'"1 i - Vjvl l At the sntn tnne,let u fee remembered, '-that in the on the amt point, .toour 'minister in Franca; BOTH cases were stated, unr Wniast Ensjland absolutely pro- raised if any mea,)ir'S and sincerity can be ; j -i-M-jred in wtrrar-iuu weuistu&cu yui laft number. .V J:VV v" -, . 4- J". .. tt irnv he further remarjeed, on this firi 1 .ttr. and no other was' Written nntil 'the J 8th July, no direct promise was n.de of ."'of doubt; and strbterfuge was adopted,', and ths" British government were only to be told, that it they would rcsctnu not me or- ': V, r November only, but nil ' their de- nhieer. Mr.".: Pinknev : TWIGtlT AUTHORIZE an EXPE '"'it x tht 'th president "would, ' Vifh'iit .ltEASONABLB" time, swf i ftrr to the" authority vested b hint on r; '"''' .' V"r' Jn thH -slum.-ftuly loose and insincere i ' o' -" s ' mi'nr.erwa3 this npbrtant subject treatedj V 'V '-! ," ' and ; we ask those who have seen the art l""' - w! rlmi'iicitv.'the'chWnenni Jlachia've- V ; C "' ' lianism of our present "cabinet, .whether if ' tJntat-DritVm had '.acceded to -our rjUer., ' i thev could not 'have devised a thoasind ' Vayt of 'grtilnfj rid of' the-above, mention - tfiitivocal and -uncertain expressions. . '- With infinitely rrtorc honour, could they " " liiva done it than haVe'reiected tlie solemn "J treaty mode-byMw Monroe-, and the still (". ' morc.aolema emb5.'ssy of Mr. Hose. Could ' ' ' v r - . " RreatiBrttaiii be ccit'Jiiredafter auch proofs I .bfodrdi'flic'ityf-and our deah-e to avoid '',-;-. ' "I 'friendly settlement If she distrusted the vc . - '! , fjr-vrtirvte and ridiculously loose egressions' "K' '. V ot'theorejfo'Jjin-trucuons. 7 ' - " - -Ml- - -- i . 4" V V ' - ' ''' 't -Madlaon; at April 3cw must oe consiaer- i ' v' ' ' I'd having been quaJliied rd.TCstrained L -''y', Fl ' Lv tTw gentril nnd positive terms f that ir; . -V" ' " niin'ter's letter of the 4th of April, in' the ' ' ' kimftycar, iii v-iutK he tells Mr.'Pinkney; ' tint 51 Grx-at-BritairishoulJ, without andu ' : tri.ft'i ril'O'ie h. f ordersi still while the af-. ' " . ' f ilf oi'h'e Chesapeake remained untxpiattd f t-'', pot'to 44 pledge oirr goverament' to t i . f;consiaef tVe repeal of, ths p'rders as a ,. ' 'jp'o'ind'envhich a rvpnawal of the exist ".JG in restrict to.nr on the commerce of the ! Unitt-d States with Creat-Dritain would 1 H , ': much reason to believe thaV th moment is it hand when nothing else can extricate us from our diluculdea. Jly. attention has been particularly called to the necessity of a measure ot the sort 1 an about to pro pose," from th opposition" piadc to the preparation for war by gentlemen who rely wholly upon the embargoes coercive measure, and dedanS that fed long as it con tinues, no preparation should bm mad with a view to a state of war. If lha coun try remains in situation 'unprepared to meet war until the period when every man would be satisfied that the, tmbargq ought to be raised, weehtJl be compelled to con tinue it six, eight, or ten ntptvths longer, till we. can prepare for- actual war.'' But, sifj,' in 'our preparations,' 'mI,e, defence should. notb " sola .obj act," We are the injured party in the contest. This stale of things imposes upon us the neces sity" f-being prepared to prosecute tlie war ; because if we seek redress for injury, the mere dt fence of the country will not answer the':purpose--and therefore tlicre is the greater necessity for extensive pre paration.. :. After, these, observations, P.Ir. N.oJTered the following resolutions, which he moved i to refer to a econmitxee cf the whole,: -. - , , , Jle-hid, As tfia epinionif Out Houu that the V. S. cuj;Utnot. Wdly beyoiidth - Aijrof , to fewal the clnhard Uvt, tt to rctirto, mai.iUm and ik find tit nsrigj.m rf tire highe g'uirwt anv nation ornticm hxv'me in foree tdieUL mtk-n op cl ewes,- T'.olat'mof the Uwi'tU eouitoerco and nU tr;d Hniiltof Uic U.utcil Si,cjf ", ', Alter a few" observations from Mr. Dana, expres-uve cf wish to ce whole system,11 and the otjjecr of the preparation for war. precisely defined, expressing at tlieVame time a desire 'to tive the suLjcct an early consideration, 'the'resplution, was made tf.e cruer ot tJie .dsy for ivionaay nest, 'In prtl'ivnce to 'to-day, '53 to 45; C. -JTa Mr Cura federal Ec!ob!it&. Thfc rrport 'li(h vh r-'t bnnM, of the in. creai'my commotions T.-hirb ilia new embargo sctlms stirred vp it Ui liPilJ.trn q uttar cf Die union, Ciif Usm:il with the mnt swtulsripwheni.ons.'- It is dtvouily ia be hiped, liM our brcthrra v'JH not proceed to'tlic ktst et rni'y i that they Viil ttojj hoit of du-ect opposit'.on to tlie law?, by foicc, Eva. tj thinf Uint appears lite rending tlie ligaments of the union asunder, ts&tt'lLe tie approach p of dcavli, or signs of it, in S d.-f con-tertian Or fiiendj m . . l i I ..... a . - . 1: . . i , . ; . , - .'' 7,beju3dy expected. -: lj 1 , . j b, chand im tUmdof bUw'.-iitd andsknghttr, ' '. . ' I then tins letter, written 6;'dy twenty land 3tit-e in it, into tVirfuli tmullr'!, anxious four d:vs.lelore,beeonstdere(l as a partoi wiu nwme vronuseDi wmvpjvt er.pjmem, ' " ' 'tit" !..,,. it- ro4 iv in,m. suih -ient -t tnAeit wortl.y of ,mom--u care, Ihrnstrucnons, and it was nvver coun? or of mott tnlvmi iU( '. - ; termvtdcd,- it muit 'be so considered, that zrcry ont feels how hard M difScuU it 6," to ! v" ". " tven thi Ufiisory and trilling oITer made to endure the privation lo-which the country tednc - 1 "t.lWtiin.'-was i accom'-auicd with a aepaxiOToriheembaiiiiowiick. ' oiic'i;ioa which it wa3 known would never , fce,'afld indeed cxtljniier be accepted. , 1 '-The removal of our restrictions', of which fl3 Embar f was one, was to depend on C. emiM't and mil of tUadly lorrow, the nro.ineet is., to those 'o find noUiinj awtitred in the eotumuance nf tt t but the tears mil waimtj? ol an ftre(ane mac, and the csics of tlie ten Wo.r ;-rineof her siiLctirn, tnrbr.-i'i. Ot-rluricl to L-'-t and to Ix-ir all t too, tt.Lu-iui vied vV'c or -f iincj,uiijf wnii. ua, m any way natsoever fhe m reialufiohi were ies.cr-.ed tt cprrM m fv ror of Franca and Ust h ewncrC'l intwsts jf Cit-Bnti)n-jt tlie same f.utUon th.-t Co:.e.t -jf non-imporuUdn, non4utercotixac andembargo aets do now. In reading the argumenu of U.e intiubers opposed W tUcs resoluUons, oroi U most turciWy by h- exactness wutt Wuxh they nrcdicted the present c'lcct of them as measure of coercion airuiistCreat-Britaint and a a teriiblo engine ol serf destruction in their bear.nir upon urselves. This remw t is eminrnOy anei-l-'e to the speeches of Mr. Aroci and Mr. Tracy. '.-The spirits, wnjrb haresiM mounted op into fceaven but which, thought in these illustrious men then, penetrated the desit-n andwouves which produced tho report and resolutions, foretold, that if ever they sUoual t pused into a Jaw, In the shape they then had, or n the form of a noniaporUtion or non-intercourse , the measure would become an object of scorn and derision,, widi tlie British Govtrmntnt-tt would so intimately rescable th vipert biunj the file, in its comparatively harmless operation ,Vpo WM, with iu serious-, ruinous eanseqntn'-es tithe trade uid the bebt interest of w cuutir-Ti.r-wrhout die whole of the debate, the report oi tho S. crcta. ry (Mr. Jtiferson) and tlie resolution founded upon it, introduced ia lha house by Mr, pijdison,,we consitlered s protaotirr the Int -te of FrancCi and not the interests of the United Statt S. . Thia nnaiiinn. tlio most strenuoaslT combatted by tliosewha advocated die rcSolHtiona, appear to lev ryckatmadeotU,bvUie spetker oppneed to tlwm out suppose it had been lilt doubtful then, the ex icrimcnt now hat set the question at rest, by dt monstm inirand ertubLitii x the fact i yet Mr, Jtf ttrion &h,s Barty from tlwtd-y to tlie bourof rexom. tnendintrniK) r.sinR th emharpo, have blindly and obstinately peraisud in eonsidtrinir tliejn ai a mor tal scour;- for the iiyustica, the ariorw,te n1 Prirfe of Crest-Brit-uii. A mighty naclune tsh.rh in its destructive course Was to lay her toirns s"4 cstie m mini, -.annihilate Ber r-wer ara s-jx; :i, '-j brintr her an humble s fret of Jtr. Jtt: json Government, bills tdminiitration it v resoiu.iima, ornoni present party in po. a menawi ; tone to u. u irf.-;!i j jtir vitas we "t for n"iry at ti'p 'fv.;'li.d the British it at the puu tliese iiin.w'lc , ...jW often have tlie rd to cvU'ift, in n, ". WtkiiuW how whenever w pimse produce insurrection and Kot'lion in your govern, ncnt we can kt luose three bin(Ll Uiouiid of miirBinufaclurrt(rinsi you.' Kot the Creat Philoeo' her FVr&inS waa ever rnore ttfer to try the (.Pcct ot'J TB ACTOa en tlie jaw, of some poor wivtrh, skirted with tooth art c, Can MTft JlI . -i, to mJteanexptfiiti'" nf t!i' -e sumercsolutic.i on tlie esstenee of tl e L.. - h Cveminent . Kuti,? sliortof tlii would saUi - hr.O. , C"npfom!v,-or ad- U3tment of dil'ercnccs in any oUi"r nu-1 jr wou-d not answer. oo secure U e.-catro nt, ir. rinnroc was so stra;t heed and tij y Ued up it hi ii'Struc. sons, Ui&t He ecus t han y oi-eauie,, jn s,rt" '.ny tor hi counuy, he t. of ",t some, ei v e t .. -cs iHu!,f J, so s toe ve . m ror.m to aOiti-.t t.l tar dii'crenres with Qitat-L..,., n intHc fona of a tieatr this scheme was tint to Mr. Jo . -rson and returned hy him to Ute EntiiUCouitm Lie most frotr-n, c.:Lti- &e thaurl.ty manner, tiiat cu-Qunmliu vlt,aiid open, and tlie Great yetofexTie po into e:peri- mciit All p tier ewuidera Lions KU tK-Mie Uie bum. ntr desire of bunil,hi7i Inturincr, ant tleitroi iticr 0, H ita;n. ftit u in every caw of exc-sj,ve inai.ee. it le.aa to be the wUJuin, or tiie erUr of provi- !.;?, Uiat in it atlempit to mjure others, it sliould dusUov itMifw m tliis instance, the blow s'nxd tt Creat-Fiiuin by Mr. JJterxnn and his party, lus fill- a on their own heads. The noDmpnrtauoncm :reo and non-invrrourse vcre dcsi-ned bvthem o proilure insui rtCu.it), nl'Uionr Si overtlirow that rnvemment in a;! mmUiS but behold the .sad n- iif. hpy h'ie d'-ivwi t e in .uiof rt.-ue.lion. , Cixat-Iiritain remains tr-,..,f mrreaaiitjT evwrydsy, throna tlieit desTuctivo one- .111, LUUIU IICVITI IllT flJllll ..CW 'Vr U'fl Ui UUT IU11UI INinV fl4 W fk.1 ib M UM 1 II.. i -t.. .... r T.Ti--T-fT.wrt-, t, U 4 t.r , . I and strcnrlh toattiui our a tint t,. ....t.. L..ifh .. ... i jr . lu ,i ' r.aJ A.nSaf.i-fc WZs. " 7"" .n round turned Mr. -Monroe's ttr. tich really con. . . v-it .-r't . v.' trriiiiii ni4Pr.iWTAnifi ri flAr0istK a i um cu; iri'icTmiH uuram imrvtaorf .s. ... i i :, ' V 'I 'e'theitedSe,,,olongas V'; 'K' ; V - - acceptable to France, ; proud, haughty, Mfctiui rukrii .iidi, Jd Vu ct UiTof iv ' ' Jccoi.;.--.ursovcrnrnen:1rtyviotatinff " r:ny, mtcii-arcntanascnipulous men in their "rm. '' .. . .-' ". i . ; ; t:ie Ww aa-J that decorum hidurtn nrvZ ' u'cesi- 'w!'aw tover, a poinical confi, hehtv '(The itrf srs. u itrtt, 'st-.t!, ws'.- , blu du'rjs of tlie rrcstnt Administration an. 1 m- . ty in Cur.,Tes, Ivrlkr Un the Lws m.U tjiy',, j clearly tvarriit. Ouritjcs-jinallc constltuti;n, tl.i j to tb wisdom and iurvsi, hi cf -its rrioikr.ccd r 5 ,tls founders, lias Ufi l wal.out ai.y tiCu, f risins; in actual rt! .in -i-unnf our rjly", .or a y Uw made by them. A'ltubcr and S"fkr mte jn- i videi by wluch to st h J of ilitin, ft; Jicir nnc ', lutional, tytaniucil, opprcsiuve projects, by elti j j andbyJudicUd dcciiiuiisj and it vute pross ti-etc:et ' ry to ourselves to resort to any oilier. la the lacm time every frgr.1 eotuse cir.y ba pursued to psia m drcst. Pctiuon or remo:itra:iccs" muy be p c-s.nted to tho Administration andCtnirress, inttdt n theni to cUanee timir mcasmcs, w.iU little hoe of sijCftjei. it must tc confessed, unless you could ennoble their natures, , and make them ' more" reasonable, mora just, snore nonesi, ana more wise. - vvhifcver m?v resistance to the execution of thelswiof or tw . try, by ibtte or violence. .et theu) be held sacn kt them bivc full and complete operatisn while th- arelinv,fi,r.owtJ by aht-ji, rmeasnreofeir-crit- ( and abhorrence of the mut who rccoaimundod, :.! thewojorify who enacted such law, at the supj-lo mental and new embargo act) : talcing especLl " care, that they shall not cajole and wheedle you out-' of a chance to op " - embarrass yott .with ar thrary, capiictcu uwkunt. In fitvrc.ferne letter reason, than to aa ainofiint .ippcsrAnCe of wit- ' dors fur their very ly, trdl.rr; couduct 't -. - 't' i . ' ..Lzrrn v, .m For t; r-rcZ.ia FcJtra'jRcptdliew,' pnopQsu. wsfcxAAsircjai.ttaw No tuljcct h-s ptorc ei" rasscd the public attcn ' tion, than the embar.-a, , it int grcrly excited tlitv'5' fU;i:.gnf tlio ArrKi t.m pt j; 'e, ard fcJ wi k their1 purses very low On tlie one hand, it has bees re prescnted as the s.J .'iUjn of tie nation r and on tlier other, it is said to bo a riinoti t, nd destructive mea. i"re. S ime tl-'t i it a ! !l i.cj & aurport of eur uw -. pcr.d, pee i c" ' K badjce of subjection., Ey n-' r .ry, it is Co. .i ti.at it will ticuie peace i" and l v t"' e c'.er, t.. -t it w,:i fcad to war. ..These aro" li..,ii tniit'.tis, and a iii Ixcwn me to decide wherw the wmr.t si,i'i i.arn have tiered so witlely. Lea w.i'f tii i p ' .fa to be UL-termmed bvtliosewh ' aie capkulo, 14 such t:ire be,) 1 slum propose ta ? ' f-!,WtT, of a ;'tite dUretit itature. Andbeliera ' ii '.at I do, that I havo, reason on my e.tic, humbly hi.iie for the crm'tUTenc' d. ti-c sssis'snce of all rood ciaittis i of a I in oi' o. t, good irorals iuidj UUi'i'lS. - i c" -1 to ( .time: to ti el ( e ccl. vir pr. reft to U.e 1 s, 1 t an embargo be hul on omrn wirruet. r me Will ce trcatlY attomsW cd at tliis prop' t'n. it I, tin' not very twiveraant: w.tl ftro '!is, ti : tj.nc iS ubun ianl rciion for it. t Itli tini tjU- 'y "UiiJ, and pjiu: y beieved,' J by itim,t'."ti . a lave not tlie powtr cf retain- ' -J -inFthtif tj.oirVs. If this be f.ct, which seem ' ' tui. in, i.ii, y u iiiwi u r i.., a iaji ueal ol evil m ; 'A be pi ct c .trd, by pu 'i inar a i p to the user ,' ' of t' e i.. liiinnn r uln-r. I'v tliis- iumtunr, tlio' re-. It-adeof '1",,,,ai.dtho wliolo.. ' n-Jc tr.-is cf s.-o: ' j a i n uensc, wuuld be toef fcctuiLy ertppii I, and eatrar- "-.ince wotild be .' ' r. i'lraiutAl, Uiat t k 'tow not wiicUn-r I have any thin-" lurther to notice i.hreftrd to ft males.. Let it I1. S" enjo.iwd vpon .tliem, under tlio petuHy of lotipjf i ' their tor;;tira, tliAtfiorn tiie dtc here-f, until the,'.' '" expiration of one vrar, Ciey cease to v tJt. ; and that' ' thcvr4"Vns.n at b mie, and errpkiy tlieir tiirie in tho cultivation of their I'mIkIj, fd in stoni!rtliem Withj: uscfid Lnou'iu ge. - Ii st.ciiid not be perpetuate-far. , i tLit you know would be uicor-.'.tuionat 'Surely every roor fi ''"-v curt, d wi.h a b--invnf wife, 'and e- -y'r r t 1 wi.h n i,; urdspi mother, u uU ,i.t- mffiuu. .,ai u ornort tho i tneaiu-.wd I ho;vs ti w,ii v. c -lain, when.-- k ' Uieyrenect,t)t it it iuitn-kd fur tl.nr advantage! - At w the other sex i there are to ma.iv fl-itK j which nwdenibanin-, that were ItoraemJoatheta, ', all, I should be in the situa-jonof a member of the "v ' Untisb parlnuH-nt. lr.o. whin bnii m 7 . - , wtitionforarer.dcftheordirineounaf, watcD -t ' hired to hire ha.f a dnxrn ),! kr. 'i.-rf ...i ' - . carry It inu tlie hoirsc. Here I Woa'd & tt propose ' ,' ntri-r-(i n t.i.-s. ...'. . ... i...- r ' fi. T rt . ..-..w..iu, mfl, uiiiiue we nave too iliu idi'd. t, good irorals and,! i t In ''jpt introduction, I sLUlproI . 3 erate e of iliose tl..r.js which oujjht, ' ncn oi Jt tmb'irjo. fji.t Uien, gv.' , 1 r uresoiT i j - - . r . :. i'-""i vuiii yedamon?hatiotJM1,;taWnS-iuo .VTtIK' IllT. I T..5T nWTI JtltnrTI. ri'ltf tM n,. ..I DIIV hi h.vlnn. V ... . . ' . v.w ' u. . . - - "f,'"V i ,y ' r- Impossi'ile that Great-Britain could ever I "ivd fantJ"!icill dicUon of them,, to u verv! h ' ' -. -; K , g vc m satfsfactiony imtd thflie . measures ZrlE2 - "7 &lTa up w u ' j " . ' - ir r i"uiw tnrt non-intorcourao to fur from nrevtmina imr. . H-satisfoti jtndrevenea -were re- j . roearur. k.d,nff tfrc 52 V i ecT..- - .-vi;... Tupe, , butCreat-BrtUinThe empcroi N-nolcoi! , ' -' V .l..A.i-.r..-lLi.. -. -. ' " oncourtlr tnj elotvniab. h, break hi. h.,l I much. tii:r tri m k..ma .i . ... -,' . ' and a .Rf honwt pco;Jo h-ve bem arcuslomcd taT . t thev taw . K . 1 m r:ea in uie Jove of oih,' - ' v r of The m bb?d'- 'ce to the law, V,d the promotiorl '. ' ,L Vh Pa "' l-ndth.y c.c Ucorrectlv inntv . . . I !lt It it tnt,Ui to COlliiiL In tr. f.mt, .1 ' . . 'A t, wealth, POWur nd trrandcur to Uw Ur.iirH many thought they ftt ',d fa his Lt'ifjity ttlj- luiumu, -uie nuiuncinuon ol uie proihctic ui. M.i.vuia..iii anui-nK wituom.: wr Uiat pude eocth before deairui-tinnk tnirit oeloie a laU.T Thrv hmt a-h m it, hit condemnation ard tlie fwibuu'r (all or hit porrtiiai-ity t 'and to indeed thevd CbntClrmt Am! tlKt':lmn. tit wttlli proceeding of U,c silEiiiiitiinn rd of th wh!. I 01 J11y "J at lU-rtions, In battiina- aid f -l-t ' ' - - . . , .a. , . ' "T i lft ahAirt Hun:.l i . 1 . K O" .1' wny mai au -pons n, are now 6e"nijunjr tb be held! ' i'" uini aim rf n senutivet. xhis it, hvlhfiwml hif.llMul i.-.?.r . w,nt n-cn of the- rreM .171 ucj mvc ucapiTcjjuiauia into tms course or pemi. ...v . mi: t ener, m my humble CKMtajid fatal measurrt which ill woik a total di n't-T , W0U"1 t'av an EmUrgo laiduporksS atruction of tlieir popularity, by a just jud.'nu-nt ol oj nonsense s towiu LawncaMrtrftMcdU .-. -, . ' " wmni, w iiu Biwxuv manner. lua nm . I'Jiev emtilAv-.! n rnul rs k. .i.j. .. "" uomestic nonerse. vlilr-h . il.. . i -j ... t nn.i tnusto irccive the oi ers oFren.-tr-it .in and approbation en vonr m.,',. - " I . i ... .-.jr"1 i . l." . t,. .4,. v ' .. u. . ' c"JVdem tttttsred in every shape ai.d fa " i join in rurmort -I n...; :v-rCT8 "d over, -d.d lv.?: ," "W3n,yntetiontobavetu,: ii i rt . s "1 ou oitri -ey aicit ano uestrry tie peace tfl nund. tbehon. " . 1 . " "l"'. nut tlie nee sai'v for tliia. -1 , i .j , , ciiacr- d Ora senlcmrntof the tuTaii1 of the Ches Ui- "'i''- ' ?teW,i:crW1iV'-wms TL?.erar,"n,luk'nlT - "'.f onef the most just a,.d r buyout jriiin ""P. I iU venture to aasert S r 7TT , brrcstiialve-energ.e.4, an event improba- wr f .j';' Jl,f has ,nW ration, to get into placi and Power. " ldofour'iSerobUciantwiiiS. ' U.'a r.USflo. as ihg whole1 powerbf llona- Hu'law?,, -houtth.nrn;U of ecW or providence .t', Ttredl':iJ- 1 .hd m com, mrUuo f-V .- '", ".j 'Wmifliith-.)'r5,;l , --T rwL P7rJt.',r.,. ht ottr land, tIiemowhthlTHind,i.faualid,ttn'jid ?'" d Bbbaui Wjkin-V . ' " fi3...' I-., Y'i--r.. Jefrersoil,'tnowlng'ail X,Timat9n for' Thrypoon to d .4,ut and incense ."""h bedrrwikldumuthmiKhicf ': f;: t .. . ;, Vw'fUtz'vti Assured -that 'Tie mlrht 1 mv lSVTLJ t'Ty of - fain,t UlLm' " fcikctii.g thatrW '. - 4 '.' V ' V; VafirV mike unvolrVf to Creit-RriMi,, ' fSr nd Mwbm. their pkcei .d powerApendi to which tiiey dine k 7 ' ,lkc'r 10 be V lcan fcv " of theMv ' i ' '"i ' , JJ' u, .VjZ? -5 ivi Ki?U1?, piT'- llh convulsive force oV death hold i tdvancinff wtieBAaOMt aeoupIedit-.MhhlSt ft on5lly, bhnd, provokinjrand oppaS? t m.chtbj better, to hrpow abeat7'Cfi ive , f h ::;',. r$menSlons,nnd, (liplomvdck Quibbles fiSrfSucVC ofiiv rJt r tll,'kmJ dl the money ' i, S".''' : - .WthifllAfifthe-Ches-ineAe.' rfSr'tts "lr ' Vl T1011 foundation In reason Slf P?'tv taSeu of these, Han em5. K'-'-i-" J .v.Ms ff' T - r.- Pu"r'mter"Wof "t'on. With funher trial ot on ,.,,cb their eeniu or their taiuit have been ahln "5 te,J"1 m W b"nrd fnot that of wliich hn- ' f , F;' v:fWfrte;ri?.toJ?"'-B ih'!!f-V-.C nt foon-intor, toawajowe.ribhwl ? fJwicatod, 1 (i t,.i. Wn. done. thoM b 1 v i ,'.'L.'f , ,i.i . twua iii i t:aifc v, i e.ati.n xiii. r f iiw-ni:Tinf aw At f - - i i "u'i w o ii, or TtpriTrn . a. i ffrwvr rr t nrtm in iu wwnr.;i,4 ... .. 1 - .111 liar 1 uiit mitt xuf let m. I s .: ,:v .':...,;, ;., . , ...i ;, u ;:,:.' . , .. i . . ,: T w ,VUl I Mb..! w 1 '. . 1 i - s-wviMtt,u wiiu UiC UlUlCSf ICJifltt I I ' ? ' Ve-thitikiohanswcrableview. ;Stili,how- teitBdhdnV- " " r " ""t0" "f -prcservauo the fcwt dfErc, rf , hu. -V: 'V -:':WiHslrinH)mnttd9hewthefalSe Atsureythe & cd titer' on i;t T ,1; h u Lr lj,' ' r.V-,:,'-.-;.V-.r Jndi,.pt11icy6fourabinet Jj"! . miserable tg&SS l-. J ' V- ?tMc1i1s-tlwft tostwbf fill our trou- rfthett "I t-f ,0 honorable practic cT j - JUcs, I sh.ill devote to it one other" number tetehu S"11? ,Uc-:i T4' they pvaiie1on a rr..,?ority of ; ' , V . ea 83..; il,T :rnUDy- JttMrtndJf h V-''" b. thi,ir Pcc u, m bt authority over us, and to entrutt ' e Sir ' ff - .-'-a' , . . ., " a , , '",'.?e coursing ,down "istui.---nt cf ouruttional rt -f-n, thi-m Vn , .t?rVr.ij ;, w. !? 'J tttlrot hitthhkg for bread, t. lvr, , f thVm, or, to recover our a .. n frita U . , (. . u " ' .. " . - nd pcrisJiinsf from coM rlTnivrH i, , nf K.,nj. . . . .. Ji... , , 1 . " m. .u,e -f w-j . .lA'M-'-'y, January a. - solation and succour of a fehtler l.'ushand, and tliry of tlio but resources of a father, driven from h i I country, and his home. . bv th mm sees it In a ftrcipi Jtr-d amony tirantrers, every jdte boon C-om the incaiuiMe and Wniihl,.. ni.inr.pra, No, my countrj-me n, t! ,s would be con- uuiii-wn-!Bteiit,. ana utUrly ro --.ant to every pnnriple of the condition tipc!ii"i..i,ii' we' acftnted W wloni tt eilbrta of our illustrious f'f W 'i ' . . , 'il1ll,7i( January z W -T'," '''''1-r NtchoLts. sai.l, that tliere1 nrvirwas I V ' ' ' 4 "V P0 jin any country which' more re '! "oun-L,d"!tlft tininrf-nnrl 'Iri'r-?rtiV ll t. I V N . ,'.,. - . . . - .'.- '..J, .""." .. -, V !',"v lo-iiie anccauiit,. iiiewrnnot this rnn. tion eniom n V . : .r ' . ' fI of Hifl V.'OiId (said fie) are in " the rtport of Mr - Srcmary J. of uia, i which wtnew cow V, " f: - : a'ofir h)t this country. "Thrir AnT''1:s3''m "tauA'JdwIfow r r" - t iv-i.- . ..nii wiiiisc we nave n-im-nuit ana biuuent inu twt iimiv nt r.. la tl u . - - '3.. ' ' -lii-d evervhou'- t' 'V - T to avoid 'tc.i'r. 5 I f V i' 1 ' daerflim'jon r.rver o -v.'m'A to t!,e : 1 ' - " ' ' ' i'-cue4 J .'A -t I.rn the' cn.bar ' V: '"'; ' MerrtVfftmiSt fpsoiC to thd valor" and p.i- Vr'; '.;'-.'!; tnousni of our fitaans. Sirj-wefcr.veto0 eaucr ricvanrts. 1 .e . i ve viien we a" . U 1 "-e i r-nortimi v 1 1 lll1"-. i,e r-'-f-t m-' i v; -. .BIT-' wdtheA . ., M.4oftoiir.-j,r1...ji; it. Mutatad hi. . r--rveiiiu!.-v-L.f.. ..1 tin jVenMno rmr hnnntr ' t i,.J..,i . . . . " ule " varcnol . v l .I .ntu.ii T' ' ' 7motIwr u,i.es con- 0 meati3 i.l our power rw " D7.ll.n. m j.,r.u.v7 j, j t ..re tii,Ttm. hlve-r?np'iti--Vft l-r.-l "r.t a-iu-ninn.i ar,(t en.i.-al cv.ninafon i.a c r.peatu. y t i. i ,lllr.n(r SLXtni d ..,;.. h . .. irrlpd, fir rather rHHtponed, until hr .,'. 0( ISOCi tiliiMt t'tpv were ttn iveM ar 1 e,-t in !.. l 'I'lM-HHiiin launn iaw ana npw, i m tlie poison- t'jbr20 ad r.ca adircoujie. - d painted witb rid J cksr.S torthepurr eof r1 nnrran of b,r,t , ! t! y ou,!.t to tttppo-t tluu- jn'.Lev ' (tail mm. mm!.II. . p,d:e.,beo,-Uiredto Jmid dl?u Xfl-. Winflf 11'Hl.OIW. fI.r.Prn- I. " " s R,j . . w a Jin-'", ' v - t- iiiitL rum inn M-i.nri : - " v i t- ot wiiicltrrc distructive, e-tber nicdutclv. diatclyto the peaee. barr finH nation. If these things v. ...Jil hse nunt,. msnv e'liem hrsvio i., . ot an embarpd. we shot.' ! :lnvert; :st. - fi.uch inuic catal and t W. i . . , weBhall. . ' --' 7-" Int ( paitof the a'-ove ('(.tniniiiii; mnl.i lli.l;.ln j .,: .. I vji is iu Ki.j. -Til. . l.w --a 0 t-fced, a to rrr, r it L" ' V - E i. dent, pc.. r ,;, , ... , . 1 ta.i.is lor C i r t ir vi. , t our , but it r. y n 1 1 c ii.-orn. t "to 1 a iiitenecd M i, .,. ,ve that sr m Art -1 o? is . ', J rt 4 ft 4 ,yJ 1 j '9 ..'A -"' I " !" - ,', j . . ,1 i f 'y,' in Iio-rshc-. V t , ' . J r rprr'-v S SCVENTT-Tlo. GA11 cf fjesci-f-is:: sale by . .'. 'Y. ; .1 - "V-- i7i" - . m : 4, " r V - Ht ' "l-1" Jl'm-