't r - . N.. - ,--' s ,Jv"' f---jB- - .-i.r;.:.v- w- ...:U:.f-s. ...... ' ' r - mimT.mnitmm .if TUESDAY, DECEMBER l; 1846, J t'-i -" 4 , t , ... - "-j I. VI--II-II-SV-IVJ I IV.IHw II '1-1 " II . AV.r 1W I Ii .11'-II' IXV AV-. ' ll : ' ,AV . . U" II V" I .' IUI" : .--- .-a. rjx - r . - ' ' ' ' ' .'-.'-.... . . -. . ... i t ". .. J .. .,.V.A -. . . - i ....... . ; ST - 1 V .1' ... .- r-- sin t toS Of HE SEMi-WEEKiV REGiSTElL i buhteription. FIt doHart perainam-hlf in . j ' ' " V-i: '.:s'.-t . i&ti9eftmts.YQT' tTtry firat Urlioo, Oaa Dollar; each ttbeut( ioMrtion, BOty-five Centa. ,. i. Camkt Orders and Judicial AittrtUtmtntt wlttbt charged 33 per ceoU higher ; tat a dedoctioa of 33 J Jer cent, will be made from (tke regular prices, for 4rtiers by the year. - i.-.s.-s. k,- !Adf ertkemeats iaaorted to the Ssm-WcuxT Rc toirffirwiH also' appear In tha AVuxtr Paper, free of; charge. !,4 s . v.-;,.,--A D Letters t the Editor nnst be rorr-r aid. , jWHY HAYE THE AGUE f AND' FEVER? - Ayneaud Fever Pill htte never failed, where iirecMoo men ririctl fol loared, to effect a care ity (tvmFifleen , to jtkirty hqurt. The? are prepared from simple' Vegetable Mdiciries, and are, therefore, the safest, most pleas ant, and apecdiastjemed known, for the cure of In termittent Veer.' They hae been tried in 4,Jon gMtlva Chin of the worat form, and hare iovaria bl fa relief, and cured the pauenU." They never affoct the brala. as does Quinine j or injare the eon sutulioa. as does Arsenic The money retarned in every cMe-of failure . where dtrceiions Jire-fallowed. Price $1 per box. Planter, Country Merchants, and ( Droffwt srill he sappUed at 8 per dozen boxes. ' PreparcM and sold only by - : " ; ;.r -j x - z J KEX WORTHY & CO.. 't-j.ijrt ,- -jiDana;irei,-1 eieruurf , v a. lAoitut 3U184S. 71 Botanico-MedicatP Infirmary, juAK ST,VPiETERSBa7RGTA, PRS KENWORTHT dp PUIUE. Pelersbur5. .Virginia, are. prepared, to receive and treat pa tie.auTrooa. a din ance, afflicted with Chronic and sap poated Inearahle forms of lieae. . , Board with the m'Mt careful narsiof, -can. be, obtained Tor per week. Medical charges moderate. The superionty cfsths Boiaaic-PiacUce, in the cure of, Chronic di cajMs. has been fatly .established in every section of our Country Frons afflicted, shoqlt) speedily avail thiaselves of this almost cerLaia aieans of restoration obeaIth,- -.u-ov ,.. v. l . ,u ;-' -. j CTwa1' and Csncera speedily , cured without retort iit the KnifeCrata ..VVataaxTaj Charge JljOO for Afediral attendance, 3 j - jPercqns desiring further , information, win please address the ubcribers.po7 paid.', -. .i; i. . y -,. . H.M.PKICE.M.D. . Inly 1 1, 1846.-; . -: -. i v .r : - 66-ly TfUT received on Coinmissiorj, from the North iU the very, Iatet styles. Call arid see," " " . 17 H. 8.MJW, . October 21 85 photography. TO MEMBERS OF-THE LEGISLATURE. TVJTK DOKATr repectfullr legs to annoance IV LL o the members of the . Lerilature,Mbat he wtit.be prepared to take Photographic Portraits dur ing the Session in .Raleigh. -His Portraits, corobin int A latest improvementa, with the heal tnaieriala, Vannot be surpassed either in. disUBetness of outline, or jba correctness of resemblance. Mr D. being him self an Artist, is enabled to give the best effects, both in groo ping and colorins;:' - s- ' l ; i 4 Portraits taken of all sties, and in. alt weathers tnstmctiun, as Qsaal, in the Art,' ChemLals and Apparati for eate. ' 1 1 ' : Italeigh. Nov. tO. 1816. " - " 78 fry- Mr; TOIOX, portrait and 511 na ture Painter also occupies a iiortion of the above HaH. ' ' ' - - ' V ' ; Large Stock of v Groceries. jronir n. wn it able r; r IS nowopeorag. at his old Stand, opposite Lawrence's I Uote1 tn LtaaocsT and Bsst aswtraeol or , , Evr before ofiVred in this market J sach as Loaf, Crushed, Powdered and Clarified Snzart ! Brown tlo.', beat quality; Coflee, of tha tery vest qaality;(( Imperial, Young iiyaon. arid ' Uaopowder Xeas;,insare Buildings and Mercbandi CHEESK aod SRICErsBACOX: and LARD; MEAL and FLOUR, .when, loan eel that which is good; Candlxs, all kinds ; Snca,' Parraa and Gnt ai; Icstaxd, ib Boxes and' Bottles ; MOLASSES; Liverpool and Bbwa. SALT, Iarjfo Jot aod many ctCler' articles nW named. t. " . ''" . i Also." an extensive .assortment of .FEEDERS, which. will bo sold onoiually low." '.- ; .. , L', . ' All of toy friends who feel disposed to patronize me, Vill please call at my old stand, on , Fayelte'ville St; where they will fiud fod articles, on jv3g, terms, aod elf paioa taken U please those who pay call with the ready J- my terms will "be Cash. I intend to sel as low as any other House in Ralegh. Cotton, Uleal or JRoMr, , taken in( exchange for Groceries of nyk'ind:' V, . '""'."." r:'.'.x".. .". -V,,", Slf ConfecUbnai-T Store, near the State House, will also be con U'nu ally well supplied wither ryi article usually ' to be fooDd in establishments of tha kiud. and of the best qoalily.' 'Call and examine for! yourselves. - J. IL WU1TAKER. . ' Raleib, Not.2, 1846. 88 I um-Week It recelvlnz - additional supplies, sf Uedieme,P mints, i Oil, and atker- tUl i d ilyrtpared So sapplm PAttnciam; MeTthants. and the Pablic generally, an the meet accommodating terms'. ; Prescript ion tmd family 1 recipe, carefully und accurately compounded at all hoars of tko day nnd nigkt,'citk neatness and despatch,-' - - V l - P rPESCUIr, Druggi.?.; 1 ... jM Qst ; desirable Txop ef ty.i :.. ITTT1H&. Sabseribara offer for sale, one of tbe most - JJ-i-ehgiWo and beauiUrd Reside sees id- the City of Kaleighi It has been for many years, occupied by Mr. B. B. Sa its, and is skvated on tiie most Heva- ted ground about- the) -City. Tbe Dwelling House has sis fine Rooms, wilbJire-pUceiv several floejpas fcaresrandlasrattached 'every necessary " out-hou. Tha Garileh ta beDeved tp be onejnf the .wery let In the'. City end there is a most excellent, spring of ."Fof Terms, which "will be .accommodating. FJ 'to fttbe'i of the undersigned. . JOHN BirFFALOB; ! I "JOHN HUTCH INS. I WILLIAM III U.t UaTeitfh. lone 11. 1848, ; V , 47 tf A. C10XTOT YAIIXS, V have now both j coarse aod fide number on hand. ' - Nav. 27. ' -r K-iJ.-; -WILLI PEC1L : t FJLOrn akoisst to band, t 95 3t Comfort 'and; Economy Fare reduced to $T to-Baltimore. Via Grtf nsTille aod. Fetenbnrg: and. Roanoke, and City Point Rail Roads Jamci River and Chesaptake Bay Liner pf Steamers. ; ; F88E NGERS taking; this popular route, will go on direct without delay, at less expense, (than by the Mail Line) with more ease, ami fewer changes of Person and Baggage. ; : 1 . The Traveller leaves Weldon or Gaston, every night (except Saturday 1 at 10 P. M., and Petersburg at 6 A. M. for City Point (by Rail Road 9 miles) where they will take one of the supeiior .Steamers, Alice, Capt. Skinner, or Car Us Peck, Capt Davis for Norfolk, (having a fine ssildown the noble James, with a View- of its beautiful scenery , and James Town by Jay liaht.) - ; . J Trom (hence by one of the Bat Steamers, the Georgia Capt.'Cannori,' Herald, Capt. Russell, or hues, Capt. Sutton," ' Where the Pa sengeM ravels while he sleeps, and enjoys a luxurious table free of charge. Fare (rem WelJon or Gaston to Baltimore, 00 Fare from Weldon or Gabion, to Norfolk, 4 00 Fare from Peieraburg to' Baltimore, 4 00 Fare Troin Petersburg to Norfolk, I 00 Meals included always on any of lite Steamers of this Line: Passengers getting thrvugh Tickets, are allowed to stop at any point on the line, and re sume their travel when ready,' without any extra charge. ' Tickets from Gaston to Baltimore, or ISorloIk, to be had of O C. Pcbh, Esq. at Gaon N. C Fur Tickets from Weldon to Baltimore or Norfolk, apply to WM. M. MOODY, Jr., General Agent. Ojfiee James River and Boy Line. - WatBo Difot, N. C, June 11, 1816. 48 -. rXj Beware of statements made for the purpose of diverting travel from this popa'ar route, v .- T111S day published tiie third vol ume of Iredell' Dicet, commencing with the 3d .vol. Devereux and Battle's Law, and (he 2nd vol- Deverenx and Battle's Equity Reports, and concluding with the 5tb vol of Iredell's Law, and 3d vol. Iredell's Equity Reports in 1 845. ..All orders addressed to ' .. ' . . UENRY D.TURNER, Bleigb,N.C. Septemher 1, 1846. .. . , 70 'TO ' PRINTERS. Xy-pc Foundry and Printers'; Fur- - ' nisnlng Warehouse. , . i fTflHE 8uDtcrtler, (late of the "firm of Cockroft J Oveirend.) has opened anew Typa Foundry in the City of New Yoriu where he is ready tosup. ply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job or Fan cy Type, Ink," Paper J Canes. Galleys, Brass Roles, Steel Column Rules, Composing Sticks', Chases, and every article neceWary for a Printing Office.-" The Type, whteh sre cart in' New 'Moulds, from an entire new s t of Matrixes, with deep Counters, are warranted td be unsurpassed by any, and will be sold at prices to so ft. the times.' All the Type fur nished by us is" handcast." . - Printing Presses furnished, and also Steam En gines of the mot aproved patterns N. ' B A Machinist is crtnstamly in attendance to repair Presses, and do Utfht work. Composition' Rollers cast for Printer. --- -- 1 ' JOHN a; t. overend. s,:Sept. 18 I846.V.V " ; 776m. FUSE !."' "" rmilE JETNA IXSDRAIVCECOMPA- NY, .of Hartford, Conn. unera to ze. seninst loss or ilsmase bv fire, at nremidms to suit the times ' .This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com. paniesinthelTnitedStateandpaysitsIoHesprompt' Applications lor insurance to iaieign,nr vt elnitj,to be made to J t . . 8, W. WHITING. July,, 1846.,.,, , v, ,.. iw , Agent. - PAPER WAREHOUSE. N 0 3; BURLING SLl P, NEW, YORK, riYIlUS W.: FIELD, offers for 8sle, at SJ the lowest Manofactorers prices, a very exten sive assortment of PAPER comprising ovevy possi ble variety, adapted to the wants of consumers in sit sections of the country. Paper of all kinds made to order at short notice. ' ' - -' . . The Stock of 'printing piper is nnosoallj Urge, a paft of which is or very superior qusiuy, . PAPER-MAKERS' MATERIALS, ,J hfaTerv describtion. imported, and kept eonstsntly o. hand, vizi Feltinis Wire CJohI Fourdrinier Wires, Bleaching Ppwdetj Blue UltramarinepTwine, Z.J.'-i - HAGS, : -. ; " rr.nxa. Bakf Rone. Grass Rope, Baaaing, 4c o .h.t fn which the Juabest Dfice in Cash will waMvws - w b paid. -''. --v- .'" ' 1 ' eye York, March 18V 1846, 24-ly Tr ni TP Tit! IT acaiu 1 ,iot received. addt- JJ J tionsl soppy pf Ksssett oppex leather for coarse oboes, otc OCC , .. f , .t r. . " a v,v. , TOI1 CCO I, TOBACCO ..frUST.rVeeivedw, some of j&;UKst. celebrated ,To baceo 'St.KrauseVjCiga Storey of the fuHrtwing Brands f ; t,V".r : coneistiat; Fihere Preroiurs Dollar, Hates' flam years wa J as. Thomas' Gold Lesf," Priest ITaVwoaVls,?1 LucimisLnxury.' ' Fishe'rnXX:impsriil.rt" JrtrrGraliQVr- Jrnea'oV 8oV; - r A: CalinW.V FisheV e"xtra5s. lumps. tllar IJf eop.- HoneyDewi Onborne and bragtr-, 4c &c, which will be -sule very low wholesale and retail bj .. . JOHN J. K1TAUSB. , :. i'a ' Fayettavillsi at, oppodte City Hall. ' Raleifh, Nor, 19. j ix i . . t si v. 93 -Trn IVUP.ATtV Tnmr'i North Csfolinal At Py " manac, for 1 87. For sale wh. leale and? re tail by r- , - - - - H. D. TUKIS Ell, At therrr. V. uooia twre, ttaieign. October 37, 1J6V -J ' Z"jz?l .wiiW .a-i ft S.9Q GENERAL ORDER! EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. ' Raleigh November 19fAj X846." ' j Y AN OFFICIAL PDBUCATION, dated i the 10th day of July last, the Governor, as Captain General and Commander In Chief of the Militia of State,' had the honor to offer his thanks to those of his fellow-citixens, who so promptly tender ed their services, for the prosecution of the existing War with Mexico, in 'compliance with .his Procla mation of the 224 of May preceding, and to make 1... .V -. ' I i i 1 i . uivnu uio vsuui panics nuv xiiiu oeeu uesiimaiea uv lot, to form the Regiment of Infantry required by the rresident of the United states. . . In the requisition of the War Department, under which that Proclamation was issued, the Volunteers were called for by the authority of the Act of Con gress, approved the 13th of May, 184C, but the length . - . , . . ... oi time, aunng wnicn ineir service would oe expec- tca, was not specified, i he Act declares that they may be accepted "to serve twelve months after they shall have arrived at the place of rendezvous, or, to the end of the War unless sooner dLfcharced" thus making two distinct terms of service, the one certain . , . . i . . . in aumuon, me omer unccruun. The Couimaudemii-Chief now announces the re ceipt of another RequUitiou from the President of the United Stales, dated IClh iuit. of a Regiment of lu faulry for immediate aervice, and to be oouliuued therein " during the War icith Mexico units sooner discharged." The said Regiment to consist of f 1 Colouel, 1 Lieutenant Colonel, 1 Major Field and Staff. I Adjutant and Lieutenant cf oue of the Companies, but not iu addition. 1 Sergeant Major, I Quarter Matter Sergeant, Non-Commission 1 Staff. 2 Principal Muaiciaus. . i 10 Companies, each to consist of , 1 Captain, -1 Firat Lieutenant, 2 Second Lieutenants, j . . 4 Sergeants, - . . 4 Corporals, 2 Musicians, ( bO Privates. Should the number of Privates, on being mustered. not fall below C4 effective mvu iu a Company, it will be received. This requisition also' contains the following an nunciation : "By the act of Cougress above referred to, (I3th May) it wiu. be seen that the terms of ser. vice are for " twelve montha," or to the end of the War, unless sooner discharged": and it may be, that the Regiment, which has been enrolled iu your state, and w now ju readiness to ruler the service, may regard their offer as made with refereuce to the former period. Should this be so, your Excel- leocy will cause them to be informed, that the en gagement required by this requisition, is to the end of the War with Mexico, unless sooner discharged, and on this condition only, will their service be re- ' quired. Willi this understanding, the Regiment will be accepted. If tha modification suggested, should not be acceptable to the Regime lit which has tendered its services, you are respectfully requested to proceed, without delay, to enrol and organize one, in fulfilment of this requixition." The i.'aptain of each of the ten companies rompo sing the present Regiment of Volunteers, will there fore on receiving this order, forthwith muster his com psny, aod make known to them, the terms on which they are expected to enter the service, as above set forth, and call fur recruits to raise his number and or ganization to the new requirement, lie will also report to the Adjutant General, the result of such pro- ceeding at the earliest day practicable. In ca o( accepting the present terms, the several Csptsin aforesaid will cause their Companies to be in resCi ness for marching orders, without delay. The place of rendezvous will be desijnaied in a eabneqoent Order, within a very few days, and Officers of the Quarter Msster and Subsistence Departments will he ordered to such place by the War Department with funds to meet the expenses incurred.' Non- Commissioned Officers, Musicians and Privates will receive in advance, on reaching the place f rendez vous, twenty-one -dollars, to pny for, or provide. Clothing for six months ; and will also be allowed Fifty cents for every twenty miles distance for sub sistence in goinz to the place of rendezvous, snd re turning home therefrom alter discharge. J he Cap tains of . those. Companies, who tendered them selves, but were not allotted for service, are also urgently solicited, to call together their men, and re organize according to this uew requirement,, and re port themselves to the Adjutant General, to the end that, if, by possibility, there be auy failure to accept by the present Regimeut, or auy company be rejec ted, the vacancy may be immediately filled. . The strictest alteulion is enjoiued, to that part of the former Order, directing nomao to be received as a private or Non-Commissioned Officer, " who is in years apparently over forty-five or under eighteen, or who is not of physical strength and vigor." A neg lect of this, may occasion the rejection of a Company. . The utroort promptitude is urged in the execution of this Order, aud no doubt is entertained of the zeal and alacrity, with which the Troops will respond to this call or their Country. By order of His Excellency, WILL. A. GRAHAM. Robt W. Haywood,. Adjutant Geueral. : EDGEWORTH' FEMALE ACADEMY;. THE Winter Term will open on the 14ih of De cember, and -cloea tbe Academic year, en the 13th of May, with the graduation of the Senior Class. .Music Drawine and Paintine; the Ancient and Modern Langeagea; and the several braochea of Science, are entrusted to experienced, professional Instructors, who devuie their whole tune to the lm movement of their Pupils. -The Edifice and aecommodtaiona are ample for 35 Boarders, most of whom complete a liberal and orna -mental education. These, with the daughters of the principal familiea of Greensboro', form classes of mo derate size in each of the foor Tears, into which the prescribed course is distributed. . ' ,t v. Good order, kind feeKngs, aod great improvement are the well known characteristics of Edf eworth, . The expenses ae875"for Instruction, Board, Washing. Fuel. Light, &c g2Q for Music, 20 fr Oil Pamtinrt S10 for Draw in r, and either' of the Larigoagee.f -"y ' v- 4 ' v.-i-v-y '. .! Many Patrons, most competent to jadge; have ex pressed their surprise, that tft Iastitatiea of so high a Character; aud limited number of pupils, can be sue taioed at the above prices, r-v.i.' -. v.r- -j ? '. Letters (or further information ean be addressed Xa Got. Alorrhead, the-founder of the' lusUlution, er to the'Rey. Professor Morgan, .the Priaeipai. . t r reensboroN, CV Not. 17. MdSfc. 1 POWftAIT AND MINIATURE PAlNTtNG. OfTXH E Public are reVpeclfollniormeJ,' that'l,. ,Psa X.. V Olgl intehds. practicing, the . above pro fVssiofi " Portrait taken of afiy size iu Oil Colors, and In'Miriiaturel on Ivory.'. ' -" "' Persons engaging their picture's from him are warr ibey he required to tak the Pfcititingunfesa perfect ly saurfaeUry o their -friendsi": r' ! ' : 'r : ' Mr. VbiOT at present occcrpies the CIty Hflll ,et' nUtm'.f-;' " - t?- over the Mark "Mr. 'Do it at will take Tholojraj'hic 'Pictures in a ivision of the same. Hall. - ' - ft ' -... t Raleigh, Oct. 29 1846. 87 IVOKTia C)AIM)M A - Mutual " Insurance1' Coinpan vi I PURSUANT to an Astmiii rCo&pv :ny has been formed in this Slate, under the name and style of, the North Carolina Mutual In surance Company," and is now fully organized, by the. appointment of the following Officers, viz : JOSIAH.O, WATON.Prestdent, ,i . . : ALBERT STITH. Vice-President, ; -KICHARD SMITH", Treasurer, . i THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, - -: RICHARD SMITH, ) ALBERT STITH f Execute Com- weston r. gales, 4 - .r " The Companv is now prepared to receive1 iapplica lions for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to take risks on Dwelling Hoases, Stores, shops and .. other buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against lose or damage by Fire. The Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. U. B. Smith, at the corner of Fayetteville and Har cett Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will he cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. Raleigh, January 17. 1846 6 tf FEMALE SEMINARY. RALEIGH, N. C. ' Rev. J. J. FINCH, Principal, Mrs. M, E.. FIICO, !2iss A. S. TUCK, Teacliers. Til C next Session of this Institution will com mence on the 1st of October ensuing. The in struction, at present, will be given by three Teachers, and others will be employed as ihey may be needi-d. It is the intention of the Principal to secure the best Teacheis, and to furnish every necessary facility for acquiring an exact and thorough education. The Boading Pupils will litre together as one family, over wbom a parental government will he exercised ; and no paioa shall be spared to form their' manners and habits up-n the best principles of taste and propriety. Parenta are particularly requested not to furnish their daughters with. any articles that may encouiage a love of display. s ; ' .- The deportment and recitations of the Pupils will be strictly noted, and a report rendered monthly to Parents and Guardians. - . t Pupils can enter at any . time and pay from the lime of entering ; but when entered they cannot be withdrawn till theend of the Session without the con sent of the Principal, nor will any deduction be made for absence, except in cases of protracted sickness. TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS : Board, Washing. Fuel Primary . English Branches, CO 6 10 IS IS SO 10 10 10 10 Second Class do. do. Higher, Highest, Music, -Latin, -French, Italian, Needle Work, Drawing and Painting, There will be a vncatiou of one month at. the end of each Session, during which, Pupils can remain without any extra charge. Raleigh, August 14, 1846. ' 66 tf WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in DOjTIESTIC Foreign and ITIEDICIES, Qrugi, Paints, Oils, Dye-StvJJs, Window Glass, Perfumery, Brushes, tsegars, rc- d-c . ARE now receiving their Spring supply,, which is larger and more complete ihan has ever been odeied for snle in this Market ; and having been pur chased, with strict reference to maintaining the repu tation of the Establishment, every article sent from this House, can be relied upon with the utmost con fidence.' Our prices, from advantages in purchasing, has been much RMiucxn ; and we are now prepared to furnish Physicians, Country Merchants, and others, as low as any House. in the Mate, pledged" or not pledged ; and we only ask of purchasers but a com. parison of quality and prices, before purchasing else where, to insure sales. , A II orders thankfully received and promptly attended to; and particular attention given to compounding Prescriptions and family receipts, at all hours of the day and night. April 87. 34 ifcV AUD BEAU'lIFl'L fTT'iHE Subscribers having purchased the entire Ii Slate of North Carolina with the exception of e a a"' a., am mam -PT.,m a I i a itii Kl 1a sa Composition lor LigUl, the Safety, Cost and Beauty Ofwhirh cannot he surpassed, if equaled. As the Comnosition of oor Lamps will be exhibited, it is deemed unnecessary to say more. . . . - SCOTT & SNOW. Raleigh, June 2,1846. , 44-tIan, QTHC HE commodious and very convenient Dwelling, iLLi belonging to Mrs. Priscilla Shaw, in which Mrs. Alcrheeters now resides. - If desirable, possesuon ean he bad the first of No vember. JAMES M.TOWLES, 0l. 16. - . ': ... ,-.83 rpHE DWELLING WJUSC, formerly occupiecl by: Y Ascy Bai LKT.'dec'tL, is offered for .', Rent the ensuing year, possespion to be given the first of Jan- oary. A ermajnoaeraiei; ; J v' " - L, Also, the small House at llayti. occupied bye Eli Gragrton poeseMTDB - of which-will be immediately grreo;.- Apply l this Office. -; " . i r Raleigh, Not 23. 1746. -:i 9A St " "A'TCaeher Wanted: nnpaVeehiriS 6f Bo" BAo irtf UHtg nd 1 11 rblymnused by UoU WoiTpTV oufus l ne Hi hoot whjh? lader Col. Simmsj' was ,-wwrth S800 xpar asaum- une wru quanneu in an ui uepan r ' ,. m r -ft .1.JJ J. w , menu of Education, of gft mora is, uient lor mananir9i)oys, aiJimpaitTnetreh theljiowl edge postered by himself could de WelLhoei 7Col. Simra 4s now in Mexico,' and wQI - not I relum- in time -.fif at all) ofill'th ieaicy.v.J8au'sfaetnry TesfmoiriSlrwiine: required ' and.api.lk-atjtftfjriSde to d. A i Jox e, 1 1 miles west of Oainesvtlle, oaraiei Counter, A latiama.1' - i ru i?,-J JCiiGkJkHS of upeTior qwfity josl : received a fl . - - " w a a r e s a i a unn cr - Vi7 JrfllUWHITA8LER. 93 . OYSTER SALOON AT THE SiON-OF T f , h : E X CHANGE,': tATCTTlVlXLE STREET. nnHErEXCHAIGE has been greatly ki JUL trged and retorntshed, and. the Proprietor spared no means to insure to his visiters' every con fort and convenience. . His Oyster" Saloon, as well as the private ordinary for; gentlemen; fei -large and convenieni. . This boose being in a central positidni the proprietor solicits a ca'l from strangers, ajwefT ai ficinuer im mo Aasemuij, pieaging nimseu mat no effort wiil.be spared fo secare then every luxury the city airorils. j , ..-s r .: : - In iMliciting a continnaiire f the liberal patrOnago which he has received from the public;- be respect fully acknowledges past favors'vend will provide eftJ tensinment tor gentlemen, or select parties, in each a style as cannot be surpassed by any other person in the same line of business. , : ; ' , . Raleigh, Nov. 16. 93 tf New Fall i AIVD WINTER GOODS; : WE have commenced - receiving our Fell and Winter Goods, fo which we rail the attention ol the public, consisting "in part ss follows : Ombra striped Afghans, a new aud beautiful article. Mousline De Lame IJohos, Super Cashmere Decosse, " Rep De Laines, ... , ' ' " "Ombra Paris Jo. -i , ' Ombra Shaded and Striped Cashmere,-. : Moushn de Laines, and Cavhmcres . of all styles and qualities, ; ' I SHAWLS Ombra Thibet, j Printed Tekara, ('ash mere, Super Black and Blue French Cloths, Brown and Green j ' - - do. ' Fancy (Jascimeres and Vestiugs, - - Scarfs. Cravats, &c Gloves of all kinds, . HATS of Paris stylevery handsome, CAPS of all kinds. ' ; V , ' " ' Having purchased our Goods low, we will Sell them accordingly. .' . " ' ' . :HEARTT& JORDAN. Sept.21, 1846.. . ' . V S 76 F OR SALE.-A Wool Carditis Ma- Cllilie, Fixtures &Ci, in excellent or der. Address the Subscriber, Raleigh, or apply per sonally, to him at the use River Oil Works. WILLIAM li. MUALJ. April 1, 1846.' . v . (O" Standard. it 271 Hotel, -ii r ILA 1 1 rntlNUn o,; --1 -. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA.' I V S" fSBSft t A M V f niHE Subscriber respectfully. -informs , the public J2. mat ne nav taken mis nne . anu , convenient HOI EL, for a term of years, and has completely re furnished and reorganized, the same, on such a sryle and manner, as to make it one of the first Hotels in the Country. He pledges bimelf,"that .no exertion on his part .shall be wanting, to give satisfaction to those who may patronize his house. . . ; Julv 4. I846.T 54 6ra v . :Fs:BIAJK. MERCHANT TAILOR,' j . irTTAS this day received an 'extensive assortment lOl rl fitio Cloths, Cassim rb xa, Ann VisTiKss, which, will be sold for a small profit, foe cah, or on six months time to punctual men. , . His. customers, and fi tends generally, are. respect fully requested to give him a call or tend an order. He has also a full supply of dress bhirts, Silk, Me rino, and Lambs wool unuer-stiirta, anu oraweicj ; Silk and Merino. Half Hose 'Handkerchiefs, Cra vats. Scarfs', and' stocks ; Bosom Cvllars, UPndtrs, I Gloves, 4-cvdcCf - Rakish, Oct C. r81 ItI2AIyjtld(IE CLOTHES AtWnotesaie and Ietali. ' CiiJrlE Subscriber-" has just received,! from New York aud Philadelpbiaa'geneVal supply of fine Cloaks, Over-coats Frock and Dress Coats, Also, Pantaloons anil Vest a , in .great varieties J y, " v He will be constantly Supplied by-an agent at the North, who will execute special orders, isntf warrant salisfaciion: 11 ,J " " --'J? Ii, BfGGS. R:deiah, Ott'oV-' ; ? " ' '' ' ' ' 7 ' 81 Sale of Weldon 'l oll Bridge; rrjY VIRTUE of two Deeds in Trust, executed Ii Q bv the Portsmouth .and . Roanoke -Raii Road company, to secure the debt due to the Board of In- temal Impfoement of North Carolina, j the WELf DON TOLL URIUGE across Roanoke River, with all the appurtenances, will I sold at Public Auction, to the highest bidder for Cash, iu the To wn of Wel don, N. C.on Saturday, ahe 19th .of .December hex ti' where all persons disposed to purchase are re quested to-attendi: .vr.?... v , i EDW. B. DUDLEY, Trustee. September 14, 1848. .c 4 b: i-Jl ,y nttf- 84 . - ; .... . . 'i .! -; "f ATtrTiTiCi I Uf l lLas5 .Ci'?.-f- i M .V . - ill iinr - an s is irfci ITIAttirElirs; thenkwnpticiarHp 'tt trtirrrnree.arW it It sfippjeailltjf JCi. has Watef himselfnextdoor to B. B. Smith's j general asstnjent, abctf as s y? i, r uio kLmiuI. Fet!ille mlimel- nhrc ha wilt be haDnt to attend to all who should desire his sid. -,H knows tapply wh precision .sny locustu flfiqci oi eye a a. 'a-s? reqa res, and the g asses in Jw Spectacles; are sa-i peJior to .or ever introduced in tbi.irntrj. There is no use te-nahlirfutts bondml.lotrartifiCates fror colebraud men in this Country sndorbpe. Call and try. the tlastvajfdTyeij1 wihV esrOfy to the i i t -:.- . ,.ii,m i same lad.'! - -v w i a u j I l " ' A LARGE and arreJ aasortmant r4be f nest AvquaUtiaa4Jo1oiesi. Eltrsets totlaanlkt iw.Oilsand PemstBtosIottbHairCicbotis de Aromause riUde i;rviaetVePnan rnuyiooae, Baehne,-JtyW HeBaTmf Colhm Shaving ttmsiot 'X5 Saaamw KmW ShkriW, Taalhi'Hslr. Cloth. i-HE. WHIT A KER has Jbsf Weed irailt- Florr,.aii fresn load ol t6f0en.srarail -elfent article, for fampy uW which heVifl salTloWf y the harret, . A- -.'awo . " '1 c f qtan-ny oi jUAls9aviuk jr.a9 tarsals wooie- sal le anu wins, ? .1 it. t- n-'J fc'v.-Mnl - ; Mi tZT- '"IS'3 Diut 8i5& i jfrenJiceflo'Hae T aicrOTj ,LoKe rovida the XIUIUUII O U ttliiiljf XA lvlll - ? crr KarsfamMivEole' half .and qatriet1 Batrit h - Figs, and ttoeaCfrrWaR' , Ginger;-KifiBni.Ttiam' : EmrisJri - jtL80 -vr -.ww - Batter; Soaalnd.Water Cmckejii, nd al f - And many 6thr SrUcles tediomi tfl! Ration;, . r ,-V t XvHITAKF.Ir - 1 UPSTAIRS-: FayeftCTille Street, RiMgfcf7(L fef WOVlD respectTttJly-rmTdrm-tbek- friebds and the -public generally, thitther haveiassofei- V tedthemselYee togethfr.'for.thf pdrpostof itarryinjf on the Taiobino Rftaf ness, in jtll fta bta aches, tathtf City, and earnestly solicit a share olpnbiic jiilronagaV They wHl wakANT lbelf siTork jUt-bif exe'eated iaf si. style, not to be exceJIe y. tahHshmeTtft In theTv Ciy; either as it respects the dqrablityi neatness or : the a-fa-nio4e;Ofi rlieif:ttrmeJlsi;VllaihsC:iust re- ceired the latest Northern Ahd; Pstasriaai iPtatea t Fashion, tlw feel omoeterlotW ,' Hp-top fit, after .any style of fashiplKffieT ii&ivseleCC.- As their lermswjU he wmmeasnra.te withjtlrt hard-7. ness ;of the times, they.hopAitf reiehaii-hbetal shar' df public patronage,; ts iwt:-i - CUI IIISL,, in,II its deparUnentianended td faithfully, aivitbi)remptade.i; Jlavioff no Goods- : of our owuwe.wttl pleasaA!7nr;aeeoaipaBTin2 gentlemen, and aid them in the seteCttoa cl g-ood ar ticles intended: Aa- On? manoraitOTeiPlaaS gire I0 ncalf t? , SMITHS BQWJETT, ET. Cp' Stairs, over Jno.:CreeCb'ai Store, one door forth 6f OrrvsrPwctw Taiiorint AtsiaJbHshmeni. Raleigh, Jv't(;t846!:'i'jr?si.yt- :s90 TUTjqwirtriJi xunztjert, iia f or Saicf JXjJ. a.Iarge and..beaDrifhI.asortfoenyfuTeniW ,V ork", to which; .he Wonln'aftic.Dlktlftirtb tention of those wishlrifr ,toc purchased' amonj? then A may be fodud 'somo yory suitable 'ioV Jltdajiand! birthday presents. Also some, ": ' 7 ""'fr for 1847, arhoi which mat he'foQnd,lft1o11d1fiBirY c The BouaohvAniwal,4 ''l . -"v , . Opal, a pnre'gift ifor tfad Holii'ajir, f ' f .Hyainrt;- - rW ' Mothers Present, iXtWtikiiMo)r&af - with the BdirWreathVBIol'Gif'ATir Floral Wreath Token bf LbVej lenoVhip; It emem-! " 6raoce, Florat Gift; N.C.' BOQK;TpREi I oi-iKii, yujr. IU, JCU-f i r in in i "nTm i i i . 90. V .,, JUST. OPENING. The I-afgestf III cUcst dfld hioTt i vi s, y complete BHUkMt m. VATCHES;:JEWEISERlf i mil c ter nriorc appcarcQ is mersfinrg. ship, will completely defy competition inhllnarket and the prices, ,mytKbetfir,io- thi sro";? ran not only miniver to the gVarJJcatiori of Abe mojvi refined taste,' but we can- do so ialroi'tt'aeifbr'&' minishing the furniture of tht P,6ckL j - r We believe that we caa jjovy please R1d,yoons -anT middle .aged, of whaUver .,CoiidHnn sal,-- ii Come and see 'for yourseTves, ahdi yon il qutekly agree with ers that almost air tho-reaeoes -af ihafj i mineral kinsdom have beea ransacked, and he momt ' skilful manipulations of Uie mea arts' Jvave beejJ . exerted to their, nunost, 10 O'dertp ppjosether newer and brighter lesuUes for yotirjraticaiion. f ! Do yon warat VVUjheji,; Clocks, .Cbaiosi RiftgJ,; Bracelets, Necklaces, . Breast pins,r Lockets JPencils Pens, Silver FoTxr. SpoocKnives, Io Cupa afidlliwls ; or does yon - fancy set top. AmethyMSf Topazes, R ubie. Emeralds, Pari diamonds 1 We can sopplyryou with each or aU that is, if yort lt will coma''mhiuiA.,riu.tkit . bbiixxtHjX,.. 1 i COSBT, H0P&IN3 M CO.; Pefembnrjr, Sept. 80, ' .'.-: 19 - - - '1 . 'AS replied hi Fan a are now open foY the "fcfrpecfjoji 6f the, pnbi ' 'i o such as are in warrtfclotbingjhiiiock effe sa great inducements ai'c baound LiiitbiiB:j6aj5' It comprises - SiSSfSP - French aod Engli.h blafck Clofiut nfjCJassifejr. of the most approved tnah&faeture J';'--.;- 'K-"Fanejc Cloihav biaV greei mclberry, invislhrsJ greenand brown French ClethJ. mifXtJt Vestings of various styles, blaek'ahd T lancer aifnV CashrMreariiacy cat and black" silk nd woollert Yelvets. Ttt f.i--.tt 'Vri$Jt--' These godwre selected by hlmself'personatlynd orrsch termsiansake it the raterest cf alt vho whsht to btiy. to tiaotte thera hfe ptirehawn'g vlsswhere; and to tnoswao nave imtbertd favored Km wltht i I tWk parrcmgerrnUnaaiiori Is solicited on tlftf groohd thstvhf wtU seA on ; goodVtefmJ ki fo - fhonse inhsVfetate. i .:.-'. 'A auicm anu stress voaisj ... .iXiJJL,,. .Jw r .r -"w- urr: Z . f " PFJ$&& Wt'&-m S " VJZT?0! Tirnill -v J T I satin Scarfs and Cravats.eainm-te rntthtsnrv 1 " , r."Ji Jr.,",. , AlTv v;' '"'5 -4 I 1 MrW siiwkUHi ioa, sAwaivry, sua woxsiea LLeflinge He most reirpectfoliyirenders1hb gnttefal-sctntrvU edgtfitoH for the patr6naea be coniTftaee ts- recti foiopes4o.inmt conUouaflon of it, by a iesire U &ftlJwJX i - "tV'Ti r . . - , .. !;ClUJl I IOiable SKS. B1 fl.- HWS tJV.'; aT( XTtfpTlavif Jbd'iiisti if jr. ..rx'jt. t - 1 -nd Drfsrbi TueidaT Iremr'Vcaif, ii tile 2Iit" Yiki ll&ansjjbommons, tc----eoiiaj at half rayt 6 Kclock-f Th Meirtoes of Cc " - ; 1 !, i ana ids, raone geuerjuyr, aro pcc..-.i ut..5.3 X9 truiwrau. -. Ra'UIh,lfst7sr5, 1640. IN offering the above Goods to fhe public? wi fat inlly Beared that heixceeding richhes, graee-r tul eles ance.1 arid- the s'uneriorhvvf their WrkivtayJ TRESS, - s? w 1 r I 4 ii ' ri 1 ,-i3viiii' --

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