in .Raleigh or Its vi cinirV.tobernaaeto tl fc.' WV WHITING. ; July, -1 846. m n t a 5 .5 . .1 - - C - At ent. t Tn TUCKER & 80N,'have on hand, a com U&i assortment of -j! ( which cannot be surpassed by any Offered la this City. ; If one, of our Hats yon would bat try, . We "warrant you'll call ajairi and buy .J Raleigh, Oct. 26. v ' 86-6t TVTO W READY Turner'a North Carolina Al 1M manac, for 1847. For sale wholesale and "re tail by . : H7 D." TURNER, :- i At the N. C. Book: Store, Raleigh; October 27, 1846. . 1 : - - 'f:j ' 86 i DR. H. F. PEERY'S Vermifuge or "Dead Shot.53 . ruu WORMS. A highly valuable preparation, capable, from the promptitude of its, action, of clearing the sys tem in a few hours, of every Worm. THERE ia perhaps no disease to which Children are exposed ao common and fatal as Worms ; they imitate the symptoms of almost every other complaint, and often produce the most alarming ef fects before they are suspected. The symptoms which are produced by the irritation of worms in the bowels, and which with some degree of certainty in dicate their existence, are as follewa : Countenance pale,' tongue whitety furred,-grinding of the teeth, fetid breath, stomach hard and swelled, wasting of the flesh, sickness and paiha in the stomach, bowels either too costive or too loose, "grest fretfnlness, un nataraTcraving for clay, dirt or chalk, cholic, convul sions, fits, &c. Ac. V ,r " ' '' ' ' " Nnmeroui certificates of the value and usefulness of ibis preparation are almost daily received. The following ts from the Rev. W. B. Wmton, a distinguished preacher of the Methodist Church. - ' ' Abingdon, Va., May 12, 1843. : I do hereby certify, that I have used Dr. Peery's Vermifuge in my family to the great satisfaction of myself and relief of my children. It Is prompt in its action, and in one case removed a Isrge number of worms in three er foor bours after it waa given to the child. I am saiisfled that as' a Vermifuge it ia supe rior to any that I have ever used. v . ; W. B. WINTON. ' Newbern, N. C.i Msy 23d, 1844. Dear Sir I have been anxiously locking for an other supply of your ' Deed Shot Vermifuge," as I have not a single vial left. There are constant ap plications for the medicine, and I should be pleased to supply the demand. It has proved itself, so far as tried in this vicinity, to be a positive specific, and no humbug. Please inform me-by return mail, bow soon you can furnish me with another supply. Truly yours, J. A. LOGAIY. Price 25 cents per vial. Prepared by Dr. H. F. Pxaar, and told wholesale and retail by A. B. & D. SANDS, Dmggists 100 Fulton street, corner of William, INew York; 8old also by P. F. PESCUD, Raleigh, North Car- olina, and by Druggists generally throughout the U- nited Statea. Raleigh, Oct, 26, J846. 86 ly. PORTRAIT AND MINIATURE PAINTING. QjTEHE Public are respectfully informed, that E. fLLj T. Toigt intends practicing the above pro fession. Portraita taken of any size in Oil Colors, and in Miniature, on Ivory. . Persons engaging their pictures from him are war ranted against disappointment, as, in no case, will they be required to take the Painting, unless perfect ly sausfactory to their friends. For the present, he may be found in the Capitol, in the Office of the Door Keeper of the Common's Hall, East wing, on the ground floor ; or. at the City Hotel. Raleish, Oct. 29, 1846. 87 Look Here ! ON each Tuesday, Friday and Saturday evening, until further notice, the Subscriber will have at his Auction anJ Commission Store on Fayetteville Street, a REGULAR AUCTIOX SALE, at which articles of almost every kindjand description may be bought. Sale to commence at earty Candle light. W. U. HUUHES, Auct r. ' Oct. 28, 1846. 87 HEAD QUARTERS 35th REGIMENT, Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 29, 1846. JOHN IL MANLY, Colonel Commanding, To the OJicers and Men of said Regiment : TVmiT ara ordered to meet for Parade, on Ilillabo- U rough Street, in the City of Raleigh, on Friday the Z7th or November, at iu ocioca, armea ana Mill inoed for General Review and Inspection. The Officers are ordered to meet for Drill the day previous, at the Baptist Uroye in said City, at II o clock. 'By Command, C. C. BATTLE, Adj't- CarDctings, OvUR Carpel Ware-rooms are now open, with a II II full assortment of Common. Sunerfine. Three- tu -rA V.n.llin C.mmtnmt ' Rnm of various Onali ties. Green and Printed Floor Cloths, See. &c, all of . ... . . . . . which, we wilt sell in quantities to suit purcnasers, at the lowest possible prices. Orders carefully attended to.- -v PAUL, McILWAIHJS & W. -j. :: East side ef Sycamore' Street, . -Oct. 3188 3t;: Peterabnrg. Va. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL FTflHE Subscribers having purchased the entire q State of North Carolina; with, the exception of two , Counties, now oner. to the puoiica- v v i Composition tortXicbt,rtho Safety, Of which, cannot be surpassed, if equaled, . As the Composition of our Lamps will be exhibited, . it is deemed unnecessary .to say more' v -'; f . : r , ; SCOTT &, 8N0W.-) . Raleigh, Jane 2.1846. . . , .,. . .44 tlan.t. 1.:,' :;FK;KENT;;;;;';:r.": QTZHE commodioua and very convenient Dwelling, tUU belonging to Mrs, lriscuJa ohaw, in which Mrs MePbeeters now resides. . '.,..'. If desirable, possession can be had the first of No- vemler. . , ; , 4AMC3 M. TUWLES. Oct. 15. " ' '"' ' ' 83 St. Mary's School, RAEEIG1I, IV. C. ' Ricnx Rev. (Js. IVES, D. D. Vjsiteh, Rev. ALDERTMEDES, Rectob. rWHE Winter Terra of this School will 1L commence1 November 1 1 lb, and con tiniM tHl April 15tb. 1847. - .. The principal building of this Institution is of brick, 90 by 60 feet, and three stories high. The wings are of granite, 57 by 34, and two stories high. These buildings ere in the centre of an oak grove of 25 acres. and afford ample accommodations for all purposes of a domestic, literary, or religious character connected with the School. The course of instruction in every department is thorough, and is administered by lour gentlemen and seven ladies. It is the intention of the Rector in alt his arrange ments, to sustain, and as far as possible, increase the claims of the School to the very liberal share it has hitherto enjoyed of the public favor and support. TERMS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. For Board, and English Tuition, per term of 5 months j 9 100 00 Tuition in French 12 50 " in Music, on the Piano, Organ, or Guitar I 25 00 With $3 for use of Piano or Organ, Tuition on the Harp with use of instrument 40 00 '. in Drawing and Painting 15 00 Pens and Ink I ' 75 N. B. The clothing of pupils mnst be marked with the owner's aamain full. To prevent rivalry aud extravagance in dress, a simple uniform ia prescribed for Sundays and special occasions , This consists, in Summer, of a straw bonnet with light blue ribbon, and a plain white dress. Their ordinary apparel may be of any material suitable for School girls. Jewels and 'Lace are prohibited. The Religious services of the School being held in its Chapel, by the Rector, pupils have rarely occasion to visit the City. From their friends or relatives in the City, tbey are allowed to accept invitatiops, for the day only, once a month, and never for the evening- Tbey are not allowed to have accounts at Stores except at the request of their Parents or Guardians, nor are they allowed to visit the Stores, without the company of a Teacher. Raleigh, Nov. 8, 1S46. ' 88 IYORTII CAROLINA Mutual , Insurance Company. in)URSUANT to an Ac, of Assembly, a Compa U ny baa been formed in this State, under the name and style of the " North Carolina Mutual In surance Company, and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, viz : JOSIAH O. WATSON, President, . ALBERT STITH, Vice-President, RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, . CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, KSH - WESTON R. GALES, S nm,e' The Company is now prepared to receive appliea tons for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to take risks on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops and other buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against loss or dsmage by Fire. The Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. Smite, at the corner of rayetteville and riar eett Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will Iks cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. I , Raleigh, January 17, 1846 6 tr FEMALE SEMINARY. RAEEIGII, IV. C. Rev. J. J. FINCH, Principal, Mrs. M. E. EIII CO, Miss A. S. T17CK, TeacHcrs. THE next Session of this Institution will com mence on the 1st of October ensuing. The in struction, at present, will be given by three-Teachers, and others will be employed as they may be needed. It is the intention of the Principal to secure the best Teachers, and to furnish every necessary facility for acquiring an exact and thorough education. The Boading Pupils will live together as one family, over whom a parental government will be exercised : and no pains shall be spared to form their manners and habits upon the best principles of taste and propriety. Parents are particularly requested not to furnish their daughters with any articles that may encourage a love of display. ! The deportment and recitations of the fupiis will be strictly noted, ; and a report rendered monthly to Parents and Guardians. Pupils can enter at any time and pay from the time of entering but when entered , they cannot be withdrawn till theend of the Session without the con sent of tbe Principal, nor will any deduction be made for absence, except in cases of protracted sickness. TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS : Board, Washing, Fuel, $60 Primary English Branches, 6 8econd Class do. do. 10 Higher, ! 12 Highest, ' 15 Music, j 20 Latin, . ' 10 French; 10 Italian,' - 10. Needle Work, Drawing and Painting, l(F There wH I be a vacation of one month at the end of each Session.1 durintr which,- Pupils can remain without any extra charge. Raleigh, August 14, 1846. 66 tf To Contractors. Scaled Proposals will be received ontil tbe first day of December next, for the quarrying, delive ry and laying of Rubble Stoue, for the building of a Church in tbe City of Raleigh, on the Lot on which the present Episcopal Church stands. ; ' '' The Building ia to be 103 feet in length, 35 feet wide, and the Walls, including Foundation; to be about 29 feet to tbe Cornice, and 1 loot 8 incite thick. Tbe Plan of tbe Bnitdins: can be seen on application to ibe Rev. R. S. Mason, to whom the Proposals will be directed. - - V A specimen of the kind, of Stone, will bo required to be sent with the Proposals. The Stone to be laid in atronir Lime Cement., well bonded, and the work to be done in a workmanlike manner..: The Propo sals, will state the price per perch, for the. work to be !!' I lOrftfl . . .txi traV sm nlatinn ' saW elusive cT openings. Ralewh, Otrtobe 29. 1846. ' - - 87-tPl 5 tor 6,000. PoundS;Bacon, , At N. B. HUGHES' Auction $ Commission Store AH of North Carolina curing. - If yon want first Tate Hams, just call quick, lor they are going- off fast. October 30, 1846. " :87 JOB PRINTING Neatly executed at this OfEcr, iMathematical and Classical Department: ' , J . m -L 0 v e j oy j'; pbeckptob,' ; Assisted by R;H. SASOrJ. - Mathematical and -Military Department : ' W. F DIStf R&W. THE year will.be divided into two Sessions of five months each the first Session beginning on tbe first of January, and. the second ' Session, on the first' of July. It is the design of the Preceptor, that this Instltu tion shall not be surpassed, in the advantages afforded tor acquiring a thorough English, Classical and Mathematical Education. ' Pupils will be prepared to enter the Junior Class of any College in the United States. ? TERMS OF TUITION. For English and Mathematical Studies, . per Session, . - a . . $15 00 For Latin, Greek, French, Spanish and Italian Languages, per Session, 20 00 The advanced Classes may pursue the Studies of a lower Class, paving only for the Studies of the Class to which they belong. Military Tactics taught to the Pupils, free ef extra charge.- .,. , , 1... I The design of the Military Department being to fit the Pupils to' act, in case of emergency, as" OfBcers, the West Point system of instruction will be carefully pursued, "nor' wilr the Army "Tactics be 'departed from, in-order to exhibit the boys ' for" the benefit of the Institution, or for any other-purposes, -i-. V ? j By an : Act of the last ' Legislatore, the ' necessary arms and equipments will be. furnished by the State, but rarents who wish their children instructed in the Military Department, will be required to provide them witn tne prescribed Uniform.. : . ; .". 1 , ' N. B. A few Pupils will be taken as Boarders, by the Principal of the Academy. . REFERENCES. Hon. Geo. E. Badger, , Hon. Wm H. Hay wood, Hon. R. M. Saunders, Rev. D. Lacy, , i Hon, John H. Bryan, ' Hon. John R. Daniel, . Hon. Richard Hines, Gen. Moye, . , . Charles Hinton, L. D. Henry, r " Wm."F. Collins,,. . James B. Shepard, JL VV. Husted, Ed. Yarbrough, Dr. Baker, E. P. Guion, Esq'r. As the above named gentlemen are well known in the State, I have given their names as reference. They send their souaor"Wards to ray School, and of course their opimons can be confidently trusted. f -'; . V . - J. M. L. . Raleigh, June 18, 1846. , , . ... 49 ' North Carolina LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND; MILITARY Arms and Equipments furnished by , ine stale. , ; , -Referenck J.oy Gentleman in Raleign. . Next Session of this .Classical, English and Mathematical School,' opens on- the 1st of - July, wih advantages unsurpassed in any Preparatory School in Vie South. ' ' ' i Classics, English, etc. ; R. GRAYi :. Mathematics, Tactics, etc; 8. PRESTON. Music, I.I.SOLOMONS. TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS. Classical Department, (Collegiate coarse, in- . eluding full English Studies, with Mathe- -matics,) dec. v : ,v - -.1 $20 00 English do. (Elementary 4r higher branches) 15 00 Military do. (Infautry practice) no charge. T nstrumental Music 1 25 Lessons) . . .12 00 Vocal do. no charge', . - . encing per course 5 00 Surveying and Civil Engineering, no charge. Topographical Drawing, no charge. . Pupils will be prepared to enter , the, adranced classes in any College in the United, States. . , The course of Education is thorough, practical and well calculated to qualify youth for tbe various duties of life, whether occupying public or private,' Civil or M ilit ary stations . ; - - v ' - ' LECTURES. - s During the Session, Lectures on Popular subjects will be delivered, of which due notice will be given in the Public Prints. " ' '- '- ' VISITERS. I Gov. Graham, Rev. A. Smedes, Rev. D. Lacy, Rev. B. T. Blake, - Rev. J,J. Finch, Hon. .G. E.. Badger, . , Hon. Jas. Iredell, . Hon. R. M. Saunders. Dr. Hill, -Dr. Baker, W. R Gales, E. B. Freeman, -Cbas. L. Hinton, Thos.; J, Lemay, Geo. Little, W. J. Clarke, Esquires., Letter-writing, with English ' and Latin Composi tion, will be closely attended to. 1 A cheap Uniform is adopted Dress Parade day, Friday. No deduction made for absence, unless in cases ol protracted sickness. ' ' ' 1 : ' ' - ' A Tew Pupils can be boarded in Mr. Gray faintly Raleigh, June 12th. 47 tf : PAPER WAREHOUSE, NO.9, B.URL1N6S Lt N E W Y 0 R K . plYItlJS. W.-FIEEI, offirrs for Ssle, at Uy the lowest Manufacturers prices,' a very exten sive assortment of PAPER, comprising every possi ble variety, adapted to the wants of consumers in alt sections of the country. Paper of all kinds made to . order at short notice. i 'S v. , v v . : , l ne stock ot prinung paper is unusually large, a part of which is of very superior quality . - PAPER-MAKERS' MATERIALS 7 Of every description,- imported, and kept constantly on hand; viz : - Fellings,' Wire Cloth, Fourdrinier Wires, D leaching Powder,' Blue Ultramarine,!' wine. IRAGSfw Vif Canvass; Bale Rope, Grass RopcBarging.ttne.Vrc purchased, for which the highest price in Cash will be paid, r-'.-i .. . ' , . r . New York, March 18, 1846. . 24 ly Ydiing Ladies 8cu00l.: fTnHE, Young Ladies School in this place,' tinder ,JL 106 oarerof 'theMissesPamTBreoa, ;will com- mence ori Ihe'-ltHlat of September neicaV the 'House formerly occupied by the Muses.PnllismOa Wflmmgton Street. Terms per Session vof rnve . 1 ..1. f ..... T . ... . . - . . "l -English Branches from-, s. ,,.$7 to v .00 French ; si ! !X rawing anaeeie-wora: .. .. , , . ,.fuung;1 .. . ,-r ' 1: - i?- A" - - 00 t riaie,gn,ogu,t,teo. - AlVIaJBE STORIES, ; by Judge Hafibor euested to -attend. -i ir :i:f: tmi, illustrated at theN. C. BOOK' 8 TO RE I U '- H 7 EDWU iJUDLEXrTrcza.t i . ..-Uctoberi 1846. ':. : ;- - ;7 7 87, just opening; . .The. Eargest, Itichest and most complete assortment -of rZfef WATCHESrJEWELEBY 5 That eirer ibil ore appeartd ia Petcrshnr ,-0 x- TTN ofiering the above Goods to the public.' we fee! JJL fully assured that their exceeding richness; grace lul elegance, and, the superiority of their workman ship, will completely defy competition in this market ;' and the prices, too, are lower than ever; o that wa can not only minister to the gratification of the most refined taste, but we can do ao without materially di minishing the furniture of the Pocket. v .vv-, .'. We beheve that we can now please all old,yoopg and middle aged, of whatever condition; andex.r Come and see for yourselves, and you will quickly agree with us, that almost all the, treasures , of , tho mineral kingdom have been ransacked, and the most skilful manipulations of the mechanic arts have befn. exerted to. their utmost, in order to group together newer and brighter beauties for your gratification. "0 Do you want Watches, : Clocks, Chains; ,Rih, ' Bracelets, Necklaces, Breastpins, Lockebj, f Pencils, Pens, Silver Forks; Spoons Knives." LsdleV.; Cuba and Bowls ; or does you fancy j set Jon Amethysts, Topazes Rubies, Emeralds, Pearls, "or : Diamonds We tan supplyyoa with each of allthat; is; if yotl will come aoo'n. F? ".H4,'-'-i"t,,?. ' . - o COSBYHOPKINS & CO.t Petersburg Sept.; SO. i' .'1 i !. . .i- -' 79 Tl RON STOVES, just to hand, for Qreen-housesv JJ Parlours small rooma. &c., air Ught-rmoaUy low prices. Pipes can be made for them here. of any de- criptionrand at the shortest notice. . .'v I A good supply of Groceries, for Whole sale or retail. s : :,: . WILL. PECK. - Raleigh, Oct: 6, 186? i .' 80; : fTnHErSubscribers offer for sale, one of the most 11 - eligible and beaut if nl Residences in the; Citr ot Raleigh. -It has been, for many yearsj occupied by" Mr. B. B. Sxitk, and is situated on tbe most eleva- ted ground about -tbe: CityTlioJwelling Hooso has aix fine Rooms, with fire-places, several fine pas sages, and has atuched every ' riecessary out-house. The Garden is believed to be one of )he very' best in the City, snd there, is a most excellent Spring f Waternear by. ' . - ' ..rp. . cu '-s - J-'f- j ney will also seira email, 'comfortable Dwelling House, near Mr.'AsauT, which "will answer mdst admirably for. a small family. -s a -' ror Terms, which will be accommodating,' applr to either of the undersigned, r? - - , t. : , v - e JOHNi BUFPALOB, ; t WILLIAM HILL. V.-v W . "v'sVt J : Raleigh, Jone U, 1846.: 47-tf N.B.; HUGHES, AUCTION AND :C0MMrSSI0Hl STORf, -'-t'' V" iiAEEiGiii' wJ'cr ' 5- ' ;;,4 " ; f- Petersburg, Tirginia. '2D ffi&gmS toi'Q; MiAcai. w. V f SPLENDID SCHEMES tj - ' , '' " ATTENTION I Adventurers are requested to no tice the fbllowiog Splendid Schemes for this month. Those who may wish to obtain Prize Tickets, are in-' vited to apply personallyor bv letter! to the Suhscri- ber. Dou't foreet ! H ? ' -H. N." 80UIRE: ... xiana or,, retersourg,-v a - " - , " ' ' ' n'.c-tiW'u. ) SAT URD AY,15 N O V EMB ER - 1 4? 184f,-'.f V "Grand CbnsoUdated Lotter 450,000 ! $20,000 ! 910,000 S Capitalg-V ; 1 prize of ,'6,000 . , 1 do , . - 6.000 . "lv do . . 8,604 . ; 40 prixee of 1,000V 40 .do .. . . .500-; U j- w6.W)0 iai;-5itli;fc:S,604; ia r.' .tt 20,000 lOO V Jdo : . ' - 400 r -a i icKeis 9 1 -xi ai ves 0 vuartsrs a Sl t A Certificate of package of Wholes t .14340 A Certificate of a package of Halves ri ,.St7l. 10 A Certrfica eof a package ef Quarters JijjBa SATURDAY.' NOVEMBER lar, 1846; Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class H 75 No. 13 Drawn. -4 't :'?.. . 312,000, 932.O0O. : - I prize of . , ,"; 8,000 I do - . ... 8,000 I do ' - 4 J)00' r 1 priie of r 3380 Pits?, CI 1250 20 .do ' '. l V 600 Ceraficate of package of Wholes j; 110 00 Do , do., Halves ; ; orr 00 Do v'-do: r': i&rftojt .; Cj Remember, in: purchasing by- the package, I always give in three XxtkF'SS' I have every .day Lotteries from 1 to f 20. andwbei - a remluance Is made to ma," large or small, 1 -will al- . ut4va inMt iti tit miuf' Mnnrtt V f lktf irW W K w A The drawings sent, when requesleL'to- all who order sight. ' On all letters endosing. sash -or priz tickets. uviii aaswe - m asv w7aa ni satas - sjmisMsatss aAaa" av aifia a - tbe -postage need not be paid .'oTkkets in ..tbe, aboyet Lotteries are received, and all orders addresssd to mo will meet the most prompt aud confidential attention. ; XAddresa z a. xm- sutKK. t -V v; I.... - v' I"-.'."', ': Petersburg, Va-' QpraHE-Annualtmmojucatiotiof una MAfosrrj tuUBeBT, srillbe holdeain this City, on Monday Evening tbe 7th of December next, at half fast, six o'clock, and will.continuo iu sittings until the busi ness, which; may be brought before U, shall be. adt fit is, very cesir acta tnat (- every snoordinate r Lougo in this. Slate, shoold be represented, and that jrrticd- lar attention pe paid to tne requirements.ot,tne urana Lodge. k.WUiblAU i HUs.' UAin,-; ;t ; 5 '. f-- r-; wana eectetarr: Oct,lB, 1848. Sale of .Weldon Toll: Bridge; TiTVIRTUE of two Deeds m Trosti -execs ,Jy .eoUfeth. debt due to thsUcsrd c' !i- txiiailmwweilwotrf.K DON: TOLL BRIDGE across Roanoke Elver, .Uthsewmrtanc - 0 don.f N. C..- on'Satarcay Hie 15tlt et Dselhher I wheTe disKeJ to purchaas ait ' ' September 14, 1846. , ZZ&yZ --

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