"PA YANKEE IN A COTTON WILL. ; r -:7 V ; : i BT J GAJISOCK." . - ZW'? Did Toa ever see, read,, or hear teW of A Grwt f IWin A cotton mill 1 : -' Pray donY answer rashjv ; ;don't lorayonr e!f itnonv Yankees' in Coal Screens,. Yan lees in Hot Baths,' Yankees in Restaurateurs, & s if . . i - nd answer nnadviBeoiy-Tje wine is a i ansec in ii0 oirast. His dilemma is a Yankee Fix ni generis? a lice Yankee in the card room of v u cotton mull ,:-:- y - . ... . The plain onvarnishe(Tfacta in the. ease,', as politicians s y, are these' : A raw, sirawnaueo, ' . sandj.whiakered, aix-footer onV of the purely ' aninitialed came in yesterday from Greene, with a load of wood, for the Factory Company. Ha?- - insr oiled his wood to the- satisfaction of the Suuire." he bated his team with a bundle of ; green, grass brought all " the way from ' home foe " that purpose. " Then, after Investing his available capital ia the purchase'of root beer and gioger- bread at Ham's, he started to see the city,' fill- ; jog hiacountenance rapidly with bread, and chew- 4og it vigorously as he went. t y. He reviewed the Iron foundry and machine shop, and was just opposite the warp-mills as the 'hands were going. in frto dinner. The girls - were hurrying in as only factory, girls can hurry, . and" Jonathan, unaccustomed to such an array of plaid shawls and hood bonnets, deposited his goad - stick upon the stairs, and stalked in to see what ' ' the trouble teas.' V ; . 7. ; -v The clatter of the machinery and the move meats of the operatives soon absorbed his whole attention. -Being, however, of an inquiring tura of mfnd, and seeing much that was calculated to perplex one whose observations in mechanics had been mostly confined to threshing machines and T corn shelters, he began to push vigorous inquiries io all directions- In Ahis way? he made himself acquainted successively, with the external and internal economy of the Picker, Beater,' Lip- rwinder,.Doubler, and 'Speeder. By two o . clock he had extended his researches as far as the 'Breakers,' and 'Finishers.' ' He reached the latter just as the card-stripper 1 was Stripping the fiats." in this operation the Acylinder of the card is exposed to view, and is seen revolving with a very pretty buzz. Not satisfied with contemplating the poetry of mo tion' at a safe distance, onr hero must needs in "troduce himself between the cards to getanearet :iew. This move brought his 'tjfetber babilit ments into dangerous proximity to the rearing of the next card, and '.thereby hangs a tile ORIGIN Or THE MARSELLAISEIIYMN. 1 , r REFUSING SUPPLIES.- vi , . C -" OFFICIAL fbom the "toion," " 7? !? I I T .TTATT nftfWQflftm The following-account of the National Hymn , Tbe administration' press are making agreat "8AVtx-AmtL The Vera Crux vGehius of j . XlilJWlillJLl. Xt JlxlO X IVJtls vi iug i5wi t iivui tMwuuiK a jaaiw w. miu i uv iwui mo nuigj iufcsieaio o reiuss sup- i tiioenj giTcs some parucuJars oi xne oesoisuoa GirondinS I. . '' ."A ' . ,- ' .1 olies for the arm V in MeeieOL '. Wm har nnt wrt I of Santa Annft'a fnrtiinoa Wa in errpl spa A The .Marsellaise retains the echo of. a song of beard of any, responsible t.Whur . wha is. in favor one. who has filled so mnch snace in the eyes of Ticiurj - wi . crj wi uio luriuu i ucij a measure. ior oavs coey.r : JUN weo- i me worra,uow -fleserted as one, oismai as the- other. Mere is, its or-1 iter's speech has been tortured in vain for the con-1 down, by his ' own igfn: , . - : .1 less ko, and the conduct of the .Whigs closely I aome sympathey 'even : mere was i uia; ums (UiKJ a young srui lery officer in carrison at Strasbourg. His name was Roujet de Lisle. He was bom at Louis-le- Saulnier, in the Jura,' a country of meditation and energy, as are all mountain districts. This young man loved war as a soldier, and the Revolution as a thinker :J he beguiled by verses and music the weary impatience of the garrison. ' Much scrutinized in the hoDe of detecting somethincr I ra Cruz naoer snpak o misrepresentation have, been resorted to in the absence of better evidence, until at last the case is made out against as, that the Whig party is opposed to tho granting of furtbef supplies ! The next session of Congress will, settle this question, as much to the discomfiture of the men to bear it, and therefore supposed to be filled wun nis treasures : out we susDect a letter from a distinguished, officer, which is now before us, gives a more correct description of his condition. a mm iciier oears aaie ai vera-uruz, ixov. oa ; u t have heard; from reliable sources, that Santa sought-after for birdoobh-Ufcnt ofmusician and '-pemocracy.' a. to the gratification of the army. AsItSSr poet, he frequented familiarly the house of Die trech, the Mayor of Strasbourg and a oatriot; Alastian. v Dietrech's wife and daughters par took in his enthusiasm for patriotism and the Rev olution. They loved the young officer ; they gave inspiration to his heart, his poetry, his music They were the first who formed bis scarcely unfolded thoughts, full of confidence ft the early Iispings of his genius. v V It was .the winter of 1793. trur troops have been sbameruUy neglected, by I had fled, after the dlsnersinn nf M. troort near Pn the administration. They have been marched ebla by Gen. Lake, to Tehaacan, a. town' situated Into the middle of the enemy's territory, and there on the rout through Oajaca to Gaute.mala ; ond it is exposed to difficulties and dangers, from which supposed that his object was to escape out of the Doming out meir almost saoer-human enorts. I j uirecwon.- me peopiooi xcuu w. Strasbourg. Dietrech's house was. poor, and his table frugal, but hospitably open to Roujet de Lisle. - The young officer &eated himself there night and morning, like a son or brother of the family. One night there was only garrison bread and a few slices of smoked ham on the table ; Dietrech, looking at De Lisle with a melancholy serenity,, said : . 'There is a lack of abundance at our meals-; but what matters it if there be no lack of enthusi asm at our civic festivals, or of courage in the hearts of our soldiers ! I have still a last bottle of wine in my cellar. Let it be brought,' said he to one of his daughters, and let us drink it to liberty and our country. Strasbourg will soon have to celebate a patriotic ceremony, and De Lisle must find in its last drops one of those hymns which carry into the sou! of the people that intoxication from which iLhas sprung!' ine young gins appiauaea ins words, orougni the wine, and filled the glasses of their old fath er and the young officer until the liquor was ex hausted. It was midnight; the night was cold. De Lisle was a dreamer ; his heart was affected ; his head was healed. . The cold Beized upon him ; with unsteady steps he entered bis solitary cham ber. - He slowly sought inspiration, now in the beating of his citizen heart,- now on the keys of his piano; now composing the, air before the Vftn.Tt Sh. Hnn'f h Rn V n,B .P,auw now conjpoBiiig mca.r oei , wM, w w A- ww. . - I A I I I tv it..; , J. wurus, now me worus oeiore lae air : ana in sucn tM. .i t jj,k. . n, a manner associating them in his thought, that he could not himself say which was created first, music or verse, and uulil it was impossible to any thing else, responded the stripper. 'But vou must be very careful how you move around a niongst this hard vare.; 'Twas only last week, ' tJir, that a promising young man from Oxford a student at the. Academy here was drawn into that-very card,. Sir, and beore any assistance could reach him, he was run through, and manu factured into No. 16, super extra, cotton warp yarn.' " . 4 1 s-s wow ! I believe yue? joking !' stutter, cd Jonathan. .'Fact, Sir, continued Stripper, 'and his dis consolate, mother came down two. days ago, and got five bunches of that same yarn, as melancholy relics. By the mighty ! That can't be true !' Fact Sir, fact ! and each of his fellow students purchased a skein apiece, to be set in lockets, and wear in remembrance of his departed worth i' Is thai , fact, now ! teas he really carded, spun, and sot in lockets?' VA sense of personal danger here shot across onr hero's mind; he began to retreat precipitately without waiting for an answer. ' -' There was no much room to spare betwixt himself and the gearing of the card behind. Another step backwards completed the ceremony of introduction.- His unwhisperables being of large.' calibre, the process of Snarling them np into a hard knot was no ways slow. Our hero 'gave tongue' instanter, and by the twentieth gy ration of the embodiment, the music was melodi ous. His 4 explosive tones' -were scientific, and did honor to his knowledge of dynamics. Gen. Scott himself could not have protested' more for- cioly against an attack on his rear 0- h! M-u r-d-e-r!! Let go! you h-u-r-t .Blast jour picker Let go ! Aiift ye ashamed ! uit out laint pooty. JDarnatiun seize ye! Lfil alone on me ao t ye ! do ST1 ? . m. ' . 1 - a ne gearing or mis lime naa wound him so that be was obliged to stand on tiptoe. His hands were revolving vigorously behind bim, but he dared not venture them near the 'seat of war,' lest they should be drawn into hostilities. The card stripper threw off the belt, but the momentum of the cylinder kept it revolving, and our hero, s apposing it in foil operation, burst cut anew :v . " Oh, stop her ! stop her, do I aint well, and l orter he at home, rather wants the steers. and mother s going to bake! Stop the tarnal mashen can't ye 1 do ! Aint ye got no feelin' lor a teller in distress On dear ! I'M be carded and spun, and made in lockets ! Je-RTT-to-lan ! How I wish I was to Greece 1' " 'The eard was stopped at , last, but Jonathan's clothes' were so tangled in the gearing, thai it was no: slight' task -to extricate him. Like Othello, 'he was not easily moved,' and it was only by cutting out.the whole of the 'invested territory,' that he was finally released. What are you about here V said the overseer entering. ; t Nothin sir, only" Stripping Jlats" answered the stripper. v ' ' Our hero not caring to resume his pursuit tif knowledge under difficulties,' a pair bf overhauls were charitably loaned him, and he scattered sud . denly towards. Mill-Hill, giving a series of short kicks with either leg, on his way, as if to assure himself that he had brought away his full com pliment of limbs from the ''cussed machine !' . , Yankee Blade. have extricated them. It lYwell known, that in the very commencement of the war. the universal 'sentiment of the Whig party was to settle mat ters at once bv Striking an overwhelming blow. Famine raged at They condemned the origin of the war as they now ao, hut believed, as we had become involved in it, the best plan was to prosecute it with vigor. Had it been conducted properly had the means which government possessed,, been promptly and liberally applied as the Whigs insisted upon, it might have been ended ere now, at fAr less sac rifice of life and money, than it has already cost. Judging from the past, therefore, if either par. ty is in favor of withholding supplies, the credit of such a policy belongs rather to tbe'side of the administration. Whose fault was it that Gene ral Taylor could not obtain ao unconditional sur render of Monterey ! Jt waa the fault of those who denied him the necessary means of success. and alterwards dared to censure him for not per forming a miracle, instead of achieving a victo ry ! Whose fault was it, that he did not capture the whole Mexican army at Buena Vista 1 Whose fauJt was it that bcott permitted even Santa An na himself to escape at Cerro Gordo? Whose fault was it that the Mexican forces in and about the city of Mexico, were not all taken prisoners, and peace was not dictated and secured by thir ty thousand American troops, instead of being proposed by Mr. Trist, to the amusement of the Mexican Commissioners 1 These are questions to be answered by the party in power, before they talk of Whigs refusing supplies. Our little army owes none of its glory to the administration. Sent forth with empty promises of assistance, it pene trates 10 me very heart or the territory contain ing a hostile population of eight millions of per sons, and mere, cut oft from its communications. acan would not allow him and his retinue money or j subsistence and it is Said refused them water ; that 1 Deing without money, he Sold bis carnage for 600, and proceeded with bis wife and about forty follow ers to Orizaba, where he now is, and. anxious to escape.,, - - v - GEN. SCOTT'S DESPATCHES. No American can read them without a throb of patriotic exultation. Whatever the cause, whatever the tendency of the war! it has at least proved that nothing is impossible to American vaior, sKiii, and energy. Alt the past may be ransacked in vain for a parallel to these miracles of courage. The invasion of Coktez ceases to be romance in the comparison with this most ex traordinary series of conquered impossibilities. l here is nothing in modern warfare, not even the THE." STANDARD AND ABOLITIDNK iu. omuuMu-. juBo than once decW thathe defeat! of Loco Focoism in New .YorkT wing to opposition of his partV to 'ft v jproviso,' tod to a consequent dissension of a t . oi uie party who reiusea to go with the1cparty B peMmfe Staniar history of the affair &jroeiwfiM that the Ed'' t&M?? mnny blind t ' facts, in denturing a, declaration so : tterly dev i thybati ?ot concise summary fr om the k ' Orleans Bee whichlwe find to hand L-Ti.. a ! f & .fdoubttess, owe thl ""r..W wwwip. wn dissentions, but tho, denHohsnoginin theopposition of th! a-wasiono? that w The circumstances that occurred at the Convey are familiar to alL: At very late hour of the mJ? the address, and-resolutions, commonly adopted ' such assemblages,.were reported. - They eontaiJ no allusion to the Wilmot Proviso, or the aJZ immediately moved an additional'resolution ebod, mg the principles of the Wilmot P,;m ... ; . v uau. ueen maae at an earlier staee of n The full and authentic report of Mr. CtAT's great proceedings, and postponed at the request f i eech, has not yet been 'received. The Cincin- members. What did the Convention a , nati Atlas,'' the Editor f . which paper has just re- ( questioa was pressed home upon it? n,t . with manliness and sincerity ? Did it act nn will of the majoritj J No! It mt, ,l,,J. M Our' are tie plane of fair delightful peace, junwarp'd by party rage to live like brothere? RALEIGH., N: C. Wednesday November 24. turned from Ashland; says : " He had not prepared a line ofhis Speech, hay ing been intensely, occupied in the argument of a heavy Will case m Anderson county. All be bad s ' u v . .... & numbers : and yet, in defiance of everv Drevious rule of warefare, he overcame obstacles and op position, fortressed and apparently impregnable, from which valor the boldest would not have blushed to shrink. The story is one which our children will study with flashing evesnd flushed cheeks, in the years that are to come ; and many a future patriot will, in a better cause, borrow in spiration from the gallant example of our Mexi can heroes. However we may deprecate the war, we glory in its manifestations of American energy ; and look forward to the peaceful triumph of that energy in other and bloodless contests for the full development of the better objects of hu man ambition. Aori American. ft n wm u i nothing more tbhu a business-like exposition of his and thus it was honed, thkt ti wn-L. . . s' Resolutions." a: , . rovjso had DAGUERREOTYPES. The Advertisement of Messrs. Claek & Hutch ins affords our citizens an opportunity of procuring, at moderate cost, Likenesses of themselves and fam ilies, by the beautiful process of Daguerrtofypitig. which always ensures accuracy of delineation. TlTP TtlTTTV nr Vr MnrTUn Tier Pt-tr separate the poetry from the music, and the sen- an(j aurrounded, it performs such deeds of valor From the official despatches, now publishing in timent from the expression. He sang all, wrote as astonish the world, and bid defiance to the the journals, this battle, fought on the 8th of Sep nothing. .... narrow policv of the Government. ifthYVh;r tember. under the immediite romtnand of Oon Uverpowered by this sublime inspiration, he Wo.A mnvH hv nr. Wnnk Eh,,u k r .i . L.i fell asleep with bis head on the piano, and did miration of these jrallant and n.mrin.f trrn." I liant achievements of th war. With fnml not awake till day. The song of the night re- woud alone be a sure Puarantca of thatPff3rint consisting of onlv three thousand one hunrlrpd help, which they have ever been anxious to ex-1 men 'Q the abort space of two hours, an enemy DaEXDrxrL SvmsLiXG ax Sea, The schooner Splendid, Capt- Baker, at Philadelphia, from An guilla, reports that, on the 8th inat, she fell in with schr. Caroline, of Saco,. Me. Capu Smith, from Savannah, for Bath, with a 'cargo of lumber, dis- : masted, Ax having experienced a violent gale on the 25th ulu in laL 42 43, Ion. 72. ' Samnel Lockwood, seamaD," confined to the forecastle by sickness, was drowned in the gale, and Henry Hughes, seaman, 'a native of Wales, , washed overboard during the prevalence of a heavy tea, 29th ylLt During the gale their provisions were all washed overboard, consequently, when fallen in with by the Splendid, the survivors, three in number, -were in tbe most destitute condition ; in fact, so desperate had become their situation, that they were obliged to adoptlhe fearful alter, native of sacrificing one of their number for sub sistence to the rest, .and accordingly lots were Vat, and the' awful decision fell upon one of the ' aeamea named Chas. Brown, who was killed, and poiv whose flesh tbe. poor wretches lived until picked up. yvt ..... , y, : . . t VArTWolSIDED i COMPUMENtI . ..... - w w uu never oeiore tasted ice rearo, was helped by , Udy at an evening party to a plate -of ' unsuccessful frigid mi5b j nnH ,i vichi. - w nnr WAttm njjsaid he, but amt it leetU teeked with compliment over tbe left, but hatthe time. - t:v i!- i Mr- Clay'a resolutions .eed, and withal very mod he irony ib lost in the truth fCX jtaxenc. turped to his memory with difficulty, like the impression of some dream. He wrote down words and music, and hastened to Dietrech. He found him in bis garden digging up winter let tuces. The ola patriot's wife and daughter had not yet risen. Dietrech awoke them, and sent for some friends like himself passionately fond of music, and capable of performing it. Roujet sung, Dietrech's eldest daughter accompanied him. At the first stanza, all their countenances grew pale ; at the second, tears flowed ; at the last stanza, the wilduess of enthusiasm burst forth. Dietrech's wife and daughters, the old man himself, his friends, the voun? officer, threw themselves weeping into each other's arms. The hymn of the country was found ! But, alas ! it was also destined to be the hymn of terror. Unfortunate Dietrech, a few months later, walk ed to the scaffold to the sound of those very notes which bad sprung: forth at his hearth from the heart of his friend and the voices of his daughters. mi . - . . o. ine new sonor, performed several davs after wards at Strasburir, flew from town lo town, to all tho popular orchestras. Marseilles adopted it to be sunff at the commencement and close of the sittings of its clubs. The Marseillas spread it th rough France by singing it on their way lo Paris. From this cime the name of Marseillaise. The old mother of De Lisle, a royalist, tcrri fled at the echo of her son's voice, wrote to him, What is this revolutionary hymn which is sung by a horde of brigands travelling France, and with which thy name is associated V De Lisfe him self, proscribed as a royalist, shuddered as he heard it resound in his ears as a menace of death, when flying along the path-ways of the high Alps. What do they call this hymn ! demanded he of his guide. The Marseillaise? replied the peasant. It was thus that he learned the name of his own work. IU was pursued by the enthusiasm which he had sown behind him. He escaned death with difficulty. The weapon turns against the hand which has forged it. The. Revolution in its madoess no longer recognized her own voice!' THERE'S NOTHING IN VAIN. BT tU2l COOK. Oh! prize not the essence of henntv- ni." tended to the army in Mexico. Delaioare Republican. We wonder if it is as amusing to hear Loco Focos talk any where else as it is in these "diggms ?" fourteen thousand strong, commanded bv Santa Anna himself, strongly entrenched, were entirely routed, with the loss to them of three thousand in killed and wounded, eight hundred prisoners, including fifty-two commissioned officers : three They account for their defeat in New York, because of the four of their guns and a lare quantity of there was a split m their party on the 'Wilmot Pro- Bmau arm- and un -ntl mnabpt a mm unit in XL ZZZZVllWZ " o.on..witf .troe .o.rench-.en w the J - " " " k-V k. been disrtnsoJ ntfnl v . . .. . 4Wt uuuee, ana that as a Con vention could not bepharged with favoring or opp0 sing it, old Hunkers and Barnburners miVht ; be equally satisfied. .Thc sJrse Convention, however, made a great mistake. Nobody was satisfied.' The Barnburners declared that the Hunkers had transcended their authority in stifling the question without a quorum ' ni7NT TiVi nn I and affirmed that thoii- nf.ni ... .. ' u.. auauwm. - ; --- vuusiuer it was ' The "N. Y. Mirror" states, on the authority of not the effect of hostility, but of a timid and time one of Gen. Taylor's friends, that he will not, du- serving policy.. It has been plainly intimated that ring his absence, visit Washington, or attend any nad the Syracuse Convention openly repudiated the public meetings, nor in any way seek notoriety, but Proviso, the party would have suffered less from di will employ himself exclusively in the" management . visioa and discord, than it has done in consequence of his private affairs, which'have suffered from long of the snuffling, indecisive and uncertain course pur- neglect. v BU oj us representatives. ;. We have it likewis The General may come home, determined to ad- nPn he very best authority, that of all the mem I beiTS COmnosiflor f.nl Smnin Ha....!.' n m-is mi iuui a tuuisr, oufc iiiv mau8iasm oi iuu i a. r'111111) mere are People cannot be restrained, and he will find him self, against his will, attending "public meetings," from the moment he touches the wharf at New Or leans, until he secludes himself on .bis Plantation ; and, he will be very lucky, if he can remain quiet there. ise its support They exult at the same time over their victories in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, a$sumin2 that there the election turned upon tho War ques tion and the Tariff of 1S46. They take tbe Gu bernatorial election as the criterion, and Mcrow long and loud" over the unbounded popularity of the Administration, and the Mexican War in particu lar, forgetting for the moment, that since this War commenced, the Administration's majority of 70 in the popular branch of Congress has dwindled and proportion of force against Gen. Worth's division, yet more ot the enemy were slain, wounded and made prisoners than the whole American force engaged. The annals of modern warfare scarce ly show a parallel to the achievements of our troops in Mexico N. Y. Evening Post. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT IN NORTH CAROLINA. Every citiien of the Old North State, may justly MISSISSIPPI ELECTION. The New Orleans Delta, of tbe 10th instant, says: "The chances are that Alexander K. Mc Clung, Whig, will also he elected to Congress.'7 l his would make a second Whig gain, if true. The Whigs -and Independent Democrats consider that they have achieved a great triumph, by the election of Judge Sharkey, an able and upright Judge, to the Supreme Bench of the State. P. S. It is at length, we believe, fully ascertain- not ten, who, if compelled to vote on the adoption of the Proviso, would not say "ay." ? At all events, continues the "Bee," we have nlainW demonstrated that the Democratic party iii N. Y. did hot fall jj opposing the Wilmot Proviso. We have shown that it neither sustained nor opposed it -that it avoided its discussion, and sought to ease its' conscience by giving the go-by. to this momentous question. In this policy it evinced the same hypoc risy and double-dealing which have always distin guished it Democracy r boated to tstand well vith both its Northern and Southern wings it imagined, doubtless, that its Northern associates would under stand the game, and that its Southern allies -would become the credulous dupes of its trickery. For once it nuscalculated. , . . We see not why Whig Editors should not' rejoice J .11. 1 a . uwinuieu, anu ocewne mosi oeauura y less, till ttr I v , ,.. r . r . 'j jwohjt i j ,-;. t-7 . . . l , .- - -itjuwo from having a majority at all, it will find itself in a ,be. "Ltl th characte,r he as so steadily main- ho.we Missuwippi : Election has gone. Tomp- at the discomfiture.of Loco Focoism in the Empire . . I LainPd. both &t horn a nnil oVT--inrl IVi : r tin, i, flia nnlv WV.'. - Ti. A-r i t I r-.. .. . - . mworuy ai me openrng or ine next Uongress. Well, we suppose they, our Loco Foco friends, are tamed, both, at borne and abroad for the integrity of is the onlyWhig elected. The defeat of CoL her people ttheir peaceful and industrious habits MTMrmn. ; tu a;- v ' vua uvw a 1UCUU3. mTV I 1 i , I -p rMu a u uakLiuva4 nuJ IVAicrO" right, since Ismail matters',' should be thankfullv r ?era1 Tes1 10r. laws fore, stand-3 Loco Fn, tn i WW, received, larger ones" (if they could get them) iu "ieir reattinss " wt lun M the general proportion." Old North State. SOMETHING IN A NAME. Attention has sometimes been called, to the ap propriateness of the names of our military lead ers. Taylor has had an infinite variety of jocular allusions to the manner in which he has served up the Mexican nation. Scott has fully proved hi claims to tho appellation of Win-field. Worth might have taken his name from his character and his deeds. Fierce has rone through th en. emy nice a streak of 1 t 1 "a r mows oi me omun nave ruog the Mexican anvil. U ool, ihey say, has tcooled our foes, and Ticiggs, twigged them to some pur pose. Pillow has invited many a Mexican to his last slumber. Butler tapped his share of Mexican barrels at Monterey, while Hunter started the game out of Alvarado, and gave his commander no chance to be in at the death. The Indiana General shewed Santa Anna thatthere was no 'turning iri that Lin. Some of our officers have proved even better than their government in all wise and prudent measures of .le gislation. When the spirit of our admirable con-. stitution has been perverted, and its sacred compro mises assailed, though silent and unobtrusive in her course, her people have always stood ready to enter mo urcac-u in a nra resistance to all such attempts. Wise and prudent as she has beenan all such mat ters, her greatest folly has been shown in the neg lect of the improvement of her own physical condi tion. GEORGIA SENATORS. Hon. John M. Berrien and Hon. Wu. C. Daw son, the gentlemen nominated at a previous party meeting as candidates for Senators in Congress, on the part of the Whigs, have been elected by the Legislature of Georgia. In annOUncinor the foroorninv roenlf tTia CNT.t:- Cautious to a fault in the expenditure of mo- Ll Intelligencer" irnw;B - ney, she has never been ready to move, except at . f. ' ' 7 . e' T times under the pressure of a feverish excitement d0' the hl2h resPct and. esteem in which these dis- ightning, while the heavy wncn sae has invariably repented too late to remedy tinzufehed citizens are held, not by us only, nor by ve ruog loud and clear on the eTi,or,t? 800n to carry out . measures which the Whig party alone, but. personally, bv all oar- Tirnmiaaii n ir n a haa.i u i i - - a allel Rail Reads through the State. Now that the dellhfc 118 a glorious sign of the -approaching aeed is done, she repents and leaves one, the Metro politan, to run down nearly, befsre she consents to its extension, w e are elad to learn that ther is a restoration of the entire Government to the paths of Constitutional duty and true Republican policy, from which it has of late years so widely , departed. For Mr. Dawson we have the truest regard, but the elec- names. And disdain not the weak and the mean in nnwov- For the worfd is an engine the Architect's own ' w nere tae wheels of the least keeps the larger in play. We love.the fair valloy, with bloom in the shade : We sing of ere en hills, of the crflTVM anil tho mi. . But be sure the Creator did well when he made ' a ne starx aesert and marsh, for there's nothing Ail ,UU. We may questij the locust that darkens the land, m lungmg arrows or death from its But remembei' they come front the Infinite Hand And shall man, in his littleness, dare to ask why? Oh ! let us not speak bf the " useless" or u vile " They may seem so to us. knt he inw n From the savagewolfs cry to the happy child's smile, " v" lw mammoui, mere's nothing i in There'sa mission, no doubt, for the worm in the dust, AS there is for the charter with n'i. The sloth and the newt have their places of trust. -ucww, ior uoa nas suppiieo. O, could we but trace the great meaning of all, And what delicate links form the ponderous chain, rom the dew-drops that riss to the star-drops thatr We shoold see but one purpose and nothing in vain! THRILLING SPECTACLE. 1 he numerous audience uttondinw the TTih;Hnn Of animals bclonjrine to Messrs. Ravmonil A- Warinv as well as the animals themselves, were" yesterday startled with seeing & i.t r rashly Ihter a den of ferocious lions and tiirers. and sojurn for a time in their midst. Such a sight it has never been our pleasure to witness before, and it was indeed a treat both as novel ai it was peril OUS. Miss Moore, nnthinor loth -moTAd tn)nii'k.m . 7 o 1 -"e as tneir .hmpress. and, thev soon tamelv uhmirti to her authority.. ! Tribune. Too Particular. An Irishman onr ?rom that ha visited the Lord Mayor of London who treated him with the greatest hosoitaiitv. nA- asked him if he wouldn't take a little sum'thin He replied that he wouldn't unind a little whia. Key puncn.' ; - , -. !;-- -' . Hot or cold ! inquired his lordship. His guest preferred.it wrm k., .L Lord Mayor was out heating the water, the Irish man awoke fro his delicious 8Iumber. Och f cried he, comprehending what " fl u . of Tunc, ,uriB lhe Precarious tenure "f a dream, how I wish I'd said coirJ.' I showed at Puehla that he was no baby, and Brag f.ruvcu iiimseu more man a boaster at liuena Vista. Richmond Republican. The Late Col. Maetin Scott Shall we relate his fabulous feats ? We will but without expecting to bo believed. We never believed them possible ourselves till our own eyes beheld them, on an occasion when wo had taunted him into proving that possible which we had denied and derided as an impossibility, a sheer romance. We saw him throw two potatoes into the air and bore them both in the air with a single bullet. We saw him do this with both rifle and pistol. We -saw him take down, five swallows succes sively on the wing with his rifle, with single ball. We saw him plant four successive balls in the centre, so closely that but one hole could have been detected. At the. fifth shot his rifle hung fire. Nevertheless, the half the diameter of the ball was within rhe hole. We saw him shoot at living objects at least a thousand times, but never saw him draw trigger in vain, never knew his bullet to vary a hair's breadth from the spot where other States. prospect for its extension, and that the Wilmington and Manchester Road bids fair to succeed. I! the centre of the State, in the hill-country, the spirit j on of Mr. Berbien is for the moment of the great oi improvement is up, Dut like our first effhrt.9 t. I er ronoonnpnoa Wonca PI . . Rill Rniflo ih PV nrmaao tn n f k :il :..J j I ... . . ' . " . """ unuui I - j j prwm. vy u lli-JUUltCU.- T, Snm.lk.'n. V A i 1 . . . 1 1 1 t ... .. ne naa previously saia ne would place it. Boston Herald. The Union objects to that part of Gen. Scott's despatch where he speaks of the disgust of the army, at the statements put forth frorn Washing ton, relative to its strength. The Unionxcuses itself.as well as it can, and aflirma that the War Department approximated ts near as it could, to the number of the troops. Alex. Gazette. Something should be done certainly to drain off readily the surplus crops of tbe mountain districts, and to furnish facilities for tr&nRrtnrtjvHnri tn tY, m mining and manufacturing sections ; but the small amount of travel must always prevent Rail Roads in that section from being profitable. Moreover the terminus of the two Roads now talked of in that section one from Charlotte into South Ca rolina, and the other from a point above Danville into Virginia, must carry the produce out of the State to be sold; a result to which all our efforts seem to drive. Thus the Old North State is made a "hewer of wood and a drawer of water'1 for her more fortunate neighbors, who in turn suck her very blood out of her. It is high time that we had looked tS our own interests. That the people on our sea-board should exert, themselves to bring the trade of our up-country to our own sea-ports, by ....u.u6jn0, suvu AaviijLics uo urwnnrimin our reach. Hitherto, we have done absolutely nothing. With arms folded, we have looked on until the resources of our State have been diverted to other channels, and until that produce and trade of the up-country which should have como to our own sea-ports to en rioh our own merchants, have been rarrimi ;nfn Wilmington alone, and almost sino-le. handed, has shown us a noble example. But you usk, wnat can we ao, ana wnere snail we bezin 7 tv e win answer it nereaner. isemtitrnian. with the approbation of the People, to tire seat ia the Senate which he has heretofore filled with so much dignity and honor." a """ COMPLIMENT TO COL. CHILDS. The "New Orleans Delta" has au account of a complimentary dinner given to CoL Chxlds, by the Uflucers of the Garrison at Puebla, in honor of his skilful and gallant conduct during the siege. State, the lachrymose lamentations of the "Stan dard" to the contrary, notwithstanding. We exult at the downfall of a faction, whose venality and du plicity have long1 been proverbial, and who caren& ther for the Southvnbr her intutions, but solely for its own interest and advancement The trans parent balderdash of representing the Loco Focos of the -n ortn as the peculiar friends of the South, is so stale a device, and has been exposed and denuded so often, mat it really needs no f urth er comment We have, time and again, acknowledged that both par ties were opposedln sentiment to the extension of slavery, and we have not a doubt, that if the ques tion were submitted to the North to-morrow, both would unite in sustaining the principle of the Wil mot Proviso. It is a question that is' paramount to politics- Meanwhile, we shall claim the right to enjoy the utmost attainable amount of gratification at the glorious thrashing which the Whigs of the Empire State have just administered to Loco Foco ism ; acknowledging in all candor, the prerogative of the "Standard" to bring out "a rooster rampant and a coon couchantn whenever his party gives the Whigs as. beautiful a drubbing as it has received. . SYSTEMATIC ADVERTISING A late N.Yl Tribune" has some very sensible re marks touching the necessity of a systematic meth od of Advertising, which we commend to our read ers, as worthy of consideration. The few remarks which we quote are" inapplicable in Raleigh as else where ; and wherever acted upon, will produce the same beneficial results in every department bf Trade. GEORGIA PENITENTIARY. Gov. Crawford, -in his Message to the Legisla- After speaking in recommendatory terms of the cash ture of Georgia states that the Penitentiary of that system, the " Tribune" adds : u The man who knew State has drawn nothing from the Treasury for its how to do .business and has the means of doing it support witnin two yeaYs, but on the contrary, its thoroughly, ((and a moderate capital will furnish the new pronts nave amounted to,$lu,00O. basis of an extensive trade on the cash system) will not much longer be able" to clear his way without extensive i vertising.f Foif it be advisable to risk the cost of -apprising one-tenth of the communi ty that Pete Dombey sells the very best assortecf THE RAILROAD MEETING: The meeting last Tuesday on the subject of the Richmond and Danville Railroad was attended by a large number of people. After organizing "J pr'wwuug oimpson io me unair and 1 awann secretary, Gov. Morehead introduced W. P.Tunstall. Esa. of Danville. Va.. who We are pained to announce the sodden death to address the meeting in a stvle of nriirinni;,. ijiumiu, me ai.u iuak., 01 tirs. Ltvcx siiiirem,o wmtu cuuiaianaea ine unwav- Nelson Dajjiel, the wife of Peter V. Daniel, eVing attention of tbe assemblage for about two Esq, one of the Associate Judges of the Supreme hours. He thundered ttuth into the ear nf tho wuik ui iuo uuueu oiaiee, auu yuuugesi uaun- I fwptc, iui lucir laziness in not takintr hniA nf 1.. .ra. t... r, , jt f 1 1 r-i -r 1 I I : . .... o uuju ui icr ui ujw iaie liumunu rtanaoipn, tisq lormeriy i"oe uupruvemenis wnicn have carried the North Attorney General of the U. S. As the Rev. Mr. and West so for ahead'of the South in nooula- Norwood stated, in his touching notice on Sun- tion and agricultural and manufacturing nrosuer day, Mrs. D, who for some months bad enjoyed ity. He probed the public sores with aoS remarkably, good bealtb, received so Violent a handwith that true affection for the connt shock to her nervous system from the fire on Sat- which regards 'not the infliction of teraporairr urday niffht, in the immediate vicinity of her res idence, that it was impossible for her constitution to rally. Richinond .Enquirer. pain, in order to SeCUra nrmman"...3 1 .r nealtb. WP rmnnf t..i . - . -fc - v...UUk oucuipi iu set iortn Set forth- nn synopsis of his positions and argument : thonr-h WO hrilllrl Ka Cl.,l . J- r ... . Tt '. .nmoBh.1 nt,ki. ,1,- I. L , ww or me Dene hi or .w ..wiu uk uic uj u on, 1 mmp ni nnr mj... -l. . . . of Mr. Clav. a nrivnt- riin. on th. Ii":," r."? " . 10 present to near w - - MW our Mexican relations, will subject of the eloauent and well.; r(rTtraA aAAlr as - I A a-MIWA UlbU 7 ASB Ad , command mam t- I n l . . tPntlon am! n-rnrt a ein z- atT, I v - VTcensuvruvg JTOZTXOU - j""61 luiiuciiuc in in 1 3 coun try, man can be eipected from the views to be set forth in his annual Congress. Alex. Gavctle. President's to I message Goon BfE. This phrase is a corruption of "God be with you." Half of our language is made up of just such vile corruptions. Uy Thp procession, on the occasion of the recent ceremony of laying the corner-stone of the Wash ington Monument in New York, , is represented .to IS Ik Y A ornifjainswl of1 1aas4 4 am a ai . ThT;;:. zrjrzz r2 s, - ytwM1mim,j xcuiuriuj. i a uUmoex Of oooks and documents, coins, &&, were placed i lead box in the stone. in a ous to extend the information to the other nine-tenths, since the increased expense of Mr. D: for rent, clerk "hire,' &c; &c, will bear- no proportion to the in crease of business which constrains it. The time is not far distant when the City Merchant whose rent costs turn more than his Advertising will be unirer saDy regarded ai one wbj don't understand his busi ness, and will not long have any business to under ptynriJ V yz'-fjyi1' ' Q A Letter, written by Geni Howe, of Massa chusetts, ' rank Democratic A bolitionist, in reply to an invitation from a Committee' to attend tie SOUP AND SOLDIERY. i : 5 1 Ftmersi'Af fri: trilniiim w.i andsD : uc costonxHouon" says, very wittily, tbat the who- Uvipartidpatediniti haabeen gener ridicule aimed at General Scott; for his' " hasty I lished bv the Loco Foco Preaa nnvinir the plate of soup has been Jsup-erceded by his splendid J sentiments of a prominent Northern Whig. Te following paragraph from the Boston Atlas" shows the justice of that vituperation and abuse upon the Whigs which this letter has sogenerally called forth ( from the Southern" Democracy rr u The Nashville Union published the letter of A NEW MARKET COMMODITY. - . We have seen and heard of several curious arti cles bemg brought to market focsale, but something entirely new,; rare. and unique yr&M offered U our Streets, on Saturday last and jfor the Ladies too ; bringing with it the strong , recommendation of be ing a "labor-saving 'machine' f being nothing less man. suck footA-brvshu, already chewed to hand t victories. - " "y.'l? O R;K'. -." yyiir The Hog crop as they call it--is coming -for ward from the West (says the "Cumberland Civil ian,") with considerable briskness. The Rail Road conveys to the Baltimore market, one 'thousand fat S o APPtetn Howe, in answer to the mvitationof Porkers dviw fwn iht ni Vi T i?! ? the Conitteeto be present at the funeral obsequies orken . dail from that place, and the Book, of the of the late Capfc Icoln.' The Union chVGeo. umce 8lioir UuU mne thousand ehrht hmJj MM Hm UAWft.A mt. MirAHMAi.n.Aft. Tii are, at the present time, registered for the same des tination, and in squealing anxiety await their re turn. will be news in this State. Gen. Howe ia amember Of the "Libert v Partv." and ran in onnosition to John Qnincy Adams, for Congress, on the Liberty a icsei." -