5 - 'V - - -U J T '-SATURDAY,- 14, 18474 4 ' , AUGUSr o wieniii,,-r " -v - . iniertiotf.' Oai tUrS teh;aatt LirUoa, Cw Oritfi ni JudUvd Aitertitemeait wBtU pr nt. wilt M mai Iwn tk if Iw'fricM,-far of ehftgw UiUj " " . IT LeUr U th EJUar t wt be rorr-rAiD. WHY-HAVE THErAGOE ANO. FEVER ? FU ICE'S A?nc and PlllhtTe never failed where direction were ttritlltf fol lowed", lofli cure in frwm Fifteen to Thirty hmirt. Tbey re prepared Trdnp itnpl VejelabJe U(lctne ad are, ihereore, th etfeet, nort plet at, anJ peeJiet remeJjkaown, for lb cure of In lermKlent Fer.'They hate.oeea tried in .5on geUVe4 Chillo(lhef WoSrat 6rm," tntl jtc inVarla blf K?cn relief; and "eure3 lh paieQU They neter affect ibe brainVaidoea Quinine ; or injure the con rtitotion, aa doeAteHiu ."The money returned in every of failure, where direction are followed. Price $1 pef boi." Pfanter. Coantry Mefffiint.and Dru;'u will be aapplied at; $3 pt . doten boxea. Prepared and aoM onlt by 1 -Vl; r : 4l: C. J. KEN WORTHY & CO. - t , Back Sireet, Peleraburg; Va. Anvt.3Ul84t.' 71- TUC JLADICS SALOON, Fonnfled la 142 remodeled and fjnHB Subacriber, feeling grateful for the imam - patrooate bestowed oo own for the' laat five year, would inform tbe! public that the Ladiea 8a Io n oa been recently remodeled .ami enlarged to make it aixe and elegant 'accommodation equal to the increased and ateadiry increaaing bowneM of that fatbionabl Eiabliahment. Tbee improvement are now alt eomplelednd our friend in Worth Carolina, ami Virgmt: wi: find th Ladiea' 8afoon to be obe f tbe handsomest and - most' convenient Boot anj) Sh.ie Stores in the Coiled State. The Stock of Now in'the La Jics' Saloon, and in the Wholesale Warewnw, Up dtairs, U worth t lt $3U.0oO. EmliraHng uTlWthi most a abounded variety of tla richest and ch ,r4 . LADIES ' V jLadiea' Iioen Gailera, apew material imported from . Burope in4 February 184?. 1bJ enhl silk Gaiter and eaanoj be told from it white on tbe feet. Ladiea brilUaxt brunxe and black and French Lav , in g Gaitera-lh most superior quality, D9 ,fplka fitiota, bbek and brooxe, made entirely froat morocco a new article. Do pur white kii and satin Blippera. : Do rmaioebUck Enghshkid do - ' Do French do -4 'rfo . Morocco-Clipper, the greatest variety to be found any where, at all price from 50 eta, a pair, up ward.' . . i , ,--" . .-.- . GESTLEMEX W&UU : ' GeaUmenTa superior French Boots, The hnJom- Patent Calf kio d (est in Nerfuik. do - - Calf -ki and Goat Morooea Boots to almost every quality vary tag in price from two of 6e d4lar a pair. ' - - Geatlemen'a Cloth Gaiter of various styles, do Bootees at all prices TXtvm'm an.t Tan-R UnatM an.l BdOtee. Misses Gaiter Boou and Morocco Shoe of every kind do School Shoes, Jirtl rale. r The Ladiea Saloon can now product over, tvbtntg thouuuid pair of Children' 8hoe,'eompriiitg so aMortraeat of at hitletghly different kinds, and the proprietor-prides himself on being able to furnish fatailiea sow with any kind and even with any color of Bootees or Shoe for their tJhudren. Servant's Goat 8kin Buskin and Leather aad Merocce Shoe of all kind. . Men Servant' Bregan. Boots and Bootees of va viou qaalities. ... TRA VEIiTLIU a -TKUlf KS Ladies' splendid Travelling Trunks the Ward T0be Travelling Trunks, with several separate apart- raeata compleiewith bonnet case inkle, all finished in I he" most approved and conventeut style for trt Iling. , - A too,' Ijadies Bonnet Case and Wilten and Brus e(l Carpet Satchel, of tbe moat splendid pstterns. Gentferrieu's real Lather Trunks, made from the Engtirh Sole Leather, with a number or apartments, including' one for his shaving and dressing eases. ' Boy' and Misses 'School Trunks, very spacious and strongY for Boarding Schools and" College. Pa rents and Guardiana attention is called to these desi rable 'Trunks.' AUo,-common Leathar and Hair Trunks, In abandsrtce. ' ' ' visking NeHbTk for any purpose, would be interested by calling: at the Ladie Salooa, at they will find many kind of New Goods i that faahioqable establisbment which cannot bbad at.aij other atore. ,; Beside,, eur j Foreign, Correspondents in the principal European Giitee, beingr always on the alert,. wJi.jwufy fa of oay cbapg of fashion and will ship to us direct (via the AUanUo, Steahips tow.York) any new. style, of Boot and,; Snoea which may origioau in England, prance, or v any of their respeclive eoeairiesw ..W shall b always pre pared therefore, to lead the fashion, injlhie Citf and toYxu'&..t6r sale the newest gooda on, their first appearance elsewhere, and before they shall become com.mon ., ""f,,. . . . i "Our Wholeaale Ware-rooms, up ataini. are1 5wel fiUed avidM'cboie .lot, of 'BOOTS. , SHOES -aaU BROGAW 4:elcied.,fprBssl, Jf. retailtug . and will be. sold to Country. Merchant by the case or d'oieii. cheap Jiir. CsiAX. ' t WJSJUDXBrML'OdJV ii on llaia .treet. aear Wallet. Ctjr. Hotel, or loft, VaT '-. rkwUAKH. ADpINOTON, vt: :l " Vj" 'rt'W 4" Norfolk, -,Ya.... Jalyi,4847e- 63 BROWLoafv CranedV rf Puletid SDt GAR, CW&T,oUe. Salt and iron i heap lor cash, 'iUXbd Aucuen and Coram fc U 8toof . , , K.-Bb HUGHES, i rt 4 iTOolrtbfpQneeiwof France L U2o! lrft" euKJIdhed . aiid sofd'at the 4eooki0 W f t xm D. TURNER. Joy 10th. --t -M r V"55 t k ur mmm i:: . . 1 1 iiini ui t IBER,' - ' THAT tTT jflONTlNDTff aWplT!l warrantail kmdr of 4JWatclie anti viocKrvat&rabtai Botiee,-ad in lh beat aaannen- r- r.- : They aiaa rrpait WUiemiical, SurrcxI.. Maicl and Optical fnatnimente, in ayto vaearpeiwed' $y aoyMUba-bneat, Noith'brrSoaUrrTlu lh pab lieawy -'y odi ".T'i. t:--.1"!?)""!- - ' TkT-arerb,-irtMred to MAKE to. ORDKll any kiBljawlry or, &daCW art r-mut neatest tnenrteaauMtefthe beat maicxLil. --v - t . ttiih.ttie-expeneoee o( maay yea rTwt"te1t-tfagf people, (and bat tfce 4etioMny of bondreda te aup- porta) in makioglbe aaeenieoi tbat wecaodoibeir work m wel m it can be done in Richmond, New York, or any where rle.. - Give aa a call. Charge moderate. -r ...COdB Y. HOPKINS & CO Peterborg. Kwv. g. 1"TT ' : -'v.89 nrniE Jetiva iivsciiawckcojipa- U, TSYj of Hartford; ConnOffera to insure BuilJfoga' and Mercbatidixe, against ioaaor damage by fire, at premium to eit the timea. vTbiia one of the oldest arid beet Insurance Com panies i n t he United Sute,and pay a i ta ioaaeaprom pt - Application for Insurance in Raleigh, or it vi einjty,to Mmadeto 4 '8. W..WHITINU. July, 1847. Agent. . -4 JACOB SXIDEU, Jr. I mporter k Wholesale Si Bxtall Dealer in - ' OF ALL COUNTRIES, No. 76 Walnut Street, INVfTES the attention of tbe Trade and consumers to his extenoiv stock of good, pure Wines, 4-c of various gradea and prices : all of whicn ,hsv been carefully selected by him in Europe, Principally in the Districts ithere Produced. AN EX P E Rl E N C E of twenty years in this busi ness, and aa succeestr to the 'laie Johw Yacobait, Esq. wiin, ah extensive European connection, and a direct personal knowledge of the principal Wine di trictt of France, Germany, &C. enables him to guar antee the excellence and good condition of every ar ticle sold by him.. Jli new Store and Cellars, ar ranged and built for the purpose, insure the preserva tion of his wine in perfect condition tend the present 8 lock bavin: been landed principally before the first of December last, when the new and high Tariff oo Wioea took effect, enables him to sell on the most ad vantageous terms.' - r Y Descriptive Catalogues famished on applica tion personally or by letter ; in ordering Wivs from which, salisfsction will be guarantied. "WWES OtC 1XFORTZD TO OaDKJ, bUBJECT TO AP- " EOVAL ON AaUVAU March 9, 1847. f 8 ly ITIORE XEW AiXD SEASOiXABLE 'Dry Goods, rrj ECENT arrival have placed in possession of the uadersigued, at hi New Establishment on Fayetteville street, in addition to his former stock, of which annunciation haa already been made in tbe public prints, another New and most BaAUTirpt. scr . 'or,SKAoMABLB Dar Goods, which are remarka bly cheap, and to which he would respectfully invite tbe attrulioa of tbe tasty and intelligent purchaser, to wit: Pine and Medium Irish Linens, Plaid and Jaconet Maalins, Bobbin Edgings, Lisie Lao aad Edgings, Elegant plain and twilled Ginghams, Liaea Cambric fJaadkercbiefK, Beautiful .Calicoes, and splendid French Muslins (of Gentlemen's white Kid Gloves, mew design,) . do ' Berlin and Cotlou ditto, Tarkey Red, Coltou, Driiliitgs and Naukeen, Plaid Gambroon and striped Jeans, Finn Cloth and Cassjmcies, DaAr D'Et nnd other good for Gentlemen turn Marseille VeMhig, tner wear, Canvas, Padding and all other trimmings, Fine bleaehed Shirtiagand Jeans, Cravats, Suspenders and Umbrellas, Shoe and Slipper, for both Gentlemen and Ladies. Groceries, China, fJrocKery ana Glass, of almost every description. JAMES laTCUJbUKU. Raleigh, Jnae 10, 1847. 47 N. B. nUGIIES, AUCTION AND COMMUSIOfi MERCHANT, AND general Agent, for the sale of all kinds of Goods, Country Produce, Ileal lusiate, dkc, will ueod promptly to ail business that may be entrusted to him. .Raleigh. July 6, 1847. 56 QTTEHE subscribers olTeh for Ale the Tract of Land fJU on which the late Jams Wtcrb resided, ait utied oti Tar river in the County of Granville, within twelve miles of the Kateigh and Gaston Rait Road, and containing 1 1 00 acre. ' About one half 1 wood land, and one fourth of the Tract, river low grounds. There are two good dwelling house on the premise and all other necessary buildings for a farm in good order. The above land Is surpassed in fertility by few, if airy Tracts in this part of the Slate, and is sit oated in a pleasanf snd healthy neighborhood. Terms accommodating. For further particulars, address the subscribers at Henderson, N. C. .. . , . , p. w. W YCH E, I P . - v - , J.T. WYCHE. "' Jnly 18, 1847. 48 tf. PAPER. ALL. Bordering. Flowered.' for Screens. ' V.V ' Writing, Foolscap, leucr; Printing' and VVrVvine PAPER; Transparent Window Shades, Writing Ink, Wafers, Sealing Wax, die. for sale at the 'Auction and Commission Store, -all at reduced prices for Chr B. HUGHES. JoiyJg.1847. - -i '-.'55 ; iTMUIt Wanted. W.. should hks to IK get a Idad ojf flret r,te FLOUR also som of an inferior kind. CoodBacon Hams also wanted. . Raleigh. ApgnT ,.o w , TtirTi olaeses for sale, bytha. Hogshead of lYiL good quality ,1nd at tair'prire. "H WILL; PECK A 80N. , T$ 3w . RateiaV August 7- i'i-vi - n0 It U CSrjrriWe, piy".tre. .oppoaitt the IP Maikrl House, 'tw beautifui room with pri vate entrance, and adapted 10 business or study, of fices, Of. bed-room. ' ' T " 'I t ' ' . . . : 'sy' 'ALEX! NELS0NV Ralefch. Arf2.5l " " fStahdartL ' 63 titer v ;-'S;:"tlHE 'FIT.ERSBORB;r : -IRON," BELI AN D'BRASS Tfn rb f n r ff m ith ?rlTT,--r-Tffinra-rit-v r. i " t IfrnHB turferaigoeJj-eturnihia aincere tbahka to .,J MUuerji of Petersburg, and the public gene rally, f the hber aMooiiragrtnent he ha received, anj bopcafa be-baa a morfleiJentite anortmeni of Pauerna, rner.ao4 Jbe.ttArliMcbioery', w good" kv)wmk S ernace, net motKavrB, aiHl ino wcoie EtaUhment better snaosed fend y ttrmatized,) br continued efforta. to give aaiiafactioo to all who may far-4unxwjtA their pel ronucu: He ia prepared to eieeu i a xwdera torCaJnny trona an ounce weight to sixty hundred. MILL GEARING Of every description t Shafting; Spindles, Screws, dee. Caatioga for every description-of Cotton - Ma chinery." " WATER-WHEELS. He i manufacturing Howd'e Cst Iron direct act ing Water-Wheel, and ha made a number, which have been tested with great success, and is believed, from its siruclure, durability and strength, to surpass alt other Wheel under less head of water than 14 feet. Tbe agent for tbe above Wheels is here, who give hi whole attention to putting them up. The subscriber is also manufacturing Hotchkiss' re-acting Wheel. STEAM ENGINES, High and Low Pressure. TOBACCO PRESSES. He has on hand a number of various iu, fin ished up complete, which he would sell at reduced price for Cass, or on time to punctual customers. Flattening Mills, Paient Banda, Sinkers, Levers, ecc at reduced price. HOGSHEAD KCREW8, With Box, Plate and Ink, all complete, for $35. EDGE TOOLS. He baa on hand, and continues manufacturing. Cast Steel Axis, and other edge toola, warranted e qusl to any made at the North. Wgg.n Boxea, both ground and in the rough. Sad Irons, of all sizes. Fire Dogs of various pattern. Furnaces, suited for beating Churches and Store. Sttivrs, of different size, lor Fsrlories snd Offices, Grates of various patterns. Plain and Fanrv. IRON RAILING. Both Cast and Wrought Plain and Fancy. Hoisting Machines, for Stores and Ware-houses, on an improved plan. Pump for Well, of various construction. Cotton Gins, snd Horse Powers. PLOUGHS, PLOUGH'S. He haa on hand a heavy Block of Ploughs and Plough Castings, of various Patterns, from 1 to 4 Horse, viz : Eagle or Meadow, Davis, McCormick, Premium, Clarksville, Free Boin. Bar Shear, Seed, Corn, Side Hill, D., dec , which he will sell at unu sual low prices. Portable Corn Mills, of superior construction. Corn Shelter and 8lraw cutters. Thrashing Machines, Fan Mills, dec. ; and all oth er articles usually made at such establishments. Having from 55 to 60 Hands employed, and some as rood workmen aa can be found in the State, he hope to give general sstisfsetinn aa to price, work manship and despatch, aa any other similar estab lishment. He would respectfully invite all who are willing to give him an equal chance with Richmond or tbe North, to give him a call. &y Order left with Messrs. McIIwaine dc Brown lev, Messrs. Q 4 W. L. Morton, st his shop on Old street, or at the Foundry, will be promptly attended to. U. Petersburg, March 6. 12 if . THE Subscriber wishes, to sell that valuable Tract of Land, immediately adjoining the City of Raleigh, known as the Waterloo Tract," containing between 400 and 500 Acres. Also, soo ther Tract of 180 Acres.- adjoining the above Tract, known as the " Bushy Brsncb" Tract. The above Lands are so well known, that descrip tion is deemed unnecessary. Apply to the Subscriber, or to tbe Editor of the Register." JAMES H. COOKE. February 10. 1847. 13 tf Williams, Haywood Sc Co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, RALEIGH, N. C Keep constantly on hand a large and wetl-stleeted stock of Foreign and Native Drugs, AND ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CHEMICALS, Which baa been carefully selected from the Northern Cities, with strict reference to their purity, and may be relied on with full confidence. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Of superior quality and fine finish, from the most approved American Manufactories. Our stock of PAINTS, OILS AKD DYE-STUFFS, la alwaya large and complete, comprising in part the following, viz : American White Lead, Linseed, Lamp, Sperm t dry and in Oil, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Terdisriv Chinese Vermillion, Tanners' Oils, Indigo, . .H adder, Bit. Logwood, ' Copperas, lenitian Red, Dye-Staffs generally, Spanish Brown, &e. fee. LEATHER, COACH, FUBN1TVKK it JAFAN YAHI3HES, Together with a largeand well-selected stock of FRENCH cVAMERlGAN WINDOW GLASS, Which we recommend to Picture Dealers, Builders, and others Tobacco, Segars and Sniifls, Of the very bet quality ; and superior madeira, Sherry, Claret nnd Port - Wines, French Brandy and London Brown Stout. Ail of . which i offered it. sal at unnaualiy low prieea, and upon the most accommodating term.. Orders from Phyatciana and others promptly executed, and particular attention paid to packing and for - ,cWrdtng.,k'i - yi !... .-I.- Jdey. 18,-1847. ... ..." ... - ... , - AO BECKWIXfl'S ANTI-BY5PEPTIC PIIL.5$. BESCUD 4c JOHNSON bave been appointed Wholesale and Reiail Agent for tbe ! of thi well known and widely circulated article. A large auppjy just prepared; and jaow on.hautL- Prices the same as at th Factory. ' . ' f -. -N .U.v", Non can W relied tipoh a genuine, wiib ui the writtk' signature of the Proprietor upon each Box.- ' Raleigh, May 12, 1847. ' W For Sale. flflHAT valdable HoW and Lot in the City of U Raleigh, at fareent in tbe occu panef ' hf tbe kiiXJlwel- lin House: a Brick Office.' and all neeessarv out- hOuBer. A -mot 'particular descriptiottTbi deemed unfiecetrrafy, a Ihosfr wisbiag" to purchase will ex atnine for ththIteI 1 T. 'Jr' Terms "of a!e- very accommodating. JlppJy to inVsul scribe rrrL'T''r--- --r.-w . GEO. W, MORDECALr 50 w2m . "Raleigh,-Jone Id.. GreaUIaH Line to the North, Vla JPeJtersburgr, Kichmond, Fred ericksburg anVFWashinffton City. Whole Farejtet ween Charleston ' and Ncm Yorl, $22. TRAVELLEKS going North, are hereby in formed that the ahove Line is I he only daily line, the most expeditious Une, and the only certain line. i Passengers leaving Petersburg by this jine, daily at 5 A M., arrive At Baltimore to ten, at Phil adelphia, in the course of the night, and atjHew York ly 12 A. M. the next day, lieing a business day, and sometime turn days, in advance of Traveller by tbe River, and Bay Boat, and are, moreover, exempt from sll risks of sea sickness and Storms, ! at by the James River and Bay Line. FAKE BY THIS ROUTE. From Charleston to Weldon $8 00 Weldon to Baltimore 8 00 " Baltimore to Philadelphia 3 00 Philadelphia to New York by the early morning line 3 00 Iu a.Mition to the above line, the Companies on the Great Mail route, have, on Monday and Thursdays, a second most delightful line, by way of Acquia Creek and mouth of Potomac, Passengers by this last line, go by the Great Mail line a far as Acquis Creek, where they take the swift and beautiful Steamer Powhatan, Capt C. W. Ci'ck5ill, (which leaves Acqnia Creek immediately on tbe arrival of the Cars from Richmond,) and reach Baltimore some hours in advance of Passen gers by the James River and Bay Line, and at the same expense. Passengers by this last line, equally avoid the dangers of sea sickness and the uncer tainty of the wide and rough portion of the Bay, be tween Old Paint Comfort and the mouth of Potomac, and make the trip between Acquia Creek and Balti more in a splendid Steam Boat unsurpassed in strength, beauty or comfort. tot further particulars, or through tictets, apply to R. A. Ellis, Ticket Agent, Weldon. N. C. or to tbe Ticket Agents in Petersburg and Richmond, at the offices of tbe Petersburg and Richmond, and Richmond and Fredericksburg and Potomac Rail Road Companiee. K. A. ELLI8, Ticket Agent. Weldon, N. C. Richmond, VM July 1, 1847. 54 3m NOW KEAUY, R. GEORGE B. WOOD'S New and Valuable Treatise on the Practice of Medicine, 2 vols. 8vo. This day received by HENRY D. TURNER, At the N. C Bookstore, Raleigh. June 3ft. 1847. 53 1CASE OF London Brown Stout Porter Warranted Genuine, and another 1'ipe of Brandy, of the same rr and and quality as lliot which we recently had, and which gave such entire satisfaction, is just to band, and for sale by PESCUD dc JOHNSON. July 20. 58 --if Standard copy. NOTICK i hereby given, that appli cation will be made to the President, Directors and Company of the Bank ot Cape Fear, at the expi ration of three months from tbe date hereof, for tbe Usue of a new certificate for two shares of the stock of the said Bank in tbe name of John McArn, in room of the original which ia lost or destroyed. D. B. McARN, Administrator of JOHN McARN, oec'd. Fayetteville. June 11. 1847. 48 3m Henry D. Turner. PRINCIPAL AGENT for Mavnard & Noyes' Celebrated Black Writing INK, for the Quill or Steel Pen. This Ink has stood the test of more than thirty years' trials, and during this time has been constant ly increasing in public favor and patronage, and Is now the leading article in the country. It flows with freedomi tijecnmes permanently black, and will not mould under any circumstances. Raleigh. Au. 7. (Standard ) 63 TO SPORTSiriEIV. PATENT iTTTlAItnEL SELFKEVOL VUvO AMD REPEATING F13TOJLS. (O.G ROOT has just received a fine lot of Guns, Powder, Powder Flasks, Shot Baca, Bled uag, occ, all of which will be sold low. Aeit 7, 03 Canfield, Brother .& Co. Importers, manufacturers : Dealers In Watehes, Fine Jewelery, SilTcr and Plated Ware, Lamps, Cntkry, Guns, Pistols, Military and Faney Goods. 227 Baltimore Street, comer of South Charles. THOS. M. C. TURNER, (formerly of Virginia.) Clerk in the above House, will be pleased to serve hia old fiiends and acquaintances of North Carolina aad Virginia, on accommodating terms and will thank them for a call when they viait Balti more. July SO. 61 Imp , NEW ESTABLISHMENT. rrnHE Subscriber rerpectfally inform the Cititen 0 - of Raleigh and it vicinity, that he ha opened a general assortment of Confeetionarles, in the House formerly occupied by Mr. J. R. Wbit AStxa, opposite' tbe Presbyterian Churcb ; and be hopes by prompt 'attention 'to business, to merit a part of thtr patronage. . , OSCAR F. ALSTON. ' Raleieh.iAo'eusft: 62 Wanted immediately, Vei and Pantaloon hands. None need sp pTy," but such s ire acknowledged first rate maker by Merchant Taiter,axd are willinj to engage themselves for tbe next Season 1 ALEXi NELSON, Opposite Market House. A8tiaf:6.' (Stan4afJ.j ,. 63 ry? v 'ksr Bl ST F tw-"f-,. . . asasj 6D &k IT rT 4 ''BS. ef North Carolina B KJ qjV.HjV M 4jVCO.X,nX wl wnietl 40rjptecei are JI.000.llMr White Lard. Wv h r sale br . a B. BCFFALOBJ J"" Ksleigh", March 6, 75 Barrels of Hoe and Cut ITer- srsugs, irai oy: B. B.iBUFFALOE -- AanvAjiT- Gkitbbazs Orrtcx," y is 'Juty 1718471;; BY a clause in an Act of the tost General A sembty rjf!J?ofCarolinarmuUedliAn.Jket for the betief regulation of theMiinia of ibu Stat it w made the doty of the undersigned, to procure description of the Uniform "and Accoutrements, - now- worn by ihe Commissioned Officers of the United State Regular Army.' which by thk Act is adopted as the Uniform for Officett commissioned, of similar grade in the Militia, and have the sAtae, together wiifc all the laws now iri force in thi State, regulating tbe Militia, published in Pamphlet form ; and also, to procure Mc Comb's Tactics, andfurtiisb to each Major General five Copies of each work, ' to every Brigadier General, five copies of each work, and to each Colonel f a Regiment, twelve copies M of each work, for distribution among the Officers " of the Militia, aa the Generals and Colonels may 44 think proper." . This is to notify all concerned, that the said Patn-1 phlet has been published, and the said Tactics pro cured, aitd are now in my Office, ready for distribu tion aa prescribed by the Act of Assembly. Officers entitled to the same, will be promptly furnished on application. ROBERT W. HAYWOOD, Adj't. Gen. N. C. M. Raleigh, July 20, 1847. 58 2m THOMAS B. D1BBLEE, "ATTORNEY AND SOLlClf or, COMMISSIONER FOR NORTH CAROLINA, To take Testimony, Acknowledgements, dc - 79 Nassau Street, ; New York. December 26, 1846. 104 ly TTiffonsienr. Alexander Nelson, begsi If II leave to inform the Citizens of Raleigh and vicinity, that he haa opened a Merchant Tailoring Store on Fayetteville Street, a few doors North of the old Post Office, where he is opening fresh fcom the Nonh, snd of the latest importations, a complete as sortment i if Mkrchaitt Tailors' Goods, bought at reduced prices, and which he will make up to order in an unsurpassed style, both as regards cutting and making. Those who prefer to furnish their own Goods, either to make up, or to cut only, can reel assured that no pains will be spared to give then) eu tire satisfaction. All that Mons. N. asks, is a trial, sure that a fashionable and intelligent public will ap preciate his professional qualities. &cst a r&uvre que ton connait r artiste. July 20, 1847. r8 ly Splendid Schemes. TO BE DRAWN IN AUGUST, 1847. JT. W. HAURY & CO., managers. (Successors to J G. Gregory dc Co.) $30,000 ! . ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, To be drawn in Alexandria, on Saturday, the 21st of Auguft. 1847. - 13 Drawn Numbers out of 75! GRASD SCHEME I prize of 1 do $30,000 20,000 10,000 S 000 3,500 2,500 1 prize of 1 do 25 prizes of 53 do 200 do ckc $2.23 2,000 1,000 600 200 do do do do dc. Tickets 910 Halves $5 Quarter $2 50. Certificate of packages of 25 W hole Tickets $ 1 30 00 Do do 25 Half do 65 t0 Do do 25 Quarters do 32 60 840,000! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Crass No. 52, for 1847, To be drawn in Alexandria, Saturday, An just 38th. 78 Number Lottery 13 Drawn Ballots! SPLKSnin SCRCMK! 1 prize of f 40,00(1 1 prize of f 2,708 I do 16 000 30 do 1,000 1 do 10,000 60 do 600 1 do 8,000 60 do 400 1 do 6,0u0 129 do 800 I do 3,000 &c c. Tickets $ 10 Halves 5 Quarters 2 50. Certificates of packages of 26 Whole Tickets 140 Do de 36 Half do 7t Do do 36 Quarter do 35 : . O" Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certifi cates of Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries will receive tbe most pnmpt attentiou, and au ac count of each drawing will be cent immediately af ter it is over to all who order from us Address J. a C. MAURY, Agent for Jt W. MAURY & CO., Manager) Wanhinglon, D. C- $50 Reward. RAN A WAY from the subscriber on tbe 14 tb June, a bright MULATTO GIRL, about 23 or 24 year of age likely and welt dressed.- her mistress thinks she usually wore a gentleman1 gold shirt battton in her bosom, and had a portman teau or travelling; bag, her front teeth are large and prominent and are separated, long straight black hair, and bad a number of warte on her hand. .Hr ob ject 1 presume is to go North. , She Was seen to take the Souibern train at Belfield, a, few day after h left borne, but thi probably was ruse, and may. turn back, as she mutt I think be trying to get - to a free state. I am not aware t any good cause 1 for bet leaving,. save the love of liberty. There art no marks remembered, a h ha never been whipped, in ber life that f know of. She called herself at Belfield, M artba Pays, and eaid she wit free, end may have a pas of some sort. He proper name 1 Etitiarfst; and sometime calls herself Elizabeth Scott 'Borne ef her clothes ere probably marked with" tbe letter E.S. -( :- I will pay $50 to any person who-wifl eonfine ber in Jail so that 1 get ber again. - x. - .-' v, . , . T. J. PRETLOW, V . Soothamfton County,Ta . Jaly 19.-? -".'Itatlni;.; C10MFORTA BLE Board, fay the week, tnorub or year, can be obtained, on application to the nnfleraijcned, who resides in. a pleasant part of. tbe City .Hig charge ar aMderte - W Z. WILLIAM THO?. BAIN. 4. August '9, 3l" JtJ-Jtlt JTIUe XYet ol I2ale-;a,. aCs FTnH IS School -fbr loyi will beopened en hf 8tll JJ.' flM0TJalyi7j.Twr0rfor d session of 5 njon,th includlrif board, washing dj-c ,BbdtTuiUon,ia.Jain, Greek, Ftencb and Engl tf h $8t to. ' Provision wilt bemade for tuition, rrv ItmrumentaitMbaic .anj irt Drawing, for, which lh usual eilraSrge. wifl be made, t !n vocat BsicVinstrbetiotr wiU be. gijea wlrbout -charge, ' 3 :--jJ&tTA:? Pbpilrwyi be fitted fdf tntrabctt lltlttlhy 'itit JH College, er wiB be ttfarHed TbrdgVall entire' Collegia teouTse, at the fepl'ioti of PareOtli: ,vJr "Aa a general role, boy s'jUl not 14 received y6ee 14 nr ofage;."??; '-H..- A Uniform d ress fbtSonsibdapraloccagiriT:, will be required. This will crmelst itt ihmtbef. of a roundabout of tlaHt Summfef fclotbi witb while- Vest and panUtoon!; ir-winter ef a rouddabobt lhf pan- taloona of darkferay cloth with brack et,Thebri dinary wearing apparel must bsplaia and it rdrtg. Decides a uffl5ency of outr rlothing; bdy retrtre 8 shirts, 6 palrl of stockings or aoeks, 6 pocket haid kerthief. 6 tovjeterilght clothes, otcL, all distinctly marled with (Be owner name iri fotl. v? -?:- V Till the opeiing Of the School, kppiicatlon for'ed- mission to be bade h the RV At.xirt Sjisejg, ttaieigb. June 5t 18 on hand a sunilv of Mountain Linseed OiL all kinds of Color. Tari isbesVSand Paper, SptsTbjTebtine, nuicu wq wiv sen ww--wi rramonDt lernja- PESCUD JOHNSON. June 26. Iw fStandartLt ' 54 New firiHE Rattle of Buena: Vista, tteclSriptlvt FdB. U tasie for the Piano Forte, Boeha VbtalMarchV -f."r, ;i?,i ' Old Rough a Ready's Qalek-tep, v 44 General I'iylor tver surrenders," Buena Vista, Grand Triumphal Marchi- r . ,;i Rnena Vwta foick-tep, ';' .' The old Baehel&r, (new edlttoin r W r nappy and free. Whafa a teat ; The blind G to ber Mother, The Brigand Reader afadbla Wife J ' u I Th Foontail Waltz - The Ofl5eer'afonerBl,. x Sweet MsniBr-- Ob ahare rty feoUafte gehtift rtta'td, ' ' " Kathleen Mavoarneen, Good-bye,' Si edition, The Indian iluntel, 1 . - Tlie Grav of Bonapart, Happy Landv-s- Jenny Linel Galop Plka f , Columbia the gent of the OCeah, ... - v . The May Frowet Waltx, The Flower DaoceV ' r " t--The Gypsie FesUVal. - : S IuVeoo, Love not, &cf ike. - Thi day recetred at the N. BooWrtolferby H.D. TURNERS Raleigh, July lOtb, J847 '"v-r LAW BOOK FOR NORTH CAROLINA ATTORNEYS And Officer of Court, i welt as other desiring jhe Civil ;Prddice of the Court of Pleas abd Quarter Sessions, may find it at Ha nr Ps J'caKPtiBeipai Agent, Raleigb,:W. i. ; at the JUoOkJStore in y vv Kmington at Bats ma', Edenton ; and At HaLl's, JVewbern, at the low price of $4 v :,; .iji ?Ais Arrangement will prrhap be made for :endi the work more generally abroad in the. State,' a the citizen in many Coub tie bate novnreana sow of gettiQg it. , - W- i.4&iS i Attorney, jort comihg ; to the Bar abeold gek . Ibis work by all mean. In ome Tottts, levery Law yer has it, old and youtig. ,. Citizen ought to favor It too, for it i by one of our own people. JAMC3 SMITH, Proprietor. June 5. 1847 - .. . :. 46 3tn?..: THIS DA Vv PUBLISHED, s A Digested Manual of tne AttW of the General Assembly off IT. Carolina, From the year 1838 to the Year 1846. iftAtfipe? 4 ' "BYJAtoES IREDELL, yHSJ HENRY DTURNER, ' - V - - , J At the N. C Book BtatL- JnlT 14.. ommiion and Atictiofa Eusiness, FOR any home proiJaoe Kent a tiJll taekk Bacon, Flour, &c. Ue warrant the nigbrsl Cay price, and a prompt retura, a ealea wilt pr miu We promise, the eume- of Uny other articU scut us in our. line, whether of foreign or -dometid goods. Partial adranCfea will be made in Cash when it mdesired.: ; , ' , f rt WlLL PECK &, SON. Raleith, JulyJ3: v; , t- -.'-C6,4' WHITE aUJLPatJIl SPUl.G8. TH IS ESTABUsH M EN T. aaavoi fSit U knowoior ihf rrtrrti ualdies si I 1 1 ' Mu wlefi sud th elegance and eomfost ot. acepmmpdatton. wijl be opened for uu reccpuou, at jr isuors on ine-nrst oi june.-. '; U is sitoaied 50 mile frn Al0f.andri S3 . Ironi 1 Frederu,kbnrg,'aBd 2.0 tni lea East df the Qlia Re. in one of jb Oiokt healthy and delightful climaie f Virginia." The direction and rnenagemeni. wiU be the same as heretofore, and th sarna attention aid to the ct.mifort and acctemoduon of their gneatsv " W hiave an abundant aupply, of lee,, ; t : The season commence the first of JoBe, asd iU end the 1st of October; embracing 4 month. V, Lover of Music wilPflnd the Band Bsrntafed: ' ' - - la."BOABDi $10 per wrekv $9 per week for two Wws 4! per month, in $80 for theori..r : ,- lor more than one day, $1 0 ttiitf:t0 iemtk for a single meaL 2 J cent Jbr 'lodgirfg children qaw der twelve year of g, -and servsni, ba'f price d Horse 50 ctsw per day, per week t3 50, pet month $ili Triweekly stag will tun from Vliit:xum cs til the 1st nf daly,iftet thtt time folly; v t v ' cTker wlM( be a Im of waje froci ftiiitisLJiii after the 1st of July, previon Iff which,ctnveyaacei will befunisbedoa aexsuttodating terbi. - v tf? ? ..JJAKIEL WARD. -innetr l84ti' :MIJW AND CC:.!!.USSlOHBUSIN3f At lfi Bv TKC&tl J26r Auction ti3 etc cYo. all of which, i ofiered at jBnuanalXo prices for (; oirit, at the Auction and1 Cominlssiofl Store of . -t&iQUZX' ts ..... ' ;.45 .. WHITE LEAD ANi7 LINSEE0 WE havefju J received 1 rgtauVptyoUVM Jiead.bf Various Qualities. aiae .hava EHAYJlKir ehh$fu reiairfefy and iaitbrl'J collection of GOUDS, conifcUBg ol Dry Goods . ; Groceries Hardware Iron, Book: Paper, Iti, tJi r ' .vi

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