i . ... ... . ,. ... . :!' ?5 JLf heautv and superiority f this Sarwpa rilll iiicin. U, while fc.rrtc.t d- iilTiaT lb. body. It is on. of .he very raUand fwiauu medicines ever known; Unot person, but rt creates new, Pu .u " . ' . T-ef possessed by no other medicine. And in this .I.. mnt iM-iMof its wonderlul success. : it nas ess. : It has ertorroed within the past two years, more than 35,.- of severe cases of diseases t at least 20,01)0 WW - f these considered incurable. More than 3,000 easca of Chronic Rbeumatum 2,000 eases of Dyspepsia ; ' ' 4,000 cases of General Debility and Want of En- '?g00 cases of the diffrentFemale Complaints ; 5,000 eases of Scrofula ; " 1,500 cases of the Liver Complaint ; 2,500 cases ef Disease of the Kidneys and Dropsy ; 8,000 eases of consumption : . And thousauds of cases of diseases of the blood. i : Uleers, Erysipele, Ball Rheum Pimples on ihe Face, &c dc, together- with numerous cases of Sick Headache, Pain in the Side and Chest, Spinal Affec tions, &c,&c. . This we are aware, must sppear incredible, but we have Utters from Physicians and our Agents from all parts of the United States, informine;osof extraordi nary cure. -R. Vaw Boscirk, Esq., one of the most respectable Drugrista m Newaik. N.J, in- forms us that he can refer to more than 150 cases in that place alone. There are thousands of cases in the City of New York, which we will refer to with i pleasure sou w uku vi vh-i - . f medicine for the prevention of disease Known, it T 1 . I . - - - - - . ' It. L. mm, In S M MnrlAnbtedlT 5,000 OHILUKEN TUB rA3l ociAHU : As it removed the cause of dseease. and prepared them for the Summer season. It has never been known to injure in the least the most delicate child. RHEUMATISM. This Sarsaparilla is used with the most perfect access in Rheumatic complaints however severe or chronic The astonishing cures it has performed are indeed wonderful. Other remedies sometimes give temporary relief this entirely eradicate it from the system, even when the limb and bones are dread fully swollen. . r utl Hear Mr. Seth Terry, one of the oldest and mast respectable lawyers in Hartford. Conn The following is an extract of a letter recived from him : Dr. Townsend I have used one botile of your Sarsaparilla, and find it is excellent in its effects up n a Chronic, Kheumatic pain, to which I am sub iect, from an injary occasioned several years ago, in . nnblic staee. Please send me two bottles to the are of Dr. Seymour. I have conversed with two of our rJrincipal physicians, and recommend your Sars- Pnl1 SETH TERRY. Hartford, March 12, 1845. t- s CONSUMPTION CURED. thans'e and Strengthen Consumption can be cured. Bronchitis, 'Consumption, Liner Com plaint; Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of lood,'Soreness in the Chest. Heclit flush, Ji;fit Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expectoration,Pam in the side, ifc , have been and eanM cured Dr. Townsend-Dear Sir: Nearly twenty years ago I took a violent cold, which settled ..n my lung, and affected me severely indeed, finally, it became a con stant backing cough- but not so severe as to prevent zae from attending to my business; within the lat few years it increased on me gradually. At last I became reduced breathed with difficulty, and raised with my cough much bad matter, and for the last mine months previous, to using your Sarsaparilla, jtad regular night sweats ; indeed, my friends and myself supposed that I would die with the Consump tion bul I have the happiness to inform you that, to my surprise, sfter using three bottles of your Sarsaparilla, I find my health restored. It relieved me gradually, and I am now enjoying much better health than I have before in 36 years. I had almost entirely lost my appetite, which is also returned. Yoo are at liberty to publish this with my name in the papers, if you choose. - My little girl, who is three year old had a very bad cough the whole of last Winter. We became very much alarmed on her account While using the medicine I gave her some of it, and it soon en tirely relieved her, as well as myself, and she is well now, and hearty as any child I ever aaw She nas also full of little blotches: it took them away and her skin is smooth and fair now and I am satisfied she recovered her health from using your excellent med isine S. W. CONANT. 444 Bowery. GIRLS, READ THIS. Yea who have pale complexions, dull eyes, blotch es on the face, rough skin, and are - out of spirits," use a bottle or. two of Dr. Towcsend's Sarsaparilla. It will cleanse your blood, remove the freckels and blotches, and give you animation, sparkling eyes. fine spirits, and beautiful complexions all of which are of immense value to unmarried ladies. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign snd speedy rare for Incipient Consumption, Barrenness, 1 Leucorrhcsa, or Whites, obstructed or difficult Men- eirnation, Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary dis charge thereof and for the general Prostration of the System, no matter whether the result of inherent eose, or produced by irregularity, illness or accident. Nothing can be more surprising than its invigorat ing effects on the human frame. Persons, all weak ness and lassitude, from taking it, at once become Tebost snd full of energy tinder its influence. It im mediately counteracts the nervelessnes of the female frame, which is the great cause of barrenness It will not be expected of us, in cases of so delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of ures perlonned, at we can assure the afflicted, that hundreds ol oases have been reported to us. Several cases where families bave been without children; after wing a, few bottles of this invaluable medicine, bave Man blessed with healthy offspring. Dr. TotoJuend My wife being greatly distressed by weakness and General Debility, and suffering continually by paia and a sensation of bearing down, taiung of tua womb, and with other difficulties, and aving known cases where your medicine has effec ted treat aires, and also hearing it recommended for such cases as I have described. 1 obtained a hottleofl our Extract of SarsaoariUa. and folio wad ibe di- tactions yo gave. . In a short period it rer&oved ber complaints and restored her health. Beins erateful for the benefits she received, I take pleasure in thus acknowledged ing it, and recommending it to the rabliCe M D. MOOKE, Corner Grand and Lydius-ats. . Albany, Aug. 17, 1847. r , TO MOTHERS AND MARRIED LADIES. Thi Extract ef Sarsaparilla has been expressly nreoared in-reference to female complaints No female who bas reason to suppose she is approachioa that critical period, ' the tarn of life, should neglect to take it, as it is a certain preventative for ' any of . . i L ! 1 a . a Xo9 norneroas ana nornoie aiseasea to wnicniemaiea a saD)eci ,i datavaA aeverat veata by Uina 'his roedieirie. Nor detaved. several years by using this raedknne. Nor ' ie U less raruableTor those approaching womanhood, '-as u Is calculated to assist aature, by quickening the v"bJobd and lnvigoratrag the system. Indeed, this 'edieioa is invaloable for alt the ' diseases to. which are aobjecU : ' ' .It bsaaea the whote system, renews permanently ' ataralargias by removing the imparities of : body. not mn ,;mnlatinff tha'svstem as to praoao a sabaaqoent relaxation, wbicb is the ease of ton rhmm) . a ' . . waictnas . taken for female weakness and SCROFULA CURED nun... w - - TiHsaru&caie eeaclasively proveal bat this Sax saparitla .baa perfect control over the most obstinate diseases ol the blood. Three, persona oartd.'m ore house is unprecedented-:' f--Y: . ' A ,? ; .;.. : THREE CHI LDREN r DP ToDnsendDx Su : I have ibe. pleasure to inform you that three 61 my children have been cured or the Scrofula by the use of your excellent medicine. They were afflicird vety severely wuh bad sores ; bave taken only four bottles ; it took ibem away, for which 1 teel tnysell under deep obligation. ... Yours, respectlally, :. ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wooster-st. New York, March 1, 1841. ' t OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend is almost daily receiving orders from Physicians in different parts ot the Union. This is to certify that we tlie undersigned. Physi cians of the Citjr of Albany bave in numerous cases prescribed Dr. Towiisend's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one of the most valuable preparations in the market. H P. PULING. M D. J. WILSON, M. D. R. P- BRIDGES, M D. P. E ELMENDORF, M. D. Albany, April 1, 1846. UNITED STATES OFFICER. Capr. G. W. McLean, one of the United States Marine Corps and member ol the New Jtrrsey Leg islaiure. has kindly sent us the following certificate. It tells its own story. Rahway, Jan. 25, 1847. A year since I was taken with the Influenza, and my whole system left in a debilitated state. I was induced to try Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and after taking two or three bottles, I was very much relieved, and attribute it entirely to. the said Sarsaparilla I bave continued taking it, and tind that 1 improve everv day. I believe it saved my lite, and would not be without it under any oousiderauoa. G. W. McLEAN. DYSPEPSIA. No flnid or medicir.e has ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva, in decomposing food and strengthening the organs ol digestion, as this preparation of Sarsaparilla. It positively cures every case of dyspepsia, however severe or chronic. Bank Department, Albany, May 10, 1345. Dr. Townsend: Sir I have been anlicied for several years with Dyspepsia in its worst tornis, at tended with soreness ol stomach, loss of appetite, ex treme bean-burn, and a great aversion to all kinds ot food, and for weeks (what I could eat) 1 bave been unable to retain but a small portion on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they bad little or no effect in removing ihe complaint. I was induced, about two months since, to try your Extract of 'Sar sajuirilla. and I must say with little confidence ; but atter using nearly two bottles, 1 found my apeiite ietored, and the heart-burn entirely removed; and I would earnestly recommend the use of it to these who bave been afflicted as 1 have been Yours. &c. W. W. VAN ZANDT Principal Office, 126 Fulion street. Sun Building. N Y Redding & Co , 8 State street, Boston Dyott& Sons, 132 North 2.1 suee:, Philadelphia S. S. Hance. Druggist, Baltimore P. M Cohen, Charleston Wright & Co., 15S Chaitres street, N. O 1 05 Somb Pearl street, Albany and by all the principal Drngyisis and Mersbant generally through out the United States, West Indies and the Canada. For Sale in Raleiub, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. October 18. 1847. 84 ly NATIONAL LOAN FUJiD LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LUX DON. " A Savings Bank for the benefit of the Widow and O the Orphan." (empowered ar act or farliaxkkt.) Capital, XoOO,000 sterling, or $2,500,000. Beside a reserve fond (irotn surplus premiums) of about $185,000. T. LAM IE MUKRAV, bsq , George st. Hano ver square, Chairman of the Court of Directors, in London. Physician J ELLIOTSON, M. D F. R S. Actuary W. S. B- WOULHOUaE, Esq., F. It. A. S. I Secretary F.F. CAMROUX, Esq. 11. IILiU'll'ltl'Pllll . 1 . 1 UL subsuntial advantages with respect to Lite As surances and deferred annuities. I he assured has, on alt occasions, the power to borrow, without ex pense or forleiture of the policy , two-thirds ol the premiums paid ; also the option ol elecuug ben efits, and the conversion ol bis tuleresu to meet oth er convenience or necessity. Assurances for terms of years at the lowest possi ble rate Persons insured for life, can, at once, borrow half the amount ot annual premium for five successive years, on their own note and drposite ol policy. Pat of tbk Capital is fkkmaseatlt ihteb. ted in the United States, in the nauiea ot three or the Local Director as Trustees available always to the assured in rase ot disputed claims should any such arise) or otherwise. Vane payment of premiums half-yearly, or quar terly, at a trifling advance uon the annual rale. r a charge for stamp-duty. Thirty days altuwed after each payment of premi um becomes due. without forfeiture ol policy. Travelling leave extensive and liberal, and extra premiums ou the most moderate cale. Division or Profits. The remaikauie success and increased prosperity of the "Society has enabled the Directors, at the lat annual investigation, to de clare a fourth bonu, varyiug from 35 lo 85 per ci. on the premiums paid on each policy e flee ted ou the profit scale UaiTsn Statks Board of Local DiaxcToas. t Chief Office for Amerira. 74 Wall at) -V. York, Jacob Harvey, Esq. Chairman', John J. Palmer, Csq .Jonathan Uoodhue, Ksq Jamea noorman. George Barclay. Eaq Samuel S. Howland, Esq., Gorham A. Worth, Ed , Samuel .M. Fox, Esq., William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward Habitciu, 9 .... ... t :.a Clement U. oiouie, esq., Godev, JLq. George Rex Graham, r-sq wu.iam Jones, Esq Baltimore Jonathan wereuim, Hoffman, Esq..Dr J. H. McOulloh. J. Leander Surr, Uenerai Agent, nu .uwaru i . Richardson. Esq. General Accountant, iur uie uni ted States and British N. A. Colonies. Medical Examiners, .New York J Kearny Rod- r M D no Bleecker-stV Alexander h. Hosack, M. 0101 FrankJin-at ; . S. Keene, M. D., 290 Fonrth-su (Medical Examiners attend at 74 wall-st. and No. 134 Bowery at 3 o'clock P. M. daily. Fee paid by the Society.) Stmding Counsel wiiiiam van noua, usq. o Wall st. Bankers- -The Merchant Bank. Solicitor John Hone Esq. 11 Pine-sU Cashier Henry E. Cutlip, Esq. An Act in respect to insurance for lives for the benefit of married women, pasaed by theLegislature of New York, 1st April. 1840. PamphleU, blank forms, table of rates, lists of A- gents, c. &.c. obtained at the t;hief Ur&ce 74 Wall st, 131 Bowery, or from either of the Agents through out the Uuiled Stales, and British Worth American Colonies. GEORGE LITTLE. Agenu R. B. Hat wood, Medical Examiner, Raleigh. March 22, 1848. 24 TTEAUTIFUL CASHMERETT COATS, at fif ju,t received at the aJUh , ' n . ing Sttore. E, L. HARDING. nnHE Trustees of Wake Forest College will hold -U. "r aw annual meeting at trie Institution ea the evening bf Taeaday the 6tb of Jan. A full and puuctoal atUada&c is partkolariy re quested. ; By order ef the President, A JOHN B. WHITE, Sctf. i Mar 8. 1648 , ,-. ... 20 Cheap Summer Coats, jusi received si ibe Clothing Store tOm-treof those cheap xtnetyitNi - . (Joiu at $12. J&. A4. aAUVlHU. MW AM) FASHIONABLE, STAPiE?XM Fancy Dry Goodsj For the Sprlrijr and Summer Trad ..' ..: OF 184.:;. ' GRATEFUL for past eneobrsgementr. the tin dersigaed has now the.saUsfaciion of announ cing to the Ladie and Gentlemen of Raleigh, and those of ibe surrounding Country, thst recent arrivals have just placed in his possession of his own selection from the rich importation. of the , .reeent season,, moat heauuful assortment of NEW AIU bHLAf SSpLB TnTkaNCY DRY GOODS, which, he flatter, himself, will favorably .compare wiih any in the Cny. and which for cash, will be invariably disposed o, on the meat reasonable terms. He would therefore respectfully solicit a portion of public patronage. The aasorUnent consists in part of the following arlfclea. vi ; Beautiful French Muslins and Lawns, Scotch, French and English Ginghams, Splendid Fancy Printa and Calicoes, Plain and Plaid black Alpaccas, Cahmres and Fancy Delaines, Cambrics and Cambric Muslins, bwiaa, Book and Nansoek Muslins, Diaper Table Cloths, and Linen Towels, Paper and Colored Cambrics, Linen Handkerchiefs and Lawn, White a ud colored Hose and Gloves, Beautiful Combs, Spool Cotton and Sewing Silk, Fringe. Gimp, and Silk Buttons, Laces, Edgings and Tapes, Cap and Bonnet Ribbons, SUPERIOR CLOTH and CASSIMERES, Drap de etee and other Summer Coatings, Maiseilles and Valencia Vestings, Kentucky Jeans and Twedea Cassimeres, White and Brown Drillings, Colionade and other stuff lor Pants, Plain and Checked Linen for Coaling, Brown Holland and Celicia, Superior bleached and unbleached Shirting and Sheeting, Jeans and Cotton Oxnsburgs, . Silk, Bandana and Coaon Handkerchiefs, Mu-lin Cravats and Suspenders, Black Silk and Fancy Cravats, Canvass. Padding. Buttons and Wadding, Bnl Ticking, Furniture and Apron Checks, ?Mlk and Cotton Umbrellas, Turkey Red Cotton, Bead, &e. &c. Together with a complete assortment of Ladixs 5t Gentlkmkxs &LirpnRS, SHOkS. and SHorrsaa ; Missis. CaiLoaKSS, and SsavaKTS. Shoks. AUo a full supply of Crockery. Glass and Hardware, Hoes. &c with a fresh ttock of Gbocbbiss ; say, superior Bbown and Loaf Scsa.b, Pclvekiskd and Rarinan do. Command I'ka, Vinish, 8k oars, Tobacco and Snorr, erm Cahdiis, Pow dkh and (Shot, Soap and Nails, Bed Cords and Coil Rofs, Sfaoks and Castings. JAMES LITCHFORD. The Tailoring Business also 11 carried on. J. L. would here take occasio no aay to bis old friends and patrons, thai be still carries on the Tail oring Business, and would be happy at anyamoinrnt to serve them, either in Cutting or making up their Garments, with neatness aud despatch. May 11. . ' 38 y U-iortJ new uuu spicuuiu SPRING GOODS, -mm- w 1 1 2i to 50 Per Cent. Cheaper than ever. Y the Giant Locomotive, Sir WaUer Raleieh, the Subscriber, in addition to ihe very elegant .... 4- and extensive assortment of STAPLE AND FAN CY DRY GOODS, already announced, baa just been placed in possession, at his Nxw Stobk, of another Rich and Beautiful supply of Fashionable Spring Goods, of almost every description, which tor cheapness, riebnevs, and beauty cannot lie aur passed, and to which' be would respectfully inviie the attention of the'Genlletnen and Ladies of Kal eigb, as well ae thoe of the surrounding country, snd strangera generally. The - assortment comprises in part, the following articles, viz: f"igns,) t Splendid French shaded plaid Bareges (of new de Lich Velvet, Extra Super Lucullian do. Beauiifui Chameleon Parisian Lustres, : Kich Silk Grensdines or Titvues, Extra Kich Satin Damak Lamartine Silk Challies, Beautiful Plaid and Fancy Black Silks, Black Silk Warp, Real Alpaccas, i Mode and Fancy Colored do. I Crsp Delaine and Rep Cashmeres, Beaulilul Shaded French Organdie Muslins, French and English Ginghams, A great variety of Elegant Printed Lawns, and Tarl lon Muliu, Jenny l.ind Brilliantine, Plain Black and Satin Striped Barege, Black, and Black and White Muslins and Calicoes, Linen Ginghams, and Printed Jaconets, Bruih, French, and American (new style) Printed Cambrics and f'alicoes, in great abundance, and exceedingly beautiful, from 5 to 10 cents, A superb assortment f Embroidered Damask Plaid and Figured Summer Shawls and Scarfs, and Handcrchiefs, Linen and Thread Cambric Handkerchiefs, Silk and Thread Fringea and Buttons, Curtain Calico and Furniture Checks, Muslin Insertions snd Edgings, Swiss Jaconet, and Plaid Murtins, Bishop Lawns, and Kich Muslin Robes, Spring Bonnets and Kibauds. Superior Cloths, Cassimeres and Best Black French and English Drap d'etee, for Summer, variety, Frent-h Drilling, and Gsmbroons, for pants great Wove and Primed Cotton Goods, for Men and Boys, Summer 1 weeds and Larminet I'asst meres, Hose and Gloves, (of every description,) Beautiful I'srssolls, Sun-Shades, and Umbrellas, Diaper and Diaper Table Cloths, and Bed Ticking, Irish Linen and Linen Hdkls., Bandana and Fancy Silk and Muslin Hdkfs., Bleached arW Unbleached Cotton Shirting and nnecting, Panama, Leghorn, Beaver and Moleskin Hats, Cloth and Velvet Caps, Pen and Pocket Knives, Razors and Straps, Knives snd Forks, Slates, Pad and Slock Locks, Curry Combs, Sieel ant Iron Weeding Hoxs, 8pades and Trace Chains, Dihes, Plates, Cups and Saucers, China in Tea-Sets, Tea Pots, Pitchers, Bowls and Mugs, CutGlasaand Mould Tumblers, Gnbleta and Wines. 1 hese Goods were all selected with very great care by Mr. B. B Smith wuh hia usual judgment and taste, out of the tidiest and most fashionable importations to be found in New York, and will Tor Cash, be sold on exceedingly liberal terms. THOMAS A. MITCHELL. . Raleigh, April 16. IR48. 30 -VT EW IW RALLICn.W- are offering 1 at oar hovee, Cotton yarn, ag tjole sale, by the Bale only, and eipecl a constant sop ply on band. We ask Merchants and retailers, to examine whether it will not be to their interest to buy of os. Oar 6 per cent, commission, wiH net al low as to credit it oat. We ezpecsHo retail for an other concern aa heretofore. WILL PECK tfc 8QN. Raleigh, May 13. , 38 6w r cr ONE Case latest style MOLESKIN HA TS, aud CHEAf. '" J.F.JORDAN. nnrt. nrtH ' nmmnM nnnti VtVlHB Subscribers, ' having', received direct from rjpHIS school is uuder the managenieiil of le 11 New York and Philadelphia; (and selected with JjMisiea Paktridgk aniated by- Mrs. Fotx.KR.ir jfTl,.m.m mn.t Knnrht with cah a laree and splen-1 The rear is divided into two Setaiona of rive roeulhs did assortment of ;Dry ' CoodJ, Fancy Ar- ; f fries." and Irllisical Jnsirnniexiu, oi bii , i inrtshiiviin? ; bouehl them from the cheap tffd splendid cargoes just introduced into tbis! country, from Europe, to wbicb r would invite the citizens of Raleigh and surrounding country to examine. ( We charge nothing for showing our goods,) con fident that we cart give better and cheaper bargains, than ran be had ia this City among which are the following Good- , For ClentlemenV Wear. Broad Cloths and French Cassimeres, Gold mixed Caabineretts a new article. Fancy Cassimeres and Gambroona, a new style, Marseilles, Silk. Bstin and Merino Vestings, French Linen Castings, sad Irish Linens, Scarfs and Cravats, of every quality. Black and Fancy Gloves, Silk, Hoskin and Cotton. For Iadies' Wear. Ginghams, Linen' and Manchester, Mohair and Alpacca Goods, Swiss Jaconetts and Bobinett Muslin, Edgings. Gimpa,?Velvet and Bonnet Ribbons, Summer Shawls and Cravats, a fine article, A large lot of finii Kid and Silk Gloves, extra, A large lot of new style Calicoes and Hosiery, MusicVl Instruments of all "kinds. Toy?, Fancy Botes, Jewelry, GoIJ and Pinchback, Hardware and Crockery Ware, a great variety, And nearly every article kept for sale in a retail Store. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine oui Stock xf Good, before purchasing elsewhere. We. are confident thst you can get bet ter Goods, and much cheaper, by calling at the North Carolina Fancy 'Store. Our motto, is quick sales and small profits G. W. C. GRIM ME. April 19, 184?8. 30 tf ' VTUJB ittONEY OS HAND! Prizes! ; Prizes XI Prizes! !! w ITH each departure of the mails from Bal timore, goes to every section of the United States the GLORIOUS NEWS, that the distaut corresponding patrons of the FAR-FAMED AND TRULY FORTUNATE LOTTERY BROKERS, PYFJER&CO., NO 1 LIGHT STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. HAVE BEEN MADE INHERITORS OF PRINCEL Y FOR TUNES : Always the certain issue of a small outlay at this world renowned aud Lucky Office. At the same lime the cheering intelligence ia imparted, THAT THE MONEY IS ON HAND! Counted out ! and ready to be Paid!! IIT Communications strictly couhdeulial in all cases. O" Orders for Prizes mast be mailed (with the a mouut to be infested enclosed) to our fortunate a geucy.'and the; assucauce is given, that success shall ctown the effort. irr We advise the purchase of certificates ef full Pack acres. A full Package often draws four baud some Prizes. Single-Tickets never draw but oue Prize. O" We again solicit our country friends to forward their orders.to our far-famed agency, and be made wealthy O" BANK DRAFTS promptly remitted for all Prizea sold at this office. PLEASE LOOK AT THESE SCHEMES! Tom. Mat 27th, 184 ANOTHER BEAUTY. 4U.UW dollars ! Whole Tickets S 15. Quarters $375. Certifies tea of 22 Tickets only $18 75. There are fourteen Prizea to 8 blankain this scheme. O Send ou your orders early lo this fortunate. office. Foa Mat 31st, 1848. 30.000 dollars! Whole Tickets $10. Quartera $2 50. Certificates of 26 Tickets ouly $32 60. O" Always order Certificates of lull packages. trrPYFER it CO'S Bulletin of Lotteries for ach month forwarded gratia. 'TO THE PUBLIC. We wish it understood that every Scheme adver tised by our House, is carefully examiued by the r .' .. a, i - L -i J ik. Uoveruor, ana me managers uavo uvuucu iu State that every prize sold by us, shall be promptly paid The rirawiujra that are aent lo our customers ... n . g. : : ...A are first sworu to oy me oiaie vomuimwucn.auu printed. ... ItT We always sen teruncaies wi iuti ywg of Tickets. ... All kinds of uncurrent funds wanted and lor sale. ' Exchange and Collections punctually aud faithful ly attended to, Our fnenda'restdtng in any section oi me union may be assured that they will receive their tickets by mail, if ordered from us ; as faithfully as though they "were bought uuder their persoual examination. Please address always tor a nandsome prize, scru pulous attention and prompt aud sure payment, the old established far-famed aud truly fortuuate firm of PYFERfi&CO., No. 1 Light St.. Baltimore, Md. Raleigh Livery Stable ! THE SUBSCRIBERS having ren ted the Stables, recently occupied by Mr. Buffalo aud thoroughly repaired and refitted them ; and, having furnish ed the Establishment with au entirely new supply- of Carriages, Buggies, Horsks, (both Saddle aud Harness,) and having also engaged experienced aud careful Drivers, well ac quainted with the differeut Roads, aud. stopping houses thioughout the Stale, are now prepared to at tend to all calls in their line. The Stables are located in a very central position, and some one will always be found there, at ail hours of the day apd uight, to attend to orders Horses will be boarded by the day, week, month or year at the most moderate prices. Drovers visiliug Raleigh with Horses to dispose of, will fiud these Stables conveniently located for that purpose ; and every attention will be given to pro mete their views. JAMES M.. HARRlSS &, CO. Raleigh. Jan. 6. 1848. 2 tf New York Type Foundry Jind Printers Warehouse ESTABLISHED IN 1810. TTOHN T. WHITE, Type Founder, has removed U to No 53, CLL Street, corner of Bee k man street, New; York, and would call the attention of Editors aud Printers generally to his assortment of TYPES, FLOWERS AND ORNAMENTS, which wilt be found as varied and extensive as at auy establishment in America, and lo which con slant additions are beiog made, and- which are now offered at greatly reduced prieea. Also, PRESSES of the different kinds, Chast Cases, Brass Rules, Composing Slicks.' Ink and eve ry article required in a Printing office, - on too most reasonable terms. i Old TYPE taken ia exchange for new at' nine- cents per pound. Editors ot Priuters , wishing to establish a Newspa per. Book or Job Prialirjg office,' will be famished with an estimate in detail for the same .by stating' the size of the paper, or the particular style and quantity oi me worn to do xbcuiou. . .. , v Editors of Newspapers who will insert this i iadver tieement three time previous , to the first ef July, 1848, and ! aeod a eepy of the paper ceotaiaing the same to the Foundry, ahaH be allowed the amoant of their charge pareiiaswg three tkaee its araeonU May 2. o ' - ' - ' ' ' BACOIt. A good lot to hand, and more ex ei ctedv W ILL. PECK 4; SON . 36 y each ; the first commencing Jan. 1st, the second Ju-4 y iki. jscnoiara may oe enterea at any tune ounug the SesMon, but'it is very; desirable that they , com mence the first day of trie session if possible. - K . Term,per session 0 ce months : . -1st Class. Primary English branches including ' GeopraDhy. Grammar and Arithmetic." ' 81. 00 1 2d Class, History; Astronomy, Philosophy and rarkers exercise in cumpvemuu, iu uu 3d Class, Watts on the mind, Physiology, My- , thology and Botany, ; . 12 00 4th Class, Rhetoric; CbemistryrMental Phi losophy, Algebra and Geometry, 1 - , 15 00 Advanced classes may pursue ihe studies , of a tower class, paying only for the studies of the class to which they belong. Latiu, 10 00 French, , ' , . ; . 8 00 Needlework and Drawing, , ' 5 00 Painting and Waxwork, each 8 00 Mufic on Piane, with use ef Instrument, 20 00 Music on the Guitar, 1000 Scholars can remain through the Vacation free ef charge. Board, washing, fuel and tights $iu permonin. REFERENCES I Rev. Drury Lacy, Raleigh ; J. M. Lovejoy, Prin oalof Military Academy, Raleigh t W. D.Cook, Principal of the Deaf and Dumb School, Raleigh; al. D. OODDIll, CB- ixiuisuurg j cy. mi wti, 1 n 11 it., re t :.. l . D.. 1U rtnll Ov ford ; Rev. Mr. Haasell, .Wuliamaton-i Josepn ciggs, Esq. Williamston; CoLWra. Morning, Snuthneld. Raleigh. March 1. 1848. ' 20 Kaleigh Paper Mill. THE Subscriber, having rented the Paper Mill, in the vicinity of Raleigh, is now engaged in putting it in complete repair. By the first of June, he will be prepared to furnish Printers, and others, with every description of Paper for priming em bracing Royal Octavo, Imperial, Super Royal, and Medium. AIo Envelope Papec of every kind. W tapping Paper for spun Cotton, and also of the ordinary kind. Paper tor Pamphlet Covers, of eve rv shade and color.- Any quantity of Rags will be taken at the high est cash price. Ordas are respectfully solicited, and an assurance is hereby given, that as good paper shall be lurnisn ed, as can be obtained elsewhere. WILLIAM N. SHAUCK. April 18, 2848. 31 tf Travellers going North. WILL find expedition and comfort in taking the inland route through Richmond, Frede ricksburg, Alexandria and Washington, to Baltimore. By doiug so, they reach Baltimore within twelve hours Irom retersburg, ana nave me privilege, suouia they prefer a -top on the way, to remain in the towns named, at their pleasure. So far aa comfort is con cerned, they will have the best or" meals on the way, aud sufficient time for repose, whilst proceeding up the Potomac River on board the magnificent Steamer MOUNT VERNON, which passes iu full view of the Tomb of VVashington,as well as FortAVashiugtoti. Fare through, from Petersburg to Baltimore, $7 50. Passengers on this way avoid the delays, uncer tainly and sea-sickness-, attendant upon the Bay route, and herewith have the assurance, that it is in their power, by taking the inland route, to pass tht same night in Philadelphia, which, by the other route, finds them on the Bay, subject to all the vicissitudes which may occur through fogs, squalls, and failures to connect in Hampton Roads. For through Tickets; apply to JAMES LYNCH, Agent, Petersbunr- April 22. 1848. , 34 UJYiyJEMtSMTlT. ZHE PUBLIC ANNIVERSARY EXAMI NATION of the Students of the Uniy.eraity of t Carolina, will be held at Chapel Hilljou Mon day, the 22d day of May ensuing, and be continued from cay t6 day. until Thursday, the 1st day of J tine, being the first Thursday in June, which last meutioned day is appointed for the ANN UAL COM M ENCEMENT of the College. The following Trustees compose the Committee ot Visitation : : V His Excellency, William A. Graham, Governor of the State, aud President ex officio of the Board. Hon. David L. Swain, L. L. D. President of the College. Thomas S. Ashe, Daniel il. Uarnnger, vyuiiam A. B.louut, Thomas Bragg, Charles Chalmers, Geo. F. Davidson, William Eaton, Jr., Burges S. Gaitlier, William H. Washington, John C. Williams, Solomoir Graves, Frederick J. U ill, James Iredell,-Oeorge v. Jeffreys, James Mebane, B F. Moore, Frederick Nash, Thomas Settle, Nicholas 1 Williams, and Patrick H. Winston. All other Members of the Board of Trustees, who may atleud, will be considered Members also of this Committee. By order, CHARLES MANLY, Sec'y. , Raleieh, April 29, 1848. 34 IIOES and BOOTS, offered on credit. O We have on Commission an invoice of Men and Women's Shoes and Slippers, and Men's Boots, a ' mount about 125 We ffer this lot at reduced pri ces, and on three months credit, where the Money will be certain lo come when due. Merchants, and others, who may want, are invited to examine them. WILL: PECK & SON. May 9.- 37 4w TT .LOUK, of the first quality, in whole and half Jjj barrels. Bacou and L4ardt aud all the usual Urocenes, constantly on hand, wholesale and retail. WILL PECK & SON.' May 9, 37 3w I aperfiue. Family Floor, for sale by K. TUCKER, or. SUN. May 16. 40 Wanted Iin mediately. TlTKTh BALES good Cotton, lor which the highest cash price will be paid. K. TUCKER A. SON, 40 May 16. THE " SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON Cent'd. TH B .8 wise Family Robinson second series, be ing the continuation of the' work already published, under that title, 2 volumes, 18 mo. For ksIh at TURNER'S BOOKSTORE T KEEP COOL! B.EEP COOLI! TTROWNING'8 IMPROVED PATENT AND 115 VENTILATED REFRIGERATORS, 'at greatly heducea rnees warranted superior tn any now in ne for preserving, perfectly cooL freah ? and clean, BUTTER,- MEAT, EGGS. FRUIT. f JJ QUOR, &c during the summer season, and also from Freexing during the winter, any article deposit ed in it. They also tontain a Water. Jar and Lead Pipe in the ice chamber, by the arrsagement of which perfectly cold water can always be had -without ;sL ditional ice, (of which leae is required than any oth er ) A Iso, Upright Refrigersturs." 4 l?r v i r .l BUTTER BOXES, in which Butter may be trans ported with perfect safety by land or water and my celebrated N on -cond actors of heat for aoid water, re- ouirins bat 4 1 be. of tee for S4 hnnn tLnnumli wil testify. . Thankful ' for past favors, we hope to nerit contfQUsjnce.' Sob? by r . R.-BROWNING, 13 Comnree Street, v k ' " : Bear"Pratt at Baltimore , May lf848. " . --v-40 lm , y Cap 'Fcar ; It aTigatioa -. T IHE Anneal MeetiDg of the Stackholdars will be ' held on Friday, the fid Jane next, in the Town of Fayelleville. ' &L rVINSLOW, Frtit. May 13, 1848 40 2w IJXJPAU AIJLEtJEO SUCCESS. ft Yr ; GURUIJUUIS VlSfUAXJF BOOTS, SHOES f TRUNKS A I . SWXLi v ladies' Saloon, MAIN STREET, NEAR WALTER'S CITY HOTEL NORFOLK, VA. flMIE great attractions offered to buyers at the La I dies Saloon, in the splendid large assortment of lNKW SrKli'w AywVfY- jpo, uave opened a . ' - . knlliAC. 'Itll. .'AAV r large proepec mi uuoiub . j r . The nrincioal altraetioM, are the superior oualii f the Goods effefed for sale, and, as. no article shall be misrepresented, : armenr, Country Merchants, and other persons in tne Miy ana coairy, may rely ou getting the very nest. doom, pnoea ana urogans, t the Ladies' 8aloon; at reasonable prices. OUR ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' GAITER BOOTS, and tLe PATENT CONGRESS BtpTo, are the handsomest gooda this year we ever had. LADIES' MOROCCO SLIPPERS AND Ufg. KINS. . "... . " ' LADIE' SOFT ENGLISH KID SLIPPERS. LADIES' WHITE SATIN AND KJD SLIP PERS. ! ''' MISSES' FANCY GAITER BOOTS. MISSES FANCY MOROCCO SLIPPERS, MISSES' SCHOOL SHOES first rate, CHILDREN'S FANCY GAITER BOOTS; CHILDREN'S AND MIsESRED MOKOCC0 POLKA -i BOOTS, ith blck patent leather tipi CHILDREN'S FANCY COLORED MOKottO BOOTS, . i BOYS' AND CHILDEN'S LONG LEG BOOTS, with high heels of beautiful quality, , GENTLEMEN'S DRESS BOOTS the best and handsomest in Norfolk, , GENTLEMEN'S BLACK AND COLOKED GAITERS the preliieet you ever saw any where GENTLEMEN'S BUSINESS BUO'l, ot 3 or 4 qualities, made light and neat of Calf Skin, Al0 to co and Seal Skin, and warranted to wear first rate at $2 50 ami $3 a pair. GENTLEMEN'S Patkit CONGRESS BOOTS, AND SHOES OF IHE BEST QUALITY GENTLEMEN'S PUMP BOOTS, rOU CING of superb qualitv, at $8 a pair. GENTLEMEN'S NAPOLEON HALF B0OT8 a new style of Summer Bootees for Gentlemen, aud very neat. , LADIES' AND' GENTLEMEN'S Travelling Trunks, Made expressly lo the wants ot each, aud as we have a very great VAKIL J x, Ladies and ueiiilrmen are respectfully invited to look at iht-ui belore buy ing el.-ewbere, as we know you will be tetter suiied and better pleased with the shape and construction of the Trunk int-ide, with the quality oi the fcocxJa and the price also. LADIES' CARPET BAGS AND SATCHELS OF BEAUTIFUL COLS. AND PaTTLMs, GENTLEMEN'S ASHLAND VALISES, oltiew construction something new. Gksuiwe Eiretisa Sols Leathsb TRUNKS warranted lo last and look well as long as you mi j live. DOOR MATS, in great variety. AH ot which, togrther with a good rhony ether kinds of Boots and Shoes, that cannot be mentioned in one advertisement, will be sold VERY ChLAF and upon the most favorable terms. , The assortment is very large, consisting ot about TW ELVb hluN, DRED CASES BOOTS, SHOES ANlJ BbU GANS of every kind, suitable I to the countrj trade and for City wear, Country Merchants Are particularly itiyiied to cull and look atour ii. son men t. and as Boots and Shoes are cheaper note, we will supply them at less puces than loru.erlv. try Wholesale Ware rooms UP STAllvS. i (ry Ladies and Gentlemen living at a un-lsi.ee can be supplied with any ot the above lal.ionalJeofidi, by sending their orders to the Ladies' Saloon. The Ladies' Salon is i Main Street, mar Wal ter's ;ity Hotel, Norfolk Va. :, W. H. ADDINGTON. March, 24. . 25 Consumption Dijarmed cf ils Terrors! CompoundSyrup of Napthja ; A tiUlCKa nd Positive Cure for Cotibuniptioii, Decline, A6thraa, Spitting of Blood, 1 ight Sweats, Husky Throat, Wasting of the Flfsh, brou chilis, Coughs, Colds, and all Diseases of the Chert ,and Lungs. This celebrated preparation is pleasant to the taste, and is ?0 speedy in its opeiations, thaf patreDls plain ly feefitsgood effects in a few minutes after taking the first dose. Prepared in Loudon, by C Hastings, M. D.- :. - -. . ; : When Dr. Hastings had .discovered the yirtse f Naplha, four years ago; he announced it in a private circular, to a number of dislingoibhed physicians in various parts Of England, wilh a request that idey would, put its medical properties to the test, aud .re port accordingly. The result was a host of testimo nials of the most favorable character, nearly all which agreed in certifying that no medicine they haveever used could bear auy comparison with it i relieving hacking coughs, curing diarrhoea, anrf Mop ping .night sweats - It was also generally remark" to have a wonderful effect iu increasing the affttilt, tceigJit, and spirits of patients; aud lobe a po'nui ly efficient remedy in Bilious aud Aslmalic ohseaisM. Of these testimonials, which were all published si the time in the Medical Recorder', mne spoke ef U extraordinary iufluence hi casea of Cousumplioa--each corroborating PrJ Hastings' opiuiou, tbal be h actually discovered the great secret so long and vain lysooghl for, namely a preparation that would ftf the formation of. Tubercles on the'lungs, remote thist already formedt.and thus cure the most jatal of w tjmlsdies, and which had been previously regarded a being altogether incurable. Dr. Williamson, of Alaa cheater, thus writes: ; Under its influence I has seen the emaciated being, on whose brow Death seemed lo have set his seal, acquire iuvigoraiion and strength ; and exchange his early moruiugs of in tense suffering and distressing cough for Mescal reposewhich aloue accompanies sound health. W" Ware, of Liverpool, says:.4-i regard Hastings' Syr up of Naptha as one of the first medical discoveries auy age, and consider its agency in curiiig Cowun'P' lion as established beyoud all deukt or question " Dr. Boyd, of Lkvcairter, Hails it as the great CoB' sumptive antitode and ure V'-aud Dr. Hamilton, Bath, prououucesit the only kaewa remedy wntf may be relied on for removiug 'Pubereles Irom ic luugs, and preveiting formation of others." , uO" Price one dollar a bottle. Six bottles for fi" dollars. - The usual allowance to the trade. . i For sale Wholesale and Retail by Messrs. CUD &. JOHN SON, sole geuts for Raleigh. . .April 3. 1848, . v V - 27 Spring andSummer Supplies . '; ' V - irv ...;.;r lares so tiena to our st.ick of Drugs Staffs, Vert umery. Ware, Surgical Z, meul, ci etc to invite the attention of 3" ountry M erchaBtei and others tf f I" g in our line, belore Purcn- reeling Va'tisfied they will fi V their interest; as we intend to muucemenis mai w' Tilease. . ' ! '..ira tit at larce lot f Vwgt Guuw-ware ttd iae. apeciej " sieians w no are aouu w . ' . Medkine,nda piefredi PP1 , complete stock at If orthora P"- nD & c& : WILLlAMtfv HAJWOOD $ April I. . . : I'D i