f 1 1 3 tor ? 4 j i t i 4 QAZETT as TUESDAY, MAY 4 1847. If UMBER. 8g:t V FrBLlSHED SEUI-WEEILT ISB TfEEILY, BY EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS. Sultcriation. Shi-Wkut Pa Fire tare pr nom half in advance. Wekklv Pa Three Dollars per annum. AdtxrtittmeAl. For efary Sixteen Linn, first tatertion, Oee Dollar; eacb aabaeqaent insenien, r Twenty-fire Cents: Court Order and Judicial Aieertuementrwill be eharjed 2S per cent, hif her ; but a deduction of 33 per cent, will be made from tke repilar prices, for ndfertisert by the year. Advertisements, imsorted in the Stmi-XS ekklt Rk- oistbe, will also appear in the Webbxt Paper, free ef charge. O Letter to the Editor most be rotT-ruD. WHY )1AVE THE AGUE AND FEVER? TfauICITS A g tie ana icTer t- iiisDe Waeier fsiM. where direction were tlrictltf fol Uwed, to effect a cure 'in (rm. Fifteen to thirty kojri. The are prepared 1'rom simple Vegeuble Medicine, and are, therefore, the afet, most pleas- . t- r . rr ant ana speediest reaMUj Known. lor me rure 01 in Itnnittent Feer. 1'hej have beew tried in M;on- getie Chilis of the worst form and hve tnvaria bit gien relief, and cured the patients They never affect i he brain, as d.es Quinine ; or injure the con stitution, as does rsenic The money returned in trery cise of fsilure.-wbere directions are fallowed. Price $1 erbo. PLtnters. ;ouiUy Merrhants.snd Drugfi't will be supplied at $8 per dozen boxes. Prepared and said only by U.J. KEN WORTHY & CO., Dank Street, Petersburg, Va. Anyqt 31. 1846. 71 Botanico-Medical Infirmary, nm ST., PETERSBURG, VA. ORS KENWOiiTHY & PUIOB, PetersUurj. Vinrtnia. are prepared to receive and treat ia- tieuu from a distance, afflicted with Chronic and sup posed incurable forms of disease. Board with the m st careful nursinc. can be obUined for $4 per week. Medical charges moderate The superiority of the Botanic Practice, in the rvre of Chronic dis eas, has been fuHy established in every section of oer Country. Pcr-ons afflicted. shoohl speexlily avail thsasetves of this almost certain means of restoration to health. Fist alse and V.mcn tpeedily cured without resort to the Knife Com Whihtu Cbarje $109 for Medical altendsnee. J) Person desiring farther information, will please address the Subscribers postpaid. C J. KEN WORTHY, M. D. H. M. PKICE.M. D. Joly.U. 1846. 5U- ly TIIOHAS K. Dllf RIsEK, ATTORHET AN SOLICITOR, C0MMIj3INBR FOR 'NORTH- CAROLINA, T take Testimooy, Acknowled?emenu, &c , 79 Nassau Street, ,Niw Yobk. December 26. 1848. 104 ly 1 DR. H. F. PEERY'S Vermifuge or "Dead Shot," FOR WORMS. A Jkigkly valumhU preparation, cspable, from the promptitude of ila action, of clearing tt oy$ ? tern in a few ,hur$, of every Worm. TTftl EKE is perhaps no disease in which Children U are exposed so ycommm and fatal as vVorms; they imitato the symptoms of almost every other complaint, and often produce the most alarming ef fect before tney are eopecieu. t ne sjoipiuma w&ieh are produced by the irritation of worms in the bow Is, and which' with some degree of certainty iu dicsts their existence, are as follows Countenance pale, ton rue whitelv furred, crindinr of the teeth, fetid breath, stomach bard and swelled, wasting of the I3eh, sickness and pains ia the stomach, bowels either too costive or too loose, great fretfulness, un naturarcravinj for clay, dirt or chalk, cholic, convul sion, fiis, Stc. dec Numerous certificates ef the value and usefulness ef this preprstion are almost daily received. The following, is from the Rev. W. B. Wintoo, a distinguished preacher of the Methodist Church. I Abingdon, Va., May 12,1843. I-do hereby certify, that I have used Dr. Peery's Vermifuge in my family to the great satisfaction of my self and relief of my children. It is prompt in its action, and in nece removed a Urge number of worms in three or foui hoars after it was given to the child. I am satisfied that as a Vermifuge it ia supe rior to any that I have ever used. W. B. WINTON. Newbern. N. C Msy t3d, 1844. Dear Kir I have been anxiously looking fr an other supply of your " Desd rhnt Vermifuge.' as I have not m in?l 'ml lefi. Th Are constant aj T plications for the medicine, and I should be pleased to supply the demand. It has proved itself, so far as tried in this viciuity, to be a positive specific and no humbug. Please inform me by return mail, how oon you can furnish me with another supply. Troly yours, J A. LOU AN. t Price 25 cents per vial. Prepared by Dr H. F. PatBT.and sold wholesale "and retail by A. ti.ic D. SAND. Druggists, 100 Tolton street, corner of William. Iew York. Sold by P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh. North Car olina. and by Dmgguta generally throughout the U- nited Slates. iRaleith; Oct 26.1846. 86-ly. OLBH. of North Carolu a BA CON, of which 400 pieces are prime Hams. Ji 000 lb-. White Lard. F.r sale by ' B. B. !f Raleigh, March 6.1847. BUFFALOE. 20- P11 UtTER. Casks of Genuine London town Stout, received and for -aIe bv - WILLI MS. HAYWOOD & t:0. April 12. SO ALAD OIIj G( suiiertor quality, just re ceived and for ! at tbe Drng Store of . WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO Summer Arrangement. 18 Renewal of the Dally JLine. Via Vie Route, now favorably knoten s the James River and Chesapeake Bay Une. THE Proprietors take pleasure in advising the travelling public of (he renewal of their Daily Line. The Steamers, during the past Winter, have undergone a thorough repair,' and are now in fine order The Line, fur the present, (until the comple tion of the reira on the Curtis Peck,) will consist of the following Steamers : On Jamet Hirer. On the Day. Jewess, Capt. Sutton, J Geobbi a, Capt. Cannon, Alice, Brough, Hebald, Ku-sell. These Boats are well officered, by men of long ex perience on the route. Passengers leaving Weldon or Gaston every night except Saturday, and Petersburg every morning ex cept Sunday, will go direct on without delay reach ing Baltimore next mornmg in time for the ears to Washington, Philadelphia or Cumberland at les expense than any other Lne. with fewer changes of person and bsgeage. and no loss of sleep. q3 Paengers getting through Tickets, are al lowed to stop at any point on the route, and resume their travel at pleasure. Should ihe train from the South be delayed by any accident thereby losing the connexion with the Rjy Line Me passenger preferring to try Ike mail line the next day, the uent of the Petersburg and Koanoke Kail Koad Company, at Petersburg, is authorized to refund fare rare from Weldon or Uastoa to lialttmore, fcy 00 m " Norfolk, 4 00 Fare from Petersburg to Baltimore, 6 00 Norfc.lk. 1 00 Tickets from Gaston to Baltimore pr Norfolk, to be hsd of ) C. Push. Esq., Uast.m. fjrj- For tickets from Petersburg to Baltimore or Norfolk, appy to the Agent of the City Point Kail Itoad Company, at the Depot For Tickets from We!dn to Baltimore or Norfolk, apply to VM M. MOODY, Jb., General Agent. OrriCE James Rivxn& Bat Live,? Weldon. N. C. Msrch , 1847. 5 23 National Hotel, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. DAYIDF,IlEELLtO, Proprietor. D.F. KEELING respectfully announce-to the Public, that be has tsken this fine Es tablishment: recently conducted by Cepl Furman Black, and begs leave to solicit the patronage of his friends and the travelling community. This Hou has un.lergoue thorough repair, hat been newly fuwiTshed. and now oeses all the means an J appliances of superior accommodation. Tlie Proprietor is determined that hia Hotel shall not be excelled by any similar establishment in the United States; and aware that an impression exists on the part of many, that his charges are higher than those elsewhere, he futher states that bis charge for board is SI 50 per day or $10 per week. D. F. KEELING. Norfolk. Va Jan. 22. 8 6m SPRIXG TRAPK.-Tlarcli 34, 1847. JOHN STEVENSON & CO., NO. 9, BOLLINGBROOK STREET, Petersburg, Va., A RE now receiving their SraiKO Pubchases, em braciug a Urge assortment of Fbencb, German, British and Amvbican Which will be sold, Wuoixsale or Retail, at very low prices. Purchasers visiting this market are invited to ex amine their slock. March 27. 1S47. 2S 3m REMEMBER, THAT COSRY, nOPKIiS Sc CO. srONTINUE to renair and warrant all kinds of Watches and Clocks npon the shortest notice, and in the bext manner. They also repair Mathematical, Surgical, Musical and Optical Instruments, in a style unsurpassed by any establishment, Noilh or South. This the pub lic may rely on. They are. also, prepared to MAKE to ORDER anv kind of Jewelrv or Silver Ware, in tbe neatest manner and of the best materials. W ith the experience of many years, we tell the people, (and have the testimony of hundreJa to sup port us in making the assertion,) that we can do their . .. - f;. i iu work as well as it can be none in rucumonu, inw York, or any where else. Give us a call. Charges moderate. COSB V, HOPKINS A CO. Petersburg. Nov. 2. 89 FIICE ! rmilE JETIi'AIWSUnAICCECOMPA- U KT. of Hartford. Conn. Oners to insure Buildings and Merchandize, againat loss or damage by fire, at premium to suit the times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance t-om paniesinthe UnitedStates,and pay sits lossesprompt Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi cinity.tobemadete S. W. WHITING. July, 1846. Agent. SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES. ANOTHER supply, equal to any thing in mark et, just received and for sale by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO April 12. DruggUs. Raleigh. N C SALE OF TOWN LOT.' TnrTRSIIANT to a Decree of Wsite court oi U Bquity, at Spring Term, 1847. 1 shall, on Sat urdsT, 29th May next, proceed to sell to the highest bidJer. bffore the Court House uoor in naieign, me unimproved Town Iot, known in the Planof tbe City of Raleigh aa Lot No. 6, ailuate on the west side of Fayrtteville street, north of Cmablxs Mastlt, Esq Terms of sale 6 months credit. P.BUSBEE.C.M. E April 14. 1847. 31 NOTICE. Portraits and Miniatures, MW1NO engagements eLewhere Mr. VOIGT respectfully informs those if tbe t 'itixerw of italeigh who desire Portraits, life size, or Miniatures en Is.y. Uketi by hint, that it is requisite they 4iou Id shortly he engaged, in order lost due lime may be aff rdd for tneir careful execution. ' Kaltitb April 24. 34 THE PETERSBURG IRON, bell and brass a7 e xst jar era m. sr9 Machine, Smith-Shop, Edge-Tool Factory, it. lit full operation. THE undersigned returns hia sincere I hank to tbe citizens of Petersburg, and the public gene rally, for the liberal encouragement be has received, and hopes (aa be has a more extensive assortment ofPalterns, more and belter machinery, two good Cupolas or Furnaces, better workmen, and the whole Establishment better arranged and systematized,) by continued efforts to give satufaction lo all who may fav r him with their patronage. He is prepared to execute orders for Casting from an ounce weight to sixty huudied MILL GEARING Of every description ; Shafting. Spindles, Screws, dec. Castings for every description of Cotton Ma chinery. WATER-WHEELS. He is manufacturing tlowd'a Cast Iron direct act ing Water-Wbeel, and ha made a number, which have been tested with great success, and is believed, from its structure, durabililv and strength, to surpass all other Wheels under less head of water than 14 feet. The auent for the above Wheels is here, who gives his whole attention to putting ihem up. The subscriber is also manufacturing Hotchkiss' re-acting Wheel 8TEAM ENGINES, High and Low Pressure. TOBACCO PRESSES. He has on hand a number of various sixes, fin ished up complete, which he would sell a I reduced prices for Cash, or on time to punctual curtomer. Flattening Mills, Paienl Bands, linkers, Levers, dec, at rrduced pricea. HOGSHEAD SCREWS, With Box, Plate and Ink, all complete, for $35. EDGE TOOLS. He baa on hand, and continues manufacturing, Cast Ste-I Axes, and other edge tools, warranted e qual To any made at the North. Wagg-n Boxes, both ground and in the rough. Ssd Irons, of all sizes. Fire Dogs of various patterns. Furnaces, suited for heating Churches and Stores. Stoves, of different sizen, lor Factories and Offices, Grates of various patterns. Plain and Fsncv. IKON RAILING. Both Cast and Wrought Plain and Fancy. Hoisting Machines, lor Stores and Ware-houses, on sn improved plan. Pumps for Welli, of various constructions. Cotton Gins, snd Horse Powers. PLOUGHS, PLOUGHS. He has on hand a heavy stock of Ploughs and Plough Castings, of various Patterns, from 1 to 4 Horse, viz : Eagle or Meadow, Davis, McCormtck, Premium, Clarksville, Fiee Born. Bar Shear, Seed, Corn. Side HUI, D dec, which he will sell at unu sual low"price. Portable Corn Mill, of superior construction. Corn Shelters and Straw cutters. Thrashing Maihines, Fan Mills, Ac; and all oth er articles usually made at such establishments. Having from 65 to 6il Hands employed, and some as good workmen as can be found in the" State, he hopes to give as general satisfaction aa lo prict, work manship and despatch, aa any other similar estab lishment. He would respectfully invite all who are witling to give him an equal chance with Richmond or tbe North, In give him a call. (Jj Orders left with Messrs. Mcllwaine & Brown ley, Messrs. Q 4 W. L. Morton, at his shop on Old street, or at tbo Foundry, will be promptly attended to. U. W ELLS. Petersburg, March 6. 12 tf. Great Sale of Public Lands, l.K iOICTII CAICOLIIMA. THE President and Directors of the Literary Fund of North Carolina, offer for sale, upwards of Fifty Thousand Acres Of Swamp Laud, situale in Hyde Couuty, in said Stale, embracing the region lying between Albe marle and Pamlico Sounds These Lauds have been drained at great expense, under tbe direction of tkilful Eugineers, by au Act of the Legislature, and are believed lo be now in a condition, to be cleared and cultivated. This drainage has been erTected by two main Ca nal, vix: Puugo Canal, exteudiug from the Luke to tbe River, both of that name, G miles iu length, with an average widlb at bottom of 22 feet, depth b feet, and fall of 12 feet: And. Alligator Canal, from the Lake of that uaine, lo Pongo River, 6 miles long, with an average width at bottom of 30 feet depth o 7, and fail of 10 feet ; besides, sundry Tributaries or lateral Ditches. They are, therefore, navigable for Balteaux and emptying into Pamlico Sound, their mouths are accessible to Sea going Vessels. A large portion of this Laud abounds iu Juniper, Cypress, and other valuable Timber, for which the Forest of Eastern North Caroliua ia distinguished ; and other parts cousiat of Prairie, covered with Cat. and Bamboo, and iu the estimation of the Eogiueers who surveyed it, are of great fertility. It is there fore considered to ofTer peculiar inducements both to Grain Farmers, aud the getters of Shiogles, Slaves, Heading. &c , dec, and, wilh excellent Juuiper wa ter, ia thought lo be more favorable to health than most pane of the low country. To immigrants, now arriving in the Porta of tbe United States in unusual numbers, especially those from Holland aud Germany. accustomed to a similar country in many respects, these Lands will afford a soil as fertile as any in the North-western Slates, with easy access lo the Sea, and the great markets ef the world, for its productions, and within three days' sail of New York. A credit of one, two and three years, will be given lo Purchasers, on Bonds with approved security, and the litis will be warrauted ; but deeds wilt be with held, until the filial payment of tbe purchase money. The President and Directors of the Literary Fund will attend at the Sh autre on Pun go Canal, on the 20ili day of May next, and will offer as much as 5, IKK) Acres of said Land for sale at Public Auction, in Quarter sectioua of 1C0 Acres each, on the term aforesaid, and may, if there be sufficient inducement, continue said sale on the two following days, or un til the whole body of 50,00(1 Acres is disposed ef. On the same day, the Board will also receive Pro posals tot constructing A Tnrnpike Road From Plymouth, iu Washington County, te some point on or near Pungo River in Beaufort County, according to the provisions of an Act of tbe Geueral Assembly, ratified 16th day of January. 1S47. vVS4ir. Given under my hand, at the Execo VlT& live Office, iu the City of Raleigh, this ? iril 6111 of Apri1, llj47- WILL. A. GRAHAM.Gov. N.C. '7m And, ex ojficis, Prea't of Literary Fund. H. W. Geahab. Sec'v to Board. 29 ts v - FR ESH RICE, this day received tod ur sale by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. April 10, 1S47. 32 FLOUR.- FirM rate Family Flour at tbe Aoc tiiHi and Commission store of April 24. HUGUE3 St MEAD. NOItTII CAKOLI VV Mutual Insurance Company . imUJtSUANT to an Ac' of Assembly, a ll ny baa been formed in this State, under the name and st)b of the 'North Carolina Mutual In surance-Company,' and is now fully organized, by the api-ointment of the following Officers, vis: JOSIAH O WATcON. President, A LBER T HTITH Vice-President, RICH ARD SMITH, Treasurer, THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CH ARLES MANLY, Attorney, RICHARD SMITH, j ALBERT STI i H. Executive Com- W ESTON R. GALES, S "" Tbe Company is now prepared to receive applica tion for Im-urance.and to iiwue Policies oriiheme. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to lake rikB on Dwelling Houses, Stores, rhops and other building". Furniture, Merchandize, and oihe property, against loss or damage by Fire. The Office of the 1'omnanv is in the second storv of the larse Brick Buihling. recently ocrupicd by Mr. t. tJ. smith, si tbe corner o r ayelteville and Har well Streets, where full information nnd explanations, louchln? the nrincinle of Mutual Insurance, will be cheerfully furnished by tbe Secretary of the Com pany. Raleigh, Jsnuary I fi, 1847 5 tf Pianos! Pianos! PURCHASERS OF PIANO FORTES are re spect Iu I ly informed that they can obtain excel lent intruments at extremely low prices at ihe More ol tbe sulscriber. The instruments which he offer for sale ae made of the best materials, by workmen of experience, who know their business. With re gard In durabdi'iy of workmanship and beauty of fin ish, these Piaaos are warranted equal to any made iu tbia country. . Lightness and elasticity of touch, and eqnality and sweetness of tone throughout, are marked peculiari ties of the instruments offered for sale by the sub scriber. m Owing to an arrangement effected with the Manu facturers, the suhxeriber is enabled to furnish these instruments ut a lower price than ihey can be obtain ed any where else South of New York, and at the same time be warrants ibein to be equal to any in the Union. WM. L. MONTAGUE, Dealer in Music and Musical Instrument, Sign of the Golden'Lyre, No. 164 Main street, opposite the Banks, Richmond, Va. April 17 32 BOURBON SMITH, Up Slain ovrr J. CREECH'S Store, and next door South of J J. Biggs, WOULD respectfully inform hi old customers, ami tbe PuMic generally, that he is making as good work as can be made in tbe t -ity, at greatly reduced prices for Cash. Ho warrants all his work to fit well, (whether the customer be gigantic or di minutive,) and haa the latest Fashions from all quar ters, whicn will be s-ricily patterned after, unless a request I the contrary be made B Smith pledges himself that he will make and sell Clothes, cheaper than the Northern 'I rash ao often ex poeed 'or Mile in this market; and. if not found cheaper in ihe wearing.be will make no charge lor hi" l.ibor. Cutting Jobs, of all kinds, thankfully received, and executed in the latent Rio Grande style. Kabieh. April :i0. 1847. 35 6t if" AS LAMPS.- A fine assortment of Gas Xjff Laips 'consisting of ornamental Parlor, 11 .ugi'ig do , Manning, for .-tore. Mand and Taper, at the Auction and Commission store of April S3. HUGHES & MEAD. FRESH ARRIVAL OF BOOTS, SHOES, MANUFACTU RING STOCK, &C. TII E Subscriber would most respectfully announce to his fiiends and customers, and the Public general ly, that be haa just returned from the North, with a full supply of Boots, Shoes, Crawford and Keen's Skins, such as Calf, Horse, Goat, and other Skins, Findings, a Thread. '1 wist. Nails, Knives, and eveiy oihet article used by tbe Trade, Which he intends to sell at so low a price, that per a ns calling, cannot tail being suited as lo quality and price ; for he has no hesitation in saying thai hi Stock is of a superior kind, never surpassed, if equalled, by any ever brought to this market. Among his supply may be found, for Gentlemen, fine snd common Roots, Bootees and Shoes, Waiters, Pumps, dec. Fob the Ladiks Kid and French Morocco 8 ip- pers; Kid and Morocco Baskins ; Whole and Half Gaiters, black and Bronzed; Walking Slippers, Walk ing Shoes. Ties. dec. die. die Fob Missss abb Cbildbes. Buskins, Gaiters. Slippers. Bootees, and. every description of MUes and Children's wear. Tlie Subscriber would have it distinctly under stood, that he warrants every article he seds, whether of his own manufacture or oiherwie, and if anything rips, he will mend it without charge. He is deter mined to sell as cheap at the cheapest, and he war rants his articles to be as good as, the best 'if not a little ixUer. 1TI 4lIJFACTURIG. The Subscriber would most eratelully return his acknowledgements to his numerous customers, for the lioeral patronage given him, and inform tbe Pub tic, that he is bow supplied wilh a large and splendid stock of manufacturing materials, and ia prepared, with first rae workmen, to manufacture any and every kind of article, iu the neatest, moat fashionable and durable .Me. He invites the Public to rail at his frtore, at tbe South-Eaat corner of Capitol Square and a few doors Eat of the Nrth Carolina Bookstore. . HENRY PORTER Raleigh, March 24, IS47. 2S-tw w iwieiiwrAv ita a i - i. yjj of isnabsvga suitable for e4r0 Cloth Apply at the Auction, sad Commi ion store of Apnl Zi HUGHE MEAD 1 11 m ill 1 11 1 1 in Nails As Weeding Hoes. An size Nail . and Weeding Hoe, for sal Cheap, ar tl Audun ami lvouiuisiou si ore of April 23. HUGHES 4 MEAD. m . "RALEIGH Classical. Mathematical and IflMMjMTJMltY CMMriTt Classical . Department : J. M. L0VE10Y, Pbecettob, Assisted by B. D. MASON Mathematical and Military Department : W. F. DISBROW. , THE year will be divided into two Sessions of five months each; the first Session beginning on the first of January, and tho second Session, on tbe first of July. It is the desien of 'the. Preceptor, that this Institu tion shallnot be surpassed, in the advantages afforded for acquiring a thorough English, Clasaical and Mathematical Education. Pupils will le prepared to enter the Junior Class of any College in ihe United States. TEhMS OF TUITION. For English and Mathematical Studies, per Session, fs fig For Latin. Geek, French. Spanish and Italian Languages, per Session, 20 00 The advanced Classes may pursue the Studies of a lower Class, paying only for the Siudiea of the Mass to which they !elong. Military Tactics taughito the Pupils, free of extra charge. The design of the Militarv Department beinfc fo fit the Pupils lo act, in case of emergency, as Officer, the West Point vstem of instruction will be carefully pu.sued, nor will the Army Tactics he departed from, in order to exhibit the boys for the benefit of the Institution, or for sny other purposes. By an Act of ihe last Legislature, the fteeessarv arms and equipments will be furnished by the Siate, but Parents who wish their children instructed in the Military D pirtmem. will be required to provide ihem with the prescribed filiform. Parents and Guardians, are requested not to allow Iheir Children or Wards to have accounts in the City, but to deposit the money, for Uie. purchase of neces saries, in ihe hands of the Principal. Xv. tJ. A lew Pupils will be taken aa Boarders, by tbe Principal of the Academy. REFERENCES. Hon. Geo. E. Badger, Gen. Moye, Hon. Wm H. Haywood, Charles Hinton, Hon. R. M. launders, Wm. F. Collins, Rev. D- Lacy, James B. Shepard, Hon. John H. Bryan, H. VV. Husted, Hon. John R. Daniel, Ed. Yarbrougb, Hon. Richard Hiaes, E. P. Guion, Esq'rs. Dr. Baker, As the above named gentlemen are well known in the State, 1 have given their names as reference. They send their sous or wards to my School, and of course their opinions can be confidently trusted. J. M. L. Raleigh. December 14, 1846. 100 And immediate Possession given TWO OFFICE" m the Kkbisteb Buildings, 0- pening on the Court Green. They are particularly adapted lor persons, engaged in the Study, or Prac tice of tbe Law, Apply at this Office. Jabuary 6, 1846. CHEAP AND BRIGHT LIGHT. PATENT Safely Gaa Lamps, of various Pat terns, for lighting up Churches, Stores. Patlors and Chambers. Also, Hand Lamps and Gas to burn in them, for sale at the Auction and Commission Store of HUGHES & MEAD. March 20. 24 NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! SCENES in the Rocky Mountains, Oregon, Cal ifornia, New Mexico, Texas, and Grand Prai ries. By a New Lou lander. Price 60 cents. Aunt Patty's Scrap-Bag By Caroline Lee Hentz. Major Jones Courtship new edition. Quarter Kace in Kentucky, by W.T. Porter, Esq. Mvsteriesol the Barkoods, by T. B. Thorpe. Modem Chivalry, or Adventures of Capt. Farrago and Teauue O'Regan. By Judge Bieckeuiidge. Anecdotal Recollections of ro. Smith, Esq. Big bear of Arkanae, and other Tales of the South aud Soutb-wesi new edition Travels in Peru. By lr. J. J. Von Tschudi. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. By Hazlitt, 4 parts An Author's Mind, by Tupper, Author of "Pro. verbial Philosophy," " Crock of Gold," &.c Mi Leslie's Lady's Receipt-Book, being ft sequel to her former Work. Self Formation, by a Fellow of a College. Statesman's Manual, 2d edition 2 vols. Great Events, by Great Historians. . Russell' Juvenile Speaker The Poets and Poetry of the Ancients. By Wil liam Peter, A. M. For sale at the North Carolina Bookstore by H D. TURNER. April 22. 1847. (Standard.) 83 JTIAYNARD & IfOYES' THIS Ink Las stood the test of more ih.in thirty years trial, and during t his time has been con tinually increasing in public favor and patronage, and is n..w the leading article in the country. Ii flows with freedom, becomes peimanently black, and will not mould under any circumstances, and is adapted to both quill and steel pens. Those who may be unacquainted with its superiority, are tuvited to read the following testimonials, selected fiom many of a similar character, aud 10 make trial of it themselves. Bank of the State of North Carolina. Ka!eign,4ia March, 1847 Messrs. Matkabd d Nous : Gentlemen Your Writing Ink haa 1een in almost constant use by the Nfficeia of this banking house fur the last Jiff ecu years, and has always been preferred to any otner brand. It jUixut freely from the pen and does not mould, and the couir, though sometimes pale when a bottle is first opened, becomes a beautu ful black. I have l-een a regular consumer of it my . sen uunng una time, exi epung when curiosity haa led me to make trial of other kinds, or I have been compelled to it in consequence of not being able to find yours in this market, and take pleasure in being ab'e to apeak ao favorably of it, and truat that my opinion, founded on such long experience, will in due many who may nut be ao well acquainted will it merit, to give it trial. Yours, respectfully, C. DEvVEY, Caahier. Messra. MaTffAirn 4 Notts : Gentlemen: We am happy in being able to say (bat we entirely concur in tbe opinion expressed above of vmir writing Ink by Mr. Dewey, the Casbirr of this Institution. ..Respectfully yours. DUN : CAME ROfl, President, . W. WIUI IN G. Teller, D DU PRE. Bookkeeper. tQ Joxen of tha above Ink ia offered for sale by HUGHES MEAD. A action d) CommiasioB Merchants. Aprilg. 1847. IN IRO'T.-mA fine assortment ol all sizes, cheap Bt ' the Auction and. Commission store of" April 2. HUGHES 4-MEAD, $C2 New Store, RaleighlVi C; New and Beantiti SPR1MK GOOBS for 1847 RUFUS H. PAGE, at the convenient and well' known stand, formerly occupied by. Mr. But it B. Smith, in the large new brick buildmgtft the cor ner of Fayetleville and Ha rgeit tfetV: bar th pleasure of. announcing to his friends ami acquaint" auces.,triid the public at targe, that he has just com- menced ihe Mercantile businesa at the above eligiblef stand ; and having made arrangements to receive ad early supply of Fashionab e Spring -Goods, haa that satisfaction Of informing the intelligent reader, that' he is now receiving and just opening, a most elegant and extensive assortment of - Staple and Fancf Dry GtfOu ; Itfrttfatt tti Cutlery, China, Glass and Crockery Ward llalv shoes, and Groceries Selected with great care by Mr. Be, ft. ffjiff at, (ol the City of New York, of the latest importationst under the new Tariff, expressly for the haleigh mar kel a Ctty famous for iu aJratfaiibn and patronage of all that is beautiful in atjle, chaste in fashion, and refiiiea1 and elegant itf tate and to which he w.ilj most respectfully rnvjte the attention of the intelligent purchaser, since, iu the presentation of this tich and attractive assortment of Spring Goodl. and so rti , markably cheap, he flatters himself that all tboeef who wi-h to upplv thempelves with the newest, tnot beautiful aad fashionable articles, cannot fail to bo pleased. The assortment consists in part of. the following articles, to-wiw For Gentlemen i Snperiorblne and black Cloths ana" Cassimeres, Meeant siik velvet and Marseilles V eatings. Fine single and double tfrilJcd Drab de Etea, Super tlshmereit, Angola Caa-imerea, Kentucky Jeans, Union Mixtures, Manchester and Legonia Drills, Oregon Plaids, Plain, striped &. plaid French Drillings At Gambrootf Black and fancy silk Neck Handkerchiefs and Stocks Beautiful silk Neck Ties. Suspenders. Collars, Splendid Bandana, Odd Fellows scad Pongee ailla Handkerchiefs Linens. Lawns, and Thread Cambric Handkerchiefs Fine cotton Shirtings and Sheetings, silk and cotton half Hose. Georgia Nankeen, brown and plaid Linen for anmy mer coats and pants, - , San Lois Potosi Checks, Rough 4- Ready Drillings; Bed-ticking, cotton Oznaborgs. Tampico Drills, -Fine calf, goat and patent leather shoes and Gaiters, Large silk and gingham Umbrellas, Fine Bkateb, Moleskih, Pa a am a. Lie bob a and Palo Alto Hats, ( cheaper titan ever. J Fol the Ladle. Beautiful new style t'alicoes and Ginghams, (in great variety, richness and beauty,') Elegant stfiped and figured Lawns, and rich shade! .French Muslins (of new designs and most splendid pattern, Black and fancy colored Silks, California Robes, splendid Organdie Muslins, Extra super Marquisas, rich chameleon' Insured Ttrtt Cruz Plaids. Linen Maslin, rich glosr-y Ineen Plaids, Elegant Graduated Muslin Robes,Earl(on Gihgbams leich printed and embroidered Jaconet JHusfins, Rich striped shaded Barrages and Babarines (oSoaf beautiful and lately, Plain arid figured rich luslred silk Alpacas, Bishop Lawns, mulin aftd swiss Austins, Cambrics and Jaconet Muslin, Cambric Dimity, striped. and checked Muslins Beautifbl Cashmeres aud Mouseltn delaines, Marseilles and common Skirts, Muslin Edging, Incemngrand Luces and Collar Super silk and cotton Hose and Gloves (of every do striptibn,) Elegant cap and bohnnet Ribands, . New style satin sfied.ficarf and Shawls, Silk Neck Handkerdiiefs and Ladies Cravats, Fine kid. morocco-end rea'TSTippers and 8boe. Rich Furniture Prints, Monterey Shawl, i Sun-shades and Parasols. - v Elegant Silk, Lawn and Mexican Bonnets, For general Consumption. Elegant China. Glass Asb Cruckkbv WAka,- , Knives and Forks. Jack and Pen Knives.Rszors. Ac' Scythe and grass Blades, pad and stock Locks, OTEKL ABB 1MOS W EKDISS HotJ, TBaTX CbAIVS abo Sa IboKs, SCSAB, CorFKE, TiA, tiOit AH PCLVCBIZXIT SfJOABS, Nails, Swkedish tiAx, Fvttvtn jip box Iiov AMD STfcEL, Spahes ad Srotls, Wire Selves, Coffee Mills,- ' C otto w (Jauds, Sacrr, Tobacco,-' Copperas and! Candles, -1 . t Powder and Shot, Pepper, Allspice and Ginger, -Oil Cloths for table and sideboard covers and windeW curtains. Glass Globes end Chimneys, Handsaws, Waffle and Wafer-irons, Brass and t .'et Andirons, Shovels and Tones, and Castings ; togelber whfc many fiber needful and desirable articles, too nume rous to mention, all of which, for the Cash, tit itf ' ' punctual dealers three or four months, ha will btr icmpiea w fccu on we mom reasonftbto tcrmi. The ondersighed having peeft employed bj Miti Paoc. and in whose interest ail successs in businesa he feels a deep snd abiding solicitude, baa ihe high gratification ol announcing to the pnUJic that he haa just returned from New York with the above de' scribed avw abu b b a cti tvl asso btm eb t 't Goods, recently imported under the operation of the new Tariff. mny of them from twenty to thirty pur cent, lower than formerly, and in the selectbrn of which, out of the immense quantify in ' msikef thia Spring, for tbe benefit of the phrchaeeff he assnrea his friends that be exercised bis best Judgment and taste. He would therefore most respeetfolty solicit a lioeral patronage from bis old friends and cuatonv ers. and tbe publie generally (so long and generous ly bestowed upon bin, and which he hopes to rav member with heart felt gratitude,) in favour of that New Establishment of Ma. Paos, whorafla hisowtt happy element, in the prosecution f aeoosttst andj successful business.) in company with ihat fttla man. the ondersigned may always im fowd, tetdij and willing to wait npon tboea gentlemen aitsjdisaf who may plaasg lo foot them with trull Raleigh. March 24; Ufr;Js . .'. CS VVt $m - rmHE Subscriber wubee o aell thst vio.bl , U Tract of jUmJt inUiatelf; adjarainc tntr -Ciiy of tUlatgh. riewnMcb. WattrknTreah .BWBe-BW containing between 409 and $00 Acres. . Aho".iDs .t ther Tract of ISO Acre, adjoining tba aboro Trgf, known as th Bnshy Branch .Tract... ; - Thai aboVe Iada are so well tamrji, gt AtfCtip lion la darned anneceasary. z " k ?i , , Apply to the 8obacribsr, of to lis 1&wt JAMS8 H. COOKBm. JS-4f Fsbruary 10, ltt. ) ; El 19 i - t t L. i I i -A I i , i 1 i 1 t I 1 ' .v si tl . V 24