friend or temperMe. OFFICIAL OJUUlt OF THE ORDER OF THE FRIENDS . 1 OF TEMPERANCE. ; PVliLlSUED M Y I RALEIOII, N. a : , . T R AX S4 ' ; One copy one ycr . . . . ; $2, 00 eix months.. 1 26 " " three months . . .. . . 75 CLUBS: Clubs of Ten or more natoestrttllie re ceived at ... . .... SL7o each. FRiEiipoF Temperance. A limited number of AdrertiaemenU will be inserted in this paper at tke ' FOLLOWINQ RAT CS : 'AWV'Aw fllllfiTll'lf fi.:. ": 1 Www SPACE. 1 Mo;2 5Ia 3 Ms. 6 Mi. II rt. I Square; 250 4 00 560 700 10 00 as so 8 75 6 2L 800 10 00 14 00 2100 2150, 5 25 850 11 50 800 12 00 .20 00 25 00 30 04 36 09 70 to I Squares, 3 4 " k Colc'n ! I Oolama. 13 00 16 50 19 50 f m 17 00 25 38 ,'VOL. V. .Si... RALEIGH. N. C-WEDSTESDAY, JUNK 28, 1871. NO.9. .. 24 50; 50 00 Z6 00j57 0 1 Cola'n. 2100 100 OC "TON I 11 I r- .The Tear of Gratitude- Th ere isa in 'nlflre pearly lrf gh'i, More derfr'to mercy's eye, ' Than jvea sweHitfar-hwe mellow light i?'irt cheera tine- evening sky , A Kquid pearl that glU.lera where No Borrows nqw intrude ; A richer gem than rnonarchs wear, The U;ar of gratitude. But ne'er shall narrow love of self Invite the tribute forth, - For cai the sordid slave of pelf 4 Aipreciate its 'worth ; But ye, wh oothe the widow's woe, And give the orphan food, . - For you this liquid parl shall flow, The tear of gratitude. Ye who hut slake an infant's thirst Id heaveuly nercy's name, ' Or proffer penury a crust, The sweet reward may claim ; Then while you rove life's sunny banks, With sweetest flowrets strewed, Still may you1 claim the widow's thanks, The orphan's graitude. For the Friend. To tlio PeorVlo of TsTorth uaroimu. Occupying, how unworthily soev cr, the position of President of the State Couneil.of Fnonds of 3Ytnpcr anne in North Carolina, it U a duty which I owe to those who "placed ' me therc,to my self an 3 lo the sacred ciuhc in which we are all heart anil houI en"a'ed, that -l shwild, from timn tfV limn, ofvc forth words of warning md cheer to the brethren in all parts of the State.. t!. ; ;?... It in well that thq fiintuig heaits -of thosewho, npou the .very, out posts of temperance, a-o battling with a seemingly unconquerable foe, should be relreshed by,,thef g&vft news of Victory ky at JjWs fr(u many a rjuarter of tho wV.l fouyht .'titiMthat the Councils whoso mem bers have fallen into .t dangerous apnthv, scarcely hiss fatal indeed than active opposition, should be ipurred into new energy by the reci tal of the gallaiit blows that their co lalwrora are dally Htriking for' Faith, Temperance and Charity," Never, perhaps, in tlio history of our State has there bean such wide Bpread interest, sttch .&ud such encouraging hopefulness in tho came of Temperance as there. 4s- .to-day. Watchman what -of the iijght One hundred and one t Comniils full operation, w4th a mem bership of nearly six thousand, are - xoalously at work. 'These are not connueel to any section or sections, "but may bo found as well by the roanno! breakers of the coast, as amid tho pure air of our fur clad mountain, and diy. by day and w,pek 'by week the number is increasing. There is another cause for-congrat ulation which your attention is es pecially directed, 'rom every qnar ter of the State the news reaches us that men of prominence, in their te spective communities, are uniting themselres with our Order, and in many instances are becoming active i'.vorkci s in the cause. I re8s' I cannot fef ram froira in akmg an earnest appeal to the members of the medical profession fin the State. No class of the community bave greater claims .upon 'Our affection and our gratitude than "those whose lives are devoted to tbeffurt to re lieve their fellow creatures from dis ease and pAiaJ It as imped that it t will not be considefed prescinptuous wto urge upoiV thera the great import ance of an iiiuiring into the life and habits of their patients tore pre scribing for them that dangerous remedy of ardent spirits. It is a medicine indeed btrt a medicine upon whose tdfar one hundred and fifty victims are daily tcricel in tho United States. Even 'in cases wliere alcoholic stimulant is recom mended, if there be any substitute, do not administer whi-skey, to a rc- c. hiimiid drunkard". Instances un speakably sad, have come under my owti observation. In one instance, a reclaimed tnfbriatc bravely held out until a trifling illness a physician brescrioed a wmall .dose pi orany. Cfheipatient drank and fell. ; True the'doctor was not responsible for religion solid palanx, i his patiene weakness but-oh! how behind to crown our vict order than, over 4-t one wbier joined' us at all. Yet it i new tnar it is not binding longei tbatr ine obligor -is a member of -tfce order. Previous articles puWisb in the Fkiend exp me views of this wrliter upon. this poiot. Tlie Degrees that I'havemeirtion ed above are quite Bimilar to fthose of the Knights of Jencb a irery pp ular and beautiful -order, but being more expensive than necessary has never spread far beyond tbe -limits of wealthy communkics. Let us build up au order tlat will answer all the wants ot a faithtul hand-maiden to every denomination of christians. Let us organize an army of Christians and their allies who will assail the works bt this common enemy of mankind; like Ai - nold Winkelned, let us make a breach in his ranks and then march on over Grogshops, Wholesale liquor houses, and Distilleries, until not one of the whole clan dare show his heat! upon the arena, of warfare in d jfence of his rights ( ?) Chen let the rank and file of the Christian foilow on orv with M7 nover wastba month of Love, r F ilaj-isrfuH of flowers ; But rather Apnl, wei oy n-uA " -5Vr Love-li fall oljsbowers. But if old saying; rule the world, ! ..I - - . . there would be no marrying at all, hjuough o go down the .water, eitn- for a very od one at ers that no man enters theiiVly state without Tepent ing his rashness Vefi?3; the year - is o.ut ; unless, indeed ,i everybody trmind like the old "Norfolk far aaerto cheat tlie adage by wedding on the 3 1st of December. It was conidered improper to marry uponJnnocents'.Day, becanse it commemorated the slaughter of the children iy Herod ; and it was aqually -wrons to wed upon St Joseph's Day.l In faet, the whole season ofLent jvas -declared sacred from the intrnsbn of Ilyraeri's devo tees. -"Slarry in Lent, ,nnd youll repent !" acd'-thore are good people among s still who, if they do not believe that bit oV proverbial wis dom to be prophclic, undoubtedly think Lenten we4d ers deserve to find it so.. j We may possibljr be doing a ser. vice to, some of out readers by in forming them on V the authority of a manuscipt of tlie fifteenth cqju any head but tliat to which the hon i w tthu. ir a bridal party ven tures or dryland; they must go tro stream,: should they be Tooi-Daf er tho bride, the grocm, or one ot the bridesmaids will infallibly I feed tbe fishes, pite of the faith in there leing I nek ia odd numbers-it U a belief in the North ol England that one of the wedding guests will dfe within a year; unless- tbe parly counts even. - The only omens we "know of tend iog to encourage adventme in the great lottery of life are the meeting of a wolf, or spider on the way to church, and a cat sneezing within Yia Virlrl.' hprin(y on the' dav be- Luw ici imv m : . n . c i ir v,. rnotolv current in a iew years ago. fore the wedding ; but, fortunately, 3 . .f , nTX A man had been murdered in that there are many ways .insuring hap- ,ua , r u i:v.ittQ county, .and bis widow said, 4 py fortune. In the highlands of uvu J' . ScotlamVthe malicious influences, of thought I should soon lose him, for warlock nd witches used to bekept 1 broke my wedding nnj the other atay by preventing any unlucky day jjana gny smer ,oo, th nnnnlfi on husband after breaking UOg piujaiiig uccvu - r for another bride by pouring a ket tleful of hot, water down tle steps as soon as the briaR-Aideffrooui cy bemg tatTCcrorx np another matcli will be made up, or "flow pn,n and that it will net be very long before another wedding couple passes over the same ground. In -Prussia the method adopted -of invoking "blessings mn a nery mar ried pair used to be the more ex pensive one of smashing crockery against the door of the house -in which they were domiciled. The breaking of a vweddicg .nng is an omen that -its wearer will soon be a widow. A correspondent of Notes and Queries found this fancy lost her her ring. "Oh, tho horror of - blackness ef the gulf that seemed to open beneath mY feet f No - tonauG kcau . nttrr depths. t , j , 4Tlie deep silence at last was brok en by that single, word. 'Dept." Deeper and deeper,! seemed to bo sinking ; around, above, beneath me, floated echoes of that sound Depart! w gentle touch upon my "lore-; head, and . I awoke lMy mothor .was bending iver me, and seemed J ike an angel ofj rescue .to her zander- ingxjhild.f i tit. k ; "With a cry of joy, JL.thrw my self into her arms, v, and. told my dream. It &ocnis but yesterday, so ever present iats memory aud aK ways will be. - , I tell it to you iriy children; hnping it may warnyou, not oput off un-. til it is too late, the preparation for the grca$ last day ras 'until then I had done' ' us patient's weaKness, out'on : now . " , . tnfV.nnoted in-TheBook ofJ)avs? oms sew carlic, oli hiu..h milerv a diftvient prescription giory anu.,uouor w.-uu. - , t , . j - - . . -7 . j .... i , . . - . , . i unprp, nro i ist T.niriviwo oavs ui cue mmauon oevouuy ,w i ----- -- --j r -, - . . end a consul unadvisable wouia nave xaveu. xi a . - . voar nnon which it is .... . . i .i y i-n wnnun" pt ns pnriipsiiv jiiiu SLeati- i j ' l . could beorougfit oeiore tne eyes oi i ' , fn fln?a, ;,ft iLnmpIv: ily work, that we may near me w, w...v , welcome "Well done thou good and seven in-ITanuary, thre-each in Feb faithful sennt." D. r. I. rY Marth. MaV end Dccembef; ' June 13th, 1871. two each in April, June, July, Au- .This to he the 2d Degree. aboyelhe g, September and j November ; general degoe now existing. . aQ(j one in Oc'.obef, the best month t This lobe tfiebd or confirmation De- ' mee- Pledge binding for life. . - - ?r cemmuunj; matiiiuuuj tual unlucky days beingthese : Jan- the profession tl;e'6 would be a stvength?3n this appeal w:hich no Ian ccuascO of mine can give. , A simple word to vhe inebriate: While Vgood men all over -the land are making such iiflbrts m his-behalf, will he not atr least unite in the ef fort? f'"Wljo wouldbeyfi-eoliimself" must str?kiCnerbIow' . We appeal to him by all hisbet ter nattr, by all bis love for Ida. home, his mother, his wife, -Vis child, hyJLhe manhood which he out- their road to church, and taking care the "bridegroom's shoo bore no latch et buckle. By using gray horses in the bridal carriage, the same good nnrnnse is effected. Swedish bride- i' i ... . vesanu rose- may in their wedding garments, to frustrate the evil deigns of the, rolls and sprites, and the .attendants fin MISSISSIPPI. uary 1st, 2d, 4th, 5th,7th, 10th, 15th. February 6th, 7th, 18th ; March, 1st, 6tb, 18th; April 6th, 11th; May 5th 16th, 7th ; June 7th, 1; rjuly 5th 19th ; August 15th, 19th:-; Septem ber 6th, 7th; October 6th r Novem ber 15th, 26th, and Deceiaber 15th, 1 6th, 17th. As to which s the best . -For the Friend. iThe Cider QtiestiGn. De-vr Fbiknd : I have read with . . . .i races by the all-giving lovo ofXlod close aUeation the articles upon tne IlijmeW, to shnke oil the fetters of ciler, question;. as published tfirdogn his degrading -vice and enrol him your volumes, 4ut,as yet-nave seen 0f tbe week, why self under our baRut. "Even asf nothing to It raw light upon the wUomlav lr wealthi 31osi--8 said of old, may we repeat subject suflaciently to, convince ny with all reverence," "Gome thon with mind that the natural expressed us and we will do thee good?' Ljuice of the aple is-proscribed by Tiieo. N. Umsay. .1 the pledge. The cider ice jnaeand call cider Monday for wealth ; Tuesday for health ; Wednesday the best day of all. Thursday for crosses Friday for losses ; Saturday no luck at all." Friday is generally considered an Forthe Friend.' . wftnr1a nf South Missis- unlucky aay in Jiugiana ; out ra U IIIH ..V i . w V I -.. . i A- .Tho Associate IeatnrcJ. sinpi is nct, gtricUy 6peakmgf cr uuu,J.ldsaca . . n J- .i ;iv,l-;a the hrst Friday m-the montnias feature of our Order . is:of u . m . , .. necnliarlv favorable., if ikrir viT- rifiTti Run .-hwrpz ciuer. ir--- yjlttj , T htA . " It is .a sure . sign 4" Such notions are far .-more vjprevaleut than one would suppose, and the schooNnias ter will Have, tcworjk hard and long before i1.hey are entirely eradicated in our land. Chambers'' Journal. The Old Man's Dream. On a bright afternoon in May two the lady carry bouquets of the Vme merry boys were at play on a lawn herbs in their-bauds, while the brid in front of an old homesteads Trees herseLf fills her pockets with bread, were hi blossom, lilacs blooraingj which she dispenses to any . pooi, and every tning ioossa ongnt ana wayfarerhe espies as she goes to beautiful. ; ' , fc V vvt5 V c ' church every piece she gets rid . oi On the long shady piazza sat an To .Wash Brushes -for ;tijk IlAiR,--IIairbrushes, however dirty may be washed audkept good for years, without -the loss of stiffness by. putting a small handful of eodn into a pint jug of Tolling water. When the soda is melted, pat in tho brash and ftir it about till clean. Rinse it in cold water, and dry in the sun or by the. fire. 'The quicker t dries the harder the bristles iwrill be. v -. - - - .i mas cmi a1t -tract irvirvrTnilr tlint". Wf 51T1 .. . . - rTf. mav bo keot for months and not wen anora to'aipnse wuu i, altogether, .whatever may be1 the, year8 o doubt- . .a":- -;f ' TKo iuice .of .tbaftppVii not tor the Tea Biscuit.- Boil three pota toes, mash them, and pour ou them averting a misfortune. The gift, old man with a bright-haired littfet one "pint (ft boiling milk, then put however is of no use to the receiv- girl beside bim. She was chatting through a cullender, and add. a piece . . ... . ...... ii ."1 .1' . i ..' w i ij ep, since, if he eats it, lie tnereoy merrily, nut tne oja manseemea tio ot Jbuttei size oi an egg ; wnen com, bringa the misfortune upop his own. be hearing voices far away, and did' stir lnflour to make a stiftv'Jbatterf head. Manxmen find ,a pockeKul of notheed her. . - . . an teacup of yeast when sjalteqnally efficacious. -r L-After a time the boys grewweary light, knead in flour to make a soft In China thev have curious cere- of their play, and looking wbtfuly dough, when itbis has risen Tnoulfi monv bfiliaved. to be n never-failing towards the house, proposed that into biscuits,' and bake when Ijgbt means of making a marriage tarn they should coax p randtather to tell out well for . the Jady.. , When ,Bhe them a story. 1 hey,went togetner has taken'her place inthe sedan in and called the old maa back from his which she is to be carried v,to fe?r?fu- daywotk. turehome,-her father and .-rndther;; -"Tell us a story, please,"" the.y or other near relatives, 'hold .a -bed pleaded. - u quilt np by its tbr corners in front "Z am afraid I-. cannot"- the old of the bridal chair, rlnto this one of man answered, "but I can teli jrou a t.hP bride's female cronies tosses, ureaiu inau i uuu iwug v tVp. T "ThatAvilJ answer lust as well j r ' in a moderate oven. 5 , - J - the'caTpenter ior mat ing Mfligbts -of stairs in the bam, where needed, -than a doctor for nendicg boces br4ken.Jby nsing lad ders. Things tn daify se should be exactly adapted to the need. To remove. ink spots, put the ar ticle stained over a warm -flatriron, gift of the bridegroom's family,) We like dreamssaid th boys, as I stretch 4t well, then squegse Tow ' TTia cv-nrP5H4id I o g . i i -a. : . i. . r.aoAA ,..t U Thrt 1U1G8 OI .uie.nup-v.ia nv ill n . w i ?m Ai.rii .1 ..iii.l . u. i-M u w I actual Jeast loraeterrai-esndinortaem nisn up in air ; wnue "r .W.V' tZ . "t" piopwicuiuuju.w vu (MUv. uv ....... n I . i .1 . J" 'Ci T- nrnn niut anoli on oftomnnn wiio will be one oi pnnci-1 jhe lady mo3t concernea in me mat-i r "".J"0", , " rr ",jBrH,,' wi um'" " l",v'' Dal actors in it. , i tr rneats without " ceasmcr . senten- wis, n?y emmreu, iuW .u f j HayneUWteiy inoitt wateF. : . , I bad been walking all dayi "Vn t-m - In-ltva VtnAlA nVvofoin frMTI I . 1 f . . W I JlfWQ ...-v- --, I . .13 ii . 4 . . j. vuili wuico ouwum ouswuu oosmvnuinff nanniness uuun uci tscwi i a I A . . -J n n nnOinQH TV III TI f 1 1. I w wvtJ.U w I f - - . h - " . ladies we must have with us m the or , uu uu,. . anv one. whose surname n aa t.ft .which the .comnanv feelmgrvery weary, .tnrew my- - II .l. l.n ..t.i. ctgnilinrr tnr. - " . aiiu pwuuuu .v . I - . . " Council. Howovcr, I.yet favor a V"".""- ' bemns.with thesamedetter as their i riBnnnd with the .Chi- .t r,. Ka .' tv-eicht hours will, be unnxten to - aCD. .... r I i a. . Til 1 dr fourteen Years of aKe. Young m,lA .-r h"To cbance the name and not the-letter. boys cannot comprehend the neces- mate nrst-rate vinegar, k, i3 a change for the worse and not ior tne r ! y P- ,C:t lhjriZ and thouM do we., to take tice that common aecency exacts m r 0 - . , n lt-n a, niaft5nyVbeir intials ion it cannot. r. r 0 - - t i. nn man . hn in coniunction with those ot any , : -t: -'r-u admirer thev incline to favor, and but in Sweden the damsel, ambitious I ft -ri i . tiTTTL - a. k ..11 I r..l.rr Vinf Irtrrl QS iVA I i fllS noUSe ance organisations in . this . country as, UKe iuaivono, v o - u ' " .w non -'O - " I . ... i . i J 9 I n)i,.tn hor nrien hv mrp.l V COn- .i.. . .i-c j .i mar. n nuaner.icjai uosiLion uurtenu i imu oi. .towards anythhrg wr tnirty years pu ..u u.ej u,- -----r 7- t onv r5 tn Rfifi hira on the bridal - . - i Tr ii cii i mm mil i iiiiiiiAin. a r 1, i i w 1 11 m v v- nn tr tha ahnvfl nn n nns ' v - " ' - I o ci caul n wuv r- -i .1- . ir t " " " -----j " J I "T . ... . Know w'hat a good day work it, self on a tat ch to-rest, ;in a rusUc a get it , uuiuu uu a body or assembly of 'grown up. men, and consequently the busiuess becomes dzll and irksome and;they are apt to be 'influenced to an im proper ' degree When the calculated to pfdduce mirth or mer nese equivalent for "amen: The Cornish well of gt. ,iieyne possesses. r ? "The Quality that man . Whose chance-Ot choice attains. First of tbe sacred stream to drink, . Thereby the mastery gains; arbor near the house. , ...... . ; i -' TTnrnir?rnol'W T as the true temperance dbctrine.- . i i . .i i : M3ctu e season opens in the autumn, -" , t what;vprit mav be, be certain the owners of them wtlhnev ijuu tuirir tlir will ll.nrnr in the field PCUVe DlCIDDers OOH .iw i,.moa n,- ,-rrtilinn in ' . th young and restless spirit rising m mouths, of our people men rwhom rebellion -against .an order in which the citizens of North Carolina.have! long delicrhtcd to ihouor.. Ministers of .the rgospel -are recognizing the great truth 'that christiamty has no such valuable assistant as the -temperance society, and they are work- they are- treated as .mere - .ciphers. Let those little fellows have an or- ganization of their own, electing their own officers and they will take a livelier interest init than their fathers do in the higher orders- I would further recommend that completely discovered. Yours in.F,, T. and,C, A Friend.' - Aurora, Miss.,' June. 13th, 1S71. er be happy together. It is an unhappy omen An unreasonable -. employer makes . Tf .1 J-' Blent xn6H discantentea uaoorers. i vney uu dreamed. 1 seemed to bear voices, wetl, tell them so ; ii cot, reprove at,a little distance, and looking out, mildly btit firmfy -.-;,- saw throngs" of people who were Prof. Fen wick of McGill Univer pressing forward . to a beautiful city sUyiCanada) reports an excisipn of in the distance. the entire tongue.of a patient, wbpT Palaces white and glistening I after recovery, was still able -to could see, surrounded by gardens of speak quite iptelligibly. rarest flowers: Silvery music float- &r-v Tim Pass. Tell voar her-, or, Ud through-the air .and beautiful I - readers to mend the tin ans failing in this, she has yet another forms robed -4n dazzling white, wkh patty. t i3 T0ry -ecsiry done, chance at the last moment, by put- passea to ana iro. iuuir ue'1U8 anu"much better than to throw them for a wed- 2 her right foot before that of the gleamed with a brilliant coronal away Put irQn the ouUide; let ...i r m l i onn t rtair n pn i. m l r w i. h iiiin in i. . . . i Ai z it dinrr to be rut off when the day has man when tney appruacu - ---------0-- lt .lnorocgnjy ary , ana tney . A ZCa I SveLl .H he ,.ate.y revived custom of prabo, and burden of rcto. luu believed mnch harra will ensoc if . s tbrowrog stones afar a newiy-wea- . . o nnnn a fhr nr.k. is a verv oiu the junction oi j "V,;" ' . . bridegroom stands a "Wedding-Day .Superstitions. . Jix tBia Oajs,-jrune was held in the result i .i t-v no nnil tVt ne anil tVPl TS Hill l L 1 i uo iinu iwi '- - . 1,, , 1 . .i i -.,....: lili4a?aiic-K-ana!li , & i 'i - . hiiiher and more-impressive degrees the most propitious month' i Tru y the out look is encouraging: y, ,V, , 1 . ,,,,..i-ii.'.nthk,V, established .-by the Supreme ,-oun- twclve for marTige,a,bappy Lean out your soul and liBtea !" , cil. That tTie "Ritual for :t'..e same be-mg rendered doubly -eeitain if the But do not imagine for one mo- be prepared with a special view to ceremony was timed so to take ment from what I have said that the rendering it solemu and deeply in plaCe'at thefall moon, or;when tlv enemy is lifting his head a whit the pressive. And that in those higher san arid moon were in -conjunction, less defiantly, or that the necessity degrees' tho initiate; pledges himself, May 18 in Ihese'latter days.a favor for vigorous, united effort is aiiyMhe' 1st, to a total abstinence from the le marrying month, - so that one's 'Jess urging. JEvery year Efleeat'fcan- use ot thatipernieious weed, tobac- jnatritnonial superstition -has gone di ed inebriates in North Carolina lie co,and to avoid tbat- too common tnQ way airstfcbfancies are doomed, down in drunkards, graves and go (evilr public profanity. This' pledge fi00ner or later, to go-; for May used to meet their last account with to be taken in the "same manner and to be as much avoided "by peisons brains on fire from the accursed under the same construction as the about to marry as June was favored, , drink. More than one hundred pledge' now in our Rituals, f. 2nd, that merry -month being supposed thousand families -are cacli year left To a life-long confirmatio'n in, and to be specially under the influence among us 'homeless -and 'penniless, dedication of hi3 best - energies to of malignant spirits delighting in by tne agency of the arcli-fiend-rlD- the. principles inyolvcd - in - the 'two domestic discord. ?The girls are all temperance. Where there arc five prior pledges. stark naught that wed in iilay," is thousand ; Friends of , Jara per&ftea 'Tlien by modifying the pladgei' of the verdict of one old saw ; another there should be fifty ' thousaud-an 1 1, and II.' degrees so as to, denote I declares I hundred thousand. (Until not one a probation, we then thoroughly tin-rura-sliop in Nortlv'Caroliaa poisons derstand the nature of each pledge, with its putrid breath thepure,. air. As the pledge or obligation stands of heaven r til Uie snwke ha is 'Teligionsiy, logical- . cd to rise from one Utillery inh,o, fp'WFra State) our efforts' must net, and, by though -to be-sure W have no more Gods help, shall not relats. Even jurisdiction over an expelled or J knoit a 1-aail nrato I One. truss miius, vi uciiiuc wuovu fc, ' 1 , . . , , i i M.Jlw mnrn Jtii abad thrown after the bride and bride sL if tfa bride-fails to shed tears groom as they leave their respect- ,. Kn.irTTnv: or if Rhfl inrlnlfYP. ve abodes ; ,Jfcthe -ceremony herself by , taking a last admixing ganUy performed elsewhere up rus was "AUelnjiah to the Lamb. r tave tnem have used for "What does it mean ?" I asked. . twenty-years. iS'xcAanze. In the Isle of Man the shoe is "Ob, sir,' said a littlegirl wno wa " passing, opening wide ner bine eyes "ine toaq is a great uwrvjei v in wonder, do you not know ? insects, and has been found very fZnT .Mmnrr. That citv .is: useful in carden8 lor extermmating ---"-"'D - O -J I " IS. t-t- iL ir. . rr: ,f v-..- i Via otr?ro1 Vinof unnaah buor. ' flea ms nomti llts J3 M-iuyz vt ncareu, v v. - j tp - and earth. Those beautiful white- beetle, &c. It devours tee potato glance at fce looking glass fitter Her o" "CF"' " ' , m Kn trW aviditir and suffers 1i H mnleted : tat she leaves heroine of tho day for the honey- robed , forms, are they who have bog with W - r ' . .f T7- 1 1L....I. nn I fl O 1 TI fDn V fI 1 1 ( J 1 1 1 Ul I1UU1 J one hand -unglovel until .beyond n,oon tnp. In some par come up ..- " "w " ,emnt,linn. Unmeet rDr:est.doff. the shoe throwing does .not take ing ; they will now receive the,r re. thu poisonous msect. . . "'1 . .. f.' kl Unmrn n I . I A i -11 1 cat, lizard or-serpent on the way to place, until alter i-uej - ,. . , lavy urocett usea u, xni nu church-to .look back, or to mount when the single ladies range them- "I was aiqne-the jasper agates he wajJ pECe treed a hcri of pRe many stvpsbetoie gaining the church selves in one line,-ana tne nacneiors unciosea-w iiuai, uu. aa rie wot-eS, and howbetnd nflnseil door, are alike ominous of future range themselves in another. in, and .floating back to me, came in ef UQ welcomo company I x.i - ir v n n i ifi hi.iik -nLut J vv ia . . w r v v w . . iienv ra v ' n 1 1 tiit nuiuiii liuu auvi unnappmessi aca accoruing 10 . , Buw on; .-, north country notions, it -courting the throwing strength permits tmd kingdom of heaven. ?" threw away my gun and knife among . . -- i . . zm. . i, n.invn i ui snni onrhior Tir trnri j irn w. i . IK ii T misfortune to raarpv dn crcen, or the-ladies race aiier it, iu. : v oww- them, tat it was o use. x maiij, x - . . . i t v - i i n i:tu v.;i .i ' while there is anen grave in . the being rewarded f 4"hjit. Rhe wui.oe uiarnw uwvho ""j TTvw.-to to - - 1 mmifi. ana Deinn to hi rilllw 11 1 - . - - m '.' acomer.- iiie uiuci . ---- I : , . . - . ww.w - -: . : . church yard, or to go in at one door and out at the effect of sins "Old Eca- within the uarrow limits of this ad",withdra'n finally" memberof our weather, too, has a good or "bad in- hoe at the genUemen, le one sue npoaum verse, every oIlputTiistore paw to Lncoupon sffirs happy is the hits laying the -same pleasing unc me! 15at I too was caUed into bia re aod gallopped offi- ' -, brWe thattheranshinesand,of tion to his .heart. -Something like the penonhe great gl, . p. u . . - J. . uirfi-a nrarticedi too. in orksh re "Tremblmg I approached. Here, ,,.Dka r iKirTHi: Bottlb. Preai- courseVIthe converse is equally true. lh jirJ h. tb dent Thiers cf France has issued , fFrom the marriages in may, All the bairns die and decay!" A third pronounces, M Who marries between the sickle arid scythe will I door,and the breaking of neyeiJww't-ifa a. poet com Ibun oVerwho head of the plimentang'theienth t-the expense fore hertoot-crcasea ;tne ;threshold, of what shculd be the ruling passion it "is thought a ve bad oniec if,th in marruige inded folks, sings bun he by any misUke broken over wnere tne ocowsu BB.iuu.- Hrr , --.i.a nnV aUrmrr Saviour, fcircularooxne soioaera -w uiy uW lowed of the newly wedded couple to be the naeTor.-uienuu, Ti t " i t ; , army informing them. that, tne lnv, hpJntr wplcmned home bv the bos- was being eonuucwu.w;uu f --rrv-.:-r - - o- ,, , rnrmiita nave poisouuu .. j- -- . - -. - . . - 1.1 band's mother rjaeeting under some iv tnnn dn- she being held destined tbbe 's-Tihe glorious home ot tne ngnteous, iW married and settled. iuorae but the thought of dwelling forever - . . . . i . i. t .lirVnoss.' was afonv be- places the thresboia as ,Kej)t -warm m vuW - r , - Arviilar hrand. JJoea ar Bir6 J? rencu 4uv - member there is death ,iu lhe bottle.-., : ' ''