"' 3 i- y; -.r-ro; OROT: CAROLINA GAZETTE. Easg?; WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1847. ' J1 . j -w- . prBLlSHED SEIt-TTSSIlT 'ISD TTBEIIT; BY ; 1 EDITOR ANVyR&PRiETOS: - " TERMS'.1 ' ' Wkult PAa Thr Dollar pr aanum. ierfwe-M- For avery Sixteen Li, first insertion, Oaa Dollar; each aubaequaut inwrtion. Twenty'76 Cent. Caart Orir and JitdicUl AittrtitrmtU will b hareed 25 pr ceaC higher ; '.at i'deducUoB of 33 J pr ctat. will b inada i from .Ua retlar price, for adwrtiMrt ay ma yaar. AdtertisaraeoU, inserted in tha Scxi-Wcekly Rk tsTta, will alio appear iu tha Wiki.t Paper, frea t chaTg. . ! XT Letters to tha Elditor must bo rorr-riiD. OFFER for Sab, tha Tract. of jLAIVD, B nn which I letfMe. in the Utmnty f Halifax, coo :., f.oia I o !40yv Acrea within five mi Ira of ftaitnn in a mile and a half of the ttiver on one aide a mile of tiie OMtow aad'RaMffh Kail Koad oa th other. This land ornlttee ornny sMlvanugea, iu proximity to the River and Rail' Koad affords eve ry mlantege of getting speedify t a market ; but what renders it still more deairahle is, that there can not be fuond a healthier artuai ion The hoiUiingi apon it are alt oinfartalile. and but Tately repaired' I invite the attention of jrntlemeri reilin? in the unheal'hj districta of the Slate to St with the au rance that I will aell it upon the moat reasonable aad ccomaodahf' terms.! Shoold I not Succeed in fin Jiag a purchaser, previous to the 15ih of November, it will then be offered at Public Sale. At the same time, I shall offer f eala from 10 to 25 voidable Nfjroea, which I. took great paiua in lectin t tur my own uae. , Expecting, ta be absent from the State, for a xnnth pf . two, tha Land and tgrnes can ba hown by Mr. Haaais, who will be it in mi atMence, or by Mr. Nath'l. Ewds. residinf near t iu July 17, 1847. FL H. MOSBx-. D-tf United-States Army. RECRUITING SERVICE. WANTED for- tb Uarrto STATta Armt, ABLE-BODIED MEN, betweaa the aea ef 13 and 35 years, beinv above 5 feet 3 inehee high, of gd character, and ofeepactableataodiag among their fellow-ciliaeos. - Nona need apply to enter tha service, but those who are deterwiad ta serve hea eatly and faithfully, the period of their enlistment, vix: 44 driz the rer" with Mexicy or-for the term ef jCte yegrr, aa the reruk may alect. Testable shows th a- nomt tf pay ieAk Pay of ArtUle iPay of Dra- re Zi. Iofantryleooas k Ri enlisted soldiers, ao- iSoldiers, andlflemen ban tording t their res- of DraKOona SLvnoipUed. pectxoe grades, are en , lifZed' receive, Jor, Rinemeu wh d scrvUg am foot. their seructs. Pay Pay per for 5 yjrs. 8 8 Ta theS't Major, Qr master S'rt, ehnf ran aician. 6c chief Bojlerj eaeh ' "' ' s To 1st S'gt of Cemp'y Orduance Srganta All other Sgts each Corporals Bnglers . Miisieians 17 16 1H 13 9 204 192 1021 1 204! 1020 S6(. 16 192 960 780 2 161 !08( 156 108 7m 1 156' f54t 48t 4 6ft 661 421 1(H 1201 600 540 8 9$ 9 lQg 8 96 Farriers Sc. blacksmiths. r. n 132 I3S ' 84 II 1321 660 Artncera Privates 961 480 A bounty of TWELVE DOLLARS will b paid to each recruit enlisted for the Artillery, Infantry or mounted lesimtUt : Ama. osc hoitdbed asv butt acres or lard, -or 9100, op being honorably dis charged. Besides the monthly pay. above stated, one ration per day is allowed every soldier, which is amply suf ficient for his rabsistenoe -also, a large aupply of comfortable aad genteel clothing. , . Good quarters and fuel are at al) lime furnished ; and every atteu t n wilt he pa rf to makld ' thowe men who may en list, and art, determined to serve their country m rood faith, comfortable and c ntrated with their situ at ion. The best medical attendance is always pro vided for the' sick soldier ; aud no deducliou of pay1 is made during the period he is unable to pefonn his doty. Should the soldier be 'disabled in the line ef his doty, the laws provide pension for him. By the above it is seen that the pay and allow ances are respectable, and that, with prndenee aud economy, the mon'hly pay of, the soldier may be laid up as everything 'requisite for bi comfort and con- veaienee is fernwHed by tha Government, including bis sugar and cofiee. .The prudent soldier, therefore, may readily save from 8420 to $1020 during his en listment of Five teabb ; and at the expiration of the term, her can; if he chooses, purchase a small farm in aay ef tha Western Slates, and there settle him self comfortably on bis own land, for the reat of bis life, " s The swrn of TWO DOLLARS wUI e paid lo any crrrzEK. m-ammiuiaed officer. or soldier, who ah ail bring to tha rendezvous an able-bodied .recruit, who shall be regularly, ealieled., Tbe citizen should pre sent his recruit to the Lieutenant or Captain, and not x the Recruiting Sergeant. " - , GEO. W. HAWKINS, 2d Lieut. Reg. Mounted BioVmen, and Recruitiug Officer. Recroitiog Rendezvous, ) Raleigh. N.C.. 1847. : ' " ' ' 78 Fall Goods and Fashions ! ! TTUT received, a fine' assortment of CLOTHS, )) , CA&S1MERES. VESTLNGS' and TRIM MINGS, iaclodiag every alykof Goods desirabl for this or tbe approaching aeasou ; some of jwbichi re very fiue. Also, SJiirts, Collars, Scarfs. Cravats: Stocks, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs and Flannels, all of which will be sold at very tow, prices, for cash. Th subscriber return hi sincere thanks lo the' public, for tha liberal patronage already betowed ou him aud trusts that bis untiring efforts to please his palraua will meet with further encouragement.' - ALEX. NELSON, Merchant Tailor, Opposite Market House, Fayetteville Street. SePL5I,l347: riDY Am. .Nelsobt. n spriahUr BOY from 14 ILD to 16 years old, to learn thaTailwring Busi tiee. ntauuara copy., 70 ti FRESH-RICE, Just received at lhe -Auction and Gwnmwton Oiore ,,f ... aj a urmticvi Pay Pay Pay Pay per per lor 5 per ai'a a'm y'ra. ah ; liTg 1 8 IS Sept. 59. 78 w Wb w- . . . THE JETTtf A INSCllAtfCE COMPA NY, of Unrtford, Codd. Offers to insara Buildings and Merchandize', against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This ta oue of the oida and best Insurance Com panieainthe Unhed6tates,andpaisitslosesprompt ly. Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or Ha vi cintty ,tft t made lo ; , 8; W. WtllTINa. July, 1847. . Agent. JACOB SLIDER, Jr. ' Importer k Wholewle h Retail Dtaler in WIS ES, lilQCORS, Sic. OF ALL COUNTRIES, No. 70 Walnut 8tret, tPOQaaaaiiasaQaaipaaa INVITES the attention of the Trade and consumers to hi ex lenive slock of good, pure Wines, dj-c., of various gradea and prices : all of , which have been carefully selected by him in Europe, Principally in the Districts roKcrt Troiucei. AN EXPERIENCE or twenty year in this busi ness, and as successor lo the late Joaic Vacsbaiv, Esq. witn an extensive European connection, and a direct iersoaal knowledge of the principal Wine di tricit ol France, Germany, &c. enable him lo guar antee the excellence and good condition of every ar ticle sold by him. His new Store and Cell-re, ar ranged and built for the purpose, insure the preserva tion of his wines in perfecc.nditkn: and the present 8 lock having been landed principally beore the first of December lart, when the new and high Tariff on Winea took effect, enables him to aell on the moet ad vantageoua terms. 5 y Descriptive Cataloguee furnished on applica tion personally or by. letter ; in ordering Wisxs from which, aaliafactinn will be guarantied. Wises ic. Imfortxd to Okder, Scbjxct to Ap proval on Arrival. March 99, 1847. t ly ttORE If EW AND SEASONABLE k; Dry Goods. TTp ECENT arrivals have placed in poseaenion of the uadiTsigued, at his New Establishment on Fayetteville street, in addiliou to his former stock, of which auauucialion has already been made in the public prints, another New and most BtAOTirvL scr- rkT or bason able lb bouM, wimcd are renmraa biv cbeao. and to which be would repeclfully iuvile the atleulioa of the tasty aud iulelligeat purchaser, to wit : Fiae aad Medium Irish Linens, Plaid aad Jaconet MuJius, Bobbin Edging. Lisle Lace aud Edgings, Elegant plaiu and twilled Ginghams, Liueu Cambric tlanukerchiet. Beautiful Calicoes, and splendid French Muslins (o Geullemen'a while Kid Gloves, new dtugasj do. " Berlin aud Cotton ditto, Turkey Red, Cello u, Drillings and Naukeen, PUid Gimbroou and alriped Jeans, Fixe Clotbs and CAssiMEass, UaAr D'Ete aad other goods for Gentlemen's sum- Marseillee Vexliuz, mer wear, Cauvass, Padding and all other trimmings, Fine bleached Sbirtiog and Jeana, Cravats, Suspenders aud Umbrellas, Shore and Slippers, for both Gentlemen and Ladies. Groceries, China, Crockery and Glass, of almost every description. JAMES LITCHFORD. Raleigh. Jane 1Q, 1847. 47 A RARE CHANCE! FOR SALE, the large and delightfully shaded DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT, new oc cupied by P. Bcsatx, Esq. and known a the Shaw Lot. This property is situated near tbe centre ef the City, and o a business man. would be one of the must pleasant and desirable Residences. Tbe Dwell ing is in good condition, and has attached to it all the necessary out houses. For lerms.BppIv to J A 8. R. CALLUM. Milton ; or, J AS. M. TOWLE8, Raleigh. July 16, 1817. a? tf A CARD. A PERSON well acquainted with Merchandising A in all its details, is deeiroua ol associating him sell with a Gentleman of Capital wishing lo engage in the Mercantile business, either in this place or elsewhere ; or being a competent 8alesman and Book Keeper, be wonld willingly ba employed in ibet ra pacity in a respectable concern. Apply at the Office of the Register. Raleigh. Sept. 17, 1847. 73 tf PICES, and ESSENCES, of every variety, on baud and for aale by Aug. 26. ;PESCUD & JOHNSON. GROCERIES. "FTd ROWN. Loaf, Crushed, ami Pulverized STJ lD GAR, Coffee, Teas. Molasses. Salt and Iron, cneau for Cah. at the Auction and tyommisaioii Store of N. B. HUGHES. 4HHIS DAY PUBLISHED; No. 2, Vol. A. sJJL TURNER'S North Carolina Almanac, for 1848 Far sale wholesale and retail, at tha North Carotin Bookstore, Raleigh, by HENRY IX TURNER. .. September 15, 1847. , 75 TTV7IIITE Sulphur and Congress V V Water. A fresh supply of While Sul- phur and Congress Water, just received and for sale by PESCUD & JOHNSON. Angnst 26. 69 flHE Subscriber wishes to purchase 10,000 lbs. ef X good Tallow, 'for Which be will 'pay Market ijriee. k d. si. Bur f ALOE. a Raleigh, Sep. 9, 1847. 73 ' N. D. HtTGIlES, f AUCTION'AMD COMMISSION MERCHANT, A ND treneral Agent, for' Ihe sale ol all kinds of. Al Goods, CoantrT Produce, Real Estate, Vc., will attend promptly to all business that may ba entrusted to hrm. ; . Raleigh. July C . 1847. -.i.. ir . 55 - FLOUR FIEAIU Ac. LOUR, Corn Meal, Corn, Bacon. Lard, 4c for sabs at he Auction and Commission Store J; ...- , i iJi:i ft, B. HUGHES. A LARGE supply of Tarr'a Qninlne, purchased aTA before the recent advance 4 in 'priee. on hand aad for tale br'ui Ui H rESCUl- JUIUtsow. Aagust 26. ;i t-; ,.9 A SUPPLY of Castor ai.ilBam Coparrir Oil CubeU and Capsol bn hand and for sale by Ang. 26. PESCUD & JOHNSON. pi OLSH's laatetteawA supply f GoJ.h's HJ4 auperwr Matches, iu, wood boxes just received aad for sale by - PESCUD & JOHNSON. ' -.MTHE PETERSBURG IRON, BELL AND BRASS ur uar sar jje aa xw Machine, Smith-Shop, Edje-Tool Factory, &e. In full operation. THE undersigned returns 'hii sincere thanks to the citizens of Petersburg, and the public gene rally, fur the liberal eticouregeinent he has received, and hopes (as he has a more extensive assortment of Patterns, more and better machinery, 'two good Cupolas or Furnaces, belter workmen, and the' whole Eslaldishment belter arranged and systematized,) by continued efforts to give satisfaction to all who may faybr him with their patronage. He is prepared to execute orders for Casiiog from an ounce weight to sixty hundred. MILL GEARING Of every description ; Shafting. Spindles, Screws, dee. Castings for every description of Cotton Ma chinery. WATER-WHEELS. He is manufacturing Howd's Cast Iron direct act ing Water-Wheel, and has made a number, which have been tested with great success, and is believed, from it structure, durability sgd strength, to surpass all otbar W heels under less head of water lhau 14 feet. The agent for the above Wheels is here, who gives hie whole attention lo putting ibem up. The subscriber is also manufacturing Hotchkiss re-actiog Wheel. STEAM ENGINES, High and Low Pressure. TOBACCO PRESSES. He has on hand a number of various sizes, fin ished up complete, which be would sell at reduced price for Cash, or on time to punctual customer. Flattening Mills, Patent Bands, Sinkers, Levers, &c, al reduced prices. HOGSHEAD KCREW8, With Box, Plate and Ink, all complete, for 35. EDGE TOOLS. He has on hand, and continues manufacturing, Cast 8teel Axes, and other edge tools,- warranted e qual to any made al the North. , Waggon Boxes, both ground and in the rough. 8ad Irons, of all sizes. Fire Dogs of varioua patterns. Furnaces, suited for heating Churches and 8tores. Stoves, of different sizes, lor Factories and Offices, G rat as of various patterns. Plain and Fancv. IKON RAILING. Doth Caat and Wrought Plain and Fancy. Hoisting Machine, lor Store and Ware-house, on an improved plan. Pumpa for Wells, of various constructions. Cotton Gins, and Horse Powers. PLOUGHS, PLOUGHS. He hss on hand a heavy stock of Ploughs and Plough Castings, of various Patterns, from I , to 4 Horse, viz : Eagle or Meadow, Davis, McCormick, Premium, Clarkaville, Fiee Born. Bar Shear, Seed, Corn, Side Hill, D., die , which he will sell at unu sual low prices. Portable Corn Mills, of superior construction. Uorn Shelters and Sirs w cutters, hfashing Machines. Fan Mills, dec. ; and all oth er articles usually made at such establishments. Hsving from 45 to 60 Hands employed, and some as good workmen as can be found in the State, he hopes to give as general satisfaction aa to price, work manship and despatch, as any other similar estab- ishmeut. "- He would respectfully invite all who are willing to giva him an equal chance with Richmond or the Norib. to give him a call. ny Orders left with Mars. Mcllwsine 6t Urown- ev. Messrs. w or w. u. morion, si dhidop p wiu street, or at the Foundry, will be promptly attended to. U. V ELLS. Petersburg, March 6. e It if flTCHE Subscriber wuhe to sell that valuable II Tract of Land, immediatelv adioininsr the City of Raleigh, known a the Wuterluo Tract,' containing between 400 and 500 Acrea. Also, ano ther Tract of ISO Acres, adjoinm the above 1 ract, known as ihe " Busby Branch Tract. Tbe above Lands are so well known, that descrip tion is deemed unnecessary. Am.lv to the Subscriber, or to the Editor of the Register." JAMko 11. COOKS. February 10, 1847. 13 tf Williams, Haywood & Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, RALEIGH, N. C Keep constantly on hand a large and mll-ttleded stock of Foreisn and Native Dru AX3 ENGLISH, FRENCH A.XD AMERICAN CHE&1ICALS, Which baa been carefully selected from the Northern Cities, with strict reference to ihetr purity, and may be relied on with full confidence. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Of auDcrior aualitv and fine finish, from the most spproved American Manufactories. Our stock of PAINTS, OIES AND PYE-STUFFS, la always large and complete, comprising in part the following, vis: American White Lead,! Linseed, Lamp, Sperm I dry and in Oil, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Yerdigris, Chioesa Vermillion, Tenitian Eed, Tanners' Oils, Indigo, ladder, Ext. Logwood, Copperas, Dye-Stuffi generally, Spanish Brown, LSATHEB, COACH, TUEitlTUKE kt. fce. . JAPAN VAElflSHtt, Together with a large and well-selected stock of FRENCH & AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, Which we recommend to Picture Dealers, Builders, and others. Tobucco", Segnrs and SnnlTs, Of tha verv best quality t and superior madeira. Slierrr; Claret and Port Wine, French Drandy and London Drown Stout. AH of which ta offered for aale at unusually low price, and upon the most accommodating terms. Orders from Physicians and others promjoly executed. and particular attention paid to packing and for .. warding., ; " Ur,. 187. 40 BECKWITITS ' ANTI-PYSPEPTIC TTBESCUD dc JOHNSON ; have been appointed II Whnl.l. and Retail AcenU for the sale, of this well known and widely circulated article A lare buddIv lust Drepsred and upw on hand. Prices ihe same aa at tbe Factory. N . B. None can ba relied upon as genuine, with out the WKiTTxa signature of the Pruprictpr upon each Box. Raleigh, Miy 12,1847. 39 1,000 CASES FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF Boots, Shoes and Brogans, AT, THE LADIES1 SALOON, On Main Street, near Walter's City Hotel, Norfolk', Vn. THE SUBSCRIBER, having re cently enlarged bis Store for retail ing, and having taken tbe whole bouse for wholesale goods, he is now prepared to show the largest and best stock of Boots, Shoes and Brogans, for tbe Fall and Winter trade, whicb.be haa ever bad; He has juet returned from the North and East, where he has visked all the principal Shoe manufactories and purchased from them bia stock at cash prices almost entirely. He will therefore be enabled to sell to Country Merchants and others, at very low prices. HE HAS NOW ON HAND, 5,000 pairs Men's very heavy thick Broganf, doa ble soles and double stitched. 2.000 pairs Men's coarse Brogans, 2d 3d quality. 3,000 do do lined and bound Brogans and Boetees. 1,000 pairs Men's coarse thick Cowhide and Grain Leathef Boots, double soles, the very best quality. 400 pairs Men's Fitberraen Boots, made of heavy wax Leather and Grain Leather very long legs to wade in, and double soles. 6(K) pairs Gentlemen's Water Proof Boots, with double'Calf Skin uppers and heavy double soles. ,000 pairs Gentlemen's Napoleon Boots, with nailed and lug bottoms, assorted qualities. 5,000 pairs Women a Leather Boots, assorted kinds, such ss heavy Kip, Wax and Grain Leather, and Goat Skin Bootees. 2,000 pairs Women's Leather Sfcoes and Buskins. BESIDES THE ABOVE GOODS, We have more than our usual supply of Ladies' Shoes, Ladies' Gaiter Boots, and over 20.000 parra Children's Shoes; Men and Women Servants' Shoes, Travelling Trunks of every kind, Valixes and Carpet Bsss; all of which makes pur asortmenl unusually large and very attractive - the whole of it will be old cheap for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. Country Merchants and Strangers viaiting IMortolK, and the public generally, are respectfully invited to call and examine our extensive assortment before buving. Tbe Lsdies Saloon is on. Main Street, near VY fil ter's City Hotel. W. H. ADDING I OiN. September !5. 78 Henry D, Turner,. PRINCIPAL AGENT for Maynard & Noves' Celebrated Black Writing INK, for the Quill or Steel Pen. This Ink has stood the test of more than , thirty years' trials, and during this time baa been constant ly increasing in public favor and patronage, and ta now the leading article in the country. It flows with freedom, becomes permanently black, and will not mould under any circumstances. Rsleitb. Aug. 7. (Standard.) 63 TO SPORTSTOEX. 6 PATENT ItX BABBKL STELlREVOt1 VJUVU UtD REPIUTlAG PAS TOLA. CB. ROOT haa just received a fine lot or Guns, Powder, Powder Flasks, Shot Bags. Bird Bags, dec, all of which will be sold lew. Aug -f. 63 a, LARGE supply of GLASSWARE and SHOP sjeb FURNITURE, jwt to hand aud for sale by PESCUD & JOHNSON. August 26. (Standard- 69 LOTTERIES. COEVIN & CO.'S OFFICE, MUSEUM BUILDINGS, BALTIMORE, MD. CORRESPONDENTS are reminded that du ring ihe present and month following, there will be a series of tbe miwl attractive Lotteries drawn. the like of which we may aay is unparalleled in the bistorv of Lotteries. Perrons desirous of examining the Schemes, (par ticularly those of the 29th September, Capital 50, 000, and of the 27th October, Capital $60,000.) can have them forwarded gratis, by addressing usi GRAND CAPITALS. j 60,000 Dollars 15,000 Dollars 60.000 do 12.000 do 40,000 30.000 25.000 20,000 dec do do do do 10,000 8,000 5,000 4,000 do do do do &c. die. Ticket from $1 to f 20 packages of tickets on as favorable terma as offered ty any other venders in tbe United States. (TP We pay all postages, to and from our office. OmciaJ drawing sent under envelopea to all ordering t ckets from this agency. All correspondence strict ly confidential. Prompt attention to orders. Ad dies COLVIN dc CQ- N. W. Corner Baltimore dr, Calvert t.. ' Baltimore, Md. September 1847. 73 120O Valuable Mills, Land. &c,3 FOR SALE. rpflE SUBSCRIBER, offers for sale that valuable X Property, known as StmucK's Ulills, situa ted on Neuae River, six miles from Raleigh, on the Stage road leading to Tarborough. The Mill has 16 feet fall of water, and of sufficient quantity at all time to carry three Griat Mill and a Saw Mill. which are daily running. The situation is a most eligible one for the erection of a Cotton or Wool Factory ; and a competent judge has said that (here ia sufficient water-power to carry the Mills already in use. and 5,000 spindles. He also wishes to sell the Buildings and Land ad joining. Tbe I ract contains 210 Acres, one-baU woodland, and all of the very first quality. There IB also every variety of Out-houses on the Premises, such ss Barns, dec., as good as any in the County, with a Tan Yard, and Distillery attached; There ia besides, a fine young Orchard ; of Apple and Poach 1 reee, just beginning to bear FruH. The above valuable Property ia offered at private sale i but U nol disposed, of .by the 25th of October (instant,) tha whoia. wjllbe exposed to public aale on ibat day, on. the premises, at 10 o clock, A. M- together with the Slock of Cattle and Hogs, Corp r ouuer, etc, He. . ... : . rersons wiatjing to purchase, will, el course, ..ex amine the property, who will a'wsye find the Sub scriber on the premises, ready to exhibu soy or al of the fixtures, oic. For further particulars, addre the Subscriber, or tbe Editor of the Resister," Ra kigh, N.fj. WM. N. SHAUCK. October 5. 1847. 80 ta THOMAS B. IlinilLEt, - ATTORNEY AND SOUCIfufc, ' ' ' ' COMMISSIONER FOR KOBTH: CARQUA', To take Testimony, Acknowledgements kc ,,t . 79 iaau-Street, .-... ....... ixw York. 'December 26, 1846. , , , . 104 ly Monsieur Alexander lYcIson, begs leave to inform tbe Citizens of Raleigh and vicinity, that he haa opened a Merchant Tailoring Store on Fayetteville Street, a fevr door North of the old Post Office, where he is openimi fresh from this North, and of the latest importations.. a complete m- sortment of Memcbart Tailors' Goons, bought at reuueeu: prices, and which be will make op to order in an unsurpassed style, both as retrards amine? and making. Those who prefer to furnish their owrj Goods, either to make up, or io cut only, can regt assured that no pains will be spared to give them en tire sati-taction. All that Mous, vi. asks, is a trial. sure that a fashionable and intelligent public will ap preciate his professional qualities. Cest a Toeuvrt que ton eonnait furtisle, . July 20, 1847. ' &8 ly AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, At HT. R. HUGHES Auction and Commission Store. I HAVE now on hand, a great variety and mixed collection of GOODS, conaisting ol Dry Goods, Urocenes, Hardware, Iron, Books Paper, ink, c. &c. &c. all of which is offered at UBusual low prices. for Cash usir. at ibe Auction and Commiaaron Store of N.B.HUGHES. JXriO 2- HE subscribers offer for sale the Tract of Land on which the late James Wtcbe resided, sit uated on Tar river in the County of Granville, within twelve miles of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, and containing llOO acres. About oie half is wood land, and one fourth of the Tract, river low grounds. There are two good dwelling bouses on the premises and all other necessary buildings for a farm in good order. The above land is surpassed in fertility by few. if any Tracts in this part of the Stale, and .is sit uated in a pleasant and healthy neighborhood. Terms accommodating. For further particulars, address the aubscribers at Henderson, N. C. ' P. W. WYCHE, J. T. WYCHE. July 18, 1847. Ex'r's. 48 if Fall and Winter Clothing ! nl -L. HARDING would respectfully inform the Ji2i citizens of Raleigh and vicinity, that be is now receiving his slock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, and will in a few weeks be in receipt of aa large and complete an assortment as ever wasopened in this mar ket. His Clothing has been manufactured in a very superior style, of good materia!?, expressly for this market ; therefore, those that wish lo purchase fash ionable and well made Clothing, al Northern prices, will do well by giving him a call. Just received a lot of black Cloth Dress and Frock coats; blue black Beaver Over and Frock coals; Rough and Ready, and Blanket Over coats v black Doe Skin Cassimere and Cloth Pants ; Fsncy Cas- simere and Satinet rants:, black Satin-, ttfrino. Cashmere and Valencia Vests ; under Shirts. Linen Boom Shirts, Drawers, Scarfs, Cravats, Collars. Suspenders, Gloves, die. ; at the store on Fayette ille street, one door above the corner known as B . B. Smith's. Raleigh, Sept. 16, 1817. 75 5m Standard copy. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TO tbe Legatees of the late Alexander Pebnt. of Wake County, that their respective shares of the BaiJ deceased's Estate is now in my hands ready to be paid over to them. And I also give no tice to all concerned, that 1 will pay no interest upon the same, from and after the third Monday of Au gust, 1S47. JESSE PENNY, 81 t J Executor. O. E. RURCII & CO. t ARE now opening their Fall Stock of Boots, Suoi'S, &c, which consists in pari of I. Rob inson s Ladies' Buskin Welts, Morocco, Do . d. Kid, Do the finest stitched do Do Gum Elustic Sandals, patent article, , Do do Over Shors, do Gentlemen's Gum Elalic Sandals, do Do Do Over Shoe, met die, Misses Boots, Women's do. Morocco do. "Seal, Boys Shoe's, all kinds; Children do., L Robinson s make ; Women's Leather Boot, do. Shoes, Men's coarse Boots, do. Shoes ; in fact, every thing in our line. Oct. b. 81 nrkO yon want a home near the City of Oaks? H w The Subscriber offers for sale, on reason atHe terms, his House and Lot, situated in tbe East ern suburbs of the City of Kaleigh, and occupied by Mr. James D. Nun.h. The pre in we are well impro ved, aud the Dwelling admirably suited far a small family. The Lot cootaius nearly an acre of land; there is also a Well of excellent water lit the yard all necessary out-houses, &c ' .: ' f or terms, address tbe Subscriber at Clarksville, Va., or apply to Wesley Wbiiaeee, Sr., residing in the City ol KaJeigb. ' t W. WHITAKER, Jr. Mecklenburg Co., Va,, ) Pr. Adv. $1 25. October 6. 1847. ( bl .t Tf IFE of Gen. WIN FIELD SCOTT S-i a 1- y jjuwiiu iuauaueia, caq. vcu i. 04 n. u. 1 uivii XjH. reTTISS PAR DOE'S New Work, is XV Jl IX ParU 50 oenu each ; embellished by nrs- UHsrwu engravings. - i . , :.f . , Louis the Fourteenth, and the Court of France in tbe 17th century. 11. D. TURNER, October 7. : . - VN,' C Bookstore. PT OC0310TITE1 ENGINE tor Sale. 1 4 The Kail Road Engine, Pocahontas; and Ten der, in good order, having' been Very recently repair ed, and now in running order. For terms, apply to - - EDWIN JAMES, .. ' :4 QUIN MORTON. Petersburg, Oct. & . 81iw2w ' NOTICE. ' ' ' '" HE Officers, Soldiers, and Jlssicians ofte 3fiV P.m'noni r. hrfbv eafflinioaiiid In na. radeon Hillaboromrh atreet. iu the Clty of "Raleich. on Saturday. the Sd3d""iustant, at II o clock, armed and equipped according to law, lor the purpose ol Regimental drill. The Commissioned Officers and .Musicians will meet the day pravioua at the usual place of drill, and bold Court Martial. ' - f . U r WM. SP. HAYES; Lt. Col. 36th TL I shall on the same day 'of drill, proceed lo bold an electioo for Colonel, occasioned by tiie,raigalieni af CL WUlia Pope, By'order of : H fei JOSEPH a UTTLEJOHN, Brig. Ge. October?, lb47. , , 81 rST;:MARS?SCfl001 U commence ou the JOUi of Noveuiber," aud cou tinueill tha I5th of Ajml, ''- . fTERM8 -Pajtabij: hi Apvahbc: j s . For board aud Eogliah TuUou,pe Texin , of fiye Monibv, , - u 45100 Oft For Tuitioa ia French;;; ,4 , ukifi fJ 16 kW Tuition in Music, on the Piaue, Chgtn Qtiy f . Guitar, -r u .' -ill ftiuk 25l00 1 Will $3 00 fortlie use of PUoaorOrgauV 'aiiUii Tnition on tb H.rp, , jib'juMi.. of, IvnHtsydu-ii v: manias., ' " :Jl : i M4&; Tuition In Drawing and Fainting, in water . . - i". t Colora,.,:-: r-:... j;. ". Oil Colors, v -V r.j -a';-',! t- HiSM Pens aud Ink,. . .-, t u N. 3- To prevent rivalry and extravagance ia dress, a simple Uniform is doptedHto be. used Ota Sundaya aud special , occaiuonav Tb'is htWiater, consists a. darkblue Dress, who strawrbonnat trirrimed with blue ribbon. For their ordinary appa-t rsl, tha Pupils may wear dreesea of Calico, Gingham or such other material suitable' for; School -gir lay aa their wardrobes furnish.. .Jewels are prohibited The Religious services of the School being held m the Chapel by the. Rector, Pupil bava rarely eca sioa to visit the City. v They: are allowed to 4w, only under special guardiausbip. . s . 4 &iw Kaleigh. Sept. 28, J847.. i . 78 N10 , TRINITY SGHOOL, Eight JTljIes West of Raleigli, X, C. Right Rev..L. & IVES, D. Visiter, Rev. FORDYCE M. HUBBARD, Reetor. ' THE second Term of this School will commenea on the lOlh daj of JS'pvember.,; ; -js . , TERMS Patabie WAdvamjci j.r r For board and Tuition in a course of atttdieft fitting; the Pupi! for entrance iulo any clasa ia College, in cluding French; if desired, $87 '50. Aa a general rale, boys will not be received over fourteen year of agtw x A Uniform dress for Sundays1 and special occasiotiB will 1 be renuired7. "lhfiB wiB consist in Winter ef a roundabout, and pant afodnar ABt . " . . 01 aarK grey cletn, wtlb black: veet.The-ordinary wearing apparel most be plain and etrongV ' Besides) a sufficieucy of outer ! clolbUigt boye require, eight shirts, six pair of Blockings orsockssix pbcket-btuid-' kerchiefs, six towels, nigbt clothe etc., all distinct ly marked with the owner's name to full. 1 K THE Petersburg Fire and Marino Insurance Company, (atvtheir offico in the Exchange Building, Bank Sueel, Petersburg,) continue to Uke Marine KUka on .Vessels, Cargoes and Freights, and to insure Dwelling Houses, Build-' ings in general, Fu'rniture, Good,- Wares and Mer chandise, of every descriptioAagainst loss or damagV by fire, both in town and country! on the most liberal! terms. ' " DIRECTORSj-:-f i; ' Benjamin Jones; - D'Arcy Pault 3"' Arch'd G. McUwuae;y AdrewVKevaniY tvl Joseph Bragg, ; Edmund H- Osborne, r ' John Bragg, . Joseph D. White, ' ''" 'i homa N. Lee',; ', ' Edwin James, V ' David Dunlop, l. ! f George W, Boiling;;?; , ' BENJAMIN JONES, President, A RCH'D. G. McIL WAlNEr V. Prea't. vy iixiAjc o. Bixraov, Sec , , August 10, 1847. C.4fii 'Drugs, PerfnrnerVi." Chemicals. Dvti Stnffs. faints, Oils, and Fancy Articles have been realea- ished,' and .a, regard ih vrUyfjand jteringl ugad. which Ihey are offered toe guarantee f atisfactiptt to . all who inay favor us with their patrenafir. r - Wholesale ' atid ' Retail Drozsisuk Aug. 26L 1847. ' (Staudard.) 69 SUPERIOR Flour to hand. 1 v STOUT SHOES, for men and women COTTON OSNABURGS, Shirttng'atid JShm ing, bought mostly with ' the car h; and will be aoll for -small profits, for the cash. ; -t1 " will. PECK 4- SON;. Sept 28. ' . ' FOR RENT, above my. Store, opposite) tha. Market House, two beautiful room with pri vate entrance and adapted to btutinesa or atodyi: bft ficeS- or bed-rooms. sSf. v?4! iacjt alex kelson; Raleigh, Aug. 6. (Standard.) 63 Just Published in one large octavo yptuzaa. illustraud with Twelve Plate, and over Ono' Hundred other J&ngra? ings neatly bound a muV lin price 3 'j6i. .' ,v . f '3 FITXHE HORTICULTURIST, ind Journal sf ii Rural Art and Rural Taste; Vol. I. fcvrAl il DO WN ING, Esq., Author of oLandiapetJlarden ing,. Designs for Cottage Resklence FrtiriS aud Fruit Tree if AenerkrrTbJuoI&omf braces t ' ' Cf f. '-xxfit . vtba 'd-M ? is.'t 1. Design for yillai; Cotfages, Coubtry Houses, Ics Houses; Vineries, Gates, &c ' tc with 23 tni ttnr and Alan. w - r agement nf Hedgei-tsilection, Culture and t)crjpi y yiuiucuiai a rees, (xt., ou., ,wiul io.amu trations ' .wi tte'-Ui4- vt": - jrMv15 jf.ait.fi 11L J he Description and Cultivation of Froua and Fruit Trees, and, the reatme jt th i'ases. Ja which, ibey are subjecU 3'his. deparimerit epibraccf Figures and particular DeWnptiojM of y ppW Chc- ries. Fig. Goosebenies, Oranges, P.eacbesV iKssra, Ploms Raspberries, Sirawberrie, c wiih; nsarly 60 Engravings, mostly figure of rniu'trii-"" f IV. Description and Cultivation of select varieties of Flowering PUnis and Shrubs, with HO engrsviegs; . V. Gardening in general, Botsny Ealomology Rural EconAmy;.re f e.if j4?;Vi ii' It will be Seen from this ennmeration of diS wibi jecla embraced in this rlamsr'that It ia just such work 1 required by the rursP popdIsUont of Ouf country, fiiroisbtng; aait doesrths klcrmatfoh; signs,- suggestions, &e!f beeessify 'enabtbttr Farmers sod Horticulturist. to erect lajrtefol ar.d'con vsnient residence and oof-bundiegs, nd to beautify and adorn Ibem -with lawns,' ornsmentar' trees and Dowering snrsn smf 'p!ants,eSftd- to furcuh:theni runs ef.tb Horiicalturi.'wM issued oalb firit'aC JiTyJ sid Bill lui '.h.i:. j'i'.. l . ' f- . ' . -1 rliiiiflW II DY recent arnvals our Stock of. Medicine. ""li'i u Aescnpxious and estimate, and K marks bn the Color of Country HiWsr1 ' ; II. Re'markon; hiaiickpti Gardening, Wd ing and Mahagraerit of Lawn Planting and'Mari. t vn us urns w esctt foe" AOber writaini'ng 48 ja'gea r-b'' --' "Jt.by llate, and numeroua other engrvinTi ''i'crrs, 19 issr. : Pohlished at hm ofiics f "Tfct CcMvtrsrJ ANny. N. by LUTHER JtXR. v Augttat jm ' WWEiZ is Jftnjfor tte Untv&irisa .at Raleifk. r 1 r.,. rV ,:f.' io : - . 4 r r t ! IPi if rf- 1 if I ' I ! if lit f 1 1 i V J J 1 . i 1 h I L Si . 1 Ms i S. Ml m n 11 -t I; ia I' ! 1! It 1 hi I r PI ,1

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