Dr. TowiMCnd' Sarsaparilla. THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINE .IN THE WOULD. , . This Extract is pat up in quart boliles ; it is. six times cheaper, plessanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It cures Jiaeases without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating the patient GREAT F.ALL AN-D WINTER MEDICINE. The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsapa rills. over all other umltciae isrWhiIe it eradicate dis eases invigorates the body.. : It is one of tne very best Pall and Winter medicine ever known ; it not only parifies the whote system and strengthens thf person, but it creates new, pure and rich blood ; a power possessed-by no other medicine. And in this lies the grand seciet of its wonderful success- It has performed within the past two years, more than 33, 000 cures of se vere cases of diseases at least 20,000 of these considered incurable. More than 3,000 cases of Chronic Rheumatism j 2,000 cases of Dyspepsia ; 4,000 cases of General Debility and Want of En ergy i 7.000 casea of the different Female Complaints ; 2.000 cases of Scrofula ; l.SttO cases of the Liver Complsint ; 3,500 cases of Disease of the Kidneys and Dropsy ; 8.000 cases of consumption : And thousands of cases of dUeases of the blood, viz : Ulcers, Erysipelas, Salt Rheam. Pimples on the Kce, &c , frc- together with numerous . cases of Sick Headache, Pain in the Side and Chert, Spinal Affec tions, &c, Ac. This we are aware, must appear incredible, bui we have Utters from Physicians and our Agents from all parts of the United States, informing us of extraordi nary cures. R. Vas Bcskibk. Esq.. one of the most respectable Druggists in Newark, N. J., in forms us that he can refer to more than 150 caw in that place alone. - There are thousands of cases in the City of New York," which we will refer to with pleasure and to men of character. It is the best medicine for the preventidn of diseaso known. It undoubtedly saved the lives of more than 5.000 CHILDREN THE PAST SEASON ! As if removed the cause of dssease. and prepared them for the Summer season. It has never been known to injure in the least the roost delicate child. RHEUMATISM. This Sarraparilla is used with the most , perfect success in Rheumatic complaints however severe or chronic The astonishing cures it has pertoruieU are indeed wonderful. Other remedies somelinves give temporary relief this entirely eradicates it from the system, even when the limbs and bones are dread fully swollen. fj Hear Mr. Seta Terry, one of ihe oldest and most respectable lawyers in HartVrd. Conn. The following is an extract or a letter recived from him : Dr. Townscnd have used one bottle of your Sarsaparilla, aud find it is excellent in its rfiecls up on a Chrodic. Rheumatic pain, to which I am sub ject, from an injurv occasioned several.vear ag. in a public stage. Please send me two bottles to the sare of Dr. Seymour. I have conversed with two .r our principal physicians, aud recommend your Sars aparilla. SETH TERRY. Hartford, March 12, 1845. CONSUMPTION CURED. Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can le cured. Bronchitis, Consumption, Liter Com plaint, Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Soreness in the Chest, Hectic flush, Jirht Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expeetoration,Pain in the side, Qe, , haoe been and can be cured. Dr. Townsend-Dear Sir: Nearly twenty years ago I toqk a violent cold, which settled on my lungs, and affected ma severely indeed, finally, it became a con stant hacking cough, but not so severe as to-prevent me from attending to my business; within the last few years it increased on me. gradually. At last I became reduced breathed with difficulty, and raised with my cough much bad matter, and for tbe last nine months previous to using your Sarsaparilla, had regular night sweats'; indeed, my friends and myself supposed that I would die with the Consump tion ; but 1 have the happiness to inform you that, to my surprise, after using three bottles of your 8araparilla, I find ray health restored. It relieved me gradually, and I am now enjoying much befer health than I have before in 26 years. I had almost entirely lost my appetite, which is slso returned. You are at liberty to publish this with my name in the papers, if yea choose. My little girl, who is three years old had a very bad sough the whoje of last Winter. We became very much alarmed on ber account. While using the medicine.' I gave ber some of it, and it soon en tirely relieved her, as well as myself, and she is well now, and hearty aa any child I ever siw. She was also fall of little bletche: it took them away and her skin is smooth and fair now and I am satisfied she recovered her health from using your excellent med icine "' ' S. W. CON A NT. 444 Bowery. GIRLS. R tUD THIS. You who have pale comlxions, dull eyes, blotch es on the face, rough kin,Whd are "out" of spirits," use a bottle or two of Do Towcsend's Sarsaparilla. It will cleanse your blood, remove the freckels and blotches, and give you animation, sparkling eyes, fine spirits, and beautiful complexions all of which are of immense .value to unmarried Jadies. G RE AT FE MA L E A! EDICIN E Dr. Townsnd's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and speedy cure for Incipient Consumption, Barrenness, Leucorrhcea, or Whites, obstructed or difficult Men struation, Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary dis charge thereof, and for the general Prostration, of tbe System, no matter whether the result of inherent cause, or produced by irregularity, illness or accident. Nothing-can be more surprising than its invigorat ing effects on the human frame. Persons, all weak ness and lassitude, from taking it, at once become robust and full of energy under its influence. It im- xaediately counteracts the nervelessnesa of the female frame, which is the great cause of barrenness It will not be expected or us, in cases of so delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of ures performed, but wa can assure tbe afflicted, that hundreds of cases have been reported to us. Several cases' where families have beeo without children, alter using a few bottles of this invaluable medicine, Lave been blessed with healthy offspring. Dr. ToamieniMy wife being greatly distressed hj weakness and General Debility, and suffering continually by pain and a sensation of bearing down, falling of the womb, and with other difficulties, and having known cases where your medicine has enac ted great cures, and also bearing it recommended for such cases as I have described, 1 obtained Iwttle of your Extract or SartauaritU, an J followed the di rections yoa gave. Iia short period it removed bar complaints and restored ber health. Being grateful for ibe benefits lte received. I take pleasure in thus acknowledgediog it, aud recommend in it lo tbe pubUc M D. MOORE. 4 1 4 Corner Grand and Lydius-sts. Albany, Aug. 17, 1847. Tdf MOTHERS AXD MARRIED LADIES. This Extract of SaraparuU has been expressly prepared in reference to female complaints. No female who bas reasoa to suppose she is approaching that critical period, Mhe turn of life,' . should neglect to take it, as a is a certain preventative for any of the numerous a ad horrible diseases to wbcb females re subject at this time of life. This period may be delayed several years by using this medicine. Nor is it less valuable lor those approaching womanhood, as k is calculated to asm nature, by quickening , tbe weou and invigorating the system. Indeed, this irooictna is lavaia&ue lor aUtbe diseases to which women ara subject. . ""vacesiue wnoie system, renews permanently , energwe uy removing II iru purities i!vt ,no1 aiinniUiiiig the syneiu as of to of , - - .w.vieni relaxation, wrucn is tbe case of .raes sakea lor leaIe bease. weakness muj TK. n SCROFOLA CURED Certtficate conclusively rms tlaf this sar saparilla baa perfect control oyer the most "obstinate diseases of the blood. Three persons cortd in one house i unprecedented. . .- . THREE CHILDREN. Jbk Tounsend Dear Sir : I hare the pleasoreto inform you that three of my children have beeo cored of tbe Scrofula by tbe use of vour excellent medicine. They were afflicted very severely with bad sores ; have taken only four bottle! ; it took them away, lor which I feel myself under deep obligatiod. Yours, respetlally, - . J .ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wooster-st. New York, March 1, 1847. OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend is almost daily receiving orders from Physicians in different parts of tbe Union. This is to certify that we tbe undersigned. Physi cians or the City of Albany, 4iave in numerons cases prerrild Dr. Towusend's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one of the most valuable preparations in the market. H. P. PULING. M. D. J.. WILSON, M. D. R. P. BRIDGES. M. D. P. E ELMENDORF, M- D. Albany, April 1, 1846. ' ' UNITED STATES OFFICER. Capt. G. W. McLean, one of the United States Marine Corps and member of tbe New Jersey Leg islature, has kindly sent us the following certificate. It tells its own story. Eohway,Jan. 25, 1847. A year since I was taken with the Influenza, and my whole system left in a debilitated state. 1 was induced to' try Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, ami alter taking two or three bottles, I was very much relieved, and attribute it entirely to the 3aid Sarsaparilla I have continued taking it, and hnd that I improve every day. I believe it saved my life, and would Mot be without it under any consideration. G. W McLEAN. DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or medicine bas ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva, in uecoinposing food and strengthening the orgaus ol digestion, as this preparation of Sarsaparilla. It positively cures every case of dyspepsia, however severe or chronic. Bank Department, Albany. May 10. 1345. Dr. Toicnsend: Sir I have been afflicted for several years with Dyspepsia in its worst lorms, at tended with soreuess ol" stomach, loss of appetite, ex treme heart-burn, and a great aversion to nil kinds ol food, and for weeks (what I could eat) I have been unable to retain but u small portion on my stomach. I tried tbe usual remedies, but they had little or no effect in removing the complaint. I was induced, about two months since, to try your Extract of Sar saparilla, nnd 1 must say with little confidence ; but taller usin" neatly iwo bottles, I lound my appetite restoied, and the heart-burn entirely removed; and 1 would earnestly recommend the use of it to these who have been afilicted as I have been Yours, &c. W. W. VAN ZANDT. pnncipul OiTiee, 126 Fulton strett. Sun Building. N Y. Keddiriij it, Co., 8 State street, Boston Dyou&. Sons, 1 32 Norili 2d street, Phildelpliia S. S. Ha nee. Drosftst, Baltimore P. M. Cohen, Charleston Wright &. Co., 153 Chanres street, N 0 105 South Pearl street, Albany and by all the principal Druggists and Merchants generally through out the United States, West ladies and the Canadas. For Sale in Raleigh, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD it CO. Octoler IS, 1847. 81 ly NATIONAL EOAN FUrtO 'LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LOWDOX. A Savings Bank for the benefit of the Widow and the Orphan." (XMFOWRRXD IT ACT OF rARLIAXEKT.J Capital, 300,000 sterling, or $2,500,000. Beside a reserve fund (irom surplus premiums) of about gl 85.00O. T. LAMIE MURRAY, Esq. George st. Hano ver square, Chairman of the Court of Directors, in London. Physician I. ELLIOTSON, M. D., F. If S. Actuary W.S. B. VVOOLHQUSE, Esq., F. R. A.S. Secretary T.F. CAMROUX, Esq. JpHId INSTITUTION embraces Important and UL substantial advantages with respect to Life As. sursnces and deferred annuities. The assured bas, on all occasions, the, power lo borrow, without ex pense or .forfeiture of the policy, two-thirds of the il premiums paid ; also the option of selecting ben efits, and the conversion of his interests to mret oth er convenience or necessity. Assurances for terms of years at the lowest possi ble rates. Peisons insured for life, can, at once, borrow half tbe amount of annual premium for five successive years, on their own note and deposite of policy. Part of tub Capital is fkkx axebtlt ixvcs. TEp in the United States, in the names of three of the Local Directum as Trustees available always to tbe assured in rase of disputed claims (should any such arise) or otherwise. The payment of premiums, half-yearly, or quar terly, at a, trifling advance upon the annual rale. No charge for stamp-duly. Thirty days allowed after each payment of pre mi am becomes due, without forfeiture of policy. ' Travelling leave extensive and liberal, and' extra premiums on tbe most moderate tcale. Division of Profits. The remarkable success and increased prosperity of the Society bas enabled , jhe Directors, at the lat annual investigation, to dc- j clare a fourth bonui, varying from 35 to 85 per c. on the premiums paid on each policy effected on tbe profit scale U.viTsn Statks BmnB of Local Directors. (Chief Office for Amerira, 74 Wall st) JT. Yurk, Jacob Harvey, Esq. Chairman', John J. Palmer, Esq .Jonathan Goodhue, Esq. James Boorman. Eq. George Barclay, Esq., Samuel S. Howland, Esq., Gorham A. Worth, Eq., Samuel M. Fox, Esq., William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward Habitcbt, Esq. Philadelphia Element C. Diddle, Esq., Iouis A. Godey, Esq. George Rfcx Grahlxn, Esq. William Jones, Esq. Baltimore Jonathan Meredith, Esq., Samuel Hoffman, Esq.. Dr. J. H. McCulloh. J. Leander Starr, General Agent, and Edward T. Richardson, Esq., General Accountant, for the Uni ted Stales and British N. A. Colonies. Medical Examiners; New(York J. Kearny'Rod gers, M. D. 110 Bleecker-st; Alexander E. Hosack. M. D., 101 Franklin-st ; S. S. Keene, M.D., 290 Fourlb-st. Medical Examiners attend at 74 Vs!l-st. and No. 134 Bowery at 3 o'clock T. M. daily. Fee paid by the 8ociety.) Stinding Counsel William Van Hook, Esq. 37 Wall su Bankers Tbe Merchant's Bank. Solicitor John Hone, Esq. 11 Pine-st. . Chier: HcnryE.Cutlip, Esq. An Act in respect to insurance for lives for the benefit ol married women, passed by theLegislature of New York. 1st April. 1840. PaspbleU, blank forms, isbfe of rites, lists of A. genu, Ac te. obtained at the Chief Office 74 Wall. sl.134 Bowery, or from either oflhe Agents throuch- out ma uoitca oiaiee, ana Br Hub lXorth American Colonies. ' GEORGE LITTLE. Agent. R. B. Hat wood. Medical Examiuer, Raleigh. March 22. 1847 24 CLOTHING STILL CHEAPER! Quick Sales Small JProflis! ! BEING determined to reduce ray large 8jck of Ready Made Clothing, I will off-r from th's date, every article in my lina, fifteen, per cent low t than heretofore. The style and make is equal, if not superior to any that can be bought in any mar ker. North or South., E. L. HARDING Dec 17. 101 3t 3 Stsndsrd copy. piapt. Henry's Campaign Sketches Hy i iub Hitr in STJCX1CO with eugra- r, gs; this day received by 11. D. TORNER. N. C. Books tor-. 93 Dec 4th, IS 17 TVOUTn CAROLINA . r: i MutuaMnsurance Company eURSUANT to'an Act of Assembly, a Compa ny baa been formed in this State, under the name aod style of tbe " North Carolina Mutual In surance Company," and is ndw fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, vis; , JOSIAHO. YVATsON, President, ALBERT 8TITH, Vice-President, RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, ' WESTON R. GALES. S m,t ,ee The Company Is now prepared to receive applica tions for Insurance, Hd to issue Policies on the same. By the Act of Incorporation, tbe Company is author ised to take risks on Dwelling H ousea, Stores, Shops and other buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against loss or damage by Fire. Tbe Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. S.vth, i lh corner of Fayetteville and Har gett Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will he cheerfully furnished by" the Secretary of tbe Com- pany. Raleigh, January 15, 1847 5 tf Florida Land Sales. WILL be offered for sale, at Auction, on the 7ih day of March, 1848, at the County Site of Benton County, East Florida, several Tracts of Land, in Township 21, Range 18, and in Township 24, Range 21. On the 14th day of March at the Court House of Marion County, sundry Tracts in Township 13. Range 20. 13, - 14, " 21. 14, " 22. At Madison Court House, on Thursday, the 23d March : Section. .The S E of 23, S V of 24, N W of 25, N E of 26, E J of I, W i of 6, Township S. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. Range E. 7. V. 7. 7. 8. 9. Monday the 27ih T. R. 18, 5 E. 1, 5. 1, 5. 1, 5, 1, 5. 2, 5 2, 5. March : S. The E J ofN W i of 13, E $ of 8 W of 13, W 4 of N E i of 14, " W J of S E i of 14, Si of 31, NEJ of G, E of N W of 6, Terms. One-iounh cash the balance in three equal annual inxlalmenU, with interest in advance. Or, if any purchaser should prefer to pay ull cash, five per cent will be deducted from the credit instal ments. Lists of the particular Tracts can be had by apply ing to any of the Post Masters in Benton, or Marion County ; or they will be furnished if applied for by letter, post paiu, addressed to The Statu Rkuib teu at Tallahassee. Florida." JOHN BEARD. Register of Public Lauds for the State of Florida. Tallahassee, Nov. 8, 1847, 96 ts D. Paine & Co,, ITIAN AGEttS OF LOTTERIES, RICHMOND. VA. rnpreeedenled Luck in Pa i lie's Lotteries. Wnbin tbe last 40 days, the following Prizes have been sent to ibis Agency : 1 of. 20,000 Dollars ! 3 of 10,000 Dollars I 2 of 8,000 Dollars ! 2 of 5,000 Dollars ! Within the past week: of 82,500 : 5 of S2000 ; and whole S1000! The alove Prizes have all been sent lo ibis Agen cy, some of whif h were sold, others returned for wunt of purchasers. D. Paine & Co. have sent more large Prizes io Richmond in the last 90 days, than all oth er managements put together. Notice the following Brilliant Schemes, make a selection, and for war J your orders to us, or to U. W. PURCBLL, Agent for Paine & Co. And still uiiollicr Irize! Ticket, Nos. 11 27 56, the Capital of $4,000, in the Delaware, No. 276, was returned on Thursday lat-t, from this Agency, for the want of a purchaser. Another of 2,500 Dollar ! Nos 20, 40, 50. a Capital of $2,50 0. Sent to this Agcncv on Friday last. $40,000 ! 25 of $15,00 ! Grand Consolidated Lottery. No. 52, lo be drawn st Wilmington, Delaware, on Saturday, Dicember 25, 1847. Grand Capitals. prize do do do of 4 0,000 ! 1 prize of $4,000 3,377 2,000 1.500 1 5.C00 10,000 e.ooo tuu no 25 do 25 do I g M 1 Tickets $10, Halves 5, Quarters 5 50. $30,000 ! 100 of 1,000 ! Susquehanna Lbttery, Class No. 5, to be drawn at Baltimore, on Wednesday, December 29, 1817. GRAND CAPITALS. 1 prize of 1 do 1 do 1 do 30,000 7,000 3,228 2,000 1 prize of I do 100 do $1,600 1,250 1,000 Tickets $10, Halves 5, Quarters 2 0. Packages mid Certificates lo De had, on the usual liberal terms, in any of the above splendid Lotteries. We have every day Lotteries from I to $20, and when a remittance is made, to us, large or small, we will always invest in the most popular Lotteries on hand. Th drawings sent, when requested, to all who order from us. The ensh for all Capitals can be had as usual at sight. On all letters enclosing cash or prize tickets, the postage need not be paid. The Tickets in the above Lotteries are received, and all orders addressed to ua will meet the inosS- prompt ard ronfiJeotial atteulioo. For. Grand Capitals and prompt pay, address us. D. PAINE CO., Msnagera. or C. W.PURCELL, Richmond. Vat A List of Lands, O BE sold for the Taxes, on the first Monday anuary, 1848, at lroy, Montgomery Coun ty, North Carolina: John Dana, 100 acres. Little River, tsx, $ 36 Wash. Hogan 150 do Thickety Creek, 2 20 Murd'h McQueen's brs, 200 do Cheek's Cr'k, 1 00 F Hall, 200 do Win. Bowden, 500 do Robt. Bird. 50 do Ralph Mason. 170 do Solo. Johnson, 200 do John H. Mask, 150 do Alex. McLeod, 100 do do- do 55 17 00 3 00 3 00 1 60 2 00 ITamer Creek, Rocky Creek, Hamer Cieek do do i do do Naked do 2 00 A. H. SANDERS, Sheriff. 9M ta Not. 30, 1847. CHINA. A Narrative of an Exploratory Visit to each of the Consular Cities of China, and to the Islands of Honjf Koog and Chusan, with engravings, by the Rev. Geo. Smith, M. A. Just reaivedby H D TURNER. P RIME FLOUR to band ; also Cotton Yarns, from Number 4 to 16. WILL. TECK & SON. RaJeigh, Dec. 11. )o 3t ; Fall , Arrarigcnicnty-184T DAILY. ,lHfE , TO THE NOltTIlV v (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) By the James Birrr and Chesapeake Bay Line. Via Petersburg. Norfolk, Old JoinL, Baltimore and Philadelphia, to New Yttrki fTnUIS Line leavea Weldon and Gastoa every H nijht, except Saturday going direct through. "From Petersburg, Va. the passenger will take the Iron Steamer Mount Vernon, Capt. Blov.', to City Point. From thence, down the James River, by one of the fast and comfortable River Steamers passing down the James River, with a view of its beautiful scenery, by day-light, reaching Norfolk by 3 P. M. Thence up the Chesapeake Bay, in one of the Bay Steamers, tbat are so favorably known for their strength andNjomfsrtable arrangements. The passenger on this Line travels while he sleeps, and enjoys a luxarions Table, free of charge. Fare from Gaston lo Baltimore, 9 00 Norfolk, 4 00 For Tickets, apply to C. C. Puoh, Esq , Agent, Qastou, N. C. Fare from Weldon to Baltimore, 7 00 - Norfolk, 4 00 ' For Tickets, apply to Wm. M. Moody, Jr., Agent, Weldon, N. C. , Meals always included on all the Boats ef Ihis Line. O The public may rely on this Line being regu larly and permanently kept up. WM. M. MOODY, Geu. Ageut. Office Jame River and Bay Line, Weldon, N. C, Oct. 6, 1847. S 81 Cancers Cured! TV o Cure, No I a y . PR. JAS C. HICKS would respectfully inform the public that he is now at the CITY (Law KtNCfc's) HOTEL, Raleigh, where he is prepared to practice in the art of remnving and healing that for midable diase, CANCER,, without tbe use of ei ther knife or causic. All persons who may be af flicted wiih this dangerous disease, and wish his aid, will do well by calling on him as toon as they can, as his stay will be but short bpre.' There are miny e.rnt lemon in this State, and other; of hi respecta bility, who will testify to lte elTicucy of his practice. Tkise persons who cannot conveniently call upon him, will be attended at thir resiliences. Many Cer tificates might le produced, but, perhaps the follow ing will bo satisfactory. All Letters (Pofit-paid) will meet with prompt attention, if add rowed to J. C. 1I1CKS, Raleigh, N. C. December 1, 1817. 96 We, t'ne undersigned, take this onportunity of le commending JAMES ;. HICKS lo the Public, as a man well worthy of patronage in his Profession, as a tHiicer Doctor. From general opinion, and from our own observation, we have been accustomed lo think, that Cancers were, for tbe most part, nearly incura ble, after having attained any great age or size ; but we have teen and known Cancers cored by him in a very short time, wicti seemed to defy all human skill, even the sight of which drew from beholders remarks of fear and despair. Htnce, we gladly embrace this mode of recommending him lo the community, think ing we 6hall thereby confer a favor on many, and assist the cause of humanity. Philip A. R. C. Cahoon. M D., Nixoaton, N.C. Jon. N. Brill, M. D., WoodviHe. William WiUon, do Phereba Wilson, do Thomas Wilson, Hertford. Ed. H. Perkins, Elizabeth City. Addison Whedbee do Richard Fulton, Hertford. , Mathew Jordan, GatesviHe. John P. Jordan, do ' Alexander Jordan, do Arthur Jordan, do Thomas S. Hoskins, Edenton. W. R. Skinner, Postmaster, Edenton. Ed. Simmons, Currituck C. H. Nathan I'oynerPoplar Branch, Currituck f?o. ITI ALE ACADEMY, XV ARISEN T O N , N. C. R. A. EZELL, A. M. Principal. Ancient Languages, R. A. EZELL. A. M. JOHJOH.NSO.A.M. THE Seventeenth Term will commence on Mon day, the 10th of January, 1848. In this Insti tution. Boys are fitted for tbe Freshman, Sophnmre or Junior Class of any College in the Union, which the Parent or Guardian may select, or for the busi ness pursuits of life. The School is entirely free from any parly or sectarian bias. Tbe attainment of a sound morality, and a high order of intellectual im provement, are the ends sought whilst a firm and wholesome discipline, and a thorough radical in struction in sll the branches taught, constitute the mem employed. No pains r expense will be spared to place the Institution in the front rank of the high schsols of the country. Globes have al ready been procured, and a full and complete appara tus for illustrating the sciences, will soon l e ready for the use of the Academy. Lectures on Moral and Scientific subjects will be delivered tor- the stu deniis, regularly, throughout the Session. The patronnge of the Institution has continued to increase for each consecutive Session, since the Prin cipal was called to its charge above eight years ago ; and he hopes that, with his own energies unimpair ed, and wiih the aid of a very able Instructor in the Mathematical Department, its march w ill be onward. Mr. Johnson was educated at Trinity College, Dub lin, where he afterwards taught for some years, and then removed to the United States. He was Pro fessor in St. Mary's College, Wilmington, Delaware, from the President of which, he ha flattering testi monials. His references in this Country are Kev.-p. Reilly, President of St. Mary's College, Rev. J. Jones Smyth, Principal of Petersburg Classical 'Institute, Rev. Mr. McCaw, New York, Francis Dimond, Esq., Philadelphia, and Hon. Edward Lany, Princes Anne, Maryland. His testimonials from his native Country are abundantly satisfactory, all proving his uncommon ability as a Teacher, and the most unex ceptionable moral character. No Studenl abdve the age of sixteen, will be re tained for one day longer than he shall rigidly adhere to the laws of the Academy ; and Parents and Guar dians are assured, that the strictest attention is paid to the comfort and .moral and intellectual welfare of the smsller boys, from 10 to 14 yeas of ase. Boys from a distance are, iu sll cases, required to board at the Academy, where their Teachers reside. TERMS, For the Session of five months. payaLly invariable in advance ; For Board, including Washing, Fuel, Light, at- tendance, &c kc. 50 00 Tuition in the Ancient and Modern Lan guages, and Mathematics. In the higher English branches, Do. lower do do Fuel at Academy, the onlv extra charge. 15 00 i2 sa 10 00 1 00 noys are requested lohave their names msrkMl in full on every article of clolhing before leaving home. IC A. EZELL, A. M. Principal. Dec. 13. 1947 I 100 4t THOMAS 3. IIIEIBDEU, ATTORN ET AND SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER FOR NORTH CAROLINA, To take Testimony, Acknowledgements, ic. 79 Nassau Street., New Toms;. December 26. 1 846. 104 ly Catnp Life of a. Voltiiileer. A Cam paign in Mexico, or Glimpses at life iu Camp, by " One who has seen the Elephant," this day re ceived at the North Carolina Boookstore bv 11. D. TURNER Ralfijh,Dec. 10, 1547. 101 TimFittEs: ""Ch're for JLite Secured. ; $M IPM S VEGETABLE JSLECXUAK1 , 'own iirfxnirAL hkmedt tor THtriifs. Tit ' - - -4 F KDrAKIiU 131 .ft. urnAWi, iiew i oik, attention almosLeniiretv to this disease. No miner al cau be detected in the compoeUion, nor any other Uiela tbaVcan be dlfetity orjndirtelly deletions. The remedy, was invented by Dr tTpham after fie i:A ti -Li., Wr,i - 1 luiicgc. lis was uiiivm v titk fti.es, by the misery the ''disease- inflicted op6n him ; and he now offer the benefits of his discovery to TH,E WORLD AT LARGE. Tbe Proprietor of the Electuary unequivocally and .diflinctly avers (and challenges cuhthibictjos) lhat it will completely cure external, internal, blind -or bleeding PILES OF THE fONGEST STANDING, no matter how. obstinate the case may be, or hope lessly (he patient may be considered situated. Three, one dollar boxes have entirely eradica:ed the disease, after if had existed IN ITS MOST TERRIFIC ASPECTS, for twelve, fifteen, twenty, and twenly-ftve years ; in proof of which, the fortunate individuals who were made whole have presented the most positiveand unmistakeable testimony. In some instances a cute has been effected by six doses, or half a box, after the ingenuity of a host of physicians, and the DREADFUL KNIFE of the Surgeon bad been exercised lo ibe utmost wiih but the smallest shadow of success. These are not die assertions, falsely put forth to entrap the credu ous, but solemn and wonderful truths, to which hundreds will testify. Even if a surgical operation were certain to accomplish a permanent cure, it is too disgusting to be thought of, while the agony it engenders is appalling in the extreme, and shatters the constitution beyond a hope of recovery. The number of persons effectually etired of piles by the Electuary in two years fall buf little short of TEN THOUSAND in New York, Philadelphia, Boston and other cities of the UVion. This is a great result lo boa?t, and is not equalled, or even approached, by any event no ted in the medical history of the world. It is reason able to suppose that sneers will be levelled at these remarks. So they were at Fulton ben he first made known the worth of steam and its great practical utility so they were at the persecuted Galileo when he published his tliscovery ef the Microscope so tbey were at Morse when he hinted at tbe discovery of tbe MiGXKTic Telegraph which is now a fami liar and every day affair. Il is safer for the suffer er to TRY BEFORE HE SCOFFS, and procure happiness and a renewed lease of life if he can. Many a man has lost his existence by per mitting his incredulity to master his judgment The Electuary is particularly commended to tbe attention of married ladies, the one-half of whom are subjected to the attacks oC piles in a modified form. The medicine can be safely taken under all circum stances. Either before the piles appear, or after they have made their sad havoc, the victim is made to en dure severe costjvksess, Ginni5Ess, inflammation of the SfLEXX, KIDNKTS, LIVF.U, INTESTINES, BLAH- T) eh and spiifE, with' many corresponding ailments, for tbe sure cure of aH of which nothing equals the Electuary. These professions are not solely mer- cenary, but are made witn a view oi alleviating THE DISTRESSES OF MYRIADS who can discover no method whereby to gain a re storation of their health. This fact will be apparent to all who inspect the medicine, when, by so doin?, they may perceive that its cost must necessarily he al most as great as the price demanded for it ! While this CERTAIN AND SPEEDY REMEDY is lo be had bo cheap, it is criminal to neglect to test its worth, and put our unqualified asseverations in its favpr to the last. NEW YORK CERTIFICATE. Messrs. Wtatt&.Ketchaji Gents. : For several years past I have been troubled with Piles, a very costive state of the bowels, indigestion and weakness of the system. But my complaint not being so severe as lo disable me from business, aud a dread I had of physicians aud patent medicines, that until this Spring I never used any medicine or applied to a physician for relief. The Piles ihen being so severe that I allowed several operations to be per. formed, without any benefit. Determined after this lo try other means, I read an advertisement of a cure guarantied by the use of Dr. Upham'a Electuary. 1 purchased three boxes at your store, aud from the use of which I found myself entirely cured of the Piles and my health much improved. I remain, sirs, your much indebted friend. EZRA DIBBLE, 194 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA CERTIFICATE. Dr. Urn am Dear Sir : About five years ago I was afflicted with what was called Chronic Dysentery. I have suffered with it ever since, aud physicians have told me that my liver was affected, aud that my bowels were ulcerated.for blood and pus, attended with a peculiarly putrid smell, were the frequent dis charges. A short time siuce I made k visit lo Mas- : sachusetts, in hopes off benefit from a change of air, but suffered more severely than ever before. While there a physiciau offered tp cure me for 40, in three mouths. Happily, iu the midst of intense- pain, oc casionally relieved by laudanum, I saw in a wrapper of your Electuary a perfect description of my com plaint, together with many certificates of cures. This gave me great confidence iu the medicine, aud I purchased a box, and -nine doses of which has ap parently cured me, and am prepared to say every thing in its favor, or render any service l ean lo hu manity by subscribing to its merits. Respectfully vours, BENJAMIN PERCIVAL, 89 South Sixth st. Letter from Capt. McLean, U. S. N. Rauway, June 16, 1847. ' I have been afflicted for years with the piles, and have tried- without anything like permanent benefit, almost everything assuming the name of a remedy. 1 had, as a matter of course, lost all con fidence in medicine. Under this feeling, I was iu duced not without reluctauce, I confess to use ' Upham's Electuary,' and having used it for about three weeks according to the directions laid down, I find, to my utter surprise as well as satisfaction, that every symptom of the disease has left me. J thiuk it due alike to Dr. Upham and myself to make this statement. G. W. McLEAN, late of the U. S. N,V Sold, wholesale- aad retail, by WYATT & KETCH AM, 121 Fulton - st. New York, WIL LIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO., Raleigh, aud by Druggists generally throughout the U. S Notice The Genuine Electuary has the written eiguature Ihus (O" A. Upham, M. D.) The hand is also done with a pen. July, 1847. 56 50 Dollars Reward, WILE be paid for ihe apprehending and secu ring in Jail, so that I get him again, my ne gro man PRINCE. I will pay the above Reward, and all reasonable expenses, for his delivery to me in Chatham County , near Pittsboro. PRINCE has been a Wagon and Carriage driver, and is well ac quainted in Raleigh, Tarboro' and Fayetteville. He was raised near Tarboro'. PRINCE- is about 32 years of age, of a copper color, and about 5 feet, 6 or 7 inches high : carried off no clothing but tbe suit he had on, at tbe time he left ; has an Overcoat made of Blankets, with black and red stripes.' He was.detected in pasting counterfeit South Carolina Bank Bills, and will endeavor," no doubt, to gel free papers, and make his way North. : '.-?.;.- FKIiiK EVASS. P. 8. All letters directed to. me, must be addres sed to Piltsboro', Chatham County f Nv C', Dee. 13 1847. , - -10Q8w STuperb Gift Book for, 184 770 Vs&sotfs SeasonSy illustrated ; edited by Bolton Cor ney, Esq. Illustrated with 77 Designs, drawn on wood, by the Etching Club; handsomely printed, 1 vol. 8 vo. Just published and this day received, at the N. C. Bookstore, Raleigh. Nov. C, 1347. go :vr. it 4tnn'i' nilVillsr visited New Yorkr an Thilat'eU r4 . ju,rnc wi aucing io nis oiock respectfully informs bis friends and the pi ' vjjfespecttuiiy intorms bis jic-, that h has tost Oftened ' k lar .rA .t-. t . sertment of JEWELRY AND FANCY COOKS SJ, TwLir. v nd era V, Steel Guard Chains consisting of Gold and Silver lve W-.-i.- . r...:.. :vi-i i " ' " n. erucar Jcapeinents. Gold r..i hams, Seals, Kevs. toepii " C? - m n sill Perifocal Spectacle Glasses, a new snide, 10 uit the tyesof all persons; very superior Flint G8Fees that may be adjusted in any frame, at any notice. ' i SUrer aud Plated Ware. Silvi ( ( d BritBrnie1 and Plrftt-y Ware, in setts or single fiette, Silver ups. , Mantel Clocks, Gold and Silver mrranted CanrV; Chess men, and Backgammon Boards, Steel Pen; Gilt, Steel, Glass and Satin Beads; Jet Crinbs, Se gar and Card Cases, Purses, Chapman's Rnzo, Straps, Toilet Bottles, and Ladies' Toilet Work Boxes CUTLERY. A fine assortment of lingers' Kazors; Pocket and . Pen Knives. Comprising Powder Boxes, Cologne oijd Lavei.de r Waters. Toilet Powder, Shaving and Toilet Soai s, Also, Hair, Tooth and Shaving Brushes. Tfstcal Instruments. Spanish Guitars, Violins, Claricnets.Flutfs, Fifes Guitar and. Violin Strings, Extra Violin Bi.ws, dr! Watches and Clocks repaired in a superior sivle. As his own personal attention will be given to "this department, those persons having articles of tbUkirid to repair, may rely on their being well and faithfully executed. Gold and Silxpr manufactured to ouhr with neatness and punctuality. Highest" j titts gi( n for old Gold and Silver. Raleigh, Aug. 6, 1847. fis YOUNG LADIES' SELECT SCHOOL. exercises ofthis School will be resumed again J on the 1st Monday in January next, under the care of the Misses Partridge, with such assistance as may be necessary for the interest of the School. Tkrms per Session, as follows: English Branches, frfni $7 to $15 00 Latin, 10 00 French, 8 00 Musicvm the Piano, with use of llie Instrument, . - 20 00 -Guitar, 10 00 Drawing and Needle Work, 5 00 Painting and Wax Work, each 8 00 Board, washing, fuel and lights, per mouth, 10 00 Scholars can remain through the vacation, free of charge. Ralnigh. Dec. 8. 1S47. 93 2m V TO SPORTSMEN. Iht BARREL SELF-HEVOt-l VJJjr API mj KJUITEATING PISTOLS. O. Gu ROOT has just received a fine lot of ns, rowaer, rowder r tasks, enot xags, Bud Bags, &c. , all of which will be sold low. Aug 7. 63 4 TATE of North Carolina Lenoir , County. ' Court of J Pleas and Quarter Sessions, October Term, 1847. Petition to divide the Lands of Joshua Svgrg, dee'd. The Petition of Richard Sugg1, Glarky Hallaman, wife of Needham Hallaman, Lamiza Ann Harper, wife of Will. G. Harper, &c. s This Petition coming on to he heard, and it ap pearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Clarky Hallaman and Needham Hallaman are non residents of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks iu the Raleigh Register, a weekly newspaper, published in the City of Raleigh, notifying the Petitiouers, Clarky Halla man aud Needham Hallaman, to be and appear at the next Term of our said Court, to answer or demur to said Petition ; otherwise, judgment pro confesso will be taken, and the Petition beard ex-parte. Witness, W. C. Loftin, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the 3d Mouday of October, 1847.- V- C. LOFTIN Clerk. Pr. Adv. S3 62. , 89 Gw Farmers of the South. AWAKE TO YOUR INTEREST! rErHl3 Subscribes has visited North Carolina, for 1 L3 the purpose of introducing to thenotice of the People of the State, several recent Agricultural in ventions, the value of which has' been fully 'tested elsewhere. They are as follpwsr " T GATLING'S Wheat drill, or Seed Planter.' CATLING'S improved Carolina Plough. See the Cut above. BEACH'S Patent expanding Corn Sheller. These Machines can be seeu at the City (Law rence's) HoleVjwhere the Subscriber will be pleaded to receive the calls of persons interested, and to ex plain the advantages of tbe improvements. lie is desirous of disposing of RIGHTS for all the above, either for a single County, a District, or the whol State. Call soon, as his stay will be limited. ALFRED SPATE? Raleigh, Dec. 7, 1847. . . 9S And Fancy CARE BAKERY. fpIIE SUBSCRIBERS desire to express their ac M. ktiowledjrueut'to the citizens of Raleigh, for the patronage so liberally extended to them since their residence among them, and beg leave to announce, lhat they are now prepared to manufacture air kind of BREAD and CAKES, l the very sljprtest notice. Their article's are all made of the best Flour to b procured iu the market, and are warranted 'fresh. They intend to commence shortly the manufacture of PASTRY, of all kinds.- They will nowfuruish the following varieties of CAKE, aud invite - the at tention of the publ ic to tbe list : -Sponge Cake,. . . ,. v . Jelly do . Pound do Tea- do ' . Butter o - ' Ginger Nuts " ' ' 1 i - Cream Kisses' ' - Macaroons, Ac - i , .. Alse-, Ornameutaf Cakes of every deeritie r Parties aud Eutertaitimeitts. ; They eontiune to bake, daily, Family lAaf Bread, Rolls and Tea Bi&cuiL Jr . . i . All Orders left at the" Bakery, nearARBOROUW1 8 Hotel, will be instanOy attended Xo J ; x--, - lirrnKI.ES -a&PATRAM- Raleigh. Dec. 9. 1847. 99 largf assortment of Breast Pins, Finger Rings ta Rings, Goldand Silver. Pencils, Thimbles, mW lions. Gold Hearts and Crosses. SilverTable.Tea.Dessert.Sali and Vnir.l 5Sn : ladles. Snffar Tnntrs. Ftniter :i . TV . a d . . . . "', vapiors, lysmiie-rlirk. nnff.,. . PATENT TTlvt I JOB .PRINTING EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE, With juatness.ani despatch.