feJtatw tl Yo4 rww 1 JL ml UsTXSy 7 "IitoI'hV.- -, . MIST l4jr.lIL- II V ill iii dll-.HI !..' II VJ . lit - IILU 3 .i t A JIJ r .II i XWll .nl LJ f l 1 MI . 7f 1. A Ml D T'TVIl '-II 1T; A. yfN -A F7 H i m i )j.u v n. n - 1 ni vi . t -irK 11 u ii .11 vj o u . w. TOLlOTfi'XI.Ttlt.' u .V?r . t - , - i i EDITOR iAmi: PROPRIETOR, ' Wkkilt PArtt Tbrt-XMIan prmonam. iieertii''-r6f t?ery''5ix(ifei Line firt jnHfon, On Dollar caek lalwequcni inMrtioa, YreotJ-3o CU. , r, w, .j. . ;, - Cfrt Qrdert ad Jtdiciil Adift;timt rillba !hvcd ccbU bichw$tat deletia 33 J Mr eentriH k nwd- lrm tk rpilr pricw, for AiTertiexnaU, iawtied in th SkmiWckjclt Hs Tit will ! PP tW;W.MiT Pper,. ft f elwrj i -.- 0 Lttrn U tk Edkar JdMi b rocr-Hia. I OFFER for SmUthe Xmct f LAID, on which I in lb CMiotJ of HUfx.coo- Uioiaf (fm It to. 1400. AfV Within & milrs of GatM. ia "hI t f U Uir on on ii, o4 i nil of lM ,Gmo itiJl IUIci(h Ktii Kotd on U ochr. Thi Und comUir many adnUf e, ju afcxisuty U lb Rir anl Rail Uoad affmla -rj aJanue of geuinc apd.ly lo a market; bat whit reaulirs U atill avxlairabl i thai ther can aot h f'xmJ biWir'iaiaUo ' Tb building apoo it are all e.mfrtaM; anJ but - lately reairrd I invite th attralion of gMitlflMn 'retMiaf in the anhaal'hy diatrieta of the Staia to it, with the aaao Ttnet tilt TwITTaelt irSif"lWTrMlinabIS"and t waaiodaiinferrk, ! jShaoId't mol aoct-r4 k Gn (finr a pori-baW. piWimia to tho1 1 5th of November, it .n l&'U cSafa 'VPoltie'ftab; i ' At tat aamo tirao, lahallofiailW aala-froBi 20 to S3 faluaUla Jirgro, which I. look groal pains in fleeting for tny own te. V Bxpctin; tn ho tWnt fr.ra the Hi at a, for i mlh. 'or two, tho J .am) and 'rNMCan Wa Vbown by Mr Hii,rU will be anitm'fPf aWnce,orby' Mr. NTt.' Cpwiibi, rwiJiarnnr t. it." " ' R. H. MOSBY. July 17; H17. - :' 68-tf Unite d rStates vArray. RECBlJIXXXCo 8EUTICE. WAN TEIX-fortho Uxrren State Amt, ABLB BODIEp MSK.wiww tho ajri f IS and 35 yarc, being aboiro 5 frt 3 inches high, T gti chamtfer mod of wopoetahlo ataadjwjf mmonf lhair fellow-cU'oanalo if one 'nOee1 apply to aoteflho Mmca, bat Ihooe who are dteriiMni to -oetva boa Mtly and faith fill fy U ho WWd -oT thir ontiatne vis : ivrvif the mar7 with Afaij'ri for Aim terra of jfer yeffrx. aa tho recrak may elect. . mm i i . i nT This table tUKtte a-.Pay of Artille iPy of. , Dra- tditttd silditrt, . mc- Soldier, f od ilfrpea whan trrioig tf thtir r-W PmgooMi aUKati. mtctivmx gradti, arc en- Riflemen, when . v v : rif W tf t rereitf . for satiiig ojieer. , , . :. . ,a . . fJbtir. .HTfuMM.. fc .... t,.-. .. ij (-.- Pay Pay Pay Pay per per fe5er ra'b a'm yra. m'h Pay Pay pee for 5 a'm y'rs. 9 i To theS'gt Majori Qr: master S'gt, chief a ician. At chief Boflerj each n 304 I02f 17 204 1030 960 780 600 540 CCO 40 Te 1st S'gt of Compy 16t 961 16 192j 155 Urduance ?ergaai At! oiher S'gt each Cerpnrali Borers MaMeiaas 1 1h 13 "9 15t 7ft 13 10 104 54f 120 "pi 106 96 481 ISrGCf Farriers Sl hlekamitha 11 it 4 11 132 Arti Seers ' '. Priratea " I3!;6ra1 141 84 42 A boaatr of TWELVE DOLLARS will b neid ts each recreit enlisted far Ore Artillery; Infantry or stnratM regimentr7' Am. osrr inwoiis in stiTT ackis or ian, or $100,' on bein; honorably dis charged. Besides the ment Krypor, aboro seated, one ration per day ia allowed every ooldier, which ie amply auf- ficieat for hie enbmetenee -alab, a 'large enpply of com fort M geateel ekHhing.' Good -qnarters nd fuel arat all time furnWlted ; and every atten 1 1 will be pa d to making thoo'men may en l t, sad era detenwad to serve their eoaotry in good faith, comfortable ao4 e n"itd with their eitn- alien. Tho beet meda! attendance m always pre vied for the eeekr soldier ; nod 'no deduction of pay m made during the period tie U nnable to peform his doty. Should the ooldier be dieabfed in the lino of kis duty, the lawt provide a pension for him. By the a bore it ia seen tb'at the pay and allow, ancee are reepeetabl. and that, with prUleoee and e iiKKny, the moa'hly pay of the soldier may be la d apaa everything requisite for4ite comfort and eon veuienoo is famished by the Government, including his auger and Coffee: "The prudent soldier, therefore, may readily save from $420 te $1020 during bio en-j noUnent of r iva team ; a ad at the expiratioa or tho term, hi can, if he choose,-porchase a email' farm ia aay of tho Western State, and there settle him self eomfortably--on his'own land, for the rest of bis life. r-t c : ' ' ; - . The sam of TWO DOLLARS will be paid to any emit., nem-eomrndttmrnad officer or soldier, who shall krieg to tno rendetrooa an able-bodied recruit, who halt be regularly enttftted.'" TW ert'rzen shonld pre seat hie reeraC to the LieutenahtorGaptain, and not to ike Recruiting Sergeant; o " . . - jGEO. VVi TIAWKINS, 2d Lieut. Reg-Mounted Kiflemen, i j and Recruiting Officer. Reerniting; RendetTon,) ' J Raleigh,-H.C., 1847. - 78 Winter Shoes; Just received at the Ladies9 Saloon. lOOO-paira tadiea Morocco Buskins; with thick olea, and lined with thick Caxtqm FLiHUtL TnaoodwocT. S)0 pairs LadJea' Shoe G altera or foxed Buskins, with thick solea. Jl j I : 5WT pa Ladiea Gaiter Boots, of the moat beau-tifut-quality 4-v " . ' - j.i : n. J 500 pairs Indies' patent MetaliO India Rubber Slip perrandt Saadala, fha preUiest and the fioeet India Robber. Shovs wa have ever seen any- where. Which, together with rnaay othec kinds of new Coode for JUkd'es and ChUdrea.- make 4bo assort at of Boots and Sboea at the, Ladies' Saloon mncti attractive thai at any previous season.;; ; . .! Tbe" Ladies ahn. is on Main afreet, near WaJ Ufm Cit- Hl . r W. IL ADDlNGTOti. . ifirfolk. OctTaa ; ; , . . . 85 JUST CECEIVED, AT HARDINQ'S' 0100' STORE." ABEAtmfJL, ssortmentof Coata, Pant!", nd Veats, all atyles 'and qtwlities, fashiomWr ut and well made. Great bnrrains will be offered, nv. SH 5ond door from Hargett r,. my... '. tmiofiu k VI holekat t &etail Dealer ia tVliS EG, liiaiJO El$9'S:c ; " OF, ALL COUNTRIES, v r .T If IValuqt Street , lNtfTEa the iuenVion'of theTriJe aiid ennrumert , to hi attentive rtock of good, pure Winer, 1 tc pi vajiooa graJea and prices : all of which. bao lieeu . carefully selected , - v , bJ Bim n Europe, . , Prixapallg u rA Districts whert Produced. AN EXeElilK.NCE of twenty years in ibrs hu.i-, nea,"rul ay soccestr to the lo Jobs Vacoaaiv, Esq. win an extenaire European eonuection. and a direct periwoai knowledge of the principal Wine die tridt ok Franee, Germany, occ enakiee him lo guar antee tho excellence and good condition of every ar ticle eotdly him.: His new Store and Cellars, ar ranged and built fur the purpose, insure the preserva tion of hi wines in perfect condition : and the preaent Stock having been landVd principally before the first uf December last, when the new and high Tariff on Wines took effect, enables him to sell on the moet ad vantageone termei .- i T ' (TT Deecriptiee Catalogue furnished on applica tion personally or by letter ; in ordering Wims from which, atfafaction will be guarantied. "Wists 6ic IxrOTn to O&smt, SuBjrcr to Ar- PKOTAL OR AaiVAL. Marrh 29. 1847. t ly Brilliant Lotteries, JT. T. MAURY Sc CO., Itlanaffcrt. (ttucceaaora to J. O. Gregory fr Co.) ft Prizes of $20,000, amouutiug to $100,000 ! And 5 Prizes of 9 10,000! SPLENDID ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, ClaaeNo. 71, for 1817. To be drawn in Alexandria, on Saiordjj, 6lh of November, 1447. Grand Sekeme. 23,000 Dolls ! SU.000 Doll. ! ! 20.000 Doll ! ! ! SU.000 DoIU!!!! 20.000 Dulla !!!! ! Amonntiug to $100.81)0 ! 10,000 Dollant! I0.DOU Dollar ! 10.000 Dollars! 10,000 Donan! 10.000 Dollara ! Ainouulieg to 90,000 ! ALSO, 1 prize of $4,093 1 ?0prrzeaof 1,01)0 bt de 500 12S do (being lowest 3 Noo.) 400 Ac oc. Ac 78 Number Lottery, 13 Drawn Balloi. Tickets duly $13 Halves 7 50 Qoarlers 3 75 Eightbe 1 87 J. Certificates of Packages of US Wholes $200 Do do 26 Halves J00 Do do 26 Quarters 50 .Do do . 26 Eighths 25 $35,000! Alexandria Lottery, Class No. 73. for 1847, To bo drawn in Alexaudria. en Saturday, the I3lh of November. 1847.' . " artanaia scRtMs: 1 prize of 1 da I do I do 1 do $35 00O 14,000 7.000 6 000 4.000 75 No . I prize of 10 prizes of 2." do 35 do Ac 870 3.000 1,000 500 cVe. 13 drawn. TickeU $10 Halrea $5 Qearier $2 50. Certificate of package of 25 Whole tickets $130 00 Do do 25 Half do 65 00 Do do 35 Quarter do S3 50 $30,260! S Prizes of 810,000! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 75, for 1S47. . To bo drawn at Alexaudria, on Saturday, the 20th of November, 1847. CAPITALS. 1 of $30,360 1 of 1 of 10.000 1 of lof 10.000 4 5 of 1 of 5.000 40 of $5,000 6,000 1.000 600 75 Number Lottery 12 Drawn Ballots. Tickets $10 HaNes 5 Quartora 3 Sti. Certificates of Packages of 35 W boles f 1 30 Do. do. 35 halves 65 Do. do. 35 quarters 3 j 50 UiSBiflccnt Lottery for 5ot. !7, 1347. : CArrrAL Pkrze 75,000 Dollars! $25,000 ! 815,000!' 100 Prizes of $1,000, amouutiug to $100,000 237 do ol 500. do IIS .500 And 14 Drawn Nos. in each Package of 2G Tickets. . ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, ' -ClawT. for 1847, To be draws in Alexandria,- on Saturday, 27th of November 1847. (Under tho aapenntendencn of Commissioners.) J. W. UTanry & t o., ITIanascrs, (Successors to J. G. Gregory St, Co.,) 78 Number Lottery 14 Drawn Ballots. , MAMMOTH SCHEME: I splendid esp'l of $75,000 - 100 prizes of $1,000 1 spiend d prize or 25.000 237 1 . do 15,000 64 1 do 10.000 ... 64 1 prize of 8,000 .. 61 I do 7,000 . 128 1 do' 5,096 5,504. 5 prizes of . 2.000 2d ,224. 15 . 100 do 500 do d d do do do ; &o. 200 J 50 100 60 40 20 Tickets $20 Halres ) 0 Qnartera 5 Eighths 2 50. ' Certificates of packages of 26 whole tickets $240 . Do do. of 26 half., do .120 - 'Do " -da' ef 26 quarter do 60 - 1 Do " ' do of 26 eighth do 30 '- -Orders for Tickets arid "Share- and Certificates o Packages in the above bplendid Lotteries will receive tho meet prompt attention t and art official account of each drawing sent Immediately after it is over to all who order front AiWroes .'Ji dc C. MAURY A tints for J. W MAURY Co , Managers. , : Wanhitifftan City, D- C. 'TUOOTAS-B.'WDDLEB,' ATTOsWrr 'A atO sonctToi, C0MMI88H)RER POk' NORTrl .pARQLTXA. lo take Testimony, Acknowieogemema, , . .,79 "tfuesao Bireet,, December 3 8. 1 846. 1 10 '7 aTMK. D()Z Black Wririna Ink. of Msynard St 5$JJ Noyee manufacture. for sale st the Auction t&4 CoiiunusMa Sturo ef Ni B. HUGHES ' -- : ' .. ' i : . T! - " mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmumaummmmmmmmmmm SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1847. v ! THE PETERSBURG IRON, BELL AND BRASS Jlachicc, Smith-Shop, Ed;e-Tool Factory, tc. - In full operation. THE undersigned returns his sincere thanks to tho citizens uf relerbarg, and tbe public gene rally, ftr the liberal encouragement be has received, and hopes (as bo has a more extensive assortment ol Patterns, more and -better machinery, two good Cupolas or furnaces, boiler workmen, and the whole EataJilishment better arranged and systematized,) lv continued efforts to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Ha ia prepared to execute orders (or Casting from an ounce weight to eixty hundred. MILL r,EARln Of every description ; Shafting. Spindles, Kcrews, ore. Castings for every description of Cotton Ma chinery. WATER-WHEELS. He is manufacturing Howd's Cast Tron direct act ng Waler-Wheel. and has made have been tested with g relet success, an.l is believed, from its structure, durability and strength, to aurpass all other Wheels under less head of water than 14 feet. The agent for the above Wheel is here, who gives his whole attention to putting them un. The subscriber is also manufacturing Hotchkiss' re-acting w neei. STEAM ENGINES, High and Low Preure. TOBACCO PRESSES. He baa on hand a number of various sizes, fin ished up complete, which be would sell at reduced prices for Casa, or on time lo punctual customers. flattening Mills, Patent Bands, Sinkers, Levers, dec, at reduced riccs. HOGSHEAD SCREWS, With Box, Plate and Ink, all complete, for $35. DGB TOOLS. He bas on hand, and continues manufacturing. Cast Sterl Axes, and other edge tools, warranted e- qual to any made at the. North. Waggn Boxes, both ground and in the rough. Sad Irons, of all sizes. Fire Dogs of various patterns. Furnaces, suited for beating Churches snd Stores. Stoves, ofdilferent size, lor Fsr lories and Offices, Grates of various patterns. Plain and Fancv. I HON RAILING. Both Cast and Wrought Plain and Fancy. Hoisting Machines, for Stores and Ware-houses, on an improved plan. Pumpa for WrIIst of various constructions. Cotton Gins, and Horse Powers. PLOUGHS, PLOUGHS. He has on hand Aaheavy stuck of Ploughs and Plough Canting s. of various Patterns, from 1 to 4 Hore. vis t Eagle or -Meadow, Davis. MeCormick, Premium, Clarkavillo, Free Bom. Bar Shear, Seed, Corn, Side Hill, D., dtc , which he will sell at unu sual low prices. Portable Corn Mills, of superior construction. Corn Shelters and Straw cutters. Thrssbing Machines, Fan Mills. Ac ;. and all oth er articles usually made at such establishments. Having from 56 to 60 Hands employed, end seme as good workmen as can be found in the State, he hopes to give as general satisfaction aa to price, work manship and despatch, aa any other similar estab lishment. He would respectfully invite alt who are willing to give him an equal chance with Richmond or the North, to give him a call. ff Orders left with Messrs. McIIwaine at Brown- ley, Messrs. Q 4 W. L. Morton, sl his shop on Old street, or at the Foundry, will be promptly attended to. U. WELLS. Petersburg, March 6. 13 if THE Subscriber wihes to sell.thst valuable Trart of Land, immediately adjoining the City of Raleigh, rnownae the Waterloo Tract" containing between 400 and 600 Acres. Also, ano ther Tratt of 130 Acres, adjoining the above Tract, known aa the Bushy Branch Tract. The above Lands are so well known, that descrip tion i deemed unnecessary.' Apply to the Subscriber, or to tho Editor of the " Register. JAMES H. COOKE. PebruarjLlO, 1847. 13 tf Sprain's Hotel for Sale. h . m a ear 1 lit virlue ot a ueeu in J rusi cxecuieu u me by Benjimia J. Spruill and Christian bis wife, for certain purposes in the said Deed mentioned, and whi b is of recoid in the Register's Office of Halifax County, I shall, on Friday, the 13th day of November next, in the Town of Wel don, expose to public sale, that valuable property in the Town of Weldor.". known as SPRUILL 8 HOTEL. The buildings are Urge and commodious, nearly new. and in food repair. It hat been for many years ihe Rail Road House, and if well managed is very valuable projwrty. It has been rented out the pres ent year for the sum of $700 Posseeeion to be given on tLe 16th November. 1847. Terms of Sale r About $3,000 will be required in Cash, the residue at Six, Twelve and Eighteen months, with bond and security, bearing interest.- The title, I am advised, is beyond dispute, but sell ing as Trustee, I shall convey such title to the pur chafer, as is vested in me only All Mr. Spruill's creditors are socored, in the said Trust, and I request i hey will, by themselves or agents, have their claims present at the day of Sale. WM. H. HUGHES, Trustee. Oct. 13. 83 ts Sale of Lots for Taxes. AGREEABLY to a Order, granted at tho Sep tember Term of Cumberland County Court, I will expose to Public Sale, at the Court House in Fayetteville, on tbe first Monday in December next, for Cash, the following LQTS, or so much thereof as will pay tho Taxes due the Town of Fayetteville. for 1845 and 1846, together with all incidental ex penses thereon ; vis: 5 Lots in Lower Fayetteville. belonging to the Heirs of Gilbert Eccles, for tho Taxes of 1845. valued at $600, $3 00 5 Lots in Loiter Fayetteville, belonging lo the sime Heirs, for tbe year 1846, subject to JnnbU t.r 3 00 1 Lot, corner or Union Street and Maiden Lane, the residence of W . Latta, valued at 83700, 13 " 1 Lot. on Maiden Lane, W. 8. Latta, and 3 Polls, f 250. ' ' 5 t Lot. on Hay Street, Pride Joncav subject to double ui, $2000. : f -10 00 1 Lot, on Chatham Street. James Venn, and " 1 Poll, iMOO. i . - 3 00 1 Lot on Hillsborough Street, Moses Branch, 2 Polls, $300, 3 0 . ' - . GORDON. DEMINO. Elector rayotteville. Wept. 35. 1847.: fPr.Adv $7) 78 rHE Subscriber wishes to purchase 10,000 lbs. of 1 good Tallow, for which he will pay Market I price. X. A. Burraiiwo., 1 Raleigh, Sep. 9, 1847. ,T. - 1,000 GASES FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF Boots, Shoes and Brogans, AT THE LADIES' SALOON, On Main Street, near Walters City Hotel, Norfolk, Va. fiTT THE SCBSCRIBEfi, hating; re- UJ cently enlarged -his Store for relail- jT" ing, and having taken the whole trdas house for wholesale goods, he is now prepared to show the largest and best stock of Boot, Shoes and Brogans. for the Fall and VV inter trade, whkh he ban ever had. He has jutt returned from the Noith and East, where be has visited all tbe principal Shoe manufactories and purchased from them his stock at cash prices almost eniirely. He will therefore be enabled to sell to Country Merchants and others, at very low prices. HE HAS NOW ON HAND, 5,000 pairs Men's very heavy thick Brogans, dou ble foles and double stilcht-d. 3,000 pairs Men's coarse Brngans, 2d &. 3d quality. 3,000 do do lined and bound Brogans and Bootees. 1,000 pairs Men's coarse thick Cowhide and Grain Leather Boots, double soles, the very best quality. 400 pairs Men's Fiibermen Boot, made of heavy wax Leather and Grain Leather very long legs lo wade in, and double soles. 600 pairs Gentlemen's Water Proof Boots, with double Call Skin uppers and heavy double o!es. 1,000 pairs Gentlemen's NapMeon Boots, with nailed and slug bottoms, assorted qualities 6,000 pairs Women's Leather Boots, assorted kinds, such aa heavy Kip, Wax and Grain Leather, and Goat Skin Bootees. 2,000 pnirs Women's Leather Shoe and Buskins. BESIDES THE ABOVE GOODS, We have more than our usual supply of Ladies' Shoes, Ladiea' Gai'er Boots, and over 20,000 pairs Children's Shoes; Men and Women Servants' Shoe, Travelling Trunks of every kind. Valines and Carpet Baa; all of which imkes our assortment unusually large and very attractive the whole of it will be -olJ cheap for cash, or on ahort lime lo punctual customers. Country Merchant snd Strangers visiting Norfolk, snd ihe public generally, are resprctfully invited lo rail and examine our ei tensive assortment before but ing. The Ladies' Saloon is on Main Street, near Wal ler'a Ciiy Hotel. W. H. ADDINGTOX. September 25. 78 TO SPORTSMEN . PATENT IrX BAJgR I?L SKLF-REVOL- J?lSXOLS. CB. ROOT hss just received a fine lot of m Guns, Pcwder, Powder Flasks, Shot Bags, bird Bags, &c, all of which will be sold low. Aug 7. 63 David B. Smull, COPPERSMITH, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORKER, A'O.C2, PRATT STREET, BALTIMORE. QTTTjIIE Subscriber, having beeu long established in (i; the above business, tenders his services to the Distillers of Turpentiue in the State of North Caro Una, for the manufacturing of Turpentine Stills, ha ving already furnished a uumber of them, for which satisfactory reference can be given. Persons in want of Turpentine Stills, or any other Copper work, Tin, Sheet Iron, or Iead work, For cing and Lifting Pumps. Stoves and Pipe, can be ac commodated, wholesale or retail, on as favorable terms, aa any House in Baltimore, or any other City. The uew Packet Une arrangement now makea it certain to Merchauta aud others, that their orders will be forwarded. October 16. 147. R4 ta$5 A Desirable Situation. ON Monday. 29th of November next, will be of fered for sale to tbe bighcat bidder, at the Court House in the City of Raleigh, that choice location for a private Residence on Fayeiteville Street, imme diately North of, and adjoining the Residsnce of the Hon Wm. H Hat wood, Jr. known as the Mrs. Fames: Houce The Lot extends back to Wil mington Street, with a large fine Garden oh it. The Houite has had $700 worth of improvement laid out on it within the last few years. Possession will be immediately given, and terms made known at the time of sale In the meantime, it may be bought privately. Address the Subscriber, at Smiihfield, N. C. JNO. MACLEOD, A goat. Bona Vista. Johnston Co. ) October 6, 1847 81 ts ardener's Almanac for 1848. tJT Landrelh'e Rural Register and Almanae for 1043, with many engravings. Pries 25 cents. HENRY'D. TURNER, October 7. N. C. Bookstore. BACON lo hand. We hove received a Wagon load, which we believe to bo very good, and will sell it for small profit, for the Cssh. Good Sides will bo given for good Hams, where such an exchange is desired. , WILL, PECK At SON. Raleigh, Oct 19. 84 2w Fail and Winter Clothings THE Subseriber.having returned from the North, ' with i splendid assortment of GOODS, select ed by himself in person, with much care and taste, invites the Public of the City, and adjoining Coon ties, to examine this Stock before purchasing, confi dent his terms will bo foond as moderate as any. The Slock comprises Black and Fancy French Clotha. of the most aooroved manufactories: Fancy French and- English Cassimeres ; Black Doe Skins and plan Black French, Cassi meres, together Willi all anirieo necessary lor vxeuuenieu . Gentlemen, preferring to purchase their own ma terials, may rest assured they shall claim bis most anfecial attention -as much' so as thouch they. were purchased of Ittm-both as regards the make and fit. Very grateful for tho encouragement he continues to receive. tbe-dn!v aworauce " he can" give for the future, k a determined endearur to please ail who mT aatronixe him. N. 0. As assortment of R E A D Y M A D E CLOTHING, always oa hand, of his own manufacture. 8J- The Monthly Reports of Fashion regularly re cehed. T, K FENTRESS, Marches! Tailop. October 21, 1847. . 85,4t far' f . BTIHE sobscrilers otter lor sale tho Tract of Land e2i on which the late Jams Wrcaa resided, sit uated on Tar river in the County or Granville, within twelve miles of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, and containing 1100 aeres.': About one half is wood land, and one fourth of ihe Tract, river low grounds. There sre two good dwelling houses on tbe premises snd all other necessary buildings for a farm in good order. The above land is surpassed in. fertility by few. if any Tracts in this imrt of the State, and fa sit uated in a pleasant snd healthy neighborhood. Terms accommodating. For further particulars, address the subscribers at Henderson, N. C. P. W. W'YCHE, P,v July 18, 1847. . 48 tf Fall and Winter Clothing ! L. HARDING would respectfully inform the jlldm citizens of . Raleigh and vicinity, that be is now receiving his stock of FALL, AND WINTER CLOTHING, and will in a few weeks be in receipt of ss large and complete an assortment as ever was opened in this mar ket. His Clothing has been manufactured in a very superior style, of good materials, expressly for this market ; therefore, those that wish lo purchase fash ionable and well made Clothing, at Northern prices, will do well by giving him a call. , . ". Just received a lot of black Cloth Dress and Frock coats; blue black Beaver Over and Frock coats ; Rough and'- Ready, and Blanket Over coats; black Doe Skin Caseimere and Cloth Pants ; Fancy Cas eimere and Satinet Pants: black, Satin, Merino, Cashmere and Valencia Vests t under Shirts, Linen Bovom Shirts. Drawers. Scarfs. Cravats. Collar Suspenders, Gloves, &c. ; at the store on Fayette. vine street, one aoor above tne corner known as B. B.Smith's. Raleigh. Sept. 16, 1817. 75 3m O. L. 11 U I1C II dc CO. ARE now opening their Fall Stock of Boots, Shoes, etc., which consists in pari of I. Rob inson a Ladiea' Buskin Welts, Morocco, Do d. Kid, Do the finest slitched do Do Gum Elastic Sandals, patent article, Do do Over Shoes, do Gentlemen's Gum Elastic Sandals, do Do Do Over Shoes, metalic, . M isses Boots, Women's do. Morocco do. Seal, Boys Shoes, all kinds; Children's do., I. Robinson's make j Women's Leather Boots, do. Shoes, Men's coarse Boots, do. Shoes ; in fact, every thing in our line. Oct. 8. 81 JBolliiigbrook Hotel aud Stables FOR RENT. This well known and extensive Ho- fak tel, has been put ia complete orderJllim. and thoroughly re-painted. Any information in re gard to the Establishment, can be obtained of Mr. Kirby, (the present landlord.) whese lease expires on the 3 1st December next, and who will dispose of the Furniture, Bedding, Ac. To an experienced man, this property offers in ducements, as the rent will be moderate. For terms, apply to JOHN V. WILLCOX AND'VV. KEVAN, Trustees Bollingbrook Hotel Co. Petersburg, Oct. 14. 83 6l Masonic. THE Grand Lodge of North Caro lina will convene in this City on Monday evening, the 6ih December next, at 7 o'clock, for the transaction of such business ax may be submitted for its consideration. Officers of Subordinate Lodges are requested to attend in person, or cause proper Delegates to be appointed in obedience to tbe Con stitution and general regulations of the Grand Lodge. A full attendance is earnestly desired. WILLIAM THOS. BAIN, Grand Secretary. -Raleigh, October 15. SO FIItE ! TH K J3TN A INSURANCE COJ1FA SV, of Hartford, Conn. Offers to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loss of dsmae by fire, at premiums to suit tbe times. This is one of the oldest and bestlnsuranco Com panies in the United States, and pays its losses promptly. ; Applications tor insurance in K.aleigh,or its vi cinity, to be made to S. W. WHITING, - Agent. And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity, to ' N. J. PALMER, Agent. October 1847. ' - - gj A RARE CHANCE! , TfTIOR SALE, the large and delightfully shaded IP. DWELLING HOUSE ANP LQT oow och cupied by P. Bosses, Esq. and known. aahaSA.w Lot. - -i , This property is situated near ,toe centre . of the City, and to a business man. would be, one of the most pleasant and desirable nesiileiicesv. Tbe Dwell ing is in good condition, and has attached to it all the necessary out bouses. , , Tor terms, applv to J A 8. R . CALLUM, Milton ; or, J AS. M. TOWLES, Raleigh. July 16. 1817. i; " . 57 tf MOST respectfully eatls the sttehtion of hi cas torners and the public," to his hew Stockf of PALIS GOODS.'4 It embraces' every thrrig dosrrsWe for tho season.". The following ire the leading articles : 50 pieces fancy Cassimeres, which1 bowtll tnake op from - $ to ' $ 1 0 a' pair panUloons.' 60 pieces Vest ings, ineIddlrtgerrnosCisBrefet, Embroide ries", Silk, Satin and-Velvet " Beautiful French black, brown and bins Clotha ' Black Doe Skms and Bea ver Clotha All of which Will be made up' in the lest manner, verv cheap, for Cash." A first-rato fit is alwava warranted.' .- It. a .v Also, every kind of Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Scarfs, Suspenders, Gloves and Umbrellas. ALEX. NELSON, Opposite Market Hoeso Oat. 13. 1847 - - ? 8. se aiaissaasnaBi TT .. i Xx,JRAU?Wa;C.'yi BirltJUrvLr X If EVK Dn fiiftc? i 4 ' Rev: 1MIRRT XMKflP'K fiit.' un Muw-mjwm saatafasasa ajuaafarAsuB. W VV1 ) rWHEWELFTE JJ, commence bq tho J Oth, f Xvemberf sad tinue Ull lhe5th of jipil hM TERMS Patabjls w Adtskcci For board and Eugl&hTuTtidn; pel" Torao . . i- of Five. Months, u a ; 'ftloBfiO For Taition in French, ' lfD(j Tuition in Music, on thr Piah oy Organ ror 3 3 Guitar. . mrsi i.;;;-,iL';AM''llfl With $3 Oq for lbe use of Piano or Organ.v!-is mj : Toitiou on the ilarp with use of lasU JiVf " meht. " J - . . it ton Tuition In Drawing and lamtingV la WAUr w , Cblors, . . . .ri .;;e,,-fl0sW Oit Colors, " ' " " 3 is on Pens snd Ink,-4 i" N. B.y To prevent rivalrr TfVse.'r'n ; dress a simple Unrfoftft is adopted, to be used W Sandaya and speeial occasions. ' This, in Winter, oonsists of a dark bine Urm. ktik -rtM'Kn.) trimmed with bluocikbon. For their otdiuarY sr7r- rel, the Pupila may weardreeserfof CaBeo,GinghaAi, or such other, material saitabU 'fnr KefAA!.k,iri j their wardrobea furnish. Jewels are probibitedU T he Religious services of theiScbool being held in trim. Czimvml sV s I T . n m. . ... ujr wjo rvecior, rupiM pars rarely, occa SIOU tO VlSlt the Cit V. Tliev rW .Mmy.A only under special guardianship. "C1S" tjpt. o, joi i.- ' 78 'N10 5rr Eight Miles West ff Raieijfli, lf.Cs XtgM Rev. L. S. IVES, J). D .Visiter, I ff Rev. FORtiYCE M. HUBBARD: Rector. THE second Term of this School wiU cemmenis oa the lUtb day of November -; ... s j t ; ; v m .. r - v t . TERMS Payablc js AbrAStcs i For board and Taition m a course frfridWlUWtf the Pupi! for entrance into any class to? College,' In- ' eluding French, if-desired, $87 50.-?' iiZ3J; As a general rule, bo va will not be nihrMf a fourteen years of age,; ,A Usiform dress for Sunday and special occasions will be xeouireeL' Th1 will consist in Winter, of a roaadaboat, and pantalooaw of dark grey cloth, with black ,vesU u Tho otdinafy ,us bj,h'' mui piain una strongs, . JUesKJaO a sufficiency of outer clolhinir. bora shirts, six pair of stockings or socks, z pockef-bao4' . a-ercniere, Bia loweis, Blgnt ClOUieS, CCC.all (UstincU y luaraeo wusiaf owner s name a -fall ' ' ' - THE Pctersbnrtr Plrt? and JCarJnci Insurance Company, (at their oQc -" uuhuiiiu, uuiit o u cei, x- oicrsourgj continue to take Marine Risks' on Vessels, Cargoeo and Freiehts. and to insure Dwellfna Hmm.'h.ii.l ings in general, Fcrnftare, Goods,' Wares sr.XeV , . j ubobnunuuf aaiuei iuq ur yainago by fire, both in town and cbutrylofi thexabst nSorsi terms. - - DIRECTORS Benjamin Jones - JDArcV 'Paotfn J : Xs'X Arch'd O. Mcltwainc, Andrew JCevanvP ,u. Joseph Bragg, - - Edmund U?OsMrt7TA; John Bragg, - JosepDJate' Thomas iM LoftMu U &mmih& dtP David Dunlop, m i 6ewgo"mfBkBifgi' - BENJAMIfl JONE;Presldenffafc I ARCH'D. XL MrTl.WAlKrP. vrrV..n VViLtTAM 8. Srxrsear, Secv - - . y t, M. (( 44 x 8. Srxpsoar, Sec;"' sv?i trt4hni August 0, 18472 : vry'; 3.iT n ); atfid iRnnte - S ' - ' ' " " - B AV RECENT LY F U BUS HE0;n TT ONGFELXOW'SPoeticaiWorkwiefeW ULi uperb EograTingaoa Steel; 1 doctaVo.11 ?- Moore's Lalla Rookb, illustrated by tbirteesBi gravings, executed by the mst celebrated artista. Elegantly bound. - rj - .-fm3f n ilX 3J Bryant's Poems, illustrated bv twent mrUrti Vr. gravings, exprwly for this work printed on fine vol- , Childe Harold, a" Rom an nt. hv'TJtrk ttvr perbly bound and beaulifullyv printed, and iflnatraled w mi i ci to uuiariugi. - - . The Charm, for 1B48,' with- ted 'eofored PiatW, beantifurly bouDd, quarto size. "' ;- sr-iij-ws-L The ToeU and Poetry of- Europe jT Henry W. Longfellow, with Porisaits. 1 folw oU?o'V iiit ;d $ The Poets and Poetry of America, s by Rafas Griswold, with Portrait of Dana. Bryaot, Sptioo Halleck and ,Lo9gfeUow; Eighth edi U0S4 Btaeh eaW 1&TM' a,nd,eotirflI .frasgod. vl 1 he Poets and Poetry of EnglasoV by Rufus, V Griswold, wKh a Portrait of Bros, ia the AlbaaiajS; costume.' . "', " "" "" ." " - - " ' The Poet, and Poetryf tbTAucVnauapl Peter, A. M.r First edifioHV With ; jia iBgraviur o? ! thoCMawom A'Kome! ii?f5t rtT-e?- Z ftnn The Prose' Writera U'Axnn'nVf Itafai VfJ1 Gruwold,!witb PortraiUsf Waringten Ifrihg. PfeV- cotU HofrmiD,1 Kennedy, Anduboa, Wilde? . The Prose Writers of jeftnaayp by ProtT-Hedge with Portraits of Coetbe, BdbiHer, Luther; Rite her &c. ,. 1 toL ttaiform with 4h aboerV--'v -n- a ' t $ .'P kstorevali Raleigh, Oetl8L , (Staadanj.) 84 . ; Talnabler Farm ncaj' Kareit?l ? I wish' to sell the. PJantatJon oa Grab-, ar z vrres. aooui iwo mues casv 01 tsar The Tract contaiss about 400 Acreswwm first-rate low grouads, and shout ; lSO .ActejWoodi land. ' There is a comforUble Dwelling Housei No-t gro Houses, Cora. Crib, SuUee, oLC. on the Land. a . - f.? l " r zl - . . 1 m a . ana a mobs health shbbwob cannot oe JonjtuV fvaJ' x i..e. tKi. 1kTt.-f T . XI DUl I will then " I will ' oersorts as mar wish to see it.1 T'1 let 4eilt k'J very liberal; as the money w not waTrtedS-9 . .. it m v. . 11ENUY MORDECAL: Raleigh, OeUl 8. ttw r;tvt tm'd-$.4t tt iSHf BECKWITH'S ; ANTDVSPEPTIC ' ESCfJD ic JOHNdON' havS been "sprmtedl ? fiiw noiosato- ana uetaii a genta tor too amis r tha welt known and widely circulated article: A'v largo supply : jost 1 prepared and ! mow oa. hsnrlj Pricea the same as. at the Fjsctory.ii MXIiSt f s it one can oertue upon ss inraine. withi oat tho waiTTSJi siinatnre of ihs Pt ODrietca- ishoa 1 each JJox?.Q ';?eix -mi tSl iz-a h Raleigh, May 18, 1847 juW Si? vwZ 4T yUTlOrNlANrVrM At UXU XL UGH E B - Axzciitill otnigiiilAn.tarfi: -T; K J jTf HATBaoW 0Bhano,.,sgVesrtety IrJ tixed I II eniiatfM tiftzmrmk 'Wu!mivi r rr-if for CaB A j mtii A nttH ia-.-. X l!it'hMilit J Stors of & 5.a y.Tj; iludllESi am Elegantly lllnslr be'offered al Poblie-Salaiii Raleiffb; v r take pleasure in'ahowin? the Land in' anW Grscerleav Hsrdwsro,1 frot,TJo6k Psjlrr, Ulf4 ? &. all of which U biTeredst unuUIuw prices fi; i ti ?? .' i T i I? 4 t 1 ft If 1 ;