,4 f 'V ' ' r The following 60XO, composed for the occasion, i. .was sung t tlie Embargo comnnauoiaton At . -Tortljuul. :' i ,: , , v ,T , '' ,w J -; .feoxo.-;. T't - , ' K T SHRAMS EUA ' ' i' ' Teach us the measure of onr w0Oa. 5 . ' v Ye, who teAii frorte ; ' V3 " ' Our heart we tuned to mournful song 5, ; ;.' -, " - Jioiliclp, no hope remain. ... i- , J ,V v- ' ' 0'if hjfkt are all "that we can boast, 4" f ,' J " " "Winch ert'r'n wenrti devout! ,.,,' ' v ' ',iriojri we vano and dust.. , " Frail creature Of an hour i t.i ... ' -.n u Jit ! ftopUessraoeof taiiorsmov,f. ' . . (I I) fntrch.-i1 Vr th nlain. s " ; - Jt'oi bivud hi.Tdadlitiy hasJtWCvV Al..s ! the strife is vain. , f , , , What shall wo saBoit wait for, theft' t bread abroad we mtttt 1 . ' Slran&r want let us are ft in vaiita f - j r r. .i. ....... -1 r - rr And myat bid ow frienil adieu, ' V."'. - Aud acfc a foreign aporr 1 , . - TJ)f-se bnriinK hcarta, ourfi lends, tor to--iilnll he-'t till wehc no more. - ' 7 i And oftThen wnD in tiatcn below, - . Tv-ara flow at lj Vriei joy," , , ' , T'ooCoTmTftthe cattjhug . ' J'nnt tht Beaton Repertory SPLRYDW FZSTtVAL, "4 : 7- W litmr (f the txertiont encttvectu - ' V'.-;'7- -;;.7-SPANISH PATRIOTS,. i, Da'TuAdtir.latt'.qeatly fhre hundred ' "'taldxenk' of thw town and vkSnforiT Rav i puoilC uinucr m iiuuui v uv amv . Bpain, Tbe liDti, f Mr. Uore presided, assistei fy the H(nu.Tbomas ll. Perkins, ;. Col. Paul ftevre, Jcpa. Hunnewell,.Esq. : "Col. Afiiold Welk-S 4nd Danie, Sargent, Were the SnaniBli eotisul, , the Hon,; Mr. Orisr "president of rthe Senate, Hon.' -Mr, ' Bigefotv, speaker of the' House of Uepre 1 hentatives. the Hon, Messrs, 'Dana' and 1 Paine, -the, Justiceaof the mpreine judicial court, the ludire of the district court, the reverend cTcr'srv7fcttie,HonV'tJenV"iJrp6kir, tolonerHurophreyspui the'thairmaff Of the Selectmen. ' ITie cnnnernras-rervett iw in thff Tirw-hall of the' Exchange Cof- r-j----tetf-honse m the usual styte oi inai cxcei. icnt rjlace of entertainment. It is impos ' 6iblc for us to do-justice to the pure spirit ot patriotism, the sympathy oi som, mi ;j a . " . ,.1 .. I.. ..... ... . ed with gratitua ana none, wnicn pre iiiled on this occasion. . Fart of the sen- tithents' whidh animated the company will be seen in the toasts, which were accom i. panied by marcHe and sir from, a full band of mifeic. , Seven , patriotic' songs r nmnoked for the occasion were sunt?. The " HaH was decorated with the flngs and arms . of Spam and. the' United States, IJie Snanishconsul was in full patriotic uniform. ' The first toast was introduced by the pre- :,. sident; in a rerv ammateu -and appro, priate -address,' "fkt volunteeri were hd mermrs-. : The reeular toasts were . , 1 Tlieflatiiot(frai& M-.TUjcv-tiabliahauA libtity as will mtke gayei-nimnt julti andtuco a aoveromentat win maico uueny mnajuruu. - - .- s'- '... " March. ' 2. The fipaniali arnueektay their tcl4eTaent U splendid at thcirtauae i glnrious. I ... beat i , i'The Snaidth beonlc Ltd to aLnttv b thi -' 1 ' ' -- ynwHrWei af?- to heedom by til , , . Grand March Slue BfartL. -" i The Snan'uh mremment at it wat i the 8n . J nih neonle a thev are. - The firtt a warning, te . . ' , J. Tlie HerOieTelarflo of AuriWM the Bto- - f ,dern Satcen meet a folaglo in every SpanithfKd- 4' aier. c-" i . . V & Tba frietiol qf Spaniah indcpeiideiiw-May i; v pmrtt nno in tneeotirage ana uaeuxym ., ' .' If eounternoite to the cruelty and perfidy of cneoutt. j .' ' ' Smf. Somitxirlft ktntoru f Unflf. , " - i ; - r 'Freedota to Ferdinand UtVtt May Ik be 4 pa. J, " "".' triot kin among popular noblei, and"a nobh-.peoplc. ; -, ;. . ,-. : ,oinitthxmS'. v ' t-' . a. The natrlotie luntat- and eeneraji of - fintht "..': ' May tlwir hradii b wito. their heaitt ttbuL and their i ' tworot anai n enougA tor uiev cuvaut. , ft. The nation that ditooVcred ottr eountry. ' At ', . they were tlie first titat openly fawtred oar indc : - .nendence, mar we not be the last openly to favour theira. . . -' " ' v t Patriotic 8mr- " ' 14 Our ew emmtryw Jfryit not prove too wide for unmn-mtoo tordid for patriotism, ooe tf . denjo- - erauo Tor lberty ' v , ')' " , i' Jt "Waihinetop, ftamilton, Amen. An endleit ' " " tnreetston of their tiiblimo, virtues, and our eountry v ' . . I i' .l . ' f- I... . ' r - , .i il'.Tfce (Mtriottt Ipislafure o Miuisnchuteut. . ' 4! In tliia time of penf may they thin nothing done ' " ' , 1 ' 1 it while any thin? remain tindon, .to preserve the, tv: ' S'7" : x 1:1.-.:... .a' .M.nF.. v: ..... i- .., jV '." f t ' ' JltauackaieM Maren; M- ThePixiblet of Oie Ainerican oavy-.May wr administration imbibe a portion of their spirit, wiui- 41 ' eut-imptninw to tucm any 01 1 owa, . 'C. ' ' Trlpditan JfareK ; f L ' i r 14 The eohrtitutioa of the TJnited States. . " ' ' now practited upon. v .. ' iy " " om of -what iinntmuf ignrnith fo - ' J",-. i .Jai'n Abtbhltf" ""V' ;-, , - - ' 13, b )i(BiaMi Vtt. ' "X - " , : 7" i.: " Let tube tocVd with Cod and vith the hom, TheitnmortaJ Piligio,TnanycentiirieHKO, whcti Bnain was nearly iubiiiirated bv the Saracens, rout- f ed the Attoriant. and pourintr down frtttn the fast- nettrt of the mountains, cUttroye.c.jnprg. than one siinnia tnoiitananr tne tnemy, anu .is wc cause ,af iheirsaJswuliion. V ,'''.-1 - .!nJ Tiii r7 ofrfi, !eeni furtctvet - la uur ouniiiiiairalioii ' - - , , "Jfmt vm a furwuxforytiur fo m 4ol, ' . 7 Aut tMo tinge yqwH!lae-Hrt f J wmni . JBV ifciM 'tinm rAu wAicA f riw at, '- 1 ;Vnd 4e rtervrming'f . ' ' 17. The . Federal lrt:Sses May tlicy be jtlcstio- guishable lights in lihuirv'a pathr. , - -Id. The tninoritr iia 'Comnreas-A bright csanv pki to tlie nixjtAtyin M.ussactiuaiiUs. , ' Frame London paper bj November 13,-. . ;. THE STATE OP FBANCR. ; - . , i It u scarcely possible, for tlie mind, to conceive & jnore wretched, stote of aTalrs t.hsit that in which France is, according jfco the report of the French minister , of tie interior., bile uermnny crucue R pe foet of France j while lluv.ia is in toils! and Austrh c' -r .-s i ' f e a J" inlwBUiity egaintit htr j wmie iiuyov,u her yke, and Switzerland expefcta erery moment the death warrant for tA execu UQa ; whil all seem hnluant mwut met ry thing withtu is in the gresltst misery and distress Her ports ; without activity her manufactures witooux enrpioy ner merchant - ruined-Ia proof of this, W need not have recourse to the statements of travellers, or ts writers that are hostile to France. , We have the proof from the I confession of the French minuter of the interior j we nave it nrom uie rrencn go vernment itself. Let any one compare this report with the report or exposition of last year, arid they will find thatnot oqeof the promises rteld out then nave oeea rui- fiUedr' Ameliorations are always to taae plac?, and that they never do tale place A year hai elapsed, dunnar which the' el. fects Of that commercial interdict which Bonaparte has adopted were to be tevere- 1 v felt b v us. But what has been the fact F that they have been fIf alone by France"; France does this report draw f Examine its features there is not one that docs, sot betray the paleness1, the wretchedness and the satlalon of novertv .-"-Great-Britain has drawn aline of circumvalUtionaround htr, and ' shut her out from commerce or com nvmicatton wiih three- fourths of the world AU our naval relations are at an end, our merchants, manufacturers, and com sumers are exposed to dreadful sufferings bufferings which are now, habitual' jw thetn there is BO temeay out patience, and resignation to. them." This is," the substance, thev are almost the very expres sions of the minister's report Nothing remains, for industry tq have' recourse to hut surririilt-ur.- But what will ftirrictd- ture do for these who have no market, who caaaot exaortx,, a oa . cncaunurcmcni .ta .. v .. vsm ...... . x . sow roust arise from the' Knowledge Jhat the person who sows .can s,ell Bonaparte gives them no market no export trade, and agriculture canjipt bet flourishmg, 1 t.iis evident that it is not that It ts in distress. A lure, however, is thrown out io the far mer he in nromised a Protect of the gfeaiest utttlty; vhkh i;ndisprasiblirne cessary to the pr6speriry of agriculture, and is closelv interwoven with national prospcritvV "This project is a" rural codi What i I this which is declared to b so vitally necessary, still wanting? want-. . . . ... :. . .. j .. ; .. j ts ing to a nation tnat is ocpkw m - cbv oaUy agriculturaJ.'? This is ever the.way with Bpnaparte; he is always promising to do such great things for ,the prosperity (of trance, out never penornwig. inn p ral code, would, we should have imagined, been the first thing thqughtoX by a govern ment, that professes to rule bvera hation essentially agriculturaV and thit had determined to cut off all commerce whate ver. But ho, the rural code is yet to come and not a step has been taken but to call upon different authorities in Fence to jflot their advice upon it ! But the principal im provement M agriculture is to arise out of ry- other 'improvements will ioilow: course. " 'j - , . r - v: , " Prom the Fantjjis't JotiSnAU :vr - r ..MORTRtrru. k- - The government 'paper says that Gen; LINCOLN had lonjr been retained in of fice through the ' forbearance of the Presi dent airainst the sentiments xt aretpecta bU portion of the community .! lis false as tlie language of the Prince of the Power Of .IJ.irkhe8s.Ji.i homM.Jrfferioni,mhty as mdeh inclined vs-any man evef li ved, to ' . . , . ,1 u ' ; 4 Flsy such fantastic trkks befoy high. Wen As uiakcev'flajigclj vjetp ! did not dare -to remove BENIAUN LINCOLN frdm the office of Collector of the4 Port ot Boston." It, would have been too daring an insult to the honoura ble feelings of; honourable, men, the re maining officers and soldiers, of the Ar mies of Libertyi too desperate ah outrage upon the principles of the American He volution, tor even the Hero ot the Moun taina of Vlrglnjal ' . And who were' these respectable, rhett who, clamoured for his removal i Ahl thru terra all honourable aqd that OuV revenue and our . commerce, have increased durwgthaVpenodlVyhat a nicturc we have. said, of the state of a rcurgaiuxaiion ui uic ixpusiiories iw use breed of horses n What rapekeryj and trifling J 1 the principal Improvement Is to find tlie farmer a market for his coramodi- 1 - "1 .zj,v- .-.'-: ". i-'V-r.jL. tfitctt.MeU vhowere tpzWKlxfiLn.-l1-!; tendon paper iliemselvcs wlia should be his iuce$$s?r, and .who treated such discord upqtt the subject, that the President could fix upon I1U11C Ul lUClil, fi ll VM lummiyuu dw General wished to resign Igng ago, and that tlie President wrote him letter with hi3 own hand, requesting him to continue moffice, till he should be prepareo to no minate his successor. Aad it is now Said that the hoarv Veteran has-written a letter also, in which' he'decHres, that having tsuKht for years in the cause ot freedom, hi would not for a moment become the instrument of -Despotism Aye, there's tlie. rub..? That is the sin not to oe wrr given. - J .sf 1 1, i: Plunder oftht PvbSe ChettS" most unhesitatingly' and most fearlessly proclaim to- thu American- Peo ple, tint The ffera ef thh . Sxtntv-andl NW-ORtEAs, peperal J AWt3 WJ KINSON, has received several Thousands of Dollars of the money, of that People to which he had not the shadow of a claim, either in law or eouitv- To all who know the character and habits of that officer and ond of the Editors has been t soldier under his command he idea of his liv ing updn the pay of a Brigadier General, is.- to Os a-vulMT expression, VtufT. He always has had, he always "must end will have, -other resotirces froia Spain, from China. or the Lord knows where His extravagancy to everysort Of expence, is almost boundless. . 'The enormous char- res which this ourt and disinterested pa triot has 'exhibited against his' country's treasury, were along time repelled by the Accountant of. the War Department,- but. somehow or Other, have been finally allow ed. As the President sometimes conde scends to act as P&st Master-General, per" haos it is found convenient for some of the Heads of Departments, on Particular ana vrumr occasions, w ueutcnu 10 mb humble snhere of accountants. : ' It is pre sumed that an official inquiry into thes6 transactions will be instituted U the Hqiise of B,epresentatiYes, '-! ! Heroes proceed! wliat boonds your pride ahall hold f What check restrain your thru t of power taa goia r Heboid rebellious virtue duite Ceruuown. fitibciUouriiase, ewtweiUth, burltKa, miu4a. To sach Ule plunder of a land is gpTT- - i Whenpublie crimes inftame the wBaOl of HeaVfcn r But what my frirod.' whu hope remsins far me, v Who Itar at tbeft, and blnsh at perjury f Who scares- ferbear-, too Brrtain'i eoun b ling, , To plucks utied poefs boreow-a wmji , .. A stateaoun't logic uoeoimne'd eta bear, .. ; And dart to alumber o'er the fOaaetteer, ' itoipi afl te au ycms tfrssra; And strive ia vain to laukhat Clodio'sjrsi , ; - The following passaira from, the same poet would' seem to have been written, in the -very spirit of prophecy, tor tin pur pose ot describing a certain great com mander 'of the present time. , ,'';"' C l Illustrioua fcdward 1 from the realmt of day) ' The Uod of heroes and of aaintt survey t ' ... -Nor bope the Brituh Uneaoxn.tl to trace, -The rustic grandeur, or the aurlv rrce t - But, lost in thoughtless ease rnntUpt) tSrm, 1 Behold tU warier iMndled tt 9 tetui 1 . Of France the mimick, tmdf ' Qpain OeprefP . tnaimer er tmiw. ; k , . . te. : I .."Wa o,.vodiV7 -' 7 Mr. Lvon told the majority on M6ndav. that, as they appeared to be determined on war. it would be prudent in them to select France as their enemy, fof as there could be but few points of contact between France and us,' it would of course be litdr more than a war of wrdt, far. which, we are much better prepared than tor anj other Allusions of this description, in parlia mentary speeches,, .when introducsd with judgment, and not. too frequently, are exT tremely pleasing. xvery literary reader has remarked that they give to Air. RM POi,ra7s oration a peculiar charm, , itie following, from one of Mr.'- KtYs recent speeches, .exhibitS in a single sentence, a most iinprcwivc ptcturo f su vjk-T'v0 of the embarKQ system.' .ir A jrentleman has said, to submit- la these instances we should lose all our com merce by kcmraWik the; horse's tail ui Horace, it would be -taken hair by hair. till it was naked s And what, Sir, have our politicians doner ; What Horace never dreamed of, for fear 6f losing the tail hair hair, they have CUT IT QIV AT TBI ROOT.' Laat week a Mia i !Prisellla'Thackth- weite,' of Hertfordshire, with a fortune of four thounand pounds hard cash, .enter cd the mammonial state. - one had declar ed her intention, either to espouse a sol dier, sailor, cobler, or clumney-sweeper, and was accordingly courted by each of those profeaslonsr I he soldier marched up to attack the fair in high style, arid execut ed bis best manoeuvres j the sailor dedked himself out in bis gayest colours and loot i& vemtern at his rivals i the cobler swore his ole was on firef and that his love wo uld wo warmer to the very wf i but the sweep bruthed them all oil, as Miss rrissey oeingenantouretj di nis aspiring aisposj ivl: iljki-1tevlFkFt ll '-AF.Al.fJl TlF1fTl K. ':. . Om'm oftht word D; In the rd.Ta of Charles the First, Kir.? of England, a certain Frenchman brought , , a Hat into London for a public show. ... Ho ' had learned tins Utile auimcl to imitate tu ; , most even' human action and resture, As the Frenchman did not well understand die ' Enjrhshlsnjruape,. he called us uttle inuta- i . - tlve companion de-me-di-rat B that is th mimicliftp ."r-About live same . , time, innumerable swarms of demagogues made their appearance In London, preach-. - ing the' doctrine of non-resistance and pas si ve obedience. ;;. Ths-. populace highly. -7 displeased with dieir. doctrince, and , per ; ceiving many gestures and pranks in these " , demagogues which, resemutea the r rencn man's rat, called each one de mock rat,- : The name was easily changed to " demo- . crat,"; and .applied Jo every bawling de--matmjrue who preached Ithe doctrine ot,, Aonresistance and passive obedience. ' Jan. 45- The Secretary of the.Treasu ' House 'of Represehtativet communicated'" copies pf J8 letters," retatlng. to the eva-, "r sion of the Embareo laws i " and ' enume-f , . fates SS potts in which the laws have been '?;' vioiaiea, ana i inwnicn nocmcsoi olation haye come to' the knowledge ol th' CoUectorav'CTho ports in tho two CarQli ; has of the -former description are Camden,' v ymoutri, Washington, ucracocr, vvu- ', mington, Of orge-,1 own, and VVwston ?y and under the tatter description, oemon, , . - , ...... . . . .- . ... -i- rvewDern ana ounoury. - t. .!""Ay, ' Feb, 3, Mr. Lvonsaid the .eoinmitteo , .. of Cl.ims had reported that Thomas Paine; J ' ; should havejeavo to withdraw h"is petition. ,4- l To him" said Mr. L. we are more than . - j to any man indebted for our Independence! v' "J He k now in want. Shall this nation tikej . the Romans be ungrateful' to their. Greai y -Belisarius. ,,1 move that the report wi'tb ' . I the documents be, printed ' A83"4 5 ' iif a to sv f s . ; COAr?tE8TON',.resvAv6i ' ,' Janfltrv 35. in lot 37. Ions. '73, 30. CiPt Kir-.' mitpolteth!l,'f'e,i ofend from Wew-lorkyf ; v SOayt Out, ooiina m wajt lean nan on ooaro fmmhFTor i Jan. from the TX Stater taldienl." -Ort-tne BTL-ht'or--- 2T, was m foul of by the Uritish thin Aurora.: r M lslarip, DC4U14 tocW-orK. cinaves- i ... M difierent tecks when Uiey.StfUrk th4-r J- tl thewjjes, tb,eTorickwa tin much damaged m htr'.'f f bows. Both vessels then made for this port, end V tortunately got up with the bar on Saturday. ; , y J The brier Reliance. D irrel. from New-Totk fcf X - : , A .. this port, after having1 taken t pilot, wat blown offr j, j . . and it put Htt Wilminjtpni with the lost wsnchorSj iiu vauica. v ALL" persons" Indebted to the estate the late, Ale Sander Torrans, are hereby notified, that unless they come forward and settle previous to the 1st of March ensuing. thjeir 'Notes and A?couU wilt indiscrinu A nately he put in suiu lit.1: -a f v ; , 7 S. SIMPSON, eUW1 wj rVVst t(W WltwJ W11..H . ' Corner 'of QfeeUng-House ; ninnluTsttT 1 . HAS for sale an assortment of elegant Pictures and Looking-Glasse : alsd.Barot metorsifhemottetors. Telescopes, Specn 4 , " taclest durveydra tuompass, several Upu 1 cal and other articles, too tedious to -enu- ( ' merate, which he. .'offers "for I'sale on'low'"' 'r ttrms for Cash. , t . . -. , ..: . . ). n At th;e request of several Gentlemen of ... this town, (who have promised their patror. , nagq and support J he proposes, disposing of tome of the said Articles by Lottery- a Seheme'Of- which rHay b seen, am Tickv- . - ets naa as aooyf... ;.;. -- jv-J v Gilding, ra.iu. various branches, execu- ted with neatness. Also,- Profiles accurate ' h taken by Mr, Shuttle worth's celebrated Fentegtafth, at 93 Cents each. .Jtebruaru S,,i80S. (f':,j J ' NOTICE. ' ', . TOT BVBSCntBKR '.HAS determined to discontinue of Goods, except for Cash. All parsons indebted to bim counts, are desired to call and those whej are indebted 0 hiro, by Bonds,, . JNotes, 01 Accounts, which bave been long ; due, are requested to make payment by the k ; first of, April next, pr circumstances wilj7,' compel himy however reloctanfly, to insti - sMfsffae-WNie 2t5oarDinrj0up!ea ', : THE SUBSC&mZi: r4 nESPECTFULLYirdormsWrWeTui 'WL-i. -L. Lk. t. -.1. . , ...... ;.;v.. the' sate? I '"-"'TV.. . .-' X on open ae - VJ"-1 settle, and" UrJ uiai suw sum uulcb uwv iarg wiu comiq,o , jf dious House", formerly the property of: - s nuuina veuucr, antr juieiy voccupieo oy . . John .., West, Jdsq. Hoarders and Trai-, veiling Gentlemen, will be accommodated' in the best manner. . ,, ' EJJZACETH BARTLTT. fftwunry 56, 1WQ9, j? ..v..1-..'- .--5 v .v." "-t: ir'fii.r.7.riir n' ' r Hi': . I 9 n -I -V - Lmdon papers rOK f AXfX AT T8trfXCu",, s j Cv 77 7;7777?7f;7 i- v 7 vA - : r - ;-.. - v.,- - i 1 1 ;iv ''V'-v. 7''I, i:v':r.'""i" sf 1 .7--:-'. v-ji;, v;. '.f7 7.7f'C 7rV77v-7 7N7 f.w - , -7 r '. -r"' -. jr.T - ioaijW'ik , inn Yii ''"" ' 7 t rt Flj '"". -FWL ft' "' "l