r . .... .. ,. . -J . . I . . 1? t XV "v nr. ToiFiuend,.Sarapan""i THE MCUJTTRAbRDlJfo'RY MEDICINE IN THE WQKUW. ! ' : pk'svt??.-.! rmt on in quart bottlee : it is. six time cheeper. pleasanter.'and warranted superior to Bnld.,ltcoraeUweaewiu4w. rs, aickenimT or debilitating the patient 4, rfpRrVALL AND WINTER MEdrCINE. The treat beauty aad Mperiorily of this Sarsapa rilla ve otnsr taeawaw is, wuuq u cr.uu... u -eases, it invigorates the body. It U one of the very 1 . tr.i Winter medicines ever known ; it not only parifies tb whole systeta and strengthens the person, but it creates new, pure and rich blood; a power possessed by no other medicine. Andain this lil. the mod secret of iu wonderful success. It has Wormed within (He past two years! more than 35, 000 cares of severe case of diseases 1 at least 20,000 of these considered incoxable. Mors than 3,000 eases of Chronic Rheumatism 1 2.000 of Dvsoeosia f 4,000 cases of -General Debility -and Want of En ergy tiTri. : 7,000 case of the different Female Complaints ; 2,000-cases of Scrofula ; " 1,500 esses of the Liver Complaint ; ' 3,500 eases of Disease of the Kidneys and Dropsy ; 8.0O0 cases of eOBsurnpu'm : . And thousaod of eases of diseases of the blood, viz : Ulcers, Erysipelas. 8alt Rheam. Pimples on the race, Ac : 4C, 4o ther with nameroos cases of 8ick Headache, Pain in the Side snd Cbet,Spinal Affec tions, &a : , r ?; 1 1." ' ' " : . TbJl we are aware, mast appear incredible, hot we kave letters from Physicians and our Agents from all parts of the United States, informing as of extraordi nary cares. TL Vxs Btrsxxasv Esq., one of the most respectable Druggists in Newaik, N. J, in farms as that he can refer to more than 150 eases in that place alene. There are thousands of esses in the Citf f New York, which we will refer to with plaster and to men of character. It is the best medicine for th prevention of disease known. It andoubtedly saved the lives of more than 4,000 CHILDREN THE PAST SEASON ! Ae.fc removed the cause of disease, snd prepared lb 82 Cor the Summer season. It bss never been known to injure in the least the most delicate child. . RHEUMATISM. This 8arsiparilla is nsed with the most perfect access in Rheumatic complaints however severe or chronic The astonishing cares it has performed are indeed wonderfuL Other remedies sometime give temporary relief this entirely eradicates it from the system, even when the limb and bones sre dread fully swollen. . . ., Hear Mr. 8eth Terry, one of the oldest and most respectable lawyers in Hartford, Oouo. Th following is an extract of a letter recived from him : Dr. Townsend I have used one botile of your 8arsaparills, and find it ia excellent in in effects up on Chrdoic, Rheumatic psin. to which I am sub ject, from sn injury occasioned several yeara ago, in a public stage. Please send me two bottles to the car of Dr. Seymour. I have conversed with two of our principal physicians, and recommend your Sars- r , 6ETH TERRY. Hartford, March 12, 1845. CONSUMPTION CURED. Cleanse and. Strengthen. Coo tump timt can be cured. Bronchitis, Consumption, Liter Com plaint, Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Soreness in the Chest, Hectic flush, JVight Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expectoration, Pcdn in the side, tec, have been and can be cured. Dr. Townsend-Dear Sir: Nearly twenty years ago Itook a violent cold, which settled on my lungs, and, affected mo severely indeed, finally, it became a con stant hacking'cough. bat not so severe as to prevent me from attending to my business; within the last few yeara it increased on me gradually. At last I became reduced breathed with difficulty, and raised with my cough much bad matter, and for the last nine months previoua to using 'your Sarsaparilla, had -regular night sweats; indeed, my friends arid myself supposed that I would die with the Consump tion f bat 1 hav th happiness to inform yoa that, to my surprise, after using three bottles of your Sarsaparilla. I find my health restored. It relieved me gradually, and I am now enjoying much better health than I hav before in 26 years. I had almost entirely lost my sppetite, which is sUo returned. Yoa ore at liberty to publish this with my name in the papers, if you choose. My little girl, who is three years old had a very bad cough the whole of last Winter. We became very much alarmed on her account- While using the medicine.' I gave ber some of it, and it soon en tirely relieved her as well as myself, and she is well now, and hearty as any child I ever saw. She wss also fall of little blotches: it took them away and her skin, is smooth and fair now and I am satisfied she recovered her health from using your excellent med icine S. W. CONANT. 414 Bowery. GIRLS, READ THIS. Yoa who have pale complexions, dull eyes, batch es on the face, rough skin, and are " out of spirits," use a bottle or two of Dr. Towcseud's Sarsaparilla. It will cleanse your blood, remove the freckels and blotches, and give you animation, sparkling eyes, fin spirits, and beautiful complexions art of which are of immense value to unmarried ladies. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE -Dr. Townsend 8rsaparilla is a sovereign snd speedy cure for Incipient Consumption, Barrenness, Leucorrhaca, or Whites, obstructed or difficult Men. atruation Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary dis charge thereofand for the general Prostration of the System, no matter whether the result of inherent cans, or produced by irregularity, illness or accident. Nothing can be more surprising than its invigorat ing effects on the human Irame. Persons, all weak ness and lassitude, from taking it, at once become robust and fall of energy under iu influence. It im mediately coantericU the ne'rvelessness of the female frame, which is the great cause of barrenness It will not b expected of as, in cases of so delicate a nature to exhibit certificates of ures performed, but we can assure Jhe afflicted, that hood reds of eases nave oeen reported 10 as. several cases where families have been without children, atier sing a few boules of this invaluable medicine, have been, blessed with healthy offspring. Dr. Townsend My wife being greatly distressed ay weakness and General Debility, and suffering continually by pain and a sensation of bearing down. falling ol the womb, and with other diUiculties, and avicg known cases where your medicine has effec ted great cures, and also hearing it recommended for . such casea as 1 have described, I obtaineJ a bottle of your Extract of Sarsaparilla, and followed the di rections yoa gave. In a short period it removed her complaints and restored her health. Being grateful for the benefits she received, I take pleasure in thus acknowledgediog it, and recommending it 10 the paUic M D. MOOKE, Corner Grand and Lydius-sts Albany, Aug. 17, 1847 , TO MOTHERS AND MARRIED LADIES. ' This Extract of Sarsaparilla has been expressly prepared in refereace to female complaints. No female who has reason to suppose sbe is approaching thai critical period, the tara of life,' should negleet to take it, as it is a certain preventative for any of the numerous and horrible diseases to which females are subject at tbia time of life. 'This period may be delayed several -yeara by using this medicine. Nor is k less valuable for those approaching womanhood. - at it is calculated to assist natar, by quickening the Wood and inv'igoratiog the system Indeed, this medicine is invalaable lor all the diseases to which . women are subiect. - - It Praoea tue what tvitetn. renews nrmnentl v th natural energies by removing the impurities of th bodynot q. far snmuUlinE the srsiem as to produce a subssoent relaxation , w b kh ia the case of wwi. mcawin taken lor female weakness and oiseas. 4 SCROFULA fMTBPTV This Certificate conclusively prows that this Sar ir3liisa nerfset control over lb, most obstinate j ;:.7: lt. j:t; 1 uia . Thr mnoni cureU in one boaaft ia unprecedented. ; i . 'thrre Children. ' v 7: 77iMeru-Dear Sir : I have ihe pleasure to inform yoa thatthree o( my children have beancuren of the Scrofula by the use of your excellent medicine. They were afflicted veiy severely with Ud tores ; bave taken only foorbonle r.ftiipok them away, lor which I feel myself under deep obligation.. , TTsIKfcis.' OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend is almost dail receiving orders r,.m Phv.iriana in different parts of the Union. This is to certify that we the nnderaigned. Physi cians of the City or Aioany, uave in numerous casea prescribed Dr. Towusend'a Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one of the most valuable preparations in the market. H. P. PULING, M. D. J. WILSON, M.D. . R. P. BRIDGES. M D. P. E'ELMENDORF, M.D. Albany, April 1, 1846. UNITED. STATES OFFICER. Cant. G. W. McLeanj one of the United States Marine Corns and member of the New Jersey Leg islature, has kindly sent us the following "certificate. It tells its own story. Rohvay, Jan. 25. 1847. A year since I was taken with ihe Influenza, and my whole system left in a debilitated state. 1 was induced to try Dr. lownsend s Sarsaparilla, and after taking two or three bottles, I was very much relieved, and attribute it entirely to the said Sarsaparilla I bave eonnnoed taking it, and find that I improve every day. I believe it saved my life, and would not Uw1ibout it under any cousideration. G. W. MCLEAN. DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or medicine has ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva, in decomposing food and strengthening the organs ol digestion, as this preparation of Sarsaparilla. It positively cures every case of dyspepsia, however severe or chronic. Bank Department, Jjlbany. May 10, 1345. Dr. Townsend: Si-1 Uave been afflicted for several yeara with Dyspepsia iu its worst forms, at tended with soreness ol stomach, loss ol appetite, ex treme heart-burn, and a great aversion to all kinds ol food, and for weeks (whatl could eat) 1 have been unable to retain but a small portion 011 my stomacu. 1 tried the usual remedies, but they bad little or no effect in removing the complaint. I was induced, about two months since, to try your Extract of Sar saparilla, anil I must say with little confidence; but alter using nearly two bottles, I found my appetite Vectored, and the heart-burn entirely removed; and 1 would earnestly recommend the use of. it to those who have beeu afflicted as I have been Yours. &c. W. W. VAN ZANDT. Principal Office, 12S Fulton street, Sun Building. N Y-Reddin & Co , 8 Siate street, Boston Dytm&. Sons, 132 North '2d street, Philadelphia S. S. Hance, Druggist, Baltimore P. M- Cohen, Charleston Wright it Co., 158 Chartres street, N. O 1 03 Somb Pearl street, Albany-lend by aH the principal Drngirists and Merchants generally through out the United States, West Indies and Ihe Canada. For 'Sale in Raleigh, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD &. CO. October IS, 1847. 84 ly NATIONAL LOAN FtD LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. 14 A Savings Bank for the benefit of the Widow and the Orphan." (sxrowaasD bt act or parii amixt.J Capital, 300,000 sterling, or $2,500,000. Beside a reserve, fund (iroin surplus premiums) of about 1555,000. T. LAM IE MUKRAY, Esq. George t. Hano ver square, Chairman of the Court of Directors, in London. ' Physician J. ELLIOTSON, M. D F. R S. Actuary W. a. B. W00LH0USE, Esq., F. It. A.S. Secretary F. F. CAMROUX, Esq. pHlS INSTITUTION embraces Important and iL substantial sdvantages with respect to Life As. auraoees and deferred annuities. The assured has, on all occasions, the power to borrow, without ex pense or forfeiture of the policy, two-thirds of the premiums paid : also the option of selecting ben efits, and the conversion of his interest to meet oth er convenience or necessity. - Assurances for terms of yeara at the lowest possi ble rates. Peisoos insured for life, can, at once, borrow half the amount of annual premium for fire successive years, on their own note and deposite of policy. Part of thi Capital is pkrmaseistlt ihtes. txd in the United States, in the names of three of the Local Directors as Trustees available always to the assured in case of disputed claims (should any such arise) or otherwise. The payment of premiums, half-yearly, or quar terly, at a trifling advance upon the annual rate. No charge for stamp-duty. ' Thirty days allowed after, each payment of premi um becomes due, without forfeiture of policy. Travelling leave extensive and liberal, and extra premiums on the most moderate scale. Division rr Profits.- The remarkable success and increased prosperity of the Society has enabled .the Directors, at the last annual investigation, to de clare a fourth bonus, varying from 35 to 85 per cu on the premiums paid on each policy effected on the profit scale Jf ' UaiTso States doard or aocal JJirrctors. (Chief Office for America, 74 Wall st) JV. York, Jacob Harvey, Esq. Chairman; John J. Palmer, Esq .Jonathan Goodhue, Esq James Boorman, Lsq. George Barclay, bsq., osmuel S. ilowland, Jksq. Gorbam A. Worth, Eq , Samuel M. Fox, Esq William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward Habitcht, Esq. Philadelphia Clement C. Biddle, Esq., Louis A. Godey, Esq. George Kex Graham, Imq WUliftn Jones, Esq Baltimore Jonathan Meredith, Esq., Samuel Hoffman, Eq..Dr J. H! McColloh. J. Leander Starr, General Agent, and Edward T. Richardson, Esq.. General Accountant, for the Uni ted States and British N. A; Colonies. Medical Examiners, New YorkJ Kearny Rod gers, M.D. 110 Bleecker-st; Alexander E. Hosack, M. D., 101 Frankiin-et ; S. S. Keene, M. D., 290 Foorth-st. (Medical Examiners attend at 74 Wall-st. and No. 134 Bowery at 3 o'clock P. M. daily. Fee paid by the Society.) Standing Counsel William Van Hook, Esq. 39 Wallst. Bankers The Merchant's Bsnk. Solicitor John Hone, Esq. 1 1 Pine-st. . Cashier Henry E. Uullip, Esq. An Act in respect to insurance for lives for the benefit of married women, passed by theLegislature of New lork, 1st April, J840. Pamphlets, blank forms, table of rates, lists of A- gents, Sfc. &c. obtained at the Uhief Office 74 Walt si. 134 Bowery, or from either of the Agents through out the United States, and British North American Colonies. GEORGE LITTLE, Agent. R. B. Hat wood, Medical Examiner, Raleigh. . March 22, 1847 24 iftapt. Henry V Campaign Sketches Ly 01 tne War iu Mexico, with engra viugs; inis oay received by Dec. 4th, 1847. H. D. TURNER. N. C. Bookstore. 98 jtpiataurba River, and otber Poems, j u oiemiorx money, .for sale at H. D.TURNER'S N. C. Bookstore. Dec 4th. 1847. 9tf 100 Reams of Paper, CONSISTING of Printing, Letter, Foolscap and Wrapping Paper. Also Maynard ana Noyes' best Mack writing Ik; Red; Indelible, 8a,n.. Wax and Wafers. N. B. HUGHES Aec. 53. 103 " V . JVOKTIt 'CAROLINA Mutual -Insurance TnUR8UANT to ah Act of Assembly , a Cotnpa IrT.nv haa Wn farmed in this btate. under the name end stvle of the " North Carolina Mutual In surance Company," and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, m: , '.JOSIAH O. WATSON. Preaident. ; 1 -ALBERT 8TITH. Vice-President, . " RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, - ! THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary,1 CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, f . RICHARD SMITH,;. .ixeCutive Com ALBERT STITH, ' miUee; WESTON r; GALES. S .. . The Company is now prepared to receive applica tions for Iosuranco. and to issue Policies on thessme. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to take risks on Dwelling Houses.tStores, Shops and other bnildinta. Furniture, Mercbandue, and other nronertv. arainst loss or damage "by Fire, Th Office of the Company is in the second etory of the large Brick Building, recently occupied hy Mr. B. B. Smith, at the corner ol r ayeuevme ana nar gett Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will I cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. Raleigh. January 15, 1847 5tf HASTINGS' Compound Syrup of Naptha. NOT ONLY A rosiTIVB BUT A WAEaANTID CURS TO. coNSCMrrmN and all other diseases OF THE LCNGS! Iff. A. F. Harrison, 147 Green wicn Street, New York, SOLE AMERICAN AGENT. THIS medicine has decided the dispute about the curability of Consumption ; and satisfied the medical Faculty, a'nd all who have used it, that Consump tion and all afflictions of the luugs.can not only be cured, but they are as easily and as simply cured as almost any of the disorders to which the human frame is liable. The operation of a single ioWfc-which costs but one dollar is sufficient to satisfy any pa tient, if not altogether too far eone iu the disease, of this fact ; and even a' single dose gives evidence of its extraordinary influences, in arresting, and eradi cating the malady, by the immediate relief which it affords. This Is no quack or secret remedy. Dr. Hastings, Its discoverer, is one of the mot eminent nhvsiciaos of the age, and has made a full disclo sure of ita history and all its compune.it parts to the world ; not wBishinff to incur th responsih.i.ity or con fining to himself (for the sake of profit) a secret which was calculated to do such universal good. And such have been the wonderful res ts f its op erations that the London Lancet, Medical Times aud the most eminent phtaicians of both hemispheres are anxiously calling upon sufferers to have imme diate recourse to it.aod proclaiming that of all known medicines it alone has positively established its effi cacy by undeniable proofs of curing Couaumption aud all other diseases of the lungs. The great celebrity of Hastings' Compound Sra vr or Naptha, obviates the necessity of publishing certificates of cures. In fact, so far as can be as certained, it has cured, or ia fast caring almost all who have used it. and probably no person who has tsken a bottle hut would be willing to give a warm certificate iu its favor, as hundreds have already done without solicitation. O" Pr ce one dollar a bottle. Six bottlea .for five dollars. The usual allowance to the.trade. For sale Wholesale and Retail bv Messrs. PES CUD & JOHNSON, sole Agents for Raleigh. Jan 12. 1848- ' 4 Dr. A. F. Coopers' S pi no-Abdomi nal Supporters. THE Subscribers have on hand a supply of the above valuable supporters, whi'-h are recom me lid ded for all persons, afflicted with muscular debility, Round shoulders, or prolspsusUteri Proff: Mott thinks they are very well adapted for some", varieties of incipient spinal distortions, aa they afford the useful combination of shoulder brace aud Abdominal'supporter, with very decided support to the spinal column. The above braces are recommended by the Physi cians generally, who have seen them, and we have sold a number to citizens of this place, who are high ly pleased with them. A gentleman observed a few days since, that he had been wearing a very celebrated body, brace for some time, and that he would not give one of the above, for fifty such. " They need no puffing as they speak for them selves." PLSCUD &. JOHNSON. O The above Supporter is an improvement on Dr.E. Crains celebrated Spino-Abdominal Supporter. Jan. U, 1B4S. (Standard.) 4 OXFORD HOTEL OXFORD, IV. C. THE Subscriber, having purchased this well known Establishment, immediately in front of the Court House, hereby gives uolice to his friends and the public, that he is now fully prepared to entertain all those who may favor him with a call. He deems it useless to say more, than that the whole will soon undergo such repairs as are needed ; and that his best efforts will be employed to make every department what it should be. He invites a call from the old patrons of this House, as this is the only mode by which they cau judge correctly of its character. Boarders will be received by the day, week, month or year ; and his charges shall not be extravagant. WESLEY VV. YOUNG. Oxford, Jan. 4. 1818. 4 3t DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. QTTIHE late Firm existing iu yiis City, under the iiJtn title of RxEDca & LougeE, has been dissolved by mutual consent. All persous iudebted to said firm, are requested to muKe immediate payment; aud all persons, having claims agaiust the same, will present them for settlement. FRANCIS H. REEDER, . WILLIAM J. LOUGEE. Raleigh, Jan. 12, 1848. THE BUSINESS CONTINUED. T ltib Subscriber would respectfully inform the Citizens of Raleigh, and the Public irenerallv. that he will continue the Business at the Old inland, where there may be round a general assortment of TIN, COPPER, AND SIIKKMRON WARE, ror sale, Wholesale and Retail ; together with eve. ry other artyle usually kept id their line of trade. Tiu, Copper and Sheet-lrou work of everv descrin tiou, executed with neatness aud despatch. 'Houses Covered, ana narramea not to leak. All orders from a distance wiil be attended to with promptness and fidelity. WILLIAM J LOUGEE, Pretty Row. Opposite Ouvaa's. Raleigh. Jan. 12, 184A 4 3l R. ROOT'S BRAZILIAN HAIR CURLING LIQUip, a preparation winch will cause the Hair to curl most beautifully, and is warranted not to injure it iu the least, thus dispensing with the curling irons, which injure the nair so much. ' The immense demand for the fluid and the repeat ed testimonials, which we have received f rom Ladies in Raleigh who are using it, enable us to recommend it with confidence. Call and get a Bottle at PESCUD& JOHNSON'S Drug Store. Jan. 12, 1848. faitandard.1 . a F AlttlLY FLOUR A fresh supply, and PECK & SON. 4 3t of superior quality. WILL: Raleigh, Jan. 15. Oils POLISH. TTF you wish your Boots and Shoes, or Haraeae Oil K7i cal get a cancer of Oil Polish, price 25 cents, and warranted to give sat isfaction. PESCUD & JOHNSON. Jan. 12. (Standard.); ,4 SEGARS AllD TOBACCO. rE are in receipt of V lot of sDlendld Ci- V gars of various brandsand Iwn rm nf fine chewing Tobacco, to which we invite the atten tiou of those who indulge in such luxuries. PESCUD & JOHNSON. Jan. 12. Standard. ..',? ' at war 5V w .1 ifcs 2 t " , MM 4 aux ay 1'f - By the James ' River aud Chesapeake Bay Via Pe- v Urtburg, Norfolk, Baltimore ana-jrnua-;.-. delphial to New York. ;;.i- PASSENGERS Bythis Line leave Weldos and Gasfon every night for Petersburg, via Peters burg and Roanoke Rail Road 4f.?3 From thence daily at 15 minutes before 7-A. Mn forCity PolnU 1 1 tr 4 : ' ' . V From thence they take one of the fast James Ri ver Steamers for Norfolk, reaching there at 3 P. M. Thence "up the ! Chesapeake Bay in one of the Steamers (built for the' rotate) that are so favorably known for thejr strength and comfortable arrange ments. ' v" y . . The Steamers of this Line hae been put in first rate order, for the running of the Schedule required to transpoi- the Northern aud Southern Mail. ICr Bear in mind, this is the " Great U. S Mail Line," a'nd at the reduced rates, passengers will save money,' and certainly bave more comfort by this Line, less loss of sleep, apd fewer changes or person and baggage. ? Fare from Weldou to Baltimore, $8 00 . Norfolk, 4 00 For Tickets, apply to Wat. M. Moodt, Jr., Agent, Vyeldon, N.C. Fare from Gaston to Baltimore, 9 00 ; Norfolk, 4 00 For Tickets, apply to C. C. Pogh, Esq , Agent, Gaston, N. C. , . , Passengers pettiue through Tickets are allowed to stop at any point on the route, and resume their trip when they may be ready. ..... m m m ss. V a A WM M. MUUUi , jr. Agenu Office James River and Bay Line, Weldou, N. C, Dec. 2 1st, 1847. Dec. 20. 1847. . 1 tf Florida .Uind Sales, WILL be olTered for sale, at Auction, on the 7th day of March. 1848, at the County Site of Benton County, East Florida, several Tracts of Land, in Township 21, Range 19, and in I ownsnip 24. Kaon 21. On tUe 14th day of March at the Court House of Marion County, sundry Tracts in Township 13 Range 20. 13, " 31. 14, ' 21. 14, " 22. At Madison Court House, 00 Thursday, the 23d 1 M arcn . Section. The8Elof 23, Township S. 1. 1 1. Is Is 1, Range E. 7. V. 7. 7. 8. 9.. BWof N W 4, of N E of E i of W i of 24, 25,. 26', I. 6, At Jefferson Court House, on Monday the 27ih March : . S. The E itfN VV of 13, " E iof 8 W i of 13, " W of.N E i of 14, " W iofS E of 14, " 8 J of 31, " N E of 6, " E of N VV i of 6, T. R. 1 8, 5 E. 1, 5. . 1, 5. 1. 5, 1, " 5. 2, 6. 2, 6. Tesms. Qne-lounh cash the balance in three equal annual instalments, with interest in advance Or, if any purchaser should prefer to pay all cash, five per cent will be deducted from the credit instal ments. Lists of the particular Tracts can be had. by apply ing to any of the Post Masfers in Benton, or Msrion County ; or they will be furnished if applied for by letter, ost fai, addressed to The Stats Rkuis- Txa at Tallahassee, Florida." JOHN BEARD, Register of Public Lands for the Stale of Florida. Tsllahassee, Nov 8, 1847, 96 ts A Valuable Plantation for Sale. 0N Wednesday the 26lh of January, 1848, if not lJf sold privately before, I shall expose to Public Sale, on the premises two miles from my residence and five mites south of Littleton Depot, eleven hun dred of acres of Laud, known as the Brauch planta tion. One half iu woods well timbered with offk and a considerable portion of the other, under good fences, and productive in the staples of the country In addition to the advantages of a healthy location, pleasant neighborhood, fiue water and a good site for a mill on a constant stream, the location is consid ered desirable on account of the outlet for a conve nient aod extensive stock farm. The improvements consist of a Gin house and Screw, Overseer's house, Negro houses, Sec. Per sons wishing to examine the land before day of sale will call on Col. A. M. Johnson, Edward Kearny, Esq. or the subscriber. . Paymeutone and two years. THOS. W. HARRISS, Near Littleton, N. C. Dec 24, 1847. N 104 TO PK1NTER& fZTXHE Proprietor of the ' Randolph Herald," be feJo ing desirous of devoting his whole attention to other business, offers for sale the Press on which said paper is now primed together with the Type. Csses, stands, and all other fixtures thereto belonging. J be Press is a Kamage. and the types (Bourgeois) are Dearly all new ' The good will of the'paper may be inferred, when it ia stated, that the consumption of psper is about 1 ream per week The whole will be sold at the very low price of ou. it will only be transferred to W big hands, on the condition, too, that the Press shall not be taken from the County for one year at least. Any practical printer of respectable talents and siodious habits, can. by prudent management, clear $500 per atnum. The Whigstof the C.iunty have handsomely supported a paper for a number of years; Any person wishing to purchase must make ap plication soon, as the present volume will be com plete iu the early part of next 8pring . Any further information can be bad by addressing the proprietor, post paid. Exchanges of the Herald" copying the above will confer a favor. R.D.BROWN. December 27, 1847. 104 Raleigh Livery Stable! THE SUBSCRIBERS having ren ted the Stables, recently occupied by Mr. Buffalo and thoroughly repaired and refitted them ; and, having furnish ed the Establishment with ai entirely new: 80DDlv , Of CltlUOta. Rnnarn Hoeses, (both Saddle and Harness.) and having also engaged experienced and careful Drivers, well ac quainted with the different Roads, and stopping houses thioughout the State, are now prepared to at tend to all calls in their liue. -, The Stables are located in a very central position, and some one will always be fonnd there, at all hours of the day and night, to attend to orders - - Horses will be boarded by the day, week; month or year at the most moderate prices ' ; Drovers visiting Raleigh with Horses to dispose of, will find these Stables conveniently located fen that purpose ; and every attention will be given to pro mete their yiewsl s- JAMES M HARRISS, r ! JOHNR. HARRISON. Raleigh. Jan. 6. 1848. V 2 If Camp sLife of a Volunteer. A Cam paign inM exico, or Glimpses at life iu Camp, by MOoe who has seen the Elephant," this 1 day re ceived at the North Carolina Boookstore by II. D. TURNER. Raleigh, Dec. 10, 1847. 101 r m -m - - - v '4 HE DVxtSession ofHhui Institotiou will rnenee on'Moudiy.'the lOtb Jaauary ensaiog. 1- r : J A . r I .-'-, J"-. . very liberal patiuagextBde4 toBii5 the ipreaeot year :tlsaV' IXCriMIIW .j,n 41 yc vuumhU W. vvvsw. to thMe wbo maybe rusted advautaseaof a horoogn and "accomphahed Ednca- The-Terms axe'aa follows, ; per session of fiey mouths : .... ..j , ; ; - Board, v,' ' . . i -,. ;.. , English Tuition, f k' French, '&h'-t''rf-'' Music; i Use of Instrument,:ifrr'V. lea m in. an4 HBIIttmfr . . i $50 00 12 50 10 00 SO 00 a 00 10 00 No extra charges wHI be.made, ? Books, Stationf ary, &c, furnished at the Uwest retail pricea., . It ia particularly desired, that etery Pupif ahpuld be pesent at the openipg ef theSession.wherj Studies are arranged and Classes formed. All articles of Clothing must be markedith the owner's name in full. ' ' s" ' A- f 1 ' "-' ' ' I beg leave td refer; to my friends, and nameroua acquaintances in thia Stated and Virginia.; among others, to the following : Hon. Jno. Y. Masoh,' Wash ington; Hon. Arcb. Atkinson VVm. Baskertrill, VirginiaHonJno. HBryau, George W MoIecai, Raleigk, Col. Joshna- Tayloe; .WashiBgten,-N: C, Hon. David Outlaw,: Wm. T, frutton. Esq., n Bertie, Jas. S 1 Battle, Esq., Rocky Mount, Wn. Plhmmer, Jno. SpmerviUe, Wm. Eaton, J , Esqrs , Warrentour . I. . , . DANIEL TURNER. ; Warrenton. Dec. 2- 1847. J 4 . . 1 98. NORTH CAROLINA FANCY STORE Of i G. '"Wi & C. GRriTIiTIE. HAVING opened agaig an entirely new and beautiful assbrtmeut of Goods," we are now prepared to offer to the public a very extensive col lection of articles not kept generally in one Store alone. Being determined to sell low, to effect quick sates, and give to our'cuslomers as great bargains as any Store can offer, we would respectfully solicit the contiuuance of favors, as we shall endeavor to give entire satisfaction to all who will be pleased to examiue. the Stock, consisting of; Confectionary, Groceries, French, German and English Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Musical Instruments, Per fumery, Crockery, Dry Goods, Jew ellry, and Toys : Confectionary: French Candy assorted, best refined Candy. Rock Candy, Chocolate, Raisins, Figs, Prunes Currents, Dales, Citron, Almonds, Palmnuts, Filberts, Wah and CocoaWats, Nutmegs, MaceJ Cinnamon, Spice, etc i Fruit Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Lemons, Northern Apples. , Segars: Manilla. Justo Sanz, Talla, Jfepiter, Rionda, Havanna, Regalia, Plantation, Havana La dies' Senate, Smoking Tobacco, Chewing Tobacco, Mrs Miller's Snuff.-. , Preserves, Jellies, Pickles, Sau- r ces, Syrup, Brandy Fruit, a larg and choice assortment. ,. . Groceries: Loaf, Crushed and Brown Sugar, Molasses Coffee and Tea, different qualities, Cas tile, variegated, White and Brdwn Soap, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Oils, Cheese, Pine Apple Cheese, etc. . Bakery : Butler, Water, 8ogar, Soda Crack-: era, Pilot Bread and Richmond Cakes. j Fancy Goods: Writing Desks. Fancy V'ork Boxes, Artificial Flowers, t'ard Cases, Money Purses, j Pocket Books, Travellintz Bags, Baskets. Dressing' and Fine Combs, Pins, Needles, Thread, Buttons, Matches. Shaving Utensils, Looking Glasses. Cloth, ; Hat, Teeth, Hair, Shoe and small Painting Brushes, Walking Canes, Whips, Cowhides, Patent and Common Fish Hooks, Flower Vases, Painted Mugs, Tumblers, Tspers, Slates, Smoking Pipes, Coffee Mills, SteelyardsPatent Balances, Waiters, Clocks, Spoons, Tacks, Razor Straps. Cutlery: Rodger's Pocket Pen Knives and Razors, Knives and Forks, Scissors, Dirks, Pistols, Guns, Percussion Caps, Tubes, Powder Flasks, Shot-bells, Bird-bags. Musical Instruments:-Violins,' Bows, Strings, Bridges, Screws, Guitars, Flageolets, Flutes, Fifes, Accordions, etc. Perfumery :Cologne, genuine ; Macassar, Bear and Antique Oil, Floating, Almond, Palm and other perfumed Soap j Chalk-balls and Pink Saucers. Crockery : Tea Setts, Cup and ; Saucers, Pitchers, Bowls, Plates, Dishes, Wash Basins, Cof fee Pots, etc. v - Dry Goods: Calicoes, Caseinets, Cashmeres, Vestings. Merino,-. Handkerchiefs, hhawUjs Hose, Gloves, Bleached and Brown Shirting, snaburg, Flannels, Kersey, Linsey, Muslin, Linnen, etc , Jewelry of Gold, Silver and Pinchbeck, Watch holders. Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Pencils. Pens, Finger Rings. Thimbles, Metal Combs, Watch Keys, Fob Chains, Gvpsum and other Beads, assorted.' ' " Toys: A large and choice supply of Magic Lanterns, China, Pewter and 'Wooden Tea Setts, Dressed and Undressed Dolls. Paint Boxes, Carpen ter's Tools, Harps, and a variety, of Famy Toys. . CHR. GRIMME, Firm of G. W.dc C. Grtmxx, Second door from Mr? R. Smith. Raleigh, Jan 10, 1848; ' tf NEW COPARTNERSHIP. A VING connected with me in the Apotreca. bt and Dace business on the' 1st inst. Mr- George B. Jones, a practical Arof HECAnr and Daue- e i st, who has bad charge of my establishment for four months past, the business will hereafter be conducted under the style and firm of Geo. B. Jones & Co. FRANCIS MAJOR. GEORGE B. JONES, dc Co.; AroTHxcAnisa 6c Dauoeirrs, have on hand a full supply of Purs Mksicihxs. Dkcgs, Dt STDrri, Pjuts, Qixb, Brushxs. Soaps, SunoiCAE. 4 Dkhtal Inrrae xkhts, and all other articles usually kept in such establisbnents. which they offer to their friends and the -public st the lowest prices. They call the attention of CousraT Mekchawxs to their Stock, and assure them it shall be regularly replenished to meet their wants. . ' ParsiciANs in the Couhtbt who are in the habit of buying their supplies of Mcdicixe in the NonTH KBir: Cities, will be furnished with articles of un doubted PcaiTT, many of them having been recently impost ed from one of the best Laboratories ia Ehslakd. "Petersburg, January 11, 1848. " 3-w4w QlttGJBR, Pepper, tfpice. Tea, Chockolate, Cocoa, Chewing and rtmoking Tobacco, at? the Auction and Commission Store of ''-.s' I N. B. HUGHES. v ' PICKLES FOB SALE. 1 i IT HAVE mi hand for sale 1000 gallons of elegant XL PICKLES, either in the brine, or ready- for Ta ble use equal, in every respect, to the Pickles pre pared at tbeXNonn. 4Jsca-Alstoivms my Agent in Raleigh, of whom they 'ean be -pfoenreotk rrea sonsblo terms and in quantities to suit pUFchasera". . . . . .DAVID ,M0ORB-;.; Chapel Hill. Jan. 10. ttH . et 3 3 lie Erronof modern Inf IdelitT, illustrated and refuted, bv S. M. a. -ra., a aaw i ne j irsx Liuineraa fJhnrehr Ger mantowu, Penn. Jaal pobl'tshed.' ann lUi. f. r. eeived,by. . H. D. TURNER.' Jaa.MO.1 1848. Atjtbe N.i C. Book Store. ffniie Statesmen ol America, in JS46, U, by Sarah Myttoa Jlanry. , .For Sale at tee N . Store, by H. D. TURNER. Jan 10. - FOR RENT. A small House ia tha Wes tern part of the City. . v j JAMES LJTCHFORD. Jan. 1, 1848. . 104 Ilnvlnff visited New York and Philadep . Dhia for the -purpose of adding to his Miock. cm-,ii2ui!JfePifulIy informa bis friends and the fab. rlic,thathe has; just opened a large and splendid a. "J 1 HaWsBBS S71 I - - - k t ' JEWEtlTY AND Fjllffcir GOQDS, " consisting of Gold and t?ilveir evf :p Watches, A n chor4CyIinders,vVeXticaIVIsca end Steel Guard Chains,' Seals, Keystogether with . large assortreent oP Breast Pins, Fingerllings,! Ear Ringi. Gold and Silver Pencjiahiinbiii;: Medal, lions. Gold ' Hearts and, CrosseW;Cftv :r-;06Mii1erV7-fitlor PerifocatJSpieclacWGlas Eyesbf aHpersonary may be adjusted in any frame, at any notice. . Sifycr 8HvecTable.TeaiPs!ert,Salt aBd Mo tard Spornit, Cadlea, Sugar Tongs, Butter Knives, Silver mounted Cocoa Nuts, Castors, Candle-Sticks, Snuffers snd Trays; Cake Baskets,- Coffee Greenes, Uritsnnia Ware, in setts or single pieces. Silver and Plated Cups. ; . - ' . ' " Mantel Clocks. Gold and Silver mounted Caurs, Chess men. and Backgammon Boards, Scel J'ir.s, Gilt, Steel. Glass and Satin Beads; Jet Cojiib. He gar and Card t'ases, Purses, Chapman's Razor Stra ps; Toilet- Bottles', and Ladies' Toilet Work 'Boxes'- " . . . . PUTLERY. A fine assortment of Rogers' Razors; Pocket and : Pen Knives. Comprising Powder Boxes, ('ologne ai d Lavei df r Waters. Toi!-t Powder, Shaving and Toilet Soaps. Also, Hair, Tooth and Shaving Brushes. ' ITIusIcal Instrnmcitts. 4 5 Spanish Guitars. Violins, Cr'laiirnetsFlutes, Fifes, Gnitar and Violin Strings, Extra Violin Biws,; A c. Watches and Clocks repaired in a furerior stvje. As hie own personal attention will be Iti n to irhjs) department, those persons having anicli sol thikiid to repair, may rely on their being well and faithfully executed. Gojd and Siler manulartuied to ordrr, with neatness and punctuality. Higbest prices given for old Gold and Silver. - Raleigh, Aug. 6, 1847. c , i ;t 3 YOUNG LADIES' SELECT: SCHOOL flHE.exerctses ofthis School will be resumed again ' JL on the 1st Monday in January next, under the care i of the Mieses Partridge, with such assistance as may be necessary for the interest of the' School. Termsiter Session, as rotxows : English Branches, from $7 to $15 00 Latin, ' 10 00 French, . : 8,00 Music on the Plane, with use of ' the Instrument, - 20 00 ' Gaiter, ' - " 10 00 Drawing and Needle Work, 5 00 Painting and Wax Work, each 8 00 Board, washing, fuel and lights, - per mouth, . , .10 00' - Scholars lean xemain through the vacation, free of charge. . 7. ,. 'V Raleigh. Dec..8, 1547. ' 98 Um And Faucy CAK12 BAIiJERY. rpHE SUBSCRIBERS desire to express their ae J. knowledgment to the citizens of Raleigh, for the patronage so liberally extended to . them since their residence among them, and beg leaVe to announce, that they are now prepared to manufacture all kinds of BREAD and CAKES, at the very shortest notice. Their articles are all made of the best Flour to be procured iu the market, and are warranted fresh. They iutend to commence shortly the manufacture of PASTRY, of all kinds. They, will now furnish the following varieties of TJAKE and invite the at tentiou of the public to the list : Sponge Cake, , ; .J, , ::. . -.. ' . . Jelly do ; " . Pound do " :r Tea do : ' " . Butter do ' ' . Ginger Nuts . ' Cream Kisses . . ; . ' Macaroons, &.c :' :'r V:t? 's Also, Ornamental Cakes of every description, for Parties and Entertainments. . .3 ' They continue to bake, daily, Family Loaf Bread, Rolls and Tea Biscuit. ; y- -' " ' ' : f All Orders left at the Bakery, near Yaxborougb's Hotel, will be instantly attended to. NUCKLES ic PATR AM. Raleigh, Dec, 1847. . 99 TO SPORTSMEN. , v Aflw axsss HaarjxjLNtjt JPASJaC B.;Jl60T hMjq receivedJa !fine lot of Guns, Powder, Powder Flasks. Shot Bags, Bird Bags, &c, allbf which will be sold low. C BOOKS, FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON ' EN RY'D. TURN ER would call the attention , of his customers and the Dubhc venerallv. tou his beautiful and varied assortment of splendidly Bound and illustrated Works, in every department off ' Literature, suitable for Presents to old and youngs grave or gay, of which a, personal inspection is re o.uested. . The variety of Bibles and Prayer Books is very extensive, and in all styles of Binding, inclu- ding Morocco, with or wilhoatClasps, Superb Vel- ety usi ;f r-Ji vt?iV?' , v --t ; ' o- s,--, i . In addition to the above, he has a great variety of j Books and Games, suitable for Children. ' Also a larze variety of Fancy Articles. Ace &c TURNER'S N. C. Bookstore, Kaleigh. Dec 16, 1847. 102 BJ" Standard copy. T-t NEW-FlRiXX mt ... frnHE Snbscribera' having associated; themselves V LI together, under the sty le and firm of W I LLS t LFA, for the pnrpose of condoqjiug a General Grocery i Commission and Forwarding Business, res pectlolly tender their services to their friends and th puouc.genejaiiy fiST.,.v. . W c-tore w stand Of Xa & madisorr.. . , ,;V;i'4PETER . IJ. WILLSr f i WlLlAAM. 1A, Jr. 1 7t JfORTH CAROMNA AUOAITACS. f7ALU at ihe North Carolina Bookstore, and gei VL TURNER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMA-. NAO for 184S- This Almanse has been carefully prepared, and is for sale, wholessle and retail, by tv:-vij."'. : r U. TURNER January 1, J848. 104 TATJB OF If OBTH CAROLIPf A. BeaTis ,CouTT.-Court of Pleas 'and l- Qdarter I seaions---xv ovemoer i.erm - i -";?..-. - ""J IVrguVoneGea - fc . Mi : rw - . r mm - T . . Oraiaik.yawnei'i Letieien one Tract ... o Land, suppesed to contain about 100 Mresh ad- jowxng iw uinus oj p. ju. xjmcUl, and ctters. on I , On motion, in open Corrt, it is ordered, that pob- nmueiorair weekavalbe Raleigh ilegis terWllytihah personal appearairce at'fJw Court llotiae In Windsor, oa the ; second Monday j in February next, to show eaa wherefore fiaal Jndgment aiial not be takes agaiaM him, and the property condemned to the use of thef PlaintifTa demand. By order of the Court " -t r JON.S.tAYLOE,Clerkl I Pr. Ad. $5 62$. J 102 6w i : . i r 1- 300 vTsto -inc 5W , ''et "herl he tic Ta' m Du pit see, r ti 6, 1 . Tl n rr. ! A -1