iriciul of Smpcranrc. v -I p. f. S Certainly. Sendthe$l.10 a,ltl we will send the Magazine. " (.K',wLED(jKME!tT3. -Wo are under ' ,u. y obliatiojis to'Dr. O. N. . Hal JhfL,it of Currituck cVmnty, for a club ftvi subscribers; and very thankful t , his kiiitl lady fur the very flattering .mjiliment nho pays this paper. May ; continuo to merit the good opinion ' t)f the laclioj?. ; Brother A. F. Powell keeps us un it,r obligations to hiin for a new sub riber, r two, every week. Thank vou, brother Powell ! Bro. J- A Morris sends us two sub Vribers from Kinston, for which we uink him woHt heartily. Our club at tint pliice is growing. Kinston Coun- mast lo revivuu. until, say you, What Im.tiior Brooks? e thfUik Rev. P. J. Carraway, our subscri- iso brother Cornwall of Magnolia, , . fliu,is collected and paid over.? ' vim, bvotifT Wright of Churchland, Va., l a i irailar favor. I5n. McKenzie of Fayette- :!,. ours ot the Friend: ;;" t; "I think it is the best Family Paper in t;K state. It is a paper that every j v,.!; 1 of Temperance ought to be Aft. Olivet, No. 9, sends two sub .JriliVrs to help buy the Press, accom--Mtnio'l with the following note : "We. are all proud of our organ as it in now the boat family paper pub "sliel in the state. Success to you. C. W..Y." No. 1, S. C. Bro. Frank G. M iHoy writes : ' "Oiir Council is in fine condition. Tho Friend is much liked in this part ,:tU' country, ami your circulation .,-Vc v. ill be largely increased." llro.M. semis a new subscriber.. Brother S. P. Harrall also sends us two subscribers from Cheraw jmd V.TiU:H',. ' , . , " Our Council is very anxious to hear ' mi :i(Mress from you. Yonrsub HrrihcTA are tlelighted with tho Friend, and hid a o.l-sneed tdinnio'E. Ray, ::; iiui ollort to convince .the grog-seller df his error. She has many warm ad mirers in this vicinity." The editor and " Minnie" unite in thanking their (Jheraw Friends for their Vs ry liberal piitrouago of this paper, M (..specially for their kind wishes Our aim is to publish a good paper We welcome the article, in another '!a;nn, from the gifted pen of Mrs. 8. LA., find, in behalf of the good is'; which she is-so well qualified to i-: i, be hex- tq write uftou, ' "T71K Pooh man's greatest Priv uii;" Getting- so drunk as not to k ; av the difference in value between :.;, cunts and tho capital city of North l.vvminn; sb argues Mr. Lucas of Hyde. - m i. (,H ii v. How drunk must a man get t" f'-A like he could buy Raleigh for 'fifty cents ? It is hoped that Mr. Lucas ftht! House will answer in a personal V.anution. If getting drunk will make a mem- f ' r of the legislature feel like he could (n y Haleigh with a half dollar,' is it iiiy wundev that a poor man, who nov r drew $5 a day, should sometimes be do to feel like everyttdng belonged to .im, -money or no money in his pocket ? And if the poor man, while enjoying lie delusion of owning everything, -hould happen to take, and appropriate . his own-use, what did not belong to : :;n, is it just to, indict him and punish iam for stealing, seeing that the theft as committed while 'enjoying "the poor man's greatest privilege?" Wo have been taught tJ, believe that h "thing was worso' for poor jiien, their r 'Vvs and their children, than drunk (imiss. Mr. Lucas of Hyde would , Vv-' uu House of Representatives be- their " greatest privilege." fro ty wives of the poor men who Imnk A. atrree with Mr. Lucas in -.ivin-r is their greatest privilege? 1'uk Sunm Messenger 'for December is on our table. It contains the song of Mis. O'Leary s Cow. by "P, Qreen," litqriadH on Adapting Hymns to .tunes. "The Cabinet Organ in Play, '' vievy.s of sheet music and books, (the ' Etui's opinion, and not the pub- Mers), Musical rsews, etc,, and a va fl"ty of interesting matter by Mr. Geo. noot ana others, Also a new song, ie Have Dona it TTnto Me." bv Mr, "t. a Christmas anthem, and several r0S.- Snwimeri .nnifiu 10 ets. The ;N' Messenger is now edited by Mr. Musical Independent. Published bv ) . , r . . . ''-ot & Lady. (Jhicacro, at SI a vear, n all respects a musical paper for the CITY ITEMS. The Legislature will adjourn on the fib l'fui. jen, M. AY. Ransom was elected u. Senator, on Tuesday last. i v u. A. "Wicker has been re-appointed Marshal of the Supremo Court. X. Hri Carolina Gazette. Wesley 'taker and Quentin Busbee, Esqs J '"pose starting a paper in this city a' yearly day . to. 'bo called the North (''li:na Gazrlte, and to be Republican -1 ;'- 1'iineiples. . - uu;:uiv me editor OI tins r-finer k!')' If1 uom these gentlemen, .'!', HX:voi'theTess,lSv:ishes them 'success ju their enterprise to make a fiving for sdyca ancl familiea, . nAlj I'ltUlIIUlTlO.W A BM; ?b Prohibit thf. Sal. ous Liquors in Toivniihipg' wfiere the People so Determine. The Gexebal Assembly of Nobth Cabo- ijsa do" Enact:5 '!- Utl,-"'i- Section 1. That on;the first Monday in January in every year, it shall be the duty of the sheriff of each 1 county; in this State, to hold an election in each township in -his "bounty, tinder the same rales and regulations as are pre scribed by law for holding elections for members of the General Assembly so far as the same may be applicable, ex cept as herein modified, to ascertain whether or not spirituous liquors shall or1 may be sold in the several townships in the county or any one or more of them : Provided, nevertheless, such elec tion, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-two, shall be held' .q'n th;fir Monday in February of that year. ( 2. That any peraOn allowed by law to vote for members of the General Assembly shall have the right to vote at such election in the township where lie is allowed by law to vote, and , every such voter who favors the prohibition of the sale of Spirituous Liquors in his township, shall vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed the5 word Prohibition; and every such voter who favors such sale, shall vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed the word License- . . 3. That on the day next after any such election shaLLbe held, the Inspec tors of such election and a Justice of the Peace of the township,, shall com pare the votes polled in the township, and certify the number of votes cast in favor of Prohibition, and the num ber in favor of License, and the result of such election,' to the . Register of Deeds of the county, who shall first carefully copy such certificate in a book to be prepared and kept for that pur pose, ana tnen nle tne same among the papers of his office; and a certifiod copy from tho book in which such certifi cate is so registered, under the hand of the Register of Deeds, and the seal of the county, shall bo sufficient evi dence in all cases and courts in- this State, of the result of such election in the township to which the same may refer. 4 That, if a maioritv of the votes cast at any suoh election in any town ship, shall have written or printed on the same, the word Prohibition, then and in that case, it shall not be lawful for any person to sell any spirituous hqu ors within such township, for one year next after anv auch election, and u person so proniDitea snau seji any spirituous liquors, within such town ship, such person offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction of such offense m the S uperior Court, shall be fined and im prisoned in the discretion of the Court; but if a majority of the votes so cast shall have - written . or printed on the same the word License, then Spirituous Hquors may be sold in sueh township as now proviaeu oy iaw, ana not otner- wise, 5. The Sheriff shall designate the Justice of the Peace in each township to aid iu comparing and certifying the vote cast at any such election and the Register of Deeds shall designate In spectors of election in each township; in ease he shall fail, the Sheriff orhisdep- uty shall make such appointment; and if any officer or other person shall fail to discharge any duty imposed by this act1 such person offending shall be guilty ot a misdemeanor, and on conviction in the Superior Court fined in the dis cretion of the Court 6 This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Vfe appeal to the Representatives in behalf of suffering yomen and children to vote for it. Pass it -make it a law and you'll never regret your action Ladies Beware. The Kentucky Court of Appeals has just made a de cision which, although quite fair, wil prove very alarming to fair flirts. It has declared that the mutuality of an engagement may be proved against young lady "by showing that she de meaned herself as if she concurred m or approved of the young man's prom ises or offer. It is not necessary that there should be an express promise on either side." This has been long the case so far as the "' brute man" is con cerned, but now pining and jilted bachelors may get solace from a fa verdict against the false one. A New Brif airi pastor was a bit care less the other day in his selections of the to-be-omitted portions of the good, old hvmn in wheh occur the lines, " Shall such a wprthlQSj worta as I be found, at Thy right hand ?" The next tanza was omitted, and the choir con tinued singing, "Prevent, prevent it by Thy grace." NORTH OAROLINA ITEMS. Shad are worth $2 per pair in New born. ' - -. The Conservative State Convention meets in Greensboro May 1st. ; Newborn came near having another serioua fire on Thursday. Corn by the cargo is selling at 6 cents per' bushel in Newbern. It is thought by some that Miss Mc Neill, of RgbeiQR, was BOt wounded by Lowrey Ttfl4 his bani The "DisiQal Bwamp Canal Com pany," have prepared a memorial, ask ing Congress for aid to deepen and improve the .canal. The Republicans will hold a con vention in Raleigh on the 17th of April for the purpose of nominating candi dates for State officers. The Eagle regrets- to learn that many families are moving from Moore, Chatham and Harnett to the Western States. yuhe ttloboro -ALvance . says : Mr. Joan Green, of Nash county, ; raised with one hox-se in he year IWIl, DO ba la of corn and 12 bags oi' ootton". yMAf ITEMS. B. F. Fifer baa been Te-art)ointed Flonr Lispector for tte 4ty of gtaun- ton.!- ' ; . .u . . .; ; ., The Shehandoth ' Herdd reports a fatal case of Small-pox in that county. C. C. Read, Esq., of Farmville. Va.. one of the oldest and most respected of its Citizens, died on Thursday night. There were five votes in , the consti tutional convention of West Virginia against raising the federal flag over he capital Hon. A. G. Thurman,! United States Senator from Ohio, will deliver the an nual address before the literary socie ties of the University o? Virginia on tme 26th, next The Staunton Vindicator says : On Sunday last, the congregation of he Presbyterian Church in this place, in response to a call for additional funds to complete their large and new- j erected church, in the space of a few mmutes, contributed $'3,0(X). , Dr. John Burton, a prominent phy sician of Pittsylvania, was found dead this morning January 25th, about five miles from Danville, supposed to have been frozen to death while on his way home. He was for fifteen years a practicing physician of our town. He leaves a -wife and several children, t- The dwelling house, on the Cook arm, near Churchville, occupied by B. F. McLaughlin, was burned on Thurs day last The fire was first discovered bursting through the roof. We learn that Mr. McLaughlin lost most of his household furmture. ,&aunfon Vindi- rntor.' - - " Killed bv a falling TBEE.T-1bayid Perry, residing near Hermitage, while engaged in felling a tree on his place, on Wednesday last, was killed, it is supposed, under the following circum stances : The tree lodged in the fork of another which he cut away, when he was caught and crushed between the falling tree and a stump. His family, being uneasy, went out to hunt him ate in the evening and found him dead and lying as described above. Mr. Perry formerly resided near Harper's Ferry, Jefferson Co., West Virginia. Staunton Vindicator. i A Veteran. Daniel Crist, who re sides about six miles south of Staunton, on CJhristian'8 creek, entered "J on the ninety-ninth year of his age about the 1st of this month. He cuts his own fire-wood and attends to his own stock, and bids fair tdlive many years longer. S'aunton Vindicator. . 1 . SOUTH CAROLINA ITEMS. Aiken is to have a terpsichorean and a social club. The Literary Ulub, ol Ureenville is in a prosperous condition. John C. Galloway, of Oconee, aged 70 years, is dead. The China trees in the town of Spar tanburg are being cut down. ' Large droves of Tennessee hogs are passing through Marlboro, county. Father Ryan, the "Priest Poet," has been Invited to lecture in Charleston . The revenue officials have made a raid on. the illicit tobacco trade in Kingsteer. j There are five hundred Baptist churches in South Carolina, distributed in every part of the State. j Professor Lewis R. Packard, of Yale College, is to spend he winter at Aiken, S. C, on account of his health. A Mrs. McGill, of Beaufort, burned her child's lips with a hot poker for telling a falsehood. She was arrested. In Marlboro county, Louisa Reed, .colored, got jealous and stabbed Silvan Drake, also colored, in three; place?, inflicting wounds that are not consid ered dangerous. Work has been commenced upon the Georgetown and Charlotte Railroad. Georgetoien Times. A veteran- of 1812, who had passed his three score and ten years, died suddenly in the roa,d near the High Palls in'Qconee county, on the 6th in stant Charliton, January 23. Forty- nine of the kuklus prisoners recently convicted and sentenced at Columbia reached here to-day under a strong guard of United States troops. Twen- ty -four of the prisoners were put aboard the steamer Charleston, which sailed for New York this afternoon. They are to be imprisoned at Albany. The rest are confined in Charleston jaiL TEXAS ITEMS. ' Work will soon commence on a new and large market at Houston. At Marshall, the Western Union Telegraph Company are issuing tele graph money or deri, Apple waggons from Kansas are seen in the streets of Austin, j Mexican refugees are settling in the neighborhood of Austin. The Dallas and Wichita Railroad Company has been completely organ ized. 'President E. W. Cull an ; Treas urer, John H. Bryan ; Secretary, Cullan. A small steamboat to ran on the Colorado, has been purchased "by a cit izen of Austin.' f Also an ice machine, to make 5,000 pounds of ice a day. Franklin county , has been created out of portions of Batro, Williamson, Miiaiq, iarleson, Washington and Travis' counties. . , : .'. McMullan county, in V,estern Texas, has )een f orgarad. he county Beat najnd CWfai, MISSISSIPPI. Vicksburg has taken to Nicholson pavement - They want a railroad from Enter prise to Grenada, and thero is talk of building it . A large number of new buildings are being erected : in Meridian, including several fino brick buildings on Lee street , ' Mr. James Ware has retired from the Brookhaven Citizen, and Mr. J. S. McGec has assumed entire ontrol of that paper. Corinth expects to have a cotton factory in operation by summer which will furnish employment for five hun dred operatives. There was not less than six thousand persons present at the Mississippi State Fair, on the 7th. ALABAMA. A tri-weekly paper has just been started at Talladega. Pork is-selling for five cents in Huntsville. Jacksonville is advertising for bids to construct her water-works. Birmingham is building up rapidly. Good coal is delivered at the houses at Selma for $8 50 per ton. Parties from Ohio are said to bo ne gotiating for iron mines nearGadsdtn. Four couples were married in the Episcopal Church in Eufaula lately. A cotton factory and a telegraph line is what the people of Tusk ogee are moving for at present They are going to have an Agricul tural and Mechanical Association in Huntsville. MISCELLANEOUS. mi i m 1 i r-ri t i xne cose oi the Wharton trial was about $16,000. The hunting party of the Grand Duke have returned to Chicago . Forts Sumpter and Moultrio are to be put in defensible condition, Prince Napoleon has been elected to the council of Ajaccio in Corsica. Gov. Jewell of Connecticut has been re-nominated. Trouble is browing between and Spain, over the escape of persons including Siaes, in a France several French steamer. Seventeen lives were lost by the burning of the steamer City of New London. Nashville, January 25. General R. S. Ewell died at his residence, in Maury county, this morning. The Bonapartist agents are very ac tive in the army. They are distrib uting pamphlets urging a restoration of the empire as the ending of all the woes of France. None regret the death of CoL Fisk more than the police. On the day be fore his death he made arrangements to advance the Comptroller money to pay the.public force. Many an officer's family is now suffering through the Colonel's assassination. Lisbon, January 26. The mail steamer from Rio Janeiro has arrived, and brings news of a terrible steam ship disaster. The steamer America, plying between Rio Janeiro and Mon tevideo, while on a trip from the latter port on the night of the 22 d of De cember last, took fire. The flames spread with great rapidity, and the vessel was soon burned to the water's edcre. There was a large number of passengers on board, of whom eighty seven lost their lives, being either burned to death or drowned. ODDS AND ENDS. West Virginia was admitted into the Union in June, 1863. In Oregon wheat may be sown in any month ( f the year. Mrs. Wharton has been acquitted after a trial of 42 days. r:Gen. Joseph Lane of Oregon is now in his 70th year, and in good health. ' - West Virginia is in debt to old Virginia one million dollars. The Kansas Legislature is inves tigating alleged election frauds. There are forty-five blacks in tne Mississippi House of Representatives, and seven in the Senate. The census of Rome has been completed, showing the total popula tion to be 240,000. A vouncf lady was caught up by a gale in Pennsylvania, transported 460 yards, and deposited in an apple tree. ? A sample of corn, planted on the 7th of July and gathered on the 9th, of November, was on exhibition b, the Mississippi State Fair-. --The stockholders of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, liave ratified the lease of that road to the Pennsyl vania Central, by a vote of five to one. A minister once prayed : "0 Lord, we thank Thee for the goodly number here to night, and that Thou art here, notwithstanding the inclemenly of the weather." The colored population down South are said to sing the following to the tune of Shoo-Fly" at the religious revivals : " Sa-tan, don't bodder mer Sa-tan, dog'X bdxlder me Saan,1 don't bodder me : For rbeloiig to Company G. " I hear, J hear, I heaj, I hear" the" organ's tones s Ifeel,rfeeLl ieel ' . Religion ui my bones ! " Sa-tanj doa'i bodder ae, I" etc. MARKETS. Nxw Yobk, Jan. 30. Money easy at 5-6. Sterling 8Ia9. Gold 9a9f. Gov ernments, offered at JtoJ. Ctton strong sales 3,200 bales ; uplands i2J ; rleans 1425. rlour quiet and un changed. ilmington, Jan. 30. Cotton firm middlings 21$. Charleston, Jan. 30. Cotton strong ; Middlings 21. Baltimorb, Jan. 30. Cotton steady ; Middlings 22&22J. 2s xw Orlrans, Jan. 30. Cotton strong ;-niiddliis 22. - Jsorfolx, Jan. 30. Cotton firm : Low middlings 20Jo20. SPECIAL NOTICES. The people of RaleisA are Ifavored in having " Tin Ralbkki Yurumrrz." and other Brands - of Choiae Cigars, manufactured by O..H. Millhah of this city, at tlieir call. They are just right try tiiom. Tot sale by dealers, generally. NEW ADVEFTISEMENTS. PROSPECTUS OF THE TraSHBI ME! H0BIST. THE undersigned will oommeuce the iuj. lication of a paper at the Rulherior4 College, IT. C, about the Lrt of April, lfc72, to be called " THE WESTERN METHODIST." The paper will be printed with -excellent type, upon fcood paper, and issued twioe per month, at the low rates of one dollar per year. lis aim will bo to advance and sustain the com plex interests of Methodism in Middle and Western North Carolina. It has engaged aome of the best pens in the State ; and it ap peals to the thirteen thousand Methodists in Western North Carolina fur its support. Rally to its support, dear brethren, and It will prove a mighty moral lever to develop the abundant resource of the " garden spot" of onr beloved State. While the undersigned does not expect to receive one dollar remuneration for his labor in editing " The Wetern Methodist," yet he must have six hundred subscribers to pay the expenses of publication. Therefore, let ex" ry friend and brother to whom this Prospec tus comes, subscribe and get at least one oth er subscriber. Let all subscriptions and communications be directed to the undersigned at "Happy Home, N- C"; and if tho number of subscribers to justify the undertaking la secured before April, 1872, the publication will be commenc ed at once. All papers publishing this Pros pectus and sending me their paper, will re ceive the " Methodist" in exchange. Let the friends and brethren go to work at once and send up their subscription. Give us your name, Post Office, and tl, each, and the paper will be sent. It. L. ABERNETHY, jan. 24 tf. Happy Home, N- C. jY favorite 13 The Familiar Name of The Weed Sewing Machine, WHICH has eyer been adding laurels to its tnTentors since tho Paris Exposi tion of 1867, Whore it bore away the iiighest noNOBS; which experience was repeated in Baltimore at the Maryland Institute fair of 1869. Thousands of ladies, will testify to the ap propriateness of the above title. Stitching, Hemming, Felling, Quilting, Braiding, Binding, Cording, Ruffling, Gather ing, Hem-Stitching, Faggotting. Gathering and sewing on at same time. Fringing, Friz sling, Pining, aud Tubing executed with ease and beauty. Lock-Stitch-Shuttle-Stbaight Needle. SIMPLE CAPABLE AXD DURABLE. Every assertion guaranteod. Every ma chine, warranted to grve entire satisfaction. Terms easy, liberal inducements to active ar.d intelligent canvassing agents. W. D. PO WERS & CO, General Agents Rileigh N. C. Oflk', Fay etlevllle Strest, two do rs above Standard iiailding. Jan. 10 tf MT. ENERGY MASONIC MALE ACADEMY. THE SPRING TERM BEGINS. JANUARY A. ftj. For Circulars, address the Prin cipal. J. W. WALK1R, PrinciiM-1, Wilton, Granvil e County, N. O. jan. 8 3m. AGEN ?Q WANTED! ' To Sill tie Celebrated TIP TOP WASKiH MACKISE ! Patented Feb' u 23, 1871. Retail Price, 812. flHE 1 P, neat and convenient; ran be ope rated by any one at first sight. Washing 1 noui ruuo ng. wiunoc wear, tear, nor break buttons. Warranted to give satiefac tion, or tbe money refunded. Will be ship ped to any point on receipt of price. A limited amount o! lemtory for sale. And for circular and terrSs. Address, W. C. BAIN, Manufacturer and Proprietor, Jan. 17 tf. Troy's Stoie, N. C, North Carolina Tin-Ware Manufactory. fJBAtKtt t STOVES AND BOU3-F0BNISHHf 6 GOODS, KEHOSEKg LAMPS.. TIN-W ARE AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOB Work of all kinds. Copper, Tin, Sheet (J Iron and Line, none cheap atid warranted Old Stoves bought and sold, or taken in Ex change. The STAR, COTTON KING and CORN PLANTER, Cook Stove which I have m.a6 expi essely or In i market. Prices guar antieed auA ttovca warranted or no sale, y f ull asaojtm,-3nt of Heating and Parlor bto,ves for aale cheap. Oct.(ll3m. B ACQN1 PORK1 MESS PORK ! A good supply of various grades on hand, aud to arrive. Low A. G- FAME to the trade. LEE CO, AD VE UT 1SEMEXTS. ! ; , j ft : W.ic.a, Proiri!or. R ill. M Ihxi.i Imk. Ata 8u KrmiKbcv, On!., i.-i M MI IM ON near Tctinitur -'to iWr Woubcrful CuiTii- I.lii-ot. Thi'J f.rv not a vilt- I'ai'ry !M I ill., t.i-:- if I'ocr Ram, Whisker. Froal" Spirit? mi l !Iofi.o Liquors (loct'trptl. iiccl junl swet-n to vl,':ve tltr taMceailed "Tonicf,"' "(i-tix;ri." "K"1 r-'r 'ii., that lend the tippler on tMln .nkrm:c s jiiui .rmn.Lr.t nre tmo Medicine. niadc friin N:.t:vo V,,mA r.i:l lU-t'.- of California, freo from nil Airnholic Sl!m laaln. Tl.cj arc the (;UK AT HI. () l'l Itl FIERr.iui A I.I FE t J 1 V 1 X i I'll 1 X CI 1" I. E, 'a perfect ltenovator a'l Invijrorator of the Shyster.-, CGnyinoff ail iM)'.;oruiiei mutter a: i.i i rstei iitu- thcl'txl to a healthy condition. Ko r-ni -son cr.n li it tars occordini; to tiircctioTn m i remain In s proviJcAl tlu ir Ktjnts are not di-trovpj l y il poUon or oUic-r means niui the vital crtrr.iis uiirj bt jonu the ,mint oT rcjiuir. They arc a (ientla. I'ui ..t i vr nn tn 11 nr h Touic, ikh s.sinp:, n!so. the tK-culiiir ir.TLt of aft!:ff rrs a ro''Tetfr.l rucnt in rrii"Ti!-ir (.".!. .cri i:on xv Inti.-ii..-mation of Ilia l.ivrr. and nil the isrerc! Crrr.ns. FOR FE.KAI.K COMl'LAINTS, in va::.,-or old, married or in(;'., nrj the dawn of woruanlirnjtl or at the turn of lifo. these TtHiie BilUTs isave no cuiutl. For Inflammatory pud Clirouie Kheiinin tinm nnd (.out, IysiKtia or 1 noicM ion, llilious, Resiiitteut nnd Intermittent lr vers, Dioeniic'S of tho ISiood. I.ivrr, Kid neys anil Bladder, thiso Ui: ti-rs h:i'. been most sncerRiful. Sucii'DisOaca CiOi.--. u hy Vitintrd niood. whfrh isfrencrally tro!;rrt'. by uui'r.ncrijciit of the Dlseative Ortaut. WYSPEI'SIA Oil INOKiESTtOX, Head ache. Pain In the Shoulders, Conhs, Tightness of tlia Chest. Diulneoa. 8ur Enictatioi3 of the r3tnrnarh. Bad Taste in the Mouth.1 Bilious AtiiK-ks. 1'alpitatton of the Heart, Inflammation of the l.nnes Pain in rlons of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the oflspriiuts cf Dyspepsia. Ther invigorate the Stomach and the tonid l.i7er and Bowels, which r'i-lcr tiimv of une'ia.-.Iied efficacy in cleansing tbe !ood of all impurities, and imparting- new life and viggr to the whole system. t FOR SK1X DISEASES, Kr-.;;.tioi:s,TetU-r. Salt Rheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, JJoils, C:ir huneles. Riny-Wonns.Se.tld Hea l. Sore Kt(-.s , Kr,-siie-ia. Itch. Scurf". )ieo!oratjcns of the Pkiiu ilumor.s and Inseajes of tiie Kkin. of r!.atevr name or n'un. are literally dua; tip and carrl! out of the system in a short time by the use oi th-.ise Hitters. One lnjt t in sut-h eases wii! cosines the inott incredulous of their cura tire cflVcts. t , Cleanse the ViiUted Blond whemver yon find its Im purities bursting Uu oufcli ihn r kin a Piin;iles, Erui tions or Sorrs ; cleanse It v.he:i yon find it nliKtrucled and sluce'sh in the veins : cleanse it when it i? foul, d your fecliur nil! toll you T.lnn. Keep the blood puro, and the hal;h of the -ilein will fojlov. Pin, Tnpe, nnd oJiter Worms, lurking in the system of so many thmisr.nds, re ef!--rtiia!ly destroyed and removed. Says a d:tln(rui.hed physiologist, there is scareely in individual uin the fiice of the rth body i.s f srmpt fr im the presence of worms. It is not npon tho healthy ekm.-nts of the tKly that worm-' exist, but upon Uo- disiinseil Iiumors nd slimy deposits that l,-er,l these living of ulscase. No Pastern ofl McdiHn". no vcimifiures, 1.0 withelmintics 4ml free the sv'gli.iu from ty uniij like these hitters. J. WALKER. Proprietor. R. II. Mr DONALD & CO., Druggists and Grn. AsenU:. Shu Fr.-.n-ip.-o. (Tlifom(a, sod Stand 3 Commerce Striet, Nov York. --y-HH! II IT Ml vP-NfitiTS AM) DKAI.KKA VI OKI'S : FLORAL GUIDE For; 1872- THE First EJitionjof T vo II-itKlred Thou sand copies just! publishe-l. It is ele gantly printed o:i fine tinted paper, in Two Colors, an 1 illustrate 1 with over Tliroc Iliin- ired Engravings of Flowers and egetaliles. and . ' TWO COLORED PL4TES. The most bennti'nl and instructive C!at3.- uo and Floral Guii ii the world p.ioes oiviiiy tborouh directions for tfio 1 ulture of h lowers and Vegetables. ornaniea ting grounds, making walks, &C. j A Christmas present for my customers, but forwarded to any who uDply bv mail, for Ten Cents, only one-quarter tho co- Address, I JAMES VICK, au. 3 tf. j Rochester, N. Y. JpUBLIC MEETING. On Thursday t!:e 11th of January, 1S72, there will be a public meeting at Apex to take into consideration the pro ' riety of es tablishing at that place a Feniile School ot high grade. The public are Invited to attend, llov. Thos. G. Whitaker and Johnson Olive, have cousented to be with us on the octaion. Tho matter is of interest! and importance. Let there be a fall attendance. ! G.W.ATKINSON. J JIc. C. ELLINGTON, A. B. FREHJIAN, II. f;. OLIVE jan. 3 2t rpHE Tenth Volun:eot Wocd'S ttOUS - J- hold Ma'jazuii b-ias witn jjiiu"- ry ' cl. its ."regular contmv.itors i cm e Horace Groelev, Oavl Hamilton, i I ho.s. Jv. Boecher, Dr. Dlo Lewis, Dr. V. W Ilai', James Parton, etc. i Harriet Beech r Stowe, Brick I omeroy, John G. raxe, Maj. .' ueul. Kilpatnck, retrolium . Navoy, -etc., wrs:e 'or it otcahionally. ; Temiv, Oiie Dollar a year, iu cuooing, three urs.-ciais perioiu cals are given for the puce "f oneoi t'lem. The most liberal Pio nium List ever publish ed. No periodical is more freoueufc? y orf i vorably mentioned bjf th! press. "Wood's Houie'mld Magaz'ne iaiie of the monoments of business enterpi ise wliich mark the age." Methodist Home Jour-ial, l'hi!a delphia, Pa. ' It has been im;iroviii:j ever, sine; we knew it a tjOj i critviri.).-! fur Lhe future." Courier, New Maiket, Canudfe" "It is a nrarvel of e!ie- pnsa a.i 1 first-class quality combined. "--i-Xew York "Times. Specimea copy seat free to a:iy address. S S. WOOD & CO.. jan. 3 tf. . Newbargh, Nr-Y. N T OT IC E The Forest Mannfacturin? Company have resumed operations, and are now: ready to fill all orders for paper on short notice. Delin quents will please settle their acd Hints as we desire to close the old books. ! W. F. ASKEW, nov. 29 lm. Proprietor. City pipeis please copy. T ALMANAC for 1672 s j.isl published and rea ly f r delivery. Prico per Gross 37.00; per Hundred ? .00; per Half Gross $1,00; per Dozen 75 cams. Sin gle copy lu cents. VST Single copies and packs of oce doKen mailed free of postage on receipt of prico. Address, ! JA8. H. ENNlS, Oct. 25 lm. ! A'taiid Dookselier. THE GEM POCKET ALBUM. HOLDING 20 full sao 1 Ph. tijrapbB. Sent free by return, mail for 33 coins. , Address, TUOMA? B. PACE, St. Lawrence, N. C. jan.3 tf. 1) H. V. K. Tl'llXKIl, DENTIST. Offick ovrr Willi im's Hook Store, RALEIGH, N C. Offers hist services iu every department of his profession. j f nov. 8 6m. IVE KEGS BEST ENGLISH SODA Twenty cases Concentrated Lyo cheaper than ever; Condensed Milk, Yeast Powders, Tacks Cotton Card, Powder, Shot, Caps, ColfVe Mills, Buckets, Wooden Faucets, liorsj Brushl es. Biackiu" Brushes. &c. A. G. LEE & CO, A DYERTISEMtf NTS. SMITH'S IMPROVED (ont Well Fixture. RETAIL PBICE TWESTYDOLLA RS. 11.. M MIT 11$ CO., UICIIMONI), VA. U'KK ami nmre durable Mil AI'Hl and more tbe i iiuii1, s-ifrr and bt-tter li;i!iol ritidU. or kweep. than tLe old "Xone men- ii it but to praise it.'" Hv !! dui'Likt ike i rceut yetr tusde Iru ;i"i!ai;t iitii! own. eiits Iu the tnamifaclure of ihev -vaiunble Fixtnrt, we are prepared to .ecoruntei,d Uiem to the public 'With perfect ci:fid-!ice, and to fill tsrders from houso keepers, fru.ers n4 dealer, with more than uual promptness. This inTaluable derloe for raising water from wells and cisterns is aold for T KNTY HOLLA S. eomplee with rlr bottomed bucket, rope and crrairt, ready for n, and se cuies to the parchtwer that inestimable treas ure, " Pure Water.'"- Woed pomp rot, and old ones corrrxVe j fcnt this new-fttsbioned ' Iron Hound HuAet that h&ngs in the well" free fn'in thee objections. Addres, JAMES M. TOWLES.Apent, iiov. 1 3m. Raleigh, N. C. LOUK TO OUR IS TERES T F. C. CllRISTOPHERo, Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES St,.ritrlMlliiuf, yotih Side Market Sqnnre. I EGULAHLY receiving, and In Store, a ."V hu oe supply of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Coupling iu part of Bacon, Lant, Meal, Com. Flour, Teas, Sugars, UorTees, Gbeese, GracVers, Molaskesaud Syrups, Salt, Fish of nil kiuda, and almost everything needed in a family. ' B Also, the celebrated Boxnh Hetjub and several other grades of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos. Leath.-r, boots, Shoes, Qrockery, Hardware, Soaps cf all kinds, Kerosene Oil, Alspice, Pepper, Soda, Candies of all kind by the pound or box, Notions, &c. C Si, I will BAXTER for all kind of PRO DtiiE. Gall and see me. dec. 13 tf. $12 A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. $12 PRICE', $12. 'THE TIP TOP WASU1SG MACHINE. Pate nk-d Feb' y 28,1871. Cheap Neat and Convenient Is the easiest operating Washing Machine iu existence. Is not liable to get out of or der. Can be operated by any one at first sihfc. Washes without rubbing. Will not Wear, Tear nor Break liuttons. Retail Prie Address the Manutacturer or Patentee. W. C.BAIN, I!OV. 8 tf. -r Troy's Store, N. C. RMMORD 1 DANVILLE RAILROAD, ESouTii Carolina Division. Time-Table Raleigh and G-oldsboro' Express GOING EAST: Lkave. Arrive. Raleigh at 7.00 P M Auburn at 7 2.") P M Auburn. at .2. " Clayton at i:da " Clayt'.n at 7.42 W's Mills 8.0(5- Wdson's Mills 8.05 Selma 8 23 ". Selma 8.26 " Boon Hill 8 49 " Boon IIi!l 8 50 ' ' Goldsboro.' 9 ii " GOING WEST: Leave Goldsboro 11.13 Boon Hill 1 1 .53 .Selma 12.18 W's Mills 12.37 Clayton 1.03 Auburn 1.29 AuurVH a M Boon Hill 11.51 a m " Selma 12.16 p m PM Wil'B Mills 12.36V ' Clsyton 1.01 " Auburn 1,29 " " Raleigh 1.55 " Passengers v Taking this train for any point North of Goldsboro' will make close connection. Passen2T8 leaving Wilmington and points between Wilmington and Goldsboro' by taking i he 6.00 a.m. train from Wilmington will make close connection through to llaleiyh and FaeUeville. Passengers leaving Morehead City or points on the A. & N. C. It. A., by reg ular p isseng train, will also make close con neciio i thfo isjh to.Ualeigh, leaving Goldsbo ro' at 11.15 A. M., aqd arriving in Raieigh at 1.53 P. M., connecting with train for Fayette v:!!c' leaving at 4.30 P. M. T S. E. ALLEN. . . BGen'l Ticket Agent. W. II. GRr?EN, Master Transportation. m RICHMOND & DANVILLE RAIIROAD Nosth Carolina Diviaios. The Quickest Time to the North. Buy your Tickets Via Goliiboro', N. C. CJDESSED TIME TABLE: Going North: Le we -Raleigh at 7 00 P M; Goldsboro' at h 32; Weldon at 1 00 A M; Petersburg at 4 10 a m; Richmond at 5 20 am; Washing ton at 12 43 p m; Baltimore at 2 45 p in; P. i adelpbia at 6 43 p in, and ariive at New York at 10 20 pm. Coming South; . Lkave New York at 8 30 a m; Philadelphia 4 45 am; Baltimore at 3 50 p m; Washing lo i at 7 0;J p m; Uiehmoud at 3 45 a iu; Pe ts-sburg at 5 45 a m; Woldou at 10 00a in Go ilsboro' at 2 3 ) p m, andjarrive atKal ; Jfll at l -!!0 ) in.! ihEOUJti Ti'K-tTo as ':neap as Via any oturr Roato. W. II. UKEKN, K. ALLEN, Mi f. Transportat'n. Oen. Tick. Ag't RALEIGH & GASTON RAILROAD. Jof Schedule. RALEIGH& GASTON RAILROAD. St'PiiBlNTESDB5T's OFFICE, Raleijrli, N. C, Nov. 7th, 1871. l ...1 TniuJ.iI W, 7tl fl7 I trains on the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad will run daily (Sunday excepted) as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Raleigh, 9.29 A. M. ArriAes at VVeldoa, 2.50 P. M. Leaves Weldon, 10.10 A. M. Arrives at Raleigh, 4.00 P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leaves Ralfigh, 6.15 P. M. Arrives t Weldon, 3 80 A. M. loaves Weldon, 0.15 P. M. Arrives at Raleigh, 8.00 A. M. Mail Ham makes ctoas co.vSKCnos at Wddon with tbe Seaboard & Roanoke Rail road aiid Bay Line Steamers via. Baltimore, to and from all points North, West and North west and with Petersburg Railroad Tia Peters burg, Richmond an 1 Washington City, to and from all points North and Northwest. And at Raleigh with the North Carolina Riilroad to and from all points South and Southwest, and with the Chatham Railroad to Haywood and Fayetleville. Accommodation and Ereighl trains, connect at Weldon with Accommodation and Freight trains on Seaboard & Roanoke Rai'road and Petersburg Railroad. And at Haleigh, with Accommodation and Freight trains on North Caroilna Railroad. Persons living along the line of the Road can visit Raleigh iu the morning by Accom modation, remain sereril hours, and return the same evening. A. B. ANDREWS, Drc. 22 -tf Gen. Snpt. S. EABBIS0N, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL GROCER, COIt. FAYE rrEVILLE AXD MARTIN STREETS, It A LEIGH, N. C. KEF.PS Flour, Meal, Coffee. Sugar, Tea, Gol lsn Syrup, Onions, Irish Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Cocoanuta, Rice, Hominy, Salt, Cheese. In fact, everything usually kept in Grocery Stores. Also, Bhoas, Boots and Hats, fur sale at 8. Tl HARRISON'S dec.! vlm Qpnasii th Pqsv 0ffl ADVEKTKSKMENTS. 'A. G. LEE, & CO., WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL URO CER, VVTXlflNGTOX STBKKT, BAST QV THB MARKET, RALKIGH,JN.,C- ARRIVALS OF (jROC'HUlKS. Ju.t rooeired 100 bbla Flour, Patapnco and Moiiilcel'o Family, Monticello Super, R. C. Family in sacks. A, 0. LEE &, CO. OUGAK8, COFFERS A TEAS. Fift) Barrels standard K and C Powdered and Clashed Sugars, Hin, Lagnira and Mocbo Cuffees ; Chuice Oren and Black Teas. A- 0. LEE A CO. W OODEN WARE ! A large an'ortroetit of Ced;ar and Janlper Pails, Buckets and Tabs ; 4 1 i gallon kegs, lour and Sugar Buckets, &c, 4c. A. G. LIE CO. B ACON, BACON, BACON. A new gnpnlv choioe N. C. Hams, best u- garcured llaius, bright N. C. Bides and Shoul ders, Wsicrn Bulk and Bscou Hides. A full nupplv of pure familv leaf Lard in tins and tierces. A. Q. LEE A CO. i . FULL SOPfLY HARDWARE. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Butcher Knives, Lead Pencils, Stock Lock k, Plate Locks, llatcbetsCotton Hooks bright Bril- tauia Dippers, Owrry tombs,- uuano Seites, Blacking, &c, &c. A. . L.lh IUOES, SHOES, SHOES. Men's, Women's and Children's of ever kind and siz. from fine to common, beside Boots of every description. Come and buy A. u. i-r-ii w WENTY BOXES BEST STARCH, 100 orioss best Parlor Matches, twenty boxes fresh Soda and Farina Crackers, Qinger Cakes, Lemon Biscuit, &o. A. U. Ltfc w. A LARGE AS8JKTMENT OF SOLE and llarnesa Leather, Lace leather, Pad Skins Shoe Pegs, Shoe Thread, Hlackinj and Olon it, 4c. A. U. LB15 & CO s HOVELS AND 8PADF, 0. Ames best lone and abort Manure l ork, Traces, Breast Chains, Haines, Home and Mule Shoes aud fxailt. Cotton Cards, c., c A. U. LI' o. H ATS AND BLANKETS, &C, AC. And in fact everything kept by a first daas Grocery house. Country merchants would do well Im come . and buy, as we bave bought with special k cilitics to. make good bargains. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a con tinuation of the same. Nov. 1 am. A. G. LEE A CO. - EDWARD FASNACH, by a flrist RALEIGH, N. C, (7'Vco Doors aboee Stale National Bank.) LADIES AND GENTS' MWv WATCHES, LARGK ASSOKTMENT OF Fine Jewelry, Tableware AD CLOCKS; f ALS(: j STERLING SILVERWARE. TjT Seals fob Notaries. Corpora tions, c, made to oruer. Haib JKWKtRY made to order. promptly and carefully at tended to. april 12-tt GARLAND'S UBOR SAYING PLOW. ' rIh undersignc I takf, great pride in call JL i ia tbe attention of the farming public to hi Labor Saving Plow, which can be most successfully used in the cultivation of both - Coru and Uottou. la the cultivation oi cot ton it saves one-third the usual labor ; in corn it saves one-half the labor This Plow Sides and Splits thb Middles at the same time. Patented in June 1871, since which time large sales have already bwn made. Warranted to give perfect satisfaction or the money will be returned. Can be shipped to any point. Prico $7.50 Address J. A. GARLAND, Farmville, Pitt Co., N. C, - L. HOSSHTHALL. DEALER IN Foreign fe Dom'estio Dry Ooodn, FANCY GOODS, PARASOLS AXD UM- DRELLAS, ,' ; Ready-Mado Clothing. BOUTS, SHOES, I1AT6 Oct. 4-tf Q ASH OURTTEHMS! FALL TRADE 1871 J. Gulley t Bro,f COKNBB FAYETTtVII.1.1 SlBEET ANO SoUTII Side Excuanub Place, RALEIGH, N. C For the purpose oi making room offer the r enure oioca oi ureas uuoOi ouly, at 10 per cent alvance on New York Cos'., styles pret-" ty aud nice, Goods fresh anl Chap, (such as Delanis, Allwood Detains, colored and black Alpacas, Lustres Brocadps,.Poplin8, Striped Brilliants, Plaids, Empress Clotlies, &.c Take pleasure in announcing a fresh arrival of Domestic Dry Goods, direct from New York market Notions, Umbrellas. Ladies' Shawls and Cloaks, Gent's Hat, Caps., -Ac. Large and extensive Stock Ready-made Clothing, of which wa make a Speciality. New Stock, new lots in Suits from 4.00 to 40.00, CaBsimere Suits and Overcoats and Tulmers to please any one, and nice. ' .-".-JES An extensive Stock of Boot aud Shoes, most of whioh wo ate just receiving. Would call special attention ,to our own brand cf La' die Important (f jett bovbk io.' Potith &(i at 2.60 per pair, which we warrant. Will also notice our Ueiit'- hewed Caif Boots for $5.00 per pair, cheap." Bust's Gaiu-rs,. and Miles' custom made Gent's Boots and blioen. Also, Miles' Lasting. Calf and Morocco Shoes for Ladies' Misses' and Chilian j all fresh Goods and nice. Our Store is full of Goods, of most ar.ylhiojt thai can be found la a First Class Dry Cuods Store. ' faSS We solicit a call from the public gen rally before purchasing elsewhere. We think we can make it the interest of all to purchase from us, goodGoodsand at prices guurDted( Very Respectfully, J. P. GULLEY, & BRO. deo 6-3io WHITFIELD'S GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, &C.I IS NOW PREPARED BY V J T fleld, eon of John W. WhUfleld, (deceased) who was extensively known to the afflicted. I assure the public, that the inrdicii; Nhall be gennin and no hnnibua- as my ob ject is to gratify the many who have ordered it since tbe war and to relieve those who - a:e afflicted. It is irood for Rheumatism, Colds and Coughs, Pneurnonia, Hooping-cough, Croup, and. in many instances, has relieved Brm chital sfF-ctiort and Cousiitnptioik. Price f 1 5 par bottle, 1 12 per dozen. Cash orders solicited. Address, T. J. WUITFIELU t CO.,