-Mr. -IX A, Barnes, from the Comtnktee on Pri. vate'Bdle, reported a Bill tut legtize the ale of certain lots irf the Town of Shelby.. la Ceave land County, which passed first readirigi.i K'd Also, ibe Bill jo allow Thra Fy Jones, of Per cuiinons (Jouaty, to build a-Bridga across Skin, ner'e or Raccoon' Creek, in said County ; 1 And the Bill ir alter he time of elect frig the Coohi? Trustee of Guilford County.'.These two latter B Be passed their second reVdinj 1 " ! 5 t Mr; Mebane, from the" Coaiminee on", Finance, reported unfavorably n the Bill to transfer the Fund belonging t the Board of Internal Jin provements to the Public Treasury. Mr. Pause mvcd hat aid "Bill be laid upon the table, whirh' was decided in the iH2iive Yea 25, Naf 82" Mr Ftemimng moved that the m id Bill be pou" pobed indefinite! v ; which w decided in the no gattve Yeas Nat 87. The . aid, Bill - waa then amended, ou motion of Air. Paine and pas. ed its second reading Yea 84, Nays. 20. ,( , 3- Received a message front the Senate, concur-, ring in the proposition to refer to the Joint. Se lect Committee on Slate Labilities, the Commu nication from the Public Treaaurer. respecting j he Bond of the Wilmington Fand Raleigh Rail Road. '' ': JW. Vi V-.! '? .- Mr. Wilder, from the Committee on the Judi ciary, reported unfavorably on the Bills concern ing Deeds, Mortgages and : Alignment, and in reference to'Mortgage and Deed oPTrust.i These' Bill : were put' on their aecond reading and rejected.'- k tw . vP r-:"1 The. Engrossed Biifjo regulate .the Appoint nient of Field Officers of. Regimenta .of Volun teer railed into the service of the United State, waa taken op aa the a pec a I order of the day; and the Question pending on th paeage ef the aaid Bill the third radintr. JVtri M-bane moved to i me mi the aid Bill by adinar b fol!owmg: f " Provided, however, that if any Regiment shall be required by the Oeoeral Government to rendes ous at different places, each division.'- ftf aaid Regi ment may vote as provided for in this Bill, at their respective places of rendezvous under the superin tendence of the Captains who are present, and trans mit to the Governor ef the State the malt of sacift election, ana ine persons naTing me greatest num ber of the votes "given,' shall be commissi oued by the Governor according to the rani to which, they are respectively entitled ; and if any two or more of the persons voted for, should have the 'highest and an quel, number of votes, the Governor shall select one' of the persons to fill the Office so vote! for. ; v ' , The question the ad-p i p of, this amend ment waa decided in the affirmative Yeaa (35, Nave 43. a 'i..,, ; ... ' '. - V if Mr. Mehane offered the following amendment, which wia read and adopted t ,.f f . , p, aBe iff tatter enacted, That when any Regiment having. Rendeavoused at the same place, and -having proceeded to vote, as in this Bill provided, and there should be a tie, the Captains shall transmit to the Governor, the result' of soch election; who shall se lect from those having the highest ana an equal num .ber of Votes, the person to fill such Office. - r 1 Mr. Mebane moved farther to amend aaid B-ll by addWth following Sectjoni : uBe it further enact ad,- Thatnothing in this Act contained shall be so construed aa to relate to the ap pointment of Field Officers for the Regiment of Vol unteers jnovr required by the General Government for the existing War with Mexico : but the appoint ment of said OiScers ahall bo made by the Governor ef the State.? :.. n- ;i4jt t. And Mr- ICeUf moved to amend avtid amende metit;by adding at the eud tberf.lhe -words From those wht- are now ' Volunteered.' Which meXtdii wa rejected Yea 53, Naya 57- Tk m miact inn thii. rr iirrlnir nn tK adD4lOflr of the amendment offered by Mr.-Mebanp it wa decided in theaffirtnaiWe Yeae 63,. Naya 501 The Bill as- amended, then pai-eed tta third reading Yeae 61 Kays 52 ; and it was. ordered that the concurrence of the Senate be aaked in the amendments mde thereto. f - . 't The followins Engroed Bills and Reaolntiooa, from the Senate; pared ihetr nrt reading : H r To provide far a re-assesnent of the Lands, and a more accurate ealiutment of th? Taxehte Pwlla. To improre the Navigation of Lumber River. '-" ' la favor of John R, Brooks. f Cawell- -r v t I The Bill to emend - the Rwd Statute, eaUtled u Courts ef EtpotT," was. read the eeeeitd tiue, ameuded, aud rejected Yeaa.27,. Naya 77, i.- A mesMge waa received from the 8eaate,jnform ine that they had passed the fwlleeiagTEagroeaed Bills f- .."'. r' - ' ' ' - ' 1 To repeal as Act entitled an Act tofexenipt cer Uia ciiaeiteof Hyde CouBy, from Pabhc duty ; v To provide for the eale ef certain Land, iu Macon and Clierokee.Couutiea s f . :.. And to aatbortze the Petersburg Rail Rn ad Com pany te raise by Joan, or by an iuereaee of its vii; tal Stock, a sum out exCedioc o0t).U00, for certain porposer, and asking the concurrence of the lIoue. The said Bills' were ' read the first time and paaeed, and the latter Bill made the order of the day for to-' morrour ; - -., Mr. Fof, trom the Committee on the Library; re ported a Ke.-otot wo, dpci2 e the Compendiook of the Sixth Cctiu which was read, edtpad, aud Or dered to be engrossed " . v ; : s Tne Bill iu addition to the CGth section of the 60th chapter f Kved Statatee, ia relaliou te the sale ef Fire Wend, and the O.ll to. incorporate the Lumber Bridge ludrpeudent Compaay, ia the Cooitty ef Kob eeon. were ech reed the third time, pa-wed, a ad or dered to be eugroatrd. ' 1 'J'. , The EngrWsrd Bill to incorporate the Neose Fire Company, in the Town of Nwbern. was read the third time aud pa'd ; aud it was ordered that tlie ceoeurrrnce of the Senate be aked te the ameud mrtiu hretofere made. . ' 'v-' J The Bill to establish -the Commercial Bank at Wilmington; the Engrossed' Bill supplemental to an 'Act passed by -the present General Assembly, to lay off a hew County by the name of Gaston, &fc jf and the Engrossed Bill to amend an Act passed in 134il-'45, incorporating Carthage Male and Female Academy, ia Moore County, were severally read second time, amended and passed. " - . The Engrossed Resolution, from the Senate. In re lation to the Adjutant General's Office, was read and adopted, and ordered to be enrolled. ' Mr. Rayner, from the Committee on Internal Im provements) reported unfavorably ou the Engrossed Bill to incorporate Neusd River Steam Boat Com pany : when aid BiU wai on motion of Mr. Paine, postponed indefinitely.'' f 7 ' The Hoose then took a recess until 7 o'clock, P. M. The Bill to provide for the apprehension of Runa way Slaves in the Great i Dismal Swamp, . and for ether purposes,- was read -the third time i . when Mr. Ferebee offered an entire substitute for said Bill The question upon adopting aaid substitute was de cided 14 the negative Yeaa 23, Nays 53. Tbe ques tion recurring then upon the passage of the original Bill, oal its third reading, was decided ia the afiim tare Yeas!, Ways 24.;;r r- r Tha desolation in favor of the Raleigh Military Aeademy and T i iv . ; v Relatmg te certain Scrip, Issued by' the Raleigh aad Gaston Rail Road Company, endorsed by the State; and " : i : i . : , ' -The ResolatioB; in favor of David Gillespie, were severally read the second and third times, ' passed, and ordered to be engrossed. 1 f- T - 1 The EngrossedBill to amend the Laws regulating the Inspection of Tarpentiue, was read the second and third times, and ordered to be enrolled.' Mr. Rayner, from the Committee on Internal Im- J V VIII l l Ml . w- ' , .WUUIUU lUIE U1U .V incorporate theJonathan'sCreeka, Tennessee Moun tain Tnrncike Comrenr, ia Havwood Countr: the Bill as amended, .oassed its second and'tkint at-- uigs, and Was ordered w oe engrossed,- - -i The House thea m4jonri)ed uBtU to-morrow, at .10 'clock, AM.-.. fjf. t.7 v. i t c , S ENATE "Widxispat, Ji 13, ' " : , " After the tnmnctlon of soma minor bosinesL the SogroiMl Bill, frranting a-' further .extension of eroiit on the Bonds endorsed by the State: for the YilnUHjrton and Raleigh RU Rood Company, and also on the debt, due the State an the Literary rund. vii taken on : when $ i i f .1.-, r : .Mr Spelghk moved tovamend the Bill by inserting t jected Yeasj20,J Nays'2i6. K Mr; Waddell also jaored ..aa . ajnendment which ""Tjctod u n i ' & U, .. ::' 4. rl jH -t ' The qucsUon then recurred on the passage of the BilL iti third reading, which was decided in the affir matlve Yeas 23, Nays 17 " The" Bill was ordered to be Enrolled. ' The Bill to increase the Public Revenue, was read the third time, passed and ordered to be .Engrossed. . The Senate then proceeded to the consideration of the "order of the day, vii i A Bill " to provide for laying' out and establishing a Turnpike Road from Raleigh to the State of Georgia, on its second reading. Mr.- Francis moved to amend the Bill, by striking out the first Section, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: : -- " That there shall be laid out and mad 'a Torn- pike Road from' the Georgia line, passing through Murphy, in the County of Cherokee, in this State. East to the Town of Aaheville,in Buncombe County." ' Mr. Cameron and Mr.Wojdfin. made" ineffectual motions to amend the .amendment offered byaMr. Francis. The question then recurred on the orizl- nal amendment, and was decided, in the affirmative Yeas 22, Nay s 22 the Speaker giving the casting .Th Seuate then took a recess. T? J v xvxiiLso asssios. , The Senat then resumed , the consideration of the unfinished business .of the forenoon, vii : iA. Bill to uy oa ana estaoiisn a a urnpik Uoad from Raleigh to, the line ef the State of Georgia, as amended J and the question recurring on the passage of the Bill its thirt reading was rejected Yeas 17, Nays 25. . The Bill to esUblish and incorporate )he Metro politan Rail Road Company," fecwas read the se cond time, and after some time Kpent in the conside ration thereof, the Bill was postponed until to-morrow, and made the order of the day at 11 o'clock This is a substitute for the Bill, heretofore presen ted, to revive and re-establLih the Raletgh and pas toa Road.J j i-'t .&'-.' s'..r in - ?..vr.. i" -:ft HOUSE 0F"C0MM0NS. -Mr. Mebane, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred a Resolution directing them to enquire into the. expediency of selling the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, reported unfavorably on the proposition, and aaked to-be discharged from its further conaideration. The report was concurred in Mrv Washington, from the Committee on Educa tion, reported unfavorably;, on the Resolution re ferred to them, proposing to . give to the County of .agecomrv laerest, on tne instalment or the School Fund.' The question then recurring on the passage of the Resolution, it was rejected Teas 15, Nays 39. -The Bill for enclosing Capitol Square coming up aa the Special Order of the day, an ineffectual effort was made to postpone sid Bill indefinitely. Mr. Ellis moved te amend aaid Bill by striking out the clause giving the,ontract to Messrs. R urns do Stronach. and inserting the following . That the said Board shall advertise in two newspapers printed in Raleigh, including a description of the Plan, for three months, and let the same to the lowest bidder or bidders, provided he or thev ahall enter intn Ronri A a The question on the adoption of this amendment was J aeci'led in the affirmative Yeas 56V.Pfye 3. - The question then recurring on the passage of said Billon the third reading, was decided in the aJSrmatire Yeas 60, Nays 54: " ," The BilLprovidlng for raising Revenue for the Sute, was put upon its second reading, -when Mr. Ellis of Rowan, , moved to postpono indefinitely ; which motion was carried. ' ' , , ' it-. ' xrvinwa sessioi. The Bill fo give a portion of the unsurveyed Lands of Cherokee to the County Court thereof,, at 10 cents per acre, having been " heretofore rejected, was, on motion reconsidered ; and the question re curring on the passage of said Billon its third read ing. Was decided in the negative. , , . The Rill providing for the selection of Wardens of the Poor .by the Justices of the Court was put up on its third reading and earned.'- - ' ,The Bill to alter the time of holding Elections for County Trustees of Guilford, passed . ita third reading. ?:'"r !--- : i- The Bill to transfer the Fund of the Board of In ternal Improvement to the Sute Treasury, was ta ken np on its third reading, When Mr. Brogden mov ed to amend by.striking out the clause of the Bill, pledging the faith of the State to repay.-said fund : and the Yeas and Nays being taken, the amendment Was rejected. , " , . ' , ,, . . . t , , .". . . ' , Mr. Flemming introduced an amendment,, requi ring payment of the interest: ia, which was xejec- ThoBill then passed its-second reading. The Bill authorixfug the Petersburg Rail Road Company to raise a sum not exceeding $500,000, for certain purposes, was on motion of Mr. Wilder, put upon it "second reading when Mr. Barnes, of Northampton, submitted, an amendment, providing that nothing in this Bill shall secure this Road from any penalty elsewhere provided for, Ate, and.aujw ported it "in a short rpeecb. Messrs:" Wilder, of yake,and Rayner, of Hertford, could not see any good' which could be effected by the insertion of such upravitOy but thought it might, by being construed by that Company, into a. spirit of hostility to them and being interpreted as being spitefully introduced might prevent them from taking Stock in our new Rood. -Mr. Barnes disclaimed any unfriendliness to that Road he wished it all success the interest of his constituents required it. should succeed but still be thought it boat to provide ror the emergency which shfjr arise. A considerable debate here sprang up between Messrs;. Barnes, Rayner. and Mebane, on a decision of the Supreme Courtjelatlve" to this Road, referring to a violarjon of the Charter of this Road. &c. The amendment of Mr. Barnes.was withdrawn for the present and the mil rasea m second readinsT. ..i-.' ""' 12 'J The Bill concerning rules tojefs ana J-ots sold by Courts of Equity," paseTlts third reading The Bill to authorise TjiefT. Jones : to erect a Bridge across Skinner' or Raccoon Creek, passed it third reading., . -. . m i it ,. . i - , s ' " The Bill -to. establish 0e Commercial Bank of Wilmington, was taken up on itf third reading Mr. , Rayner, of Hertford, opposed the Bill, aa it was entirely inexpedient,? at the present juncture of our National affairaV to be" chartering Banks now, when by the Sub-Treasury law, all monies' re ceived and paid out by the Government was to be made in specie involved in a 'foreign War, the natural consequence of things .would be," the ten dency of specie from the United States. Mr. R. sustained his position by some forcible facts and ar guments ;" and regretted that he felt constrained, by a sense of duty, to vote against the" BiU.- T t Mr. Hall, of New Hanover, replied to Mr, RI in defence of the Bin, and urged that such an Institu tion was demsnded - by" the Commercial wants and interests of Wilmington."..". ! I , K " : - . . 1 Mr. McKesson, of Burke, also" advocated the passage of the BillV 4 T:.. , " The question wasr then 'taken on Tthe passage of theJBill on itithird reading and 'decided in the negaUve-A'aas- 37 Nays 70. , r.. fc :;NqTHER OLD FEpERAUSTy;J , "'Old documents are ugly things, and sometime re Teal, . strange ifactsl. , grmiebod has dascoverod, the following paragraph htH'uSu? Register, of Septem 13, 1834: -r - - We have lone entertained aliiah opinion of the talents and patriotism of Got; Cass though riot sub scribing to all Lis opinions; but the fact is, that while K.'d -grainy C aim. suDcrint end ed the recruitin tr service, in Delaware, in 1799-1800, or what we de mocrats styled, the prerisidn-eating army he (the present G en. Cass) was the Pretejttr tU Grasv mat'SeJtBbl M WiZtntMSTOnjanatUliVOI rrw" m m a o. k r.no.K A DE isJUs hat!.. erotic Candidate for the -Presidency,-an who has, heretofore, been auppojed to hate .been ..: bom h . . - . ... . ... ,? Uemocrav turns out, uze outer, meaning jujjj of the Administration, to be an old Federalist I It is knout time 'for the jLWioujt talking about Xe4ralism. ' ' st; ..i:' "Oitrt are t&'UnM of fUS'&fi-iiLi 1 e ,, , -a jj, J jy t -ww af Vtffai ; v MUNICIPAL ELECTION, ... ; . . The "Sraa" of Wednesday,' announces Messrs Woxiam D. Hat wood and Wirak,F."CotUHS as Candidates for the Mayoralty, at the Election on Monday next' Hon. Wnxust ' IL Harwoov and W. W:'Hoixif, Esq. are recommended for the same situation In anonymous Communications. 1 ," (nTHE ADJOURNMENT.: " , ; No movement has been made, as yet, towards res cinding the Joint Resolution of the two Houses, to adjourn on Monday next, but it does not follow as a matter of course, that it will not be done.. NORTH CAROLINA REGIMENT. , i I Six full Companies haTe beenreported to the prop er Department, and have been ordered to their .re spective rend'eivoui ; while so many others are in the process of formation, that we hope to be able in our next, to announce its entire completion. ) ; ; A NEW COUNTY. r i The Bill to establish a new County, to be called Alexander out of portions of Wilkes, Iredell, and Caldwell, has passed both branches of tha Legisla ture, and is therefore a law. RT'" On onr second page, will be found a narratiTe of truth, stranger and more interesting than fiction. It is a Letter from Mrs. Chase, the wife of the Amer ican Consul at Tampico. The "Charleston Even ing News," says, that the heroic conduct of Mrs. Chase, at the taking of that place, a reminds us of those Mothers of the Revolution, whose devoted pa triotism has reflected such enduring honor on the' sex which they adorned." f VERY IMPORTANT, ' xxrx stiu. raost the abmtI n, mnl nf the, TT S SlMmor V.dltlk- at N" .- iv:-K wtn fl,, I the publio mind wiU.iQtie - extery7uhm relieved ...... .L. Hi: ,1 Ijiater acoounts. . -The news of Sakta, Ajtha, with 30?000 Troops,' (the flower of Mexican soldiery,) be ing on hisr march to Saltillo, ia fully connrmcd. . It was the impression of gentlemen who came in the EdUh,' (says the Pidayune,) and ith whom we conversed, that a battle was fought on the 25th ult. It was thought, Jiowevet that Gen. Taylor had reached Saltillo before that time, and also (General 'Twiggs, Geniauitman'Bjlaen. Bufier", and Gen. Wool's commands. It was likewise hoped that the Troops fnnn Casiargo will also arrive at Saltillo in good season. If these expectations were realized, Gen. Taylor had about 7000 men to oppose-Santa Anna- Our informants think Santa Anna's army was overrated ; but no positive' knowledge was had of iu exact numbers. . - . : The crisis is a fearful one. May God send our heroic Army a glorious deliverance ! 5 - MR WASHINGTON'S SPEECH.. I The last u Star" oontaina this gentleman's Speech on the Re-districting Bill We shall give it a place, at as early a day as practicable. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT FUND-. ' The bill to transfer the Internal Improvement Fund ' to the Public . Treasury, to meet -the de mands upon the SUte, passed the". Commons on Tuesday, tYeas $4, Naya 20. The bill was advoca ted by Messra Hackney, Smith, Neol, nd others, and opposed "h" Messrs. Flemming, Hayes, and others. ; . . .. , . : r. - DON'T BE ALARMED. . "The "Standard, professes to be terribly alarmed, lest Mr Ramn will not publish his Speech on the Preamble and Resolntioa, appropriating 10,000 for the equipment ef our Volunteer Regiment. He may dismiss his uneasineEa We have not consulted Mr. RaTKEa, but we wHl vouch for its forthcoming. ' APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS. ! After all the Jeremair of 'the Standard," -the Legislature have given the appointment of the Field Officers of our .Volunteer.. Regiment,' to His Excel lency, the' Governor of . the State 1 To paraphrase the language of thai print, we call upon its Editor to state, that the fcRaoisTaaV view of the power of the QoTtrnor. to appoint these Officers, maintained duripg the last 'canvass, has been sustained by a thai . Friday, January. 15, 1847.' Demo- f for then jorijy xf the Legislature both Whigs ana crats voting for the BilL.. We are sorry Standard' very. : MR. BARRINGER. Our exceBent Representative In-Congress, from the Cabarrus Disteict made'a powerful Speech in the House of JRepresentative,last week on the Army Bill, It was mainly upon . the . great t question of Slavery, and he took high ground In reference to it Slavery,'.he said, was now the question that threat ened thi Union Slavery, which was brought to us from England aid from' the North. . TheTNorth had though t'proper to gei rid?' th Jnstitutlonijsnd the'eondition of master and slave yetremalned with the South, but It did j'ftUow4'thaC; England, and the North were free from all forms of oppression. ' ' a the GLORIOUS THREE DAYS." j .The ' Standard thus characterixea the three dayr quibiiing in the HousOy gotten upjy;th LocoSr. the Preamble and Resolution appropriating $10,000 for the e( gr1 yolunteera. ' But for5 their lain tious oppouUonJ every Compy,wouil liaVeliad its quotaof money by tthia, timeVTheEtorJorthe .' Standard'7 think hi party-has great canse of "ex ultation and rejoicing Thli story of the" Fxencnmanf who haring Hitt' Parison ayisUtii New York- wae MkedJon hli.reiufn ;;how, he liked the CUy. Ohf aaid he, it is eoa grand place, and Tery good lpe? exception man. lwas taJkikd. down' Street de Broad-a-way, I fut yo ,Uall itwitk my gakonhj Utile' Wvantwhen fand : run- into- a heweer-'- . Street. KUi followed mor-1 xpn, jmdhokicMraft aad he kick I run, and he kick byme-by, I become mad T become furious a onevXem I Tuna? to de- mand jlhf Wam' sniiacfiea. and By-gar, he goneT SENATE DEBATE. TheSenate, last Tuesday, had "Monsieur Tonson come aain," ia the shano of the famous individual liability cUnse,i9ome time called tfo Specie Qks,) xaoTtd hj Mf; Thojipso, 6f V'akej as an amend ment to a Bill to Incorporate the Cape Fear 'Manu facturing CoripanyjV' W:fim': Mr. GuJfB, In reply to some" remarks made by the inexorable mover of the amendment professed to he placed in great doubt-as to hm 'urse.He 1ad once believedJ and had .quite sincerely believed, ihat works of InierCal , Improvement .nilght'be. of some service in redeeming the State from mediocrity, 'and might property; redeit som aid and cbuntenance fromjthc'Legislature, Bnt, he had liTed so long fa the woods, at a great distance from the Metropolis that he believed he had become especially green.? The lights, which krn so brightly about the Capi tol, are lost in the distance before, they reached him. He had been silly enough to vote " for Manufactur ing establishments, Turnpikes, and even Rail Roads, but the pertinacity enlightened Sen ator of the Metropolitan Couufy, opposes all such ef forts as public improvements, had. brought him to a dead halt."',,"i r-;'''. ; --.i The people of the State had selected Wake, as the favored County in which this splendid. Capitol was to be built. Here," in the County of Wake, were to be held the Sessions of the General Assembly, and the Supreme Court, in a building which cost over half a million Of dollars, j Here, is. also ' the great State Library, in which the wisdom of .ages is em balmed.. From this chosen spot, it is reasonable 4o be expected, that patriotic suggestions, which look to the good of the State, should emanate. . . . T The citizen,' honored with'the confidence of such. a County, might be' supposed to.be "foremost in the race, which has for its goal the public good. At the feet of such a Gamaliel, we from the wild woods "and Mountains of the West, might safely, it seems to me,. learn political wisdom. How then, Mr. Speaker, have our crude opinions been shamed by the enlightened course of the Senator from Wake ! How have our visionary schemes been rebuked! How ridiculous have gentlemen from abroad rendered themselves, by. voting for various measures in which their ' constit uents can have noJntertst, but which they thought would benefit the Metropolitan County, and the central portions of the State? - Mr. Gilmke said, when he saw this Senator, re flecting as he must ber supposed to do, the opinions of this enlightened County, jroting. agaiet th proTCfiwuNen Hirer to a point near Raleigh ajrainst enclosinsr the Capi gainst enclosing the Capitol, the pride of the State and the greatest ornament of the City, over which.it keeps eternal guard against the charter for a Rail Road South from Raleigh against the building even of a 1 arnpike from itaieigh VV est, to be paid for in Cherokee Bonds against all attempts to charter Manofacturing Companies, unless' coupled with a provision which he knows would cripple and defeat them when ho saw all this in the Metropoli tan Senator, must he not pause, and doubt whether his course has been right? He had believed, that as we had no great staples, such as .Cotton and . -To bacco, and only inferior advantages at making money as G rain-growers, but plenty of water power; wood and minerals ; that the erection of Manufactories, in which thousands of. poor white females would find profitable employment,-was an object that might gladden the eye of the patriot and philanthropist. What must we think now, when not one such, work has, during the Session, found favor in the eyes of the distinguished Senator? And when his constit uents are to be mainly benefitted too ? ' His course is well calculated to make others doubt their utility. If it be really the settled opinion of that gentleman's constituents, who have had ; expended lamong them io much of public and individual funds, -that works of Internal Improvement, (even at the expense of in dividuals) which connect Wake with other parts of the Couatry, are injurious their voice, in such mat ters, is certainly entitled to " very great - respect Why not clap an extinguisher at once on all im provements leave our highways, over which Sena tors travel in coming to Raleigh, to the beautiful luxuriance of nature lLot the warning voice of the Senator be lifted up against any ruthless hand that would cut down a tree, or grub up a stump. Let him sing in dulcet strains "Woodman ! snare that tree, . Touch not a single bough." , Let the young trees' on the highways, imitate their sires, and toss their Arms, in all the freedom" of un restrained nature, ; unless peradventure you could have the u individual responsibility" section upon them, or eradicate them by the specie darts ! Let it be a misdemeanor to grub-up a root in a public highway, and let throwing' up a Turnpike, be felony without benefit of Clergy. 7 '. . Monsieur Tons on looked, as though he wished the ; Manufacturing Bill and the Specie Clause were at an unmentionable place together. .' In truth, he looked as though he wisJtei he had nil " : ? A FLAG FOR. THE REGIMENT. On" Monday last in the Commons; Mr. Wilder in- I 1 troduced a Resolution, which passed through its scr- erai reaoings, uirecung, aa approprvHB. x ag w procured for the North Carolina Regiment of Vol unteers, and appropriating -three hundred dollars for that purpose. The Resolution ' will 'of course pass the Senate, and the Flag Will no doubt be pre sented to the Regiment as soon as possible. , ! w ' ' ' ' " ' " " "' ' - - " - . The Petersburg Rail. Road Company has declared a semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent .-.- the .UEUT-General; V. . The Washington Correspondent of the, M Balti more American" says that thV Senate' JConxmlttee will pursue a different course,' .with' regard to' the President's recommendation, from that taken by. the House.':. Messrs. Dix'of N..Y. and Houston of Tex as, are for carrying out the recommendation and Messra. Badger of N. C.and Crittenden of KenVai gaiast itMr) entoChairmeHhe'C was intedeslg absqit fropa its meeting. ,BTher being a tie, both sides will make a report to . the r Senate. -in: ri s, " . a UNEXECUTED. . j :? The Cheraw Gazkte Of theGth instant "eays--h Wuxiaar A! jPowxiii who VaV found guilty of the crime of Negro 'Stealing, at nhelast2 session of the Court of Common Fleas, for 'Darlington District, . . 1 ... was executed at Darlington according to'sentence, J on Friday, J st inst. ; We understand that he declare ed, himself innocent up te the time of his exeeutiom'! 03. The Mexican War, say4 the altimorePa trtot," when It was first r)aRred upon, waste beasort of fancy work for those enged in V see it stated, that thj lose pfUfje in the Mexican war, I already exceeds that of the last war with England. CONGRESS . : .4 1 .. .. . : did nit sit. in I ; On Jnday, the 8th, pie Senate did not sit. id the House, the Debate, (covering the whole ground of the War,) on the BiU for adding ten" additional Re giments to.the' Regular Army, was brought to a close by the passage of the Bill through that branch. ;Cn Saturday, the Oth, the Senate did not sit ; but the House of Representatives again had the Lieut. Generalship before them, and solemnly expressed its opiniun, by a majority of thirty Totesj against the establishment of a Military Officer of a grade of j rank to supersede in command all existing Officers ot.Hne--Armyrf ..The xoajoritj': Would nave oeen lArger, had it hot oeea' known that it would, as s it stands recordedj be sufficient tit defeat yln the Senatc on Monday, :the lltb the Tic President; being indispoeedi Mr. Atchison appeared in the Chair and read a letter from that officer, de siring him to ocipy .theChairrduringhiS absence Mr. Crittendenf after, disclaiming any personal feeling in the matter, questioned the authority of the Vice President to delegate the Chair to another when he himself was absent He suggested that the Senate had better ballot for' the election of ft Vice President pro'terrLy ia i he had no doubt the re sult would be the same. He was - for having things done properly... In, conclusion, .hemoved .that the Senate proceed to the election of a Vice President pre tern. - 'c -f :.;. k ? At Ihe request" of Mr. Atchison, the 53d rule was read, ( which gives the Vice President the 'right to name a substitute.for one day. h . - Mr: Speight was of opinion, that, under this rule) the Vice President had the power to delegate his authority.'" ., ' 1 . .'' ''A ; Mr. Atchison, said he felt much embarrassed in occupying the Chair, under- such' drcumstanoes. He said he would much prefer that the Secretary should conduct the j)roceeclings. i ' 3r vw Mr. Crittenden hoped the gentleman , would re main in the Chair, which he could do by. common consent. The consent being, given, , Mr. 'Atchison remained in the Chair. f , . j f;t.:5! Mr. Badger contended .that the rule did not apply to the present case.' It appeared to him very plain that the Vice President when absent, had no power, to delegate his authority. : .4 I t-c. r.i.. T. A fter further discussion Mr. Crittenden modified his motion so as to provide, that Mr. Atchison bo ap pointed Vice President pro tern. T during the absence of theyicerceenki- M '.t:- 'M'. The debsio was then continued at creat lenjrth by I Messrs. 6evier, . tScmen, Calhoun, : Badger, JUlen, Butler "Crittenden, .Johnson, of .La, .Mangum, Breese," Webster, Bagby and .Westcott,( when a mo tion by !Mr Sevier to. lay the motion . of - Mr, Crit tenden on the table, was negatived, v , .. j t -Finally, the Senate prooeeded to ballot for a Vice President, .and on the first ballot, Mr; Atchison was elected,he receiving 41 votes, and Mr; Storgeon'l in the House, Mr. McKay, f ronj the Committee of -Ways and Means, reported the annual Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation billy and a ; bill "to au thorize an issue of Treasury Notes. ! and a loan ($23,000,000,) and for other purposes' which were read" and referred to the Cbmmitteo. of the .Whole on the State of the Union. , . ", ! We find in the .-' National Intelligencer," the fol lowing Card from one of our'Representatives : . ' -' . . . . .WA8HINUTOK. JahuarT 10.. 1847 ' . Messrs.. Gales Sr Seatoa : The reDort of the nro I ceedings of the House contained iu the.'tMnion'Df baturday evening, does me injusyce, ,in omitting what I did say, and in. stating that which X did, not say. Tlx : ivir. carnnger nere rose ana saia, mat iorry ' companies in his State North, Carolina! had prompt. ' ly tendered their services, and too doubt the regU SUVUt wf VU1VI VMdVW a " rf- ' ' What f did say, (Mr. Haralson havinsr yielded the floor,) was, that I did not hear all the'gentleman from Georgia had said in regard to North Carolina, but I understood him to assert that the State (which was Whig,) had failed to raise the retnment of vol unteers required. (Mr. IL then nodded assent) I then said,' that, when the iiuisitionwasmade un der the act of May hut at least foxtj companiesliad tendered their servjceakThe regiment was promptly raised.; . When the term of service Was changed from twelve months to during the War ' under the late requisition, the Tolunteers in the regiments first raised were released, and the new regiment was not yet raised. But several companies ' had organized, and actire exertions were making to complete the regiment, which I had nudoubtwould1bc done in due time by that patriotic State, and done,"too. With out reference to political differences. Some conversation then occurred between my col leage, Mr.-Rain, and myself not necessary to be in serted in this note. The impressionereated by the incorrect report ef the j' Union" (wMcb . was owing probably to ray own position in the House at the same time) is, that forty companies are now ready for service, when, in fact, I said directly to the contrary. You will oblige me by inserting this note in the Intelligencer as early as possible. " !- - Yours, Tery-truly, - -i -!D. M. BARRIGNER; - WHAT GEN. TAYLOR DOES "ENJOY, AND WHAT HE DOES NOT ENJOY. , 'Under this head, the' "LouisTillo JournaV, sava: GenAxwaenjoys the glory of having conquered the Northern Indians at Fort Harrison. He enjoys the glory of having conquered the Southern' Indians on the Withlacoocbee. ic He "enjoys - the glory of ha ving conquered he Mexicans on the immortal fields ef Palo Alto, Resaca de la Pal ma, and Monterey He enjoys the glory "of exhibiting a' moderation a modesty, "and a magnanimity in the hour of victory, equal to his transcendant coolness and skill and cour age in the hour of conflict. ' B utc' alas ! for the un fortunate oldliero, he does not' enjoy the' honor, of an approving mention in James K. Polk's messaze te Congress r Wanting this glory, what are all his other Wended glories worth?" - ' '"3 . - - . ' .-"" ' ' ; . . ll LIEOF; JLIAJOR .MONTGOMERY: f ' Major C. PVMR'TGMTt brother of the distin guiahed JSfajor L. P. MoxtGoatKBT, of the U S. Ar my'who fell at the battle of the Horse Shoe, is now iir thls City. We nav7seen his Prospectus for k work, forrhich tejis obtaining .Subscribers. -We copyhe.following noUco of it from the Shelbyville (Tehh. free Press ;:,.-- 7 '-. 8 - "-f; - -'X We havea Prospectus of the Life and Speeches of Major Lemuel P. Montgomery, of the UTS. Artnj, left with ins by hiseurviving- brother, Major C. P. Montgomery. Who bears with ' him testimonials ef high standing from the most distinguished 'men' in the United States. -This work, doubtless, win meet an extension of patronage, as it ills up a vacuum in the history of the late war,1 and :wil be edited by Charles Cassedy, Esq, who is well known as the au thoe of many able works, as a finished scholar, and an able writer." --' ' k - .' f - I V 2i FronLthe Nem QfleaAi Picayune. ' ' .Lira or Mijba L. P. Moktookxxxw-A brother of this brave officer, who was killed ad the .battle ef Tne Horse Mhoey in A 1 abffma, i wnilo fi gating nn- der lien. Jacsson, is now m our ; City, obtaininjr subscribers to a life of the gallant Major. The work wRl be written by Charies Casseday Esq,- and will hot only be a full biography of f ajor M. but will al so give a general history of the 1 . ants of the last war, as well as the raincinal events of the career of Gen. Jackson. Gen..Coffee, Cola. Henderson and Lauder! aaie, and other disUnguianea warriors, it mux oouot less be full of interest, aad- we recommend. Maj. C. P. Alontzomery, to the notice of our eitiienv We see among the names of those who hare subscribed for, copies, that of the late General Jackson, the Hon. Henrv Clay, the Hon. John' Calhoun the Hon. &, S. Prentiss, Col-Benton: CoL JR. .M; John- sou, and other ox note in the lanav : ? n ADD AND COMFOR ttt Tilt ENEMY.' sin order that irar' reader may e tBat iVi "noif Wntas who, according t6 the Preiiiden give aids ' ahdl comfori to the enemy Bui that the PVesideni'i J " friehds are involyed in the same cSfegdryj We copy the following from a series of resolution offered inf the Houscfrof Representatives, by Mr. Ficklin, of I1-. I, : linois, Whose politics are well known; , 1 ' - Resolved -That we deplore the policy which retain ed fourteen thousand of our1 gallant Volunteers in the yicinity of the Rio Grande) where some fifteen -hundred have fallen Victim's tof the diseases of thej. ' country, and hare Seen wrapped in their, blankets., and buried in theIand of strange'rSi-. ! . In addition to this, we find in the Fredericksburg A Recorder, au able Administration: journal the foL-. Foronej w think the war has jbeert; managed -badlyi ,i Not that the Government has been wanting ; inenercrr -or thearmv in coura?p for wa belilvH'. both have.nobly done thoirlutr j .but the meansand" men employed have been misdirected, The expedi tion of Gf en Kearney was a Cluixotic afiair altogeth er, and that of Gen. Wool was if poablej still worse. Both were tedious, expensive and -quite unnecessa- Jn Windsor, on 6th inst, Thomas' TuriWi Esc. ' late Postmaster at that place; aged about 0 yeanu? j He had as kind a .hsart as ever throbbed, and though 3 somewhat, eccenti 13 in his manners, he was emphatiir cally an honest man rJis-" -ft? ,:'. Tfrt rrnnted Oardfi Seeds direct from V V Philadelphia, New York, sod The Shakers, fresh and good, each paper bears' fhe label and war ranty of David Landreth and others. . - " "7- " For sale by II. D. TURSER,. , r , - f - at the N: C. Book Store; Raleigh BJT Catalogues furnished rrstia eoataiuinff full. -r directions for sowing, planting and 'mauaiuEf. ateigii, j an.. 1.3. lO-iU. f a i .5 . . . jfHkN Monday of February Court, t shall offer ifof i-r- iy,se!e atitte Court Honee door in Raleigh, a Tiact otLand 8 nulesSoutli-wesi of. Raleiuh, comaininz two- hundred and seventy nine Acres about &0 or 40 acres' first rate tovr jjiouud on' &wiu Cieek adjoining tWrn j PeacetT.'Cr (JtleyYaud otliers.; .'Aoy persons wisu , ing to buy had better see the land soon, as 1 may tell before this pxuice is out" . ","-." -J ' f"r'vt TefmsosaJe favorable J with ? riote and securities. . Sale ai 1 o'lilocfe. S M UTLEY." Jan. 4. 1847. 5 w2 1 r" v a.i .. -;v a vf a a- mum Harrison M, Waugh,. J. A. . W augh & PaiuteJj Edward and Henry Uobson, and 12 Hashes. . It appearing that the Defendants. Edward Uobson . and Leander Hughes, are not res'ideats of tbieSUte It i therefore brdeteU. thai publicatioh.be made for six weeks in the Raleish Renister.' that thev appear and answer, plead of demur, to the Bill of,Complainr filedJhOulcet'of (he Complainants, oft the. fifth Mon day aner ibe fourth Monday in Febuary, 1847, at, J the Court House in the Town of Rockford other wisei the ease will be heard ex parte and. judimeat pro eojifessQ entered against them. " ' ;.""' (PrAdv 65 ' - ' . 6 vJLt -;: FIFTY DOLLARS HEVAXIU "TTB Alf AWAY from Raleigh, IST. on the mor , u rj. rung 01 .me aui.oi January, ion, a negro wo- man iiame Idrictl and her" daughter named Let'Uia. x . The woman ( M aria) te between 43 and 50 j ears'of ' age. slender made, about 5 feet C inches btghvthtn viage; and dark complexion. Her, daughter (Leti lia) is about 5 feet high", well made, fleshy, and targe limbed, has a foil faceand is slothful in her walk.-- They lookjtith tbemawo.ox.lhieexhsngea of clothc. ing, and hence Jit is impossible VS describe their dress. The above negroes were purchased jn ihis' Ciiy yat public Sale, in Mayr 1845. Tney 'were sold aathe . property of Frascis . WatTUAir ; and ne doubt, arwf endef voring to r make their Iway , to -YifjrjQta, from' . which Sute lhey were bronght..:They wete owned . 1 by Mrs. WitaosJ or Mrs. Fiito, of Virginia, preyi f . bus lq WalthsHs ownership. They have relatione v. I and aciuainlances in Uiarksvillel and also in or nearfjj 0070WU 4 ue aoove rewaru 01 r uiy uouarar win 09 a paid, by the undersigned, " to any' person or person; who will deliver them in any sate jail, so that I can f ' get them., . t'i-; . .-';'.. i ; w JAM19 KUVYJVU5f SlieruT. Raleigh. Jah U. .6 wtf SQUIREyS r (fiTTrmr .rtrrirtr ? ' - Petersburg Tirsiala - Vi SPLENDID 'SCHEMES I ' M V ATTENTION I Adveflture'ra are" requested' to U; tice the- followiug Splendid Schemes' for' this month Tboee wbo-may wish to Obtain Prize Tickets, are in vked to apply personally, or by letter, fo the SuUcri ber. - Don't forget ! ! - , - il. SQUIRE; - y ' Bank St., Petersburg, Va. New, Scheme .for . the ; New- . -i-'sw for January jrir.- Susquehanua Lattery; Class No. 8, to be drawa mf?-& Baltimore;. Maryland. Jan. 20847 i - " 75 N es-12 Drawn Dalle ts.. ";t 1 0 prizes of $ 1 0,000 are , $ 100,003.; prise of - do do do . $5,000 Zl prize 20;,Jdo S20 -do, :20: . do ef 3.W0 2,000 :;,-.. 00 -i-'t, ? 250- Wholes $10 Halves Quarters 2 Ml.vC' Grand Consolidated LoUeiyClaas 4, to W drawn ou Saturday,' January 23d, 184T. " .78'N"o,!- lit drawn, ' - .- .fi'jc.4;, J rft5o,ooo " ' 20,000 - : ; 10,000. v 1 prize or s $6,000 I -40 prizes of i V &500 - 1 do dd; de 000 inn do inn'' 1 40 ?t- 3,604 100 s de: 1,000 ' , Wholes $12 Haivee gQairtere 3v ItfV do SusOjUeaaaa ; Lottery t Class .9, to be . drawn i'-h . - C Baltimorej Md. Janu 27, 1847. r Splendid jSeheme for pnrcliamng Packages.-' ' r '.. -j 16 drawn ballets out of 79 numbers. . . . . at. i s 'f t prze efa. $8,000 ,1 20 20 20 pnze ef I ;2. ao ir o.uuu 3,00(r 1 do 1 . ..'do-';;-.'-. f . Tickets $10- .300 r .2,000 25Q '"Halves ; Quarters 0 , w Grand Consolidated' Lottery, Class 5, to be drawo -OsbsOoai Ja a at prrxeef 6,197 J prize of - 50 do .'. 50 - do--v' "50 -J da, ' v - do : 4,000 j ZftOO do do 1,000 150 Tickets Q10 : halres 5 euarters S Zd I AsiXam delermiosd onaelltcg some of ,the alovw prize, I would earnestly advise my friends and pit-" rena urseeure their Tickela early; iow is l! tie;, AU orders" confidential 1- - ....." . . . l-'Cfeemembinr; in porchasirg; by its jackije, t . always giyeln &ree tickeiv j;; - v I I baWevey day Lotteries. from t to $23, and wher ' , a remittance made to tn,' large or small, 1 will el waysinvest in he mosc'pOfu)ar Lotteriei oo'bejd.- V Tm drawings sem,-. len" requestrd to a'.i wlorJir from me. The cash. for' all Capitals cart l Lad at sight .T3h HineuerlenclosirTjj cash cr.priza tickets, "' the postage need .not be paid Tkkeu ia! La ttr. Letterreaare-receiredi wnd all orcVrs ad Jrc-sed to t " "will v.icrtti.e'most' prompt and -tr.. if .3' e.jie..iU....- . . "-.-r- jMtUresa r - !.., , -- . --,'"-'C-""-