SVTJ c .,11 I j tun I --?.! i? -; lr .,lu. -.I -l-K 4J4J -.ti.-- t Cy:. . Jj- ;-i i , 'S"r.A?. -'-,.. v- 'v"sm SJSSassa -aWS"eBfc. - sSssaaaV TH GAROMNA GAZETTE. 1 : :- -v,.. a:?? ' 1 -1 f, NOVEMBER 3, 1847. . r : t : -.. ' -.- - vro ...... " ' ------- . .. . - , m m f B,,n 1i I, i -j 1 1. n-T-i - - a i MiinHfiiTfi ; am in ii in ir iTir'n 'in I in f mi null iln ii i n unit ,o:,-. a l Li- :i r: i: WEDNESDAY PUBLISHED SE2M?EUTJKI).tfLY, BY EDITOR 4ND P&OPltlETpjL , SJwimmi. Sm-WJU.f Pam Fit dl- Vhlt PArrThr Dollar per nanm. . , tir((Mmcji(. For of err Sixtetm Limes, first inMrtioa, Oao Dollar; iich itboeotaat uiMitioa, Ttreoty-fie CeaU. CdKrt Order and JttdieUl Adtrlimtntt will be ehirged 25 per ceat. bif her ; Vat a deduction of 33 prceaU will be made from tke, regular prieee, tor dfrtier bj the year. . , . AdvertieemeaU, iaarrted im the Skxi-Wkkklt Rk crrrca. will also appear ia the.Vcsu.T Paper, free ef ehrrje. XT Letters to the Editor most be rorr-PAi. , I OFFER for Sale. th Tract of IAIVD, on which I. reside in the Uuuntj of Halifax, coa u nin j from IS lb 1400 Aeree, within 6e mile of Gatia. in a mile and a half of the Kiver on one side, and in a mile ef toe GaMod and Raleigh Rail Koad ea the other. This land combine moy adtranugrs, iu preximity-to the Rivet and Bai Uod af&wde eve ry aJanUe of getting speedily lo a market ; but what rn Jers it still more desirable i. that there can pat be found a healthier silnaiion The- buildingi apoa it are all ouaforuble. and bat lately repeuvd I invite the ttcRiioa of s;rBtbmea-residing in the unheal' by districts ef the Stale to it, with the asu rtnee that I will sell it a poo the most reasonable and arcommodaiinf term. Should 1 nolaucreed in fid din a pwvbaer, previous to the 15th f November, it will then be offered at Public JS-le. At ihe same time, I shall oflar A r sale from 30 to 25 v.lualde ritoes,l which. I took greet patna in selecting for my' own use.. Ei pectin g ti he aent the Slate, for a month ortwo, the Land and Negroes caa be shown by Mr Haaist who will be en it in any absence, or by.Mtv Natb'l. Cbwasss, residing nsar to it.. R. H. MOSBY. July 17, 1817.. . . . 08 tf United States' Army; RECHI7ITIXG SKRVICE. WANTED for the Unitcd Statu AaMT. ABLE-BODIED MEN. between the ages cf IS and 35 years, being above 5 feet 3 iuehes high, of good character) and of respectable standing among their fellow-citixaas, . None need apply te enter the service, but those who are determined te srrve hon estly and faithfully, the period of tbir enlistment, viz : during the irer7 Kith Mexico, or for the term of te years, as the recruit may elect. This table shores them-. Pav of Artille iPv of Dra- moat of pew which t-Jisted soldiers, c ry & InfantryWoons k. Ri Sutdiers. andlrlemen when sordine to their res- of Draroens imim. r seefiK grades, ore en a RiSemen when enbff on foot. titled to for tktv sorties. Pay Pay per' for 5 am S TetheS'irt Major, Qr master S'gt, chief ina sidan. & chief Baglerj each 17 204 102(. 17 204 1020 780 600 To 1st d'glef Cmpy 16) 192 9t 16 192! Ordnance Sergeants All other S'gt each Corporals Bogters Musician .' l 13 9 8 F 318 108V 541 15G 13j 9 15B 120 480 1031 540 6C0 91 4SI Farriers &. blaekamllhs. 11 11 13ii 6C( 13? 6W 84 421 11 132 Artificers Privates J 8' 40 A bounty of TWELVE DOLLARS will b paid to each recruit enlisted for the Artillery, Infantry or 9vnted regiments: Also. 0!c bvnorcd and stxtt Acacs or laud, or $100, oa being honorably dis charged. . Besides the man I lily pay, above stated, one ration per day is allowetl every soldier, which is amply suf ficient for his sabinsfenee also, a large supply of comfortable and geetel elothin?. t.eod quarters aad fuel are at all time furnlhd ; and. every atten t on will ho pa d to nuking tho men who may en list. and arv determined to serve their country in good faith, com (or! able n4 e n'mled with their sits- atioa. The beet medical alteadanco is always pro TiJed for thts sick soldier ; and no deduction of pay , is made daring the period he is nnab?e to peform his duty. Should the soldier be disabled ia the line of bis duty, the laws provide a pension for him. By the above it is seen that the pay and allow ance are rrepectable. and that, with piaJenee and ee Hiomy. the mon'hly pay of the soldier may be lakl up aa everything requisite for his comfort and con venience is furnished by Ihe Government; including his sugar and coffee. The prudent soldier, therefore, may readily save from $420 to $1020 during his en listment of Five tkass ; and at the expiration of the term, he can. if be chooses,' purchase a small farm ia aoy of the Western 8tate, and there settle him self comfortably on his own land, for the rest of bis lifs. The awn f;TWO DOLLARS will be paid to any cittze.1, non-commissioned officer or soldier, who ahall bring to the rendexToos an able-bodied recruit, who shall be regularly ealisted- The eft'nen shoald pro sent bis recruit to the Lieutenant or Captain, and aot to the Recruiting Sergeant. - ' GEO. W. HAWKINS, 2d Lieot. Reg Mounted Riflemen, and Kecruiung uxneer. Recruiting "RsndeXTOUs, R.letgh. N.C.,1847. ' 78 Winter Shoes, Jntt reccirtsd at the' Ladies' Saloon. 1000 pairs todies' Morocco Bo.kios, with thick soles, and lined wKh thick Cam to K FLarncl TnaoccHOOT. . 200 pairs Ladise Shoe Gaiters or foxed Buskins, with thick soles. 591 pairs Ladies' Gaiter Boots, of the most beau tifut quality. J : . 500 pairs LadW patent Metalic India Rubber Slip pers and Sandals,' the prettiest ' and the finest India Rubber Shoes we have ever sees any where.1 Which, together ' with many other kind of new Goods for Ladies : and Children, makes the assort meat of Boots and Shoes at the Ladies Saloon maeh more Attractive than at any prertooa season. The LadW Saloon h on Mais street; near Wal ter-s CStr Hots! - W. IL ADDINGTON. Norfotk. Oct.2a I : 85 i JTUflTIlECEl VED, AT HARQINB'S CLOTHINQ STOREj ABEATJTIFULrnasortment or Coats, Pants, tn-1 Vests. allWylea stnl naaUtici fishiomWy cat and well made. Great bargains will be offered, tia FayetteTille St- second door from titrgctt St. rt .t, , ia. ' j.ii . et a Pay Pay j Pay Payi per per for 5 per mT am yrs. ra'b 1 9 9 S 9 ! 85 4t Importer i WholeuU & Retail Dealer ia WIIVES, LIQUORS, &c. OF ALL COUNTRIES, ' ITo. 70 Waluol Street, 1 N VITE3 the atUntion of the Trade and consumers to . bis xleriive stock of good, pare) ' W mss, o ol various grades' and prices': all of which have been carefully selected by bint in Europe, Principally in. the Districts to here Produced. . AN EXPERIENCE: of twenty years in this busi ness, snd as successor to the laio Joua VaCohax. Esq: wiisj an extensive European eonnection. and a direct pereocal knowledge of ihe principal Wins dU trieio si France,- Germany, otc. enable him to guar antee the excellence and good condition of every ar ticle sold by him. His new Store snd Cellars, ar ranged and built for the purpose, insure the pi eserva lion of bis wines in perfect cmdit ion: and the present Stock having been landed principally before the first of December last, when the new and higa Tariff on Wines took effect, enables him to sell on the most ad vantageous terma. ? Descriptive Catalogues famished oa applica tion personally or by letter ; in ordering Wiaxsfrwm which, satisfaction will be guarantied. Wsa Sec. Impo&tss to Oxikil, Si;sjkct to Ar- rXOVAL ON AaxiVAj. March 99. 1847. t -ly Brilliant Lotteries. . , . , JT. VF. MAUIir Ac CO., JTlannsert. (Successors to J. O. Oregory 4r Co.) 5 Prizes of $20,000, amounting to $100,000 ! And 5 Prizes of 10,000 ! SPLENDID ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 71. for 1817. To bo drawn in Alexandria, on Saturday. 6th of November, 1847. Gr&nd Si leme. 20,000 Dolls ! . 20,000 Dolls ! . 20,000 Dolls ! ! ! 20,000 Dolls ! ! ! ! , 20.000 Dolls ! ! ! ! ! Amounting to $100.000 ! 10,000 Dollars! 10.000 Dollarsi 10.000 Dollars ! 10,000 Dollar! . . 1 0.000 Dollars Amounting to S50.UO0 ! ALSO, 1 prixe of $4,093 70 prixesof ' 1,000 80 do ' 500 125 do (being lowest 3 iNoa.) 400 rc 4x. &c. 78 Number Lottery. 13 Drawn Ballots. Tickets ouly $15 Halves 7 50 Quarters 3 75 Eighths 1 87. -Certificates of Packages of 26 Wholes $200 LU do 26 Halves 100 Do do 26 Quarters 50 Do do 26 Eighths 25 $35,000! . Alexandria Lottery, ClaaaNo. 73. for 1S47, Te be drawn in Alexandria, en Saturday, the of November, 1847. saaatiBiBnittM at a an: m at rid" VII iillHli 13th I prixe of 1 do 1 do 1 do I -do S5.U00 14,000 7,000 6 000 4.0OO 75 No , 1 prixe of 10 prizes of 25 do 25 do dec $3,870 2.000 1.0U0 500 &c. 13 drawn. Ticket 3 10 Ilalrra $5 Quartern $3 50. Certificate of packages of 25 Whole licketa 130 00 Do do 35 Half do 65 00 Do do - 25 Quarter do 33 St) 930,300! 3 Prizes of 910,000! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 75, for 1847 To be drawa at Alcxaudria, on Salarday, tbe 20th of November, 1847. capitals: 1 of $30,240 1 of S5.000 1 of 10.000 1 of 6,ot0 1 of 10.009 4Sof 1.000 1 of 6.000 4ti of 600 75 Number Lottery 12 Drawn Ballots. Tickeis $10 Halves 6 Quarters 3 50. Certificates of Packages of 35 Whole 1130 Do. do. 35 halves 65 Do. do. 35 quarters 33 f0 Masciricent Loltcry focfior. 37, IS 17. CAirrAL. Pbjxx 75,000 Dollars ! 932,000! 915,000! 100 Prixes of 91,000, amoouliDg lo 8100,000 237 do of 500, do 1 18.500 And 14 Drawn Nos. in esch Package o 2G Tickets. ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Claaa T. for 1847, To be drawn ia Alexandria, on Saturday, 2 ah el November 1847. (Under the superintendence of Commissioners.) J. W. ISanry & Co.; Managers, (Successor to J. G. Gregory & Co.,) 78 Number Lottery 14 Drawn Ballot. MAMMOTH SCHEME: 1 splendid eap'l of $75,000 100 prize of $1,000 splcud d prize of 25.UO0 237 do uu 1 do 15,000 . "64 de 200 1 do 10.000 64 do 150 1 prize of 8,000 64 do 100 1 da 74)00 128 do CO 1 do 5,096 5,504 do 40 Borises of 2.000 28.224 do 20 15 do ' Tickets $20 Halves 10 Quarts rs 5 Eighths 2 50. Certificates of package of 36 whole ticket $'J4U Do do - of 26 half do 120 Do do ef 26, quarter do- ,60 , iiDs do ef26eigtu do 30 Order for Tickets and Share and Certificate of Packages in the abovesplendid Lotteries will receive the) most prompt attention, and an othcial account each drawing sent Immediately after it ia aver to a I who order from a. . . Address : v i Agents lor J. W. MAURV4; Co., Managers. " Wasfiinfcion Cjlff D. fj. THOMAS B. DUnnLEE, ATTOKMKT 'AMD SOUqjOS, . .. COMMlssfoNER FOR NORTH CAROLINA ' " To'uk Testimony, Acknldro"t. -. r' T Naei 3lreei, - - ...... . xr December 28. 1848. 104, ly, 6T) DOZ Black Writing Ink.' of Msynard dt Noyes' manufacture, for le al the Auclien aod CootBUaaioo KWi of Ii. B. HUUHM THE PETERSBUfte IRON, BELL AND BRASS ur CD uar jcp lo aa r. Mtchine, Smith-Shop, Edge-Tool Factory, it. ' In f nil operation. fTHHE nndersigned returns his sincere thanks to U the citixens of Petersburg, and too uublic aene (any, io the liberal encouragement he baa received, sou Dopes (as Ue baa a more extensive assort men i ol Patterns, more and belter, machinery, two rood Cupolas or Furnaces, beiier workmen, aud tbe whole c.taiJibment better arranged and systemalixed,) by continued efforts, to give satisfaction to all who may favor Dim with their patronage. , Ho ia prepared to execute orders (or Casting from an ounce weight to my Hundred. MILL GEARING ut every description t bhafting, Sj.indles, Screws, ate. Castings for everv description of Coiton Ma chinery. WATER-WHEELS. He is manufacturing Howd'e Cast Iron direct scl- ng Water-Wbecl, and has made a number, which have been tested with grest success, snd is believed, from its structure, durability and strength, to surpass all other Wheel under leas bead of water than 14 feet. The agent for tbe aboe Wheels here, who gives his whole attention to putting them up. Tbe subscriber is alsomsnufactuting Hotchkiss' re-acting vv neei. 8TEAM ENGINES, High and Low Pressure. TOBACCO PRESSES. He has on hand a number of various sixes, fin- shed up complete, which he would sell st reduced prices for Cash, or on time to punctual customers. Iattenmg Mills, Patent Bands, Sinkers. Levers. dec- at reduced prices. HOGSHEAD NCREWS, With Box, Plate and Ink, all complete, for $35. EDGE TOOLS. He bas on hand, and continues manufacturinc:. Cast Steel Axxs, and other edge tools, warranted e- qoal to any made at the North. Wag gun Boxes, both ground and in the rough. 8ad Irons, of all sixes. Fire Dogs of various patterns. Furnaces, suited for heating Churches and Stores. Stoves, of different sizes, lor Fat-lories and Offices, Grates of varioua patterns. Plain aud Fancv. IKON RAILINU. Both Cast and Wrought Plain and Fancy. Hoisting Machines, lor stores and Ware-houses, on an improved plan. Pumpa for Well, of various constructions. Cotton Gins, snd Horse Powers. PLOUGHS, PLOUGHS. Ha haa on hand a heavy stock of Ploughs and lough Castings, of varioua Patterna, from 1 to 4 Horse, vix : Eagle or Meadow, Davis, McCormiek, remium, Clarksville, Kiee Born. Bar Shear, Seed, Corn, Side Hill, D dtc , which he will sell at unu- susl low prices. Portable Corn Mills, of supenor construction. Corn Shelters and Straw cuttera. Thrashing Machines, Fan Mills, &c. ; and all oth er articles usually made at such establishments. Having from 65 to 60 Hands employed, and son ss good workmen aa can be found in the biate, he hopca to give as general aatisfsction as to price, work msnsbip and despatch, as any other similar estab lishment. - He would respectfully invite all who are willing to give him an equal chance with Richmond or the North, to give him a call. 0 Orders left with Mensrs. McIIwaine & Brown- m ea vast .a a t t ey, Messrs. V w vv. i. Morion, si nis snop on uiu treat, or at the Foundry, will be promptly attended to. U. WfiL.l.S. Petersburg, March 6. 12 if THE Subscriber wihe to sell that valuable Tract of Land, immediately adjoining the Citv of Raleigh, known as the Waterloo Tract " containing between 400 aud 500 Acre. Also, ano ther Tract of 130 Acres, adjoining tbe above 1 ract. known aa ih Bushy Branch" Tract. Tbe above Lands are so well known, that descrip tion is deemed unnecessary. Apply to the Subscriber, or to the Editor of the Register." JAMKS U. COOKE. Febrosry 10. 184T. 13 tf Spruill's Hotel for Sale. Bx virtue of a Deed in Trust executed to me by Benjamin J. Spruill and Chritian bis wife, for certain purposes in the said Deed mrittioned. and which is of recoid in the Registei s Office of Halifax County, I shall, on Friday, the 12ih day of November nexl, in the Town of Wei- Ion, eipose to public sale, tbst valuable property in the Town of Weldoo. known as 8PRUILLS HOTEL. The buildings are large and commodious, nearly a a new. and in cood renair. it na neen ir many jmr he Rail Road House, snd if well managed is very valuable property. It has been rented out the pres ent yesr for the sum of 9700 Possession to be given on the 16th November, 1847. Terms of Sale : About $3,000 will be required in Cash, tbe residue at Six, Twelve and Eighteen month, with bond and security, bearing interest. The title, I am advised, is beyond dispute, but sell ing as Trustee, I shall convey auch tille to tbe pur chaser, as is vested in me only All Mr. Spruill s creditors are secured, in the ssid Trust, and I request they will, by themselves or agents, bate their claims present at tbe day of Sale. ..... -mm s we a ansa . . . WM. Ii. UUOI1X.S, irustee. Oct. It. 83 ts Sale of Lots for Taxes. AGREEABLY to Order, granted at iba Sep tember Term of Cumberland County Court, i ... r . t, will expose to Public Sale, at m L-ouri nouse in Fayetteville, on the first Mondsy in December next. for Cash, th following LOTS, or so moch thereof as ill psy tho Taxes due the Town of I ayeiteviue. for 1845 and 1846, together with all Incidental ex- nenses thereon : vix: 5 Lot in Lower Fayetteville. belonging to the Heirm of Gilbert Ercles. for tn I axe Ol 1845. Valued at 600. $3 00 5 Lota in Loer Fayetteville, belonging to the aame Heirs, Tor the yesr ibo, suojeci io double tax,' I Lot, comer of Union street and Maiden Lane, tbe residence of W 8. Latu, valued at f 1700, . ' 1 Ix. on Maiden Lane, W. 8. Latia, and 3 Polla, f350,' . i. . 1 Lot. on Hay Street. Pride Jonas, subject to double tax. $2000, I Lot, on Chatham Street. James Yana, and .1 PolL 1400. . i . 3 00 13 75 4 35 10 00 3 00 1 Lot on Hillhoeoueh Street. Moses Branch, GORDON DEMINO, Collect . Fayettevilla. wept. 25, 1847.. (Pr.AS.wTj 78 rae.HR SBWrihr wiahe to purchase 10,000 tbe. 'I rrrA T.IIaw rr which he will pay Market Price. B. B. BUFF ALOE. Raleigh, Sep. 9, 1847. 1,000 CASES : PALL AND WINTER STOCK OF Boots, Shoes and Brogans, . AT THt . LADIES'. SALOON, On Main Street, near . Walter's City Betel, Norfolk, Ya. fnrffn - r t sm v wa n s ma oUBolttlDfitt, hivinff re cently enlarged his Store for retsil ing, and having taken the whole house for wholesale goods, he is now prepared to show the largeet and best stock of Boots, Shoe and Brogans, for the Fall and Winter trade, which be his ever bad. - He hss just returned from the Noith snd Eat, where he has visited all tbe principal Sboe manufactories and purchased from them bis stock at caab prices almost entirely. He will therefore be enabled to sell to Country Merchant and others, at very low prices. HE HAS NOW ON HAND, 5,000 pairs Men's very heavy thick Brogans, dou ble soles and double atitcbed. 3,000 paira Men's coarse Brogar.s, 3d dt 3d quality. 3,000 do do lined and bound Brogans and Bootees. 1.000 pairs Men's coarss thick Cowhide and Grain Leather Boots, double soles, the very beet quality. 400 pairs Men s f ibhermen Boots, made of heavy wax Leather and Oram Leather verv long lees to wade in, and double soles. 500 pairs Gentlemen's Water Proof Boots, with double Call. Skin uppers and heavy double soles. l.l'OO pairs Gentlemen's Napoleon Boots, with nailed and tug bottoms, assorted qualities. 5,000 pairs Women a Leather Boots, assorted kinds, such as heavy Kip, Wax aud Grain Leather, and Goat Skin Bootees. 2,000 parrs Women's Leather Shoes and Buskins. BESIDES THE ABOVE GOOUs, We have more than our usual supply of Ladies' Shoes, Ladies' Gaiier Boots, and over 20,000 pairs Children's Shoes; Men aiid Women Servants' Shoes, Travelling Trnnks of every kind. Valises and Carpet Bans; all of which mikes our assortment unusually large and Very attractive the whole of it will be sold cheap for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. txountrv Merchants and Strangers visiting Norfolk, and the public generally, are respectfully invited to call and examine our extensive assortment before but ing. The Ladies Saloon is on Main Street, near W al ter' City Hotel. W. H. ADDliXUTOiN. September 25. 78 TO SPORTSMEN. . PATENT titX BAJIBEL SF.LF-HF.VOL- fUU AflO RKPEATUG 1USTOLA. c B. ROOT bas juat received a fine lot of TJ J- 1 I CI-.L.- Wk. U Bird Bags, dec, all of which will be sold low. Aug. 7. 63 David B. Small, COPPERSMITH, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORKER, iVO.C2, PRATT STREET, BALTIMORE. 14 M HE Subscriber, having been long established in the above business, lenders his services to the Distillers of Turpentme in the State of North Care- na, for the manufacturing of I urpentine Stills, ha ving already furnished a number of them, for which satisfactory reference can be ayven. Pereons in want of 1 urpeutiue Mills, or any other Copper work, Tio, Sheet Iron, or Lead work. For cing and Lifliug Pumps, Stoves and Pipe, cau be ac commodated, wholesale or retail, on as favorable terms, as any House in Baltimore, or any Other City. The new racket Line arrangement now makes it cert ulu to Merchants and others, that their orders will be forwarded. October 16. 1847. 84 ta$5 Desirable Situation. ON Monday. 29lh of November next, will be of fered for rale lo the highest bidder, at ibe Court House in the City of Kaleigh, that choice location for a private Residence on Fayetteville Street, imme diately North of, and adjoining tbe Residence of the ion VV. II. Hatwooo, Jr. known aa ihe Mrs. antes Houe. Tbe Lot extends back to Wil- minston Street, with a large fine Uarden on it. J no Houi has had $100 worth of improvement laid out on it within the last few vears. Possession will be immediately given, and terms made known at tbe ime of sale In the meantime, it may be bougnt privately. Address the Subscriber, st 8miibheld, N . C. JNO. MACLEOD, Agent. Bona Visla. Johnston Co. ) October 6. 1847 ( 81 t iMardeners Almanac for lsts. Utt Landrelh's Rural Register and Almanac for 1049, with many engravings, rnce zo ceuia. HENRY V. IU HEME It, October 7. N. C. Bookstore. IB ACO. tohani We have received a Wagon load, which we belisve to be very good, and ill sell it for small profit, for the Cash. Uood Side will be given for good Hams, where such an exchange is. desired. Raleigh. Oct 19. 84 2w Fall and Winter Clothing. FTnHESabscriber.havisg returned from the North, II . with a splendid assortment of bUU US. select ed bv himself in person, with much care and taste, iuVitea the Public of tbe City, and adjoining lyoun tics, to examine this Stock before purchasing, coofi " " - . .... mmmm dent his term will be found aa moderate a any. The Stock comprise Black and Fancy French Clothe, of the most approved manufactories; t-aney French and English Cassimere ; lilack Loe SKina nrt ntain Black French Cassimere. together with ail articles urccm ry iwr otdikhkii Genilenea, preferring to parchase their own ma teriale, may rest assured they, shall claim, has moat neetat attention aa mach so a though they were Durchassd ol him both as re gar as uie maxe ana ou - .... . . . , . ,-Yery grateful for, the encouragement be continues to receive, the only assuraace he caa give for the future, is a determined endeavor .to picas ati woo mv natronhVe nim. ' " '"' ' " N. B An assortment of READY M AD E CLOTHING, alwavs n band, ot hU own aaaaufaetora. ' " ' ' ' tJT The Monthly Reports ef Fashion regularly re ceived. . T. R FENTRESS, V Merehaot Tailor.- October 31, 184?. 85 4t A tffFXHE subscribers olfcr for sale the Tract of Land fei on which the late Jams Wtchi resided, ait- uaieu on j ar river m the County of Granville, within twelve miles of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, enu containing 1100 acre. About one half ia wood land, and one fourth of the Tract, river low ground. uer are iwo good dwelling house on tbe premise nd all other necessary buildings for a farm in good order. The above land i surpassed in fertility by few. if any Tracts in ihia part of the State, and isait- uaiea in a pleasant and healthy neighborhood. Term accommodating. For farther particulars, address tbe subscribers at Henderson, N. C. P. W. WYCHE, J. T. WYCHB. July 18, 1847. ExV's. 48 tf Fall and Winter Clothing ! fii HARDING would respectfully inform the JJJio citizens of Raleigh and vicinity, that he ia uuw receiving nia stock of . FALL AII WMTTER CLOTH1KG. and will in a few weeks be in receipt of as laree and complete an assortment as ever was opened in this mar- aeu lit Ulotning nas Iteen manufactured in a very superior style, of good materials, expressly for this market ; therefore, those that wish to purchase fash ionable aud well made Clothing, at Northern prices, will do well by giving him a call. ' Just received a lot of black Cloth Dres and Frock coats ; blue blsck Beaver Over and Frock mat a . Rough and Ready, and Blanket Over coats; black Doe Skin Cassimere and Cloth Pants ; Fancy Cas- si mere and Satinet Pants: black Satin. Merino. Cashmere and Valencia Vests ; under Shirts. Linen Bocom Shirts, Drawers, Scarfs, Cravats, Collars. Suspenders, Gloves, die. ; at the store on Fayette ville street, one door above the corner known aa B. B. 8mith's. Raleigh. Sept. 16. 1847. 75 3m O. L. EITRCH & CO. RE how opening their Fall Stock of Boots. Shoes, die, which consists in part of I. Rob inson s Ladies Buskin Welts, Morocco, Do do Kid, , Do the finest stitched do Do Gum Elastic Sandals, patent article, Do do Over Shoes, do Gentlemen's Gum Elastic Sandals, do Do Do Over Shoes, metalic, Misaes Boots, Women's do. Morocco do. Seal. Boys 8ho, all kinds; Children's do I. Robinson's make Women's Leather Boots, do. Shoes. Men's coarse Boots, do. Shoes ; in fact, every thing in our line. Oct. 8. 81 Boilingbrook Hotel and Stables FOR RENT. This well known and extensive Ho tel, has been put in complete order 11 and thoroughly re-painted. Any information in re gard to the Establishment, can be obtained of Mr. Kirby, (the' present landlord,) whese lease expiree on the Slat December next, and who will dispose of the Furniture, Bedding, dec To sn experienced man, this property offers in ducements, as tbe rent will be moderate. For terms, apply to JOHN V. WILLCOX AND'W. KEVAN, Trustees Bollingbrook Hotel Co. Petersburg, Oct. 14. 83 6t Masonic. THE Grand Lodge of Xortb Caro lina will convene in this City on Monday evening, the 6th December next, at 7 o'clock, for the transaction of such business an may he submitted for its consideration. Officers of Subordinate Lodges are requested to attend in person, or csuse proper Delegates to be appointed in obedience to the Con stitution and general regulations of the Grand Lodge. full attendance is earnestly desired. WILLIAM THOS. BAIN, Grand Secretary. Raleigh, October 15. 80 FIUE ! rrrtu k i 1M K JJTWA I!SITR AWCE COftlPA- II Kl'. of Hartford, Conn. Offers to nsure Buildings and Mercnandize, against loss or mMm 7- -. a a ar a a a a damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com panies in the United States, and pays its losses promptly. Apphcationsfor insurance in Kaieigb.or it vi cinity, to be made to S. W. WHITING, Agent. And for Milton, N. C. snd vicinity, lo N. J. PALMER, Agent. October, 1847. 83 A RARE CHANCE! TTTOR SALE, tbe large and delightfully shaded Iji DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT, naw.oc cupied by P. Bcsbex, Esq. and known as the Shaw Lot. 1 This property is situated nesr the centre of the City, and to a business man, would be, one of the most pleassnt and desirable Residence. The Dwell ing ia in good condition, and has attached to. it all tbe necessary out nouses. For terms, applv to J A 8. R. CALLtJM, Mnton ; or, J A3. M, TOWLE8, Raleigh. July 16, 1817. ' 87 tf ALI X. NELSON T ZtTOST resoectfallv calls the attention ef his cos- IV 11- tomera Snd the public, lo his new Stock of r ALL UOOUS. It embraces every tbing aesirsui for tbe season. The ullowins: are the leading article: 50 piece fancy Cassimere, which he will make up- from SI0 a pair pantaloon. 50 pieces Vesting., including Merinos, Cashmere, Embroider ries. Silk. Satin and Velvet. Beamifel French btsck, brown sad blow Cloths Black Dos Skins snd Bev eer Clothe. A 11 of which will be mada up ia the Uti manMr. arv eheao. for Cash. A ' first-cats at 1 - T-T- W V . J . ' iaalofava warranted. .. - .:' i - ' - 'Also, .every kind of Shirts, Collars, Crants, Scarfs. Suspenders, GUjvee snd Umbrella. at. K'ELfiOK.jODDosita Market Beese. , . . ... Mm - T 7 - i . - mm I ff Wa A, . , - ' J ST.MARYiSCHOOIp THE WELHTi:RM;of tbsiwiti commence on the 10th ef Nevcmber sad Cea liuue till the 15th of April. ' ' ' ; : " TERMS Pa tabu in , Advancx t . For board and Engfud, Tukiou.r Taxia v. of Five Month, . - , ; . .. i '100. Of For Tuition in French. ' ; in tin Tuition ia Music, oa the Piano, Orgaa Guuar, , i .. ... . tf;85 t)0L WUU 63 00 for the US of Piano nr Ora 1 Toitioa on lb Harp, with mm t lamun- v" neat, -. . k... .. ; . , - in -tsft- Tuition la Drawing mad Painting, ia water ? ra Color, . . ? in nn Oil Colors, . : " -. . is Peaaand Iak. ; v - . - .- ? yt- N. B. To prevent riralre and - art ra-amnM '. w ' dress, a simple Uniform is adopted, U be seed an Sundays and special occaaiona. Tld.;in IVhif.f-j consist .of a dark" Who Dress,, with Straw bonoetr trunmed with blue ribboa. . For their ordiaarv apnav' ref, tbe Fupila may wear dresses efC-Uco. Ginh.mJ or cuch other material cuiuble lor School-girls, . sax u"" T.rdrobe firBW- are prohibttedU- I he Religioui Mrvicesof the . School being held in. the Chapel by the Rector, Pupil have rarely occai: sion to visit the Citr. Thev ar HAMl tl An M only under special guardianship ; A " - ' "''"i "ppw a, 1047. --I 78NI0. TRINITY SCHOOL Eigbt Allies West of Raleigh, Ifa C Mtght Xev.L. S. IVES, D. D, Visitor, Rev. FORDTCE M. HUBBARD, Rector. ' THE second Term of lb is School swiU ecnienee on the 10th day of November. " For board and Tuition in a eonrae HfmtaAUm Hi the Pupi! for entrance into any claw in CoJIego, -including French, if desired, 887 50V i .-it-l A a general rule, bova will not h. fourteen year of age.i A Uniform dress for Sundays and special occasion will be reouirt. Tk -.In coneist in Winter, of a roundabout, and pantaloons of dark grey cloth, with black vest. The Ordinarv wearing apparel must be plain and strong. Beside' a snfficieacy of outer clolbinir. hov. shirt, ix pair of Blocking Or socks, six pocket-hand- SiVAliiafai .l mm- 1 a . 1 mm . 1. lowcia, mgui ciotnes, &e.f all distinct y maxaeu wun tbe ownera name in fall. THE Petersburg Fire and ITIarine Insurance Comoanv. rt thmi, in the Exchange Building, Rank Street, Petersburg,) continue to take Marine Risks on Vessels, Cargoes i uu - reiuu, kiio io insure Jewelling Houses, BdildV ing in general, Fornituie, Goods, Wares snd Mer chandise, of every description, against loss Or damage ' "j "'w, whu iu who na country, on tbe moat liberal ' terms. , DIRECTOttilit -zvn&.-m-n Benjamin Jones, Arch'd G. McIIwaine, Joseph Bragg, Juhn Bragg, Thomas ft. Lee, D'Arcy PsoL " Andrew Kevan ' Edmund H. Osborne, Joseph D; Vfbite, Edwin J me, Georew W. Bollino-- v J David Dunlop, uciixjAMIIY JONES, President, ? ARCH'D. G. McIL WAINE, V. Pree't. WntiAM 8. Smetos, Sec' s 'J " ' ' : Angnst 10, 1847. i 55 Elegantly mtrated .Boo FOR PRESETTS. ; RECENTLY P UBLISHPfi. v,. Tf ONGFELLO W'S Puetieat Works, with elsrsa li-J superb Engraviog on Steel, 1 vol. octavo: Moore Lalla Kookh, illuatrated by thirteen En 1 graving, executed by the most celebrated, ajtiats. Elegantly bound. s ? . x.t-. Bryant Poems, illnrtrated by tweatr suoerb En. " graving, expreaely for this work, printed oa line vel- um paper. 1 vet octavo. - -'. vir Cbilde Harold, a RomaunL bv Lorrl Rrmn jt. perbly bound aud beautifully printed, and illustrated? wun twelve fetfgravings. A .' -' .i- 1 be tberm, for lb48, . with tea colored Pistes, beautifully bound, quarto size. '; ..- ; ,1. The ToeU and Poetry of .Eurone. btr Hanrv W. Longfellow, with Portrait. 1 vol. octavo. ( Us-i The PoeU and Poetry of America; by Rofo W. Griswold, with Portraiu of Dana, Rryaat, Spragui,' ..vb. uu uuu,wie, Pignut eaiitou, mucn en arged, and entirely reatranged. . .; - ! The Peeta and PoetrV.of ErurtanJ. t lrnfi,. "jp.1 Griswold, with a Portrait of Byron, in the Albanian: costume. ' - '" err v The Poets and Poetrv of the Aneienfa kv Peter, A. M. First edition.- with an BnrviiMrr bt. tbe Coliseum at Rome. ; tu?? Ara. The Proee Writer of America. W Rnfna XV M Griswold, with Portraits ef WaahinvtAii Trvin. Pi cott, Hoffman, Kennedy, Audubon, Wilde, 0. s : a no rrose v riter of Uermaay, by Prof. Hedge, with Portraiu of Goethe ScU ller. Lattiev- CUw. &c 1 vol. uniform with the abavw- i -i HENRY JTURXER,.- " i , ii -N.leksioTsV-.' Raleigh, Oet, 18L i (Standard-V t 04 Vaitiablo Earm near riaJeigU 7 FOR SALEr' - -: i I wish to cell the Plantation on Crab tree Clr'' iluur l nSI- .r -.r .- Cfv Capitol ltaoWB as the ' www mmr VIM VI Ul.. The Tract, contains, about 400 it first-rate low gronuds, aud about 150 Acres wood ; land. There is a comfortable Dwelling: floated Ne gro House, Corn Crib, Subie. dtc b the Lend,' and a xosx healtht ntuauon eanaot se feaadV - If not sold before tbe 15tb November, enaxdnir. Iti wijl then be oSered at Public Sale ia Rale iglx. r . I will take pleasure ia shewing the Land te ue& -persons aa may wish to se it. r The term -trill ha very liberal, a the money i not wanted..? ;-i e 1 UivaKX iUUiUJECALi . Raleigh, Oct. 18. , ; , s ;iaa 415IC BECKWITfl'S AIVTI-J)ySPPXICiV FESCUD de JOHNSON have bera appo1ti(ecl! Whotesals aod ttstaif ' Agent for the sale et. this well known snd widely circulated articled 'A large supply just prepared sod 'now 'eft hantL Prices the same se at the Factory , ." . N . B. None can be relied upon as stminewitiie out the waiTTBflf signatuje of . the. Protkietor 509 Raleigh. May: lS.l84f, - AUCTJON;ANftC0MMlBS!0U At If D nfJCnco AuctJc and Tf HAVE nbw on haruf. great varletj and. rtxed ji eblleclien of GOODS, conswting of Dry Oroceiia, Hardwsr Iron, BpoU, PAve.-,4. Ac, As. all of, which iCaed s apusuiJ lot tor ("Aa oartr, jit tlie,: Aaetion. aa4 Vc - :-pjt Sl0 ?, B.nUGUE34 4 I; 1 Si t h fa