. -L'kmmmmmmimmamarr JF "" ' - , ,..tw, - 11 'i 1 mmm i yjggggjWTS i ........ ' ". : ". ' a nnnua 4- . ' tMTHR WORLD-- - r : . ; aaxt bottles ; ltuu mi cheaper. pleasenjer. any tow.- ."T. paiient , -, . . , tlJno winter MEDICINE. wpwiority ef thi. 6aapa- Tiovf lb. bo3j. It U on. of the very WF-Jiad Winter medicine ever known ; U not SSnStfeelhe"Q0to system end strengthen, the MrLo. butt create new, pu' nd rich b ood ; a poweoed by no other medicine. - And in this lies the rsnd eecret of its' wonderful success. 1 1 hie performed within the past two jeare, more than 35, C00 core of severe esses of diseases at least 2 J,Ql)0 f these considered incurable. ; : More thstt 3000 cases of Chronic Rheumatism t " 5,000 case of. Dyspepsia ;. r:. 4,000 cases of General Debility anJ Want of En ergy rv; 7.000 cases of the different Female Complaints ; 3.000 ease of Scrofula; " v 100 ses of the Liver Complaint ; 3,500 cases of Disease of the Kidneys and Dropsy ; 8.000 cases of consumption : And thousands of eases of diseases of the blood, viz : Ulcer Erysipelas, 8ait Rheum. Pimples on the Face, &c- fa together .with, .numerous cases ef Sick Headache, Pain uuho Side and Chest, Spinal Affec tions, AcAeY" -U-ii '.. This we are aware, must appear incredible, but we have Utters from Physicians and our A genu from all parts of the United States, informing us of extraordi nary tureeC RVV BusrtK one of the most respectable Druggists in i Newark, N. J, in. forms us that he can refer to more than 150 cases in that place alone. 1 here are thousands of cases in the City of New York, which we will refer to with pletsure arid to-men. of character ' It is the best medicine'forthe prevention of ; disease known. It undoubtedly saved the lives of more than 5.000 CHILDREN THE PAST 55EA80N ! As it removed the5 cause of dssease, and prepared them for the' Summer season. It has never been known to injure hi the least the most delicate chikl. - v RHEUMATISM. ThisSarsaparUla is used with the most perfect success in Rheumatic 'complaints however severe or chronic ' The astonishing cures tt bss performed sre Indeed wonderful. f Other remedies someti mes give temporary reliefthis entirely eradicates it from the svsiem: even when the limbs and bones are dread fultv swollen. - ;, ' (j Hear Mr. 8eth Terry, one of the oldest sad nutmt wmmmtahl lawvers in Hartford, Conn. Tbe following is an extract of a letter recived from him : 1 Tnitnvnd1 have used one bottle ot your Sarsaparilla, and find it is excellent in its f fleets up on IThmnir- Rheumatic pin. to wbicn I am sub ject, from So injury occasioned several years ago, in a DDhlic sts?e. Please send me two bottle to the l. r Tir Zmrmnnr f ha converged with two of our principal physicians, and recommend your Sars- aia ua m-w a wrw w w w SETH TERRY. Hartford, March 12, 1845. CONSUMPTION CURED. ' Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be euted. Bronchitis, Consumption, Liocr Com plaint, Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting uf Mlood. Soreness in the Chest, Hectic flush, JVight Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expect or at ion , Pain in the side, to , have been and can bejeurcd. Dr. Townsend-Dear Sir : Nearly twenty years sgo I took a violent cold, which settled on my lungs and affected me severely indeed, finally, it became a con stant hacking cough, but not lo severe as to prevent me, from attending to my business;' within the last few years it increased on roe gradually. At last I became reduced -breathed with difficulty, and raised with my .cough much bad matter, and for the last nine months previous to using your Sarsaparilla, had regular night sweats ; indeed, my friends and myself supposed that I woo Id die with the Consump tion t but 1 have the happiness to inform you that, to my surprise, after using three bottles of your Sarsaparilla. I find my health restored. It reiiwed me gradually, and I am now enjoying much better health than I have before in 26 years. I had almost entirely lost my ' ippetite, which is also returned. You are at liberty to pubjish this with my name in the papers, if you choose. My tittle girl, who is three years old had very bad cough the. whole of last Winter. We became very much alarmed on her account- While using the medicine. I gave her some of it, and it toon en tirely relieved her, as well as myself aud ahe is well now, and hearty as "sny child I ever saw. 8he wti also futl of little blotches t it took them away and her skin1 is smooth and fair now and I am satisfied she recovered her kealihfxom using your excellent med icine : S. VV. CON ANT. - 444 Bowery. GIRLS, READ THIS. You who have pale complexions, dull eyes, blotch es on tbe face, rough skin, and are "out of spirits," use a bottle or-two of Dr. Towcsend's Ssrssparilla. It will cleanse your blood, remove the freckers and blotches, and give you animation, sparkling eyes, fine spirits, and beautiful complexions all of which are of immense value lo unmarried ladies. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE Dr. Towosend's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and speedy cure for Incipient Consumption, Barrenness, lieucorrhcea, or Whites, obstructed or difficult Men ktruation, Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary dis charge thereof, and for the general Prostration of loo Mystem, no matter whether the result of inherent cause, or produced by irregularity, illuess orsccident. Nothing can be more surprising than its invigorat ing eflects on the human trame. Persons, all west nesa and lassitude, from taking it, at once become rwbust and full of energy uuder its inSuence. It im lasdiatsly counteracta the nervelessness of the female frame, which is the great fa use of barrenness It win not he expected of u, in eases of so delicate a nature exhibit certificates of ores performed, but we can assure the afflicted, that hundreds, of cases have, been reported to us. Several cases where Tamiltes.have been without children, after Uiing a few bottles of this invaluable mediciue, have been btessed with healthy oflprinj. , Dr. ToansendMf wife being greatly distressed by weakness and General Debility, and suffering continually by pain and a.sensatiou of bearing down, falling of the womb, and with other ditlicutties, and saving known cases where-your 'mediciue bas effec ted gtsat cures, and also bearing it recommended for such cases as I bive-deciibd, I obtained a liottle of your Extract of Sarsaparilla. aud followed the di yaciions yoa gave. In a short period il removed her ceittplainu and restored her heaiitu Being grateful for the benefits she received, I take pleasure in' thus acknowledgeding it, and recommending it to the paUUc.0 ... '"" M D. MOORE, r?ci J. . -Corner Grand and Lydius-sts. Albany, Aug. 17, 1847. .4. , - ..- .- i i i TfJ MOTHERS AND MARRIED LADIES. This Extract of Sarsaparilla has been expressly prepared in reference to femaSa-complaints. No female who bas reason to aappose she is approaching f.ht Critical period t&e tarn of life, aboujd neglect to take it, as it is a; certain prevenutive -tor any. of the oaiSSJJwi and horrible diseases to which females subject atlbis timeW life.: This period may be dUya teverarteais by os'mg- tbia medicine. Nor Wa vamableVf : thosipproaching womanhood, is ealenlatedJb assist nature, by quickening the rnJiCAos isinvaJuaWe lor all the diseases to which women ' iV..:r " V J1 braces JJw whok system, renews 'permanently removing tho impurities of IJliTr00 V MimuUtlng'tha system as to Wiee a subseaent veUxatbn, whfeh U the case of JHet . medicmes uke for lemala weakness and SCROFULA CURETi Tbw Lerufic.i. concUiaively pievraiWsn this Ser saparitla has perfect control over' the. moat obslinate house is unprecedented. ' , v ; . ,T THREE CHILDREN. Dr Totonsend -Dear Sir : I have the pleasure to inform you that three ol my children have betfn cured of ibe Scrofula by the use of your excellent medicine. They were afflicted very severely with bad sores ; have taken only four bottles it took them away, for which 1 reel my sell under deep obligation. Yours, respectlullvt . ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wootter-st. New York, March 1, 1847. OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend is almost' daily receiving orders from Physicians in diflerent parts ol tbe Union Tbn is to certiTy that we the undersijtned. Physi cians of the City of Albany, have in numerous cases prescribed Dr. Towusend s Sarsaparilla, and believe it tube one ot tae most valuable preparations in (be market. xl. r. f ULIFiG, M D. . WILSON, M. D. R. P. BRIDGES, M D. P. E ELMENDORF, M. D. Albany, April 1, 1846. UNITED STATES OFFICER. Capt. G. W. McLean, one of tbe United States Marine Corps and member ol the New Jersey Leg islature, has kindly sent us tbe following certificate. i tens ua owu story. Eahwa, Jan. 25, 1847. A rear since I was taken wub the Influenza, and my whole system left in a debilitated state. I was induced to try Dr. Townseud's Sarsaparilla, and alter taking two or ihee boulet, I whs yery much relieved, and attribute it entirely io the said Sarsaparilla I have continued taking it, and find that I improve every day. I believe it saved my life, and would not be without it under any consideration. G. W.McLEAN. DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or medicire has ever been discovered which so nesrly resembles the gastric juiJ or saliva, in decomposing food and arrsngtueninge organs ot digestion, as this preparation of Sarsaparilla. It positively cures every case of dyspepsia, however severe or chronic. Bank Department, Albany. May 10. 1345: Dr. Townsend: Sit I have been afflicted for several years with Dyspepsia in its worst (onus, at tended with soreness ol stomach? loss of appeuie, ex treme beau-burn, and a great aversion to all kinds oJ TooJ, and; for. weeks (what I could eai) I have been unable to retain but a small portion on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but tbey had little or no effect in removing the, complaint. I. was induced, about two months since, to try your Extract of Sar saparilla, and 1 must say with little confideuce ; but alter using nearly two bottles, 1 Found my appetite re.Moied, und the heart-burn entirely removed; and 1 would earnestly recommend the use of it to ihwse who have been afflicted as I have been Yours, &c. W. W VAN ZANDT. Principal OHice. 126 Fulton street, Sun Building. N Y. Redding &, Co , 8 State street, 'Boston Dyott &, Sons, 132 North 21 street, Philadelphia S. S. Hanco, Drngirist, Baltimore P. M- Cohen, Charleston Wright & Co., 158 Chartres street. N. O 105 South Peat I street, Albany-and ly all the principal Druggists and Merchants generally through out the United States. West Indies and the Cauadas. For Sale hi Raleigh, by WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD 8l CO. October IS, 1847.' 84 ly NATIONAL. LOA 1 iJil LIFE SOCIETY OF LU.NDON. ' A Savings Bank for the benefit of the Widow and the Orphan." (km row is ed ar act or raaLiAxaaT.) Capita l, 500,000 sterling, or 2,500,000. Beside a reserve fund (irom surplus premiums) of about 8185,000. T, LAMIE MURRAY, tUq , George st. Hi no ver square, Chairman of the Court of Directors, in London. Physician J. ELLIOTSON, M. D., F. R S. Actuary VV. S. B. WOOLHOCSE, Esq., F. K. A. S. Secretary F. F. CAMROUX, Esq. a iHlS INSTITUTION embraces Important and CI. substaniisl advantages with respect to Life As. surances and deferred annuities. .The assured bss, on all occasious, the power, to borrow, without ex pense or forfeiture of the policy, two-ihirds of the premiums paid ; also the option of selecting ben efits, aud the conversion of his interests to meet oth er convenience or necessity. Assurances for terms of years at the lowest possi ble rstes. Peisoos insured for life, csn, at once, borrow half the amount of annual premium for five successive years, on their own note and deposite of policy. Paut or tbi Capital is pkkxaxkktlt ixrsa. ted in the United States, in the names of three of the Local Directors as Trustees available always to the assured in case of disputed claims (should any such arise) or otherwise. The payment of premiums, half-yearly, or quar terly, at a trifling advance upon the annual rate. No charge for stamp-duty. Thirty days allowed after each psyment of premium-becomes due, without forfeiture of policy. Travelling leave extensive and liberal, and extra premiums on the most moderate tcale. Divtsioa or Pbofit's. The remarkable success and increased prosrity of the Society has enabled ! the Directors, at tbe last annual investigation, to de clare a fourth bonus, varying from 35 lo 85 per ci. on the premiums paid on each policy e Heeled on the pront scale . UxiTsn States Board or Locai Directors. (Chief Office for America, 74 Wall si) A". York, Jacob Harvey, Esq. Chairman ; John J. Palmer, Esq .Jonathan Go-nlhue, Esq James Boormsn. Esq. George Barday, Esq., Samuel S. Howland, Esq., (iorbsm A. Worth, Esq., Samuel M. Fox, Esq., William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward Habttcht, Esq. Philadelphia Clemrnt C. Biddle, Esq., Intuis A. Godey, Esq. George Bex Graham. Esq William Jones, Esq BaUimore Jonathan Meredith, Esq.. Samuel H oilman. rJq.,Lr J. H. McCulloh. J. LeanJer Starr, General Agent, and Edward T. Richardson! Esq., General Accountant, for the Uni ted States and British N. A. Colonies. Medial Examiners, New York J Kearny Rod gers. LID. 110 Bleecker-st; Alexander E. Hosack. i. u., iui ranaiin-st ; e. . Keene, M. D., 290 Fourth-sL - . (Medical Examiners' attend at 74 Wall-st and No. 134 Bowery at 3 o'clock P. M. dailu. Fee paid by the Society.) J 1 Wtf Counsel William Van Hook, Esq.39 Bankers The Merchant's Bank'. Solicitor J ohn Hone, Esq. 1 1 Pine-st. asnier nenry ti. Uutlip, Esq. An Act in respect to insurance for lives for the benefit of married women, passed by theLegisIature umcw Aora. 1st Acrii. issn Pamphleu, blank forma, table of rstes. lists of A gents, 4 e. &c obuined at the Chief Office 74 WalU sl,l31 Bowery, or from eitherof the AgenU through out the United States, and British North American Colonies. . , . ' . T GEORGE LITTLE, AgenU .R. B. Haywood, Medical Examiner. Raleigh. March 22, 1847 . . . . , ,24 - -- -r-, - - - lYtapt. Henry's Campaign Skelclies Hjy of the War In Jlexlco, with eugra vings; thia day recshred by 4i. D. TURNER, . ' . ' N. C. Bookstore. Deo 4th, 1847. 98 iCiatawba Hirer, and other Poems, HJ by John Steiafort Kidney. -. Fer sste at ' , WIL D. TURNER'S N. C Bookatore. ' Dsa.'4th. J847. - r.ri . . . s a 9S sp40N8lSTING of PrinUng, Latter, Foolscap and LJ Wrapping Paper. -Abo Maynard and Noyea' best black writing uk; Red ; Indelible i 8ealrftg Wax and Wafers. N B. HUGHES. Ds. t8. jW TOtlTf It A. V E Is LE U S GOING: NORTHx I TJ mVmM. -;f'l'k in j - ' ..." 'llRAVELLUlta Voias: North, re adviaed that 1 their mostexDeditious. comfortable and only ccr tain route, is by the Rail Road Line via Petersburg, Richmond and Washington. . Travellers by this line resch Washington at 4 P, VI. tha dw aner leaviBK Gaston, Baltimore at 7 P, M., Philadelphia io the course of the night, and New York at 12 M. the next Usy, oeing inua msrunncM day ahead of the James River and Bay Line, ecen when the Boats connect, and avoiding all the risk of Sea sickness. Fogs and Stonns by tne Bay. Ticket fiom Petersburg to Baltimore For further information, apply at Petersburg to the Ticket Agent of the Kicnmonu ana retersourg Kail Road, a January 19, 1848. 7 3m NOItTH CAUOMA . Mutual Insurance Company ITTMJKtiUANT to an Ac', of Assembly, a Compa YST- nv baa been formed in this State, under the name aud styl of tbe Iorm Carolina aiuiusi id sarsnce Compsny," and u now fully organized, by tbe apoiiitment of the following Umcers, vix: JOSIAH O. WATsON. President, ALBERT STITH. Vice-President, KICHARD SMITH, Treasurer. THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, . RICHARD SMITH, Executive Com' ALBERT. STITH. itl" WESTON R. GALES, S . mM" The ComDsnv is now prepared to receive applica tions for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same. Bt the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to take risk's on Dwelling Houses,Stores, Shops and other buildings,. Furniture, Merehsndixe, and other property, against loss or damage by f ire. Tbe OlHce of the Company is in the second story of the lerge Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. Smith, at the corner of Fayetterille aud Har nett Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will ho cheerfully furnished by tbe Secretary of tbe Com pany. Raleigh. January I ftv 1 847 6-tf HASTINGS' Compound Syrup of Naptha. NOT OHLY A rOSITIVC BUT A WARRAXTRD , CORE TOR co.tsuMrrtox aro all otiiek diskasks ' - or THE LUNGS ! 71. A. F. Harrison. 147 Greenwich Street, nlew York, SOLE AMERICAN AGENT. THIS mediciue has decided the dispute about the cumbility of ConsumptiOti ; and satiyned the medical r acuity, and all who have used it, that Consump tion aud all atntctrous or the longs can not only bo cured, but they are as easily and as simply cured as almost any of the disorders to which the human frame is liable. The operation ef single bottle which costs but ooe dollar is sufficient to satisfy anv Da tie tit, if not altogether too fur gone in the disease,' of this fact ; aud evert a sbtgU dose gives evidence of its exlruoodinary innuencm. in arresting, aud eradi cation the malady, by the immediate relief which it alfords. This is no quack or secret remedy. Dr. !Ialiugs, its discoverer, is one of the ino-t einineut physicians of the age, and has made a full disclo sure of its history and all its component parts to the world ; not wishing to incur the rrspousifcility of con fining to himself (for the sake of profit) - a secret which was calcu:at-d lo do such universal good. And such have been the wonderful rep i Is f its op erations that the Loudon Lancet Medical Times' aud the most eminent phaicians of both hemirpheres are anxiously calhug upon sufferers to have imme diate recuuise to it, aud proclaiming that of all known medicines it aione bas positively established its effi cucy by undeuiable proois of curiug Consumption aud all other diseases of the lungs. The great celebrity of Hastings Coxrouno Sta rr or Nxi-tiia, obviates the necessity of publishing certificates of cures, hi fact, so far as cau be as certained, it has cured, or is fast curiug almost all who have used it, and probably no person who has taken a bottle but would be williujj to give a warm certificate iu its favor, as hundreds have already done without solicitation. ' O Price one dollar a bottle. Six bottles for five dollars. The usual allowance to the trade. For sale Wholesale and Retail br Messrs. PES CUD & JOHNSON, sole .Agents for Raleigh. Jan 12. 1848. 4 Dr, A. XV Coopers' Spiuo-Abdomi-11 a I Supporters. THE Subscribers have on hand a supply of the above valuable supporters, which are recommend ded lor all persous, afflicted with muscular debility. Round shoulders, or prolapsus Uteri Proff: MoTTlhiukalbey are very well adapted for some varieties of iucipieut spinal distortions, as they afford the useful combination of shoulder brace aud AMoiniual supporter, with very decided support lo the spinal column. The aliove braces are recommended by the Physi- ciaua generally, who nave seen them, aud we have sold a number to citizeus of thia place, who are high ly pleased with them. A geutleman observed a-few days since', that he had been wearing a very celebrated body brace for some time, and that he would not give oue of the above, for fifty such. , . - " They need uo puffing as they speak for them sel'w." P1ISSCUD&. JOHNSON. O" The above Supporter is au improvement on Dr.E. Crains celebrated Spiuo-Abdominal Supporter. Jan. 12. 1848. . (Standard.)- 4 BR. KOBY'SBISAZILIAIV II AIR CURL,IIVa L1QUII, a preparation which wjll cause the Hair to curl most beautifully, and ia warranted not 16 injure it iu the least, thus dispensing with the curliug irons,' which injure the hair so much. . The imineuse demand for the fluid and the repeat ed testimonials, which we have received from Ladies in Raleigh who are using it, enable us lorecommeud il with voufideiice. Call and get a Bottle at PESCUD & JOHN&lhVS Drug Store. Jan. 12. 1848. Standard. 4 ' OIL I'OLISII. F you wish your Boots and Shoes, or Harness pohslied aud preserved, call aud get a Canister of Oil Polish, price 25 oeuts, and warranted logive sat Ufaciiou. PESCUD cc JOHNSON. Jau. 12. (Standard.) ... 4 SEGAUS AND TOBACCO. WE are in receipt of a lot of splendid Ci gars of various brands, aud two cases of very fine chewing Tobacco, lo which we invite the atten tion of those who indulge in such luxuries. PESCUD & JOHNSON. Jan. 12. Standard. 4 COMMISSION AND AUCTION BUSINESS, FOR home produce sent ua to sell, such as Ba cou. Corn, flour, we warrant the highest t;y prices, and prompt returns of eaies. VV prom ise the same of luy other article seut in our line whether foreign or domestic., ' . , WILL : PECK & SON- Raleigh. Jan. SS. 1348,. ... ; , 6 2 m Freelanti & Hall.- GROCERS & COMMISSiON MERCHANTS, v If o. 69, Light St Wllarf, Baltimore. OFFER for Sale, on pleasing terras, a full and general assortment of articles ia their line,' at the lowest market Tatee ; and pledge themselves, that air exdere entrusted to them, will be attended to with punctuality and despatch. Jan. 23. 184?. - d ffrw ZTBHE FAMILY CHRISTIAN ALMANAC for 1819. This day received bv 11 D TURNER I 1 - ;-X VT U-S DAIIiYIsIiyB. A By the Jama River aud Chesapeake Bay Via Pc 'erbuti Norfolk,; Baltimore and.Phm ' ' I delphia, to New York. ...'4 4 ' TQ)ASSNGE.RS by this Line leave Weldon and llGssion every nieht for Petersburg, ia Petera- burg od Roanoke Rail Road. ' . .- From ihne dailv at 15 miuutes before-7 for Citv Point. ' v . From thence tney take one of the fast J ver Steamers for Norfolk, reaching there at n.M nn tha ChesaDeake Bar in one Steamers rbuilt for the route) that are so favorably known for their strength aud comfortable arrange ments. Ti.. Su.mni of this Line have been put in first rata order, for the runniug of the Schednh required i. tranannrt thrf Northern and Southern Mail. ITT Bear in miud. this is the Great V. S Mail Line," and at the reduced rates, passengers will save mnn.w mnA rrtainlv have more comfort by this Liue, less loss of sleep, and fewer changes of person and baggage. Fare from Weldon to Baltimore, $8 00 Norfolk, 4 00 . Fer Tickets, apply to W. M. Moody, Jr., Agent, Weldon, N. CV CJ Fare from Gaston to Baltimore, $9 00 Nortolk, - 4 00 For Tickets, apply to C. C. Fvau, Esq , Agent Gaston. N. C. Passengera gettiur through Tickets are allowed to stop at auy point on the route and resume their trip when they may be read v. iVM Al. MOODY, Jr. Agent Office Jamea River and Bay Liue, i Weldon, SI. C, Dec 21st. 1S47. ( 1 It Dec 20, 1847. fV Raleigli Livery Stable I THE SUBSCRIBERS' having ren- ted the Stables, recently occupied by Mr. BorraLoa and thoroughly repaired atid refitted them : aud, having furnish" ed the Establishment with au entirely uew supply of Cxaauoss, Bvooies, HoasEs, (both Saddle and Harness.) aud having also engaged experienced aud careful Drivers, well ac quainted wilh the difTereut Roads, and stepping houses thioughout the folate, are uow prepared to at tend to all calls in their iiue. . .. Tbe Slables are located in a. very central position, and some oue will always be found there, at all hours of the day. and night, to attend to orders f Horses wilt be boarded by the day, week, month or year. at the most moderate prices. Drovers vautiug Raleigh with Horses todipose of. will find these istables convemeutly located for that purpose ; aud every attention will be given to pro- mele their. views. . , . . i ; JAMES M. IIARRISS &. CO. Raleigh. Jan. 6.184. v 2 if jfpiainp Life of u Yolauter.A Cam- paigu in Mexico, or Glimpses at life Camp, by Oue who has seen the Eieuhaut,T this day re ceived at tne lyonn Varoltuu loookstora by , . . J-s)-..-arai sr sraraar a SkV WB Raleigh, Dec. 10, 1847 101 AN E EYRE, au . Autibography : edHed W eU Curvrr Bell. 4, Price 25 cents.. Just Published aud this day received by. IL D. TURNER. V. At th N. C. Book Sur. FEBRCAUY 184. POVINNE, orlltaly, ,by Madami Holstein, new Edition translated. Price 50 i l THE LADIES SCIENCE OF ETIQUETTE. Price 25. cents, v .-, . LIFE and OPIMOit 8 of TRISTAM SHAN DY, new Ediuoo. Pnce 60 els. THE WAR AND ITS WARRIORS, Price 75 cents ...... - . MARGARET PERCIVAL. AMYHERBEIfT. , . LA VETOiN PARSONAGE. . . ; EVANGELINE, by H. W. Longfellow. WATSONS DICTIONARY of Poeucal Quo- tatione : . . . . AMERICAN FLOWER GARDEN DIREC TORY, by Buist. PUBLIC MEN OF THE REVOLUTION, by Sullivan BURTON'S ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY new edition. COM BEDS PHRENOLOGY, new Edition WIRT'S LIFE OF PATRICK HENRY, new Edition. . -j 1 BOOK OF POLITENESS, Price- 50. cerijs.. The above are for bale by , H. D. TURNER. Rsleigh. Feb. ?4. 17 Marble Work. fTf4HE attention of gentlemen desirous of purcbas. M ing MAKBLE MANTELS, MONUMENT or oTATUARY, is requested.. -v- - . The subscribers, having been engaged in- the Mar' ble business Cir the last thirty years in Philadelphia and having manufactured work for almost every pari of tbe Union, csn relet to ail who have favored thorn with their custom, and to their, worr, (considerable of which has been put up ' in this place.) They have always on nand a lull supply of Marble Man lei, and new and original Designs for MoUiiuments and other work, copies of which, wilh prices, will be lorwaroea OCT Al work shipped is insured from breakage. They can refr.toany Mercantile bouse iu Phila delphia for standing and character as workmen. JOHN ST RUT HE US & rON, No. 360, High Street, Philadelphia. Feb. 28, 1848. ; 17 3m N. B. There ia nothing in their line which they do not furnish, either domestic r imported.. s An Important fact, Tf HAVE determined positively ro sell out ray plan il. tation, tc, consisting of 4 00 acres of hilly laud : 4U0 acre of cleared land in cultivation, mostly leveiJ ome siigniiy umiulating ; 300 acres 111 ths wood, level as a die, with a gentle inclination to the sun ; allot which, the inexhaustible fertility of the soil, health, water, location, commercial facilities, etc., 1 defy to be surpassed. Springs,' branches and exten sive improvements, including valuable water Mills. &c dec All I ask is an immediate rsonal exsmin atjon, which I new earnestly invite, and relying up on this shall aay nn more. Twelve miles North-east of Memphis, Shelby county, Tennessee. ?' ' H. tS. REMBERT. Feb. 15 1848. 17 3l MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF PHILADELPHIA. frill! E Aaaoal course, ia this laatilaiioo will com II mence early in April, and be continued uutil I the middle or October, with the usual Yacatiod, un- Anatomy, by JOHN NEILL. M. D. Materia Medica, JOHN J. UEESE. M. D." ObsteUics, . . ' W M . BY R D PA G E.M. D. Chemistry, JOHN F : FRAZER, A. M. Clinical Medicine, DRS. PEPPER & GERHARD, Clinical Surgery, DRS MORRIS & PEACE, Daily at the Pennsylvania HospiuL FEE fof each bfauch. Q0. ' JOHN J. REESE, Seoy. Philadelphia, Feb. 26, 184A - 17 6t 7?Vff ore Hanging and Ropey to band. Alt. JLVii SOLE LCATHJ&K, first aud accond quaU ity. and SNUFF and SHOE BLACKING. Cigars, a a ood" assortment Smoking Tobacco, at 50 eenti i down. ' WILIi. PECK & SON. Rsleigh, Feb. 19. 15 2w MAIL LINE. I 1 v : y.' AM-i unci Ri- M. hf the k . .. i.,- . ... :4 J ' NORTH:! aji.i.v-,-K: J maauu . eAVING. opened Aigain entirely . new au beautiful aasortmeut of Goods, . We areu no prepared to offer to the public a yery atensiyo. col lacUou ot articles :not kepr generally in on Store ilpne' Being determined to sell low, to effect quick sales, and give to pur customers as great bargains, any Store can' offe,iws vould respectfully solicit thcontiuuauce of favora, a we. shall endeavor to gWe enUr. aatisfacUon to altwhU examine, the Stock consisting of: j - rf ' - Sewiiau and English Fancy Goods, Cutlery, jnoricalliirtriimjiPea ftuneVy,CrocKery,m - ellry, and;Toy:-' " :'jr;;.. , ; i Confectionary rrenchndy assorted, best refined Candy, Rock Candy, Chocolate, Raisins, Figs, Prunes Currents, iDalee, Citron, .Almonds, P-lmnuta, Filbertsr Wal, and Cocoanuis, Nutmegs, Msce, Cinnamonr Spice, etc , A .. , - ; Fruits-Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Lemota, Northern Apples. ' " .. , Segarsi Manilla. Josto Sanz, :Talla, Jupiter, Riomla, Havantia, Hegalia, Plantation Havana La dies' Segais, Smoking Tobacco, Chewing Tobacco, Mrs Mi UerV Snuff. , V : Preserves, Jellies, Pickles, Sau ces,, Syrup, Brandy . JFruity large and choice assortment. Groceries: Loaf, Crushed aud Brown Sugar, Molasses. Coffee and Tea, different qualities, Cas tile, varies a ted, White and Brown tfoap. Sperm and Tallow Candles, Oils, -Cheese, Pine Apple Cheese, eie. .. - Bakery : Bot ier. Water, Soger, Spda Crack ers, Pilot Bread and Richmond Cakes. Faucy Goods:--Writing Desks. Fancy Vork Bdxes, Artificial Flowers, Card Cases, Money Purses, Pocket Books, Travelling Bags, Baskets; Dressing and Fine Combs, Pins., Needles," Thread, Buttons, Matches. Shaving Utensils, Looking Glasses. Cloth; Hat, Teeth, Hair, Shoe and small Painting Brushes Walking Canes, Whips, Cowhides, Patent and Common Fish Hooks, Flower VaseS, Painted Mugs, Tumblers. Tapers, Slates,. Smoking1 Pipes, Coffee Mills, Steelyards; Patent Balances, Waiters Clocks, Spoons, Tacks, Razor Straps. ; Cutlery: Rodger's ."Pocket Pen Knives and Razors, Knives and Forks, Scissors, Dirks, Pistols. Guns, Percussion Caps, Tubes, Powder Flasks, Shoi-belts, Bird-bags: ; ; - Musical Instruments: Violins, Bows, Strings, Bridges, Screws, Guitars, FlageoletsFiutes, cues, Accoruions, eic , ' i Perfumery :- Cologne, genuine ;' Macassar. Bear and Antique Oil, Floating, Almond, Palm and. other pcrfuined Soap Chalk-baits and Pink baoenra. ' ; Crockery'j Tea Setts, Cupa and; Saujcers. Pitchers, Bowls, Pistes, Dhtbes, Wash Basins Cof- fee I"ols, etc , .... . . - v., Dry Goods:-CalicoesA CassinetsrCashmeres, vestmgs.v wennn, ; rlandkerchiels, Shswls, tiose Gloves, Bleached' and Brown Shirting, Osnaburg, Flannels, Krrsey,Xinsey, Muslui, Linnen, etc , JTe WC lr yof: GokLilver and Pinchback. Watch, holders,' Breast Pjns, Ear Rings.Pencils, Psns, Finger Rings. Thimbles, Metal Combs, Watch Keys. r on tna:ns, bypsnm and other Beads, assorted. -Toys --A large t-and choice- supply of Magic lanterns, China, - Pewter ; and Wooden Tea -Setts. Dressed and Undressed Dolls. Paint Boxes, Carpen Her a tools, Uarps, and a variety of ramy Toys. G. Wi Sc I. Grimkz, Second door, from Mr. R. Smith. Raleigh, Jan 10. 1848. v tf Garden Seeds, E are now in receipt of our eupply of GAR. HEN SEEDS, which we warrant to be of the growth of 1847. We have paid particular atteu tion to the ' selection of our seed, aud can confidently recommeud them lo our friends aud customers. ' Be low will be found a list comprisiug most.-of the diffe rent varieties, va: , . .,- . . - .- ;' . - Cabbase. , . v Early York, Early' Sugar Loaf. Large Lite Drum . head, tte fiat Lutcn, ruruie or ricKiihsr, LArre Lnte Bergeu, Early Battersea, Drumhead Savoy, ureen uurleu uo. L,arge . x .ork. ate, . . i -1-, Early Six Weeks, Et Ira Early Cado NulL Earlv Wasbiugtou, Bishop Dwarf Proline, .Dwarf Gar j ' ! 1 - Tt . -rt' ' . ? neu xuarrawiai, wua rrussuin, i Early Chinr, Refugee or 1U00 to 1, Early Valentine, JSHirljf ix WeekV Xrga Lima, f i 5 ; Lon; Scarlet, Long Salmon White .Turnip, Scarlet f U9fIin onor top, Green, Short do., Early Frame,' Gherkin -1 - w v 1 J I - van - . . - Earjj. Blood Turnip, Early ; Yellow do Xong Blood, juaugrel vurtzel, freuch Sugar. White Coss, Brown Dutch Ice .Head, Green do. Silver Skio, Ri-d Onion. Yellow Datch. J ; Largo Red Tato, Early Cotit, White Solid Cele ry, t ivarly f end Late Squash Scotch Kale, Rape, Purple Egg Plauu Early and Late Cauliflower, urocoli, Otc . . . -- s - ',;, Gras&v Seed. ' . Orchard, Timotliy, Lucerae, White Clover, aud Bine Grass. .Catalogues furnished gratis at our Couuter n,. r PESCUD JOHNSTON. IJin brcl Ids .Parasols, ;Parao let tes AND .WALKING-CANEV UMBRELLAS. WM. II. RICHARDSON ' I - STEAM FA(H;ORx-;1L; JddjiyM.w-iXfMied States, Ko, 104 Market Street, Pliiladelpbia. MERCHANTS are reipectfully informed. that I continue to Manufacture oil the above Goods, by the aid of .tfieam, notwithstanding m : great bpiiositiou of parlies, oppos! to tbe iutro duct ion of expensive improvements. My assortment is complete, and prices so low, as to give entire satis faction. (TV1 As there is sn Umbrella Store next door.' of nesrly the same uame, it u important you should re-. member .. . ' ... ;v : . vu. 11. i:iciiai:dso, Steam Factory, and PATXKTsa of. the Wauuib Sign of the Lady and eagle, I No. 104, MaRKJET StKEXX, PHlLAUfLPHlA. Jan. 3li 1858 i ', i ? : 1 L tf 33" Attention is requested, to the celebrated kibo Uak Umbuklla, a neat and ueautiiui arttcir, combining all the'advautages of a Cavi and L t- .'".'TAKEN; vp by ; Jeflfcrson Lynn, a dark bay Horse, about 18 or 20 years old, about 4" feel 10 inches high, with a blste ihj.fecwith his UftVot, ite ; a ne .oov..& the two hind feet while. shod all round. . Valued by Benjamin. Carpenter; nd Nalhanlih!im. to be worth 9 t)0. - : :J.i AVILL1S SCOArTRapeer "SEe Feb. 23, 1818. H17 .GAROENEMS.: LARGE supply, of all the varieties in general use, just received aud for aale. by TT H m A- : Wil-aaAiklJSUAX VVOOD & CO, Feb.13.184H. i;jj;;l;i,;t;. JZ, FreIiriiceV' J '. n uai received, and for sale by , . - -CJJ, . WUX1AMS, HAYVVO0D CO. reb. : . ' . 13. 1 1 - Trnistory of Tlrjiiila.Intrcoctioi to XQjjbe History of the Colony and Ancient Domin kmi of Vireinia. bv Charles CamPbeM. One Vol Just published and sold at the N. C Rook Store, by II. D1. TURrlER RafergV. Feb. 1. te 13 fANCV'STORE'OF.V- !?o,spouTSinfisr. t -J w - PA.XX2fT titxuAxinvi, Ei.rnEToil w suits Aiiu St.SifMiA.IMJiim v arxS A Ua - NORTH CA1TOI.IIT A I ALOTAIAci P1ALL at the North Carolina Bookstore, and II I TTTDMVDIB MnmU . II 1 DAI lu . . . "t ior,i04S-.-.nis Aimansc Dasifen rarefuiuf prepared, and Is for sale, wholesale and retail, bv t n. u. TUU.NER. IRISH POTATOES. TTUSTi received Northern Irish Potatoes, line f eJjT the Table or planting. ; i i. '. ' WILL. PECK & S0 ' Feb. I. V - 3 ; "pXTew Greek Testament, with Eneii, Nnes, Maj'S. Indexes, drc. Iv Rev. J. A. K,fB cer. A. M ," this day received, at TCRNEU'ii .N.ij, Bonstrre. ' y .p, Feb. 6- ' r -: , Iff FOll KENT. A small House in the Y tern part of the City. ' ' - JAMES L1TCIIF0RI). Jan. 1, 1848. ; ." 104 TTaines Ifew Romance. -Cnict r OJ the Hypocrite Uumaked, by J. P. R. Jamei Esq..: Price 25 cents. -Thi day re ceivrd hv . Hf D. TURNER. Dec 14.1847: ' V- :, , ' ui -f " -.v. Grass: Seeds. . 1R ED ; and Wfytft Clover, Herds Grass, Blu, Grass. Orchard Grass, Timothy aud Luctrtie in store and for jnle by s WILLIAMS Feb: I3i. . - HAYWOOD CO. - 13 if PERSONS indebted In the Vubscriberfor the N. C. Staridsrd.-Tbe Independrnt, University M. gazine, by iS'ote or otherwise, or for Adveriiinp,irt notified to pay 00 money to anv A grids, except 1, W- R, Gaikn. Esq.. or;.Wj. Wmitk, Eu. Poti.! master, at Kaleieb I Wathswiki J, faLxca. Etq, Milton. Caswell Co ; Jornr YJ Hicks, Eq. of Franklin. Macon Co H?W. Miiitv, Eq A ttor. ny f Wake Co ; Mr Jostsi Hiatt,- f GreensW ro'. Guilford Co ; and Mr Isbaki E. Jamis, Geg. eral Collector. . ' r ; Those persons professine to perform the dutirsof Constables, who have had accouhu nf nline in their hands from 4 tat years, are requested5 to make re. tnrns of some sort tdither of the boVe gentlfrnca, or to myself. . " V'T. JOKIKG. Feb. 2fJ.,"i -- J-V-- fSF-lb 3 THE' Subscriber, having -purchased from Alfred G. Spates, agent for W BeSch. aiid R. J Gatlb, the Patentees the beaefit of their inventious for tbt State ot an-Varpiina,onrB iodine xairnets 01 me oiaw the advantage "of a Machine lor sowing jau kioel Small Grain reary-fauperiwloisBy thmg herrto- fore- discovered. -Also a new rlougU.for the culti vation of crops.'; And, also, almost valuable sirnult Machine for; the shelling of Com. . These Machines and rlougn can pe nua oy appucaiion 10 me ohd scriher at Jlaleigb.Tarticulara eipletued in hand bills. Wal.?irV CJOLL.1WS. Fehrn'ary 21. 15 tf TrXTortnera Potolsje-At 1-4 per bmh. .(t. -A feWlLL.rPECK St. SON. y Kaleigh, j eb 5. ,. --- nTnc Middle Hin?dom, a survey df ths - U Chinese Empire,: and its Inhabitants, by S. Wills William ; in 2 vols JuH published and for sale, at Turner's N.. C. Bookstore. . . - Feb. 21.. .,-V '.i-,,. 15 rrnH E Sulscriber, havmjg qualified at Tehruity U Term 1848, of the Court wf Pleas and- Quarter Seasidna for the County :ofi Wake,s Executor of the laat wijl and -TesUnvnt deceased, hereby jrives notice to .all persons indebird to aatu- estate, w come lorwaru ami seuic, anu i those; having demands aeainst the tame;" to present them lor payment. ADAM U. BAN.KS, Ex'r. W ake t;nantyHFeb. St2.t f s : lb a CHARLES WMSDEN, SYCAMORE. STREET, PETERSBUR G. VJ. Keeps constantly on hand; a well selected assort- . ,V i'-v?:-'v V.A:.- .. ;ment of ' j .'7 ,. . i WatIics JeTrelry,! Sptacles, Amdp which will Iw fonud a; good selection of Golj"aki- SlLvsa l'drtsr gvjea1 HhaizoKTAL ax Of (he most approved Makers, which he warraiiU l give sat isf act iou, or exchange them. Jfie- srei scied Stock of Embracing Finger rRipgs, Breast, Pins, Gold Fob and Guard Chaius, Guard Keys, blceve Links, Collar Buttons tc, ' I sPaBc'rACf.Eg,: ; In Goidl Silver and eitFramesflaa well as SPECTAC1J2 GLASSESVof erfry'descrlptioD, t fit in frames ; aud from h'ut knowledge) of the scisnc' f Optics', and tha structure of the y, he is prep to rive the. jnoat proper and scisulihe. advice to pr sous chposiug Spectacles or Glasses.", j ; SILVER WARE, k Sonp Ladles, Tea, Dessert,1 Salt and Sla&tard PENCILS. Both Gold and Silver, of a variety of patterns, sb , ; , , 4. ' Ivescripiious. . . MILITARY GQ0I)B. Swords, Epaulettes, Buttons, Laces, Sashes, &c ;Z: MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES" ,Gofd Pens. Sleel Fns. Pocket Books, Steel Keys, Brass Keys, Silk Purses, Razors Silk Gaars, porse 5P. '-SS'vSTi Pocket and Pen Knives, Gold Thimbles, Key Kiagsr . ... -i. o rzt " L j.L-i r- vn 1 Silver l nimwee, n"- sowt ' 4Vila is well and efficiently prepared, to giy niversal satisfaction, in the .RkrAJawo. of Watcnrs CI oeks. Spectaee,4Pencils'welry, ic. ";v; - Persons passrag through Petersburg to; Riebmscd, or farther North, will find theit interest sotservrd, by leaving, with wm, Watclies thry iaay have tbs repaired, as th yatcheacanVbej Veil repaired aud regulates! by the time they .retarav- " The highest cash price for old Gold and SUvers Call at the si jn r the GoWsa ttpectaelav ' - .FeBv'7,-1848. -P-.2 a$5 f LA EGE supoly of COTTON TARKS, from the Leakesviilo Factery, embracing all numbers. Als a varied1 assortment of Cowxiic Lard LampaV . For aale low i apply to Feb. 29-17 t - K. H. PAGE. ; Ti B. ROOT haa just recei ved a 'fine 0i A SiLaGuns, Powder, Powder flasks, frhot B,.: bud Bags, :&c.," all of whirh will be sold low. A off' 7.' 1 - v -" - v v 'f 1 ' $3 S If 11 ft' a ft I: li If si