... V e t ' i. v t -1 - - v,j . . . V v.. .v. . - - . v . . J. . i --.-- - . -- .aw .1 - rr- "f l Z - : - "1 rv rrtn ASH kt tf ComrMM.doer in the Town of Mtrion, on lb fir TLLBBWw .V i. "WS-Vib'wwi 777-. i Na'I Tuna I -By whom Ttvi JPotf I I Acrea. 190 Braib da ' fsata& 13 T4- 284S Caul VVm Sen JL. . Jnahlta dac 340 7 ?, 501 4t8 200 so- do JoahaaOCt A V Costii R 4 J M,Green!o CferMnWng.Goorga - Ctraon CkaiWt. 7Si 37 1000 100 2807 650 too 1300 700 Cook WmB 2 'Cam J J & Co CarsoaJ L do Qeorja M UAbun Jahn 1 58 2 TliinMfi Ju H 1 1 ttaoean John Erwin 8 B EBiou Joha dd Cyrni niotlimrod Fmlay Chaa 8n Godfrey C V HawkinaZach Hi'of Albert Hawkina Charles Halibarton M H do , Guardian 50 a 400 435 200 1 134 .730 1 150 1100 Herrinr J C 6 150 Jamiaon Alex do Nathan 245 2U0 Lonn John Exr. 9 1080 Moll Eli - . I MeElnth fc Ap!-1 Mnrphy VVm Exr: do Catharine , Mitchell H J If oNett Ira PoITom Wm Rulherfbrd-Jobn Stroud Jaa d Brother m do .Tste $ do " ;do'Ja Heira Solomon Henry Solomon & Dobaon Weekai Benj Yilkinaon Wm . oke John Allison Ephraim v VIo .Wm " Si Moae : ,.do Noah;. do Thoa Sen 271 2400 28 375 150 735 100 550 550 198 1 1 4 f200 12 I !l()0 .0 1126 95 50 277 I 10 225 220 325 877 canning Henry x- a rrl i a . do wm - do r a 100 360 50 39? I ' Davis Joseph Greenlee D W . ' .GiHiland J L do .. . A tent 184 for the heirs of J Gilliland deed OQO GinnandLRebM 123 163 .12 44 240 300 50 150 fTTT vyw I ? Macley Charles r do ' . Eleanor . . M, ? A "Moody Jane Ftnn Millr M , JS - do: atrentUr John To. tune Tortone Richd IfcCaJU F - -r Carton J-J Lowry Thos 1123 J Morphy Lamtort deed y Bickeu John McDowell Co inty. 2d October 810 300 1848. To Contractors. fTTtHE Commissioners for contracting for building II Co1lrt Home and Jail, iu the Town ofGoldsboroagb, in the Coualy or Wayne, will re ceive plana for a Court House and Jail, accompanied - with estimates for buildiug the same, includiogjna " terials of every description therefor. - TM Conrt Iloose wa be 70 feet, or thereabouts, in length, and about 45 feet in width, two stories high, lho lwerstory to have an ante room, or vestibule, '' '' jLcross th front end, and with two pair of stairs, t.-. :i VnrrrnnHinor room or rooms above: "3?a passage leading from the vestibule through the j, wtoJe length of the building, with three rooms for 40Sei oa each aide. The second story to contain Coort Room and rooms for the petit-jury. The -bbadiogisibeof brick, with a rock foundation, if practieable, and the roof to be covered with tin, gal vanised iroa, or some substitute therefor, to make the building fire-proof. The Jail to be about 32 feet by 2C, with two good rooms on the lower floor, for debtors, and two don geoaftS and a petty larceny room on the secoud floor ; the enter Wall to be built of brick, with square tim ber, atd iron for the inner walla of the prison, to be covered in like manner with the Court House, so as to be fire-proof on the outer side. The contracts for the Court House aud Jail will be let separate. Good clay can be had iu the imme diate vicinity, for making brick, and it is believed, that rack can be had for the foundation, iu about five miles from ths place, immediately ou the Rail Road, by which they ean bo brought within about 250 ' yards sf the sits. This will be a cash job, the greater part of the mo ney being already in hand, so that a portion of the money can be advanced, from time to time, as the work progresses, and ths whole paid so soon as the work is approved, and received by the Comniis- sMaers Ths plans and proposal will be received by the Commissioners at Goldsborough. on Monday the 13th day of November next, when they will make a se lection of such plans as they may deem bett, and at which time and place, all persona desirous of con tracting, are requested to attend in person, and hand in their plana and proposals tor Duuaing. ouuiciem lima will be given them for making estimates, on the plans which may be selected, so that the contracts can bo closed during ths week. If the plan or plans selected, should be those or any person or persons, who should not get the con tract for building, a liberal compensation will be paid st-caita-H" GRISW0LI), For (he Commissioners. Goldaboro', Sept 24, 1848. iS tt fashionable Clothing Store IMcr thrKtlelgu Telegraph Office. QTTTiHE extensive patronage this establishment has 4 received the past year, has induced the subscri bar to enlarge his stock snd he is now prepared to meet the .demands of bis numerous customers, with' the Urrett assortment of RajmIv mado Goods. Vfjr!r dffcred in this city. . . vAHis clothing is manufactured in a superior manner -eopttwy for this Market, and in quality and style for Members. LI Ail T-B AlX occupies the same nram- Taes near tba 8taU Capitol, now. known as taa Mztaaom Hhu. and respectfully informs ths Members sf tha Lagislsiaia, that ha mil be prepar ed to accommodate asms 13 or 15 of their Body vHh comfortable Board, on very moderate terms. ' He will spar do exertions to please, and render the CTaab!s to those who . may 1 favor him with elr patrong. " Earlv applications are desirable - ' October 9.iS4g . 8l r .n : -rr:" " ..... n r, , r " rr. .4 tne cny t. . jmiM (aurauHl nv in r ikm I.IJi.hnMnt in I s 1 . f . .Laeow - pieM can ana examine, i u. . . r-r.vtt,- s,lyJ5 Boarding fellinc Tract of l.ind. or so much Wereoi, aa i 18. 185. J846. and 1847 1 Value. Waters. Waorn Adjoining. An't. Taies. 1100 306 Buck Creek Bock Creek X 97 4 02 184 23 6 28 6 83 F845 (J I; Carson 500 fToma Creek J W Craig 87 Cartie W Crafg 1000 do 6 67 600 6 Garden Creek Carson 3 23 2 P600 Vfuddy Creek Hawkina 867 13900 Oatawb r Back Creek Ij Erwin - EUioU W Mull 128 16 too 2 3J 2 74 525 11556 Catawba . JW M.Carson 164 35 117 95 UOOO do i L Carson 600 00 15 68 59 04 44 10 08 31 96 67 33 00 2145 Vfuddy Creek II Salmon 175 1150 . do Duncan Garden Creek 'Curtii 612 Buck Creek !U Elliott do J Elliott 662 .in 1100 a i iva uvmj y -w a w sa 94 jToms Creek i Muddy Creek I Fleming 89 200 100 Maddy Creek 600 Carson Curtis Hawkins 50 Tom'a Creek 27 33 15 500- 300 5500 Muddy Creek do Catawba J L Carson 27 33 2 33 5 27 6fi 9". 100 moo 4050 3600 400 tooo 113 1500 1650 I Muddy Creek J C Grajton Geeentee Catawba North Fork MuddT Creek C Hall Wilson &. Young 24 67 ,2 33 3 33 1 38 5 00 Muddy Creek do do 13 92 800 6 42 200 67 3 33 2 67 ,1000 .800 5 I do j do Ouucan 4 i0 400 J3 50 2 33 50 0J t 25 2 15 2 50 4000 MudJy Creek Catawba do do do do 75 25 i Hemphill iM.ckey jE Alison ' T Cr-o 200 150 3 54 500 325 Hemphill Noblett Hemphill S Spake Hemphill 14 00 Crooked Creek 2 17 592 3 25 1775 Catawba do do do do do do do do do do 50 200 25 67 3 25 14226 180 Carson 53 49 J Bird 4 60 600 do do 00 50 67 67 57 92 24 42 60 624 121 50 (60 500 'Greenlee 500 do 170 J Bird 00 Crooked Creek J Souther 200 do Broad River Goe Cret-k 900 50 37 rm.trong Ck 32 ir.o Xorth Foik Lime Kiln Ck. .1000 200 Catawba do 16 0 i2 3 JOHN N. CURTIS, sheriff in ORE I New Goods, WE have just received the following new and beautiful dress goods, to which we would res pectfully call the attention of the Ladies. Broche Alcyooes Fanry Sllka Plain do Plaid Orleans Gala PUid Plaid Lustres Latest French style Cashmeres and DeLaines. ALSO French worked Capes and Collars DownTJapea Bonmt Ribbons While and coloreJ Kid Gloves Long white Eml-roidered do EmbroiJrrcJ Cashmere and. Thibet shawl, Together with msny other articles adapted for both ladies nd gentlemen sll of which we will take great pleasure in selling to our friends and customers, and the public generally, on the most literal terms. HEAKTT & L1TUHFORD. Sept. 22. 76 Extra Chilian Tea. WE HAVE juat received 2 chests of Black Tea, of the above favorite brand, which we cau recommend as beiug very fine. FESCUD & JOHNSON. OUR FALL GOODS are iu part as fol lows : Brown, Crushed and Loaf Sugars, Java, Laauira and Kio Coffees, Molasses. Butter and Rice, Teas and Apices, Mackerel. Shau and Roe Herring, Bacon and Lard, Meal and Flour, Ground Alum and Blown Salt, Shoes, for Men and Women, Sole and upper Leather, Calf, Lining and Skins and Thread, Saddles and Bridles, Tin Ware, assorted. Bed Cords and Lines, Rope a&d Twine, Sheetings, Shirtings snd Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarns from 4 to 16, Tobacco, Cigars and snuff. Nails from 4 penny to 20 pennys, Brown and White Soaps, Holls, Dalletts, and sperm Candle, Wood Ware. Buckets dec. die. We expect to keep a constant supply, of the above and the like articles WIL. PECK dc 80N. September 26, 1848 77 6w Washington Hotel, RALEIGn, IV. C. JSTJJHE Subscriber having purchased this old and pJ well-known Establishment, 150 yards East of the Capitol, on Morgan Street, begs leave to inform the public, that he has thoroughly repaired, and cfpansed the Houe, and neatly furnished the rooms. Land has no hesitation in saying, that for comfort and cheapness, bis house cannot be surpassed by any in ngaged the services of Mr. M. H- HILL. ths management of the house Mr. favorably known to the visitors of Raleigh, and ha flatters himself that general satisfac tion will be given to ail who may favor him with their patronage. Hf woold say to tha Members of the approaching Legislature, that ha is prepared to accommodate 20 of them with board, on terms ss low ss sny house In the Citv. He hss rood Ktsbles.. eood Osilera. and plenty of Corn, Fodder snd Oats Horae Drovers and Wagoners will at all times find good dry Lou, and plenty of provender for sale cheap. H . F. W.- KING. - . . ; - 77 w8w THE partnerahtp heretofore- existing v v? 2r n"K" Jo!,l- 3ay Jimu n rJnnv. .:n . ... . . J under lhs Jamas D dissolved. nuM wiUaetUa th. of the firm James October llr Ig4S D MJNN "' 62 3t ,(iCalcjnedvPlaster Paris, TTT) COGGlNat, CO , f Philadelphia, continae y f to manufacture Calcined Plaster of the whi test and finest quaiity'that can be produced, at the low rale or li37J cash, per barrel ; fresniy poi ep in excellent ahippiag eoodition. Also, Stereotype Plaeter, at LO ; and Laad Plaster at 80 eta. per barrel. - - Direct ordera to the Proprietors at Philadelphia, or to John Careunaugh, their Agent, New Orleans, October. 4r 1848. 79 " ' NOTICE IS Hereby GIveu, that application will be made to the next Geueral Assembly of North Ca rolioa, for a Charter to baild a Rail Road from Ral eigh to Golds boro. . MANY CITIZENS, OF RALEIGH. NCW LAW BOOKS. MITH on Actions at Law. American Leading Casts, by Hare and Wallace. Gresby'a Equity i.f3iHiMi?f!. Alasou and wslsoys uepons, voi. 10m. Jarman on Wills. English Common Law Reports, vol 64th. Greenleaf, on Evidence. Just received al tne N. C BOOK STORE. Raleigh. Sept. 25. IS mn ore Cotton Yarns by the whole bale, V II at Factory oricea. WILL: PECK SON. Oct. 6. 80 3 w UST at hand a few barrels of family Flour, R. TUCKER & SON. 80 October 5. 1848. CO.CRi:SS WATER ! A further Supply of Fresh Congress Water, just to baud, by yesterday's Cars ; aud for Sale by, PESCUD At JOHNSON. Raleijrli, October 3, 184H 71 NEW WORK- finilANKFULN ESS, a Narrative by the Rev. C Jij B. Taylor, author of " Records of a go.dman'B Life, 5c, jut publibhed aud for sale at the N, C. BOOK STORF. Oct 2. 79 CATCH THE ROBBERS! glOOO REWARD!! rirVlE Subscriber having been robbed on Sati j day, the 9th of the present month, iu the largr Puccoson called Dover, lying partly in the (Jouuti or Jouea, Craven aud Lenoir, through which the pub lie Stage Road runs from Kinston to Newberu, on oi near the Saudy Ridge, aud so severely beaten b) his assailants, that they left him as dead, after filcn ing from his pocket Hie sum of Forty Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars, takes thi. method of informing the public that he will cheerfulij pay to any individual or individuals, the sum of On Thousand Dollars, who will appreheud and lead to the conviction of the said Robbers. K. II. BLOUNT. Kin.ton, Sept. 19. 77 tf John II. White, of Stokes coon tv, respectfully announces to the mem bers of the House of Commons that be is a Candidate for Door Keeper. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. CRAVEN COUNTY. Hardy B. Lane, John L. Durand, Executors of the Will, of William S. Morris, vs. David Green, Amos Jarman and Wife Mary, Far ! nifold Green, Durar.t Green, George R. Johnson, ! and Martha Ann his Wife, Abner, John C. Cornelia, Hamilton, and Sarah Ann, Children ol I Joseph Green. Pending in the Court of Pleas and Quarter Stsssons i for Craven i.'ounty. Tn pursuance of the order in this matter at Sep em ber Term 1848, the Defendants who are next ol Kin of William S. Morris dee'd. are notified, that the de position) of witnesses in this proceeding to prove the Will of said Morris, will be taken at the Court Houne in Newbern on the 10 lb. and 11th days of November next; and tne deposition of Alexander F. Gaston will be taken at his residence in Yancey County, North Carolina, on the 23d, 24tb and 25th days ot November next, to be read in evidence on the trial ot said suit ; they are notified to attend and cro-ex am ine if they think proper. HARDY B. LANE. ? P JOHN L. DURAND, 5 txeculer' October 5, 1848. Pr. $5 90 20d A PPLICATION will be made to the next Gen'l Assembly of this Mate, lor the passage of an act authorising the Justices of the County Court of Wayne, to lay a tax on the real and personal etat of said County ; to indemnify (either in whole or part) the citizens and owners of property in Waynes boro' for their los and damage caused by the remo val of the Court House of said County. October 9, 1848. 81 3t ALMANACS ! ALMANACS!! ALMANACS ! 1 ! This Day Published, Turner' N, C. Almanac, FOR 1849. For sale by the thousand, hundred, dozen, or sin gle one. at Turner's N. C BOOKSTORE. Kaleign, Uct 8. 81 COARD FOR iI EMBERS. v THE Subscriber having made the best pre parations for the purpose, would most respect fully inform the memlers of the Legislature that he would lake ten or twelve of them to board during the approaching session. My rooms are comfortable, and shall be well furnished ; and the servants engaged will be found attentive and always in their places. He is also prepared, withstood atalls, &c, to take charge of horses. II is Oilier is sn experienced hand, and will render satisfaction. The Subscriber's house is one door east of the Baptist Church, and about two hundred yards from the Capitol. Membere who may wish to engage rooms from the Subscriber, will pleane addreta him at once at Ualeigh. JAMES HALL. October 9, IB-18. gi Splendid Lotteries, J. W. Maury & Co., Managers. S30,00O, 20. OQO, 10,000. VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY. For Endowing Lccsburg irademy and for other Purposes. Ciasi Number 01, for 1848. To be drawu iu Alexandria, Va. on Saturday, OcL 21st. 148. . C6 Number Lottery 10 Drawn Ballots. SCHEME. ' 1 prize of 30,000, I of 2,000, 1 of 10.000, 1 of 5,000 1 of 3 072, 20 of 1,500, 20 of 8,000, 20 ol 400, Ac. Sec Tickets $10 -Halves 5 Quarters 2 50 Certificate of packages of 22 whole tickets $120 00 Do do 22 half do 60 00 Do do V2 quarter do 30 00 Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates f Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries will receive the mot prompt atteution, aud an official account of each drawing sent immediately after it ia over to all who order from us. Address . 4. &. C. MAURY, , Agents for J. W. Maurt & Ca, Managers, Alexandria. Va Orators of the American Revolu tion, by the Kev. E. L. Masoon. illostraled with six Portraits, just Published and for sale y ' H. D.TUKNEK. October 9, 1848. . 81 JOUiX GRAY BVOftJM, A TTORNEY AT LAW, 4 Solicitor iu Chancery, Aug. 91 PJGTEUSBIIRC Dying fTHIIE subscriber respectfully announces teethe U Ladies and Gentlemen of Petersburg, and the public generally that he still continues to carry n the Dying Bnsiness,- on Bank street, a fsw doors below the . Exchange . Bank, where he would be pleased to receive orders. . .... m -, Thankful for past patronage, he pledges himself to give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work to his cars; and. having every kind of machinery, fix torts, and convenience necessary for finishing Goods, he is prepared to Dye piece. Goods, Virginia Cloth, and Ladies' Dresses, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, d&c, in a superior style. Gentlemen's wearing Apparel dy ed, scoured, repaired and pressed at the shortest -notice. Also, Carpets scoured, and Curtains and La dies' Dresses dyed and watered. J. W. WALDEN. August 26, 1848. 68 3m Cabinet Furniture, CIl AUIS AND SOFAS. THE attention of purchasers is respectfully requested to the Large and Elegant assortment' of superior CABINET FURNITURE, now in store opposite McIIwayne dc Brownley's, Sycamore Street, Peters burg, Vs. BY JOHN HIGGIN8, Who, desirous of keeping op with the times, has msdc laree additions to bis supply of Furniture, for the Fall trade : amoncr which will be found some of the most elegant and modern Furniture ever offered in ihis place, which for durability, style, beautiful wood and Workmanship, cannot be surpassed in sny citv of ihe Union. Also, sn unuoually large and varied assortment of Mahogany, Walnut. Beach, Maple, Cane, Hush and Wood Seat CHAIRS, and Rocking do. The whole of which will be sold at such prices as cannot fail to be perfectly satisfactory. In addition to the above, I have a large assortment of Material, used in Manufacturing ; consisting of Mahogany Boards and Plank, Branch and ahaded wood, veneers. Pine, Toplar and Walnut Boards; Hair Seating, and Tildeh" superior Copal varkish ; which will be sold to the trade as low as they can buy at the North. JOHN HIGGINS. Sept 5. 1848. 3m 71 NORTH CAROLINA FANCY STORE CUR. OUIITlIflE. "IT UST received, a fresh supply of CONFEC m) TJONARIES, consisting partly of twenty dif ferent sorts of Candies, Preserves, Pickles Jellies, Sauces, Spices, aud other articles ; Havanna Cigars, of different brands; Sugar and Coffee, of different qualities ; together with the usual and large assort nent of articles kept always for sale; and which are now offered at greatly reduced prices. CHR. GRIM ME. 11. Tucker & Son WOULD especially invite the Trade to exam ine their New and Eitenoive Stock of Fall snd nd W inter Dry Goods, consisting in part of the iwing : For the Ladies. Superior bl'k Fiench Bombazine, Nazarine lilueand Purple Cashmere Merino, Solid and Fancy Cashmeres of all. colors and prices, Plaid Alpaccas, super, silk warp black do. Gala Plaids Black and Fancy plaid raw Silks. tSatin stripped Cashmeres, Viites of (he latest style, Heavy black silk Fringe, for Trimming Visiles, Solid and Fancy Silk Fringes and Buttons, Lisle and Thread Laces, cheap, Black, brown and lead-colored embroidered Cashmere Shawla, Fine 12-4 plaid Shawls, Alexander's White and colored Kid Gloves, Purse Twist, on Spools, shaded and plain, Purse and Bag Trimming, Gilt and Silver.Beod, Worsted Plaids for Misses and Children's dres ses. For Gentlemen. Fine black, blue, green and brown Cloths, Black Doe Skin and fancy French Cassimeres, Fancy Silk and cut Velvet Vesting, Black, . white and colored Kid Gloves, best quality, Silk, Lambs-wool and Merino Shirts and Pants, Fancy and Black 6ilk and Satin Cravats, Revolving and self-adjusting Neck Ties, And many other desirable articles. R. TUCKER & SON. Raleigh, Sept. 22. 76 Cigars and Tobacco. HEWERS and Smokers will find at our Dro? id Apothecary Store, some very superior To bacco-and Cigars. FESCUD JOHNSON Sept. 6 72 FOR SALE OR LEASE, A VALUABLE FARM, with a comfortable res idence and every requisite out-building, inclu ding a large Ice House filled with Ice situated near Asheville, Buncombe County, N. C. It will be shown by J. W. Patton, Esq., of Asheville, aud terms made known by addressiug WILLIAM PATTON, Charleston, S. C. July, 1848. 52 3n FOR SALE OR RENT. ' I'llE Subscriber is desirous of either selling his I Farm, in the immediate vicinity of Raleigh, or renting it to a good tenant. The Dwelling House is entirely new, of modern construction, and conve niently arranged for a Family. For healthiness of location, fine Water, and accessibility to a Market, this Farm cannot be surpassed. Persons wishing to buy, or rent, will apply to the Subscriber, who is pre pared to offer very accommodating terms either in the purchase or ren of the Properly. PETER R. HlNES. March 1, 1848. -, 17 VSPICES, d-C. flMJIS being the season for preserving Fruit, we 1 would call the attention of purchasers to our choice supply of Spices, d-c, consisting in part of the following varieties, viz: Mace, Cinnamon, Cloves, nutmegs, fepper and Ginger, of various kinds Alls pice, White Mustard Seed, Turmeric, dec. PESCUD d- JOHNSON. Sept 6,184a 72 - - A A LARGE supply of Farrs Quinine, expected to arrive 4o day per Adams' Express Line. PESCUD d- JOHNSON ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THE Subscriber having qualified and taken let lera of administration on the Estate of Wtston 1. Gales deca'd., hereby give notice to a ll persons 1 ui eb ted to said Estate, to come forward and settle (same; and all persons bavins demsnds sgainst sfiid Estate. 10 present them for payment within the time required by law ; otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. C. B. ROOT, Administrator. August 25, I848JJ 68 - LAMP MAGNESIA. asef superior English Magnesia, in half HjTpeUild package 1, jow opened, and lor sale by . . - . . MteTr .frOlilif j A RR ATT, ,the former Proprietor all of this well-known Establishment,- baa the plea sure of announcing to the public that' be baa again" assumed its management, in connection with rx R. WILLIAM UAWTIIOIW of this town. He-promises to use the very best exertions to make this one of the inosf agreeable and desirable Hotels id lne country. He and his partner are determined, by the closest attention- to their business,1 and -the most unremitting efforts Mo accommodate, in every particular, all who visit their House, to merit the patronage of the public. Their table shall be supplied with the best fare which this and other markets will afford. Their sta bles, which arb large and commodious, with the best provender, and they shall always endeavor to keep attentive aud obliging servants and the best Ostlers. While Mr. Jarratt takes this-occasion to return his sincere thanks to his old customers fer their generous patronage, he also takes the opportunity to solicit a renewal of their kindness, with the assurance that his own personal services shall always be at their com mand. Petersburg. August 15th, I84S 66 3m $13 Raleigh Paper Mill. .fTTHE Subscriber, hsving rented the Paper Mill, U in the vicinity of Raleigh, is now engaged in pulling it in complete repair by the first of June, he will be prepared to furnish Printers, and others, with every description of Paper for printing em bracing Royal Octavo, Imperial, Super Royal, and Medium. Also Envelope Paper of every kind Wiannine PaDer for spun Cotton, and also of the ordinary kind. Paper for Pamphlet Covers, of eve ry shade and color. Any quantity of Rsga will be taken at the high est cssh price. . Orders are respectfully solicited, and an assurance is hereby given, that as good paper shall be furnish ed, as can be obtained elsewhere. . ' . WILLIAM N. SHAUCK. April 18, 2848. 31 tf NOKTH CAI&OLIftA Mutual Insurance Company, TTIlUKSUANT to an Act of Assembly, a Compa J ny has been formed in this Slate, under the name and style of the rsorth Carolina Mutual In surance Company," and is now fully organized, by the appointment ot -the following Othcers, viz: JOSIAH O. WAToON. President, ALBERT STITH. Vice-President, RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, JAMES F. JORDAN, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, RIUHAKD SMITH, JOHN PHIMROSE, WM. W. HOLDEN. Executive Com mittee. The Company is now prepared to receive applica tions for Insurance, and to issue Policies on thessme. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to take risks on Dwelling H ouses, Stores, Shops and other buildings. Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against loss or dsmage by Fire. The Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick building, recently occupied by Mr B. B. Smith, at the corner of Fayetteville and Har Har- linns, ill le nett Streets, where full information and explanations touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, w cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. Raleigh, August 1 5, 1 848 5 tf Raleigh Livery Stable ! THE SUliSCKIBERS having ren ted the Stables, recently occupied by Mr. Buffalo a and thoroughly repaired and refitted them ; and, having furnish ed the Establishment with an entirely new supply of Carriages, Bcggies, Horses, (both Saddle aud Harness.) and having also engaged experienced and careful Drivers, well ac quainted with the different Roads, and stopping nouses throughout the State, are now prepared to at tend to all Calls in their line. The Stables are located in a very central position, and some one will always be fouud there, at all hours of the day and night, to attend to orders Horses will be boarded by the day, week, month or year at the most moderate prices. Drovers visiting Raleigh with Horses to dispose of. will find these Stables conveniently located for that purpose ; and every attention will be given to pro mete their views. JAMES M. HARRISS dc CO. Raleigh. Jan. 6. 1848. 2 tf NATIONAL. JLOAIY FUND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. "A Savings Bank for the benefit of the Widow and J the Orphan." J (XXPOWERED BI ACT OF FARtlAWEKT.J iCapital, 500.000 sterlinir. or Si2.5OO.O0O. Beside a reserve fund (from surplus premiums) of about $ 185,000. Part of ths Capital is ihvesteb in the Uni ed 8tates. T. LAM IE MURRAY, Esq . George st. Hano ver square, Chairman of the Court of Director t, in London. Uhited States BoAnn of Local Directors. (Chief Office for Amerira, 74 Wall st) JV. York, Jacob Harvey, Esq. Chairman ; John J. Palmer, Esq., Jonathan Goodhue, Esq James Bnorman. Esq. George Barclay, Esq., Samuel 8. Howland, Esq., Gorham A. Worth, Esq., Samuel M. Fox, Esq., William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward Habikht, Esq. Edward T. Richardson. Esq. General Accountant. Pamphlets, blank forms, table of rates, lists of A gents, 4 c. &c obtained st the Chief Office 74 Wall street, or from either of the Agents throughout the United States, and British North American Colonies. GEORGE LITTLE, Agent. R. B. Haywood, M. D. Medical Examiner, Ra leigh, N. C August 22, 1848. 68 Army of the United States. A N ACCOUNT of the Organization of the At MX my oftheUuited States, with Biographies of distinguished Officers of all grades by rayette no bioon, late an Officer of the Army, with 36 authen tic Portraits. Just published, and for sale at TURNER'S. Sept. 25. 7S Cheap Sugar on Commission. We offer 9 barrels of two qualities, very low for ca-h. WILL: PECK & SON. Raleigh. Sept. 22, 1848. 76 6t BOARD FOR MEMBERS. THE Subscriber adopts this method of informing the Members of the ensoing Legislature, that he is prepared to board thirty. five or forty of them, on as good terms as ean be afforded, and in such a man ner aa he has no doubt will be acceptable and satis factory. He has recently added four more large and convenient rooms to his Establishment, being deter mined to render all who may board with him, as com fortable as if they were at home in their own houses. As the Subscriber's house is well-known, he deems it nnuecessary to add any tiling in regard to his Ta ble. He returna his sincere thanks to those who have 1 heretofore so libra!!y patronized him; and would refer those who have not heretofore tried his house, to such as have. .Those who may wish To se cure roomn, will please address the Subscriber it Ra leigh JOHN HUTCH INS Knleiph Sept. 25. r 78 6t CIRCULATE THE DOCUMENTS. KEEP THE BALL MOVING, letters of Major Gen. Zacnary Taylor. Campaign Soxes. Anecdotes, a c. die. THE above 1 he fn rnixhrfl In Roiidhand Read .... - - I lube, 111 any quantity, at $5 00 per .hundred, by 'GtllQEO US DiaPLAn BOOif SHOES ;f -TttTTrVtp 4 Ladies' Saloon, : MAIN STREET, NEAR WALTER'S CITY HOTEL nvnruua, v A. flHE great attractions offered to buyers at U JL- dies Saloon in the splendid large assortm" HEW SPRING GOODS, FOR J84s,"haveo8t f large prospect Tor business tins year. s The principal attractions, are ihe superior m 1 of the Goods sffered for sale, and as no article ' T be misrepresented, Fanners, Country Merchants other persons in the City and country, may joi'.'"' getting the very best Boots, fchoes aud Broen the Ladies Saloon, et reasonable mics. ' at OUR ASSORTMENT OF LALlLfc' GaItph BOOTS, and tbe PATE1ST CONGhtbb litfj-f are the handsomt st goods this y ear t e ever hoH 1 LADIES' MOROCCO SLIPlEiiS AM) ii.C KINS. ' LAD1EK' SOFT ENGLISH KID H.IPPFr LADIES WHITE SATIN AND K1L vim PEKS. KLiP' MISSES' FANCY" GAITER BOOTS mis&es fancy moicocco bupj-Ers MISSES' SCHOOL ShOtS-first rate CHILDREN'S FANCY (JA11ER huOTf CHILDREN'S AND MINES' hLD Mouoim POLKA BOOTS, iih black pa.en, ifaZ . CHILDREN'S FANCY COLOKtu Xii.i . . BOOTS, vv.u BOYS' AND CHILDEN'S LONG 1-LG BOOT! with high heels ol beautiful qtalit, GENTLEMEN'S DREr-.b BOO'i S-the best end bandsom st in Norfolk, GENTLEMEN'S BLACK AND COLOkKD GAlTfcRS the prettiest j,u evtrgaw anv h. qualities, made ligut anu neat ol toll fckin, wo. co and Seal 8kin, and warranted to wear fmtrtte at 2 50 and f 3 a pair. GENTLEMEN'S Patkkt CONGRESS E00H AND SHOES OF THE bLfe'l Ql'AI.nv GENTLEMEN'S PUMP EOO'JS, POK LAW ClfNU ot t-upeib qualitj, at 8 a pair GENTLEMEN'S NAPOLEON HALF EO0T8 a new style of Summer lioolees tor Utmliintc and very neat. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S T r a v e 1 1 i 'n g Trunks, Made exprettsiy to' the wants of each, and as we fctvt a very great VARIETY, Lsdiesoi.d UeMlirntj are respeciully inviteil to look al thmi Uforebiv ing eUewhere, as we know yiu will be bt tier foiut and better pleased with thetbape and coriMiuclut of the Trunk in-ide, with the quahtv ol tbe goc4 and the price also. LADIES' CARPET BAGS ANDATCHELS OF BEAUTIFUL COLS. AND PATTERNS, GENTLEMEN'S ASHLAND VALISES, of new construction something new. Gehuike Ehglish Sols Leather TRUNK8- warranted to last and look well as long asjoumij va. DOOR MATS, in great variety. AHo( .kinds of '. inVne ad II of which, togethei with a good many eibtr Boots and Shoes, thai cannot be mecnoDrd vertisement, will be sold VEkY tbh?. and upon the most favorable teru-s '1 he atscrittrcl is very large, consisting of about TV Ll.VL Ji L N, DRED CASES BOOTS, SHOES AND BIO GANSof every kind, suitable to the country ti&dt and for Cily wear. ' . Country ITJerrliants - Are particularly invtied tockll and look alouru. son men t, end as Boots snd Shoes are cheaper nut, we will supply tbun at less prices than lorrmlj. Cj Wholesale Ware rooms UP STAlhS. Lsdies snd Gentlemen livirg si a diFtai reran be supplied with any of tbe above fat-bionaMe jocdi, by sending their orders fo tbe Lsdies' Salt on. The Lsdies Saloon Is n Main Street, mar Wal ter's City Hotel, Norfolk Va. W. H. ADDINGT0N. March 24. 25 SALAD Oil,. FRESH 6upply of pore Salad Oil on hand and for sale by PESCUD d- JOHNN. RELIGIOUS WORKS COMPANION for tbe Altar, Hobarl's Christian Manual, Feasts and Fasts, Steps to tbe Altar, The Altar, Thoughts on Immersion, ly Rev. VV. H. Oia heimer, Chrisuan's Pattern, jrl he Renunciation, by the late Rct. G.T. Beddl, i D.D. Thornton's Family Prayers, The Linton FuM, Bornan's Family Prayers, Chapman's Sermons, Bishop Wilson's Sacra Privata. Thoughts in Past years, The Christmas Bells, Patrick, on Prayer, Sutton's Learn to Live, Lyra Apostolica, Pagefs Village Tales, Keble's Christian Year, Pa get's Sermons, Dictionary of the Church, by Siaunion, Clergyman's Companion, New Manual of Devotion, by the Higlit E'T S. Ives. I) D. . Palmer's Ecclesiastics! History, Episcopacy Examined, The above for sale at Turner's N. C BOOKSTORE. Sept. 19. Notice is hereby given, To the following persons, that they have bn appoiuted by the County Court of Wake, Inspecioti of tbe Polls of the several Precincts in this Coud, rih of November. 1848. ' l ' VJ S- r VII UV J . 1 I Electors for President and Vice President of iw Unitetl States : , .. Raleigh James Li ichford snd Jordan WoroW, Lynn's John J Lee aud Solomon W iggmn, Wynn's John K Moore, U ilhs S- ThoippioB. Rolesville John R. Dunn.Jan.es Uiggn. Upchurcb's-Hillisrd Hudson, W ill.e J. Foil". Weatherspoon's H. Weatherspocn, w . Hopf Bank Simon Turner, Thos. G. V busk". Wakefi.ld Bennei Burn A. H. Hopkins, Forcstville.Wm.B. Dunn, James .Fur"f' Lsws'-Jamea M. Msngum,. Vetg 8-Ro&efr ' Dupree's Edwin Holloman, Gaston Bo ter. Barney Jone.'-m Clements, Etbelbert Jun, Nat Jones' L. B Segraves, John W. Kogers, Hayes' Siore Thomss Hall. Pey ton High, Spikes' Ge?. B Allen, W. F- Smith, Fish Dam I ignal Jones, Um. A. Rogers, Ridgwsy, James O. Jeffreys, Sion Rogers, Busbee's Hardy Britt. Jss Brooghion, Oak Grove-Brittoii McD.de. Hudson Year Tbe above Inspectors will attend si.d bold ws election st tha several Precincts, and make reiu me according to law, 'r.n anS. CALVIN J. ROGERS, Bbert OMober 12, 1848. (Standard) EKNST GK1MME Prnffssor of Inrirnmental and Total 5nf . .fcLadif ITp ESPECTFULLY announce to J Jiand Gentlemen of Raleigh, that be is no pared to take a limited number of pup'. ana He offers his services slso, for tuning teacoinc the r renca L-anpuas1" SftHSr OK.MJ.E- .nnlv (a tt 71 t( '.AtervvA, j yinouri 1 u, u 4 uruer, at the N. C. BOQKSTOttH I Jvly 24, 1848. l r ot-Jk V 4

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