friend 4 temperance. PUBLISHED BY . y i. AVHITAKER, RALEIG-HV N- C - cdfrieiul of emperaitf. 3 wmm CUES TSr mm" - ' w-Jt-W ....... ... . . . A limited number of Advertisements will be inserted In this paper at the ! ' FOLLOWING RATES: TERMS: ,', cory-one year... ....... n " six months. ....... ., k" " : three mouths. .. . .-. . ,....$2 00 .... 1 25 1 I 9 HI i it i z mm m M l m-.m GU 1' 1 II I It I I sVaCK. jl MofiMa. 8Als. 6M. 1 Y'r. 1 Square: i 25U 75 1 5 25 8 00 12 00 2 Squares, 4 00 6 25 8 GO 1300 20 00 8 " t 5 50 8 00 11 60 16 60 25 00 . 4 7 00 1000 13 00 10 50 150 00 i iVln'it 10 00 14 00 17 00 25 86 8GO0 - I Column, 16 50 21 00 24 50 50 00 70 00 1 Colu'n, 24 00 24 50 86 00 57 00 100 00 ' SU MW'U0 mcrmicc, ikntm and the Jjfrif5. ' 1 CLUBS: rial's of Ten or r"ore names will he received VOL. V. RLEICH, 1ST. C, AVEDISTESr) Y, O CT. 11, 1871. NO. 25. at...... , $1.75 each. Poctnj. STEAK GENTLY. sl'cak gnt!y ! it is'bettcr far, To ru'e by love than fear 'Spf-ak gently let not tush word mar The "'o l we might do liere ! gyaic gently ! Love doth whisper low TUs - vows that true hearts bind ! - Aiiil gT.tiy Friendship's accents flow ; Affection's voice is kind. Spoak ;e:itly 'to the little child Its love be sure to gain ; Tf-atli jl, in accents soft and mild, It may not long remain. r Spoak gently to the young, for they Will have fiiougn to Dear I'nss through this lifo as best they may, -V 'Tis full af anxious care ! Speak gently to thejiged one, Grieve not the care-worn heart ; The sands of life are ne irly run, . Lot such in peace depart ! -'. Ppealc gently, kindly, to the-poor; Lot no harsh tone be heard ; They have enough, they must endure, "Without i.n unkind word ! Speak gently 'to the errin know, - They may hare toiled in vain; lVrchaneo, unkindness made them so ; oh win them back airain! Speak gently ! lie who gave J lis lifo To bend man's stubborn will, -Wljcn elements, were in fierce strife, 1 Said to them, "Peace, be still." " N o ! exclaimed the girl, indignant- that was more dreadful than anger. I ly, you are not; fit to die." -don't want to suffer, I ccni't suffer this : ," S'here P cried the man, turning way any longer ; I'm tired of it ; I'm round savagely, "IH 111 have respect dying! Tin dying!" She walked hurrU I d'mand'n 'pology. " IH not be cdly back and forth, sobbing, yet tear browbeaten by my own child d'ye wringing her hands with convul hear?" and he came, haltingly,, up to sive emotions where she stood. " I'll put an end to ' ; Florence, my darling ; Floi-ence! this" he stopped suddenly .whether yoti frightaTne,'' exclaimed her moth it was that steady, scornful glance, or er rising all in a tremor. " This is sad- flm nnik brfn.tbfid dfifiant motion she der to bear than all the rest. made, cannot be told, but he shrank back under the look she gave him like a whipped hound retreated to the door, passed out and slouched into the " Mother, mother, it " . . . hard and wicked !" moaned mother's don't cry ; I sinking at her sit dowu- makes me so the girl, there, won't worry street to find some place where h'eTyou ; I do want to be brave and bear could satisfy liis depraved appetite on ail this misery as you do ! I want to be i trust. good, and strong, and hopeful---only I will show you a picturewhite Flor- that blow ! mother," she cried, catch- ence. sinking into a seat.. Gives wav to mff at the woman s faded dress, ner the bitterest emotions : a incture in voice growing hoarser, which, is framed a lovely Italian home. The father of the household is hon ored as a represetative from the land of freedom, and is the American Minis ter. He sitS with wife and child, the " therell be murder here, some dav. I know there y f will; "Florence!" " Don't look so at me, mother ; there, the evil smrit is Gone : I'll try to be A, ' latter an embodiment of grace and better, but I m so shamed, so cowed, it beauty, in the room of a palace. you know what I mean. I used to re- On every side are masterpieces of spect myself, and think I should' .grow ths world's great painters ; the draw- up cultured and beautiful, and enjoy ing-room is a depository of art. Not the society of those I loved, and who a table, not a foot-stool but bears the loved me and now look at me," she fruits of laborious study iii every de- said, through her clenched teeth. ! tail, and the pains-taking touch of the - "My dear, unhappy little Florence! hand of genius. I cried the : mother, " you shock me, Far and wide from the statelv win- though every word is so true and dows can be seen the ; golden-tinted yet, we must endure till the end." fruits of that wonderful clime : hills "Yes, I know, and when will the end come ? and what will it be ?" TI eak gently 'tis a iitttle thing Dropped in the heart's deep well ; ie koou, me joy wnicn n may unuy. Eternity shall tell.-; She threw the tangled, golden hair from her wet cheeks with a gesture o utter despair, as she wailed pitifully, " I am almost sixteen, and I haven't a decent gown to put on. Every honest face I meet seems to censure " It is not my Florence . who says that, not my gentle, tractable little girl." " . " But, mamma, I am neither tracta ble nor gentle at least, . since " she paused a moment, caught her breath since last Saturday." ? And why since then " " I will tell you, mamma ; let me lay my head upon your shoulder ; I don't want to look in your eyes while I am telling it- You know I went out last Saturday for a walk. In reality I in tended to find papa. I felt so strong arid brave ! It seemed to me, then, that in some wav I could save him, and m'ake him noble, honored and prosper ous again. x At last I traced him to a shop. He was just coming out, and seeing me made him angry. Oh mamma! you know how he was last Saturday, and as I went toward him, he said a terri ble word to me. A carriage stood at the door, and the black driver laugh ed, laughed at him andine. Oh moth er. that'made me furious : it turned every drop of my blood to fire. I nev er . thought what I was doing ; I just rushed into that horrible place, and I in Italy, and papa looked young and handsome again ; but now there's his step.! oh, mamma, don't let him see you ; don't let him be cruel to you again or I can't answer for the consequcn- She sprang from the bed, and hurry ing down stairs, let her father in. He staggered, as usual, to a seat, and in the dim light, Florence thought he look ed unearthly pale. " I'll get you something to eat, father, of what there is in the house," she said, apathetically. I "No; you needn't trouble yourself. Florry, I shall never eat anything, agam. me ; I Driven to the in lhc UK SI where dreamy outlines melt into clouds of amber and crimson ; fields of olive and almond tree3 ; . the very air that steals in seems loaded with aromatic fragrance. One after another, callers come ; men high in station, officers of the realm ; women distinguished for beauty and have neither friends nor companions; culture, and all- are received with that I am a drunkard's miserable child i, gracious mingling of ease and dignity, What is to become of me? When I was for which the original of that nun-am- a little thing, I remember we lived m ed picture was once famous in all his splendor. Oh, yes ;I have only to shut diplomatic relations. ' my eyes, and I see that fairy city ;the "What a beautiful woirianV your lit- home where you and I and papa were tie Florence will make !" said a , high- honored and happy. I see our beauti- 1 1 i:. .1.,-. ii, V,.i ..1 . ii,. TOT,44- t r'1(, s,)oacer way a Slirht oirl, 110t U01U UlllUt5 UUU UU,J' US Lllt3 AVV 1LU lUUili tllG lUYCiJ W1UW XUllllty un fifteen years old. Her face, v4000" v . - . - . J ... . Uh and sweet in its general expres- " Yes if is not sPolled' rePlied How can PaPa ever have become what i i e- i ,r,; the gentle mother, who saw already the J he is now t 1 hen, ladies miich dresses hi, wore a look ot intense passion. b ' , 1 , , ' The man, her father, tiu-ned round ulumPns OI lue mture' iook m8 uFn t ana ,i t 1. ...i - i.i : i. Arr7 thnt. ma nnhi ten shnvt. war me : would they kiss me now. Iwon- 'mil Till fJT-( 11 11 V I I 1 f T f 1 III-" II" 1.1 1 .IllrSIj I ' vva. v ' ' v w - - w I " "Why?" the cup she had lifted fell from her hand. j " I shan't need it, child, any longer. You'll be rid of the poor old drunkard before this night's gone." " What is it father ?" A cold tremor seized her heart ; she began to tremble from head to foot. What unearthly presence haunted that humble room ? " Your dreadful words broke my heart, Florry,! they were sounding in my brain all day. The thought that I had made went straight up to the bar. There my child not only despise, but hate me, -vvas a blur before my eyes, but I saw maddened me. I couldn t stand it ; that somebody stood there. drink wouldn t drown it ; so as 1 was . ' Why do you sell my father rum ?' coming home I said to myself, I've dis I asked, half wild with my agony. graced them too long ; something dread- You are a wicked man, and I hope ful will come of it ; I might as well put God will punish you. My poor father an end to it, first as last." . is only one of your victims. You send ." Oh, father !" ' 1 men from here Ho be cruel to tHeir Her face was as Dallid as his. She wives and little ones, and to shame half crouched as she drew nearer, fright- their children who are grown up ; you ened, yet eager, every nerve creeping. send them to prison, you. send them to her whole being under the influence of the gallows. I wonder you ever dare some deadly, horrible charm. o go to sleep. I should think your "So J. stepped into Ellis s, contmu- rictims Avould haunt you ; I would.' ed the man brokenly, and trod forgive It was very rough, wasn't it, mam- me, I asked for poison to kill rats, mo " snblwl FlrrfiTip.n. hnt T was al- and after a little he gave it to me r-and most cra2y, and never-stopped to es for ten long years. Mr. Belden, I that the organization was started in knew you when you were a and the United States only fifty years ago though I was only a stripling of four- by five men, without ihoney, and now teen, jl thought you came nearer to the numbers nearly 400,000 with a charita-God-hood in man than any other per- bli record of $17,000,000, its success is son I had ever seen. I determined something more than remarkable. then to take you i for 'niy niodeL" One of tho last acts of tho late Chicago The sick man groaned. session was to aj)propriate $3,000 to "Doctor," he gasped, "you torture John G. Morse, as a testimony to his me. j Never did the abyss into which I, exlrtions in successfully establishing had fallen look so terrible to me. On- thd Order in. Germany. Wash. Patri- ly save this shattered life, aud I prom- ot. ise you, solemnly, that I will never nnriiiTi fnnrdi tlin.t. linniil flint ' liaa ssn I T? t-r tot vvt nv TjTPFL AYhCll the transformed my nature. These words summer of our youth is slowly wasting I call God and the angels to witness." into the nightfall of age, and the shad For one dreary hour mother and ows of the past grow deeper, as if life daughter sat together, hand in hand, were on its close, it is pleasant to look, weeping silently, hoping against hope, back through the vista of time upon every moment expecting to be called sorrows and felicities of years. If we to witness the dying agony. have a home to shelter us, and friends At last there was a rap at the door ; I hate been gathered by our firesides, the doctor entered. the rough places will havo been "I think I have saved him," he said, worn and smoothed away in tho twi- quietly. " He may be very ill for days, light of life, while the sunny spots we and requires the utmost tenderness of hate passed through will grow-brighter treatment. Yes, I think he is saved," and more beautiful. Happy, indeed he added, as Florence caught his hand, are those whose intercourse with the and tears and kisses rained upon it work! has not changed the tone of "soul and body." their holier feeling, or broken those Never can I describe the rest that musical chords of the heart, whose vi- entered into those two lives as they brations are so melodious, so toucmng hovered about tho sick bed of the hus band and father. Nor was their care in vain. Beauty, as of old, came back to the pallid face ; gentleness, as of yore accents. The good to the evening of age. JUST FOR FUN. That was a cool culprit, who, when mingled with his Arntrv mnrla rloiltr xricnfa nnrl Ilia rftfifn t asked whv sentence of death should VJLVV UVA XllCVVAV TiUAWiJ UIV1VMV I ' y him, answereil Hi' MUS. 'M. A. DENISON. ;' Fiitht r, if ever you do that to my tlior again, I'll Jdllyou." (,1 ago t Cast off by frienda and family, neg- tl m (1 H'lifd, and surveyed ner tnrougn nan- osed eyes. His maudlin manner, the liiiilanuiVnou rf liiu miclinvATl phin lected by every dependent, save th half-dead movement which he wile, whose love was an tnat snieided ulc towards it with his unoccupied him from utter ruin of body and soul ind, indicated that he was that thing this, was tne man and tno mure lor which the delicate mother and beauti- derf with a reckless laugh. 10 spisod by man and condemned by (rod, a habitual drunkard. " Kh, Florry ! what's that ? my own little one kill me ! kill your poor, vm- ful child were not prepared ; a mean, squalid house in the suburbs of a great No, for I am sick of myself. And this day I saw his wicked hand raised and it struck you, right there, on the cheek. No wonder it grows red. Do you know what I did ?" She sprang to her feet, with a defi ant motion, her eyes and cheeks aflame. " I told him if ever he dared to strike city, shunned,, despised, deserted, the my mother again, I would kill him. fortunate father ? Beat if I know what beauty of the woman marred by long " My child ! my Florence ! would you to make such a speech 'Read your suffering ; that of the girl injured by turn his dreadful, unreasoning anger r ...... X commandments, girl." : "I tell you," his daughter exclaimed, in tones even more intense, and pas sionate, " if ever I see vou lif-t your hand U mother again rUI'U do been their glory, made imnsen tneir Mant thing terrible. God don't ask me shame. . . to honor any man who 'will treat his Great God ! is there no help for Thy a ifc lie a "brute ; my xoor, delicate suffering children ? Are women to die, laother!" . ' and innocent babes to starve ? Are " S' como to Ihis, then, that I've got murders, debaucheries, deaths by tor- coula not come Mar enough to hurt cliild that hates me?" ture, and the ruin 6f souls to pass im- me The poor wretch drew his sleeve heeded ? Shall men forever sit at tneir The woman held her child closer to wross liis eyes, and iped away a few bountiful boards, and read, totally un- -er bosom. real tears, but they were drunken tears moved, how such a wretch was sent '."Wliat changed him so. mamma ? Mid nieunt as' little as the sjeech. poor living' and insufficient clothing, and "both often sorrowful witnesses to the brutal sport of the low neighbor hood wdien'tho man who should have upon you?" ' " He dare not touch me," cried Flor ence, and men, a wild, waning mono tone in her voice, she sobbed, " oh papa ! papa ! why will you ' make me wicked ? No, mother," she continued, more calmly, " he won't touch me. He tried to ; he rushed toward me like a fiend, but I only looked at him, and he "Your father aint what he once was :" he continued, sobbing as he kaned more heavily against the bare Selves of the closet. -No ! there is . what he once was," toul the girl, her Hps trembhng with Rricf and excitement, her finger un- unprepared into eternity that rum jjia always love drink ?" whispered was the cause ; how a poor defenceless e child was beaten to death rum the No, dear, not always. In that beau- cause ; how this and that crrnie, sick- tiful Italian city of which you spoke ening in detail, fills the city with shud- just n0Wj he made tli6 acquaintance o dermg horror, and rum was tne cause r a man notorious for his pei-sonal splen Must we abandon all hope of a good do tis secret yices. In some way thought of he gained the heart of your poor father. ruined him, pecuniarily, and not con tent with that, led him on till drink became his master. Then followed loss of position a proud man's misery and despair. My poor husband ! sometimes I think it over, how gentle and unsus picious of avil he wiis, with unspotted J character : how wicked and beautiful hailed him as an angel. Was it for the sake of dark-eyed Florence that luxu ries found their way to the once miser able tenement? One day the doctor asked Florence to ride with him. His beautiful car riage stood at the door. And then he leaned over and smiled, and told me what beautiful eyes I had, and how tears became me, and said he had heard of PhiL Belden s pretty daughter, and wouldn't I have a glass of nice wine, and go into his parlor adies often did and oh, mother ! I 'i can't tell you half his insolence. I know I ' went faint, and somebody caught me, and then I heard harsh has taken poison ; he is dying ; he is words. When I came to, a tall, hand- dead ! It was all some gentleman was bending over me, done it! I shall have it to answer lor. holding a odass of water to mvlins. and It was what I said this morning tnose 1 o o tl i. ' not be passed upon that he thought they had had enough of his 'hanging around that, locality already. An article entitled the 'Confessions of a murderer,' concludes as follows: ' Little confidence is placed in the state- " Doctor, I have nothing nice to inent of this prisoner, who writes poetry . wear," she aid;' franklr,"--her cheeks arid shows other signs of weakness.' I kept it till just outside the door here growing rosy-red. "It don't someway, A Hubalist at Newport, seeing a and then" his head and hands fell majVe me; ashamed to sav so to you. i j. 1 1 ; ai.i,w1 liHiy lUlYJXig, 1U1U UCl jJiUUUi njuiiuiuvu but I am not fit to go out riding in my arms benina thought ' that nigger old clothes." must pay that nice looking girl a pilo ; "Mrs. Belden, will you tell her she tb drive his carriage for him.' must, art iYIprka rjiicI thfi doctor. tui-ning to her mother. An a 5 . young man who chalcd him about nis Put, nti mv Rkawl. rlpnv " shfi .aid. UMU ut5UU 1U uww,.nwuB ' . ; , ,. wlifiii mv head frets as soft as yours I "and yoiu-ven you nad better go ; tne i n doctor is very kind.' Tt was dnrinnr thatridethat Florence An Irishman, fresh from Emerald heard the whole story. Isle, upon seeing a horse running away, It seems that when her father went exclaimed, Oh, he isn't running very forward, helplessly, "I swallowed it." A terrible cry covered his voice, a shriek that rang through the house. Mrs. Belden flew down, white as ash es, to see Florence tearing her .hair, and using all manner of grief-stricken ejaculations. . ' " Mother !- mother !" she gasped, " he through me I have then he led me to the door. Oh, he' wicked, wicked words' Uh let me die, into the apothecaries shop for poison, fast j I ve seen a hOrso run so last you pitied me ; he pitied me ; and his pity too ; kill me, I am not fit to, live ;" and the 'doctor, himself, was behind the couldn't see him.' . " seemed to sting me. Idon t know so she ravd tnl some oi tne neiguDois screen, mixing some powders that re- How did you learn that graceful at- what I said, only that once my father came, and a doctor was sent for. quired more than ordinary care. He titude ?' said a gentleman to a fellow was a gentleman ; and no matter for The man laid on the wretched lounge, wio, making a secret sign to leaning in a maudlin fashion against a help, I could help myself. The carriage pale and suffering, his wan brow thick the pharmaceutist, put up a powerful post j 'I have been practicing at a was his, mother, and the bar-keeper witn tne coid aews oi agouy. xaib puise jnig that was yet not destructive to glass,' was the reply. caUed him doctor and ever since grew more . and more leeoie, ana nis then," sobbed the girl, "I have - felt gaze was fixed upon his. wHe. wicked and wretched, and humilated "I see it all, he gasped. that's all." "My poor, poor darling!" murmur- it shonld be so dinerent I lou were ai ed her mother, tearfully, " whatan be ways too kind to me." done ? Something must be done. I The patient, long-suffering woman cannot consent to see yotf sacrificed.", only kissed him, drew his head closer "I have thought so long ; I have-to her bosom, and laid her cheek on dreamed so many things !" sobbed his. It seemed to her that this last Florence. "If only we might disguise wow sne couia not oear. " I am go ing, God knows where ; if I could live hie, and then in that hour s conlerence jutyr Can von wash and iron ?' with the sick man, he had deepened Domestic Oh yes, ' m ; but your the lessen so harshly, given. place wouldn't suit me unless you "And now, my dear little Florence, kkea Gff wearing- them long Hol- you know what you promised me if I iand dresses of a mornin saved his hfe. I don't want a slave, ourselves and fly from- this life" "And leave him?" "Always him!" cried Florence, bit terly ; "don't speak,mamma I know I am wrong ; I can't bear it so . well, miserable Florence crouched, utterly woe-be- gone, in a corner. Life had lost all charms for her ; how could she live on . . i '' if her father died ? The doctor came. One quick, frigh tened glance, and the girl recognized but I do want a wife. I think I must have fallen in love with you, that day in the dram-shop, when you so bravely bearded the Hon in his den. At all events. I have thought of you ever V ; since." - Guess out tho sequel, dear reader ; von can do so better than I can tell j youl This much I may say, that look ing at Mr. Belden to-day, no one would imagine that ho had been that helpless, time to come when sober rulers shall sfcadv as sIvr tn n. nnnerblv guard a sober people? rented picture that huhg frameless Florence raised her white, wet face, an':unst the dingy wall. " That is as I glanced once about the desolate room, -'uij.ciubor him, years ago, when I wpr- and hurried up stairs. Her mother uKd him. Then the sound of his had caught at some sewing, and was frwidvas music to my eara Then, sitting near the window, trembling h-n strangers asked, " who is that from head to foot at the fine-looking man ?" my heart swelled meeting with her child. with pride as I said, 'my father !' feel- " Don't sew, mother ; put down your was his tempter, and it makes me more Ulo that you were like a king among I needle, it makes me half crazy to see patient." you work so," cried Florence, standing But will being patient do any good ? Her hands drrmnpd the sparkle fa- dfh hpr back against the shut door. Did he not lift his hand to his patient 1 'X' i O a'd from her eyes ; a curious quiver "Dear cliild, what else can we do " wife, and hurry away, ashamed, from Passed over hp and brow, and then There was that weariness in the, voice his impatient daughter ?" came an expression of weariness as she and dejection in the attitude that makes "My darling! he will, never strike Allied awav. Rflvinn- in a vninfi ntfprlv fho linrf. nclip both to hear andto wit- vou hut don't say any more such dfcVCnil tiCS T I - ' ' 1 J- JA,1 vt, n li'm " neSS. 1 UJL eauiiu ll ua vj imu. " Do ! " the girl raised her clenched "Do you love him, mother hand, then let it fall " WTe11 run away," she added with a short sharp laugh. " Where should we go ?" "There is a river, very swift and perhaps because of that memory as I that thoughtful, noble face. She sprang 1 thing, a ifrunkard. Would grow older I may grow patient ." to her feet ; she clung to lum witn all that every such an one could be saved All day those pitiful words , haunted phe strength ol despair. by bcing "driven to the wall the di-unkard s wrfe " I may grow p-L " Save him ! save him !" she cried ; tient." She knew,.too well, that for the I will be a slave to vou all mv Hfe. if i THE ODD FELLOWS. .... -. v ' impetuous, sensitive girl, it was well you only save my poor father." nigh impossible to bear with compo- "I will do my best ; leave me alone sure, any ill that threatened tho future with him," was his only reply. with torture too dreadful to be endur ed. A St. Louis lawyer attempted to try a cause the other day while he was half drunk, but the Judge stopped him saying, ' No lawyer can servo two bars at the same time. ' What would make a good leading article for me to morrow ?' asked a wicked editor of a wit ' A halter,' was tho sententious reply. What is the difference between a farmer and a bottle of whiskey V One husbands the corn, and the other corns the husbands. x A Soldier who attempted to bay onet a ghost is considered'an unprin cipled fellow, because he sticks at noth ing. They ate their frugal meal together ; frugal enough, since there was only bread and water in the house, Flor- mcn." vHi of feeling. "Sometimes I won- r you can be the same man ; some- us I wonder if I am the same Ffor tiitc and I wish we could die moth- and I die And be buried together." And me :". limttmWt fbn man nc The girl looked straight in her moth er's face into the faded, tearful blue eves, so constant, yet so changed. hate him?" was "Dnrlinor nh VOU , j ) . . i io ut 11 $ J I "-- ... -py . ufflcd to the window, after draining deep, opposite the foundry," said Flor- the evasive reply. OOttle he hnA 'fonnrl in 1 ii. i.i 4. Yes. sometimes I think I do.' vu. VJLVOVV. 1 lillC H. W1LI1SL I PC: K IrSSJ lfcicSa 111 11C1 tUUCi . ' ' The recent gathering of this great I A Mb. Tease recently married a Mr. benevolent organization at Chicago was Cross. We suppose he teased her till Ihey left him, and the doctor pro- a grand and glorious success, and gave she promised not to be cross any cecded to examine his patient evidence, if any were needed, ot tne more., "I am dying you see, sir ; I havn't a increasing prosperity and influence of The man wno toot a drink from a moment to" live. Let me alone, you the Order. It was numerously attend- bottle of mucilage, says he has felt can't save me: besides it will be better ed, and all the hotels in the city were stUckup' ever since. ence was sick an tne rest oi tne day or the clrild andher mother. I'm a crowded to ovemowing almost, imong Tnw wylo wih to t-ecr, time will with a feverish headache, and her moth- drunkard, and not worth saving ; the guests were many of the most dis- succccd b seizing him by the forelock er sat by her side, alternately soothing already I feel the pangs of death you tinguished characters of the Order, who ratW than about the waste. i Al 11 I. m A ll ner, ana sewing on tne coai-se wore cat gve me ne ebly muttered. had come lrom a gi-eat distance to ao that brought them a miserable pittance. knA if t ron1rl " t.TiA doctor honor to the assemblage. Theaddress fixing him with his steady, gray eyes. "jlf !" it was like the cry of the lost ; " if! oh doctor, keep me out of Hell!" For a moment there was utter silen ce, Foetune's hand says a poverty-strick- I vr. nr-iHrtrr-mtLfAtn' IS fftTTl JITIT A.O I A for of Grand Sire Stuart gave a most flat- " down-strokesV tering picture of the progress of the lts own 8 es" Order, not only in the United States, The saying that 'it is more pleasant but all over the world. During the to give than to receive applies only to save as the broken clock ticked spas- past year, nearly 30,000 members have meoicine anu auvice. modically. The one feeble light made beenidded to the fold in this country, Ladies naturaUy prefer a marriage- the dim light awfuL and more than a milhon of dollars ring, but gentleman prefer a nice busi- " I will save you," and how terribly have" been donated to the afflicted. In ness ring. , distinct were the low, rich tones "I the same period 2,821 members have A Calcutta newspaper says that the will try my best to save you, if you will died ; the number of brethren relieved principle of Darwinism was maintained Tf -.-nc cnii o hoontifni (imnm mn rnr.v ca ns a Hmnff mnti I rcflo vK xivz. n.Tifi tfifi wiuowca lamiiies I nve nunureu YearB nizo uv - a iuoiiam- mamma," said the girl, as she closed that you will never, so help you God, assisted 4,G05. There are 1,271 en- edan saint named Mahmud, who Uved her wearied eyes, after sipping a few touch one drop of that other poison campments, with G2,770 Patriarchs in in a village named Gilau near the Caspi mouthfrds. I thought we were all back hat has been killing your soul by inch- this country. When it is considered an Sea. At last the girl fell asleep. It was quite dark when she awoke, and her mother stood by her bedside with a cup of tea. A penny dip burn ed on the table, when Florence looked up in her mother's face. " Take this, dear," said her mother ; I borrowed a little tea of the kind old widow woman next door ; we can pay her to-morrow, perhaps." ! .'-'fj it I:" 1