4e - -' cl WnRt fi AIISAFAUILL A, C?ROM AN IMPURE 8TATB OF THE BLOOD Olf HABIT OF THE STEM. VIZ:. V i. vr Kl Evil, Rheumatism, Olstinat rZJZcU,, BO, Clonic Sar.Ejes, UrUment d Pain of tk Bom amd jUnU, Stubborn Uleer; Sypkihtie Symptom, Sciatica,' or Lumbago, and DiseaJfi'aiuinr from M ' v JuaUciau sise of Mercury, As - it. or Prswj. Exposwr or Ci'JunrudsneeiuLife. Also, - CMnnie Constitutional Disorder will be r moved by tki Pro- " The health of the human system depends almost en Ur upTo the state of Ihe blood. If the wutarnf SSdVEh perJe.eTy tissue. rery membra, fibX filament, gland or other organ primary or suh- todli sickne must be Ihe consequence, udand the cTS.xs of disss- listing HikkM. ere eaied.no permanent relief can be expected. It is Mere that the powerful health restoring properties of an-dV Sarsaparilla ere manifested ; its searching operaUon reaches the eatress of disease, and the cure, it performs are therefore radical and thorough. Where obstructioas la iU favorable operalion exist, ihey are removed aa it passes along the alimenta ry canal, t The proprietors submit to the public the following certificate, from a highly respectable source, of a cure made by using their preparation of Sarsjpanlla. 3 i Mo.Vu. Ala , Not. 3d. 1845. Messks.8aitbs : I deem ii an act of justice to myself and the community at large, to relate the fol lowing fact which occurred in our neighborhood in the latter part of July last ' Jane C -, a young afflicted with an im- mense sore on the middle of her back, which defied a a. t A all the treatment ol medical, sriii. ai w : l r . r..;l. T .mnlMhl all th means in 1ST power in endeavoring to relieve her, but in tain. At last tome person mentioned to me your oarp"" anJ I immediately procured two bottles of Messrs If Jt- Tri1rr mnnr Arrnt in this eitT. which gate to her. I called to see her the next day and she - m a a. - ' . . 1 I a . vm raK told me ane nad taxes vj uoses ana iei cij in-..-relieved. . I laughed immoderately at this, but she said 11 - 1 ...tkm.n in wnril. In tWO ii was realty aw, ami, Knwuicii . ween from tne time ane enmmencni uu8 ... was neither sign or appearance of where the sore had been. ' xoura. rwpecuuny , J. G. HOUSEMAN, 93 DaoDhin street. THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATE WAS addressed loour Agents at St. 1,001s, ami is sm...-r to others freqaeudj recei-ed from all sections of our country. Facts are stubborn things; therefore let not the afflicted despair, but use the right medicine and be cured without loss or delay. Reus Creek, Mo., April 1. 1846. -Messrs. R. J. Adams. In the year 1813, from exposure while in the army, my bip, thigh and leg, down to my toes, bocame swollen a third larger than their natural sire, and after a time ulcerated and broke, and remained a running ulcer for fie or six years, and at inWrals erer. since that period, until I con cluded myooly hope for life was an amputation, but I now hae the pleasure of stating that, after my leg had been so swollen for thirty odd years, and a large portion of the time ulcerated and exceedingly painful, by the use of Sands' S irsaparilla. the swelling from my hip to my toes has entirely subsided, the ulcers hato been healed and my general health much im proted. "STouts, tery respectfully, F JOHN M'CTJNE. For further particulars and conclasite etidence of its superior -slue and efficacy-see pamphlets, which may be obtained of Agents gratis. Prepared and sold by A. B.& D. SANDS, Drug gists, 100 Foltoq at., coiner of Winiam, New York. Sold also by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO , " Agents, Raleigh, Alsoby PESCUD & JOHNSON. Raleigh, and by Druggists generally throughout the United Stales. Price $1 per bottle. Six bottles for f 5. D"The?paWic are respectfully requested to remember, that it is SaflaV SarsaparilU that haa been, and Is constantly1 achterrng anch remarka ble cures of the most difficolt class of diseases to which' the human frame is subject: Therefore, ask for Sand Sarsapartlla, and take no other. Not. 2, 1840. 83 y IV OUT II CAROLINA Mutual Insurance Company. PURSUANT to an Ac, of Assembly, a Uompa 'ny has been formed in this State, under the name and attic of the M North Carolina Mutual In su ranee Company," and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following-Officers, viz : JOSIAH O. WATSON, President, ALBERT STITH, Vice-President, RICHARD 8MITH, Treasurer, THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, RICHARD" SMITH, v Vwmtmtl9m rnm ALBERT STITH. i Ex WESTON R. GALES. S ' The Company it now prepared to receite applica tions for Insurance, and to iasae Policies on the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company ia author ized to' take risks eo Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops and other buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against loss or damage by Fire. The Office of the Company ia in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. d. B.-fijuTB, at the corner or rayetteTiile and Har gett Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will be cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. ! Raleigh, January IS, 1847 5 tf SODA, GOX GRJESS, and SULPJJVIt WE HAVE had our Soda Water Apparatus thoroughly repaired, by which we are enabled to make thai delightful beterage in its pristine puri ty. And with the aid of Boston let, and the richest Syrope, we are prepared to ofTer to our friends something decidedly nice, this Season We hate just receiteda large supply of Congbim WaTm, in Quart and Pint Botiles ; and S Barrels WXits SctFHca VVATia, from the Greenbrier Springs, in Virginia. Far such as desire to drink the Mineral Water, from our counter, we will keep a supply on Ice. . PESCUD ci JOHNSON. Raleigh, May 31. 44 BY VIRTUB 'of a DEEQ OF TRUST, exs cuted to aaa hy John R. Whitaker. to Miuft ,eondtions, I .hall offer for sala on Tuela lid day of Jan J817. attho Stc Houe of the R- WaiTARaa.aHtha stock of Goods coosutiq, of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS H ARit WAKE a4 ,CON FECTIUN A RIES of ' Choice aad Select assortioenU Also, one Neero m. ea BUCK.a.1 n-ylJ'rY tor, alw the lease hold interest in s.,d Stor. House Also, a certain House and Lt in the Hit. r n." Wgh. STEPHEN STEPHENS(5n, t7 Balatgh, June- IQ, 1817. fThffh ''BS; of North Carolina BA tP.HjVljJcON.of which 400 piece. prime Hams. 3.000 fceC Whita Lard. ZV? h7. . B- B- BUFF ALOE. Saletgh, Marsh 6, 1347. jr , . .. - niiTAnnTOT frn HE exercises to thU Scboel will be resumed en l June 28th, auder the care of the present Teach er, Mies SAaoiirr a, graduate of the New Hampton Semiaary Terms as heretefora. ' V"' . E. B HILUARD.- HilliardstOB. Nash Co., Jaae lsU 46 w5w Edsctcorth female Seminary. It j. Prof. M0BGU, Prineipal, " fTTlHE Term of 10 months, or one entire year will II ,.mmnri nn the 11 JuU. The expenses are, for board and English . tuition for one year The French, Italian. Latin or Greek Lan guage Drawing and painting in Water colors ;4 . Oil colors Music on Piano, Uaitar or Organ ' TTa nf Inalrnmania i Fifty dollars to be paid in adranee -half the bill in January, and the remaibder at the close of the year. The Institution is furnished with a valuable Library, and a new apparatus for illustrating Chem istry, Philosophy and Astronomy. Each branch is entrusted io Teachers whose profession is Instruction. This Seminary is organized with special reference to completing a thorough and Christian education, both liberal and ornamental. Letters can be addressed to $130 00 ' SO CO SO 00 40 00 40 0C 6 00 the Principal or to the Founder. May, 32. 1817. 42 iTIALE ACADEMY, WARRENTON, N. C. THE exercises of this Institution will be resumed on Monday, the Firra or Jolt. No student of unmoral conduct need apply for admiaaion, anJ none will be aufJered to remain lnger than he shall yield a ready and implicit obedience to the laws of the Academy. The Terms for Board and Tuition for the Session of Fits Month (all expenses included,) will in no case exceed $63. Clasaicil and Mathematical Department, R. A. EZELL, A. M , Principal. English Department, B. F. POWELL, Assistant Instructoi. REFERENCES: Hon. W. N Edward-, Ret. C. F. MacRae, Hon. Daniel Turner, Win. Plummer, Wm Eaton, Jr., John B. Somertell. Wm C. Williams, B. E Cook, Ueo D. Baskertille. Francis A. Thornton. Esq Gen. M. T Hawkins. Gen. John H. Hawkins, A, A. Austin, EqM Dr Alexander Hall, and Thomas E. Green. Esq.. of North Carolina. A..d N. M. Martin, and Thomas White E-qs. of Virginia.' R. A, EZBLL. Wa-renton. May 59. 45 4 w .rrtrAt.n'a-it nc TiTirrrtrtTC'li ' . Nos. 50 V fii COURTLAIfQT STREET, On i-r Mom Ortnwich fir, on tk North Esoor na r - OT THS ClTT or . - t ... ...... TnrEEPS eonsitntly 60 hand? a Urge atsortment I1A- of Drug. Medicines, Chemicals, Dys woods. iv. a. Futlera. Bleachers'. Paper Makers Gun powder Manufacturers'. Hatters1, Calico Prialera and . Painters' articles ; Uiia, ...uiass ana uiasswsrc, Patent Medicines, 8urgron s Instruments, dec. Ac Trinity School, Eight irjiles West of Raleigh, IY. C. Rirht Rct. L. S. IfES, D. D. Tisiter. Rer. FOKDYCK 1. M'BBAKD, Rcclor. THIS Sch oI for hots will be opened on the 8th day of July. Terms, for a session of 5 months, including board, washing, 4c , and Tuition in Latin. Greek, French and English $87 50. Protiaion will be made for tuition in Instrumental Music anJ in Drawing, f c, for which the usual extra charge will be made. In tocal music, instruction will be giten without charge. Pupils will be fitted for entrance into any class in College, or will be carried through an entire Collegi ate course, at the option of Parents. As a general rule, boys will not be receited oter 14 yeara of age. A Uniform dress for Sundats and specisl occasions, will be required. This will consist in summer, of a roundabout of dark Summer cloth, with white test and pantaloons ; ia winter of a roundabout and pan taloons of dark gray cloth with black test. The or dinary wearing apparel most be plain and strong. liccidcs a sufficiency of outer clothing, boys require 8 shirts, 6 pairs of stockings or socks, f pocket hand kerchiefs. 6 towels, night clothes, occ, all distinctly marked with the owner's name ia full. Till the opening of the School, application for ad mission to be made to the Rev. Albkbt Sxesbs, Raleigh. June 5, 1847. 44 WARKEXTOX, IV. C. Female Seminary. TH E Subscriber would respectfully inform the public, that the first Session of this Institution will terminate on the 11th of June instant, and be resumed on the first Monday in July at which time ihe buildings now in course of erection will be com pleted. Persons, howeter, who may desire to place their Daughters with us at an earlier day, can do so. Hating procured the sertices of accomplished Teachers in sufficient nrunber lo do ample justice to those who may be committed to his jare. he can with the most perfect confidence promise, that ail the adtanlagea of a thorough and accomplished educa tion will be secured to them- The plan of the School will be that of a well or-' dered family, where all the pupil will receite tender and affectionate rare, and etery endeator made to render them comfortable and happy. To inculcate a lute of truth, and detestation of deception in etery form, will he the great purpoe in the plan of educa tion, and etery effort made lo gita direction and per manence to correct moral feel tug. Abote all, will we endeator to inculcate the truths of the Christian religion, snd subject our pupils to its holy influence. But beyond this, no attempt will be made to influence their religious opinions; snd whateter Church their parents and guardisna may prefer, they will ha per mitted to attend, accompanied by some member of the family The course of infraction will embrace all the or dinary, highrr, and meat useful branches of a thor ough English education, togsther with French, Mu sic, Drawing, Painting, die. Oiherlanguagee will be taught, if d. sired The goternmeut will be kind and impartial, but strict. In etery department, habit of order, and nf stnefs will be required, and occasionally opportu nities will be giten lo the pupils to receite company, and etery effort made to improta their manners, and to accompiiah for then ail that could be reasonably anticipated. Brlietinr that Young Ladies should not he aub- jected to the ordeal of public examinations, none will be held. The system baa been, and will be pursued, of hating critical examinations semi-monthly, in or der to impress more forcibly on the memory what has been previously acquired'; and monthly reports will be made to parents and guardians, of the pro gress and standing of each pupil. '1 he terms, as heretofore, are as follows, per session of fite months : Board, - . 50 00 English tuition, IS 50 French, - - 6 00 Music, - SO 00 Use of Instrument, - . 3 00 Drawing aad Painting, - 5 00 No extra charcea wul be made. . FJooka, Stationa ry, &c furnuhed at the Jo went retail prices. 1 would beg leave to refer to my friends and no meroua acquaintances in- this Stats and Virginia among others, to the following : . Hon. JnoT. Mason, Washington Ciy ; Hon. Arth'd. Atkinson, Wm. R. Bcskertilla, Esq., Vir ginia; Hon. John H. Bryan, George W. Morderai, Esq. Raleigh; Col Joshua Tayloe, Washington. N. U.; Uol. Uatid OaUawj Wm. T Mutton. Esq. Ber tie ; J as. 8. Battle, Esq. Rocky Mount ; William Plummer. John Somertille, Wm. Eaton, Jr. Esqrs -Watranton. DANIEL TURNER. Warrenton, Jone 3. 45 tf Windsor Chair sent us on commission; the kl will be sold low for cash, fceveritl Hogshead good molsasee yet on hand, $e. &c. WILL. PECK dc 8O.V. Kalei.a, JUBe If. 48 9t it Soap, u f tt 8tought- R. '(Powder Blue Prussists Potash Pumice Stone Quicksilver Rhubarb, root and powder Rocoa Roll Brimstone Red Chalk Red Precipitate Rubigo Ferri Saffron, Spanish, Ameri can, and English Sand paper Sal. Ammon wEratus " Glauber Sail Petre, crude refined 8arsaparilla Syrup Sealing Wax Senna SeidliU Powders Sbda do Shaker's Herbs, allkiuds Snuff, Maccaboy Scotch Rappee Cephalic Catile Sharing Fullers' Windsor Fine Musk Otto Rose Palm Lemon 1 Bergamot Cinnamon Low's Fine-ecented London Spermaceti Spt. Hartshorn Nit. Dulc Sponge coarse and fine Stoughton's Bitters Starch Sugar Lead up. Curb. Soda Sulph Quinine Swaim's Panacea 'yringes, assorted Tart. Acid Pooth Powder rpnunin Beans Valerian Root Wafera White Precipitate Paint Brushes 1'oolh Brushes Blat k Lead Do Varnish ('sssia Chalk Chrome Yellow Do Green Copal Varniah Coach do Hair P.wxler Lead White, dry Do in oil " Red Lamp Black Litharge Putty Paris White Spanish Brown Do in oil Spt. Turpentine Tar and Rosin Ven'nian Red Do in oil Verdigris Do in oil Ver million. Whiting White War Yellow Ochre Do in oil Bar Tin liar Lead Barwood Bleaching Powders Bratil Wood Camwood Chromate Potash Cochineal Cudbear Ext. Logwood Fuatic Grain Tin Hatchwood Lac Dye Logwood Red Wood Nicaragua do Hyper Nic. do Peach do Madder Muriate Tin Oxalic Acid Press Pspers Pot and Pearl A shea Prussian Bloe Pruasiate Potash Red Saunders Rotu n Stone Sumac Tenter Hooks White and Red Tartar Bottles, assorted Breast Pipes Castor Oil Bottlea Funnels Graduated Measures Nipple Shells Nursing Bottles Patent Medicine Vials Prescription Vials Porter and Wine Bottles Specie Bottles, from i pint to 2 gallons Show Globes, from j gall. to 3 galls. Tincture Bottles, I pint to . galls. Vials, assorted Window Glass. JSther African Cayenne Pepper Alum Alcohol Alleppo Galls Aloes Annalto Antimony Arrow Root Arsenic Aqua Fortis Do Ammon Bloe Vitriol Borax Bark, Peruvian purr. Bath Brick Balsam Capaita M Canada Turlington's Blacking Parte Bateman's Drops Bear's Oil British Oil Bi chrom Potash Burgundy Pitch Camphor Castor Oil, C P. Calomel Carraway Seeds Catsis BuJs Canihaiides Carb Ammon. Cayenne Pepper Castor Oil Cham. Flowers Cinnamon Clotes Court Plauter Coriander Seed Copperas Confeitionary Corks, all kinds Cream Tartar Curcuma Cubebs Emery, assorted from No. 1 to 6 Epsom Salts Essence Berg.nmot Lemon Pepiermint Essence and Oil Spruce Ext Cicuta M Cinchon Gentian Jalap Fig Blue Flor. Sulphur " Benxoin Glue, all kinds Gold Leaf Gum Opium " Arabic Copal Shellac Assafostida Myrrh " Tragacanth " Senegal Elastic, bags " Asphaltum Harlaem Oil Hiera Piera Hops, No. I Indigo Spanish M Bengal " Gautamala Manilla " Carraccas Ink Powders Ink. in bottles, do. " Indelible Irish Moss Ingredients for on'a Bitters Isinglass, A. & Itch Ointment Itory Black Jalap Jujube Paste Laudanum Lee's Pills Lemon Syrup Liquorice Ball Liquorire Root Lunar Caualia Macassar Oil Mace Magnesia 14 Calcined Manna Mortars Sc Pestles, com position and iron Mustard Seed ground " in bottles Nntgalia Nutmegs Oil, winter strained fall do " summer do Whale and refined Whale " Olite or Sweet " Linseed Neattffoot Oil Vitriol Winter green Peppermint M Anisi Latender " or Otto of Roses Succin. Olite Oil, in bottles and betties Opodeldoc, Steer's Liquid Orange Peel Oxyd Bismuth Paregoric Patent Trusses, all kinds Pearl Barlry Pepper Sauce Perfumery Pill Boxes Powdered Bark Ginger Pink Root The above articles are for sale on lower terms than at any other House in the City, and the quality-of each article, not surpassed, if equalled. Feb 6, 1 847. . 13 6m LAW BOOK FOR NORTH CAROLINA. A TTORNEYS and Officers of Courts, at well iU. desiring the Cit7 Practice of the Court of Pleas and Quarter 8essions,'msy find it at Hehbi D.Tcisxr's, Principal Agent, Raleigh, N. C ; at the Book Store in Wilmington; at Bats A'a, Edenton ; and at Hall's, Newborn, at the low price of $4. " Arrangements will perhaps be made for sending the work more generally abroad in the State, as the citizens in many Counties hate no means skw of getting it. Attorneys, just coming to the Bar, should get this work by all means. In some Towns, etery Law yer haa it, old and young. Citizens ought to favor it too, for It ia by one of our own people. J AMES .SMITH, Proprietor. June 6, 1847. 46 3m ':D'H:dfjMb1H6teV ys viiicnuijTA; -fm- ?THft fcfyehdid EstahUshment, fromjVl ti't recctlt-improvements onso raised in JIlLL comlof 1 and extent of it: accommouatlona, oj , y in the Union, wil be opened, lor the reception of vis iters on the 1st of June Situated on the Chesa peake Bay, in full tiew of the Oceapas healthy as any spot In the world, and lying directly on the Great Mail Route between the North and thS South, it offers as a resting place,' every inducement to the traveller, either in search of health or pleasure With, a climate. In early summer, famed for its refreshing sea-brcexea, none can bo' described more delightful, or more healthy, ss the experience of all. persons living or acquainted here will prove, thah that enjoyed by us all in the latter part of August and the entire Fall months.' This, with the great facility of reaching here, being distant only a few- hours from most of our large cities, with daily mails, both North and South, and from eight to twelve fine. Steam boats passing daily in eveiy direction, make if a most de sirable location for families and men of busines, aa well alo as a delightful and safe retreat for those whose fear of disease drives them away from their homes. The Bath Houses have hern greatly enlarged snd improved, fitted up with hot baths, shower baths snd pritate baths ; and still affording ample room for the most expert sw immer. There is also a splendid beach for thoe who prefer serf bathing:. The table will be supplied with all the luxuries of the sea and surrounding markets the ce(Iarnd bar with tne !est Wines and Liquors to be procured. The Fort, the most magnificent public work in the country, offers Military rarades, and the most lovely walks the Bay the finest fishing and sailing, while, for others, there are billiards, ten-pins, music and dancing. With obliging and efficient agents in eacn department, we shall use etery exertion to make Old Point in all respects the most desirable wa tering place in the country. JAMES S. FRENCH. May 22, 1847. 42-U$lO . - t'-Vm. M ' m . m 1 a t. ras TataiB f WHITE SUJLPIIUR SPRINGS. THIS ESTABLISHMENT, so favor ably known lor the curative qualities of its water, and the elegance and comfort of its accommodation, will be opened for the reception of V isitors on the first of June. It is situated 50 miles from Aleiandria, 35 from Fredericksburg, and 20 miles East of the Blue Ridge. in one of the most healthy and delightful climates of Virginia. The direction and management will be the same as heretofore, and the same attention paid to the comfort and accommodation of their guests. We hate an abundant supply of Ice. The season commences ihe first of June, and will eiid the 1st of October, embracing 4 months. Lovers of Music wil' find the Band unsurpassed. BOARD: $ 10 per week. f9 per week for two weeks, $30 per month, and $80 for the season. For more than one day, II SO per day, 60 cents for a single meal, 25 rente for lodging, children un der twelve years of age, snd set van ts, half price Horaes 50 els. per day, per weak $2 SO, per month $8. Tri weekly stages will run from Washington until the 1st of July, after that time daily. There will be a line of stages from Fredericksburg after the 1st of July, previous to which, conveyances will be furnished on accommodating terms. DANIEL WARD. Junel, 1847. 45 tA15 WEEKLY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER. flMHIS Psper is about to be enlarged to exactly LI twice its present size, and will then consist of eight folio pages, instead of four, as now and hereto fore. This enlargement will begin with the first number issued after the end of the month of June. The Subscription to the paper per year will be, af ter the first day of July ensuing. Three Dollars per annum ; being an advance, as will be perceived, less by one-half than the increase of cost of publication caused by the enlargement For the loug Sessions of Congress (averaging eight months) the price will be Two Dollars ; for the short Sessions One Dollar per copy. A reduction of 20 per cent, (or one-fifth of the full charge) will be made to any oue who shall order and pay for, at one time, five copies of the Weekly paper ; and a like reduction of 25 per cent, (or oue-fourth of the full charge) to any one who will order and pay for at one time ten or more copies. No accounts being kept for this paper, it will not be forwarded to any one unless paid for in advance, nor seut any longer than the time for which it is so paid for. THE DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER will continue to be published, as usual, at Ten Dol lars per year, with this addition to its value to Sub acribers: that a double sheet (eight pages of the present size, iuslead of four) will be thrown off when ever the press of Public Documents, Proceedings and Debates in Congress, or of Advertisements, shall re quire it. THE THRICE-A-WEEK NATIONAL INTEL LIGENCER will also continue to lie published, as heretofore, with this addition aleo to its value : that a double sheet will be thrown off, probably as often as once a week during the Session of Congress, and at other times occasionally, whenever the press of matter shall, as slated in regard lo the Daily paper, justify the Pub lishers iu iucurring that additional expense. June 1st, 1B47. 45 CALDWELL INSTITUTE, HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. THE Exercises in this Institution will bs rs" sumed on Thursday, the 8th July next. Kev. ALEX. WILSON, D. D., President, and Professor of Greek. RALPH H.GRAVES. A. M., Professor of Math ematics and Natural Philosophy. Rev. JNO. A. BINGHAM, A.M., Professor of Latin. From the reputation and long experience of the Instructors, the Trustees feel suthoiized in recom mending this Institution to the Public, ss affording to youth, desirous of scquiring a solid education, ad vantages at least equal lo those of any other Semi nary of the kind in the country. Students applying for admission, are required to produce satisfactory testimonials of good moral cha racter. J. W. NORWOOD, ' Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Hillsborough, June 12. 48 w3w FEMALE SCHOOL, Hillsborough; N. C. HTTjHE Summer Session of Air. 4- Mrs. Burwell's School for Young Ladies, will open on the 8ih of July. The course of studies it extensive, snd the instruction is designed to be thorough, espe cially tn the more useful branches. The Latin Lan guage forms a part of the course, and also Vocal Music, without additions! charge. Mr. Mibtibo, who has taught successfully in several Schools in the North, from which he comes highly recommend ed, will have charge of the department of Music, Drawing, and Painting, and will also teach the French, Italian, and Spanish. Languages. A few Boarders ran bo accommodated in the. family of the Principal, and any number of. Young Ladies can find board ia genteel families, ia ins village. TEBMS, ITf ADVAKCK. Board and Tuition, . $17 50 Tuition, $ 15 dc 17 50 Music on Piano or Guitar, 20 00 Use of Instrument, 5 00 Drawing and Paioliug, 10 00 French, Italian, or Spanish, 10 00 No deduction made, after a pupil has entered the School, except in cases of absence caused by sick neaa.- June 12. ' 48- w4w ape Fear Bank Stock vitnted. June 7. -40 Gt w. M. JONES. c ttlFB iSSUEANCfi W1ETT OF MM, J JfO-i i-fca r-.t : ' "' s W- & r- I I A Savings Bank for tliei benefit kef the AV id oW and y.t'V (KxrowaB"B V ACT; 'ot- amtiiiraT. C. 4 -CariTAX, 500,000 sterling; or $2,$00.00Q. Beside a reserve fund (from surplus premiums) of k, tV 'i. bou l$OOQ.v?,j t .y-; ' TV LA M IE ' M U RR AT Esq f Geprgo sfHand Ve Wuare. ''Chairman of Wpovr f &irectdrifn Actu'aryVt. S. B-l WOOLrJOUSBEs J. . a. o. . ; - JL-vu' ' ." SccrelarifT. F., CAMBOUXt ,E4i j i arpHIS IN STITUTlON-emtirscIrariortant Snd IS subsuptial advantages withTespeCt to' Life As. s rsnces and deferred annuities. jThe-' assured has, on all occasions, the power to borrow; without' expense- or forfeiture of tbe policy rtwo-thlrtfs of the premiums paid ; also the Opt'rori of ; eelectihg ben efits, and the conversion of his interests to meet otb er convenience or necessity. , . ,.r Assurances for terms of years flit the lowest poesi- Lie rats. -., Persons insured for life, can, at once, borrow half the amount of annual premium for five' successive year's, on their own'note and drposite of policy . PaBT OT THS C4riT.lI. IK, rXBNAVXRTX.T ISTKS- ted in the United. States, in the namesof. three of the Local Directtrn as Trustees available always to the, assured in case of disputed claims (should any such arise of otberwUe. The payment of premiums, half-yearly, or quar terly, at a trifling advance upon the annual rate. No charge for stamp-duty. Thirty days allowed after each payment of premi um becomes due, without forfeiture of policy. Travelling leave extensive and liberal, and extra premiums on the most moderate cel. Division or Pbomts. The remarkable success and increased proserrty of , the Society has enabled the Directors, at the last annual investigation, to de- r.lare a fourth bonu. vamnsr from 35 to 85 per ct on the premiums paid on esch policy effected 011 the nrofit scale nixn Sxitks Boabo or Local Dibxctobs. (Chief Office for America, 74 Wall si) JV. York, Jacob Harvey, Eq- Chairman; John J. Palmer, Esq .Jonathan Goodhue, Esq. JsmesBoormanrEq. George Barclay, Esq., Samuel S. How land, Esq., Gorbsm A. Worth, Eq., Samuel M. Fox," Esq., William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward Habitcht, Em. Philadelphia-- Clement C. BidJIe, Esq., Louis A. Godey, iq. Uccfge licx OraLam, xuq William Jones, Esq Baltimore Jonathan Meredith, Esq., Samuel H oilman, Esq .Dr J. H. McCulloh. J. Leander Starr, General Agent, and Edward T. Richardson, Esq., General Accountant, for the Uni ted States and British N. A. Colonies. Medical Examiners, New York J Kearny Rod gers. M. D. 110 Bleeckrr-st ; Alexander E. Hosack. M. D., 101 Frankhn-st ; 8. Keene, M. D., 230 Fourth-t. (Medical Examiners attend at 74 Wall-st. and No. 134 Bowery at 3 o'clock P. M. daily. Fee paid by the 8ociety.) - St-xnding Counsel William Van Hook, Esq! 39 Wall st. Bankers The Merchant's Bank. Solicitor J ohn Hone. Esq. II Pine-st. Cashier Henry E. Cutlip, Esq. An Act in respect to insurance for lives for the benefit of married women, pssscd by the Legislature of New York, 1st April, 1840. Pamphlets, blank forms, table of rates, lists of A gents, d c. &c. obtained at the Chief Office 74 Wall et,! 34 Bowery, or from either of the Agents through out the United States, and British Notth. American . Colonies. GEORGE LITTLE, Agent R. B. HiiwooB, Medical Examiner, Raleigh. March 22, 1847 24 D. PAINE & CO., managers of Lotteries, -RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, THE brilliant succesa which attended, FOR TUNE'S HOME within the last thirty days, in ihe sale of the whole of the Grand Capital . of $26,000, together with smaller ones from $.100 to $1,000, all of which were promptly paid at sight, has... induced the subscriber lo present to his friends and correspon dents at a distance, the following brilliant Schemes for May. F01 ward your orders to the unrivalled prue seller, C. W. PURCELL, Agents for the Managers, Richmond. Virginia. Nos., 15 37 38, the whole of the Grand Capital of $26, duo, vu aold and paid at sight, by PURCELL, to a gentleman in Richmond fpHB-6UBSCKtfJERS hayttff Sssoeiad th . 1 selreSui bni4fssindr the firn of HaI "1 fJS Si.fjnnerly occf pied byKP88Kl. &.. Cooek, (one door above Rich SMrrBYT and are iiOwcnloVa rich and hp.J, . PStOckof-V 9a'f-S04?lO J";:: "l"tt' Staph, ani-FiaeyJrf Bodiv Hardware u. LComprisipgeyery arej? usually.kept by those in th iiue, Kicvjeu Wim care, jor Ilia Sprina ,n j Summer Trade, and alt warranted perfectlv ft i Aiho-tf which ttay berfound f . yjre,i Bareges, LawnsGirjghams, .Qrgandies, Brill;.,,. Jaekonets, and Mourning Goods. ; j' 1 ' ' Black, Blue' anbBrawn French 'Ctofna. hlarV . . rnW French 'and'EnIisVfliiaim. , t.!!CIL,b Tweedy ertWhite DIIIM Irk h Li' ji4.Cotton do.CBus8ia,'Germau and Bird Eye D' perr.-Damask Table aohs, do. Napkins, Cold rJV 75 TnOUSAWD I Divided into 3 Prizes of $25,000 each I Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 26, to be drawn on Saturday, June 26, 1847, at Wilmington, Delaware. 78 numbers, 14 drawn. GK AND CAPITALS : 3 of $25,000 1 of 10,000 1 of 4,244 1 of 3,000 2 of 2,000 2 of 1,750 20 of 1,500 20 of 1,250 20 of 1,000 150 of 600 Tickets only 12, halves 6, quarters 3. Certificate of a package of 26 wholes, . $156 Do do 26 halves, 78 Do do 26 quarters, 39 $40,000 I 310,000 ! 100 of 81,006 1 Susquehanna Lottery, Class 31, for . 1847, to be drawn on Wednesday, June 3D, 1847, at Baltimore. 78 number of Lottery, 13 drawn ballots. GRAND CAPITALS. 1 prize of $40,000. 1 prize of $2,000 1 do 10,000 1 do 1,529 1 do 6,000 100 do 1,00a I do 3,000 Ac &c Tickets 910, halves 5, quarters t 60. ' " Certificate of packages of wholes $119 60 Do do halves 69 75 Do do quarters "" 29 37 Persons ordering by the package may deduct the price of three tickets. - . 03; We have every day Lotteries from $1 to $20. and when a remittance is msde to us, large or small, we will always invest in the moat popular .Lotteries on hand. The Drawings sent, when requested, to all who .order from us; the cash , for all Capital Prizes can be had as usual at sight. ' Ori all letters enclosing cash or prize tickets,- the postage need not be paid. The Tickets in the above Lotteries are received, and all orders addressed to us will meet the most prompt and confidential attention. Address ' D. PAINE & CO., Managers. - Richmond, Va.' COMMISSION AND AUCTION BUSINESS. TTTTTE respectfully inform our old friends, and the VV public, that we have iresupied the abovejm siness, and promise our best efforts for the interest of those who msy please to entrust us with the sale, ?, any kind of raercbsndixeV (intoxicsting liquid exf cepted.) of country, produce, or of snj thing - else yi ourUne. WILL. PECK dk 8QN, Rsleigh,Msy 18. . t ; 40 4w TJOTICE ii liereby aTiTeij,; that appIP; JLI cation will be made lo the President, Directors and Company of the Bank of Cape Fear, at the expi ration of three months from the date hereof, for the issue of a new certificate for two! shares of the, stock of the said Bank, in the name of John McArn. in room, of the original which is lost or destroyed. D.B. McARN. Administrator of , " .. JPHN McARN, dee'd FsystUville, June 11, 1847. 4$ 3 Also, Cafpeatera'. Rim Locks, Pad Lorlca ri An Pn.k.t Kni.M Vnlaa .nj V U rr. ' . ""I ww. uuryvr, tvi, ilaCC t hall. Halter do. s Cliiua aud GlassA, art. lb n, arfety.: ;" ; ' . - ' " ret p-We do nrjt'kdmllhe plaa of peffinff l,nt since it is the eustom of the ily, would beg leav ' however, to hint in Xhe most delicate manner th'j our Goods are Superior, our Styles most Fashionable and last, though not least, our prtcea very low ; E. HALL, ' Hi- i r.i ,u -J. II. KIXCEY ,RaleigbApraJ5,J847. . 31 - A cure for life secured, Bit lir.lJPHrAiri'S Vegetable Erc. tuaiy or 'internal remedy for the Pit). prepared by A.iUpharn, M. D.,Kw York, a r0.; educated Physician, who devotes his attention al most eutirelylo thfs disease. The Electuary is , interhal reniedyt'ttnd will core any care of Pi either bleeding or bnd4 inleroal r external and the only thing that will. Jt ia jrery snild in iu co,. raUon, and may be taken in cas-s of the most ,, cute inflammation without danger. All external m" plications are in the highest degree dtFagreeab!- in" convenient and offensiye ; and from the very uatura of the dlyease, temporary in their efTects. This med icine attacks the disease at its source ; and rrmon'nf the cavte, renders the cure certain permanent.-. In Inflammation, soreness, and Ulceration ef the Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, severe CnsUre. uess, and for , the relief of Married Ladies, il i tlie tMt medicine ever difcoyered. Dr. Al Vpham (ProprietoO Wtatt & Kfthuh general Agents, 121 Folton st. N. Y. Fold in Ra. eigh by. WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD &. CO., a.d by Druggists generally throughout the U. S. Price $1 a box. Dec 28, 1P46. Pr. Adv. $cI2 f 104 6m RALEICU JLITJEJaY STAUtJE. THE Subscriber, grateful for the liberal encour agement received at his Establishment durinj the past year, respectfully iuforrns the public, that ht is, at all times, prepared to convey persons to or from any part of the! State, with Carriages and Horws mat. are, connormoie ana suong, witn careful and experienced DriyerB. . , Horses Will be'ept by the day, week, month, sr year, in good Stablee, where there is plenty of Corn, Fodder, Oat and Meal.Cnrry-combs, Brushes, Sosp aud Sponge, with experienced and careful Ostlers to use them all at prices to suit the times. The Sl. bles may be found forty yard West of the Court House, and near the Misses' PcltIun and the Cily Hotel. ., J. G. MBUFFALOE. Horse Drovers will find st all times, good accom modation and fine Lota.. March 1847. ' 22 NEW GOODS, , WE are receiving, and will in a few days have on hand, oar rl tire Stock of Spring ana summer FANCY. and STAPLE 3-SJQsr; CSSCflSS9 which w a' propose to sell at prices-lnat carjnot rad ta- please those who' want Good, Chea and-PasTrr Goods. We hays receir ed up to thjs JLimfr-r. . " For the LjiDtK Pans printed act Ombre Shaded Berages, great variety $'Bloftd4doT Silk TBsue, Om bre Strioed ; Printed La was, Jaconets and Cambrics; best quality SUk V arp Alpacca ; Berate and Moslia Robes y Organdie and Book Mosliu Kobes j Fancy Berage-ScaTfs Berage and Zephyr Shawls ; a larjs and splendid assortment ofTaiNTs ; a 'general as sortment of Hosiery, Kid and Silk Gloves, &c, &c Fo GKNTSMia Black French Cloths and Cai simeres, Blue, Brown, &c. Gambroons, Fancy Lin ens, &c. Vetingsr London QuiltingSattinett , extra superfine Cashmere, Marseilles, &c. ' Black Silk aud Satin Vesting. ' Drap d'Ete. - Black &lk. Satin and Fancy Cravats. Pongee Handkerchiefs. Black and White Silk Gloyes. , Gum Suspenders, &c. And many other things usuallyn the Dry Goods line,' winch we thiiiik unnecessary to enumerate. Having1 had ar liberal share 'of patronage, (for which we feet grateful,) w can offer almost an sn tire New STocat of Goods f and as our aim is to do a swift business, we will be saiUfied with small profits. HEABTT dt JORDAN. ' March 29, 1847:" : ; ' 26 Anthonys iLottery Office. PETERSBURG, YA. D. PAINED CQr MANAGERS. SATO RDAy,: JUKE 26, 1847. ,t ' 7Noi.,, 12 : drawn.. , 3 Capitals ol $25,000 are 87$,000! 1 prize of do do do do Jl0,00tr 4244; 'l- 3,00U 2,000 f,750 20 prizes of 1 0 do 20 ' do 150 do 66 do 1,50ft 1,250 ,0f0 5M Wholes $12, Halves 6, Quarters 3 Address F. ANTHOJ5T. (TK HHD8V strictly prime P. Jlico Sugar, jf 15 do. medium quality, do 20 Barrels Cruahed and Pulverized Loaf Sugar : 600 Loaves Ko. H, HA B,' '- do. -1 60 Bags best Government Java Coflee, 120 do -do. v : Rio-4o. ' ' , 65 - do green and white Leguir dp '" Imperial. Gunpowder, II jsoftj and Black Ta, in packages to suit, for alen aceommodsting termi by FREELAKD dc.HALL, ' Kb. 69 Light' SCbsrf. " " Balliniore. Refer to W; R. Oales, Esr.Ki V- H --May 1. 1 847. .-taAi lu. . 37 17t SPJgiyC? TRADE.iriarch 24, 1847. JOHN . AnRE no retrying Iheif Srawa Pua,csrs, era AXhracia alaieassortrnentof Farj(cu, IIsjtish, ad An rajcAH . . vt .w Whi&i ffJ'fLnkih ui rery low Driees., . ... r , rurchasera visiting this market are uviieo ex amine their stock! 'March 27, 1847,' 26 3m TTOIIIf It. WHITAKER has been sr pjl pointed hy Messrs Gamss. Ricars & Agent for the sale of their runsorpassed PA " this City. He haa received one, oi w ane ni in this Uity. He snlandid linik ant lnrh. an rxammation of which, by judges snd persons desirins to por chase, is most respectfully solicited. It can be teen at Johs K. W t c a's CoAfectionary esiabiin ment. tf June 1, 1847. 4 u

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