t 1 i VTA V ,' t!Tflli ? :i-;.i ; 7 . f " ' ,4 . 'S 1 I "J urn 11 O: XX - -III I n II l .'fv III 111 ' II" !' .- i. II XJ II V A Jv II Vll I ill 1 -J" rill . - t f 'I I.U.I I.'..'- , III Sji -w I , ."' .j ""-.- . ... ; ...... ..: . . ... A TTD VTMT" T"?T A ' vTN A f7TC TERMS OF THE SEMI-WEEXLY REBISTEHL SMMrritMM.Ttr9 dollars per In ' '," i ' liperM- For -very Sixteen Xtiwt, first insertion,' Oae Dollar J each Wabseqatnt Inwrtioa, iTrenty-fire. Cents. , . v-, ; l i j Court Order mad Judicial AdvtrtUernent wQl be Chrjd 35 per ceatl higher; bat deduction of 33 per ceaL will be made from the regular prices, for . ..'.-.. ' - '. ' . - adferusere oy me year. . , ; AdrertisemeaU, inserted in the Skmi-Wislt Rs- crsTca," will also appear in the Vcxi.t Paper, free of charge.' ' r I SJ" Letter to the Editor most be rorr-nriK ; i WHY HAYE THE AGUE AND; FEVER? E RICCS Ague and Ferer Pills hive never failed, wbera direction were atriclltf fol 1, to effect a care ia , from. FiUen ' to Thirty iojrs. .They are prepared from simple Vegetable Medicines, and are, therefore, the safest, most pleas ant, and speediest remedy tnown, for the cure of In termittent Feert r They hare been tried in M t3on pelie' Chill of the worst form, and have invaria bly given relief, and cared the patients. They never Sect the brain, as does Quinine ; or injore the con stitution, as does Arsenic "The money retnmed in irery esse of failure, where directions are followed. Price $1 per box, PItnters, Country Merchants, and pruggists wilt be supplied at 8 per dozed boxes. Prepared an J sold only by ' l. . v7. J. KLnWiJilTUi oc UU., Bank Street, Petersbury Va. . Au?nt 311846. . " V ' Tl P. P. PESCUD, APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST, Raleigh, n. cr - J i Is now receiving his Fall supply of Drugs, Medi cines, Paints, Oib and Dye-Siufis;all of which be arrants to be fresh and genuine, they having been carefully-selected by him, during the Jaat month, in the Northern CUies,and feels confident of his ability ta sell them oa as favorable terms as can be pui chswed elsewhere. - ; i - ft 1 ' j He thereby solicits an examination of his Block, from his friends and customers, (particularly those physicians and Country Merchants who have here tofore purchased their supplies in Petersburg or Kich mond, Va) sssuriBg them., that .no exertion on hia part shall be wanted, in order to give perfect satisfac tvn, as regards quality and price. ; . ' ! . j His 8iock of Perfumery and Fancy Articles, is m we varied, beautiful, and extensive 'than heretofore; asd all he asks from the public generally, is a call, before purchasing elsewhere.' -.. K Raleigh. Sept. 9, 1846. . ' 72 -if THE CHEAPEST, STORE' IN- RALEIGH. JULIUS M. WOLFF, 1' Dealer In Frcncti, Enslish and 'American Fancy and Sta- . .. . ... , v pie, pry ; Goods. ; ; j ; I HAVE Uken the 8tore, next door Jo that for merly occupied by Mr. B. B. 8tsi. where I am opening for exhibition and- sale, the. fines; selected and extensive assortment of Fall and Winter. French , EagUsh and American FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, ever before offered in Raleigh, j -Ladies and Gentlemen are invited 'to- give me a call, as I am satiafied of my ability to please them In thp quality and beauty, as well as the price of my Goods. . t; . . ..' " . Dealer s are also invited to call, as I have many articles suitable for the Trade, which will be sold at . wholesale only. . Raleigh, October 29, JULIUS 1846. M. WOLFF. 87 lm. Head Qcavtxbs 7th Diyisios N. C. M., Stanhope. 28th SepL , 1 846. To Commandant of Regiment : i You are hereby eomniaoded to call to gether the Officers! Musicians and Soldiers of your respective Regiments, at their usual places of Parade, armed and equiped as the law directs, for inspection of, arms ' and General Review, as follows : ' ' " Dawson's k R'ds, Wednesday, 18th Jackson, Thursday ,t 19th . Mrs. Webb's, : Saturday, . 21st WarreDton, . - M'nday, 23d. ; . Louibarz, Wednesday, 25th 35ih 4 36lh at the City of Raleigh, Friday, 27th By order of . . : . . ; " -. . t , ! Maj. Gen. Daxixx, S. CasssHAW. . ! f 87-60 - ' WM. J. CLARK. Aid de-camp. House . Painting, IT AM prepared to execute the above business in ii the very , best manner, and with the greatest iepateh. - CAMPBELL EATON. REFER TO GEORGE W. MOHDEC AI ESQ. . WESLEY HOLLISTER, ESQ. S. W. WHITING, ESQ. i ! HON. W. H. HAYWOOD, 1 , HON. RICHARD HINES. - Raleizh, January 26, 1846. 8 ly 1 bave employed CAvraaix. to do an extensive job oifaintinz for me some of it of tbe finest kind, and I cheerfully state that he is a skilful, faithful and o- vMgiog wora.maDy aaa moaersie id Dim casrges. -' ' WESTON R.X3ALES. ! Botanico-AIeflical Infirmary. fa AWK ST., PXTTErtSBUIlG, TA. BRS KEN WORTHY dc PRICE, Petersburg. Virginia, are prepared to receive end treat pa teuu from a distance, afflicted with Chronic and aup posed incurable forms; of diMsse, Board, with the tnM careful nursing, can be obtained for $4 per Medical charges moderate. The superiority of the Bouuie Practice, in the cure o( Chronic dis eases, has been fully established: ia every section of our Country. Perwnaafflicted.Wuld speedily avail themselves of this almost certain means of restoration to, health. ; - -r: - i rXj Fist ulas and Csncers pttHly cured without J?":0"". WraaaAxtTw-Cbarg f 100 for Medical attendance. r ; "i Persons desmns furth, ifr..i!.. . 'l.in ..t.lr. .v- 7" wui pie zl" v. , UK nil M. V. H.M.PRfCE.M.D. : July 11,1846.. 66-lj I .Td tbe Ladifis 1 FAL.fi DHESSF. I "ffUST received on Commiasion, from the North V? the very latest styles. : Call and sea. , . Uctober21. , .j, ;f - r 15th - 16th 14th 23d 29ih Comfort and Economy. .It '" , Fare reduced to $7 to Baltimore. Vis Grttnnillc and Peteninr; ind Koanokc, asd City Point Bail Roads James Riicr and 1 Chesapeake Bay line of Steamers. . ' , . KSSENGER8 uking this popular route, will go on direct - without delay, at less expense, (than e Mail Line) with more ease, and fewer changes of Person and Baggage. ' - , The Traveller leaves Weldon or 'Gaston, every night (except 8aturday) at 10 P.M., and Petersburg at 6 A. M. for City Point (by Bail Road 9 miles) where they will take one of the 'superior Steamers, Alice, CapU 8kinner, or Curtis Peck, Capt. Davis for Norfolk, (having a fine sail down the noble James, with a view of its beautiful scenery, and James Town by day light.) From thence by one of the Bay Steamers, the Georgia, Capt. Cannon, Herald, CapU Russell, or Jewei; CapUSattoo, Where the Passenger travels while he sleeps, ajtd enjoys a luxurious table free of charge. -Fare from Wei Jon or Gaston to Baltimore, $7 00 Fare from Weldon or Gaston, to Norfolk, 4 00 Fare from Petersburg to Baltimore, ' . 4 00 Fare from Petersburg to Norfolk, 1 00 Meata included always on any of the Steamer of tan Ltne. rassenger getting through I ukett, are allowed to stop at any point on the line, and re turn their travel taken ready, without any extra charge. - " ; . Tickets from Gsston to Baltimore, or Norfolk, to be had of C. C. Pooh, Esq. at Garioa N. C. For Tickets from Weldon to Baltimore or Norfolk, apply to. J WM. M. MOODY, Jr., General Agent. OIee Jama River and Bay Lint, - . YYxuMX Diiot, N. C, June 11, 1846. . 48 ' (jj Beware of statements made for the purpose of diverting travel from this popular route. frnillS day. published the tbird vol P umc of Iredell's Digest, commencing with the 3d vol. Devereux .and Battle's Law, and the 2nd vol. Devereux and Battle's Equity Reports, and concluding .with tbe 6th voL of Iredell's Law, and 3d vol. Iredell's Equity Reports in 1845. All orders addressed to . HENRY D. TURNER, Raleigh, N. C. September 1, 1818. . , 1 70 TO PRINTERS, Type Foundry and Irixxter' Fur- nisliinff Wareliouse. fTnHE Subscriber, (late of the firm of Cockloft Jl & Overend,) has opened a new lype roundry in the City of New York, where be is ready to sup. nlv orders to anv extent, for any kind of Job or Fan- ( J r cv Tvdo. Ink. Paner. Cases. Galleys. Brass Rules. fitsel Column Rules, Composing Sticks, Cbsses, and ; every article necessary lor a ranting Uffice. . The Type, which are caet in rew Moulds, from an entire new set of Matrixes', 'with deep Counters. are warranted to be unsurpassed by any, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. Alt the i ype ur nwhed by us is hsndcast. .-- Printing Presses furnished, and also Steam En gines of the most spproved patterns. N, B. A Machinist is constantly in attendance to repair Presses, and do light work. Composition Rollers cast for Printers. JOHN A. T. OVEREND. Sept. 18, 1846. . ' 77 6m. TO CLEIIKS, SHERIFFS, AIfI -CONSTABLES. ALMOST every Blank, now in use, can be pro cured at the Office of the Raxsisu Rkoistkb, printed on good paper, and after tbe most si proved forms. Tbe following List comprises the principal forms, viz : , -'. ' ; , For County Court. Psrih Indentures, .Venditioni Exponas, Writs of Fieri Facias, BssUrdy Bonds, Writs of Scire Facias, Jury Tickets, Witness do., Administrstion Bonds, Gusrdian Bonds, Appeal Bonds, Writs and 8ubenas, Road Orders, Indictments against Overseers of Roads, Marriage Licences; Dedimuses, Guardian Notices, Sci. Fa.- for -forfeited Recogoixance, Do. against Heirs, etc, dee, t s Tor Snperlor Court. Venditioni Exponas. Writs of Fisri Facias, Writs and Subpoenas, Appeal Bonds, Witness Tickets, Jury do., Writs of Ca. 8a. 4c. - ITIiscellancons. B ConftaMes Warrants, Deeds in Trait, Ca. 8a. Bonds, 8ute Warrants. Pension Certificates, Con stables' Executions, Constables' Ca. SaV, Plain Notes of hsnd. Constables' Levy, Sheriffs' Deeds, WarrsRtee Deeds, Bail Bonds, Forthcoming Bonds, Leases, Bank Checks, &c 4c " J , All Orders from Clerks, 8herifli and Constables, will be promptly attended to. ' ' October 1, 1846. 79 tf ' . , . - - -" I. - ' ' . 1 r rmnc jetwa ixsuit aivce connA- iL- BfY, of Uartford, Conri. OflVrs to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loss or damate by fire, at premium to suit the times. This is oue of the oldest snd be'sf Ibsurance Com panies in the UnitedStates,and psysitsldssesprompt- . Applications for Insurance inr Raleigh, or Itsti cinity.to be made to f. , ;!, 8. W WHFTTNG; ; JUiy, 1S40. .. . . ; i. .r - .Axeui. Administrator's ' Sale'" . N Monday, the 13d Inst . I will sell at the late) i evidence' of A,' M. Jonxs, dee'd a quantity of Corn; Fodder,' Wheat, and Oats ; . the Stock of Cattle, Horse and Hogs , the Household and Kitchen Fur niture; tbe Farming implements and various other articles of property. -: -.' ;v tl v . , d Temr ntade tnown on day ot sa(e.o i- . ' Also, on the samj day, the Plantation will be rept- ed for the ensuing year. ... '.?. i .. T Z , ALSTON A JONES,' Ad m, t Nov.. 5 th, 1815. . .lu', 91 2ti iilll DR. H. F. PEERY'S Vermifuge or "Dead Shot FOR WORMS. V : A highly volualU preparation, capable, from the promptitude of it action, of clearing the sys tem sit a few, hour, of every Worm, THERE is perhaps no disease to which Children are exposed so common and fatal as Worms ; they, imitate tbe symptoms of almost every other complaint, snd often produce the most alarming ef fects before they are suspected. Tbe symptoms which are produced by the irritstion of worms in the bowels, and which with some degree of certainty in dicate their existence, are as follows : Countenance pale, tongue whiiely furred, grinding of the teeth. fetid breath, stomach hard and swelled, wasting of the flesh, sickness and pains in tbe stomach, bowels either too costive or too loose, great fretfulness, un naturafcraving for clay, dirt or chalk, cholic, convul sions, dts, &c. Ac. Numerous certificates of the value and usefulness of this preparation are almost daily received. The following is from the' Rev. W. B. Winton, a distinguished preacher of the Methodist Church. Abingdon, Vs., May 12, 1843. I do hereby certify, that I have used Dr. Peery's Vermifuge in my family to the great satisfaction of myself snd relief of my children. It is prompt in its action, and in one case removed a large number of norms in three or font hours after it was given to the child. I am satisfied that as a Vermifuge it is supe rior to any that I have ever used. W.B. WINTON. Newbern, N. C, May 23d, 1844. Dear Sir I have been anxiously looking for an other supply of your ' Dead Shot Vermifuge," a I have not a single vial left. There are constant ap plications for the medicine, and I should be pleased to supply the demand. It has proved itself, so far as tried in this viciuity, to be a positive specific, and no humbug. -' Please inform me by return mail, how soon you can furnish me with another supply. Truly yours, J. A.-LOUAN. Price 25 cents per vial. Prepared by Dr. II. F.'PtiaT.and sold wholesale and retail by A. B. & D. SANDS, Druggists, 100 Fulton street, corner, of William, New York. Sold aUo by P. F. PESCUD, Raleigh. North Car- olina, and by Druggists generally throughout the U- Bited States. Raleigh, Oct 26, 1846. 86-ly. Look Here ! 0 N each Tuesday, Friday and Saturday evening. Until further notice, the subscriber will bave at his Auction' and Commission Store on Fsyetteville Street, a REGULAR AUCTION" SALE, at which articles of almost every kindjand description msy be bought. Sale to commence at early Candle light, N.B.HUGHES, A uct'r. Oct. 28. 1846. 87 HEAD QUARTERS 35th REGIMENT, Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 29, 1846. J JOHN II. MANLY, Colonel Commanding, To the Officer and Men of aid Regiment : "TtTOU are ordered to meet for Parade, on Hillsbo j rough Street, in the City of Raleigh, on Friday the 27th of November, at 10 o'clock, armed and equipped for General Review and Inspection. The Officers are ordered to meet for Drill the day previous, at the Baptist Grove in said City, at 11 o' clock, -By Command, C. C. BATTLE, Adj't. NEW AND BEAUTIFCL FTTtHE Subscribers, bsviug purchased the entire ' Jl. Slate of North Caroline, with the exception of two Counties, now offer to the public a Composition for Eight, the Safety, Cost and Ileauty Of which, cannot be surpassed, if equaled. As the Composition of our - Lamps will be exhibited, it is deemed unnecessary to ssy more. . ; , . . .SCOTT &8NOW, Raleigh, June 2, 1846. - .44 tfsn. FOR KENT, QTT3jHE commodious and very convenient Dwelling, sjij belonging to Mrs. Priscilla 8baw, in which Mrs. McPheeters now resides, r J . If desirable, possession can be had the first of No vember. 1 JAMo M. lUWliLS. Oct. 16. 83. IRON STOVES, just to" hand, for Green-houses, '.Parlours, smsll roomi, &c, air tight mostly low prices." , Pipes can be made for them here, of any de scription, and it the shortest notice. H A good supply of Groceries, for whole sale pt retail. , . .. . , , WILL. PECK. Raleigh; Oct. 6. 1846. : . 80 ; ;n; b; HUGHES, ; ; AUCTION AND 'COMMISSION STORE," ' - " - r AEEiGny it. c Sale of . WeldonPoll ' Bridge, eT" VIRTUE of two Deeds in Trust, executed by tbe Portsmouth and Roanoke : Rail .Road Company, to secure the debt due to the Board of In ternal Improvement of North Carolina, the WEL DON. TOLL BRIDGE across Roanoke River, with all the; appurtenances,, will be sold at Public Auction, to the highest bidder for ,Caab, in the Town of.Wet dpn N. C. Saturday, , the 19th of , December next, wlere all persona disposed to purchase are re euested ta attend. , , ... t ' -cvvi :. ED W. a DUDLEY, Trustee, September Uf 1846.. ! , ,.84' St. Mary's School; i RALEIGH, -If C. -Right Rev. IVES, D- - Visiteb, ALD EflT SMED ES, Tctok! 1 npHE Winter Terra of this School will jL cotomertce -Noveiuber 'lllh.rand con- tinue till April 16tb. 1847, Tbe principal buildinz of this Institution is of brick. 90 by 60 feet, and three stories high;- Tbe wings are of granite, 67 by 34, ' and two stories bigli. These buildings are in the centre of an oak grove of 25 acres, and afford ample accommodations tor all purposes of a domestic, literary, or religious character connected wiih tbe School.- . The course of instruction in every department is thorough, end is administered by lour gentlemen and seven ladies. ' It is tbe intention of tbe Rector in all his arrange ments, to sustain,' and as far as possible, increase the claims of the School to the - very liberal share it has hitherto enjoyed of tbe public favor and support. -TERMS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. For Board, and English Tuition, per term of b months 100 00 Tuition in French 12 50 in Music, on tbe Piano, Organ, or Guitar 25 00 With $3 for use of Piano or Organ, Tuition on the Harp with nse of instrument 40 00 in Drawing and Painting 15 00 Pens and Ink 75 N. B. The clothing of pupils must be marked with the owner's name in full. To prevent rivalry aiid extravagance in dress, a simple uniform is prescribed for Sundays and special occasions Tbis consists. In Summer, of a si raw bonnet with light blue ribbon, and plain white drees. Their ordinary apparel may be of any material suitable for School girls. Jewels and Lace are . prohibited. The Religious services of the School being held in its Chapel, by tbe Rector, pupils bave rarely occasion to visit the City. From their friends or relatives in tbe City, they are allowed to accept invitations, for the day only, once a month, aod never for tbe evening. They are not allowed to have accounts at Stores except at tbe request of their Parents or Guardians, nor are they allowed to visit the Stores, without the company of a Teacher. Raleigh, Nov. 3, 1846. ' 88 NORTH CAROLINA Mutual Insurance Companyi PURSUANT to an Act of Assembly, a Compa ny has been formed in this State, under the name and style of the " North Csrolina Mutual In surance Company," and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, vix : ' JOSIAH O. WATSON, President, ALBERT 8TITH, Vice-President, RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, RICHARD SMITH, ) r.,.:M nnm ALBERT 8TITH, i Exec V,TL WESTON R. GALES. S ' The Company is now prepared to receive applica tions for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the nmei By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to lake risks on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops and other buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, againat loss or damage by Fire. Tbe Office of tbe Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. Smith, at the corner of t ayetteville and Hsr gett Streets, where full information snd explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will be cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of tbe Com pany. - Raleigh, January 17, 1846 6 tf FEMALE SEMINARY. RAEEIGEf, N. C. Rev. J. J. FIIVCII, Principal, Iffrs. M. E. FINCH, Miss A. S. TUCK, Teachers; rriHE next Session of this Institution will com. U ' mence on the 1st of October ensuing. -The in struction, at present, will be given by three Teachers, and others will be employed as they may be needed. It is the intention of the Principal to. secure the best Tescbeis, and to furnish every necessary facility for acquiring an exact and thorough education. The Boading.Pupils will live together as one family, over whom atoarenlal government will be exercised ; and no paths shall be spared to form their manners and habits upon the bt-st principles of taste and propriety. Parents are particularly requested not to furnish their daughters with any articles thst may encourage a love of display." The deportment and recitations of the Pupils will be strictly noted, and a report rendered monthly to Parents and Guardians. Pupils can enter at any time and pay from the time of( entering ; but when entered they cannot be withdrawn till the end of the Session without tbe con sent of the Principal, nor will any deduction be made for absence, except in cases of protracted sickness. TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS : Board, Washing, Fuel, $60 Primary English ; Branches, 6 Second Class do. do. 10 Higher, 12 Highest, . 15 Music, 20 1 ! Latin; 10; French, . 10 ' ' Itatian, 10 Needle Work, Drawing and Painting, .... 10 There will be a vacation of one month at the end of each Session, during' which, Pupils can remain without any extra charge. Raleigh, Auguat 14, 1846. 66 tf ; To. Contractors,, Sealed Proposals will be received ontil tbe first day ol December .next, 4oT the quarrying, delive ry and laying of Rubble Stotie, for the building of a Church in the Chy'of Raleigh, on the Lot on which tbe present Episcopal Church stands i - - Tbe Building is to he 103 feet in length, 35 feet wide, and the Walls, including Foundation, to be about 29 feet te tbe Cornice, and 1 foot 8 inches thick. Tbe Plan of the Building can be seen on application to the Rev. R. S. Masoxi, to whom the Proposals will be directed,, . " ; V .... . .r i A specimen of the kind of Stone! will be required to be sent with the Proposals. Tbe Stone to be laid in strong Lime Cement; "well bonded,- and the work to be done in si workmanlike manner.' The Propo sals will state tbe price per peroh; for tbe work, to be roeasored tn ! tbe Wall npon it completion ex clusive ef openings. ' f--.u Raleigh. October 29. 1846. ,; , , 87 (Dl. V At N- B. HUGHES'. Auction $wtmitsum Store, Alt of North Carelinit curing. :' ITyoo Want first rate Hams, ust'eail quick, for they are going off fast. $ " October 30 1846- Its w.U -r,- 'k :. 87 Neatly executed' at this Office, J RAEE1GH y J. M. LOVE JOY, PKECEPTOJt,; . Assisted br R. H. JHASON. - Mathematical ahaV Military Department : ' W. F. DISBRQ W : ; .THE year will be divided into wo Sessions of five months each ; the first Session beginning on the first of January, and the second Session, oh the first of July. , . . It is the design of the. Preceptor, that this Institu tion shall not be surpassed, in the advantages afforded for acquiring, a thorough English, Classical and Mathematical Education. L . V Pupils will be prepared to enter the Junior Class of any Collegetn tbe United .States. TERMS OF' TUITION. For English and Mathematical Studies, . per Session, ' ' $16 00 For Latin, Greek, French; Spanish and .': i Italian Languages, per Session, " 20 00 The advanced Classes may pursue the Studies of a lower Class, paying only for-the Studies of the Olass to wbich they belong. 1 . - " - - Miliury Tactic tauehtto the Pupils, free ef extra charge. .. The design of the Military Department being to fit the Pupils to set, in case of emergency, aa 'Officers, the West Point system of instruction will be carefully pursued, nor will the Army. Tactics be departed from, in order to exhibit the boys, for the benefit of the Institution, or for any other purposes. . . , ''i, By an Act of the last -Legislature, the necessary arms and equipments will be furnished by the State, but Barents who nixh their children instructed in the Military Department, will be required to provide them wit n the prescribed Uniform.- N. B. A few Pupils will be taken as Boarders, by iue jrnncipai oi toe Acauemy; KKrEKENCES. Hon. Geo. E. Badger,' 1 Hon. Wm H. Haywood, Hon. R. M. Saunders, Rey. D. Lacv, ' Hon. John H. Bryan, " Hon. John R. Daniel, Hon. Richard Hkies, . Gen. Moye, -'' Charles Hinton, ' L. D. Henry, ' Wm. F. Collin, James B. Shepard, H. W. Hosted, . Ed." Yar brough , . Dr. Baker, K P-Guion, Esq'rs. As the above named gentlemen are well known in the State, I have given - their names aa. reference. They send their sens or wards to my School, and of course their optuions caa be confidently trusted., . J. M. Li. Raleigh. June 18, 1846: 1 49 North Carolina r LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY Arms and Equipments furnished by tne state. . Rkfexksck Any Gentleman in Raleigh. Next Session of this Classical, English, and Mathematical School, opens ' on the '1st. of July, wua aavamage .vnsurpassea m any jrreparaiory School tn the Aoutn. , , Classics, English, etc. ; ; R.GRAY...' 7 Mathematics, Tactics, etc; t 8. PRESTON. 4 Music, ' 1. 1. SOLOMONS. . TERMS PEE SESSION OF FIVE MOSTHS. Classical Departmeat, (Collegiate course, in- . . . . eluding full English Studies, with Mathe matics,) dec. L f f 20 00 English do. (Elementary a) higher branches) 15 00 Military do. (Infantry-practice) no charge, - Instrumental Music 25 Lessons) t 12 00 vocal do. no charge, Fencing per course ; 6- 00 Surveying and Civil Engineering, no charge. Topographical Drawing, no charges - '. Pupils will be prepared to tenter the. advanced classes in any College in the United States. ; t The course of Education is thorough,-practical and well calculated to qualify youth for the various duties of life, whether occupying public or private, Civil or Military stations... . .:. : ; : , LECTURES. .. , - , During the Session.- Lectures on Popular subjects will be delivered, of ' which due notice will be given in the Public Prints. . . - i j v , .;. t : VISITERS. Gov. Graham.' Rev. A. Smedes, Rev. D, Lscy, Rev. B. T. Biske, Rev. J. J. Finchr Hon. 6.E. Badger, -Hon. Jas. Iredell, Hon. R. M. Saunders. - Dr. Hitr, Dr. Baker, , W. R Gales, . E. B. Freeman, Chas. L. Hinton, ,Thof, JJ Lemay, Geo. Little, ; -': W. J. Clarke Esquire. Letter-writing, with English and Latin Composi tion, wilt be closely attended to. V A cheap Uniform is adopted Dress Parade day, Fridty. . ,": ; ! ' v ;- ' x ., ; No deduction made for absenceunless in cases of protracted sickness. '' ! ' - ' A lew Pupils can be boarded in Mr. Gray s family Raleigh,' June 12th.' j 47-tf. I PAPER WAREHOUSE, NO. 9, B.URUN6 SLIP, NEW YORK. TplYltUS AV. FIELD, offers for Sale, at U7 the lowest Msnufacturers' prices, a very exten sive assortment of PAPER, comprising' every possi Die variety, adapted to tbe wants of consumer to all sections of the country. : Paper. of all kinds made to order at short notice. t -H . ,,- " i- ; The Stock of printing paper is unasnally larxe. part of which i of very superior quality: r -1 ' PAPER-MAKERS' MATERIALS t Of every description, imported,1 and kept constantly on hand, vix :n Fellings, Wire' Cloth, Fourdrinter Wires, Bleaching Powder, Bute UlUamarine.Twine. Canvass, Bale Rope, Grass Rope, Bszeinsr. 4-c. dc purchased j for which . the highest prioe in Cash will bepaid-fc-Vi i'n-vf f & VL ; 5; -Mx' New York, March 18, 1846.1 24 rly Watcnes, Clocks and Jewellery. Tempus rerum imperator., s .-" .A'-'"' . TH E undersigned would ; ' respect fully inform the ctti i sen of Raleigh that he. ha tpened a Watch and Jewel- vkry, Stpre 60 Fayeitevflie , Street,' two doOrs below ti i" . sr' . '-"- m -j" I Messrs. rv. cf r a. &iun, Jp -where jb,e will keep oa hand UW fNUfUIKDI Ol i - Jewellery and Musical Instruments. , Being & thproogh practical Workman, he wille pair Watches, Clock, Musical Instruments and Jew ellery of every description,' oeaUy and substantially at moderate prices Confident ef.his ability j to give sati.iacuon, ne souciis a snare oipudiio patrons go. : B.KAYTON: TrsteJffbl Sent. Q. 1 848. " gmj'y Oct-1,186 1 ' f licsu stfpiivr Such as Reisin; whole half and ooirter Be I" Figs, and Darter, Citron Mi Pfttneav Gra6eV ' uUNafFiJm-fberta 'AJnndvr EngliW A ? m fi S t f flf 0 F C 1 Nfl f J : Butter, Soda aod Water Crackers, "and i lot fit SW, -; ' : . kets suitablefor School Giris, -- J i And many other article loV fedloos It, eniionv Now 7.184S. ' v.r.;- - 90.. Br Smith & E. Rowlett. ; T UP STAIRS.:: I ; Fayelte?ne , Street; Balelffi. tL. m titi Ssnh of OUTER w PMCTEiVS WOULD respectfully inform their fiend in the public genertllT. that they have MsoeiaV ted themselves together, for the nnroose' of earrvini on the.TAiuEUto Bcsikess, la all its breaches, in this c-ny, and earnestly solicit a share of public patronage;' They will WA&BAN their work Ia be mncaUtd in style,' not Jo be excelled by any publishment fn lhV City, either a it )speets the durability, neatness ; o the a-la-mode of their grmsnt.'' Hating just re'' ceiyed the latest" Northern Md ' Farfeiah Plata of F asbion, they feel cqmpetent ta'gi re5 trf customer IsX Up-top fit, after any style or fashiB l&eyniay le!t A their terms wiU be ctmmenwrate; with the bard nesa of the timee, they hope te reeeive liberal share) of public patronage. -,;. . v ---' v - - ;- -'. oui in an fu department, attended tor faithfully, and With protnntitnde. ;v Havmir a GntUlr , of our own; we will take pleasure in accompanying gentlemen, and Sid them in the selection of good ar ticles intended for our manufacture. Please gite as)' aeail. 5 SMITH ic ROWLETT. ' -WT Up Stain, oyer Jbo. Creech's Store," oae door North of Oliver & Procter's Tailorinr Establishment TpTEIIRY I. TIJR1IER has 1 or ala LI M a large end beautiful assortment of juvenile Works, to which he would particularly call the gt tention of those wishing to? purchase,- among -themr may be found some very suitable for holiday and, birthday presents. Also some - , t,'j for 1847, among which may be fbttnd the following i, 4 lie oouaoir innaai, . . -i --r-i- M Opsl, a pure gift for the Holidays, may flower, , . . . " Hyacinth. - : ' i-Z'" - Mother Present, Gift to thft veafftf . testhef with the Bridal Wreath, Bridal Gift, Marriage Ring. Floral Wreath, Token ofXove Friendship, Remenx: brance, Floral Gift, ec N. C. BOOE STORE, j , : suaieigb, Koy. iu, 1846. : j Xi-r3Z.i.,r- 90--r- JUST OPENING, , Tne Eargest, Richest and most complete assoranent ox ji?? WATCHES JEV tER Y; : LSra &eiJOJlSg.. , That eier lefoire gppyed inlFetergrf IN offering the above Goods to the pnbllc Ws feet f fuify assured that their exceeding richness, graced tul elegance, and the superiority pf tbeir workman ship, will completely defy competition is this market 1 and tbe prices,, too, are lower than ever, so that wt ' csn not only minister to the gratification of the most refined taste, but we can do so without materially di minishing the furniturs of the Pocket; Hajftj We believe that we can now please all-s-eld, tonns? and middle aged, of whatever condition and er i Come and see for yourselves, and you will qnickl - agree with os, that almost all the treasure of the) ' mineral kingdom have been ransacked, and the rhost skilful manipulations of the mechanic art hsvs beeii exerted to their utmost, in order to group together i ! newer and briehter besntles for Vani trril(irtiimizi 3 Do yoa want Watches, - ClocksV Chains, 'Rlae. :Z Bracelets, Necklaces, Breastpins, Lockets, Peocilr, r fens, Silver Forks, epoons, Knives, Ladle," vopa -and Buwls or does you fancy set on Amethysts Topazes Rubies, Emeralds, Pearls,' dir Diamonds t ' I w e can supply yon with each or all that is, if yoa ' will come soon. '''-"-'!': -'.. ,T COSBY, HOPKINS St CO. V- Petersburg, Sept. 30. ' '-'V. Most desirable Property; T TTHE Subscribers ofler for saleione of the most Jl eligible snd beautlfnl Residences fa ths City of Raleigh." It ha been for litany years, oceapied by Mr. B.B. 8xiTH,and i situated oa the feioit elevx ted ground about the CiXf, , The r.DweIling Uonse) has six fine Rooms,' with fire-places, several rxnepss sages, and has attached every necessary 1 enthouse Tbe Garden is be lievedfto be one of th cry best jn tbe City 1 and there 1 most excellent spring 'of w aternear bfstj v:ifv - IX'A W ifii t- They will also sell a small, comfortable Dwelliinr House, near Mr. Asa tar, which will 'answer xsost admirably for a small famify. r4,. For Terms, which will be accottmodatiflg, sppiy to either of the undersigned. '- ft" jv ; -j ' 4 JOHN BUFFALO!?, --' JOHN HUTCH INS, -, - WILLIAW hill; Raleigh, June 11, 1846r Jm 47 if or nortii caroi.i2Ta QTTXHE Annual Comnrentcatlott of fhi flASoirf r SBobt. will beholden in this City, on Ifondsr r Evening the 7fh of December next, it half past afac o clock, snd will continue it sitting until the bust ness, which may be brought before it, shau be Su it is very uesiraote mat every cuooroinaie xtouget Jn this State, should be represented, and thst particu lar attention be paid to the requirements! the Ursad ,uruq oecretary,. Oct. 15. 1846, :83 TTTITCHINGS of a Whaling Cruie,wtth sJtetchesJ iFl of parts of the African Coast, and Including a history or tbe Whale fishery, by i. Ucrs D. Uonne, illustrated by numerous eogfavinpL ; FcTsila af tho .. NORTH CAROLINA BOOK3TOnH i ' Raleigh; November 101B4S ) ' W Jl Schools, &c-Liddell and Scott Creek arid EngluA Uxlconi Onsol v 170a Tbkay r'NovC1084&:'t ."-it7 73 GrandLOdge ; U by BttK a 8oor caieta, n. unxa pzr-;:-chased in any Quantity l thS AnctloB arid Cor.-..;. sion Store oC : rBUOlipx nut. St If P I k If m 1 H f i 8 Wf