Hajo Desmond's wife, teI carpet, and coloring a peachy crimson FnetlU.S 01 TempGrailCe Directory: . . . . Mamma is old eiioagli to know Int 1 BT H-ELLEU FOKEST, G EAVES It was just the very ppot for love maliing -a rustic Bunimer-liQUse bo- Nol' ahe flashed out. That' awkwart,' said Major Das- tiioud, reflectively. Tbeu I wippose the matter is ali uj.' Who who 'in the gentleman ?' ask- The Qrler of the Friends of Teuupertnoe wad instjiiated in the city of Petersburg, Va., Ob tbc ;E)tu and 8otb of Novem-ber, lbt5. side ti e liver all lovely arid odorous ed Juliet, a little anxiously. With the b ue clqstors of Wistaria bios- ouujb mm iuo creamy curls I spice- Bcented boney-sacklea i ; while afar off in the woodn, . wLrp-poorwill The next annual session will be held ' in New Orleans, the f ourh week in OcloWi next . j ' i fT" Concerning aH matters pertaining- t the Order in LouLsana, address W. "W; McGari. ty, President, New Orleans, or John Crebbin, Secretary , 1 i SOUTTOAROUN STATE COUN CIL NO. 8. OUR ORGAN THE OFFICEKS. I T I I . t -1 TT1 'r Jj rlOHtl OX J. CHIP Cr&HG 6 Ex-President James T Bragdon, Flintville. was niui muring bw plaintive strain, and the ml moon, a globe ot luminous ; trees on 'Why, it was myself.' You, Maj6r Djamoad ?' Yet-, L Why not?'- Juliet Clcrefuont laughed, ana co red, and dropm-d her eve'.ashts Thv wurti at least an eighth oT aL: inch longer than the widow's. Why, you're not thirty yet, and poor, silly mamma must be forty, al the very least ! I cm seven-aud-twenty,' said the pear,, was risiDg behind tho the opposite shore. Mrs, Cleremdnt sat among"the bon 1 1 1 ' v mi a T educKiep, in Diacic Biiir. tnmmea wun ilp.PIt fulil a ci( crann TinrrlfO : 'trHj.reA on ber scarf; and h banfkercbief i witb li,li' W m,unm was bordered, inch-deep, with black, while ber glossy hair,; banded -.under neath the widow's cap, and her large . . .. : ... .'.I . velvet-dark eyes, , matched the crape and burgles to' a charm. opposito the PUBLISHED BY RE?. R. H.WHITAKER 1 ilialeigli, 1ST. C, ' 1 s the official organ of the order Terms $2 a ,ear, THE SUPREME COUNCIL. ii . , . - ... - - The Supreme Council of the Order was" in stituted 1867 in Petersburg, VaH Jane the "25th, JjALL AND WINTER, 1873. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER &, CO., Importers, Jobbers & Retail- ers. Have rece:ved their splendid Stock of DR ? GO O D S, ' LADIES DRESS GOODS, All new styles and shades of LA D I E S DEE S S G 0 0 D S NATIONAL HOTEL! - .; ' RALETGII, N.C., Comer H wii'n and E lentoa Streets. IMMEDIATELY H9ETH UF C1PIT0L Major Desmond Btood loaning against the rustic post of Bummer-houso door. : ' 'My. dear major, you surery cannot' be in earnest (said tho widow, daintl iianaiing a smaii goia-siopperea smeu ing-bottle. . , " r 'Why shouldn't 1 be earnest ?" de manded the major, with great! coin pos ure. 'Of course Turin earnost, ' Mrs. Jleremont. 1 love you I Won t you marry me?' . 'J) .' '- 'f - - i-; Tlio widow g'anced up then down and feigned t(- be overcomo' 'with the most graceful confusion. ; J 'The mischief take the man 1' thought she to herself J ' Wh couldn't ho have ktptrjbis Benitments to him- Belf until Gerard Jussiiigtoh bad pro posed?' dthiaQnd is rich -and well- i half, a I must ; i r ,oth- bred, but Jusiugton is worth niilliou, at the- very least. potpono theirisi, sTme way Thus bhe uieditate.l behind thi c i i t of lior b'uek-odged pocket kerchief,. while Major fiD , thought ho-.v baudsOu'O her: jejeiaslus were. 'Doar Majo Desmond hand- OSiUOIJd is only thirty-five, 'You might as well marry your grandmother !' said Jubet, saucily ; and you know there is a Scripture law airi iafct that. . . Major Desmond looked with a sort of sudden inspiration into tho beau tiful, liquid eyes . that were uparkhng with fan." Miss Julie said be, ?alorously, ,'il you won't , consent to my marrying vour mamma ' 'Certainly I shall notl' interrupted Juliet, more pstively than before. Well, then, what would you say to iny mairying you ?' . JuKe. slartetl, colored, and looked preticr than ever, in her .bowiideuinent ind confusion. ' . 'I I never taought of that tcarce .y knowing what elso to sy. 'Think of ity won't you?' sail Mij r Dt-s ODd, pi rsuasively. 'I'll sit still iind niiver iav a word to disturb you 1 for fiva minutes. Juli t '"i'eepedatthe major undor her eyelashes, lie was young and hand some, and she kaew ho v;is a gentie- a:ii by Lirth and rank ; le had prop erty enough to livo well, and sue was- mi tir.-d of 'M:wl Mnoiselle Cieuille and those tedious '.French exorcises, and OFFICERS OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL. Presiden.t, A Tope A bell, BaTantah.fOeo. Associate, Hev T A Carrmh, Welboru, Fla. UhaplaiD, Bv A R Raven, Gary. N 0. f Secretary, fUrWB Wellons, Suffolk, Va. Treasuier C T Butler, Sbepberdstowo, W Va. Conductor, 'James (Jutrer, Osyka, Alias. 3fcntinel; CoJ J Q Blue, Mariou, U. The Supreme Council jrill hold its next Biennial Session in Mirion, S. C, commen cing onjthe 2nd Weduesday in June, 1875. boncerning all uj a tiers cbunecled with the Sureuie Council, address A Pope A bell, Presideintj Savannah, Q;o, or Kev ff B Welloiis, Secretary, Suffolk, Va, Chaplain Rev A Coke Smith, Cheraw. Secretaty John O Willson, Marion. Treasurer Hash R Johnson, Nichols. Conductor D Evander Gilchrist, Mul ins. Sentinel B Heyward Myers, Flintville." The next semi-annual session of this. ' Council win be neia at Lheraw: commencing ou the 1st Tnursday in November 1873. TENNESSEE. , A sufficient number qf Subordinate Coun cils to entitle this State fto a 8 Late ConucH rT" i "rs-JZ "" burt shoes; for gents-& ladies- lino avaa aajnuu w iviiu tug obatC vUUuulU I - - - 3IEJVAND BOVS WEAR, - . " .' i Full lines of Casimeres, Tweeds, Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES, Full slock o: Boots and Shoes, iucluding the famous : VIKGINIA STtlTE COUNCIL, NO.'l. CIFlbERS. . ' ' President, Mai J W Newton, Slaautou. Associate, B Thurm in, (Jord jnsville. Chaplain, W G La n -kiu, Manchester. Secretir'y, Dr J Lewis Leifcch, Uollieratowu Treasurer, Rev J A Jefferson, Petersburg. v,ondukr, W J Kidd, El mngton. niinal, J M Johnsto i, Oollier.stowu. . ' The Slate Council of Virginia was organized at Wajinesboro", on 4he 24th of April, 1866. The pext Semi-annual Session of this body will be! held in Manches tg coiumenciag the 3rd, Tuesday iu October, 1873. 3,iConcertiin2f all Jnatters connected with the prefer in tliis State, address Mnj J. VV. Newtoa, President, Slauuton, Va., or Dr. J Lewis Litch, Co'.lieMtown, Va. ' . This Order, rapidly spreading over : ,the Sou thern States, bids fair to be the means of ac complishing great good.; i How To Sicpbk a Chahter. The following is the form of s pplieation for a charter to form a Council of the" Friends of Temperance We, the undersigned, inhabitants of- . be lieving the order of the Friends of Temperance to be well calculated to extend the blessings of total abstinence, and promote the welfare of mankind, respectfully petition the State Council, of the State of , to grant them a Charter to open a subordinate Council, to be called Council, t No. Friends of Temperance of the State of to be located We believe'in the existence of God, aiVev erence the teachings of the holy scriptures. We pledge ourselveB, individually and co lectively, to be governed by the rules and usages of Ihe tate Council. Enclosed w charter lee, $5. Bit tal, 5. , ADVERTISEMENTS New style GENTS' and BOYS HATS. Our old motto "Bsst Goods at Lowest PKiCfcs," adhered to. W. II. & K. o. TUl'KEu & 00. Oct. 8- tf She inured at last i mar-. I XX 1 you. I liavo a ooar uauiruu r at h ardiiig-sckidul " 'I know tbjat said Desmond, a lit tle puzzled ; $ut what on earth have. I got to do wfth that ?. ' I have promised dear Ju-her 'Much. bet never to'iiarry again without c ntent. 1 ovn that it was ii rash, in- nevertheless considerate pjjrorriisebut I feel sacredly bouud byjL it Oh, IMajor Dessmolid, dare I ask you to go i it id see mj' cjiild to plead: with her for hir mother's happiness?' 'It's a deuced ouibarrassihg sort of a job!' said $he major, stroking- his say, Mrs.' Cjerernont, married first l aud ask i'l luJHstache. supose we Miss Julie's ijepnission afterward.?' 'IH ' 1 . . ... ,.K.-i .lrt.l J.11U H lUUWiBUUUUClCU. ,j 'Impossibly, dear friend I ? vowed toll you that;! JuUet Isahctions Do I not sacred a vow not to wed a second time, unless ber ' mother's -my chice 1' " 'And you &on't break it-?' 'I could not !' sighed the widow 'Then I siipposo there's no! belp for it?' saidMaior Desmond. "Well, I'll take the first tram lor New York, morrow , mornihg. '.'i I list you' ;p sd soon ?' cojd this to- the very Maj r w dovv, secretly iufnriatq at uu iL-cessaryj baste. rhe sooner" the better saijd De mond, gallantly kissing the plump ban 1. with four dots of dimples at the joints aud pink nails, that lay over the rail of the rjistic seat. j ' 'Tiie great fool!' said Mi's. Clere mont. whenlat last she was left to liaiself. 'IfI was a man, I f know won In t mike such a ninny of my- solf. And now to brin'sr Gerard Jus- siu 'ton to tUe point as soon as possi ble ! - ;! - v-i-.; '; ! : . i .'.'::' ''? ;v M udemoisplle Chenille's Day- and 1 ..rding Establishment, on jMadison Avenue, in new York, was thrown in to a sort , of gentle excitement, the ii. x afternoon, by the unusual an- liotf.oomenn . A gentlepian to M tdemoiselle Chenill looked doubt- "fii!, and shook her head. '()uite aga;nst pur rules, iniy dear K-ii I she. --- - ; -A 'Uat bo's W friend of mamma 1' crie a let- see Miss Clere- ihd s::e wfis seventeen next wee i. W:ll, Miss Juliet, what i your an swer? fnoke out the ninjors clear, le.as int yoicrv -I'vij a great mind to s iy Yes said Mi s Clere mont. Then suppose I t?ke you b ack to Cleroiuont Dodre with me at once, said the major, who believed iu st'rik-. iuy; while tue iron was hot. It wouldn't be proper said Juliet. 'It would be perfectly proper if we ' m w ! 1 ' L J were to De marnea nrsrj suggejiteo tho, major. ' , . ' Wouldn't that bo rather romantic?' said Juliet, laughing.yet not displeased- 'WellI don't -know that the ro mance of tbo thing con.-ttitutes any ob- ctibn observed. Major Desmond, thoughtfully. Major D Jsm Mid in the parlor with dear Juliet? Then of course; she has,. conn n'ed, sweet, thoughtful girl V ciia3 Mrs. Cleremont,-all iu a flatter. 'Fate is certainly on my side at last! although I didn't think so when Gerard Jussington told me he was engaged to that odious Celesti ue Mar ley!' ; , '. : And Mri. Gleremont hurried down to greet the newcomers. 'Major Desmond advanced lo greet her. . . 'Good-moruing, Mrs. s;iid lie. - 'She wouldn't on any terms ! ' 'Would not consent? widow. 'And so, as you had said an indispensable condition -' 'But gasped Mrs. Cleremont, I didn't mean ' . . .'Perhaps it would be well to hear me out first said Major Dosmond, calmly. 'And so, as she was very like you, and generally extremely chartming I proposed to her, and we went and got married at once !' i. .'Ob, mamma, won't you give "me your blessing?' entreated Mrs. Major Desmond, "going gracefully down' on her knees. 'Won't you give me your blessing mamma ?' pleaded the major himself, with a carious twinkle in his f je. And what could Mrs.? Cleremont do biat consent ? Sbe had out-marjeeav- , jd herself, and there was no alterna- NOBTH CAIiOLINA STATE COUN- CLL,NOi2. The State Council of Xorjth Carolina was o inizedat Henderson, April 8th, 18U7 blFICEKS. 1872.' . i- . i . . 1872 G0LDSR0R0, N. G. i riiHS IS ONE OF THE BEST . CONDUC JL ted Hotels in the State, (new' and estab lished since the late fire.) At this house you will find the best Fare, Comfortable Fires, ex cellent Lodging Rooms, a well furnished Par lor and accommodations for Ladies. POLITE AND ATTENTIVE SERVANTS. JAMES W. MORRIS, Proprietor. march 20 tf. j GEORGE AlLEN & CCS. DIPLOMA, r AWARDED LY THE ' AMERICAN INSTITUTE, TO , w. McKEE, FOR Enlbrohlriigaiid Fluting 3achines, It in inunious ind will meut the wi"nt8 of every matron in"the land.' Exhibition r 11872. John E.'Oavit, Kec. Secy. i) A. Barnard Pres. Samuel 1J. ; Tdlrqan, . Corresponding Secy New lork. November 2, 1872. lnis simple ana ingenious Machine is as useful as the Sewing Machine, and is' fast be coming popular with the ladies, iu the place of expensive AeeUle-woik, its work being much more handsome, n quirine less time aud not one tenth part the expense. No la dy 3 toilet is now complete without iL A Ma chine with illustrate! circular and full inr strcutiens sent on receipt of $ 1- or finished in silver plate for f ..-. ..- Address, The WcKee Manufacturing Co., 309 Braodway, New York. agents wanted Sept '7 -tf- . This biiildifiir comparatively njw Wnd con tains sixty-fie well furtned rumt a d ev pry appointment for the act ommodalion ot Sjueets. i'.verv effort shall be made to rendr r the NATION A. Equal to any Hotel iu ih South ern Mates. t" The patrnae of the travelii g imblic and those ca: appreciate a Ot)OD HOUSE is reHptioliully aud c rdially solioilej. R I fcS ; rarlor Fioor, .5 Upper Floor,.... ,. ...... eO J. M. FLA IB, Proprietor Formerly of the Yarb orQ Ilouse. Jn ailudmsi to tins Hotel and its Proprietor, the "llnlsooro recorder" says : , V -"Mr. Janes M, Blair, as the twveler begins t find out, has resumed charge of this house Some men are born to grealr.ess if fortune favors them to find their special line of fitness and if vera man was baru to rule with jren- tle sway over the public, that man is J. M Blair. Although th h use was previously a good one, the magic touch of the new propu elor has effected changes as uulooke 1 for as they are agreeable and it is now without a bu perior. Sept I7-lf D s .- w T Deahr ir Pre?denl, Itev. Geo. B. Wetiuore, Salisbury. Assuciaic, W. VV; Cole, f ayettevilld. . Chaplain, Rev. J. W- Wellons, i ranklinton Secrie'ary, Kev It. II. Whifciker, Raleigh. Treasu'or h. li. Hryan,; Jonesboro. . Cou juctor, D. T. Moore, Goldsboro. , Sentinel, I. N. Cirke, Carth?ge. , The Counci nest annual session of the State 1 will be held at Tarboro, N. C, on the Cleremont !' consent not echoed' tHe that was 3rd WMnesday in November, 1873. t3P1 Concernina' all matters pertainins to the order in North Carolinaaddress Rev Geo. B. WeHMre President, Salisbury or Rev rt H Whiiaker, Secretarv, Raleigh. TEXAS STATE COUNCIL, NO. 3. ? ... j ; The; State Council of Teixas was organized by Itev. James .Young, on the 4th of July, 1870. m - officers. . President, Dr. W.- C. Crane, Independence. Associate, Dr. Jr. Al. CSears, nryan. Chaplain, O. H. Addison, Owensville. Secretary. J-H.-Letillier, Sherman. V Treksarer, B. F. Hawkins, Waxahachie. Conductor, Dr. D. Shufdrd, Tyler. Sentinel, D. DCur.ie; Tyler ' State Lecturer, Rev. James Young. Thejnext semi-annual session o the State Council will be held at Tyler, the 1st Wednes day in! July, 1873. j ; Concerning all matters pertaining to the oiider in this State, address the President or thej Secretary. ; MISSISSIPPI STATE -COUNCIL, i - - - ' NO. 4. Thet State Coqncil of Mississippi was organ ized at Hazlehurst- oa the 24th day.of Sep tember 1870. ' OFFICERS. . - ' Presideirt, . B Wagner, Meridian Associate, S. . Mathews, Summit, Chaplain, Bev. L. Scholield, Liberty. Secretary, Messwann, Meridian. Treasurer,.D, W. Jones,Jackson. ' Conductor, A. G. Walker,' Batesvill, In Seutinel. G. H. Varilado, Summit. OutSeuti:iel,C H. Lyier, ; f DISTRICT VICE PRESIDENTS. I Rev L R Reddiug, Ex-P. State Council. Col p P Neilson, Pres't Council No. 19. Water F Tynes, Ex-P. Council No. 6- RevA B Nicholson, Chap. S. Council. Theincxt session of the State Council will be helfl at Vicksburg. Mississippi, on the 2nd Tuesday iu December, 1872. Concerning all matters peitaining to ths order in tiiis State, address the President Secretary. . , i . J:i I:" 1 . L f Ccttcu, Corn and -Potato L ' CULTIVATOR. and most Effective Plows and is i He brings A sobie cou- Ja it, coloring up. t v from mamma. 'la that case, my dear, matters are quite alteredAeaid the gracious little, l-'r lichwomam jUauame s f Banction i. moves all interdict.' Major Do-snkond roue, in fusion, us Missl Juliet Cleremont trip led into the room. He had anhcipa- V.d a vain, awl6vard school-girl ; here Avas a beautiful jouog girl,.; with, eyes iik Moore's . "dear gazalle," a; cream white stiu, and a slight, bending fig; uif, is white muslin, with; a broad black sash. ' f :r " : M Ave vou Miss Juliet ?! said be. 'yesirrn Miss Ju'iat,', the young hi ly: answered, with great composun . Oh 1 said the maj r. 'The fact . is' I have " calkd it j'our!, mamma, Miss Juliet !' : . 'I hope mamma is well Y 'Never better,?, the major answered, and plugged desperately into the heart of the 'matter. 'She's ! thinking or the t tive loft but to submit to Djstiny as graciously as possible. fall Plowing i i ( - A contribution in the Rum1, Horns says : ' ' I have had repeated tests ou my farm, and do not recollect that imy crops have ever been batter, but have often been poorer when fall plowing was. done, except when a sod was plow ed under. A few years ago I plowed oie-half a field of corn and bean ground in the fall, and the rest in spring, xue iau ptowea portion was 1 1 'l . ..U- i . 1 1-11 narrowea ana c uiuvaiea uu it was very firm, and was sown to ba'rley th? same as the spring plowed portion The crop I judged to be from five to ten bushds belter 'on the spring plow ing.. Ana again I once plowed part of a wneat stubble field iu fall, aud in spring, the wheat field was manured alike and plowed under, then planted to com. The fall plowed was treated the same as that not p'.ovred. The re- - sult.was the same as that before men- WST VA .STATE COUNCIL, NO. 5. The.StateCruncil of West Virginia Was or ganizeji at Charlestown, July 20th, 1871. ' j 04TICEES. President, J J Chiply, Moorefield. . Associate, C T Butler, Shepardsl'n. ChapUin Rev Dr J R Finley, Mooi field. Secretary. D Uowell. Charleston. Treasflrer, O T Lickhder, ShepherdKtown. Condu'ptor, B J Baker, Petersburg. Sentiniel. PS E Sixeas, ' Lewisburg. (The! next session of this St ite Council ill be held iu Louisburg, 1st Wednesday Au gust, i872. .--.'' Concerning all matters pertaining to the orer in this State, address the President or Secretary. 1 f j FLoijLDA STATB COUNCIL, NO. 6 IThe Cheapest Steel Plow ia use-: 3Tt does The wok of Two with Ose Man abdOiiR, Hobsk. It runs shallow, "js e.uiily guided, light to the Horse. It is made of Wrought Steel, and will out last two ordinary Plows-' . J' . It weeds Potatoes, and , replaces ' the earth on the hill at the same time : ' It can be used in. any well prepared soil, i and is equally good for Cotton, Corn and iJo. tatoas. f All who have used it are pleased with it. "It is the bebt for plowing young cotton I have ever used." CoL. A. M. Faisoh. "It saves the labor of dne horse and plow, and two hoe h'w U." ElDbr G W. IIophak' J. D. Carroll Esj., says: '. So far as 1 have used it, it excels all others." Harper Vjlliams, Esq, sajs: "It Saves the labor of one horse and band." ; A. B Fabudhab, ays: "I know ol no Cultivator embracing so inany; good points, lae., so well adapted to Working tue plant in de several stages of its growth. Trice $10. Liberal Discount to the trade Also . : , CHAMPION COTTON AD CORN PLOW, Champion iOicKsos Sweep, JAnd a great vanety of Turning Plows.'-J Flows CastiQgs qf Eyery iind, 2.Seud for a Ua aiogue. AUKJSTS WAITED IN EVERY PLACE. GEORGE AL.LE3T & CO. 22 & 24 Pollok Street Nefbern, N. C. Jan. 29 tf' . THE BECKWITfl SEWING MACHINE Price, $12 aud $20. rHE invention of the rjckiyiih Sewing Ma JL chine is the result of an effort to bring before the public a Machine, w iih . all . tt e strength, durability and efficiency of the lar ger Machines, at a price so low that the poor d6t may have one. ! Ljke a fine watch, compared to a family clock, so the essential properties of the large, costly Machines are found in the Beckwith. Hear what, the Sciantific American, Ameri cfcn AgriexiUurustj and other popular journals says of it : " We exhibit in the accoqfpany ii g engraving (a Machine,) one that possesses the utility of more costly f pnes, 1 while it is furnished at a price below anything we have had of the kind that cat perform the same work in as complete a maricer." " And now we are prepared to eodr rse the Beckwith Sewing Machine as one worthy of being at once secured by all who cannot purchase the expensive machines." "Ill takes up but little room, works smoothly, and is altogether such a wonder in its Hue, that tq see it in opera tion, calls forth immediate praise and admi ration." It is well and strongly, made ; its use quickly learned by a child. Is so light thnt a lady can carry it with her in a' reticule when visitirg, or on a journey. Is a useful and t.on wnere,other machines are used, eith er, for t arry ing to diflerent ! rooms, of where two wish to sew at the same lime. Is appli cable tor almost all kinds of sewing. ' Agents wanted. Address, ..' SAML. T. CATKINS, Lake Landiug, Hyde Co., N. C. Aug. 13 I v. " ' ' The Most Useful Invention of the Age. French Starch Enamel &HOULD BE IN JSVEKY FAMILY. It imparls to linen a most beau tiful polish filling the pores of the fabric and making i he oldest article loojf frosh and. new. it saves labor by n-aking the iron slip smoothly snd ensi'.y. and preventing the surch from sticking or cloggi&g. It saves money since it produces far better resu'ts at oneha?ftbe costs of ingredients now iu ne, and it saves clothing by its pre servative qial lie4 by ensip-iug thgir longer wear w.thout washing and by rejecting to a certain exte.iil wh it wquld prdjnarially soil or stain the fabric. " Every fami'y should use it ! Every lady n eds it ! Every washwoman will be bene fitted by it! Read the' following Certificate from the JFirt$ Chemixt iii Maryland: 1 have carefully examined the "French Starch Enamel," and find in it neilhei Sper maceti, Paraffine or Wax.' It contains no in gredient that cn be in any way iujurous to the finest f-r most deliate fabric W. . A AIKIM, 51. U., Prot. 0 leinistiy, &c i - Read the following certificates from the best Hotels and Laun Irios in, the Fuited States, testifying to the superiority of FRENCH STARCH ENAMEL over every thing e'se in use. DlllGUODb, BOOTS AXU SHOES. HAxS AND CAPS, Readv-Made Clothing UOSIEUY.NOTiaNS, trunks' V A L I C E S , CENTS' FURN1SKING GOODS No. 54, Fayettevil'e Street, ' n. a. . DKVOTED to the union of all the follow, of Christ upon the Danie rt ii KEW ADTEIiTISEMENTS. y- - Christian" and the BIBLE a sufficient rule of faith and practice. The organ of , . THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH and the advocate of all its interests. 1'ublished weekly at Suffolk. Va. Priqe, per year, - . $3,50 For six months. - - ' - 1.50 Bent to all Ministers 01 the Uospel, of everv denomination, it i'l a year. Advertisement uot inoousiHtent with the character of thp paper, received at the usual rates. The paper is well established, being now in its XJtVth Volume. REV .W..3. WELL0NS, Editor.. To whom all Communications should be ad dressed. S $) 1 3 (D i a suJVute for Soap for all House-' hy- except washing clotli. 0 1E) C 3 0D for Cleaning yourIonse will save the labor of one cleane Give it a trial. ". sap 3 (D for. Windows is btter than Wi!t:n!i Water, pots. or aprill'J- RALEIGH, -din. W. E. ANDElt!0 iiebident. QITIZENS was organ- The State Council of Florida izedatlLake City, October 2oth, 1871, at which jtime th9 Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance made a surrender of its charter. j OFFICEKS. President, Rev T A Carruth, Welborn. Associate, Jas Roach, Wukeenah. Chaplfin, Rev E S Tynsr,j Live Oak, -. Secretary, W M Mcintosh, Tallahassee. Treasurer, T M B unker. Bailey s, JpilYSICIAN? AND DRUOSISTS. A prominent ftew York physician lately compiamea to uunaas iicx about Ms Sandal wooa uu uapsuies, stating that sometimes they enred miracu'ouslyj but that a patient of his had taken tnem for some time without effect. On being informed that several imita tions were made and sold, he inquired and round tn.it nis patient bad been Conductor, Dr T H Edwards, Bailey's Miils, JZfc-?T ?.T 1 Vn a i- o.,-1iw.a u4 n.' 3 sules sold in bottles, and not Dundas Dick & Co's. J ' ' t : ITT .4 . . 4 a a DISTRICT VICE-PBESIDEST3. 1 " nat nappenea to ttis pUysician may have No , Rev Josephus Anderson, D D, Talla- take this method of protec'ina nhvsicians. Cabrolltojj Hotbi., Bait , May 29th, 1872 Gentlbmf.s. we are using your "French Staroit Enamel," and we take great pleas- -arin recommending it to all frugal house keepers, as the best arid most economical r tide we have ever used, it lessens the labor of ironing cl.n ifi -s ihe s tai ch and imparts a delicate pol;sp. Yours Rcspecttully, R. B. Coleman, ' Proprietoi of Carrollt- n Hotel, Bait. k a.wevil Cashier. NATIONAL BAN, of RALEIGH, N. C. Authorized Capital, - -. i5O0,00u I7e!i in uoveuiiif.ii 1 ijili.-, Sr'c.ini.ies irii 1--7 ' Proprietor' Grand Proprie' ors Bainum A v i Proprietors . Baraum'u lei, Baltimore, WM. H. Powers, Hotel, New York, 0. A. Stetson's Sons, House, New York, j Astor Madame ' eC'urson, French Laundr Yoik. Barrington & Pearuall, Ftuyvesant Lun dry, New York. - Ham & Varuey Home Steam Laundry, Cin cinnati, Ohio, j ; 0. Lewis Diintap, Grocer, 13 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore. f Gabriel De" itt, Baltimore Autom.itic Laun dry Baltimore. i Thomas J. Irving 5lo., 1GS W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore. , Robert fVwler, Late Slate Treasurer ol Maryland, " , . F. J. McDonald, Manufaclui er of McDon asViir Uryitl, 17 Uuane Street, ework. , J.ow!er& Co., Grocers, 452 'V. Balti more Street, Baltimore. We only ask a trial of the Enamel, feeling confident as to the rfsi.lt. 6 J W" Lombard fc-rteet, Biltimore. Liberal Discount to the Ti;ade. - Write for terms and Circulars, . , . Fob Sale by ALL GROCERS AND NOTION DEALERS. Agents Warjted Eveiywliere. Indies ask your Storekeeper for it. Feb. 19-tf. - B URN II AM & CO. Manuficturers. Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta R. R. Company. Gen. SuPEHiKTs;sDEirT?8 Office, ) WrxMc-GTON, N. C, Oct, 7, 1872. ) CHANGE OF SCHlDULE. QIIjANGE OF SCHEDULE. RALSIGILA GASTON RAILROAD, ) burERlSTBSDKNT 8 OFFICE, V ' 'Raleigh, N. O., Nov. 29, 1872. ) . On and after Saturday, Nov. 30th, 172. trains on the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad will run daily Sunday excepted as follow MAIL Tit AIN. Leave Raleigh, ,9:35 A.M. Arrives at Weldon, P. M. Leaves Weldon. 9:15 A'. M Arrives at Raleigh, 3:20 P.M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leaves Italeigh, 8:00 P. M Arrives at Weldcn, tj20 A. M Leaves VV el dan, 9:15 P.M. Arrives at Raleigh, 8:00 A. M Mail train makes close connection at VVel doe with the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad and Bay Lin"! Steamers via Baltimore, to and. from all points JNorlh, West and North w est and with Petersburg Railroad via Petersburg Richmond and Washington City, to and from all points North and Nftrtfowesfc. And 3$ Raleigh with the North Carolina Uailroad to and from all points South and Southwest, and with the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line to Haywood and Favetteville. Accommodation and Freight trains connect at Weldon with Accommodation and Freight traius on Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad and Petersburg Railroad. And at Halcigh wuh Accommodation and Freight trains on North Carolina Railroad. Persons living along the line of the road can visit Baleigh in the - niprning by Accommoda tion tram, remain several hours, and return me same evening. ; R. B. ANDREWS. dec. 17-tf . Gen. Supt. QIIANGE OF SCEDULE. RALEIGH AUGUST AIR-LINE, Superintendent's Office, Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 29th, 1872. On and after baturdoy, Nov. 30th, 1872. irauiBon pne tt- A. a. u, Koaa will run daily, (Sunday excepted) as follows: Mail Train leaves Rtleigh, 3:35 P. M Arrives at Sauford, CT15 ' " Mail Train leaves Sanford, 6: 30 A. JI. Arrives at Raleigh, 9:20 Mail Train makes close connection at Ral eigh with the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad to and from all points North . And at Sai.ford with the Weslerp Railroad )C aud from FayetteviUe and points on Wes Jiu Railroad. A. B. ANDREWS, JVf '3P . Superintendent. ' Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Rail Road Line. Easteun Division : New Schedule. GOING WEST. JOUN ARMdrilONd. BOOK BINDER, . -A.HD . Blank Book Manufacturer OVER JSORia CAROL IMA 11UOK.BT0RE UALEIGUX If. (. IS prepared with the. most approed ma- chiuery lor doing in best style all mi ccer f work in a first class V BOOK BmOEMYj AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY. He keeps constantly on hand a large' and varied Stock of BLANK BOOKS, which be oners to Booksellers and Merchants at north- krn PRICKS, or he will dnplicate any bill Blank Books bought North at the same price. He will furnish to Clerks of Courts at short notice, and upon the Lowest TerniB, Trial, Execution, Minute and Recording DoekeU or any other book which may be needed, lie will bind in the NEATEST MANNER and in any style of Binding, all Books' r : r 1. 1 . . . . . uia.gx.iues, i a.mpnieu), JUU8IC, etc.. at nric which cannot fail to give satisfaction. lar Law j Jiooks bound in superior LaA. Binding. Missing numbers of the RonorU supplied and odd numbers taken in exchange j it-1 uiiimny. uu4ess, JOHN ARMSTRONG, -(Over North Carolina Book Store,) mav 25 If. Raleigh, N. C. CaioIiEa Messenger IS PUBLISHED . SEMI-WEEKLY AND WEEKL AT "' GOLDSBORO1, N. C. rpiIE MESSENGER is now in its Ninth JL Volume, is Democratic in nolitirs m,. sparing in its denunciation ot political abuses HAND ana corruption regardless of party. Aims to oe a saie guiae 01 public opinion 011 all topics which engage public attention. Is the lanrpsi circulated political paper in the State. o U USCK1P 1TON PRK'F. Weeklv. one vear. . jIUND 8emi-weekly, three months, - 1 AJJi'ess, JULIUS A. BONITZ, Editor and Proprietor, Goldsboro', N. C. april 51 tf. No removing out tains nd car- cleans Paint and Wood. In fact the en tire bouse, betier than Soap. No slop ping. Saves labor. You can't afford to be without it., lVr Scouring. Knives is better and clean er than Bath Brick. Will not scratch. SAPOLIO ia letter than Soap rd and for hi1 ishing Tinware.. Brightens without isciatchingi I SAPOLIO EHdishcs Brass and Copper utensils bet-, ter than Acid orpil and Ro'teti Stone. SAPOLIO for Washing Dishes and Glassware is invaluable. Cheaper than Soap. ! SAPOLIO renit.ves Stains from Marble 'Mantles, Tables and Statuary, from Hard-fin-iohed Walls, and-from China and Por .colain. ' ' ' 1 s. . SAPOLIO The tollowing Schedule will go into effect at 3.25 Ai M Monday, 7th instant. ' DAI EXPttEss TRAIN, (D-ily.) J Leave Wilmington, 3.25 a. m. Aruveat Florence, 9.o5 Ainvw at Columbia 2 40. . ' " AugusU, 7 1-2 Leave Augusta, . 6o A. it. Arrive at Columbia, , 11.25 Arrive at Florence . 4.15 p. M :A n f WilmmMnn IA 95 " NIGHT EXPRESS tiaily), Sut-day etce led. Leave Wilmington, 5.40 p. h. Arrive at Floience, 11.35 " Arrive at Columbia, 3,40 a. k. " - " Augusta 8.20 " Leave Augusta, 5.50 r. u Arrive at Columbia, 10.20 " Arrive at Florence, . 2.12 a.m. Arrive at Wilmington, 8.00 " JAMES ANDERSON. pet 9 tf. Geneial Superintendent. ,,f r.iany ing agajn, end nhe seut iii to! t,onfi(1 ve.y muCj auiust tho r ." 1 ..,:ti;., f B e II ou u"6 ' . j 'Ceitainly not,' said Juliet, pattin jviowiu. I could inentiou other perienca alike unsatisfactory in fill ex- fal Hr piettily-sligpered foot upon .'the 1 - ving for .ring crops. hasseel No 3, Wm A Willis, Bailey's Mills. J- No 3, Janii?s B Roach, Waukeenah. Nd 4, Dr Bee Harrison, Monticello. No Rev W O Hampton, Williamsburg. No t4 Rev E 8 Tyner, Live Oak. No t, or W m S Rice, Jasper. No 8, Wilson H Sessions, Welborn. No 9, Dr Jame s Wiiliame Newvansville. Nolo, A. in Shands, Bronson- The next annual session of this Ptate Council will be; held at Monticello on the third Wed nesday in October next. ' 1 Concerning all matters pertaining to the order in this State, address the President or Secretary. j . LOUISIANA STATE COUNCIL i j NO. 7. - ! ;- -" .,; -: -- The State Council of Louisana was organ ized on the 22nd day of May, 1872, in the city of f New Orleans. , I officers: . President, W. W. 3IcGarity. Associate. Rev. Jas. . . Godfrey. . CUaplaia. Rev. Charles F. Evans. Secretary, Charles Brill" Trpasurer, B.iniel C'urrap. Condtictor, W. B. Tbomxon, SeLtjnel, Charles A Hamlm tan. Esj- Phesldeut, William Boyi.e. protecuns nhvsicians. diuggistja and Ihemselves,! and preventing Oil of Sandalwood from cominginto disrepute. Physicians who once prescribe the Capsules will continue to do so, for they contain the pure Oil in the best and cheapest form Dundas Dick &- Co. nse more Oil Of Sandal wood in the manufacture of their Capsules than ail the wholesale and Retail Druggists ana penumers in tne United Slates combined and this is the sole reason why the pure Oil is sold cheaper in their Capsules than in any other form. ' Oil of Sandalwood is fat superseding every other remedy, sixty Capsules only being re quired to insure a safe and certain cure in six or eight days. " From no other medicine can this result be had. 1 j ; . Dick's Soft Capsules solve the problem long considered by many eminent physicians, of how to aioi l the nausea and disgust ex perienced in swallowing W'' ich are well known to detract from, if not destroy the fcood effects of many valuable remed es. Soft Capsules are p'it up in tin-foil and neat boxes, thirty in e.tch, and - are the oidy capsules prescribed by Physicians. .The8e were th onlw Capsules admitted to tLe last Paris Exposition . Send for Circular 10 33 Wooster Street, New York. SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES. General Age.icy, 110 Reade StreeU New Vork. Nov. a. tf. CHILDEEH'S CARRIAGES AT BPOWN'S. VARIETY STORE, No. 10, Fajetteville St., L RALEIGH, N. a l : ' CONFECTIONERIES, Consisting in part of French aud Plain Can dies, Fruits, Nuts, Jellies, Canned Goods, Pickles, Fresh Crackers and Cakes. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, such as Accordons, Violins, Banjos, Guitars', Flutinas, Piccolos, Drums, Fifes, Fiutes, Tri angles, Tamhorines. Musical Boxes, Albums and Work Boxes, Violin and Guitar s-rings and Trimioga. Fancy Goods and To vs, of every desciiption. . BIRDS. AND BIRD CAGES, (Fine Ringing Birds always ou band,) GOLD AND SILVER FISH, ' Cigais and Tobacco, and many other arti cles too numerous to mention Don't forget lo call and examine my stock and prices before vou buy. ' : NAT. L BROWN, 'Ralegh, N.C. Y&7 28 My .1 ' STAONS. ! PASSENGER Leave Wilmington Abbott burg Lumberton " Shoe Heel " Laurinburgu " Rockingham Arrive al Lilesville 8:00 A m. 11:16 " 12:30 p. M. 1:54 " 2:30 " 4:03 , 4:45' " TEEIGHT P II GOING EAST. STATIONS. Leave Lilesville M Rockingham " ' Laurinburgh " Shoe Heel " Lumberton " Abbottsbu'g Arive at Wilm'gVu PASSENGER 7,40 8,36 10,30 10,55 12,00 p 1.26 4,3i A. M. 600 a 11:45 " 2:05 5:00 6:00 A M io7J6 FREIGHT. 12,00 M A M 5,00 5,n5 9.50 12,1a F M removes Stains and Grease iroru Car pets and other woven fabrics. mere is no one article known that will do so inauv kindn ot work and lo it as Avell as fria po lio. fi ry ir. iiANtD HAND i. li50. j. Year. J31.5Q' 6 Months on Tnal 50 Cents. THE MASONIC MONITOR DEVOTED btrictly to the Sciences, Philos ophy, Symbolism and Jurisnrudence 01 Masonry, .News of special interest to the Fra ternity South, aud rssays upon the History of the Order from its earliest ages. Pubfish- ed Monthly. EVERY MASON SHOULD SUBSCRIBE, llie JVlonitox has received the high- HAND est encomiums from the impartial and intelli gent Te8s of the country. - The proprietor so licits the patronage and support of the Fra ternity. Leading Masons pronounce it one o) the lest Masonio publications' published. .address, JULIUS A. BONITZ, Managing Editor, GoldoboroV N. C. , april 3 tf. r SAPOLIO a new and wonderful clfective Toilet Soap, having no. equal in. this country or abror d. H A POL I 6 as on article for tho Bath, "reach es Ihe foundation" of all dirt, opera the pores and gives a healthy ac tion and brilliant tint to the -skin.. SAPOLIO t lcanses and . Uoaiitiuoa the Skin lnsiRiitiy removing any-stain blemish from both hands and face W P O LI O removes J ar, Pitch, Iron or Ink Stains and Grease, for workers in '.Machine Shops, Miner, dfc , ia invaluable. For making the Skin White and Soft, ami giving :o it a, "bloom of branty," it ia unsur passed by any Cosmetic known. ,4 SAPOLIO j costs lo to If cents jer cake, and every body should have it. You will like it. DdN'T FAILTO TY THESE GOODS. Buy it ofydur merchant' if he has it or ill proci?-e it for you. If not, then write for our t amiti!pt, II aboui SHpolio," and it will b matleilliee. . I ENOCH MORCAN'S fONS, ALTIM0RE REGALIA EMPORIUM. REGALIAS, JPWELS, PARAPHERNALIA .For all Societies BANNERS AND FLAGS JIanufaciurod by SISCO BROTHERS, No 50, North Charles Street, Opposite M . sonic Temple, Baltimore, Md. . Send for Price.Lift. Janlo 1873 ly. Juiie 4-ly. MD WARD FASMAC1L H, 1 . t ' ItALEIGII, N. O- (7ud Doors above r Hale' National Hank.) JL CARTHAGE MALE I N STITUTE CART HA G E, MOORE COUNT?, N. C' rrU.E NKXT SESSION OF TiHSiSOllOOL L opens July the 14ih, 1873, For circular, address, WM j. 8TUART. July 9 RUTHERFORD COLLEGE urke County, N.C , - ' H APPY HOME, P. 0. 1 THE THIRTY NINTH ACADEMIC, . aud Fifih Collegbie term of this flourishing school open will on '30th of July, and end on 17th ol December, 1873. The Faculty full; Tuition cheap; Board from $8. to 10. per month, washing, lights, and, a.11 included.- . A Law, Department is no.w addeji to the Course. Come here for pleasantness, Cheap ness; Learning, Health' aud Piety. atAddress for Catalogue, REV R. L. ABERNETHY, President. .June JS-tL I Ladies and cents fine watches, f LA KGB ASSOUTMKNT OF iFiue Jewelry, Tableware Al ( LODK.S. i ;AIJSOt . STERLING SlLVERnARC j C3 Seals voii Notauik. ! Tio.NtU lie., ma Ik to order. 1Iak jKWKliKY made to ord"r. RkfAlKi.NU proiniitly ami carefully teuded to. april 12 COKI'OK' at Hi. T II E L Bu rO 11 N C. PA LME R, SIGN OF TUE BIG WATCH," HALEKilf, N. IU. Large assortment t'f -Watches, 1 - , Clocks, !. - Jewelry. ' - U I Sdyer-ilated Ware,. ! ( Spectacle. 1 Having fitted up my Store in fine rtyle, and Un UAnVlN'o fcLIAIn OF TARt nd see them if you want pretty and bbuaijlu; Dinner soing west at Laurinburah. Break. ast going east. Freight trains stop here over nignt. cstage ior tnariotte; ttanroaa ana Sssage fare, Wilmington to Char'otte, onlj; f 10. fp No Trains on Sunday. - Twb. Lpecial Freight Trains for Ton Timber run irregular ly. Express Freight Oars accompany each Passenger Train. . - ... , t WESTERN DIYISION. i ' IliCXS. j 1 TASSEKGER. 1 la commended by ragular Medical practition ers ard a speedy cure guaranteed tor Cplds, Cough, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spit ting Blood, Consumption and all pulmonary Complaints. Scrofula, Erysipelas, Dyspepsi and Gout Dysentery, Cholera-morbui, Chol era and all' liver and bowel complaints. Kid ney diseases and all affections of the Urinal organs perfectly hai mless free from JUn eral or Alcoholic properties phiasant to. ke and never knswn to fail Price $1.00 per Bottle. Full particulars with medical testi mony and certificates sent on application. Ad dress, L, F. HIDE & Co., 195 seventh Ave nue, New York. JJALEIGH FEMALE SEMINARY. RALEIGH, N. C. Leave Charlotte ' Lincolnton Arrive at Buffalo Leae Buffalo " Lincolnton Arrive at Charlotte M. 8.00 A. 10,43 " 127 " RETUliNING. 1,07 p. 5t. 2,41 " 5,14. V Q. JOHNSON, Assistant Sui t f eb tf. S. L. FREMONT, Gen. Supt D R. B. F. A R R 1 N Cr T O N, SURGEON DENTIST, haying permanently located In Raleigh, re spectfully tenders his professional services to the public. . Special attention given to the preservation of children's teeth and treatment of disease pertaining lo the dental structure. Om:e rooms over Tucker's Store. Oct. 15-tL. F. P. HOBGOOD, A. A. F. REDD, A M-, M.. j Princip ils. Mu Dr. L. Vos MEYEP H0FF, of Vienna, sic uepartment. The imposing new building, with its improv ed school apparatus and recently f u- nished musical outfit, wdl be opened on SEPTEMBER 1st, 1873. The Faculty has been largely increased. The Musical Department is in charge of Prof. Von Meyerhoff, a pupil of Rubinstein. The Piofessor is a brilliant performer, and has succeeded we'd as a teacher of vocal and in strumental music in this slate. "Apply for catalogue. june 25 ly. j Darts from the . Devil; or Cupid Abused, A Book jui issue 1, exposing the paKsonALs' that have app areJ iu tue Hew York New:paper!; ibeir liistory and lesson. Stylibli iiliuus futly Exposed Adver it-emeuts f io.u des. eine men w beau tLal wouu-n; Clandestine meetings; bow f ros trated; The History of the Ooodnca Tragedy the result of a 'personal.' Descripticn ol Living Broadway Statues. Exposes social corruption. Sent on ' receipt- ofoOcts. Ad dress, Unnjue Printing House, 36 Vesey St., n. y. Subscrib. iui the Jb 1UKXD onlj $2. A very large assortment of GOLD and SILVER and STEEL SPECTACLES, made by Lazarus Morris, Perfected, and Jiing'B pombination Cass. Lait many years Without change Oct i53t. V MUSIC HAS CHARMS ! - . PRICE REDUCED. Tp best mm WOULD, i Will Last a Life-Time ! s f 35,009 1 be THE CELEBRATED r tIN DAILY USE. t kThe Jjst musical talent of th country recommend these Drgio3. Tha nicest and best.- More for your money, and gives better satfiictaon, than any other now mad 7. They comprise the. , , Zarsi4Ci:ert3,8 OriiistraaiJ J.-ani3.S itedlCatilogues 6ent by mail, posU any aidress, upon appliiation to j , " B. SlioNINGERdt CO., ;, i NcwUaven, Conn.' ' July, $J 6m. . - Hie .ew Ilemedv tor- Kupture. 4 mo,-t 'iuporunt lave'uliou. Soil iy Tbe tiastio Truss Co., No- t8 J Broadway, N. Y. Ciiy itretaiiw itupture a w'utely iu ease aud comfort, night and day, at ail tunes, and under alljcircumstnces, wituouk any eic-p-tion wuareyer iu any ua-ie, aid su-jul.t be taken joff dudu the otiori tuu'e requisite ta effect a af penu neat cure Sen1- by mull. Cir culans Irve. Any Diugiit or l'liysici n will cer this new Trass tor you withott: cha rgo r ...... - r i.