. ' : a a . 3 1 J -i 1 Kniirf 7 priday,- June 25; .1847. EDITOR ANDPRORIETO&. -.. i , ...... .i .. -v. . . TERMS; Weeklt Paw Thr UolUri per nam . : 'i.'L...f!'-lPar nmri SLzterm Llofk. first $oertio Oo Dollar ;tecU ubiequat inMrUa, Twenty-fi CuU. t Ordera nt Judicial AdoettitemenU will b charred 23 per cent. highr ; bat a dedncfioo of 33 per cent- will b mada frouX tie regal ar prices, for dTertisar by the ye'ar. - Advertisement, inserted in the SKTiWcen.Ylti GisTti, will also appear La the Wskklt Paper, free of ehaTgel ' if ' ' 1 XT Learn ta the EdiUr nut be roer-rAiD. WHY HAVE THE AGUE AND FEVER ? PRICE'S Asrueaiid Fever PllUhaie or tailed, where dUectiuoa were Uriel I if . fol io weJ, to eftct a cure in from Fifteen to Thirty hoart. They ere prepared (torn simple Vegetable MeJicinea, ni re therefore, the afet, most pleas ant, aad speadiast remedy kuown,-for ihe cure ofln lermittent Keter. . They hae been tried in " Uon giie Chill", of the worat frm. and have invaria. W ?ien refief, and cured the paftenu. They never ilTect the brain, at diem Quinme or injiw the con utatiea, aa doasAteaic - The nvoney ratarned in every C4se of failure, where direction are followed. Price $1 per box, Planter, Country Merchants, and Drug?it will be supplied 'at' t8 "per dozed Soxes. Prepared and Ai fttiiy by ' ' 1 U.J. KENWORTHY dc CO., x . . Dank Street, Pateraborg, Va. Aotat 31. IS46. . N , 71 BQtanico-Medical Infirmary, BATf K ST., PETEnSBCRG, VA.. DRS KEN WDrl THY flfc PKHJE. Petertbura;. Virginia, are prepared to receive and treat pa tienu from a distance, afflicted with Chronic and sup posed iocurable' tu'ms of dive;; Board. with the ra t careful nuring, can be obtained for $4.per weeltrMeJicalchirges modcraieL The superiorly of the Botan'ie Practice, in the i re of. Chronic dia eaM; baa beenittUy eMabllahed ill fvecy section of our UouAtry. - Perijna afflicted, atjoukl speedily avail ihwTwrJe of this almoaj certain meana of reatorstion ta bealtbr " , ' gj Ftstalaa and CtncentpettKJy eurtd without resort Uihe Knife-Coaas WaaaaJiTsi Charge $100 Car Medical arteadaaeai 0 Parson daatring funher rnfaraalien, will pleaae address the 8 ubaenber. po fairf. C J. KES WORTHY, M. D. H. M." PRICE, M. D. Jolv 11. 18. - 6R ly Vcrmifuffhor "Dead Shot," r"OR WORMS. jromplilidt ef it Hciion,' cUriS? the9 Um i a feu-iurty Waraa.- THERE ia perhaps na diseas to which Cbildresi era exposed so eomn and. fta aavVVprm; tbey iuiitattf. the symptom W .almost .e9fI. complaint, and often produce . the moat alarming ef fi. iKtiM tk ir tfiidficied. The sTnrptoms which are produced by the Irritatioai of worms in the bawel. andaaeach wita same tlegree of eenairuy in dicate their exiateoce, are as follows : Countenance pale, tongue whitely furred, grinding of the teeth, fetiJ breath, stomach hard and swelled, wasting of the &ea,.sickaess and peine in the stomach, bowel either too costive or too loose, great fretfulness, on- naiuralVraving for clay, dirt or cnalk, cnoiie, convui tiooit, flu, Ate. dec' Namerona eertiteates of the value and asefalaeaa f i hi preparation are almost daily received. The following i from ht Rev. VV. B. Winton, a distiazuished preacher of the Methodist Church, i Abmgdon. Va.,My It, 1843. I do hereby certify, that I have used Dr. Peery'a Vermifuge in my family to the great satisfaction of my self aad relief or my children. It is prompt in it action, and iw one case removed a large number of worms in three or four boars after U was given to the child. 'I ani satisfied that as a Vermifuge it is supe rior to any that I have ever used. i . it rS '-. AV.B. WINTON. Newbern.N.CMay d, 18U. , Dear Sir1 I have been' anxiously looking for an otker supply of oar Desd hoi yerniifuge." aa I have not a single vie! left. There- aTe constant ap plicaiions for the medicine, and I should be pleased to -apply the demand. 4 It has proved itself, so far as tried ra fhi vicinity, to be m 'positive $pecifce. .nA ho btfmbug. - Please inform toe by ; retnm mail, how soan yoa can furbuh me with another so poly. , 1 Truly yoars, J. A, LOGAN. i Price' 25 cents per vial. (Prepared by Dr. H- F.Pxxar.and sold wholesale and.retail by A. B. & D. SANDS, Druggists," 100 Fetton street, corner of William, New York 5Id Isoby PascTja & JoHasoa, Kaleigh, N. Car ollni. and by DruggisU generally throoghoat the U nitet) States. . . , t 'Raleigh. Oct 28,1818. . 88 ly.T BANK.OF THE STATE OrilORTH CAROLINA. A i. SEMIANNUAL Dividend or Four and tuUbne-quarter per cent, on the .Ctpiul Stock of thift Bnk, has been declared, payable to the tt tor k holders 7 bM lh tfe K the K tat 11 nf na. aZtrAarEn per cent, on the individual ah re,) at the Principal Banc,; on the first Monday in July tiext. ana at lae Drancnes, njteen uavs inereuer. : f r J , ' C. DEWEYi Cashier. ' Raleitb, Jane 15, 184T. ' - ' - ' 49 j Ilf THE; PRESS, "d 2l be published U mitet, bf the mndenlge I "A DIGESTED MA5rt7ALT? -Of the PuhUc Adf of tke Gen.er&t Assejnblj, pasted since the year l&38v By Jaxn Ikedeix. -iifmen wiahrnr the Wcrk wilTmake applicsv- 4i&3B?BBLflMSSpjiphBasBBBMrfiBaBaBaajMBflfesjsjCSaVMMM m mon at the Rccsxta Office. ' - - ' ?' ' j WE9T0N R. GALES 1 i Ivipeigh. Juw 17 1S4X : - ""-49 . AVID F, KECIJUIG, Proprietor. H'D.'Pi"KEELtNO respectfully anndtinceto the Public",' that he hai talien this fine Es. Ublibment, recently conducted by Capt. Futman Black, nd begs leave to solicit the patronage of his friend snd th travelling community. This Hoose has omlergone thorough repair, has been; newly furnished and now. posses all the meana and appliances of superior accommodation. Toe Proprietor ia determined that hi Hotel shall not be excelled by any similar establishment in the United States; and aware that an impression exiaU a the pert of many, that hi charges are higher than those elsewhere, he father siatre that his charge for board ta $ 1 50 par day or 910 per week. D. F. KEELING. . Norfolk. Va.. Jan. 22. 8 6m REMEMBER, THAT COSBY, IIOPKINS & CO. CONTINUE to repair and warraut all kinds of Watchea and Clocks upon the shortest nonce, and In the bet manner. t They also repair Mathematical, Surgical, Musical and.O,Ucal Intrumenta, in a atyle uiurpaeed by any etsblibnient, Noilh or South. This the pub lic may rely on. They are, also, prepared to MAKE to ORDER any kind of Jewelry or Silver Ware, in the neatest manner and of the best material. With the experience of many years, we tell the people, (and have the testimony of hundreds to sup port u in making the assertion,) that we can do their work as well as it csn be done in Richmond, New York", or any "where else. Give as a call. Charge moderate. COjJBV, HOPKIN8 dc CO. Petersburg. Nov. 2. 89 , - F1ICE! THE JET7SA INSURANCE COMPA NY, of Ilartforfl, Conn. Offer, to insure Buildings snd Merchandize, against loss or damage by fire, at premium to suit tbetime. This is one of the oldest snd best Insurance Com paniesinthe United 8uie,and paysilslosseaprompt ly. Application for Insurance in Kaleiajh.or ita vi cinity.to be madeto 8. W. WHITING. Jury, 18-16. 1 . . Agent. JACOB S.1IDEB,Jr. s Importer & Wholesale t Retail Sealer in WIIVESi LIQUORS, Ac. . .. OF ALL COUMTRIES, Ho, 76 Walnut Street, IN VlTES the atteiition of the Trade end consumers to his extendi va stock of good, pore Wines, c of various grades and prices : all of - which have been carefully selected ... . . by him in Europe, . Prinafallf Lt tie District xtere Produced. AN RXfEKlUNCE of iwentv veals in this bust- ess. and as aucceasor to the late Joan Vacouaw, Esq.' wit n an extensive 'buropean eoneectian, and a direct personal knowledge of the principal Wine di tricft ol France, Germany. Ate enables him to guar antee the excellence and good condition of every ar ticle sold by him- His. new Store snd Cellars, ar ranged and built Cmt the purpose, insure the preserva tion of hi wines in perfect ondition : snd the present Stock havbig been landed principally befvrt the first ut December last; when the new and high Tariff on Wines took effect, enables him to sell on the most ad vantageous terms. -" fj Descriptive Catalogues furnished on sppfica lion personally or by letter ; in ordering Wiax from which, satisfaction will be guarantied. Wines dec. Importer to Osbrb, Subject to Ar- . raovAXto.t A e rival. , March 29, 1847. 2-ly AlORIS NEW AND SEASONABLE -pry - Goods, JTTJ ECENT arrlrals have placed in possession of lJJX the uudersigued, at his New Ltablilunnt ou Fayette villa street, in addition to his former stock, of which annunciation has already beed mad in the public priu t, another New amo most BxAtrriroLsitr n.r or Seasonablr Dar Goods, which are remarka bly cheap,' aad to mhicli he would respectfully iuvite tb attention of the tasty aad intelligent purchaser, to wit 1 . Fiaa and Medium Irian Linens, Plaid and Jaconet Mualius, Bobbin Edgtugs, Lisle Lace aud Edgings, Elegant plaiu and twilled Ginghams, Liuen Cambric H aud kerchiefs, Beautiful Calicoes, and splendid French Maslios (0 GeullemenTs while Kid Gloves, new dteigne,) do. ' Berlin and Cotton ditto, Torkey Red, CoUoa, 1 Driiliag and Naakeen, Plaid Uambrooo and striped Jeans, Fine Cloths and Cashmeres, DaAr D'Ete . sad of Aer goad for Gettlemen' turn Marseilles Vesting, . mer wear, Canvass, Padding and all other trimmings. Fine bleached Shirting and Jeaus, Cravats, Suspenders aad Umbrellas, Shoes and Slippers, for both GeuUemen and Ladies. Groceries, China, Crockery and Glass, of almost every description. ' JAMES LITCHFORD. Raleigh. Jnne 10, 1847. 47 Confectionaries, Or the best Quality. riTJHE Subscriber has just received' from the " Jr- North e fresh assortment of CONFECTION AwiEd, which are as follows: ' 300 lbs. CANDY, assorted. 20f) lbs.' Dried Beet - fiO lbs '' Bologna 8sosage. A large lot fancy TOY. Do ' 1 fancy Baskets, 1 0 different sorts. diflerenl kinds Travelling Bags. 4 Fruha and NaU of ry description. Preset ves. Dried Ctierries, by the box or pound. .Olives, Havaneeetmeets. Pickles, Ac. dc CANDLES-Spermaceti and Tallow. ' SOAP of all kinds. Loaf, Brown and Crashed SUGARS. , WNEsUChamnagne; Muscat, Madeira, Port. CbrSial and Country. Wines ,. ; . Porter and Ale, by tho boUle," glasa or gallon, . TEAS Gunpowder, Young Hyeoa 4. dtc. : . COM0S11 diflerenl kinds selected. . i - Steel Pens, of All kutd. Chinese Marbles. . . Segar, Cases, and 8egars of every kind tad enality. Barumesr. nre UraoJtert, ot 3 dicerenieons.. -..j-. Ground Guiger and Starch. i . ' - Also, -great mwy otht-r articles, too tedious to mention ' ' HENRY KBIM. 1 June 9,: 1847. 47 2vr " - . V THE PETEFlSBURG. IROflV BBLLAN D BRASS lacUne, Smith-Shop,' Edge-Tool Factory, kt. In full operation. THE nndersigned returaa his sincere thanks to the citizens of Petersburg, and the public gene ratty, for the liberal encouragement he has received, and hopes, (ss he has a mora extensive assortment of Patterns, more and better machinery, two good Cupolas or Furnaces, better workmen, and the whole Estaldiahment belter arranged and systematized,) bv continued efforts, to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. He is prepured to execute orders for Casting from an ounce weight to sixty hundred. MILL GEARING Of every description ; Shsfting, ttpindles. Screws, dec. Castings for every description of Cotton Ms chinery. WATER-WHEELS. He is manufacturing, Howd's Cast Iron direct act ing Water Wheel, and has made a number, which have been tested with great success, and i believed, from it structure, durability snd strength, to suipss all other Wheels under less bead of water than 14 feet. The agent for the above Wheels is here, who given hi whole attention to putting them up. The subscriber is also msnuiacluring Hoichki' re-acting Wheel. 4 STEAM ENGINES, High and Low Pressure. TOBACCO PRESSES. He has on hand a number of various me, fin ished up complete, which he would veil at reduced price for Cash, or on time to punctual customer. Flattening Mill, Pa'ent Bands, Sinkers, Levers, dec, at reduced prices. H(XJ3HEAD KCREWS, With Box, Plate snd Ink, sll complete, for $35. EDGE TOOLS. He bason hand, and continues manufacturing, Cast Steel Axes, and other edge tools, warranted e qu.l to any made at the North. Waggon Boxes, both ground and in the rough. Sad Irons, of all sizes. Fire Dogs of various patterns. Furnaces, suited for heating Churches and Stores. Mtoves, of different sizes lor Factories snd Offices, Grate of various patterns. Plain aud Fancy. IRON RAILING. Both Cast and Wrought Plain and Fancy. HoUting Machine, for Store and Ware-houses, on an improved plan. Pumps for W vlli, of various constructions. Cotton Gin, and Horse Power. PLOUGHS, PLOUGHS. He has on hsnd a heavy atock of Ploughs and Plough Castings, of various Patterns, from 1 to 4 Horse, vis : Esgle or 'Meadow, Davis McCormick, Premium, Clarkaville, Flee Botn. liar Shear, Bred, Corn. Side Hill, Ddtc , which he will sell st unu sual low price. Portable Corn Mills, of superior construction. Corn Shelters and Btraw cutters. Thrashing Machines, Fan Mills, Ac. ; snd ail oth er artick-f usually made at such establishments. Having from 55 to 60 Hand employed, and some a good wdrkmen ss csn be found in the btale, he hopes to give as general satisfaction as to price, work manship and despatch, as any other similar estab lishment. ' He would respectfully Invite all who are willing ta give him an equal chance with Richmond or the North, to give him a call. fj OrJer left with Messrs. McIIwaine dc Brown ley, Mesrs. Q. o W. L. Morton, at hie shop on Old street, or at the Foundry, will be promptly attended to. U. W ELLS.. Petersburg March 6. 12 if THE Subscriber wishes to sell that valuable Tract of Land, immediately adjoining the City of Raleigh, known a the Waterloo Tract" containing between 400 and 600 Acrea. Also, ano ther Tract of 180 Acres, adjoining the above Tract, known as the Bushy Brsncb" Tract. The shove Lands are so well known, that descrip tion i deemed unnecessary. Apply to the Subscriber, or to the Editor of the " Register." JAMES H. COOKE. Februsry 10, 1847. 13 tf Williams, Haytvood A: Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, RALEIGH, N. C Ketp constantly onJuind a largeand icelUithcted stock of Foreign and Native Drugs, m ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CHEMICALS, Which has been carefully selected from the Northern Ciliee, with strict reference to their purity, and msy be relied on with full confidence. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Of superior quality snd fine finish, from the moat approved American Manufactories. Our stock of PAINTS, OILS ANI DTE-STUFFS, Is si ways large and complete, comprising in part the luuuwiug, i ; American White LeadJ Linseed, Lamp, Sperm I dry aad in Uil, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Verdigris, Chinese Vermillion, , Tanners' Uils, Indigo, ladder, Eit. Logwood. Conoeras. vemtian Red, 'Dye-Stnlft generally, Spanish Brown, &e. &e. LEATHER, COACH, FUaMTURE II JAPAN VARNISHES, Together with a large and well-selected stock of FRENCH & AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, Which we recommend to Picture Dealers, Builders, and others. , Tobacco,. Segars and Snuff's, Of the very best quality ; and. superior Madeira, Sherry, Claret and Port Wines, French Brandy and London Brown Stout. , All of which is offered for sale at unusually low prices, and upon the most accommodating terms. . Orders from Physicians snd others promptly executed, aud particular attention paid to packing and for warding. ' ' May IS, 1847. 40 TUOUASUsDIUBLE ; 'iAirTORSET ijtD'SOLTCtTOBi ;' COMMISSION ER FO R NORTH " CA ROLIN A, Te take Testimony, Acknowledgements, die. , ' - r 79 Nassau Street, - i " New York. ' December 26. 1845. ' V 104 lT ape Fear Bank Stock wanted. To the Afflicted! - DR. BANNING BODY BRACE. riMIIS ibtaluable instrument Of recent discovery, X for the relief of Vocal and Pulmonary weak' net and Dyspepsia, with Constipation, ,and Pile, Nervov derangement, great sense of weakness or "goneness" at the stomach and Bides with bearing at the lower body and indisposition to exercise ; also for spinal weakness and Curvature, with enlargement of one shoulder ana nip oj cauaren ana young ixtaus so common in the South. In many Case the appli cation of the Brace, properly adjusted, gives immedi ate evidence of it great Utility. Any invention therefore, that contributes to the health and comfort of the hnman race, as Dr. Ban ning' Brace, iu so many iiiPtauce has proven, ia well worthy of attention, aud especially so of the af flicted. The following strong recommendations in favor of the great utility of the Brace, from several distinguished Professors of the Medical Faculty, and other respectable gentlemen, who have been con vinced by actual experiment, will induce the suffering to give it a fair trial. From Professor Dickson. . Gentlemen : At the desire of Dr. Banning, I state with pleasure that after an examination ef bis Body Brace, I am very favorably impressed with the pros pect of its extensive utility. The principle which he lias so ingeniously carried out, seems to me widely applicable to a large class of cases pf suffering and debility iu both sexes. SAML. HENRY DICKSON, M. D. February 25. 1847. 1 concur fully iu the shove. March 2. JAS. P. JERVEY, M. D. From Professor Goddard.of Philadelphia. 4 have examined Dr. Bauuiiiu's instrument for the relief of weakness requiring support, aud have mnde practical experiment of the same, and am astonished at the results. I have also listened to his views of its applicability to an extended class of diseases, aud thiuk them to be highly important, and therefore cor dially recommend them to the serious consideration of the medical profession. PAUL B GODDARD, M. D. Philadelphia, Feb. 28, 1846. From Professor Molt, of New York, and others. The undersigned have examined Dr. Bauning's novel views on the mechanical pathology of many affections of the viscera, and believe Xhem to be highly interesting aud worthy the serious attention of the medical profession Valeutiue Mott, J. Kernev Rodger, Alex. B. Whiting, H. McLean. Stephen P. Kirby, Stephen Browu, May 13. Washington, Dec. 11, 1846. Dear Sir: With great pleasure I hearAestimony to the efficacy of your invaluable Lace." I com menced wearing one in Jnne last, at which time I was in very feeble health, in consequence of a severe Hemorrhage of the lungs, with severe hemorrhoids from the slightest irregularity of the bowels, often times continuing for a week, leaving me very feeble. Weakness in the back and a most unpleasant sensa tion in the stomach, shortness of breath, difficulty of retaiuing my food after eating. 1 was obliged to be very cautious and not expose myself to the weather when it was m least unpleasant, the slightest change affecting me very seriously. The very day I irst put it on I was greatly relieved from the sinking, un pleasant seusation in the stomach, I could walk or sit without experiencing the slighest pain in the back, aud my chest felt as if it was relieved from a heavy weight, 1 could breathe freely and with perfect ease. In a short time my food ceased to oppress me, the hemorrhoids were relieved, and that which had caused me the greatest solicitude, vix : bleeding at the lungs, entirely ceased. I have not lost one drop of blood from tha lungs siuce I commenced wearing the " Lace." I was also afflicted with a severe cough which has wonderfully improved. So greatly have 1 improved that many of my frtetid who have been absent from the city during the past summer, hardly recognized me 011 their re turn. 1 have gained in flesh, have a good appetite, and am able to eat food of any description that a well and hearty man can digest. Indeed I feel almost like one risen from the dead so great has been the change iu my health. It was believed by all that my luugs were diseased, and that I must die of con sumption. Such was the belief of one of my physi cians, if not of others. And 1 most firmly believe that many who die of pulmonary affections, might be restored to comparative health by the use of your " Lace." I mow attend regularly to my business, not losing a day, no matter how inclemeut the weath er may be. I owe you a debt of gratitude, that I feel will never be iu my power to repay. That you may loug live to enjoy the blessings of this life, will be the coustaut prayer of vour friend. CHASF. POPE. To Dr. Banning, of New York city. The following from that old veteran. Com. Jones, is certainly full of interest in mauy points of view, and not only demonstrates the utility of support in some cases, but illustrates the great and extend ed power of the peculiar support found in the "Body Brace." Near Prospect Hall, Va December 8th, 1846. Dr. E. P. Banning, &c. Dear Sir : In reference to your Body-brace I will simply state my own case, fmm which you, and oth ers most form yenr own conclusions. Even since 1814, when I received a severe gunshot wound, by a musket ball, which still remains in the body, I have suffered much from what is termed a weak back, and pain iu the back, 6ce so much so at times, as to destroy all comfort, unless supported by an arm chair or the like, consequently ridiug on horse-back, or remaining long ou the feet, was productive of much pain. I bad tried various bells. Russian and others, all of which I feund to be worse than the dis ease. Finally, I determined to make one more ef fort in search of relief, and as you recollect, called at your office, Broadway, New York, in tha early days of October of the present year, and had one of your braces adjusted to my body, on trial for a few days ; suffice it to say, that at the end of three days, I called end paid lor the brace, which I have worn ever siuce, except an interval of two days, after my return borne, when 1 laid it aside, with a view to ascertain-how far the relief I had experienced was real or imaginary. ' Sinoe I have been wearing your Brace I have been exposed to severe and long long exposures with out rest ; on one occasion'! left my breakfast table at half past 8 o'clock, A. M., rode -seven er eight miles, alighted end remained on my feat, walking but little, until dark rode back to Washington, just in time to meet en evening s engagement, where I remained ujilil 11 o'clock, without sitling down at all, except when riding, from, half past 8, A. M. till half past 11, P. M-, and thia without The slightest ineon. venience at tha time of subsequently.' Without the Body Brace I could not have end 0 red half the fa t'rgue without great' inconvenience and pain at the time and feeling the effects for several days after wards j .- - 1 Previously to" wearing the Body Brace, I was in the habitual use of the friction brosh, which I thought of great service to me, and for some years supposed aside, having had no recurrent of the eymtdros which induced ha Use since I wore the Brace,' and I feel warranted in saying not only has my ability to endnre fatigue, been greatly renovated, by Dr. Ban ning a Brace, but that my general health has also improved uuder it use. . , Wishing you a successful tour, in your pilgrimage for the relief of suffering humanity. I am yours, gratefully, , THOS. APL. JONES, U. S. Navy. Raleigh, lith May, 1847. To Dr. E. P Bajtrw: My dear Sir When I called on you while in tuis City, in January last. I told you that I had been for years much afflicted with Dyspepsia, weakness of the back and breast, a most distressing Cough and difficulty of breathing, togeth er with great debility of the whole system. I could not eat any thing, without creating the most disagree able sensations ; and st times, suffered the deepest depression of spirits, which rendeted me unfit for bo sines, or enjoyment of any kind. You advised me to try on of your Bodt Braces, which bad been often applied in similar cases, by oth ers, with great success. I did so, andv found great relief, even before yoe left the City, in a few days af ter ; and now, I am happy to inform you, that I can eat whatever I please, without any inconvenience whatever ; my cough has nearly left me ; my back ami bceast pains entirely removed, iny Dyspepsia cured, and my general health is rapidly improving ; and I am perfectly satisfied, that by persevering a little longer in the use of the Brace, I shall soon be restored to as sound health and spirits as I ever en joyed. I do not think I should be extravagant in say ing, from first to last, previously to the application of the B rare, that I had expended, for various remedies to heal my distressing and multiplied maladies, at least one thousand dollars, without deriving any sin sible benefit from them whatever. The application of your invaluable Brace, by affording mechanical support, at the proper place, to a long afflicted and debilitated system, has accomplished the object t and if I could not procure another to supply its place, the offer of $1000 would not induce me to part with it. Therefore, as an act of justice to a public benefac tor and far the benefit ef the afflicted, I most cheer fully furnish this testimonial in favor of the great u tility of the Brace, and especially for all persons who are or msy be similarly afflicted, as I have been. With great respect, I remain, dear sir, your ob't servant, GEORGE FISHER. Raleigh, 29ih January, 1847. Dear Sir It will be gratifying to jou to be assur ed, before you leave Town, that 1 have derived sig nal advantage, irnm the use of the Body Brace.- I had not worn it many days, when I was enabled to walk six miles in the country, after which I felt less fatigue than I did in walking the distance to the Ho tel, when I first called upon you. It is an admira ble contrivance, as a Mechanical support, snd is ex actly suited to my case. The pads on the back and hip, give strength aud compactness to those parts, so that I feel more at ease either in motion or at rest ; and whether my infirmity be Spinal or 8ciatie Rheu matism, from which I have suffered much for several years, I now look forward with confidence, at no dis tant date, to a complete restoration. V ishing j ou a pleasant journey, and every success in the object you have in view in undertaking it, 1 remain, very respectfully, yours, GEO. SIMPSON. Da. Banning, Eagle Hotel. A good assortment, embracing every size of the above described invaluable Body Brace, may be ob tained of B. B. SMITH, Agent. Raleigh. Jnne 8, 1847. 47 6t RALEIGH Classical, Mathematical and Jflltl TJl H 1 JIVJiMlMY. Classical Department : J. M. LOVEJOY, Pkecsptob, Assisted by K. II. MASON. Mathematical and Military Department : y SI MON PRESTON. TH E year will be divided into two Session of five month each ; the first Session beginning on the first of January, and the second Session, on the first of Ju'y- It is the design of the Preceptor, that this Institu tion shall not be surpassed, in the advantages afforded for acquiring a thorough English, Classical and Mathematical Education. Pupils will be prepared to enter the Junior Class of any College in the United States, TEh'MS OP TUITION, For English and Mathematical Studies, per Session, (15 00 For Lstin, Greek, French, Spanish and Italian Languages, per Session, SO 00 The'sdvsnced Classes may pursue the Studies of a lower Class, paying only for the Studies of the Class to which they belong. Military Tactics tsughtto the Pupils, free ef extra charge. The design of the Militsry Department being to fit the Pupils to act, in case of emergency, as Officers, the West Point system of instruction will be carefully pursued, nor will the Army lactic be departed from, in qrder to exhibit the boys for the benefit of the Institution, or for any other purposes. . , ' By an Act of the last Legislature, the necessary arms and equipments will be furnished by the Slate; but Parents who wish their children instructed in the Militarv Department, will be required to provide them with the prescribed Uniform. . - ; Parents and (juardiaus, are requested not to allow their Children or Wards to have accounts in the City, but to deposit the money, for the purchase of neces saries, in the hands of the Principal. - N. B. A few Pupti will be taken as Boarders, by the Principal of the Academy. ' . REFERENCES. Hon. Geo. E.' Badger, Gen. Moye, . Hon. Wm H.Haywood, Charles Hinton, Hon. R. M. Saunders, Wm. F. Collins, " Rev. D. Lacy, James B. Shepard, Hon. John II. Bryan, H.. W. Hosted, Hob. John R. Daniel, Ed. Yarbrough, . Hon. Richard Ilines, . P. Guion, Esq'r. Dr. Baker, As the above named gentlemen are well known in the State, I. have given .their names as reference. Tbey send their sou or wards to my School, and of course their opinions can be confidently trusted. . . ; . . .. J. M. L. ,s Raleigh. June ly 1847. ., V 45 BfiCKYITll'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC-' TTjfESClJD TJOHNON have been appointed jf Wholesale and lleteil Agent' for the ale cf this Veil known and widely i circulated article." " A large supply jusf prepared and ' now on liand. Prices the same as at the Factory. ' ' , 5 ?N.' B:""Nd'ne can be relied upon a genuine,' with out the WRrrrxN signature "of the Proprietor trpon each Box. " ' v Raleigh, May 12, 1847. 39 - Valuable JVierlfeal A NAT0.HCAL 1 ATfcAS, by mhfi1 tiim ArnottV Elements pt Phjslc, , X TJL J Abererombia on the Brain,, WT v;, an i-D-S A .? i Kl . .t Allison s Outlines o( PatJioIogy , ,Vr v AshweJI on Diseases of Females, ljs ;ui. h , BuMtiae.pa the Kidneys, , ffV Benedict Compendium pf ChipnWa jurtuv B odd on the Liver,, , -j ,t..--r BarUett onJTevera i Back's Wsdjcal itxitprmdetue, B tiling Principles, of Medicine, Bingham on Mental Excitement; ,.. f7 ' Brwdie on the Joints, r. 5 , . - , do on Clinical Lectures,, j Cheleu's System of Surgery, . ,..:v Colombat on Females, ' Jr-d,,:. ;.. Chapman on Thoracic Visrera, - Diito on Emotive Fevers. - - Ditto Lectures. I --'I- . ft Carpenter's Principles of Human PhyaoIsjr, . Ditto VegeublePhysloloy.-. , ; Cooper on Dislocation and- Fractures,"; Do on Hernia, Do on the Breast, V . Condie on Children, Churchill oik Female, ' ChurchillVMklwifery, Clymer on Females, ' ' Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine, ' Deweae's Midwifery, t , Do en Children, s Do on Females, , - , DunglisonV Physiology, . Do Medical Students, . , 4 i " 1 Do New Remedies. . ? - . .. i: ? Do , . Practice Medicine, Do Materia Medica, Do Health. k 'ft XK ... V Druitt'e Modern Surgery, Durlacberon Cornsw. f . 1.-;- -, v-!, 's9'.s-4 Dickson's Southern Practioe, -i, -(iJflf bllus Medical Formulary, -Esqirol on Insanity, Gatt on do ;: Furgusons's Operative Surgery, Founs' Chemistry for Students. G raham's Elements of Chemistry,; . rt -. v Griffith's Chemistry of lihe Fpur Seasons, Hass's Pathological Journal, . , .. t ; Horner's Special Anatomy, ' - k fM Hope on the Heart, ' 1 .';"; ...'.- ? .' Harrison on the Nervous System,' ' Hughe on Auscuiation, f k :!--::iY-ruhzis'-'4ftM Kennedy on Obstetric ditto by Taylor. ,v For sale at the N. Cv Bookstore by 't , Raleigh. June 12. 1847- -M-.'rtrH, WA RREJf, NOnTB CAROCI!lAf White Sulphur Springs.' "i ' THE Proprietor of thia esiabllshment respafty informs the public, that hie house WMopen for the reception of fishers on; tWUI FIFTEENTH .pF,, JUNEZ, Jl Having made very exensiv improve&enUi fndC additions to his buildings, he is prepared to vaccom modate a much larger company than berefoforeramtlf assures those who may bedjsrrosed to favor, him wilh their patronage, that no, trouble, or expense will jbs spared to make hia house; w -.1 t At IeMt..3nal..U: any. tHU'Jii- The Medicinal properties of the water are admit1 blv adaoted lo thetuirn nf th nafv.rui T.UarfttrJ j I ' ' J 'Bwaaa) MI v rv plaint, and Diseases of the Skin and 'satisfactory- cimcuce ui.iucir virrue may oe nao in tne immeuiauB' vicinity of the Springf.' 'Persons '1raveifinig: Sri -tlref Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road;" wiU always find V Hsck ready for their accommoxlaUon t Herideraott and at the WarrentOn Depot,' ,1- f V';'" iw"'1" ' CHAROES-r : Families per oiohrh : 5 !.,0O,&''' Families per week; "" 5 'tltf Families per day, . t ' 7 00. f 8iDgle person per month, , , , vatf-W;" siogtetirwk, : --v i s$$u- Single personj per Jsy, t; , fi;..-jvl-S$ fJhildren and Servants, half priee. , , v ' ' Horse per month, t; '-H Dt w? Horses per week, , ' . 1 . -8 50 Hor.es per dsy. , , ,,xvvK.yfi, Analysii of the Water by ProLHARLT. i One quart (wins measure) contiin sulphnreUo hydrogen gas, . . 2.0834 ebbid fat-- .Carbonic acid gas, a .-. .00fls)i SulphnMagnesia, t 1 6S ''tfritnt,' Sulph: Idme i l I ' . 't Oxyde of Iren, I' -' SU lsteyrt ' Muriate of SoIa, Carbonate of Lime, o WILLIAM 'ipNr. l.W U9 v I June, 1847. in') , IT - 8AL.E OFiTOWIT I,OTl!? TDE NEW COUNTY FQLIC-NORtHj c.THBsAWoi.;taw . County of Pots:, N.'Ci, wilt commence on Wxn nesdat, the 21st day' of Jotr efCsm4'Cominner from dsy to day until mlttsX'aol'- S"1 CiT One and Tiro YetW credit will be' grvea bat Notes with approved eeeuritv tenadTed " - I (D Thia County wa esublisbed ly in set of th1 ibbv pwwii ui mfo UCISIBiUrV, OUl OI S- pOTUOU OI R uiherford.endyHra&r . embraces a fioe heahhy; 1 hdtutriotu? enterpri. sing population.' "It contains a large quantity of finsr Grain lands, and Immense Forests of the fir tirn her.' ' A portionof if is mbiriiairiopre1intins; some of f be mosrbeantifo.1 ndiomanUe scenery inv ' aginable. . Its climate, for nxs itbfv istess and nki SAHTSEsa is altofetber TxatrtrassEB. The ceu tt'Stte' is located na an. extensiveplain, about six . miles from the Mountains, in full view of them. The Country around is level and beauUfaLnd- fhw Roads, crossing' in all directions.) wih. Iw niadejery, fine fof Waggons, Carriages, and VeliicW overr' descriptibn. - - -4 53- This Town3 wn 'be' 30 'mlW frbm' CremX tilU, S. C. i U Meitr6uiSparlanbwV;:m, C. t Tt8 miles Mm the Umcslone cTprwet, 8. -C. i, 16 miles West of Rutherfordlon,! JV. ' C, ni tSjf ' miles froni HetdersmtiUe $ Plat BoekfiZ-'CI". i cry The County aboande In the- tatofo&fZ ptone Qusrries, and Clay of ths) bestaisd (si' fc2K tng puipoaesvy ij?;tte:MXl&$P$ dry Persona abroad, are uvitM &Uto:;fi iglti of the iifc.4rM'-isV:c flToall persons in oearch of health end ments; and desirous of, tha advantages; U School,! Cbarcheav Sotlerj &e. in jena of tbe isoct delight' tal4 tbpodant, and raia4ti4': iowtainJii&.ai3?. a fine opportnnitjjs, jretentei tfa Tparchssiisj aa4 improving in this new Town. ; :T'"i'mCc-z -;flO; XheCContracis,lctb;iHBy aftbsx Conrt e House an Jail, will be' Jetoti during tlte Sale of the Town Lots. (r Und'arTaVrs are desired lo attend, and, submit; plana1. to tha.'Cmmisslonerii4forraj4 0WV-. 1 a - r.t -aJtll.t vAUtf . , COLUMBUa .MILLS, Jl . - , r ;n.. r . jvviiyiiianwigi. ' ' HENRY,M."EAntSr;.fr June 18,1847. 1 ', " " ' -?02t i 1 HI I - ft . 1 t : ! r .: V . I - 3 I ll t 1 i I i 81 1! 1 if 1 t 1 n 1 is ri t June 7.-45 6t W: H. Junr.3. that I could not live without it, now I have laid ll 1