V r - , .v. , . .-:. '. .. '. .': - -. )iNMMM'.y J! --jri 'I : f J jur5 1 &I.tre t. yekT-1 ,'rU , -t',.", 1 i Y T rtCLISHEI) SESI-T!EERLT-iND-'WESlTT BTsj per "iani trfi dTBiy - AVfKi.rSrt-Tbr DIIsr per amoanvci -r- JLirti9twut.or' tiirr JSixtrin fin Insertion, One Dollar; ubaat iaerUii CWvrt Order MJmiUUlAdwriifewittwiUb chrp4 per ceat. higher ; iut 'm deduclJoa of 33 J p cent, wiU btmti "&l npUr .tncfc . AHfertweraenU, UMettei in th iVtrLTjIl iste&, will aim nppear ia th,Vtt. 4iJerf .frea f charge. . jVl.,.4'iL U:' rf- -1: , l" rr Letter to tJie.Ed.tnr rno$t .be rosT-riD. "WHY HAVETHABdEANDFEYER?' TTp f C EPS'Agiife aiid l?erer Pills Ui HT-ai er biini, vbera UreetHHi mtvUricUy, fat-. Vred. to effect eai5t. SwmiJUen to thirty lekn fhtTrt. greparejt.froin impie Vegetable M eJicines, and are ihereT.iYel ibe. afesL moat pfcii-' ni, and apeediesi remeJy'ltrownfor the'ure of In terpiittent Ferj They La been tried iaton pe$lie jUhilU of4h worst orra and have intaria W y given relief afdcjire itbe paiieits.' They neer aiRct the braio, a d)oea! (oinioe ; ;or , injaretbe con ututionaa ijoesArMaie, .TTbe monejfnilQrned in ery fc M of failure where di red Vooe are f.IUwel-' Price'irperboxJ,PUnUr;,tjuntry'-MeTcbta;arid PrUTwtTrill-beaapp1ied. u fi 'per doaen boxea. I U. J. KENkpRTHT&.CO..-; - NO RT QJUKtlYI It Q IAVII mm r IRQ INI A 1 1 Ff liEELIXG Proprietor. nnoancei( ibe Pbblic.'ibat be" ha "taken Ibie fine Ee- ttabtihrneTJt, recefetly co)durtl bf Capt. Fwman ' Black, and begrleave tatoficit the pairaoage of hia Ifriende and the tranJlina; eommnn'My. ? Tni neusebaa- ondergone 'thoroogh repair, baa been nevrly !frnbed, anjnuw ,poaaeeae all the mean and appliances of superior accommodation. r TL D . T 1 a . a a aa 1 1 u rrvpneivr at-iermineu mai nia rioiei snail norue exceiieajyAOf isulteitablialimentria tbe IJnited Sttfa;,anj aware that an'impreVsion exiata on the pari of mahy tbat biar charges are higher than those elsewhere, he father atat that hie charge for pdard ia 1-60 per day or flO per week. -ti : v..,.D, F. KEELING. ;fclk, Ys,Jan.22. .. , . 8 6m SPRING TrtADE.-Iarch 24, 1847. . (: JOHN.STEVENSON & CO.; BOLtlNGBROOK STREET, u opctcrsbiirsri Va., f - . A. RE now receiTiDglbelr Sraio PuicnAaKi.'em A" bracing a large aaeortraeut of French, GiaMANi bairisu and AaeaiCAir - : , - t Which will be sold. NVuolk&alk or Uktajl, at very I ' - . ...., low prices. x , t ' Purchasers Vlsitioe this market are invited to ex amitw lheir stock. . ... March 27. 1847..: !.. .26 3m AniHi.t3t.n846 ;JBaQk"treel: PeiersbVg,vVa;- BotMicd'MediclvInli rT-K KEN VVOttmY A PtUOB. Petershorg. II U .Vlrmiau araOfvDared ta receive and treat pa- Ueota front a distance, afilteted with ChrooM: and sap po4ed locarable forma '"of 'Uiseai. Board. Siriih the arefar nirstn; can be- ohUined for r4 per weekV. Medical charges modoraieC The soperieriry Af iH Rn"Pratiei.T in. thernra af . Chronic die uses; has been folly euW.shed Jn every section or our vCMinuy i-ernsanucie,Qouiujsuti fhnrnielvesof this sImol certain means of restorition to 1ea!th:"' sJ" . " CtjT Fisfedae and fUncentpeedilf cured without resort'tA the Knife Goaca WAaaATi--Ghage $ 100 for Medtral ajitendapce. JQ -y K ... . Persons daaring further ' information, - will pleeje airesathe8uhicrirs:poaI. ' c :i " ' ' C J. KENWORTHT.M. D. ? . .":H. M7PaiCE,M.D. July 11, 184&T: ' " .'' 5S ly ;... ATTOENET. AND SOLICITOR" COM MISSION E R TO K ' NORTH CAROLIN A , To take TesthaonyAcknewledginenta,'&c. :j . i" -v. il.-.w.ivW;' 79. -aasa.: Street, DecemheT, 26, 1945 - , ' , 104 ly. DR. H. F. PEER Y'S Vermifuge or: "Dead-ShoVf s for worms; - ' 4 HzUu valuable preparation, capable, front- the pTinpiUude fts action, of cicartasr.Uc y tit a kauri, of every Worm." TH ERE is perhaps no disease to which Children , are exposed so comma and f faul as; Worms they imitate , the .symptoma of Imoet every , other, complaint, and often produce - the most alarming efn fecta before tbey. are suspected. ' "The symptom which are produced by the irritation of worms in the bowels, and which with some degree of eertainrjr in dicate their existence, are as follows : Countenance palei toqgue -whitely. furred, grinding.'of the teeth, fetid breath, stomach hard end ewelled,' wasting of the. flesh, sickness ami pains in the stomach, bowels either too costive or too looe,: great fretfolness, an nnural'cratiDg for day, dirt orxhalk, eholicvconyol iou, flu, &c &a . ' , . Numerous certificates of the .value and usefulness f ihia preparation are almost daily received. The" following is from the'Rev. W. B. Wi'ntoa, ar ditmguisbed preacher of the Methodist Church li , Abingdon; Ta., May t, 1843. fdo hereby certify, that' I have used DcPeery i Vermifoge.ia myTamily. to the grmteatiafaction myslf and relief of my children. It i prompt jn iia action, and in. one ease, removed fsrge hombef of norms in three or-four hours after it was given to the chHd. I anTsatiafied Ihat e a'Vermifdge it ja eupe risr to anv that I have ever nsedV-ivMV i . r;. WBwrXT0N. t ! .. . Newbern.N.CXlay.3d:j844.s. i Bear Sir I have been . anxiously looking fnj other sapply f yoor-. Dead hot Vermifuge,; aa I have not a single vial left. There aire constant ap pficaiions for 'the medicine' and "I shonW be 'plea wd to supply the demand. It baa proved itself, fix as tried in this vicinity, to be a positive tpteifie, and nd humbug; : Please inform. ao; by. retara mail, how REMEMBER, - ;U, ; j . .-J i ,-TH AT, v ;1S. COSRY, HOPKINS & CO. ifNONTINUE to repair and warrant all kinds of MjJ Watcbes and Clock npon the shortest notice, and io the bet manner. . - ' "They also repair Mathematical, Surgical, Musical and Optical Instruments, in a style unsurpassed, by any establishment, Noith or South. This the pub lic may rely on l: ; -- .-..,(' . . r .' . They are, also, prepared to MAKE to' ORDER any kind of Jewelry .or Silver. Ware in the neatest manner and of the beat materials. With the experience of many -year, we- tell the people;' (and have the' testimony of hundred to sup port os in making the. assertion,) that we can do their work well as it can. .le done in Richmond, New York, or any where else. , v -, ' Give as a call. Charges moderate. V COSBY, HOPKINS & CO. Petersburg, NaT. . -: 89 i F1KI3 --';. r nnaE IXSURAWCE compa- U " ICY; of Ilartford, Conn. Offer to - - . m. s ' . at a - t a insure Buildings 'ana .Merenancixe, against loraor damarebv fire, at pramiama t sait the times. . This is oue of the oldest snd best Insurance Lorn paniesinthe UnitedSutes,and payattslossesprompt w a a. a Applications forlniurance in Kaleigh.or its vi cinily.to be made te J S. W. WHITING. July,. 1846. , - . . ' Agent. SUGAR HOUSE KIOIjASSES.- " A NOTHER supply, equal to any thing in mark A et, just received and for sale by , r WILLIAMS. MAXVYUUU T.U . April It. Druggists' Raleigh, N. C. soon van ran fornhih me with another soddIt. (5 " Troljours,- " J. A. LOGAN'. Fnee 15 cents per vial. 1 Prepared hy Drt H-- F.'PaxTiand sold wholesale and rauiL by:A. Bi." & D. S A N D?, . Drnggistsr,lP0 Fulton Ueet,corner of William, New York. . , ; 'old Wby Pxsc,xra &Joas6w,'RaieighN.t?ar4 olina, andby Drngguls geaerany'thfonghbul the U- nfcM State.'! - -J'" i V ' 9 J - J ; Raleigh. Ott '6; 1846 .-8$.ly. j -Tfte i Th rtlVO I'B'' North Carolina BA- ZS&iM i xyoox,of which 4oo pieces are prime UanwA ,;ir, tfwti ts- f ' ' 3.006 ib. Wauti!Led. . u-. rici ! I rtatebV" B.,-B.-!BUFFALOEf j r.Saigh: March .l4t:'V1 f- ' ; IT JO RTER. Ckiiof Genuiae t LooJqq it Biown Stent, receiyed d. fir. .sale by s W I - WILLUild, HAKWOOD & CO. $ ti)i2;Wr ,.j sj?!I Its .' -1 .-f30 t re, BA L. AD O I -af so perlitr. qualify, 5rt ceied ad rfeTat tbe'Drofc' Ptore ht'Z" : ' . Copartnership, fTHHE Subscriber ba this day aasociated with him ;U Dr. C. E.JOHNSON; In the Drag and Apothecary business, under the firm of " ' t ' . i . ., pcnci Sc : Jolinson. The Subscriber takes this occasion to return his grateful acknowledgments to bis' friend and custom ers; for the lUral patronaga heretofore extended to him, and solicit for the. new firm a continuance ol the same. ' '' '"It is highly important that his Iste business, as well as the debts doe the Iste concern of 8ttt dc PtaccD, be speetlily settled ; and he hopes ail per soxs indebted by bond or. otbeiwise, will call and settle the amount of their indebtedness. P. F. PESCUD. May 1. 1847. (Standard.) 4 3? FOR REXT Fouror five large, comfortable add well fumiahed rooms for gentlemen', in the, large" brick building formerlv occupied by Mr. B. B Smiths JAMES LITCHFURD. - CHARLOTTE AND SOUTH CAROLINA U A Us UOAD COMPANY. THE following gentlemen bave been appointed by the. Governor of North Carolina, Commis siuners to receive subscription of Stock in the Com pany designated above, and are requested lo open books of subscription accordingly, on the first Mon day 1 of Jane next, and keep the same open for aix days, as directed by tbe Charter, of said Company. WILL. A. GRAHAM. Exscutit Omcij Raleigh; May 1847. f, , . a Co jniuissioiiers f " J '' J " 'Af 'llTonroet Vnion County. ' W.D. VVjnchesler, j - t Marafl8tAMl'' Jr- , 5 r ' , At Mocksvillejflavie Vourtly. Jamtfs . Martin, :-vf - '. Ap fj.' barter;' '"' ' ' lmupl Bingharri. 1 ' At Wilkeiboro WilktaCounty. 5 : AntlefsoTi Mitchel; ..r- - Jameaf Gorrlpn ' 1 rsl Augustus 'Finler,' ' i A1 1 Lenoir Caldwell ' County, , . . , ,S.-F.;Palteraon, V.. A. Lenoir, . . E. P. Miller, At Xorganton,iBvrke Courtly 4 , K-fJ. ErwirT,.' ; ,, o t;r-. rrtiAi".5 VIAii:- ,: "'' '" ' f UmUtoh?UneotfCbvnttry!' Henry Ca nsle:j 1 ' .c ;m.u -JmeT.? AUxandeTr ; r'v-fl ATpane" .. m.u Vl?"??f VeJ f6ir t: At IXewton, Catawba County t i. ss .M--;sBnHorf Crait': Vj.-xj si"i.- Coltirnbus Mills, iulii Jt ! 4 ij.' j-1-.,i'. .:i iiw -K.rJi-Bryant kiW-tt.' iy i " fci;'rliarriTtill,,-.40,, 4 ! . i v a awwiawi I R O N;1 BE L C 'A N r T R A S3 t ... iuii vucruuuu. riTtHE undersigned returns "hie'sincere thanks to JL tbe citizens of Petersborg, and the public gene ratty, for the libera) encouragement be has received, !nd hopes (as he has a more extensive assort me tn bf Patterns, more and' better machinery, two good Cupolas or Furnaces, better workmenand the whole Establishment better arranged and systematixed,) by continued efforts, to give satisfaction to all who may favor him wKh their patronage.'- He is prepared lo execute orders for Casting from an ounce weight to ixty hundred. " , MILL GEARING Of every description ; Shafting, Spindles. Screws, fcc. Castings for every description of Cotton Ma chinery. . WATER-WHEELS. : He . manofactoring HowiTa Cast Iron direct act iogtAVater-Wneel, and has made a number, which have been tested with greet success; and is believed, from iu structute,durability.andtepgih, to surpass all other Wheels under less head of water than 14 leet. The agent for the above Wheels is here, who give his whole attention lo putting them up, I'he subscriber is also manufacturing Hotchkiws' re-acting .Wheel. v-' ' -: - STEAM ENGINES, ' r ; High and Low Pressure. j t rOBACCO ltE8SES. . ; lie. bas'on band a number of various siren, fin ished op complete, which he would' sell at reduced jmree for CAaaf 'or on time to punctual cuatomeraj flattening Mills, Patent Bands, Sinkers. Levers, dec.,' at reduced prices. - - ' HOGSHEAD SCREWS, With Box1, Plafe and Ink, all complete, for $35. v ; i t , EDGE TOOLS. ?He be on band, and continue manufacturing, Cast 8tel Aits, and other edge tools,' warranted e qua! to'any made at the North. ' ; I Waggon Boxes, both ground and in the rough. 1 8ad Iron, of all sixes. ' : , , Fire Dogs of vsrious patterns. Farnaces, suited for healing Churches and Stores. Mloves, of different sixes, lor Faetorieaand Offices, Grates of various patterns. Plain and Fancy. I . IRON RAILING. Both Cast and Wrought Plain and Fancy. Hoisting Machines, for Stores and Ware-houses, ': on an improved dan. - . . . Pumps for. Well, of various constructions. Cotton Gins, and Horse Powers. EOITGIIS, PLOUGHS. He has on band a. heavy t stock of Ploughs and Plough C eatings, of various Patterns, from 1 to 4 Horae. viz : Eagle or Meadow, Davis. MeCormick, Premin'm.Clarksville, Ftee Boin. Bar 8bear, Seed, Corn; Side H ill, D., &o, which he wUI sell st unu sual low price. ... , . ' Portable Corn Milla, of superior construction. ' Corn Shelters and Straw cottera. 1 Thrashing Machines, Fan Mills, eVe. ; and all oth er article nasally made at such establishments. Having from 65 to 60 Hands employed, and some aa good workmen a can be fonnd in the Bute, he hopes to give as general satisfaction as to price, work manship and despatch, as any ether similar estab lishment. Hm weald respectfully invite all who are willing to give him an equal chance with Richmond or the North, to give him a call. (fT Orders left with Messrs. McIIwaine & Brown ley, Messrs., Q. 4- ,W. L. Morton, at his shop on Old street, or at the Foundry, will be promptly attended to. T U. WELLS. ' Petersburg, March 6. 12 tf ITIHE Subscriber wishes to sell tbat valuable I - . Tract of Land, t immediately adjoining the City of, Raleigh., known a tbe Waterltn Trad," containing between 400 and 600 Acres. AIo.am the'r Tract of 130 Acres, adjoining the above Tract, known as ihe " Busby Branch" Tract. The above Lands are so well known, that descrip tion is dee me J unnecessary.. Apply to the Subscriber, or to the Editor of the Register." 1 JAMES H. COOKE. February 1 Oil 847: 13 tf . coiTiiriorv schools. THE President snd Directors of the Literary Fund, have ordered that the sum of FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, be forthwith distributed amonz the several Counties of the State, according to Federal population, in part of the nett income of the iSchool Fund for tbe current year. ynu, tne Comptroller of Public Accounts will draw WarrsaU accordingly. . WILL. A. GRAHAM, Vttfl.cxoff. of Literary Board. April 22, 1847. 33 AVilJianis, Haywood 6c Co. . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, RALEIGH, N. C Kerp constantly on hand a large and nell-stlectedstoch of - vjilToreign aiitl Native Drugs, A3D ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN . CHEMICALS, Which has been carefully selected from the Northern Cities, with strict reference to their purity, and may be relied on with full confidence. - : ' ' SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Of. superior quality and fine finish, from the most approved American Manufactories. ; Our stock of PAINTS, OILS AIVJD DYE-STUFFS, Js si ways large and complete, comprising in part tbe following, viz . . r " " Lead; linseed, lamp; Sperm fTon..0 nil jauuiia vitia, Indleo, . Uiitr, Exr.'LogwooJ, CoDDcrax, i . 'j)ycrW&SCiieraIIy,. American White dry and in Oil. Chrome 'Green," 1 Chrome' Yellow, Jerdisris,; CWhesfi.ermIlfln., --jq -Spaaisa Brown, tc. :&e. tAtHnt,- COACH, FURWittTRr & 'JATAS VAK?IISHJ 'jTogetberwith a iar ani.weil-sclscled tock or :" n PRE N Cfl. jik A M E B J C A N .W I N DO W I A S, Which w Tecommend to , Picture Dealerr Builders, and others. 'J-.ii.-j v Tobacco, Sega rs and Snnfls, u Qf Ahoery be-l quality i and superior f ; JIa.deirtt. Slieriry, Claret &9t. - l jyine Frcucli JSrundr nud 4 : 4 rJioauon wnifu,atwt! Allof which Am .offered fur sale at, tmuwally Jow r , prices, anu upon me mosi.accorniDuuBiiug iui , Order from PhiaioaruandotherVpronVnth exeeoied,; k and pa alc'uUf 'attention paid to packih anv Pi ward ng on paid jo atjk r fof- to IVOKTU CAROLINA ' Insurance tnUR8tTANT to an Ac of Assemblj, , Compi-JlT-ny has been" formed iir this State, under the name and style of the Northv Carolina Mutual In- u ranee Uompeny ,' and is now fully organized,' by tne appointment or tbe following1 Officers, vix . JOSIAH O. WATSON. President, ' -ALBERT 8TITH; Vice-President, RICHARD 8MITH, Tressurer, V ' THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, . CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, . ! : RICHARD 8MITH, V- r.n.u. rm ALBERT.STITH, Exccut ye Com- WESTON R. GALES. S mittee. The Company is now prepared to receive appliea tiona.for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the aame. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company .is author ized to take risks on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops snd other . buildings, Furniture,. Merchandiro, and Other property, against Io6s or damage by Fire. - Tbe Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building;, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. Smith, at the corner of Fayettevule and Har well Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will be cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. Raleigh, January IS, 1847 5 If Pianos! Pianos! Clac,ltotlieinafldaiid J.. Classical . Department i - a- M .10 V E'IOY . PimPTOR, PURCHASERS OF PIANO FORTES are re specttully informed that they can obtain excel lent instruments at extremely low prices at the store of the sulucriber. The instrument which he oners for sale aie made of the bert materials, by workmen of experience, who know their business. With re gard to durability of workmanship and beauty of fin ish, these Pianos are warranted equal to any' made in this country. Lightness and elasticity of touch, and eqnality and sweetness of tone throughout, are marked peculiari ties of the instruments offered for 'sale by the sub scriber. Owing to an arrangement effected with the Manu facturers, the subscriber is enabled to furnish these instruments at a lower price than they can be obtain ed any where else South of New York, and at the same time he warrants them to be equal to any in the Union. WM. L MONTAGUE, Dealer in Music and Musical Instruments, Sign of I he Golden Lyre, No. 164 Main street, opposite the Banks, Richmond, Va. April" 17. 32 Assisted bj R. g. MASON -Mathematical and - Military Department : : w.. f; DiSBftow; ; THE year will be divided into two Sessions of five monthn each ; the first Session besinnine on the first of January, and the second Session, on the first , of juiy. . ; It is the design of the Precentor, that this Institu tion shall not be surpassed; in the ad yantagea afforded ior acquiring a inorougfc English, Classical aid Mathematical Education. ; v ; - V . ' PiiDils will be nrenared to enter th innlntClaM Ar - - - ' , a , a - ' " " wmay vi any College m the United States. TEHMS OF TUITION. For Engtib'ahd Mathematical Studies, "per Session ;T f 15 00 For Latin, Greek, French,' Spanish and I talian Languages, per Session, : ' -20 00 The advanced Classes may1 pursue the Studies of a lower Class, feying only for the Studies of the Class to wnicn they . belonr. ' ' . Military Tactics taught lo the Pupils, free ef extra charge.- - . y: l. . . : . Tbe desirn of the Military Department beinsr to fit the Pupils to act, in case of emergency as Officers. tne West fotnt system of instruction will bexarefully pursued, nor will the Army Tactics.be-departed from, in order to exhibit tbe boys for tbe . benefit of the Institution, or for sny other purjkoses. ; , -. . By an Act of the last Legisltiture, the necessary arms and equipments will be furnished by the State, but Parents who wish their children instructed in the Military Department, will be required to provide them with the prescribed. Uniform. . , j Parents and Guardians, are requested not,toalow their Children or Wards to have accounts io the City, out to deposit tne money, tor the purchase or neces saries, in the hands of the Principal. ; '. 1 - -N. B. A few Pupils will be taken as' Boarders, by tbe Principal bf the Academy. "" " - REFERENCES. Splendid "Lotteries, To te Drawn In June, 1847. Jf. TV. ItlAURY A CO., JTlanagers. (Successors to J. G. Gregory Co.) $35,000! 912,000! 810,000! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 28, for 184?. , To be drawn in Alexandria, Saturday, June 5. 14 Drawn Numbers out of 78. spLExnm rchkmk: 1 of 12.000 1 of 3.500 lof 2,000 20 of 500 Tii-lreta CirU-Hlex R Onarter 2 Certificates of packages of i(6 W bole TickeU $ 1 30 00 Do do 26 Half do 65 00 Do do 26 Quarters do 32 60 I prize of $35,000 1 of 5.000 1 of 2,289 20 of 1,000 i or ioooo 1 of 2.500 6 of 1 5(0 20 of 400 Sec. 93.0-00.0 !.. .13 Drawii Numbers out of C6. ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 30, for 1847. To be drawn in Alexandria, on Saturday, tbe 12th of June 1847. CAPITALS. 1 prize of $30,000 1 of 10.000 1 of 5,000 1 of 3,500 1 of 2.080 1 of 2.000 10 of 1,000 15 of 400 20 of 250 25 of 200 '&c. Tickets $10 Halves f 5 Quarters $2 50. Certificates of packages of 22 W hole tickets, $1100 Do do 22 Half do 60 Do do 22 Quarter do 25 ? ! $14,111. 823,223! 811,111! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 32, for 1817. . , . To be drawn in Alexandria, n Saturday, the 19ih of - June, 1847. ' eRASD 8CHKMX : 1 prize of $44,444 1 of 2222 1 of 11,111 1 of 6,666, 1 of 4,444 1 of 3,819 1 of 2,222 44 of 1,111 44 of 555 62 of 333 129 of 222. &.c. &c. 78 Number Lottery 13 Drawn Ballots I TickeU 311 Halves $5 50 Quarters $2 75. Certificates of packages of 26 Whole TickeU $150 Do do - 26 Half do 75 . Do . do 26 Quarter do 37 830,000! 830,000 I - 810,000! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 34, for 1847, To be drawn in Alexandria, Saturday, June 2Cth. 13 Draws Numbers out of 75 ! - BRILLIANT SCHiCJfK. " 1 prize of 30,000 dollars 1 prise of 20,1)00 dollars 1 prize of 10,000 dollars 1' prize of-" 5,000 dollars 1 prize of ' 3,500 dollars 1 prize of 2,500 dollars 2 prize of 2,235 dollars ' 1 prize of 2,000 dollars 25 prizes f 1,000 dollars 53 prtoes of 500 dollars 200 prizes of -200 dollars dec. '" &.C. -f 'ljcaeu iu Halves $5 tuarters $x ou. - Certificates f Packages of 2a Wholes 130 iDo's : . v do h 25 Halves 65 1)0'- do;- ,, 55 Uaarter 32 50 xlITX Order for, .Ticket and Share aed ; Certifi cates of Package. iiu tha. abover, Splendid, Lotteries will receive, the inoet prumpt atteutiou,- and. , an ac count of each drawing will be'seiit iiri mediately af ter it is over la alt wh prdfr from us Address i-.T .,-i,')'v , , r, J. dfeC MAURY,, -J; , AgeuU for J. W MAURY c CO., Maiagar''' - i . W ahiogtoB, D. Cy, TO LOUIL.--Fintt-rate Family Flour at the Aoc -fow and Commission trr of ' i y t H -Tptil 23. . 1 ! HUGHES & MEAD. - ;.THESPSCRIBEr.S ffTkTEER (ox eale. for CiJa e( paapproVed credit, iJ(f irioweattt end Well W jlectf d assortment rbfprug,' IMedicineS Chemicals,' Patnts OibJi Vfe t?Bii4GlSoWK Intitrumeni, Trnwse, mery, ruhe,' Dru.; gisur,Glais Ware,' New CbemicaVPrepararronai anal Aranataciorers Articles, among, w wen may D founa the fbriowmff f:.,- ?' - : Kreosote the fo (lowing : Alc-ohol'c . . - ' Bther-' T''-4x'-& AKies'i Vv"v -'? - Alum '-' - rrow Root Aqua Ammoni Aqoa Fortis ! A ntimony Annalto . -i . Borax'r..-,.',-, a-s Brimstone . Britih Oil . . . x Balsam Conaita Bav Water Bju Vitriol ' Burgundy Pitch '. -x Cream Irlafv ; ; Carnhor ... Calomel ' . . Castor Oil Cochineal .. Chrom. Potash Castile Soap '' '-; ;: Chtpride of Lime ' Clove ' ' ' ' Cassia "' '1' v ' Chamomile Flowers " Cartlharnles V 1 -Carb' Ammonia' DoverV Pbwder- Ergot " f ' turner j jauaitew T 4 l ia -atX." .t ; i Mi' --i- - --t ti-'it :'Llqqofii i Lithsree . -;t Linked Oil''. v Loner Cauatia i"Morphine -v. Magnesia - v L Manna c Madder v- snar9't .'MkVNlltllM'. " irNntgalUTV-. .-.-OIveOil . , Orri Root. fS c Pil Lemon t -t - t Oil Bereaoxt . , .Od Origannm - . sJ(f4 , Oil Wormwood ... . . VU.repperminjt ... .. . UU vWjutergreen 1 - Oil Sassafras , B . . , OllCloVM " -PbiapdPeiilAsnrt i PussiahTJhi. , Tf 'rhbsphorus '. OnJnh, 5 "Qutckilver : Klmberb ( a ' RedteadT ' iidMflfitkf Pitch5'- RedTarWr t ' Flowers-of Benzoin -rsif Riichelle V Hon. Geo. E. Badger, Hon. Wm H. Haywood, Hon. R. M. Saunders, Rev. D-Lacy, . Hon. John II.. Bryan, , Hon. John IL Daniel, Hon. Richard Ilines, Dr.-Baker, .... . As the above named gentlemen are well known in the State, I have given their names as reference. They send their sons or wards to my School, and of course their opinions caa be confidently trusted. J. M. L. Raleigh. December 14, 1846. - 100 Geri. Moye, " Charles Hiuton, ' -Wro.FCollins, James B. Shepard, H. W. Hosted, Ed. Yarbrough, E. P. Guion, Esq'nu And immediate Possessiou siren. TWO OFFICES in the Resists Buildings, q- pemng on the Court Green. Tftey ore particularly adapted for persons, engaged in the Study, or'Prac- tice of the Law, Apply at this Office. ancy ospa Gum Arabic ? Gum Shellac Gum Cojiai . a ;.: Gum Myrrh tum Gamboge : Gum Srammony ; -. Gani TraxBcanib) v Glauber Salts ' - Glue a ' -i"-.. Iodine. . f Isinglass t:, , Iceland and Irish Moa Indign . Jalap Jujube Paste Spirit of Nitre - Sugar' Ied .-i Sweet Otl ' - '.Sumac' -a Soda . ' . pehna - . ' :,PirUs Turpentina Soda Powder : SetdliU Powder --.Tapioca , - . Truesea r Vanilla Beans , VerndlLoa . ;White Vitriol CHEAP AND BRIGnT LIGHT. PA PENT Safety Ga Lamps, of . various Pat terns, or lighting op Churches, Stores, Pailurs and Chambers. Also, Hand Lamps sad Gas to burn in them, for sale at the Auction and Commission Store of HUGHES dc MEAD. Trinity School. IT is designed by the Bishop of the Diocese, -to open a School for Boys in the neighborhood. 0 Kaleigh.: For this purpose, an esUte has been pur chased about 8 miles from the City, which, in res pect to retirement, healthfuloess, and pleasantness of situation, is all that can be desired for such an insti tution. The buildifiga will accommodate, comfort ably, thirty boys, which; for the present, must be the limit of the School. It is designed, in this SchooL' to revive a class, which, unfortunately, has become almost extinct in our community, namely, the cla$$ of boy. With this view, pupils will be admitted at any period of childhood, however early, but not after they are 14 years of age. - They, may continue In the School, as long, as by their good conduct,' they entitle themselves to its privileges The use of To bacco, in any farm, by the boys, will not be allowed, A siyle of dres, simple and uniform,, will be pre scribed. And above all, and this is the great, object of the School, a constant endeavor will bf made so toimbue the minds of the children with moral and religious knowledge, principles, and affections, that when they really get to be men, they may be fitted to discharge the high functions of an American citi zen, with an eye steadily directed towards their citi zenship in that better country, which is eternal in the heavens." To this end, the Head of tbe School will be a Clergyman, who will be the spirit.ualfalber of the boys ; and a chapel will be erected the daily services of which, it is earnestly hoped, will mate rially contribute towards " bringing many sons unto Due notice will be given of tbe lime when the School wilt be opened, which, probably, will not be later than the 1st July. After the opening of the School, its Sessions will correspond with those of St Mary n, for the convenience of parents and guar dians, who may desire to send children to both Schools. ' ' ' The expense for board, .washm-f, oc. with tuition in the Ancient Languages, English and French, will not exceed $175 per annum. '-The advanUge of every kind afforded to the boys, will be at least equal to those furnished by tne best Northern Schools, Till the appointment of a Rector, application for the admission of pupils, or for information, may be made to tbe Bishop of tne Diocese, or to the Sub scriber, in Raleigh. ... ALDERT- SMEDES, , V , Rector of St. Mary's SchobL : Msy 3, 1847. . . . 36 tf tVhitln. . A.. JC. : - UYE-STUFFS. . . ' v Logwuod J'.CmnmM'': ' T" Redwood t 'V Nicwood . . f Fostie V';-' " Ext.Logwoo4 Copperas f Verdlgrir ; " Oil YitrioU Red Sandeii -, Brazil Wood ' " ' ' r v. - WINES, &rv ;; s ' - : They have also just received a supply of very old and superior Wines, French Brandy, Holland Gin and Dawson's celebrated Ale; rrbm the bouse of Jacob ? ttider.'irJ Philadelphia? Also genuine Havana segars j V lack? Tei' and ? fewi Boxes Tefr of ff bacco, (known as Ringgold's Pocket Compajbion.) ; dec. tcj to whichf the attentkm of purchaser 'Win2 vited. :. PESCUD rfrJOHNsON :".. - . Apothecaries and Druggist. ?- -May 1; I847. -?.Uv?.t4'B shower; BATHS. I na ve now a supply of these)1 desirable articles, which are re-; commended by their neainesf ; as a piece of chambarr'furnitore,5 -'. fy-'''': 1 .1 " 1 and by the low prices at which ' , z they cvrt be told. Five pattern mTV noWrbfi i pattern hand, tmd can be put op for transpoitatioif Iq uch"coropect form as Hot to be Injured and freight not to be over" 60 cent r to $1 00 each to Raleighi. h' V f JAM ES PS SMJTBi f Importer of ChinaGIa. c; ejeamor ptreeiv- c ti.a rTjtr MaylU - ij .39 6t MOLASSES, on Commission.---We offer -a lot of prime, t the lowest cash price, by the hogshead, barrel, or gallon. c--r:" - ..':-. ' .WILL. PECJT.v : Raleigh. May 13. - --: ..49 TfTvRESB RICE, this day received and for U sale by; i ; . . .i. M:-7i.,- WTT.T.TATlfS TtAYWhhh nri 4 ApriU,1847. 7Di TTHf RT? Rt NG A NIV Rtt A T . it iif- Ol O f G ROCERIESf7we have a general sf'oek, fJUTTOn YARNS, al0, of every number." - .- . ut-, iaf t .rf 9vtitri . Raleigh. May ig.?;-: ?40?3t finilE Fali; Session ef ,AW JBINGHAM Jl -tScbool, 12 naile South- west .from HRlsbo. rough.) wjlLbegini; "on the foortMnih pf,Joljveji sins regulated4 by.thoe of tbe University, beginning; twodays aoonefc'At ihe close of .the preaentSe-, siorT, a Class will be 3iscbargedi' making; roontt.forj several new SchoUrs Foi terms. 4tc address' the Principal, directing to, Hillsborough. N. Ci i Classical, Department, W; J BINGHA MVPrin .Mathematical . : DAYiD;W;KERRi The Oakst Orange Co. v '-5..4 I FRENCH FASHIONS: J. J.jBIGGS, M E R C H ANT - T A I tO R , Fayettev I lie Street, Raleigh If ... CU ITS now opening a very beautiful lof of FRBXCH iJ' '.CLOTfiS; CASSlilEKBS AND Y&ST. JAGS, of nearly all color and styles, ; suitable, for every, age and -season . These. Goods were - selected by himself, ir NEW YORK, FOR CASH, conse quently, all persons wishing nsinA9t.x a chsa? Goods,, at the jo west prices, will do well te.ca'l and examine hia Stocks He charges nothing for looking. tfHl:dfUBNlsHGD. corableta.' A aliment, warranted to fil. '. , '.'.'..t ' His thanka "are" tendered to hi friends, fjr past - von; however amall, and popes, ty minuing ois own butpessio receive their continued patronage. ; '-: March:2-iH47; ' V : &n 1 - -.''- FORSAIiE-uKSss lh Messsges, Reporu,BiHr Resolution?, lc:ecttt ed on by the Ute LegisUtare of orthUarpllja4 ' ordered lo be printed price $3, April 29, I847.i ' ,4 U ifVN-COM MISSION. 140 SAQriS -of MlP SALT, mosti j at retfiieed.iprK' j liZiJL') uj. , u WILLPECKvl Ualeigh'May 18. viti.tiiiwjiBd.eiBflria ' i -iatja ' Tim is bayeen'tne'S y.Yone door Above IlAtt."& R!ir-csr;t where' w -shall exhibit for n short tune,;tKe' CBkAf est. jtioodi ever oflFeired In' thie'nierkeifririr : FrenbckedCoJ lars.'from 30 wnU te $4 .60 per perc) Sewing Silk at c'u. a tkein phtirf ind Bgured uslursibl' dresses, very xheap ; wodted Cuffs,aXenly 40"cea wbrU 31 Dress Ca from75 ceaU to 60 per frteeet :Lde Crara.Uk 35 cti MHt UBd;Glov from f J 60. chMper pair ; NtU for.Caps and.Cepeft. very clap worked Robes, from 3 $8per pic ; cnreu twns, ior tiresse, oniyMi ?w jer ,yrd, worth 40 V.L&ces. of every description, from I cti to LfiQ periVard ; also, .Bonnet and Cap, Ribbons, LiBn iro&ta.. iiairs ALiaiis, iiiuureus vapn, Long MitU,.MJB8lirt -Edge 4ndi rnsertlOgs.-gilk Hdkf., Purses, Steel Be'adsr&c. &c v J.-T. & C. KING. ;414t i- H fia :4t j u May;10thf 1847.- i v :;- v - 5 HI 11? 1: 1 M .- t. .. i h 2- Mi P. 1 urn 1 n? It 5 ' r. 5 I t: r - m I t W1LUAM8, HJTW0QD 4 C0 j