- -TV. 1 .s- -A: v : U 41 ,: , -.fO .- "' t v- 3r-',4 1 t'M. - if "' , - . -. . i ; I GAZETTE. "C-.'y.v writ "f f i-ri-3 I'jii it iv;"-f ,VT&1-jf iau '111 PUBLISHED SE2OTEIIT iXB tf EE Wt, BY J)ITOR,ND PROPRIETOR. -TERMS. 5Jmiw. Skut-WEtxi-T Pxf Jlir dol lar jwr aBoam hElf in danc. Wkbklt PAPCaThre Dollars pr aanaok. Adocrlittmtntt. F or very SLrUt Line; first iartioa, Ous Dollar; saeh suMeqaBt iBMiti, Tirenty-fire Cents. Crt Ordtr And Jmdititl Advtrtistmtnti will b taargta' pr craU hfjher; Vut a deduction of 33 fit ccat. will bm made from lV regular prices, Tor Adrsrtwors y the year. AdTsrtiseiaeats, insetted in the Sbk!Wckkx.y Hk irrta will alt appear ia tha WtssLr Paper, free f ehsTfe. : " CT Letters to the Editor most be rorr-rAiB.' Winter Shoes, Jnst recelvied at the Ladles' Saloon. 1000 pairs Ladies Morocco Buskius, witty thick ol, sad lined with thick Cam ton Flannel TlltOOOHO0T. StH) pain Ladies Shoe Gaiters er foxed Buskiue, with thick soles. WU pairs Ladies' Gaiter BoeU, of the most beau tiful qaality. 5'Jtt pairs IdieV patent Metalie India RuMr Slip. ft eud ciandals. Uae. pretlieat and Ute luMt India Ksbber Shoe we .base erer seen aay whwo. Which, tojrrther with utauy oihr kiud of new Goods for Ladies and Children, make the assart, meat ef Boots and Shoes at the Ladies' Seieen ranch nore attractive than at any previous season. Th Ladies. Saloon is.ou Main street, near Wal ter', City Hotel.' ' W. U. ADDING TON. Norfolk. Oct. 2. 83 D. Paine &: Co,, ffAXAGEtlS OF LOTTI-UIES, RICHMOND, VA. UaprtcdcBUd ack ia Piiac't lotteries. Wi.hin the last 49xUy,th following Pnxes have been ent to thts Agenry : 1 of 20,000 Dollar I 8 of 10,000 LV.liars ! 2 of 8,000 Dollars ! 2 oK5,0UU DuiUrt ! Within the past week: . 1 of 8200 ; 5 of 32000 ; and whole $1000 ! The above Prize have ail been sent io ibis A gen ry, some of which were sold others returnvd for want oi' purchaser. D. Fain 6c Co. have sent more lare frnes to Richmond hi the last SO days, than all 4h er minigirrents put together. IN oi ice the follow io& Bntliant chem"s, make a select!., and forward j.ur orders lo o, or u C. W. PUKCBLL, Agent fr Paine ot Co. 50,000 DilUre. 5 oC 10.000 Dollars ! ! 10 of 5,000 dollars law est 2 number 500 JolU Sasqaehann'a Lottery,' Cla No. 52, to be drtwn at Baltimore ou v.edneedaj, November 21, IS4T. 7s Noe. 13 drawn.' - CB AND ClFTTALi I I priie f 1 da 1 do 1 do I do to pmes of la do 35 do S do tM da ft, 600 - i.tso I.OoO 600 500 dke.- lo.oao 10,000 10 000 ' 10,000 JO do .Ovtf Tickets US. halves 7 So. quarter 3 73 A eerti- Scale of Whole 180 abates ii irf onion. 40,000 Dollar! 4 of 810,000! Grand Consolidated Lottery. C'asi .Nu, A4, U be drawn at Wilmington, Delaware, rtovember 27, 1847. GRAND CAPITALS. 1 of $40 000 4Uotl,000 1 of 14 000 80 of 60 4 of 10 0U0 Ac A:r v Tickets i It, halves 9, quarter 3. A eert.ficaie of Wholes 1 44 -shares in proportion -Grand Consolidated. Ivottery, ISxtra. To be drawn at Wilmington. Del Nov. 30, 1847. SCrttSME. 1 prize of 30,000 Dollars. 1 do 5,000 Dollars. 1 do 3,000 Dollar. 1 do 2,000 Dollars. 1 do 145 Dollar's. 010 do 1,500 Dollar. 2710 do 1J50 Dollar. WlO do - 1,000 Dollar. Ticket 85, Hal e $2 50, Qaartera 1 25L 15 whole tickeu will besent for $t 10. which we war rant to draw $51 a certificate will be sent for S9 nharesia proportion. We have every day Lei tries from I to $20, tud when a remhiance is mad to us, large or saisll, we will always invest in the most popuLr Lotteries 'on Bind. The drawings sent. When rrqueoted, to all who order from nau Toe cash or all Capitals ran Veha! aa naal at sight. On all lettera encloin; tuh or prize tickets, toe postage need not bo paid. The Tieko' in the above Lotteries are received, ad all orJers addreseed to ue will meet the anost pmmpt acd reaSuVntial attention. For Grind Capitals and prompt pay. add res us. D. PALNB CO., Managers, or Richmond, Va. C , W. PfjRCELL, Kich'mHid. Va PELLrrriEus dxtiiact of SARSAPARIliLA.7 ' WE have jat received aoppfy 'wflhe sbove splendid Preparation, which' te reommtnided oy the Proprietor, as being superior 10 END'S" I tinea B-TTTts and ir alKss price. ' PBCUD dt JOHNON: Nov. 14. ' (tftairdard) s ..0ti 1 " rr-T AT THIS OFFICjC, EEPOR PS of Caeas si Law and too it j, argoed . and determined in the Uapreme Court ot i; . ai Mdrgantoa.' Auit Term, 1847. R-jleigh. October tg 1847.' ' Comffifesloner.rolVDefcdsr&e. 'I1HB UadrwtTred has been eppotntaii h the ) 4 Exeeve of Virgioia,: CmmtssWner fi tha ate t North Carolina, to take the Arknowlrxlge ntand P.-oof .4" all Derds and lontiacts rrlatitis Lands jo .bo State of Virginia A lao. Powers 4 A,tofi,j and ther instruments under seal, wiih the Pry exa ninctmn-df FTiiCwti and to take De pasiiions and AtrWits,1 bueJ m the Courts of that Siaie. Aplira4oae cao be made si my Office, r at any or the Courts id which I pr set ire , ., NATHAMEL J. PALMER. MiU, SC. e. Ser. ,;1847f , ,;. . Vl It .. ,1 ; JACOB sifimxt, Jr. Ioiorter k Wholesale k HeUii Dealer in ' OF ALL-COUNTRIES, ;'. if oi 76 Walnut Street, IN VITEj the attention of tha Trade and consumers tu'hiaei tensive stock of aonl, pare Wioee, - ot various grades and. prices: all of which have beeacarefully selected by him in Europe, Principally m tkt districts nkere Produced. . .AN EXPEKlE.NCSuf twenty yearsin this busi ness, and a tkuccees, to the lam Joew Vacobak, Esq. wilH an eitensive European connection, and a di revt iersoaal knowledge of the principal Wint dit tricl ! France, Germany, Ace enables him to guar antee the excellence and good condition of every ar ticle sold by him His new Store end Cellars, ar ranged and buili for the purpose, insure the pearrva lion of his wines In perfect condition: anil the present Stock having been landrd principally btfur the first of December last, when the new and high Tariff on Wines took effect, enables him to t-ell on the most ad vant'aceoas terms. 7 Descriptive Catalogues Hi r niched on applica tion personally or b letter ; in ordering Wmss from which, satisfaction will be guarantied. Wwu Ate. IJiroaTcn to Okdf.r, ScaitcT to Ar FE3VAL 6n AaaiVAL. March 29. 1847. 2-lv Brilliant Lotteries. J. Yf. JlAUttV & CO., Tlanager. (rfucceora to i. G. Gregory 4; Co.) . " Kagnificeat Lottery for Not. 17, 1347. Ca pita l Pane 75,000 Dollar! 825,000! 815,000! 100 Prixea of 81,000, amouatiuf; to $100,000 237 do of 500, do 113.500 And 14 Drawn Nos. in each Package of SC Tickets. - ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class T. for 1847, To be drawn ia . Alexandria, on Saturday, 27th ef November 1847. (Under the superintendence of Commissioners.) J. W. IfXaury &, Co., Uaiiaffcrs, (Successors to J. G. Gregory dc. Co., 78 NombHr Lottery .14 Drawn Ballots. MAMMOTH SCHEME: 1 splendid cap'l ef 75,0uO 100 prizes of $1,000 1 splendid prize ef 25.000 23? do 500 1 de 15.001) 64 do 2J0 1 de 111.000 64 do 150 1 prize of 8.000 64 do 100 1, do 7,000 I2d do to 1 do 5,096 5,504 do 40 5 prizes ef 3.000 2d,24 do So 15 do 1.500 &C Tickets 820 Halves 10 Quarters 5 Eighths 2 50. Certificate! ol packages of 36 whole tickeu 8340 Do do ef 26 half do 1:20 Do do ef 36 quarter do 60 Do do of 26 eighth do 30 Orders for Tickets and chare, and Certificates ol Packages in tha above Splendid Lolienre will receive the most prompt attention, and an otneial acce int ! each drawing sent immediately after it is our to all who order irons as. Addre. J. dc C. ItXAUIlY, A genu for J. W. MAURY Co , Managers. Wafthinston City, D. C. ATTORN ET AND S0UC1TOK, COMMISSIONER FOR NORTH CAROLINA, Te uk Testimony, Acknowledgements, die. 79 Nassau Mireet, Nsw Yoac December 26. 1848. 104 ly FOR ItK.XX, above my Store, opposiie the Maiket House, led beautiful rooms with pri vate entrance, and adapted to business or study, of fires, or bed-rooms. ALEX. NELSON. Raleigh. Aug. S. (Standard.) 83 Xli Tattenalla' Ilea re Powders area Medirine aaTiaa lt Birrs a.KT in their compoeition and set ion from any thing of the kind ever before oirorvi in thia country, and are warranted to be tha best artic! for tha cure of Heaves, Broken ind, dec in Homes, now' extant Their ezteruive oa In the I'atlersalU Stables, London, and other parts ol England, has been accocrjpanied by the most astonishing results, end many thousands of valuable Horses have been rendered sound thereby. 1 bey are now offered to the -eoplo of the United "States, with the confident assertion of the Proprietor, that the HEAVES CAN BE CURED BY THEM. None genuine without the written signature of J. KiaJcaaiDK, London Price one dollar. A. H. GOUGH CO., 149 Pulton st., N.Y. General Agents for the U States. A aupply- of the above Pnwders just received and for sale by PEsCUD dt JOHNsON. Raleigh, Nov. 8. (-standard) 91 A Treatise on Corns, Buoious, the Dis eases ef the Nails, and the geuial iiiaaarement of tne Feet ; by Lewis DurlaCher, Surgeon Chiropo dist (by special appointment) to the Queen. Sold by IV D. TURNER. Nov. 9.1847. 90 TTTIlefirant Anunal ior J 848. Leaflets of Memory; aa lUamiaatnd edition, by Rey ueit Coats. M. D-, elegantly bound and illustrated by autneroos Engraviuga, Sold by H D. TURNER. Raleigh, Nov. 9. 1847. , 90 David B. Smull, C O P P E It s m iT IT, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORKER, ' K0. (PKAfT STREET BALTIMORE. flTFI HE Subscriber, having been loog eatabliehed in dSp dthe-above business, tender bis servieewto the Distillers of Turpentioe in the Sute of North Caro llaa, for the manufacturing oi Turpentine Stills7 ha ving already furnished a pnmbef of thern, for which saUslactoTT referenca cair V t"ten. V; , Person in want of Tnrpeutin Sliria;r other CoppVothi Tin;heet iron, or Lead work, For eing and Liftm Pump; Store and Plpe.crt W ae eommodated. tekiWtaU wrtlmilr a a favtnible lermn a f Holtw in Balrirtwe.or 3r4hrCSty. The new Packet U rrange meot no w makes it certain to Merxhanta and others that their orders will be forwarded-,-. f f Octeber 16. lbH7.v'v .t 84,ta8a. pi OLsn'S Matches. a v.iPPiy tr GoWs lTf superior Matches, in "wood botes, j-wt received and fof sale by PESCUD fc-JOHNSON" .7VTIC:E CRANBERKIEH to band.. . . . XNI WILL. PECK dt 8Ci2i. Rlaijh,NoT. 13. 91 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1847. THE PETERSBURG IRON. DELL AND BRASS Machine, Smith-Shop, Edjc-Tool Factory, te. . In full operation. rjPRHE undersigned returns his sincere thanke to JJ, the citizen of Petersburg, and the public gene raiivfor the liberal ancourageuient he has received, and hopes (as be has a more extensive assortment ol Patterns, more and better machinery, two good (Cupolas or Furnaces better workmen, and the whole Establishment belter arranged and systematized,) by continued efforts to give satisfaction to all who may fav'ir him with their patronace. He is prepared to execute orders for Casting from an ounce weight to sixty huudied. MILL GEARING Of every description ; Shafting, Spindles, Screws, dec. Castings for every description of Cotton Ma chinery. WATER-WHEELS. He is manufacturing Howd'a Cast Iron direct act ing Waier-Wheel, and ha made a number, which have been tested with great success, and is believed, from its structure, durability and strength, to surpass all other W ht-els under less head of water than 14 feet. The agent for the above Wheels is here, who gives his whole attention to pulling them up. The subscriber is also manufacturing Hotchki re-acline Wheel STEAM ENGINES, High and Low Pressure. TOBACCO PRESSES. He has on hand a number of various tires, fin ished up complete, which he would sell st reduced prices for Cash, or on lime to punctual cu.tomera. flattening Mills, Paient Bands, sinkers. Levers, die, at reduced prices. . HOGSHEAD SCREWS, With Box, Plate and Ink, all complete, for $35. EDGE TOOLS. He bas on hand, and continues manufacturing. Cast Sterl Axsa, and other edge tools, warranted e qual to any made at the Nonh. VVacgon Boxes, both ground and in the rough. Sad Irons, of all sizes. Fire Dugs of various patterns. Furnaces, suited for besting Churches anJ 8torea. Stoves, of different size, lor Farturiesand Offices, Grates of various patterns. Plain and Fancv. IKON RAILING, Both Cast and Wrought Plain and Fancy. Hoisting Machines, for Stores and Ware-hoases, on an improved plan. Pumps for Well, of various constructions. Cotton Gins, and Horse Powers. PLOUGHS, PLOUGH'S. He has on hand a heavy tock of Plough and Plough Castings of various Patterns, from 1 to 4 Hore. viz : Esgle or Meadow, Davis. McCormtck, Premium, Clarksville, Kiee Uoin. Bar Shear, Seed, Corn, Side Hill, D 6lc , which he will sell at unu sual low prices. Portable Corn Mill, of superior construction. Corn Shelters and Straw cutters. Thrashing Marhincs, Fan Mills, dec. ; and all oth er articles usually made at such establishments. Having from 55 to 6o Hands employed, snd some ss good workmen as can be found in the Stale, be hopes to give as general satisfaction aa to price, work manship and despatch, aa any other aimilar estab lishment. He would respectfully invite all who are willing to give him an equal chance with Richmond or the North, to give htm a call. fjj Orders left with Messrs. Mcllwsine At Brown ley, Messrs. Q Jr W. L. Morton, at bis shop on Old street, or at the Foundry, will be promptly attended to. U. V ELLS. Petendmrg, March 6. 12 if THE Subscriber wi.hes to sell that valuable Trait ol Land, immeUiatelv adjoining the Cii) of Raleigh, known as the - Ua7roo Trad" containing between 400 and 500 Acrca. Also. ano ther Trad of 130 Acres, adjoining the above Tract, known as the Bushy Branch" Tract. Tha abovf Lands are so well known, that descrip tion is deemed unnecessary. Apply to the Subscriber, or to the Editor of the Register." JAMES H. COOKE. February 10, 184"T 13 tf Sale of Lots for Taxes, AGREEABLY to an Order, granted at the Sep tember Tenn of Cumtierland County Court, I win expose io Public Ssle, at the Court House in Fayetieville, on the fust Monday in December next, for Cash, the following LOTS, or so much thereof as wiil pay lbs Taxes due .the Town of Fayetieville, for 1845 and 1846, together with all incidental ex penses i hereon ; viz: b Lots in Lower Fsyeiteville. belonging to the Heirs of Gilbert Ercles, for the 1 axes of 1845, valued at $600, $3 00 5 Ijotsin Loer Fsyeiteville, belonging to the same Heirs, for the year 1846, aubject to double tax, 3 00 I Lot, corner of Union Street and Maiden Lane, the residence of W S. Latta, valued at S2700, 13 75 1 Lot. on Maiden Lane, W. S. Latta, and 3 Pulls. $250, 4 25 1 Int, on Hay Street, Pride Jones, subject to double tax. 32000, 10 00 I Lot, on Chatham Street, Jame Vann, and 1 Poll, MOO, 3 00 1 Lot on HillsboroQgh Street, Moses Branch, 3 Polls, $200, 3 00 GURDON DEMING, Collectoi Fayetieville, Sept. 25, 1847. (Pr. Adv. g7) 73 E well's iTIedical Companion, or Family Physician : tenth edition, revised, en larged and greatly improved ; embracing a Treatiae on Hydropathy, Homocpelhy and the Chrooothermal System. For sale by U. D. TURNER, N. C. Boodatore. Raleigh. Nor. 8. 1847. 90 jjetuperb Gift Book for 1848. TAewp ton's Seasons, illustrated ; edited by Bolton Cor ney. Esq Illustrated with 77 Designs, drawn on wood, by the Etching Club; handsomely printed, 1 sot.tt ro. Jost published and this day received, at the N. C. Bookstore, Raleigh. - Not. 6. 1847. 90 Tnioudolr BolatlVt.or The ParUrBook of yil 'Flowers : comprising the history , description . auj colored Eagraviogs of 24 Exotio Flowers, 24 WUd Flowers of America, and I Trees with Frails, by John R Newman. M. D-' For sale at tha . N. a JJUrr. -Raleigh. Nov. JO. - ' , : i ' 90 tl ty fyfr StrVstTSM HowotKO ao Set II 47 47 Up. 'eNTT-aix. or ,! War of Indrptn aence: A history of the Angto-Americans ; illustra- t-d by numerous Engravings, by Benson J. iMmng Thia day receivedTiy ' Raleigh. Nov. 8. 1847. ' II. D. TURNER 90 frheache's American Practice, or tiU Tht Family Physician .nrw edition, with nu merous Engraving. Just received by U. D.TURNER. 1,000 CASES FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF Boots, Shoes and Brogans, AT THE LADIES' SALOON, On Main Street, near Walter's Oily Hotel, Norfolk, Va. TOE SUBSCRIBER, bavin? re cently enlarged his Store for retail ing, and having taken the whole house for wholesale goods, he is now prepared to show the largest and best stock or Boom, Shoes and Brogans, for the Fall and Winter trade, which he has ever had. Ha has jut returned from the North and East, where he has visited all the principal Shoe manufactories and purchased from them his stock at cash prices almost entirely. He will therefore be enabled to sell to Country Merchants and others, at very low prices. HE HAS NOW ON HAND, 5,000 pairs Men's very heavy thick Brogans, dou ble soles and double stitchrd. 2.000 pairs Men's coarse Brogsr.s, 2d A 3d quality. 3,000 do do lined and bound Brogans and Bootees. 1,000 pairs Men's coarse (hick Cowhide and Grain Leather Boots, double soles, the very best quality. 400 pairs Men s Fishermen Boots, made of heavy wax Leather and Grain Leather very long legs to wade in, and double soles. 500 pairs Gentlemen's Water Proof Boots, with douhle Call skin uprs and heavy double soles. 1,000 pairs Gentlemen's Napoleon Boots, with nailed and Iug bottoms, assorted qualities. 5,000 pairs Women's Leather Boots, assorted kindu, such as heavy Kip, Wax aud Grain Leather, and Goat Skin Bootees. 2,000 pairs Women's Leathrr Shoes and Buskins. BESIDES THE ABOVE GOODS, We have more than our uual supply of LaJie?' Shoe. Ladies' Gaier Boom, and ovrr 20.000 pair Children's Shoes; Men and Women Servants' Shoes, Travelling Trunks of every kind, Valixes and Carpet Bata; all of which inukes our assortment unusually large and very attractive the whole of it will be oA cheap for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. Country Merchants and Strangers visitinn Norfolk, and the public generally, are respectfully inv'nrd to call and examine our extensive assortment before buting. The Ladies' Saloon is on Main Street, near Wal ler's Ciiy Hotel. W. H. ADDIXGTON. September 25. 78 Magnificent Schemes FOR DECEMBER, 1847. J. XV. Ittnury & Co., iriana?cra. (Successors to J. G. Gregory & Co-) $40,000! $20,000! $10,000! - And 150 Prizes of $1,000! Alexandria Lottery, CI.k. W ?M f..r IR17 Te be drawn in Alexandria, en Saturday, the 4th m rv a r m ot uecemoer, to i. BRILLIANT SCHEME! 1 splendid prize of $40,000 1 prize of $5,000 1 do 20,000 1 do 3,500 1 prize of 10,000 1 do 3,000 1 do 8.000 1 do 2.291 1 do 6.000 6 do 2,000 150 prizes (being the lowest 3 Nos ) of $1,000 dec &C. 75 Nob. ' 1 1 drawn. Tickets S 12 Halves 6 Quarters 3 Eighths 1 50. Certificates of packages of 25 Whole Tickets $i(i0 v . e t at . n -v Uo do tiait ao ou Do do 25 Quarter do 40 Do do 25 Eighth do 20 $30,1 IG ! 10 of 80,000! I0of$3,or,0: ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 80, for 1(447. To be drawn iu Alexandria, on Saturday, the lllh of December, 14 17. irLiNuto scheme: 1 prize ef $30,146 20 prizes of $600 10 prizes of 6 000 20 do 4U0 10 do 3,000 20 do 300 20 do l.ObO lt?5 do 250 dec &c. ' 78 Number Lottery 13 Drawn Ballots. Tickets $10, Halves 5, Quarters 2 50. Certificate of packages of 26 Whole Tickets 130 Do do 26 Half do 65 Do do 26 Quarter do 32 5u 9SO,O0O! 820,000! 91O,O0O! And 13 Drawu Nos. iu each Package of 22 Tickets! Alexandria Lottery, Clabs No. 82, for 1847, To be drawu at Alexandria, ou Saturday, the lSlh of December, 1847. MagnifieeOt Scheme : 13 Drawn Numbers out of 66! Making nearly as many Prizes as Blanks ! 1 splendid capital of $50,000 1 prize of $2,000 1 dp prize of 20,000 10 prizes of l.t OO 1 prize of 10.000 10 do 5U0 I do 5.000 20 do 300 1 do 2,940 30 " do 200 A &.c. TickeU only S15 Halves 7 50 Quarters 3 75 Eighths I 7J. Certificate of packages of 22 Whole tickets 1 140 00 Do do 22 Hair do 70 00 Do do 22 Quarter do 35 00 Do do 22 Eighth do 17 50 35,000 Doll ! 913,000 ! 9 10,000 ! ALEXANDRIA' LOTTERY, Clase No 84. tor 1847. To be drawn iu Alexandria, ou Saturday, 25th of December, 104. 14 Drawn Ballots out of 78 Numbera! SrUiSDID SCHEME ! 1 prize of $35,000 1 prize of $2,039 1 do 13,000 I do 2.000 1 do - 10, DUO SO prizes of 1,000 I do 5.000 20 do 6U0 1 do 3.500 20 do 400 1 do 3,000 40 do 300 dec &c. tc. TickeU $10 Halves 5 Quarters 2 50. Certificates of Packages of 26 Wholes, $120 Do do 26 Halves, 60 Do do 26 Quarters, 30 , eBSBasasBSBBBSMBBaBaMsaBSjsBjBBBtssaMaaessBBBHBMw . Orders for TickeU and Shares and Certificates of pMrkaant in the above SDiendid Lotteries will receive the moat prompt attention - and an official account of . - 5 i i-jj' i-iJ -rv .n eacn urawiug sent luiiurutaieigr w who order1 from n.' Address . ' ' " J. Sc C MAURY, 1 Agent for J. W. Maost & Co , Manager, - Washington City. D. C. NEW WORIi.IVapoIcon, his Arm. v and his Generals"; ther unexampled Mifitarj caer, with a ske'ich of the French Revolution ; n; in American.' with numerous Engravings. Jus published, 'and 'sold at the N. C. Bookstore. Not. IX, 91 rail and Winter Clothine ! TLil l- HARDING wouM respectfully inform the Mldm citizens of Raleigh and vicinity, that he is ww recerTing nis SIOCK of FALL AfrD WINTER CLO-jrHlIf d, and will m a few weeks be in receipt of as large and complete an assortment as ever was opened in thia mar ket. Ilia Clothing bas been manufactured in a very superior style, of good materials, expressly .for this market ; therefore, i hose that wUh to purchase fash ionable and well made Clothing, at Northern prices, will do well by giving him a call. Just received a lot of black Cloth Dress and Frock coats; blue black Beaver Over and Frock coats: 1" l a a .... . ' uuugo. ana Heady, and Blanket Over coaU; black Doe Skin Cashmere and Cloth Pants: Fsncv Caa- stmere and Satinet Pants; black Satin, Merino, :ashm re and Valencia Veste ; under SbirU, Linen uo.-om Shirts, Drawers, Scarfs, Cravats, Collars, spenders, Cloves, dec. ; at the store on Favette. viile street, one door above the corner known as B. ii. Smith s. Raleigh. 8ept. to 1847. 75 3m O. L. BURGH & CO. ARE now opening their Fall Stock of BooU, Shoes, die., which consists in part of I. Rob inson s Ladies Buskin Welts, Morocco, Do do Kid, Do the finest stitched do Do Gum Elastic sandals, paient article, Do do Over Shoes, do Gentlemen's Gum Elastic Sandals, do Do Do Over Shoes, metalic, Misses BooU. Women's do. Morocco do. Seal, Boys Shoes all kinds; Children's do., I. Robinson's make j Women's Leather Boois, do. Shoes, Men's coarse Hoots, do. Shoes; in fact, every thing in our line. Oct. t. 81 Masonic. TxJIE Grand Lodge of Xortb Caro lina will convene in this City on Monday evening, the 6ih December n-xt, at 7 o'clock, for the transaction of such business a may be submitted for its consideration. Officers of Subordinate Lodges are requested to attend in person, or cause proper Delegates to be appointed in obedience to the Con stitution and general reeulations of the Grand Lodge. A full aitendauce is earnestly desired. WILLIAM THOS. BAIN, Grand Secretary. Raleigh, October 15. 80 FIltE ! TCI K ETNA IXSURAXCB COftlPA XY, of 11 artford, Conn. Offers to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. . This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com panies in the United States, and pays its losses promptly. Applieationf for Tnauranee in Raleigh, or its vi cinity, to be made to S. W. WHITING, Agent. And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity, to N. J. PALMER, Agent. October, 1847. 83 A 1, 2 X. NELSON '' MOST respectfully calls the attention of his cus tomers and the public, to his new Stock of FALL. GOODS. It embraces every thing desirable for the season. The following are the leading articles : 50 pieces fancy Cassi meres, which he will make up from t' to $10 a pair pantaloon? 50 pieces Vest irg-i. including Merinos, Cashmeres, Embroide ries. Suk. Satin and Velvet. Beautiful French black, brown and blue Cloths Black Doe Skins and Bea ver Cloths All of which will be made up in the !e8t manner, very chesp, for Cash. A first-rate fit is always wurrahted. Also, every kind of ShirU, Collars, Cravats, Scarfs, Suspenders. Gloves and Umbrellas. ALEX. NELSON, Opposite Market House. Oct. 12". 1847. 82 Fall Stock. 1847. Y recent arrivals, our Stock of Medicines. Drugs, Perfumery, Chemicals, Dye Stuff, fu nits, Oils, and raucy Articles, hare been replen ished, and as regards their purity and ternit upon which they are offered, we guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. PESCUD &. JOHNSON, Wholesale aud Retail Druggist, An. 26. 1847. (Standard ) 69 Type Foundry, 59 Gold, Corner of Ami St., If. Tot b. fTVlE Subscriber is prepared to furnish haud il cast Type, and Printers Materials of all kinds, at short notice and on reasonable terms. . Proprietors of Newspapers, who hare hot .adver tised for the Subscriber, who may publish thi notice for three months, will be entitled to receive pay' In Type, on purchasing five times the amount of their bills for advertising Old Type' taken rn exchange for new at cent per pound ROBERT TAYLOR. No. 4, 1847. 90 3m .'A; MONSIEUR. BRADI, of the Hoy el A cademy of Paris, has the honor to announce to tbe citizens of Raleigh and its vicinity that, wben. not engaged at his Department in EDG WICK SEMINARY, he will gtva private lessons ift Vocal and Instrumental iUnslc, hi tha Piano, Harp and (iuitar; and. alsO, 4n the French Language."" He has taken tha front room above. MrV Btoa Tailoring EatabHshmemr where h wifl keef att' as sortment of Instruments, and of -Music in genarml His stock of Mdsto and" InitrnnWnU (eonststicg-of Piano. GutUr: Vioftn; Flute. A ecdrdeons. Ban ioea and Strinn.') have bean Veiected" frbmthe Wst ;omDoers and Manufacturer in New'Torksn .of Wb'tcb, he respectfully sUbmlU td tji inspection ol Purchasers and Amateurs.' t' ( ,""...',:'-'! : Farther information, respecting 4erma. tec. enl :ba 'btatneJ on appTiestion. . Mr. B. n.ay lfodnowhh not Professionally engaged, al the Msto Hays, or at his Ofgce, on I ayetteviUe BtreeC . , Raleigh, No. 12, 1847. - tl 1.-32 Clf'! .-tm "lt !T,l tJ31i ' rrp nil Petersburg Pir3 xnd 3arln U lmnrnncCompauy, (aMheir,ofiee in the Exchange JSuilding, Bank Street, PterabBrgfO continue to take MarmoiUska on-Vassal, -Cargoea aud Freights, and to insure DweUinfcHoUaefiaild inga in general, Furoiturer Goods, 'Warta tnd Mer chandise, of every description; against low of damira by fir, both in town ihd cOQnlry.oh UemoittbcTl terms. - fDlBE(JTX)$Ss- !' Benjamin Jones, DAre: Fiioir Arch'd p. M cl I waine, Andrew Ketan, Joseph Braftg, Edihand H.shohi, John Bragg, Joseph 1); While, , 1 homaa. N. Lea, . Edwia Jpinaav 4 ... " . David Dunlop, , ; Georga Wi-JMXasiX-BENJAMIN JONj:Sf President, , .'.. , ARCH'D. Gi McILWAlNE, V, Prutt WiLUAK S. SiMpaolr, Sec - f ,- - !-? Aogust 10, 1847. , j 654r -rr BECKWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTICJ FESCUD dc JOHNSON, have been appointed Wholesale and Retail A cent for ih rJr this well known and widehr eircntatrl rtu-U; n large supply jnst prepared and now on hand. Prices the same as at the Factory .-. ;v ua$ N . B. None can be relied upon as genuine, with out tbe waiTTza aignatora of tha Proprietor po each Box. . v ; " Raleigh, May 12, 1847. ' - r: "39 AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS,' ' At IT. B. riUp.ttESVA aitct Commission Store, v . c ? is I HAVE now on hand; a great ; Va'riery and 49iiol collection of GOODS, cansis'trng of Dry Good; Groceriea, Hardware, Iron, Book,. Paper, nk, dee. dec. all of which ia offer at(unusnallojy pricr for Oaih sxir, at the Auction and Commission f r JiTR. AUGHES 2fEWAWI CllEAH : Seasonable l$om,B; i"'?a,S?)'J iT et FOR THE - i ' femiA. & FALIi &. WTJJTSR TRADTJ OP 1847. rilHE Subscriber takes pleasbrein informing 1 fcia JL friends and customers, and U19 public in generJ that he has just received and Opened, at his, present eligible stand, next door to thaTown Hall and M just selected by himself., with, particular referepcaj to the grants and tate .of this cpmpiunily, , and te, which be would most respectfully invite th puhlie, altemion... ,w . , -.4 II is assortment consisu, , io part,, of theYollowinfr desirable articles, viz .. ... ' ; ' .t Fine Cloths arid Caeeimeres j Li s Super SatinetU and Kentucky Jean, : -Tweeds, Cassimeres and Mexican Cloth, - Velvet, Valencia and other VeUogV Beautiful ptxrw arid Haib black Alpacca. Cashmeres, Oregon and California Plaid. Delaines. Fancy Print and Ginghams, " White and Red Flannels, - . i -. 1 -Winter Shawls and Shoulder Handkerchiefs', stiK, Bandana and Lilnei fJambne do. Black Silk and fancy CravaU,1' Suspenders and Parses, 1 ': ' Canvass, Padding and Sewing,. Superior Ticking and Cotton Oinajjr, Fine bleached Sheetine' and Shutiris. - - i ""jrn-i . .... s .4 , u. Plaid Linsey and Kersey j. -j;, Spool Cotton, Fringe, Gimp, Braid and Bltoo, Gloves, Mitts and Hose, u , Lisle Laces, Edgings and InaerUon, ' fc a Plaid and Jaconet Muslins, ' : " . Irish Linens and. Lawns,. i,. ; Juni nml Anrnn I btanum sua ana cotton uxn,orUA ; m : 1 m Tytgether m3x. general asaortmant af NTLE MEN'S andtXA-iiia ; irka DI Es Shoes, Slioctce SlliVr-: 5 per ; with a fall stock oi CROCKS- K Y and GLASS WARE, HARDWAIuS and OHO CERIES ('say -i- , . 4 -x' ' Siigar and Col fee; TobaCcd, fetalis Xaj;,Loaf Su$ar,-Seat" ' . r . i Tallow and Adamantine CttndTc, JPowder and SDr; v-j-v. Soap and Mails, dttf. Ac. m-. -j.u All, or any part of whieb,' tha saoaciiW' wooid dispose of on the most reasonable terras, ftir CW,t6r to rrjHctPAi crrsToirkiS, at 3 or-4 mprilhi'eredit7 Raleigh, Novr. 1 2; 184?. ? TIJTistary off the Captivity or TTatoi' fill lnn n li irlaMnJ .k.iic. If . ii- tholoo, the Emperor's Companion ia Exile. Jo rJ;CoFlbtir:W WE ehould 4ik to get fair load of first-U? and second qoalftyii- - Nov, iti 184T;"- :V ' i tf w- - - - - - r - - - 3 fcftUE Live of the Lord ChinceT eS Ion; and Iteeper of tne tireatf Seal ff . England, by ; JohnXWd Campbell A; M. F. R. S.; 3 roleC, just reerved br J - w -j.iM i -- n -M: eit- Kit. DVYUftKEE.'1"8 p B.-ROOT r jusi, received' a fin- iot of( Gun?, Pwder, PowdxrJTlaskw Chot E- Bud Bags, dtc, all of which WiU baaold tow. en.it A aiXJBCTl!R13i-Xh lknlSf d A - Modarn ArcbitWore iUustrated by lottjrcii ongioat Plate, designed iSpressiy for thia'worit;' r w4th Note ot Uiou teptaoi ibcaTiai::;-;a th coutftry; ty fjisil titmiZaf Ef ? U tl I vvf u . .ra ?i i i iiv VfiTOtsn BET- ; - lwl::4-jttWfflCi-Xacte . ftardcacrs Alrzantus for 11 i x luuiiuo verv nca,i assoriUiQxu nit Staple and Fasliionable Dry Goods, FOR THE FALL and WINTER TRADE of4847. T I w - -mLlMr- J bankful for past favors, may he not solicit afconlJl 0 a nce of public patronage, since be oflraiirqfi sironf" inducement to the aacioni' and Iteed-sikferl pur-1 rm w mm m. rsa aajs ai rnvj iiriinii. lXT tABdrtb Tjtataf Hpxer-3ia mzzxzs-let livltlJwrt-naan'V etirraviaps. JTrk 3 actrtiT a; - f m -i,t J ! it ill tl: ft S i I t t 9