J ,.J,40. .1 , ', -,- j r , : &iachim'2tujU on, King of twer'Sict t: 'y . hc&l Jias decreed. :and doc; ' decree i that J . r:r;:ixuu In conformity to the oraeTS which t , ; u ; ' , !- i fiaveibecn civcri .from' Paris the. 21st ,o; December: lS09,we declare conhscated ,f . O . " , 7 the American vessels .whose . names art ; subjoined that is to 'say-vf vV f '"r,: "; ? ' The Augustus,, HerculcsV Zephyr,, Bo X :: 4r ;:"!Vhia,RQmn,Tw6Bet r ' ' " v:Jctoa:ctity,Mfivcaptt, DerbJ Syfen, J .fir. iV.-f EmilvVcapt. -Watermai)vFrahQis, Holihd, 1: ." -Peace;- Vtetory; -Dove, -Unna; ;FqVtune, r -I :t '" :'VilHam;:NancyfItariaHam ! A ; ix, u$itonack,bRose4and 'MarV OYor ' .4 G.;;-V i:,;2iino,VAmherstM 't- t ' - -hndthe JohnX ---v . V--f;?:V"- Art' 2; Such of'thi cargoesf tfesaid ;a v'v Vessels as have not oret'"Heeti' s6ld,';asvell ; V - s ihevships are hereby directed to? be dis- V'.' :-:jp6sed'of-atj public Viaie, 1 :Vr,ildministrat;6r General bY-tfieihdirect duV . ' eS' and' undet Ahe-inspection rbf ; 7 O stcr?of J nnances,Cormaybe:otherwise, 1 V' .V abld,-at'privatesale;Vby,the;saidImisterf 1 ' : wV.!:-. ; -" s heShaU r j Wge most tbnducive tof bur: Jk Uwv . In them'of x turning to t..." this event therefore,! lr.vc: to propose to vour excellency that t vc r mere ships merican- consul, ;a.uu--jcn ' ireujiqan.iui; the U. rS.' un'der- bond for the "amount-of their valuation' resoectivel i)cmccrat at a'stdnd!-Q rrdemocratic eSitors who are wishing to retainthe ap pearance oi Americans,; are pugzledhow to proceecrin .tneir animaaversions, on xo- favbuof theirf mastek-f JIcV tHroiv, p'ff all'disGruise J. and declareth'at wkmusttghc cumb to Bonaparte! br ie will deVtroy'us'i noWviong sucn mcp. ,wm oe permiuea to rescii laiivcs WeTare democratic immediately or r.cr. vh v do the v -m -ill- ' I M ineiie:.; question 13, What vrill they. dor Will tKey, lay auoiher; permanent embar go ?No.r The cduntryhas nlreadyf der cided-againu embargoV'WWthy declare var agaihst.'Frahcc Nb.v-ThcrW is-n strong party iti thfs country inZ favour' of i NapoleonGongress' dare not Offend '.that party ywnu tney aeciare war against n.ng land tNo. A 'majority; of the people are oppbsed ,to .such -a . measure.j ; What then vwilt th'ey'jdo 1 feTKeyJwill make'fla riling jwar ipeechesJ3ey loiiritiTseft'and f anathema's afrainst ' Enov T V a ,1 ,4 Art.3The6ceedstf these?salej shall "iC- V.'j i'.'f - neteafter employed as.we shulLiudge con- f !' t . . Yemeni;. .7; - -jt':. -t. - V- V r ; J'-r ,-.!'." from Gcrri - Armstrong to Mr? ;Stth dated - ;rrjr "Sir. The ; JohnAdams being;y6t de- Lu f Vf -;f:f:taint.I ani' able.tonfoyou that 4 ' -' J ! I - V ' " ; the . 1 1th intt ' the Emperort directed fthe1 r " - v- -Vrv feale of all the American : Vessels", taken' Mrij r" V;'." ;V ;ht ports of; Spaiti,- and thatfthxnfontyj-' - .'..r'V '-ns'ino: thWfrom.shoulibplacedVih'fds! f - mhrffirtvee. He has also refused to crive mqdesty.;f :)3bweVer?m for VaOoleon tb'beour King,5? they, hav tooTrhcVsense-t0iloclaimlhiih emperor of the 7 West ai' "welL asjthe -East at this time; fic,. Press,1 in 4iis: paper - of 'Saturdav.Vat-i iemp w miit 11K.C uu iucricau ; iie says jLohsrrahd'deeblvtrand often asBri- feiiahas been wrong tb wardsusr'what'riruf awfuloriition of last larch between , FrancVVand Hbl land tbj be unedecl .infhis considerations of f i np the ifrr(3 andjias or'dere'd'th'at the.caSeT Vdrse than their tstadtholdersi Bnt'theV s W brought-before be "councaj of 'prizes af el r 'S'fVYhtre condemnation neces&anlvqawaits lti ' J st ud a copy of a1; note upon1 which this - last order was taken, and 'another relating . v to our'besihessinu Naples, -and. am sir, '.-with ry,high'cpnsiderationr kc; tmhtaru power, in - thetrjgcverrtjnent and trti$fQdi$merriber theirCGountry-rto subject tea for etgrt, hppelitc'pvwer'rtb ad- 3: - ; - from" Mr . Armstrong -to the Duke of, Qd- ! Y Y" dore, dated arisi0tfy Aprils X&IQ t . . ; f Sir. -The United States, -wishing to : fulfil their engagements to the holders of - their public debtjii Iolland,' but : unable ; irt)m the tiBesent state ot commerce to do U , j ? : s , ; 'to 'by the ordinary mode. of rernitting bills f " '. ' 1 - . of exchanfre' found, it T necessary toenter into" contracts!. with . certain merchants of the said states, to 'make remittance -in tebticco;: A: cargo of this article was accbr-- dingly putbn"board,of tiid' American" ship Hero,'; and dispatcried for the port of Ton? n in gen in Denmark, with orders 'that , the : net proceeds should be placed in the hands ; bf the "American bankers inOAmsterdany fcV the " purpose above mentioned.. vThe -v passage having been liiicommpnly, stormy 'Vthe? ship much damaged and th'e crew quite - exhausted, the captain believed Vit t.to be his duty, oh principle of self preserr : Vatiun, to "enter the'firVt port" lie . could ; rnake. - He accordingly entered itbatbl; utne 1 exei, ana, aitiiaving taKen on board Y 7i ft.''' ? f!"' I ' - ff . V . . - , ' ivas r capiurea oy a ooat neionffincr to a ,;," ITrench;priVaIeer,;t Besides the custdma--r ty papers, all of, which are j m : rule, .thet J i'rIIerosailecX under a certificate 'granted by Y,v'rthe goVernment, , that thVyoyagewas un - e ficrtakeii tor tpe purpose: ox. eAectmg.aa; r iional remittance . ' J V ' ? v - " - I have thought, sir,, that jthe peculiarity ' j : these circumstances made-it proper'lor -y) tne'to askra-special" decision of iws majesty Von this case- and with diisyiewl have the ';YJ VY 'Y4nono:r f offering to' your Excellency the I )K present representation. '-r' w i v -v - ' t run yea a..miii uugjtu uite -or .ua- i..,. i t . ' r ; aaieararis,r4st4rMarcfrBQ I ,4 " v ' i S KTs . na yestera ay; tn e. honour ot sta-r j V. : Y - V 4 .:vting to your excellency, the casb.'of the'Ai i ; r' f Z: - V inerican ship Hero and. requeSting'tHereoii y Y ;t - . xiis; majesty's decision.; I hayenpw that YYYjY" J .'9 mforming:youthat inumterofAme f - ; ; . tican ships comingdirfectly from . the 'UnU C 7 . r": " Yl -; ipromise' lof protection frbm.his majesty the i yy: ling, have;notwithstandin tbeen seized I K o ' ' A;, anditheir xkrgoea'sbld "forthe; benefit of f vs "SVV"' sthe fise;-:;Nor' does the ihiurv ston hf?rpi 1 ' h ;;V Y Though thus deprived of all means lo sub- v-v. .i.-;- sisung memseivcs, we ,capiaips nayMieetk I' 'IKI yj''MigcdAo subsist' jthe.crews amounting . ( ' - r- " nearly to 300 men and aretnow rhlenaced t t . "ivitha farther exaction fnr-nn riiarc .'.V v; - ;s, m jene sirong language oixi one ot:tIie Y w ufeyers is literallynq stritnemKnake'd, yf ' S ' V s'A 5c then to demandrom them the'expehce ; - v Y Y . 4oing VoAs tlie Consular :agentxbf '.the ji.V Y.v. ?f ?Y Y -JJStates at Naples has niade. several ana- r , . . i f. Tr,yuing,-repicsciuaijon3 -ronr tnis SUDject ,t0 f. - :j : :: Y: Y Iei d Ke:fias;.feasbn to. believe , , V, tMf that the. systemVof which this:treatment is y,::i'i'J'X v;mperourj itr becomes mydufy to submit ' 5 ! ; i 1 r Y't; ;the, facte" to J-ouf eellencvi :and' to'seek'' YKV J f Y'YrrPuS3pur intervehtion each c rrection ev; ' ' t I 1 f ; :' ;v of the evil; as - Humanity arid justice may V- " "?i J V;Y conspire Cto dictate,U Aemark; which e' S X-'tfy - V'y- -Ay applies to.1 the crew's of the ships 'r-v K-;-: :-y captured: in Spainjand .Naples;' is,"that 72"r foreign exentptrowbuforetshJiGehc irom tneirQxvnuqws-anal treaties .and: con-; ssder a foreign cbhttutiohi as .aride by "wnici to i azspase or instr--u,Qimnions ana i2r auegtance ; ;ana iq, recvoa guaran tee of their country and: their independence in thei instrument i xindfro7ftviUe handy thdt destroys them - - ; v - v '"y ' : : ' -r jiit niatters not to us what i is the;! go? verfsment that should offer to: us-the" bitter cup, Xvnichuhe world haslately,seer) tof. be forced ,upon . Holland VThe government tnai oners u uiusl ut rcsisieu. . x ue eui tor that is silent on so awful a case, will not no ior an orac.e in amci -.c'di ,vii; innuceni Hollandi" under'a' BonapaitlaU .chief ma- gisxraxe sustains xue operation 01 sucn; a treaty ,:,vnat are, otner nations to , expect-J What all wise editonwiii propose , cure for, such evils"?"--What editor, is, it that snaix presume iu arrest wi iree ,xougnxs, uiscu5SonS nno aciion iqe people ; upon such stiipehdods inroads on thevitai v safe ty of nations' and of states ?SV This solemn time, wnicn requires me coruiax, union- oi ought np to be;de vo tetTto r the'alju'se' of - e- man font uioutuc, ;,umcnuff irom our' from our ownv' . - ? what few shipsye, haYe .torot in the ifnUu of-the Jto&xiia br;ngVio ,bi proiding fornfmmgW militia! ; buC;the mi Ltia' will1 never be ;-ar ined nprldisciplmed. .be- dud in fayoorbx fortifications, bugrarrtnq ijionelpr xheifje a little' labbuVV-brat jabd'gteat dealu- rect taxes r fbut theydare not ;lay Uhem. Thevfwltt hold cauclises toirifluence"..tlie electibnVfrhev'wiUlmake to proniote thejvietvs Di the .Tuling party at the :fcxpencefvof : tlie '.nation. 1 The v - will autnprise -anotner loan -.ana aajourn; hey ought,to dd;-They will tremblet be fore: the ' uper-emin'ent ; tobbet of E1li-, robe wnehxhev:ouc:htbnppbse.him like nien. -.TheyVill ?deliberutewhen tfrey ongnt to racx, v ana ;:nesitate wnenrxney ought to determine.1' The wjUin.iact do as every dxxier vexnment has do'nVwhich has attempted; toxburtV tKe ffrtendshipof tne v;oTSican .Tyrantmey.wutsunerixne energies oi tne nation to dc. paraiizea ;,oy foolish experiments .and to fall an easypray U4kw .ut& Min? yjx vv uyuuivi,'' Li - J i J. - t ' verv t-t - -. . .. . seives'and r yDuane, and WilkinsonSiic6 ColDu- I.AA.Tn.-i 1 1 J - . --it ' i r: : 1. . k. '(.'- .1 ....... ... .-V ."v - - ane has lresigncd.hi3 rcommissionV;be t has unaertaKexx-xo aeiena.xnei conauct oi-uen-Wilkiris'bmVTo cbnihat facts ahdVpbpular uuuiiuu iis i ivscii a uusiuwa m wrncn lew Would' wish' to; eniratrei ;Ahd twhen we ccnsidexlthat iUu ane jiias these : to encoun- ter,"and to fight; hist nfcdrftf into ahe uarinuu, wu may iuuiosipreaici tnat ne ering genius ofnVji able tbfperform'J't jnie loflbwinc: hard questions areTromthe.Philadelphia Demb- crauc : r ress wuen wiu tne coionei aun sWerthem ?siy ?$&?jfiUV iFrom tlie ' Democratic of- furieTi YkU -Axl Enquirioyoul(de glad toknow whether tKe GeiteralAVllkinsdn!whbni Dii- ane nVwrdefehds isQche samerGeheTal JWili kitijsonf nyhomCf he, (Duaneuhared'lks having 'been concerned ., mthe: Conspiracy to uviue tne union ana put tne naw, vv es tern States under the nrotection"of Siiun ? ; l; If itbe the sameJGexiefalWiikinsbtu an jc,nquirer wouia wisn to Knowf whether it,,; be unconstitutional va Cbrigress tp 3o tliat AvhichWml -Diiane rim tr. h -hnc 'ft 'Mrrht tn r " nH t hosvonj blaud ed for tlomcr i Y; jA " ' ,' - k at Congress be dishonored by .direct- mg an investigation, into; tne ccnauct ot Gen; Vilkinsoniwhat shall be . the; ure of dishonour which should beT pouted uyvjH "tau yitu nidi t.uU5C , U.-U .HC cepts a.commissicnuncier ' ths accused ; nedtt exculpates and del wads, nr' la: !y -la- buses every authority -that - yili- not;unite with hini in'whitewashing, a r- f,"kV:h:.d heretofore bldckexied i- ; j . ' . U , : Call'' of Cdngress4tih ; news of tHe day i; Jthat Cbngr'esa'is to be. Lnmcdiate ly" cbnyeried bv- proclamation. Th c; Tre sident, it is said waited on" for the arrival systemMfmmerciatandv'sffcialresbn .luI. ihc)j . and the rich,.t" .. -aL . r. . s,r; j the powerful, are ali!:epfctcct:u mdc "S .v w restrained where justice is admiiiisterf . Y f .: 5 wi diout . distinction,' bf ; nefsonV's " n A th3 - -1 -. 1 nucity.iiuu prupeny.oi ever man secureci i. a " from I violation xs, a sentiment mtenrovea " t f-A - r with every liirament of mv heart.: A cor-' r f 4tvt ' TiiVi-iMVA Taavi1i' XtL.;.1 t'. ! servatibn: btwhichdepend rialLour hoca ;;' f -T teneepromote:;the general Welfare; anc r. lions oux ue careiui- iu ay. none uivuieuu They 'witf talk t bf Wilkinson Vfci army t. TO THE FREEMEN GFTIIE COUNTIES OF, Fxxow-CmzENS,' : ' "X7IK:rdefefen6e tb the wishes of .many es'tiniable friends, and p ihe humble ' hope of being: usefui'to niy coWtrvuriinfluen ced Jv mbtryes of int ambitionI present melf to yourxonsid eration as ajCandidate for your.. suffrages at tfie Approaching election of a. Represen tative to Congress. To many bf ybu ft is Kiiownr; anu juy;aa x am wmmg it, snouia u . -j n ai i s": ." :v ue unueraiuuiu uiac uisjienuer. or my. ser- sitation", and Is not made, but' With difii dence vtSihre theowal -bMr':STiiTis determination" to bTetline j determination which feW 'can regf ti: more than mvself) I have been honoured with applications from differentjparts of" the t)is cricx xo permitmysen 10 oe nominatea ior juie appuinuneiiUi vji ateiui uj my ;ieeiings as( these, testimdnialsof confidence and'ai fection necVssaiilYAej:e,yet'sr " compliance with,them ws bpposedby too nianv con- siaerauons, not xo occasion- aouDt sana ae- uiaiiu tunc tur rcuctnuu. ;n riut tuiitc io engagexn an eletioneerincontestaMisi trustof vmyxapacity Jfortheawfdl fdnctibns ment bf mv 4 private; and ' professional pur-4 uits-and the sacrifice bt so manydomes tic enioymehts--theserand; many otherob- jections were, placed.betcre ,me.:in .strong array .'-jo jvnaiever.nas .ueen ineir. iorce thevperate hbTlbngen YJIf Jt her tht delib erate yisri of a majority among you;Vatxhis momentous periodoforpubl to ' confide,." to thishihlv! important trust n sense of duty forbids mb tadeclme lit. rI.WhVthe1rf such; belyburvish'btnot.I MIM A.J ' JV llllllirilf H Iff VII V I'llll r m ''T position to construe its provisions 4in the' v-.f j..:- wu; ,wf ui.uwi wuuwuiv uiciiuuiic tan icu uer.u uspxux ana eincienx- areprincipies4 vf anq,.ieengsv wnicn," nave grown, wita my I '.' - a- ' O "x- ' J - --r v vl. - ine-crooa iaitn or tne.iatTon tn rnitivnte m-. r v. , the. spnt ofjusticej and lmpartiahtypeaco V; -i i neverthrp feai pr alfeciiontto i surrender 'S': essential rightebrsubniit to actual indi&ni- ties a stead vntimnftt' trv rhenchnrtrn- f ; jv- J ( . ? agenient arid protection to theirlawful Com4 ?: ' merce, and(inKrdfznaanot mjrefer, i Mi ence io tnese primary oojects ) to fostertnev 4 v i P - manuiactunng establishments of our.CotmV. v I, 1 X try -and you haye.the:irreat outlines of mv.-." rr' . V; i political taitn. it is that ot an humble huml ' . " l.. f - inthe; School brWash'mgton Tnw ad-YY': -Z l' iViinistratirtn was ilTiKftinnclv pvpwr ifr-.- 'V L testament,the4 lastandnot the leastvalua-.,. vyy$ Ft Dieotnis . preaous jtts tonisrUountrrmcn. ' y , J ' f - n i nesepnncipies,- niy Uellow Citizens :1 : mil4T mntinilP tr. tntinpn mtr rnnHnAt- ms" "i 1 whatever situation r may be placed , Can- .: f ) i: dourf requires f;of, me also to deareVthaft'?; . uie.inen existing aimcuiues oi inenauon,,) jy r- remain- yet unchangeoVr-haVe, mde;deri-,4 ' if - ;Vi' ) vea sxrensnn irom exDenence .jLne' course - ? of policy which jl thb reprobated4,; ; Y7 lericrth-fieen in a crreat' measure abandon- "i"' ed, but not qll it had exhausted the pubuorv' . ;; ; lif pursei-had. occasioned infinite' pnyatbin iJspyS : convenience and di'stressand.had bbvi- -; ;Y. 1 1 I r were said tohaye reciuired itWitK Grcilf ' ""m i "attonement ior.the -nast curity foKthe.ftitureiVwehave Received aa ? ".s distracted our Country, scarcely 5 a manas ?. v'?? : V to be found' who Kair'n taken 5ome sharc' Y i:- -Ant; pare men i-naye actea aupj you5; :fc - t trio wIrxj my political - bpinibnsV Xhave; v ; V ; aUvays been firm and decided i'but Is never jt! ' . j i Have beri 4 and fervendy trust, I never "shall ; :- i - -V theintembw-ance' of party " spirit myself, t'h one "can be " mbrefully convin - V happlnc'ds j ;imd:the -deadly rfoe of our na-' v ; U i uunai prosper wy;j ouuuiu jinenoe oxrecij; i, ed by od toioccupy n ? seat ;iri the LegisIaF 'Y! o-; ture ofthe Union,,! wish xt to be distinctly -v - - ; understood.- that on every Occasion-1 shaft t' -U l bf the, 'Jdl-x-rAdams, to'dc ..nine xCis bourse hft wnnlfl "nn-rsnp. " ''th - tr1m - ' , . V :f... J Vf .. . abcT shouldrbe utterly; without excuse could 1 aescena - to.any 01 xne:;arts ox aecepuoni It has been usual ibr " thos6 who have - plre- ceded me on similar, occasions to niakean exposition 1 oxt xnexr pouiicaopiuions7-i have, no difficultyixu quisjjtions of this cuom. - vansfead howe vr etibf adaxisin44. ybnlivWith f the: " caballjstic terms of -party ; : least 5iiriderstobd by those who, use themc mbst I will lavv before: you ih'i plairfarid j expici t tan guagc ; thfe ;1 eadirig principles 'jot my, dlit' cal creed, forced upon reflection: confirmed by- experience j and endeared byhabi&A decided attacH tnerit. to a. free, verninent, which -derived Us origin fro'm the will- of the-People, and is 'established; )iy ;a vfixed' and paramount constitution-r-which is managed by. Lcgis- lators andean lExetutive chosenb v th 3 great oqay oj,xne vo: T3unity; ana tor stated pe riods 1 of -service, riot'tooshort to per it them i be rusefulnor. too rlong tb free them irom av necessary vrense-pt respon bilitv which'x.is-'iiphc? ' bvr-a. Tudiciurv, rri' enofftf-ind nhis once ascertained.-to I -; -X . r x - aanereto it mnexioiy, wnetner it xeaa tov. vjews 1 of : admmistratxon whether ' it; ber v ' . , popular, or unbopularrr-whomever it may. i ' - '. please,- or ; whomever at may. offend. . v V- ; V : I grounds, you" 'should "select me, as'the deyyyy, iyjj pbsitarybf your confidence' lshall ihdeett'-y 4?i ir cnoice. : .as- ; - myseit nonourea oy yoi indues v jjrai.iuuau.uuv i.u: iuu&c iv- yuu.- iaic"- n. -. oniy return in my. power, ,oy;a iaitntui ae- vouon 01 an myxacuu.js tsucnasxney are ? to tn& promotion ot your weiiare. xt now- t - - j ualj jmost., cheertuityrwiil l. acquiesce m ' - r w- r ..1 tfcTr ... -,...-.-- b - . A .... Si.. . ' " tt contmu, r ' youi'determmationnor tegret i ance in'that'private! station, "which" nothin-r? -v ! ; fl ' senser, oi duty ana ran ooeaience to your , r 1 Vtlisirictre;,V-jS for ybur'hrpincri 7; ,v individually and collectively,4;;' . ' ' C'.:1 ' I amGentlemen VC-your Jriendand f.llow-citizea. i :A'cjvbernyune 0 1 010. - v . ; . NOLENS .yotENS, ; ;yy ,cr the y ,J'j vA C" idy In five written-br.EvsnAiin I. At: , U. H citizen cfll. j.?, f;r- itqj:-1'"" j; V 'n ty&Vtey bUcn-be dams hkrrived,-ria resl . - J-t, v s. i : - - - " - t'. 444 . f'-v - t .r-4. w; ' s ' . j ... . v 4 ' '-.. ' - - ... - 4 " 1 " - - - . - . 4 ' , t m vi: virtue - . md dtp c-:dsat c t ' -ir c c -1 -7 t ' . - ..V . t '.. ,44-'; -r . jf ' .-1 4-:. t - . . - w.s.v.4""'