'. ' f , '- THE MO AORDWAB? MEDtOINi: IN THE-- WORLD. ' . n?Lf bMMj .apriority of thi. 8.p rtK &cin. is, while it er.dic.ie- d.-rinte-lhabodj. Ituon. of the very l the whole system and strengthen, the Enoiiied by no other medicine. Ami in thi. lie. theVTodcreio il wonderful success. lth. lorwed within the past iwo year., more than 35,- ' of these considered incurable." ' . - Jtfore the 3,000 cms of Chrome Rheoraitum ; S.000 cse. of Dyt pepei. ; . 4,000 cues of General Debility and W.nt of En- 7.C0O ewes of the different Fenle.Complwnt. ; s!o00 can of Scrofal. ; r ' ' 1,500 eases of the Liter Complaint ; 3,500 eases of Dtsetse of the Kidneys and Dropsy ; 8,000 cases of corirompUrtn : Aod thoa8and of case, of diaeue. ; of the blood. ix : Ulcers. Erysipelas. Bait Rheum:. Pimple, on the Face, &eY4e' together 'with nomerou. mki of 'Sick Headache, Pain in the Side and Chert, Spinal Affec tions,'&ctCiC.,.x -.- -'-.-v..- r-. . tThia we are aware; most appear incredible, bat we ' hate Utter, from Physician, and our Agent, fr.m all parts of the United States, tnfbrnrins o.of extr.ordi .n'ary xareri R.,Vaw BosKiar, Esq., one ef;the most respectable Druggists in Newark, N, J, in - forma us that he can refer to more than 150 case, in that place." .lone. These are thousand, of case, in the City of New York, which we will refer to vith pleasure and to. men of character. It is the best medicine for the pretention of dise.se known.. It undoubtedly ..ved the' liee of more than 5,000 CHILDREN THE PAST SEASON ! As it remoed the , cause of dssease. and prepared i th.m for the Spmmer season. It hs. neter.been known to injure in the least the most delicate child. , V RHEUMATISM. . , , This Samparille i. used wiih the most perfect ."nccew in Rheumatic complaints however severe or chronic The astonishing cures it ha. performed re indeed wonderful. Other remedies sometimes gie temporary relief thi. entirely eradicate, it from the y.tem, een when the limb and bone. .re. dread fully .wollen. , iy- Hear Mr. Seth Terry, one of the oldest and molt respectable lawyers in Hartford. Couo. The following ia an extract of a letter recited from him : Dr. towntend I have used one boule of your Sarsaparilla, and find it ia excellent in its effects up on 'Chronic liheumatic pain, to which I am ub- iect, from an injury occasioned .eeral years ago, in a public .uge. Ple.se send me two. bottles to the are of Dr. Seymour. , IJue eontersed with two of our principal physician, and recommend your Sare apiila. t - V ETH TERRY. Hartford, March 12, 185. CONSUMPTION CURED. Clzawt and Strengthen.' Cotnumption can be cured. Bronchitis; dmsvinption. Liver Com plaint Colds, Coughs,, Asthma, Spitting .of Blood, Soreness in the Chest, Hectic flush, Jrtght Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Epettoration,Pain in the side,tC , hose been and can be cured. Dr. Towwend-Dear Sir r Nearly twenty yeara ago j I took a violent cold, which settled n my lungs, .ud affected me severely indeed, finally. became a con etant hacking cough, but not m .evere a. to prevent me - from attending to my business; within , the last tew year, it increased on me gradually, At last I r . became ml uced breathed with difficulty, and raUed iwilh my cough much bad matter, and for the -last sine montsa ' previous io usibj juui uhhwuh, had Tegular night sweat. ; indeed, my friends and ray self supposed thai'I would die with the Consump. lioa but I have the happiness to inform you that, to mv surprise, after using three bottle, of your Sarsaparilla, I find, my health restored. It relieved me gradually, aod I am now enjoying much better health than I have before In 25 years. I had almost entirely lost my appetite, whichxis also returned. Toa art at liberty to publish this with my name in the papers, if you choose. ' My little girl, who i. three year, old had a very bad cough the whole of last Winter. We became very much alarmed ott her account- While uaing the medicine. I gave her some of it, and it soon en tirely relieved her, as welt a. myself, and .he i. Veil now, and hearty aa any child I ever .aw. She was abo fall of little blotches t it took them aw.ylnd her skin i. smooth and fair now and I am satisfied she recovered her heaKhCrom using your excellent med ietae , .. . " . S. W.CONANT. "-444 Bowery. aaparilla ha. perfect control OTer .the 'oiort obstinate disease, of tbe blood, a Three person cured in One. house ia unprecedented. v.: '..-' ."' -; ' 1 V r U :-s -.THREE CHILDREN.; - V - ' Dt. Tertcnsend Dear Sir : I haVe the pleasureto inform you thattbreef rny children have been cured or the Scrofula by the use r your excellent medioine. They were afflicted very, severely with-bad sqre. ; bave taken only four bottles ; it took tbem away, tor which I feel myself under deep obligation., Yours, reipecUully," - ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wooster sU .New.York, March 1, 1847., : OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Town send is almdst daily receiving orders from Physicians in different paru of the Union. -Thi. if to certify that we. the undersigned, . Phyei eiansof iba Citv of Albany.liave in numerou. cases nrriliMl Dr. Towusend's Saraaparilla, and beli.ve it to be one of the most valuable preparations in the market. . H. P. PULING, M. D. J. WILSON, M. D. R. P. BRIDGES, M.'D. P. E ELMENDORF, M. D. Albany, April 1, 1846. UNITED STATES OFFICER.- Cspt. G. W. McLean, one of the. United States Marine Corp. and member of the New Jersey. Leg islature, has kindly sent u. the following certificate. It tells its own story. ' . Rahway, Jam. 25, 1847. A year since I was t.ken with the Influenza, and my whole system left in a debilitated state. 1 was induced to try Dr. Townsend. SarsapanUa, and after taking two or three boitles, I was very much relieved, and attribute it entirely to tbe aanl Sarsaparilla I bave continued taking it, and find that I improve" every day. I believe jt saved my life, and would not be without it under anycouideration. . G. W. McLEAN. . DYSPEPSIA. Nn flm,! or medicine has ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva, in decomposing food and srrengtnening me orSu y' digestion, as tuis preparation of Sarsaparilla. It positively cures every case of dyspepsia, however evere or chronic. Bank Department, Albany. May 10, 1345. Dr. Taumsend: Sir J bave been afflicted for several years with Dyspepsia in its worst forms, at tended with soreness of stomach, loss of appetite, el ireme bean-burn, and a great aversion to all kinds of food, and Tor weeks (what I could eat) I have been pnable to retain but a siuall portion on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had little or no effect ip removing the complaint. I was induced, about two "months since', to try your Extracjt of Sar saparilla, and 1 must say with little confidence ; but I alter using nearly two bottles, I found my appetite restored, aim tne neart-uum entirely removru, aim i would earnestly recommend the use of it to these who have been afflicted as I have been Yours, &c. W. W. VAN ZANDT. Principal Office, 126 Fulton street. Sun Building. N. Y. Redding &. Co , 8 State street, Boston Dyott&, Sons, 132 North 2J street," Philadelphia S. S. Hance, Drngaist, Baltimore P. M. Cohen, Charleston Wright & Co., 15S Chartres street, N, O 105 South Pearl street, Albany and by all the principal Druggists and Merchants generally through out the United States, West Indies and tbe Canada. For Sale in Raleigh, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD &, CO. October 18, 1847. 84 ly rvnitTll I VlARilililtVA. Muikl;;lMirande' CompanVf I TTnUKSUANT li'an Act ofAsaemblyia Compa Ir n. k.. hn rAVmJ fh?thi 8tate. under the name and style of the North Carolina Mutual In uranc Cempany," and is pow fully organixed, by the appointment of the following Officera, via: ; JO SI A II O. WATSON J President,; j ? r .'A LBE RT, STITH . VicePrewdent, ; ; ? " RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, :'y o : THEODORE PARTRIDGE; 8ecreUrj, ' CHARLES MANLY, Attorneyw: ; RICHARD SMITH, : V ExatiVe Com' ALB E RT STITH, . : 'mittee. WESTON R. GALES, J '."The Company is now prepared to-receive applica tions for Insurance, and toissue Policieon the same. By the Act of Incorporationthe Company i. author ized to take risk, on Dwelling Housea.Stores.Shop. and other building., Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, .g.in.t lo. or damage by Fire. The Office of the Company i. in the second story of ihe Urge Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. Smim, .t the corner of Fayetteville and H.r gett Street,'where full information and explanation., touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will he cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. " - Raleigh .'January 15. 1847 5 tf NATIONAL LOAK FUiI LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETlf OF LONDON. UiSi MAIL LINE, ex? . '"if J '&' CIRLS. READ THIS. -You who have pale complexions, dull eyes, blotch es on tbe face, rough skin, and are "out of spirits, use a bottle or two of Dr. Townsend. Sarsaparilla. It will-cleanse your blood, remove the freckel. and .Motches, 'and give you animation, sparkling eyes, fine Spirits; and beautiful complexion. all of whitfi axe of immense value to unmarried ladies. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE Dr. Townsend'a SarMprille i a sovereign and speedy cure fat Incipient Consumption; Barrenness, Leucorrhoaa, or White,' obstructed er difficult Men struation, Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary dis charge thereof, ami for the general Prostration of the System, no -matter whether the . result of inherent cause, or produced by irregularity, illness or.ccident. Nothing can be more surprming than iu invigorat lnc 'effect, on' the human Irame. - Persons, all wesi- BCM tttd lasatMde, from taking- it, at once become robust and full of energy uuder its influence 'him. mediately counteract, the nervelesanea. of the female' frame, which is the great cause of. barrenness It will not be expected of as, ia cases of so delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of ore. performed, bat we em assure the afflicted, 'that .hundreds of ease, havo been reported to lis. '.Several cases where, families have been, without children,. after sing a few bottles of this invaluable .medicine, nave bean blessed with healthy offspring." , . , Dr. -Townsend My wife being greatly distressed byveaknesi and General Debility, and suffering aontin tally by pain and a sensation of bearing down, ' falling of the womb, and with other difficulties, and having Jcnown cases where your medicine has enac ted ffraat cores, and also hearing it recommended for ach case, as 1 have described,! obtained a louleof . your Extract of Sarsaparilla, and fallowed the di reclion. you gave. In a short period it removed her . 'complaint, and restored her health. Being grateful for the benefits she received, I take pleasure in thus aeknowtedgeding' it,' and recommending it to the public. M, U.MOORE, ' . Uorner brand and Lydiui-sts. Albany, Ag. 17, 1847. TO MOTHERS AND MARRIED J.ADIES. "This Extract of Sarsaparilla has " been expressly .prepared in reference to female complaints. No female who has reason to suppososheisapproacbinz that critical period, ' the tarn of life, should, neglect to take it, as it is a certain preveixanve . tor any of the numerous and horrible diseases to which females are subject at thi. time of life. This period may be delayed several year, by using this medicine. Nor U test valuable tot those approaching womanhood, . s it is eateelaxed t assist natnrc, by quickening the i-". Ueod aad -wrvigorating. tite system. Indeed, this medie'uM k iavaiuaLl lor all the disease, to which - WOiTJetMira .object. . .: -It br aces tU whole system, renew, permanently . - the natural eflergiaa by removing the impuriuea of .the body not so far suiaulaiing the svstem to trodace a sofcseqoent relaxation, which is the case of . - miicini taken lor lemaia weakness and 'T, -SCROFCLA CURED. ""f ;! 4 This Certacata conclusively proves that this .Sat- ' A Saving. Bank for the benefit of the Widow and the Orphan-." -(xxrowxaxD bi ict or raaLtaxtXT.) CiriTxL, 500,000 sterling, or $2,500,000. Beside a reserve fund (Irom surplus premiums) of about 8185,000. T. LAMIE MURRAY, Eaq , Ueorge t. Hano ver square, Chairman of the Court of Directors, in London. Physician 3. ELLIOTSON, MD F.R 8. Actuary W. 8. B. WOOLHOUSE, Esq., F. R. A. 8. Secretary F. F. CAMROUX, Esq. jTlpHlS INSTITUTION embrce. Important and L substantial advantages with respect to Life As. surancea and deferred annuities. The assured nas, on all occasions, the power to borrow,' without ex pense or forfeiture of the policy, two-third, of the premiums paid ; also the option of selecting ben efits, and the conversion of hi interests to meet oth er convenience or necessity. Assurances for term, of year, at the lowest possi ble rates. Person, insured for life,. can, at once, borrow half tbe amount of annual premium for five successive years, on their own note and deposite of policy. Past or thi Ciririi it riRmiEsnr ihtks txd in the United Stales, in, the namea of three of the Local Directors a. Trustees available always to the assured in case of disputed claims (should any such arise) or otherwise. The payment of premium., half-yearly, or quar terly, at a trifling advance upon the annual rate. - No charge for stamp-duty. Thirty daya allowed afier each payment of premi um become, due, without forfeiture of policy. ' Travelling leave extensive and liberal, and extra premiums on tbe most moderate scale. Division or PaoriTs. Tbe remarkable .occeas and increased prosperity. of the Society has enabled the Directors, at the lat annual investigation, to de clare a fourth bonus, varying from 35 to 85 per ci. on the premiums paid on each policy effected on the profit scale USUTED 8TATK. BolBD Or LOCAL DlBXCTORS. Chief Office for America, 74 Wall..t) A. York, Jacob Harvey, Esq. Chairman ; John J. Palmer, Esq , Jonathan Good hue, Esq James Boorraan. Esq. George Barclay, Esq., Samuel 8. Howland, Esq., Gorham A. Worth, Eq., Samuel M. Fox, Eq!, William Van Hook, E.q., and C. Edward Habitcht, Philadelphia Clement C. Biddle, Eq., Louis A. Godey, Esq. George Rex Graham, Esq. Wiliism Jones, Esq 'Baltimore Jonathan Meredith. Esa.. Samnel Hoffman, Esq.. Dr J. H. McCalloh. . J. Leander Starr, General Agent, and Edward T. Richardson, Esq., Generaf Accountant, fur the Uni ted Slate and British N. A. Colonies Medical Examiners, New York J Kearny Rod ger.. M. U. lit) Bleecker-st; Alexander E. Hosack. M. D., 101 Franklin-.t ; 8. 8. Keene. M. D.. 290 Fourlb-st. (Medical Eiaminer. attend at 74 Wall-.t. and No. 134 Bowery at 3 o'clock P. M. dailv: Fee naid py me oocieiy. . Stmding Counsel William Van Hook, Esq. 39 Wallst. . Bankers The Merchant. B.nk. Solicitor John Hone. Esq. 11 Pine-st. , Cashier Henry E. Cutlip, Esq. An Act in respect to insurance for live, for the benefit of married women, passed by tbeLegislature of New York,' 1st April, 1840. i ramphlets, blank form., table of rate., lists of A- genu, frc &c obtained at the Chief Office 74 W a II- sl.134 Bowery; or from either of the Agents through out the United State., and British North American isotonics. i !;,;.;" - ' ' GEORGB LITTLE, AgenL R. B. Hatwooo, Medical Examiner, Raleigh. II.. or. .n. - Ai .24 flapt. Henry1 Campaign Sketches HJ of the War in. Rlexico,'with eogra ipga ; thii dayreceKed y: Dec. 4lh, 1847. H. D. TURNER, N. C. Bookstore.' 98 Catawba River, and otber Poema, by John Stela fort Kidney. For .are at .' H- D. TURNER'S N. C. Bo6ktore. Dee. 4th. 1847. . 9S . .. , lOO neams .ol Paper, . - . CONSISTING of Printing, Letter. Foolacap and Wrappirrg Paper. -. Also Maynard and Noye best black writing Ink ; Red ; Indelible j 8ealins Wax and Wafer.. t N. B. HUGHES. , Dec. X8.. , 103 Tilt! PILES. A Cure for Life Secured. DRi UPDAM'S VEGETABLE EtECTGARY,. . OR IKT.a.Al RK3f.IlT FOR TBS HLKB. PKEPAUED'BY.A. UPHAM; New York, a regularly educated Physician, who devote, his attention almost entirely to thi. disease. No miner al can be delected in the composition, nor any other article that can be directly or indirectly deleterious. The remedy was invented by Dr Upham after he left College'. He was driven to find a cur. roa the riLr.5, by the misery the disease inflicted upon hiru ; and he now offer, the benefits of his discovery to THE WOULD AT LAUGE. The Proprietor of the Electuary unequivocally and distinctly avers (and CHAtLKeKS cohtradictios) that it will completely cute external, internal, blind or bleeding PILES OF THE LONGEST STANDING, no matter how obstinate the c.se may be,' or hope lessly tbe patient may be considered situated. Three one dollar boxes bave entirely eradicated tbe disease, after it had existed IN ITS MOST TERRIFIC ASPECTS, (or twelve, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five years', in proof of which, the fortunate individuals who were made whole have presented the most positive and unmistakeable testimony. In some instances a cute ha. been effected by six doses, or half a box, after the ingenuity of a host ot physicians, and tbe DREADFUL KNIFE of the. Surgeon had been exercised to tbe utmost with but the smallest shadow of success, Thee are not die assertions, falsely put forth to entrap the credu ous, but solemn and wonderful truths, to which hundreds will testify. Even if a surgical operation were cerfain to. accomplish a permanent cure, it is too disgusting to be thought of, white the agony it engenders is appalling in the extreme, and shatters tbe constitution beyond a hope of recovery. The number of persons effectually cured of piles by tbe Electuary in two year, fall hut little short of . TBN THOUSAND in New York, Philadelphia, Boston and other chic of the Union. Tia i. a great result to boa.!, and is not quailed, or even approached by any event no ted in the medical history of the world. It is reason able to suppose that sneers will be levelled at these remarks. So they were at Fulton.wben he first made known the worth of stiam and it. great practical utility so ihey were at the persecuted Galileo when he published his discovery ef the Microscopic so they were at Morse when he hinied at the discovery of the Maskktic Tklxgrafh which i. now a fami liar and every day affair. It U safer for the suffer er to . ' TRY BEFORE HE SCOFFS, and procure happiness and a renewed leaee of life if he can. Many a man has lost his existence by per mitting hi. incredulity to master his judgment The Electuary is particularly commended .to the attention of married ladies, the one-half of whom .are subjected to the attack, of pile, in a modified form. The medicine can -be safely taken under all circum stances. Either before the piles appear, or after they have made their .ad havoc,the victim ia made to en dure severe cosTirxasss, giddiness, inflammation Of the aPLKKK, kiditxts, litkr, imtestinkb, a lad der and epimx, with many corresponding ailment., for the sure cure of aH of which nothing equal, the 'Electuary. - These profession, are not solely . mer cenary, but are made with a view of alleviating THE DISTRESSES OF MYRIADS . who can discover no method whereby to gain a re storation of their health. This fact will be apparent to all who inspect the medicine, when, by so doing, they may perceive that its cost must necessarily be al most as great as the price demauded for it ! While this CERTAIN AND SPEEDY REMEDY is to be had 6o cheap, it is criminal to neglect to test its worth, and put out'unqudlijitd asseverations in its favor to the last. NEW YORK CERTIFICATE. Messrs. Wvatt &. Ketciiam Gents. : For several years past I have been troubled with Pile., a very costive 6l ate of the bowels, indigestion and weakness of the system. But my complaint not being. so severe as to disable me from busmess, and a dread I had of physicians and pateut medicines, that until this Spring I neve? used any medicine or applied to a physician fer relief. Tbe Piles then being so severe that I allowed several operations to be per formed, without any benefit. Determined after this to try other means, I read an advertisement of a cure guarantied by the use of Dr. Upham's Electuary. 1 purchased three boxes at your store, and from the use of which I found myself entirely cared of th Piles and my health much improved. I remain, sirs, your much indebted friend, EZRA DIBBLE, 194 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA CERTIFICATE. Da. Upham Dear Sir : About five years ago I was afflicted with what was called Chronic Dysentery. I have suffered with it ever 6ince, and physician, have told me that ray liver was affected, and that my bowels were ulcerated, for blood and pus, attended with a peculiarly putrid smell, were 'the frequent dis charges. A short time since 1 made a visit to Mas sachusetts, in hopes of benefit from a change of air, but suffered more severely than ever before. While there a physician offered to cure me for $40, in three months.. Happily, in the midst of -mtense pam, oc casionally relieved by laudanum, I saw in a wrapper of your Electuary a perfect description of my com plaint, together with, mauy certificate, of cures. This gave me great confidence iu the medicine, and I purchased a box, and nine doses of which has ap pareutly cured me, and am prepared to 6av every thing in it. favor, or render any service I can to'hu- manitv fiv anhariHSnr t r iim m t Respectfully yours, ; - ' v BENJAMIN PERCIVAL. ... " ' 89 South' Sixth .L Letter from CapU McLean, U. S. N. - i ' t , ; Rahwat, June 16, 1847. " l nave been afflicted for year. - with the pile and have tried, without, anything like permanent benefit, almost everything assainio? the .name of a remedy. I had, as a matter of course, lost all con fidence in medicine. Under this feeling. I was in ducednot without vreluCtauce, VI confess to use ' UphamY Electuary, andhaving1 used it for about three week, according to the directions laid down, I find, to my utter surprise as well. as satisfaction. that every symptom of the disease has left tne. 1 think it due alike to Dr. Upham and myself to make thi. statement. '. . . j" G. W. McLEAN. late of the U. S. N." Sold.i wholesale and retail, by WYATT & KETCH AM, 121 Fulton .t. New York,! WIL LIAMS. HAYWOOD & CO., Raleigh, , aud by Druggists generally throughout the U. S Notics The Genuine Electuary has the writteu signature thus (Jj- A. Upham, M.'D.) The hand is also doy with a pen. July, 1847. . 5S ' tersburs, Norfolk, Baltimore and': PhUa- . ' ' ' .u' 'i'delphith'to New York. : r.- TTJ) ASSENGERS by. this Line leave Weldo;nd trGastonVvey night for. Petersburg, via Petere burg and Roanoke' Rail Road. 'From thence daily at, 15 minutes before 7 A.' M., for City Point. J : .:':'. From thencethey take one of the fast James Ri ver Steamer, for Norfolk, reaching there at 3 r. M. Thence up ' the '.Chesapeake ' Bay in one of the Steamers (built for the route) that areso favorably known for their strength and comlortabte arrange meuta. .. 1 " v The Steamer, of this Line have been put in first rale order, for the running of the Schednle required to transport the Northern and Southern Mail. ' fCT Bear in miud, this is the Great. U. S Mail Line," and at the reduced rates, passenger, will save money, and certainly ; have more eom fort by this Line, less loss of sleep, and fewer change, of person and baggage. Fare from Weldou to Baltimore, $8 00 Norfolk, 4 00 For Tickets, apply to Wx. M-Moodt, Jr ,Agent, Weldon. N. C. i ." Fare from Gaston to Baltimore, $9 00 " : Norfolk, 4 00 For Tickets, apply to C. C. Pdgh, Esq , Agent, Gaston. N. C. .Passengers gttiug through Tickets are allowed to ptop-at auy point on the route and resume their trip wheu they may be ready. WM M. MOODY, Jr. AgenL Office Jamas River and Bay Liue, Weldoo, N- C, Dec.2lst, 1847.. J Dec. 20. IS47. 1 tf Fiotida Land Sales. WILL be offered for sale, at Auction, on the 7tb day of .March, 1848, at the County Site of Benton County, East Florida, several Tracts of Land, in Township 21, Range IS, and in Township 24, Range 21. On the 14th day ef March at the Court House of Marion County, sundry Tracts in Township 13. Range 20. 13, " 21. 14, 21. 14, 22. At Madison Court House, on Thursday, the 23d March: ' ' Township S. Range E. Section. The S E $ of 23' 8Wfof 24, N W $ of 25, N E of ( 26, " Ei of; 1,:; W of J 6, 1. 7. 7. 7. 7. 8. 9. At Jefferson Court House, on Monday the 27th March : - , S. T. R. The E i ofN W i of 13, 18, 5. . E i of S W i of 13, 1, 5. " W i of N E i of 14, 1, 6. W iofS E i of U, 1, 6, " S I of 31, 1, 5. N E of 6, 2, .5. " E i of N W of 6, 2, 5. Tebjts. One-tourth cash the balance in three equal annual instalments, with interest in advance Or, if any purchaser should 'prefer to pay all cash, five per. cent will be deducted from the credit instal ment.. List of trie particular Tract, can be had by apply ing to any of the Post Masters in Benton, or Marion County ; or tbey will be furnished if applied for by letter, post paid, addressed to 4 The Stats Kkois- tku at Tallahassee, Florida." JOHN BEARD, Register of Public Lands for tbe State of Florida. Tallahassee, Nov. 8, 1847, 96 ts A Yul liable Plantation for Sale. ON Weduesday the 26th of January, 1848, if not .old privately before, I shall expose to Public Sale, on the premises two miles from my residence and five miles south of Littleton Depot, eleven hun dred of- acres of Land, . known as the Branch planta tion. One half in wood, well timbered with oak and a considerable portion of the other, under good fences, 'and productive in the staples of the country In addition to the advantage, of a healthy location, pleasant neighborhood. Hue water and a good site for a mill on a coustant stream, the location is consid ered desirable on account of the outlet for a conve nient aud extensive stock farm. The improvements' consist of a Gin house and Screw, Overseer, house, Negro houses, &c Per sons wishing to examine the land before day of sale will x call ou Col. A. M. Johusou, xudward Kearny, Esq. or the subscriber. Faymeut one aud two years. . THOS. W. HARRISS, Near Littleton, N. C. . Dec. 24, 1847. . - 104 . HiiSlisli cnaMltaVraathemau i citizens j. cj'v- jriai and TZercantile School. BTXHE Subscriber bee leave to inform the of Wayne and the adiiniriexCoantie..lbat the.? ; have opened .an -English ClassitAL'Mercaniile ahd"' Mathematical.School, in the Town 4f Goldjiboronghl The Senior intructor, Mr. Joaar RoaiseR is t pracdcal and .'experienced Teacher, having for the, last ten jeanTsood at the head of his profession in Europe,' aaVthe many flattering testimonials in hi. pouesiod - will ahow.; .William ' Robrhsonv flatiera himself that he u I : already favorably known, -in: this' regip n?:ar? teacher ' who has always been -faithful in the discharge of duty1, and successful in imparing instruction, and would therefore, throw himself upon hi. old patron, of Wayne, Lenoir, and Edgecombr in which Counties he has spent the last nine "year, for a share' of that patronage which they afw.ya ao cheerfully bestowed u$vf hinV , !. Vu :; ; a ..-.; .-. ,. Mr. Joan Rubixsok will euperjntend the English, Mercantile, and Mathematical Department, and give infttrnrtinn in th Italian and French lanffuaffes al. so in Instrumental Music, if requited. , -Vocal musi will constitute a part of the daily exercises of tbe P:i- 'F"- i'1; -"?-'''' - ' Mr.'WiirriksRoBVH;80K-wiirurrintend. the 'Classical Depahment. ' ' ' . ' "- i -'V;' They, have butlt and fitted op a new School Room, and hope that their eflbrt to establish a 8chopI of high literary merit in this Hsimj and flourishing Town, will: not be in vain.' ; They commence it on individ ual enterprise,' and under: the most discau raging cir cumstance.; and rely, upon the merit, nf the Institu tion: alone1 for aupport , V- - '. , J 1 , The School i. now jn operation, and ; those who wish to avail themselves' of-, its advantage., are re quested to make no delay in entering, that the Clas. es may be properly and advantageously organized. For further (articular,' apply to either of the Sub scribers, ; JOHN ROBINSON, i . - - WILLIAM. ROBINSON. . Goldsborough, Dec. 14, 1847. 103 4t List of Letters, ffB EMAlNINa in the Post Office at Raleigh, on the 1st day of January, 1848, which if not ta ken out by the 1st day of April, will be cent to . the General Post Office a. dead Letter. : AND committed to the Jail of Wake W County, on the 2Mth December I84T, a NblGKO MAN, who aayg he is a free Negro, and call, himself Sax Famt, aged about 35 years, weighs about lbu pounds, and i something like 5 feet 10 inches in height, very black complexion, one front under took out, and all his upper teeib worn smooth witfi the gum. Said Negro has a Free Paper, exempted in tolumbiav S. C with jhe Governor's Seal, dated April 1st, 1846, which purports that said Negro par chased his freedom of Jamf.s Kasler, on the 16tb day of April 1840. .The said Negro has also several PasseSj fonr of them calling his name Isaac ;. two signed by H . D. licit, giving permission to go to Lexington, and A. M Hunt's, dated, ona Novemter 13, and the other December 17, both 1847 ; and two other, signed Sidkst Cuask; dated October 14 arid 31.. 1847. .Also, one signed Ann B, Harke, and dated Columbia, 8. C, Dec 25, 1847. He has slso a Pass from James Kagler, dated Dec 22, 1847, to pass within the Slate, or to visit, his connexions in North Carojina." He baa in hi. kpossessiin a Dream Book, with the name of Mrs. Sarah" Bradley written in ,its "; ' v 'Vk-'-;i-P-.?-; The owner' of the above Negro is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charge, and take him away, or he will ue dealt with as the law direct. , ; WILLIE POPE, Sheriff; January 1st, .848. T V JL 104 XO PB1WTERS. rZTTJHE Proprietor of the Itaodolph Herald.'- be feJirj . mg desirous of devoting his whole attention to other liiioirvvit. ufTers for sale the Press on which aaiif paier is now printed, together with the Type. Case. wJ. . . . .. . I , . . t . 1 - ; .. n oianus, a no an omer nature vaereio Deiongmg.- The Press 1i:a Ramaee.i and the Tvoee rRnurcrrni are nearly all new The good will of the paper may lae inferred, when it i. staled,' that the consumption of paper is about l rearrt per. week.' The whole will be sold at i the very hw priee of ZdU. it. will only oe tranaterrexi t.r w nig bands, on the condition, too, that the Press shall not' be taken from the County for one year at least; -S ' lVv l ; Any practical printer of-respectable talent. 'and siadloos habits, can.'bv prudent m.na?ementJ clear $500 per annum. The Whig of the County have nanusomely supported a paper for a number of year. Any person wishing to' purchaM must make ap plication moo, a. the present ' volume will be' com plete in the early part of next 8pring Any further information can be had by addressing the prtkprietor, post paid. -u. ' . ' l Exchange, of the .Herald", copying the above will confer a favor. R. D. BROWN. December 27) 1847. 104 2 . 2 .1 Anderson, Mis. Narcissa Arnold. Miss Martha 5 Andrews, Jos J Allen, Mrs Lucy W Alsnp, Ignatius . Adams, James . Adam., Miss", Mary W Adkin., John Askew, Mrs. Martha E Avery, Thome. ' A vera, John C Alston, Gideon : ' ' B. BufTaloe, Burwell B Bum, Henry ' Buffaloe, B. Thomas BMffaloe, John "Burnett, Cornelius Barbam, Benj. . . Balkley. Chas 3i' Blount, Dr Elias J Ball, Hon J Bu.h, Wm Bumpa.., Rev S D Badham, H A Broook. dc Gill Bridges, Wm Henry Bunrh, Henderson Barkley, Hugh Burgwyn, Thomas Blackman, F Bryan, J A Barcley. Capt Wm ! Baugh, M . Ball, R ! ' c. . . ' Clifton, Henry A . Catlet, Rev TK Callous. Mark L Cone. A G Colbert, Samuel. tJanady, Wm C Cameron, Capt John i Chrutman, B Crosly, L V H Cox, Andrew . : D. Donston, Geat 'Davis, James Dunn, Thomas H : Dennis, E. T Emerson, JB Eaton, Campbell Evans, Mbby Everett, tis Exum, Pai tie A EnnU, Dr J H C 'F." Fredrick, Lewi. Faison,' Solomon J Fanning P W J Flftnifig, R Furgersun, Martha First, John Fenner, Winney G : Grigory Mrs Candia Goodwin Anderson . Gibbs Mif E Gill Terrell George MiM Emily Green Wm Gardner Wm "' Gonves James . Gill Henry P -'' '::'. H Haley J J -House B Hardee Miss LY tviJ. Hinton Mr A Haywood Mr. H H.rp Mias E Hutchison B F, Hunt Sam'!. . Harrell Miss Harriet Ann Harris Henry. II Hawkins Rufo. i-' House Lindsey Henderson Lewi. O H.rlrd Mrgt Harrison William . r' ' H endon Isham . '. Honey cut Sarah Hamilton Winaiord Harrison John . Hoiliman E ' Harrison Carter Braxton ! ' ': :. ' : J . Jonee Allen. Jones Joel . Jone.X 1 ' -': Jones Wm P ; ' "' ' H k Jones Mi.. Julia . "J ones Austin r f ' Justice Rich R V Johnson Mrs Naiicy " Johnson' John H ' Jordan Wm H ' Jacob. Rich T . r ' r - ' Kv'--y y ', Kernodle Rfchd '' V King Liney ' ; Kennaday J.C'-;'.;' Lane'Petr-i-r'" $y Persona calling for any of 'the above Letter, will please aay theyare advertised. V; r . . w Mr WHITB, l. M. Raleigh. Jan. 4, ;848. , f ' : . ; ' ' " 1 3t TrDRirtlE IfORTHERIf IRISH PO XT TATOES.-J osi received, a lot of fii.t rate N urthern sttk no further' , Irish potatoes. lor tale ly tbe Barrel or Jess quaniuy. - ' JASl LITCHFORD. Raleigh, Dec. 22, 1847. ; L; Lambert Wm . Lord Elizabeth Lane Francis Harriet (Lee Sarah " ' " : ' Lon A B , Lewis J A . . Lashley, John ; . s Leary Mr.'E':'"' Litchfor-d Mis. S H ' 2 M ' ' Mainard Wiley Ment 'James viorri. John W Merrit John" H aialon Mr James -: ' m Millett Israel Mitchell Leroy Muffit James M Mai not J F - Mayoh Rich'd McLean T G Mangura Priestly P Mitchell Mis. Mabala , Mitchell John J Moses A F My alt Amelia H Myatt N J McCauley Mark . Mc(auley Mat 'r . McGehee Tho. A S 4 McVickar. Rev Henry 3 N - Newsom M r D D Nicholson Mrs Martha Nicholson Anderson 2 Norwood W B Nickson John p :r--i'; Perrv Howell ;. . Perkins Rev. E L 3 Pratt' Andrew T Pollard Caswell Pearrey H Xi Pleasants Jos , Powell John A. Pool John 2 Pool Rebecca Pool 'I heo - Pitkin Geo D Purify Rev Jas S Page Capt R M Pullin Willis Roger. Col Allen Russell Rebecca Rolertson John ' Ren Simeon v : Royster Aladison Reede John ! Rogers Daniel VV Rolea L. Thoma. Shepperd A ' SuloaJoel v stoke. John Strong Alexander Solomon Mis. Susan , 1 Shelly Jehu feegraves Isham Shaw Lemon : Scott Jos. . , Snetling Sylvaniu. 'I I ; Shauck Mia. S J Stick ney Jos' B . i Saunder. D W J Sunly Hon E:B 2T Southeiiand Mr. M A 2 Staunton Jaa. W -; ;-. 3 Smith J. Dean 2 Smith John j V 2 Smith (RoblL Turner Augustus Taylor R W r. '.: Tompkins. Mr. Rosa 3 2 Todd Solomon . . ' ' Taylor Mis. Maurie ' Troy RE Taylor Mis. Susan! 1 Turner John. ' . ' rorron A ibert ' , 'ir ? ,Jf'. "--t. ' Vandergriff A rchilald V Wingate Col E. Winsjow J WmfrMisVBmeliceJ Whiteoton R M ; ;;; We.iher.poon Robt T WeatherVpoon ' Watere Henry B- Wildiir-; James ' i '.i . fwyman ,.: . , . :y, Weathera R Walton James Walton J W WarrenP W-imK'tX Wauon?WjnyyA- Warren John:, S Woodson F-A h ' S William. Henry W r WUliams Wm iW Williams M us Matilda A Williams Koht " .; ": Williamatt - 2 JIaTlns visited ew York and Philadei- pnia ror tne purpoe of adding to his Block respectfully informs his friend. nA th. Pbi, he; that he has just opened a large and aplendid as. tortmentof 4 ' : , . . f JEWELlir AW I FANCY GOODS, ?VnS. ; Gold and Silver Lever Witchea, An chor Cylinders, Vertical Ecpement. Gold and Steel Guard Chaina, Seal., Keys, together with a ' 81ssortnnt of Breast Pin.; Finger Ring., Ear Ring., Gold and Silver Pencils, Thimbles, Medal-' lions. Gold Heart, and Crowe's. . i ' Gold, Sifyer, Blue and polished Steel Spectacles, Perifocal Spectacle Glasses; a iiew article,' to suit the Eye. of all perrans y very superior Flha Glasses, that may be adjusted in any frame, at any not ice. . ' SilverTable,Tea,Dessert:,SHli and Mustard Sponria Cadlea, Sugar Tongs, Suttee Knives, 8ilver moti.ini Cocoa Nuts, Castor. Csndle-rJiick., Snufers aiul Tray., C.ke Baskets, Coffee Grrques, Britannia Ware, in setts or single pieces, Silver and Plated Cups. .;:;;,. . ..'..''.-,'' Mantel Clocks, Gold and Silver, mounted Cane., Chess men, and Backgammon Board., Sieel Pi, Gik. Steel, Glass and batin Bead. Jet Crmb, S?e. gar and Card :CaM.;i Purses." Chapman. Ilaxer Strap., ; Toilet Bottles, -and Ladiea' Toilet; W ork Boxe. -. - . A ne assortment, of :Roger.vlazors; Pocket and ' , , Pen Knives. : t Comprising Powder Boxes, Cologne and Laver drr Water. Toilet Powder,' Sbavirig an'd Toilet Sosjf. Also, Hair,Tootb and .Sha ving Brushes. . Spanish Guiti.,Tiolin., Claiicncts.rute, Fifes, Guitar and Tiolin Strings,' Extra V ieUn Bows, Ac. Watches and Clock, repaired in a uj erior .trie.. As hi. own personal attention will be given to this departnaeiit, those person, hating artith sol thit-kind to repair, mayrely on their being v. til sr.d faithfully executed.; Gold af.d Silver m.nulartuied to order. with neatness and punctuality. Higl.eEhrict. given for bid Gold and Silver. Raleigh.. Aug 6, 1847. 3 Y0UN6 LADIES' SELECT SCHOCyUj r fHE exercises of this School will be resumed again JL pn the 1st Mftnday in January next, under the care of the Misses Partridge, with such assistance" as may be necessary for the interest of the School-. Terms per. Session, as follows: ' English Branches, from $7 to $15 00 - I1 Latin, . . 10, 00 . French, ' ' ' 8 00 Music on the Piano, with use of . the ImUrument, j .120 00 Guitar, . 10 00 Drawing and Needle Work, 5 00 ! Painting aud Wax Work, each 8 00 i Board, washing, fuel and lights, n : per month, I .10 00 . Scholar, can remain through the vacation, free of charge. ..'" "' : '. Raleigh, Dec. 8 1847. ' j . - 98,2m And Faiicy CAKE BAKERV. , , ; rpHB SUBSCRIBERS desire to express their ac .. J. knowledgtneuf to the citizens of Raleigh, for the patronage bo noerauy exienoea o mem since ineir residence among; them, and beg leave to announce, . that they are now prepared1, to manufacture all kind, of BREAD and CAKEIJr, at the very shortest notice. Their article, are all made 'of the best Flour to -be procured in the market, and are warranted fresh. They intend to commence shortly the manufacture of PASTRY, of all kind. M'hey will now furnish th following varieties of CAKE, aud invite the at tention'of the public to the list : ' :' , Sponge Cake, , ' Jelly . do ' "f r Pound ' ,do ,' , Tea !r do Butter . do Ginger Nut. ' Cream Kisses ; Macaroon., dec. Also, Ornamental Cake, of every -description, for Parties and Entertainments. '. - ."V They continue to bake, daily, Family Loaf Bread , Rolls andTea Biscuit.? '. ' J Alt Orders left at he Bakery, ntar Yarborough's Hotel, will be instantly attended to. NUCKLES Sc. PATRAM. Raleigh, Dec. 9, 1847, . . ''. - . 99 ;; TO SPORTSITIE. , i I r ! m I tint . BAB11EI, SEI,F-nETOil B; ROOT5 has just recefved "a fine lot of W Guns, Powder.,: Powiicr Flasks, Shot Baas, Btid Bag &c.i all of tuch will be sold i0vp BOOKS F0R:f HEc FESTJVE SEASON- EN RY-1): fT URN ER would call the attention bf hi. customers ahd'the'publicreeueraliy, to hi. ; beautiful -arid yaried'awortment" of .plehdidly Bound and illustrated VVorksi in everj department of Literature, eui table for Present, to old and young, grave" or cay,- of which l& personal inspection ia re quested. The variety of Biblea and Prayer Books is very exlensivei-nd io all styles of Binding inclu ding Morocco, with or without Clasp.,'- Superb : Vei In addition to the above, he has a ereat variety of Book, aud Gaines, suitable Tor Children. ".' i '. Also a large variety of Fancy- Articles, 4.C. &c. : TURNER'S N;C. Bookstore,aaleigb. Dec. 16. 1847.!. :-::;; : . : ' " :i . : I " 102 1 V 6DTStindard copy. : -i' Ti Ilf GER; Pepper1, Spice, Tea." Chockotste, UTT Cocoa,.Chewinz and Smoking Tobacco, at the Auctidn and Commission Store f i r rMm-N.B, hughes. WtitSij it Tiae tiiranpreKqisikiei trioaph w HpHE .Subscribers of.the Washington &. New Or-. X leans Magnetic Telegraph Company, are re quested -tcfe pat tr it; Smith, the Treasurer; onW by ne j aw iwiu January,; p ten vi.. iucn. u-scribtions-r-ii bein? in . contemplation,, to have the-. Telegraph completed to Raleigh by tha day. . iVi' - Mm- JNOwJ HALEY--RaleighVJaai; j$4&UiJl&i-&m. 4104 '" ,.- .X . ..-3t' UNIVERSITOF. NURTH:CAROLlNA?i -if 'adjourned Jleetingxof the '.Trustee, of th. i 1 lutitution. will be held a,t the Executive Office- iu this Cityrea Wednesday evening. (January 5llr at i'o'deckriflrerder, iSi I It '4 '-; frn HE SnbscTiber. having asMciated themselves ; JJ togetlier, under the style .'and . firm otW I LLS Jb,LFAt for the purpote of oudaetiag , a 'General Grocery, CommWsion and Fewarding Business, res pectlully lender their ssrv'ices t. then- friends and the pubUc generally. 7 , : " . HlotZn stand of Lea & Madison. 1 j4 PETER a WILLS. r 4 "1 v. : WILLIAM LEA, Jr. 1 Jan: l i ltt. 1 7t "1