4" r - i .nr This Extract U pot up I-oa 5 ruTTst beauty tod euperiority of this Sarsepa rf!TvaU other medicino ia, while U eradicate. di it intigorste It is one of the very wTall and Winter medicine ever known ; it not mfo purifies the.whde system sad; strengthens the r Wrooa, but It create new,, pure and rich blood x s. Mwer poaeeeeed by no other medicine. ' And in this Mthefrasdectetdf ita wonderful sncces. It haa performed within the past two y sara, more than 35, . 400 eore of aevCo eases of disease t atleastiO.OOO 'arf theat coaaidered "mcorable. jLf or than 3,000 caae cCironic Rheumatism ...5,000 caaea of Djipep-ia; 4X)0 eaaea Of OeoeralDcbtTit j and Want of En- 7,000 case of the different Female Complaints ; 200 cues of Scrofula; - 1,500 eaaoa oT the Lirer Complaint $ 3,50a caae of Diaeaae of the Kidney and Dropsy ; tXOO-caaea of conaamption : . And thousand of caaee of diaeaaea of the blood, viz : Ulcers, EryaipeUa, 8alt Rheum. Pimples on the Face, 4y together with numerou caeea ef 8ick .Hdc, Psin ia the Sid and Cheat, 8pinal Afleo. ' tion, dte eke . - Thi. we axe aware, moat appear incredible, but we htv Utters from Phyaiciana and our Agent from all Mparts of th United Sis tea, informing as of extraordi . nary cures, R. Vxm Buskibi-, Eq., one of. the .wioatreapeetable Druggists in Newark, N.J, in fsrrasras that he can refer to more than 150 caae in that place alone. - There are thomand ofcaaea in fibs City of New York, which we will refer to with pleasure and to men of character. It is the beat medicine frrr thir prevention of diaeaae known. It undoubtedly saved the five ef more than fi.060 CHILDREN THE PAST SEA80N ! A it removed the cause of disease, and prepared thamfor the Summer season. -It has never been known to injure in the least ihe most delicate child RHEUMATISM. Thia 8arsaparUla ia used with the most perfect access in Rheumatic com plain ta however severe or chronic The astonishing cures it has performed are Indeed wonderful. ' Other remedies sometime give -temporary' relief thi entirely eradicate it from the system, even when toe urno ana doom are urau firfr wellen- r Hear Mr. 8eth Terry, one of the oldest and m.i Mfutftle liwrsfi in Hartford. Conn. The 'following la an extract of a letter recived from him : Dr. Townsend I have used one bottle ol your flrarill. and find it is excellent in it enacts up. n nfirnni. Rheumatic pain, to which I am aub- ?acL from an iniury occasioned several years sgo, in Brittle atase.' Please send me two bottles to the oam of Dr. Sevmour. I have conversed with two of our principal physicians, and recommend your Saxs- SETH TERRY. Hartford; March 13, 1845. CONSUMPTION CURED. Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be eired. Bronchitis. Consumption, Liver Com- 1" plaint. Colds Coughs Asthma Spitting of Blood Soreness tn the Chest, Hecticjiusk, JYlght ' Sweats Difficult or Profuse Expectoration,Pam in the side, Sfc-, have been and eon be cured. DrTowasend-Dear Sir: Nearly twenty years ago ,1 took a violent cold, which settled on my lung, sud me aeyerely indeed, finally, it became a con stant hacking cough, but not so severe sa to prevent 4M Jrom spending to my business; within the last 4gjt years it increased on me gradually. At last I became reduced breathed with difficulty, and raised with my. cough much bad matter, and for the last nine months previoua to using your SarsapariiJa, Bad regular night sweats ; indeed, my friends and myself supposed that I would die with the Consump j lion but 1 have the happiness to inform you that, to my surprise, after using three bottles of your Sarsaparilla, I find my health restored. It relieved me gradually, and I am now enjoying much better health than I have before in 26 years. I had almost entirely lost my sppetite, which is slo returned. Yooers at liberty to publish this with my. name in the papers, if you choose. My . little girl, who is three years old had a very bad cough the whole of last Winter. We became Tstj 'much alarmed on her account. While using the medicine. I gave her some of it, and it soon en tirely relieved her, as well as myself, aud she is well ' now, and hearty as any child I ever saw. She was aiao fall of Utile blotches : it took them sway and her skin is smooth and fair now and I am satisfied she recovered her ktallh from usui g your excellent med ians , 8. W.CONANT. 444 Bowery. GIRLS, READ THIS. Ysa who have pale complexions, dull eyes, blotch s on the face, roach skin, and are 44 out of spirits," use a bottle or two of Dr. Townsend's 8arsaparilU. It will elaanse voar blood, remove the free k. els and blotches, andsrfve you animation, sparkling eyes fins spirit, and beautiful complexion 'ill of which are of immense value to unmarried ladies. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE Dr.Townsen(Ta 8arsapari!la ia a sovereign end Speedy cure for Incipient Consumption, Barrenness, LeocorrhcBa, or White, obstructed or difficult Mn . atraation, Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary dis charge thereof, and for the xeneral Prostration of the fi vet m nil m.ltAT whether the result of inherent cause, or produced by irregularity, illoeee or accident. Nothing ein be more ranttietng than it invigortt- ing effects on the human frame; Persona, all weak ness snd lassitude, from taking It, at once become tobuat and full of energy unuer m inauencs. it im mediately counterecta the nervelesaness of the female Imme, which is tasgreai cu iurcuua It will not be expected of us, in cases of so delicate Sv aatare, ta exhibit certificates ef ores performed, bat we can assure the afflicted, that hundreds of cases have been reported to us. Several cases where families have been without children, after tojing stew bottles of this invaluable medicine, have been blessed with healthy offspring. Townsend My wife being greatly distressed by weakness and General Debility, and suffering eontiaoaUy by pain and a sensation of bearing down, falling of the womb, and with other difficulties, and Vaving known eases where your medicine has effec ted great cures, and also bearing it recommended for such eases as I have described, I obtained a bottle of 1 yoar Extract of Sana parDla and followed the di rection yoa gave . In a short period it removed her . complsiau and restored her health. .Being grateful for the benefits she received, I take pleasure in thua ettKnowieageuing it, and recommending it to the public. M D. MOOCK, Comer Grand and Lydios-sts. Albany, Aug. 17,1847. . , TO MOTHERS ANDMARRIED LADIES. This Extract ef SaraaparUla haa been expressly jwpuxta sa rrforenoe so female eomptaiata. No - Xamals who has reaaow to suppose anoia ap . i . , 'uapproaenmg should nesject ' thai erincal porka. the tarn of lits, rUUnilfUUHS osraw pwrowuTm tat any ol the numerous and horrible diseases to which females ; re subject at this time of Us. This period mar be . UUved several ycaia by ning this medicine. Har - If lsss valuable for those approaching womanhood, - as his ealeotasd to assist nature, by quicks ning the . blood, and invigoratinf tho system. Indeed, this . 3 medicine , invaloablo for all the diseases to ' which '4Kmn ".subject.-'. . - . , . wtio, ytem.k renews permanently $ ts! 5!SL ergie--by removing the imporitie, f the body -vq , t. tliwri1tm .k- : cL?tli?n- which is Aeeasaof diaeaeal T . wtliar lemate woaJtness aud SCHrkPtir a r-TTrT-rv Thw Csrufiw eoeiosiTel proves iat this Sax- sapariSa bss perfect cpntrolortr the,, rnost obstinata diseases or ino mood.' -Iliree persons ouiea.m - bouse is smpceceatsd. ' Z r - s - THREE" QHILDKKrt. - Zhr-TotensendDext Sir x I have the tplaasureto inform yoa that three of my children nave beeo cured of the Scrofula by the use of your excellent medicine. They were afflicted very . severely with bed-sores ; have taken only four bottles ; it took them psysy, for which I feel myself under deep obligation Tours, respectfullv, ISAAC W, GRAIN, 106 Wooster-st. New York, March 1. 1847. OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend i almost daily receiving orders from Physician in different part of the Union. This is to certify that we the undersigned. Physi cians of the City of Albany, have io Dumerooe cases -t ' n 1 - O : i i l i - prescriDea tJi a uwawuu oiaprui, ua ocueve it to be one of the most valuable preparations in the market. H. P. PULING, M. D. J. WILSON, M. D. R. P. BRIDGES, M. D. P. E ELMENDORF, M. D. Albany, April 1, 1846. . UNITED STATES OFFICER. Capt. G. W. McLean, one of the United State Marine Corp and member of the New Jersey .Leg islature, has kindly sent us the following certificate. It tell its own story. Rahway, Jan, 25, 1847. A year since I was taken with the Influenza, and my whole system left in a 'debilitated state. 1 was induced to try Dr. Towuteud's Sarsapenlla, and after taking two or three bottles, I was very much relieved, and attribute it entirely to the said Sarsaparilla. I have continued taking it, and find that I improve every day. I believe halved my life, and would act be without it under any cou federation. G. W. McLEAN. DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or medicine ba ever been discovered hwh -. MwmUai the aastric juice or saliva, in decomposing food and strengthening the organs ol digestion, as this preparation of Sarsaparilla. It positively cures every case of dyspepsia, however severe or chronic Bank Department, Albany May 10, 1345.' Dr. Townsend: Sir I have been afflicted for several years with Dyspepsia in. its worst forms, at tended with soreness of stomach, loss of appetite, ex treme heart-burn, and a great aversion to all kinds or food, and for weeks (wbat I could eat) I have been unable to retain but a small portion on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but tbey bad little or no effect in removing the compleiut. I was induced, about two months since, to try your Extract of Sar saparilla, and 1 roust ssy with little confidence ; but after using oearly two bottles, I found my appetite restored, and the heart-burn entirely removed; and I would earnestly recommend the use ol it to mese who have been afflicted as I have been Yours, &c. W. W. VAN ZANDT. Principal Office, 125 Fulton street, Sun Building. N. Y. Redding & Co., 8 State street, Boston Dyott at Sons, 132 North 2d street, Philadelphia S. S. Hance, Drugsrist, Baltimore P. M. Cohen, Charleston Wright & Co., 158 Chartres street, N. O 105 Sooth Pesrl street, Albany and by all the orincirjal Drazuists and Merchants generally through out the United States, West Indies and the Canadas. For Sale in Raleigh, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. Gctober'18, 1847. 84 ly NATIONAL, LOAN JFUtfD LITE ASSUMCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. A Savings Bsnk for the benefit of the Widow and the Orphan." (EXrOWIBXD It ACT OF PAULI AM tIT. ) Capital, 500,000 sterling, or $3,500,000. Beside a reserve fund (from surplus premiums) of about $185,000. T. LAMIE MURRAY, Esq , George st. Hsno- ver square, unairman oj tae uourt oj directors, in London. Physician I. ELLIOT80N, M. D F. R. S. Actuary Vi. S. B. WOOLHOUSE, Esq., F. R. A. 8. Secretary F. F. CAMROUX, Esq. XpHlS INSTITUTION embrace Important and cL substantial advantages with respect to Life As. sutance and deferred annuities. The assured has, on all occasions, the power to borrow, without. ex pense or lorietture oi me policy, two-uiirus oi iue ptemiums paid : also the option of selecting ben efit, and the conversion of his interest to meet oth er convenience or necessity. Assurances for terms of years at the lowest possi ble ratea. Persons insured for life, can, at once, borrow ball ths amount of annual premium for five successive years, on their own note and deposite of policy. PaBTOF TUB CAPITAL I HMIHIITII IHVSS. Tin in the United States, in the namea of three of the Local Directors aa 1 r us tees available alway to the assured tn case of disputed claim (should any auch arise) or otherwise. The payment ot premiums, nsu-yeany, or quar terly, at a trifling advance upon the annual rate. Sio charge lor stamp-duty. Thirty days allowed after each payment of premi um becomes due, without forfeiture of policy. Trsveliing leave extensive snd liberal, and extra premium on the roost moderate scale. Dtviaiea of raoriTS. t ne remsriawe soccess and increased prosperity of the Society has enabled the Directors, at the last annual investigation, to de clare a fourth bonus, varying from 35 to 85 per ct. on the premiums paid on each policy effected on the profit scale Uhitso Statk Boabd of Local Dibkctobs (Chief Office for America, 74 Wall st) JV. York, Jacob Hsrvey, Esq. Chairman; John J. Palmer, Lsq , Jonathan Goodhue, Esq. James Doorman, Esa. George Bsrclay, Esq., Samuel S. Howlsnd, Esq., Gorbam A. Worth, Esq., Samuel M. Fox, Esq., William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward Habitcht, Esq. Philadelphia Clemtnt C. Biddle, Esq., Loui A. uodey, Esq. George Rex Ursbsm, q. William Jonea, Esq. Baltimore Jonathan Meredith, Esq., Samuel Hoffman, Esq- Dr. J. H. McCuIloh. J. Leander Starr, General Agent, and Edward T. Richardson, Esq.. General Accountant, for the Uni ted States and British N. A. Colonies. Medical Examiners, New York J. Kearny Rod- gers, M. D. 110 Bleecker-t ; Alexander E. Hoaaxk. M. D 101 FrankUn-st ; s. b. usene, u. u., ?au Founb-at. Medical Examiners attend at 74 Wall-st. and No. 134 Bowery at 3 o'clock P. M. daily. Fee paid by ths Society.) Stmdine Counsel William van hook, esq. 39 Wall-st. Bankers The Merchant's Bsnk. 8olUUor John Hone, Esq. 1 1 Pine-U Cashier Henry E. Cutlip, Esq. An Act in respect to insurance for lives for the benefit of married women, pasaed by theLegislature of New York. 1st April. 1840.' Pamphlet, blank form, table of rates, lists or A- genu, Ac. ate. obtained at the Chief Office 74 Wall- st,134 Bowery, or from either of ths Agents through oat the United 8 tales, and British North American Colonies. -. . GEORGE LITTLE, Agent. R. B.JLurwoov, Medical Examiner, Raleigh. March S3, 1848. 24 1 North Carolina Inttitation FOR TELE DE AE & DUMB. FjnHE next Session of this Institutiou wUI com " P mence on Monday, the 3d of July. It Is very Important that the ropils should be punctual in their attendance at tba commencement ef the session. AppHeatiods for admisslonratc, 'to be made to Ilk Excellency, Govl GsaAak. or to - " 'WMVD. COOKE, PrvuipaL Raleigh, May 23, 1848. - ' 44 2m . 33CI JE053 3 ONE Case latest style MOLESKIN HATS, 4and"CHXAr J. F JORDAN. NEW-AND f A5fil0NABLESWPU;N0 JP a n D r y G ooAsy For the Spring- and Summer Trade OJF 1848. jf HATEFUL for past encouragement, the un iOXderaigsed has now the satisfaction of announ cing to' the Ladies and Gentlemen of Raleigh;' and those of the surronndinr Country, thst recent srritsls hsve just placed in his possession of his own selection from the rich importations of the present season, a most beautiful assortment of NE W AND CHEAP STAPLE AND FANCY DRF GOODS, hich, be flatter himself, will fovorably compare with any in the City, snd which for cash, wilt be invariably disposed of, on the most ressonsble terms. Hs would therefore respectfully sojicit a portion of public patronage. The assortment consists in part of the following articles, vii; ,T Beautiful French Muslins and Lawns, Scotch, French and English Ginghams, Splendid Fancy Print and Calicoes, Plain and Plaid black Alpaccas, Cashmeres and Fancy Delaine, Cambric and Cambric Muslin. Swiss, Book and Nanaoek Muslins, Diaper Tsble Cloths, and Linen Towels, Psper snd Colored Csmbrtes, Linen Handkerchief and Lawn, White aud colored Hose and Gloves, Beautiful Combe, 8pool Cotton and Sewing Silk, Fringe, Gimp, and Silk Buttons, Laces, Edgings snd Tspes, Csp snd Bonnet Ribbons, SUPERIOR CLOTH snd CASSIMERE8, Drsp de etee and other Summer Coatings, Marseilles snd Vslencia Yestings, N Kentucky Jeans and Twedes Cassimeres, 4 White and Brown Drillings, ' x Cottonade and other stuff for Psnts, s. Plain aud Checked Linen for Coating, Brown Holland and Celicia, Superior bleached and unbleached Shirting and Sheeting, Jeana and Cotton Oxnaburgs, Silk, Bandana and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Muslin Cravsts and 8uspenders, Black Silk and Fancy Cravats, . Canvsss, Padding, Buttons snd Wsdding, Bed Ticking, Furniture snd Apron Checks, Silk snd Cotton Umbrellas, A Turkv Rml Cotton. Bead, fjc. Ac Together with a complete assortment of Ladiss & ukrtlkxkhs DLirrsBs, Suots. and Shostsks ; Missks. Cbildiksi. and Shtisti Shoks. Also a full supply of Crockery, Glass and Hardware, Hoes. &c, with a fresh utock of Gaocamis ; ssy, cniwtrinr Ranw and ltiw Rnam Pctviitim and Rinnan do. Corras and Tka., Yixssab, 8k- sass, iobacco and chuff, orxax uasdlbs, row ma and Shot, Soap and Nails, Bsn Coins snd Coil Ron, Spasm and Castihos. JAMES LITCHFORD. a The Tailoring Bnsineu also itiil carried on. J. L. would here take occasion to aay to his old friends snd patrons, thst he still carries on the Tail oring Business, and would be happy at anjmoment to .serve them, n'her in Uniting or mating up their Garment, with neatness and despatch. May 11. 38 y More New and Splendid SPRING GOODS, 2) to 0 Per Cent. Cheaper than cTtr. ITpY the Giant Locomotive, Sir Walter Raleigh, Td the Subscriber, in addition to the very elegant and extensive assortment of STAPLE AND FjlNt CY DRY GOODS, already announced, haa just been placed in poeeession, at hi Niw Stobx, of another Rich and Beautiful supply of Fashionable Spring Goods, of almost every description, which for cheapness, richness, and beauty cannot be aur, passed, snd to which he would respectfully invite the attention of the Gentlemen and Ladies of Ral eigh, a well as those of the surrounding country. and strangers generally. The assortment comprises in psrt, the following articles, via:, igos.) Splendid French shsded plaid Bareges, (of new de Rich Velvet, Extra 8uper Lucullian do. Beautiful Chameleon Parisian Lustres, Rich Silk Grensdines or Tissues, Extrs Rich Satin Damask Lamartine Silk Challies, Besutiful Plaid and Fancy Black Silks, Black Silk Warp, Real Alpaccas, Mode and Fancy Colored do. Crape Delaine and Rep Cashmeres Beautiful Shaded French Organdie Muslins, French snd English Gingbsms, A great variety of Elegant Printed Lawns, and Tail ton Muslius, Jenny Lind Brilliantine, Plain Black and Satin Striped Barege, Black, and Black and White Muslins snd Calicoes, Linen Gingham, and Printed Jaconet, British, French, and American (new style) Printed Cambric and Calicoes, in great abundance, and exceedingly beautiful, from 5 to 10 cent, A superb sssortment of Embroidered Dsmssk Plaid and Figured Summer Shawls and Scarfs, snd Handerchiefs, Linen snd Thresd Cambric Handkerchiefs, Silk snd Thresd Fringes snd Buttons, Curtain Cslico snd Furniture Checks, Muslin Insertions and Edgings, 8wiss Jaconet, and Plaid Muslins, Bishop Lawns, snd Rich Muslin Robes, Spring Bonnets and Ribands. Superior Cloths, Cassimeres and ySBHaCE12,SBe Best Black French and English Drap d'etee, for Summer, variety. French Drilling, and Gambroons, for psnts great Wove and Printed Cotton Goods, for Men and Boys, Summer T weeds and Earminet Cassimeres, Hose and Glove, (of every description,) Besutiful Parasolle, 8on-Shade, and Umbrellas, Diaper snd Diaper Table Cloths, snd Bed Ticking, Irish Linen and Linen Hdkuu, Bandana and Fancy Silk and Muslin Hdkf., Bleached and Unbleacjied Cotton Shirting" and et oueeung, Panama, Leghorn, Beaver and Moleskin Hats, Cloth and Velvet Caps, Pen snd Pocket Knives, Razor and Straps, Knives snd Forks, Slates, Pad and Stock Locks, Curry Combs, Steel and Iron Weeding Hois, 8 pedes and Trace Chains, Dishes, Pistes, Cup and 8aocerS, China in Tea-SeU, Tea Pots, Pitchers, Bowls and Mugs, Cut Glass and Mould Tumblers, Goblets and Wines. These Goods were all selected with verv treat care by Mr. B. B. Skit with bis usual judgment ano, taste, out oi tne richest and most fashionable importations to be found in New York, and will for Uash, be sola on exceedingly liberal terms. THOMA8 A. MITCHELL. Raleigh, April 15, 1848. , , 30 v FOR SALE OR RENT. mHE Subscriber is desirous of either wllhif hie X Farm, la th Immediate vicinity tr Raleigh, or renting it to a good tenant. The Dwelling House is entirely new, of modern construction.' and conve niently arranfed for a Family. For healthiness of location, fine wster, and accessibility to a Market, thia Farm cannot be surpassed. Persons wishing to boy, or rent, Will apply to the Subscriber, who is pre- . i .r-' . i . . parm u uuvr u j eccommousung-ierms eimer in the purchase or rent of the Property. - .. PETER R. BINES. OO Standard and North Stste Whig each five weeks. March J, 1848. . 17 i THE SUBSCRIBERS navies' ren ted the SUbte, recently oecu'piedrby Mr. BtrsTAixnt and thoroughly repaired and refitted them J and, having furnUh ed the Establishment with an. entirely new' supply of CABBiAats, Boogies, HoKsss, (both Saddle and Harneee,) and having also engaged experienced aud careful Drivers, well jac quainted .'-with the- different. Roads, and stopping bouses throughout the State, are now prepared to at lead to all calls In iheir line. "... j The StsUee are located in a very central position j and some one will alwaya be found there, at all hours of the day and night, to attend to order. . Horses will be boarded by the day, week, month or year at the most moderate prices. Drovers visiting Raleigh with Horse to dispose of, will find these Stables conveniently located , for that purpose and, every attention will be given, to pro mote their yie ws. JAMES M. HARRISS & CO. Raleigh. Jan. 6.1848. 2 tf The City Hotel, . AWOmSG THE COURT HOUSE SQUARE, TOT AS been-recently thoroughly repaired, and InJ rreatly Improved, by the addition of a large two story building, sixty-five feet long, with a colon nade in front, extending the whole length of the house ; besides several other detached Rooms, which will afford double the accommodations heretofore existing, ' and render the Establishment one of the most extensive, and decidedly the most, pleasant in the City, either in Winter or Summer. Mrs. Lawrence would therefore most res pectfully invite the attention of Families, as well as others visiting Raleigh, or who may wish to spend their summers in the Metropolis, to the superier ad vantages offered by this Establishment. The public and private appartraenls are so distinct, that Ladies aud Families may be as private as ia their own hou ses, and she assures all who favor her with their com pany, that no effort will be wanting to make them per fectly comfortable, and to render their time pleasant during their sojourn with her. She asserts, without fear of contradiction, that there is not a House kept in a superior raauner in the City nor are there su perior Rooms attached to any other Boarding House in the place. The Stables are in good order, aud well provided with every article usually kept in such, place, together with careful Ostler who have given entire satisfaction. The arrival of the Rail Road Car ia too irregular, to justify keeping an Omnibus,- but the baggage of Passengers will be conveyed to and from the Depot gratis. Raleigh, June 6, 1S48. 45 200 Slaves Wanted, UPON Bonds, Mortgages, and 'Stocks, having from five to ten year to run to maturity. We wish to purchase two hundred slaves, in families, for our own use. Fair and liberal prices will be paid in securities of the above description, with the semi-sn-nusl payment of interest ui the City of New York, The securities referred to fsof the most undoubted character, and they cannoi 0 to prove entirely sat isfactory to any one at all disposed to make sales of 81a ves upou the terms indicated. Letters sddressed to us, either st Gallatin or Memphis, Tennn will re ceive our prompt attention. DANIEL 8AFFARRANS & 80N. May, 1848. . 47 3m Professor Antuon's New Work. CICERO, and the Life of Attic us, by Cornelius Nepos, with Note, dec by Charles Anthon, L. L. D. Just published and for sale by H. D. Turner. N. C. BOOKSTORE. Oar Herrings Come. flUST received, and foraale, a lot of superior Roe yl and Trimmed Herrings in barrels and half bar rels. Also, a few excellent Shad in half barrel. J. G. M. BUFFALOE. June 28. 4? 3 Travellers going North, rILL find expedition and comfort in taking u the inland route through Richmond. Frede ricksburg, Alexandria and Washington, to Baltimore. By doinz so, they reach Baltimore within twelve hours from Petersburg, aud have the privilege, should they prefer a stop on the way, to remain in the towBS named, at their pleasure. So far aa comfort is con cerned, they will have the bbewef meala on the way, and sufficient time for reposrniut proceeding up the Potomac River on board the magnificent Steamer MOUNT VERNON, which passes in full view of the Tomb of Washington, aa well as Fort Washington. tare through, from Petersburg to Baltimore, 97 ou. Passengers on this way avoid the delay, uncer tainty and sea-sickness, attendant upon the Bay route, and herewith have the assurance, that it is in their power, by taking the inland route, to pass the same night in Philadelphia, which, by the other route, finds them on the Bay, subject to all the vicissitudes which may occur through fogs, squalls, and failures to connect in Hampton Roads. For through Tickets; apply to JAMES LYNCH, Agext, Petersburg. April 22, 1848. 34 3m iRfejPyeiybleJ VQjJ, Mysteries and -Miseries of New York, complete, by Ned Buntline. Seven Capital Sins. Pride ; or the Dutchess, by Eugene Sue 50 cents. Whom to Marry and How to Get Married, by one who has Refused " Twenty offers at least," 25 cents. Domby and Daughter, with illustrations, 25 cents. Faust, a Romance of the Secret Tribunal, by G. W. Reynolds, illustrated, 50 cents. Temptation, by Eugene Sue, 25 cents. Aristocracy, or Life in the City, by a Member of the Philadelphia Bar, 50 cents. The First Step to Crime, or the Bottle, illustrated, 25 cent. The Forty -five Guardsmen, by Alexander Dumas, 50 cents. Twenty Ysars After, a Sequel to The Three Guardsmen, by Duma, 75 cents. Bragdown, the Son of Atlios, or Ten Years la ter, 5V cent. The above just received at the N.C. BOOKSTORE. June 30. 52 TURNIP SEED, CROP OF 1S47, of the following varietie : Ruta Baga, Large Nor folk, Large Globe, Yellow Aberdeen, Hale'a Hy brid, Red Top. A supply this day received at TURNER'S N. C. Boos: Sroas. June 29. 52 Female Boarding School. MY School will commence its next session on the 17th of July, tinder the' direction i of JHiss m, who haa been engsged in teaching 8cbool for several years, and, who brings with her testimoni als of the most satisfactory nature, from Mr. and Mrs. Bobbttt, of Looisburg, N C, who have been so long and favorably known as Teachers, besides certificates from many other persons. The School is situated on the Raleigh Road 12 milea south of Oxford, in as healthy a neighborhood as any in the 8tate. The price of Board and Tuition in all the English branches, per, session of five months, including Needle-work, Lights, dec, is $37 50 French, 5 00 Music on Piano Forte 23 50 . Advantages are, now offered to Parents by this School seldom, if ever, offered to any community t and Pupils entrusted to our care will be faithfully watched over, both as regards their deportment and intellectual traini a g. . - Person wishing further informstion, can address me at BrookvUle, Gramille Co., N. C : . -EDWARD SPEED. Granville Co., June 10, 184S' - . 47 ttOJy Ovvxr JFisl come at last Tbey cosset Vjj ef whole b4 half barrel trimmed Haniags- mad half barrels Roe Berriags and Shed. . ' WILL. PECK & SON. tio SJnlnnt rTrt HIS school ia nnder the manatement of the ,t .Jdieses PAaTainoa assisted by jatm. x ctxxa. The; yea 1 divided into two Sessions ef fire months each : the first commenctuE Jan. let, the second Ju ly 1st. Scholars may be entered at any time during tie Seasion, but it i very desirable that they com mence the first day of the session if possible. -. ! -A Terms jr Session of Hoe months : 1st Class, Primary English branches including ' Geography, Grammar and Arithmetic, 4 7 00 2d Class, History, Astronomy, Philosophy and Parker's exercise io composition, 10 00 3d Class, Watts on the mind. Physiology, My thology and Botany, . 12 00 4th Class, Rhetoric, Chemistry, Mental Phi losophy, Algebra and Geometry, 15 00 Advanced classes may pursue the studies of a lower class, paying only for, the studies of ths class to which they belong. Latin, . 10 00 French, 8 00 Needlework and Drawing, 5 00 Painting and Waxwork, each 8 00 Music on Fiane, with use of Instrument, 20 00 Music on the Guitar, 10 00 Scholars can remain through the Vacation free of charge. Board, washing, fuel and lights $10 per month. BE7KSENCE8 : Rev. Drury Lacy, Raleigh ; J. M. Lovejoy, Prin pal of Military Academy, Raleigh ; W. D. Cook, Principal of the Deaf and Dumb School, Raleigh ; J. B. Bobbitt, Esq. Looisburg ; Rev. Mr. Doll, Ox ford; Rev. Mr. Hassell, Wiiliamston; Joseph Biggs, Esq. Wiiliamston ; Col. Wm. Morning, Smithfield. Raleigh, March 1, 1848. 20 Raleigh Paper Mill. THE Subscriber, having rented the Paper Mill, in the vicinity of Raleigh, i now engaged in putting it in complete repair. By the first of June, he will be prepared to furnish Printers, and others, with every description of Paper for printing em bracing Royal Octavo, Imperial, Super Royal, and Medium. Also Envelope Paper of every kind. Wtapping Paper for spun Cotton, and also of the ordinary kind. Paper lor Pamphlet Covers, of eve ry shade and color. Any quantity of Bags will be taken at the high est cash price. Orders sre respectfully solicited, and an assnrance is hereby given, that ss good paper shall be furnish ed, as can be obtained elsewhere. WILLIAM N. SHAUCK. April 18, 2848. 31 tf. MANKIND have now the means in their own hands of restoring them selves to health. Will they be wise in time Who can tell? AN Individual only wishes to know the Right wat to pursue it ; and there are none were it surely made known how Lirs might be piolonged snd HsAvra recovered, who would not .adopt the plan. Evidence is required, that the right way is discovered. This i wbat those suffering from sick ness wsnt to be saticfied about. For who so foolish ss not to enjoy all the health his body is capable of 1 Who is there thst would not live, when his experi ence can so much benefit himself and family ! It is a melsncholy fact that a very large proportion of the most useful members of society die between the ages of thirty and forty. How many widows and help less orphans hsve been the consequence of mankind not having in their own power the means of restoring heslth when lost. THE CAUSE OF DI8EA8E. Now when we are afflicted with sickness, it aris eth. from the Natubax. Powxas of the body not having sufficient strength, in the Natural Course of the System, to expel those matters or humors which hsve become useless, and whose detention most pro duce injury to the organtzm. For instance, the pores sre closed from checked perspiration ; in this case, whst should hire passed out of the body by the pores of the skin sre thrown back upon the blaod, the blood thus clogged in its circulation, remedies the evil by throwing the impurities which should have passed by the skin, upon the organs of the stomach and bowels. Now if the stomach and bowels are very healthy and strong, they expel the humors which the checked perspiration caused lo be retained in the body, and no harm js done. But. if the stomach and bowels do not happen to be in this healthy condition if, for instance, the bowels should be in a costive or bound state, the matters of their own as well as those received from the occasion of checked perspiration, are again taken up by the blood ; and, this Fluid ot Lira may be o impeded as to produce. Apo plexy or Paralysis j or it may become quicker, in its circulation, aud fever be the result II the lungs have been previously affected, then inflammation of the Lungs ; if the heart, then Aneurism, or some af fection of the heart, or Angina Pectoris ; if the brain ha previously suffered, then inflamationof the brain. If an injury has been done in time past to the body, and the part where such was done continues weak then thai part will be affected. If Asthma has ever been a prevailing complaint, it will show itself again. Those who have been much troubled with Fever and Ague will be again affected by it, or some intermit ting Fever will take its place. If it be a child, then the Mr asles, Whooping Cough, Small Pox or Scar let Fever'may be expected. The Impurities which are striving to get out, but are not able without as sistance, will produce that form of disease which the person having these impurities in him, is most sus ceptible to receive. Now ali these dangers and difficulties can be pre vented, and the long and certain sickness, by assist ing Natubb in the oxttskt with a good dose of the BRANDRETH PILLS. This is a fact, well understood to be so by thoussnds of our eitixen. This medicine, if taken so as to purge freely, will surely core any curable disease There is no form or kind of sickness that it does not exert a curative influence upon. Thus, by. their power in resisting putrefaction, they cure Measles, Small Pox, worms, and all contagious fevers. There is no medicine in the world so able to purify the mass of the blood snd restore it to a healthy condi tion aa the Bbabtbuxth Pills.. Thi makes them so valuable in curing all kinds of chronic diseases,-aa Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, White Swell ing, Sore Eyes, and recent or Chronic enlargements of the Glands or otherwise. Perhaps the Bbah dubth Pills are one of the most fowirtvl mxx xdixs in xaturs for the care of shxuxatisjc and old diseases of the skin and bones ; for they open and penetrate into the most inmost recesses of the body, and drive out all malignant humor. They dissolve coagulated blood, and cure inflamma tion of all kind, whether of the bowels, of the lungs or of other parts of the body. Their power is so great over the brain and the nerves, that Palsies and convulsions, (both in the mother and chiUj and in sanity are cured by them. In fact, let any one suf faring from sickness use them and be cured. They are a medicine which have to be used to be aDoreeiat ed. By their use alone, all Chronic disease could soon be banished , from among as. Those whose prejudices will permit them, will find the BRAN DRETH PILLS a great blessing to ihem and to their families. They should be in every hoae They may be justly termed the Safety Yoke of dis- (TYTo escane COUNTERFEITS." nnJ.. .. p a v j Bwa vw0eas9 Ve lyf the duly appointed-Agent 8ee the Certiji eale, dec. oxc - ' ; - tr The above Pills are on sale by WILL. PECK. Raleigh. N. C. Price 25 cent per box. . NORTH CAK0LINA; FANCY STORE 'Jl fi3r.leceiyed fresh-snppry of CONFEC W TI0NARIE8, consisting partly of twenty dif ferent sorts of Candies, Preserves, Pickles Jellies, eaueee, fcpicee, and other1 articles ) Havanna Cigars, ef different brands; Sugar and Coffee, of. different qualities ; together with the usual and largo- assort ment of articles kept always for ?saJe ; and which are now offered at greatly reduced prices. CHR. GRIMHE. v , i, s . ..... j- - s' . '- GORGEOUS DISPLAY OF Ladies' Saloon, MAIN STREET, NEAR WALTER'S CITY HOTEL NORFOLK, VA. THE great attraction offered to buyers at the La. die Saloon, in the splendid large assortmn NEW SPRING GOODS, FOR J848, have opened a large prospect for business this year. The principal attractions, are the superior quality of the Goods effered for sale, and as no article shall be misrepresented, Farmers, Country Merchants, an4 other persons-in the City and country, may rely on getting the very best Boots, Shoes aud Brogaas, ftt the Ladies? 8aloon, at reasonable prices. OUR ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' GAITER BOOTS, and the PATENT CONGRESS B00T8 are the handsomest goods this year we ever had. ' LADIES' MOROCCO SLIPPERS AND Bis. KIN8. LADIES' SOFT ENGLI8B KID SLIPPERS, s LADIES WHITE SATIN AND KID SLIP. PERS. MISSES FANCY GAiTER BOOT8. MISSES FANCY MOROCCO 8LIPPERS, MISSES' SCHOOL SHOES first rate, CHILDREN'S-FANCY GAITER BOOTS, CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' RED MOROCCO POLKA BOOTS, with black patent leather tiii CHILDREN'S FANCY COLORED MOROCCO BOOTS, BOYS' AND CHILDEN'S LONG LEG BOOTS, with high heels of beautiful quality, ' GENTVEMEN'S DRESS BOOTS the lest and handsomest-in Norfolk, GENTLEMEN'S BLACK AND COLORED G AITERS the prettiest you ever saw any where GENTLEMEN'S BUSINESS BOOTS, of 3 or 4 qualities, made light and neat of Calf Skin, Moro- co and Seal Skin, and warranted to wear first rate at $2 50 and $3 a pair. GENTLEMEN'S Patkkt CONGRESS BOOTS AND SHOES OF THE BEST QUALITY GENTLEMEN'S PUMP BOOTS, FOR 1MIS'! CING of superb qualitv, at (8 a pair. GENTLEMEN'S NAPOLEON HALF BOOTS a new stjle of Summer Bootees for Uentk&en, and very neat. - LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Travelling Trunks, Made expressly to the wants of each, and as we bars a verv creat VARIETY. Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to look at them before buv-H a S 1 !! I ing euewnere, as we Know you wi w ne Detier f uiled and better pleased with the shape and construction of the Trunk inside, with the quality of the goods and the price also. LADIES' CARPET BAGS AND SATCHELS OF BEAUTIFUL COLS. AND PATTERN, GENTLEMEN'S ASHLAND VALISES, of new construction something new, Gkkuixe Eae-isn -Sole Lxather TRUNKS warranted to last and look well as long as you may live. DOOR MATS, in great variety. All of which, together with a good many ether kinds of Boots and Shoes, that cannot be mentioned in one advertisement, will be sold VERY CHEAP and upon the most favorable terms. The assortment is very large, consisting of about TWELVE HUN, DRED CASES BOOTS, SHOES AND BKU GANS of every kind, suitable to the country trade and for Ciiy wear. Country Merchants Are particularly invited to call and look at our as. sortment, snd as Boots and Shoes are cheaper now, we will supply tbrm at leas prices than lorir.erlj. C3 Wholesale Ware rooms UP STAIKS. 03 Ladies and Gentlemep living at a distai.ee can .be supplied with any of the above fashionable gocd, by sending their orders to the Lsdies' Saloon. The Lsdies Saloon is on Main Street, near Wal ter's City Hotel, Norfolk Va. W. H. ADD1NGT0N. March 24. . 25 Comnmption Disarmed of its Terrors! Compound Syrup: of Naptha ; A QUICK and Positive Cure for Consumption, Decline, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, flight Sweats, Husky Throat, Westing of the Flesh, Bron chitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Diseases of the Cbut ,and Lungs. This celebrated preparation is pleasant to the taste, and is so speedy in its operations, that patients plain ly feel its good effects in a few minutes after taking ihe first dose. Prepared in London, by G. Hastings, M. D. When Dr. Hastings had discovered the virtue of Naptha, four years ago, he announced it in a private circular, to a number of "distinguished physicians iu various parts of England, with a request that they would put its medical properties to tbe test, and re port accordingly. Tbe?e8ult was a host of testimo nials of the most iavorabte character, nearly all of which agreed in certifying that no medicine they have ever used could bear any comparison with it ii relieving hacking coughs, curing diarrhoea, and stop ping night sweats.'' It was also generally remarked to have wonderful effect in increasing the appttiu, tteight, and spirits of patients; and to be a powerful ly efficient remedy in Bilious and Astmatic disease. Of these testimonials, which were all published al tbe time in the Medical Recorder t mm spoke of iu extraordinary influence in cases of Consumption each corroborating Dr. Hastings' opinion, that he hid actually discovered the great secret so long and vain ly sought for, namely a preparation that would step the formation of Tubercles on, the lungs, remote thest already formed, and thus cure the most fatal of all maladies, and ichich had been previously regarded as being altogether incurable. Dr. Williamson, of Man chester, thus writes: " Under iu influence 1 have teen the emaciated being, on whose brow Death seemed to have set his seal, acquire invigoration and Strength ; and exchange his early mornings of in tense suffering "and distressing Cough for the calm repose which alone accompanies sound health." Dr Ware, of Liverpool, says : I regard Hastings Syr up of Naptha as one of tbe first medical discoveries ol y age, and consider its agency in curing Consump tion as established beyond all doubt or qnestion." Dr, Boyd, of Lancaster, " Hails it as the great Con sumptive autitode and cure ? and Dr. Hamilton, Bath, pronounce it "the only known remedy which may be relied on for removing Tubercle from thi lungs, and preventing formation of others." D" Price one dollar a bottle. 'Six bottles for fi dollars. The naual allowance to tbe trade. - For sale Wholesale mod Retail by Messrs. Ff CUD Jc JOHNSON, sole A genu for Raleigh. ' April 3. 1848. 27 3ffl Spring and Summer Supplies BVii s etc i we .-;-;- Urce addiM j us uun icvci'ius o , - liens to oar stock orvrugs, lclne Paints, OiU JgTj; Staffs, Perfnnery, Gla& Ware, Surgical Instrn men's, dfce. dfcc to which invite tne attention oi rBj---, . J .kr ritir Country aiercoams, anu ui--- ingin our line, oeiore par"---- reeling smusacu ' eret their interest, as we wieuu t inxtucemenls that esu not f" We are' in receipt of '.large lot of DnjJJ Glass-ware and Label, specially for furnishing sicisns who are about tp commence the p . , Medicine, and are prepared to supply them complete stook atHorthern prices. p0 WILLUMS.HArWOOD&CO- av'ft e Inrll 1 - 0 31 M brc Cotton .nJi 'TsoS

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