i 1 'i ' j r 5 N't! ' - i i. t ! J S If 1 ill I ,11- .1 II i i if -1 5 it J :i if! If i! ti-l t rf fir !; ft i 3 m I If 1 III 14? 1 1 ' ft 1; ut .1 lie; it ' I,' Vlr.- rT..7.TT..-.-.. i.nltMNE' fit 12' UOSf! ES TKAOrUJl.l A 7 " IN THE WORLU. t v TliIfBxlraet is out up. in quart bottles , it is mi, frta cheaper, pfeamnter, ana w.- r . IS 3?U Kb re diseas wlthwl tom.ttnj, purginf, trim rt beaaty and soperiontT pt tht. 6arpa in over all other medlcioe is, while it eradicate di il ingor.te.tlter.odj. It is one of the ory KMtFslItttd Winter mdjcines rrer known; it not SnlT PflrifiM P whol. system tnd strengthens the perioi, but it cmtei new.pure nd rich Lower pocteiwed by no othe inedictne. And in this lies the grind secret of Us wonderful success. It has performed withrn the past two years, more than 35. 00 cores of severe cases of diseases ; at lesst 20,000 ftliese considered incurable. - Mora thin eases of Chronic Rheamtlitm t 1,000 esse of ! Dy spepsit ; , ' ; 4,000 cases, rf'-GenerThtHty and Want of En- erry ""- :- -. " 7.000 cases ef tha different Female Complaints ; 2,000 cases of Scrofula j . -v 1,500 Cases of the Liver Complaint ; 3,500 cases of Disesse of the Kidneys and Dropsy ; 8,000 eases of consumption i ' And thousands of eases of diseases of the blood, viz : Ulcers, Erystpelest Sail Rheom Pimples on the Face, &c , ci together with numerous cases ef Sick Headache, Pain in tbe Side and Chest, Spinal Affec tions, &C &e. This we are aware, must sppear incredible, bat we have Utters from Physicians and our Agents from all parts of the United Slates, informing as of ex traordi nary cares. R. Vah BusKtaK, Esq., one ' of the most respectable Dragnets in Newark, N. J., in forms as that he can refer to more than 150 cases in that place alone. There are thousands of cases in the City of New York, which we will refer to with pleasure and to men of character It is the best medicine for tbe prevention of disease known. It andoubtedly save the lives of more than 5,000 CHILDREN THE PAST SEASON ! As it removed the-cause of dssease. and prepared . a nrawi sui nsuiur in thm for the -S :er aeason. It has never been known to injure ,ia the least the most delicate child. RHEUMATISM. This Sarsaparilla is used with the most perfect access in Rheumatic complaints however severepr chronic. The astonishing cures it has performed are indeed wonderful. Other remedies sometimes give temporary relief this entirely eradicates it from the system, even when the limbs and bones are dread fully swollen. $y Hear Mr. Seth Terry, one of the oldest and mest respectable lawyers in Hartford, Conn The following is an extract of a letter recived from him : Dr. Towntendl have, used one bottle of your Sarsaparilla, and find it is excellent in its Effects up on a Chronic, Rheumatic pain, to which I am sub ject, from an injury occasioned several years ago, in a public stage. Please send' me two bottles to the ear of Dr. Sevmour. I have conversed with two of or principal physicians, and recommend your Sara- apariua. 8ETH TERRY. Hartfsr!, March 12, 1345. CONSUMPTION CURED. 9 leant t and Strengthen Consumption can be cured Bronchitis, Consutnption Liver Cum plaint. Colds, Coughs, Atthma, Spittin of Blood, Sorenestinthe Chest, Hectic flush, Yiht Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expeetoration.Pain in the side. See , have been and can be cured TJr. Townsend-Dear Sir: Nearly twenty years ago I took a violent cold, which settled m my lung, and affected me severely indeed, finally, it became a con stant hacking cough- but net so severe as to prevent Die irom.aiienoing vo my ousineoa; wnum cue iasi few years it increased on me gradually. At last I became reduced breathed with difficulty, and raised with my cough much bad matter, and for the lat aine months previous to using your Sarsaparilla, kad regular night sweats ; indeed, my friends and Myself supposed that I would die with the Consump tion ; but 1 have the happiness to inform you that, temy surprise, sfter using thee bottles of your siarsaparilla, I find my health restored. It relieved km gradually, and I am now enjoying much better health than I haveoefore in 26 years. I bad almost -entirely lost my appetite, which is sLso returned. Toe are at liberty to publish this with my name in tke papers, if you choose. My little girl,- who is three years old had a very bad cough the whole of last Winter. We' became ery much alarmed on her account- While using the medicine. I gave her some of it, and it soon en tirely relieved her, as well as myself, and she is well now, and hearty as any child I ever saw She was also fall of little blotches : it took them away and her ekia is smooth and fair now snd I am satisfied she recovered her health from using your excellent med Ida S. W. CONANT. 444 Bowery. GIRLS, READ THIS. Tea who have pale complexions, dull eyes, blotch vjj on the face, rough skin, and are out of spirit," xtse a battle or two of Dr. Tqwcsend's Sarsaparilla. It wiU cleanse your blood, remove tbe freekels and felotches, and give you animation, sparkling eyes, fine spirits, and beautiful complexions all of which are ef immense value to unmarried ladies. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE Br.Townsend's 8areaparilla is a sovereign snd speedy cure for Incipient Consumption, Barrenness, Leacorrhoea, or Whites, obstructed or difikult Men struation, Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary dis charge thereof, and for the general Prostration of the System, no matter whether the result of inherent cause, or produced by irregularity, illness or accident. notoing can oe more surprising than it invigorst Sag effects on the human frame. Persons, all west: aess and lassitade, from taking it, at once become rsbust and full of energy under its influence. It im mediately counteracts the nervelessness of the female frame, which is the great cause of barrenness It will not be expected of as, in cases of so delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates ef ores performed feat we csa assure tbe afflicted, that hundreds of ases nave oeen reported to us. Several cases where families bave beeo without children, after .sing a few bottles of this invaluable medicine, have Jseea blessed with healthy offspring. Dr. Townsend My wife being greatly distressed by weakness and General Debility, and suffering ontinaally by pain and a sensation of bearing down falling of the womb, and with other difficulties, and' Having known cues where your medicine has effec ted great cures, and also bearing it recommended for each cases as I have described. 1 obtained a bottle of yuT Extract of Sarsaparilla, ,nd followed the di y. In a short period ii removed her eaiplaiets and restored her health. Bern rrateful ' ..receid, I take pleasufe ?n thus knowlta'laiim5 tt, and recommending it to tbe M D. MOORE. ait- - , ..Corner Grand and Lydius-sts. Albaay, Aig. 17, 1S47. TO MOTHEIS ANdTmaRRIED LADIES. This Kxtraet of Sarsaparilla haa beeo expressly psepared reference to female complaints No Amale who has reason to suppose she is approaching at critical period, the tare of life.!, should neglect take it, as it is a certain preventative for any ol xaa nnmsroos and horrible diseases to which females objeet at this time of life. This period may be 2. fr M7r1 ysars by using this medicine. Nor ri less valuable for those approaching womanhood. mauu ealeulated to assist nature, by quickening ihe o tnvlgeraUng the system. Indeed, this ne m mvaiaaWe for all the diseases to which women are mMm i -, f . . . It braees tbe wfcele tvsteffl. renews perrrmtietitly tilw B'gie by removing the im pontics of ' y"Bot o far stimulatinE ' the system as to llTrlL Vabl0nt relaxation, which isjbe case of 5tues taken for. ftmalt weakness and TnVtf sCROriACUED cernjette eeaclaatvely prefrsihat thU Ssr- sapaulla bas perleci control over the moil obstinata diseases ol ibe Wood. Three persona cured in one diseai hou- is unprecedented. V THREE CHILDREN jvtwwenrf Dear Sir : :I bavt thsT pleasure td . ... in form voo thai three of mr children bat been cored or the Scrofula by the dee of your excellent medicine. They were afflicted very severely with, bad 'tores; bave taken only four bottles ; it took them away, for which I feel myself under deep obligation. Yours, reipectlallyr . ISAAC W. CHAIN. 106 Wootter-st. New York, March 1.1847. . '" OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr- Townsend is almost daily receiving order from Physicians in different parts of the Union This is to certify that we tbe undersigned. Physi cians of the City of Albany, have in numerous catea precrild Dr. Townsend 's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one of the most valuable preparations in the market. H. P. PULING, M D. J. WILSON, M. D. R. P BRIDGES. M D. P. E ELMENDQRF, M. D. Albany, April 1, 1846. UNITED STATE'S OFFICER. Capt. G. W. McLean, one of the United States Marine Corps and member of tbe New Jersey Leg islature, has kindly sent ns the following certificate. It tells Us own story. ' i Rahusay, Jan. 25. 1847 A year since I was taken with tbe Influenza, and my whole system left in a debilitated state. I was induced to try Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and alter taking two or three boules, I was very much relieved, arid attribute it entirely to tbe said Sarsaparilla I bave continued talcing it, and find that I improve everv day. I believe it saved my life, and would not be without it lender any cousideniiion. G. W. McLEAN. DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or medicine bas ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva, in decomposing food aad strengthening tbe organs ft. digestion, as this preparation of Sarsaparilla. It positively cures every case of dyspepsia, however severe or chronic. Bank Department, Mbanri May 10, 1345. Dr. Townsend: Sir I have been afflicted lor several years with Dyspepsia in its worst forms, at tended with soreness of stomach, loss of appetite, ex treme heart-burn, and a great aversion to all kinds ol food, and for weeks (what I could eat) I have been unable to retain but a small portion on my stomach. I tried tbe usual remedies, but tbey had little or no effect in removiug the complaint. I was induce!, about two months since, to try your Extract of Sar saparilla, and 1 must say with tittle confidence ; but alter using nearly two bottles, I found tny appetite restoied, and the beart-burn entirely removed; and I would earnestly recommend the use of it to these who bave been afflicted as I have been Yours, &c. W. VV. VAN ZANDT Principal Office, 126 Fulton street. Sun Building. N Y Reddinx & Co , 8 State street, Boston Dyott& Sons, 132 North 2.1 seet, Philadelphia S. S. Hance, Drugaist, Baltimore P. M Coben, Charleston Wright & Co., 158 Chanres sirert, N. O IPS South Pearl street. Albany-.-and ly all the principal Druggists and Merchants generally through out the United States, West Indies and tbe Cauadas. For Sale in Raleigh, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD t CO. October IS. 1847. 84 ly NATIONAL. LOAN FUiXD LIFE ASSCRASCE S0C1ETI OF LlliD0.. A Savings Bank for tbe benefit of the Widow and the Orphan. (iJtrOWKRID BI ACT OF F ARX.I AM KITT.) Capital, 500,000 steriing, or $2,500,000. Beside a reserve fund (irotn surplus premium) ol about $165,000. X. LAMIE V1UKRAY, Esq . Gorge st. Hano ver square, Chairman of the Court of Directors, in London Physician J ELLIOTSON, M. D., F. R S. Actuary VV. 8. J3 WOOLHOUSE, Esq., F. R. A. 8. Secretary F.F. CAMROUX, Esq. a siHIS INSTITUTION embrace important and 1 substantial advantages with respect to Life As surances and deferred annuities. The assured bas, on all occasions, the power to borrow, without ex pense or forfeiture of the policy, two-thirds of tbe premiums paid ; also the option of selecting ben- efiia, and the conversion of his interest tu meet oth er convenience or necessity. Assurances for terms of years at the Ipwest possi ble rates Persons insured for life, can, at once, borrow half tbe amount of annual premium for hve successive years, on their own note and deposite of policy. "ait op T8B Capital is firm axkhtly iktss. tsd in tbe Uuited States, in the names of three of the Local Directors as Trustees available always to the assured in rase of disputed claims (should any such arise) or otherwise. The payment of premiums half-yearly, or quar terly, at a trifling advance upon the annual rale. No charge for staibp-duty. Thirty days sllowed after each payment of premi um becomes due, without forfeiture of policy. Tisvelling leave extensive and liberal, and extra premiums ou the most moderate teste. Division op Profits. The remarkable success and increased prosiienty of the Society has enabled the Directors, at the last annual investigation, to de clare a fourth bonus, varying from 35 to 85 per cu on the premiums paid on each policy effected ou tbe profit scale UitiTsn State Board op Local Directors. (Chief Office for America, 74 Wa at) A. York, Jacob Harvey, Esq. Chuirman-, John J. Palmer, Esq .Jonathan Go.-dbue, Esq James Boorman Eae.. George Barclay. Esq., Samuel 8. Howland, Esq., Gorbam A. Worth, Eq., Samuel M. Fox, Esq., William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward Habilcbt, Esq. Philadelphia Clement C. Biddle,Esq., Louis A. Godey , Eq. George Rex Graham, Esq. William Junes, Esq Baltimore Jonathan Meredith, Esq., Samuel Hoffman. E-q..Dr J. H. McCulloh. J. Leander Starr, General Ageni, and Edward T. Richardson Esq. General Accountant, fur the "Uni ted States and British N. A. Colonies. Medical Examiners, New York J Kearny Rod gers. M. D. IlU Bleecker-st; Alexander E- Hoark, M. D 101 Franklin-st ; 8. 8. Keene, M. D., 290 Fourth-et. I Medical Examiners sttend at 74 Wall-st and No. 134 Bowery at 3 o'clock P. M daily. Fee paid by the Society.) Standing Counsel wimsm van nw, caq.ov Wall st. Bankers The Merchant's Bank. Solicitor hhn Hone Esq. 11 Pine-st. Cashier Henry E.Jutlip, Esq. An Aet in respect to insurance for lives for the benefit of married women, passed by theLegisIature of New York. 1st April, 1840. Pamphlets, blsnk forma, table of rates, lists of A genu. 4c. &c. obtained at the Chief Office 74 Wall t.134 Bowery, or from either of the Agents through out the United States, and British North Americsn Colonies. , : " , GEORGE LITTLE, Agent. , R. B. Hatwood, Medical Examiner. Raleigh . March 22, 1848. 24 J3,Hats, Hats and Caps, ' 6 Dot. Gentlemen's and Boys Panama Hats ' Kintrt hrl fn. ble brim Palm Leaf Hats. " " v " " 5 tt 10 . Snnrti)r TT.ti Le-hom Hats. Nath&.Brufh ii Gaotlemen'a super Moleskin of the latest style. M Tampieo aud Otter Hats. l5?0X.nt,'',Du, Bo,,Dd Children's Cloth and Glazed Silk Caps and Oil ilk Covers. Sign of the Golden Hat " ..... R. TUCKER 6t SON. April If, PTIri' v7 . l ItsT. sy ' . ' ' 1 Jat ao ft . 1 J . A liaoirtj jnw ana spieuuiu y SPRING GOdDSV 25 to 50 Per Cent. Ckeiper than eier. s BY the Giant LocomoUve, 8ir Walter Xukigh, the Subscriber, in addition to the very elegant and extensive assortment of STArL AdurjH!' CY DHY GOODS, already announted, has just been placed in poswaiMon, st bis Niw tvroM. of another Kick and Beautiful supply of Fashionable Spring Goods, of almost every de-cnplioi., which for chespneas, richness, and besuty cannot lie sur passed, snd to which he would respectfully invite the attention of the Gentlemen snd Ladies of Ral eigh, as well as those of the surrounding country, and sirs ngers generally. The assortment comprises in pari, me following rsirns.Y an!c47l: " t . . . a f Knunini rr.rvn anaoau uiaiw uotkc, w KietL Velvet. Extra Super Lucullisn 'V.rM.... . i w r , j 49. Beautiful Cbameleou ParUian Lustres, Rich Silk Grensdines or Tissues, Extra Rich Satin Damask Lamartine Silk Challies, Beautiful Plaid and Fancy Black Silks, Black Silk Warp, Real Alpsccas, Mode snd Fancy Colored do. Cnpe Delsineand Rep Cab meres, Besuttful Shaded French Orgsndie Muslins, French snd English Gingbsms, A great variety of Elegant Printed Lawns, and Tarl- ton Muslins, Jenny Lind Briltisntine, Plain Black and Satin Striped Barege, Black, and Black and White Muslins and Calicoes, Linen Gingbsms, and Printed Jaconets, British, French, and American (new style) Printed Cambrics and Calicoes, in great abundance, and exceedingly beautiful, from 5 to 10 cents, A superb assortment of Embroidered Damask Plaid and Figured Summer Shawls and Scarfs, and Handerchiefs, Linen and Thread Cambric Handkerchiefs, Silk and Thread Fringes and Buttons, Curtain Calico and Furniture Checks, Muslin Insertions snd Edgings Swiss Jaconet, and Plaid Muslins, Bishop Lawns, and Rich Musjin Robes, Spring Bonnets and Riband. Superior Cloths Cassl meres and Beat Black French and English Drsp d'etee, for Summer. variety, French Drilling, snd Gatnbroons, for pants great Wove and Printed Cotton Goods, for Men snd Boys, Summer Tweeds and Earminet Cassi meres, Hose and Gloves, (of every description.) Beautiful f'arasolla, Sun-Shades, snd Umbrellas, Disper snd DisperTsble Cloths, snd Bed Ticking, Irish Linen snd Linen Hdkfa., Bandana and Fancy Silk and Muslin Hdkfs., Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Shirting and tSheeting. Psnams, Leghorn. Beaver and Moleskin Hats, Cloth snd Velvet Caps, Pen snd Pocket Knives. Razors and Strsps, Knives and Fork. Slates, Pad and Stock Locks. Curry Combs, Sieel an-' Iron Weeding Hoes, Spades anil Trace Chains, Diihea Plate, Cups snd Saucers, China in Tea Seta, Tea Pots, Pitrher, Bowls and Mugs, Cut Glaus and Mould Tumblers, Goblets and Wines. These Goods were sll selected with very great care by Mr. B. B. Smith with bis usual judgment and tate, out of tbe richest and most fashionable importations to be found in New York, aud will for Cash, be sold on exceedingly liberal terms. THOMAS A. MITCHELL. Raleigh. April 15, 1848. 30 WOOD'S Iron Railing Manufactory, RIDGE ROAD, ABOVE BUTT0NW00D ST., PHILADELPHIA. Iron RAiLrses for public and private buildings and public squares, of every variety ol form si.d pattern. Cxmktkbt Railihss, of clasic and unique deaigna, embracing upwards of one hundred different va neiies. IaoB Cbaibs anb Settees, for Gardens, Halls, snd Piazzas new style. VxaAHDAS amd Pi last EBs, for CotUges, made la every style. Superior Wbocght Iaos Gates, for Cairiage en trances. New style Balcout Brackets, dc. Irok Tables of various styles, embracing Louia XIV, Elizabetbean, Gothic, and modern patterns, with white snd Gold Italian Marble tops These tables have been introduced by tbe Subscriber, for Hotels, Keaiaurauts. Ice Cresm Ssioons, fee Tbey are beautiful articles of Furniture for Hat 8trres, and other establishments, where it ia desira ble to make a grand display. Q3 He haa recently constructed an elegant sub stantial Cast Iror HiTCHine Purr, in lorm admi rably adapted to permanency ol poaiiion, highly or namented, and iepreentng,a well executed Head of that iiohle animal, tbe Horse. Such an article has long been a desideratum, snd is now offered to tbe good taste of tbe public. Strangers visiting Philadelphia, are respectfully invited to call at his V are Room, and examine hia different specimen of new and beautiful work. ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. Ridge Roa9, abovt ButtonuMnid Street Phila (ID He baa recently published, at great expense, ac original work exhibiting the new designs snd patterns which are executed at hia eatabuahmeol, em bracing sll the above articles, and tbe vsrious snd splendid patterns of Cemetery, Balcony. Step, and other Kailiegs, which have been manufactured for Laurel Hill and other celebrated Cemeteries, designed expressly for bis own establishment, and which may be sent to any part of the world to those who desire to make a selection. Undoubted -reference will be required to ensure a prompt return of the work, alter an opportunity for making the selection. Philadelphia, April 18. 1848. 32 ta$4 - Sedgwick FEMALE SEMINARY. KALEIGII, IV. C. r INSTRUCTORS :. REV. J.J. FINCH, Principal. MONSIEUR J. BRADY, Music and French, MRS. M. L. FINCH. English Department? MlSaVN. C. BROWNE, Drawing Painting, TERMS, PER SESSION : Board, Washing and Fuel, English Department, $8 Music on Piano or Guitar, Use of Instrument, Music on Harp, ' Latin Language, French do. : Drawiujr and Painting, "$60 1)0 to 15 00 20 00 3,00 40 00 10 00 10 00, 10 00 . mnwwB year m civicicd mto two seasons ef I! ch-commencing on the first of April and ctober. and at the end of each Seasioa trire will be vacation af month. P.pi. eaa remX during vacation without aay extra cWe, " Ta nr.. veot Mtrav.gance .Bd rivalry, the puTire reor. edto wear a Uniform on poblie owwions, wbid, censisu of purple Meriao duris, th Wkur Term aad of . white material daring the Summer with style "UaW Bo,'neU tVmnad iB wrepoodinf Each boarding pupn U expected to furnish Iter own Sheets, Towels, and Napkins, which, with her apparel, must be marked with her name in foil. F Briber information maj be obtained, on a police tk to the Principal.- - . Balcigb, Feb. 28, 1848. " J7 . Spring ; and Summer Goods . rnirlu oaoacnocra, iwuk rceivaaiiw mw XL New York and Philadelphia, (and selected with- . great csie ami bought wiib-caab) n large and splen did assortment of D rf Goodn, Fancy Ar ticle ; and Musical Instrument, of all kkids--havTnfc boogbJT thetn from the cheap and splendid cargoes jot intnduccd into this country, from Europe, to which I would invjte the citisens of Raleigh ana" surrounding country to examine. t nr. .1. . Mnikins for thnBinff nil r- trrtriAw mnf . t . bene, .nd eheaner bsnrains. na haJ in City among which are the following Goods : For Gentlemen's Wear. Broad Cloibs and French Caseimeres, Gold mixed Csshmf retts a new article, . " Fancy Cassi meres and Gambnions, a new atyle, Marseilles. Silk, 8stin and Merino Testings, 'French Lined Coatings, aad Irish Linens, Scarfs and Cravats, of every quality. Black .nd Fancv Gloves, Silk, Hoakin and Cotton. . For Ladies' Wear. Ginghams, Linen apd Manchester, Mohair snd Alpacca Goods, Swiss Jsconetts and Bobinett Muslin, Edgings Gimps, Velvet and Bonnet Ribbons, Summer Shawl and Cravats, a fine article, A large lot of fine Kid and Silk Gloves, extra, A large lot of new style Calicoes and Hosiery, Musical Instrument of sll kii.ds. Toys, Fancy Boxes, Jewelry. Gold and Pinchback, Hardware and Crockery Ware, s great variety, And nearly 'every article kept for svle in a retail Store. The public are respectfully invited to call and exsmine our Stock n( Goods, before purchasing elsewhere. We are confident thot you can get bet ter Goods, and much cheaper, by railing at tbe North, Carolina Fancy Store. Our mono, is quick -sales and small profits. G. W. 4- C. GRIM ME. April 19, 1848. 30 tf TllE MOKEY ON HAND! Prizes! Prizes!! Prizes!!! WITH each departure of the mails from Bal timore, goes to every section of tbe United , States the GLORIOUS NEWS, that the distaul corresponding patrons of the FAR-FAMED, AND TRULY FORTUNATE LOTTERY BROKERS, PYFUR fc O., NO. 1 LIGHT STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. HAVE BEEN MADE INHERITORS OF PRINCELY FORTUNES: Alwaya tbe certain isaue of a small outlay at this world renowned and Lucky Office. At the same time the cheering intelligence is imparted, THAT THE MONEY IS ON HAND! Counted tut! and ready to be Paid!! O Communications strictly conGdeutial ia all caws. O Orders for Prizes mast be mailed (with the a mount to be invested enclosed) to our fortunate a geucy, and the assurance ia given, that success shall crown the effort. O" We advise tbe purchase of certificates ef full Packages. A full Package often drawa four hand some rnzea. aiogie iicaeu never draw out oue Prize. BO" We again aolicit our country friends to forward their orders to our far-fajned ageucy, and be made wealthy. tr BANK DRAFTS promptly remitted for all Prizes sold at this office. PLEASE LOOK AT THESE SCHEMES! Foa Mat 6th, 1848. BRILLIANT SCHEME: 75,000 dollars ! IN 3 GRAND PRIZES OF $25,000 EACH. Whole Tickets 10. Quarters $2 50. Certificates of 25 Tickets only $17 50. Foa Mat 10th, 1848. GLORIOUS LOTTERY. 30. 000 dollars! Whole Tickets $10. Quarters $2 50. Certificates of 26 Tickets only $17 50 For Mat 13th. 1848. FIVE CAPITALS OF 15,000 dollars each! Whole Ticket $10. Quarters $2 50. Certificatea of 25 Ticketa only $17 50. Foa May 20th, 1848. A MONSTER LOTTERY. 60.000 dollars ! 30,000 dollars ! ! dec. Ac. dec O Every person should bave a chauce. Whole Tickets $20. Quarters $5. Certificates of 26 Tickets only $35. ID" Order early for any of these Splendid Prizes ! Foa Mat 27th, 1848. ANOTHER BEAUTY. 40.01)0 dollars ! Whole Tickets $15. Quarters $3 75. Certificates of 22 Ticketa ooly $1S 75. There are fourteen Prizes to 8 blauks in this scheme. O Send ou your orders early to thia fortunate office. Foa Mat 31st, 1848. .30.4)00 dollars! Whole Ticket $1 0. Quarters $2 50. Certificates of 26 Tickets only $32 50. i D Always order Certificates of full packages. ID PYFER & CO.'S Bulletin of Lotteries for each mouth forwarded gratis. TO THE PUBLIC. . We wish it understood that every Scheme adver tised by our House, is carefully examined by the, Governor, and the Managers have bonded to the Slate that every prize sold by ua, shall be promptly paid The drawings that are sent to our customers are first sworn to by the State Commissioners aud printed. ' ID" We always sell Certificates ef full packages of Tickets. . ID" All kinds of uncurrent funds wanted and for sale. v 1 Exchange and Collections punctually aud faithful ly attended to. Our friends residing in any section of the Union may be asvured that they will receive their tickets by mail, if ordered from us ; as faithfully as, though they were bonght under their personal examination. Please address always for a handsome prize, scru pulous attention and prompt and sure payment, the old established far-famed and trulv fortunate firm of Vyfer & CO., No. 1 Light St . Baltimore, Md. Raleigh Livery Stable ! THE SUBSCRIBERS hiring ren ted the Stable's, recently occupied" by Mr- Bcftalok and thoroughly repaired and refitted them ; and, having furnish ed the Establishment with an-ent'trely new supply of Carriages. Boogies Horses, (both Saddle aud Harness,) .and having also engaged experienced and careful Drivers, well ac-. quainted with the .different Roads, and .stopping bouses thiougbout the State,' are now prepared to at tend to all calla in their line. The Stables are located in a very central positron, and tome one will always be found there, at all hours of the day and night, to attend, to orders -' ;-. , Horses will be boarded by the day,' week, month or year at the most moderate prices. ' Drovers visiting Raleigh wflh Horse to domes of, will find these Stable conveniently located' for that purpose ; and every attention will be gjven ta pro mete their views. ', JAMES M. HARRESS & CO. . JjUleigh. Jsn.6.1848. Pi ? 2 tf ' JOB. PRINTING Neatly mumdsd st tint Office. MORSE'S fforth AttMrican Atlas eootaiaing 48 Colored MafSM A faw cwpie alUie PuhHsWs prices by ... April 29. 34 Young rmHIS tliol i nnder the manapm IIOES ef TRVi7 1 1 -Blisses Partridge assisted bv. MrsvFtri4JuVc - - . ,f! The yeae is divided into two Sessions of fire months . thm fTrst eommencincr Jan ' If . th necond Ju-' vvp. , " - -1 ly 1st. Scholars may be entered at any time during the Session, but it is very desirable that they com mence the first day of the session if possible. Terms per Session of Five months: 1st Class, Primary, xunginsn branches including Geography, "Grammar and Arithmetic, 2d Class, History, Astronomy, Philosophy and Parker's exercise in" composition; 3d Class, Watt on the mind. Physiology, My thology and Botany, 4th Class, Rhetoric, Chemistry Mental Phi- loeonhv. Alsrebra and Geometry, ? 7 00 TO 00 12 00 15 00 Advanced classes may pursue the studiea of a lewer class, paying only for the studies of the class to which they belong. Latin, 10 00- French, 8 00 Needlework and Drawing, 5 00 Painting and Waxwork, each 8 00 Mueic ou Piane, with use of Instrument, 20 00 Music on the Guitar, 10 00 Scholars can remaiu through the Vacation free ef charge. Board, washing, fuel and lights $10 per month. REFERENCES : Rev. Drury Lacy, Raleigh; J M. Lovejoy, Prin pal of Military Academy, Raleigh 5 W. D. Cook, Principal of the Deaf aud Dumb School, Raleigh ; J. B. Bobbin, Esq. Louisburg ; Rev. Mr. Doll, Ox ford ; Rev. Mr. tiasseli, Wiilimston ; Joseph Biggs, Esq. Williamaton ; Col. Wm. Morning, Snuthfield. Raleigh. March 1, 1848. 20 Raleigh Paper Mill. THE Subscriber, having rented the Paper Mill, in the vicinity of -Raleigh, is now engaged in putting it in complete repair. By the first of June, he will be prepared to furnish Printers, and others, with every description of Psper for printing -embracing Royal Octavo, Imperial, Super Royal, and Medium. Also Envelope Paper of every kind. Wiapping Paper for spun Cotton, and also of the ordinary kind. Paper tor Pamphlet Covers, of eve ry shade and color. Any quantity of Hags will be taken at the high est cash price. Orders are respectfully solicited, and an assurance is hereby given, thai as good paper shall be furnish ed, as can be obtained elsewhere. W 1LLIAM N. SHAUCK. April 18, 2848. 31 tf New Spring and Summer GOODS. OXjIYER & PROCTER RALlEIGII, Hi. C. WE are now openiug our Spring and Summer Stock of Goods, purchased within the Iasi three weeks by Mr. Oliver, in person, in the North ern Markets, and thiuk we are warranted in saying, the most elegant in our line, ever opened in this City for proof of the above assertion, call and examine for yourselves. Our Stock embraces ClottiS of ail colors, Cfl.S9ilTlv2res of every shade and qual ity, Drillings of every variety, and Testings : of all kinds ; also Drap d'etee's and Zephyr j tJlotllS, for bummer Coats, together with a gene ral assortment of Fancy Goods, to wit : Shirts, Drawers, Cravats, of all colore. Gloves, Suspenders, Pocket Handkerchiefs, 6tc Suffice it. to say, that we keep on hand a general assortment in our line, which we wm mate up to oraer wun ou. usual ele gance and despatch. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received, we earnestly solicit its continu ance; and trust by prompt attention to merit it. The latest Paris, Londou and New York Fashions just at hand OL1 VJSK & PIUXrrEK. Merchant Tailors, Raleigh, N. C 5 doors south of Williams, Haywood & Co. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! CLOTHING!!! Bargains, Bargains Bargains TTTT7 E are now opening, in addition to other VV things, a targe assortment of Clothing made np to order by our own measures, under the immediate direction and supervision of Mr Oliver, which will be warranted by us to compare, both in quality aud price, with any Clothing in this Market, or that can be brought here We bave made an arrangement with one of tbe largest houses in the United Stales.lo make up Clothing to our own meas ures. To be understood, we will narrant every thing we sell, Ready-made, precisely as we do what we manufacture ourselven; and if it be otherwise than we represent it, we will refund the mon y and lake back the goods. Further, we aresure that we can sell as cheap, and we think we can cheaper, than any House in this City, or cheaper than auy Estab lishment South ol New York, aud equally a low as the same article can be purchased in New York. We shall keep on hand a regular supply, and will measure auy Gentleman, and in 10 or 12 days from the time we measure him, we will have any kind of garment he may desire, ready to deliver tu him, which we will warrant to be cut and made as well as it can be iu any establishment in lha Uui ted Slates, and as cheap (quality of the Goods con sidered.) Now, if we can do this, aud we pledge our reputatious, both as Artists aud ae Gentlemen, why not give us the preference? We live here what little we have is here we feel a deep and abidiug luterest, not only in the prosperity of this City, but of the Good Old North Slate, and here we desire to die To enable us to do what we have pledged our reputation to accomplish, we shall sell our Clothing for Cash, and Cash ouly. Our Stock ot Clothing co'usisu of Black Cloth Frock' and Dress Coats from 912 to S18 ; Brown Coatees $12 ; Sack CoatB of Zephyr, Cloth, light and dark, very elegant and made eiqoirttela, for $10 and $11 ; Drap d'etee Frock and Sacks for 9 ; .Merino French Black Frocks and Sacks, from $5 to $7 ; Linen Sacks aud Coatees, Pants of Jjjguredjand plain Cassimeres (single mill ed,) warranted French, from $7 to $8; Linen Paulo, Satin'VestK, Barathea aud FWrenliur fir&5 ftartqnted. Any of the above Goods we-can dupli cate, measure, and order for any tentleman, that we cannot fit, who may desire a Coat of a style to Suit hiuielf. We shaU have in a few days, an additional supply of thin Clothing, r consisting :of Linen Coats, all kind ; Liuen Pants aad Veals, and Marseilles Vestanotice of which will be given through the papers ; and we wish it diatiuclly understood, that we do not intend to be undersold, and further that we have commenced this basihess in earnest, and intend to continue it, with the aid of the public. OLIVER &. PROCTER, -Recollect 5 doors south of Williams, Haywood & Co. April 121848. 28 8t Travellers going1 North. TTTTT JLL find expedition and comfort in taking VVvtbe inlsnd route through Richmond, Frede ricksburg, Alexandria and Washington, to Baltimore, By doing sv, they reach Baltimore within twelve boors Iron Petersburg, and have tbe privilege, should they prefer a atop on the way, to remain in the towns named, at their pleasure. So far as comfort is con cerned. they anil bare tbe best of meals oa the way, auu suujctrui uur tor irpwni uun proceeaing Up the Potomac River on board the magnificent Steamer MOUNT VERNON, which pease o full -riesr of the Tomb of Washingtoas well as Fort Washington.; Fare through, from PeUrsburg to BaIumore, i7 50. 4 Paaeeng era oa thia way joid th toyj; nW taiuty and aea-aiekaose, attendant t ddoew ih. Raw rente, aad herewith bare the, Mransvib if in wear poayer, oy laaiag taa jalan4 foUte, to pasa tie saav night t Philadelphia, which, bv the otae root. them oath. Bay, aubjeet to aJl the f icieaiiudes whieh may: ecour through foga, aqualla. and fatlurea Cooocnnct m Hampton Boada.. , For throngh Tickets; apply to . 1 JAMES LYKC11, Aeajrr, Petersborg. April 23,184s. 34 CARAltJEXl STJCCEXS. 'i. ' 'GQRjEOITS DISPLAY OF Ladies' Saloon, MAIN STREET, NEAR WALTER'S CITY HOTEL NORFOLK, VA. JTPHE great altractions offered to buyers at the L. .X dies Saloon, in the splendid large assortment "f NEW SPRING GOODS, FOR J 848, have opened ' large prospect for bubiues,this year. The principal attractions, are the superior quality ef the Goods effered for sale, and as no article shall be misrepresented, Farmers, Country Merchants, and other persons in tbe City and country, may rely 0p getting the very best Boots, noes and tirogaus, u k. I nliaa Sslnnn.' fit rtasonnhl'. nrie.fi the Ladies' Saloon,' at reasonable pricts. OUR ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' GAITER BOOTS, and the PATENT CONGRESS BOOT ate the handsomest goods this year we ever had. ' LADIES' MOROCCO SLIPPERS AND BUS KINS. r LADIE' SOFT ENGLISH KID SLIPPERS LADIES' WHITE SATIN AND KID BLIP. PERS. misses' fancy gaiter boots misses Fancy morocco slippers MISSES SCHOOL SHOES first rate, ' CHILDREN'S FANCY GAI1EK BOOTS, CHILDREN'S AND MIssES' RED MOROCCO . POLKA BOOTS, with black patent leather tiis CHILDREN'S FANCY COLORED MOKuttO BOOTS, BOYS' AND CHILDEN'S LONG LEG BOOTa, with high heels ot beautiful quality, GENTLEMEN'S DREsS BOO'lS the best and handsomest in Norlolk, ' GENTLEMEN'S BLACK AND COLORED GAITLRS the prettiest you'eversaw any bere GENTLEMEN'S BUSINESS BOO'I s, ol 3 or 4 . qualities, made light and reat ol Call Skin, AWo. Co and Seal Skin, and warranted to wear fuel ran ' at 2 50 stnl $3 a pair. GENTLEMEN'S Patebt CONGRESS BOOTS AND SHOES OK 'J HE BEST QLAU'l y' GENTLEMEN'S PUMP BOO'lS, rOh LAlsl CING of Mipeib qualitv, at $8 a pair. GENTLEMEN'S NAPOLEON HaLF BOOTS a new style of Summer Bootees lor OenikiDtn, and very neat. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Travelling Trunki, Mude expressly to the wants ot each, and as we have a very great VARIETY, Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to look at tbt-m belore buj. ing eLewbere, as we know you will be better suited and better pleased with the shape and coiittruciion of ihe Trunk iiibide, with the quality ot the good and tbe price also. LADIES' CARPET BAGS AND SATCHELS OF BEAUT1FIL COLS. AND PATTERfVS, GENTLEMEN'S ASHLAND VALISES, of new construction something new. Gkkujick Erousb Sole Lkatbks TRUNKS warranted to last and look well as long as you mi; live. . DOOR MATS, in great variety. . All ol which, together with a good many stber kinds of Boots and Shoes, thai canhol be mentioned in pne advertisement, will be sold VERY CHLAP and upon the most lavorable ternis. Tbe assortment is very large, consisting ot about TW ELV fc BUM, DRED CASES BOOTS, SHOES AND BhU GANSof every kind, suitable to the country trade , and for City wear. Conntry mercnants Are particularly invited to call and look at our is. sort men t. and as: Boots and Shoes are cheaper now, we will supply them at less pi ices than tornerly. C3 Wholesale AVare rooms UP STAlfiS. 1 Q3 Ladies and Gentlemen living at a uitai;cecan be supplied with any'ot the above !abionabJe goods, by sending their orders to the Ladies' Saloon. - The Ladies' Saloon is on Main Street, mar Wal. ter's City Hotel, Norfolk Va. W. H. ADD1NGTON. March 84. 25 Consumption Disanacd of its Terrors! . ' .Compound Syrup of Naptha; A QUICK and Positive Cure for Consumption, 2al Decline, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, fright Sweats, Husky Throat, Wasting of the Flesh, Bron chitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Diseases of the Chest and Lungs. This celebrated preparation is pleasant to the taste, and is so speedy in its operations, that patients plain ly feel ks good effects in a few minutes after taking the first doae. Prepared in London, by G. Hastings, M. D. When Dr. Haetiugs had discovered the virtue of Naptha four years ago, he announced it in a private circular, to a gprnber of distinguished physicians ia various pans or England, with a request that tbey would put iu medical properties to the lest, aud re port accordingly. The result was a host of testimo nials of the most favorable character, nearly all of which agreed ia certifying that no medicin they have ever used could bear any comparison with it in relieving hacking coughs, curing diarrhoea, and stop ping night sweat a It was also generally remarked to have a wonderful effect in increasing the appetite, weight and spirits of patients , and to he a powerful ly efficient remedy in Bilious and Aslmatie oiseasei. Of thesi teslhnouials, which were all published at" the time in the Medical Recorder, his spoke ef its extraordinary influence ia casea of Consumption each corroborating Dr Hast ings' opinion, that he had actually discovered the great secret so long snd vain ly sought for, namely a preparation that would stop the formation of Tubercles on the "lungs, remote those already formed, and thus, cure the most fatal of all maladies, and tbhich had bten previously regarded as being altogether incurable: Dr Williamson, of Man chester, thus writes: Under its influence J have seen the emaciated being, -on whose brow Death seemed to have set his seal, acquire invigoratiou and strength; and exchange bis early mornings of in tense suffering aud distressing cough for the calm repose which alone accompanies sound health." Dr. Ware, of Liverpool, says: 1 regard Hastings' Syr np of Naptha as one ef the first medical discoveries of any age, and consider jt agency in curing Consump tion as established beyond all doubt or question " Dr. Boyd, of Laucaster, Hails it as the great Con sumptive autitode and cure ? and Dr. Haniiftsn, of Bath, prououuees it," the only known remedy which may be relied on for removing Tubercles froaa lbs lungs, and preventing formation of others." O" Price one dollar a bottle. Six bottles for firs dollars. .The usual allowance to the trade. For sale W holesale and Retail bv Messrs. FES CUD &. JOHNSON, sole Agents for Raleigh. April 3. 1848. . 27 3a and Summer Supplies ? ,FOB 18481 WE are now leceiving large sdili tienatoourstnek ofIrnss, Med icines, Paints, Oil, lf- Stufis, rerfnmerw, laiasw Ware, Surgical Inrtrn nients, &c. s&c, to which invite thr attention f Physicisn oubtry M ere hsnu. and others deslr iig in oor line, belore porebasin feeling satisfied tbey will 6ni HJ their interest, as we intend to oner inducernentaV thatj cannot f s il please, . V We are in receipt of a 'large lot of Dniggut Glass-ware and Labels, specially for forniebing rby icians who jare ab..ut to runimence the pracuce o Medicine, and are pfepared to aiply them eombleUstook ti Northern pricea.Wt WILLIAM 8, HAYWOOD & CO. April 1. v J?- Mpre Cotton Tarn jusi hand. ... WILL. PECK & SON a T a -. . - Spring 'I

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