:? r .v T : hi ' "1 J 1 t .3 t fi A IS , til m isifui i i jee i jr - . , ... f. - , t ,.. -4 . , ; t:;scAr.:tr.:A taaif rv..:.;?. It.wJ lT -iV d c ,4 'WtTW r.Jce. ii If i..l"c-' 1 lc'il!s'" rt'pii 5 U w il f r'tt'SWi I remarked,- in tl.e'fo-rei.s i l 1;.. I.L-.dl "t.JV. .. r ? t t 1 ' . ; c " ; , , ', if e, ami possible effects of thatfti . . ahts,whitK5n5rpps''l nad in view, were . A !r,iTt f ii v ' ft r (fivVCv-p ia vj'ijij't! 3'fiist v,!,. CcnU tui'Faoli ci m ...ii-nlon. , ' t, - - ,i n-rrr -1 - - - ' - I rfieafrt'to su j -tfsf, cn'-thaC ffinn1 v'o'. if p I .t.I'-, . r J . ' ' town prmcjp W ir-would in extremely di ' . ,,, ficQlttd'ckvline bit prb", that your'bf , r. '-,( ders 'idattfh4at'' ricUirJ "w ' .' nations? fi&Uiice' tbWe-tnarititnc decrees r, 1 f that t duty, t i . itnyyc'i, abandtia1, . V tantt ofit fir thcir iijJacJie.rt'suid jurtist- i i- " , tafion yuit ot tn?sn oravr8? ur.ctnl the 7th "ordiirt f NoVif f5 e'-r.Ii-'in'yb n'if- 4" fictl reply M'r.-J.i,? tlWii o'C'A'a' . t " ' gif te'beWjly PiV txtf jfitidrri" n cxt'em! A , .ia operation not in oi.kQM'r'i'oArill .jpit'-J'afid taVii. J imJ 'V U fJ y Vck4 "i ."vi'. O i i. i 4 -r,i '.n i-i O' " ' J ".I T 1 1 t I 0: r .,1 1 Ly L.r ic ; tntuwpQivpT vi i i.ricc i.' ! uj wa a no sxicrce aaeqa;ue to buca -a pup sunn try, aiur ;.e rcfr.ii ortse- r.'mii ercT i: Srstcmatli; ioumiptious Gtlratcoimnerc XM interviews oetoraujentionedj "1 hjd bben KSltPwlof fcttaretha nature of the enceC asinst, my'pfopoial jas-'l'ndw'ud I1 shoal 1 fMfSkblf h ive Ventured'- tibiip all'td 'tlie 'prejuui).'e o? nfcuUiil ri.is Ail wst n fL.idiUuJ tO Life ri;-.iSrH nrrii.RIv ijibmitted'to jOur bid. uiidn, inat, if ; y Fra.ice find tl.4 f "'erf i J:nrrv it'&t 'to 1 1 f , v .ii-h o - . U.l'l i. ! " j - ' - of cf- i-ra cc '. .ultv I'd. 1 io4m.ii.fc, tle 'c.Tcr,' i ri-."Jofd -tluf yon irould ffivptfi' beforahund.an untCkbl i"miw thi rvml.-d tt'ii!i!tb.itrfr;iia inadc,'the-den:'.nd of tha rpesd'of the or deri a-bnldberjrl'j;jrabilv'retciyed thatvttti of toiireb; dccf.s'eJ gjring nriy suxh'preVi oae asauraace ; bva as I appeared tf attach yoU'ew dad;uhmlt Jtha't.q cqmpliasce itUlitr;riin'tr;rttiver me fiunra dilucult in-iexecut'm'cthl instructions:. &T mm eo Veranenti j'ed'.w.smtr.d'-'tty'takti.a ir darstoconsiacra it; and ttfrnarcyour dofmititi? nnt-wctii'd 50a: sliouldi so raa doubted, in your cft'n mind, a to the infx- me to ue an unautaonsea st'tp' By a-un oHitifd pr?'n!sef tfc'.t it !ioI t bb'well rd- ,t,'Vtii.u.iiH;U....i..i-.. . would, nuther invite nor tlisccwij & . I iocii din,;.' Yo-i :"' J that t1 -re iiiaie ' "iinu', bclji.Ji'.rj , to ! the , sab;::ct-j i- K 111 .!,.,:. '..,: ' fi'irr kiite't.I' wli'kli. iva-i vc. connrctloa Li;-' , (wcoa 'oiin cm.bai'gtra3d.'3-our Orders oft NoTenabtr, s'ipfC";.'d t le i'nplied byjsvyt ' V fropord."' J remained t!.".i, wi'Ji an actu ; , al result in vicnr uud vi idi-a -svLiuo xn-rjvei ' at tnat result y-i.tttaut- cv; ",s. itfjiiu noy 1 1 adisibltaentani12 ourselves jnawrit-, , ten civSXJudi;nce,,J luidLflilcd- as. to its. ' : ccpft' and dai-aticri. jupfla toficJ cawhii ht we vvre nbt likel t! ai'Wc t . and .that if It ' . ' fere to Iramo'iay'incle w'uhja- biQwlci'i t1i.it it ir'As' to prpvoks p.r','.-T.t, insiu. l! ' $f ka.dir.jattiiiscnisitoagilat.irychan . ; 2 Ah: state of the vd i!, you rnist be con-- 4;i6u-that I tos nil-it n-j jet .ind whcia li-rt'-.H i'n l.f .Tou it wholeaomss con 4-.-'.t".ire- vouli itconduct. us? -.- At tl.y ' 3 1 i.f'llVi. - rfi tHd int'-n'''''V'i cbacrved that; aa :nv nrattlcid V.ol.it'io Bf itd riifliS bV ah' Attempt to.,erecv.T; tb crUa -decree-in 'a 'se'e'tV'T'-rf t'fi jmnc'rttiMdaiio"ns . . . f . ,- .1 j , .'.:,, .Tr ,c;.,-,c if IV ,Ulj:)lt K I'i . IPlVV H.il .MV W, 1 Franc'e.'nnd iroM tbAtsplanlifioni r- tallui .-ii-v vrc r; po i,h.isbeea "raise.l Avri I. ,it l.'d I.- Vwll cst-ilinsHed,'4 ar.tl ifj" tJiiiVtc'uY"' si oflpbwi, or 4iilch' extent aha pntiiluityVerft the xtiA inirMiiplalias beV'-bjkenJu int'o 1V.0- there seem sc: tre and una.:1' v-""P,0'" " y Und.',.-I'at,'in doed trnly:. tictrtifu'd. thatl'iay'.'iondiict shout haverpearc'I to you ia liat Ught, and'JshonU rot readily be c bnsoled, if I A i M r. Sit'ibat. In- ro'i.dewetidrncr to t i . V . L ...-...! , . . . nw . 'i ill oavenrucit you up wiuituwiini wTen JO --n. Ji.r":'.r 7- oync rrrni n mi- Tlistrr f f m':rirw, and alttrA'aras jiiJiedly ' 1 eoi-flrfavfl UencrarCtnTa'ttnviai Veil - turjcH-rd oppntun.ty pt optJOjin- 10 it uc- . tree otliern lse than it did opnose it ; 'that - 'p '" t ' , j- V ' . v yofirprjer.inui j-iotp-;iiip'jii uijbjp e?iIiaV-d, ii'-'ri0Ui'ind' fild, lnrourli' tne ireth' to btf It. irk vfliir . . - i , , r ,y 4. , . , ,.v j,- .rw - j'tisufication far , perseverance xua of antP iuton- m " its parpens rePKnei tf. w.Vil! A W mi ahri of n. l!r;f.,rrt ''f ib!e,n its r vi.irirle-Vofl must Ai TKistRave -J. -i -:..jm. i i i. W ,,. A L.y I' A f '. i .., 1 - 1" .... . ..f- . 1 .: i . .. - ,1 ojierate diiroijh j: ( KnavrlcV; a . j i;j.Us "dla power copassv'v'K P'ty ;ta t''nt rtbnibinationmid'ie.iily to'uld-r, f :tr i rJ-.iitr:ii ri':liiiironij it roa.will.ifiiiffcr Jiv r it wrtf, i 6inCrely tult althouti t r-.fhts'et ihe United bt'ites, wronrrs .rather dm, bo,i'S',icii, w,,y, Jvf ViVm"' nn"mUcaacn.hle' 'interno'sition, be . -, teen tfic'biunng K fl)e injured, Jiartyia - rK . , fray ilie m3frtiiV.U to ;tU utter tb'it by, ' - aT.me-1if.fice i;itooiir own bandi, before j . , flictine, upou tcuOU JidHqrys. or x.ithr r Jip ' ' the. Upjt'-d, ate. (tbe, only, ntulM - MtiUnJl'iVinrtr-X litf'nUelv mora bcvac arM 5 tor attro rieutral oUiionslf jbiiwiil affcf Lit ibou)l fjid tMselveltj;.irV.Tai.rfo J- theWppiitcssoiboXh. -1 .- IViea vpr6!ise J V rrtiarteis to; j.vc 1(1 V II yju'MC . . 4-, ' p tatlprovisioli'UlJ,; "but I did r.ot intinwte thr.t 1 was acting tr.tnout Ruii.ont?. nor to (if so,, jaaf? p YiyF-ynPf7' ,r a1jandpn-.wliat;i aUmjtiJ-to 'yp Jy-t-its 4ilv li'Diiim.itIeubiet?ti(s not'conce ekion '? d ciiiiiIa ,imttrrt-..,.rlv' Kr"nri. . ?iidri".n. it niiiphf he rmiressinm. i. :it it is net i r.inso. --i aibscn-jent to rrancc, a intra p '! ry, vrry .nihts "awniefests your.'cnL-rs- jtVyly i ' n-rnnrni-if fli,tm"1 t'd al! imairin.iLIc ' motives' for. cpnjiwmg,n-bdkvermight . liave beeavti)ftiiibuvM Jor adopting thi ' .'r , r. tKhcnie'.oisti;arfai-e tt1iat it enabled 1 3rputo.ithdratJ jWitltJ digint aiid cvcn ? .' i witli advantp'wVintiliOutu note's jcorrii! " -HTiprpv was to nlacc u.5 at issuawith that ; i rower, prvin. cUiej.word, w the precise, ituatwwiy.Uea.OU.lvi.vemai r-z i v ' - ' its obnpxious edicw'; )Saat hc, pntinu-nce tba.t.my ropo?d cguldpppwiVly kise,iip. . of bur embargo- aq .modiiieo, wouia ptj at W '"1 ... .C...M1 i.l& ' fn.i! ii4tW cording o j-pun bwn shewing jhatjcjuires diebr fealj ajulabat'.Uoo ipp;wt-iiis A.wv-h .piinrtrr iiir .nmmrvt inp 1 it r.-i V".""ft- i'fJ - ---.-v purposes of wsflrosr, if any iemaiptc 1 13 promote..). 4 s:iy 7 wuiiont,apy a'KOuatxj T inv tiwrariadipil. . ni. roir flo not! misilil tio.tell us a:ppoa.jha,sty.(pen.sul, pfj-our f i . '.-.i...i..Ltil.im:.,j .1... .flipseoi-irt and,ViV'r.l-ts ff .'s. M dlist.i;:t times othe.JptwTriirra(ipt) and the Lfuti stance. or. tia-puruoraw . ini) Attiilfclyj. giy ; apew;law 0. thf4 oa , li-t tht inftive lo their rePi't shotsld be fmstaken. by-yonr cneipy. ' JftJvaj.riij.it if.aecji peryo-a jiviii, pciiij i-'s-nmiius in coir Vi-it hiwtfir .wp.tnar hp'trfirjosf-d lVjHP. ".'fPP-J .y - 7.-. in ttrWl' did rn'ttitude and vast u"a'.U j Myojjr f ountry' th'i f veinful'Jnonnt, 1 jtwpili poes'ibV,inggeB t'lsomo jruindfi.a fcbser-ationhaj h,p,fitrjngth an4ppfer bf ,C Bj-iuirt ate-pot.&r herself Quly bj. or uitt woiiu- it 'fi. j-. .r j . i.a Cid J comprehend tl.t stnh W.t;j I fiO'w fcnby 16 1t'ivf f,ccn, (i)Ur j?fi-s'4i. nl f prised' i:pca "tftnvlclWrt- tau it-was i.lrttii tTiTiews'fif the President. lierstdod yod ti be di,!.lro,j,of aiocKain firii'n-f f VmiowereJ 'an I 'd'ts ... , ........... -- . . , . . pobcdi-widT a-view m a imn arran ;m..-nt, 16 present;- wLai bdd roofed, la 3 f rlr-It-nforBt'as'artOTere'origintttJni'Si-hl toy government f 1 aiu, 01 crj.'.riri (iwi 'BhouU ba rtvscat'ei t but Aat I V.'ouli fth y6uiemlisionji tdec a littte ihiie to t'dn- piderpTihc mattnefiand ttr.nsi ;. Jtaui roi h- a t'ti.SnV mitr!Sor.c t i2te were convei- llw mile .'nK'f' 6a rejected. tor1 evtri :fos tliS rifte tl' ter,leration," .'8nd-'j;P;i3? '' i'-.rt ttip Vftife 1 frs conncjcted With hei-1 anil . J " A..i -,. 1. Thnpi'nimrwriittir aBiln-l.niTlC& f ; 1 ' and lhpsc,cr)u:itrietiWiul4a exactly the - aatn'e " j2at'if tlt'ed course wr barely, -" : y evenr.eas-ly ufcn.akvj, in point of ex-,- pedieiey, ftrcakfcriittia- ought ,V be for- . ' f j'j'r i,T.:. V- tiro fililt -1 " ' .Ifvith' the .rights and respexjful ta.tho, feeU ..v: .p"' 1; 1 1 : .... this.by admitting tha,t , b$ spnift iiofor o.t anV lhotJl ?ntentiQH,jhe' Amt'risaa v-mharf-rt lit-come lit aiu ot " te jjcre roentioiieid". Iflbcladej6f.the Europeaa cpn f thatjbjpckade toud have;.mccecgi3d at !L iiiteftiositiom of tha AtTlerkaa tfv vcrnment would m6st effectually iiswc con- 1 .1 i ' ...... .' . . : t. .. '.1 I v.Hif-a.ft tA ' o- otfbiRifrnas:::. tpr 1 &noufu nroljaWv. have thousrlit irct Ji ibana t xeroiB yjii'thr.t,.;wba:eM-f -lwi.tlw truth of this speculation, -thsuaanie ptoVw o-o witjiltcia e-ur tonpaseana our.roauer ' ft 'j! t.u' r .. iliof tmt fsVtvnrifia.Kh(lwvr.. ' . ' ' Vi r-nv ti.it rmunrcalion with tlie V- -u . . -t tlj .... MbatUirnniU xalomaf rcuttncJSS wv4 wuh,thc fid-, f tddt difficultTif ariat hlKWiWl M!W " diidiaouriJiedyour mct hatetipl?nad ' r - :J.4.Ji.-.twri!.-.th'r tmaartaat i O's-i. ioTrces-'oC youa prosjicrif'that t wmild all its viirtte, but prt-ptKre .the-way ir tuc ? . . .r,..v.,t v?7 'fihr idnisUhentS t -eaeT.to ha desired, r.r.d v a word forall J. .i'imW 'wTiUtH ft'ilowp-m Tlie : train ci ain(taaniiaiiy:& eicrdilnoin'sp- ,- ciatiia-w-iai proocwB - " .:Arndi ihseryatkitfclruVHiai ; w f the certain, proba Iueni"iilfforcs(!ihirty wiUliigncBS to d.iK8 K as - in Yiric uubmhiwi ) r i-Alnrfl il,., I VlTd il.i'ml nil tliht rou liid1 rfesid.:'.'; Aftd I was fcbnftrmed in . ihl. ..:..! . tvYp lv cnvtil f.f 'rS bWoui1 refllutsting tnc.as' f was" tbout to :ea.ve tiu- rom 10 cmpwy inja-.u, . fi-Hie i?v,.Stt infppview.- UDon such a note fts Sve Kfuri f-M 1nr -f. and then fetracfiuit that'.retlue.it by'Cbserving:; that I would ddublksi first fle?:l'S W know "vnat-w;ere uiinn i.aii'iiTid intchisons ur'on the Bubiect of it; Willi -which I-was1 giVefi-to-nnder-s'uhd t shbitld hi tnade acqaalfttsd at fcio ther conterence. . " ' ,.'Al ilik it.ii-A hit.fvvH'W after inealin f w .--p- - - - j ; W fi ir iVnder totttDlained'.' and of another . . 1 . . '1'. . TI .P. . :...'. I .1 I Il ottumnce mtau-iyoi rai-Miii.i'piouuv,, i .. .-"i ' ..... ." . . . .,i-.'t, ..1 ybit Pbscivea tnat tou naa mounj, long ahd'iinxibUsly'upon what J had fcugted to you ;-thatthe subject had at first struck k 1 if - n tlie. actual atari f 4he vorld, uA.lm-rip,! ti'rt-.k frifi.ftnd tnie to niova in tAis fttlaiVWitTf every -j,ntwe aejrree oi tlV-Oini'' iCion4 tkaly without-nwajijiU-. v.1.iJi tha .-Bi-i'dift-tjvernnfcnt 'could 'te proccetI",3 s:th6 eecMiiaixt-'j'jired. ' .'" ; . On tht 28'ii of AuaoJit' I tlie lionor' ; . . t tsca ypu'-cyiun-pidr aicr catering more,4 , at larjw. -tlnnri.had la-fora.lirlieved. to bo r , ' pj-epcrj1 intoacoiisiJalio: of theielTccft ,t pi ijp'roposal.ani1tha1e!i'4Uyatl!wrir3' ' ,,' - .':--taywur'.Ordersi istCim'dr' ad, after read - ----- ing ta you parts tt xay-insu acuons azi . ' 1 o"il! noti iri Y-Licli the fcr0BM ! ' .' Bid; waftw.i io-fce f;rtsteisrcd..-: u,, .',-,"r-. ..- Cdm-cth.rj wm f ui at t:.-a jatemewoi , thKJaicf tha Cues ;e.ikr),.:sd the Pre BidctJ pricbniir.j!on;vik1h it ia ftot .. j-TC?urti's, n?cffMi-ytp repeat . it Will i 4 i sttfTiwiebtwikite,- t;:tyoial.id:aie.wha ( , ' ) v wasita be doile; wU'.i- tLoset. Subjects I ani -. r' , " . ': thnt fcy rsply wasy t:. -.t tnej- ua Ji aa cont 1 7" ":."' . nection ith thdrrrntr but' tliat J couli ' .; J' . t s?.y wi;li cftnfidcnco; tint roy fjovernmert . , . , y r - ,- i, , ' IukI evrrvr dknosKLa to attend to. ihetn; ' - .-t with view to such art ad afS Llienti as would " , u i.,.V-ii jto'V-wprV-. I r' I rt ' ; L. X i r-. -- y-J-Uia ot-4r.Cin"eiu'I f$ tectaion) tlinft te- ----- newe'dr. ;jcUtxnvfCar.eseroi'Us,should ' , at wv'J i&ili .Tej c upc4 terma cf you 1 -cordcra ia Co-r.c'd, I a i;ivitc 1 by a fotmcll w ' VcrturpJromi uw rn-fiT.Tc-t ci America, .,-l.wHntt li'ouUe 50 vnit'any cp ' Scrvaticnajr.cre.. ; . .J , v r' '' -I You ttatc iayeufclettsr that M there wa one pomt upop wait: jo were pamcuiart f , . , ly anxioaa 10 receive preciis information i '. and upa -hich, frowsy candor and frahk nSi, , 5ta, wtre forftmai j "tnou- h td obtaia , ij: .-imswaa rmnctner jn i,iratne ors-, , . -.. ! -f v...l il.J K,.k-. i':;::... ucra. in .council' bi-j Asoictuour ima t , - knowft- to the govcrnuitnt pf the .United " '',-'' 5 Statis, pfevibns ft the rnessr je of the Pit ; " I f v 1 silent proposm? tne emoaro, w s w w . - . r 1 V mWl'inYT UJlUM4WLUiUtl W.ium aiH.us.vF .1 . , J f n-iais this tj'isar.rCi TrinciDsllr tat1 I , : 1 i i- ,1 ill "i V ifp 4 I h tu&y recall tdjur, reolie.ctioa, that my , --, suggestions, lipdnthe sUl'ect of .it; .wcrfc '" notTrfade'oSiciall) or aa bcinw authorised j,,, or lunusuca, oy any i.ujuiiiuuiu.iuuiiiiuri -4 , Miwrnniiil. ni 5ti BTstvr In tattr Aim ' ' rect enftme on your part., ; ney, wera - , -(, .. . y very briefly, mad? f.aar tha clpsc, a I 'f '.'', v " tV.inlr' r( onrtU'ir.-l' HiKrVirw. in ronip '-, -1 ' ' quence of youf intimation .intended per- '. - T- illips iu itiuijuiiUM ail vii'uii v , iiirtiuy jiup-, pbsal iinplied, that the tnbcrgd had been nroJuced bv the orders bf "November ; -t which you, added tliat t'uis could net be ad' mitted, and (as I c'oirprthendcd wliat you saidIluiLittucn required to be made tha N " P. I V subject of .some-'irotke or' discussion ia '- llt.hll.U M 111..I.1V.J .....v p....r . ,." ' " t : pp 1 -j i.i l..' 1 i.i..t' .'?: proposal, u , if Bwuiu,we muujjm ioi waru,- m tliat si,Tri ''HI proposal, ii siiouiu,we m uuga in tliat shape j and I understpadT 3ijpttlis as one 6f tTie reasons xh ou to as-1. w a writ" hafl W fact piWhibited s rwhith,' even t'tn KrktSapmo,,nr, ndthWould be dcW; vta-ba JWIW ie ,i7, " V 7;.1W" thai vo-4 leave rie to con- rrJWSn sultU. b'wr, WMhetttct 4. would whith 0 atfafic for tlie U. Asia io..aa. J-,.,!il wt.Lhid nt legist aihcour" runoii 1 -h only' byihecks-Hnd'di'lJcultiia t-U vay r:. mwpnh(w. feut bv tisr.ii.'i;t.' Val IU I" v ...v.w.-T . imsmiqrt-wli'ioliUlitlrKCP d'thjf ti-Jikiitlie--"Ui(oUfci.e,iet 11A vva ed in it' vavh a tircvosal. . J' "' -" ! apt-avefl to rtBthsJt,! iftmi i,:io?.;ax)e iers. ,iiu iii,-"y uw-iwi nu' i.Xely 'to W auicessfuJ, -urid l'Utl-, nice-- J".ii' ytl.e-pvoiM .cty ot going c I liar nolicj- bf GPl itaia fti'jjhfj ren,uirc,' tca'Cvti'lure" wis well-j-crsaLle." in nply.-'',' ,, ing to :that intImatlon, r.nd 'the rcin.yjks ' j " ' hich followed it,-1 profv-ssed to bpeak,' as " , ( - I did m f.tr't f.-r 1 renef.il infoima- c .' .'.7'; P T f. H . V 'Pi rnntw . in h -.vhuiti leaa us o a i.t-iifr issje,. That ursewasl tha;' wetrfio'ijld tioii only,- ft dibcluinu'd, as itw.as my duty to uo,au auinonrv' ta S-.y rr.ore-, hi on t:i , - . , sonic time bef'ore coV.imur.icatcd to you in ; : ; --."ledience to'.th orders t F th.e rre-ident. 'J . j Tlae purpose of my obsen-ationi Was chief-' . Jy to'shtitvi"L';t there' 'was 'no inductftient ;'-- lor eraTu-kiStf ui L-rn-J t.cussion? upon - , th'n t-ol.u'; and 1 abided 'yua that it was-' , ' - t i.i f.v i j ..Vr, c.". r t 'K ! ;ct"ted, ja- n-.ZJH ,ai...'s :'- ..ait, or k'nmt , I- d , - cf fir i.'f 3 d. mj. ' ty cj-iuionwas, ftli'iih iv.'i'-bt belcftconv " J - pletejy at rest without tlie least injury to the . AX j- v. .v. i . ' , 'hi V - ' " - .- V i -..2 v iJ. r ' " . , .."'." '. "" ' 1 .

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