'4W w as i Sarsaparilla THE ioa? EXTRAORDINARr MEDICINE THE MOSi. woRLD : ThL Eitrarf put p in S TLk beaatf and auperiority of this Sarsape The great ' . .-j:-.,. Hi. :n- amt all otner wwmvm riua over au o" . . , - r th Mr . L ,. i winter medicine ever known 5 itu" a,. . .... VtMn it not purifies thwhole eystem and but it create, new..ptire and rich Wood ; MnBossesseiLby n other medicine. . And in this Kr&mQ4aecretofiu wonderful euecea It : haa formed withia the past two year., more than 35.. SStaVe. of severe cues of diseases at least 20,000 f these considered incurable. ? . . . jf, - More than. 3.000 eases of Chronic Rheumauem f 8,000 cases of Dyspepsia , ; ' ' ' 4.000 caaca of General Debility tad Want of En- 7.000 caaeeoi tnecineremx' w ww,r ' sioOO eaaee of Scrofula ; ' ; ' k : 1.500 cam of the LiTar Complaint ; a 3,500 caaee of Diaeaae of the Kidneya and Dropsy j 8000 eaaea of conaomption: . And Utoaaaoda of eaaee of diaeaaea of the blood.ju : Ulcere, Eryaipela. Salt Rhetxm. Pimpleaon therace, Ae 4c, together with numeroos , caae. of Sick Headache, Pain in the Side and Chest,SpiTul Aflec Th'ia we are aware, mat appear.increiliblcbttt wa kite lattera froai Phyalciana and our AgenU from all pexU of the United State, informing a of extraordi nary core. K. Vxs BcaximK, Esq., one or the wtMt resoectable Drocpata in Newark, N. J, in- forma oa that he can refer to more than 150 casee m that place alonei 4 There are thonsanda of jcaaea ' in tfea Citr ef New York, which we will refer to with pfeaenre end to men of character: It ia the " beat minn for the creTendon of diaeaae known. It undoubtedly eaed the Iiea of more than ' BjOOO CHILDREN THE PAST SEASON ! Aa it removed the cause of daeeaae, and prepared tbArafar the Summer aeaaon. ' It haa neter been known to injure in the least the most delicate child. '1? " '".: 'RHEUMATISM. ? Thia 8araaparilla la need with the most perfect ueeea. in Rheumatic compuunia noweTor Tercur chronic. The astonishing cures it haa performed are indeed wonderful! Other remedies eometimea gite temporary relief thia entirely eradicate it from the ayatem, even when the timba and bonea are' dread- ;foyawoUen. , . . . ... r , ,jq3 Hear Mr. reeta ierry.oneoi mooiucss moat reapectable lawyere in Hartford, Coun. The following ia an ertract of a letter recited from him : Ti, Tflirmsei I hate need one bottle of your SaraaparUla, and find it ia excellent in ita eflecla op en e Chronic, Rheumatic pain, to which I am aub- iect, from an injary occasioned several years ago, in nnhl'irttirt. . Please eeod me two bottles to the am of Dr. Set moor. I hare convened, with two of ear principal phyaiciana, and recommend your 8ara- JT. " V ' 6ETH TERRY. Hartfoid, March 12, 1845. CONSUMPTION CURED. 'Clean and Strengthen, Consumption em be reured. Bronchitis, Consumption Liver Com- plaint. Colds t Coughs JLthma Spitting of 7 lood. Soreness in the Chest, Hectic flush, AXght Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expeetoration.Pain . u ik tide. lft.Kave been and ean.be cured. Dr. Towneend-Dear Sir: Nearly twenty yeara agoi I took violent cold, which settled on my lungs, and affected me' aererely tadeed, finally, it became a con tut hacking cough, but not so severe aa to prevent me from attending to my business; within the last lew years it increased on me gradually. At last I became reduced breathed with difficulty, and raised with my cough much bad matter, and for the last nine montha previoua to using your ttarsaparilfa, had regular night aweats ; indeei, my friends and xayaeir supposed ,that I would die with the Consump tion t but 1 hate the happiness to inform you that, to my aurpriae, after using three bottles of .your R.r.nn"ll T find mv health restored. It relieved me gradually, and I am now enjoying much better health than I have before in 26 years. I had almost entirely 16 Jiy J appetite, which ia also returned You are at liberty to publish this "With my name in tke papers, if you choose. My little girl, who is three years old had a very bad cough the whole of last Winter. We became vary much alarmed on her account- While using tke medicine, I gave her some of it, and it soon en tirely relieved her, as well aa myself, and she is well now, and hearty as any child I ever aaw. She was bo fall of little blotches: it took then eway and her kin is smooth and fair now and I am satisfied she recevered her health from using your excellent med icine 8. W. CONANT. 444 Bowery. - GIRLS, READ THIS. Yea who have pale complexions, dull ejes, blotch on the face, rough skin, and are 4 out of spirits," ase'a bottle or two of Dr. Towcsend s SarsaparUla. It will cleanse your blood, remove the freckels and blotches,, and give you animation, sparkling eves, line spirita, and beautiful complexionsall of which are of immense value to unmarried ladies. - . GREAT.FEMALE MEDICINE Dr. Tewnsend'e SaraaparUla is a aovereign and speedy cure for Incipient Consumption, Barrenness, Leocerrhoaa, or Whites, obstructed or difficult Men struation, Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary dis charge theraor, and tor tne general rrostration of the System, no matter whether the result of inheipnr cause, or prodaced by irregularity, illness or accident. . Nothing can be ore surprising than its invigotat- iageBecla on the Human Irame. Persons, all wras: ness and lassitude, from taking it, at once become rebvut and full of energy under its influence, it im mediately cbunteracu the nervelessnese of the female frame, which is the great cause of barrenness It will set be expected of as, in cases of to delicate a nam re, to exhibit certificates of urss performed, but we can, assure the afflicted, that hundreds of eases have . been reported to us. Several cases wkere families have been without children, after asing a few bottles of this invaluable medicine, have been blessed with healthy offspring. ; v - Dr. Totonsend-Mf wife being greatly distressed by weakness and General " Debiary, and sufferiog eootinaally by pain and a sensation of bearing down, falling of th womb, and with ether difficulties, and saving known casea where yor medicine has effec ted great cures, tnd also heaang it recommended for each cases as I have described,! obtained a bottle of your Extract of SanapariUa, and followed 'the di rections yoa gave.7 In a short period it removed her complaints and restored her health. Being grateful for the benefits she received, I take pleasure ia thus acknowisdreding It, and recommending it to tbe public. , , M D. MOORE, ' r. ' Corner Grand and Lydius-sts. Albany, Aag. IT, 1847. , TO MOTHERS AND MARRIED LADIES. This Extract ef SarsaparUla haa been expteasly prepared' in rvfereaoe to fsmaU complaints. ' No female who has reason to suppose she is approaching that critical period; the tarn of life,' should neglect to take it, as it is a certain preventative for any of the numerous and horrible diseases to which females am subject at this time of We. This period may be decayed several year by oaing thia medicine. Nor a k beta vmlaabie for ihos. approaching womanhood, as k is ealealated. to assist oatera, by quickening tbe bleed and invigorating, the system. Indeed, this medicia U invmlaable for all the diseases to which wemenaxa abject. , . . .... It bcaoes tke whole system, renews permanently the nataral energies by removing the impurities of - tk body not so far stimulatine the srstem aa to predaee a subsequent relaxation, which ia. the case of '". mctticiaea taken for female weakness and diaeaae.- ?. - :. - . SCROFULA CURED. Tw Certifioat eeaelosivel preve that this Sar- MMn-tL haa narfeet control erer the most ewuww diseases of the blood.". Three persona eared la hoaae.ia unprecedented. i . - ' r. ? ' ' 17 J. renJ-Dear Sir i I have the pleasure to inform ro that three of my children have beeocurea of the Scrofula by the nee ef your excellent medicine. Th afflicted werv severely with ld aorea ; I hwm taken onlr fourboulea : it took them away,ior which I reel myseu unuer aeej Yours, rdspectlolly. M - ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wooiter at. New York. March 1.1847. OPINIONS OF PHYSICIAN8. . Dr. Townsend is almost daily receiving orders from Phyaicians in different parts of the Union. This is to eertifr that we the undersigned. Physi cians of the City of Albany; have in numerous casea prescribed Dr. Townsend a oarsapanlla, and believe it to be one of the most valuable preparations in the market. H. P. PULING, M. D. J. WILSON, M. D. ' , ' R. P. BRIDGES, M- D. P. E ELMENDORF, M. D. Albany, April 1,1846. t UNITED STATES OFFICER. -Capt. G. W. McLean one of the United States Marine Corps and member of tbe New Jersey Leg islature, haa kindly sent us the following certificate. It tells Us own story. Hahway, Jan. zo, if. A year since I was taken with the Influenza, and my whole system left in a debilitated was induced no try Dr. Townsend s oanapanwa, and after taking two or three bottles, I was very much relieved, and attribute it entirely to the said SarsaparUla I nave continued taking it, ana una that I improve every day. I believe it saved my nie, and would not be without it under any consideration. . G. W. MCLEAN. - : DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or medicine has ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva, in decomposing food and strengthening the organs of digestion, as this - preparation of SarsaparUla. It positively cures every case of dyspepsia, however severe or chronic. ' : Sank Department, Jlhany May 10, 1345 Dr. Townsend: Sir I have been afflicted for several yeara with Dyspepsia in its worst forms, at tended with soreness of stomach, loss of appetite, ex treme heart-burn, and a great aversion to all kinds of food, and for weeks (what I could eat) I have been onable to retain but a email portion on my stomach. I tried tbe usual remedies, but they bad little or no effect in removing, the complaint. I was induced, about two montha since, to try your Extract of Sar saparUla, and I must say with little confidence ; but after using nearly two botdes, I found my appetite restoieL and the heart-burn entirely removed; and 1 would earnestly recommend the use of it to these wbo have been afflicted as I have been Yours, &c. V. W. VAN ZANDT. Principal Office, 126 Fulton street. Sun Building. N. Y. Redding. Co., 8 State street, Bosta Dyott&. Sons, 1-32 North 2J street, Philadelphia S. S. Haoce, Drureist, Baltimore P. M. Cohen. Charleston Wrizht & Co., 153 Chartres street, N O -105 Sooth Pearl street, Albany and by alt the principal Druggists and Merchants generally through out tbe United States, West Indies and tbo Canada. For Sale in Raleigh, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD &. CO. October 18, 1347. 84 ly ' NATIONAL, LOAN FUND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LOMOX. ' A Savings Bank for tbe benefit of the Widow and the Orphan." (iXrOWIXID BT ACT OS 7iRLUXI5T.j ' CirmL, 500,000 sterling, or 92,500,00. Beside a reserve fund (irom surplus premiums of about $195,000. T.LAMIE MURRAY, Esq, George st.no ver square, Chairman of the Court of Direcors, in London. ' Physician J. ELLIOTSON, M. D., B R S. Actuary W. S. B. WOOLHOUSF. Eq-, F. R. A. 8. Secretary T.T. CAMR0UX, El iTalHIS INSTITUTION embraceyimportant and LL substantial advaaUgea with rect to Life As. aurances and deferred annuities, l'be assured has, on all occasions, the power to lOrrow, without ex pense r forfeiture of the poy, two-thirds of the premiumeepaid ; also the optin of selecting be,tv efits, and the conversion of hf ioteresu to meet oth er convenience or necessity Assurances for terms of ytare at the lowest possi ble rates. Persons insured for Iif can, at once, borrow half the amount of annual premium for live successive years, on their own no end deposite of policy. Part or thb CM"al is rxRMaxxaTi.T lavss. TXD in the United Sates, in the names of three of the Local Director aa Trustees available always to the assured inase of disputed claims (shouhLauy such arise) or oVerw'8 Thepaymerof premiums, half-yearly, or quar terlyat a trifing advance upon the annual rate. No charget'or stamp-duty. Thirty drfs allowed after each payment of premi um become due, without forfeiture of policy. TraveLfbe leave extensive and liberal, and extra premiums on the most moderate scale. Division or Paorrrs. Ttfremarkable success and creased prosperity of the Society has enabled theDirectors, at the last annual investigation, to de clare a fourth bonus, varying from 35 to 85 per ct. o tbe premiums paid on each policy effected on the rofit scale . ' . . i T 1 TV (JXITCn OTATKS DOiRD OF XjOCAI. A1RXCTORS. Chief Office for America, 74 Wall st) jV. York, Jacob Harey, Esq. Chairman', John J. Palmer, Esq ,Jonathan Goodhue, Esq Jsmes Boorman, Esq George Barclay, Esq., Samuel . Howland, Esq., Gorbam A. Worth, Esq., Samuel M. fox, Esq., William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward Habitcbt, Esq. Philadelphia Clement C. BiJdle, EsqM Louis A. Godey, Esq. George Rex Graham, Esq. William Jones, Esq. Baltimore Jonathan Meredith, Esq., Samuel Hoffman, EqDr J. H. McCulloh. ' J. Leander Starr, General Agent, and Edward T. Richardson, Esq., General Accountant, for the Uni ted States and British N. A. Colonies. Medical Examiners, New York J Kearny Rod gers, M. D. 110 Bleecker-st; Alexander E. Hosacfcf M. D., irt Franklin-st ; 8. S. Keene, M. D., 390 Fonrth-sL "" Medical Examiners attend at 74 Wall-st. and No. 134 Bowery at 3 o'clock P. M. daily. Fee paid by the Society.) Standing Counsel William Van Hook, Esq. 39 Wall-st. Bankers The Merchant'a Bank. Solicitor John Hone, Esq. 1 1 Pine-st. Cashier Henry E. Cutlip, Esq. An Act in respect to insurance for lives for the benefit of married women, pasaed by theLegisIature of New York, 1st April, 1840. ' Pamphlets, blank forms, table of rates, lists of A gents, d-c &c. obtained at the Chief Office 74 Wall- al,134 Bowery, or from either of the Agents through out the United State, and British North American Colonies. GEORGE LITTLE, Agent. R. B. Haywood, Medical Examiner, Raleigh. ' March 22, 1847 24 Capt. Henry's Campaign Sketches of the War in Mexico, with engra vioga ; thia day received by Dec. 4th, 1847. II. D. TURNER. N. C. Bookstore. 98 Cathivlm Ttlver, and other Poems, by John Stein fort Kidney. For sale at . H. D.TURNER'S N.C. Bookstore. Dee. 4th. 1847. 98 . 100 Reams of Paper, ipONSISTING of Printing, Letter, Foolscap and U Wrapping Paper. Also, May nard and Noye.' best black writing Ink ; Red ; Indelible Pealing Wax and Wafer. N.B.HUGHES. Dec 28. W3 aouxn cinowivA MUiuamnsurance FURSUANT to an Act of Assembly, a Compa ny has been forme J in this State, tinder the name and atyl of 'the " North' Carolina Mutual In urance Company," an-d is nowfully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, via: JOSIAH O. WATSON, President, - ALBERT STITM. Vice-President, . RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, THEODORE P ARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, RICHARD SMITH, ALBERT ST1TH, Executive Corn, mittee. WESTON R. GALES The Comoanv is now prepared to receive applies lions for Insurance, and to issue Pplicieson thessme. By tbe Act of Incorporation, tbe Company is author ized to take riska on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops and other buildinea. Furniture,. Merchandize, anu othftr DroDertv. aeainst loss or damage by Fire The Office of the Company ia in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr B. B. Smith, at tbe corner ol r ayetteviue ana nap cef.t Streets, where full information and explanations touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will he cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. Raleigh, January 15, 1847 . 5 tf HASTINGS' lVTonfrio UUII1UUUUU OVlUJ Ul iiapiuai nr.- iikit a positive RUT A WARRANTED CORK TOR CONSUMPTION AND ALL OTHCR DISEASES OF TUB LUNGS! ItX. A. P. Harrison. 147 Greenwich Street, Ifew York, SOLE AMERICAN AGENT. THIS medicine has decided the dispute about the curability of Consumption ; and satisfied the medical Faculty, and all who have used it, that Consump tion and aft afflictions of the lungs can not only le cured, but they are as easily and as simply cured as almost any ef the disorders to which the human frame is liable. The operation of a single bottle which costs bat one dollar is sufficient to satisfy any pa tient, if not altogether too far eone in the disease, of this fact ; and even a single dose given evidence of its extraordinary influences, in arresting, and eradi cating the malady, py the immediate rrlief which it affords. Thi9 is no quack or secret remedy. Dr. Hastings, its discoverer, is one of tbe mot eminent physicians of the age, and has me a full disclo sure of its history and all its comDuneut parts to the world; not wishing to incur the responsibility of con fining to himself (for the sak of profit) a secret which was calculated to do ruch universal good. And such have been the wonderful res i ts f its op erations that the London, Lancet, Medical Times aud the most eminent phsicians of both hemispheres are anxiously calling ujion sufferers to have imme diate recourse to it, and proclaiming that of all known medicines it alone ha positively established its effi cacy by undeniable proofs of curing Consumption aud all other diseases jH the lungs. The great celerity of Hastings' Compound Starr- or NAFTHA.Dbviates the necessity of publishing certificates of ores.' In fact, so far as can be as certained, ifbas cured, or is fast curing almost all who havered it, and probably no person who haa taken a tyttle but would be willing to give a warm certificate in its favor, as hundreds have already done irAhout solicitation. 57 Pr ce one dollar a bottle. Six bottles for five debars. The usual allowance to the trade. For sale Wholesale and Retail bv Messrs. PES CUD 8l JOHNSON, sole .Agents for Raleigh. Jan 12. 1648. 4 M : Dr. A. P. Coopers Spiiio-Abdom!-nal Supporters. THE Subscriber have on hand a supply of the above valuable supporters, which are recommend ded for all persons, afflicted with muscular debility, Round shoulders, or prolapsus Uteri ! ' Proff: MoTT thinks they are very well adapted for some varieties of incipient spinal distortions, aa they afford the useful cornbirmtion of shoulder brace and Abdominal supporter, with very decided support i to the spinal column. The above braces are recommended by thePhysi cians generally, who have seen them, and we have sold a nnmber to citizens of this place, who are high ly pleased with them. A gentleman observed a few days since, that he had been wearing a very celebrated body brace for some time, and that he would not gire one of the above, for fifty such- " They need no puffing as they speak for them selves." PESCUD &. JOHNSON. O The above Supporter is au improvement on Dr.E. Crains celebrated Spioo-Abdomiual Supporter. Jan. 12, 1848. (Standard.) 4 OXFORD IIOTf-OXFOItD, I.C. THE Subscriber, having purchased thia well known Establishment, immediately in front of the Court House, hereby gives notice to his friends and the public, that he is now fully prepared to entertain all those who may favor him with a call. He deems it useless to 6ay more, than that the whole will soon undergo such repairs as are needed ; and that his best efforts will be employed to make eveTy department what it should be. lie invites a call from the old patrons of this House, as this is the only mode by which they cau judge correctly of its character. Boarders will be received by the day, week, month or year ; and his charges shall not be extravagant.. WESLEY W.YOUNG. Oxford. Jan. 4, 1848. 4 3t DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. fJJHE late firm existing in this City, under the title of Reeder &. Lodgek, has been dissolved ny mutual consent. All persons indebted to said 1.V . a I l x irm, are requemeu m uiatte immediate payment; aua an person. Having claims against the same, will present them tor settlement. ' - FRANCIS II. REEDER, WILLIAM J.LOUGEE. Raleigh, Jan. 12, 1843. , THE BUSINESS CONTINUED. 1 ltltj subscriber would resD-ctfu v inform th Uituens of Kaleigh, and the Public penerallv. mat no win coounue me business at the Old Stand. ..a . . a r. sr. J wnere mere may ce tound a general assortment of T1X, COPPER, AND SHEET-IRON WARE, For sale, Wholesale nd Retail ; together with eve ry other article usually kept in their line of trade. ( Tin, Copper and Sheet-lrou work of every descrip tion, executed with neatness aud despatch. Houses Covered, and warranted not to leak. All orders from a distance will be atteuded to with promptness aud fidelity. WILLIAM J. LOIJGEE, - 'Pretty Roto, Opposite Ouver's. Raleigh. Jan. 12. 1848. 4 3t m. nrAOnrntinn wliich will cause the Hair to curl most beautifully, and is warranted not to iujure it in the least, thus dispensing with the curling irons, which injure the hair so much. The immense demand for the fluid and the repeat ed testimonials, which we have received from Ladies m Kaleigh who are nsirrg it, enable us to recommend it with confidence. Call and get a Bottle at PESCUD Si. JOHNSON'S Drug Store. Jaa. 12, IS48. . , (Standard.) - 4 TT7UM1LY FLOCK A fresh supply, and 1 1 ut au ipenot quality. WILL: PECK & SON. Raleigh, Jan. 15. 4 3t oil. f or. IS If. F vou wish Your Boota and Shoes, or Harness polished and preserved, call and get a canister of Oil Polish, price 25 cents, and warranted to give sat isfaction. PESCUD Si, J OHM SON. Jan. 12. (Standard.) - 4 SEGARS AND TOBACCO. w: E are in receipt of a lot of splendid Ci gars of various brands, and two cases of verv fiue chewing Tobacco, to which we invite tbe atten tion of those Who indulge in stch. luxuries. lyOiiipany PESCUD & JOHNSON. -Jan. 12. ; Standard. 4 aj a TJ, S.r M AIL LINE, v. By He James Biter aud Chesapeake Bay Via-re: tersburg, Norfolk, Baltimore and PhUa " ddvhio, to New York.'' ;?vv" TT0ASSENGERS by this Line leave Weldoa and IT Ganrnn evenr nnrht for retersDurg, eiei knri anri R n rink a Rait Road. f ." From thence ilailv at 15 minute before. 7 A.. M., for City Point. ' From lhence they take one of the fast James Ki for Norfolk, reibhing there at 3 P. M Thence up the Cheeapeake Bay in one of the Rt.mr.f built for the route) that ace so favorably known for tbefr strength and comfortable arrange tri anro 1 1 ' - ti,. stA.m.r nfth'tn Line hare been put in first A lev K-TfrWtBksaav-a w w - rate order, for the running of the Schednle required) to transport the Northern and bontharn Mail. tt-J- R..p Sr. minrl. this U the Grtat U. S Mail TJn and at the reduced rates, passengers will save .r.i .-rf.mlv- have more comfort by this Line, less loss of sleep," and fewer changes of person and baggage. ' -i Fare from Weldon to Baltimore, $8 00 Norfolk, ' 4 00 For Tickets, apply to Wm. M- Moody, Jr., Agent Weldon, N. C. " nn Fare from Gaaton to Ballimore, $9 00 f Norfolk, 4 00 Fr Tickets, apply to C. C. Poch, Esq., Agent, Gaston. N. C. Passeocere getting through Tickets are allowed to stop at any point on the route and resume their trip when tbey may be ready. . wm M. muuuy.., Jr. Agent. Office James River and Bay Line, ) Weldon. N. C Dec. 21st, 1847. ( 1 tf Dec. 20. 1847. Florida Land Sales, ILL be offered for sale, at Auction, on the 7th day of March, 1848, at the County Site of Benton Countv. East Florida, several I racts of Land, in Township 21, Range 18, and in Township 24, Range XI. On tbe 14th day of March at the Court Heuse of Marion County, sundry Tracts in Township 13. Range 20. 13, 21. 14, " 21. 14, 32. At Madison Court House, on Thursday, tbe 23d March : Section. TownnhipS. Range E. The 8 E i of 23, 1, 7. SWJof 24, r, NVof 25, 1, NE iof 26, 1, ' " Ei of 1, 1, W i of 6, 1, 7. 7. 7. 8. 9. 4 the At Jefferson Court House, on Monday the 27th March : 8. T. R. 13, 1 8, 5 E. 13, 1, 5. 14, 1, 5. 14, 1, 6, 31, 1, 5. 6, 2, 5. 6, 2, 5. The E i of N W J of . E i of 8 W i of " WofNEiof W 4 of S E i of 8$ of NEJof E i of N W i of Terms. One-fourth cash the balance in three equal annual instalments, with interest in advance. Or, if any purchaser should prefer to pay all cash, five per cent- will be deducted from the credit instal ments. - ' ' Lists of the particular Tracts can be had by apply ing to any of the Post Masters in Benton, or Marion County ; or they will be furnished if applied for by letter, post pais, addressed to The Stat Regis ter at Tallahassee, Florioa." JOHN BEARD, Register of Public Lands for the State of Florida. Tallahassee, Nov. 8, 1847, 96 ts A Valuable Plantation for Sale. ON Wednesday the 26th of January, 1848, if not sold privately before, I shall expose to Public Sale, on the premises two miles from my residence and five miles south of Littleton Depot, eleven hun dred of acres of Land, known as the Branch planta tion. One half in woods well timbered with oak and a considerable portion of the other, under good fences, and productive in the staples of the country In addition to the advantages of a healthy location, plealant neighborhood, fine water and a good site for a mill on a constant stream, the location is consid ered desirable on account of the outlet for a conve nient and extensive stock farm. The improvements- consist of a Gin house and Screw, Overseer's house, Negro houses, &c. Per sons wishiug to examine the laud before day of sale will call on Col. A. M. Johuson', Edward Kearny, sq. or the subscriber. Paymeut one and two years. THOS. W. HARRISS, Near Littleton, N. C. Dec. 24, 1847. 104 TO PRINTERS. THE Proprietor of the Randolph Herald," be ing-desirous of devoting his whole attention to other business, offers for sale the Press on which said paper is now printed, together with the Type. Cases, Stands, and all other fixtures thereto belonging. I nefress is a Kamage, and tbe Types (Bourgeois) are nearly all new The good will of the paper may be inferred, when it is stated, that the consumption of paper is sdoui l ream per wees. , 1 he whole will.be sold at tbe very low price of xau. it wm only be transferred to Whig hands, on tne condition, too, that the Press shall not be taken from the County for one year at least. Any practical printer of respectable talents and studious habits, can, by prudent management,' clear $500 per annum. The Whigs of the County haVe handsomely supported, a paper for a number of years. .Any person wishing to purchase must make ap- pucauon soon, as the present volume will be com plete itrfSe early part of next Spring. Any further information can be had by addressing tne proprietor, post paid. Exchanges of the :'Herald" copvinjr the above will confer a favor. ! M R. D. BROWN. December 27, 1847. 104 Raleigh Livery Stable:! ; THE SUBSCRIBERS having ren ted the Stables, recently occupied by a j a.a .aa a Mr. ttvttkuot. ana inorougniy repaired and refitted them ; and; having furnish ed the Establishment with an entirely new - supply of CaaaiAose, '; BoGOieai Hoasrsr (both Saddle and Harness,) and having also engaged experienced and careful Drivers, welt ac quainted with tbe different Roads, and stopping nooses throughout the State, are now prepared to at tend to all calls in their line. The Stables are located in a very central position, and some one will always be found there, at all hours of the day and night, to attend to orders - i Horses will be boarded by the day, week month or year at the most moderate prices. - Drovers visiting Raleigh with Horses laAlmim, f will find these Stables conveniently located lor that main fraskia ria. ! . 4 JAMES M. HAkRISS, JOHN R. HARRISON. RaleighJan. 6,1848. Cainp Life of a Volanteer. A Cam paign in Mexico, or Glimpses at life in amp. by "One who has seen the Eleohant. ihi. re- v..cm.b. me nuriu Carolina xoookstore by t i u , ,1 U. TURNER; Raletffh, Dec 10, 1847. iqx I ,4. Female' Seminary! ftvifflS, next Session ofthis Institution, wils com 'II mAtiCe on 'Monday, the 10th January ensuing. TTba Subscriber feels greatly enconraged by Vihe vary liberal patronage extended to him tbe 5jreseBt Hia exertions, will be -continued, to secure , tkncA who may be entrusted to his care, all the- advaritagea of a, thorough andaccomplwhe The ,Tenna are r aa Jbllewa, jW r seaslen ev montha: rv . ( r ;;! 'v . Board ' , ' . . ' . .-V English Tuition, -. French, ' ' ' . $50 00 12 50 i 10 60 J2U m . xnusic, , ,1. . Use of Instrument, . " 7 . . Tlr. '.r. n rt PaTntin rl. s."' . Mr - 3 00 10 00 ' No extra charge will be made. -Books,' Station ary , &Ci furnished. at tbe lowest retail prices. V It is paiticolarly desired; that eterys, Pupil ehould be present at the opening ef tbe Session.wheu Studies are arranged and Classes formed.. All articles of Clothing must be marked with the owner's name in fuIU ' v: ' " - " ' : I beg leave to refer to my friends, and numerous acquaintances, in this State and Virginia J -among others, to the following : Hon. Jno. Y; Mason, Wash ington,; Hon. Arch. Atkinson, Wm. R. .Baskervilf, Virginia,' Hon. Jno. H. Bryan; GeorgevW. Mordecai, Raleigh, Ce!. Joshua . Tayloe, Washington, N. C, Hon. David Outlaw, Wsa. T. Sutton, Esq., Bertie, Jas. S. Battle, Esq., Rocky Mount, Wm. Plommer, Jno. Somerville, Wm.Eaton. Jr ; Esqrs ; Warreuton. i - DANIEL .TURNER. Warrenton. Dec. 2, 1847. ' " v -f --V 98 r NORTH CAROLINA FANCY STORE OF . . . G. V.' &C. ' GRIiTIltlE. : ' HAVING opened again an entirely ; new and beautiful assortment of Goods, we' are now prepared to otter to me pUDiie a very extensive col lection of articles - not kept generally in one snore alone. .Being determined to sell low, to effect quick sales, and give to our customers as great bargains as any Store can oner, we would respect! ully solicit the continuance of favors, as we . shall endeavor to give entire satisfaction to all who will be pleased to examine tbe Stock, consisting of : Confectionary, Groceries, French, German and dnglisn ancy Goods, Cutlery, Musical Instruments,' Per fumery, Crockery, Iry Goods, Jew eliry, and Toys : Confectionary: French Candy assorted, best refined Candy, Rock Candy, Chocolate, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currents, Dates, Citron, Almonds, ; Palmnuts, Filberts, Wal. and Cocoanuts, Nutmegs, Mace. Cinnamon. Spice, etc. Fruit : Malaga Grapes, Uranges, Lemons, Northern Apples. Seffars: Manilla. Jnlto Sanz, Talla, . Jupiter, Rionda. Havanna, Regalia, Plantation, Havana La dies' Sefars, Smoking Tobacco, Chewing Tobacco, Mrs Miller's Snuff. i Preserves, Jellies, Pickles Sau ces, Syrup, Brandy Fruit, a large and choice assortment. ' Groceries: Loaf, Crushed and Brown 8 a gar. Molasses. Coffee and Tea, different qualities, tas- tile, variegated. White and Brown Soap. Sperm and Tallow Candles, Otfa, Cheese, Pine. Apple Cheese, etc. . : ' Bakery :Butter, Water, Sugar, Soda Crack . . m ,- . - a a a -i ' . . - . ers, inot uread and rticnmona tsxes.! Fane? Goods: Writing Desks. Fancy, Work Boxes, Artificial Flowers, Card Cases, Money Purses; Pocket Books, Travelling Bag, Baskets. Dressing and Fine Combs, Pins, Needles, .Thread, Buttons, Matches, Shaving Utensils, Looking Glasses, Cloth, it.. rr-tt! ov j '-ti r .t. nai, 1 eem, nair, ounu sua suiau i oiuiuig urueur, Walking "Canes," .Whip,' Cowhides, Patent ' and Common Fish Hooks Flower Vases, Painted Mugs, Tumblers, , Tapers, Slates, Smoking . Pipes, Coffee Mills, Steelyards, Patent Balances, Waiters, Clocks, Spoons, Tacks, Razor Straps. Cutlery :Rodgers .Pocket Pen Knives and Razors, Knives and Forks, Scissors, Dirks, Pistols; Guns, Percossion Caps, Tubes, Powder Flasks; Shot-belts, Bird-bags. - ' - . - " Musical " Instruments : -Violins, Bows, Strings, Bridges, Screws, Guitars, Flageolets, Flutes, Fifes, Accordions, etc , , , ' i Perfumery : Cologne, genuine ; Macassar. ! Bear and Antique Oil, Floating, Almond, Palm and ; other perfumed Soap ;-. Chalk-balls and Pink Saucers. Crockery : Tea Sett Cups and Saucers, itchers, Bowls, Plates, Diahee, Wash Basins, Cof- 'ee Pots, etc. - -' Bry Goods: Calicoes, Cassinets, Cashmeres, Vesting. Merino, Handkerchiefs, Shawls; 'Hose.C Gloves, pleached and Brown Shirting, Osnaburg, Flannels, Kersey, Linsey, Muslin, Linnen, etc, . Jewelry of Gold, Silver and . Pinchback, Watch holders. Breast Pins, Ear Rings,Pencils. Pensj Finger Rings. Thimbles, Metal Combs, Watch Keys; Fob Chains, Gypsum and other Beads, assorted.; Toys: -A large rand choice supply of Magic lanterns, ibina, fewter and 'Wooden Tea Setts. Dressed and Undressed Dolls, Paint Boxes, Carpen tet'e Tooty Harps, and a variety of Fany Toys. CHR. GRIMME, Firm of G. W.& O. GnrjucE, Second door frorn Mr. ' R. Smith. .. Raleigh, Jan. 10. 1848. . 2 tf HAVING connected with me in the Apotheca. RTand Dau business on the -1st inst. Mr George B. Jones, a practical AroTHECAnr and Dace oist, who has had charge of my establishment for four months past, the business will hereafter be conducted under the style and firm of Geo. B.. Jones &Co. ; FRANCIS MAJOR. GEORGE B. JONES, & Co., Apothxcarks & Druggists, have. on hand a full supply ofPtrs Medicines, Daues, Dte Stuffs, PatwtsV. Oits, Brushes, Soaps, Surgical 4 Dektai Ihstbf merts, and alt other articles usually kept in such establishnents, which they offer to' their friends and the public at the. lowest prices. . .... " They ll the attention of Courtrt Mekchasts to their Stock, and assure them it shall be regularly replenished to! meet their wants y- ..y Pbtsiciams in the Coustrt who are in the habit of buying their supplies of MEniciirsin theNoxTs xrk CiTtES, will be furnished with, articles o( un doubted Pcbitt, many of ibem'having been recently 1 MPoRTEn from , 5ne of the best Laboratories ii EwoLAirn. J ,'- -1 ' Tf. f ... 1 t ' ' reiersnurg. January u, 1848,,, , i 3 win N. B. HUGHES. PICRLES Pnn sait JS PICKLfIW ?0w oVeleg,,Bi i?rn7 '!l& Wet, o the Pickle, pre m Kaleieh. of whnm tbr5.-' s .M.;...- " piwcurea n tea he Errors of Modern fi.ii:" is illustrated and refuted, bv S M aXrz'rCf iA. M.; Pastor bf ihm Wiri XuTjiZ???' mantown, Penn: Jost published; ."nd 'thia day re- tlie 'N, C Book Store; eived, by ' ..- - Jan. l6, iS48.; f n jne statesmen of 7a tiis i- ioie R brSarah Mytton 1 C Book Store, by H:: D; TURNER. Jan. 10.; :w-..:'--v '-'r-" FOR ItFjIf T. A small House in the Wee-5 tern part of the City:' - ' f JAMES LITCHFORD. Jan. I, 1848. -.104 fl'GEKPepper, Spice, Tea.' Chockolate; Vfjq- CocoaCfaewing g,d eimoking Tobacco, at tbe Auction and Commission Store ofv ' ' " -' 1 'f lTaTlns vfstted New"Tork and PhiTadel- phla for tne purpose ot sluing to nis oiocx, respectfully informs his friends and tbe Pub lic, that he has 'just opened a large and splendid at aortmenifife:i !' .' conaisting of Gold arSHver lrfvera)cnes, An chor 'CyUndeiaVerticaIEs and Steel Guard Xlhatris'Se with a large assortment of' Breast Pins, Finger Ringa, Ear Rings Gold aad Sflver Pencils jThimblea; Medal- 4 liottS, ojdllearuVna jCwCisi ;r(- 'K?f&&f. Gold.' Silver,'' Blue, and polished Steel Spectacles, PerifocaLSpectacIe Glasses, a new article, to syit the Eyes of all persona ; very superior Flint Glasses, that ' may be adjusted in any frame.t any ; notice.' ' vv sisver and plated WareJ " - 8ilverTableTeiessert,S'aitar M ostard Spoons, Cadles, Sugar Tongs, Butter KniesSilver mounied Cocoa Nuts, Castors, Candle-iicks, Snuffers and Trays,' Cake,, Baskets t Coffee f Greques.v Britannia Ware, in 'Setts' or' single pieces, Silver and Plated Cups.- -v 'v;: -' V ' - Mantel CJocksrCofd and Sive mounleO Canes, Chess men; and Backgammon 'Boards; Sieel fens, pilt. Steel. Glass and fcat in eadsV Jet Combs, i?e gar and Card Cases, Purses, ' Chapman's Rarer Straps, Toilet-Bottles;' and Ladies' Toiler Work Boxes - - ' . , ! Vv'-f;.". ' vjr-;. :,:-V : . vciTtEniY. ... ; :; A fine assortment of Rogers Razors; Pocket and -tl: :i - " fen KnivesT i' '-" ' I ' ' " w. ' Comprising Powder Boxes, Cologne end La vender" Waters, Toilet Powder, Shaving and Toilet Soaps. Also, Hair, Tooth and Shaving Brosbes;: - ' :- 1 .-M Musical; Instruments. !; ; ' Spanish Guitars! Violin?,Clorienets,FIuteg, Fifes, Guitar and Violin Strings, Extra Violin Bows, 4 c. Watches and Clocks repaired in a superior si vie. Aa his own personal attention will be 'given to ihie department, those persons having articles of this kind to repair, may rely. on lheir being Well and faithfully executed. ' Gold and Siler inanufartuied to order, with neatness and punctsality. Higbeelprices given, for old Gold and Silver. j Raleigh, Aug. 6. 187. ; ,1 ...... j 3 YOUNG LADIES1 SELECT; SCHOOL : flHE exercises of thia School will be resumed again X on the 1st Monday jn January next, under the care of the Misses Partridge, wjth such assistance as may be. necessary for the interest of . the School. Terms per Session,, as, follows: , English Brancnes, from $7 to J15 00 Latin, ' : 10 GO French, , ,j 8 GO Music on the Piano, with use of - -1 1 m-: the Instrument, ; , 20 00 Guitar,. . 10 00 Drawincr and Needle Work, . 5 00 Paintin? and Wax Work, each 8 00 Board, wash ing, fuel and lights, 1 . per month, - - . . 10 00 , Scholars can remain. through the vacation, free of charge. ' . ;V .'. ''. TV ; Raleigh, Dee.8;1847. ; c 98-2m And Fancy CAAXJXY. THE SUBSCRIBERS desire to express Uieir ac knowledgment. to the citizens bf Raleigh, for the patronage' so -liberally extended to therri since' their -residence among them, and beg leave" to announce, that they are now prepared to manufacture all kiads of BREAD and CAKES, at the very shortest notice. Their articles are all made of the best Flour to be procured in the market, and are warranted fresh.-. They , intend to commence shortly the manufacture of PASTRY, of all kind.? They will now furnish the following varieties of CAKb, and invite the at- tention of tie public to tne list : ,A V -r -Sponge Cake, '" ' r. - Jelly rA ':.-r -' . Found., do i? - -' ; Tea ..; do . " . Butter ' do ' Ginger Nnts ' "v'.;' ' : ' Cream Kisses ' , Macaroons, ficc . . . . Alsoi Ornamental Cakes. of everydescriptien, for Parties and. Entertainments.' ' i-r-- They continue to bake, aily, Family Loaf Bread , Rails and Tea Biscuit J - All Orders left at the Bakery, near Yarboeouoh's Hotel,. will be instantly attended to. I T NUCKLES & PATRAM. . v Raleigh, Dee. 9, 1847..,: : V"., . i i 99- TO SPORTSIXEIf ; ,a?ATEPTT VIM6 AND REPILT JJIG . - . M-MJ9MXSJV fi.- B. ROOT .has Most received 'a fine lot of . Guns, Powder. Powder Flasks. Shot Bees. una, pags, ccc, an ot; which will be sold Uwirk Mv7:&:-;::.y . 63 B00K5 FOR HEvFESTIVr SEASON TOT&EN RY D. TURNER Would call the attentiors psfesb of his customers and the public -generally to his, beautiful. and varied assortment of 'splendidly BoundT and illustrated Works, in every department o Literature; suitable for Presenta to 'old and young, grave or gay, of which a personal: inspection is re quested. -The variety of Bibles and Prayer Books !f 7 te?fre and jn allatylea of Binding, iiwlu ding Morocco, with or without Clasps, Superb Val vet,'&c.-' .t. ;:y.'?s. - ,r-v . ' . H In addition to tha above, he has a great variety of Books and Games, suitable for'Cbildren. J- ; .. v Also a large variety xtt Fancy Articles, &c &c. -URNEIVS. C. Bookstore, Raleigh. Vec.-lB.imrrMh 7 ' M ;10a : P n'SUndard-opyw:tfy: :W0i::J;fr4, , rfTiHE Subscribers having associated nlhemselves togetherunder the style and firui of WILLS LEAr for ihe purpose of . conducting a; General Grocery, Commission and Forwarding Business, res pec tl ully tender their services Wtlieir friends. and the generally.. -4, IE? Store oftl atand of Lea Ac Madison.-' PETER B. WILLS, . r ;S::WILUA51 LEA, Jr. 1 r s -. , , - .1 . I it Ja. i;-JfR ORTUiACAnoiJA.'' AOIAXACS. PI ALL at tbe North Carolina Bookstore, and get VL TURNER'S WORTH CAROLIN A A LM A--AP'lWSTliia Almanac has been carefully r.aicu, ana ia lor saie, wnoiesaie ana retail, nvt H J). TURNER; January i; 1818.7 TATE OF If ORXH CAIlOCIIffA S? .BEaTr CooirrT. Court of Pleaa and Quarter SeaaiOne--November Term, 'i87-f:5' F7Winfi "A; Ferguson, vs. 'Geo. S Holly.' 7 C$aais'frJ ori one Tract of Land, supposed to fenftrw aboitt 100 :Aeref. ad- oismg thes.SViBJSpTimMothTs:on Chowan Utter? la f--iA-'n : 1 7 : Oni motion, in open CovrUiiUt Ordered; that pub-' IicaUoB be made for six weeka ia.tbe Raleigh Regia. ter. for George S. .Holly,' that he mike his personal appearance at the Court House in Windsor, on the second Monday in February next, to show cause wherefore final Judgment milj hot be takn against him, and the property condemned to the use ef th Flainttre demMBywdefepf the, Court. : ' TV f . " - cTJON. It TAYLOE, Clerk. Pr;,Ad $5t2.J ? ; U2 .8w ml