r-r and experience cf the members of this i legislature, ', nosr convened from all parts of the. stateiiWa speafcthe private distress es whichfcive been produced by .thescacte ; and your general inform&tion.wiU give you gendemen, t a correct view of the. dangers which impedpubUsirt right and property, arising fxomthe,saine source Despairing osnhMniiai relief firpm any other quarter, .the people are now looking with anxious solicitude & hope, to the wisdom & direction of the legislature of their own choice; and seent confident that some mode.may be devised to remove the pressure under which they are at present suffmng--ToyOur collected wisdom and prudence they . submit . the taskAnd nny it not be hoped, , that, with our uni ted effortSi under a temperate, discreet and firm consideration of our. situation and circumstances, we may be able, by the in fluence of .Divine aid,Kto fulfil the just and reasonable expectations of our fellow-citi- zens? -Whenever our national Legisla ture is led to overleap the prescribed bounds " of their constitutional cowers, on the state legislatures, in great emergencies, devolves the arduous task -it is their right it be comes their (duty, to interpose their pro tecting shield between the rights and liber ties of the peopl ?, and the assumed po w er of the general government. Several communications will now be made foryour consideration amongwhich you will observe a correspondence between xne and the Secretary of War of the Uni ted States the particulars of ; this corres pondencey with its object and its result on my part, will doubtless gain your most se rious and solemn attention. In all our deliberations on. .this momen tous occasion, may the Divine wisdom guide us into the path ; ol dutyand s lead us to the 'happiest results For the general good, thepeace and security of the people :...:;-v-j v. : J TRUMBULL. Extra-session, Feb. 23, 11809. " jf&ctafBcffufrlicah, ' Federal and Republican prtnCipletm&ettachineM union and repretentfuive gova nmentT ., , , THURSDAY, .MaKCB 1,6, 1209. - THE THOROUGH BRED AND.MJCH CELEBRATED HORSE, iti Collector so wen Known as an excellent and sure foal getter, and whose Colts, have been for many years, and now are proving them selves oh the turf, both with, speed and bpttom, will stand the ensuing season at my stable in Oreen County, North-Carolina, eight iniles below Snowhill, on the old road that leacls from the old ford or Mil ler's fe'rryacross Cbtentnca to Kin&on, and will be let tqi Mares at the most reasonar ble-and much reduced prices, of Six Dol lars the single leap, paid at the time of Covering- Twelve' Dollars the season, (which may be discharged by pavrag Eight ! Dollars on or oefore the 25th December next) and Sixteen Dollars to ensure a i Mare to be with Foal. Those who put to FAMIR last Spring Season, and their Maresf ailed to be with foal, may have the benefit of this Season to COLLECTOR, forANine Dollars, which may bescharg ed by Six Dollars, if paid byhe-SStli Uecember next. Any person Who wi put Four Mures, or who will be responsi ble for the payment of therseasori of fottr, shall have the fifth gratis. If any Mare put by the Season to Collector, should die within the same, I will charge nothing if the property Of any Mare put by the insur ance, be changed'beftjrc the time of Foal ing, the person who puts her will be char ged with the full amount of the insurance. I have godd & well enclosed Rye Pas tures for Mares, sid my persona) atten tion will be paid ta them, and when, or dered will beefed with7 Corn at the neigh bourhood, prices ; but, I will, not be res ponsible, for Escapes or Accidents of any bind whatsoever.--Servants . sent with Mares will be boarded free . from charges. -All kinds! of Drbduce will be taken m payment at the Market prices ; and from payment being made, thus easy, - the verv resonable, and much reduced prices, Col lector stands at this Season, and his un doubted superiority as a. Blood Stallion, Racer and Fpal Getter g I flatter myself, that my former Customers, and a great i many others, will teel much cratihed at having it in their power to breed from so valuable a Stallion, SH ADR ACH COWARD. Gran. Caim. IStJt March 1809. - - r - ; JMTICEr THE SUBSCRIBES, Li viko within half a mile, of where the celebrated Horse OLD COLLECTOR,ls I to stand this season ; and beng furnished I mb provender, and good and well enclosed J pastures ; offers to take Mares,, and feed ( and pasture them, and carry them to Col lector regularly, on reasonable terms ; and will pny every necessary- attention to them ; but will not be responsible for escapes, or accidents of anv kind whatever. i T.AWRP vritr r A do W "www Cwtfiy, ISlh March, 1$09. "OnTuesday last. ReubdaP, Jones. Q:waselec. cd Sljailf of ; this courvtr. ia the place cf John S. VWst, Esq. resigned. ' ' llie Collector of the Customs for this Port received instructions last evening, on the late Act, repealing the EmSargo Laws, in part from which we understand, that everv. countrv hominallv eniovinef an independent form of goyerhment (other than Great-Britain or France) and not in the actual possession ox either Great-Bri tain or r ranee, is- open by the Law, and particularly Holland, Spain and Portugal, and their Colonies. But he is directed to suspend, until the, question has been better investigated, granting clearances for any part oi the island oi San Domingo or ot the Kingdom of Italy. Colonies conquer ed by and in the possession of Great-Britain or France,, are prohibited. The last section of this Larw, provides, that it shall continue in force until the end of the next session of Congress, and no longer -and that the Embargo Act and all ihe Acts, supplementary thereto, shaft be repealed from and after the next Session of Congress. We have to apologize to our readers, for not publishing in this week's paper, the very acute and sensible letter of the honorable Mathew Ltok, one of the oldest and firmest Republicans in Congress. It is very long, and before it came to hand, our columns were so far pre-occupied by other matter, that we could not finpl a place for more than a third of it : ' Hence we thought it best to give the whole of it next week. The leading measures of the present ad ministration, the talents, motives and prin ciples of the reigning majority in Congress, are criticised ra it, with a certain shrewd ness, a quick and piercing sagacity, pfte found : in uneducated minds, formed from an early and constant habit of comparing the perceptions of the mind, and trusting to the efforts of its own powers of mvesUa tion, for the truth and correctness oi its mm- ' - notions, ' opinions and judgments, rather than to the recollection or memory, oi tlie thoughts of men, found in their writings, or treasured uo from conversation. He has The Hon C&HISTOPHER Gore, is an nounced as the candidate for governour of Massachusetts, and will be supported at the election on the first Monday of April 4iext. Ine Hon. David Cobb, is also held up by the federalists as lieutenant go vernor. From the great change hich has taken place in the political opinions of the citizens of Massachusetts, it is highly, probable these gentlemen will be elected. The Boston Centintl says, that , Mr. CA!fsiKG'a letter, vas cn the Cabinet files, from which it wis copied, verbatim et litcraliTn-Q3iQ. from whence we t doubt dot other " secrets worth knowing " will fiad the fight." -!''. ' " -' ' Extract jlf a letter from, ct gentlnruu in Baltimore, to d&tcd Feb. 27, 1S09. 1 'Mr has " been rumoured here that Mr J Madison has said that the present situation of the country is so' critical, as to require I uie nrsi laients in tne nation, to extricate re This, say the fuliblooded democrats, sounds like appointing federalists (which by the way is auowmg tnat tne leaerausts possess the best talents J This would be as great an error as that committed by Mr. Jeffer son when he said " we are all federalists, we are all republicans " and the minority have their rights. . " Knowing ai these men do, that Mr. Madison has isdom to discern the true interest of his country, they are fearful he may possess honesty and firmness enough to pursue it. Nothing would mortify these restless spirits so much as Mr. Ma dison's forming a broad bottomed admin istration, made up of men of distinguish ed talents and sterling integrity. . That he has it in. his power to form such an '.admin-, istration, and that every honest man in the country, would rally round it & support it, I have no doubt. It would be opposed by Col. Duane- and all such men as Col. Du ane ; but let the new administration take their stand on genuine American ground, 2nd a few noisy foreigners will not be a ble to drive them from it. . u Should Mr. Madison pursue that course of liberal policy to which his interest and his glory invite, he would no doubt be a ble ta rescue the country from impending ruin, and restore it to the prosperity and respectability enjoyed under the adminis tration of the immortal Washington I have a right to respect the talents bf Madison, j I remember with gratitude his placed the character of Mr. Jefferson and exertions iv i favour of the present consti, f .... i ' . it .v -I ttitinn ran detpncfi.nr which he wa nnlv nis man-worshippers, as ne cans tnem, in a very strong and clear light. . 1 It is a rare and singular account, which honest Mathew gives of hisjaUl JCtepuM-a" lrienas. ne says tney ana tne r eaerausts. have changed principles. , The Republicans are now in principle and action,, what he deralists in Congress, have adopted the Pbt lf. h chefred b? aPPr- tution ran deience ot wuch Jie was onlv second to Hamilton. I wrou!d feeldispo- sed' to ; bverloole his errors; and to. admit that 'eveh hisi3Hi;le0d- O'4rtuc, siae. una wnen praise, was, msuy aue. I wouldnot fail to pay it with a lavish hand. That he will be denounced-by the demo cratic papers m a short time, I have no m i m, Col Wade Hamptoh of South-CawiH. na, is promoted to the rank of Bfngadier General in the army of the United States. JDTEB at Bith. N. the 25th of Fb- last.) m : nsrajre. ..its. r liotner, con. sort of Mr. GcrtiiimBomer, after in illness of only 3Q hoars. She ha kit behind her a family of six spnall chadrcn,togthcr vfrh and aficctioiute hus. band, to Umect the loss of a. (bad vile, and a ten dtt mother, , Who can grieve too much, Sarhat tiinc ihall end . Our moumjij for o ftkr a d v She wi i he odm daughter of Mr. Btfjy Machcn, formed of Newbern. , - - PORT oflfiVBERN. r Schooner Rose Bradiy, NeW-York Taony, . mater, do. Schoprtcr arorme, WhitvtU, New-Port. Philadelphia, Oranet Dighton. Jfrenuce-Boy, .Tulfordt Ifcw-York. principles of -the old Republicans of i7p8. Surely in the eyes of all true Republicans, this is the finest eulogium that could be made on the talents,, the virtues, and theprinci- loles of the Federal Minority, now in Con ICTess. But he mentions a new sort of. Re- nublicahnavinff started up into beinc:, c led an Administration Republican. Assu redly the contested anair. of the rule adop- ted by tne aammistration, asJtne governing THE THOROUGH BtlED HORSE FARMER, WAS five years old, the 25th bf April last; he is a most beautiful animal, stands five feet three inches high, has great gran deur and. substance, is a rich blood bay, with black legs, handsomelv marted wi6i white, full of bone, perfectly sound, and has remarkable good action, descended from the best stock of horSes bh the Con tinent . - - . j Farmer will stand tne ensuing spring season, commencing the 24th PeBruan and ending the 1st day of July next, at the Stables of the Subscribers, in Wayne Count-, (N. C.) near WajTieslxyrougn, will Be riioVed from one stand to the other, at the following times, (to wttij to con tinue at the. Stable of John Daris until Saturday eveninjg, the 4th of March, and then moved to the Stable of Samson Lane and there to cbntinue until me next Satur day evening ; when he is again to be moved to the Stable of the said Davis, &c. to be moved from one Stand to the other, every Saturday evening, throughout the season J and will be let to Mares at the most rea sonable prices bf three dollars the single leap, paid at the time of covering ; six dollars the season; and ten to injure a Mare tCrbe with fbaLi-If the property of any Mare, mt by the insurance, be chani ged before the time of foaling, the person; who puts her; will be charged with the full amount of the insurance.-Our personal attention will be paid to all Mares put to Farmer" ; but we will not be responsible for accidents of any kind whatever. Pro duce delivered at Wayhesborough, will be received in payment, at tne market prices . . ; JOHN DAVIS. I JAMES THOMPSON V BENJAHriN It JWCE4 ARE encased in teachmcr the 5CHOOI;. bation of native Americans. I feel conh dent he will " act well his part, where all ibrmerly taught by the., Rev; James K. tne nonor nes. uu. ii is t ;uunuca unaer tne same regulations, and on ths same terms on Latest Jt-om Ilayti A gentleman who which it was first established. If any should came passenger in the ship True-Ameri-s be disposed to enter their children in thta can, in 12 days from Port-au-Prince, ar- School, they are hereby informed that the iivcu ut i. iujn, iiiiuiuio, tiiftt o ui iu uuru wuaner wm commence nn ,"viri days before he sailed, a, very bloody bat tle had taJ?en place at Cape Nichola-Mole, petween tne vxmres ot retion ana nris- day the 20th instant: Jfewberni, March 15th, 180 LOST tophe, inwhichthelatterwasdefeadwithl A NOTE of HAND; given to William creat loss; at least 1,000 bein? left dead q-.l hwk P,l rwi " I rTi 1 hf fiplrl- ( lm infnrmnnt further Qf-nfpt I i f-ri . . i . . - . J tory which Mr.Ljon gives, of an applica- "1, of San Dom n,o was In al 2?lt.?!Wf voung .r ' j t j 1 1 ipaaui UK u)9 uaacnoorseaio tne Subscriberi - Should any person find said Note I shall principle, in fitting up the appointments in the armyot 6000, will be given up byitie Administration Republicans, after the His tory which Mr. Lyon gives, of an applica- . T J 1 I" .11 ' 1 . I . . . -.-I . liwix mau u iixii.o, . irtyWi y w5 Vfrv tranrfii Estate. . nnrt had not betn at- gentlemen, ot a Kepublican iamily. tacked hv Ahe Spaniards or British, and vimn n 4- mmm t nlran In o linr(..,AM " c A . i-'--, Lu i - k , , that General Ferrand wastill living: a Kepublican the young man was, and told j , . . by the gentleman, to whom he applied, that Mzrtinkue Taken. We areinformed ne snouici taxe no notice, m tnat way. otijbv bantam Haziu-d ot the Swedish schoo- any man who was not an Administration nfefLockeV, froni St Bartholomews, -which Republican. i hus it is,- that this unngh - Island he left the lfth of last month, that teous admmistratiqn, iiave gone on to ma- a few days before lie sailed, information be obliged for is. return.; AU persons are forwarned from trading for it. -..i . , , .WILLIAM OLIVER. TKbefth -March 16, 1809. , FOR .IT THIS PXICE, TT?;" Jl J 1 T?'t rrn ' mi. nage appointments, with the. single view of which xvas relied on, Was received, stating TlrtTir AnA0UsanVCCt strenthenincr and nernetuatme- their now tK.f W?fk fh' vrAJ;in nfnhp fnt-t! ib? ?t sa)ved CANXPfG--AL$Qf Four Hundred Barrcls of FAR & TUJIPEN. TINE. For terms, apply at the Post-Office. AIXEN BACKHOUSE strengthening and perpetuatmsr.tneir pow- tha with the exceDtbn of one fort: the! er and places. If they can but jiold their I Island of Martiniqufc had surrendered to places, no matter what injustice is done. I the British forces, binder admiral Coch- Froscnbmg aU the M ederal youth, Ot the rane arid sir George Prevost. -The let- nauon, xs mougni ia oe. a very uprigm ters received at it. liartnoiomews, an-i thing, m the AdmmistraUon code- of mo-1 nouncinc diis event, stated that no doubt rais Swakihoroug?h V2tk March, 1S09. THE SUBSCRIBER to s j-even Republican youw, who dare was entertained tha the remaining fort obtained Letters .of . Adminiitmion, at differ ft-om the admmistration, on any WOuld shortly swnfitT. Norfolk Ledger, the present ' Session of Craven Comtv puutu.u ; u ucuuii, truing 10 uic nov ; .. , . ... - Cn.t- nn the nt f rA . A . doctrine of Administration Republicanism, Horrid to relate Un the night, ot the l LmZ?9 ..uu;.t r Mciu 'u n.ii; U. f Mr. AU persons, who have claims agams eaders, the inaugural Wdge,, fJtUiaS SEH ion, without any other comumed by fire, and vnth r three of his . WWiwt a recrJcrv-1 9: FOU NEW-YOHK. To Sail xn 10 Davi, ELIZA. ; -Fvr Jrttjth psttfijrh enquire f the CetptahCch JprchV, m , THOMAS. MUK. pulsed.. mr m- t- vv e present our re Speech of Mr. Madison remark, than what springs from our hopes -that he tvilj act up to the professions he has made. As Secretary of State, his, own judgment might hate given way tothejudg- rnent ot otners uut ,as jfresiaent, ltwiu have free scope j and it is thought, that a sys tem of measures County l, dec against are de o: JJ m--A-- I 1 r Al ,vvr r wu r i 7r " " mV r all those on whom the said estate has fom-th son (about 21 years old) m escap- feqmred'cbme forward and moc through the flames, was so much burnt Jry . J! r'"v z " tlit it is thbtfhtne will ndtrecover. Mrs. imm !XTT iVTini Aj i deavounng to rescue one ot ner sons wno - will be pursued, which wiU""1 the doot; gg: ffi'jW ill. tend to place theCounuy in its once envied TLZZ thenersotil arsberncmofA 'iipottli ifltrtno K,c hoinin?: house, and alas! were only roused 31VUU4.SVM. V V , . , " J ' C I 1 ! feUowcitizens and restore that harmony, nuinct" VOT "4C - ,aic u:.UiC'V - .i- nf whirh WTtrrrinrldren. without the power to relieve them such baneful effects. We learn with satisfaction that the citi- zensox rranxiin nave taxen measures to relieve these distressed parents, who, in the evening bf their days have thus been mS&H chJldrefon whom they The President of the United States on the 1st inst.. approved and signed the " Act to interdict the commercial inter Great-Britain and France, and their de pendencies ; and for other purposes. depended for support) and property . - StaK Nefeon, dec. amongst whica are three Ulccly ' iiegrp lenows--. i i For aU, sums under. Fifty DoQara, Shs. Months .credit will be given, the purcha sers giving Notes with good security. For aU sums over Fifty Dollars, Bonds ne gotiable at the Bank of Newbern, with suf ficient Endorsers, will be demanded SARAH NELSON, AdnCx. tfarchlt, 1809. -if