.1 5EN4T?ITrVT-Jr3r'C:3.18:T: T: -... .noisiiio .Btmnn.-t . . A message was received from the Jlouse or Com inbM, 'proposing V rote IbrtliwJt" for we J stating that die names of H. T. Clark, and.WV A. WrixhkTand J.P. E.s Hardy, re witndrtwn fmm th nomination- The Senate then proceeded to Vote. Mr. Hinea received 14 Totes, MrrCameron 3AIrv Mebd&e 7, Mr. Ehringaans 24, and Afr. Collins 3. The Senate then proceeiexfto the order of the day via A Bill to authorize the. Qommissioneri of the Town ef Wilmington to borrow Two Hundred Thoo aaad Dollars and for other purposes, and the amend ments proposed by the Julickry Committee thereto. The amendments were concurred in, and after con- siderahle debate, tne mil, as amended passeu iu se onl reading. , ,, " .: , - - ., - Mr, Russell presented the following Resolution : " BaolceJy (the House of Commons concurring,) Thatjthe two Houses adjourn sine die on Saturday, the 9th Instant .;-VV ' : 7" Mr. Graves tnoTed that the said Resolution be made the special order of the day for the 9th Inst The Yeas and .Nays being called for.'U was deci- ded In the affirmative--Yeas 33, Nays 9. k ; : On motion of Mr. Gilmer, the Senate proceeded to the consideration of the Bill to enforce the State's indemnity agaiast loss on account of her suretyship for the Raleigh end Gaston Rail Road Company, and the amendments proposed thereto by the Com mittee to whom it was referred. The said amend meats were agreed to, and the Bill as amended, was read the second and third times and passed. Mr. Graves mored that the said Bill be made the special Order of the day for Tuesday next, at 12 M, which was agreed to. ' ' .'V On motion of Mr. GraTes, the Bill to authorise the Commissioners of the Town of Wilmington to borrow Two Haudred Thousand DolUrs, and for o ther purposes, was. made' the special order of the day for Monday next. ' . ' ' The Engrossed Bill to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Neptune Ftre Company, in the Town of Washington, was read the third time, ' passed and ordered to be Enrolled, j : - Mr. Gilmer introduced a Bill to revive and re-establish the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, and for ether purposes ; which was read the first time, and ; ordered to be referred to the Committee on internal Improvement. ',; The Resolution concerning Public Swamp Lands in the County of Hyde, was read the second time . and on motion of Mr. .Thompson, postponed indefi . .lately.:' " '.' I . t ... .' :kI , . The Senate the&itook a recess until 3 o'clock, P. M. v fi. KVSSIXQ ' SE3SI0S. . The Bill Jo incorporate the Town of Windsor, in the County of Bertie j and the BUI making compen sation for Jurors, who shall hereafter be summoned to serreon Coroner5' I nquests' in the County of -Northampton passed their third readings, and were ordered to be Extolled . . t . The Bill to incorporate the Town of Franldins ville, in the County, of Randolph; and . The BUI to incorporate the Oxford Manufactu ring Companypassed their third readings and were ordered to be Engrossed. - Mr. Halsey introduced the following' Resolution, which paased first reading: -i Resolved, That the President and Directors of the " Literary Fund, be directed to make sale, either pri vately or at "public Auction, of such portions of U reclaimed 'Swamp Lands belon?-aId Fund, and open, sueh turns a they may deem compatible with the nublie interest. 1 The Senate proceeded to the election ef one Trus tee of the University. Mr. Ehringhaus received 26 votes. Mr. Mebane 12, and Mr. Hines 2. Mr. Exum, from the Committee superintending the election,' reported that Mr. Mebane was duly elected. - . The Engrossed Resolution in faTor of E.S. Moore, Sheriff of Caldwell County, and v A Bill to incorporate the Whitehouse Cavalry, in the County of Robeson; also' : ". The Bill to protect the Public Bridges within this State, were read the second and third times, passed and ordered to be Enrolled, - HOUSE 0F"C0MM0NS. " ' mousing sessiox 'V, Mr. Stone, ef Graavill. presented a petition fiom sundry chiseas of tiraavitle County, praying the. es tablishment of a new County out of a portion of their .limits. Referred to the Committee on Proposition aad Grievance. ' . Mr. Murphy presented a petition from certain eit . xSo or New Hanover CoQoiy, preying that a portion of said County may be attached ,U the County of Sampson ; which was referred to the Committee on Proposition and Gr e vanes -" Mr. Waddell. ef Chatham, presented a Revolution concerning the Cape Fear Navijratioo Cenipxny ; and Mr. Chuna, of Bunco rab. Bill la amend an Act, entitled an Act extending the lime ef perfecting the title le lauds heretofore entered, passed at the leal ressioq of the General Assembly. These ware read the first time and passed r -On motioa of Mr. Stt Ie, ef Richmond, a message Wat sent ta the Senate, proposing to sot forthwith, Sot tare Tnnteea of the Uuiversity. , The prepoaitioa era agreed to by the Senate, and the Hue then proceeded te vote. . Mr. Ilinen received 49 votes; Mr Mebane 56; Mr. Enrmghao 26 ; . Mr. Collie S3 ; Mr. Cameron 54; aad Mr. Avery 16. Mr. Scott; on behalf of the Tellers, resorted, that Thoma N Camera had received a majority of the , whole number of voir cart, and that he waa duly Reeled, and no other pertoa in nomioatiou had re cerved such majority. ' ' Oa motion f Mr. Stone, of Granville, a mewsge was sent to the Senate, proporiog to vote this after noon, at half-past three o'clock for the remaining Trustee, aud informing that body that the name of Vf.'F-. CoHin war withdrawn. A message was re ceived from the Senate agreeing to the propoaitMu. On motion of Mr. Rayoer, of Hertford, the .Com mittee on the Judiciary were instructed to enquire into, the propriety of paying ta R. W. Ash ton $250, for services aHrged to have been rendered in taking eare of the Goveromett House in the years 1834 end 1835. . . , Mr. Hicks, from the Jodiciary Committee, reported a Rill concerning securities for th prosecution of sails ; which pa-sed first reading. Mr. Waahiagton, from the sam Committee, re potted favorably on the BUI from the Senat. eon earning Clerks and Masters in Equity. The said Bill, aDer andergoing several amendments, was, en motion of Mr, D. A Barnes, postponed indefinitely. . - .Mr. Mebane. from the Committee on Propositions sad Grievssee, to whom was referred the memorial Wake rtantv in relation to the bslrucUons of Fkh pasnrpNease River, reported that it is not expedient to legislate on thai subject, and asked to be discharged from the1 further conside ration cf the subject. The report was concurred in. Mr. Mebane, from the nam CommHt.ee, to whom were referred the Petition from Perqei moos County, Su relaUoa t Licenses to Retail 'Spiritou Liquors ; and lb Peik ion from Perron County, concerning tbo Betting on Elections, reported that it is not expedient to legislate en tbeee subjects as proposed, and pray ed "ifi be discharged from their further consideration. " Th Report was eooenrred in. ' , Mr. Mebane, from the same Committee, reported a Bill to repeal an Act, entitled 'an Act to' prevent r "beating of Fowl in the County of Carteret; :vhieh reused first reading. f ! ' Tba JJUJ graaling a further extension of eredit on the Beads endorsed by the SUU for the Wilmington Sl Raleigh Rail Road Company, and also on the debts da the State aad the Literary Fund by tha said Company, was read the second time and after some time spent in debate the BUI was rejected by the fol lewtag vote: Yeae 13, Nays 87. - -'' . ' ' Mr. Williams, of New Hanover; then moved that . the vot b reconsidered. ' Tli motion prevailed, ..and the qnestiou again recarriog on the - passage of the said Bill en its second reading, he moved to amend the said Bi3, by sTriking but ail after the enacting cjana, and Inserting as aft amendoMat, a'substUnt 'which he offered. The ameadment was adopted, and the Bill passed secoad readiag. " :- . '-. ' '' A message was received from the Sea at. inform- . lag that lb had passed the Engrossed Resolatta piwviding for Equipping and paying 'the expenses of the Volnatsers t - Wiimingtoa and' Charlotte, and asking the eonenrreae of the House. I The said Res olution passed first reading. ) T V- AM M .T .The Bil to dispose of a portMO of the onvirreyed ' land in Cherokee County and for oUr pttrposes, was v read; the, second timerwheir "Mr."GirytJ,"nf "Surry, moved to amend said BiU in the last'liue er-the third section by' striking oat the Word tern and ioaertiog ?fln."-'. After some-, discussion. the question on the adoptiep of this araesdtnent, was decided in the yrKui- a vol w v najc vv. - i,' . 7 . . l"be House then took a reeeas.anUl 3 o'clock. SYssisa. SESsicrt. 1. r The House resumltue consideration of the Bill under consideration at the time of taking the recess, ana tne qaesi ion 040x1 me saia iitu pass its second reading 1 waa decided In the affirmative. ,k . ,j . ", The House then proceeded to the execution of the joint order, aixl voted for one Trustee of the Uni versity the names of Messrs. Hincs and Arcry.be- lug wuaurawa irvia me .noininMion. Lil f. meDane received 79 votes, 'and Mr. Ehringhans . T ' "Mr. Guim,on behalf of the Tellers,' reported that OSes Mehane had received a majority of the whole number of votes given, nd hat he was duly elected. Mr. Ellis, of Rowan, moved to reconsider the vote by which was passed on the third reading, the Bill to regulate the appointment of Field Officers of Re giments of Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, and the question Will the House so reconsider? was decided La the affirmative Yeas 6-L Nays 44. -: . .-,, L . . , , .,. J Mr. Chunn, of Buncombe, introduced a Resolution relating to the. appointment of the Officers of the Volunteer Regiment, called for by the President : which passed its first reading. This Resolution pro vides that the two Houses shall proceed on Monday afternoon next, at 4 o'clock, by joint baDotlo the e lection of said Officers, and those persons receiving the highest number of votes, shall be commiseioned by the Governor accordingly. " " j ' A messnce was received from HisExcellenrv, the Governor, transmitting a copy of the Correspondence between the War Department, called for by the Re solution of yesterday. The .Correspondence-was read, and then sent to the Senate, with a proposition w priai ine same. . On motion of Mr. Par rear, of Surry, the Commit tee on the Judiciary were instructed (if in their o pinion they deem it expedient) to report a Bill to compel Sheriffs and Coroners to give receipts for process placed in their hands for service or collection. Mr. Davenport, of Tyrrell, offered .the following Resolution the consideration ofwhichT on motion, was postponed to, and made the order the day for the 11th instant: ' Jtaohtd, the Senate. concurring That the two Houses of this General Assembly adjourn jm die on Monday,' the 11th inst end that, the Clerks make up their estimates to that time . ' The House then adjourned until Monday, at 10 o'clock, A. M, . , . . - fWe copy from the tJWilmington Chroniclej'? the following Card, as that paper states that the error complained of, was made on the authority of the Registeb.: ! T0 the Editor of the Chronicle : Deas Sia: I am reluctant to appear before the public, but an imperative sense of duty to myself forces me to it. I am reported in your paper of the 23d instant, as having voted against the Bill to Charter the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road Company, when the fact is, that I voted for it upon every reading, and felt a deep Interest in itspasg By giving the above shorUfifcse-e -taaertion, you Will much obligexsee. r -"."Tours, very respectfully. n -u:; : I M.LONG. the; -jnatigubati6n. . P? PHJay W, at 12 ecloekl the Members ef the Senate, according to previecri ajrangementi re-j tl9Pitice orthelw,LathewTcralCou 1 SUPREME COURT. The following gentlemen have been- admitted to Courts RAkBIftH REGISTER. M Oar's are the piano of fair, delightful peace t -Vnwarp"d by party rage to lite like brother." RALEIGH, N. C. Tuesday, January 5, 1847. E7 We understand that the " Christmas Eve Frolic," as reported for this paper, has been miscon ceived by one or two gentlemen, whose names are therein introduced. The very heading given to it, and the whole spirit of the Report, ought to have shown, as we think it did, that the whole affair was, what it purported to be, a Christmas Frolic, and had no 'connexion with the legitimate business of Leg islation. We would say, however, in relation to one of the gentlemen alluded to, (Mr. Walses, of David sonj that no one occupies higher ground in the Le gislature, as a thorough business member, and a man of capital sense, than he does, and certainly no one is more devoted to the interest of his constituents. THE STATE'S CREDIT. It became necessary, a few days since, to clothe the Public Treasurer of the State, with power to bor row a considerable sum of money by the 1st instant, to meet the liabilities of the State, on account of her endorsement of Rail Road, Bonds. The Governor advised the. Legislature, of the necessity, and forth with a Resolution, waa introduced, for obtaining the sanction of the Legislature to procure the same. . It was promptly acted upon by both Houses, and North Carolina now. stands, where she will always stand, the "good and the honest old State," .whose word is her bond, and by whose citiieas, Repudiation is considered "A monster of such horrid mien, " As to be hated, needs but to be seen." RALEIGH ND GASTON ROAD. A Bill is now before the Legislature, to revive and re-establish the Raleigh and Gaston Road. It pro poses thai the Legislature shall provide for a joint ownership of the Road, between the State and Ahe original Stockholders of the Company, on condition that the said Stockholders shall subscribe $200,000 to the extension of the Road to the South Carolina line. ' This is a most important measure, and is, really, so equitable and just in its provisions, that we can not allow ourselves to doubt its success. - Its passage will certainly secure the extension of our Road, thereby enhancing the value'of the State's share one hundred per eentn while, at the same time, it will, in some slight measure, indemnify the public-spirited and patriotic individuals, who built the Raleigh and Gafrmltoad. . '. ".'- ' " . THE WESTERN TURNPIKE. ' ; - "Ve regret exceedingly Usee, with what little fa vor, the BUI for effecting this important' improve ment, has been received at the present Sessions tWa cannot believe that the apathy evinced towards this measure, proceeds from direct hostility to it. It must bo the result of other causes, unexplained perhaps, the lateness of the period at which the Bill was "ta ken up for consideration. It was introduced at a Te rr early day, by its earnest advocate, Mr. Woonrw, tlstica could bo" procuredV It Is not too late ;tftn now, however, to pass it, ifMembers are so inclined. mi aiii 1 . . t C3r Wei 7 viwaj a ihv evuwwMwev j - j p MoroJxonditio ofthtWoltd? .Tho PuSUo general ly are invited to attewVand wo predict tax them a richtntoUexoaltrAL This article la in treat demand In this City, and we believe one' thousand Hogs could be sold at fair prices. But few Families, comparatively, have laid in weir suppry. - . . paired to the Hall of the House of Commons, ness tae.inanguraUon;of Governor Geahax. As the Senators entered, the Metnbers jof, the. House rose and received then standing! and uncovered.--Soon after the Governor elect, attended" by the Joint Committee of the twi Hodses, and the Judges eflhe Supreme Court, made his appearance. 1 Every niche and corner of the'Gallery was filled by speetators, the largest portion of whom belonged, to the faiier sex, who imparted to the solemnities of the occasier a living, inspiring beauty. . f . - . The Speaker of the Senate,: having announced to the Convention the object of its assembling, His Ex cellency, Governor Gkabax, rose and delivered the subjoined excellent Inaugural Address, ia a manner, so earnest and imposing, as to rivet the attention of the densely thronged Hall At its conclusion, the Oaths of Office were administered by Chief-Justice Rurriw; whereupon, the Senate again retired, in the order of their entrance to their own Chamber. Senators, and Gentlemen of the House of Commons : With profound gratitude to the People of the State. for the renewed expression of their favorable opin ion, I am here, a second time, under public and sa cred solemnities, to assume . the office of their Chief Magistrate, The trust is undertaken with diffidence. Its weight, its cares and responsibilities have been felt, and are therefore appreciated. Conscious of my deficiencies, such humble attributes as I possess, will be exerted to deserve the continued confidence of my fellow-citizens 1 And in all that may depend on a just sense of obligation, rectitude of intention devo tion to the public welfare, and an ardent admiration and attachment for the free Constitution which I am called to administer, their partiality shall bo justi fied ; happy, if in yielding up authority at the close of the prescribed period, the prosperity of the State' shall have been, in however, small a degree, advanced by my efforts, and her honor preserved inviolate. To a casual reader of the Constitution, it must be obvious, that the powers and duties of the Executive, though important and arduous, are in a great degree subsidiary merely, to those of the General Asscirbly. Ti r . 1 . : r 1 : l . i t 1 . a usjviiuus spirit vt .uvcrtjr, wiucu ciiarucierizej our fathers,- not only annulled ail power in that depart ment, to veto or suspend the execution of Laws, but an essential prevision of the-Bill of Rights, requires it to be u kept separate and distinct" from the func tion of Legislation. To affect the public policy, there fore, for good or evil, the origination of measures, as well as their perfection, belongs to the Legislature, To the Executive, in this sphere of public agency, is permitted only!" the province of recommendation. I have too recently exercised this privilege, respecting the present condition of ur affairs, to detain you with repetitions now. It is deemed, however, not inappropriate to the ' v. . . . J.r . . , 7 . . . r . , rilittll '" ii i ll I 'mnn so elected, the Commission present point of time, the termination of onfladn'e- Ki tlv; v y?J i. .... . , ilf.?- . .r imtnTi in rn tn which his rank entitles him. IJkl BtlUU Nl VV 1 1 IJ W mm J each other, what is the ac CO: and o posture of the great interests committed to our charge, on this day ? What is the situation of our Finances . and Revenue ? . Has suitable provision been made to meet the public engagements, and pre serve, the fiith of the State 1 Is our system of Edu cation equal to the wants of the community, and does it diffuse the blessing over the country, which ought to flow from it 1 Is our Agriculture, the greatest source of our wealth, properly encouraged by public authority, and has it been supplied with that neces sary desideratum, cheap and easy access to markets? Are our Highways such, as a free people in this age, are entitled to 1 Does our Commerce prosper ? Have our Mineral resources been sufficiently ex plored, aud do our Mining and Manufacturing in terests flourish as they might? Is Justice dispensed speedily and cheaply, so as to maintain right, suppress crime, and uphold the public morals? Is our Mili tia system upon a footing of usefulness and efficien cy, answering the design of its establishment ?- In fine, have our population all the conveniences and advantages, which they-may justly expect from an enlightened and parental Government ? How do we compare, in any or all of these respects, with other members of the Union ? These are questions of jno mcnt to ns, and our constituents not propounded to imply a defectiveness or inferiority, where it may not exist, but to awaken attention to those domestic, but important concerns (too little respected, possibly in our conflicts for political ascendancy.) which lie at the foundation of the prosperity and happiness of the people, and the true glory of-the State. Such an examination is due to the generous confidence re posed in us. Should it reveal defects, it is the office of the Statesman, to determine in what, with tho re sources at our command, we eau meliorate the condi tion of things. It is not alone sufficient that we hare a Republican Constitution, equal in wisdom of pro vision, as I firmly believe, to any in the world, mild and equal laws, and s Representative Government, derived from the popular will. These are our in heritance, from,' past generation Agencies in the hands of public men, for the promotion of the public good. Our own obligations to preserve, to amend, to improve, to the ntmost of our faculties and resour ces, are but increased by their possession, and by the examples of those, who have transmitted them to us. In whatsoever measures, for the advancement of the public weal, your enquiries may result, my hearty co-operation shall not be wanting. -Relying on the indulgence I have heretofore so liberally experienced, in the service of the State, and humbly trusting in the protection and guidance of that Deity, whose Superintending care is over nations as well as individuals, and who has so bountifully fa vored us in all past time on his Holy Oracles, as the witness of truth, 1 new take upon me the Oaths of loyalty to the Government, and fidelity and im partiality in my Official trust THE RE-DISTRICTING BILL. If the u Standard" will publish the Speeches on the Whig side of the House, on the Re-districting question, me will insert those made by our opponents. And, thus the People will see both sides. We pause for a reply. Will the Editor do it ? . y-- TRUSTEES 6F THE UNlVJEftSTTY. The following gentlemen have beTee32bru3 tees of the University, by the Leisjjrep fill va cancies, vis: John A. Gil; e W. Courts, of Rockingham Walter F. LeaJi, of RichmOfld ; Thomas N. Cameron of Cumbenand, taajJUes Meoane, vs u range, . APPROPRTjSpir FpR .VOLUNTEERS. It gives ps pleainretSrstate, that the Preamble and Resolutions appropriating Ten Thousand Dollars for equippingTuid paying the expenses of our Volunteer Regiment to their places of Rendezvous, has passed the Senate. Let the House now do'its duty. ''" ' ' VAN AMBURGH IN RALEIGH. ' The Editerf the a Standard" boasts of having Uaashed Federalism, howling to its den.' Very possibly. Federalism, and all other Cattle might be OTfun liotfog from the general appearance era tamer of wild beasts; but he ought and deem it "a fear of his lash,. It S. Olin Talley. of WilmSgteisf -"r a nomas sucnarason, ex itewoern ; - :J? J ames , M. McCorkle of. Wadesboro7 r 4 Quincy F. Neal, of Caswell County ! I Joseph. Batchelor. of Halifax - ' PeWittC. Stoned of Franklin County?; Jesse R. Stubbs, of Beaufort County j. . H. A. Badliam, of Edeate; , J. Alexander Fox, of Charlotte f i . Thomas T. Slade, of Lincelnton Alfred G.- Foster, of Lexington ; ' A ' Thomas B. Bailey, of Hillsborough f , N. N. Fleming, of Rowan'County ; Joseph T. Rhodes, WjlkesborV Wilkes Conaty y Thomas Beckwith, Plymouth ; : ' William Hill, of Wilmington, ' . And. the following gentlemen have been admitted to Superior Court Practice, vis - 'James Banks, Fayetteville ; . ; ' G: W. Baxter, Rutherford County ; J. L-'Bridgers, EJgecomb County ; Josiab rL. Urooks, iar bo rough ; Hill Burgwyn, Elizabeth City ; Thomas O. Brown, Bladen County ; ' Newton Coleman, Buncombe County : A. T. Davidson, Murphy, Cherokee County; V. Garland, Greensborough ; Lucius J. Johnson, Chowan County ; William L. Mixell, Williamston, Martin County ; John Rolen, Cherokee County ; Peter K. Rounsaville, Lexington ' ; Clement G. Wright, Bladen County. APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS. The Bill to regulate the Appointment of Field Officers of Regiments of .Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, has passed both branch es of the General Assembly, and h. therefore, now a Law. The Act provides First That whenever any Regiment, or Regi ments of Volunteers from this State, shall be called into the service of the United States, the Field Offi cers of each Regiment shall be chosen by the Pri vates as well as Officers thereof, a majority of whom shall bo requisite to a choice. Seconffy That as soon as deemed proper, after the arrival of the Companies at the place of Rendez vous, the Captains shall call together the Officers and Privates of the Regiment, and proceed to the elec tion of the Field Officers ; the Captains superinten ding the election, and the voting to be by ballot. And Thirdly That upon such an election taking place, the Captains of Companies composing the Re giment, or a majority of them,' shall furnish to each and every Field Officer, aCertificate stating the fact and the office to which he is elected ; and upon the presentation of sochrJufi-iww,Tglur ,Be, CONGRESS. Since this Paragraph was prepared, the House of Commons has reconsidered the vote by 'which the Bill passed its third reading. It is, therefore, still before that body. And, in addition, a Resolution has been introduced by Mr. Cuun;, to elect the Of ficers by the Legislature. - iCTdiuilfbr -John KerfTTst THE JAUNT TO WILMINGTON. We have conversed with a number of the gcntle men, who visited Wilmington during the Christmas Holy days, and we have never seen a more delight ed set of people. Bit we knew this would be so. The fact is, the citizens ef Wilmington are u Past masters," in all that pertains to good fellowship. They not only know how to do the genteel thing, but they have the spirit and liberality to carry it out We are always glad to hear of these interchanges of visits, between citizens of distant points of our State. They have a salutary social and political bearing. The jealousies and alienations, which ex ist among persons, living remote from each other, are removed by visiting each other's homes. Ac quaintances, thus formed, give a new tone to their feelings, and they separate with an expansion of mutual interest, to which they were before strangers, and limited only by the boundaries of their country. Indeed, the delightful courtesies of social intercourse, are so frequently interrupted by local jealousies and rival interests, that it is refreshing to heazsof such it i m ' . n m , a "icast oi reason, ana now oi soui." dispe&fr oCIaJmcd SSJ .J" but was ordered to lie on the tawe, unui certain Wfcl fro Vwn confession,' that U is fond of the lask like another 'certain 11 domestic 'animal He ("thanks Mr. Gmtxa for his denunciations P -. Well, reaped to girVniuce,WProfe lk would oon resent than, but there is no tor Dims, of our University, will dearer a x-ecturtn ' . : , ! on to-morrow (Wednesday) eienlhS at Mi i r past e o'clock in the Methodist Church, a "The present l r Smh J .-''- -THE SEAT OF WAR. '; ' GetC Tavxojt is still at Monterey, Gen, Woth is at SaltUlo, and Gen. Woot, has; been ordered to Uks vxxsessloa of tho Tfwntif Parrasj the. Inhabit ants of which j were prepared, peaceably to receive him.; Cea.TATLoa .was about tojnarch to tho at tack of Victoria, apost important to open a commu hl5!iHon with San Luis PotosL- It was expected that SavtxAkwa' would resist it In fact, the Officers look for harder fighting than they hare yet experi enced.' - OUR RAILROADS. We heard a gentleman remark, a few days since, that the cost of conducting operations on, or keeping up, the Raleigh Sl Gaston Rail Road, was much greater than that on the Wilmington Rood. It so happened, at the time, that we were printing a docu ment for the Legislature, which enabled us to insti tute a comparative statement of labor of all kinds, for both ordinary and extraordinary repairs of Road and Bridges, as shown by the Reports of both Roads, for the past year, and we annex the result of our calcu lations : The Wilmington Road is 161 miles long, and em ploys 259 hands- being equal to I 60-100 hands per mile, or 62-100 of a mile per hand. The Raleigh Road is 85 miles long, and employs only 30 hands being 58-100" of a hand per mile, or 1 70-100 of a mile to the' hand. Or, within a fraction of three times the amount of labour per mue, on tne rormer uoad, there is on the Utter. The current expenses of all kinds, on the Wil mington Road, are $1,190 per mile. On the Raleigh and Gaston Roadf541 per mile. . The amount of running per mile, on. both Roads, being about the same both keeping up a daily Mail line; though the freight business on our Road, is about 40 per cent greater per. mile, than the Wil mington Road. - DEATH OF THE HON. ALEX. BARROW. The Hon. Alexander Barrow; U S. Senator, from the ijiate of: Louisiana, died at Brnum's Hite) yesterday morning, at & o'clock. He ar rived in Baltimore, a few days since. In apparent ly good health. He wasattai kedon Friday night with a" violent cold, to which rapidly succeeded other symptoms of an alarming character. He was attended from the first, by bis friend, Doct. Smith, member of Congress from the, West, and also, by Drs. Mackenzie and Buckler, of Balti more, and .Drs. McCiellan and Chapman, of Phil adelphia, but fn spite of all the skill of these em inent physicians, his disease continued to baffle all remedy. As a last effort,. Dr G. B. Smith, was called to administer the ealvanic battery. but it' was without favorable effect, and hieconti- n.ue.d to grow wor8e,unliI death , came to ri him from nain. . , . ...... - -- - - - g ; 7 x : Messrs. Archer, and Crittenden, of the Senate and Messrs. Croz,ier, Bell, Gentry, Foote, and Gov. V nee, or toe House oi Kepreseutatives, ar rived by the evening train,-fromFWashington, on Monday, in time to be present at the' last solemn scene. They found their friend still in posses session of his facnlties, which he retained until the last. Senator Barrow was accompanied by his son. a lad of about 12 years' of age. His wife and ibe remainder of hi family are in Louisiana, and have yet to hear of their adJbereaveroeiL , His remains were attended to the WasbJogtou cars, . yesterday afternoon at, 5 o'clock, by Jthe Msvor and City Cooneils, Gerre E. RicrHrdsoo Eiw Attorney General otMary land; and a Bom ber oi the members .or the lat ana tne memners of Confirress mentioned above, with the Hon. Rev erdy Johnson, accompanied the remain to Wash- In; the Senate, n the 50th, Mr. Mangom aunou eed the death of Mr. Barrow, of Louisiana, where- upon, without reading th&oornatp the Senate ad journed. '-".''--' :..' V-V. L " In theouse, Mr.Harralsoi?, from"the Commit tee onMilitary Affairs, reported & Bill for. the rais ing of- tea additional Regimeats ef the Regular Aray, to serve ttunngta War,i . ; ; v In the-Senate, on the 31st, -Mr Johnson, of Law rose and in appropriate terms announced tre aenui ef his lamented colleairne, tne Hon. Alexander car- row, paying a just tribute to his high character and the many virtues wnien adornea tne man. - . r--Mr. Bentea the rose and ia a very feeling and impressive manner, borw- testimony to , the exaited worth, the noble heart, , and the ; inanly disposition by which Mr. Barrow was distingoished. 5 t " Mr. Breese also eare utterance to a few 'remarks of a similar character, and was followed by Air. Han negan, whose sad and solemn eloquence touched, the hearts of all who heard him. . ,-.. ' . Mr. Crittenden then rose,much affected, and said TV.T w Piwieirlanf Tf 7a mv inronTinn cii' nAVAirait S,vat A. IVOlUVUVl AW 0 SJLSJ lUkMVWUj OUS AAV UW1 s, needless it may be, after what has been already said, to bear my testimony I beg your pardon, sir Here Mr. Crittenden sat down completely over powered by emotion. ' Mr. Mangum then moved.the customary resolu tions, whichrwere adopted in silence, and I he Senate adjourned. v I The Committee of arrangements consists of Mes srs. Mangum, Berrien, Huntington, Speight, Cor- win ana Uass.j , . In the House of Representatives, Mr. Haralson, from the Military Committee, reported a Joint Res olution for the supply of Volunteers with' clothing. The Resolution was read twice and passed" without objection. - f - 5 .' ' The resolutions from the Senate were received,7 and Mr. Morse, of La, responded' to them in a most impressive and eloquent manner. I he House adopt ed the usual resolutions of respect, and then adjourn ed to attend the funeral, to-morrow. - P 0 STSC R I P T Nj ; BANK OF THE STATE. The General Annual Meeting cf the Stockhold ers of the Bank of the State of North Carolina, was held at their Banking House, in this City, yes terday. T homas McGehee, Esq. of Person County, was unanimously chosen Chairman, and W. R. Gai.es was appointed Secretary. A majority of the Stock being found, on examina tion, to be represented, the President (Judge Came ron) submitted a most satisfactory exposition.f the eonaitionTof the Bank ; -which may be inferred from the fact, that after paying the Dividend of Four per cent, due yesterday, the Bank has on hand, of undi vided profits, a surplus of $189,000 in round num bers. Gov. Geaham offered the following Resolution, which was adopted : Resolved unanimously, That the course pursued by the President and Directors of the Bank, in conduc ting the. affairs of the Institution during the past year, meets with the hearty concurrence of the Stock holders. The Stockholders then proceeded to the election of seven Directors of the Principal Bank as follows 5 Duncan Cameron, William Boylan, G. W. Mor decai, Charles Manly, Alfred Jones, John H.Bryan, William Peace. . YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS We have only a line to say, that yesterday, in the Senate, the Bill authorizing the Commissioners of Wilmington to borrow 5200,000, passed its third reading, and was sent to the House of Commons. In the House, after considerable debate, in which Messrs. D. A. Barnes, Flemming and Hieks advoca ted, and Messrs. Brogden and Wilson opposed the measure, the Bill providing for the appointment of a Commissioner of Common School, was rejected on its second reading, 86 to 26. In this City, on Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. Drury Lacy, Mr. A. J. Crocker, to Miss Mary D. Royster. . .f - ATTENTION WAKE CAVALRY ! ! PARADE at tne Capitol Square, on Friday, the 8th of January, at 11 o'clock, in Winter'Uni form. By order of the Captain. C. W. D. HUTCHIXGS, 1st Sergt. IUUSIC SCHOOL. MRS. II. WIIITAKEITS ITInsic ioliool will commence agnin on Monday, lbs 4th ot January, 1847. She will be prepared to give Leons on the Piano Forte, to fifteen or Twen ty Scholars, at the low price of $lper Session, giving each Scholar one lesson each day. - H. WHITAKER. Dee. 31.1846. - - 2 4w D"WH0 WANTS A BARGAIN? -a " Valuable City Property; for Sale. THE Subscriber is desirous of disposing bf that valuable Lot and block of Buildings, in the City of Kaleigh, now occupied by Mr. W. T. Baih. There is not for sal in the City, at this time, so eligibly a situated Building Lot, to say nothing of the valuable House already on it. It is situate in the immediate vicinity of Capitol Square, snd is only separated from it by a dividing Street. It is a motf admirable situation for a Hotel, and woulJ, doubtless, pay a fat dividend on such au In vestment. Qr, as now arranged, considerable busi ness might be done as. a Boarding Hou.e, for' which purpose it has (teen used for the last thirty years.' " " - a ' s for terms, wmcn win oe noerai and accommoda ting, apply to Muhasl FaA9Cts,Eq of the Senate. JAMES R. LOVE. January 1, 1847. . ' W A NT E D IB M EDIiTE L Y, AGE.NTLEMAN to Uke charge of a Male School in a healthy neighborhood, ho is well qualified to teach the Latin and Greek : Languages.' A salary of $300 a year, with Uoard, will be allowed. Totimonials of qualification, and a good moral char acter, will bo required. Applications to Willi ax Bishop, Brittoos M Roads, , Bertie County, ?i. U. are wished to be made soon, as the first Session will comment the 1st February next. - . January 1,1847. ' , 3 6t . .amssIm BOl,1,lIlC!llROOK IIOTEt, : " PETERS BURQ, VIRGINIA:: I'uE Subcriber has. taken charge of this well own Establishment, recently occupied by Dr, John Mfnce; Ho promise his fnends and the public gen erally , that he will leave no" effort unemployed, to render the House every way worthy of patronage. " -" J- .- : " " UiilASl JVIKO 1 .. v f i l HE Partnership heretofore existr&g between. the) - " -w-wimo, osoer inruow oi VvanKv nu xisoa & Teasexa wastbis day dsolred by mutual consent,; Persons indebted to the Firm, will please 'com forward and settle" with W..J Cxaik, and thoeo having claims against them wiU please present then for payment. - A - WILLIAM J. CLA RK. . . . f JOHN R. HARRISON". , - V- - JAMES S. TERRELL: Raleigh, Jan. Istt 1847, : - 2 54 C 0 A CHiWA KIN G kti 0 R fTXlftlNO r frnH C Sobscnliers respectfttlly Inform the public, .' c II A that : they wiU .continue the Coach Makihw RsrAtaiao Bcsijrssarin alt Us branebea at their eld stand ander the owme-pf Ciak o,Tsbbblx--- They have in their employ, a number vofeiceUeat workmen, and will sJwaya bo prepared to build or re- parr Uartiazea of every description fn the best sttie. There are now, on hantH several Carriages, .vrhichi will be sold at moderate prTees,- . '"v . . - .. -WILLIAM J. CLARK.V, . : T . JAMBS STRRELL: RalerghlJarr, W,l817..',." ti;i . 6 . ' List f Letted' VF. Of January, 1847. TTJ) EM AIMING in the Foal Office on thefiratday Jill & ja . Allen, E. A Jr, Allison, R. G. I Antboney, Ntcbolas , A vera, W. W, , ? A lei ander, Julias - n AlexaiidVr, James T. 4 -3 Dinman, W. D. :,r Berkley, Wm. H, ' '3 Banks, Adam G. Boyd, Charier -BetuEgbert . Blake. R ore rick . Bun, p. :. . Brent, John KV . Keaman, Cmdererilla " Burgwyn, U.K. . . ; " ' 3 Burnett, Mary Burton, James;, , , J Brewster. Margt Beaaley, Fielding Blow, George i t Bynum. Miss Frances E. Buiraloe.VV.il. Bird, Louisa , Broadatreetr Robeit j Bridges, Mission g ; Brodnf, Miss Mary L; Burgwyn, John j j Baw, Miss' Louisa . Buncombe, Maria , . Beard, Mrs, Martha., Banks, Mrs, Susan L. " Bledstiew. Haul . v Bunch, J. H . ,6 Bunch, Mrs Carotins i - Boylyn, M. 8. s . ' C. , Crabtrfe,-8oan Crocker, M.D. Couch, Leigh i j: Carrel!, Briuon 4 Canady, Miss , L J" .. ' Clements, H. H. J " Cooper, John R. -Cooper, Edward ,-. tJatlett, Thomas K., L CSrd. Miss Louia Cyleskou, A.N. . IX Dunn, Adeline J. BOnnell, R S. Doub,- Rev. Peter Daniel, Beverly , Davis, Polly : Dawson, Hart well - 3 E. Ector, Master J. J. . Edwards, Thomas Earp M iss Ssmanth . Earp, Misa EJizaboth, Earp, Hugh F. Frink. Miss Lenora Prild, Francis B. Felton, Susan . Franklin,. Edward Furgerson, John. Franks, Louis., Freeman, Mrs Eliza G. . . Gulley, Mr. Martha Grimes, Mrs. Lucy iO. Gammell. John Gibson, Green 3 Grirfilb, eo R. , . 2 Gaiiher, B. 3, . 6' H. Harding, Mr. . Heath, Miss Martha C. -Hintou, Miss Ann Harries, W B. Harrison, John Hunter, Julia Ar- - -Hunter, Miss Caroline Hunter, Miss Matilda . .... Houston. Col. Joseph , Hall. Erroy . Hedgepeth. Ann Hyman, James M HoIIoman, Jordan Huske, John. Hws, William Hartf field, Mrs -Mary ; 1 Hendrson, C. C. Hunicut, David . . Holland. David fit Mabel Hughes, Samuel,, Hunt, Enoch B. Hiii. Bridget " - ; Harrison, Miss MftrV W. H.lhard, R. C. T. .8. J ; HaHsett, Michael V Herron, A. H.' if. r:i. ciV - f ' Johnson,' fJapL James A. Johnson, r rank - . " Johnson. Barnabas ' ' ; . Jones 'Matthew' r'' JorJeS, M iss Julia " , . Jones AlA ,1 Jones, ' M rs. Charity : Justice, Richard K Jiiyner, James' r : "t Joyncr, Henry BZ. . King, Henry .t'. King, Mrs. Msry - -r Knight, ?iel Kennedav. Mis Ahnlc. jrj - : ImmaUlrf::VT' Lasson, MaVhaniel ' Lasiter, John u. Issiteri. John' H r . -I .i r 3 B McC oilers, Edwin aa mw t T. manoe, aiiss Aiatiuua - j Marshall, B. . t ; -.""; McQueen, HU. Mark ens, E. Afoses, Mrs Irene Miller, Mrs. ISahab.- - , MooreVJoho A; " ' ' Moce,' Fenher " Mitchell, B. B. , M , , Mackae, Gen. Alex.' 3, Miai;A,T. McComicor, W. H. s Manard. MraT. " Mitchell, Miss 8bsan tvf" McPhersoni Miss Francis' Medlin, Alfred ; ; Nixon, Miss Ot 'i Nicholson, Anderson NicholBon, Rev. Dav;d D. rt . . Outlaw, David Oliver, Samuel PowelL William Pat ton. Miss Margaret'.. Pookrum, L Pariin,' Albert W-' Patterson, John E. Phillips. Mrs. Martha A.. Perry, Miss Mary Jit g 1 erry, jonn...r Parker.J. D. ,- Pares, Miss Maria Price, William ; Paps, Bi unington, Parker, H O . , Powellv Mr Y . , , - , Pullen, R 6 ' Pollen, John ; Pulley Mrs ECxabcth Rodmsn, Wm Bl. .J RaffiaJ H . . . ,. Rowlett, John ' Raymond, Henrv- S 2 11 Robertson. Johh P i Ro Luticia i 1 RaWks, Henry i " , Richardson, Thos r U Rogers. Benjamiu Rogers, WT . Rogers, Elizabeth Rogers, Jame M T v Sheppardt-MissG M . Staunton, James u. pain, Misa Mary O, -Stone, Enoch Shrader, Theo , . Scou, Dr Thos M ! SorrelJ, Jacob. ,t , Scojt, Wjm Blokes. John oteen, Jacob Saunders, L D , . ; 4 Seagle, Gen Daniel ; . r 8teusrt.Jobn .3 Steuart, 8tiitbev Stuart, Mis Willie. Snipes, Elisabeth Kni nAm "NaAhmm snaw, uaroline . s Sbaw, John ',..., Stephens, Elizabeth" pmith, Joceph i. -j j . il iir .a omimv w esiey v. Smith, Margaret B omith, John Jr Smith, John ; T - fTucker, Johh W P rurley". Mf Eliza . turner, John W rurnerv Willi Iliomas, W H ... Phomas, Nancy i. Taylor, Susan, C.'' Taylor, Solomon .. Taylor, R,W- rTa yIorw Jacob C;j ravlor, Jimes T Taylor, James : tS Taylor. James F v L: 3 Taylor. 8srah B. : rrayior. Mi is EnzaV';' rT rraylor Ly'dia M.J' t.- r " rrayior.' Samuer ; ' - ayior.ancy. Thompson, Lewis X. Thompson, Josephii I orsiinson, James , Zm- 1 nompson, ueorge v a, UtleyitJH '".V,: Varaert Mrs Solomon ?HT 3 f X 4 L - "" January 3, 184ft "3,lm, - c ' ' . . AlUUTAir RlatSALV Orrics, - i . :. - . RaJeighS Jan-' 17 1847. J 4.THE War Department having given Us assent there to, a' Rendezvous lor any Companies of Volunteers, I rom the .Western part of the State, who may desire to emir th Regiment, destioedfot the Seat of War, smder th lat nKfaisition of the. President, . has been ecaUtsbd ai t Charlotte. - in MecklanUirg Couni tltey wilt thrb mustered into too service oCtbjav United ' State,: receivo tbeir advance paymeou jbr Clothing and travelling expenses, and. be (uraiahed with Cacnp Equipage, Transports, &c ;-; - . "v'f : Iris not doobtd bet this accommodation, to tho gallant yoong men of tbat section, ctment to be speedily- nilea up. nuu i . v . nA a it vw liasiter, Thorns" ;-WattbD S w Wortbr J M or Stepheri :! Whitfield. R , H -' X: Wilton, Jonathan, Waisprr.Dr. JWO' ' .3 ' Whitley, Kader5 'r Wahbalf, ri i Worlds, Phereby t f Weatneispoons, K T. v WinslowW; '-""to- Whifirur. e !' Whitley ,MisaObedten af Wtnn. Miss Martha t , rwiisomohric -: Wilkin, A W 1 -Whitting'don, 'Richard" V- Wimberly; Uavid s i VA7 mm Tl I W rfWU I BVMvftnlM ? f i . V SaMavS VSf 4 mTm.. Wlnsun, Patn W.duipr Cartu- .e' l rbeacn, J. tj., A Leaeh,Pr. J. T. Love,-John Lloyd, Rbod yv.Wk Lord, Mr. Lynn, Jamec:rip, Ltara, Ktcaara Loltbsf, John U Lydner.T. -1.vS MolrMrs. Msrth Vi McDaniet,AVt iia; - Miller, J. D: . , MUchellLeroy Wai ton, John Wtynfr,:Hon.: Jodgf : Weathersrd smes- - - WiUiamaj' WiiiiamlB? WiiaantsTVUSam J.i. Williams, RevJ.T lWi::ian,Jobn .t-T i w u 4 aris; t; barlcs J White; Anderson : 'k ' WLI. ' i, Fn:er- WLiUter, limes 'XJS !'- f v. Yocng,"JoLa; V T i- t , wttl canso thn Re I fX7 resacria applying ior.any.ot.vneaioT.six::r;r vs vi I Will ptease aay woj i wwiu: i -' - "jrV