Ir. To wuendi aiaPriUa THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD . tfj. . in a.rt bottles J it Is six lay sold. It cure disease - " 1 - " RE AIa'll'aN D 'wiNTER MED ICIN E. Tt N-Vni .uper.ority of thi. ttnapa- ItlnWgonW the body. It i one of the very tZTpsll and Winter medicine ever known ; it not oalTPurifiee the whole ytem and strengthens the tjswwn, but it create new, pure end rich blood ; a power possessed by no other medicine. ABd in thi fat the f rend ecref,of itt wonderful success. It has performed within the past two years, more than 35, 000 care of severe cases ef diseases at least 20,01)0 f these considered incurable. More than 3,000 cases of Chronic Rheumatism ; 2,000 cases of Dyspepsia; 4,000 cases of General Debility and Want of En txgy i ' 7.900 cases ef the different Female Complaints ; 2,000 -case of Scrofula ; 1,500 cases of the Liver Complaint ; 3,500 cases of Disease of the Kidneys and Dropsy ; 8,000 eases of consumption : And thousands of cases of diseases of the Mood, viz : tJlcers, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum. Pimples on the Ks.ce, &C , 4c, together with numerous case of Sick Headache, Pain in the Side and Chest, Spinal Affec lion, &c-,&c. ..... - This we are aware, must appear incredible, bat we hate Utters from Physician and ejur Agents from alf parts of the United State, informing usof extraordi nary cure. R Vis Buikihx, Esq., one of. the most respectable Druggists iu Newaik, N. J, in form us that he can refer to more than 150 cases in that place alone. There are thousands of cases in the City of New York, which we will refer to with pleasure and to men of character. It is the beet medicine for the prevention of disease known. It undoubtedly saved the lives of more than 6,000 CHILDREN THE PAST SEASON ! As it removed the cause of dssease. and prepared them for the Summer season. It has never been known to injure in the least the most delicate child. RHEUMATISM. . This 8arsaparilla is used with the most perfect success in Rheumatic complaints however severe or chronic The astonishing cures it has performed are indeed wonderful. Other remedies sometimes gie temporary relief this entirely eradicates it from the system, even when tne iimDs ana Done are ureau folly swollen. rr Hear Mr. 8eth Terry, one of the oldest and mi raiwtiMa liwvers in Hartford. Conn. The fallowing is an extract of a letter recived from him : n Tnmntsnd I have used one bottle ot.your Sarsaparilla, and find it 4s excellent in its effects up on a Chronic, Rheumatic pain, to which I am sub ject, from an iniury occasioned several years ago, in nubile slaze. Please send me two bottles to the are of Dr. Seymour. I have conversed wjth two of oar principal physicians, and recommend your Sars aparilla. SETH TERRY. Hartford, March 12, 1845. CONSUMPTION CURED. Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be eUred. Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Com plaint, Colds, Coughs. Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Soreness i the Chest, Hectic flush, Might Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expectoralion.Pain in the side, SfC , have been and can be cured Dr. Townsend-Dear Sir: Nearly twenty years ago i took a violent cold, which settled on my lungs, and afiected me severely indeed, finally, it became a con stant hacking cough, but not so severe aa to prevent zae from attending to my business; within the last few years it increased on me gradually. At last I became reduced breathed with difficulty, and raised with my cough much bad matter, and for the last mine months' previous to using your Sarsaparilla, had regular night sweats ; indeed, my friends and myself supposed that I would die with the Consump tion ; but I haie the happiness to inform yoa that, -to my surprise, after using three bottles of your sjarsaparilla, I find my health restored. It relieved -me gradually, and I am now enjoying much better hearth than I have before in 26 year. I had almost entirely lost my appetite, which is 8 Iso returned. You ate at liberty to publish this with my name in the pipers, if yoa choose. My little girl, who is three years old had a very bad cough the whole of last Winter. -We became very much alarmed on her account. While using the medicine. I gave her some of it, and it soon en-, tirely relieved her, as well as myself, and she is well now, and hearty as any child I ever saw. She was also fall of little blotches: it took them away'and her skin is smooth and fair now and I am satisfied she recovered her health from using your excellent med iates . 8. W. CONANT. 444 Bowery., GIRLS, READ THIS. Yea who have pale complexions, dull eyes, blotch- on the face, rough skin, and are "out of spirit," se a bottle or two of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. It will cleanse your blood, remove the freckels and blotches, and give you animation, sparkling eyes, fine spirits, aad beautiful complexions all of which are ef immense value to unmarried ladies. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE - , Dr. Townsend's 8arsaparilla is a sovereign and speedy cure for 'Incipient Consumption, Barrenness, Leucorrhoca, or Whites, obstructed or difficult Men straatioo, Incontinence of Urine, or. involuntary dis charge thereof, -and for the general Prostration of the System, no matter whether the result of inherent cause, or produced by irregularity, illness or accident. Nothing can be more surprising than its invigorat ing ejects on the human frame. Persons, all weak ness and lassitude, from taking it, at once become rebast and full of energy under its influence. It im mediately counteracts the nervelenness of the female frame, which is the great cause of barrenness It will not h expected of as, in Cases of so delicate aature, to exhibit certificates ef ures performed, hut we can assure the afflicted, that hundreds of -cases have been reported to us. Several cases where families have been without children, after wing a few bottles of this invaluable medicine, have teen blessed with healthy offspring. Dr. To as nt end My wife being greatly distressed hj weakness and General Debility, and suffering continually by pain and a sensation of bearing down, falling of the womb, and with other difficulties, and saving know a cases where your medicine has effec ted great cures, and also hearioz it recommended for aach cases as I have described,! obtained a fouleof your Extract of Sirsa.oa.nlli. and followed tne di tactions you gave. In m short period it removed her complaints aud restored ber health. Being grateful for the benefits she received, I take pleasure in thus cknowledatliir it. and recommending it to the public M D.MOORE. Corner Grand and Lydius-sts. Albaay, Aug. 17, 1347. TO MOTHERS ANDMARRIED LADIES. Tfck Extract of Sarsaparilla ha been expressly prepared in refereaoe to female complaints. No female wVa has reason to suppose sbe is approaching that eriacal period, the tarn of life, should neglect to uke it, is a certain preventative for any of tha nam araii's and horrible disease to which female are subject at this time or life. This period may ba delaved several rears by using this medicine. Nor a U lass valuable for those approaching womanhood st u is calculated to assist nature, by quickening the leod, aad invigorating the system. Indeed, this ' medicine is invaluable for all the disease to which women m sarriwt. It brace th whnl arstem. renews permanently lha natural energies by removing the impurities of the body not sn far atimulatins the system as to - w o produce a subsequent relaxation, which is the case of meaictoes taken for female weakness and disease. SCROFULA pnpffn This Certificate eoaclusivtly prove that this Sar saparilla has perfect control over the most obstinate diseases of the blood. Three persons cured on one bouse is nnprecedented. r THREE CHILDREN. v . Dr Tvwrucnd Dear Sir : I hare the pleasure to inform yon that three of my children have been cored of the Scsofula by the use of your excellent medicine. They were afflicted very severely with bad sores ; have taken only four bottles ; it took them away, for which I feel myself under deep obligation. Yours, respectfully, ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wooster-st. New York, March 1. 1847. ' OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr- Townsend is almoft daily receiving orders from Physicians in different parts of the Union. This is to certify that we the undersigned, Physi cians of the City of Albany, have in numerous cases prescribed Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one of the most valuable preparations in the market. H. if. PULING, M D. J. WILSON, M. D. R. P. BRIDGES. M D. P. E ELMENDORF, M. D. Albany, April 1, 1846. UNITED STATES OFFICER. Capts G. W. McLean, one of the United States Marine Corps and member of the New Jersey Leg islam re, nas kindly sent us the following certificate It tells its own story. Bahtcav, Jan. 25, 1847. A year since I was taken with the Influenza, and mv urhnl ve!m left in n debilitated State. I was induced to try Dr. Townseuds Sarsaparilla and after takina two or three bottles, I was very much relieved, and attribute it entirely to the aaid Sarsaparilla I have continued taking it, and find that I Improve every day. I believe it saved my life, and would not be without it under any consideration G. W.McLEAN. T1YSPEPSIA. No flnuf nr medicire has ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the" gastric juice or saliva, in decomposing food and strengthening the organs of deration, as tbis nreoaration of Sarsaparilla. positively cures every case of dyspepsia, however severe or chronic. Fnnlc nsnartment. Albany. May 10, 1345. n- T...rtts Kir f hitvf been afflicted for several years with Dyspepsia in its worst forms, at tendml with soreness of stomach, loss of appetite, ex treme heart-burn, and a great aversion-to all kinds of food, and for weeks (what I could eat) i bave been unable to retain but a small portion on my siomacu I lTxmA ih ii.iinl mmmtiRs. but ibev had tittle or no effect in removing the comtilaint. 1 was induced, about two months since, to try your Extract of Sar saparilla, and I must say with little confidence; but alter using nearly two bottles, 1 lounu;. my appetite restored, and the heart-burn entirely removed; and I umnlri cnrmstlv recommend the use of it to these who have been afflicted as I have been Yours. &c. W. VV VAN ZANDT. Principal Office, 126 Fulton street. Sun. Bailding. N Y. Reddinz &. Co., 8 State street, Boston Dvottfe Sons, 132 North 2J stree;, Philadelphia S. S. Hance, Drugeist, Baltimore P. M. Cohen, Charleston Wright & Co., 158 Cnartres street, N. O 105 South Pearl street, Albiny and by all the principal Druggists and Merchants generally through out the United States, West Indies and the Canada. For Sale m Raleigh, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. October 18. 1847. 84 ly ffATIOSAL, LOAN FUND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. A Savings Bank for the benefit of the Widow and the Orphan." (ixrowixtn si act or rimuxtiT.) Capital, 500,000 sterling, or $2,50O,OO0. Beside a reserve fund (Irom surplus premiums) of about 8185,000. T. LAMIE MURRAY, Esq, George st. Hano ver square, Chairman of the Court of Directors, in London. Physician J. ELLIOTSON, M. D., F. R S. Actuary W. S. B. WOOLHOUSE, Esq., F. R. A.S. Secretary F.F. CAMR0UX, Esq. iTUHlJi INSTITUTION embrace Important and 1 substantial advantages with respect to Life As 8urance and deferred annuities. The assured has, on all occasions, the power to borrow, without ex pense or forfeiture ' of the policy, two-thirds of the premiums paid ; also the option of selecting ben efits, and the conversion of his interests to meet oth- r convenience or necessity. Assurances for terms of years at the lowest possi ble rates. Persons insured for life, can, at once, borrow half the amount of annual premium for five successive years, on their own note and deposits of policy. rut or tbi Capital is pkrm axestlt ixves. ted in the United States, in the names of three of the Local Directors as Trus:ees available always to the assured in case of disputed claims (should any ucb arise) or otherwise. 1 he payment of premium, half-yearly, or quar terly, at a trifling advance upon the annual rate. No charge for stamp-duty. Thirty day allowed after each payment of premi um become due, without forfeiture of policy. Travelling leave extensive and liberal, and extra premiums on the most moderate scale. Division of PaoriTs. The remarkable success and increased prosperity of the Society has enabled he Directors, at the last annual investigation, to de clare a fourth bonus, varying from 35 to 85 per ct. on the premiums paid en each policy effected on the profit' scale Usited States Boad oy Local Directors. (Chief Office for America, 74 Wall st) JV. York, acob Harvey, Esq. Chairman', Jonn J. raimer, Esq .Jonathan Goodhue, Esq James Boor man, Esq. George Barclay, Esq., Samuel S. Howland, Esq., Gorham A. Worth. Esq., Samuel M. Fox, Esq., William Van Hook, Esq., and C. tdward Habitcat, Esn.O Vhiladelphia Clement C. Biddle, fcsq., Lkjuis a. r,J. Rui (icor Rex Graham, Esq. William ones. Eso if.r!Jonathsn MereJilh, Esq., Samuel Hoffman. EO..Dr J. H. McCulloh. J. Leander Starr, Ueneral Agent, ana toward J . . . . m Richardson. Esq.. General Accountant, for the Uni tad Stale and British N. A. Colonies. Medical Examiners, New 1 ork -J Kearny Rod . . t. Ol 1 .. A I 1 V I! l M. D.. 101 rranuin-si ; o. o. xveene, jvi. u.. zau Fourtb-sL Medical Examiners attend at 74 Wall-st. and No. 134 Bowery at 3 o'clock P. M. daily. Fee paid by the Society.) Stinding uounsci William van nook, Jtisq. 39 Wall-st, Bankers The Merchant's Bank. Solicitor John Hone. Esq. 11 Pine-sL Cashier Henry E. Cutlip,'Esq. An Act in respect to insurance for lives for the benefit of married women, passed by theLegislature of New X ork, 1st April, 1840. Pamphlets, blank forms, table of rate. list of A' genu, de. &c. obtained at the Chief Office 74 Wall st. 134 Bowery, or from either of the Agents through out the United Stales, and British North American Colonies. GEORGE LITTLE, A genu R. B. Hatwood, Medical Examiner, Raleigh. March 23, 1847 24 WANTED TO HIRE, A STEADY active boy, or man, for the ensuing rW. year. Apply to the Editor of the Kegister. Raleigh, March 3, 1848. 18 6t MARTIN LEWIS & CO. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Clotbs, Cnssi meres, Testing! and Tailors9 Trimming?, So. 21, Baltimore Street, BilTIfiOiE, 8RCOKD STORK WtST OP CH.M.33 STREET. N. B. Out Stock consists exclusively of Goods adapted for Men's Wear, aad U the only Store of the kUd in Baltimore. Feb. 1. 10 2a TO TRAVELLERS GOING NORTH.' 11RAVELLER8 going North, are advised that . their most expedition, comfortable and only cer tain route, i by the Rail Road Line via Petersburg, Richmond and Washington Travellers by this line reach Washington at 4 P. M.thedav after leaving Gaston, Baltimore at 7 i. M Philadelphia in the course of the night, and New York at 12 M. the next day, being ihua a business j r .u- t.mpi Kier and Bay Line, even when the Boais connect, and .voiding all the risk of Sea sickness. Fogs and &tortns oy me oay. Through Tickets fiom Petersburg to Baltimore For'further information, apply Petersburg to the Ticket Agent of the Kxcnmona ana reier.uu.s Rail Road. January 19, 1848. 7 3m ra? rait Til tflAItOLINA Mutual Insurance Company. mTDwrriMT tr, an Ac of Assembly. Compt- ny ha been formed in thi State, under the name and atyle of tne " ionn arouu n.u... ... urance Company." and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, vtx: JOSIAH O. WATSON, President, ALBERT STITH. Vice-P.resident, RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, . THEODORE PARTRIDGE; Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, RICHARD SMITH, ) Executive Com! ALBERT STITH, . miuee. WESTON R. GALES. 5 Tk. r-rr.n.n. i. now DreDared to receive applica tions for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same. a iKo A. nf I nrnrnoration. the Company is author- ired to take risks on Dwelling H ouses, Stores, fcbops Furniture. Merchandize, and other property, against loss or damage by Fire. Ph nffi nf th Comuanv is in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. Smith, at the corner ol r ayeueviue ana r ..ii strata whpm full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will be cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. Raleigh. January I ft. )4 " HASTINGS' Compound Syrup of Naptlia. not only a positive but a warranted curb run consumption and all otukr"dibsa8es of the lungs! Itt. A. F. Harrison, 147 Greenwich Street, New .orlt, SOLE AMERICAN AGENT. THIS medicine has decided the dispute about the curability of Consumption ; and satisfied the medical Faculty, and all who have used it, that Consump tion and all afflictions of the lungs can not only be cured, but they are as easily and as simply curd as almost any of the disorders to which the human frame is liable, The operation of a single bottle which costs but one dollar is sufficient to satisfy any pa tient, if not altogether too far ?one iu the disease, of this fact ; and even a single dose gives evidence of its extraordinary inf.neuces, iu arreeliug, and eradi cating the malady, by the immediate relief which it affords. This is no quack or secret remedy. Dr. Hastings, its discoverer, is one of the mot eminent physicians of the age, and has made a full disclo sure ef its history aud all its component parts to the world : not wishing lo incur the responsibility of con fining to himself (far the sake of profit) a secret which was calculated to do such universal pood. Aud such have beea the wonderful re i ts of its op erations that the Ioudon Lancet," Medical Times aud the most eminent physicians of both hemispheres are anxiously callin? upon sufferers lo have imme diate recourse to it. aud proclaiming lhatof all known medicines it alone has positively established its effi cacy by undeniable proofs of curing Cousumptien aud all other diseases of the lungs. The rreat celebrity of Hastings' Compound Svr- upopNaptha, obviates the necessity of publishing certificates of cures. In fact, so far as can be as certained, it has cured, or is fast curing almost all who have used it, and probably no person who has taken a bottle but would be willing to give a warm certificate in its favor, aa hundred 'have already done without solicitation. O Price one dollar a bottle. Six bottles for five dollars. The usual allowance to the trade. For sale. Wholesale and Retail by Messrs. PES- CUD &. JOHNSON, sole Agents for Raleigh. Jan i2, lo49. 4 Dr. A. F. Coopers9 Spino-Abdonii- u a 1 Supporters. THE Subscribers have ou hand a supply of the above valuable supporters, which are recommeud ded for all persons, afflicted with muscular debility, Rouud shoulders, or prolapsus Uteri . Proff : Mott thinks they are very well adapted for some varieties of incipient spinal distortions, as they afford the useful combination of shoulder brace and Abdominal supporter, with very decided support to the 6pinal column. The above braces are recommended by the rhysi- cians generally, who have seen them, and we have sold a number to citizens of this place, who are high ly pleased with them. A gentleman observed a tew days since, that he had been wearing a very celebrated body brace for some time, and that he would not give one of the above, for fifty such " They ueed no putfiHg as they speak Tor therrr- selves." . PCSCUD & JOHNSON. O" The above Supporter is au improvement on Dr.E. Crainb celebrated Spino-Abdominal Supporter. Jan. 12. 1848. (Standard.) 4 BR. ICOSY'S BRAZILIAN HAIR CURLING LIQUID, a preparation which will cause the Hair to curl most beautifully, aod is warranted not to injure it iu the least, thus dispensing with the curling irous, which injure the hair so much. The immense demand for the fluid and the repeat ed testimonials, which we have received from Ladies in Raleigh who are using jt, enable us to recommend it with confidence. Call and get a Bottle at PESCUD & JOHNSON'S Drug Store Jan. 12 1848. Staudard.1 , 4 COMMISSION AND AUCTION BUSINESS. FOR home produce seut us to cell, such as Ba con, Corn, Flourr &.c , we warrant the highest City prices, aud prompt returns ef sales. We prom ise the same of any other article sent io our line, whether foreign or domestic. , WILL: PECK & SON. Raleigh, Jan. 28, 1848. 6 2m Freeland & Hall, GROCERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, R'iS?xS,,,sl!t St Wnar' BuWimore. if K&Kfor Sale, on pleasing term, a Tolland Hjf general assortment of articles in their line, at the lowest market rates ; and pledge themselves, that all order entrusted to them, will be attended to with punctuality and despatch. Jan. 29, 184f g 2m Grass Seeds. KED and While Clover, Herd Grass, Blue Grass, Orchard Grass, Timothy and Lucerne, ia store and for sale by WILLIAMS HAYWOOD & CO. Feb. 13. 13 tf NEW GOODS! U8T rcceited by the Subscriber, a fine lot of Oznaburgs. Brown Sheetinz and Cotton Cards. Rice, Starch, Indigo and Madder. JAMES LITCHFORD. Raleigh, March 14, 1848 21 Fresh Rice, TTUST received, and for sale by JJ WILLIAMS HAYWOOD CO. Feb. 13, 13. TJ, & MAIL LINE. n .ii. r v;.t nid ChcMaveake Bay ay sac umc : , , - . iersburg, Norfolk, Baltimore and Phdar delphia, to New Yorh ..nci i iu:. t ! Weldoa i nd burg and KoanoKe Ran , . - 7 A From thence daily at 15 minute, before 7 A. M., "tSS Jhtce thetake cue of the f.t Jame. ?teame for ft. II J Rl M. the (n .DP..l"or m ', . f.Tora bly steamers (hunt lor me , known "or jtbeir r.gth comiortable arranre m The Steamer, of this Line have been put in first rate order, for the running of the Schednle required . .u MArhrn and Southern Mail. W"T'1 "TiTLL :-.fc. ..firt IT. S Mail CT Hear in miuo, tni w - Line," and at the reduced rates, passengers will save money, and certainly have more comfort by this Line, less lose of sleep, and fewer change of person and baggage. Fare from Weldon to Baltimore, $8 00 . . Norfolk, 4 00 For Tickets, apply tfWii. M. Moodt, Jr., Agent, Weldon, N..C. n on Fare from Gaston to Baltimore, 89 uu 1 . Norfolk, 4 00 For Tickets, apply to C. C. Pcgh, Esq., Agent, Gaston, N. C. n .1 U m mm mllnarmn In fassengers gelling inrougu iiurii. stop at aHy point on the route and resume their trip when they may be ready. ivu m urnnnv. Jr. A rent. T I 1IX 11 w v I - v.. . n v Office James River and Bay L.ine, i Weldon, N. C, Dec. 21st, 1847. $ DecC 20, 1847. 1 tf Raleigh Livery Stable ! THE SUBSCRIBERS having ten ted the Stables, recently occupied by Mr. BurrALOE and thoroughly repaired and refitted them ; aud, having furnish ed the Establishment with an entirely new supply of Carriages, Buggies, Horbks, (both Saddle and Harness,) and having also enraged experienced aud careful Drivers, well ac quaiuted with the different Roads, and stepping houses thioughout the btate, are now prepared to at tend to all calls in their line. The Stable are located io a very central position, and some one will always be found there, at all hours of the day and night, to attend to orders Horses will be boarded by the day, week, month or year at the most moderate prices. Drovers visiting Raleigh with Horses to dispose of. will fiud these Stables conveniently located for that purpose ; and every attention will be given to pro mete their views. JAMES M. IIARRISS & CO. Raleigh. Jan. 6.1 848. 2 tf Marble Work. rniHE attention of e-entlemen desirous of Durrhas Jl ing MARBLE MANTELS, MONUMENT or STATUARY, i requested. The subscribers, having been engaged in the Mar ble, business for the last thirty yesrsin Philadelphia, and having manufactured work for alaioit every pari of the Union, can refer to all who have favored them with their custom, and to their work, (considerable of which has been put up in this) place.) They have always on band a full supply of Marble Man to l, and new and original Designs for Mounuments and other work, copies of which, with prices, will be forwarded q3 All work shipped is insured from breakage. They can refer to any Mercantile house in Phila delphia for standing and character as workmen. JOHN oTRuTHBKS 6c W.X, No. 360, High Street, Philadelphia. Feb. 28, 1848. 17 3m N. B. Theie is nothing in their line which they do not furnish, either domestic or imported. TAXES! TAXES! TAXES. THE Undersigned having been duly appointed Administrator of James Edwards, Esq. deceas ed, late Sheriff of Wake County, and the Sureties of the said Sheriff having appointed him their Agent aud Attorney, he is now clothed with authority ac cording to law, to collect the Taxes remaining un collected for the year 1846. This ie therefore to give notice to all concerned, that they must account for and pay the said Taxes, or it will be the duty of the undersigned'to collect Ihem by law, with costs. The Collectors of the late Sheriff are also notified to make return of their accounts, &c without delay for the year 1846, and for the previous years. The estate of the late James Edwards is indebted, and there can be no indulgence given ; so that all who do not pay their Taxes without del ay, will have no rieht to complain should their property be seized without further notice. The undersigned can always be found at his Of fice, in the Court House, in the City of Raleigh.- Tbis the 13th day of March, 1848. 22 4w R. P. FINCH. Raleigh & Gaston Railroad, TO remove the appreheusions of the public, and the patrons of the Ra!eigh &. Gaston Rail Road, as to the etiects of the late fire on the future prospects and means of the Road, notice is given, that as the Stale authorities have made arrangements to repair the late loss, the Road is euabled to transport in reg ular order aud in good time, all the Produce, Mer chandize, Travel, &c, that may be offered. THOMAS MILLER, Pres't. Office Ra'eigb & Gaston Rail Road, ) March 16, 184S. C OUR SPRING GOODS, in Part: rown and Loaf Sugars, oruehed, Clarified and refined do.. Laguira, uio. and Java Coffees, Molasses, Tea and Spices, -Butter, Cheese aud Rice, Mackarel and Mullets, Flour, Meal and Bacon, Blown and Ground Allum Men and Women's Shoes, Salt, Sole and Upper Leather, Calf, Lining Skins aud Thread, Tin Ware, asserted, Bagging, Rope, and Twine, Bed Cords and Lines, Shirtings, Sheetiugs and Oznaborgs,' Cotton Yarns, from 4 to 16, Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff, Sifters and Prints in frames, Nails from 4 pennys to 20 peunys, Brown apd white Soaps, Sperm, Hull aud Dallet'a Candles, Horse-whips, Wood ware, j-c.'&c. &c WILL: PECK & SON. March 18. 22 lm Kli II i:i MUK1IOCK, Manufacturer of Improved Patent, Platform, and Counter Scales, Scale Beams, it., OF all sixes, and adapted to the various use of Merchants, Rail Road and Transportation Com panies, Hay and Coal dealers, Grocers, Druggist, and all others, requiring Scales of any description ia their business. These Scales are of the best material and work manship; on an improved plan, superior in simplicity, accuracy and durability, to any others, and warran ted to the purchaser, or tbey will be taken back and the money returned. A general assortment constantly on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices, at the Manufactory, No. 46, Booth Charlks, bext to thi Cobhxk or Lom bard St., BALTiicoka Also. MURDOCK'S Patent seir-turning, aod oth er Pressing Machines, for Milliners and Pressers. Baltimore, March 10. 22 3m nqHtm store of it HAVING opened again an enwreiy new ana beautiful assortment of Gooday are now prepereu m u tu ma puwuc : lection of article not kept generally in obo Store alone. Being determined to sell low, to effect quick ales, and give to oar customers as great bargainer aa any Store can offer, we would respectfully aolicit the continuance of favors, a we shall endeavor to giro entire eatiafactlon to all who will be pleased to examine the Stocki consisting of : Confectionary? Groceries, French, German and English Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Musical Imtromeii ta, Per fumer y, Croc feery, Dry Goods, Jew- ellry, and Toy-: . Confectionary : nch"dT"Jrl.ed beet refined Candy, Rock Candy, Chocolate Fig, Prone., Current, Date, Citron, Almonds, Palmnots, Filbert., Wal. and CocoantU., Nutmeg. Mace, Cinnamon, Spice, etc Fruit Malaga Grape Orangea, Lemon, Northern Apple. s Sesars: Manilla. Sani, Talla, Jupiter, Rlonda, Havanna, Regalia, Plantation, Hanni La die' Segar, Smoking Tobacco, Chewing Tobacco, Mrs Miller's Snuff. Preserves, Jellies, Pickles, Sau ces, Syrup, Brandy Fruit, a large and choice assortment. Groceries : Loaf, Crushed and Brown Sugar, Molasses, Coffee and Tea, different qualities, Cas tile, variegated. White and Brown Soap, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Oils, Cheese, Pine Apple CIimm. eie. Bakery : Butter. Water, Soger, Soda Crack- ers, r'Uot liread ana mcuraouu uicb. Fanev Goods: Writing Desks. Fancy Vork Boxes, Artificial Flowers, Card Cases, Money Purses, Pocket Books, Travelling Bags, Baskets, Dressing and Fine Combs, Pins, Needle, Thread, Buttons, Matches. Shaving Utensils, Looking Glasses, Cloth, Hat, Teeth, Hair, Shoe and small Painting Brushes, Walkine Canes. Whip. Cowhides, Patent and Common Fish Hooks, Flower Vases, Painted Mugs, Tumblers. Tapers, Slates, Smoking Pipes, Coffee Mills, Steelyards, Patent Balances, Waiters, Clocks, Spoons, Tacks, Razor Strap. Cutlery: Rodger' Pocket Pen Knives and Razors, Knives and Forks, Scissors, Dirks, Pistols, Guns, Percussion Caps, lubes, Powder r tasks, Shot-belts, Bird-bags. .Musical Instruments: Violins, Bows, 8trings, Bridges, Screws, Guitars, Flageolets, Flutes, Fife, Accordion, etc. Perfumery : Cologne, genuine ; Macassar, Bear and Antique Oil, Floating, Almond, Palm and other perfumed Soap Cbalk-bali and Pink Saucer. Crockery : Tea Sett, Cup and Saucers, Pitcher, Bowl, Plates, Dishes, Wash Basins, Cof fee Pols, etc Dry Goods: Calicoes, Cassinets, Cashmeres, Vestittes, Merino, Handkerchiefs, Shawls, Hose, Gloves, Bleached and Brown 8birting, Osnaburg, Flannels, Kersey, Linsey, Muslin, Linnen, etc. Jewelry of Gold Silver and Pinchbeck, Watch-holders, Breast Pins, Ear Rings,Penciis, Pens, Finger Rings. Thimbles, Metal Combs, Watch Key, Fob Chains, Gypsum and other Beads, assorted. Toys: A large and choice supply of Magic Lanterns, China, Pewter and Wooden Tea Setts, Dressed and Undressed Dolls. Paint Boxes, Carpen ter' Tools, Harps, and a variety of Fanry Toys. CHR. GKIMMB, Firm of . G. W. & U. Grimkx, Second door from Mr. R. Smith. Raleigh, Jan 10, 1848. 2 tf Garden Seeds. WE are now in receipt of our supply of GAR DEN SEEDS, which we warrant to be of the growth of 1847. We have paid particular atteu lion to the selection of our seed, and can confideutly recommend them to onr friends and customers. Be low will be found a list comprising most of the diffe rent varieties, viz: Cabbage. Early York, Early Sugar Loaf, Large Late Drum head, Late Flat Dutch, Purple or Pickling, Large Late Bergen, Early Baltersea, Drumhead Savoy, Green Curled do. Large York, ice Peas. . Early Six Weeks, Extra Early Cado Noli, Early Washington, Bishop Dwarf Prolific, Dwarf Gar den Marrowfat, Blue Prussian. Beans. Early China, Refugee or 1000 to I, Early Valentine, Early Six Weeks' Large Lima. Radish. Long Scarlet, Long Salmon, White Turnip, Searlet do. Scarlet Short Top. Cucumber. Long Green, Short do., Early Frame, Gherkin. ESeet. Early Blood Turnip, Early Yellow do., Long Blood, Maugrel Wurtzel, French Sugar. Lettuce. White Cos, Brown Dutch, Ice Head, Green do. Oulon. Silver Skin, Red Onion, Yellow Dutch. Large Red Tomato, Early Corn, White Solid Cele ry, Early and Late Squash, Scotch Kale, Rape, Purple Egg Plant. Early and Late Cauliflower, Brocoli, &c. v Grass Seed. Orchard, Timothy, Lucerne, White Clover, aod Blue Grass. Catalogues furnished gratis at our Counter PESCUD JOHNSTON. Umbrellas, Parasols Parasolettes, AND WALKING CANE UMBRELLAS. WJI. II. RICHARDSON STEAM FACTORY, The Only one in the United States, No, 104 Market Street, Philadelphia. MERCHANTS are respectfully lnlorwed, that I continue to Manufacture all the above Goods, by the aid of Steam, notwithstanding the great opposition of parties, opposed to the intro duction of expensive improvements. My assortment is complete, and prices so low, as to give entire satis faction. (XJ As there is an Umbrella 8lore next door, of nearly the same name, it is important you sheuld re member W?I. II. RICHARDSON, Steam Factory, and Patcktbb of th Wnxiso Case Umbkilla. Sign of the lady and eagle, No. 104, Market Street, Phuadelphia. Jan. 31, 185S. U tf 03" Attention is requested to the celebrated Wal kiho Cahb Una bxli.a, a neat and beautiful article. combining all the advantages of a Caw and Ux-q BBKLLA. . . ' " if ew goods: ' " SPRING. 1848. Richardson & Co. No. 82, Main-Street, Riehmond, Yirjinii, ARE prepared to oiler this season to the Jfer. chants of North Carolina, an uncommonly fine stock of SPRING DRY GOODS, which embraces almost evjsry description of British, French, German and American manufacture, including the greatest variety for Ladies and Gentlemen' use, and the latest atyle imported with all the articles usually kept in a wholesale Dry Good Store- Their purchase having been made under favorable circumstances, the Good will be sold on their usual terms and at a moderate advance. Richmond, March, 1 848. , 21 Imp THE uadersigned hereby gives notice, that he intends to file his petition at the next Term of the Superior Court of Law for Craven County, pray ing the emancipation of his negro man slave, named Edward, about 58 years old. JOHN T. LANE. Feb. 33 15 6w FEMALE SEMINARY, Kef. TroiCMor u bvjm4. "mupu, ' Gey. J. M. MOEEDEAD, Proprietor. THE year begin with Jojy,. and closes on a first Thursday in May ; an unbroken term 0f months. ' The several departments which form a coirtpretei, tiv and ornamental Education, as Music, Drai0, Painting, French, Latin, aud English Lsngoj nd Literature Mathematics and the exoerirWL, Sciences ; Mental and Moral Philosophy, the Bib and" its Literature, are, conducted by profession Teachers, of much ex perience. EnexwoftTS- ia organized on a well defined nt.. to impart to a moderate number of pupils, the high! est order of Education, and at an expense fr l.' than ia Institutions of like grade, in the large Citj .Tne greatest parental care sou uversigni, titm arranged course of study ; valuable Libraries and .J psratus, approved methods of instruction, religiou. culture, love 01 stuuy, great improvement, and ft hit. - T . :.u j! ever quauuo a ajouj w yvtivtiu mui uigmiy wisdom the station which Providence assigns her are secured to Edgeworth pupils, to an extent seldom auaineu iu ue uiusi invureu iiiniiiutions. The expenses for each of the five months ire Bdard, dec and instruction in all, Studies not exit $75 Music on Piano or Guitar $20, Oil Painting so .. r u a : . T . eiiner 01 iuo aiivicih or moucrn .languages, $q Drawing and Painting $10. t xjty dollars are paia on entering, and the bilUi paid on the 1st of January and May. Pupils should enter at the opening of the jf,t lie II lus tiuoci i 17 iuiuicui . utj uu riiirr II in. time, but not to be withdrawn before the close in Mtv when they are examined on the studies of the jrv auvanceu to a uiguci jnut uu me tremor vli.; havinr completed the course, receive Diplomas. I fti permanent memorial of a finished Education. Pupils, who are allowed insufficient time to grarlo. ate, are permitted to join the classes for which the? may be qualified, and all receive the full benefit of their former studies. Parents and Guardians are expected to write. f br '' - , fvt Jr more particular information, especially for the coum L f of studies, when preparations can be made at home:fv .aa.. r. Kv...' IM IT HA m i. n A IU I II (. ' Sedgwick rSIVIALE SEMINARY. KALEIGH, IV. C. INSTRUCTORS : REV. J. J. FINCH, Principal. MONSIEUR J. BRADY, Music and French, MISS N. C. BROWNE, Dra-ning Painting, TERMS, PER SESSION : Board, Washing and Fuel, $60 (10 English Department, $8 to 15 00 Music on Piano or Guitar, 20 00 Use of Instrument, 3 00 Music on Harp 40 CO Latiu Language, 10 00 French do. . 10 00 Drawing and Painting, ' 10 00 The Scholastic year is divided into two sessions ef five month each, commencing on the first of April and October,' and at the end of each Session then will be a vacation ef one month. . Pupils can remain during vacation without any xtra charge. To pre vent extravagance aod rivalry, the pupils are requir ed to wear a Uniform on public occasions, which consists of purple - Merino during the Winter Term, and of whiie Material during the Summer, with plain straw Bonnets trimmed in a correspoudio; style. Each boarding pupil is expected to furnish her own Sheets, Towels, and Napkins, which, with her apparel, must be marked with her name in full. Further information may be obtained, on applica tion to the Principal. Raleigh, Feb. 28. 1848. 17 ST. PAUL'S PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. THE REV. S. I. JOHNSTON, KECTOK AND VISITOR THIS Institution will t be epeneS on the lOih day of March, for the instruction of YOUNG LADIES, under the charge of a young lady from the Patapsco Female Institute, of Maryland, by wbosi Principal, Mrs. A. H. L. Philfs, she is Highly re commended. . . The usual Branches of an English Education will be 'thorouehly taught, with Latin and French to rf those whose parents may desire it. Instruction will also be given in Music, Drawing and Painting. The Rev. C. A Maiosa will attend one day is the week to give Instruction in Moral Science. It is the peculiar design of thi School to unite Religious with Mental Culture, both being regarded as necessary to a complete education.. The pupils will attend the public services of the Church, and will be under the spiritual charge of the Rector of the Parish who will st all times have an eye lo the propriety of their conduct and deportment Although the- School is intended for . the especial benefit of the members of the Church, others may b received,' application being made in all caes to the Rev Sax'x. I. Johhstoh, or to the Rev. Cha's A. Maisos The j?eetor of the Parish has taken this method of discharging one of his chief duties, the proper edu cation of the childrrnt committed to his care. Edenton, March 4. M 4t Young Ladies Select School, RALEIGH, N. C. THIS schooMs under the management of the Misses Partridge assisted by Mrs. Fuller. The year is divided into two Sessions of rive moathi ejach ; the first commenciug Jan. 1st, the second Ju ly 1st. Scholars may be entered at any time during the Session but it is very desirable that they com mence the first day of the session if possible. Terms per Session of Five months : 1st Class, Primary English branches including v Geography, Grammar and Arithmetic,,. $ 7 00 2d Class, History, Astronomy, Philosophy and Parker's exercise in composition, -10 00 3d Class, Watts ob the mind, Physiology, My- thology and Botany, , 12 CO 4th Class, Rhetoric, Chemistry, Mental Phi losophy. Algebra and Geometry, 15 00 Advanced classes may pursue the studies of a lowerVlass, paying only for the studies of the class to which they belong. Latin, - 10 W French, . .. 8 Oft Needlework and Drawing, ' 5 Wl Painting and Waxwork, each 8 8fr Music on Piano, with use of Instrument, 20 00 Music on the Guitar, 10 00. Scholars can remain through the Vacation free- of charge. " Board, washing, fuel and lights $10 per msnth- ,v aarsaaKccs: " Rev. Drury Lacy, Raleigh ; J- M. Lovejey, Prin pal of Military Academy, Raleigh ; W. D. Cook Principal of the Deaf and Dumb School, Raleigh ; J. B. Bobbin, Esq. Looisburg; Rev.' Mr. Dell. Ox ford; Rev. Mr. Hassell, Wiiliamston ; Joseph Bigg Esq. Wiiliamston ; Col. Wm. Morning, Smitafield. . Raleigh , March 1, 1 848. 20 n Commission Orange by the box or hundred.' . WILL. PECK & firU- Mareh ; 1 SEGARS AIYf TOBACCO. rVTW ti. are in receipt of a lot of splendid v. V VX s-ars of variona Kmnrta and I wo cases of very fine chewing Tobacco, to which we invite the atten tion of those who indulge in each luxuries. PESCUD & JOHNSON- Jan. 12. Standard- 4 IVr! : i, I, ( tj-. A 1 S- w 7 T 1c

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