T H 3 FR IS K D . O F , T S M(P EHSM GS;'. J - FAltflr, TEtPEKASCE AST ClIAltTTY. kMus. M;E. AYHITAKER, -Editress. tT" Avirrls JortIiis .department are nBdTicitkl:4tlioLlitrcs reserves the "right to accent or reied; xo.uuer or amenu, as ... n.:i, t . trtf Too Jtriitrcss hopes to make this cottier not only, attractive, but instructive "fijuj rtsef iit,, Coi'l;csiV6iuleut3.. 'will please heiac Jlvri lajnipit J h . " ' i JET "Short, spicy articles , will be pre Ufrool x" Avoid, tediousnesa jo style. V J-x? Remember, that onr great theme n Temperance -' ,;-.! ; -wt- -- . - For the Circle. Miis. Ii.oiTRiss-Le3ng aesirons of becoming a member if your ' Social Circle,' aaif of contribnting tny 'rnite' to.tbe,diQ(ou,QtQ:rcti4!ers of the " Friehd Ircavnestlr a,sk a seat among you? mil you admit me? I do not usk aeat beside any particular one, bat.Bimply to become a .member , of your"1 Oirclej J nhere -I can exert what little" infliteficVT possess for the good of mankind. . , r-MvL thiak you have no correspofi cL3nt from this vicinity; add no doubt . you wilblike. to hear occasionally.- what is transjurilig ambng.'us;- so, if you will vigrco to take mo in, I will try ' and keen fou posted vith news from this quarter. . - - : ' ; Although 'we have had ' iox s some timej, a flourishing ' Go uncil of Friends' among us, still the ', '.demon, rum is holding a powerful and fearful influ ence over the po'qpdo;" is stillswayiug hifj mighty power-'- among u.s. Men, oha'ijof .iijtcUig-mfc. c .i:ite aanee,.- noj; ' bio mien a'ul iofty c -irriae, may d x- Iv. be seen nacmi2 . the streets with bloated faces, blood shot eye3: -an drop came dovn,nud the dady pro-' cliarr.cter of Ihosb t less faroj ed, and c ceded: i thq voansr of all classes, aftcrSne of rection-3. Its aftcrtho sfashioil and iu the direction of good morals, good manners, Christian courtesy, and their kindred virtuea,' all culminating, un- der our institutions, in 'personal and i 4 Father, dear f.itlicr! come home? with me now. two wry different patterns, - and in- ,u,uM,,wuNriKe$ io. or.j:. . cine m ju QJiQ of two opr)0site di U 1111' -I I The niglit grown eoMer, anl IleHny U Cut he has btqn cillinj; for Vnn. Indeed hem yfOVic uafKher says Uc will die, Perhaps before mominsr sban "dawn . And this v.-as the rae3s.g'ie scnUnv t'brln Lome quickly, or he wnl be ione. ' Jlocal eood goment;. proipcritv, rrt ( i 4 ' ' : - , i happiness, and ia the highest style I of 'The act-drop -rises again, and now . , ; , - , , viri"''i-VviV" t t individual and social development, and the child has hold of tue pewter pot, i , ., - ' v - . i . i , i i ! conJnbulm, m the proportion which trying to take it - from the drunken j - , , . , , i , . : .. , . i that community bears to the whole parent, and, as fehe continues the last . , ; . ' liueS; 'Come li6me,' etc., the oil,- CT -V , , ffSy' "nd . . . . . . , , , welfare, and to, the wise and lustcrov- er enrtam ia drawn aside, and we next ! , . , . ; r , i i j ernment-of the whole countrv; or ex: see the child, stretched .out on its , Jt - - , n , , , ... . actly the reverse. A real fnend of , :A i i Vi -m i' V. : " 1 good goverament should, therefore, unsteady steps. ' It m ikes my : heart ache, ill Hs daily, to see men, nohlf, y oung and iu teHgeiif - aneu , who m igljt not only be fixi hOuorVto the comniu nity in which thcy i live, but, who might i, when they have passed 5 away leave a name behind them that would '"outshine tne noon-clay sail; a name that not only their - friends an 1 ;ae 1 u ain tan ces, but generatid n s; y e t un ' horn would (lelight1 t5' honor tjin's - .ujHiii'fu I 4s. Pot-,' tit -lUpV Turning tiiemselves, not onl3T for the present, but for tim j an I eternity. t j Oht:-lhat'l.Jiadr'th.:iVowT. to sweep from the earth-the very last drop-, of thj ppis9hpus stud", j I must did you all adied for the present, hopm to hear'soon that I have b'eea '.admitted to a' seat in your circle. ; - t-, . , . - . , ' jjuGKxr. , " "" ' ' r of Clayton, N. C. little head and falls back with a gasp, with the lime-light reflecting strongly ujpbnjt, there was a reality about th?A whole terrible lo view. Sobs were heard frdm all parts'of th6 ball,' com ing from the female portion of the au dience While .tears trickled do wn ma -iiy a male check 'Even the lady" who sang the hong was affected, and could scarcely proceed with the third verse: ' Father, dear father, come home with Ma now. The clock iu the steeple strikes three! : (Gong. g'n?, son?:.) Tlie house is to lonely, the hours are so long.-' Kor poor weeping motfior and me.. Yes. we are alone poor Denny is dead, . And gone with the angels of light ! And these were the very last words that be ' , . Haid - ' - ; ' . ,' y t vaati to kiss papa good -night. !? Come home, come home, come home. Please, father, dear father, C)me bom.'.' 'Again the drop rose,. disclosing lit tie lary on her knees, appealing to her father, who, withpot -elevated, is in the act of striking her with it, as she siiig-;, ' Come home,' and then the back curtain draws' aside, 'showing the mother praying over a-child's cofliu. But now the sobs burst' out still more freely, and two females were earned out fainting. The scene was truly thoughtfully consider the tendency of every habit in which he is disposed to indulge, and of every social custom, to which he assents "Ifjiforcxample. he be inclined tosmo&e or; chew opium, tobacco, cocoa, hashosh, or other stim ulatingv or. narcotic substances; to drink winoi malt liquors or brandy and water ; to play at cards, billiards, or tenpins; or tj indulge in the more exciting sport of horse-racing; he should seriously ask himalf in rela tion to the tendencies of uch indul gences, Do tltey tend to elevate or degrade men? : What is the direction of the influence of such habits" in the aggregate ? Are they the auxiliaries of the school-room the public Jibrary, the lyceumJ hall, the Christian church? - ; !t; .'' 'V Are theT usuallr promotive of qiiiet cleanly, happy r liomesof Christian economy, of good order . and good morals,-;: and of righteous,;,; impartial and therefore safe, civil governments ? The answers which observation and reflection co nijvd him t j m ike to these questions should dei ermine his course harrowing, and we gladly turned our! without regard to his likes or dislikes '-FATHER COME JIOJE.'y eyes away. ; 4 An additional verse was suup; about ' Poor Benny' being with the angels above. The drop rose; the father, so be r now, is : weeping "over the . coffin with the mother, and little Ma'ry, on her knees, singing, v Home, home, lather, dear father's come home !' At this m 6m 6 n t the c m-Taifrf is drawn; asidq, anlittl0 Benny v is suspended oyer the coffin j with Wings," smiling down upon them j and - pointing up ward. The father " falls fi r vva id on bis face, the act-drop descends, and for a few ruihutes all is hushed" save the sobs of Uie females. .' 'There I' said a working-man by oursidK'as he heaved a sigh of relief, Tim six ms of yah j Poweu of EiASirLBr--A teacher in a j Sunday-school recently wtis remons- It was well understood during the k gating vwith the members of his .class terrible r straggle to r,iaxe onr nation's npo-Q, the evls of drankenness onsing life that one of ; the 'most importaiit from the use oftoxicatiag Hqnprs, elements in the t'eenflic and that m ; when one jbf ?the boy;s very shrewdly which the North liad pecLaily the ad-1 reinarkod j "But, sirmajryreol drink rantnge was iff the, sinews iot ! war-! wine ? ' sad the teacher ;. 'be- moneyi - Perhaps td Hhis tiiorohan jthesamaincating to anysother hninatt instrumentality, feprcHjs ale, or. visky'JJntk' are" we'mdehted for our final tnmu)h.t But in the terrible' mord': battle i&bw i ter.,drm-inet-dtp raging between erfr andirnttlterri- !is2?W4 staggered h& iiflwr perance andr intemperance liglitand f iTt! tavo( th .8tojrjr) darkness, nght and'wrdng,5 the former xiit liG coiild prqs3 hi. arguments.no named are sadly at a ' disadvantage in further. . -r .;, t .u this respectJ v- "" 1 :1 l- ' 1 ': -----p - -f- hiT- The votaries of error, intemperance1 . : ..t" Vlfl)ftWUniWtitlOUj5.rl V , ,T da'rknesfi. vrOnTi liavA !wll 'filTfti rnf- ! ' v--..: - 4 r t1 . . : , i - : i n un- mam w n.-uiiK-ruuce, 1 , .1 rraFiELi.' ' CI' Nor:: 28th.lSG8. V T7TT I TTFTf ? i-I Xft 1 ' VI iTs fltrf fers: the former an;almost empty trea- j y . surv. r.r.ro.low.ns returns to oar re fn8t)I.orlSiasaItef 'Ooffi- m.o officers stjow the .come Iroia.thc j ro, Ynds of TcmperSnce,- retail sales of liquors last ear: t., -,f.-,4t ; V khJ 1? . t ,;Sl t m the- town -of Selma; Johnstoil . c6nn AMOUNT OF SALES OF RETAIL LIQUOR DEAL- fyt withHwcnf two ctiVe ah d" eight ! 1 ' -? " r t '' :; Associate i 'm embers. ' Ther TfoHowihg l'SSl PresidcntP. Oodwin:-u H EES. the- habits and - teachings' of his ances try, or the opinion! and customs of the people among whom he dwells. If, despite the settled I conviction; that such habit3 and incjilgences are wrong tl lat they tend to degrade! and brutal-, ize men and cursa humane society, he still lends them, m x-caSth sanctionbniis1 exw fc sparing of hi complihtswheh : drun ken ness anU' riot! hold ; liigir rearm vail, when mob rule is inaugurated at the polls, an;l wlieh injusHca an.l corrup tion n ns urn the! Iiall3li6f?: legislation and the judge's bench. Ay, let him exhibit the grace of a considerate si lence while sharing i;i a general ca lamity to the production of -whicu.he. New' York. . Penn. . . . .. . . Illinois ..... J. ... . . Ohio...:....:.... Mass . . Maryland . . . . . . -. . . i Missouri . . . . r Indiana. California . . . Kentucky . . . . V. Wisconsin : ... . . Michigan. .;. . ... . . Iowa. . . : . . Connecticut ........ New Jersey. .Maine . '.'.. . Rhode Island New Hampshire. . . . Minnesota ... . , - . . District Columbia.-. , Vermont. . .' . .. . Kansas. . . ......... Louisiapa. . , .'. . . . . Tenhesse: . . . .V . . V . Georgia'. Virginia. Alabama Texas, .......... South Carol in a North Carolina :: West "Virginia.". : Arkansas. Delaware . Mississippi.;''.' Oregon . i 5.. i m to i ' .Z'fZL" i u. A. PrcsidehU-Di S.lTum ,i i, ;x 1 Ua5G40h hapkiercClair av,(, -. .-r-1 lec. bcribeJ. Xi. Johnston, ... ... . U-k.O- I iOiW J : ' f I , ,01,418,890 I 59,921,000 . ' 50,223,115 -13,818.845 1i! 52,784,170 35,582,095 .. a5.00X.230 . 42,408, 710 . : "8.257,012 . 10.234,240 . 12,029,175 . . 14,394,970 . ' 10,370,450 G,78G,0G5 . , S,503,85G . 18,021,730 . : 20,283.035 J ' 25,328,405 ! 20432,905 . - 23,025,385 . 21,751,250 . 10,040,02 '13,223,310. r i 8,800,235 7,858,320 O, i t (,DJO 4,;493;305 4,201,240 38,735 :;i0,515 l?i. Scribe Chcs. W. Lindsav, ' Conductor Jno. W. (lodwin,? v !r , AsL Coud ucTor K. J. Noble, ; I. Sentinel .Thos. , J; Barham, L O. Sentinel C, M. B. Pittmau, ) The following brethren were elected Delegates to the State Council : Si-' won Godwin, Perry Godwin, and CTer ry McClair ' ' f 3 - A club of subscribers to the "Friehd will 'be forwarded in a few days, from "Selma Council." - . hli, J. 4 x Dr. K. Hooker, AViley, Hastings and j IL B. Wliitly, hive been elected fI)eI I egaies toHhc Stale Council from!;.'Fi- Colorado-.r... Territories . -. . . - Tothi..::: 14,XG9,400 " Boon -Hill. Truly yours, , Alex. JRr Hayek, j THE TEMPERANCE SONGSTER t 1 M Wb! have published " and uot?' "offer for sale a neiatlittle Sohgsteri of thirty two pages and containing thirty-two temperance songs, adapted to theusa of ihe Ortler of the -Friends ,q Tem perance', and all " liianneuof temper ance nleetings, together' Willi the Odes of the' Order. ? 'icn'?oo! : Every Council should have it,, and $i;483,49l,'8GG every Council should practice -singing. Theres nothing that can add so much to: the "intertHit of a meeting as good singing. ;;" '"' '..,.. -"- . The Songster is designed especially Add to this the amount expended on a . nernieious literature, theaters. ballsro f -: : ! , -r . v- - 1 - - 1 ..j- ' lejspecc. r , . t - -. f i. millions would not foot tlie bill.! - ;--Jiin!i!!j'- T,T7TnF' ' 'v ' y';,;i''- i This popular song, which lias mov ed so many hearts in this country, has been received with equal favor iu Eu rope, and' The Stationer gives an ac count of; the singing of it in one of the music-hallsf of Lomion. There was a stage, with gaudy. drop-sceho, orches tra; "etc. After various performances thi3 piece was announced. - The ac -couut sas: ., ' - i v-1 ' Presently a female came in front of.iheTjCUi tain, amnlst great applause, and commenced, -Father dear Falli er, etc.' l-Jve w'o'rd was distinct, anl she sang the ballad with great feeling. In ortler, however,' to fully describe the scene which followed each verse, it. is necessary, ti give ' litle Mary's' song: ,. i :ii-i ;jv ' -: " ' Father, de.ir futber, coaie b'o'mjj with me now. The clock iu the Meepte 'strikes ' one ! . '(CI onpr.) Yoa promised, dear lather, that you . woud As .soon as your day's work was done." On'r'fire' has -gone out-r)ur Lome Ls all dark j pl mother's been watching since tea, ' Vlth pOQr ljtUe ljenny so sick in her arms, Aiid no 'one to help ivr b'ut nie. Come liome,conie hom come borne. '' Please.' fj,tliei dear' father, come home.' ' .' At' tho conclusion of the lask line Mr. Spurgeon never preached a bet- j has been an active contributor -..Jiir- ery -debasing' habit or. single vicions utterance or indulgence, of men who, on the -whole-,! arethecfnmids4iotgood order, good moijls, and good ,govern- ter sermon than that !' an expression to-which we assented; and then left the hall.' ;'-'.' "TIIEt 11 A VE E YES - P UT THE Y ' . . SEE NOT. -iiient, associated, as it will be, with MfS6ihe six raillions'every' 'da'fin oiif Iand''givcn to carry on I tlie Avar in be half of the kingdom of darkness. Surely such a fact should arouse to' ac-; fivity ahd'Hbbruitv all" interested in the triumph of the Savior's ' cause. Chrufidii ''Pre. ...... Single Copies, 'f ' 15cts. By the'D62eh,1 : : .'. 1 1!; . lOcts: ; Address '!-- : - -if;."- i:; -t . f, K. II. WIIITAKJSR, y ' . ,, Italeigh, N..C - EY CHARLES JEWETT, H. D. "They have eyes, bu;' they see not.!' These words jf our Savio.ur find a striking illustration lix the history bf thousands Of our country meh, who are, on the whole, the friends of good order and good government, and who yet, by a mistaken course, contribute to the -manifold mischiefs of misgov ernment, and to swell the amount of disorder and immorality, the preva lence of which they deplore. . .Blindly tliey. help to curse the community where they dwell, where their, proper ty is invested, and where, perhaps, they are rearing families, , with igno rance, sensuahtj', and the reigu of vul gar manners and vulgar prejudices; and when all this ripens into rampant rowdyism, and, what is worse, mob kindred .influences eniaiiaEIng.frqm other ouarters. is aestineu. wnen it mlo rdor tlA fnrms of law. and in t.hfi the drop scene drew .up, disclosing ... ... - . . .A. ... : 1' . -P i sacred name of remibhcan government the father sitting at the dobr of a puhr v . . . lie-house, in , a, . drunlvon, bemuddled state, with pipe aud pot before him:4 , Little 3Iary was trying - to drag ; him from his seat, at the 'same time point ''jniip. a curtain as , she; took Hllp the fr4in?i from ths lady,' and louchingly sang, Come home,' etc. n This other curtain was now drawl aside, flisclosing a wxetchecl room with the poor mother sitting on the. ground with a sickly-looking- boy in her lap, and in the act of feeding him with a spoon. Simultaneously with the drawing of Jhq curtain the lime light was brought to bear upon the tab leaux, giving them a truly startling ef fect. After a moment or two the act- ' none more loudly lamcnt the existence of all this than these piubliud ones who have'helrjed to oroduce it: Tet these are not heartless men, nor are they insincere. ; ( 'Bqt evil is wrought by .want of thousht As wsU as want of heart." They forget, if they ever learned, an important fact, to the existence of which I purpose to call their atten tiou in this article, if perchance, i any of that class may read what I wiite. . s - influence is full-grbwh and' ribeV to . tJ- ...... .. confront them in thq ead spectacle of social debasements ih burdensome taxation, in the degradation of their sons, in a manifest ' insecurity of : life and property, in the nameless acted villainies of debased and: wicked men, and, in' the toleration' of all this by its fitting' representatives i who will, iii time, under our form '. of govcrn ment find their way into the halls of legislation and even to : the : judge's bench. HTery" glass of liquqr swjilt lowed, even bv men who were never drunk ;Tevery1tbast'fdrank in sparkling champagne or e Catawba: at , a public dinner: everv ciar burnt under the . . ' .. . - - ! - .V-.-:. . -i' t noses of respectable - men ; every pam per of "fine'CUt" or "honey-dew" emp tied at intervals into tho mouths' of 'Christian gentlemen; and every shout of triumph swelled, cui the race-course by the lungs of reputable citizens, as the panting horses come, in on the "home-stretch' is subsequently s jrep- resented in the drunken revel; in the: shouts of evdry infuriated mob,1 in the, shrieks of e'verj' sufferer hurried to a sv eedy and often to adreadful death, through the i reckless .management of ;Kev; JIesrY;Haruie. r-We are; pairt: ed U hear of, the death of thisgeniio manwhich, sad: event? ocacuried: at Mount Jackson, Va., the home" .bf his-father-in-la w,i on ,thd:23rd: nit -Mhl Hardie was inv the-Gthnvearof his are and had lived a lifer of great useful ness. Few men were better informed as to the material andf industrial re sotrrces' of North Carolina, and none had done hiore to mak'e ttie world ac1 . - - i . t . , 4 New Literary r Magazine, lniqu iitk SJ- gind $iileyandfir&das& ia fvunj ':eenilal ivyufeite. . ( ' : ' :'."' " ? T A- SIJ aWue, at mvly 4aj tkc first nura- VV : ;bur (Voi- J-anuary, lSii'J) ol a ney; maga j!!fte?io rnlifacra'.I tiie morepOpufar ieatuKs j Iie.;ide giving original articles, I'rjm lead-. Ing!AiR'.,fican?Wrh.er.j, the editort vtill select quainted with them. As a cprrespon-. dent for the ''Senluiel. ,ahd other papers over the' signature" 6r lliwra'nt i portrayed graphically the capabilities of the State,' and had ln.cohtemplafioh at'the time of his'oUath',' a ;i l?66ii ein bodvirg thefesUlts qf, his iuvestiga-Y tions, wmcn wouia nave proveu uigti;;. ly( valuable, IivHardief; was - an- ex cellent Christian -gentleman and' we' deplore his tuxtimel V ? 'deat lit if'i- net. . i ;-..,.. ;..-. : h. .. , . . .-t -if The P don ; Boy. Don't be ashamed, my lad, if y9u have a patch onyourrj airab.lts iidyanta elbow. , It j.s no . disgrace.: ; It speaks well for your industrious mother.- w-itb car4 Kcd.f dicumiHatioii; D'om - Eoglirttv and 'Continental magaziges, iind other publi eatfuiii. tbebest literary1 matter' to be' found, this wiii give them so-nvnde a choice ofarticle.v that tbeyrcan offer the readers of "ONCK A MtjXtit'; the " finest productions of the best writers Gjr periodicals on hoth sides of the At lantic.': ' J'-s tn; , -!!:'. v i; if" )'bCe tI)e lightness of a mere . story-maga-, zinc'WllVbe avoided, the editors will as care- tully.OFold the bejwlnoss of political, financial ands polemic dLc;vssioi;. Fresh t racy, iostruct-v ire,'cnriorivW6gkssive and hnainitife artl cies .willjpoiy.Ue published. i rJi t J,! In the departments of Uction, OXCfii A MONTH5' v. iil give Its readert richfahd vari ed ft5triTU' ni4 number wilL contain ?tb opening hapt;rs.o a EWEUIA story, tfritteh peSiwlJy' 'for'Ue "magazine,' by att AJIEUWAX.A WWII? lptis recognized! by. the public as Qiie ofoar lirst uQFelistsJ'. It'w ii storS !tb C fail attract wide attentlon 1 Ut . AX1 S i'Yblv' Oxck t 3loxtn" will be,a lCmy.- f ninety-six pages, double cpl itnb. and chtiin a large amount 6T reading. Io Biae aad eJK.tt will be uqlike nnVof our magazines, arid present a pleaniag ''novelty ,t tbe reader th u win ue at ono woognizeu as a The habits., example, and utterances j of men of reputed good q'laracter, of eaheatiou, aqd tair standing in the community, exert a powerful infiuenco to mould the opinions, habits, and drunken mem Nor less : is it repre sented iii tho yenal jutlgej senito the bench bv the votes of the rabble. in the legislative hall where corrn men. sent there byj4he "suffra' the.: ignorant and tlie vile, are law do the bidding of their constituents while thev mock at the names tice and duty, and sell themselves f-nr fl ii For dur part; we vroiild rather ' see a I dozin patches citi '-your jacket thanj hear,onp, profane tQf . vulgar vord - es- j " . t-r . 11 In .1 i 1 . All cape jrom vour Jips.. uno ; gooa :uoy u . , , . v, ,ir,-v .v,wn- ' Yvff 1 . . . -f 1 . . . ; ?L I or sft!e ht News fealer3 and Book- will shuni-you t because -you cannot j jlt.rJ tr.-eatyeent a number. n vtr,7 i , , ;..ri ttt.y Mixtn'iiu.nwt vt $2.0 a car in advance. . , . " GOJ:ei, and.iAt gttrjupof elub,'ltMI a price, as siicep arc sold in tha sham-bii-' . -f s l. f x ..or l dress as .well as your companions ; ana u.rJ" ri -y P if a bad. boy sometimes laughs atyouc: M.:vv.! ,r ttWati sft jiWrkvlne fHE Kes of ? ' v rlr.fiAinW nw bid. h:it 1 ANGKL OF rilCII'? . Enclone U-a'cenUU lfttol . , , - t , . iMV ca-i 4 rolkr audTOaihag, ; . iu -ri! of ius- ood man who was once as poor -as t-'.pMmuuv.;. OI JUS- oWi " . .- ... .a, . -1 it lhe cffie vbfri k it ii received. Canada for you. 1 There 14 our next door neia- auicriberH must endT2 centa ja addllioai i to bor. in particular ,.now."ono of .our wealtny men, wnot ioiu,; us a bnort time since, that when, u ; cnild he was sI4t! Whatsoever a -man soweth, that shall he also reap.''- Temperance; .Ad-' a(j to receive- tho cold potatoe3 from V " f-'U & ft! 1 chestnut's., lhihide)phla vacate. ;':" l , 1 his ndghbor Viable. Ex. S , , ' ,f 3 -tL ---- price for U B. Postage, t . C1 iSannde numbers i cents. Actare.s.- .;..... t. s: AiOTiuR sr$p.;s: Ma.

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