.r-f ' ... i - ; iff 4 ROOT ; rf;-; IT A VINO visited new York and Philadelphia fox the pu'rpoM of aHJinf to bis 8ick, respectfully N.fortae his friends sod the Pahlie, that he has ivwt opened H mmt wf - JEWELRY AN3 FANCY .GOODS- - ' consisting of Gold aad Kilrer Lever Watches; An chor Cylinders, Vertical Escapement. Gold and - tteel Gaerd Chains Beat. Key, together with U rtniBi r Braakr Pi a. Finrer Rings, car , Kis OoU and 8fler Pencil, thimbles, Medal- . ; low. GoU Hs UroS.ee.' 1 - ... . Geld. Silver. Blue anJ polished 8icl Spectacles, Perifocal Spectacle Glasee,a new article, to soit the Eye of aU persons. Tory superior Flint OUssee. that may be adjured In any frame, at any notice. Silrerand Plated Ware.o , 83 wTable,Ta,Deaert, Sail and Mustard Spoons. Xedles, Sugar-Toogs. Bottes-Knivee. Silver mounted Cocoa Not. Castors, Caodle-Siick, Sauffera and Treys, Caka Basket. Coffee Preqoes, BiUnt. are r i 8ett or single piece, Silver and Plated Cup.;. '.'. JFaucy Goods.',. V r , Muriel Clocks, . Gold and Silver .mounted Canes, Cheat Men. and Backeam toon; Board. Steel Pens; Gilt, Steel, Glass and Satin Bead; Jet Comb; Seger aad Card Cass ; Par aea ; Cbapmaa'a Raior Straps ; Toilet Potties and Ladies Toilet Work Bosea. ":. J . CUTLE11T. ' ' A fine aaaortiaent of Reran Razors i -Pocket and " - Pan Knivee.. Gnns And Pistols. A large and fine collection of Doable Barrel Cans and Coll Patent Revolving Futols. - Perfumery, Comprising Powder Boxes, Cologne and Lsvcnder 'Waters; Toilet Powder ; Shaving and Toilet Soap. Also, Hair, Tooth and Shaving Brashee. -1 t Musical fmtrnment. Spaawh Guitars, Violioa, Clarionet. Flutes, Fife, OoitarajidYioun Strings, Extra Violin Uowe,4;&.4c. ' Watches and Clocks repaired in a superior style. Aa bis own personal attention will be given to thi department, those persona having; article of thi kind to repair, may rely eo their being well and faithfully execated Gold and 'Silver manufactured to order. with neatness and paortaaUty. Highest prices given for oU Gold and Silver, ij Raleigh, OcL 19, 18U 4 Livery Stable.'" TIE SUBSCRIBER, fnteful for the liberal eaoourafcment. received at his Eaubliahment dariaf the past year, respectfully Informs the public, that he has adJed to bis Stock a number of fine Hor se, and additional Carriages, substantial, comfortable aad genteel, and will be prepared, at the shortest no tice, to furnish Passenger with conveyance to, or free, any part of the Stat. Also, Carriagea furnish ed, with careful drivers, to convry individuals or fam ine to Evening parties, or for visiting calls. Horses will be kept by the day, week, month or year, at pri. eeetosoitihe times. J. G. M. BUFFALOB. C? HOUSE DXIOTERS will find, at all liatea, good accommodation, and fins Lots. December It. 1845. 101 executor's Sale of Ileal .Estate, . By A, Whitney. ... Oa TUESDAY, IXih January. 1817. North 8idVer the Custom House, at II o'clock, will be sol J, witheet any reserve whatever, by order of the Ex ecutors of the Estate of Robert Fleming, All thai extensive three atory B KICK TEN E UENT and LOT OF LAND, with appurtenances theretdfc known as the Hourformerly N orris's, and laie Dr. BoyJTa, situate at the. South west eorner of King sad George-streets,iiavieg beea profitably kept as such for the last 90 year ; measuring and con taining iq front on King-aireet (63) sixty-three feet; on George atreet (180) one hundred and eighty feet, and on the South tine (176) one hundred and seven ty sUfbct be the same more or less ; numbered (1 one. . Also, An that three' story BRICK TENEMENT and LOT OF LAND, adjoining to the South of the cor Mr, measuring and containing in front on Kinj-stree as also on the back tine (each 31 ft. 6 in.) thirty-one feet ft inches; in depth a the north line (176 ft. 6 jn.) one hundred and seventy six feet six inches, and la depth ttn the south Itna (17J ft, 9 in.) one hundred and seventy nine feet nine inches, be the same mors or less numbered 3) two. ALSO, Alf that two stry BKICK TENEMENT and LOP OF, LAND, adjoining to the south of the a bove; measuring sod rontaining in front on King street, (31 ft 6 in.) thirty one feet six inches, and . ia depth (17) one hundred and seventy five feet, be tne aanae moie.or lea, wrtn a large brick. Back. Store, and a targe gateway to the South, numbered (3) tare. ao, JUI that Vacant LOT OF LAND, situate on the yest aide or King atreet, a few doors above Bounda- ry. Street, adjoining to the north of 8amael Wiley's coca pied a a wagon yard ; meaaoring and contain ing ia front on King atreet. (70 ft. 10 in.) seventy feet ten inches, and in depth (160 ft, 10 in.) one hundred aod aixty feet tea inchee, be the same more c less ; numbered (4) four. ' The whole of lh above property ia now under rent to good tea an ta. except the Hotel, to which immedi ' ate posseiiin can be had. and the' premises can e' iaspectad at any time. . ' Ni B. The Hotel has been eataUUhed for the last : thirty vearS past, and under proper management can be made a profile bU investiMent, aa it has always been a favorite house with the merchants and travellera . from the interior of thia State, and those of North ' Carolina and Georgia. Terms of aale one-fourth cash ; the batanee pay able in one, two and threat years, secured by bond and mortgage, bearing interest from the day the title is reedy for delivery. The property :o be insured and Athepolicy assigned purckaier to pay for all ueces earf papers. ' A plat of the property to be seen at my fSce, No. 1 1 Cumberland-street. A. WHITNEY, Auctioneer 'and Broker. No. It, Cumherlandt., Charleston, 8. C. No. 11. --Pr. Adv't. f 18. 91 U7- fiEN. SCO TT'S POCKET COMPANION. TTCST reevrved, a Snperier lot of Chiwwo To Cjy saoco. TboH ia want of a good article, would 4e well by ealliag at the Cigar Store, where a nimble eixpeaee will bay a asch aa a abilliag will at any oth Or Star. Call aad try ; the price rear from 5 ceaU to $1 per poaad. JOHN J. KftAUSE. - ' Tobeeeonist. TlpACOX, suit cheaper. 'rV reduce oar atock hieh of a good otialtt j, we offer it lower thia ever. nOKC fJuATnER-W have an add. tiei ppp'y. wbieh makae our aaaartmeat rood, coa aiaUac t a varkty of Sol and Upper, ef Kip, tiaiag, jaad aalCakioa. Some dJcaaaad with the hair on. like Iarakiaa.. ; - - WILL! PECK. Raleich. Pa.Sl ' . . loaw riT M THE 8UPiiBMEi COURT OF NOKTJH JlCAROXirf A : Celia Johneton, PlabtiifTz . And Thomas Caaon, Thomaa Love, end tneaeid Tbonvis Esson. Aemaisuaior U Tbeopbiloa Eases doontcDrfaiiaaH. . t ? -:'- " NOTICEi - TeTboma. Lore; tat of lgeoamb Counry 40 appeirtt tbe tweir sjixtla dar of Pabrnsr e OlDciWCJtotseid Court, jh the' City of , r . 7-L ' T i"Me uwreia rsierred ; .Z"?- W Wrsby summoned ' 1 9 as ' iviru - - '-- W,4 JU day of December, :J:''-: 1 . ZVUijfP B. FSEEMAN. Clerk. - Ve; El toi. it M tew THE preceding 6gure ia given to epreeent the laatsaiBLB rsaariaATioa. It ia the great Evacuation for the impuntiee of the body. It will I noticed that a thick clouey miit inue from all point of the surface, which ' indicate that ibis pernpiration flowa nninierraptedly when we are in hatlh, bat "Utu w mm viva,. vu... I iibbut it,x It ia thrown offfrotn'the blood and otb- er juices of the body, sod disposes by ibis means, of nearly all the impurities within us. The langoage of Scripture is. - in the BLOOD ia the Life." If it ever becomes impure, it may be traced dire-tly lo the stoppage of the insensible Perspiration. Thus we see, all thatia necessary when the blood is tlsgnant, or infected, ia to open the pores, aod it relievea itself from all impurity isstavtlt. Is owb heal and vi tality are sufficient, without one particle of medicine, except to open .the poree o (oa ihe surface. Thua w bee the folly of taking so many internal remecUs. All practitioners, howevrr. direct tbeir eflorta to re atore the Insensible Perspiration. The Thompsonisa for instance, e-rtAas.ibe Hydropathistbrtuds us in wet blankets, the Homapathist deals out infioitiwi male, the Pholopatbist bleeds and tloea us with mer cury, and the blustering Quack gorges us with pills, pills, pill. - To give some idea of the amount of the InsensiMe Perspiration, we will state that the learned Dr. Lew enhock ascertained that five-eighths of all we receive into the atomach, passed off in ibis means. In other words, if we est snd drink eight pounds per dsy, we e vacuate five pounds of it by the Inscuil!e Perspira tion. This is none other than the need op particles of the blood, and other juicea giving place lo the new and freh ones. To check ihia, tbeiefore, ia to retain in the sy6tem 6veigllbs of all fre viiulent matter tbat nature demands should leave the body. By a sudden tranaifi-n from heat to cold, ihe pore are stopped, the perspiration ceases, snd dieease begins at once to develope kaelf. Hence, a stoppage of thia flow of the juicea, originates so many com plainta. It is by atoppingthe pore, thst overwhelms man kind with cnughaTeolds aod consumption. Nine tenths of the world die with diaenses induced by a stoppage of the Insensible Perspiration. Let me ask, now, every candid mind, what eourve seems the inot rcaonabte to pursue, to untop ihe pores, after they are closed. Would you give I'hjsic to unstop ibe pores! Or would you apply something that would do this, upon the surface, where the clogging actually ia 1 And yet I kn w of no physi cian who makea any external application to ef&rt it. Under these circumstances, 1 present to phyeiciana. and all others. McAlbster's ALL H E ALINU OlNT MENT.or the WORLD'S HALVE. It has pow er to restore perspiration on the feet, on the head, a round old sores, upon the chest, in short, upon all parte of the body, whether diseased slightly or se. vere'y. tthss power to cane all external tores scrofulous hu mors, skin diseases, poisonous wound, ta discharge their putriJ matter, then heals litem. It a remedy that awreps off the whole catalogue of cutaneous disorders, and restores the entire cuti clejt4 its heajthy functions. Tsave used it for the lat fourteen years for all dis eases of the chest, consumption, liver, involving ihe, utmost danger and rvapocsibiliiy, snd I declare before Heaven and man, that not in ne sinqle case has it failed lo benefit, when the patient was within the reach of mortal means 1 bave bad Physicians, learned in the Profession I Lave had Miniaiers of the Gospel, Judges of ilie tnch, Aldermen and Lawyers, eenilemen of tlo highest erudition and M U LI 11 UDES ol ihe POOR, use it in every variety of way, aud there bas been bui one oice oue nnited.oniverMl voice ssyiug ".Mc Allister, your Ointment it GOOD " HEADACHE. The Salve bas cured persona of tbe Head ache of 12 yeara standing, and who bad it regularly every week, so thai vomiting often took pla e. Deafness and Ear ache are helped with like iuo OLD SORES. That some sores are so outlet to ihe imparities of tbe syateni, is. because tLey cannot fass ou ibrougb the natural channel of tbe insensible Perspiration. If such sores are healed up, the impurities must have some other outlef. or it will ei.danuei lite. Tins Salve will always provide for such emergencies. RHEUMATISM, tt removes almost immediately ihe inflarration and swelling, when the pain of course ceases. i In all cases of fever, ihe dMficolty lies in the pores being locked op, so tbat lbs beat and perspiration can not pass off 1 1 the least moisture could be atarted, tbe crisis bas passed end tbe danuer is over. The 'All healing Ointment will, in all cases of fevers, al most instantly unlock the skin and bring forth the Per spiration. IN SCROFULA, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM. LIVER COMPLAINT. SORE EYES. QUINSEY, SORE THROAT. .BRONCHITIS, BROKEN OR SORE BREAST, PILES, all. CHEST DISEASES, such as ASTHMA. OP PRESSION, PAINS, also, SORE LIPS, CHAP PED HANDS, TUMORS'.CUTANEOUS ERUP TIONS, NERVOUS DISEASES, and of the SPINE there is no medicine rolab(y so good-aod aa for BURNS, it bas not its equal in tbe world ! PIMPLES ON THE FACE, MASCULINE SKIN. GROSS SURFACE, lis first action is to expel all humor. i will not cease drawing until the skin is free from any matter taal msy be lodged under the skin, snd frequently breaking out lo ibe surface. It then heals. When there is nothing but grosenera, or dull repulsive sur face, it begins to soften and soften, until it becomes as smooth and delicate as a child's. WORMS. ' If parents knew bow fatal most medicines were to children taken inwardly, ibey would be slow to re sort tothent. . Especially "mercuriallozeno.es," call ed medicated lozenges," vermifuges, pills, Slc The truth Is, none can tell, invariably, when the worms sre present. " Now let me sey io parents that this Salve will always tell if a child has worms. It will DRIVE every vestige of them away. There ia probably no medicine on the face of earth at once so sure and so safe in the expulsion o( worms. ' AS A FAMILY MEDICINE. No msn can meSsnre hs value. So long as ibe stars roll along over the Heavens, so loag as msn treads tbe rarth, subject tq alt in fir mi ties ol the flesh so long aa disease t,d sickness U kooarD just so (org will ibis good Ointment be used snd esteemed. When man ceases from off the earth, then the dsmsnd will cease, and not till tbeo. James McAllister, s& Co. CAUTION No Ointment will be cennuw do. Use the names of Jamss McAixiSTaa fc-Co, are warTTw with a ris upoa cvzar label I - No hereby oSaraward of $300 lo be paid oa eoovioiion ia any of lb xtxmitotwd Courts of the Ufitod State, of aayudistdual-oountaifsiurtg out nkm and Oiotrawnt. k . .. . v; t: ' SO Tbe above invaluable remedr ia for soda at tbai North Carolina Book Store.hy ihe Snlwrribvr. and by ' V . St V. W - eo otlicr person In thia City. H. D. TCfcNEIL ttaleign, Way I, to 16. SfIy " . W ' ' g i ..sg LJ DR. H. F PEEUY'S Vermifuge or "Dead -Shot," - , " FOR WORMS. A kiglly tmlualU prtpermtiim. cipbU, rem f promptitude it mction, f clean iht sys tem ia m few Aoure, of every Worm.- THERE ia perhap no disraae to whi-h Children are expoMd comra n and fatal as vVorm ; ibey imitate the" symptoms of almost eveiy other complaint, sod often produce ihe mt alarming ef fects before they ar Uipcted. Tbe sympiom which are produced by the irritation of worm in the bowrls, and whii h with some degree of cenainty lu- dicate their existence, are aa folia : Ooontenance Dale, ti.niue wbitelv furred, grinding of the teeth. fetid breath, stomach bard and awelled wasting of .. . . , .v- k.1. ine dcq. cne- .n r"'" , eimer too ro-iie or io iavt iiohuiu, naiurarcravinr for clar.dirt or chalk, cbolic, convul sion. fits, Ac. ... Numerous certificates ef the value and usefulness of ibis preparation are almost daily received. The following is from the Rev. W. B. Win ton, a d.stinguUhed preacher of the Methodist Church . Abingdon. Va , Msy 13, 1843. I do hereby certify, that I have used Dr. Peery's Vermifuge- in my family lo the great aatisfaction of myself snd relief of my children. It i prompt in its action, and in r.e case removed a Urge number of worms in three or font hours after it was given to the child. I am satisfied that as a Vermifuge it ia supe rior to any that I have ever nd. v W.B.WLNTON. Newborn. N. C. May 3d, 1844. Dear Sir I have been anxiously loasing for an other supply of your Dead h.t.VerMlifuge, aa I have not a single vial left. There are constant ap plications for the medicine, and I should he pleased to supply the demand. It baa proved itself, an far as tried in this vicinity, to be a positive tpeeifie, and no humbug. Please inform me by return mail, how soon you can furnish me with another supply. Truly jours, J A. LOGAN. Trire 25 rents per vial. Prepared by I)r H F. Pcrar and sold wholesale aJ retail bvA,.lL& D. SAND. Druggiats, 100 Folton street, corner of VR ml am. Na JTaak. I Sold alo by P. F. PECUD. Raleigh. Nrti CafH olina. and by Druggula generally throughout the U nited Statea. ' n Raleiih. Oct 26, 1846. 88 ly. SANDS' SAUSAPAKILLA, FOR TIIEKEMOVAL AND PERMANENT CURE OF ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE uTATE OF THE BLOOD OU HABIT OF THE SYSTEM. VIZ : Scrofula, or King Eeil, RkeumalUm, Obetinett Cutanroue Eruptions, Pimples, or Pustules oa the Pace, Blotches. Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Eh Urgtmtnt and Pain af the Bones aud Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica, or Lumbago, ana Diseases aitsing from an in judicious use of Mercury, As cites, or Dropsy. Exposure or Imprudence in L fe. Also, 1 Chronic Constitutional Disorders will be re- moved by this Pre- V paration. The health of the human -j stem depends almost en tirely upon tbe Mate of ihe blood If the vitalising fluid which pervadra every tissue, every memtmne, fibre, filament, gland or ober organ primary "or sub skliary - if the b"d be chargrd with lh elemmi of disease, sickaesa must be the consequence, and until the causes of disease existing in the blood, are eradi cated, no permanent' relief can be expected. It is here that tbe powerful health restoring properties of Sands' Sarsaparilla re manifested ; its searching operation reaches ihe-CAcsi a of dieae, and ihe cures it performs sre thrrvfore radical and lbo,ouh. Where obatractions to iu favorable operation exist, are removed a it parses along . the alimenta ry canal The proprietors subnait to the public the f llowina certificate from a higher respectable source, of a cure made by using their preparation of Sampsnlia. Mobile, Ala , Nov. 28. 1845 Mcsxa. Savss : IVleem it an act of j s ire to myself and the community st large, tit rebate the fol lowing foci wh eh occurred in our neighborhood in ' th latter part of July la.U Jane t: , young girl aged fourteen ye.r waa sfflicied with an im mense e..re on the middle of her back, which defied all the trea ment of medics I skill. A she wss a friend of our family I em piny ed all the 'means to my pawer in endeavoring to relieve her, bat in vain. At Irtst some peron mentioned to me yowr 8arsaeril!a, and I immediately procured two bottle of Messrs Mosely A Tuckec your Agents in this itv, which I gsve to her. I called to see her. tbe ieti day and she told me she had taken two dosea and' felt very much relieved. I laugh d immoderately at this, but he said jt was renllv so, and. gei.tb men. in a word, in two weeka from the time she commenced using-it, there waa neither sign or appeal a nee of where the sore had beea. Yours, respectfully, J. O. HOUSEMAN, 93 Dauphin street. THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATE WAS addressed to our Agents at rU. Louis, and is si mi Is r to ethera frequently received from all sect Ions of our eooniry. Facts are stubborn thing ; therefore let not the afflicted despair, but ji the right medicine and be cured without loss or delay Reus Creek. Mo., April I. 1846. Metsrs. R ft J: .dams. In the year 1812. trom exposure while in the army, my hip, thigh and leg, down to my toes, be came swollen a third larger than their natural jze, ami after a time ulcerated arid broke, and remained a running ulcer for five or aix -yeara, and at intervals ever since that period- until I con clujid my only h-pe for life was.an amputation, Nt i now nae in pleasure or atating that, after my leg had been so swollen for thirty odd years, and a'large portion of tbe time ulc rated and exceedingly painful, by ihe use of Sands' Huaaparilla. the swelling frm my hip to m toes has entirely subsided, ibe ulcer have been healed and mt general health much im proved. ,Youra, vtTj respectfully, . ' i JOHN M'CUNE rer lurtner particulars and cor.clmive evidence of iu superior value and efficacy, see pamphlets, which msy be obtained of Atents gratis. Prepared and sold by A B. dr D. A ND. Drug gists, U0 Fulton st , coiner of William, New York. Sold aLo by WILLIAMS, HAT WOOD & CO., .. . 1 ' J Agema, Raleigh. Also by P. r.PESCUD.Ralelah. and by Druggists generally throughout the United Btate. ! Price (1 per bottle. 8iz bottles for fS.- gJ The pablje are respectfully requested to rrniemuer, mat it is rsanda' aarsapartlla that ha been, and is constantly achtf vintr each remarka ble rures uf the most difficult clsee of disessee to which the human frame is subject : Therefore, ark for sssnrt' narssparilla. and take no rehee. Nut. 2. 1R4C' " ' ; 88 y eURING the eoseing year, the Dwsxxtwo la the Wetera part ef the City, at present eeeopicd ay jos. a. ticxTE.- Apply e i-Dec 14, 1846L W. J. CLARK. 100 3w Norlu : Carolina. , LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY Arnts aud JGqttJpnieuta f aralshed by ; Gt. Gsamam, ; Uev. J. J-Finch, lioa. . E. Batwez, p Hon. W. IJ. Washihotok. Next Sessiun of this CiassicaL English and filolhemotical School,. opens vnthelstof January j artA advantage vnsvrpasseu w any t-repurawry School in the South. ' . -Classics, Zhiglraw, ete. K.GRA7. ' - Msthematics, Practical Hfc . ' - V ' T r gineering. Tactics, etc, 8. PRESTOIf . Music (on any Instrument.) L 1. 80LOMONS. ' TERMS PER S MB ION OF T1VZ MOKTHS. Clssstcsl Depsrtmeai. (ITollealsn' course, th eluding full English btudieay French, Ma-v themaiica.) Ac. 1 f2 00 English do. (Elementary 4 higher branches) 10 00 Military do. (Infantry .ractice)'no charge. Instrumental Music v25 Lessona) 12 00 Vocal do no i harge, Fencing per course 6 00 Surveying and Civil Engineering, no charge. Topographical Drawing, no charge. iTupiiswill la prepared to enter the advanced claases in any College in the United 8tales. LECTURES, On Astronomy, Philosophy, Chemistry, and other Scieulifio subjects, weekly. ' CARD. We, the undersigned. Patrons aad Friends ef the N. C. Military Academy, take great pleasure iu con rideully recommendiug this lostilotion to Parents aod Ouardtaua throughout the Slate. Aldert Smedes, W. K Gales, James Iredell, Kenneth Rayner, William Boy Ian, Thos. J Lemsy, E. B. Freemen, W.J. Ilollisur, Peter Hine. W. J.t;arke, D. K. MacKae. W. O. Hill. Ietter-wriiing, with English and Latin Composi tion, will be closely attended io. A cheap Uniform is adopted. No deduction made for absence, notes in cases ol protracted aicknes. t lew Pupils can be boarded in Mr. Gray's family Raleigh. Dee. 1 8th. 101 if ROUGH AND READY. RINQQOLOS' POCKET COMPANION. rpHOsE who lov a quid of first rate chewing 1 Tobacco, ran be gratified by railing on tbe Sub criber. and asking for the above Brands man utac rured by Kaiubaui dt Davis, Peterburs, Virginia, and for aale by P. F. PESCHD, Druggist. Raleigh. Nov. 22. , 91 A FRESH supplv just to hand, and 'for sat by P. F. PESlXD, Agent. PICICIPE CIGAUS! ITU-T iveeived a fine lo of genuine Principe Qj) aNo. a fi e sssortment of rinuff and Tobacco Boxes, Cigar asea, Pipes, etc. etc , for sale whole- sale and retail by . JOHN J. KRAUSE, Fsyetteville rtt., Raleigh. 93 N. 19 HATS. W A A.HT1TH havetbisday rM-evel 2 Cae tt Fsbionhle Moleskin snd Beaver DATS of the latest style and finest quality. Rsleigh. Der 7. 98 ; Brilliant Lotteries. FOR J MIA ICY. 1847. t ' J. W. MAURY fc C., iTXanagera. (Successors to J U. Gregory V Go j $35,000! LEXAIfDRIA LOTTERY, . To'yhe drfwnsaUAiexandria, on anrday, v.- ' ;J of January. 1847. . BRILLIANT SCHIU K the foth Capiral of do do - do - 35.IM)0 10.0(10 6.V00 J.255 2 2l.O 10 Prise of of of of of of $2,000 1.900 1.800 1.700 1,600 ! ,600 Dollar. dee. dec. . . ckc 15 Drawn No, out of 78. Whole Tickets 10 Halve. 5 Qoartrrs 2 60. CertificateofPacksgeeot?6 Whole Tickets 9 120 00 Do. do 26 Halvea 60 00 Do. do 26 Quarter SO 00 $30,000. AX.EXANDHIA LOtTERV Clasa DNb'r 1847. " 10 ha, drawn nt Alsxadria, on Saturday, the January, I847.r SfLCXPlD PRIZES. 3d of t prise of 1 do 1 do I do I do etc. 30.000 10,000 6ooo 6.000 4.OU0 1 prize of 10 prize of 25 do 25 do 60 'do 62,27tf .1,250 1 000 600 300 iir. &.C. 7a No. Lottery 13 Drawn Balbife. Tickets 810-ilalvee $5-iQuarter 92 50. Certificate of Package of 26 Whole Tickets 1 30 00 UO Do er do of 25 Half do do of 26 Quarter do 65 00 83 60 25,000! Claw E, for 1847. To bedrawn at Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday, the Uih of January. 1847. - 13 Drawn Numbers out of 63. SPLENDID SCHF.MB - I prize of $25,00Q l prize of 3 $1,600 L d i 10.000 10 prizes of 1,000 4 do - i' 6.000" 16V do .-:600 1 do 2,000 2(J doA 250 1 do ' 1,75 1 -V eke.:'-,'-; Ticket 610 Halves 6Quaners 2 60. , ' Certificaiea of package of .22 Whole . ' $100 00 Ds do. 22 Halve " 60 00 Do. do 22 Quarters 25 00 Orders for Tickets and ethares and Certificates of Parksgeo' io the above frplendid Lotteries will receive the most prompt attention, and an ofBciat accoant ok each drawing sent immediately after it is aver ta all who order from as. Address. 1 ' J. & C. MAURY,-' AgenU for J. W. MAURY bo , Managers. (Successors to J. G. Gregory at C.)v. .Waahintf ton Citv, DC A Desirable l-'anu Ibr salc. TH E ubcriber ofiera for Sale. a desirable Farm, annate about 2 J miles fr.n the -City, on the Suge Road leading to mithfield. Johnston- County - Tbe Tract rontsine about 300 Acre, one-batt of which, ia well timiered with Oak and Hickory,, and the balance cleared, ready for cultivation. There ia m ibe Farm a'so. an extensive and valuable Meadow, ai d one at tte best Spring of Water in the whole rtiete. eonvenieat. .7 ...s,i j.'-. ' v AV'- -ThU Peoperty presents a fine open iig fore profit able Market. end Dairy Farm. "a a bargain ; may be bad in tb pardowe. M. A. McPHEETEKS. Kaeiah. Jan I.M847. 1-tf -J &Ov Ream of Writlns; fPaier.co VHjf ewtiog of Foolscap and letter Paper, at the Auction aod Commiasioa Store cf N. B. HUGHES. Dectmber 3. 97 ; TO THE TAItORS' OF THE UMTEO STATES. tirJ'MM:Ua:TOsi I (TH B original inventor of the TalloT Transfer, for ,whkh he ss -secured a patent, and the su perior menu of which, over all other system known to the trade, bave been acknowledged by Vsifora of . - .1 . M.:k..BL.iiil FhImh Ja ka ' awiiMt emlnenee in the Norther nc and Eastern Cities,) espete7tov,viiV the principal Towns and Cities of the Booth.duriag the Winter and Spring, and will be happy to afford to thi trade an opportuni ty of testing by actual trial, the merite of his superior system f measuring for, and putting garment, . ft Is dnnecessanr for him tosay'more in commendation of this invention. Wt must stand or foil upoh its own merits. But he takVs Ibe Iilrty of subjoining a few. ol of the many commendations that have appeared unsolicited, in the various pubfiT ;.prini to those prt of the Coon'try where his sjsjem is extensivelj used. . . . r, - raoa tbe : baltikobb currsa. -I " We have4 been shown by several of the best Tai lors of our City , an entirely new rtd btiginat in atrnment for' ascertaining a correct measuresnent of the human frame,' which they and all who have ex amined it, pronounce to be the very best, and most reliable one eer yet made known. It is tberole in vention of Mr Wjt. R Ae-rov. of Virginia, ft is called the - Transfer , System or the - Tailor's Transfer " and we think it is deaiined to he transferred to the use of the greater portion of the master Tailors of the United States. M are glad to hail thi as aa other onmisiakeable evidence of ihe rapidly increa ing apirit of invention and improvr ment in the Sooth; VBOX THB BICBMOHD KSCCtaKB. Mr. Wm. It Arton of Botetourt County has in vented a Transfer System of Tailera Transfer, for ibe correct h easutement of the human body ' It is a very ingenious application of matbema'iral prin ciple, and from it simplicity and efficiency, ha re ceived tbe sanction of the master Tailor in thi City and Babimore ' ' '' ! " The followinr certificates from the trade have been selected for publication : PaTxasBrBo, Jonend, 1S46. Mr. Actob Dear Sir - I bae given yeur Trans fer System a fair trial and it gives me pleasure to say that ii is in my opinion superior to any system that I have ever used, ttid I have used nearly ' all that are now in ase.) Respect folly, VVM.R. WJLKIN8. .- We the undersigned, subscriber to Wm R. Ac ton's Transfer eiysiem. believe it lo be the best system now extant. HOANE 4 HANLON. 14th street, opposite tbe Exchange Hotel, Richmond. Mr. Actow, Dear Sir I have thoroughly examin ed your Transfer Svsiem oTmeasurenient: anil feel it my duty a wetl aa a pleasure, to ay ihai' for accura cy of measurement and transfering the same to the cloth, it is the best that I have ever met with , I there fore most heartily rernmmeikd it to the trade. Yours" with respect, NICHOLAS D McCOMAS. Fork Avenue 166. Baltimore, - Richmond. Msy 21st. 1846.7 Mr Wm. R. Actojt, Sir I have examined jour ym of cottine and must say 'hat I think it imeof the href in Use J b alnay been opposed to tbe different new systems that are "continually commg out. but from a careful examination of yours. I have been induced to lake itand I would furthermore re commend it to the trade1 WM. J.MITHr W'x. R. Actob, Esq-, Sir I hsve can-fully ex amined your -Transfer Fystem of measurement, and find it l etter adapted in my opinion, to get a per fectly correct measurement of the human frame than any other Xystf m that baa cvme under my observa tion, and as a more unequivocal evidence Ol' tbe above, I do nereby gldly, subscribe to the work, f Yoers,'4c. (Signed.) JAMES JONES. Draper and Tador. o. 29 ptoutb Street, Baltimore. Baltimore, March(31, 1846. , . 'T Wm R. Acton, Esq. Sir I have examined most thoroughly your new system of measurement, snd be- - a - a -is- . SrZ most penci pian lor-genuag a cor- f J rfci measure of any thing I have e-r met with, aa also ibe transferring of the measurement to the cloth. I therefore beg to subscribe lo tbe work. Respectfully, dre. ' . (Sjgned.)- ROBERT HALL. 'No. 13 South Gay treet, Baltimore. April 6, 1846. . This is to certify-that we believe m. R.? Acton's Trsnsfer System nrtneaserement. to le t e most cor rect tbat we have ever seen, and t hers fore cheerfully suhscrile t- the same. ,1 (Sigmd.)' WELLS A KEADY, Corner f Liberty and Baltimore St. . Baltimore. April 7, 1846. " Wm. R Acton. Esq i I feel it to be no more then my duty, to yourself and the trade, to add my voice to ihe very high and flat tei ing test!monia,a of my brother iradexmm of our City, . to the merits of your new system, the Tailor Transfer Being already somewhat acquainted with several otht r eystem. I unhesitatingly believe yours to be the best, upon all points that has ever fallen withintthe reach of my ob servation. 'Tours trule,' ; (Signed.) t - " C. G PETERS. Jr., ' u . No. 6 South Street, Baltimore. Mr. Wm. R. Arton. Dear 8ir i W e have given your; Transfer System a full examination, and fori bound to say, that for accuracy of measurement, and as a rule for cuttiug by unferring the n easuiement to the cloth, that it ia far beyond anv role within our knowledge, and we have used nearly' all the rolea now extsnt in this Country, that are known to tbe trade. We further do most earnestly reormmend it to the adoption of the trade, and feel safe in savina that they will find it to be all that we have represented it, (Sianed,i J TITTLE dt SO v. : - No. Hooth Street, Baltimore. -I have examined with great care and attention, the system f cutting now. taught by . W. R. Acton, ,of Virginia, atd look upon it as being decidedly su perior to sny principle that has ever come under my observation, and 'ciin confidently recommend it to the trade generally. THOM AS M. OLIVER.' Kaleigh. N. CNoy. 23, 1846. ' .. II I" I)tls nOfia Of taiaX SI rrtwsa I an ill kam svlesaava Imm l.a, different Towns ia the State. i -AGENCIES: T. BRUSCUP-Ja. ... ... , ROBERT HALL. S BUin80r Md , ROANE A 1 A N LON. Richmond, Va. ' ' JAMEM HAYNEY, Winchester, Ya." G. 'A. BAKER, Lexington, Va. " N. BAKER; Fioca.tle, Va. T, LEWIS. Daoville, Va. H. FOWLER. Yanryville, St. C, OLIVER Tr. PROCTER, Raleigh, N. C. . TBATattiirs AasBT. ' r ,; ' HMITH 4t BKADSHAVY UwUborgrVs. Nov. S3.M846 . " 95 2m ZpHE Sale of the W E L 19 O H TOLL GB BRIDGE, heretofore advertieed in this pa per, lo take place oa the 19th iost. is postpooed to th? first day of April, 1847. By order of the Boa'rd far Internal Improvement, - EDWARD B. DUDLEY. Trustee. - Dee. 12, 1846.. - - . t v 100 Sixpence aaved 1 a Sbilling made ! "A SI SELL for small profit, aud gw in for turn W ier mosey fast, I caa "-eeil CiOAas and Tobac co tor half the money that it eaa be sold at aay eth er j lac. '1 hose ia want ef a Splendid Cigar, would do well by calling. 1 charge not hingvfor showing 'them, and em confident lo suit the taste of tb moat fastidious Smoker : Ddu'l forget the Cigab Stobc, where we keep nothing hut Cigars and Tobacco; " A ' 4 JOHN J. KUAUSE. -Raleigh, Dec 10. U R SER'S lato T llP.ffER& L II U3 II ES V-If orf h -Carolina Al manac gor. tbe year of onr JLorcS, 1 847, Raleixh: Published and 4d. wholesale and ntail, at tbefonh Carouna Bo.-k Store - All orders addressed lo nUitai AV..A UKbK, s :: : io UP It , ft.tntffliVbn - December, 1846. fit V7 AND Mpif ETTECT1VC? CEilEDT. i SAIlSAPARILLA AND WILD C1IERRY t vL si- - f lj falJirfrtatr LhsenMeSi U r ; 4T WW WIS fWI "j rJ -. "tt ' - rAl f.S t Janndice. 1 dvr Complaint. aR BUliotjs fjomplaiat, 8ick Headache; Heart Burp. Indigestion. Habrtaah Coaiivenese. Piles, Palprtationa of the Heart. Los of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritations, PebiUtated Stomach , languor; DefrWidnP of Ppirits; Cbronkf RbeomatreTO,' :utaneoua TJisesscs, Canker, Syphiloid Disesees. rcrofula. Imparities of the plood, I rmr les, . and Pustules on the Fare. Hereditary Humors, Cold sores, and all disease arising from an injudicious use of Mercury HtmBtA r ;' ' , The attention of. the invalid poblie and of all those a3icted by sny of the shove diseases, i respect! elly . catied lo tlie merits of a new snd invaluable prepsra tion from an original recipe ot a distinguUhed by siersn, roHi billing in itself , the most 'active rem dial properties of two of the rey s rat articles to that Msteris Medtca. - . ' '-mJ - . -1 ' :' The Sarsaparllla and Wild Cherry Bitten were , introdjuo d to the public about twelve months ago, and doting that period their tbe cess bss been so greet ss to induce the proprietor trt offei them with still more confidence in li e full belisf' tbat by entering into more extensive nee, they jwill prove; blessing tn all those, aufJering from the dis eases above enomerattd..' - , J ..I.'-' Thesaj Bitters' contain in an .argreeahle forat rverr quality necessary .for a safe, pleasant , and -cienl". . i "v 1 " ' - i L TONIC AND AFERIENT;WEOICINE. i . They wiU We foui.d to be awre and sjieedy in theif operation. Vhtie tbey are c.mpoed purely; f vegeta ble iiigredirnis, not ot.e cf which ran injure the mesf deiicateVfMem No ndnerat whatever ia used ia thejr composition and yet Ibey; will be found a powet fy agent in thr removal of disease. -Kik 1 1 '' Th root of the ffafVspafilU need in the pre paration of the B ITT E RS is the GEN UIN B sPA N If H article of recent importation and manufactured before it ha lost its f medicinal virtura through age Tbey are all extracted by a rigid hemical analysis snd ere , presented in the - Bitters" ia a highly coucentraled form.- -. . . - ' - This Medicine will be foond invaluable In all ! co taneou diseases in 4eansirg the stomach, in purify ing fbe blondin keeping op a healthy action ol ; the bowel, in r restorine strength, in sllaying' nervous irritations, and in' removing general langaort del4lity snd depression of spirits cts uva :'4 .- Annexed is a description of a few' romplstnis for which th- 8A RS A PA KlLLA AND W ILD CHER JIY BITTERS hsve been uid with great aaccrss. - Dyspepsia or ntlfgetiiii This snomaloua, dis!retr g and almost indrscribs blc complaint the torture of eivilued strciety- has ita foundation hi a deroiiged ciidition of the -stomach and liowels. Tbose sfflicied by- it are eat rff Irom half tbe enjoyments of life-? the ptear orra of the table, and sweet and regular sleep oftrntimef. mrtfiimed Dyspepsia fatally neglected, ia but the forerunner of more dangerous diseases, if uol of death itselC. ! -The Universal Cmtp taint : T ;---h headache. . .(3J Who. ia 'there that doe not occafiocal'y etfier froo: this dMtvesjtg- affection tf Vte n.eet with it Smong alt classes, conditions and eexea the torture . f the race, unfitting its virt'tma for ell hodily and all menial exertion" rendering them nervosa and irritable, and ii-capacitating them al ke for basJin or" ei joy men t. The principal, a most the sole caue ; ot tb'i mslady, is lo be fouid in a diseased eordition of I the atomach aiid bowels, eorruptint the blood, unbracing the nerve.-generally deranging the; r jurm, and pre venting that great bkseing ol lilea regular, certain, and easy digestion.. . . .u ; :" H iiim l Costitbb r'ss Is the sure but often tin suspet ted cause of the worst diseases to which ve sre subjected. The action of those organs of the system drigned t throw olf aHfexcrementsry ebjeett In m tbe b. dy.musi be regular and efB lent, if ve desire to retain the health even , of those. parts, of the. liame wbUbjr;tbe mtost distant from the nal scat of ' irreiulsrMies.- L , ' ; -t V n - JyPCPCItSl0,1 t 'Pi'Ifj. Aiceau6essi-s of the year, and particularly in tbefspring., msny 'ersi'ns sre subject to a depieseion of thi spiirts.'accbmpsnied by a debilitated stmnatb, losf oi appetite, nervous, tiritstion general. languor, and a variety of sy mptoms, ahich it is im possible to describe. 1 :- 'tf -i---if fev 1 - - FEMALE COMPLAINT8. Lsdies of pale complexion and consumptive habits, and such aa are d bilitated by those obstruction a fetch females are. lialde to, are restortd , by tie okc of a ; bottle or twoto blim snd vigor. All is by far the best remdy er discovered for weakly children, and such as have; had humors 1-eirg plearant tbey readi ly tke jti : It jmnxediately restores the appetite, atrength and color. -: ki .-i':;;j - j. (0- Nothing can be more snrp tfaing; than its' in vigorating effects on the human liame. Persons, aU a eakness and lassitude lefore taking it, ai -pnee. be come robust and full of energy ui der ita influence It in. mediately counteracts Jne ner elesanrss "uf 'the fema!efraniewbicb is the great cause of barrenness. , It will not be expected of us in csseaof s. delicate a naiUre ioxhilit certificates of cores performed, but we can asspre the afflicted," thai, hundreds" iof rases hsve been reported to ns-' Several cases where fsmt Ite have" been v without children, 'after -usirg a' Jew bottles of this invaluable medicine, have beeuiilesscd with, healthy ollspi ins;. -: . -. ; ' : C Ll4 . -r' . Pr pared Jy E. T)ornton.' Jrr '8ld "W'holesala ai d Retail by Wt'att A Kr.TCBaw, 121 Fiiltoo st.,1 NewYork .P. F. PESCl)( Raleigh jThomas Gaskins Elizabeth CityN.5 ?a v July 25,1846 .W aia tfAfiO-6m v:; 1, NATIONAL LOAN FUND LIFE ASSURANCE 1. . SOCIETY. I ; No- 20 CorahlJl, Indon. r Capital, SD0.0C8 orfi$!,00,CCO. EMWWEREDDACKOrPARU THIS fnatitolion embraies important and sab-' stantial advantages with reiipert :o life sssuracce and deterred anntitiea. ' The" assured bss, on all occa sions. the povi er to" borrow; without xpei'se or;or feiture of the policy, two-thirds of ibe premh-ms paid (see table ) atao the option' of selecting bet efits.and the conversion Of- his interests la meet other': con veniences or necessity;; t : ' ? 1 ; i Assurance for terms of years at the lowest possi ble rates. . '.- - ,-, k 1 division or profits. ... v.; The remarkable success and increasing prosperity of the Society bas enabled lie Directors, at ibe Ia4 annual investigation, to declares fourth tonus, vary- ing from 35 to e5 per cent, on ibe premiums Tfaiw oo each policv effected on the profit scale.--. ;j f- . , , EXAMPLES. , , r - C9 e 9 s 1 837. If 88 75 60Of24 0 H8 67163 66276 2226 1838 960.76 45y,63 370' 4J 1937 1483 1836 60 5000 370 80 1839 1640 828 CO caiiei .856 6- 39 70 37 64! if. .1841 17 S-; a-s . 'ki ;S i CT6- a,. " -s r 9 7 1 ... The dvfon orprofiu iFocaI,id tba nest frill be made in December oie ' ifi ATaNITKD 8iTES fiENCYlJ For list pi. Ipcsi direVlsnfedMljQcr r " of rates, and report ef last annwrlinejtm ith of May ,1848.) ee lb Society's pamphlefto 1 1 Stained: el their oEee,-74 Wall rtreeTftrw jYofkCi JACOBH KVEY. 1 hairmaiVLoral Board, v . LEAN DER TA RR. General Agent. h;-: --.GEO I41TI.K.gei-fv; R B. HAY WOOD, Medical Examiner, h RaletgbiNCU -lane t2t 1846. v i

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