Div Townsend'a Sarsaparilla Tm MOST EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINE - ' ThlsExtraet is pat up in awt bottles ; it is eix times cheaper, pleasentef, and warranted superior to "may sold. IteorafilaeMeiwKaouiTiiaiuiipursuiy, sickening or debilitsting ths patient : The great beauty and superiority of taisSarsapa filla over all other medicine is, while it eradicate die eases, it invigorates lae ooor. , is one oi iu very MI and Winter medicines ever known j it not n!r purifies the whole jsy stem and strengthen the " - person, bat it 'create new, pure and rjch . bloody a power possessed by "no other medicine. And in thia lies the frand secret of its wonderful success.''-. It has performed witata the past two- jears, more loan 33, - U0O cares o( severe eases of diseases at least 20,000 ef these considered incurable. ......,, .-More than 3.000 cases of Chronic Rheumatism 3.000 cases oi xryspepsia : r . - - 4,000 oses of General Debility . and .Want of En ergy . if-.ir Vi , - -A :t . wi"V- v..i 7,000 cases of the different Female Complaints ; - - S,000 eases of Scrofula ; .; i 1.500 cases ef the Liver Complaint ; " ; 3,500 cases of Disease of the Kidneys and Dropsy ; V 8.000 cases of consumption : ; " ? . 1 And thooaands of cases of diseases of the blood, viz : Ulcers, Erjsipelaa, Salt Rheum Pimples on the Face, &C-, c together with numerous ease of Sick Headache, Pain in the Bid and Chest, Spinal Affec- This we are waremnst appear incredible, but we hare Utters from Physicians and oar Agents from all parts of the United States, informing us of extraonli ' nary cures, .R. Vak Bcf!:, Esq.. one of the most respectable Druggist in. Newaifc, N. J -in- forms os tnat no can reier to more man iou cases in that place alone. There are thousands of cases in the City of New Yqxkvwhtch we will refer to with filestore and to men of character. Itis the, best medicine for the prevention of. disease known. It undoubtedly saved the fires M more than .000 CHILDREN THE PAST SEASON I AS Ik ICUIUW 4UO Hun VI uawu, . than for ih Summer season. .It has never been it ' known to injure in the least the most delicate child. 1 - rHv ; RHEUMATISJT, ThU 8amparilla is used with -the most perfect :n Dtianmiilontmnlimtt howerer serere or '. f : .shronjV- r The astonishing cures it has performed are , 4 iwMwta 11 in m Tan-- r - V VW I.tl wtmUrfiil. Other remedies sometimes cive I temporary relief this entirely eradicates it from the iim. MMiBn9,ini itmos ana buuh i utcu- nflw mwmti1mn . Hear Mr 8ethVTerry, one of the eldest and mn 1-Mtww.tahIe lawvera in Hartford. Conn. The fblloWinir is an extract of a letter recived from him : Dr. Towntend-l have used one bottle of your ' SarsaparilU, and find it is excellent in its eflecU up on a Chronic, Rheumatic pain, to which I am sub ject," from an injury occasioned several years ago, in a onhlifi stare. Please send me two bottles to the ears of Dr. Sevmoor. I have coo versed with two of ... nr:n.;n.l nhTaieiana. and recommend your SaTs- apanlla.. ... . 8ETH TERRY. Hartford, March 12, 1845. . , CONSUMPTION CURED. CcTWt and Strengthen. Cotstimplion can be .cured. Bronchitu, Conawnption, Liver Com Colds, Coughs. Mthma, Spitting ef te0 Soreness in the Chest, Hcette flush, JWght ' Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Kxpectoral ion ,Pain in the sid,l(CnaBe tern and canbe cured. Dr. Townsend-DeO Sir: Nearly twenty years ago I took a violent eoM, which settled on my lungs, and sdSected me severely indeed, finally, it became a con stant hacking cough, but not so severe as to prevent me" from attending to my business within . the last few years it increased on me gradually. i At last I became reduced breathed with difficulty, and raised with my cough, much bad matter, and for' the last nine months previous to , using your oarsaparuia, had tezular night sweats ; indeed, my friends and Byaelf supposed that I woukl die with the Consump- R tHi i nut I nave we nappinesa wiuiurui juu ui. to my surprise, after W Rr5iru rills. I find ray health restored. It relieved me gradually, and I am . now enjoying much better health than I have before in 26 years. I had almost entirely lost my appetite," which is also returned. You are at liWrty 10 publish this with my name in the papers. If yon choose.. My little girl, whe is three years oil had a Tery bad cough the whole of last Winter. We became very mach alarmed en her account While using the medicine, I gave her some of it, and it soon en tirely relieved her, ee well as myself, aud she Is well now, and hearty as any chikl I ever saw. She was also fall ef little blotches : it look them away and her akin ; is smooth and fair now and I am satisfied she recovered her health from using your excellent m ed ict oe . - . . " - 8..W. CONANTi ; 444 Bowery, x OIRLS, READ THIS. ' Yea who have pale complexions, dull eyes, blotch es ea the face, reach skin, and are "out of spirits," use a bottle er two ef Dr. ' Towcsend's SarsapariJla. It will cleanse your blood, remove the freckels and blotches.' and gis you Aatmatioo, sparkli;ig eyes, fine spirits, and beautiful.cemplexions all of which ere of immense value to uamarrtea lauies. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE Dr.Townsend a Sarsapanlla is a sovereign, and MMkW cnr for Inetnient Consumntion. Birmnnm I Laucorrhma . or Whites." Obstructed or difficult Al.n. struatiou. Incontinence of Urine, or invoIunUrr dis- hr threor. and for tne reneral frostration nFthm I . . I Um m mm hA matter whether the reanft f inK.n, . 7 cause, pr produced by irregularity, illness or scctdenL I Nothing can be more eurprisinf than iu invigorat- ing efiecta on the human trame. Persons, all weax ness and lassitude, from taking it, at once become robust and full of energy under its influence. It im. xaediataly counteracts the nervelessness of the female frame, which is the great cause of barrenness It wiUnotbesxpectedofi,in cases of so delicate a nature, to , sxhibil certificates of urea performed, but we can assure the afflicted, that hundreds of esses have been reported to os. . Several cases where .families have beeo-without children; after using a few bottles of this Invaluable medicine, nave been Messed with healthy offspring. . r s - Dr.. Tawnsend My wifh being greatly distressed bv weakness and General Debility, and suffering cootiaaally by pain and a sensation of bearing down. ratlins ot the womb, and wun otner dimcuities, ana laving Known cases wners your roeaicme ou ruto ted ereat enres. and also hearinz it recommended for " I CC. inrli mmb mm I km .kriK.l obtained a houleof waar Eiiih rJ s.rMnarilla. and followed me at- reerlona nn nM . In a ahort netiod U removed her cemolaints and restored her health. Being grateful for the benefit aha received, 4 wo t-- . u.u. ' . i , .l..,Ar. .n ik... acknowledine It andVreWTtmaouios ue rTT, . r'r Corner Grand and Lydkis-sts. Albany,'Aug. l7 IWTI ; , ... ' ,1. "X Trv mr Vur os AKD MARRIED LADIES. ruVZl of SsrsaparUIa baa been espiessly t s Wfareace to-wnaaie complaints. Ho female who has reason to suppose she is wroaching thatcfiucal period.-lha tern of life should neglect , .v. Jt. ml IS a certain provwoiua iw wi theamerous and nomwe tuseasea wuicoioraae artTabiectntthiatma ThE, period mayjbe w - ... r. l- r l.l deUedaeverat years oj uwuj w Im it teas valoableJot those approeeouig wootannooa, as u eatcataiea tp atstst nmiw vj .-.-wiujiw Mead and inimrilrT ilia systrrru - Indeed, this vnedioine is Tinvatuablq Jot all the mseases to wenaen are. subweL' v ; : . ' ' " " ' v which ' lt-taaees the wnola system, renews permanenuy jhe hataral eQsrries bv removing ibe impuritiea el a m . - ' - . S . . roaacear-' nuaaCralaiation, woKors tne case oti tn,C ;aa.,taVr. I. Cf t-.-vi i ,-.v.;4-'-': .i stiaaase - SCROIU C A CURED proves that this Jai- aaoenlla has mrfeet control over the. most osunare diseases oi the bkxxU Three , persons cured in. one boose is unprecedented. v - - , :, . . . T H R K K LHiLUHt.l... . n k-,:;-.n.- r s;r . I hn the pleasure to inform too that three of my children bate been curea rtk .mruL iImdm ofcKirexceJlentmedicme. Ar vttewsM-vhi wm - - Tk. r .fflKwf Air Mverelr with bad sores 1 1 tare taken only rfour boulea ; it took Uiemay, for wntcn l feel royseuunuer of' Bwy. .;-r j-. flours, respeciiaiir, - ltT - - . ISAAC W. CRAIN.106 Woostestv new tvu, waivu a - . . - . .v.V. -OPINIONS OiT PHYSICIANS ' X fir. Towniend is. almost', daily receiving orders from Physicians in diflerent parts of the Union. . Thi is to certify that we the undersizned, Pbysi- cians of the City of Albany, nave in numerous cases preSCriOOQ J wwmmvi u.iwjiaiuia fuu wcub.s it to be one oi tne mun musoia preparaiiuns iu iue maxkeU ' V n. f. f ULilINU, M. D. ,-t , -v .v v J WILSON M. D. ' t- " ' : .i - , Ri P- BRIDGES, M- D. .,- ; : r p. E ELMENDORF, M. D. Albany. April 1,1846. - ' VZ."'"' UNITED STATES OFFICER. ' ' Cant. G-" W. McLean. on of ib United Stales Marine Corp! andrfnernber of the New Jersey Leg-1 -TUKSUANT to an Aet of AMembly,a Lompa ialature. has kindly sent us the following certificate. I Py has been formed in this State; under the . icus us own story. . ' - . . ;v ; -t -; J . 'r-i-.'JfaAtcay, Jam. 29, 19J. i A year, since I was taken with the Infinenza, and my whole system left in a debilitated state.- I was, induced to trr.Ur. Townsetid s aarsapariua, and after taking two or . three bodies, J , was very muc relieved, and attribute tt entirety, to toe sam Sarsaparilta ., IeVave contiooa taking- it, and find that I improve evenr day. .1 believe it saved my life. and would aot be without it under anycousideration. t . t. G. W.MCLEAW. . . " X DYSPEPSIA. ' No fluid or medicine Las ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva, in decomposing food and strengthening the organs ol digestion, as tuis preparation oi oarsapanua. It positively cures every, case of ' dyspepsia," however I severe or chronic . 1 Bank Department. JMany May 10, 1345. Dr. Towruend: Sir I have been sfflicted for several years whh Dyspepsia in its wont forms, at tended with soreness of stomach, loss of appetite, ex treme heart-burn, and a great aversion to all kinds of 1 food, and for weeks what I could eat) I have been w w u v unable to retain but a small portion en my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but tbey bad tittle ox no effect in' removing the complaint. ' I was induced, about two months since, to try your extract ol. aar- saparilla, and I must say with little confidence; bat after using nearly two bottles,- I found my appetite restored, and ihe heart-burn entirely removed ; and J would earnestly recommend the use of it to these who have been afflicted as I have been . ' Yours, &e. - W. W. VAN ZANDT. Principal Office, 126 Fulton s;reet, Sun Building. N- Y. -Redding &' Co., 8 State street, Bosien Dyott& Sons, 132 North 2l street, Philadelphia S. S. Hance, Druzeist, Balitmore P. M. Cohen, Charleston Wright & Co., 158 Chartres street, N. O 105 Sootb Pearl street, Albany and by all the principal Druinrisis and Merchants generally through out the United States, West Indies and- the Canadas. For Sale in Raleigh, by WILLIAMS. HAY WOOD & CO. October 18. 1847. 84 ly If ATIOi A L LOAM F UiI LIFE ASSCINCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. ' A Savings Bank for the benefit of th$ Widow aod the Orphan." (XXFOWIRXB It ACT OF FAIIUAXXHT.) Capitai., 500,000 sterling, or 82,500,000. Beside a reserve fund (from surplus premiums) of aooui 81B9,WU. T.LAMIB MURRAY, Esq, George st. Hano- ver square, uaairman oj tne uourt oj Lft rectors, in London. Physician I. ELLIOTSON, M. D F. R. S. m . ,T . a u wrnt umftjp i c. n Secretary T. F. CAMROUA, Esq. LhiHlS INSTITUTION embraces Imoortant anl -ii-. ... . : . 4JL subsUntial advantagea with respect to Life As. sursnces and deferred annuities.. The assured has, on all occasions, the power to borrow, without ex pense or- forfeiture of the policy, two-thirds of the piemiums paid ; also the option of selecting ben efits, and the conversion of his interests to meet oth er convenience or necessity. A isu ranees for terms of years at the lowest possi ble rates. Persons insured for life, can, at once, borrow half the amount of annual 'premium for. five successive years, on their own note aod deposite of pglicy. Past or the Capital is rxaxAaisTLT iirrxs. ted in the United States, in the . names of three of the Local Directors as Trustees available always to the assured in case of disputed claims (should anv such arM) or otherwise. , . I he payment of premiums, half-yearly, or quar terly, at a trifling advance upon the annual rate. No charge for stamp-doty. , Thirty day a allowed after each payment of premi um becomes due, without forfeiture of policy. 1 ravelling leave extensive and liberal, and extra premiums on the most moderate scale. Dtvisios or PaoriTs. The remarkable success snd increased prosperity of the Society has enabled the Directors, at thejast annual investigation, to de clare a fourth bonus, varying from 35 lo 85 per ct. on the premiums paid on each policy effected on the profit scale ' Uwitsp States Boabb o Locai ,DrECTOas. Chief Office tin Amerira, 74 Wall st) JV. York, I I f . c L . . I LJ I . . . scoo narwey, q- nurmvTt , juuu . uici. - ., - - , n r Xil .JOOSiaan UO.-UUUe, osq. James nwrmwi, Georga Barclay, Esq Samuel 8. Howland, Esq., GJ A. Worth, Esq.-, Samuel M. Fox, Esq., w imam van nooa, iq, iou uu" wwi, i'AiZarfeDAia Clement u. Biuaie, esq., uoois a . z. . . " M . .. - V. Rode. Emt. Gtorce Rex Ursbsm, Iq WiUism- Janesl Esa - tT;mr! Jonstnan jviereuiin Ausq., oimuei . . . ... .... a HofTman. Esa Dr J. H. McCullob. , . Leander Surr, UeoeraiAgem, anu r.uwaru . i . - . . . Richardson. Esq.. uenerai flccounior iao uni uA States and British N. A ..Colonies. Medical Examiners, Mew tort J . Kearny Kod- eers. M. D. 1 10 Bleecfcer-st ; Alexander C. Hosack. M. D.101 xransun-a o..o. xxeene, ia, u., zsu Fourth-et. - (Medical Examiners attend A 74 Wall-st. and No. (34 Bowery at . 3 e clock l M. daily. Fee paid y the oociety.r ' :".. Standing Uounsti wniism Van Hook, Esq. 39 Wall-su" ' . .BanAws-rThe Merchant's Bank. Soei0r John Hone. Esq. 11 Pine-sL .CasAicrHenry E. Cuilip, Esq. An Act in respect to insurance for lirts for the benefit of married women, passed by theLcgislature of New York, 1st April, 1840. . f : PampbleU, blsnk forms, table of rates. lists of A. gents, 4-c. fee. obtained at the Chief Office 74 Wall. at,l34 Bowery, or from either of the Agents through out the United States, and British North American Colonies. . J - ' ;,- ' . . ,r, :--; I V .GEORGE LITTLE, Agent. R. B. Hatwoob, Medical Examiner. Raleigh. : " MarchM.1847, : .... . .4. - s i .tapu iieary VTtmpaicn Sketches I Hp of the AVar In aXexI?0, with eogrn --a . - mrm . - . J vuigs, um ay lacerveu sy - a. D..TCRNER I , - t m n ' yie loi. 38 ft11aTfb IMyer, and other Poems. VU by John Steinfort Kidney. Fleit - H. D.TURNER'S N C Bookstore. Dee. 4th. 1847 , ... - .rwer. (P,81 f Tooind Vi 7 WrtPDinf Paner A mn M. 1 -j Wax and Wafers. Dee. 28. nu.nyutiC3.V 103 TO TKAVELIiERS it 'TRAVELLERS "guing North. are advised that I their most expeditious, comfortable and only car- titin route, t bv the Rail lload Aane yia reiruuB, Ri1imnnd ad Washington 1 Travellers by this line reach Washington at 4 P, if. iK 'after leavies Gaston, Baltimore at 7 P M" Vhii.clelDhia in the course of the nightand New York at 12 M. the next day being rhua a bunnu mxA tit thm lames River and Bay Line, even when the Boat connect; and avoiding all the risk of Sea iickneu, fogeand Storms fry tne Day... .Through Tickets from. Petersburg' to Balumore, For farther information, appiy ai f-eiersevrs- the Ticket Agent of the Richmond and ..Petersburg Rail Road.-'s vir " January It;i848.-.- v;7;3m v , Oiq'IlCAROLI.IA Mutual Insurance Tm. an j .tvle of the North Carolina Mutual in surance Company ,', and iaow fully organised, by the sppointmeni ot xne toiiowinjj unucci, JOSIAH O. WATSON. President, , , ALBERT STITH. Vice-President, ' RICHARD 8MlTH,Tressurer, l. THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, 9 CHARLES MANLY,' Attorney, : RICHARD SMITH,' l Executive Com ALBERT STITH, -! - ' WESTON R. GALES,' ' The Company is now prepared to receive applies ttons for Insurance), end to issue Policieson the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company ia author ixed to take risks on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops snd other buildings, Furniture,. Mercrjendixe, snj otaer oroDertv. airainst loss or damagevby Fire. The Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brkk'Building.recenUy occupied by Mr, B. B. Smith, at the coiner pi rayeitevme ana nar QStt Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will le cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. .-(!'.. ? . - K'aleigh, January 15, 1847 5 tf Compound Syrup of Naptha. kot only A FoerrrvE but wAaaAirran cuaa roa. C0.VS0MPT1OW AND A IX OTiyca PISXASKS ": OrTH LCNGS! Iff. A. F. Ifarrison, 14T Greenwich Street, New York, . SOLE AMERICAN AGENT. THIS medicine has decided tbe'diapute about the curability of Consumption ; and satisfied the medical Facnlty, and all who have used it, that Consump tion and all afflictions of the longs cannot only be cured, but they are . as easily .'and as simply cored as almost any ef the disorders to which the human frame is liable. The operation of t single bottle -which costs bat one dollar is sufficient to satisfy any pa tient, if not altogether loo far eone in the disease, of this fact ; and even a single dose give evidence of its extraordinary influences, in arresting, and eradi cating the malady, by the immediate relief which it affords.. This is no quack or secret remedy. Dr. Hastings, its discoverer, is one of the raot eminent physicians of the age, and has made a full disclo sure of its history and all its component parts to the world; not wishing to incur the responsibility of con fining to himself (for the sake of profit) a seerrt which was calcutaud to do such. universal-good. And such have been the wonderful rs ts of Hs'n'pj erations that the London Lancet, , Medical Times and the most eminent pbxaiclans of both hemispheres are anxiously calling opon sufferers to have imme diate recourse to it, end proclaiming that of all known mediciues it alone has positivelyvetabKshed its effi cacy by undeniable proofs of curing Consumption and a'.l other diseases of the lungs. ' The great celebrity of Hastings Compounp Sts vt or NArrnA, obviates the necessity of publishing certificates of cures; In fact, so far as cau be. as certained, it has. cured, or is fast curing almost all who have u?ed it, and probably no. person who has taken a bottle but would be williug to give a warm certificate in its( favor,' as hundreds have already done without solicitation. '.' U Price one dollar a bottle. , Six bottles for five dollars. The usual allowance to -the trade. - For sale Wholesale and Retail bv Messrs. PES- CUD & JOHNSON, sole agents for Raleigh. Jan , 12, 1848.- t . - T -. - 4 Dr. - A, F. Coopers'. Spluo-Abdoml- nal Supporters. THE Subscribers have on hand a supply of the above valuable supporters, which are recommend ded for all persons, afflicted with muscular debility, Round shoulders. or prolapsus Uteri ProfF: Mott thinks they are very well adapted for some varieties of incipient spinal distortions, as they afford the useful combination of shoulder brace and Abdominal supporter, witu very decided support to the spinal column. The above braces are recommended by the Physi cians generally, who have sen therusnd we have sold a number to citizens of this place, who are high- I v r ! a hA nrith them. A gentleman observed a few days since, that. he had been wearing a very celebrated body brace" for some time', and tnat he would not give one of the above, for fifty such. ' "They need no puffing as they speak for them selves." r PESCUD & JOHNSON. 07 The above Supporter is an' improvement on Dr.E.CaiNs celebrated Spino-Abdominal Supporter. Jan. )2, 1848.' (Standard.) - - .4 R?ROBT'S BRAZILIAN HAIR CURLING LIQUID, a preparation which will cause the Hair to curl most beautifully, aod is warranted not to injure it in the 'least, thus dispensing with the curling irons, which injure the hair so' much. - . - The immense demand for the fluid and the repeat ed testimonials, which we' have received from Ladies in Raleigh who are using it, enable us to recommend it with confidence: ' Call and get a Bottle at PESCUD & JOHNSON'S Drug Store. Jan. 12, 1848. ; ! Standard. 4 FAITIILY FLOUR. A fresh supply, and of superior quality. - - - - ; v . . WILL: PECK & SON. - .v. V " 4 3t Raleigh, Jan. 15. I Oil, POLISH. ; F you wish your Boote and Shoes, or Ifarness polished and preserved, call and get a canister of Oil Polish, price 25 ceuts, and warranted to give sat isfaction. , t ... : PESCUD & JOHNSON. Jsn. 12. y (Standard) : V ; - 4 S EG AUS Alt I TTOB ACC6. 9 m rectipv 01 ,,.ioir oi spjenUlU VI- gars of various brands, and two cases of Verv fiue chewing Tobacco, to which, we iuvite the atten tion of those who indulge in such luxuries. - -. ; i ' " PESCUO &. JOHNSON.. Jan, 12. : ' Standard) t 4 i f COMMISSION j-ANlT; AUCTION .BUSINESS. TITpR home producVseht us to sell, such as'fia IP - Con. Flour, fut ,'t warrant the highest City prices, and prompt returns of sales. We prom, ise the, same of any other, article sent in our Uue. whether foreign' or domestic -", , :Zri WILL: PECK eSOX: Raleigh; Jan. 28, 1S43. . . 6 m '' TTIxesli Iliee to hand. . . s :( IT ; r- ' ; WILUPECK SON..; Raleigh, Jan. 86, 1848. . - . ' , ; 7 2. . TVTEAR the Episcopal Church, on Sunday last; a JLNI Gold BREAST PIN, set with a atone. - The owoev can have it, by applying at this.' Office, and paving for the AdverascmenUi v : ' , Jan. 25, 1848, j ! . , 7 St US: MAIL, LINE! . . . . r , - r. By the Jamtk i River aud Chesapeake Bay 'Via Pe ' ' ddvhioi to ,Neur-YoTlu-;4;& Tpnk eorvnrPS h this Uue leave Weldoa and LIT Gaston every night for Petersburg; via Teters- Durgaoa noanoao . - ,' , ' nr' - From thence daily al 15 mmues before .7. AM. ' for City Pointy :': 'tfiti From tberice they take one of the fast James Ki- C. rAV Nnrfolk. reachiner there at 3 lr M . Thence up the Chesapeake Bay tn one of the Steamers (built for tne rome; "'-7 known for their-strengin wbwim , The Steamers of this Line have been put rale order, for the running of the Schedule required to transport the Northern and Southern MaiL : J. VET Bear in mfud, this Is the Great U. Mail Linerw and at the reduced rates, passengers wOl save moneyand certainly .have , mora; comfort by this Line less loss of sleep, and fewer changes of person and baggage. -v..-;.,-. , f:J 'JA:'.. " Fare from Weldon to Baltimore i 'r: 9 00 - ti . tt- .Norfolk: i,s'V. . 4 00 : For Tickets, apply to Wat. M. Mbonr, JrV Agent, tveioon, v. v-v. : ; t r... .. rz, Fare from Gaston to Baltimore, w - - ;r Norfolk, , ; - ;4 00 For Tickets, spply to C. C. Puoh, Esq., Agent, Gaston, N. C. ; ' " ', ', " , Panenirers crettin through Tickets are allowed to stop at any point' on the route and resume 'their trip when they may be ready. . " m,m,m m. , mm m m m. Mm T-h S W A m ' VM III. muuux , Jr. Agent. Office James River and Bay Line, I Weldon; N. C.. Dec. 21st, 1847 $ Dec 20. 1847. ' V 1 tf Florida. Land Sales, rILL be oflered for . sate, at Auction, on the . 7th day of March, 1 848, at the County Site of Benton County, East Florida, seversi Tracts of Land, inTownahipSl; Range 18, and in J ownsbip 24, Range 21. . K . - On the 14th day of March at the Court House of Marion County, sundry Tracts in Township 13 Range 20, " .13, . 21. .. ; 14, 21. 14, 22 At Madison Court House, 00 Thursdst. ths .23d Msrch : . Section. Township S. Rsnge E. "3aV- r-,"V;-WiiV.?fi The8Ef of 23, 1, " 7. SWiof .24, 1, , 7. .... NWof 25, , 1, 7. " N Eof 26, I,' 7. ' " E of 1, 1, 8. M W J of 6, ; , 1, .9. At JefTersoo Conrt House, on Mondsy the 27th March : i - . " ' .(' S. T. R. . r The E i of N W $ of 13, 1 8, 5 E. E iof fcW i of 13, 1, 5. " W iofN Eof 14, 1, 6. . . M M W iofS E .i of 14, 1, 6, 8 of 31, 1, - 5. N Eof 6, 2, ' 5. " E of N W i of 6, " 2, 5. . Tsans. One-fourth cash- the balance in. three equal annual instalments, with interest in advance Or if any purchaser should prefer to pay aw cash, five per cent will be deducted from the credit instal ments. .-,:..' ... Lists of the particular Tracts can be had by apply, ng to any of the Post Masters in Benton, or Marion County ; or they will be furnished if applied for by letter, post flip, addressed to ' The Stats Rkuis txu at Tallabassbk, FLoaina. .1 J.OUN BEARD, Register of Public ; Lands for the State of Florida. Tallahassee, Nov.vj, 1847, , 96 ts Raleigh Livery Stable ! THE SUBSCRIBERS having ren ted the Stables, recently occupied by Mr. Buffalos and thoroughly repaired and refitted them ; and, haviug furnish ed the Establishment with au.entirely new supply of CaaaiAOEs, Buooies, Hoasis, (both Saddle aud Harness.) and having also engaged experienced and careful Drivers, well ac quainted with the differeut Roads, ' aud stopping houses throughout the State, are now prepared to at tend to all calls in their line, i The Stables are located in a very central position. and some one will always be found there, at all hours of the iday and night, to attend! to orders Horses will be boarded by the day, week, 'month or year at the roost moderate prices. , Drovers visiting Kaleigh with If orses.to dispose of. will fiud these Stables conveniently located for that purpose ; and every attention will be given to pro mete their views. ;r , i JAMES M. HARRISS, T . JOHN R. HARRISON. Raleigh. Jan. 6.1848. 2 tf Camp Life of a Tolnnteer. A Cam paign in Mexico, or Glimpsea at life in Camp, by " Oue who has seen the Elephant," this day re ceived atthe North Carolina Boookstofe by ; v ; . H. D. TURNER. Raleigh,' Dec. 10, 1847. 1 ' 101 (ZpiHE Subscribers have taken the Ttrs Founprt, slLr No. 59 Gold-street, an.d will continue the bu siness Jately conducted by.. Robcst Tavijoa. They will attend to all orders they may receive with punc tuality and dispatch.' All the Type manufactured by them will be Hand Cast; and they will furnish all kinds of Printers' Materials, of the best quality. Mr. J. A.' T, Overend is still employed in superin tending the manufacturing department. J V Proprfetors of Newspapers, who have not . adver tised for the Subscribers, who may publish this, no tice for three mouths, will be entitledto receive pay in Type, : ou purchasing five times the amount of their bills for advertising. c " T ' - r . - A J ' - ; WH ITING & TAVLOR j (Successors t Robert Taylor,) - ' - Corner Gold aud Ann Streets. Chasxm Wirmso, T'y '.v' - r Tucopoaa: TATMa,' A V 7' " . " . , . New Yotk, Jan: 14. jSiy "T;; 6 1m;. - '! There's too mistake. 1 -j - TTT KLES previously disposed of. rbnll offer' to I4J the highest bidder on terms made known on the day of Sals, Weduesday, 1st day of March nexti that most delightful Residence in the County of Franklin, known aa the . White 'House Tract of Lant two milee Itorth of Lines's Bridge,- on Tar' River, on the Williamsboro Road, containing about 1200 Acres Also at the same time, all ray Household and Kitch en Furniture, together with every, other article on the premises.. . y-H LEVIN . PERkYv ;.:JtnsjyS6,1848L?yr.v - 8 u niLLlAUDSTOil fU v- f . rJTKHlS;8chool will be re-opened on Monday; Jen fLSL, uary 31st, under the care of Miss M:H. 8ab- es vt, who has had charge of the Schoor for the pas t lurea ocmiow. wm aw kiiw stmiicuan' ia ail lie petrons.: Terms, as heretofore, for Board and Toi- tionand o extra charge, bat, for books and paper. : v ;r-1' ' .;e: B. H1LLIARD.- Hintsr4stdrj,vNssh County. Jan. 15 - " 8 w5t ; Type Foiiridrv i-f - . mi TfJ)ICCIOLA; the Prisoner of Fenneatrella, or JJ CapiivUy .Csp&ve; I By X. - B, SsinUne. A new edition, with illustrations. - ; y ; 1 N. C Book tftore. ix'iiha3i37fPJ?; t V-riflE next Session of this Institution will oro ' I J mence on Monday, the 10th January ensmUg.. : 'The ' Subscriber feels greatly; encouraged by; the Verv liberal patrooage exteuded to hirn the ; present Tear Hie exertions will be continued, to secure to tbosewho may be entrusted to his care," all the advantages of a tho;ooghand; accomplahed Educa, The TeWare. Mullows, perjeesiou of fiev months: i . . H ,s- . - - ? - m Board.- ' c . - , ?' v-r 'c French V v ' r f . r ia 00 f on fin Music, .. : -v 1 . v TT'kr Tnf rnfneAt. Drawing aud Painting 'i ,.t10.'00 No extra charges kwUI be made, f Books, Station ary . Re furnished at the lowest retail prices. " It is paiticolariy deredfcthat every Pupil should he present at the ppeniog ef the Session.Vhen Studies are arranged and Classes formed. 'All - articles of Clothing must he rnarked with the owner's name in fall.4-i ii.y-' ...i'.M't -rfrft-c :. s I beg leave to refer to my friends, nnd numerous acquaintancee in this State and Virginia; among1 others, to the following : HonrJno.,y, Masoi Wash ington, Hon.. Arch. Atkinson,I Wm.. IL- Basket-till, VirgioiaHoni Jno, H. Bryan, George W Mordeeai, Raleigh, Co!. Joshua Tayloe, Washington,: N. C, Hon. David Outlaw; Wm.T Sutton. Esq.,VBrtie, Jas. S Battle, Esq.; Rocky- Mount; i VVmu Plummer, Jno. SomervilleV Wm, Eaton, JrVEsqrs Warrenton. ' ' .-: -t' DANIEL TURNER. ;Warrentoo..Dee;2.1847 1 ' 98 " NORTH CAROLINA FANCY STORE OF r g. av. to c,. GRuninE. ; MAVIN G opened again an entirely new - and beautif at assortment of Goods, we are now prepared to offer to the public a very , extensive col lection of : articles not kept generally, in one Store alone. Being determined to sell low, to effect quick sales, and giveto our customers as great bargains as any Store can offer, we would; respectfully solicit the continuance of favors, as we shall endeavor Jo give entire satisfactiou lo all who will be pleased to examine the Stock, consisting of: j ' " , , Confectioiiary,' GiceriesVFreiicli, German and JGnglish Fancy Goods, CutterysMasicaLInstrnments, Per fumery, Crockery Iry Goods, Jew el lry, and Toys: Confectionary: French Candy assorted, best refined Csndy, Rock Candy, Chocotate, Raisins. UFirsPrunesiit;urrenis, Dates, , Citron. Almonds, ralmnurs,.riiDeris, ai. uu vwtouui, ,uwcg, Mice, Cinnamon, Spice, etc.. , , ? Fruit : Mslsga Grapes," Oranges, Lemons, Northern Apples. .... r . . -:-: ;t : . Segari: Manilla. Jfisto Sanz, Talla," Jupiter, Rionda, Havanna, Regalia, Plantation, Havana La dies' Segars, Smoking Tobacco, Chewing Tobacco, Mrs Miller's Snuff. . . 7 ) y J- - I '-mm ' 'I,. . V Preserve. Jellies JrricKies, san rHU . Svrdn, Brandr FrultU a -. - large 'snd choice ossortment.-1' Groceries :-Loaf, Crushed and Brown Sugar; Molasses Coffee end Tea, .different qualities, ; Cas tile, VvVriegated,;. White snd Brqwn 8osp; Sperm and Tallow Candles; Oils, Cheese, Pine Apple Cheese, etc. x f ; : y . Bakery : Butter, Water, Sugar, Soda Crack ers, Pilot Bread and Richmond Cakes. Fancy GoodK Writing Desks. Fancy Vor k Boxes, Artificial Flowers, Card Cases.'Mdney Purses, Pocket Books, Travelling Bags; Baskets. Dressing and Fine Combs Pins, i- Needles, Thread, Buttons, MatchM. Shaving Utensils, Looking Glasses, Cloth, Hst, Teeth, Hsir, 8boe and small Painting Brushes Walking Caries, 7 Whips,' Cowhides Patent and Common Fish Hooks, Flower Vsses, Psinted Mugs, Tumblers, Tspers; Slates, Smoking Pipes, Coffee Mills, titeetysrds. Patent Balances, Waiters, Clocks, Spoons, Tacks, Rsxor Straps. . y ? w ';; Cutlery : Rodger s Pocket Pen Knives and Rszors, Knives and Forks, Scissors, Dirks, Pistols, Guns, Percussion Caps, 1 ubes, -Powder , rlssks, Shoi-belisi Bird-bsgs. : r i ' t MnsicalInstrnments Violins, Bows, Strings, Bridges, Screws; Guitars, Flageolets; Flutes, Fifes, Accordions, etc" - ; ' ?';.''-" . Perfumery : Cologne, genuine : Macassar, Bear and Antique Oil, Floating, Almond Palm and other perfumed 8oap V Chalk balls and Pink Saucers. Crockery : -Tea Setts, Cups, snd 8ancers. Pitchers,; Bowls, Plates, Dishes, Wash Basins, CoT- fee Pots,' etc ' IrT GoodstCalicoes, Cassinefs, Cashmeres. Vestings. "TWeTino," Handkerchiefs, Shawls, THoee4 Gloves, Bleached' and Brown Shirting, Osnaburg. FlannelsjKersey, Linsey, Muslin, Linnen, etc r Jewelry of Gold,' 8iiver and Pinchbeck, Waich holders. Breast Pins, Esr Rings,Pencils, Pens, Finger Rings; Thimbles, Metal Combs, Watch Keys, Fob Chains, Gvpsum and other Beads assorted. Toys: A large and choice supply .of 3 Magic Lanterns, China. Pewter and .Wooden Tea Setts. Dressed snd Undressed, Dolls Paint Boxes, Csrpen ter's Tools, Harps, and a variety ol Famy Toya. . CHR. GRIMME. Firm of ' , r;. .-, 4-Seeondd6sfrom'lVrkV'Ssnilk4 Raleigh, Jan : 10; 1848 . .. , y-TfS- WE W COPAKTWEUMJP.: . nff AyIG connected with me in tho AroTHxcA.; II U i and Dans business on - the 1st inst. Mr George B Jones, a practical ApoTuacAax and Dave- oiefi.who haa bad charge of rmy establishment .or four months past, the business will hereafter be conducted under the style snd firm of Geo. B. Jones dcCo. ;' - FRAN CIS M AJ0R4 GEORGE B. JONES, & Co.. Awnxciiias & Daueoirrs.Vhsve on hand a fullsupply of 'Pugs Mesicikss, Daves, Dra Smfrs,, Paists, Oils, Bavsaxs, Soipk. Soacicii 4 Distal Ibstsv ximts, 'snd all other articfesusually kept in such establishhents, which they 'offer, to their friends and the public at. ihe lowest pncesCvsCLJvv They call the attention of Covktrt Mkrch&xts to their Stock, and assure them it shall be regularly replenished to meet tbf " wants. X1 ' Pktsiciaws in theOvjTBT who are in the habit of buying their supplies of MtemwEin the Noam xaw Cities, will be furnished, with articles of , un doubted Fun itt, many of them having been recently ixpouTxn from one Of; the best Laboratories . in Petersburg, January 1 1 ; 1 848 v v ' 3 w4 w CJTChe Error of modern Infidelity, .ij illustratelnd refuted, by JS. M. Schumucker, A. M., Pastor of the First Lutheran Church, Ger mantowa, Penn.';Just published, and this lay re eeived,by . .H.-D. TURNER, i. " AtUisj.N a Book Store, . Jan. 10, 1848.;r , ;t 3; FHHE' DISGRACE TO THET J "FAMILY: hw 1 , . . . z . - ' -j sl jerroia., voa. t ana x price tt cents eacn. II lustrated by Phix,For sale at the - , " v - ; " ' a pnnr arnop - Dec. 24. V j.'A.iA Mr COME sir months ago,a negro man, , who calls himself Gkobg x, was taken up as s runaway and? confined in Person County r Jail, arid notice thereof was regularly" made in -the Raleigh, 'North, Carolina'titsmlard, and notice is hereby again given; that unless the owner applies, and proves prperty and pays charges,: the said slave will be soW aceord-: ing to Act ef Assembly in such Case made' arid pro-: vided - Said slave says he belongs to" Jaisies Jones; of GrsnvUle County, It.'C.; that said Jones pur. chased him of WiUiam Dnpree,af Charlotte County, Va.', Said abve ppeara to be aboet 45 years oU. five feet eigfc; Or nine inches high, small scar on the forehead; abeve the left eye ; bad on homespun oci; eoat and coarse cotton panuloons.7 ery much worn u niiaixiAiJt cnena os rerson. -V. Septemberr 1S47. ifB! T.-X-it- phia for :the purpose of.sdding.to nis sjiock, resDecifullv informs his friends, snd the Pab. lie, bat he has' just opened ft large and splendid as sortment OXjMml'''' ' consisting pf Gold snd tilvsr.Iyer Watches, An chor Cylinders, VerUcal .Ercapelnenta.; Gold ana Rteel Guard Chains,' Seals Keys, together with a large, assortment of Breast' Pins, 'Finger Kings, Ear Rings;'. Gold end Silver Pencils, Thimbles, Me3aJ. UonsGold Hearts and Crosses. --.... tsitfa gi(HQcg?aa!gta3, ' . I Gold, 8ilver, Blue srul polished Steei Spectseler, Perifocal Spectacle. Glassei anew arUclerto suit the Eyes of all persons 5 very superior Flint Glasses, that may be adjusted in any frame, at any notice. yr; Silver and Plated Ware." ; 1 . SilverTable.Tea, Dessert, Sail and M ustard Spoon, Cadlea, Sugar Tongs; Bo tier Knives, Silver mounied Cocoa Nuts, CastoiiCsndle-5ticks.i Snuflers f ana LTrays, Cake Baskets. Coffee Grrooes.Urittnnia ware, in setts or single, pieces. Silver sad :Plated Caps. yXy: y "Cy-fe-SA- :-.-- . ' Mantel Clocks, Gold and Silver mounted Canes, ' Chess oien.'yind Backgammnn Boards', Rteel Peas, Gilt, Steel. Glass and Satin Beads: Jet Combe, &e gar and Card Cases, Punen, Chapman's Kaiac Straps; Toilet, BotUes;. and . Ladies' Toilet W ork Boxes;, .,; . yyiiir.-.-,. .. :rj::-y:yyyZ?cvit . A! fine assortment of Rogers Razors Pocket and ' Comprising Powder Boxes, Cologne and Lsverder . Waters. : Toilt-1 Po'wder,; Shaving and Toilet Soayt. Also; Hair; Toolh and hafVing'Brosbei. u " 2llsicalnstr 8panbh GuHars. VroiiDfi Clarionels, Flutes, Fifeg, Guitar and -Violin Strings', Extra' Violin Bowsy A c. f Yt atches snd CJocke repaired in , a: superior sty le. As bis Wn personal attention' will be giyrn to this department, those persons having artirh of this kind to repair,' may rely on their fceirg well and faithlullv ' execuled.Gold and SiUer manufartured to order, .with neatness snd puaciuslity. H igles t pticeS.givt n for old tiold and Silver. . Raleigh, Aug. 6, 1847. 3 fllHE exercises of this School wUI be resumed again JL on the 1st Monday in January next, under the care of the Misses PaafaiPUB, with snch assist aace as may be necessary for the interest ojhe! Sehoel. r TekmS per Session, as vollows : English Branches, from $7 to $1$ 00 Latin, i ... ; - -10 00 - :i:.v-eneh; "j;;ii-::vv.. -K-V8. 00- iMusie en the Piano, with use of iVthe Instrument,, v:V' 20 0 i jGuitar, ' 1 -: . ' ' . ,10 00i : Drawing' and Needle WorkV"s 5' OOj' ; , Painting: and Wax Work, each 8Q0 , ; Board, washing, fuel and lights, ' " ;;';; " : t pef month, . r10 00, . Scholars can remain through the vacation, free of charge. ' . y ' :. "X'i 4 - Raleigh. Dec. S71847.. . . ' 98 J2m And Fancy CAliE BAILER Y. THE SUBSCRIBERS drsirs to express Uieir ac knowledgment to the citizens of Raleigh, for the patronage so. liberally extended to thenf siuce.their residence. among thent, and beg leave Wsrtmoeace, that they are now5 prepared to manufacture all kinds of BREAD and CAKES at the very shortest notice. Their articles are all made, of the' best Flour lo be procured in the market, nd are warranted fresh 'rhey intend to. Commence shortly the manufacture of PASTRY,bf all lunoW5eThey wilf now furnish the following -varieties of CAKE, and invite" the at tentiott of the, public to the lists ? v"1- r ' l ' Sponge Cake,:ij-,A-S - I ' v; jeiiydo ggmfss ; ' . -v - -' Toftrvu;'.., i. . , . Butter do : i.- :' Ginger Nuts '. . ' . ' ' . . . '. . ; l S Cm-V0 , y Macaroons, ice. " , -. , , ' " Also, Ornamental Cakes ef every descriptieu, for Parties and, Enteriainmehts.; V- V-1 They continue to bake, daily, Family Loaf Bread, -Rolls and Tea Biscuit .y . y . . - All Orders left at the Bakery, star Yaxboxocoh's Hotel; will be instantly attended toi . V : ' -k- : li- - v ,-. NUCKLES & PATRAM. ."Raleigh. Dee. 9;'184?. vl; " 't 99 TO SPORTSMEN VXHG AND REPlXlTaovr' ypl V BOOhaajusY-Teceived rfine lot of M-e Guns, Powder, Powder Flatka. Shot Bscs. Bud Bags&cvVall of which will bo aold Iovri?5j H BOOKSSFORO'HEIFESIIVESSEASOrf ENRY D. TURNER would call the attention of iiis utoraers and the public ; generally, to his .beautiful .and;.Taried assortment of. splendidly Bound and jllustrated Works, in, every department of Literature, suitable for . Pisehts, to old anrj young, grave or gsyi of whkb a personal iospaction is xt quested.1 The variety of Bibles and Prayer Books is yery extensive, apd in. all style, ef Binding, inclu ding Morocco, with or without Gasps, Superb Vol- wa me - In addition to the above.'he has a 'raat varitv af Booka and Games;uitable for Children, y Also n large variety of Fancy Artiples Ate, &c i.:TURNER8K.-'a Bookstore, Raleigh. I Dec1 671847- Wrv.-.; ' -'103;: y rtT Standard PJWH CAUOLIWA AEnAW ACS AjiAhu at the North Carolina. Bookstore,, and gel ,UV TURNER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMA. NAG for 184S.' .This; Almsnac has been carefully prepared, and is for sale, wholesale and retail, by ;v t : ,f . ?' --r H. D TURNER. Janparyl, 1 848.. V. ; X SV 104 Tne College ot St.- James, " ' ' V f :Near HagmtownV Hary land, , . The Viocesan Collegt oj the Prit'Episeopal Chyrch. " THE next' term of ihis lntitution, will begin !on Monday , "March 6lh. . All ths tal College Qlassc a are' fully organized.'. j-jV "r 5,: " ' y .'. " , ',Thb 'GaxNMsn School " - v' ''. , Immediately adjoining the College, b also under the' Charge of the Recter, and its Classes are supervised by the j; Professors M the' College.' A- mercantile course is provided for these who desire if A pplica tion for ia formation, or for the admission of Pupiisr may be made lo the Rector The j post OSice ad dress is College of SL James, Washington County, Maryland. rf,v- ' fy ; References in Raleigh :Rev- Dn Mssoa,Hotw W. U. Usywood, jt. - - - '-t v.,J0nN B. CERFOOT.2?rrtr. f Ja15. 1848. -'y 'issaaa -mamm'j-.-'V- fmilE preeeutsyear, n younj Negro girl, : eAoWt iL14 years of agerAppl, at thie OfHce.?: i, . mm ra vo jrw, . . ... , . . . eU. A7f ltO eat rAMlLY CHBImtian . ai.uanaiv I IM8,hhdsv received b U? f Hi 0 TURNER OIT riEH T. A small House -in the 17e- TO mW f r i 9 ,79 tUL mr - -