T" " : ' -V-""" ' - - : : 5 . .... - ,5 -1 .f if' rfl ' 1 4 ETTE. WW AND NOJftTH AIOIINA GAZ t WESTON R. GAIiES " XDITOK AJCD PBOPBIETOX. " termsoTthe semi-weekiTregister. Subscription. The dollars per ana am half in advance. itxriweTurJJt- For every Sixteen Line, first iusertioQ, Uae dollar; eaca ugtwu-uw Tweaty-five Cents. Court Orders and Judicial AdtertuementM will be ehargcd 25 per cenL higher ; bu a deduction of 33 per cent, will be made from the regalar price, for adrertisers by the year. Advertisements, inserted in the Skmi-Wikilt Rk oistee, will also appear in the Whm.t Paper, free of charge. gj- Jitters to the Editor mast-be wt-faiik WHY HAVE THE AGUE AND FEVER? I PRICE'S A&ueand Fever Pillshave never failed, where direcUons were $lricliy fol lowed, to effect a cure in from Fifteen to Thirty hours. They are prepared from simple Vegetable Medicines, and are, therefore, the safest, most pleas ant, and speediest remedy known, for the cure of In termittent .Fever. They hae been tried in Con gestive Chills' of the worst form, and have invaria bly given relief, and cured the patients. They never affect the brain, as does Vjutnme ; or injure me con stitution, as doesArseaie. The money returned in every case of failure, where directions are followed. Price $ 1 per bor. Planters, Country Merchants, and Druggist will be supplied at f 3 per doxen boxes. Prepared and sold only by C. J. KEN WORTHY & CO., Bank Street, Petersburg, Va. Auyiat 31. 1846. 71 Botanico-Medical Infirmary, BAXK ST., PETERSBURG, VA. DRS KEN WORTHY & PRICE, Petersburg. Virginia, are prepared to receive and treat pa tients from a distance, afflicted with Chronic and sup posed incurable forms of -disease. Board, with the most careful nursing, can be obtained for 94 per week. Medical charges moderate. The superiority of the Botanic Practice, in the cure of Chronic dis eases, has been fully established in every section of our Country. Persons afflicted, should speedily avail themselves of this, almost certain means of restoration to health. (Ej Fistulas and Cancers speedily cured without resort to the Knife Ceass WitusTio Charge $ 100 for Medical attendance. CD 'Persons desiring further information, will please address the Subscribers. post paid. C. J. KEN WORTHY, M. D. H. M. PRICE, M. D. July 11, 1846. 56 ly TIIOJIAS B. 11BBLE, ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER FOR NORTH CAROLINA, To take Testimony, Acknowledgements, dec 79 Nassau Street, Maw York. ' December 26, 1846. 104 ly C. B. ROOT, HATING isited New York and Philadelphia for the purpose of adding to his Stock, respectfully informs his friends and the Puldic, that he has just opened a large and splendid assort ment of JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS. consisting of Gold and Silver Lever Watches, An chor Cylinders, Vertical Escapements. Gold and Steel Guard Chains, Seals. Keys, together with a large assortment of Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Ear RingsGoId and Silver Pencils, Thimbles, Medal ions. Gold Hearts and Crosses. SPECTACLES. Gold, Silver, Blue and polished Steel Spectacles, Perifocal Spectacle Glasses, a new article, to suit the Eyes ofall persons, very superior Flint Glasses, that may be adjusted in any frame, at any nonce. Silver and Plated Ware. Silver Table,Tea,Dessert, Salt and Mustard Spoons, Ladles, Sugar-Ton?, Butter-Knifes, Silver mounted Cocoa Nuts, Castors, Candle-Sticks, Snuflers and Trays, Cake Baskets, Coffee Greqoes, Britania Ware in Sets or single pieces. Silver and Plated Cups. Fancy Goods. Mantel Clocks, Gold and Silyer mounted Canes, Chess Men, and Backgammon Boards, Steel Pens ; Gilt, Steel, Glass and 8atin Beads; Jet Combs; Segar and Card Cases ; Purses ; Chapman's Razor Straps ; Toilet Bottles and Ladies Toilet Work Boxes. CUTJLERY. A tine assortment of Rogers Razors Pocket and Pen Knives. Guns and Pistols. A Urge and fine collection of Double Barrel Guns and Coil's Patent Revolving Pistols. ' ' . Pert nmery, Comprising Powder Boxes, Cologne and Lavender Waters ; Toilet Powder ; Shaving and Toilet Soaps. Also, Hair, Tooth and Shaving Brushes. musical Instruments. Spanish Guitars, Violins, Clarionets, Flutes, Fifes, Guitar and Violin Strings, Extra Violin Bows, e c Watches and Clocks repaired in a superior style. As his own personal attention will be given to this department, those persons having article of this kind to repair, may rely on their being well and faithfully executed Gold and Silver manufactured to order, with neatness and punctuality. Highest prices given for old Gold and Silver. Raleigh. Oct. 19. 1846. 84 PKIKCIPEdGAKS ! ITUST received a fine lot of genuine Principe, 9J also, a fine assortment of Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, Cigar Cases, Pipes, dec &c, for sale whole sale and retail by JOHN J. KRAUSE, Fayettevilla St., Raleigh. Not. 19 93 ' V "ffx2Ta WE are authorised to announce Gen. i 23 Micajan T. Hawkins, . a a w Candidate to represent the People of the Sixth Congressional District, composed of the Coun ties of Warren, Franklin, Wake, Johnston, Edge comb, Nash and Halifax, in the House of Represen tatives of the next Congress of the United States. J anaary 8, 1&47. 4 NORTH CAROLINA JUSTICE. If ew Edition Bevised and Corrected. THE North Carolina J oscice, containing a som rrory statement of 'the Statute- and Common lew of this Siatei together with the decision of the Supreme Court, and all the most approved Forms and Prece dents relating to the office .and 'doty of p Justice of the Peace and other Pnblio Officers according to nodern practice, by Benjamin Swaim '-The wbote intended as complete practical application of tue few Revised Statutes of North Carolina, Price $3. . Published and sold by . i HENRY D. TURNER, If. C. Book Store, Raleib. TO PRINTER. Type Foundry and Printers' Fur nishing Warehouse. flTHE Subscriber, (late of the firm of Cockroft "II & Overend,) has opened a new Type Foundry in the City of New York, where be is ready to sup ply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job or Fan cy Type, Ink, Paper, Cases, Galleys, Brass Rules, Steel Column Rules, Composing Sticks, Chases, and every article necessary for a Printing Office. The Type, which are cast in New Moulds, from n entire new set of Matrixes, with deep Counters, are warranted to be unsurpassed by any, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. All the Type fur nished by us is handcast." Printiog Presses furnished, and also 8team En gines of the mot approved patterns. N. B. A Machinist is constantly in attendance to repair Presses, and do light work. Composition Rollers cast for Printers. JOHN A. T. OVEREND. Sept. 18, 1846. 77 6m. WINTER ARRANGEMENT THREE TIMES A WEEK. By the well known and popular route, Tia Peters- burg and KoanoKe ana uir roini nan Boaas, James River and Chesapeake Bay Steamers. WE would respectfully advise the Travelling Pub lic, that we have withdrawn f foe the Winter mouths; our Daily Line, and will run Tn-Weeklyv 0 yyi Passengers leaving Weldon or Gaston ?gjo.-?r on the nights of . Sunday, Tuesday or ati yr-iitSSt Thursday, will proceed duecl on without delay, reaching City Point at 9 A. M. They will take one of tbe fast Steamers, Curtis Peck, Capt. Davis ; or Alice, Capt. Brough; leaving City Point on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday roomings for Norfolk ; trom thence, by one of the superior Bay Steamers, Georgia, Capi. Cannon ; Herald, Capt. Russell, or Jewess, Capt. Sutton, for Baltimore, reaching there in time for tho Cars to Cumberland, Philadelphia or Washington City, at less expense than by the (so called) Great Mail Line, with fewer changes of Person and Baggage, and no loss of sleep. Conformable to our usual custom at this Season, the fare for the present, will be as follows : Between Weldon or Gaston and Baltimore, Norfolk, Petersburg and Baltimore, Norfolk, $9 CO 4 00 6 00 1 00 Meals included on the Steamers, For Tickets from Gaston to Baltimore or Norfolk, apply to C. C. Pogh, Eq , Gaston, N. C. For Tickets from Weldon to Baltimore, or Norfolk, apply to WM. M. MOODY, Jr., General Agent. Office James River and Bay Line, ") Weldon. N. C, Dec. 7, 1846. J 99 THE PETERSBURG IRON, BELL AND BRASS S S? S3T US ZZ2. lT9 Machine, Smith-Shop, Edge-Tool Factory, &c. In full operation. THE undersigned returns his sincere thanks to the citizens of Petersburg, and the public gene rally, far the liberal encouragement he has received, and hopes (as he has a more extensive assortment of Patterns, more and belter machinery, two good Cupolas or Furnaces, better workmen, and the whole Establishment better arranged and systematized,) by continued effort s, to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. He is prepared to execute orders for Casting from an ounce weight to sixty hundred. MILL GEARING Of every description ; Shafting, Spindles, Screws, &c. Castings for every description of Cotton Ma chinery. WATER-WHEELS. He is manufacturing Howd's Cast Iron direct act ing Water-Wheel, and has made a number, which have bee-n tested with great success, sod is believed, from its structure, durability and strength, to surpass all other Wheels under lesa head of water than 14 feet. The agent for the above Wheels is here, who gives his whole attention to putting them up. The subscriber is also manufacturing Hotchkiss' re-acting W heel. 8TEAM ENGINES, High and Low Pressure. TOBACCO PRESSES. He has on hand a number of various sizes, fin ished op complete, which be would .sell at reduced prices for Cass, or on time to punctual customers. Flattening Mills, Patent Bands, Sinkers, Levers, &c, at reduced prices. HOGSHEAD SCREWS, With Box, Plate and Ink, all complete, for 35. EDGE TOOLS. He bas on hand, and continues manufacturing, Cast Sterl Axes, and other edge tools, warranted e quel to any made at the North. Waggon Boxes, both ground and in the rough. Sad Irons, of all sizes. Fire Dogs of various patterns. Pomaces, suited for heating Churches and Stores Stoves, of different sizes, ior Factories and Offices, Grates of varieus patterns. Plain and Fancy. IRON R.ULINO. Both Cast and Wrought Plain and Fancy. Hoisting Machines, for' Stores and Ware-houses, on an improved plan . Pumps for Wells, of vsjioas constructions. Cotton Gins, and Horse Powers. PLOCGnri, ploughs. He has on hand a he svy stock of Ploughs and Plough Castings, of various Patterns, from 1 to 4 Horse, viz : Eagle or Meadow, Davis, McCormick, Premium, Clarksville, Free Born, Bar Shear, Seed, Corn, Side Hill, D & c , which he will sell at unu sual low prices. Portable Corn Milln, of superior constractioo. Corn Shellers and Straw cutters. Thrashing Machines, Fan Mills, dec ; and all oth er articles usually made at such establishments. Having from 45 to 50 Hands employed, and some m vood workmen as can be found m the State, be hopes to give as general satisfaction as to price, work mansbip and despatch, as any other similar esUb EahaoeaL He would respectfully invite all who are willing to give him an equal cnance wun lucnmeuu or uie North, to give him a call. rr Order leA with Messrs. McBwaine & Brown tV Mcmn. O. W. L. Morton, at his shop on Old street, or at the Foundry, will be promptly attended Petersburg, Feb. 6. 12 tf BOOKS FOR THE FIRE SIDE. The Juvenile Companion: com prising Historical and Biographical Anecdotes, suit able for the veunr. arntxil ImtrtiAtloiMt or Guide to Wiadoro and Virtue. H. D. TURNER, Jsn. tti. N. C. Bookstore. A FINE lot of Men and Women's Leather Shoes l and Bootees, for sate by JAMES LITCHFORD Jan. 25. 8 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1847. National Hotel, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. DAVID F. KEELIXG, Proprietor. MD. F. KEELING respectfully announces to the Public, that he hat taken this fine Es tablishment, recently conducted by Capt. Furman Blade, and begs leave to solicit the patronage of his friends and the travelling community. . This House has undergone thorough repair, has been newly furnished, and now possesses all the means and appliances of superior accommodation. The Proprietor is determined that his Hotel shall not be excelled by any similar establishment in the United States; and aware that an impression exists on the part of many, that his charges are higher than those elsewhere, he fulher states that his charge for board is $1 50 per day or $10 per week. D. F. KEELING, Norfolk, Va., Jan. 22. 8 6m crWHO WANTS A BARGAIN? -a Valuable City Property for Sale. THE Subscriber is desirous of dinposinr of that valuable Lot and block of Buildings, in the City of Raleigh, now occupied by Mr. W. T. Bai. There is not for sale in the City, at this time, so eligibly a situated Building Lot, to say nothing of the valuable Houses already on it. It is situate in the immediate vicinity of Cspitol Square, and is only separated from it by a dividing Street. It is a most admirable situation for a Hotel, and would, doubtless, pay a fat dividend on such an in vestment. Or, as now arranged, considerable busi ness might be done as a Boarding House, for which purpose it has been rjsed'for the last thirty years. For terms, which will be liberal and accommoda ting, apply to Michaxl Fbascis, Eq. of the Senate. JAMES R.LOVE. January 1,"1847. 2 Land and Negroes for Sale, THE SUBSCRIBER, intending to remove from the State, offers for sale, bis residence at iiil- uardston, Nash County. There are about 1000 Acres of Land, with a large and convenient Dwelling House, all necessary Out- Houses. Store House and Cotton Gin. J'he loca tion for Merchandizing is probsbly the best In the surrounding country. There is now, and will, it is expected, continue to be, a good Female School at the place. If not previously disposed of at private sale, it will be sold to the highest bidder, on Wkdsksuat, the 3d of Mabch.oo accommodating terms, to be made knowo-at that lime. At the same time, he will sell 18 or 20 IVe- groei, some of which are House Servants, and one a good Carriage Driver. He will also sell his entire Crop and Stock of eve ry description ; between three and four thoussnd pounds of Bacon j several Barrels of Brsndy ; all his Household Furniture ; 2 Carriages and Harness; a new Buggy, and a very superior Piano, purchased within the last six months. The Sale will continue from day to day until all is sold. Should any person wish to buy the Residence, and only a part of the Land, he can be accommoda ted, and is invited to see, or correspond with the Subscriber before the day of sale. JNO." AKRIKGTUN. Feb. 1st, 1847. 11 4w PAPER WAREHOUSE, NO. 9, BURLING SLIP, NEW YORK. CYRUS W. FIELD, offers for Sale, at the lowest Manufacturers' prices, a very exten sive assortment of PAPER, comprising every possi ble variety, adapted to the wants of consumers in all sections of the country. Paper of all kinds made to order at short notice. The Stock of printing paper is unusually large, a part of which is of very superior quality. PAPEK-MAKEKa MATERIALS Of every description, imported, and kept constantly on hand, viz: Fellings, Wire Cloih, Fourdrinier Wires, Bleaching Powder, Blue Ultramarine, Twine, dc dc RAGS, Canvass, Bale Rope, Grass Rope, Bagging, 4c. 4 c. purchased, for which the highest price iu Cash will be paid New York, March 18, 1846. 24 ly H0 IIAIIS. IT HAVE on hand and lor sale a prime lot of ti Bscon llama. AUo.iust received a quantity ol first rate Kice, and a lot of Liverpool Salt LUttirUKU. Jan. 25. '8 NOTICE TTS HEREBY GIVEN to the heirs of Mary Da U vidson, dee'd. to come forward and receive their proportionable part of the' said Estate, as I am ready to pay the same. WILLIAM MURRAY, Adm. Pleasant Grove, Orange Co. N. C. February 8, 1847. j 13 Imp id ALL at J. II. WIIITAKEITS Grocery HJ Store, near the Court House, If you wish to supply yourselves with Irou of the following sizes : Dagon Iron, 8 and C iuchea wide. Cutter Iron, 4 J and 3 inches wide. Strop and Pointing Iron, 3 and 2 J inches wide. Eye Iron, for floes and Dagous. Coulter Iron. All the above Iron will be cut, all ready, in pieces to suit those who wish to buy cheap. Feb. 14. 1847. 14 4w The College of St. James, NEAR II AQ ERST OWN, MD. The Diocesan College of the Protestant Eplieopal CbarcQ. THE next Term opens on Monday, March 1st. For. further information, or for admission to the Grammar School or College, apply to the Rev. JOHN B. KERFOOT, Rector, (P. O. address,) Hagerstown, Md. Or Rev. Dr. DRANE, WUmlngtoa, N. C Feb. 12, 1847. 14 16t "If HAVE on hand a supply of Winter Sperm U Oil. which ia decldedlv the DUrest. and most beautiful Oil I have ever received. Also, Bleached Whale Oil. fa substitute for Lard Oil.) which burns very free, gives an excellent light, and is ery cheap. Call and get a supply, at PE8CUDS Drag Stofe. Feb. 11. 13 pi OS0EX BUTTED, sweet and fresh, HJf just to hand. WILL. fJSUll. Kaleigh, Feb. , 1847. r 12 EXICO. A new Pocket Map ol Mexico, SI - - v . v inciuoifig um late uaiue r ieia II. D. TURNER, NORTH CAROLINA Mutual Insurance Company. "ITHURSUANT to an Act of Assembly, a Compa- U ny has been formed in this State, under the name and atyle of the " North Carolina Mutual In surance Company," -and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, til : JOSIAH O. WATSON, President, ALBERT STITH, Viee-President, RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, RICHARD SMITH, ) .. ALBERT STITH, Executive Com- WESTON R; GALES, S The Company is now prepared to receive applica tions for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to take risks on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops snd other buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against loss or damage by Fire. The Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. Smith, at the corner of Fayetteville and Har gett Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will be cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. Kaleigh, January 15, 1847 5 tf WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO., WHOLESALE r AND RETAIL Dealers iu Foreigrn and DOMESTIC C. H3 ITIEDICIIYES, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuff's, Window Glass, Perfumery, Brushes, Segars, cf-c, f-c. ARE now receiving their Spring supply, which is larger and more complete than has ever been olfeied for sale in this Market ; and having been pur chased, with strict reference to maintaining the repu tation of the Establishment, every article sent from this House, can be relied upon with the utmost con fidence. Our prices, from advantages in purchasing, has been much, reducsd ; and we are now prepared to furni&h Physicians, Country Merchants, and others, as low as any House in the State, " pledged or not pledged ; and we only ask of purchasers but a com parison of quality and prices, before purchasing else where, to insure sales. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to : and particular attention eiven to compounding Prescriptions and family receipts.'at all hours of the day and night. April 27. 34 - REMEMBER, THAT COSBY, HOPKINS & CO, CONTINUE to repair and warraut all kinds of Watches and Clocks upon the shortest notice, and in the beet manner. They also repair Mathematical, Surgical, Musical and Optical Instruments, in a siyla unsurpassed by any establishment, Noith or South. This the pub ic may rely on. They are, also, prepared to MAKE to ORDER any kind of Jewelry or Silver Ware, in the neatest manner and of the best materials. With the experience of many years, we tell the people, (and have the testimony of hundreds to sup port us in making the assertion,) that we can do their work as well as it can be done in Richmond, Mew York, or any where else. Give us a call. Charges moderate. COSBY, HOPKINS &. CO. Petersburg, Nov. 2. 89 SODA WATEH APPARATUS. I HAVE a second hand Soda Water Apparatus, in good repair, which I will sell at a very re duced (.rice from original cost if application be made in three weeks. P. I i'ESCUD. Feb. 11. 13 CONFEOTIONARIES, THIS DAY RECEIVED 1000 Oranges, 24 Boxes best Figs, 75 lbs. Lnglisi) Cheese, 300 lbs. Caudy, best quality, 75 lbs. Medicated Boston Candy, . Raisins large lot, Fresh supply Cocoa, Almonds, Pecan, Palm, and English Wall Nuts, Coffee and Sugar Buckets, - Water Cans, or Buckets, brass bands. Willow Carriages, Baskets and Chairs, Toilet Soaps and Perfumeries, Toys, of almost very variety. And many other articles too tedious to enumerate. JOHN R. WHITAKER. Feb. 13, 1847. 14 4w SQUIBE'S New LOTTERY OFFICE. Petersburg, Virginia. SPLENDID SCHEMES ! ! ! ATTENTION ! Adventurers are requested to no tice the following Splendid Schemes for this mouth. Those who may wish to obtain Prize Tickets, are in vited to apply personally, or by letter, to the Subscri ber. Don't forget !! 1 H. N. SQUIRE, Bank St., Petersburg, Va. Grand Consolidated Lottery, Clasa No. 9, To be drawb on Saturday, Feb. 27, 1047. 75 Nos., 13 Drawn. $30,000. $10,000 1 prize of $5,000 1 do 4,000 1 do 3,000 2 do 2,000 2 do 1,800 25 prizes of ft 14273 25 do 25 do 25 do 200 do 1,000 500 300 200 Tickets $10 Halves 85 Quarters $2 50. Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets 110 00 Do do of 25 Half do 55 00 Do do of 25 Quarter do 27 50 j Remember, in purchasing by the package, I always give in three tickets. I have every day Lotteries from 1 to $20, and when a remittance is made to ma, large or small, 1 will al ways invest in the most popular Lotteries on band. Too drawings sent, wben requested, to all who order from me. The cash for all Capitals can be bad at sight. On all letters eoclosiog cash or prize tickets, the' postage need not be paid. Tickets in the above Lotteries are received, and all orders addressed to toe will meet lb most prompt and confidential attention Address H. N. SQUIRE. Petersburg, Ya. TCT EW BOOKS. Gait on Insanity. The INI American Poulterer's Companion, by C. N BemenL The lives of Columbus and Vespucius. The Pleasures of Taste, by Jane Taylor. The Principles of Seieuee applied to the Domestic and Mechanic Arts, by Alonzo Potter, V. V. The His tory of the Revolt of the Netherlands, by Schiller. This say received by HENRY D. TURNER, Classical, Mathematical and Classical Department: i. M. LOVE JOY, Precepto, Assisted by R. H. flASON. Mathematical and Military Department: W. F. DISBROW. THE year will be divided into two Sessions of five months each ; the first Session beginning on the first of January, and the second Session, on the first of July. It is the design of the Preceptor, that this Institu tion shall not be surpassed, in the advantages afforded for acquiring a thorough English, Classical and Mathematical Education. Pupils will be prepared to enter the Junior Class of any College in the United States. TERMS OF TUITION. For English and Mathematical Studies, per Session, $16 00 For Latin, Greek, French, Spanish and Italian Languages, per Session, 20 00 The advanced Classes may pursue the Studies of a lower Class, paying only for the Studies of the Class to which they belong. Military Tactics taught to the Pupils, free of extra charge. The design of the Military Department being to fit the Pupils to act, in ca.se of emergency, as Officers, the West Point system of instruction will be carefully pursued, nor will the Army Tactics be departed from, in order to exhibit the boys for the benefit of the Institution, or for any other purposes. By an Act of the last Legislature, the necessary arms and equipments will be furnished by the State, but Parents who wish their children instructed in the Military Department, will be required to provide them with the prescribed Uniform. Parents and Guardians, are requested not to allow their Children or Wards to have accouuts in the City, but to deposit the money, for the purchase of neces saries, in the hands of the Principal. N. B. A few Pupils will be taken as Boarders, by me principal oi me Acaoemv. REFERENCES. Hon. Geo. E. Badger, Hon. Wm II. Haywood, Hon. R. M. Saunders, Rev. D. Lacy, Hon. John H. Bryan, Hon. John R. Daniel, Hon. Richard limes, Gen. Moye, Charles Hinton, Wm. F. Collins, James B. Shepard, H. W. Husted, Ed. Yarbrough, E. P. Guion, Esq'rs. Dr. Baker, As the above named gentlemen are well known in the State, I have given their names as reference. They send their sons or wards to my School, and of course their opinions can be confidently trusted. J. M. L. Raleigh, December 14, 1846. 100 FIUE ! THE jETIV AIJfSURASCE COMPA NY, of Uartford, Conn. Offers to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com- paniesinthe UnitedState,aiid pay sits lossesprompl- Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi cinity.to be made to 8. W. WHITING. July, 1846. Agent. And immediate Possession given. TWO OFFICES in the Rebister Buildings, o- pening on the Court Green. They are particularly adapted for persons, engaged in the Study, or Prac tice of the Law, Apply at this Uihce. January 6, 1846. W. F. BASOi, GRADUATE OF THE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, AND, for severakyears a Practitioner, would res pectfully make known that he expects to con tinue visiting sucn iowns, Villages, xc. as lavor him with their calls. And, as the general principles upon which all properly qualified Dentists operate, are the same, he does not presume to arrogate to himself a decided superiority ; but will cheerfully submit to the decis ion of the most intelligent ot uis f rolession, ana tne many for whom he has operated. January 8, 1847. 4 worn N. B. Any application directed to Raleigh, thank fully received and jproraptly attended to, the first op portunity. ITU AN AWAY from William Holt, dee'd. of ITa Orange County, N. C. during last summer, a Negro Man named JEplir&illl. Eprhaim is forty years old, five feet eight or nine inches high, stout and square built, and very muscular ; bw ancles are laree and teei mica : nis ioreneau low, wiin (it is believed) a small 6car on it ; cheek bones somewhat high, neck thick and short ; bis hands are large, with perhaps some remains of a sixth finger on each hand, which he bad when young ; be bas a down look, is an artful fellow and a pretty good mechanic Twen ty-five dollars will be paid for his apprehension in the State, or Fifty dollars if taken out of K. All expen ses will be paid for his delivery to either of the sub scribers. S. L. HOLT, ) J. S. HOLT, VEx'rs. . M. W. HOLT, January 26. 10 BONDS AND NOTES OF THE LITERARY FUND. THE Public Treasurer hereby informs the per sons indebted to the Literary Fund, that their Bonds and Notes, have been transferred to him, in pursuance of the Act of the General Assembly, at its recent Session i and that immediate payment of the whole amount of each debt, is required to be made to him, as prescribed by said Acu 1 - . C. L. HINTON, Public Treasurer, Jannary 25, 1847. 10 arnURWER'S lato TURNER & sli, HUGHES. North Carolina Al manac for the year of our . Lord, 1847. Raleigh: Published and sold, wholesale and retail, at the North Carolina Book Store. All orders addressed to HENRY V. TURNER, December, 1845. 102 fV. j, Sr." .1 New Confectionary. -; THE Subscriber has just opened a beV CON FECTIONARY ESTABLISHMENT, a the corner opposite Lawrence's Hotel, where he has, and will constantly keep on hand, a largo and splen did assortment of - i . Candies, Cakes, Fruits, Huts, &c. Sec Of every kind and description, which he will sell at the very lowest prices, and warranted W be fresh and sound. . - i .. He wonld respectfully invite all fortrs of the good things of life" id give hira a call, as he feels satisfied that be has in store many articles that will please the most " fastidious taste," either as it re gards quality or price. ' . HENR3T KEIM. Raleigh, Feb. 15, 1847, 14 8t JUST OPENING, ! Tne Largest, Richest and most complete assortment of .- WATCHES, JEWELER That crer before appeared ill Petersburg. IN offering the above Goods to the public, we feel 'fully assured (hat their exceeding richness, grace lul elegance, and the superiority of their workman ship, will completely defy competition in this market J and the prices, too, are lower than ever, so that we can not only minister to the gratification of the most refined taste, but we can do so without materially di minishing the furniture of the Pocket. We believe that we can now please all old, young? and middle aged, of whatever condition and sex Come and see for Vonrselves. and ton will nnL-klv i-..j agree with us, that almost all the treasures of the mineral kingdom have been ransacked, and the most skilful maniuulations of the mechanic arts hav Veen exerted to their utmost, in order to group together newer and brigbter beauties for your gratification. jjo you want waicbes, U locks, Ubains, Kings, Bracelets, Necklaces, Breastpins, Lockets, Pencils, Pens, Silver Forks, Spoons. Knives. Ladles. Cuna and Bowls ; or does von fancv set on AmethTst Topazes, Rubies, Emeralds, Pearls, or Diamonds 1 We can supply you with each or all tht is, if yo will come soon. COSBY, HOPKINS & CO. Petersburg, Sept. 30. 79 , THE PILES! A cure for life secured, BY Dr. UPIIAITI'S Vegetable Elec tuary, or internal remedy for the Pilest prepared by A. Upham, M. D., New York, a regular1 educated Physician, who devotes his attention al most entirely to this disease. The Electuary is , an) internal remedy, and will cure any case of Piles, either bleeding or blind internal or external, and the only thing that will. It is very mild in its ope ration, and may be taken in cases of the most a cute inflammation without danger. All external ap plications are in the highest degree disagreeable, in convenient and offensive ; and from the very nature, of the disease, temporary in their effects. This med icine attacks the disease at its source ; and removing the cause, renders the cure certain and permanent. In Inflammation, soreness, and Ulceration of the Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, severe Costive ness, and for the relief of Married Ladies, it is the best medicine ever discovered. Dr. A. Upham (Proprietor,) Wyatt & Ketch Alt general Agents, 121 Fulton et. N. Y. Sold in Ral eigh by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD. & CO., and by Druggists generally throughout the U. S. Price $1 a box- , D?c. 28. 1846. Pr. Adv. $12.T 104 6m AND WINTER GOODS, WE have commenced receiving oar Fall and Winter Goods, to which we call the attention oi the public, consisting in part as follows: ! Umbra striped Afghans, anew and beautiful article, Mousline De Laine Robos, Super Cashmere Decosse, " Rep De Laines, m Ombra Paris de. Ombra Shaded and Striped Cashmere, Mouslin de Laines, and Cashmeres of all styles and qualities, . SHAWLS-Ombra Thibet, " Printed Tekars, , " ("ash mere, Super Black and Blue French Clothsi Brown and Green do. . Fancy Cassimeres and Vestings, Scarfs, Cravats, &c Gloves of all kinds, HATS of Paris style Very handsome r CAPS of all kinds. c Having purchased our Goods low, We will Sell them accordingly. r HEARTT & JORDAN. Sept. 21, 1846. 1 78 TfTOR RENT Four or five large, comfortable Uj and well furnished rooms for gentlemen, tn theh large brick building formerlv occupied by Mr. Bw Bif Smith. . JAMES LITCHFORD. - ! Jan. 25. . T . !$Md' A Dwelling House, at Chapel JJill, eon taining six rooms, each with a fire-place and jfc closet. The Lot contains an acre, lying oh Main Street and in an" excellent neighborhood. The Buildings are of good workmanship, and entitely new, having never vet been occupied. The out-booses are i& keeping with the principal Building. The Yard im planted with a number of young shsde-lrees. n v. ; To a Familv desirous of removing to this plsce' either permanently or temporarily, a more suitable1 Residence could scarcely be offered My pried vt $1,200. ! W. M. green: Chapel Hill. Feb. 6, 1847. - 13 8t EW NOTEL -Fortescue by Jame Sheridan Know les, this day received by j a-J). TURNER, r. Jan. 20, 1847. at N. C Bookstore. : 71 OvjTK more sides oak tanned, in addition to JlUyiiV oor other Stock. Also a good , sCppl of 8alt in sacks. WILL. PECK. : Raleigh, Feb. 8, 1847, Valuable Land and mills for Sale. ON Tuesday, the 30th day of MareVnextiHhei: nndersigned will sell pnblieFyvofi the premises, by virtue of Deeds or 1 rest from Daniel and Thomas' Tomer, the valoabfe Saw am!Grist Mills owned by them, and jfUU Aeres of Land adjoining therto. j . I he" Mhm are within two mrles of the 'I own er Warrenton,-on a aeref -failing stream, and command a profitable Custom j and the Land is in part Well tisobeTed and of fair quality. - V Tbe nndersigned again offer for sale tire late resi dence of thaid Daniel Turner. The Tract cott tains 1060 -nCres,- much of which is of. excellent quality, snd the buildings are very soperrotT -"Tr TheJSaie will be made on a credit of tweivf months.-. ALFRED ALSTON, -j-' WILLIAM PLUMMETS WamatoB, N. C. Pel 10, 1847 J-J 1 -it'