1 S m r i n n 4 TERMS OF'ThTsEMI-WEEICLY REGISTER. j . -. - pubtcripth.--Flvt dollars pr anuam half in ad ranee. Adotrtittments.YoT every Sixteen Lines, first insertion, One Dollar; each subsequent insertion, Treaty-fife Cents. 1 Curt Order and Judicial Advertisements will be charged 25 per cent, higher ; but a deduction of 33 J per cent, will be made front the regular price, for Advertisers by the year. Advertisements, inserted in the Semi-We mtlt Ri c.istex, will also appear in the Wkiiklt Paper, free of chaTge. CP". Letters to the Editor mast be rosT-rxTD. WHY HAVE THE AGUE AND FEVER? PRICE'S Ajueantl Fever Pi!lhve never failed, where directions were strictly fol lowed, to effect a cure in fr.m Fifteen to Thirty ho-fs. They are prepared from simple Vegetable Medicines, and are, therefore, the safest, most pleas ant and speediest remedy known, for the cure of In cenfiittent Fever. 1 They have bean tried In Con gestive Chills of the worst form, and have invaria bly jjien relief, and cured 4he patients. They never alTect the brain, as d.tes Qjinine ; or injure the con stitution, ss does Arsenic. The money returned io every cise of failure, where directions are followed. Price il per box. Planters, Country Merchants, and Dru jit will be supplied at (8 per dozen boxes. Prepared and sold only by j C. J. KEN WORTHY & CO.. 1 Bank. Street, Petersburg, Va. Aognt 31. 1846. 71 Botanico-Medical Infirmary, CAXK ST., PETERSBURG, VA. DR3 KE.N WO. t THY & PRICE, Petersburg. Virginia, are prepared to receive and treat pa tients from a distance, afflicted with Chronic and sup posed incurable forms of disease. Board with the m "si careful nursing, can be obtained for $4 per week. Medical charges moderate. The superiority of the Botanic Practice, in the cure of Chronic dis eases, has been fully established in every section of our Country. Persons afflicted, shoald speedily avail themselves of this almost certain means of restoration to health. 03" Fistalas and Cancers speedily cured without resort to the Knife Ccaxs Wahastsb Charge $106 for Medical attendance. TJ) Person, desiring further information, will please address the Subscribers. post paid. ( C J. KEN WORTHY. M. D. . H.M.PRICE, M.D. Ijily 11, 184B. 58 ly i . To the Ladies. j FALL DRESSES, TfUST received on Commission, from the North U the very latest styles. Call and see. T. H. SNOW. October 21. . . . 85 I am Weekly receiving additional supplies, of Medicines,Paints, Oils, and other articles in my line, and mm prepared to supply Physicians, Merchants, and the: Public generally, on the most accommodating frnt. Prescriotions and family recipes, carefully ani accurately compounded at all hours of the day and night, icith neatness ana aespnicn. P F. PEiCUD. Druggist. Not. 23. 9 i BANK OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA rirfIE Annual General Meeting of the Stock I! holders of the Bank of the State of North Carolina, will be held at their Banking House' in this City, on the First Monday in January m 5 I C. DEWEY, Cssh next. ier.- December 3, 1816. . I 97 tm' "ITS hereby given, that the Annual Meeting of "The JJ North Uarotiua mutual imunnw ul,,ruJ tl be held at the Office of the Secretary, on Tues ik. Sih Amv f Janmrv next, at 12 clock at lS'oa lor the Election of thirteen Directors. By order of the Board, T. PARTRIDGE, Secretary. Jlaleigh. Dec 1, 1846. 6 TEACHER to take charge of a small School MA of Boys, in a good neighborhood to commence 1 January. 1817. He mutt be qualified to leacn the Latin and Greejt Language, wiw" uu.c-tvj iu Bi W. J. Warrenton, N. C Soec will receive atienwon. 101 4w 15. 1846. CHEAP! CHEAPER!! CHEAPEST!!! BANKETS, at the Cheart Store by JULIUS m. wwurr. Next door to-U. B. Smith's corner. 101 4t OYSTERS! NORFOLK OYSTERS!! riTlHE Subscriber is regulsrly and very abundant rII rrw other day A with inpe- II I. II IT uwpi'". v J ' , - rtVSL. r 1J :irI ft and f resli TERS, from'he rxmov Esta.li.mest o( the ..t..T mi i . ' r wii.ifF.tt. of Norfolk. His Oyters will be forwarded by the same line of Steamboats end Rail Road, that carry the U. 8. JU.il. TDiitroii, they will alway. be IMIH ln tiine. JOH A. DOCKERY, I 'Next door io John Kane's Refectory. Raleich. W. C Dk;. 18 101-6ip Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN away from the Subscriber, on Wednesday. tLejl9Ui instant, i Ephralm nelhcoclt, A Mulatto man, about 83 yeara of age, five feet, five or iix inches bigb. with very .mail b.nd. and feet, rnu. i.ronhig.lorebead.r Said Mulatto had on lebtn bo left. ..good wit of cloth... . good bat .ad aboes. and wa. littls) Urn in walking. f Ha prooa SThM e paper., and will no doubt make hi. way oiy pas irr ,aM County U. Lie brouzht OP in Orango County. N L.. bat ha. been travelling .boot, from plc to P,or. Z:7T1.,. h..fsr.rr where a very bad reputa. j - m - in an rMNOn foiinn I Will STIVO in Iiw . SbTwill deUvJr id Ml.. RandotpbCo. rXl. J-l where I can get P"J- ' or lodg SAMUEL LEWIS. bim; Dec 15. 102 J w Tl-lottr. Flour. Wo have 80 barrel of dif Wl?JZlrtulr to band, all fre. and more flL. It .ill be .old at th. loweat pnees. accer- j tubiiihfed Semi-Weekly, ly WjE ST ON R. GALES . j EDITOR AND TEOFEIKTOU- We. 17. " ..." WILL: FECK- AND NOKTH CAROLINA GAZETTE, 9919 TO PRINTERS. Type Foundry and Printers9 Far- nisliing- Warehouse. THE Subscriber, (late of the firm of Cock ro ft & Overend.) has opened a new Type Foundry in i,lie City of New York, where he is ready to sop ply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job or Fan cy Tjrpe, Ink, Paper Cases, Galleys, Brats Rules, Steel Column Rules, Composing Stick, Chases, and every article necessary for a Printing Office. The Type, which are cast in New Moulds, from an entire new set of Matrixes, with deep Counters, are warranted to be unsurpassed by any , and will be sold at prices to suit the times. Atl the Type fur nished by us is," handcast." Frining Presses furnishfd, and also Steam En gines of the mcvt approved patterns. N. B A Machinist is constantly in attendance to repair Presses, and do light work. Composition Rollers cast for Printer. JOHN A. T. OVEREND. Sept. 18, 1846. 77 6m. FUSE ! THE iETXA INSURANCE COMPA NY, of Hartford, Conn. Oners to insure Buildings and Merchandize, aaainst loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com panies in the UnitedSiale,and pay.it losseaprompi' Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi cinity.to be made to 8. W. WHTTING. July,. 1846. . Agent. PAPER WAREHOUSE, NO. 9, BURLING SLIP, NEW YORK. TiYRUS W. FIELD, offers for Sale, at Uj the lowest Manufacturers' prices, a very ex ten sive assortment of PAPER, comprising every possi hie variety, adapted to the wants of consumers in all sections of the country. Pai-er of all kinds made to order at short notice. The Stock' of printing paper is unusually large, part of which is of very superior quslity. PAPER-MAKERS MATERIALS Of every description,, imported, and kept constantly on hand, viz: Fellings, Wire Cloih, Fourdriuier Wires, Bleaching Powder, Blue Ultramarine,Twine, 4c- At- RAGS, Canva-s, Bale Rope, Grass Rope, Bagging, 4-c. 4c purchased, for which the highest price in Cash will be paid- New York, March 18. 1846. 24 ly Southern Rotanic Medicine Store. Botanic Medicines, Wholesale and Retail. THE Subscriber! would respectfully infor the public that they have, and will continue to Keep, a large assortment of Genuine Vegetable Medicines, which they will warrant fresh, and will sell as l.w as they can be purchased for in the State. Then mill keen every article of Medicine indisenout to our country, collected to their order. Also. Oils, P.xtracts. Tinctures, Syrups, 4;c. Physicians, Uruzzwt. Dealers, Planters, &c, will be supplied 20 per cent, cheaper than at any other Huusein this place. Among their Mock may be foand. Quinine, Pipeline, Cayenne Pepper, oenaga, Carpentaria, M.r.anariH .iinimted and American,! Pink Root Pleuriv roui. pulv ; Bayberry, Goldenseal, pulv Myrrh, Lobelia, Umcorn, Bslmony, Gentian. Co lombo. Ginger, Prickly Ah, Cimicifuga or Black Cohoh, pul. ; Beth Root, Wild Cherry Bark, Scull cap, Nervine. Blood r.mt, pulv. ; Burdock seed, and Crane. bill. pulv. Black root. Boneset, Dandelion, Fleab-ine, Mandrake, Poplar Bark, Indian Turnip, pu'.v ; Skunk Cabbage, pulv.; Peipsei8eway, Cloves pulv ; Camphor, Ipecac, (imported and American.) Buchu leaves, Jallap, Aloe,Gamb.Ke, Rhubarb, Cas tor Oil, BaJsam Fir, Balsam Copaiva, Cubebs, Alco hol, Ammonia, 6ic. ,n Atso. a larze assortment of Druggists G1as Wl 'are, daily';expected, which wiil be sold low for All orders from a distance most be post-paid and directed to KEN WORTHY & PKIUK, Bank street, Petersburg, a. . B. All the Compound, recommended by Thompson, Be.ch, Howard, MalUon, Smith, Carter, Curtis, Comfort, or in the Reformed Medical Dispen satory, will be kept, or put up to order. The works of the atve authors for ssle. K. 6c P. Nov. 31. 97 w3m. VirTKK AKKAiUC-KMErVT THREE TIMES A WEEK, By the well known and popnlar rontc, iia Petcn bnrg and Roanoke and CUT Point Rail Roadi, James Rirer and Cheiapeake Bay Steamers. WE would respectfully advise the Travelling Pub lie that we have withdrawn ffor tha Winter months; our Dsily Line, and will run Tri-Weekly. rr, - Passenger, leaving Weldon or Ga.ton on the night, of Sunday. Tuesday or sfrrr-TTTaTrt Thursday, will proceed dnecton without delay, reaching Cy Point a. 9 A. M , Twill ..k.ono of fast S.e.mers Cur.,. Peck. C.pi. Davis; or Alice. Capf. Broogh; leaving City Po nt w-j.i. and Friday mornings lor on ononu.j. ..- - - - . R iveriui , Irom thence, oy one oi . Steamer. Georgia. Capt. Uannon , niu. yv Russell, or Jewess; Uapt. outtoo, ior o''i reaching there in lime lor me ura m W-.hinoton CUV. at less expense toiU)GiUVL Line with fewer change, of Person nd Baggage, .nd no Io.. of .leep. Philadelphia, or rnnCrwmsbla IO OUf OSUal CUHOm i the fare tot tl present, will be follow. : Between Weldon or Gaston and Baltimore, i . Norfolk, Petersburg .nd Baltimore, Norfolk, 00 00 00 00 4 6 1 Meal, included on the Steamer.. For Ticket, from Ga.ton to Baltimore or Worla, apply lo C. C. POGH. Esq . Gs.ton. N. C. Far Tickeu from Wwldoo to Baltimore, or Norfolk, anolr to WM. M MOODY, Jr.. apply io - r;..r-l Accent. ntnm James River .nrl Bar Line, Weldon N C . Dec. 7. 1846. 99 FAMILY FLOUR. TT7IHESH ,ot of eoed Flonr. at th. Auction ind IP Commission Store of N. B. HUGHES. FRIDAY, DECEMBER .25, 1846 EDGEWORTH FEMALE ACADEMY. fT.IIE viuter Term will open on the 14th of De JL cember, and close the Academic Tear, on the 13lh of May, with the graduation of the Senior Class. Music. Drawiug and Painting; the Ancient and Modern Languages ; and the several branches of Science, are entrusted to experienced, professional Instructors, who devote their whole time to the Im provement of their Pupils. Ihe Edifice and accommodtaions are ample for 35 Boarders, most of whom complete a liberal and orna mental education. These, with the daughters of the principal families of Greensboro, form classes of mo derate size in each of the four years, iulo which the prescribed course is distributed. Good order, kind feelings, and great improvement. are the well known characteristics of Edne worth. The expenses are S75 for Instruction, Board, Washing, Fuel, Light, &c. $20 for Music, 20 for Oil Painting; $10 for Drawiug, and either of the Languages. Many Patrons, most competent to judge, have ex pressed their surprise, thal-au Institution of so high a character, and limited uumber of pupils, cau be sus tained at the above prices. Letters for further information can be addressed to Gov. Morehead, the founder of the Institution, er to the Rev. Professor Morgan, the Principal. Creensboro. IS. C. Mo v. 17. U4 dSU Groceries, .Groceries. The largest Stock ever before offered in tills market, selling low for Cash. Tl iTh TKsfiO LBS. St Croix and P. O. Su MJ,JJ WW g-rs. best quality, Losf, Crushed and Powdered Sugar, 7,500 lbs. Laguira. Java and Rio Coffees, 100 Sacks Ground Alum and Blown Sslt, Gun Powder, Young Hyson snd Imperial Teas, Flour of the best quality constantly on band. Meal, Lard and Cheese, Mustard, best quality, Spice, Pepper. Ginger and Prepxred Cocoa, Fine Salt in Bnxea, for Table use, Large lot Snuff, Km. -king and Chewing Tobacco, Large lot Common Cups and Saucers, Large lot of Looking Glasses, very low, Mock Locks, Psd do., Hinges and Screws," Large lot of Knive and Forks, Waffle and Wafer . Irons, Tea Kettles, 50 Kegs Nails, all sizes; . Shovel and Tongs, Pots, Ovems and Skilleia, Window Glass, 8 x 10, and 10 x 12. Sole and Upper Leather. Calf Skins snd Linine do. Powder and Shot. Lead, Candles and Tallow, Shoe Sparables, ?J 5J and 3 ; best quality Bed Cords, Best quality Cannister Powder, Bar Soap, And many other articles ik tedious to mention. Also, a Urge lot of Fire Fenders, which I will sell at a reduced price, all those in want of any of the above articles, will pleaee give me a call, as my Stock is of the best quality, and I am determined to try snd please all those who will patronise me. I am now at my Cld Stand on Fayetteville Street, nearly opposite the Court House. J. R. WMITAKBK. Raleigh, Dec. 1, 1846. 97 ly More New & Beautiful Goods. FTTfjHE undersigned, in' addition to his former stock I aa .1 I P il, already announced, nas ine pleasure oi iniorm inir his friends and Customers, that he ha received a further supply of CHEAP AND SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, which for the CASH, will be sold REMARKABLY low. Consisting in part of the follow- iu?, to Wll Fine Blue and Black Cloths, Super. Brown, and Cadet mixed Ditto, Elegant Cassimeres and Satiuelts, Winter Vestiugs, (of various descriptions ) Kentucky Jeans, and Flaunels, . Fine Shirtings aud Sheetings, Beautiful dark Calicoes aud Ginghams, Cotton Ozuahurgs and Negro Clothing. Fine Gingham Umbrellas, A LOT OF VERY SUPERIOR SHOES, TEA, COFFEE, AND LOAF SUGAR, EXCELLENT BROWN SUGAR AND MOLASSES. I In these, and all other Goodi iu his possession, he offers the strongest inducements to purchasers, and he therefore hones, the inlellireul reader will cue him a call. JAMES LITCIIFORD. Raleigh, Dec. 10, 1846. 93 Medicated Candy. rnurc SnWriher. at ihe Washington Horxt. U near the Capitol and Bat.li-t Cburrh, is now munufaciuring bis London Star Medicated Candy, the best article ever invented fr Coughs, Colds, ore throat. Spitting of blood. Asthma, nr Palpitalin of the heart. He will sell the Candy, in quantities of five pounds, but will lake no pay, unless it accorn nlishes all that he promise.. No article, he is conli dent, ever made before, is so efficacious in the cure of k.i r-l... ofdUeases. for which it is intended, rer un, desirous of testing the Cstidy, will please call soon. . the Subscriber s stay wm oe iimuea to ft-w weeks. Raleigh, Dec. JOHN HARDISON. 12. 100 Confectionaries. A LARGE SUPPLY JUST IN TIME, UCH as 10 whole Boxes Rauins, 13 halve, do do. 25 Quarter do do.. j. 60 lbs Sultana Raisinrwithout seed, S Boxes best Citron, 20 do very" best Fig., 100 lbs fresh dates, 100 lb. Currants, 18 Jars fresh Prunes, 10 Kegs Malaga Grapss, 2 Boxes Jujube Paste, Oranges and Lemons, 12 Boxes English Cheese, H.kU. Butter. Kuirar and Water Crackers, fresh n.km of ll kinds constantly on hand, or baked at ihe s honest notice. P..ri;-h Walnuts. Filberts. Almonds, Pecan and Palm Nuts. op n aa , A larae supply of aim st every psttern, quality. and price, also a large supply of dressed and on dressed Doll, and many oiber articles sucn as Torpedoes, Popping and fire Crackira, Fancy Ar t cles.dtc. dec die. I Boxes oarunies. Also, a lame supply of Salt at my Grocery 8tor. near the Court House. R. WHITAKER. 102 Sw Dec. 18. 1846 PKINCIPE CIGAKS ! rrrWT received a fine lot of genuine Principe. U also, a fioe assortment of Snuff and Tobscco Boxes. Cigar Cases, Pipes, &e. &c, for sale whole sale and retail by Junn j. rwnAuoo, Fayetteville St., Raleigh. Nov. 19 83 Hi tp YV. 6l A. STITH have this day LJ received 2 Cases of Fashionable Moleskin and ? Beaver HATS of the latest style and finest quality. ' Kaieign, uec. t. o an IVOIITII CAROLINA Mutual . Insurance, Company, PURSUANT to an Act of Assembly, a Compa ny has been formed in this State, tinder the name and style of the " Korlh Carolina Mutual In surance Company," and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, viz : JOSIAH O. WATSON. President, ALBERT STITH, Vice-President, RICHARD SMITH, Tressurer, THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, RICHARD SMITH, ) p,u. rm ALBERT STITH, ( ""Z WESTON R. GALES. S mu,ee The Company is now prepared to receive applica tions for Insurance, and to iswue Policies on the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to take risks on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops and' other buildings. Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against loss or damage by Fire. The Otfice of the Company ia in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. Smith, at the corner of Fayetteville and Har cett Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will he cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. . Kalelgh, January 17, 1846 6 tf FEMALE SEMINARY, RALEIGH, N. C. Rev. JT. JT. EEvJCII, Principal, Mrs. ITI. E. FIXC II, Miss A. S. TUCK, Tcaclicrs. Til E next Session of this Institution will com mence on the 1st ol October ensuing. The in struction, at present, will be given by three Teachers. and others will be employed as ihey may be needed. It is the intention of the Principal to secure th Teacheis, and to furnUh every necessary facili e best every necessary facility for acquiring an exact and thorough education. The Boading Pupils will live together as one family, over whom a parental government will be exercised ; and no pains shall be spared to form their manners snd habits upon the Iwst principles of taste and propriety. Parents are particularly requested not to furnish their daughters with any articles that may encouiage a love ofdisplay. I he deportment and recitations of the Pupils will be strictly noted, and a reuort rendered monthly to Parents and Guardians. Pupil can enter at any time and pay from the time of entering ; but when entered they cannot be withdrawn till the end of the Session without the con sent of the Principal, nor will any deduction be made for absence,. except in cases of protracted sickness. TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS: Board, Washing. Fuel. $60 Primary English Branches, 6 Second Class do. ' do. 10 Higher, 12 Highest,' 15 iMusic, 20 Latin, . j 10 French, 10 Italian, 10 Needle Work, Drawing and Painting, 10 There will be a vacation of one month at the end of each Session, during which, Pupils can remain without any extra charge. I Raleigh, August 14, 1846. 66 tf WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD &C0., WHOLESALE tf AND RETAIL Dealers in YTa Foreign and DOMESTIC i frU9 .TIEDICIES Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye SlvJfs, Window Glass, Perfumery, Brushes, Segars, tyc, -c. ARE now receiving their Spung supply, which is larger and more complete than has ever been otieied for ante in this Market ; and having been pur chased, with strict reference to maintaining the repu tation of the Establishment, every article sent from this House, can be relied upon with the utmost con fidence. Our prices, from advantages in purchasing, has been much ridcceu ; and we are now prepared to furnish Physicians, Country Merchants, and others, as l.iw as snv House in the State." pledged" or not pledsed : and we only ask of purchasers but a com parison of quality and prices, before purchasing else- where, to insure sales. Allordersthankfullyrereived and promptly attended to: and particular attention gien io compounuing Prescriptions and family receipts, at all hours of the day snd night. April 27. TO REJYTi BURING the ensuiug year, the Dwelling in the Western part of the City, at present occupied by Jos. 1. Hunter. Apply to W.tJ. CLARK. 100 3w Dec. 14, 1846. lfJL,UiSIj; ISO ons. TfeTEW AND FRESH STOCK ; including P3 dard Works, School and Classical Books. Pop ular Medical Words ; also a large variety of Books for the Christmas Holidays, consisting of Annuals for 1847, fine Bibles and Prayer Books, an extensive assortment of iuvemle and fancv bound volumes, Children's Gaines, Needle Books, Card Cases, greater variety than can be found in any other house in the City. A BEAUTIFUL ASSOmEST OF CUTLERY. Porfofios, of every description, some of the righest patterns every brought to this market. Also a neau- tiful assortment of Gold Pencils and Pens, a large assortment of Perfumery, warranted to be gen uine, Luhtn s Extracts, S.mps, Lubins ; rarrtnas Cologne, a great variety fancy articles. Call at the IN. C. Book Store and s-e for yourselves Pspcr tries. Card Receivers, Cigar Cases, new patterns, Work Boxes, Ladies' Companions, Pearl Paper Cutter., $x., 4c, tc Raleigh, Dec 18, 186. 102 Young Ladies School. flTlHE next session of the School under the care of 11 the Misses PaaTaiiieK, will commence on the ui Monday in January next, .terms per session oi five months as follows, viz,: English Branches from . $7 to $13 8 00 00 00 00 French Drawing and Needle-work & Painting .8 Music, with the use of the Piano SO Board, Washing and Fuel, 60 Raleigh. December 7. 10151 earper't If ew Uiscellau j, Ko. 10. Schiller's Thirty Yeara War, 1 vol., 12 me, Pictorial History of the American Revolution, illus trated with several hundred Engravings. HENRY D. TUKNEK Dvcember, 1846. . 99 RALEIGH Classical. Mathematical and MlMMTJMRm.oaCa!U)EllY. Classical Department : J. M. LO il J 0 Y, Pbeceptok, Assisted by- K. II. JHASON. Mathematical and Military Department : V. F. DMSB.R0W. TH E year will be divided into two Sessions of five months each ; the firt Session beginning on the first of January, and the second Session, ou the first of July. - It is the design of the Preceptor, that this Institu tion shall not be surpassed, in the advantages afforded for acquiring a thorough English, Classical aud Mathematical Education. Pupils will be prepared to enter the Junior Class of any College in the United States. . TERMS OF TUITION. For English and Mathematical Studies, per Session, $15 00 For Latin, Greek, French, Spanibh and Italian Languages, per Session, 20 00 The advanced Classes may pursue the Studies of a lower Class, paying only for the Studies of the Class to which they belong. Military Tactics taught to the Pupils, free ef extra charge. The design of the Military Department being to fit the Pupils to act, in case of emergency, as Officers, the West Point system of instruction' will be carefully pu.sued, nor will the Army Tactics be departed from, in order to exhibit the boys for the benefit of the Institution, or for any other purposes. By an Act of the last Legislature, the necessary arms snd equipments will be furnished by the State, but Parents who wish their children instructed in the Military Department, will be required to provide them with the prescriled Uniform. - ' Parents aud Guardians, are requested not to allow their Children or Wards to have accounts in the City, but to deposit the money, for the purchase of neces saries, in the hands of the Principal. N. B. A few Pupils will be taken as Boarders, by the Principal of the Academy. REFERENCES. Hon. Geo. E. Badger, Hon. Wm H. Haywood, Hon. R. M. Saunder3, Rev. D. Lacy, Hon. John II. Bryan, Hon. John R. Daniel, Hon. Richard Hines, Dr. Baker, Gen. Moye, Charles Hiuton Wm. F. Collins, James B. Shepard, II. W. Huted, Ed. Yarbrough, E. P. Guion, Esqn. As the above named gentlemen are well known in the State, I have given their names as reference. They send their sons or wards to my School, and of course their opinions cau be confidently trusted. J. M. L. Raleigh, December 14, 1846. 100 REMEMBER, THAT COSBY, HOPKINS & CO. CONTINUE to repair and warrant all kinds of Watches and Clocks upon the shortest notice, and in the best manner. They also repair Mathematical, Surgical, Musrcal and Optical Instruments, in a style unsurpassed by any establishment, Noith or South. This the pub lic may rely on. They are, also, prepared to MAKE to OKDJSK a e . . tri a any ktnu ouswetry or ouver ware, in lue neatest manner and of the best material. With the experience of many years, we tell the people, (and have the testimony of hundreds to sup port us in making the assertion,) that we can do their work as well as it can be done in Richmond, New York, or any where eUe. Give us a cull. Charges moderate. CQbB Y, HOPKINS & CO. Petersburg, Nov. 2. 83 To Members of the Bar. IAM preparing for ihe Press a Digest of the Re ports of the Dfcisions ol the High Court of Errors and Appeals ol ihe State ofmississippi; of the Superior Court of Chancery; and of the old Supreme Court of that biaie. 1 lie work will be . . i . r l. i i 1 I comprised in a volume ui ujjwarus ui seven uunuica pages, and will contain me substance oi tue decis ions reported in Walker's Reports; the seven volumes of Howard's Reports; the seven volumes of Smedes S( Marshall's Reports, (the ?tli volume of which is not yet in print;) Freeman's Chancery Reports, ad Smedes Marshall's Chancery Reports 1 shall not rely upon the Reporter's notes, but will prepare a complete syllabus of each opinion, unless entirely satisfied with that of the Reporter. v The typographical portion of the work will be exe cuted in the best style, by the press of Little if Brown, of Boston. The volume will be Teady for delivery to subscribers in the course of the spring of 1847. The price will be S6-00 payable on delivery. The decisions in Mississippi upon question, of mercantile law, fraudulent conveyance, the various subjects of equitable cognizance, the application ol the law ol quo warranto io ariK cuarters, nu ma ny others ot interest to the profession, and which have been at different limes absorbing topics to the public, exhibit great research, learning and ability, and will well repay perusal I believe my experience as one of the Reporters of the State has rendered me fully qualified for the task I have undertaken, and 1 think that the Profession in other States will not think the less of their brethren of Mississippi on becoming more familiar with the decis ion, o! her Judiciary. W. C SMEDES. VirksburK. Miss. Nov. 18. lS-lb New Fall AINT1 WINTER GOODS. WE have commenced receiving our Fall and Winter Goods, to which we call the attention of the public, consisting in part as follows : Ombra striped Alghans.a new ana Deauuiui arucie, Mousline De Laine Rbos, Super Cashmere Decosse, Rep De Laine., " Ombra Pari. dq. Ombra Shaded and Striped Cashmere, Moushn de Laines, atd Cashmeres of all styles and qualities, 8H AWLS Ombra Thibet, m Printed Tekara, Cashmere, Super Black and Blue French Cloths, Brown and Green .do. Fancy Cassimeres and Vestings, Scarfs, Cravats, etc Glove, of all kind., HATS of Paris atyle very handsome, CAPS of all kinds. Having purchased oor Goods low. we will sell then, accordingly. HEARTT & JORDAN. .Sept. 21. Igjf. 76 68 GalloUS good Vinegar, offered low, ai retail. 184C. tm K&ivign, use i IVUilIBEH 103. TheEarsntcUeVt r ? WATCHES, JEWELER? That e?cr before appeared iaPeteritnrs SN offering the above Goods to the pnhlic, wa feel fully assured that their exceeding richness, grace ful elegance, and the superiority of their workman. ship, will completely defy competition in this market i and the prices, too, are lower than ever, so that we csn not only minister to the gratification of the most : refined taste, bat we cah do so without materially di minishing the furniture othe Pocket. Wa believe that we can now please all ld,yoctnf and middle aged, of whatever condition and sit. Come and see for yourselves, and you will quickly agree with us, that almost all the treasures of the mineral kingdom have been ransacked, and the most skilful manipulations of the mechanic arts kate been exerted io their utmost, in order to group together, newer and brighter beauties for your gratification. Do yoH want Watches, Clocks, Chains, Ring., Bracelets, .Necklaces, Breastpins, Lockets, Pencils, Pens. Silver Forks, Spoons, Knives, Ladles, Cupe and Bowls ; or does you fancy set on Amethysts, Topazes, Rubies, Emeralds, Pearls, or Diamonds t We can supply you with each or all that ia, if yoa will come soon. COSBY, HOPKINS & CO. Pefershnrer. Pept. 30. 79 . Valuable Property. FOR SALE. v THE Subscriber, wishing to move South, of fere for Sale his Harold's Creek Tract oi L.and, lying within two miles and a half ef the Town of Oxford, Granville County, N. C.t contain iug 1200 acres. The Plantation is in good repair, and in an improved and improving Condition,' being U in a superior state for the the cultivation of Tobaoco 1 and Grain. The improvements consist of a large ; two story Dwelling House, with every convenient , out house, Tobacco Barns, &c. ALSO, Locust Valley, situated one mile and a halY from Oxford, containing 400 acres, being well "aud Completely improved, the Dwelling House being high " ly commodious and comfortable, most pleasantly sit uated, and surrounded by extensive Orchards of well selected Fruit. v ALSO, !' ' MeritsvilSe, containing 215 acres, immediate ly adjacent to Oxford. There has just been built on this Tract, a Dwelling of the largest dimensions, and in the neatest style of architecture, located on an em inence overlooking the Town, within a half mil. of the Court House. . . These Tracts are all contiguous but may be culti- vated separately, or they may be consolidated, and cultivated by one individual. They are located in a . region of couutry than which there is none mora ' healthy, and in the midst of a society unsurpassed for intelligence, refinement ahd high moral excellency..' Tliey will be sold on accomodating terms. . Persons desirous of examining them, are requested to call ou my friend and Attorney, .ISOD12RT TAYLOR) Esq., of Oxford, who will take plea sure in showing the Lands, and who is fully autkor ized to dispose of the samel JOHN C. TAYLOR. Nov. 6, 1846. 90--tf. NEW WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE, A. S12PA11I, formerly of Petersburg, Va , would respectfully inform the Ladies aaiMienilemen of Raleigh, and its vicinity, as well as the Members of the Legislature, that he has loca ted himself in Raleigh, for the purpose of prosecuting the Watch and Jewelry business in all its various branches. He is well and efficiently prepared to re pair all kinds of Watches and Clocks, in the beat manner, and upon the most reasonable terms. To those in want of Goods in his line, he wonlei any that he has on hand one of the largest and best assortments to be found in this Stale, which he can sell as low as any one else. . Among his Stock may be found the following : Gold and Silver Patent Lever VVatches, full jeweled and plain ; Gold and Silver Guard atd Fob Chains ; Cameo, Stone, and Mourning Breast Pins ; Cameo, Lava and Stone Braeelets, and Bracelet Clasps Sil ver SprTgs and Darts for the flair; Finger and Ear rings ; Gold and Silver Thimbles ; Gold and Silver Pencils ; Gold diamond-pointed Pens ; Silver Combs; Gold and Silver Spectacles ; Lockets and Miniatnre Cases ; Collar, Sleeve and Bosom Buttons ; Slides for Guards ; Guard Keys and Seals ; Spoons, Pursrs, Clocks, Hair Brushes, 5ic , and a great many other useful articles too numerous to mention. Call on the Subscriber at the North Carolina Book store. A. SEPARK. Raleigh, December 9, 1S46, 99 tf GEN. SCOTTS POCKET COMPANION. JUST received, a Superior lot of Chewtnq To bacco. Those in want of a good article, would do well by calling at the Cigar Store, where a nimble sixpence will buy as much as a shilling will at any oth er Store. Call and try ; the prices raoge from 5 cents to $1 per pound. JOHN Jv KKAUSE. Tobacconist. Raleigh. De. 10,-1845. , 99 l,A FEW MORE OF THE SAME SORT LEFT" CALLand procure a Bottle of that Old Port Wine, (warranted to be the tvuz icier,,) and acknowledged by all who have given it a trial, aa teht soon. Price 75 cents per Bottle $(i per dozen. P. F. PESO CD, Druggist. Nov. 23. 8 IiOST Oil JTIIS!AKRIEI. ON or about the 13th of September last, th Subacribeis sent to the Petersburg Depot, to go bv Express, a box of considerable valne. dirtc ted to S' E. Applewhite, Clarksville, Va,, tobvleft at Rid-way, N. C, which box has not rcachsd Ml destination. A suitable reward will be paid tor itsf delivery to JE.'Burton. Peterslwrg, or to 7 J. H. EUSTACE & SON. It is possible the box may have gone to wJme oiber Southern Dejot, if so. the Agent will please MiJ it to PetersborK. as directed, or to J. H. Eustace fcSpn, Richmond. Virginia. - 102--. FOR KCITjq fiTT HE commodiou. and very convenient Dwelling, 117 belonging to Mrs. Priscilla 8baw, in which Mrs. McPbeeters now resides. ,t 1 If desirable, possession can be had the first fie vember. - JAMES M. T0WLE8. Oct. 16. 8J gTK Beami of Writing P' OP sistiog of Fool.p and ft".? AiMjtiXaDd Cmmon Store of N. B. HVGHES. December 3. - J" - -- . , A Miss Beecher- inw-v r- a t; j. A, Economy- - De do Call af the I acerober, 1816. N. C. Btjyv s.iwh- 58 3" L, iJiCttnber 3. 97 i . -

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