V voiathix: xltiii. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1847. 2YUJHBER 99. PUBLISHED SEHMVEEILY LTO TVEEUY, BY EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ME RMS. . Subscript. SkmkWesu.t.. PArsa Fir doL Tars per annana half ia advance. Wrr tLT Papk Three Dollar par annum. Adcertiiements. For every Sixteem -C first insertion, One Dollar ;: 'each subsequent inserti Twenty-five Cent. : Court Orders and Judicial Advertisements will be charged 23 per cent, higher; Vut a deduction of 33$ per cent, will be made from tke regular price, for advertisers by the year. Advertisements, inserted in the Skmi-Weeklt Kk cistr. will also appear in the WtKtr Paper, free of charge. O" Letter to the Editor must be post-mid. SEAWELL & MEAD, Wholesale aud Retail Grocers, TTJfAVE on hand, and ere' daily expecting, adJi lions whicb, when received, will make the lar wi assortment of Good in their ' line ever offered ia this market X and will be old.. Wholesale or JUtail, to solt customer, at reduced prices : 15 Hogshead BROWN SUGAR 25 Sacks prime Kio COFFEE 20 do " Lazuira do. It do Old GoTernmf nt Java Coffee 10 bbls. Crushed SUGAR' 8 8 10 do Pulverized do ' do New Orleans Clarified Sugar packages double refined Ioaf do 5 Hogsheads MOLASSES 1 1 1 Cask Sugar Houss do do i e fined N. O do do superior SYRUP 100 Sacks SALT Ground, Alum and Liverpool 3000 lbs. BACON blown 60 kegs CUT NAILS 4 penny to 30 penny 100 bags old CORN MEAL 10.000 CIGARS, various brands 600 lbs CHEWING TOBACCO (Rambaut's) 3 boxes do do (Langborn'a) 2 do Smoking do 6 Mats of Cinnamon Ground do Do Cloves. Do Allspice in 5 lb. do do cans do do 2 kegs whole Allspice 2 do do Black Pepper - boxes ground do '6 dox. London Mustard 6 do American do 3 do Loadon and American, in 5 lb. cans 6 kegs Powder ; also, fine Canister do .50 boxes Tallow Candies 16 do Sperm do 6 do Bar Soap . 12 dox. Cake do assorted 30 groce perfomed Matches 24 do Table Salt SO boxes Window GLASS, assorted 7 baskets Champagne (Heidsick brsndl FRENCH BRANDY, Importation of 1808 Do. old Cogna Do. " Champagne Do. M Seignette Old Port Old Madeira " Madeira, for cooking WINES 8icily Madeira f ' Malaga and I Sherry J Old Jamaica Rum Holland Gin Scotch Whiskey, very old Old Rye do Common do ' Bottled Porter Salmon. 8had, Mackerel and Rock FISH Smoked Beef and Tonzues Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson & 3Iack Chocolate and Cocoa TEAS Shot, Bsgging Twine, Bed Cord. fre. &e. &c. - With a Iirre assortment Ol OlUiIi WAno. Kaleigh, Nov 12,1847. 91 PITTSBORO' ACrVIEI!IY. TllHIS InMitution having lie come vacant, by the A resignation of the Incumbent, notice is hereby reiven that aDDlications for the situation of Principal of this Academy will be received between th'rn dstel and the 25lh of December next, fersons applying will direcUo the Secretary, post-paying their letters, in all instances. By order of the board, MAURICE Q- WADDELL, Secretsrv. Pittsboro', Nov. 18, 1847- 93 125D A YOUNG LADY, A NATIVE of Bertie County, N. C, who has A been educated expressly to teach, wishes to ooiaia situation in a Private Family the ensuing year. She is prepared to leach the French Lan guage, Music on the Piano and Goitar, together with the ?ower branches. Person wishing to employ a female Teafiher, can address P. C TYLER. Jon. Britton'a X Heads. Bertie Co., N. C. 96 4t ARCHITECTURE The Beauties of Modern Architecture, illustrated by forty-eight original Plates, designed expressly for thia work, by Ranerd Lafever. Architect. Hints to Yonng Architects, by George Wightwick, with Notes and HinU to persons- about Building in the country ; by A. J. Downing, Esq For sale by H. P. TURNER, Nov. 12. At the N. C. Bookstore. Hogs! Hogs! Pork! THE Subscribers would take this method of in forming persons who raay drive HOGS to this Market, that they are prepared to receive and slaugh ter them on the usual terms. They have . snitab'e lata for the Hogs, and wagons with which to deliver the Pork to purchaser. ROYSTER UTLEY Nov. 27. Standard 96 -3t- w. J. Riif GnAitrs !PRING Session begins on the 12th of January. 1 Room for four pupils. Direct to Clover Oarden, Orange County, N. C. Nov. 30, 1847. (Standard.) 97 3wp FOR SAL.E A good, well-broke. young HORSE, with an excellent one horse WAGON. Apply at this Office. December 8. - 9S ptatairba River, and other Poems, J by John Steinfort Kidney, for ale at H. D.TURNER'S N. C. Bookstore. Dec. 4th, 1847. 9 JOB PRIHTI5G EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE, l!th nziintss and detjntch. JACOB SNIDER, Jr. Importer & Wholesale k Retail Dealer in IVIiVES, LIQUORS, &c. . OF ALL COUNTRIES, tfol 76 Walnut Street, treats rvtia:maa 30 aaajgy INVITES the attenliotrof the Trade and consumers u n extensive mock oi good, pure Wines 4 c. or various grades and prices : all of rhich have been carefully selected by him in Europe. v" c iAuruij is tier e jrTOaucea. ni'VrvPuiPVfD . ... nesa amT iwemy years in tnis ousi. Esq.Vitn anTr l lhe Vacsha, direct personal kSOfl6 LuroPn connection, and a Iricts ml France, Ge8 of principal Wine dis antee'the excellence iNVhc. enables him to guar ticle sold by bim. His dsondition of ee7 ar ranged and built for the purri?f d Cellars, ar lion of his wines in perfect wndiuJWrfe the preserva Stock having been landed principally present of December last, when the new and higfr$he first Winoa tnofc effect, enables him to sell on the nfff on vantageovs terras. fl) Descriptive Catalogues furnished on applica tion personally or by letter ; in ordering Wiass from which, satisfaction will he guarantied. Wi.vks &c Imported to Okdkr, Subject to Ap proval on Arrival. March 29. 1847. 2-ly THOMAS U. IHH&ILEE, ATTORNEY" AND SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER FOR NORTH CAROLINA, To take Testimony, Acknowledgements, &c. .79 Nassau Street, New York. December 26.1846. 104 ly The Tattersalls' Heave Powders are a Medicine f.stire it niFFKRKRT in their composition i - r . t r r . i l: TVJjji ji tnu action irom any ming oi. inc Kinu ever before offered in this country, and are warranted to oe the best article for the cure of Heaves, Broken Wind, &c in Horses, now extant. Their extensive use in the TattersalU Stsbles, London, and other parts of England, has been accompanied by the most astonishing results, end many thousands of valuable Horses have been rendered sound thereby. They are now offered to the people of the United Sutes, with the confident assertion of the Proprietor, that the HEAVES CAN BE CURED J3Y THEM. None genuine without the written signature of J. Kirk a risk, London. Price one dollar. A. H. GOUGH 4- 0., 149 Fulton st., N.Y. General Agents for the U. States. A supply of the above Powders just received and for sale by PESCUD & JOHNSON. Raleigh, Nov. 8. (Standard) 91 David B. Smull, COPPERSMITH, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORKER, NO.Q2, PRATT STREET, BALTIMORE. 14 MI HE Subscriber, having been Ion? established in sul) the above holiness, tenders his services to the Distiller of Turpentine in the State of North Caro lina, for the manufacturing of Turpentine Stills, ha ving already furnished a number of them, for which satisfactory reference can be given. Persons in want of Turpentine Mills, or any otner Copper work, Tin, Sheet Iron, or Lead work, ror cine and Lifting Pumps, Stoves and Pipe, can be ac commodated, H)koU$le or retail, on as favorable terms, as any House in Baltimore, or any other City. The new racket Lane arrangement now in a Res u certaiu to Merchants and others, that their orders will be forwarded. October 16, 1847. P4 tag5 Ifew Works at the N. C; Bookstore. YOU ATT on the Dog, with numerous illustra tions. .Edited by E J. Lewis, M. D., Member ol me Academy of Natural Science at Philadelphia. School-Keeping. Theory aud practice of Teach ing, or the motives and methods of good School-keep-ing- By David P. Page, A M , Priucipal of the State Normal School, Albauy, N. Y. ", SiboneV Waterloo Campaigns, with Maps and Plaa of the Battles. j A New Cook Book. Acton's Modern Cookery, in all its branches, reduced to a system of easy practice. Mexico and her Military Chieftains, comprising sketches of the lives of Hidalgo, Morales, Iturbide, Sauta Aona, Gomez Farias, BusUmenle, raredes, Almonte, Arista, Alaman, Ampudia, Hrrera, aud De La Vega, illustrated by 12 Portrait t-ngraviugs. By Fay Robinsou. Price 50 cents T his day re ceived at the North Carolina Book Store, by HENRY D. TURNER. Raleigh, Nov. 19. 94 B ROWvN SUGAR, by the hhd. or barrel. REFINED do. by the barrel. CLARIFIED do. by the barrel. WHITE do. by the loaf. All offered row. for the cah. WILL. PECK & SON. Roleiah, Nov. 23. 91 fit New Livery Stable. THE Subscribers.having just erected a large, sub stantial, and spacious Stable with roomy stalls, iu the very heart of the City , would respectfully iuform the public, that they are now prepared, at all hours, to convey persons to, or from any part of the State. Jhey have procured steady, polite aud skilful Dri ers, and intend keeping for hire. Hacks, Buggies, Sulkies, Saddle and Harness Horses. Their acquain tances, and the travelling community, generally, are requested to lend them their influence, aa they are determined to spare neither paius or expense to give satisfaction. Application for Conveyances, cau be made either at toe Stable, in the rear of the MxaKET Hodsk, or at the MANSION HOUSE, next door to the Bank of Cape Fear. Hones will be boarded by the day, week, month or ..... n ih moat moderate terms. The Ostlers are experienced and faithful, and will leave no room for .Mnnlnint. Drovers will find this the most central Stable in the City, and the most convenient for effecting sales, and they will alwaya find ample accommodation for any number of Horsee, however large. The Subscribers hope that, in thi new enterpnze, they will be sustained by a generous public. ' JERE. NIXON, GEORGE T. COOKE. Raleigh, Dec 3, 1847. w-wrm i. w riinitirri. U nd Hand Book of the Toilet, price 25 cents. The Book of a Thousand Sonss the greatest and best collection ever embodied io one t .n ky,., : ( a r. ,nn;M on hand at the Bookstore, No. 1, Fayetteville street. r....:u r.- , ' 1 OR a m I RAEEIGII Classical, Mathematical and MILITARY ACADEMY. FTnilE year is divided into two Sessions of fi JJ. months each ; the first Session, beginning oa the first of January, and the second Session, on the mm - - . - vmv vi jirc nrst or July. q It is the design of the Preceptor, that this Institn ton shall not be aurpassed, ia the advantages afibrd- cu iwr aconinng a inoroogti fcnglish, Classical and .Mathematical education. A. majority of the Students study the Classics, with the intention of entering some University. it... .i , . . . . J tuv inose, wnose meann are limited, can aenn m iuii voueriaie course, botli in the Classics and iMath r..n ii . . ... . emat ics. With the dejfign of making the rourse of oiuaiee as extensive aft possible, a scientific Book Keeper has been enffa?ed. And althontrh Cli.i.l StudenU may suppose, that they will never become accountants, yet a knowledge of this Science is ne ,cu iu mi jwuus oi ousiness : out. more especially to those, who expect to enajje in Mercan tile pursuits, r to become practical business men. INSTRUCTORS. Classical Department: M. LiOVEJOY, Preceptor. Mat?--MASON, Assistant. :al and Militart Department. Civil Sc Topographical Drawing: Modfrn Lanc M. PRES1XJN.- Book-keepino: Monsieur BRADY. , Juvenile InJ. S. NIC11ULLS. ROBERT WIirfvN.T: Terms Patable in avjt. For common Euglish branches, For the Classics, qq Knclish, including the higher branches of ematics, the same as for the Classics. Modern Languages, 10 00 Book-keeping, 8 00 Juvenile Studies, Spelling, Reading and Writing, 12 00 For any other study, an additional charge of 3. For Military Tactics, no charge. A wing is about to be attached to the Academy, for the Juvenile Department, which will be finished by the first of January. The Teacher" of this de partment will wholly devote his attention to the in struction of Boys, whom Parents or Guardians may consider so young, that thsy cannot, or will not, be well taught by men, who are giving instruction to older StudenU in the higher branches of learniug. And as Pupils beginning the rudiments of an Eng lish Education, require more time and care on the part of a Teacher, than they do in more advanced studies, this Teacher will only instruct in Reading, Writing and Spelling, and the elementary principles of those branches, preparatory for the other depart ments of the Academy. They will l-e superintend ed by the Principal, and will not be allowed to min gle with the others, unless it is desired, nor required to drill. To prevent unnecessary expenses. Pocket-money should be deposited with the Triucipal. Raleigh. Nov. 18, 1847. 03 tf tate of North Caroliua.-Guitrei County. Court of Equity, October Term, A. D. 1847. Thomas R.Tate and others, vs. David P. Weir aid . others. Petition to sell Reel Estate. By virtue of a Decree, made in the above case, I shall expose to public Sale in the Town of Greens borougb, N. C on Monday, the list day of Febru ary, 1848, upon a credit of one, two and three years, the Lot of Land on which the Cotton Factory stands, Erected by the late Hshbt Hcfhibs. The im. nrovements consist of a larce and extensive Brick' building, with all the necessary Shops, Store houses and buildings, sufficient for the accommodation of eighty or ninety hands. There are now in operation twenty-five hundred Spindles, and twenty-six Loom with all the machinery and necesssry fixtures for the same. . The machinery is driven by Siesm power This Property is well worthy of public attention, it is deemed the most valuable of ihe kind ever offered for sale in this State. It is located in a thrl ving heafthy village, amidst a thrifty population, and every inducement n presented to any persons wishing to engage in the Manufacturing business. Immediate possession will be given the purchaser. The above sale is made for partition amongst the Devisees of Hkit Humpiiriks, the late Proprietor. The purchaser will be required to give Bond with approved Security, and the title will be retained, un til the further Order ot this Court. Test J. A. MEBANE, C. M. E. Greensboro', N. C, November. 1847. 90 3m BANK OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. rtTtHE General Meetinff of the Stockholders of 11 this Bank, will be held at their Bankiug House in this City, du the first Monaay iu January next. C DEWEY, Cashier. Raleigh, Dec. I, 1847. 9 ' Female Seminary. THE next Session of this Institution will com mence on Monday, the 10th Jauuary ensuing. The Subscriber feels greatly encouraged by the very liberal patronage exteuded to him the present year. His exertions will be continued, to secure in thn.M nhn m v ha entrusted to his care, all the advantages of a thorough and accomplished Educa tion. Th Terms are as follows, per session of fiev months: Board. $50 00 English Tuition, 12 50 French, . 10 60 Music, 20 00 Us of Instrument, 3 00 ItmonrKT nn4 PuintinC. 10 00 N exir eharcres will be made. Books, Station- arv. furnished at the lowest retail prices. It is naiticulariv desired, that every Pupil should be nresant at the ooenin? f the Session.wheu Studies re trranorart nH (Classes formed. All articles of Clothing must be marked with the owner's name in full. I beff leave to refer to my friends, and numerous acquaintances in thi State aud Virginia: among others, to the following : Hon. Jno. Y. Mason, Wash yjj? Hon. Arch. Atkinson, Hm. K. wasKervm, an. Jno. II. Bryan, George W. Mordecai, Ruioiirh. Co Joshua Tavloe. Washington, IN. U. Hon. David Outlaw, Wm. T. Sutton, Esq.. Bertie, Jan. S Battle. Esq., Rocky Mount. Wm. Plummer, Jno. Somerville, Wm. fcaton, jr , cqr , arrenion. Warrenton, Dec. 2. 1847. 98 npHE Annual Meeting of the Members of the II rTorth Carolina Mutual Inttirancc retary. in the City of R.ligb on Tuesday, the 4th i i .nmnnnv. wm dc is cm mo . ... . a r .i 43 day of January next, at n odocit, a. M., for the election of thirteen Directors I Bv order of the Board of Directors, THEODORE PARTRIDGE, See y. I n.l;S Nnv. JtA. 96 tm 1,000. CASES FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF Boots, Shoes and Brogans, AT THE LADIES' SALOON, On Mam Street, near Walter's City Hotel, Norfolk,: Va. TIIE SUBSCRIBER, havi nff re -fi? cently enlarged his Store for reta ing, and having taken the whole house for wholesale goods, he is now prepared to sbow the largest and best stock of Boot Shoes and Brogans, for the Fall and Winter trade which he has ever had. He has iust returned from the North and East, where he has visited all the principal Shoe manufactories and purchased from tnem nis stocK at cash prices almost entirely. i ..... . . . ne win mereiore ue enabled to sell to Counlrv mercnanis ana others, at very low prices. HE HAS IMUW ON HAND, 5,000 pairs Men's very heavy thick Broeran. don ble soles and double stitched. 2,000 pairs Men's coarse Brogans, 2d & 3d quality 3,000 do do lined and bound B rowans and Bootees. 1,000 pairs Men's coarse thick Cowhide and Grain Leather Boots, double soles, the very best quality. 400 pairs Men's Fishermen Boots, made of heaw wax Leather and Grain Lenther very long legs to wane in. and double soles. SOU pairs Gentlemen s Water Proof Boots, with double Call Skin uppers and heavy double soles. 1,000 pairs Gentlemen' Napoleon Boots, with nailed and slug bottoms, assorted qualities.- o.OOO pairs Women a Leather Boots, assorted imlf, such as heavy Kip, Wax and Grain Leather. nd Goat Skin Bootees. 2,000 pairs Women's Leather Shoes nnd Buskins. BEvSlDES THE ABOVE GOODS. (Xe have more than our usual supply of Ladies' '"'Nl -?.:.- t Travet uoois, ana over zu,uuw pairs Bas' al?" v men ftnU women Servants Shoes, larce 'nnd veryks!lof eTpry kind- VaIise8 nd Car!t cheap for cash, or A?81"58 our assonment unusually Country MerchantSre who,e of ,l Wl11 l)e p0,tl and the public general lytt0 PunctuaI customers, call and examine our exterlSg" isntinsj Norfolk, hn.ir.o-. Uully invited to The Ladies' Saloon is on Mam STHneni oeiore ter's City Hotel. ., , W. H. AUDlNUwrai Sept ember 25. Magnificent Schemes FOR DECEMBER, 184" J. W. Maury JL Co., Managers. (Successors to J. G. Gregory & Co.) $50,000 ! $20,000! 10,000! And 13 Drawn Nos. in each Package of 22 Tickets ! Alexandria Lottery, Clase No. 82, for 1847, To be drawn at Alexandria, on Saturday, the ISth of December, 1847. Magnificent Scheme : 13 Drawn Numbers out of C6 ! Making nearly as many Prizes as Blanks 1 1 splendid capital of $50,000 1 prize of $2,000 1 do prize of 20,000 10 prizes of 1,000 1 prize of 10,000 10 do 500 m rrr rt I " tt 1 do o.uuu ao ,ju 1 do 2,940 30 do 2U0 Tickets only $15 Halves .7 50 Quarters 3 u Eighths I 87. Certificate of packages of 22 Whole ticket $140 00 Do do 22 Half do 70 00 Do do 22 Quarter do 35 00 Do do 22 Eighth do 17 SO 35,000 Dolls! 913,000! 910,000! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 84, for 1847. To be drawn in Alexandria, on Saturday, 2oth of December, 1847. 14 Drawn Ballots out of 78 Numbers ! SPLENDID SCHEME I 1 prize of 35,000 1 prixe of 13,0110 1 do $2,069 2,000 1,000 600 400 300 do do do do do 10,000 5.000 3,500 3,000 &.c 20 prizes of 20 do 20 do 40 do &.c. tc. Sec. Tickets $10 Halves 5 Quarters 2 50. Certificates of Packages of 26 Wholes, $120 Do do 26 Halves, 60 Do do 26 Quarters, 30 Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates of Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries will receive the mo&t prompt attention, and an official account of each drawing sent immediately after it is over to all who order from us. Address J. & C. MAURY, Agents for J. W. Mavry & Co., Managers, Washington City, D. C. Louisburg Academies, a. ii. Ray, r JANE A. RAY. ( PaiJiCirALS. Miss E. W. CURTIS, Music Instructress Miss M. C STONE, Instructress iu Drawing, &.c. tZTTHE Spring Session of 1848, will commence on iLLi the 3d of Jauuary. Tuition in the Female De partment, 6 50, $10, or $15, according to th Pu pil's advancemsnt, French and Latin, each $7 50. Drawing and Painting, with use of patterns, $ oO Music ou the Piano, 17 50, with S3 for use of Instrument. Tuition in the Male Department. For English Studies, S'O . Classical . $15, with small additional charge for contingencies, when necessary. Hoard with tne rnucipai, per ses sion. In good families in the Village aud vicinity, $7 per month. A part of the Trustees are invited to attend an examination ol the Pupils every quar ter during the Sessiou ; and a certificate of each Student's deportment aud scholarship is sent to Pa rents and Guardians at the close of the Term. Louisburg, Dec. 4. 1847. 93 3t Accurate Sketch OF THE BATTLE GROUND AND BATTLE OF THE Subscriber has this day received a Litho graph Print of large sige, 32 by 24 inches, from a Sketch taken on ths spot, oy iapi. Jonw.ru n. Eaton, of the U, S. Army, and Aid-de-Camp to General TavLoa, representing the Battle O round and Battle of Angosturafought near Buena Vista, Mex ico, on the 23d February, 1847. This Picture is executed in the best style of the art, beautifully colored Price $3,00. Call and examine for yourselves. H. D. TURNER, N. C. Book Store. Raleigh, Dec. 4, 1847. 98 New Medical Dictionary. ARDNER'S Medics! "Dictionary, this day re ceived at TURNER'S N. C. Bookstore. Dec. 4th, 1847. 98 Fall and Winter Clothine jCl L. HARDING would respectfully inform the uH naieigo and vicinity, tbaWhe is receiving Q18 StOCk Of FAJLl. A1VD WINTER CtOTHlffG, ... . icw weens oe in receipt of as larce and p.Ur..c .ii usonmrni as ever was opened in this mar keu His Clothing has been manufaclured in a vr superior style, of good materials, expressly for this ; mereiore, i nose that wish lo purchase fash ionable and well made Clothing, at Northern prices, will do well by giving him a call. Jnst received a lot of black Cloth Dress and Frock coais; nine Mack Beaver Over and Frock coata Rough nnd Ready, and Blanket Over coats; black oassimere and Cloth Pants; Fancy Cas simere and Satinet Pants: black-Satin? Merino, ..u.ucu.u Taiencia vests; under Shirts. Linen uowm Pnirw. XJrawers, Scarfs, Cravats. Collars. cruspenoers, oioves, &c at the store on 'Pnvoito- ville street, one door above the corner It nnnn B.Smith's. Raleigh. Sept. 16, 1847. 75 3m fii:e : THE JGTIVA I1VSURA1VCE COMPA IV Y, of Ilartford, Conn. Offers to insure Buildines and Merchand damage by lire, at premiums to suit the times. 1 his is one of the oldest and bestlnsurance Com panies m the United States, and Davs its a promptly. Annlirfl1lAncfr rnsn.anAA I T, I ' , ... ..rr..vuwul.lu, .nouiauLc iu naieiirn.or its vi- cinity.to be made to 8. W. WHITING And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity, to , , 2- J- PALMER, Agent. October, 1847. . 83 A KEW YORK C1TT NEWSPAPER DULLAK A YEAR!! THf ISLAND CITY printed upon a large handsome sheet, containing 3 CULvUMNS OF READING MATTER! written by the following talented contributors : Hehht A. Buckingham, B. Constable RV;.. A. A. Phii.lip9. try, rehwerful conjunction of literary talent, rx- LARGESnany weekly publication in this coun- rrind City the PuSeT FA MIL Y ' NEWSPA 2 5 CENTS FOfc WORLDt ,. jpce, viz : One Dollar PfnxHS ' ' From almost every Post-office in w; we have received subscriptions through J of the Post Master, (who are respectfully soi.,, act as our agents,) and it is our ambition by untirj energy and perseverance, to make the Island City a Xallow and Adamantine Candles welcome visitor lo every family cimclk throughout I ,Wdep and SUat.' ; ery family cimclk throughou the United States. The impossibility to convey a just impression of ihe intentions of the publishers in this single announcement must be apparent to every one, but ihey would earnestly solicit a single trial, an unbiased examination of the merits of the Is land City, which all can do by a remittance of the Inning sum of J wenty-nve Cents, which will entitle them to three months subscription, satislied that an acquaintance of that period will lead to one of a more permanent character. Among the regular features of the paper will be found ORIGINAL R0MANCE8 AND TALES, REVOLUTIONARY SKETCHES, LEGENDS OF THE THIRTEEN COLONIES, XOCAL SKETCHES, POLICE NEWS, ITEMS. &C TABLE D'HOTE, THE DRAMA. Together with extracts from the works of the follow ing English writers : Douglas Jerrold, Martin Far quhar T upper, Mark Lemon, Gilbert A. Beckett, William Howilt, &C&C PREMIUMS! PREMIUMS! PREMIUMS! All new subscribers for the term of one year will be entitled either to the powerfully written Sea Nov-, el entitled THE METEOR ; on, CUTTER or the OCEAN, Or, to the domestic novel of Walter Wolfe ; OR, THE FRATRICIDE. In every City, Town, or Village, a club can readi ly be formed by any person who will give a few hours' attention to such object. To all such who will remit us FIVE DOLLAKS we will furnish SIX COPIES of the paper ; including in every case the above premium. Address SMITH. HOLDEN & SMITH, Publishers of The Island City, 75 Chatham st., New York. Papers publishing this Prespectus oiri time will be entitled to a year's subscription, to be sent either to their address, or to any person they may desire. Nov. 27. 96 2w VALUABLL HEAL ESTATE. N Tuesday, the 14th day of December next, at the Couit House in Louisburg, I shall offer for sale, by virtue of a decree of the Court of Equity, entered in the Petition of Ancilla B. Weslray, at Fall Term of said Court, the Tract of Land lying on the Road leading from Louisburg to Warrenton, one mile from the former place.thelate residence of Nathan Patterson, deceased, containing 405 acres. This property is too generally known to require particular description very rarely is such a splendid Mansion' House, and such substantial out buildings, offered for sale. In the whole County of Franklin, there is not aa establishment fitted up with such elegance and taste, and at the same time so permanent and durable. The dwelling House is new. and contains some eight or ten spacious rooms, and all the out houses are new framed buildings, with stone chim neys. The Yard and Garden are elegantly set with Shrubbery and Flowers, and a wise arrangement per vadestbe entire premises. Ihe yard and avenue are enclosed with solid stone walls, which will last for ages. The arable land ia under good fences, some of which has been highly manured, and a con siderable part is now very productive. 1 suppose there are 75 to 80 acres of forest land, conveniently situated to the farm, and there are also some 15 to 20 acres of splendid meadow. The whole Tract ogether, is certainly the most desirable residence ot my acquaintance. To wealtny gentlemen in tne Eastern part of the State, who would like to avail themselves of the advantages of our superior Male and Female Schools, drink pure water, and enjoy good health, I especially invite to attend this sale. mm . . a 1 SV r I ? i oere i a great deal ot l.ana now onerea ior saw in the up country, but there is no such residence as this within my knowledge. A credit of one ami two years wiU be given, the purchaser giving Bond and security for the faithful payment of the purchase mo ney ; bonds bearing interest from date. I will take pleasure in showing the land to any one' who may wish to go over it. THOS. K. THOMAS, C. M. E. AUCTION AND COMMISsioN BUSINESS. At If. R. iruo If jss; Unction and Commission Store. . I HAVE now on hand, a great variety and jtteS collection of GOODS, eonsistios; of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Iron, Books Paper, Ink, if. &c. &c. all of which is offered at unnsnal low for Cash okit, at the Aoctionand Commission Store of v ; N. W . RrTGHPS WJE W AND CHEAJP Seasonable DryL Goods, FOR THE i FA XX Sc. WIKfTER THATiT! OT "inrr r pHE Subscriber takes pleasure in informine hi A. friends and customers, and the public in general, that he has just received and onenP,r .t hi a eligible stand, next door to the Town Hall and Mar ket House, on Fayette ville Street A New and very neat assortment of staple and Fashionable Drv Goods FOR THE FALL and WINTER TRADE f inn9 just selected by himself, with nartfenl.r . rfi., t& the wants and taste of thia mmm,,n;i. which he would mosi respectfully invite the public attention. . r His assortment consists, in nart. of the fnnJi v cc8i ra ble articles, viz ; -; " xine Cloths and Cassimeres. Super Satmetts and Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Cassimeres and Mexican Cloths. V el vet, V alencia and other Vesting, Beautiful pmir-and rixiv black Alpaccas, Cashmeres, Oregon and California Plaids, Delaines, Fancy Prints and Ginghams, White and Red Flannels. Winter Shawls and Shoulder Handkerchied, Silk, Bandana and Linen Cambric do. Black Silk and fancy Cravats, Suspenders and Purses, Canvass, Padding and Sewings, : -! Superior Ticking and Cotton Oznaburg, Fine bleached Sheeting and Shiiting, Jeans and Apron Checks, Plaid Linsey and Kersey, Spool Cotton, Fringe, Gimp, Braid and Button Gloves, Mitts and Hose, -Lisle Lares, Edgings and Insertions, Plaid and Jaconet Muslins, Irish Linens and Lawns, . Silk and Cotton Umbrellas ; Together with a general assortment f GENTLEMEN'S t a - snoes, Shoetees & Slip-i persr with a full stock of CKOCKE-f RY and GLASSWARE. H A Rliw AnvT-ITZZ CERIESXsav " u "nu x? obaco, Snnff, in rrw" " Thankful fo? of whieIl he Subscriber would usnce of publicl,IJe"son8bIe terms, for Cash, or V inducements to the sal' or months credit. chafer. . jf not solicit a conlin- Kaleigh, Nov. 12, 1847. cotters such strong; sighted pur- Williams, HaywooclvORD. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 91 ' DRUGGISTS," RALEIGH, N. C-. j Keep constantly on liand a large and rceUstlected stock of 1 oreign and Native Drugs, AND ENGLISH", FRENCH APTO AMERICAN CHEMICALS, Which has been carefully selected from the Northern Cities, with strict reference to their purity, and may oe reueu on witn lull confidence. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Of superior' quality and fine finish, from the most approved American Manufactories,' Our stock of PAINTS, OILS AND DYE-STUFF, Is always large and complete! comprising in part the following, viz : American White Lead,1 i dry and in Oil, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Verdigris, , Chinese Vermillion, Venitian Red, Linseed, Lamp, Sperm k lanaewuns, Indigo, Madder,: Ext. Logwood, Copperas, Dye-Stuffs generally-, Spanish Brown, kz. kt. LEATHER, COACH, fURItlTUKB t JAPATt YAKRT97E8, Together with a large and well-selected stock of FRENCH & AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, Which we recommend to Preture Dealers, Builders, and others. . .-: , J .. Tobacco, Segars nnd Snufft, Of the very best quality ; and superior Madeira, Sherry, Claret and Port Wines, FrencJi lirandy and JLondon lirown Stout. All of which is offered for sale at unusually low prices' and upon the roost accommodating terms.. - Orders from Phj sicians and others promptly execute and particular attention paid to packing and fo'rj warding. , ? . ";. , , . ' May 18, 1847. m - 40 VALUABLE SALE , , Of Land, Crops, Stocky. UjtXllt. Subscriber will offer at Public Sale-, on siJLr Tuesday, the fourth day of January, 1848, the following valuable Property, belonging to the Estates of the late JAMES HARRIS, and ELIZABETH HARRIS, dee'd, viz: - A Tract of Land, lying in Wake' Forest, three mile from the College, and three 'miles from the Fall Bridge, couUiuiug between, seven and eight hundred Acres. ' 5 'v ' r vy .- - A quantity of Corn, Fodder, Oats Wheat, &c Also, a pretty large Stock of Horses; Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, &c. ' r ' ; ' '.. 'r ' ' , Also, the HousehoTd and Kitchen FumitBre and Plantation Tools, ef every description. ' The. Sale will take place at the UlV -residence of Mrs. Elizabeth Haxjii, nnd will be continued Irora day to lay, until all is sold; : ' : " I erms made known on the day of SaJe. " w t - ; JOHN W. HARRIS. Wake, December 6, 1847f -, f 99 Capt. Henrys Campaign Sketches of the War in . Mexico, -with engra- vrags ; this day received by Dec. 4th, 1S47. H. D: TURNER, N. C. Bookstore. --M 1 1 . 1

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