in ii iiiiri BOTTiamTTraMewiiir m "" ii "i iini . i sliA a t m if. .a s . " - -v -A. 1. ft. ' vs. r V' " . rifts I T . : ' - WW ST m-TO JH-V 4 A Cure tor -mrflLL to said at the tert Hoion thY TRACTS OP t,AW0, U .Ih. Tare do. for tor 4S 4 7 ' No; SSI location. J I Bj whom liated. 1 cts. 0 86 a TlXVAsbW James Oaddy, Jr ' 200 Oo CaflJp- Wtn McMillan, edm' r of Hush Black 2I0IO Marso Hard? P Ratler 5 32 14 60 5 14 ram Marah; Ohvsr K.Tuton tAleiander McPherson 4T5 Raft'Swafllp to Hugh McPheraon 40 40 61 62 18 60 fOilbert G McPherson sss BiS Mars. Alexander McNeill 3trl 48W JSJtfy Do Roderick MeCrummen Alex McDdueald frtarquil McMillan 13 49 10 67 4 15 6 96 7 74 0. 23 4 97 83 30 b6l 33 Doug aid MtDoogald 45.0 E L Hirer (John N C orris 633jRockfih Arch'd M N Currie Flora Currfs i - - 33 Gam, Swamp v. ,200 &Uum Swamp EUaa Wilka M ,D . . .Alfred Wilks, by fcliae ,17 Mill & 300tL River . 'Daniel McNeill tfaoe McNeill 1 93 fid 7 )iO.'L River Duncan McNeill Daniel McArihur 99 8 14 - 60,'Loog 8 6 SOI Doneest Brown 5 6 99 44 62 64 Jeae Brooks SOU 400 Uark Bell I Vfary Gumbo 3 2 3il John Gunn 65 1001 Uougald Himmoni 33 15 1 98 9(1 18 21 61 63 Sinclair Locklear (Joaeph Locklear &5U Daniel Lot it iu50) 50Ol Charles Moore Flora McKay patnpeon Revel and children 60 32 S9Q af Nelson Roberta Daniel M asset white 3 S54 2 76 100 Shoe Heel Jesse Lock teat 2 12 3 63 15 30 8 97 534 -Do I Do Do William McKse 1410 Neill M. Donald Vfalcora Morrison 448fW H-U Alexander McLean 3erah! Nicholson 32 64 64 35 15 230 364 jfooe Heel Long B- (Sampson B Thompson 39u 17 John Douglass John Newton Stephen Sled 70 wo! 6 46 2 66 i;AahpoI John Brewt-r Jonathan Baker 10M Do Do Do 64 22 II 19 93 50 99 46 66 200 100 Daniel Morris Joaeph Strickland Bryant Wilson Meredith Barnes Alfred Hardin Eliis Stone 28KU Field 9 300 65 150 2iSl Enoch Ward 200 sod 8 road Ridge J Elijah J BriU Thomas Stephen D Collins Hugh J Lee Willista Watt HogS 10 66 lfi! Do 3 2 3 05 20 20 12 Burnt Islands 180 Broad Ridge I'ea Mile 78 Catharine Wilkinson 12 37$ 3 21 187! Joseph, B Biitt TERMS Casb. JNO. A. ROWLAND, late Sheriff. July 7. 1847. 57 DR. H.T. PEERY'S Vermifuge or "Dead Shot," A ligily valuable preparation, capable, from the promptitude of it$ action, of clearing the tys tem in a few hour$, of every Worn. THERE is perhaps no disease to which Children are exposed ao common and fatal as Worms ; they imitate the symptoms of almost every other rornplaint, and often produce the most alarming ef fects before they are suspected.' The symptoms which are produced by the Irritation of worms in the bowels, and which with some degree of certainty in. licate t be jr existence, are as follows i Countenance pale, tooguewhitely furred., grinding of the teeth, fetid breath, stomach, hard and (welled, wasting of the flesh, sickness and . pains in the stomach, bowels either too costive or too loose, great fretfuluess, un nituraTVraving for clay, dirt or chalk, cholic, convul sion, fits, Slc. dte.. Numerous certificates of the value and usefulness of this preparation ire almost daily received. The follow ing is from the Rev, W. B. Winton, a distinguished preacher of th-Meihodiat Church. Abingdorta., May 12, 1843. I do hereby certify, that I have used Dr. Peery's Vermifuge in my family to the great satisfaction of thyself, and relief of my children. It ie prompt in its action, and in one case removed a large number of r arms in three or four hours after it was given to the rhild. I am satisfied that as a Vermifuge it ia supe rior to spy that I have ever used. W.B WINTON. Newbern. N. C, May 23d, 1 844. Dear Sir I have been anxiously looking for an other supply of your Dead hol Vermifuge." as I have not a single vial left. There arc constant ap plicationa foe the medicine, and I should he. pleased to supply the demand. It has proved itself, so far as tried in this ttciuity, to be a positive tpteific, and rio humbug. Please inform me by return mail, how soon you can furnish me with another supply. Truly yours, J. A. LOU AN. Price 25 cents per vial. Prepared by Dr. II. F. PxanT.and rold wholesale and retiif by A: B. & D. SANDS DruggtsU 100 Falton stree-corner of Wiinam, New York. ' f Sold also by Pcsccn & Jot so. Raleigh, N. Car oHrrr.'and b Draggists generally throughout the U nited States. Raleigh. Ocr26, 181 6. 86-ly. . Qn the 4lh Monday of Augut next, I will sell for Cah. at the Court Hoo-e in.Cartbage, the following Lands, as the prepery vt ARTHUU: MACON, son and beir-at law, of Arthur Macon, deceased to wit : 460 Acres, more or less on Dan nelly's Creek, ad joining the Land of Daniel Thomas and othera. . 53 Acres, mors or less, on the Fall Creek, adjoin ing the Linda of Henderson Thomas an other, to satisfy in execwinn in favor of H EN R Y W. EAT ON, Executor of Wm A- Eaton. ' w ii AVR.,WAD8W0RTH, Bh'ff. CawhTJnly 14. " " 68 :ts "Artuft'ScMr Tarn Taifiivtnr ns tf2R THE OI&ROSTQFticZ, RALEIQ1L ;,iiiir,ij-nhib.,i foist:, n.uT.1. ..5 I i Si : ' ; - - . " "-'java siiiu win mase up in his nr..t;..i 68 -if Tincnuornooa, d fmexVFalP. WSSeS.K'5? ' aoch HUM had their CtelffSoV 5 M-"8rd. pr?cra.C;;Vndro m.l?g ku.rrnAir)t be is hard to beat, and e7r?t U 'vn'fe Croauv.ay - J 19)1 '-inabngeri of tottcrlot, ' ;4 'RtCHMOfib.'viRfitNIA, ' TltF. Atttntioo of adTentorvrs and patrona of FOR T UN E'd H U ME,ia called to IheGraodtfcbemee below. They are ail worthy of etteniwiu-XAoMeae orders to us, or to U. W. PUKCELL. AfefltV for the Managera, t J 1 Richmond," Virginia Another Capital 1 g,000 fold! Drawn Noe. of Delaware Lottery. No. 173. July 21: 51 19 50 42 1 1 39 44 7a 12 17 15 71 69 25 7J 74. Noa. 19 50-5 Utbe highest Capital of 33,000, sent from this Agency to Anlhonj, "Vender, Petersburg, and by him sold. The Ticket h" been paid., and can be seen at PUKCELL'S. If there are. any who deire -more tangible proof of the superiority of Pawxs'a 1'ickeU over all other, we submit the follow ing list of prize aent to this agency in the last thirty daya : . Qoarter, Half. Quarter, Quarter, Whole. 10.000 8,000 8.000 8,000 sold. do Jo do do Quarter,! 18,000 ret ned. Quarter, 10,000 do Whole, 2 000 do Whole, 1,800 do Whole. 1,000 do 1,000 In addition to the above, the whole of the grand capital of f 26.000, sold some ninety days since by PUKCELL, will amount to more money than all the three No. priiee sold by the Venders (not selling in Paine's Lotteries) put together. For large prizes, address ua. Or to C. W. PURCELL, Richmond, Va. SPLENDID LOTTERIES FOR AUGUST $35,000. $15000. Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 34, to be drawn at Wilmington, Delaware, on Saturday, Aug. 21, 1847. 78 If timbers, 13 Drawn. Grand Scheme: 1 prize of (35.000 I 20 prize of (35.000 15,000 10 000 6,000 5,000 3,377 f 1.500 1,1100 750 500 400 &e. Certifi do 20 do 20 do do do do do T: i a 20 20 do do frc halves 5 quarters 2 50. cates of packages of 26 Wholes $120 thares in pro portion. ANOTHER BRILLIANT SCHEME! $50,000 ! $25,000 ! $12,500 ! Lowest Three No. Iriz $500. Susquehanna Lottery, Class No. 39, to be drawn at Baltimore, on Wednesday, Au;. 25ih, 1847. 78 No., 13 drawn ballots. GRAND CAPITALS : 1 prize of 50.000 1 prize of 1 do 1 00 prizes of 1-80 do S5 262 4.000 1,000 600 do 25,000 12.500 8,000 do do dec. Sr.c. Tickets $16 ; halves 8 ; quarters 4. A certificate of 26 Wholes $192 shores in proportion. rjQ Orders for Tickets under our manajment wRI be promptly attended to, if addressed In ' D. PA1.VI3 & CO., Mansger-. Or to C. W. PUKCELL. Richmond, Va. iVATIOiVAL. LOAN FUAD LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LON'DOX. " A Savings Bank for the benefit of the Widow and the Orphan." (KXrOWKRXD BT ACT OT Fil tllXKKT.) Capital, JC500,000 sterling, or $2,509,000. Beside a reserve fund (Irom surplus premiums) of about $185,000. T. LAMIE MURRAY. Esq , George . Hano ver square, Chairman of the Court of Directors, in London . Physician 1. ELLIOTSON, M. D , F. R S. . Actuary W. S. B. WOOLHOUSE, Esq , F. R. A. S. Secretary T.F. CAMROUX, Esq. TOHIS LNSTITUTION embraces Important an! UL substantial advantages with respect to Life as. surante and deferred annuities. The assured bss, on all occasions, i he power to borrow, without ex pense or forfeiture of the policy, two-thirds of the premiums paid ; also the option of selecting ben efits, and the conversion of his interest to meet oth er convenience or necessity. Assurances for terms of years at the lowest possi ble rates. Peisoos insured for life, can, at once, borrow half ths amount of annual premium for five successive years, on their own note and de poite of policy. Pakt or thb Capital is perxaxbktlt istes. ted in the United Sutes, in the names of three of the Local Directors as Trustees available always to the assured in rase of disputed claims should any such arise) or otherwise. The payment of premiums, half-yearly, or quar terly, at a trifling advance upon the annual rate. No charge for stamp-duty. Thirty days allowed after each pnymeni of premi um becomes due. without forfeiture of policy. Travelling leave extensive and liberal, and extra premiums on the most moderate t-cale. Division or Profits. The remarkable success and increased prosperity of the Society has enabled the Directors, at the Iat annual investigation, to de clare a fourttrbonus, varying from 35 to 85 per ct. on the premiums paid on each policy effected on the profit scale UsiTrn Statu Boad op Local Directors. (Chief Office for America. 74 W st) JST. York, Jacob Harvey, Esq. Chairman; John J. Palmer, Esq .Jonathan Goodbtfe, Esq James Roorman. Esq George Barclay, Esq., Samuel S. Hbwland, Esq., Gorbam A. Worth, Eq , Samuel M. Fox, Esq.. William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward Habitcht, Esq. tluladelphia Clement C. Biddle, Esq., Louis A. Godey, i-sq. George Rex Graham, Eq. William Jones, Esq. Baltimore Jonathan Meredith, Esq., Samuel Hoffman, Esq., Dr J. H. McColloh. J. Leander Starr, General Agent, and Edward T. Richardson. Esq.. General Accountant, for the Uni ted Sutes and British N. A. Colonies. Medical Examiners, New YorkJ Kearny Rod- gers, M. U. 110 Bleecker-st; Alexander E- Hosark. M. D., 101 Franklin-st 5 8. S. Keene, M. D., 290 Fourth-st. (Medical Examiners attend : at ,74 Wall-t. and No. 1 34 Bowery at 3 o'clock P. M- daily. Fee jwid by the Society.) Standing Counsel William Van Hook, Esq. 39 V4l SU Bankers The Merchant s Bank. Solicitor. Jwho Hone.-Esq. II Pine-st. Cashier Henry E, Cutlip Esq. An Ac in respect to insurance for lives for the benefit of married women, passed by theLegislature of New York. 1st April, 1840. Pamphlets, blank forms, table or rate. lists of A- gents, 4. &c obtained at the Chief Office 74 Wall st, 134 Bowery,- or from either of the Ageots through out the United States, and British North American Colonies'. GEORGE LITTLE, Agent. R. B. Hatwoob, Medical Examiner, Raleigh. March 22, 1847 24 iTATB OP NORTH CAROLINA. Witt CorT-CooTt of Equity Spring Term, 1847, Sarah J. Strickland, vs. Nathan S'riet land. ' In this canse, it was ordered by the Court of Equity ror wakerpnng Terra.1847, that advertisement H made in the Raleigh Register for ait weeks, for the Defebdanj to come lor ward and plead, answer or de tn'oVtu the PlaiuliiTa petition, or the . fame Will be beard ex parte..',, . . . "1 , P. BU3BEE, C. M. E. 67 6'w Mumal Insurance Cdinpahy PURSUANT to an Act of Assembly, a Compa ny has been formed ixa Ibis State, under the name tod style of the North Carolina Mutual Inr Airance Company," and is now fully organized, bj the tpKintment of the following Officers, rut JOSIArl O. WATSON. President, ' ALBERT STITH. Vice-President, RICHARD SMITH, Tressurer, THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, DT'IT A lT DUITU V r "7 Executive Com AiiDdni 0111 n, WESTON R. GALES, j mitiee. The Company is now prepared to receive applica tion for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to take risks on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops and other boildinirs. Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against lose or damage by Fire. The Office of the Company ia in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. Smith, at the comer of Fayetteville and Har gett Streeta, where foil information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will be cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. Raleigh. January 15, 1847 6 tf SANDS' SAKSAPAUILLA, FOR THE REMOVAL AND PERMANENT CURE OF ALL DISEASES AHISIMG FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD OK HABIT OF THE SYSTEM, VIZ : Scrofula, or Kings Ecil. Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions. Pimples; or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, En largement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica, or Lumbago, and Disease atising from an in judicious use of Mercury, As cites, or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life. Also, Chronic Constitutional Disorders will be re moved by this Pre paration. The health of the human system depends almost en tirely upon the state of the bloqd. It the vitalizing fluid which pervades every tissue, every membrane, fibre, filament, gland or other organ primary r sub sidiary if the body be charged with the element of diseitse, sickness must be the consequence, and until the causes of disease existing in the blood, are eradi cated, no permanent relief can be expected. It is kere that the powerful health restoring properties of Sands' Sarsaparilla are manifested ; its searching operation reaches the cacsks of disease, and the cures it (terforms are therefore radical and thorough. Where obstructions to it- favorable operation exist, they are removed as it passes along the alimenta ry canal. The proprietors submit to the public the following certificate, from a highly respectable source, of a cure made by using their preparation of Sampanlla. Mobile, AU , Nov. 28. 1845. Messrs. Saras : I deem it an act of j js ice to myself and the community at large, to relate the fol lowing fact which occurred in our neighborhood in the Utter part of July last. Jane C , a young girl aged fourteen yejrs was nfflicied with an im mense sore on the middle of her back, which defied II tlie treatment of mrdical skill. As she was a friend of our family I employed all the means in my pnwer in endeavoring to relieve her, but in vain. At list some person mentioned to me your Sarsaparilla, and I immediately procured two bottles of Messrs. Mosety & Tucker, your Agents in thtscitv, which I gave to her. I called to see her the nett day and she told rite she had taken two doses and felt very much relieved. I laughed immoderately at this, but she said it was really ao, and. gentlemen, in a word, in two weeks from the lime she commenced using it, there was neither si?n or appearance of where the sore had been. Yours, respectfully. J. G. HOUSEMAN, 93 Dauphin street. THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATE WAS addressed to our Agents at St. Louis, and is similar to ethers frequently received from all sections of our country. Facts are stubborn things ; therefore let not lie afflicted despair, bat use the right medicine and be cured without loss or deluy. Reus Creek, Mo., April 1. 1846. Messrs. R Ac J. Adams. In the year 1812, from exposure while in the army, my hip, thigh and leg, down to ray tors, bi-mme swollen a third larger than their natural size, and after a lime ulcerated and broke, and renained a running ulcer for five or six years, and at intervals ever since that period, until I con cluded my only h"pe for life was an amputation, lut I now have the pleasure of stating that, after mv leg had been so swollen for thirty odd years, and a large portion of the time ulcerated and exceedingly painful, by the use of Sands' S irsaparilla. the swelling from my hip to mv toes has entirely subsided, the ulcers have been healed and my general health much im proved. Yours, very respectfully, JOHN M'CUNE. For further particulars and conclur ive evidence of its superior value and efficacy, see pamphlets, which may be obtained of Agents gratis. Prepared and sold by A B. & D. SANDS, Drug gists, IDO Fulton st , comer of William, New York. Sold also by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO-, Agents, Raleigh, Also by PESCUD djt JOHNSON. Raleiish. and by Drugciats generally throughout the United stales. Price $1 per bottle. Six bottles for $5. O ThQ public are respectfully requested to remember, that it is Sands' Sarsaparilla that has been, and is constantly achieving such remarka ble cures of the most difficult clat-s of diseases to which the human frame is subject : Therefore, ark for Sands' Sarsaparilla, and take no other. Nov. 2. 1840. 88 y PENNSYLVANIA MEDICAL COLLEGE. . Filbert, above Eleventh St., riiiJL.mMjLViii.i. rPHE Annus! Course of Insiiuciion in this Insti L tution wilt commence on the first Mondsv in November next, and be continued uutil the ensuing first of Msrch. The Faculty ia constituted aa lollows : WILLIAM DARRACH, M. D. Principles and a a 1 - - rractice 01 Ajeuicine. JOHN WILTBaNK, M. D.-Obstetrics, and Diseases of Women snd Children. HE.NRY S. PATTERSON, M. D. Materia Medics and Therapeutics. WILLIAM R. GRANT, M. D. Anatomy and rnyioiogy. DAVID GILBERT, M.D Principles and Prac tice 01 ourgery. W ASHlNururt L. ATLEE, M. D. Medical Chemistry. The Anatomical Rooms will be opened on the first Monday in October, under the direction of Pro fessor Ubart. assisted by A. F. McIhttre, M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy. rr V All Pnmli .1 1....!: . . - -r -ntuumg a Kcona rourse 01 i,ec- lures, (as wen those reretved ad eundem, aa those wno nave attended their first course in th.. in.ft, Hon,) furnished with a Ticket to the Clinical instruction at tne Pennsylvania Ho.nlil PJn. t ; F ees.-Matriculation, f 5 ) for each Ticket,'? 16 vj(vuuaw"u. jii, HESKY 3. PATTERSON. Registrar, Ao. 94. -4rcA Street, Philadelphia, J-uty 23,1817. 60 1N 'PTEIlSDIIRG,TA.ff ht'- D. MfNEXCO: MANAGERS,: GREAT. CHANCE FOR FORTUNES! DURjlCG - E MONTH OF AUG UST, 1847. . . Grand Consolidiied Lottery. Class 34, to be drawn ' on Saturday, August 21. , 78 Nos- 13 drawn. u $35,ooo r 915,000 x vio,vog i f prize of 30.0t)U ' '20 prizes of r do f 1 , do . 1 do 1 dor ! 15,000 10 000 6 000 6,000 80 do 1,600 M 20 20 1801 ;$50 500 '400 200 do do do 1 dy 3,377 Wholes $10 Halves 6 Quarters 50. Grand Consolidated Lottery Class 35, to be drawn on SstnrdaT. Aoffust 28. 75 Nos., It drawn. $30,000 ! $13,000! . 1 prize of I , do . 100 prizes of SO do 63 ik 1 prize of $30,000 $2,500 .2,133 1,000 600 ! 300 1 do 12.000 1 do 1 do 1 do 6,000 6,000 4. COO Wholes S12 Halves 6 Quarters 3. F. S. ANTHONY. A VALUABLE FARM ON SWIFT CREEK THE 8obscriber wishing to move to the West, offers to sell his entire landed estate, lying only eight miles from the City of Raltigh, oa one of the best roads. It contains 685 acres of as good Land as is any where to be found in this section of the country, most of it heavily wooded, with the original growth. The whole Plantation is well watered, and suited for raising all kinda of stock. It has on it a good DWELLIItG HOUSE, and all the necessary out houses, and an excellent Well of water. Persons wishing to remove from the low er country, and settle upon one of the most healthy snd desirable Farms, in a good neighborhood, would do well to examine these premises, as they can be accommodated with possession at once, and have the growin Crop, consisting of both Corn and Cotton, in a most flourishing condition. Term will be reasonaMe and made to suit the pun haser. An exchange for negro property .will be williggly accepted. UPTON POWELL. July 21. 1847. 59 4w Cape Fear Lands For Sale, THE Subscriber has permanently settled in Warren County, and now offers for sale bis Tract of Land in Chatham County, on the Souh side and immedirttely on the Cape Fear River, one half mile above Avent'a Ferry, and three milea below Haywood, containing let ween eight and nine hun dred acres. The greater part of this Tract is men bottom la hp, adapted to Tobacco, Cotton, Corn, Wheat, and Oats, &c. There is enough open land to work twelve or fit teen hands to advantage, the most of which has been resting for the last five years, and is now in a fine stnte for making good crops. Terms will I e made accommodating, and possession given in time for sowing fall crops. Mr. Obadiah Farrar. who lives on the land, will show it to any person who may be disposed to pur chase, and I can be addressed at Warrenton, North Carolina on the subject. M. T. HAWKINS. Jn. June 10, 1847. 63 tf The ITIo9t Beautiful Residence In North Carolina For Sale. ON Tuesday, the 17th day of August next, the Subscribers, as Trustees, will, sell on the premises, "WOODLEY" the late residence of Dan iklTuhxer, Esq. four miles South of the Town of Warrenton, and about the same distance from Shoc co.and from Jones White Sulphur Springs. The Tract contains 1060 ACRES, and is general ly of good quality. A large part is in wood, and about half the Tract is first rate land. The Subscribers feel warranted in saying that it is. in all respects, one of the most beautiful and MOST n ESI It A BLR RKSIPEKCES IN TH K KtaTR. is new and very hrB'e and nighty con venient, and the out-buildings are very extensive and well built, and arranged on the very best plan, and the Groves are tastefully laid out and ornamented with Flowers and Shrubbery. The neighborhood is famed for health and good society. The sale will be made on s credit of one and two years, with interest irom the dsy oi sale- ALFRED ALSTON, WILLIAM PLUMMER. Warrenton, IV. C , June 19, 1847. 60 ts BY Virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me by Tbos B. Fonr, bearing date the 8th day of February, 1847, and registered in the Register's Of fice, in Book No. 17, pace 198. for certain purposes therein set forth, I shall proceed to sell at public sale for Cash, on Saturday, the a 1st day of August next, at ISeUon rj. Hughes Auction and Commission Store, the following property, to-wit : One Negro man named Alfred, a valuable Blacksmith by trade, one Negro Girl, one Carryall, two unfinished Wag gons. Cow snd Calf, some Household and Kitchen Furniture, lllacksmiih Tools, and sundry other ar ticles too tedious to mention. All persons indebted to T. B. Fort, are requested to call on me and settle ibeir accounts, or they will find them in the hands of an Officer. C. W. D. HUTCHINGS, Trustee. Raleigh. July 27. 1817. 61 la To Volunteers, Claimants, Ac. General Agency at the City of Washington! SAMUEL STETTIN I US General Agent, No tary Public, Justice of the Peace, !rc. respect fully informs the Volunteers, who served in the War against Mexico, and the representatives of the de ceased Soldiers, that he will undertake the settlement of their claims with the Department at Washington. Bounty Land Warrants, Treasury Scrip, Pensions, arrearages of pay, &c. accruing for services ren dered, will be procured and forwarded with despatch. Persons, having any other claims against the Gen eral Government, and who may confide them to hia care, may rest assured that they will be speedily at tended to. Ilia terms will be moderate. Mr. Stkttibmus is known to most of those Who have been in Congress for the last 20 yesrs, or who hsve occupied any public station at Washington. Persons apply ing for any information, are required to pay the postage, and also to remit a small fee Highest cash price will be given for Bounty Land Warrants. Office opposite the Treasury Department. Washington City, July 27," 1847 61 Im ' A RARE CnAUCK! FOR 8ALE, the large and delightfully shaded DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT, new oc cupied by P. Busbex, Esq. and known as the Shaw Lot. This property is situated near the centre of the City, and to a business man, would be one of the most pleasant and desirable Residences, . The Dwell ing is in good condition, and has attached to it all the necessary out houses. For teims, apply to -, JAS. R. CALLUM. Miltoa ; -. . or, J AS. M. TO WLE8, Raleigh. July 16.1847. . . . . 67 tf '. A Dictionary of Poetical Quota tioilCotiiiitir.g of elegant extracts on ev ery aubject. By tout T. Watsoh. M D. " ' u. d. turner; At the North Carolina Book-store. July 10th, 1847. -6g DRTlJjllirs TEGETABLE ELECTpAjijc REPARED BY;fA. UPHAM, New YorkVi egularly educated Physician, who devote bit auentidn almost entirely lo this disease, .-ivo miner al can be delected in thVcompaeiildn. nof' iny' other article that can be diriHty ef indxttctly delereitonai The remedy was invented by DrUpham 'after he left' College. He wai drtven to find a cvtm'Uk thk MjtM, bJ the mir the disease inflicted 0ppi him ; and he how offers the benefits of his discovery to THE WORLD ATEARGE. The Proprietor of the Electusry unequivocally and distinctly avers (snd chALlkwoks coKTRADiCTiow) that it will completely cw Mehttdintarillihd or bleeding PILES OF; THE .LONGEST STANDING, ; no matter how obstinate ihe case may be, or bope Jessly the patient may be considered situated. Three one dollar, boxee baveeniirotjr eradicated tb disease, after it had existed : . IN ITS MOST' TERRIFIC ASPECT S, for twelve, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five years; it) proof of which, the fortunate individuals who were made whole have presented the most positive and unmistakeable testimony. In some instances a cure has been effected by six doses, or half a box after the ingenuity of a hdst bf physicians, and tbe DREADFtfL KNIFE of the Surgeon had been exercised to the utmost with but the: smallest shadow' of success. Theseare not d le assertions, falsely put forth to entrap the credu oos, but solemn and wonderful truths, to which hundreds will testify. Even if a surgical operation were certain to accomplish a permanent cure, it is too disgusting to be thought of, while the agony it engenders is appallng in the extreme, and shatters tbe constitution beyond a hope of recovery.1 The number of persons effectually cured of piles by the Electuary in two years fall but little short of TEN THOUSAND in New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Other cities of the Union. This is a great result to boast, and is not equalled, or even approached, by any event ho ted in the medical history of the world. It is reason able to suppose that sneers will be levelled at these remarks. So they were at Fulton when he first made known the worth of rtfam and its great practical utility so they were at the persecuted Galileo when he published his discovery of the Micboscope so they were at Morse when he hinted at the discovery of tbe Magnetic Telegraph which is now a fami liar and every day affaii. It is safer for tbe suffer 6r t0 TRY BEFORE HE SCOFFS, and procure happiness and a renewed lease of life if he can. Many a man has lost his existence by per mitting his incredulity to master his judgment. The Electuary is particularly commended to the attention of married ladies, the one-half of whom are subjected to the attacks of piles in a modified form. The medicine ran be tafely taken under all circum stances. Either before the piles appear,or after they have made their 6ad havoc, the victim ia made to en dure severe costiveness, giddiness, inflammation of the SPLEEN, KIDNEYS, L1VKH, 1NTE8TINE8, feLAD- and spine, with many corresponding ailments, for the sure cure of all of which nothing equala the Electuary. These professions are not solely mer cenary, but are made with a view of alleviating THE DISTRESSES OF MYRIADS who can discover no method whereby to gain a re storation of their health. This fact will be apparent to all who inspect the medicine, when, by so doing, they may perceive that its cost must necessarily be al most aa great aa the price demanded for it! While this CERTAIN AND SPEEDY REMEDY is to be had so cheap, it is criminal to uegleot to test its worth, and put our Unqualified asseverations in its favor to the last. NEW YORK CERTIFICATE. Messrs. Wvatt & Kktcham Gents. : For several years past I have beeu troubled with Piles, a Very costive state of the bowels, indigestion and weakness of the system. But my complaint not being so severe as to disable me from business, and a dread I had of physiciaus and pateut medicines, that until this Spring I neve'r used auy medicine or applied to a physician for relief. Tbe Piles then being so severe that I allowed several operations to be per formed, without any benefit. Determined after this to try other means, I read an advertisement of a cure guarantied by the use of Dr Upham's Electuary. 1 purchased three boxes at your store, and from the use of which I found myself entirely cured of the Piles and my health much improved. I remain, sirs, your much indebted friend. EZRA DIBBLE, 194 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA CERTIFICATE. Dr. Upiiam Dear Sir : About five years ago I was afflicted with what was called Chronic Dysentery. I have suffered with it ever siuce.und physicians have told me that my liver was affected, and that my bowels were ulcerated.for blood aud pus, attended with a peculiarly putrid smell, were the frequent dis charges. A short time since I made a visit to Mas sachusetts, in hopes of benefit from a change of air, but suffered more severely than ever before. MWhile there a physician offered to cure me for $41), in three months. Happily, in the midst of iuteuse pain, oc casionally relieved by laudanum, I saw in a wrapper of your Electuary a perfect description of my com plaint, together with many certificates of cures. This gave me great confidence iu the medicine, and I purchased a box, and uiue doses of which has ap parently cured me, and am prepared to say every thing in its favor, or render auy service 1 can to ha manity by subscribing to its merits. Respectfully yours, BENJAMIN PERCIVAL. 89 South Sixth sL Letter from Capt. McLean, U. S. N. Rahway, June 16, 1847. " I have been afflicted for years with the piles, and have tried, without anything like permanent benefit, almost everything assuming the name of a remedy. 1 had, as a matter of course, lost all Con fidence in medicine. Uuder this feeling. I was in duced not without reluctance, I confess to use ' Upham's Electuary,' aud having used it for about three weeks according to the directions laid down, I find, to my ntter surprise as well as satisfaction, that every symptom of the disease has left me, 1 think it due alike to Dr. Upham and myself to make this statement. " G. W. McLEAN, late of the U. S. N." Sold, wholesale and retail, by WYATT & KETCHAM, 121 Fultou st. New Yerk, WIL LIAMS, HAYWOOD &.. CO. Raleigh, aud by Druggieta generally throughout the U. S ;. , Notice Tbe Genuine Electuary has the written signature thua (O A. Upham, M. D.) The band ia also doue with a pea. July, J47. 56 TATE of North Carolina HERT FORD COUNTY In Equity, Spring Term, 1847. Mary Williams, The Heirs at Law and .Devisees of H. L. VVilliams. It appearing to the Court that Adolphus H, Jones and wife Martha, and Julia Worrell,' reside beyond the limits el this State : Notice is hereby given to them, the said Adolphus H. Jones, and wife Martha, and Julia Worrell, to appear at tbe Court of Equity, to be held for aaW County,! at tbe Court House, in Winton, on the 4th Monday ia September next, and plead, answer or demur to the complainant's bill, or judgment pro eonftao will be taken as to them; t WM. M. MONTGOMERY, C M. E. July'31.' Pr. Adv. $5 62j. '62 Gw7 ifh,n Commission.- Boxes of Tin-ware ; s of Coffee' Poti 7L SI If consisting" mostry of 6 sites' do. of Wash Banns ; 6 do. Milk Pan ; 6 do. Back els, and pint and tialf jrint eupe. VI e intend to sell them low lor Cash, at wholesale or retail. Also, 3 BoiWpriroe Chewing Tobacco. , Blown and Ground AlumvSalt, by: the pack..- " RaleighJnly 30. w . ? -.-M : .w6)--6t HZjLtLt.rkni nritTiovsirriiiBctn u'" AtVds Office: - ' .TBaTk7?VtM'jVk and Philadel- phiaJTor to purpose oi, adding to bis Stock respectfully iuformslils friends and the PntJ ' lie, that he has just opened a lafge and splendid as. sortmertCofr? ' ti ' :f'; JEWELiilr Aho .tAn'cv goods, large assortment of Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings; Gold atid SHverPencils, Thimbles, Medal lions. Gold Hearts end Crxmses. rc Gold. 8ilVef, Blu and polished Steel Spectacles, Perifocal Spectacle Glasses, a new article, tosoinhs Eyes of all persons very superior Flint Glasses, that may be adjusted in anyjfralpe, at any notice. Silver and Plated Ware. Silver TabIe.Ta,Desrt,tilf and Mustard Spoons, Ladles. Sugar Tongs. BuUetKnivea.Silver mounted Cocoa Nuts, Castors, Candle- ticks, Snuffers and' Trays, Cake Baskets, Coffee, Greques, lintannia Ware, In sells or single pieces, Silver and Plated Cups. - . f t ' - ' Mahlel Clocks, Gold and Silver mounted Canes, Chess men. and Backgammon Boards, Steel Pens, Gilt, Steel, Glass and Satin Beads : Jet Ci-mbs, Se gar and Card Cases, "Purse. Chapman's Razor Straps, Toilet Bottles, and Ladies' Toilet Work Boxes. w " CUTLt21tY. A fine assortment nT Rogers' Razors; Pocket and Pen Knives; Cbmprisinz Powder BoxesCologne and Lavender Waters. Toilet Powder. Shaving and Toilet Soaps. Also, Hair, Tooth and Shaving Brushes. Ittnricnl Instrument. ' Spanish Guitars, Violins. Clarionets, Fluies. Fifes, Guitar and Violin Strings, Extra Violin Bows. Ac, Watches and Clocks repaired in a i superior style. As bis' own personal attention will be given to this department, those persohs having articles of this kind to repair, may rely on their being well and faithfullv eiecuted. Gold and Silver mtnufartUrfed to order, with neatness and punctuality' Highest prices given for old Gold and Silver. - Raleigh, Aug 6, 1847. 63 RAEEIGIT ILIVERY STABLE. JTirHE Snberiber;7fiTateftil for the liberal encour- II ageroent received at bis Establishment daring the past year, respectfully informs he public, that hjs is, at all times, prepared to convey perrons to oi from any part of the Slate, 'with Carriages and Horses that are comfortable" and strong," with' careful aud experienced Drivers. : . , Horses will be kept By the day, week, month, or year, in good Stables, where there is plenty of Cornf Fodder, Oats and Meal, Curry.-cemba, Brushes, f-'oap and Sponge, with experienced and careful, Ostlers to use them -all at prices to suit the times. The Sta bles may be found forty yards West of' the Court House, aud near the Misses PulliaM and the City Hotel. J. G. M BUFFALOE. Horse Drovers will find at all tittles, good accom modation and fine Lots. - March 1847. ' 53 NEW GOODS. ' jrtrE are receiving, rnd will in a few days nave on nana, our en tire Stock bt Spriiitf ri' nuu Buuimrr TA5CI and STifLB JiJsr 2SSSatl3a which We propose tb sell at prices that cannot fail to" please those who wsn Goop,' Cheap and PaPitTt Gobda.Ve, have recein ed np to this time " " "' For thk Ladiks Paris printed and Ombre Shaded Beragea. great variety Blond d- Silk Tissue, Om bre Striped ; Printed Lawns, Jaconets and Cambrics ; best quality Silk Warp A I pace a ; Berage and Muslin Robes ; Organdie and "Book Muslin Robes ; Fancy Berage Scarfs Berage' and Zephyr Shawls a large and splendid assortment of Prints f a general, as sortment of Hosiery, Kid and Silk Gloves, &c, &c Foa Gentlemen Black French Cloths and C"as simeres, Blue, Brown. &cJ Gambroons, Fancy Li n ena, &c. Vestings, London Quiltiug, Sattiuett, extra superfine Cashmere, Marseilles, &c. , Black Siikai;d Satin Vestings. Drap d'Ete. Black Silk, Satin and Fancy Cravats. Poi.gee Handkerchiefs. Black aud While Silk Gloves. Gun) Suspenders &c . And many other things usually in the Dry Goods line, which we think unnecessary to enumerate.. Having had a liberal share- of patronage, (for which we feel grateful,) We can offer almost an en tire New Stock of Goods ; and as our aim is to do a swift business, we will be satisfied with small profits. , HEARTT & JORDAN. March 29. 1847. 26 4L: consisting of Gold and Sjjver Le ve Watches, An chor Cylinders. Venial Escapements. Gold and Steel Guard'Chatns, Sea is, iCeysfbgether with J-tL LlU I OFFER for Sale, the Tract bf LAUD, on which I reside, in tb Countyiof Halifax, con-A taming from 12 to 1400 Acres,1 within five milea of Gaston, in a mile and a half of the River on one side, and in a mile of the Gaston and Raleigh Rail Road on the. other.' . This land combines many advantages, iu proximity to the River and Rail Koad sffords eve ry1 advantage of getting vpeediry to a' market ; but what readers if, still more desirable is. that there can not be found a. healthier situation. 4 The .buildings upon it are all omforuble, and lut lately Tepaired; I invite the attention of gentlemen residing in the fcnljealihy'dlstrfcts of the State to It, Vrith'thef asso rance that I will sefl it upon the most reasonable and accommodating terms.' Should I not eocreed in fin ding a purchaser, prey ioua to. the 15th of November, it will then be offered a public Sale, " At the same lime I abaU offer for sate from 20 to 25 Valuable eiroes.whichI look; great pains in i selecting fop tny owif hse- Expecting fo 'be absei.t from "the State'foPafmnnth r8 two, 'he Land and Negroes Can Wshdwri by'MrHlitifawho W,M l on it in my absence; Wy-l! fN ath!..' Eu wa a ds, residing near tr iulc! vxri;T-JteH.- M08BY. July 17.1847 State 4if WorthtCarolina--NoaTB i f Toa Covbtt. . In Jtiquity 6ing Term, 1847. v R.1 0. & WM. J.-Biitton, AdmVs. 1 JeaM BfssjiadjpTirf Elabe(b. . Jt appearinf ta ilia. 4Uiafactiot, of the Court, that the Defendants, Jesse 0, and wib Elizabeth, are non-residents, it js ordered,' adjuded, and, decreed, that publfcatiorf be made in the Raleigh Register for six -weeks, notifying the 'Defendant to appear a t h next Superior: Cburr of Law and lEdoitTM bavkfld for tbe County of joubamjvoss t th 13WtiM$w in the awer wui aa set ror nearine ex punc , A , - iWHrle.U.'Wjlfiani B-row,' Clerk ahT aster in i .11 11 ii w . r i i m- j in w i uiu. . u v i . .1 . "- WIttlAM BAURQW" C7 iCt. the Tow n of Jackson, on the vnn umaaj juitx fourtbf Monday neirtemher next, ttf plead, an- r .demur to ihe rlajntiii. ptu. or ine cause 'v V&t . 9 ' 1 July 19. - . 58-6w

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