::j:vx0.;;: ;::jpr;- " (iffe '.''(I i1jr flttf- ill " "$ ii&3liiaCTH CAROLINA II r i Hi . . , . - ... . .. lil t- '.III .-- : k-. . . . f,v ... to ; la ,cS-. PFBLIsnEB SESI-WEEKLY AXD WEBItT, BT t EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS. ; StUcriptio. Sm-WticLT PrtR Rt dol- tr per ' it Y'tnvT rAFKft I nroo iaiiarv pvr taium. 4 letrtix ments. For every Sist ten Lie$, tint, 5,jrtion, Oae DuIUr; ch uWuut iusrtion, Yeaty-e Cents. . Crt Order and Jmaieial Aaperiiatmtmtt will be thared 35 Pf epat bifche; Jednctk ef 33 J -r rent wi!t be made from tie regular prices, for ,Jfert Vytbe year. ; . , AdrertisemenU, Inserted in the St- KCKZ.T Kk- irra, will also appear Ui the Wkkklt Paper, free jj- Letters to the Editor most be "rost-PAiix. IOrrfiK tor aait, oe iraci oi iru, on which I reside in the County f Halifax, etui u ntni fio.n 13 lo 1400 Acres, within five miles of (jitiHi. in a mile nd a half of the Ki ver on one side, and in a mile f I ue (ijinoo and Raleifh Kail rtod ea ttts other Thin land combine mny advantafes, iu protimifT to the Kier and Kail KosJ affords eve ry advantage of ieUirH? speeuuy to a mamet ; mil wilt renders it still nor dasireHle is. that there can not be f-Mind a healthier situation The building apoa it are ail 6mfortauhvant but lately rejiairrHl- I in fice the ttennoa of ji-nu-Mnea reiuinr ta ut unheal' by duMricts oltlte Stale to H, with the u raiice that I will sell it upost ihe most remoiiahie and arcooimodatin; terma. f Shitakl I not eucrred in fii dinc t pon huer. previous to the ISth of November, it will then be oflered at Public !le. At ths same time, I shall otter t eaJe rrbm 20 to 3 valuable .Negroes, which I tools, rreat pains ia lectint fr my own oe. expecting U be ahxent friiq the siaie. lor a m-Hua or two, toe isno ani weenie cu uu u - " vr on it in my absence, or by Mr. N atk l- Emwabbs, rwiJin near t iu . ,. , K. H. MOsBY. Ju!j 17. 1347. 58-tf United. States, Army. uECuurriG service. WANTED! for 'the .Ujhtb States Akmt, ABLE-BODIED MEN, between the ages of IS and J'Veerst beinf above 5 feet 3 inches high. t pta viaTaafT) anq oi reapeeiaoie sianamg among their fellow-cilixens, Noc Deed apply to elr the fPiice, bat those who are delextniarHl to srve boa- tuij and faithfully, the. permd of,4hic euli-trwn, rx; during the irax tnti Mczict, or for the term of re yarr, as the recruit may elect, . ; Thix table saerosfaen-'Pay ef ArtHle Pey or Dra monnt jtf wkicktrf &. IafaniryVoona t Ri nfisted toldirrs. s-e-lSoldierV, and'flemen wheu cording t e 1 heir resaf Dnrgeens" tc mjuAttl. yertr frAdes, tre ett-j Riflemen when! tviea re renin jorvtertTng onjvoi.i tkttr rertuit. p-7 for 5 T. ih- 'et Major. Qr muter S'et.ehW-f mu-j ixtaa. &. chief Bugler. tr "fwv h T 1st SV'cf CompV, ' i 204 1020 16 193 UCO 1G 132! Ordnance Sergeauts All ether S'gis each Corporals Barren Magician Is 13 9 8 v6i 15C 7f(j 103 54U n 156 780 COO 5-10 CCO Id! !2;i! 96. 4-( 96! 4 132 f6( 13t; CEi 84 42 10a Farriers i. blacksmiths' U 11 s i if 3 Art fiVrrs frivate. 490 A hoantv of TWELVE DOLLARS will b paid to each recruit enlisted for the Artillery, Infantry or nnnleJ TejTiments : Also, o.xt hosdhud a.xd sixty tears or laxd, or $100, on biug honorably dis- Besides the monthly par, above stated, one ratios pr dy is t lowed every soldier, which is amply suf ficient f.r hu snibaisteuce- -lso, a large supply of can fort iMs and genteel clothing. Good quarter id fje are at an timei farnished ; and every alien- t a will rw pa to mtkin thoe men w-io may en-l-vt. and art. determined to serve their country in eood faith, comfortable anic' n'ented with the'irwtn atioi. The best medical attendance is always pro-Ti-!ed for the sick soldier ;'and no deduction of pay i made during the period he is nnable to peform his duty. Should the soldier be disabled in ' the Hue of bis duty, the laws provide a pension' for him. By the above it is ism that the pay and allow a nees are re.pctabl-. and that, with p-o leorn and ee nbmy, the mon'bly pay of the soldier may be la:d p as everything renUite for bis comfort aud con venience Is farnihd by the Government, including bis sugar asd eoffVe. The prudent soldier, therefore, may readify save from 400 to $1020 during his en Hatmentof Frvt Ykass ; and at the expiration of the term, he can, if 'lie cboosrN, porcliaae a small farm in any of ihe Western State, and there nettle him-! self comfortaU? on his own laud, for the real of hw life. - " ur" ' ' ' ' " The surrrofTWO DOtl.ARS will he paid In any ctTnxv; nn-eomims stoned Ificeroi soldier, who shail bring to the reodexvons an able-bodied recruit, who hall be regularly enfiflted'Theeitlzen ahould pre sent hi recruit to the Lientsnantbr Captaiu, and not t the Recruiting Sergeants. " ' " GEO..U'. HAWKINS. ' fid LieuC Key;. Mounted Jliflemen, f - ', and Ifecruiliug Oflicer. efm Tl Tn fr T?.nrTTvnni "1 ' ' ' ' Raleieh. N.Cr, ?47. J A .TIES'. New Novel-M AfCGARBT ti rt A II A M, or the Keveree of Fort she Norman's Uridfe. New Novel, by the Author of Two Old iteeV Tales. Taiee andike(chea. by the late Wm, L. Stone, Esq. i.Ko. 29 Pictorial England. W. eMuis I4ihi hy-Mus Pardoe, (mcd last.) 1M day received by ;:w II; D: TUliNBR; N. U. Bookstore. Ba!eigh, QcU 1 1 , t8v7. ; . 62 ilardenern Almanaq for 18 18. Xf taudrsth s Raral Register and Almaaae for witfi rtaay engravings.- price 25 cents. ' 4 Hj t HENRY-D.-T'R?ER Oruber 7i .l rWi N. C BwokJtore.' T VCQN.'e haavUa Vjb hare redved jt.Wagoa JB) '.nad, which wa beliire- lobe Ttrv good and -U )t, for small ptOst, f0rthe CaH-Good wi'l hf Kiren fbr good Haoia,w2ier snek an . WILL.. PECK: & SON. P tr -v. rv 11. LOZ iiu.V u riiiog Jnk.' of U. vriard & "V OVO i.nuf.i.lnM ' fnt la ! IPS Au.MOli 1 t'ay Pay Py Py Py per per for 2 per per nt'h ain y'rs. m'h am . Fs s s I is is v. JACOB SIOEIl, Jr. " Importer & Wholesale & Retail Dealer in WISES, liiaVORS, , OF- ALL COUNTRIES, IVo. 76 Waluat Street, INVITED the attention of the Trade aud consumers In his extensive stock of cood, pure Wines, d;c., of various grades and prices : all of which have been' carefully selected by htm in Europe, Principally in the Districts where Produced. AN BXfEHlK.NCC or twenty years in this bu-i-ness, and as uccessor to the laie Jonn V.vohak, Esq. wiin an extensive European com-eriion and direct pcrnoaal knowledge of he principal Wint dii tried ol Prance, Germany, ice. enables him to guar antee the excellence and good condition of every ar ticle sold by him. His new Store nd Cetljr. ar raned and buili for the purpose, insure the pietrva tion of hu wines in perfect condition : (and the present Stock having been land-d principally before the first f December la-t, when the new and high Tariff on Winrs took effect, enables htm to ell on ihe most ad vuntsaeou" terms. T l)eicriptivn Catalogues furnishetl on spplica tion personally or bv letter ; in etdcrin Wises frm which, eatiffartion will be guarantied. VlSE3' AiC. IjCFOaTED TO OttDKR, SUBJECT TO Ap- raovAL os Aruival. Marrh ?9. ISt7. T-ly VViierry's Office, PETER S3URG, V1R G I N I A . The ItIot Crilliaut Lottery Erer Drawn in the United Stales. own nnn i 940.0OO! 930,000! S0O prixes of $2 000, amounting to $4i0.000. (jy Being the Longest Thru Number Prizes. The 1st and Sl drawn number. l .ot0 ! The Sd and'Sd, or 3d and 4ih drawn numbers, 500 ! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class 3 f.ir 1847 To be drawn in Alexandria, on etaturdsy. the 30th Jay of October, IH7, under the superintendence Vr Uommisiitters. J. W. M AUK V dc Cl. Alansgera. (Successors to J. G. Gregory 4r Co.) 75 Numhei Lottery 12 Drawn Ballots?" XAsairiCKHT acaiutE ; I grand capital prize uf $ 100.000 I grand prize of 40 UOO I splendid prize of 20 000 1 do 15.000 I do 12.075 5 splendid prizes of ltt.OOO 5 d.W 6,000 5 do 4,0O 200 prizes (Lowest Three Norahers) of 2.000 63 do (1st and 2d drwn Number) of 1,000 126 do (2d k:ld. or 3d & 4lh drawn Nos.) 600 U'5 do (4th V ftih.orftih &.6th.lrawn Noe.)250 126 do (6ihdc7th, or7lbdc8lhdrawo Nus.) 15o 3717 do 80 23136 d i 40 rRI:E OF TICKETS. Wholes $40, Halves 20. Quarters 10, Eighths 6. In thi -"cheras. funned by ihe t.-mary combination of 75 number, making 67,525 titkeie. snd the drawing of 12 ballot, ibrre will te 220 Prize, earh hxvmg three of the drawn numbers on th-m j 4.153 earh having two of them on ; and 2:1,436 escb having one. only, or Ihem on ; and also. 39, 71 1 tn keU having none of the drawn numbers on, being blanks. f To .felermine the fste of tUese prizes and Idatoks, 75 namters, from I to 75 inclusive, will be severally pliced n a wheel on the dsy of the drawinc. and It of them will be drawn out at random ; and that tLket having on ii. as a combination, the lt, 2d and3ddriwn nomtierm, will be entitled to the Grand Capital Prize of SI 00,000 That ticket having on it the 4th, 5th and 6.h drawn numbers, in 40,000 Thu ticket having on it the 7th, 8th and 9th ilrawn numbers, to 20,000 That ticket having on it the lOih, 11th and 12th drawn numbers to 15,000 That ticket having n it the 2d, 3d and 4th drawn numbers, to 12,075 Too-. 5 ticket having .on them the 3-1, 4th nd 6-h th. 6ih snd 7th 6ih. 7ih and Htb 8th. 9ih and 10th, or 9th, 10th and Ulh drawn nomlers, each 10,000 Thnne 5 tickets havins n them ihe lt, 2d and 4ih 2d, 3d and 5th 3.1, 4 ih and 6h 4h. 5lh and 7th, or 6th, 7th and 9th drawn fcumben. each 6,000 Tboee 5 tickets havinc on them the 8lh. 9ih snd Uth 9th, 10th and 12th 2d,4ih.t 6th 3d, Ath and 7th. or 4ih, 6th and 8ih drawn number, each 4,000 All other tickets having on them any mnai of the drawn ifumhers, (being 200.) each 2,000 Thoee 63 tickets having on them the 1st and Sd drawn numbers, each 1,000 Those 128 ticket having on them the 2d & 3d. or 3d and 4 th drwwn nombera. each 500 Thre 126 tickets having on them the 4h and 5h or the 5th and 6ih drawn num bers etch " 250 Thoee 126 tickets having on them the 6th tc 7ih. or the 7th and bin drawn numbers, each 153 Ail other ticket having on them any two of the d'awn numbers, (l-ein? 3,717,) each 80 nd all other tickets, having one. only of the drawn numbers on them, (being 23, : , 438.) earh , , ... . 40 No ticket whish sliall have drawn a priz4 of a u- perior dt-nominalion can be entitled to an inleriur pri6.' ' , ......... Pixe payaMe f-rty days after the drawing, and subject to Ihe usual deduction of fifteen per cenU Parkages of tickets, and single tickets, in the iibove .Mammoth Lottery, can be obtained of ihe Managers or their A gents, or the Venders throughout tha Union ; ' RATES BT THE PACKAGE. 'p5ekagsof 25 Whole Tickets containing all the Nos. from 1 to t5 Inclosi ve. at 1 40. $ 1 ,J0 Deduct 1 Whok Tickets, or 12 per cent. 50 880 468 fackaa warranted to draw back Certificata nf package af JtTbalas will be sept foe $47 . , Halves, quarters tad eighths in i rofwiion. . THOMAS ft:' tl.lBBI.EI?, . ATTORNEY. AND SOLICITOR.,, COMMIHSIDN ER FOR NORTH. CAROLINA. To take Testimony, Acknowledgements. Ac i 79 Nassau Street, - Ntvr Yok. December 2 S, 1 348. 104 ly SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1847 THE PETERSBURG IRON, BELL AND BRASS an do Tjar sap ao oa r Machine, Smith-Shop, Edse-Tool Factory, &c. Iu full operation. THE undersigned returns his sincere thanks to the citizens of Petersburg, and the public gene rally, for the liben.1 encouragement he has received, and hopes (as he has a more extensive assortment of Patterns, more and better machinery, two good Cupohtenr Furnaces, bates workmen, and the whole Estalduhment belter arranged and ysiemalized,) by continued efforts to give alifactton lo all who mij favir him with their patronage. He is prrpred lo execute orders (or Casting from an ounce weight to fixty hundied. t MILL CEARLVG Of every desciiption; halting. Spindles, fcJcrewa. Ac. Castings for every description of Cotton Ma chinery. Water-wheels. He is manufacturing tlowd' Cat Iron direct act ing Water-Wheel, and ha made a number. hirh have been tested with great nuccess, uml is believed, from its structure, durability and strength, to surpass all other W h el uniTir less head of water than 14 feet. The aent for the above Wheels here, who gives his whole attention to putting them up. The subscriber is also manufacturing 11 otchkina' re-acting Wheel STEAM ENGINES, High and Low I'renRure. TOBACCO PRESSES. He has on hand a number of various sites fin ished up complete, which he. would cell st reduced prit-es for Cash, or on lime to punctual cutomer. Flattening Mills, Paent Bands, tinkers, Levers, die, at reduced prices. HOGSHEAD SCREWS, With Box, Plate and Ink, all complete, for 335. EDGE TOOLS. He bas on hand, and continues manufacturing, Cast Ste. I Axes, and other edge tools, warranted e qual to any made at the Nonh. Waggon Uoxes, both ground and in the rough. Sad Irons, of all sizes. Fire Dogs of various patterns. Furnaces, suited for beating Churches and Stores. Stoves, of different size, lor Factories snd Offices, Grates of various patterns. Plain aud Fancv. IKON RAILING. Both Cast and Wrought Plain and Fancy. Hoisting Machine, lor Stores and-Ware-houses, on sn improved plan. Pumpa for Well, of various constructions. Cotton Gins, and Horse Power. PLOUOIIS, PLoucns. He has on hand a heavy utock of Ploughs and Plough Castings, of various Patterns, from 1 to 4 Horse, viz : Esgle or Meadow, Davi. McCormick, Premium, Clarkville, Kiee Born. Bar Shear, S.-ed, Corn, Side Hill, D., dec , which he will sell at unu sual low price. Portable Corn Mill, of superior construction. Corn Shelter snd tflraw cutters. Thrashing Machines. Fan Mills, Ac; snd all oth er arliclrs uually made at such establishment. Having from 55 to 60 Hands employed, and some as good workmen as can be found in the biate, he hopes to give as general satisfaction as to prict, work manahip and despatch, as any other similar estab lishment ' Me would respectfully incite all who are willing to give bim an equal chance with Richmoud or the North, to give him a cull. Orders left with Messrs. McIIwaine & Brown- ley, Mesr. Q A W. L. Morton, st his shop on Old street, or at the Foundry, will be promptly attended to. U. WELLS. Petersburg, March 6. 12 tf T HE Subscriber wishes to sell that valuable Tract of Land, immediatelv adjoining the City of Raleigh, known as the Waterloo Traet containing between 400 aud 5(0 Acres. Also. ano ther Trait of 130 Acre, adjoining the above Tract, known as the " Bushy Branch" Tract. The above Lands are so well known, that descrip tion i deemed unnecessary. Apply to the Subscriber, or to the Editor of the Register." JAMES H. COOKE. Fcbrosry 10; 1817. 13 tf Sprain's Hotel for Sale. BY virtue of a Deed in Trust executed to me by Benjamin J. Spruiil and Christian his wife, for certain purposes in the said Deed mentioned, and which is of record in the Registei' Office of Halifax County, I shall, on Friday, the 12th dsy of November next, in the Town of Wel don, expose lo public sale, that valuable property in the Town of Weldon. known as SPRIIILLS HOTEL. The buildings are large and commodious, nearly new. and in eood repair. It ha been for many years ihe Rail Road House, and if well managed is very valuable properly. It has been rented out the pres ent year for the sum of $700 Possession to be given on the 16th November, 1847. Terms of Sale : About 2,000 will be required in Cash, the residue at Six, Twelve and Eighteen months, with bond and security, bearing interest. The title, I am advised, is beyond dipute. but sell ing a Trustee, I shall convey such title lo ihe pur cbaeer. as is vested in me only All Mr. Spruiil's creditors are secured, in the said Trust, and 1 request i hey will, by themselves or agents, have their claims present at the day of Kale. WM. II. HUGHES, Trustee. Oct. IS. 83 ts Sale ol' Lots for Taxes. AGREEABLY to at. Order, granted at ihe Sep tember Term of Cumberland County Court, I will expose lo Public Sale, at tne court noose in Fsyelleville. on ihe first Mondav in Uecemler next. for Cssh, the following LtTS, or o much thereof a will p:iy the Taxes due the Town of r syetteviiie, for I845 and I846, together with all incidental ex iencs thereon ; n: b Lots in lwer Fayeiteville. belonging to the Heirs of Gilbert Krclea. for the Taxes of . 1845. valued atftfiOO. $3 00 3 00 13 7$ 5 Lots in ler Fayeiteville, belonging to the him Heire, for the year 1846, subject to double lav, 1 Lo comer of Union 5treet and Maiden Lane, the residence of W . L-tts, valued atS2700, I Lot. .m Maiden Lane, W.8. Lai Is, and 3 Pdle. 1 250, 1 Lot. on Hay Street, Pride Jones, subject to double tax. 8000. 1 L"t. on Chatham Street. Jacaes Vann, and 1 PoJl, f4ltO.. . i 1 Lot on HilUboreogh Sireel, Meeea Branch, 4 25 10 00 3 00 2 Polls, $200. . 3 00 unnnflN DEM1NG. Collectot FayetteviJIe, t-ept. 23. 18 17. ( I'riAdv 9X) 78 rt'IIE Subscriber wishes to porchase 10.C0O lb, cf I good Tallow. f.,r whh-h b Will PT M rtel S'leei. . a v.'-a exu." . Raleigh, Sep. 9, 1847. r n nilLT A 1 rli! ''aasaEraTagaEMEasBaaaBMB .anjm3jLJl2-, ' ' ' "-tjr---'!--L ' - ' . ; v a Wrv 1,000 CASES FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF Boots, Shoes and Brogans, AT THE LADIES' SALOON, On Main Street, near Walter's City Hotel, Norfolk, Vm THE SCBSCBIBER, having re- enlarged bis Store for retail nd having taken the whole for wholesale goods, be is now prepared tj show the largest and best stock of Boot, Shoes and Brogans. for the Fall aud Winter trade, whiib he has ever had. He has jot returned from the Noith and East, where he ha visited all the principal Shoe manufactories and purchased from them his stock-at cash prices almost entirely. ' He will therefore be enabled to sell to Country Meichauts and others, at very low prices. HE HAS NOW ON HAND, 5,000 pairs Men very heavy thick Brogans, dou ble soles and double stitch d. 2,000 puirs Meu's coarse Brngar.,2d & 3d quality. 3,000 do do lined and bound Brogans and Bootees. 1,000 pairs Men coarse thick Cowhide and Grain Leather Uoot. double soles, the very htl quality. 400 pairs Men's Fishermen Boots, mmie of heavy wax Leather and Grain Leather very long legs lo wade in, and double soles. 500 pairs Gentlemen's Water Proof Boots, with double Call Lin uppers and heavy double soles. 1,000 pair Gentlemen's Nopnleon Boots, with nailed and clu; bottoms, assorted qualitie. 5,000 pairs Women's Leather Boot, assorted kind, such aa heavy Kip, Wax and Grain Leather, and Goat Kkin Bo. -tec. 2,000 psir Women' Leather Shoe and Buskins. BESIDES THE AUOVE GOODS, We have more than our usual supply of Ladies' Shoes, Ladies Gaiter Boots, and over 20,000 pairs Children's Shoes; Men and Wpmen Servants' Shoes, Travelling Trunks of every kind, Valies and Carjiet Ba;s; all of which mokes our assortment unusually large and very attractive the whole of it will be -o!il (heap for cash, or on short lime to punctual customers. Country Merchant and Strangers viditinjj Norfolk, and the public generally, are respectfully invited to call and examine our extensive assortment before huiine. The Ladies' Saloon is on Main Street, near Wal ter's City Hotel. W. II . ADDINGTON. September 23. 78 TO SPORTSMEN. PATENT the barrel self-he vol-I vaults aes ltElKAXIJa PISTOLS. (P5 Gui KOoT has jul received a fine lot of uns, ft wder, f o-vder r Iasks. Snot Usgs. I ird Bags, dec, all of which will be sold low. Aug 7. 63 LA RGEsupplyof GLASSWARE aiidSHOP FURNITURE, just to baud aud for sale by fE&CUD &. JU1LNSO.N. Aueust 2H. (Standard.) C3 Valuable Mills, Land, &c. FOR SALE. fpHE 8UDSCRIBER. offers for sale that valub!e JL Irojeriy, known as !inuck's IT2ilIil, situa ted on Neue River, six miles from b'aluioh, ao the tage rad leading to Tarhorotigh. The Mill ha 16 feel fall of water, and of njfficient quantity at all times to carry three Crist Mills and a Saw Mill, which are daily running. The situation is a most eigihle one lor the erection of a Cotton or Wool r nctury ; and a comeleul judge has said that there is sufficient water-power to carry the Mills already in 1 sd. and 5,000 spindles. He also wishes to sell the Buildings and Land ad joining. The Tract contains 210 Acres, one-half woodland, and all of lha very first quality. There is also every vaiiety of Out-houses on the Premises, fUch. as Barns, dec-, as good as any in the County, with a Tan Yard, and Distillery altuchcd There is Lcsides. a fine young Orchard of Apple and Peach Trees, just beginning to bear Fruit. The above valuable Property is offered at private sale; but if not disposed of by the 25th of Octoier, (instant.) the whoie will be exposed to puhlic snle n that day, on the premises, st 10 o'clock, A M , i.getber with the Stock of Cattle aud Hogs, Corn, Fodder, dec, &c. Persons wishing to purchase, will, of course, ex amine the prnjierty, who will a'ways find the Sub -criber on the premit-es, ready to exhibit any or all of the fixtures, Ace. For further particulars, address the Subscriber, or the Edilor of the " Reaister," Ha- leieh, N. C. WM. N. SUAUCK. October 5, 1847. 80 t David B. Small, COPPERSMITH, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORKER, NO. C2, PRATT STREET, BALTIMORE. (i IX HE Subscriber, having been long established in the above business, tenders his services to the Distillers of Turpentine in the State of Nonh Caro lina, for the manufacturing of Turpeutiue Still?, ha ving already furnished a number of them, for which satiKfactory reference cau b eiven. Persons in want ef Turpentine Stills, or any other Copper work, Tin, Sheet Iron, or Iead work, For cine and Lifliu Pumps, Stoves and Pipe, en be ac commodated, loholetale or retail, ou as favorable terms, an any House in Baltimore, or any other City. The new Packet Line arrangement now makes it certain to Merchants aud others, that their orders wiil be forwarded. October 1C. 1H47. 84 ta$j A Desirable Situation., ON Monday. 29tb of November next, will be of. fen d for ale to the highest bidder, at the Couit House in Ihe City r Jtaleigb, 1 b.t choice location for a private Residence on Faveiteville Street, imme diately' North of, and adjinig the Residence of the Pi Vfla house a 4 s s s s fcrAri Hon WM. Ii tUYWowB.Jr. knon.as ue airs. Fames House The It extends back to Wil mington Street, with a large fine Garden on it. The House hat had $700 worth of improvement laid out on it within the last few years. Possession will be immediately given, rrd terms made known at ihe time of sale Ih the meantime, it may W fioasrh privately. Address the Nuhec'ribor, stSmithfield, N C. JNO. MACLEOD, AgeaL Bcna Vita. Johnston Co. ) OctoLer 6, 1847. 81 U ETTE IX HE subscriber otiier lor sale the Tract of Land 8, on which the late James Wtchs resided.eeit- uewu on j ar rtter in the County of Granville, within twelve miles of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, and containing UOO acres. About one half ia wood land, and one fourth of ihe Tract, river low, grounds. There sre two good dwelling bouses on the premises snd all other necessary buildings for a farm in good order. The above land is surpassed in fertility by few. if any Tracts in this part of the State, and is sit uated in a plensant snd healthy neighborhood. Terms accommodating. For further particulars, address the subscribers at Henderson, N. C P. W. WYCHE, J. T. WYCHE. Julv 18, 1847. ExVs. 48 tf Fall and Winter Glotbing ! "071 -L. HARDING would respectfully info rm the citizens of Raleigh and vicinity, that he is now receiving his stock of FALL. AIL iVOTESl CL,OTliilf G, and will in a few weeks be in receipt of aa large and complete an assortment a ever was opened in ibis mar ket. His Clothing has been manufactured in very superior style, of good materials, expressly for this market ; therefore, those tbat wish 10 purchase fash ionable and ell made Clothing, at Northern prices, will do well by giving him a call. Just received a lot of black Cloth Dress and Frock coat ; blue black Beaver Over and Frock coats ; Rough and Ready, and Blanket 0er coats; black Doe Skin Cassimere and Cloth Pants; Fancy Cae simere and Satinet Pants: Mack Salin,Merinoj l-ashmcre and Valencia Vste ; under Shirts. Linen Uoi-om Shirts, Drawers, Scaifs, Cravats, Collars, Suspenders, Gloves. &r. ; at the store on Feyette ville street, one door above the corner known as B. B.Smith's. Raleigh. Sept. 16 1847. 75 3m O. L. mJKCEI fc opening their Fall CO. Stock of Boots, A" RE now Shoes, &c, which consists in part of I. Rob inson s Ladies' Buskin Welts, Morocco, Do do Kid, Do the finest stitched do Do Gum Elastic Sandals, patent article, Do do Over Shoes, do Gentlemen's Gum Elastic Sandals, do Do Do Over Shoes, meta'ic, Misses Boots. Women's do. Morocco do. Seal, Boys Shoe, all kinds; Children's do., I. Robinson's make ; Women's Leather Boots, do. Shoes, Men's coarse Boots, do. Shoes ; in fact, every thing in our line Oct. h. 81 ISolliiigbrook Hotel aud Stables FOR RENT. -fc? This well known and extensive Ho- EHJJL tel, has been put in complete orderJI2I and thoroughly re-painted. Any information in re gard to the Establishment, can be obtained of Mr. Kirby, (the present landlord,) whose lease expires on the 31st December next, aud Mho will dispose of ihe Furniture, Bedding, Ac. To an experienced man, ibis property offers in ducements, as the rent will be moderate. For terms, apply to ' '" f JOHN V. WILLCOX AND'W. KE VAN, Trustees Bollinjjbrook Hotel Co. Petersburg, Oc. 14. 83 6t Masonic. THE Grand Lodge of Tf ortb Caro lilia will convene in ibis City on Monday evening, the 6th December next, at 7 o'clock, for the transaction of such business as may be submitted for its consideration. Officers of Subordinate Lodges sre requested to attend in person, or cause proper Delegates to be appointed in obedience to the Con stiiution and general reculations of ihe Graud Lodge. A full attendance is earnestly desired. WILLIAM THOs. BAIN, Grand Secretary. RaJeich, October 15. 80 fii:e : r n II K iETIf A I XSURAWC K COM PA fl. It Y, of U art lord, Conn. Offers to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com panies in the United States, and pays its losses promptly. Applications for Insurance in naleigh.or its vi cinity, to be made to S. W. WHITING, " Agent. And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity, to N. J. PALMER, Agent. October, 1847. 83 ' A RAItJG CIJANCJL1 1 FOR SALE, 1 be large and delightfully shaded DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT, new oc cupied by P. Bosbkk, Esq. and known aa the Shaw Lot. ;" '5 This property is situated nesr the centre of the City, and to a business man, would be .one of the most pleasant and desirable Residences.' The Dwell ing is in good condition, and has attached to it, all the necessary out houses. " ; ' , u ..- -For terms, applv to 1 ,..::-., - JAS. R. C.VLLUM.'Milfon or, J.S. M. '-TOW L Eft, Raleigh. ' July 16, 1817. 4 -'-''i 67 tf .TaTTOST respectfully calls the attention of h"K ens-l w fi tomers and tlie public, to his new etocfc. ol f ALL GOODS. It embraces everything desirable for the seasoti. 'Phe following are tbe leading art cues i 50 pieres fancy CWimeres, which b will make op from" ftt' ia $10 a pair jmiUawn-, . 50 pieces Vesting, tneludlng Meitoos, Oashmere. Cmbroide-. ries. Silk. Sktin and Velvet. Beautiful French black, brown 'and Viae Cloths Black Doe Skins and I Bea ver Cloth All of vihich wifl he riisde up. In the est manner, very cheap, for Cash. A first-rate pi is alwava warranted. ',- ' "i ' -'J,.r Also, everv kind of Shirtr Collars. ' Cratata, earfs. Suspenders. Gloves and Umbrellas. , I : ALEX. NELSON, Oppoeito-Market House. Oct. 12, 1847. ."-St p ,t'"wv wit - ftnTrriT inl i il gBJMr-lM 1 light Eenli SnTES, D. JM TitiferiF e?. ALBERT SMDEeWJ i THE tE)uft.TiRBiil& commence on the lQUt iff Natetnhar, a4 aen tiuue till lha l5tJjofAprVX;v TERMS Pa table AnvAsoi ..4L For board and Engliah Twitioo, Mr :Trm., i ho of Five. Months, . , , .:, fil60)d For Tuition iu FreneS, . ." i ' V v- mM luitiou in Music, on the Piano, Organ, ox . , wiiu 53 OU for the use of Fjno brOrfcaa. TuitioB on the Harpy Willi uio It Uittir ment,' -' - 'ixe .'Jw: bo t union in drawing and i'alnuhg, in water y " a? Colors, ' ; - ,s j i-smti Jry fj Oil Colors -, . , ' :",:'r'15"00 Psus and Ink; - ' . j-U'Jftrr N. B. To prevent rivalry ahtf -eifafaaijca id dress, a simple Uniform is adopted, to be, need Oti Sundays and special, occaaiona. , Tbii tnWistlr, consists of a darts, blue Dress, with straw bomjatrf trimmed with blue ribbon, lor thci ordinary appa- rel, the Pupils may Wear dreeeea of Calico, GtPgLam, fir enpk nll .:..tf. r -Ti' ' l ntinar hnlrt in me vnapei oy the Kector, Pupils have rarely Occa sion to visit the City. Thery w allotved to do so, only under special goardiauebip. ' Raleigh Sept. 28, 1847. t 78-lflO- TRINITY SCHOOL, Eiglit Wiles West ol Xtoleish If. Cs Right Rev, L. S. IVES, D, Visiferi ., -Rev. FORDYCE St tlUBBARDi RtcUri f THE second Term of this School, iU 60jxuneDff oil the lOUiday of Novembers . 8 if , TERM S- Pa t a blb tM , Asfxkct $ A For board and Tuition in a course af stodieaflltmjf the Popi! for entrance into any class ia Cotleg, ia- eluding French, if desired, ?87 50. As a general rule, boys wilt not be received sWf fourteen years of age. A Uniform dress for Sunday and special occasions Will bo required. ; This srill consist in Winter, of a ronndaboot, and paataloona J 1 ' - a . a a - , - 01 uar grey cioin, fvun Diacit vest Tha ordinary wearing apparel must be plain and strong. ' Besidsw a sufacieacy of outer ciothimr. hova reonira eTs-fia shirts, six pair of stockings or socks, sir pocket-haud-' aercuieis, six to we IS, night clothes, &&, all distiflct- ty marted witb the owner's name in full. f s si TnE Pctersbtirg Pitts ixxldZltxr nd Iusarance Company, (at their Seej in the Exchange Bailding,Bahk Street, Petersburg, continue tp uke' Marine Risks on Vessels, Cargoes s and Freights, and to insore Dwelling House, BnilJi ings in general,- rttrnftareTtf fltoia il4 chandise, of every desertpticrn, gainst loan ef damagS by firO, both in towrrind corjntry, on thtu'ctet Itbaral terms. DIRECTORS t ' - ! Benjamin Jones, ITArey Paot! Arch'd G. McIIwaine, Andrew Kevarj. ' -Joseph Bragg, Edmund H. Ofbomij John Bragg Joseph D. White j - 'I homas N. Lee,- Edwin Jeme;V s r f' David Doniop, GeOrga W. ITtollinri ) ' BENJAMIN JONES, President,? A R CH'D. G. McIL W AIN E, Y, Pres'f -Wiiliam S. Smrsos.Ucc - jtl M Augnat 10. 1847. .. !, ,.xr $5 Mm :j Elegantly Illustrated B6bfcs,: .. FOR PRESEXTSsl1, !.V , t RECENTLY tnilSUttiV JT ONGFELLOVV'S Poetical Wat with elaved' XLal superb Engravinga on Steel, vol, octavo, t j - Moore's Laila Rookh illustrated by thirteen Ur4 gravings, executed by the most Celebrated rtisls.-i- Elegantly bound. ; i.w ... Bryant's Poems, Rlasf rated by twenty roperh l?n' gravings, expressly for this workprioted on in rel lum paper. " 1" vol octavo. ' - t Ji vi.?n Child Harold, ac Bomaunt, hy Lord Bf ra, irn f perbly boand and beaafifally printed, aadlllastttedl's -with twelve Engravings. - ,' . Vr- r')'-.i-w The Charm, for lb48, with ten eolorad ntaa, 1 bea utifully bound, quarto aizev . n The Poets and Poetry of Europe, aftnprffWif LongfeIiow,,with Portraitsi J .vol. octavov '4f-r$ The Poets and Poetry of America, by Rofos Wr , Griswold, with PoTUahs of Dana;, mUtn Halleck aud LongfeRow. Eighth ertion, much en- . larged;, and enlirely re-arranged; V :,t X. , Tho Poets and Poetry of England, by Rnfoa iV., Griswold, with a Portrait ef Byroa, p.the Albanian V costume;.' ; - . ,'. ' .,. vii ;ri The Peels and Poetry of the Ancierj(s.ay ttilRant' Peter, A. M. First edition,' with aa Engrariug fV the Coliseum at Rpmiv . ' H r il i 4$ t;t;eg The Prose Writers af Ameriea, Iy: HufmWir Gnswold, with FortraiUof WashiDgfoo IrTingErei-jj cott, Iloffinan, Kennedy, Audubon, Wode, itow - The Prose Writers of GfermaBy, JbTj&t: Hedgei with Portrahs of Goethe; SchUlef. L &c. 1 vol. uniform with' the above; f ' " -: - ' V'HENRYTUHiJEdJ: Baletgh, OeU 18. ; (Staodard.y W Taluablo Farracar Jlaleiah FOR SALE: I wish to eel! the Planlation oq Crah agl ftr Sf aww wvw aw wwwar mm - C .'JCaDitol., known as th( C sv (zi,vJ. r ara ijreaiK, : suviarr iswn niiiM hit di a n aw tar.. aT- l. ; t ?4L A?' ?V' mi 'ivij or ash The Tract Contains aWuV400 'Aero first-rate 'low groands, and aboTrt f 150 Acres wood land.' Thefe'is a comfortabler'DwelliDg Honse, HiJ gro llouses, Corn Crib, StaWes, otc. oa the fJnnii' and a mork realtbt sitBatioianiwt be found. If not sold before tbe I5tb Novembef, eosuiif W' will then bs ottered at Public Sabs iir RsdeigtiJV -i I will take. ptasure in'sLiowiiig' ihUnmd f nntit'A persona as may wish, I see iwv The (eras will lb very liberal, aa tho money ia not wanted. '- v; 1 4 . uenry moudeqal twairtyn, xsim. wo , . , x, , , . . , .r, v- -eIS. BECKWITfl SANTt-DXSrPTtC;;'i large soppryjosi prepared arid "now ort hand. Price.' the samaaa'at lb Facinrv - V J - ft: B.y'rroha'eaii beVelied iipon as peninei Wti-1.' otth wttTa;itg6aiur ' of ProofietM 'VbiaH each BoJ. "i .r?.rf,--''aiy--f- Raleigh; May 12, 184f. 1 Zi V I'm 1 r 1 Ti i I'll" 1 .1,-, I'.Wn , , Zti H AUCTION AND COMMISSION CUSINTCS; - ' ArAMaM(oS Sb.o - ........ ' i . -- tuiuoM ir. ccoooi-giria, aa theirwardrobea forulsh. Jewels are robibiUaV m. ... uciivivui nrrTiceH or tne Kehaoi colfeetion o( GOODS, coueistimj oi Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, jjrcsn. Book; Pspen InlU-4rL .. A c &c, all of which i offered at unnsoal low. prteefi! -for Us ot,T, at tbe Auction and Commission) Storf ; . K.B.HUCHE, - ; i ti -i 51 : 'lb 1 4$ ; i r f I! v- - f 3 t 1 : t

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