, j Si. i it'''," : - 1 . i -I. J - - ' , - 1 . V J. fi N I , 1 i - J -Jra theNewTork Evening, Ftisi r 'ipcm too, nam v.votior meiAstorga.; Lorn Wellington's heaa ; qoar- when ever; the; season becomes. ravorabie.v i"V 4 ; K-V . vgi wX'Dky f-IC: the 'American aj - V s: Reeling, their indignatipntTiU bejrousedat ''f I : V Veaainir the following : extract froiri;Napb. 1 ,- :n 1 'I i? ; ; - r f f ' i lebnV late decree; ? JThis decree Vas issu- V -, Vxd so long ago 3as thelSJd pT March last, t' , ;? . and haf been acted 'onf ever, since;, though v : it Was riot publisheoV as far, as fe can learn, iSWnta thebeffinningx)MVIay How it ionrid . . . A aL! J in. V jv nw ri n nf intnr Xne but we suspect some.fo'ul play inthe "tusine?; WiaTeMpitdthink:buT;g6v . erninexit received a copy .of thej decree by the lohn Adams j but did not thinkl fit 'to pumisn it aimai umct. uncai uic luuiim . tinn '.of ..the tDeoDle; iteainst Trance "would 'be such' that ; it couldiiot be restraiiied.5 ; If irciur government J received acopy -of .'this V iT?VnrrAAnrrTr)vDiiane had a coriv like-1 s trise v Indeed,' k from -.many, f' observations an thejSurbra, we. think there is very little cionot.tnat uuane reewveut mi ,uusuuicc . of the !decree if noia I uU; copy,' by. the ' Jolm Adams. t Bat per)wpV -wthhis im perial master's insttuctibns i not to pdblish ' iforfear'dt niieHt-prevent the jsailingiof I ATmeric fioa ' To fitate the iniustiee' and inhumanity of -ih'e decree is useless; No&ingjb'etter U , xoiteexpectedfrom the-, Ryerament Vf ' v 1 apOieon7Xii uiat wacuuioiica wiav 1 s urvgbtnmen;caa:. bekr uchvitrages- ' r -with such, stpibmdffe'rence, 'rHad ,Great ' Britain i done one half what has been done by 1 France, the tbuntry would be under rms-war wpuldbenevitajjieandTiiore, atf. would be just.and proer. ' J?romRelfsJ?hilade!phte y FRENCH RAtB0trtLET.BBCRE. . The following A PJ ) Decreej, noticed in our London extracts in Saturdays Gaaettew . f V' " " . The last number of die Bulletin des Lois, contains an imperial Decree dated at !' Rambouillet, the 23d of: March, vlSlO, f. J -which- (taking into consideration that the 1 government 01 uic uuucu uwiw mvs uy i an act of the 1st JMarch,.4809) ordered U 1 hat lrom the xut n or riviay next xn ifeiiing,; ; vessels atriving, in the United States, under the French nagf shall be seized and confiscated together with their cargoes 2. That , from the same period no' merchandize, : nor productionof the soil, 6r manufactures of France or?her colonies can be imported' into the ports of the Uni 7 ted States,' from any foreign port whatso ever, tinder, pain of seizure, confiscation imd penalty of three. imes the value of the goods 3. . I hat it shall not J3e lawtui tor bales,i1vhat Iw&con loads of iautoloWf at brice, than be; doomed to the perusal of tne corresponaenct , : reiaung to tnis never djngdispdte; . :-;V.:VV r !FnteFrem the fcWdf London v papers ; to r the ; 22d of May, we' have occasionally published - several SVti ces relative -to the question which agitates ne xapiiai. oi ine cnusn empire wy exsay aifofor we are assured yerbally ' and eiffhtv Liverymen. Xairaihst . the , Common mil .tand;rBuirdett.l The "Mc cnronicie'' ot j iuay now jpeiore us, contains lihluding the aboveYunwarisibf American vessels to proceed for any,p.OTtistiltrom it ; ; and ever- day, convinces us 'in France, her colonies jor j jaepenaencies ) -Decrees as follows r ! : : , J " AU-vessels saUing nnder . the Ameri can flag,Vand owned in whole or part, by any citizen orsubject of that power, jthat, reckoning; from the 20th -of May, . 1809, 'ay have already entered, or, that shall "subsequently Renter the; ports of France her cplomesj or the territories occupied by the French armies shall I be seised , and isbld, 'and the produce of, the sale shall fye 'deposited "the- Cats? i)1 Amortisation, romthUprovwipnarei alone, excepted uch vessels a3;ma5T;be pharged vith dis jjatches, or commissions from the govern ixicnt' of the .United States and haverna tadinir nor ' merchandize on board, si , ' 1 New British Orders 'in dunciLTie -TUmourof a new British Order, in Council proves to be v without found'atibn The t story was put in circulation without ddubt as t set off for the "French . Rambouilett "Tfecreei - The democratic! papers are J-ra--Ving against this ideal Order, while not a jingle word comes from them relative to -Tfapbleon's sweepihg Decree. V Wc mean ibot to' justify the Briushheir; Orders We; bad enough in all conscienee i j but'ebm--)afed with the Decrees of Bonaarte they are only as 'mote-hills ta mountains. . The 7 democratic editors p'retendthatr they are fcs much opposed to Ff ahce as they are to .ljrejit& Britain; - I When '?thtVr bestow-?' as Shuch cehsiire" on France,1 Jor "an ? e6uai' quantity pi' aouse, vas(uicyiuo uiioriwin, ve yili , believe them.v.A We Ramhoiilett 'Decree' is one oP t)ie-inost ' Violent tinjust find outrageous acts ever promulgated' by tjrranti'-since the'days,'ofTame'rlaiid tfet we' tmd not 'aVbrd findgnaiion', a , -iuinst'its Author ;ln an$rtf the .democratic Toners.' though theTumour 'Ot anew-order V" v , . jrom-EgUndha$ set these tmfarttaf&Rr v7 - toyalton fire- 4- r v 'tfhh'&1 1 600 siimatures to that Frptest; all Live- rymen 01 juonaon j , oir james oaa?r as sey jea in tne fxpuse j 01 commons on ?, tne 8th of May Aat 15CK) ciied in one day; Alderman Combe replied that' the ; Live- lymen'consisted of at least !l2,000u-;" frtie paper is open tor aaaiuonai signatures, so thatjat least a powerful mfnbrity of the cap ital are against Burdett,' aid he is supppr- tea no.wnere m tneQuntry. v lnea those, whom the ; ministerial papers term the, inbst shameless" libellers in the,), cxyi seem to akneiwiedge that ihey ave4 dyer acted their part i they tave alarmed 'all men of property ; . all who think with hoK ror ofthe Frehch revoluticn are Veady',to oppose the violence which at ; such a peri od would overwhelm tne iss and outs, tlje' property, the liberty, andl independence of tneir country Ij Take as an instance 'the following from . the w London times,' of May 28, an opposition paper, iwhich , he- sitates not to chargd the goyerhment. Xfifa corruption. . r, , , 44 We have never run mto the extraV-" gance of even palliating the recent disturb pances and intemperatef conduct of thbse who are peeking for u reformation? with so much zeal. We gave it ; as our opinion, at the very commencement of the agitation in question, that it was a' thing 1nost desi rable to the perpetrators of public wrongs ; that it would tend to screen them," and that much evil would in consequence re- rantesl (JuhotVhad worsted thfc'Spauiards m sKirmisnes near s Astorgav x-ora a vv ei iintonisags die M6hiteuroMay:45Te mains with the English arMva spectator of iiicse cyienxs- neaoes nox' move irora pis camp? i he licar the- sbundof the l cannon intention,; had not, perceived that thb;. . 6f :rAstbrga:; of Badaios, 7:bfCaHiz but cuutcuis mmscu wiui iomenimg- insurrec tions, and fumfshing armsand : clpathingi I A Jbaost ' interestin cr debate had.bccut red in the house of commons, on MrBrahds motion for mrliamhtaryviieform In dris wer to those loaembers w by'their newspapers tlatthemettb'plitan the Borough system should; be swept; a djstrici only Appears to' sideCwith VBurdett way; LordMiltori saidj- thatOid ; Sarun kind that partially; aA genUeinan, him- Tself a ftticklei-" for reform, informs us that ne was mAionaon wnen ojr , r rancis' was I ujcif. wisest tav. c agreeu iiiut uic, jjiiiu ui uis iiuuuramc - mcna was fair to behold i that it Was wellvprop'or- sex were-unifbrmly agamstviblence; 'Wtibhed ;vbUt as'his' hbvaf friend.sdlill ac puoiisnea last, wees uie protest simeg vDy i huwu wini uic uisuupumuucnw wnicn inmon ivaMwJk vuu3uiuuUjU3i utu i,u cucuuuLCi , omiritHas to suppdse that he mit expect to frame in :nis committee spmetnmg Detterj-tnan tne present cohsttutioBf He; knew' that inl a nother country, (America) a constitution smobdi; ; and had; notWng in i$ to ofFenil the eye ;-ut-was"it found! on experience tp bev so well calculated for the good; o f " the inhabitants ? No '; byjnb means-it" has conipletelyfailed;" " f ' . ... Bonaparte had reached Brussels May In1 debate, :inv the house oi - commons May 22, Mrv- Hornor j remarked on the immense buantitv of foreign shinniher em- jjloyedin the English trade, to the iosspf the country ; that 'Bonaparte ; was pursu- ing pians simuario uioseoi vnver urom well; ?which were meant to destroy the navigation of England J Mr. Perceval in replv proved that the tonnage , and trade of En eland had encreased within the last year; what was lost hi ipther quarters was gained by the trade now opened With South Mr. ;Rose said, that;it was "a principle never departed from by the Bpardt)! Trade hot to 'suffer neutrals to carry British man- uiauiures, wuere onusn snips were allow ed to go. The necessity- of resorting to neutrals had arisen from "the decrees of the enemy, prohibiting 'the admission of Bri tish ships into the ports of the North if we were to nave naa tne traae at aii; we must hae' employed fpreign ships. iTet the BrUisn shipping had greatly encreased oflate,' as would be obvious from the .cir cumstance that a British ship which'three years ago cpst 2?uasr nas ' recently? oeen sbld'for 6000. v ; ! ;-Vv Hr Air JiA ti Li .1. the trade must be carried on in neutral snips, : u it couia . not ,oe carriea on oy British vessels. But he condemned- the outcry raised some time since against A- mencan snipping, wncn orougnt on tnose measures that led to the situation in which We at present stood inlrelationto k Amerl' ca The effect of these measures had been to transfer the carrying trade from the A- mencan neutral, unaer wnose - nag many British ships might have been i covered in the'; ports of the North,, to . the s- Norther neutral, that isJnfactjtothe enemyl-The experiment, hbWeverji ;might ; perhaps ! .be wbrthy a trial j but h greatly feared that when the proposed tax should be in opera tion it would gready increase the price ;of umoer, wmcn was, at present, enormous ly high; V - '.."H ' J jiw. rrrenaergast navmgintroauceatne subject of the export trade of the East In dies, wjiiclr he wished to encpurage, Mn ;P. Mbbrehoncd .that; a fullahd fair rebort respectm'g tndlaniight be before inecountry. pnor-to tne time, tnat any steps should bef taken ' for a renewal 1 of wcu vuaricr , e xx empires iu i oj&i a nai .enemies1 arc1 meinseives rnnvinrrr - thnf .." . , , i iney-jwiu Dest consult tneir own interest hy ' f-ti-..-r-.5--i r ji ii.. .t H . i - more strongly of the triithypf pur 'predict tion.xln fact it will be seen,, that man of the temperate and respectahie part of Xhe community keep aloof from both . sides of the question, irom the resoluuonist and tne cpunter resoiuuonisp ; jrom-ine for--mer on account of tSeir violence ; and from thelatter on account j of the corrupt prac tices of government which they1 are evi dently endeavoring to mamtainV'.v- ; Lords Grenville and Grey stand up. a gainst the revolutionists.'. 'The following was delivered in the house of lords Iay,7. Lord GrenviUe entirely rebneurred. with his poble ' friend, . earl: Gre3r, and ex pressed his deep' . regret that any person should have been so deluded as to attack thip, powers' and privileges - of j parliament upon .which dependedpthe very existence of the constitution and the welfare and prosperity of thecountryi ro parliament the people were indebted for ;their liber ties, for their prosperity, rahd ;for;. all die advantages ;t they had hithertoVf "enjoyed. rate away" the, powers ot parliament' & these deludea persons, , wno now clamor- ed against themv? would sbon;;find.that;vthe liberty and prosperity of the people' Jould cease to exist. It was through the' means of paHiament that jthe liberty of 'the people was first established .ft it was by parliak iueuv uiat., uuiw iuci uu4 vy ,;wc; iuu wholesome lawsbeen. placedlupon a firm aiid secure basis rand like4 their ancestors they" ought toraHy ! rdutid'iliamentb preserve5 its authority.mviblate for. Were if to be dejri ved of those priyileges upn which Idependedlts pbwer anddjgnifytd what;6durce coula tne people. loox -lor the t their bwtvlibertiest iThev fl could indeed if - f l h. .cjnccnjtispwe? ' . ,. , id ' sometimes . nv ( comjiissiosebs. .TS??.,;,: - V; . r,;; v . The; exnence has -been -enormous Uwill. .'.ThVWnrH winVW.- vf '4n4 V.- " V " iblj)Utvdnu ; J,? r : . ,nd:' which; is TtheTgreatest curse of " : ' Vvtherc naveueen voiamesinnumeraDie wnt- . - .i . . hope to derive litue'aid.lrom the 'crdwxi If onceuief privileges i parliament ;:were gone. ' ' The noble secretary xf state might attempt aaefenfce of .ministers, but 'it was toiheirmiscdnduct Vt'uclf bfthe-r.a! thathad arisen wa4 IbbetUnbutedi They had violated thenstifutioh 6n ?tlicir?;first paper of &lay iS3f :4jact:4acJ wedges his incanacitv ta' a)nauer:.Snaiir f -The French force (outhtof the ipoufp'onthe 13th'pfIay, was said to bevohly; 4?Cl00 had insisted , on . havln r' CrnfL:& r -' iiacyi of good ncTghbbrhbbtowards the-Turks. 'V : , would b0 to compel them if possible to J go ; ; J- L .V?, vv ?. Hiui mvj iiivr Mian I.WU1U UUUUI.V i. nnr va. .. ;.' est apprehensjon s vet with the fullest r'iv hancepnthe good faith 5apd; Honor -bf tR VO":-" Porter;i did npthinVJtI3ftt,tp:qiu'lth;v T.X arrairs oj uie onusn cmpassy m a moment " byny'suddende'pareiltije idercnbrts :a ; ' - that hadbeen disseminated of apprbachinfe- s '.i " The event has In eyeryjway ansWer ; ' ed my expectationthe hreab:f , France" p. p c uiMCRttiucu every-ucmana ,iniuriotf - to our. friendly .relations with Turkey liaiJi :i - - man VMT-urmri -nriTn innniB-iiigM . -m ' t wvv wjvvvv. bis i4viiU4iuuii,' Uti-e yu. auouiiujug r.uiu. a jrcpeuipao meir;nncnv v v ?ir nmnrteolt ' . ,y. M ' i, ?.v','" ' . v' Under these;circum$ta'nce5 p quit the, v"',-: ' Embassy, withdutfear for the stability YoT ;Y litydf; wig jjwwauu.wmi twe, assurance mat in 13 powerful Empire is. determined: to,'; assert ?X its independence, to. thelast,,to - VdhLere tor -its treaties, and if.necessarvi;'tptdut.fortlk-- its wnoie iorce to maintain tnem. , 7 . , vr ; The minister opened his annual budget' ( : vu u, vwwuay. uigm," ctuu ii gives us pieas7:. - ; 5 ure to say, that it exceeds' our utmost ekA i , , pectations in the portraiture'. it draws DfiT i the . flourishing state of . finances a porr traiture which we helirve trfe . faithful v , as gratifying,' Our manufactures V and trade seem c havi fprftmi JvrncV'wJt'U -7Vik. v - . progress of ; the war, 'and seemtofiavo:1 , . drawn nutriment and 8hnlthwflttm, tlca. - I lamities of Europe Our imports and r ex ' ' , r r v ports nave encreased in spite of commer-4 " ' chant 1ias ;been;'ahIetp.., gaur trance,; a! :- he pleased,' upon theTOn.TrpntigrJofth ) enemy ;fto;sap Kerehe cbuld hot assart -and to' sell where fiercpuld not imjf. : " ; The .mosaea)letnoveUty bfeMdV? get Is-thefe aretb.be no hew taxes; the surplus of our receipts , is sufficient tp proyide.for the interest pftfie WCoani'l V 1 his," we think, ls.evidence mcontrover : tible, of the Vrpsperous statelbf "ouir trea- . surJ";The parliametitary. intelligence of uic wce is acscrvmg 01 a careiui persua uitwuMituuu - i r; ;' '' i - -..f .' ; perToyal highness the prlncesr Amelia: r' " ; Mrl Grjattati trought forward his motion y esterday i relative to v thev; Catholiesif : It was tnat tne retitipn;irpnxt tne atnoncs should be ref erred Yicf a? pmmittee4)Sir THippeslev seconded the motion. luThe preyoUsbusihess had occupied the jipuse to so Fate an hour, .that after Shearing: ilri GratmabdSir,THippesleV,vthe hbhseH aaiournca me ueuate xv x nursaay next. "4 'Advices have been receiVed bjr govern? menf from1 CbnstahtmbpIewHch'are?said to tOntahi' important-, intelligence 1 relative tr theUesis PfFrancef against Turkey The following letter jfrom MK Adair to tne liritisn consul at ;-omyrna,' wm jprove the falsehood of the report' that Frer(ch jnf trigues hadlriducedtthe Fbrte'f to-: break jherreatyUYitkusi;' U ? J . rVt ZConsianiinopte JfebS ;oirxis majesty iuvmg ucen gracious ly : pieasepjo permit ine to return, to Eng land,: I :have to acquaint" you' ihat'' unless 1 1 ' 0- . t v ever cunsiuereaas tne most peautnu v of the royal family ; her amiahle? character ' - endeared, her to .ever,'' class of bersbns whVv had the honor -of beintr kiiowd to ' her. inrlf .' : t, i.-- iT--i ; , i - n-;- iv uc picjuiu5u mere 15 noiaay in tne' kingdom but who must feel deeplyr inter- , - ?i ested ibr her present 7alarming - state t ; k 1 neattn. v, - 4 j J-tS-i ' ,!, - jt nee, pi America, nour f bo. a per' barrel of :i 34. "A ' y:"; -vr f r tYorH. the Loxidsn Gaitttei 1"' AttKe-dburt &t the Queen'sf PakteV-the'Sa of MaV ' A ; . I8i0r-prent, ;the King Mo&Uellent itaie4iy ' J , a in'Council. , - . -alV -73?' V - of his Pnvy Council, to Gtdet KhAit-H hereby brdetH t ed, Uut aU vessels which shall UaVe cleared out frrtn': i ' t M outfrrtraA any port, sorir aitdr the confrqul bf. Faice or he thereat and which are' employed at th, Vhale Fishi : . -I ; ' eryor other Fishery vof anVv descriDtiori herein after, excepted, and are retarniqg, or destine ibtuiui wuici,wmc(wrvu-vui wcoce,uiey clear. : -,. ed,' or to any other port of place at Vhicli the BrW n r, V J tish flagniay not freely; trade, pshall.be cibtured anl : condemned) , together with their stores and Cargo, as- 7 hi X t prize to. the captors. . t ; v; x - t" i ' V4 ;JBatThi3,Afaiesty -is bleased to ercefit frnWtMi - U Liesty -is bleased to ercefit from'thi' order, ;Yessels'employed in eonVeyin fish Fresh to I i to the mt)vls16ndf thla brderM ftforpjiaiflj- ivhtrW.hoii snail be nernntted to return tn thwTnm'Tnr-wttVi ; ' out molestation on.' accountof any thing1 contained iW l, V thb 'orders provided Iher shall, not have eontinue ' i t ( V I t 1 A are nereDy anowea to, ucn vessels; atttr Que4 watt;; v - -, .4 Ahd the' "Bight Hon.ithe Ixjrd? CoTaaisswhers c?" 'V ': s cretaHes of State, the. Lords Commissioner ' of the v K ? Admiralty; and.the Judge of the High CoqH of A6V . ; z! niiwlty; Nand J udgei of the Courts ' o ViceAdmiraU 'i ' fcX tyVtfetopke the, neces?&ry tneasure. Iierein,-a3 tS fc c 'tl X them may respectirely appertain.'' v , Lt u ti Vvr - , . - X'LXd&ii RE CEI VE D: ; i . . v : li Aria formate & gcWs BooH-Store ; " . f j-.-('.t . v- ' i .' U"-: "'i1 " t f : i .1-t - v-- i-r-.-. . . r ' Aft Ahtnrtpnf??pnt of sn YnAiflnT rt Wf Vl AN Abndgeaeniof an exposition of theBoovcftL ' man r wmcny is inienor 1 to f in&rarmv roi I Z " i T Z-..J I E . V . Kcmaipgooin smes nuiess uxm irom z LOrdWeUingtcn.ey ad advsnced ! . ' f , . K "fr M hfifitFfl writer run, I tvnnt IrTi. oTil i."-c j i!.:iLj.ln:j;i.t la one Qoarto-Volume; bound U lettered, pr.'S4 nl- -1 - ,v t Ak OIlATIOi? deliveredat WlialnTtca; II Ceroid 1 l oa the 4thi of JidyXSlO by Jgasr 15.- LaNDoEsc ' ; - V OF ALU KINDS 7- f RAT " " 17" i lvr.-" , " " ' 1 IJ 1 l- !' '.-. ' ; . , t- . I i 1 . '-'"'v--f'--,WdK..fe

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