irS p 1 ' JWW" r If ! nee, purutr "' i itvcnmmt.-T , "h . " ' i iTvMoiy,' Makcu 30, 1809,' ; ,F : Theierrestrv-t.Ws.-of the. ' American Vt PeoPl arejiuiitca to execute, not weir . Aum tteri:! ta?vl n tiBMM Imiv tht will-rvt thotv H' constituents.'',-The people ; as sovereign; 2;," 're entitled to receive from; their agents a ' ' full disclosure bf all facts which are calcu- '-lated Taateflly; or eyeA" lightly .to niflu f V erice disposition or conduct of'thil na- itiqn.towgirdi ethers, "'For an Administra- T.;- lupvu coppum wuQity tqi utirvivvrvi ifio hip o nations ' with regard to yhpn !wt . ' . ari in a state of flouht ' or tealousv. would . , . . . . i - ... . o . ; ft x - be(Ct-inr)ip;uflereliction) of dut)' leav Ai ' ; !nh; "3 to etoup our'way in doubt tnd.clark- ressj'. but.unJer the masi of i candor to i "lav befora us mutilated documents, .keemnor ,i O4t oi signt yety material anu uigwyi iu ,. 1;tere8tihff portions of thcra.'thetcbv' aeduc usLv lulse l)trhts into liievitauia error f " C Of7opini6n and' action,-' ntid possibly reuH- . r l .1..1. 1:1 . truths tn vh:ih all honfst iYveti 'will liib jf BcribeY and which evei democrats would . Ilioucv sav e UlilLC, w ucu iuwumuimhvc and oIKco a yoiitital accomplice, la' either ' ' f these cases we expect no other than that ; T the rights or thrcquitrjr,t their Wd an,d - tfNiin nninri ir.i' it Tn npin.j' .'Ti .mm. if''.'. ' , We were led to' thea refiecuons bva te t" :iu$oi;thlcttmv (lately .disewvered -t .n;jiuNi!hj;4iiwWcU 'fttthe suggestipp of. v ' Wf-JIersQn were Eypprsfssedj-aihe pab ".v t Jicaiiop M the, correspondenca-between uj Qr?Ht-Urit;iui and i?ranqe . nd our Government.- The- autfeaticity 1 rfleinbcfhejasfCnLTesfuppn J ,Ji honor ancl nil4duty to the people, $9 . ' deny t,v'.nr gen'ttjneness ( ,yonvittheesr ' PeiM,,atfeioo,;pl our reaaeraf(rewse! XT documehta.' ths publication , of. which" we L.L ,ViU cpmrnerwe iiaurnet. c Among other - 1 ' licana" suppressed, tliey.wHl find - in- A :ton treannentaitine, u.sotates. tmvumw prte'as,, Juwolcuf and contqmptuousi as a 1 swjpcb siare ever romvciH.witqu v"sv. The fact? ft'mitfcu!?.s fjnfet'tA &t du"estion;t The. AdmliiL-.ra';!.?n of !r.'jef tcrson. had - a settled desira to vi.i Jea tfie breach between this Couhtry'SiG.,Hrit4in & to connect us closer wi:'i France. AVlth dsview'the acts of U.nn'.safli'asr'ravated, To furorfte' the public 'rnfpcl, a'x outcry of innjtf Htai'I?t,,''yAv'' !'PT,, nued with out cousent," while ,tl.a ,veU ' of e crefcy is'cloe'd upon the arW:Wof ,Iiuo- ly with that Tyrant1" .whose friendship is -Csy4 : whose protection dealu, As we had publibhed the statement of Air. liiunousc in tuc senate on uie sub ject of illegal advances to. General Wilkin son, wfr at hrst determined hat toe rucia and forcible commentary upon St, from the terse and pointed pert pf the jbditor 'of the Baltimore federal Republican should nave followed f but we have now changed that defetnVinatlorl In Tavor of theTCpdrt of ihe committee ,of the 'House 'of-' Repres'ehta-tives-the publication' of which. we' com- rilefice this day, '' We have been induced to publish frortrthe New-YorK KVehmg fdst, thai our1-readers "may 'occasionally hare their- attention' enlivened, their tempers ', v! j:' jt j -ti'. iA, , 1 j; a. " cneerrv aaa tneir pisgujir ni4 iiiuijjuiv tion gratified by the' clearness,' -'the force and die spin it,' f the remarls of Mt. Cole man,!'which he promises to furnish hs he proceeds i1i the publication of the , report. we lav the whole of it before our readersi that the, people may have a falropporfuni- ty ot: seeing now, and lof what purpose, nity tnousand doursot tutir naru earnca money, has betJh expended by their late conomy professing Prefidchtr kl '', '" Rabelais hai some wheM 'said, ' that it oot the com can Citi zens of Newbern," think it takes a great deal to keep a Crigadier-Ccneral, Comman der in-Chief of the anriy- commission er cf IaJ'un Treatle"s a commissioner for runninpr of lines k settling Indian boUnda- mlgh find a foil hx th .t; derated; sympa thetic, and bewailing style, of the following sorrowful paragraph, from the gracious Pen of that lofty editor.;; Let no. one suppose him .in the Dredicament of the lunatic, who iiiiag'uif d himself a king f it is his ordinary J aiiU- UUIU1 iU kV41b VI OjVSMV!. T V VCUUiVI sup press our wonder that he wis sp f riidly' passed by the other day,, ; when the office of Secretary of State, was io be filled. t H has been imagining and falking as f he were President, long enough :,tHe ought now to have been set a-poinor hi the,' road to the place Itself, But hear him speak of .1. '!.!., , t. rue .1 uie ooings 01 uic legisiawreaoi iuassacnu setts and Connecticut. n w Wc shall say nothing pf the theatre of tills profligacy. Massachusetts. , We feel too Jeeply humiliated at the anti-republican excesses of Boston, not to mourn oyer and pity the depth of her degradation. sYhn we her takes great deal to keep a King. ingovfe'f the items in he report of raittee; we simple, plain" Ilepubli ries but above dlf - do-w6-trank' the . cost enormoui, -f keipinglwb fcommissioriers Wbild they, are taking possesion cf NeW"- yriesnsvaiaaanyoiicvr usoL-wascictitu w exetute any 0? all tithes dulidsccnSiltSr- ta mthrviifi ht ot a 100. to m our poccets or our iitomachst, ' what a miser jLIo and starV'' edaHair: would it not haVe .drned ouf lh oiur handsJ and: hOwi insiirbincant itt'cOnt- pUriso'aViththe grahdeur and splendour of tup jctperianded General's lessen Jed h'nd broad execution. Mlad tnat Old lory CO- lant t'lrirerintr ncpn caiicu ov 111c rrcsi- ,T,.,,i . .. ntiiir.f tKjkf. kpViiral Wi.itinn. " bepduny at tlie ,lxot 01 tha throne o. 'P-'hi'e. might nave discharges tftsm all as well, I t stlt U'fpo, That as early, a ,2'Alr Vu . tiw & plinaualiydn'til he tante lJ?ffpnin, .?.ranc e a irc.a:w .,vw w tne:makiaS"ot 'f li!accotint'.h n-rr .1 , , ,. ' . pOCKet ,VlUanV wuhimcm, nu3e?-iV5'4 Pf n-- Ar' r:'n3'-J,ien :df d,fld naroiisruid-frt boarJWiere Uie tpm'pe- ourcusc wHftutsu . ....jiijj -tioft uid j,avc Bded; the Id-lory ijwrtc declared fcw-'decrees oWnfon-wheiheHid woXitd hate succeed- V coMM'Vd tojii&thejwhisercharacter ia f " , rJli Awt h!lht' , v..- nush V.f"V,VI-'-J t6tliink-w.hfilrice-of Pwmies bur-no- I. WE?- P? ' ; VT'1 f fati- wmlirre-. We read tliU Veport 'of tatfctyleiief.liymff'at'thtj pnblrc expence", WhicliJicsetjms'bclOngsto'lHe'cRaractfcrlbf a, commiStioner ftniinted'br'the Tresr- & Justice ofJ: ttr. !-; . "Tr ." T . - .- A .. . 77 - 'it an ' mu- i iuuui b su a.uii,v 'VbMivw W'u -m mmw itd sVbelicf "that warJi m'sbnw fonnif Ur.'ijiyAKD.-;ihi publication tif which. 'J othea are the prfy jnema wedwye.. t n J we h wconmeaced., .They were made In t " 'HJ!- I'wnprs ipf the .&mnrg&., -Nearly an American yes-ws jpy Kincf ny,.. i-faf pijrijoinot. tSostr ftpectncaiinil ap- t 7 nn.t- a; uiat uu;e, jii,e, rnoargqs LJP9Fi Vpfcar ,in .our 'papfcn every succefcdln r weet ity the depth of her degradation. sY e look " at what she was. and betold as she . Is, ..we feel the compassion of a pa rent tor A child that has gone astray. rtun: gled with the hope that, it, may soon per: ceive' the errorjof itswap, and return to thestation It has disserted' j f V j Now' turn to the ironical but stately no tice taken of the Goverpojt and Legislature L " The Legislature of Connecticut, nftc'ri .gassing in imitation .ot their sibter legisla ture, an address to' tlie people, have ad journed. ' Gpverno'r Truinbul!4 whose a- gency' was so necessary m . convoking the Legislature, could not permit them to se parate Without a tender of hia thanks for xneir gooa conuuci, irom wnicn wc extract tthc following; specimen of modest assa- .But for. particular circumstances, ii would haVe'ticen desirable for tlie lecisla- ture to be in' session until we r should have jearnea ine ultimate procccaing-i .un grcss at the close Of the .present session, At present, that body seems to be in such state of distracted opinion that it is im possible to foresee what will be their final results ' ' . ' ''. ..-,,' .'V' w Ast6 ourselves, it is to be hoped, thai, with the resolutions which have been pas-sed-i-the address which you hav "made to the pedple, together with oUier measures in' contemplation for 'another occasion we mayJtranquilie'the spirit of .tlie eute wi der tneir present emoarrassment, and per haps In conceit with our sister states even tually attain die preservation of the union. i "We, have indeed fallen on cvJ times but we" ardBevcY' t'o despair o the. com monwealth.' IF" we sund up, in pur lot and do our duty with manly fortitude and temperate caution-tfith' a humble reliance OKI the Divtrte MessrnJs1 an;i assistance we save v Mere ia r rucc apa,m vcduha 1 4 , . Wrfi: 1 1 J ' l ' 1. -".'TBI w i w 1 it , ; iJh tif ovjc nsnti, ,ir, j-irwcncyt-as . .: eajiVM?'; swain M - ' th 1 , -'isii fniviri.iiiiti- on.ia'toji..wmc: orgl'iitiubeawYrtola JoX.jbcmlias UeettlirobrHit r1bttorje,tlie:'nuWij , mutjusii: Uiem;.an this foifiiir.i.heek jbyiiole-lthat'durTdaders iav h :ve a mem direct and teadVtopdoiv iUni1K. P: Vanhi1C:tod'mpaiflng tlld re i hasljcen fco fraidul t ame.fot ontcfy a BhPr;vl. ,vvetii. b. llit,'Sliatit-andartni rnpnrcr rf. u.hW-hi tbev are cohlDOfiedl I'.'.Tha pojtant.-fi,K-'l3 uuqeruiBOT-TO cicar cither cnoice or rcesit cwtiea...nw.jr irfrtsl: Mr." Piukiioy shews us.the Q'iieclof '? Gf it-Brifcun was onj(' to.relevc.rC,crm : V iercfe'of'the'Y0ilv(frprOjth'e pppf55sio0rof ' - the 'French decrees, and in that view it wa ' irn'pbrtint that' pnMderib.' supplies, f Jflitoo. hnouia not oe: mtrquuecu iniu,anc . r.fidtffient'Wthjit the object of khjduty v vwaii not revenue but.,prohibiuon' ?ttnat a. l.piihibition, 9f(xpoft.; would be subsutut , ed for the eXpoftdqty whenever lwould The art a i'irt of the facts keptWeeret, T yhh what.desjcn ere such yasdy impqrt f I tm facts c6nc'e5ucL'v hen'othersokisjinj 'i -ierevcr-erfa4j;fu ' evidence ci.tnpnioj.i .ioi.iuu wiwib iiu f '".insults 6i fknet. and a( fte atne,,time-keep -,' " secret --tlie manifcstaticns-xCthe "friendly J.'. 'i disposition of (tfOriUi Why did -Aministrntinn aceniesce iia fthecx- ! ' a port duty on Cotton, ' wken 46 flieir election to have the - duty on jymply ''i prohibition of expc-rtj-ahd whenj-it'was - T'lnown tlie tribute' wbuld.' .cease & .the the; -dVynifctratipnt .feom the ( fcharge'of , n reluctance in their endeavors to settle bur tLlrcrenccslUlGre4t-rtrt.Mf.Ba. ard-exarnj'M;hi,dfcrc-ir4newB- thi charge, an.d 4tqm f J to establish it by fitXi and circiiAnstapce9,.,ftnd a course of deduc tions frorivUiera-rthe 'people may judse oil which ida jhfi; wcight,of-, 'the ivrgument , Only lien to Sanimy Snufh,j editor- of the -National Intilligenceiv Hqw- ifldut-, gently he speaks ot the frailties qt (his vas sals', the towiiof 'Boston and; Legislature of rassachusetts'j'apd'thfl ,;Govcrnbr.,and lias nothing in any of his addresses to the ilihabftanta of La 'Vendee or iroUand,' -!; Prussia, 'or Germany, half so dignified, ebmpasaionhte,b'cnevolent ana ieeTipg. Even the "tender Ma(J parental manner in which he told die states pf Switzerland, he. Would takcAliem Wder his protection and niake, stay es of, iliepi,-. and break their backs with heavy burdens, ! order; to prevent vfMJilae'y dra irdivUToBsVlcavW; very fewo their pe6p!C tehiai tl.em, and I j:rpk the road to Somositrra, on thcir.way . '. to which, they .must ineviuUy bo cut pi?! ' . ' and would remain ..". '' The accounts state, tha: the .military,'1, 'i and private property which toey had plun- . r dered was snflirient to lod I TCO e- r"rrml A aavj way hou ii aaab tJac ucwa jli vu 4iial - J'ot and Catalonia had tiled tutU conster- , ' brother.'- This is all that niy time permit? '- " - me to communicate. ",- ' . , -t 3 1.. v . . ; . Ktjs.ciA, CEC. 29. ' ,. i . The arrival ai Valencia of General Doit1 oseph Carb. - with some ti'oops, hai cheers ' - I - ed the drbopinS spirits of that ittf?by the ' 0-nrtrt hfiivu lie firinim. "hnd rh!rh h rnmitiha'. . ' aF : J u. , .V. J.Li r it. W A A J v. .1 . V.;v:' '',-'!' '! aa.vma.wvaa M1VUI(,"IV. .i.v wuiv JIM- ta governing there, , lie statesy that his1'.' bfothc'r tJie Marqais'tle la Itom'att' writes ' him from Burgos, that" he is' at the head of'"' '' an army or 70,000 men, apahiarusf, tng-- r- lish and Portuguese"; all choice troops, ani, in excellent discipline t and that nis Uesti-j . , nation w to1 recovfr o aafcw,-, . ration of the Emperout1 of Russia; to whom " ."; in order to Induce him to join tour cause, , ' En&ld has ceded Haiti tk Spain lilahon.'-''- ' I PORT.OF. NEWBEMiV. (Vj' "i (" ftfal-v rjiinYati 'i(4.. . . tin. ' ' fflutro'IrtdustrAi'' ."" ditto. ' 'i.V'.' Scb r tliza,. 'Janav Mtirdoth, 'Mark,! 'iff, Madeirtl Brijr Jmt' ScUV. Wm. Backleilce,: Wattacu . KorfJk! ,V "AN EXCELLCirT f '" COMPASS.1' THE WteZtilSU "pbtained Letters of AdminisJr-Jn, at nit the., present 5essio cf Crayta'-Couutj,.:''vt"'! vourt, on ie citaw 01 ma euoa, t v ...'ATI k. - ...L L.... -t: - J'.j - .' , . ana iJGiavija, ,va.v aana? vaai.a t : 5 ' - i. ".a ja.;..Ji .1 . r J ' . .'..Mt.A..-:c ..-..ii -i .... ., . , -ri-.'i;, or tUey ,wiu oe Darre.d r-om a n,covry.- ana a;i inose pn wnoia ie 1 c.u;j fias claims,' -are reqii-fcto' e'em i , rwej-ji aai 'l t-( settle. immediately.' , ,' ' "" v. -: ii'i ... ... ... .T. t rrf "'' - !" . f T . f, mityyet hbpc to tccuie our rieiits, cjureotiritry..-.' -v; T.N', alJ. f . I The" resolutions ofF'-red mthe'Assem i r.--3AUAn.N2LE0: i pnTatiirda: ; e t:h tf . ; ill tr 0, ithepeisonalanapcr . -lerrcpertycj Asa. bly of Connecticut, as lately giveh jit tliis paper, have been Adopted--xeas 147 tf'Mdrthdd Canti.'.Moss,2nmvtctlf)tK instant, iiill days from St. Bartholomews, inforrr.s ii, that shordy before "haToft that place cr4 thin InteUVence had sbeen received bt-the surrender, o.tlly island, ot.i,iartimine to the British' arms. , It-is stated, -that early ihthe.month of February the British fearf ried, by st,orrai the . impprtanil post of "Vindmifl-U.l, .whicn income mcasurif commands- Fort Bourbonr-thc eld battel ijieiat'thii place were Istrenghcned and hew.ones thrown uui-K)n .the 48th of Fe bruary tnese battaieS wrc; oponed .upon the Fort. ,nd onthe.S.TUi the trench eom- ' manner capitulated,,' I.t salao stated, that die surreiTlerof the Fort wan nccelerated b th'eirccidcv.tul exf lo&ioi) of .the power magazino,' wVr-h also destroyed ihe. water cist;rn., i lXhn British tropps were comT mandei bype BncK,wtTH i here was but Ane.Fcenca frigate at Foxt Itoyal, and slie.was dewcoyed before the siirrcndqtr pt tlie place'--hcr c?mm,ander; had been ro J p' Nelson," d edi'au. t V. hicli are l!.: ; e Negro fellows. ' ' " "I' '. l'or-fall sums' :unclcr.Fi.V.PvIarsa,.t.,'; ' Months; credit "wlU be'fiven, the puivha--,'. x sers,' giving; Notes' w'uli 'good security t f Fdr'all sums over Fiftr Dollars, Eor.J.s ne ' T11I 9. awiiua lie r rmt' ,t,f-l?t T t hf TJnnhprn 'arifV cir-"'." - licieut luiuo'-sers, Wi i ce cfmanded.; . .. ., . V .SA11A1I NELSON." JLtnfx." ; Drip" MiiTlflrpfl "and I- i.fViThfiiisnTiH Tebt 1 of 'fciwed 1 SCANTLI NGA Lso,.Tour f irundfed barrels 6fTAli St TTJRPEN. TlNEFsrjerniti'aJJ.'y at the ZW: U-.alCV 1 al,.i 1 -Jilt' Jfune-lasVl,"-ly Keroi : fv"ow,.na-decVr ' '( ABRAMi-He a at 't V tears cf r" J f . : S .feet. R hi-'.-icf . " "-a; 'in a isrr;T-tJ,:.'. dexion, 'for";.lri lvtlie t. ;'ei of Charles- f.l'Lla,.il.'c.- he is lurking' about Mrs. T 1 1 on .on. Bnce s Cretin. yip'usly filled ;by the explo-ipn pf,alqinh A sloop ql war was ut,aeaiate)y anpatciih ed' far' Englni wdi- - account f.tjie surKtwerov vie wianu.f. -V" U uonjojv iJOJirK yiCT.0,1,,. i genw i fern w'efl 'known iu'this city, "and as U M 'niarkabje foi his" probity,, as the publics: . ' from his brother, Don IbsEF'VlCTOit,'? .'.t 'rhhabltari "Pf the; city of . Xerei def la - Frofatora oi the'following tendiuf '.r. li''biWiiQhtii I have 'received,, y uencrai uregon, at r,o xiqck-chw nwfm.ufft f j tee above tewerd -mrYt L -rul: to anyj; , 1 4e!fat)Pi vho niU dt-llvc' 3 zJ.l ne'o to ' roe at Pembroke, Jor s secure l."."-0 r ' gctliim,n2aini.f1'ft' ''" a rid i'. jn't , '. 1 , Ji j i . (... :; TIICIIA3 IV IV?X 04 . f MirihftylZOZLU'l .'i''-r ;-.'W t.Hj- , r , .;. ,!. uotice .....,!:.-ift." - '.;-:t Lit Y-rnr. jsvBxrniSZa' t i'x t ' J. ' ! ilAS.determincd t d,5cdr.;auft tieiaUfiV' 1 of JGjooOs,-except for CaAh.r-j-5 ,t .--; , persons iiiui,oien iq. rai.a-i uir;a act . -douitts, arejdisir.ed to csjl - 1 auJe ; mult ',' those, who sr.indbted tiha.aity.aCondifjj';! ' Notes, or AtiQunts,hich hvf bscnlonSr due, are req'sted w nv;.Ve payintibyihr,' first of .April, next, df circuxii&nccs. wiiaVi- ,' compel hint, however nluctafctljsUSns? tkite suits wLhout discriiiinatlc!"ik li- Sv.;.v .ite uits Feb. SJ;.t801) h.t 'i iiaa ai -ojr.,' tlilA iihu .aavi, hfsv .' Tvj'i it js yery long, and theri' barely time int-,W for the '"Cantam-Genml.1 to whom I am aljoiuttb forward itl 1 Thfe ub: iamce' mav be' reduced "totliis t The French1 who Ktrrisoried ar.d 'surrounde Madridi'atrmed by 'the 'faiilure of, nine mails from Bavonne. ar.d infornied'of the junction' ot the Marquis de Romana, and the JJuke de U;lntantado4:wiui tncir ar 1W aVaili J 10 ieaV Laaa.. , .l CO ut vTS" Xaaaf XaaC fl e CL vTi l.r t-.i tr.e tn 'rjoal.' l v ,"t ITafTar" Zwiata 'seenienteof h lowir3'preptity,"Vi2J . The Lot t. J Li trovt streetfeeitha'-Cturti;. . ' Th I.nt--thricltl,ii!l"r'c.ef3me street, ndioininT Tlr; Visar AH.-V Jr' ! . . -i Vf sVw .V1P1 w- y .(,.1 '

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