V If ' ' "'FRIENtf' OF TEMPE E. r- WEDN'ESDAS', JUNE 24 -1871 6 UIl ' WORK . JS .Pj?CWRE8SING. The Secretary ot the State Council 5 1 X North" 1 Carolina issued two 'new rihartera last week for Subordinate (iuncilsln North Carolina. One jT Winston Council No. 100, loca ed at "Wblslrin, organized 1)y the t litor of iT.U vthvr ; the other fVr m ' Fine Forest, council, .Ncfe-ltylit-' n tu and 4 organic d by -tV. t). .-"milli 'Ks'ci., 1. V. I, of Tcrsdver- ' ;.nce Council. -' . . 1 r ' Let the. gooil "work jgo on 1 Vfmt vn need -"now is w. king men -ni n who will roll nj their sleeve Mid lay hold of the wheel. Such man is brother Smith-of Fayetteville nho organized J inc r ortst V'juncM 'yesterday. , Who y, ill send lis an .ipplicutioii fur Comuril 102? . We are pleased to not'cc fn "the proceedings" of the hist kneeling of y 'city eonimisKioners that they -have rerusd to grant a permit to retail ppirilous rifruors oi: 'IliHsborio Street. ' Hi!lWo 'is our "rrroM, lbrttiL?ff1 '.reet f itf.Hlu'reyiderits' thus far have invcr been annoyed with the pres ence of retail establishments in their midst..' May their prayer against it lie heard forever," and our city fath is will always be gratefully remem bered by the coroioanij for- their j:twin -th;s regard. , 'Onr regular meeting of fcheOr .fer of b of T. is Tuesday nihtl I H then make a mighty eftfrt'to g t no the club and should .'foU I will send you. the money for ny own and let others do they will. 1 must havo my paper it is meat .Mini bread and urmle to me. :l aH ways find comfort jri the Fhib.nb. 'Jims writes brother D.S. MaulU- by of Fayettcville. If wq had a plenty of such friends we'd soon inako tho paper look another sort." A New Start.. The ludefltndeftl has recently pub- r ' ished aii artichj on tho present needs of the temperance reform ,f)k;h has homo excellent suggeitiOns among ' which are thS"following : .t. ,.:'. ' ,ll .'"It mnRt bo cvi'deil'dt IhefitaVt that tho wholy reforiDa-shoxilU 'be placeil. upon, a bais quitcr difYerKU " from that which it has hitherto rest- ' ' l. Tli emotional element ha 1 b en woYkcd to excess heretofore ; lint .must now be laid m abevanoo. , i . I'C'oat tail", eloquence; has had Tts kiyi and done its wvork' on the torn ' Hunneo platform. Far be it from is to disparage the work ithadpne; but the times in which wo liveiSe-1 x KnMuVn rp0ereit4;ind ef work. ' popular disc"ifii'0p "Tif Che "tieSthni in- its scientific asptrctf! i tTpparstb'ibe he great need. Tlio popclar Tnind is becon ing more and, more averse4 to Proaft-eagleisin ; it requires in tho trcV.wrrrent of a subject like This ; ho. presentation of fact, and it pre- ' fern to mak6 iU'wh-appIication of iha lessons they teach. ? ; ;;' "2. The carelespries8 atid exagger ation 'wh.uli hre ch'r.racterizi"ll the pceches and 'tho vfVhngs of 'teni- t, pi iauce men must Ate cfa reeled vmm.. : i - rc i a. i ni: ciiust' mis suucrcu not. a jiiiiv i om the over statement of it,s advo- 'ates. In their eagerness to put the t-aso as strongly as possible they have often di.-gusted intelligent peb- -,tle. It should bo remembered that ' .n this matter, as in every other,:the strongest statement is one that is jii?t jr.shie the boundaries of truth. Let us majce to assertions for which w e have notnrfro and unquestiotrr " '.m1 auUioiity. , ' v . ' x "3. The "Oisserainaiiou of a sound temperance literature may be one lfective means of awakening public a'tention. The National. Temper jmce Society has published a large -4uttber of excellent- tracts, whichkWork. sli'ovild be inDcdrt:d tm'd "Viisn ibnited in every c(nnmnuify. ot cvetv town be dtficted, and every. faini ,ly bo visited oriee a. rooath Tar, this ipurpOse. Vt.' A. series oX.VetnpdrXrice meet ' ings, should be organljtid "in. 'every jrvillago'throwghocfc the 'fehd, Tlie teniperance. societies mighth bad. ii as once at month, -otiSflnday everi- nigs, artd if the'aridusf,religic so-.cictieA- inlho smaller towtss, iholild abandotif their .regular services -and unite an, supporting theoi. It would be no desecration tMhe" S.ibbath. Speakers who a re7eom patent la treat the 'subjH?t thoroughly nd cientifTi t anyki2'iiid l pVoctt?03anS l the P ii)uVm ijo ljjiprt8.;.pu j ttvetP roT? : 1 HiniiH whith t.uman iureighfyor t sevciauce-could irtvt-ni. this movement aUd ; sbcurjng;, the 'us ohis yeryehgiWelIall fpr. our t p operation ,.or.j tje , churches.; II speech. He joined the t'ofenctl, him nhe.caaetHursAwere held as often silf, andiw4ir give to Hhe -order in Winston, and Saldfiv We paMaTt ta 'these lovras last week, staying thtre a filtle over two davt. Itt ortfer ;to oxldeistand tion with itir Vi8it to thern wo wilt utatein tlrb outset that WinstOnMs 4i ctriiitralion of Hhe 61d noNvn of "gjlenvnnd, "unless i afson'bo told ierciheHioirfe tffo could not ycry welltiptl Vherc Salem end ed and VTltfn cjmmeiiccd. Jlre )ade our 1;mtc An' fn- ston tin ring out entire fit.Ty, Vith jRer. S.D. Fianklin, who 'recently moved thither from lh!?rcdttnJyf -ami is now merchandising ttiHhat ! place. On Tlaird:tv night We met ' 0Jr engagement in Winston". .'Spoke in tho letiiodjst Church to a rather small, but very attentive audience i hope that good was aceoinplislijtd. " A fewrramefl were seeureil to an amlication . for a charter, jluring Thursday evening and Fi iday morn ing, and it was hoped that enirh might bo soured to T organize X - ...... ! r- i rCjiincil at onc ; but, in this we anl IheTrifiuls of the morementwere. disappointed, and, all because some twn orjthree men who belorelrard hiid tf'mfiel their intentions tVioin, I r f (ila I , ; i-C 'j " . . , ' , the decisive, step, begged to be ex .. . . cuseuj-orj tor, a jiiuc more ume 10 consider the inatter. f ' "Friday night "we "ppoke jn ' 'Salem, in IlegeV Hall to a Very attenthre audience, ?At the conclusion of the-j speech, nine names' ere secured, f n6 -tnany; other jersons signified thHr 'rntefttion to eorinect 'them selves with our '.Order at . an- early 'day. .. . - .-;t.s- J On dttt?day 1 mrjfntng-11 meeting dlhe ap"plica)nts, "Wh' heht' in' Vin lont over the. store of Slessrs. IJol dtr and "Franklin, and Winston Ccirreil No. 100 was orgah;d; Th(mgh''c2tlled WinstOTrCmnicil it is composea orciuzens oi &At towns, who hare joined j heatt ami hatrd, in the good work 6f fenierarree. ' - We give belowa list f'tho olfi cers elect : . , , : . i President, ItevJ S. l.rankirn ; tx:President,' E. L. Ilege" 'Absoci itf, GI'Rifynolds; :ChiplaTn,''vV; B," Jolns6n i Secretary, G Wi HmJ bhaw ; Fi-Secrelary, H. S. Womack; reasrircrno election ; Conductor, .M.Tnraley ; AssL .Conductbr, nq election " j inside Sehuriel, J. ' A. Iash :'0iit.Sentinel. No election. " Worvgard "Winfston Conned ac t5heTof,thehbst invpbHatft results of our'tenlperacfce labors for a, 'long lun'prfro'ra.'lhe ractl;hnt ic introduces oar JOrder into, a ettiou of country hitherto unoccupied byns, 'and wo haveodd YeasOns foif belie vmg that "roraits imauencc nvatty others nvill b.furtiied; m th'at locality. 'Although Salem men are associated With tbeir rAVinlitd'n- br$thren. in the new Gonri- cilyet, w"e feeVtreHlAmlhat 'ere long ISaii-Tij will have a Council of her own, and ""that Winston r &nd tSah'm Councils will vie-with ehch -other in tighting the great battle of total-ab--stinence. . ' . i " , We would be glad to write mtrth: more'about our, visit, to, and stay in S,alem and - Winston, but oh our re turn home we found the, paper al ready; up, and but little space, open' for -Bur accottnt. WTe dre therclore compelled to leave rndrtyj things rtn. said which we had intend e7u to Vrite atlout, both with regard to the coun try and people. . We found : Yinston a most de lightful place," and a clever - people living therein. We ' formed many pleasant acqufiutauces, nr. spent our time very pleasantly,. Visited the&wfMtfc ffice find found its edi l6r like lher rest df wo qnill drrvcrs --clever and good Tooting. ., For espec'ial attentions wh'k vin Wilis ton.-, we are . indebted to our brethren, Tle-S. D.' Trankiin and Wi. B. CTohrtsoii, loUr t)f whom are heait ana soul n-tlw, ttrBpeaece u We lirnot make any 'stay, in Sa lf m--ending only an hrmr there. But in tlrat hour wc made the ao QuajuJUtcceit)! several .gentlemen whom we ostecm veiy - highly., as itieucfa and ctv work era in the tern peraneecause. r0theriI5.Ij. Itege oric '6fTthes,'p1accd us'iindeT lasting obfi4gatimi,in exteridrng' h) 'us the that place, the ' oenent ofns " large ihfluence. "lay ' GodTeafd him tor his Jiction. -Aftef -an ..- becMco f Hhree- days w rtl Urntd ' homo "S:iitrday night - I W-'n fn'n,tt r1fUi 3& J 3& r.Tt j r.tTJTj Suitor, pt tliii mper will i 1 I Fpeakupon the qc4 :of : tehiper 'anee; tt,-3 . Id ( 9l sLr 1 . Hay wood t Stur3y Jjiiie, 2 4th ; Silbbiiry,lneViayV J,un 2dth ; Conoord, FliUriday, June 29. CHARITY. For tlie Friend. Friends of Temperance- y'tWe need to hdd in revery araila-ble- j'Uce uUc 'meetings and have addrescxfor the furtherance of to til abstinence Tis not enough that wti meet once a week in oar' Conn ell rooms" arid jiutTate now and then a candidate and go through the reg ular order of brtsmess, and perhaps paks erer-'atm -anon a good .resohi lion whith ir.tver trausctibed iiito our bok df act?.? - No, brothers t;C the Vlies "and 'towHs l-t on go out . , ... .. - . I ' . and hunt up the'twen who need re fornand IrOi lie very public places, of resoit"2a"ll upva alcohol's votarios - . . ,V . erB df thCTfillvges-aiid rural dntriclP, sound yoUr.trumpets and gatlu-r the ' ' ' ' '' ' y. ' ' - - ipeonlo and urge trrcm to ,e:iro ue f neall.-.your. banned WTe neeil now,' "9s Mir brothers ff-yor, the WaA4t' 1 i ngt m huiea w h i ijlQ fyj lip eii, t p re and tcdo in Ihe ;re6ue of fallen If i tnauiry. Is not rum as fiCf-.tructiye now as tben 1 1 Is nothe.dnnfkid's , grave as daik-r and JM hell as bittr i "C1 . v - : i Land endieps ? . Sec how the inodt-r K ate drinker moves vforwad to take liis : place in 1 he "vast col mnir df drunkards raarching,dowri to diii,' and nave we.no zpai to pui .us. -in ins wa"y and to hedge up tiw patii-t.onTa-struction ? Coine let us bestir pn"r: selves! Are weriot'onr brother ' keep er? Shall not jus blood fye upon us it we stand and see lum, perish with, out an effort for hi a rescue ? s Statis tics tell tis that uixty or seventy mil lions of'gallons of ardent spirits are annually ''ametT J t1e United States. .; rThat there are about ' ten thousand (Jistillerics. hreedVu drViTthbusand" hal itual drnnktirt and f perhaps ; as jnany occasional drunkards moving : on. to swell tho army V)f hatltlial 'jli unkards, and is it noi eT3Cgh'o'1mpire a seal in the Order of the Fritils of Temperance tot36fsoV4n'in'g,.yeV:,cnt .Mil if need bo, "to sacrifice srniething in jdoin! . ; rl5rothes, look aborvtm'in rmi!1 yjl JlblriiyouV?ViHage-i your,.coinly --eee -5f there, bo n3t much to do,fend' then hear tlju, Bible saying tj each ofyyou, "5Whw6veif thy hand findeth to Ut dv' it vith thy might." Let 'us notll)e'; eContent to merely add members to 3r.r Or der, but seek to enrol names .toHhej pledge of totaKabsthence. There raay be such as will take the pledge who may not consent to be initia ted into the Order. " Our gt eat work is to save men to stay the tide of intemperance to bind tip the bro- kken-hearted to sootlie tho sorrow ingto rescue the fallen. Woe wiWlrer thousand tongues calls o'u fus: She' should not call .in . 1 yam. We can do--we ought t o tlo wo must doove will do. Then up at orrcetsnd -at it; say not to morrow for to-molrowimver couits, arfd MloTyon dely "hell .receives its vicirms. -ine- new waves arc surging -'higb. aDd rolling deep en- gulpliing'more of liirraan happiness "tlran'ihe mestfcnowing can accurate- ly corojkite, and we asFriends ot Temperancebave assumed to be the conservators of se'ceity' in this be half. T prjly'-yor let it be not mere ly assumption. CdfSr.ESPOJfEiEffT. Norfolk, Jtine,l871. , ' . . For the Friend. Total-abstinence y. Good. " ' ? Thing:- r This 7 being a"feact, the. subject honloSbo "brought to the' attcntiod ot- all people "both high - jind; lowj mch and ;poor., t is suited - to all and upon all bestaWS-Us blessiugs. While it raisestip the'owly and en riches the poor, it jjaves !ie high from falling and the rich froinvpov eity, II -blesses -Iho mother . ami herdanghters, the one w4h sober gons and LhexJther with sober hus bauds. Tt carries in; both hands blessings to distribute .pon all, anc hence shoiildbo'wolcomed by a 1. Every miniftter-oftlie gospel should' FAITH, v: 1 TEMPERAUCE, .welcome it aod-cDramend'itto thefaourifehing, GO members. embrace ot bis every churcu inem- bcr; should ry alcHi 1 in ats, praiscj paint its beauties atd'vell tipoq its benefits! .f: Where so fitting l a oiayts iu tuiurw its claims asiiie nui- piti , Th'tl9toUl-abWncm.e is not below tbo d ignity of the rahf ister nor Uic'sacredness-of the puU IpiU.j At lea?pae annual conference uio ouiHyni -J.HCIUOUIPI -vynurcn has Jby. resokrtiva sc&Cfforth her -m in- isfenal raetebTsnvitk wc?dfm,ar- TiO J .f r . - . tilde and messages-nrenomrr amrinor rigand t he "cbtirclj ear so" f;tlfat 'a' resjidiii elder .feels himself anthorized to ask hin, tle4iquarterly conferences jof his paurxci, -vaca omaat nieniber, irue uses spirit noCi tliqnoT; as . a?; h'erer ae. In thisctse judgment begins at theirons olT Crodf ' If in the hooseiOfGodTotalabstinence reign ed: supreme who Jean . tell what: the result niight h&tj It not practica-rl ble lo have it so f "What a strange ly incopshaent fact to have a church inao n4 diqtoo'seller in -tbejsamfe person"! The toiv fact of mrcli mcmhiilitp is Tresuniptire evidence that theman.prays for his neighbors, bnt'with if Hat sidrit'Wh a"raanpray for his neighbor! 'salration : when lieells" lumKar wrerrmprore hi.s niin ? llow religiously 'XJnMst ent it would be in a s professlng christian to kneel by his still or bar rel and ak God t') blc.s his labors with -jwicecis as he d- als out his lr quid 'fire m Inch carries i a corse 4n its wtrv pint. An l Vet to be consixl-i ent'tho man should so p'ray, for why shall he enjiaire in buinetis on winch hiay-Tiot 'aik lhe"blessiig of iJocF? Ar.d yet w;hcve will'ymiT.nd -a' man s lost to sense of propriety as to rhJ foand praying over, a '.barrel of "w iiiskt-y ? No,'ho lknt) vs I'iftilf well that God's1 bk'ssing docs hct'folhrw'' wfiisky, and ?rc dtten trembled heii Zri thinks thit' God's ' blessing Hoes 'not 'follow' the whiskey seller.- llrt Pees ""tiie voe whTch j;od pro n o U nces gs i rrst thri 4 m ;i n who " p n ts his botllc'to' hts iieighboPs -Itps.--; fUt alasJ too marry of th?se are in the church of Hie' present tiuje. They 'are' 'Aclmns'ralic 'way'o! ilie LotcI's army and rimaer its victories. t-htit" the cliUrh ihrougirts' const:- tiite'd authorities nTc:H, speak; out, and that withtio "cticertaln sound anil "'"'thiiV pirereHwi Vay dt'the Lor I Hi At'ile nty come Avith great power among Tli? 'people. A hd wiiy shall 1 a man of God ' in dulge his appetite to-tf 19 ftiin dt'brs neighbor ? He does tfha Whether he w il or not, by his example, vfhea he uses ?.lcohbiic beverage. He mly not say to the immoderate drinker ryou ought not, to diink, when in his 0. jet-actiee he speaks fiiore loudly than w5:xls can possibly do". ' lie contra3ictsis f precept by example. Well may the. drinker say 'to- his would be reformer, Vphyician heal thy self." - Would that the! churcl of tjroq were tree trom tne sellers and drinkers cf spirituous hquo-s. v' -, - 'Correspondent.. AORFOLK, JllU, 18Y1. ,i MISSISSIPPI. "OfFicir of the Pnns'iiK?r ; " StiHef Council F. of Z, Osyka, "Miss , June 12th 1871. W.'lf. nVhUdker, Editor' Friend 4 Dear SiO-: -T herewith h'aod 'yon for" publicati tbe cw6ntknf olir O rd er i n 3Ii ssissippi,",t"ud' respectful ly ask that your sen I a'copy of" ho Fkiekd to the Secretary -cf ; each. Council as per address ,given 'fchatJ alt may see burcoridilidn-ir-that the faithful may be encouraged arid the carcicBH . revivwi, 4, nave . S'rong faith in the ultimate success of the daiise in Mississippi. "" "The field us whiteunto the harvest- I have sent out laborers to gather into the fold such as are to e saved from moral degradation and death.4 -Then, mes sengers, (D. V. P4.) have courage faith, love and hope, and "under .'the of-Deity, whose:aid we invoke, upon blesiings whoso written woid we re ly, weeaacot fail-: -V Oxford P. O:,"' no Grenada ip. 0 tidings,. : -N0.-2, dead. ;No,3,:- dings. -, Cantpn P. O., no ti- .' No. 4,' Ilazlehurst, Hazlehiust, sleeping, ?75;:meinbers ,v.l k No. 5, , Morgan's Forks, no tidings. :' : J '!'; No. C, Osyka, Osyka, flourishing;, 150 memtxirs. . . : . ', ... V Jt. f ! No.-7, Rehobetbj.Pice Ridge, no tMingsV:'; 4 ' V '- . J V 6, Pleasant -Valley, Pine I Ridge, no tidings. i " t No. 9, : rj Casfyville,, 110; tidings.- ' ' i."? No. io, . o. 1 1, SaltelIa,SalfilloCo4'TfKurr iehiug, .8 iHeniUers,-. ? i?. . .12,.Biildwyu,: , &iltillo 'Co.. nonmhing, 42 membys. . noniishmg-IDS xnembem tr Vd6 r-,'IariiburgviM) t dings. d.;';.:sl:.:i f. No. 17, Libertyi' l.tbcrfy, Amit& aLflourlsliirig: "if mehitenl. ,1 : d..li;f-dw fl9uisWng;sr I J ying. -r .jueajawim. ppmc were yenawi,and 5o:, 9,uPswnuc striDcd with colcirs., ien ft askqtl -No. 21,-MuHerminejOsykav-pike the tree whatlt meaut.- Ahcfthc Co.4 flonrishingS members. No. 22; Cenlrfville, Centreville, Xo; 2J Surn1rHtSumrniitVTike Co., flourishing, 7i members. Q, No. ,2.5.MjgioTrjQ4- Do iaourishuig, 20mehtber' ; J Qldrt4oeiaIT,kpriri2 Claiburne Co., flourishing'SS raem lers. ' - ;'. .f-" - No.? 2Tj Center Star, twamba eaTnTtshtogfWmbCTR. k' ' Totabivuriiberot Councils,.. : . 14 flourishing, w itli 9t2 menibfrs- 12 no tidings, estimated 00 mem bers. it 1 -.rfUj;-: y v'' k,; ' :?',; .. 1 dead." 2;Connt:ils in the ag gregate 1442 tnetrdicrs. Mollis in Faith', Tfinpernnce and kChcrity, . : . CI I AS. II. ALLEN, ,; , les't S. C. of3Iississippi. clcctcJt. , , J.-.B- Gough's Story,., t . ; ; -A-friend df mine-seeking to relieve the poor, came to afiight of stairs that led to door, -wbtcii led into aJ room reaching udcr -the slates, ? Ho kiioekied'"A:fceblt vok;e said tfComp and "tie weilt in' ,Bier :,wa? j no light Iwrt tfoonv'liis ey a"Jbecamo adapted tc thf pla-cybe;faw, Jylngi ;itpon -a heap-.bf -chips-"and ,!shav g3id nbor about ten. yoar ofj age, ?pale,vbt w'ith-a.weetjac;r f ; Wfcat are . -yoU doig ihord ho aslceil of tlw .boyu :bi il! . ! Ilnshih'nsUillamBtdinglfi I i Hiding? tWliatibrii;Wnd he showed ? his whito Tarnm .ccvred with' bruises ajnd swollen;? It w.- "v t Who vma it bectn-mt IHaBHlrat? rDon'tHell diinr; iny father did "."f'What-for.uu v.:;-ctv . father gotdrtiiytinld! beat me because I wouldn't steal rT' van ; t4Did yx4i erer steal $ - "Yes, -sir, '1;- was r a -thief once.!, l(These.!Loudon thieves naver iesi- tate to acknowledge t it at 4is Hheiu professionj.) -m ; ti -.i? jf-vff -'. "Then "xyhy "don't yo us teal no w ?v VBocause.I went, to tho Jaigul school, i and they,told , biq j ; ThoM shalt not s W and they toB3aie6f God in heaYoii. ?I,- wiU not -steal; Tjr''iathrki4k'ne.M f -""SaM my . iViend, .1I don't kivof what to do wii yon. . Hro is a shilling. -: Iilt see what I oau ,tdo for yon." .-?.8t';. .-.v. .. . -. 'r tTheboy looked -at ita momenU and thrn said"-; , , : j? . : . 1 But,pIease iivivouldir't". you like to hercwy fittleyrnn'i Vj : j My fi iendlthoagh t it strange tbat without food, 'without fire, brntsetl and bateBas hela-y there, he jeppld fi'sng.a Jymn,,buthe;8aid; Ycs. f I willreAr.vyQn." ,'3A.od then Mx a w-wcet-voxe, he jansf :. ... f , ;i i 5. .tscn tie -Jesus, meek and milu, -Loot uimn a little cMld, -'-' :n ! 3 jrjiy mjjiuu.oniyvKu; atd.V;ii:) Buffer me to coma in Thee. ;,,.,!.. 4Iii i 'H . , ... ... ; "Fain would I to Thee bo brought, (ientle liOrd, forbKl H not : In the kingdom of Thj grace, I Gite a little child a tlacf."v - Gite a little child a place," "That'-s ray - littfe hyn,; good- bye-!'.r - ; ...,r.; . . xf . The'gcritleman went.trainin the mornl ug-; wen t-up s tai rs. ; knocked at' the door- no answer; opened it and wrent jhi. . Tho shilling'.feiy.ion the "floor t There lay, t-heWy. with a smile on his faQc--4ut:'ii&,as'd'ead. fin the night he 5 had t 'gone- home.' harik God; that' rre diaa said,- ,Suf fer little cliifdren tocomd unto me !" He is no respecter (""persons,' black' of whit bond -or Trep, ; young i or old.;- He4 sends his- angebjf to the homes .of the; poor .and; destitute,' the degraded! and 'wicked, to take the bloodbought tittle 'one to his own' horae' 4?-- vm 1 :t4 t ? - ' A" Beautiful Allegory ( Ohm on a lime a' little laf 'was hearcl to sigh and cry, ai leave8,:of; ten t'.o when a gentle wind Js aooiy And tha,w said:, ; 4? 'Vhat i fhA'nvnlf.r litlTA Unf?" u'f't, nl4YiK'i'i'v4ti . "ihe wind " sairf iuq ledf, vinst i f.itn and the,brtinch toW k tothe tree- wsutru an vc. anU'iscop"vora uacK tcXiie leaf. H3 on. 1 ue airaiu, 1101a on iiguuy, aad;you snail not gOolTtill you And so r AVJwhea'' tSe" mjght - 1 . ; l ' - I fcNo "3. Fort iJlaras, fort Ktofa khesejrolor becati of their joy. wmi ' . rl::? ! i fTf.n thelitlU leSTbecfan to w ,5 - v f '4! M r4 f-i" a !tJ!n'rnJsnduftew :tf: beautiful hV? -H,ai!f " ?,?J.W,.UI? rctttcAtolibej?xcya me plf, and'th'totf nie to theground cally tunler Jda own "eycC'and. dis todfe" a : ' ?kv: , :J ver'eJlltifepVatf of thVdi ..ran y mfM !.;;iii'x;Vj ru, Yi uqwc. commns, mucn rani mated, ?aiJ: andveut -pti slnug :arid"nmlmg. centimetres), fem!nsof the nfagC t crW all summeV IbhUll "r wmcn omea 1 i tree said : , "Kwthese leaves tva'getting ready ant in -AnVidien it was very gay m c Ior, it saw mat tno brancheof the tree had no colors in ihlin-ind-WhVfSnfsm - j i HQ bVafic'hfiwIrr -am woiil I eojcol orcd and wo golden? . . ." 'Wc- must 4ie(4 on cur -wotlc clothe," sa,d the tree, ','for onr-work ts-ttu-yet'dotie bnt .your clothe are for a ,holiaay.b-vau3c yunr task - is over.". . ,. Just-tlien a lit tin pult Cf wind canif, and ,lhe -Jcnf. let g V .without thinkiniT.of.it, an I the Windlook it tip anfl tnrneS;itffrp, .Jtnd therdet it tall gently down tinder the .cege of a fence among hundreds oT lenves, nd it never w'aked-wp to'tefi. W:hat jt,drea.rcrecl about.' . ' . .... , I 1 5ThcreVre a tew ob God's children to whom (lo thought of. death iflar moFt ureadful than will bo the reali- ty. Tney will go. away to r.eirven as quietly nnjinconenU as tlj e leai itit 11s twi,'. . J . a., t IT 1 ' n R 3jnark,ble Patrb t': ' " 4'Parfot8;taHcf-';Xt-iP.said f:hat one belonging to a'Cardinal learned to said the Apostle?- Creed ; bnt whelh-? er trne or not it is certain that, ow Vng tojtlie fofirratkm of their lower phary'nx'atld -tongti, : they: arc mrfro capable than anyrtthts,-4inimli the 'aiidrlherefor they.ihav.establied their ielairiia,; as l Ungfusts.s rIIe,nry VH's par roi,, it is said,. saved htm, sell from drowning by crying oti ffiotfV-ho for a boat!" arid up on hi benefactor ?demajdihg tlxit Xmopiit from ihe ?kingv- tbvs - rasml I bird. eMlaii.ned, ugi v c;him a grQaCl'' 'Buffon slates : V When venders, in .lii.11 expectaiion pifn oruer, cried their go.6Hs uridir .V Tardy s Window, tOIT -cfo,' tv-Ki'ttles to . merid, "Fincfrtwh alnitnd,' hr parrot used to amuse liiimself , with tho annoy -ance 'he, Jave".' iu answering, "No, rionVtodttyV" ' ' '1 ; J Af Strtry i,vas recently recorded of Jt'pnrrot'who lived in a barber s shop at. tlio. .East-end. of . Jondon. One day a; sailor s?atfl himself on tho rslfop cliair,- arid 'had ' his face well covered witn wtner,' -alter -vrmcu op eratkni (He barber wnt ironghjtlie cti8tV)mary roce!i8 of "stiopping iiis xft-mxlti Polly wjv had n.ntil.that i0-ment remained wlent, cast a sly giance at jacK iar, woose neau was thrown back for the next part' of the performance." The teinpta'iun proved toa strong foitpolly, who tY idently was tcontoRipliting mischief or fun. 3Vatoling tlie cwtical tno-. merit for exc?trng a thrill'MTg 'sensa, tijdn, she Taked until the fcstber api vr0nclreVi'his clwntt razors hi - h.tnd, aiVd llieuf criHl ont'Cutrhis .tboai ! rent -his throat !" which exebimg'ion,- it is neea ess to say, naa nie, etiect of making' !tse:'sai)tr b"oft iU:e?a t put7' of 'thesliopi awfly iSown rhe hixt-strceti' taahrJ !' h? Qtisionantparrovs.acquira phrH- i selogy, ct a jrulgar or devout iiajLurpt ana appear somewuat irreverentt-v sliQrt p sighted b?.t?cs.,-Of ' course, they.' fshiiply rejcat" Jphftses they have picked up herHand tiiere; with out ,fvicked ymed-itatlons f tly)ugl such, expresstofis nntl oflb ted ly. shooK ll 1 efcea r, .mvieg-p rfe'cnjkil Iy pc f h a ps to their ' comical association. ' 1 he rRev FOC?Morrfii Elates: ! , "A- parrot be'ongrfig to . some friends of mine , was generally taken4 out of the. room when the family as semoled for prayers) " for 'fear he might take it 'into his head to join irreverently tri tho esponse.'i; One evningy however, Irs presencfi hap-: peneq lo be unnoticdhe was en tirelyr forgottcp. For -some i time he jnaintaincd a decorduse silence', but at length, instead ofAfiieo,?out he cariiewith CIeer, "bys,ceer., Oa thin, the butkr -vas -jdiecteii io rernovo hinben the bird perhaps tlunkinc'if.oiiad vonimittd nisnseilj aud hdctter ajoloirizVcalled 'out, Borr'yl Isokg, The tfverpd wefwig effect 'Oil the -i congega io intay t bl imire -, easy;j;;iBaginea -, man uesi j "Mausoleum, ,of tub Maccareks, . .6 i inc igaanervy jieviczi; oj ropie cy (liOhdori) for vApril states'tlLTt' a Frenchman, :M. Gueriu U ,disoov ied thejatnoui mausoleum of the .qabees, .hitherto searched For in ya:u. It was found at Kirbelel Me "iCf "After several visits to thi .spot r r , , r 1 . -M. Guerm caused tliewhole of the feriul-q Jfe ral'bl Ani bersi; toricrrifninbfer8 1 ,.r of the rnms'of MnssnliiKrcbabiuV. oni tmrit? near i-xnr famco wro l-und .nuniber off,piees"f Jiaoao. confirmationrpftiie "d'tJiciwerv. The tojnbs, , were, t explored. .tTieobrs weff coyered' withsnjalt WHsslUi'-les-tnonie cases ifill dberfag to? gether, in others Beparate-aod lontl eraptafnel fiv or sixbwrnao- tiroes, WHIfrfuIfy lt - nuitaliof fit-, man Jvon; 5 , TliQy&re celebrated by tn-d "bTtTeit wfi ters in't 'respect ,J a ml- by J wri tefs'of ererV comitry : -and language ; bey jYi seven -pyrauuds .olatedtl schools and ciiurcnX'S ; there is more nia line, eacu coyennir tne-ceiliHTof i money in proportion iotnor iaoor orte clrarnber:5 Finallr?rl yk& Trtfrierf Tes,laB0r iflftUdeV&xviliiiifZ is tae iron v 05 ,3 DiHHiicg,-, U10 last a liivetaoworKer,!- queen and QuJcns SeN&sctlVypiuliar fU(,"l an' &Simtfrb1i fl latwmdtl i otherwisflprDduce:workers. 1 "The workrinundevelpped f J male. Workers, in the absence of a queen, ."BorooUmes layi egg's.- Theu invariably proSuco xlfones. j 1 ; The queetf lfve from t wo to tn years.Vrho" worker from tVo,' to three mouths in the vvorkmc season. and from sue tooighi during.thc'm t- son' of retft. - t 5tl .. Thojneen !pefrete?I 'in 'flfceen or t,jxtcen1i(li!K' from JLire egg, 'the worker in twenty to l.wenty oire, anJ kthe dr?no jntweny four. i 'The q-icn usually commences lov ing from seven to 'twelve day after ' leaving the cell, and is cap iblo of laying from 2000 to 3000 eggs in m ' Tlio 'impregnation of the (j'leeti always, tckes place outside the hivo, on tho wing, an 1 generallyj the fourth or fifth d iv 'after leavintr tin?. cell. Kxcopting in rare caje1, omj impgnthrfy awersJfir; JiTo; The drone she has mtted with dies itn- ' mediately. J?. 1 . t fi ni J.he eggs ot an uuimprognateH queen produce nothing but drone.; auait is generally conceded th.Tvim -pi"eg;"natin Uoq n.t affect iUc i'drcno progeny consoqMenll the male pre-;-. geiyy oi arpure iiauan qn-en rs'pUi-o . without Terra rd to the drone.' she Jjns tnaU'd witb. . The inueen an? worker "arc nrovi ded with stints:: but while the latter wjli tise it upon aiy provocation, tiro former jwifj piilyiise it at her o ti t rank, f.'jhb Atones have no sting. v On queen, as-a ro 1, is all 'tlIf w ftpte rated in a''hivj'biit)prfivi(iii8''to turuwiug u "aider s warms, 'two or m ore queens are permitted 'in ii-e :wiohi4e. for-a short time but thv extra bne 'aresoon Ii nosed of. ' J: is of :persedir,g a- queenVthu olV one is preyprre'd nt;I the new myo is. fitted to take her iilaee. Queeiw have a, deadly hatred for each oth?r and will destroy, if perdtted, :iM queen larvaj or cells in the hne, and will fight' each other until there is but' oiie left alive. , " " u Wax, like fat 1 ''an' "a'riiinal pn InctfVrid Is secreted by thobeesi'u thin scales on the tinller side ot lire fcu d y a ; W h i 1 e " d o 1 ng Uh 1 1 1 ey cwmh - Jkuwic large quantitfes df MioneyX- trom "ntteen to twenty portnUs it.fr every p nuid ot wax secreted. . A eigfited s bee mie'lljil with honey ,is 'not diposfd to sling. . A good swarm contains about hventy th'mmid 'bws. 4 A strong or irieiimf hivo. v,'ith a goovt laying rj'iesn;s nPVer 6r;ous- takn by them. " --,Vleesr recognise 'each "other1 1y llieiriscent. Tie'firsi bne or twp weekfi of tjm fynjg7pe'sf4ife?is epenV InMde the hire, as m uivo. oriy'int wolk er. I The. range -of a, bee's llight "fnr food is generally within two r thre miles .; much greater range is of bat. little benefit'to them. &ovr o Stop Honoy Bees. sjTr had three decamng .arras that left my apiary, j 'had hivw! tne nrs in ine lorcupon, on the iny it swarmed but av- alKiiit f tour d'clock in thfraft'ernoort,''irdecan.ijwl foreparts' unknown. It ot-'ofl some distance, befoi .1 got r-ady wi I h th e lookfng glass,? buttoY . surprise, the'thirdyP.asli ot ihesun1s mys.ivith llie.ldbking'-glasf riMde-thef etrs lily found endJ,r'ndj irHiead of going sfcraigbiiforward as Iwforei; andth':y :tm(n.dately.r fettl : 11'pou, . a tree. .Tbe second s warm ca me ofltt in j the afterriobn.'It made no halt 'to Hd--tlei but started 7frrct r the tri ber. I followed it, and.i bronghi tt down tbesame.W'y.rTlj0 Uiirl.ono got hi e a ry Jial f a-Jii U a w a y, 1 Having cc tkec east side of the tinilipr.' Th sun'rb(ng'irj the west we couhltiert a r -1 " - -- - - the. sua, three or four, flashes - "settled l VI ItittK vrt 'GSrakll Fafms? 3 -VI. fi-.i 4. Small w farras make j njiirj (n eigh - fkit miixtt htm iwab.apbe -morais, raiseu 10 iuq acre, oecauru 4? itetter Mpt ; Wre is rnVwJitch ingIfwBrfTxiett,'lfe ia.- n(& 4- erH Irfi aivwrv n irf $ '1J rthe.tim e. kThcreis: njtmi;chfear pta drought, pf.WBtjv'wtber, jRbp,rost,? ot small pnecs-thero. is not bo 'nihcb'nioir- w baid J : otliforartcnltnral imrerirebtsV OarwiYCT f gad I'thil-; drfia Iavetime eart tpt improve ; ffeWis alwa'saedward j I - t iy tr;bo1fwiUit3 fmotb wimi:; but a,bivv.'vlthmiLa v.iieen r ' fim incans of raising one is Tsure -' to 'Iw .It aw. I. hiTre-thGtheo. &vanms thjua. arcested, and ttiey 'nave al! d3ne wen. fjror?l iJoWMl: . E A i i 1 i f - i - i i f. t

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