WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1847; 102. TOLJIE ;3XYIII. -. i 4 TMISUp SEJI-WEEKLY AXDWEEILY, BY EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ' TERMS. Subscription. Scmi-Vbklt PAr-ta Five dol lars per annum half in Advance. Wkkkly Papke Three Dollars per annum. AdtertUtments. For every Sixteen Lines, first nsertion, One Dollar; each subsequent iusertion, Twenty-five Cents. - Cottrt Orders and Judicial Advertisements will be charged 25 per cent, higher; ut a deduction of 33 J ner cent, will be made from tie regular prices, ior iidvertisers by the year. Advertisements, inserted in the Semi-Weekly Re gister, will also appear in the Weklx Paper, free of chaTge. . 33" Letters to the Editor mast be rorr-rAift. SEAWELL & MEAD, , Wholesale and Retail Grocers, ' 'AVE on hand, and are daily expecting, addi- lions which, when received, will make the lar gest assortment a! Ooous In Uieir line eer ottered jn this market ; and will be sold. Wholesale or Retail, to suit customer, at reduced prices : 15 Hotheads BROWN SUGAR 23 Sacks prune. Kio COFFEE 20 da Laguira J.. 1 2 1 du OU Government Java Coffee 10 bbU. Crushed SUGAR v 3 do Pulverized do 3 do New Orleans Clarified Sugar 10 packages double rebneri Ixaf do a Hogshead MOLASSES I Cask. Suar Hous? do do leiiuol N. O do 1 I do superior SYRUP ion Sacks SALT Ground, Alum and ' Liverpool 3U00 lbs. BAt:OX fblown 60 kegs CUT NAILS 4 penny to 30 penny !00 bags tJ CORN MEAL 10.IIOO UfflARS. various brands 600 lbs CHEWING TOBACCO (Rambaut's) . 3 boxes d do (Langhorn's) 2 do Smoking do G Mats of Cinnamon Ground de in 5 lb cans Do Cloves. " do do Do Allspice do do 2 kegs whole Allspice 2 do do Black Pepper 2 boxes ground J do 6 doz. London Mustard 6 do American do , :J do London and American, in 5 lb rans C kegs Powder ; also, fine Canister do 50 boxes Tallow Candles 16 do Sperm do 6 do Bar Soap 12 dot. Cake do assorted 30 grace perfumed latches 24 do Table Salt 20 boxes Willow GLASS, assorted 7 baskets Champagne (Heidsick brandl FRENCH BRANDY, Importation of 1808 ! Do. old Cognac Do. " Champagne D. " Seiguette Old Port " OlJ Madeira j Madeira, for cooking LtVV'YES Sicily Madeira f " ' Malaga and " Sherry J Old Jamaica Ram ' llollamJ Gin Scotch WhUkey, very old Old Rye do Common do Bottled Porter Salmon, Shad, Mackerel and Rock FISH Smoked Beef and Tongues Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson Sc 3lat Chocolate and Cocoa TEAS Shot, Ragging Twine, Bed Cords,, 4 c. &.c. &c With a large assortment of STONE WAKE. Raleigh, Not 12, 147. 91 il FlHlS Institution having become vacant, by tne V JL resignation of the Incumbent, notice is hereby given that applications for the situation of Principa or this Actdeioy will be received between this date and the 25th of December next. Persons applying will direct to the Secretary, po-t-paytng their letters, in ail instance. By order of the board, . MAURICE Q. WADDELL, Secretary. ! Pittsboro, No. 18, 1847- 93 t25D alawba Sliver, and other Poems, bv John Steiufort Kidney. For sale af II. D. TURNEU'S N. C. Bookstore. Dec 4th, 1S47. Ua BANK OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. A DIVIDEND of Four per cent on the Capital Stock, of this Bank, has been declared for the la&t six months, payable at the Principal Bank iu this City, ou the first Mouday in January next, aud at the Branches, fifteen days thereafter. C- DEWEY, Cashier. Raleigh, Dec 8, 1847. 93 tlmJ Nag's Head Hotel. THIS valuable Property will be sold, if not dis posed of previously at private sale, in the town of Elizabeth City, at Public Sale, on the 6th of March next. The main building is 120 feet long, 2$ stories high. There are besides 10 other buildings, including an Ice House, with 65 acres of land at tached. The advantages of this place aft a summer retreat are too well known, to be repeated in txttnso here. It is sufficient to state that the situation is healthy ; it is immndiate'y contiguous to the Atlan tic Ocean.' The sea-bathing is very fine and the Table can. be furnished with the finest sea-fish, crabs, oykiers, 4-c. JThe only other recommendation which is deemed necessary to give, is to state the fact that, since the first opening of the Hotel, 6 years ogo, it has had more visiters than could be accommodated. During the season. Packets run from Elizabeth City. Edenton. Plymouth,. Hertford, snd numerous other places. For particulars enquire of M. RUSSEL. or J. C. EHRINGHAUS. Dec. II. 1847. 101 lOw Tlie Best Life of Old Zack. x; IFF; of Gen. Zach.vry Tatlor, comprising a nirralive of events connected with his profes- si uial caier, derived from public documents and pri vate correspondence, by J Rkesk Frt ; aud authen 'ic incident f his early years, front materials col lected by Roit. 1 Cox k ad. Esa.. with an original Portrait, aud eUven illustrations of the various Bat- tl.-s, just publuhej, aud this day revived; by II. D. TURNER. Raleigh, Nov, 20,1847. W JACOB S5IDER, Jr. Importer & Wholesale & Retail Dealer in WOES, LIQUORS, fcc. OF ALL COUNTRIES, HTo. 76 Walnut Street, IN VITES the attention of the Trade and consumers to his extensive stock of od, pure Wirres, 4-c., of various grades and prices : all of which have (een carefully selected ', by hjm in Europe, Principally in-tJe Districts it here Produced. AN EXPERIENCE of twenty years in this busi ness, and as successor to the lata Johx Vacokax, Esq. witn an extensive European connection, and a direct personal knowledge of the principal Wine dis tricts ri France, Germany, xc. enables him to guar- -an tee the excellence and good condition of every ar ticle sold by him. His new Store and Cellars, ar ranged and built for the purpose, insure the preserva tion of his wines in perfect cond it ton: and the present Stock having been landed principally before the first nf December last, whert the new and high Tariff on Wines took effect, enables him to well on the-most ad vantageoas terms. Descriptive Catalogues furnished on applica tion personally or by letter ; in ordering Wisssfrom which, satisfaction will be guarantied. "Wines &c. Imported to Order, Sudject to Ap proval ox Arrival. March 29. 1847. David B. Smull, COPPEltSMITII, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORKER, NO. C2, PRATT STREET, BALTIMORE. 5TTIH E Subscriber, having beeu long established in siJk) the above business, leudtrrs his services to the Dixtillers of Turpeutiue iu the Stale of North Caro lina, far the manufacturing of Turpentit.e Stills, ha ving already furuifhtd a uumber of them, for which satisfactory reference cau be eiven. Persons in want of Turpeutiue Stills, or any other Copper work, Tiu, Sheet Iron, or Lad work. For cing and Li fling Pumps, Stoves aud Pipe, cau be ac commodated, whole tale or retail, on as favorable terms, a any House in Baltimore, or any other City. The new Packet Line arrangement now makes it certaiu to Merchants aud others, that their oders will be forwarded. October.lfi. 1847. 4 ta?5 New Livery Stable, THE Subscribers.having jnst erected a large, sub stantial, and spacious Stable with roomy stalls, iu me very neari oi uiouiijvuiuiopcuuuii) mivnu the public, that they are now prepared, at all hours, to couvey person? to, or from iny part of the State. They have procured steady, polite and skilful Dri vers, aud intend keeping lor hire, Hacks, lsuggws, Sullies, Saddle aud Harness Horses. their acquain tances, and the travelling community, generally, are requested to lend them their iuflueuce, as they are determined to spare neither pains or expense to give satisfaction. Application for Conveyances, cau be made either at the Stable, in the rear of the Market House, or at the MANSION HOUSE, uext. door to the Bank of Cape Fear. Horses will be boarded by the day, week, month or year, ou the most moderate terms. The Ostlers are experienced and fa;lhful, aud will leave no room for coinplaiut. Drovers will find this the most central Stable in the CitV, and the most convenient for effecting sales, aud they will always fiad ample accommodation for auy number of floras, however urge. The Subscribers hope tha.t, in this new enterpnze, they will be sustaiued by a generous public. JKRE. N1XUN, GEORGE T.COOKE. Raleigh, Dec. 3, 1847. 97 For Sale or Exchange. A GENTLEMAN, in possessionof a good FARM, recently settled, in the immediate neighborhood of Kaleigh, with an entirely new Dwelling House, of modem construction, and convenient arrangement, is derous of either selling the same, or exchanging it for Property in the City of Kaleigh. ior healtln ues of location, fine Water, and accessibility to i Market, this Farm cannot be surpassed. Persons wishing to boy. or exch-.nge, can learn further par ticulars, on application to the Editor of this Paper. Raleigh, Nov. 29, 1847. 96 tf SALISBURY FACTOltY TTTNDER a Resolution of the Stockholders of the (J Salisbury. Masuvactuhiko Compact, I will seil at Public Auction, on Tuesday, the 25th of Jan uary, 1848, at the Court House, in Salisbury, on a credit of six "months, the SALISBURY FACTORY K9TIRK. CONTAINING ABOUT 2500 &piudles, 70 or SO Loom, with all the necessary preparatory machinery, a su perior FIFTY HORSE POWER ENGINE, DWELLINGS for the operatives, &c. Also, one NEGRO MAN about 45 years of age. ihe Engineer. MATTHIAS BOGER, Pres't. Salisbury, Nov. 25, 1847. 100 1 OXFORD THI be HE regular Exercises in this Institution, will resumed on the 11th day of January next. The scholastic year of ten months, is divided into two Sessions of five months each the first, ending the 1 1th day of June, and the second the 11th day of November. .The Terms remain as heretofore. Persons desiring more particular information in rela tion to the School, may obtain it by applying to T. B. LirrtuoRv, Esq., President of the Board of Trustees, or to the Principal.' SAM'LL. VENABLE, Principal. Oxford, IN. C.'Dec. 10. . 100-3w he Ladies' Science of Etiquette, and Hand Book of the Toilet, price 25 tents. he Cook of a Thousand Songs the greatest and best collection ever embodied in one work, well bound, price $125. A few copies on hand attbe Bookstore, No. 1, Fayetteville street. Raleigh, Dec. 1. . 96 Type Foundry, 5 Gold, Corner of Ann St., If. York. THE Subscriber is prepared to furnish baud cast Type, and Printers' Materials of all kinds, at short notice and op reasonable terms. Proprietors of Newspapers, who have not adver tised for the Subscriber, who may publish this notice for three months, will be entitled to receive pay in Type, on purchasing five time the amount of their bills for advertising Old Tvoe taken in excl.nnrn'f r new at 9- cents pt pound ROBERT TAYLOR. Ncv. 4, 1847- 30 3m i - UAX.E1GE1 Classical. Mathematical and MILITARY ACADEMY. THE year is divided into two Sessions of five mouths each ; the first Session, beginning on the first of January, and the second Session, ou the first of July. It is the design of the Preceptor, that this Institu tion shall not be surpassed, iu the advantages afford ed for acquiring a thorough English, Classical and Mathematical education. A majority of the Students study the Classics, with the intention of entering some Uuirersity. But those, whose mefens are limited, cau acquire a ful Collegiate course, both in the Classics aud Math ematics. With the desigu of-making the course of Studies as exteusive as possible, a scientific Book-keeper ha1 beeu engaged. Aud although Classical SludeIH!My suppose, that they will never become , yet a knowledge of tins Scieuce is ue- Hi-, t .i eu in all ainas oi business: dui, more those, who expect to engage in Mercan or to become practical busiuess men. INSTRUCTORS. Classical J. M. LOVFJOY, R. II. MASON, Department: Preceptor. Assistant. Matiirmatical and Military, Department, Civil Engineering So Topookaphical Drawing: S. M. PRESTON. Modern La.nouages: Monsieur BRADY. Book-keeping: J. S- MCIIOLLS. Juvenile Department: ROBERT WIUTEIIUUST. Xerill1 Payable in Advance. For common English brauches, 15 00 For the Classics, 00 English, including the higher branches of Math ematics, the same as lor tne Classics. Modern Languages, 10 00 Book-keeping, , 8 00 Juvenile Studies, Spelling, Reading and Writing, 12 00 For auy other study, an additional charge of 3. For Military Tactics, no charge. A wing is about to be attached to the Academy, for the Juvenile Department, which will be htiihed by the first of January. The Teacher of this de partment will wholly devote Ins attention to tne in struction of Boys, whom Parents or Guardians may consider so ydung, tlit they cannot, or will not, be well taught by men, who are giving instruction to older Students in the higher branches of learning. And as Pupils beginuing the rudiments of au Eng linh Education, require more lime aud care on the part of a Teacher, than they do in more advanced studies, this Teacher will only instruct in Reading, Wriliug and Spelling, aud the elementary principles of those brauches, preparatory for the other depart ments of the Academy. They will be superintend ed by the Priucipal, and will not be allowed to min gle with the others, unless it is desired, nor required to drill. To prevent unnecessary expenses, Pocket-mouey should be deposited with the Principal. Raleigh. Nov. 18, 1847. 93 tf tate of North Carolina. Guilfobd County. Court of Equity, October Term, A. U. 1817. Thomas R. Tate ana others, vs. David P. Weir and others. Petition to sell Real Estate. By virtue of a Decree, made in the above rase, I shall expose to public Sale in the Town of (Jreens- borough, N. (J., on Monday, the 2 1st day of r ebru ary, 1848. upon a credit of one, two and three years, the Lot of Land.on which the Cotton Factory stands Erected by the late Hesrt Humph hies, j he. im provements consist of a large and extensive Ltrick buildine. with all the necessary Shops, Store booses and buildings, sufficient for the accommodation of eighty or ninety hands. There are now in operation twenty-five hundred Spindles, and twenty-six Loom-, with all the machinery and necessary fixtures for the same. The machinery is drien by Steam power. This Property is well worthy ol public oitention, as it is deemed the must valuable of the kind ever offered for sr.le in this State. It is located in a thri ving healthy village, amidst a thrifty population, and every inducement is presented to any persons wishing to engage in the Manufacturing business. ImmeJiate possession will be given the purchaser. The above sale is made for partition amongst the Devisees of Hknrt Hcmfiiriks. the late Proprietor. The purchaser will be required to give Bond with approved Security, and the title will be retained, un til the further Order ot this Court. Test J. A. MEBANE, C. M. E. Greensboro', N. C , November, 1847. 90 3m BANK OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. THE General Meeling of the Stockholders of this Bank, will be held at their Banking House iu this City, ou"he first Monday iu January next. C. DEWEY, Cashier. Raleigh, Dec. I, 1847. 97 tin Female Seminary. THE next Session of this Institution will com mence on Monday, the 10th January ensuing. The Subscriber feels greatly encouraged by the very liberal patronage extended to him the present year. His exertions will be continued, to secure to those who may be entrusted to his care, all the advantages of a thorough and accomplished Educa tion. The Terms are as follows, per session of fiev mouths : Board, 850 00 Euglish Tuition, 12 50 French, 10 00 Music, 20 00 Use of Instrument, 3 00 'Drawing aud Paiuting, 10 00 No extra charges will be made. Books, Station ary, Sec, furnished at the lowest retail prices. - It is pailicularly desired, that every Pupil should be present at the opeuin jef the Sessiou.when Studies re arramred and Classes formed. All articles of Clothing must be marked with the owner's name in full. I beg leave to refer to my mends, and numerous acquaintances in this State aud Virginia; among others, to the following : Hon. Juo. Y. Masou, Wash ington, Hon. Arch. Atkiuson, Win. R. Baskervill, Virginia, Hon. Juo. II. Bryan, George W. Mordecai, Raleigh, Co!. Joshua Tayloe, "Washington, N. C, Hon. David Outlaw. Wm. T. Sutton, Esq., Bertie, Jas.S Battle, Esq., Rocky Mount, Wm. Plummer, Jno. Sonrerville, Win. Eatou, Jr., Esqrs , Warrenton. DANIEL lUOKK. Warrenton, Dec. 2, 1847. 98 X3'ta C5f J23 THE Annual Meeting of the Members of . the North Carolina illutual Insurance Comnanv. will be held at the Office of the Sec retrw in ih Citv nf Raleigh, off Tuesday, the 4th dnv of Jmuirv lieil. at 11 o'clock. A. M., for the - J election of thirteen Directors. J3y order of the Board of Directors, THEODORE PARTRIDGE. Sec'y. Raleigh, Nov, ao.. 96 tia AccouTf cesKaff a tile pursues, 1,000 CASES FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF Boots, Shoes and Brogans. AT THE LADIES' SALOON, On Main Street, near Walter's City Hotel, " .- Norfolk, Va. THE SUBSCRIBER, having re cently enlarged his Store for reta'tl ntr. and havin? taken the whole house for wholesale goods, he is now prepared to show the largest and best stock of Boots, Shoes and Brogans, fur the Fall and Winter trade, whirh he has ever had. He has just returned from the North and East, where be has visited all the principal Shoe manufactories and purchased, from them his stock at cash prices almost entirely. He will therefore be enabled to sell to Country Meichants and others, at very low prices. HE HAS NOW ON HAN D, 5,000 pairs Men's very heavy thick Brogan?, dou ble Foles and double stitched. 2.000 pairs Men's coarse Brogans, 2d A. 3d quality. 3,000 do do lined and bound Brogans and Bootees. 1,000 pairs Men's coarse thick Cowhide and Grain Leather Boots, double soles, the very best quality. 400 pairs Men's Fishermen Boots, made of heavy wax Leather and Grain Leather very long legs to wade in, and double soles. 500 pairs Gentlemen's Water Proof Boots.- with double Call Skin uppers and heavy double Miles. 1,000 pairs Gentlemen's Napoleon Boots, with nailed and flug bottoms, assorted qualities. 5,000 pairs Women's Leather Boots, assorted kinds, such as heavy Kip, Wax and Grain Leather, and Gdat Skin Bootees. I 2,000 pairs Women's Leather Shoes and Buskins. BESIDES THE ABOVE GOODS, We have more than our usual supply of Ladies' Shoe, Ladies' Gaiier Boots, and over 20.000 pairs Children's Shoes; Men and Women Servants' Mhoen, Travelling Trunks of every kind,Valies and Carpet Bais; all of which mikes our assortment unusually large and very attractive - the whole of it will be sold cheap for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. Country Merchants and Strangers visiting Norfolk, and the public generally, are respectfully invited to call and examine our extensive assortment before buying. The Ladies' Saloon is on Main Street, near Wal ter's City Hotel. W. H. ADDINGTON. September 25. 78 Accurate Sketch OF THE BATTLE GROUND AND BATTLE OF THE Subscriber has this day received a Litho graph Print of large sige, 32 by 24 inches, from a Sketch taken on the ppot, by Capt. Joseph H. Eaton, of the U. S. Army, aud Aid-de-Carnp to General Taylor, representing the Battle (irouud and Battle of Angostura, fought near Buena Vista, Mex ico, on the 23d February, 1847. This Picture is executed in the beet style of the art, beautifully colored Price 3,011. Call aud examiua for yourselves. 11. D. TURNER, N. C. Book Store. Ralei?h. Dec. 4. 1847. 98 : This day received at the North Carolina Rook Store, ' ALAMANCE, or the great AND FINAL EXPERIMENT. PRICE 25 CENTS. This is an original work of Fiction, the production pf an edacated resident and native of the Old North State. Its Scenes and Incidents are characterized by considerable power and dramatic effect. The epoch is" that of- the Revolutionary War; aud there are some powerful passages of Crime, Heroism, Love and moral daring, interspersed throughout theStc ry, that startle the reader and enchain his interest to the last. H. D. TURNER. - Raleigh, Dec. 10. 100 THE SUBSCRIBERS AVE JUST RECEIVED, a large supply of many desirable articles in their line, to which ue attention of purchasers is' invited: consisting in part of the following, viz : A full supply of fresh Spices of all kinds. Essential Oils, Perfumery, Gelatine snd Isinglass. Brushes, of all kinds and 1 bbl. No. 1 Castor Oil. 1 Case SupCarb Soda. I Case Asi h iltum. Half Pipe Snider's best French Brandy. A lull supply of While Lead, of various brands, No. I and Pure. 1 Case No. 1 Chrome Green, 2 Cases Paris Green, dry and ground in oil. 100 lbs. Litharge, 100 do. Red Lead. 100 lbs. Salt Petre, 25 lbs, Cayenne Pepper. Spanish Brown and Yellow Ochre, dry and ground in oil. All kinds and qualities of Varnish. Superior Sand Paper. Canary Bird and Hemp Seed. Balsam and Oil Cubeb Capsules. Buh's, Sands' and Pelletier's Sarsaparitta. Hasting's Syrup 01 Nnptha. 200 lbs. Stuart's Superior Chewing Tobacco, 4 c- PEfiCUD & JOHNSON. (Tj On'the road, and expected constantly t. ar rive, 400 Gallons of Lamp and Whale Oil, 50 boxes Window Glass, assorted sizes, and a great variety of Surgical and Dental Instruments. P. & J. Dec. 13, 1847. 101 VALUABLE SALE Of Land. Crops. Stock. &c. QTtT: H E Subsprihr will offer at Public Sale, on ILL, Tuesday, the fourth day of January, 1843", th following valuable Property, belonging to the Estates of the late JAMES HARRIS, aad ELIZABETH HARRIS, dee'd, viz r A Tract of Land, Iving in Wake Forest, three miles from the College, ano three miles from the Fall Bridge, containing between seven aud eight .hundred Acres. ' A quautity of Corn, Fodder, Oats, W heat, &.c Also, a pretty large Stock of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, &c. 'Also, the Household and Kitchen Furniture and Plantation Tools, of every description. The Sale will take place at the (ate residence of Mrs. Elizabeth Harris, and will be continued lrom day to day, until all is sold. Terms made known on the day of Safe. JOHN V. HARRIS. Wake, December 6. 1847. ys tsp iTames' Wew Romance. Couvict or m wm me ix voocrne uumasKea. dv j. r - i. jiuwi Esq. Price 25 cents. This day received bv II. D. TURNER. Dec 14,1947,. ' m JD rr TO MY OljD F1UENIIS AND PATRONS. AVING just returned fiom Europe, and with out hesitation selected Raleigh again for my place of residence henceforth, prompted still more through the liberal patronage received heretofore, J ask leave to give my respects to all my former friends and patrons, respectfully 6olicting their continuance of favors ; I am now again preparing to offer a neat and choice supply of articles, imported a part from Germany and France myself, and completed the stock in New York and the Northern Cities. Resp-ctfully, CHR. GRIMM E. Raleigh, Dec. 9, 1847. JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS ! By the 15th day of December, the undersigned will open his new Store under the well known firm of ' G. W. & C. GRI.TIIWE, AT THE FORMER STAND OF MR. T.SAW, A Where he will be pleased to wait upon his friends and the public in general, who will favor him with a call, as he is determined to sell low, having bought his stock for the ready Cash. He' will keep always a full selection of goods, and respectfully recommends his assortment to the consideration of the communi ty. The Slock consists in part of the following : Confectionary, Groceries, JFrench, German aud English Fancy Goods, Cutlery, fluHcal Instruments, Per fumery, C rocker y,TLry Goods, Jew el lry, and Toys : Confectionary: French Candy assorted, best refined Candy, Rock Candy, Chocolate, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currents, Dates, Citron, Almonds, Palmouts, Filberts, Wal. and Cocoa nuts', Nuimegs, Mace, Cinnamon, Spice, etc. fruit : Malaga Grfcpes, Oranges, Lemons, Northern Apples. Scgurs: Manilla. Justo Sanz, Talla, Jupiter, Rionda, Havanna, Regalia, Plantation, Havana La dies' Segats, Smoking Tobacco, Chewing Tobacco, Mrs Miller's Snuff.. Preserves: Ginger, Pears, -.Quinces, Citron, Limes, Pine Apple, Cauielopes, Sardines in Oil. Jellies: Currant, Quince, Apple, Raspberry. Pickles in Wine Vinegar, Tomatos, Onions", Cucumbers, Martinas, Beet Root. Sauces : Tomato, Walnut, Mushroom. Catsup. African Bird Pepper. Syrup: Raspberr y Ginger, Orange Flower, Lemon. Ilraiidy Fruit: Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Gages, Walnut, Apricut Groceries: Loaf, Crushed and Brown Sugar, Molasses, Coffee and Tea, different qualities. Cas tile, variegated, White and Brown Soap, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Oils, Cheese, Pine Apple Cheese, eic. Bakery : Butter, Water, Sugar, Soda Crack ers, Pilot Bread and Richmond Cakes. Fancy Goods: Writing Desks.Fancy V'ork Boxes, Artificial Flowers, Card Cases, Money Purses, Pocket Books, Travelling Bags, Baskets, Dressing and Fine Combs, Pins, Needles, Thread, Butions, Matches. Shaving Utensils, Looking Glasses, Cloih, Hat, Teeth, Hair, Shoe and small Painting Brushes, Walking Canes, Whips, Cowhides, Patent and Common Fish Hooks, Flower Vases, Painted Mugs, Tumblers, Topers, Slates, Smoking Pipes, Coffee Mills, Steelyards, Pateut Balances, Waiters, Clocks, Spoons, Tacks, Razor Straps. Cutlery : Rodger's Pocket Pen Knives and Razors, Knives and Forks, Scissors, Dirks, Pistols, Guns, Percussion Caps, Tabes, Powder Flask, Shot-belts, Bird-bags. iTIusiCal Instruments:-Violins, Bows, Strings, Bridges, Screws, (Jui tars, Flageolets, Flutes, Fitcs, Accordions, etc. Perfumery : Cologne, genuine ; Macassar, Bear and Antique Oil, Floating, Almond, Palm and other perfumed Soap 5 Chalk-balls and Pink Saucers. Crockery: Tea Setts, Cups and Saucers, Pitchers, Bowls, Plates, Dishes, W ash Basins, Cof fee Pots, etc. Dry Goods: Calicoes, Cassinets, Cashmeres, Vestings, Merino, Handkerchiefs, Shawls, Hose, Gloves, Bleached ' and Brown Shirting, Osnaburg, Flannels, Kersey, Linsey, Mu-lin, Linnen, etc. J e WT5 1 ryofGold, Silver and Pinchback, Watch holders. Breast Pins, Ear Rings.Pencils, Pens, Finger Rings. Thimbles, Metal Combs, Watch Keys, Fob Chains, Gypsum and other Beads, assorted. IToys ; A large and choice supply of Magic Lanterns, China, Pewter and Wooden Tea Setts, Dressed and Undressed Dolls, Paint Boxes, Carpen ter's Tools, Harps, and a variety ot Famy Toys. CHR. GKIMME, Firm of G. W. & C., Second door from Mr. R. Smith. Raleigh, Dec 9, 1847. 99 'WW S3 JETIV A IXSUR ANCE C09IPA H. NY, of Uartfbrd, Conn. Offers to insure Buildings and Merchandize, againstlossor damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com panies in the United States, and pays its losses promptly. Applicalionsfor Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi cinity ,to be made to S, W. WHITING, Agent. And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity, to N. J. PALMER, Agent. October, 1847. 83 . Louislmrg Academies. A. II. RAY, ) p JANE A. RAY. rRIXCirAta- Miss E. W. CURTIS, Music Instructress. Miss M. C. STONE, Instructress in Drawing, &.c IA tJHE Spring Session of 1848; will commence ou the 3d of Jauuary. Turtibn in the Female De partment, $6 50, $111, or ISj according to the Pu pils advancement, f reach and Latin.each ou. Drawing aad Paiuting, with use of patterns, J 50. Music on the Piano, 17 5U, with $3 for use ef Instrument. Tuition in the Male Department. For English Studies, 8 10 -Classical $15, witli a small additional charge for contingencies; when necessary. Board with the Principal, $40 per ses siou. In good families in the Village and vicinity,' $7 per month. A part of the Trustees are invited to attend an examination of the Pupils every quar ter' during the Sesiou ; ao? a certificate of each Student's deportment and" scholarship is' sent to Pa--....-- j i . i: . . w i'".r T-'-. - " ' iciiii auu uuiruiDus at ma vivrov vi mc xciiti. Louisburg, Dec. 4, 1847, A The American Almanac for 1849, y(7a and Repository of Useful Kuowl Vtdge, for sale at the N. C I Dec. 1 - ij Bookstore by H. D. TURNER. AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS: AtJf. B.HUGHES' Auction and Commission Store. 1 til AVE now on hand, a great vlrlet abd mixed! collection of GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods,' Oroceries, Hardware Jron, Booksaper, Ink, 4' &.c &c. all of which is offered atjunpsual low prices for Cash osLtj' at the Auction and Conjtnissiorl Store of - - N. E. HLJGHEs. SEW AND CUJEAlf Seasonable Dry Godfis, 2&a: ; FOR THE XVAXX & WIKPfER TBJDS OF 1847 fllHE Subscriber takes pleasure in informing bU JL friends bl3 customers, amHbi public in general,' that he has just received and opened, af his present eligible stand, next-door to the Towti Hall and Mar ket House, "on Fayetteville Street,lfI;.:-i -v. A Vivw and, very neat assortment ol Staple' and Fashionable J3ry, Goods, FOR THE FALL and WIN PER TRAJJE of 1847,' just selected by himself, with particular reference to the wants and taste of this commnhrty, and to' which he would most respectfully invite the public attention. ... , ll His assortment consists, in pari, t of the following desirable articles, viz.: ... ' Fine Cloths and Cassimeres. ; Super Satinetts and Kentucky Jeans,- ' Tweeds. Cassimeres and Mexican Cloths, Velvet, Valencia and other Vestings; . .. Beautiful ftAiir and flaio black AJpaccas, Cashmeres, Oregon and California Plaids, ' Delaines Fancy Prints and Ginghain", White aqd Red Flannels, i V . Winter Shawls and Shoulder Handkerchiefs,' Silk, Bandana and Linen Cambric do.s Black Silk and fancy Cravats; ...) t . Suspenders and Purses Canvass, Padding and Sewings, r Superior Ticking and Cotton Oznabur, f Fine bleached Sheeting and Shirting,,' Jeans and Apron .Checks, Plaid Linsey and Kersey, ..' .-,' v j , Spool Cotton, Fringe, Gimp, Braid and Batlona Gloves, Mitts and. Hose, Lisle Laces, Edgings and Insertions, . ., Plaid, arid Jaconet Muslins',' v , " ' Irish Linens and Lawns, , . ' ' Silk and Cotton Umbrella j t ' . . . Together , with -a general - assortment if GENTLEMEN'S -and. LA- lu&s" noes, Suoetees $- Slip pers:, with a fnll stock of CROCKE- PV ..J flT A w! to 17 A A I'Jl'ini x'ntj ,' n .w x aim uunoo v . ri ituf nnuu r Aajj ana UliU. CERIES ; say ... .-. ; , - i .'i sugar and Cjrtffeo, Tobacco, Snuff Tea, Eoaff Sugar, Segars,v-j Tallow and Adamantine Candles,' Powder and Shot, , . x Soap and Wails &clle ; All, or . any part of which, Uhe Subscriber would; dispose of on the most reasonable terms, for Cash, or to punctual customers, at 3 pr 4 months credit.' Thankful for past favors.may he nbt solicit a conlin- uauce oi puouc patronage, since nepnerssdah strong, inducements to the sagacious and keen-eighted pur chaser. r. JAMES LrPCHFOKT). Raleigh, Nov. 12, 1847. ,! 91. Williams, Ilaywooii Si Co. Wholesale and retail' DRUGGISTS RALEIGH, NiC " . Keep constantly on handajarge and isetl-stleciedstocl of 1trpto-n i'ril "T '111 AXD ENGLISH, FftEOT, MD ; AMERICAN CHEMICALS, Which has been carefully selected from the Northern' Cities, with strict reference to iheif purity, and ma be relied on with full confidence. ' SURGICAL fNSTRUMENfi Of superior cfuality and ne finish, from the nan approved American Manufactories, 6ur stock of PA JUTS, OILS Atfb DVF'-STITPI?- Is always large and complete, comprising in part" tne' following, viz: ' i :S tr American White Lead,!! Linseed, Lamp, Sperm & Ta n Hers' Oili, rndigoy Madder;-. , Ext. Logwood, Copperas. JJye-Stnffg generally-. dry and in Oil. Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Verdigris, Chinese Vermillion, Venitian fied, Spanish BrowH, kt: kt tEATHE, COACH, yUENlTUBE fc.IJAPAMf VAENISHIS,' Togeiher with a large and well-selected stock of FRENCH & AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, -Which we recommend to. Picture Deafers, Builders,' and others. . t --. ,i i.u 'i ; Tobacco, Se:ars aiicl SnufB, Of the very best alfiy fiitH so perio'r .Madeira, Sherr CJaret artd Port v Wines, French Brandy and , London Brown Stout. All of which is ofiered for sale al unusually joVr pricesTand upon the mos'i acwromodaVipg terms. Orders from Ph) sicians and other? promptly execute and particular attention Daid to rackfnfir- arid for' warding. rsrnino - May 18, 1847. 40; . FEMALE SCHOOL i l , . , KILLSBOte'KS : s Mr. anif Sirs: Burwelly- rrin&p&I.. . ; ,; Signore Antcaid ft SlarliBo- Teacher 6i Ma . sic, DtXvr Eftg:,' Paintino; in oil and water to6ii; FrencbSpanisn; and Italjan.X " . ' : rPHU Spring session, will commence on fjj'e ilh'of X January, and close the.last of May.,, - Tlie accomplishments are thoroughly langh'l by Siguore Martinb, who comes highly recommended, f rnm uimt nf tK. fire? KnU.J. .1. XT.-t;- The number of boarders ip our faorily is litnited to six, but board can be had in most espeetabl fami nes, uurexira cnarges are rew. Tbosa who board 10 our family, are Jastruote'd' iaietteed1e.workgrmUa and any in the School learn Ltm -and i Vocal Music witnoui extra, charge. n Board and luiUon.. ... . - 6fft Aft Tuition forday, &h6Ur j2XiS: &&.17i& Music,, ou Fiano or Guitar, -i-; ! - . .r- .( .q. qq Use or PUno for practice,, ( frfr qq Fredch.Spanisb. or- ftaliariV ? - ,:,.iSSlW Drawinig. ; , ..... . ' Hills boroaghDeo. j; AMDHIf 0'."i-TBe 1 Arts " aud M werTei of tamblinj, by J. H. Green. 4h Edition. vriem 75 Cents, this flay received by ' v ' , it. D. TURKER"; . 7S f - k JL f

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